rHttp - REPL for HTTP

Responses with minified JSON

Load session

This is project was created when I needed something like REPL for http request in terminal,
there are many great tools exist: Postman, Insomnia, httpie, curl etc
but i wanted something little bit different, something lightweight, simple and fast,
something like REPL when I can quickly modify request, send it and see the response
with all the details. I wanted such utility with minimal magic,
ideally without any black magic under the hood.
The project has no ambitious goals. It is not killer of Postamn or httpie or curl.
I hope you may find it useful.
Currently implemented:
- https, http/2 support
- Auto following the redirects
- Easy manipulation of request cookies, headers, params (query string) and form values
- Automatic syntax highlighting of the body of http responses
- Auto format JSON responses (useful for inspection of minified responses)
- Save & load sessions (useful for complex request setup)
In progress:
- Easy manipulation of JSON request payload (crud of simple data structure)
- Load JSON request payload from file
- Config file for change key bindings, default settings
The project is under active development, features or how do they work may change!
go install github.com/mrBuran/rHttp@latest
Key Bindings
Keys |
Action |
Shift+Right |
next item of menu |
Shift+Left |
prev item of menu |
Enter |
set value of text intput |
Ctrl+g |
run request |
Ctrl+d |
delete item (param, header or form value) |
Space |
toggle checkbox |
PageDown |
scroll down body of response |
PageUp |
scroll up body of response |
Tab |
autocomplete |
Ctrl+f |
toggle fullscreen mode |
Ctl+h |
toggle full help |
Ctrl+l |
load session |
Ctrl+s |
save session |
Ctrl+q or Ctrl+c |
quit |
These are tasks of xc runner.
Run VHS fo update gifs.
vhs demo/main.tape
vhs demo/json-min.tape
vhs demo/load-session.tape
Upload to Imgur and update readme.
url=`curl --location https://api.imgur.com/3/image \
--header "Authorization: Client-ID ${clientId}" \
--form image=@demo/main.gif \
--form type=image \
--form title=rHttp \
--form description=Demo | jq -r '.data.link'`
sed -i "s#^\!\[Main demo\].*##" README.md
url=`curl --location https://api.imgur.com/3/image \
--header "Authorization: Client-ID ${clientId}" \
--form image=@demo/json-min.gif \
--form type=image \
--form title=rHttp \
--form description=Demo | jq -r '.data.link'`
sed -i "s#^\!\[JSON min\].*##" README.md
url=`curl --location https://api.imgur.com/3/image \
--header "Authorization: Client-ID ${clientId}" \
--form image=@demo/load-session.gif \
--form type=image \
--form title=rHttp \
--form description=Demo | jq -r '.data.link'`
sed -i "s#^\!\[Load session\].*##" README.md