
command module
v0.0.0-...-5f5e19d Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 17, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 19 Imported by: 0


NETIO documentation


NETIO is a performance testing tool for network or serial connections.

The following feature set is supported:

  • Works with IP networks or serial lines

  • With or without TLS usage

  • Zero bytes, random bytes or file transfer

  • Looping rounds with timeout or file transfer

  • MD5, SHA224 or SHA256 Hash digest calculation and verification

  • Two NETO sessions must running to test data transfer, a client (-c) which sends data and a server (-s) which receives and verifies data.

  • By using "-dr" and "-ds" the client still connects to the server but this time the server sends test data and the client verifies data

  • Both the client and server calculate on their own a hash digest of the sent and received data.

  • The data receiving endpoint can be configured to verify the hash digest with a defined value (-e).

  • Data can be zero bytes (default), random bytes (-r) or the content of a file(s) (-f).

  • The received data can be dumped on the data receiving endpoint to a file (-f).

  • The data receiving endpoint can be breaked by CTRL-C. On that it gives the result of runned loops and the amount of correct/rroneous data transfers

  • If no file content for transfer is provided then each loop step is limited in default to 1 sec. (-lt)

  • If a file content for transfer is provided then each loop step transfers the data without limitations

  • Multiple files (-f) can be transfered in serial. In order to verify the transfer the same amount of expected hashes ( -e) must be defined

Connection roles and data roles

With two NETIO there must always be a "client" and a "server" to communicate.

NETIO can be starter in "client" (-c) or "server" (-s) connection role.

  • As a "server" NETIO waits for incoming connections and has in default the data role of "receiving data".
  • As a "client" NETIO connects to the server and has in default the data role of "sending data".

The default data role can be changed with the "-ds" or "-dr" parameter.

  • "-ds" defines that this NETIO should send data, although it is a server with "-s"
  • "-dr" defines that this NETIO should receive data, although it is a client with "-c"

Differences in data transmmission between network and serial

With a network connection the end of data transfer can be recognized either by a EOF data or network disconnection.

If you send data via a serial port then this data is either consumed (by a connected other serial port) or just vanishes to the unknown.

In order to recognize a chunk of data which is transfered over a serial line there must some event which defines the end of a data chunk. This event is in default a timeout elapsing after the last byte of the chunk where not any data is transfered. By that the consuming partner recognized the end of transfer of a data chunk.

For the sending partner the parameter "-ls" defines the time to sleep between two transfers.

For the receiving partner the parameter "-lt" defines the timeout (where no data must be received) after which a transfer is recognized as to be completed. Each additional data receiving reset this timeout.

Parameter "-ls" must always be greater as parameter -lt"

if you leave the "-ls" and "-lt" parameter undefined then the correct values are automatically calculated depending on the current data role.

TLS data encryption

NETIO supports TLS data encryption by version TLS 1.0 - TLS 1.3. By setting "-tls" a self signed certificate is automaticaly generated for the server side. Client connects with "-tls" also via TLS. Server verification is disable in default. Can be activated "-tls.verify"

Support for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 is disabled in default ut can be enabled via "-tls.insecure".

NETIO TLS implementation is done by the GO default "BoringSSL" implementation:

Compiling NETIO

Before NETIO can be compiled please make sure the following tasks in this order.

  1. i18n and opensource license files. To generate those files please execute inside the NETIO source code folder the following command "go run . -codegen".
    1. This generates an updated "static/netio.i18n" file with all i18n strings inside the NETIO source code files.
    2. This generates an updated "static/netio-opensource.json" file with an listing if all used opensource modules along with their license infos.
  2. BINPACK resources. All resources of NETIO must be transpiled to "binpack" source code files in order to be compiled statically to the NETIO executable. For that please use the BINPACK executable ( Execute the transpile with the command "binoack -i static" inside the NETIO source code folder. After successfull execution an updated GO soource code file "binpack.go" is generated.
  3. "vendor.tar.gz" file. When NETIO is compiled with Docker the compilation process uses GO's feature of "vendor"ing, That means the GO compiler in the Docker build does not use the standard GOPATH directory for 3d party modules source code files but uses the "vendor" directory in the NETIO source code folder. The "vendor" is generated automatically in the Docker build by untaring the TAR file "vendor.tag.gz". To update the "vendor.tar.gz" file to match the latest GO modules in the GOPATH of the development environment the batch job "update-vendor.bat" can be used.


To build a binary executable for your preferred OS please do the following:

  1. Install the GO programming language support (
  2. configure your OS env environment with the mandatory GO variables
    1. GOROOT (points to your )
    2. GOPATH (points to your )
    3. OS PATH (points to your /bin)
  3. Open a terminal
  4. CD into your GOPATH root directory
  5. Create a "src" subdirectory
  6. CD into the "src" subdirectory
  7. Clone the netio repository
  8. CD into the "netio" directory
  9. Build:
    1. If you would like to cross compile to an other OS/architecture define the env variable GOOS and GOARCH along to the values defined here
    2. Build NETIO by "go install". Multiple dependent modules will be downloaded during the build
    3. After a successful build you will find the NETIO executable in the "GOPATH\bin" directory

Installation as application

Like all other GO based application there is only the file netio.exe or netio which contains the complete application.

Just copy this executable into any installation directory you would like. Start the application by calling the executable netio.exe or ./netio

Installation as OS service

Follow the instructions "Installation as application". To register NETIO as an OS service do the following steps.

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Switch to root/administrative rights
  3. CD into your installation directory
  4. Installation NETIO as an OS service:
    1. Windows: netio -service install
    2. Linux: ./netio -service install
  5. Uninstallation NETIO as an OS service:
    1. Windows: netio -service uninstall
    2. Linux: ./netio -service uninstall

Serial interface parameter format

The format for defining a serial device is as follows:

Parameter Default value Description
device Defines the OS specific serial interface name like "COM3" (Windows) or "/dev/ttyUSB0" (Linux)
baud 9600 Defines the baud rate ("50", "75", "110", "134", "150", "200", "300", "600", "1200", "1800", "2400", "4800", "7200", "9600", "14400", "19200", "28800", "38400", "57600", "76800", "115200")
databits 8 Defines the amount of databits (1-8)
parity mode N Defines the partity mode ("N" no parity, "O" odd parity, "E", even parity)
stopbits 1 Defines the amount of stopbits ("1", "1.5", "2")

Shortage of the parameter definition is support, so for not defined parameter the default value is used.

# setting 115200,8,N,1

# setting 28800,5,E


Here some usage samples. It is assumed that /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 are connected with a serial cable. Client and Server can run on the same machine or different machines. The samples are showing the both commands which must be executed.

netio -s :15000 -tls
netio -c :15000 -tls

netio -s /dev/ttyUSB0,115200 
netio -c /dev/ttyUSB1,115200 -r 

netio -s /dev/ttyUSB0,115200,8,N,1 -e 3fc8eaba542609681ac900797e67ac98 
netio -c /dev/ttyUSB1,115200,8,N,1 -f testfile.txt

netio -s /dev/ttyUSB0,115200 -e 3fc8eaba542609681ac900797e67ac98 -lc 5
netio -c /dev/ttyUSB1,115200 -f testfile.txt -lc 5

netio -s /dev/ttyUSB0,115200 -ds -f testfile.txt -lc 5
netio -c /dev/ttyUSB1,115200 -dr -e 3fc8eaba542609681ac900797e67ac98 -lc 5

netio -s COM6,115200 -e dc70cc028aadfad54b0a587b6f10b833 -e 0535df82c4749f4af18f07c8fbae8ef7 -e 736b945073b56d09c163ce7f2ee98ac5
netio -c -tls -f test1.txt -f test2.txt -f test3.txt

netio -s :9999 -tls -e dc70cc028aadfad54b0a587b6f10b833 -e 0535df82c4749f4af18f07c8fbae8ef7 -e 736b945073b56d09c163ce7f2ee98ac5
netio -c -tls -f test1.txt -f test2.txt -f test3.txt

netio -s COM6,115200 -ds -f test1.txt -f test2.txt -f test3.txt -lc 100
netio -c -tls -dr -e dc70cc028aadfad54b0a587b6f10b833 -e 0535df82c4749f4af18f07c8fbae8ef7 -e 736b945073b56d09c163ce7f2ee98ac5 -lc 100
netio -s :9999 -tls -ds -f test1.txt -f test2.txt -f test3.txt -lc 100
netio -c -tls -dr -e dc70cc028aadfad54b0a587b6f10b833 -e 0535df82c4749f4af18f07c8fbae8ef7 -e 736b945073b56d09c163ce7f2ee98ac5 -lc 100


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