SMTP Worker
Send queued e-mail in separate process through
a JSON abstraction.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- Security, SMTP credentials are isolated from the website
- Simplicity, the website creates JSON and all SMTP logic is isolated here
- Scalable, things need to go faster? Start a second..third..fourth.. worker!
- Cleaner, no more ugly timeouts in the browser if trouble and no more lost emails/customers!
- Use Beanstalkd ( to add jobs in a queue.
- One or more SMTPw-instances read the queue and try to send
- Failure? Wait 5sec on SMTPw error or wait for Beanstalk deadline (if process got killed) and try again!
"beanstalk": "", // Hostname:port to Beanstalkd
"from": {
"support": { // From in JSON matches to this from
"user": "emailuser", // SMTP username
"pass": "supersecretpass", // SMTP password
"host": "", // SMTP hostname
"port": 1234, // SMTP port
"from": "", // From-address (used in mail header)
"display": "RootDev", // Display-name added before From-address
"bcc": [
"" // Send a secret copy (can be useful for monitoring/debugging)
"allowBCC": false // true to allow the BCC-field to be appended by the Email-struct
Be careful with Insecure=true as it will allow MITM (Man In The Middle Attacks)
Bounce sets the From
-header to the bounce-address and
sets Reply-To
for human replies.
./smtpw -h
Usage of ./smtpw:
-c="./config.json": Path to config.json
-s=false: Delete e-mail on deverr
-v=false: Verbose-mode
- Path config.json, where to find the config.json file
- Delete on deverr, delete and flush the e-mail content if
JSON is invalid.
- Verbose-mode, log what we're doing
type Email struct {
From string // Key that MUST match From in config
To []string
BCC []string // Only used when allowBCC=true in config
Subject string
Html string
Text string
HtmlEmbed map[string]string // file.png => base64(bytes)
Attachments map[string]string // file.png => base64(bytes)
WARN: I like my parsers strict. Every HtmlEmbed key is scanned with
Html.contains(cid:key) and if not found it will throw an error.
WARN: Invalid supplied email-address will fail with errors like
mail: no angle-addr
, please use a descent email RFC validator, i.e. for PHP
panic: dial tcp connection refused
Install Beanstalkd and update config if Beanstalkd is running elsewhere?
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Your SMTP-server has a self-signed certificate? Time to get
a signed one!
Job never received by SMTPw?
Is the job sent to the email tube? As smtpw only listenes to this tube.
telnet 11300
use email
peek-ready << should show your JSON here
# User + systemd
useradd -r smtpw
mkdir -p /home/smtpw
vi /etc/systemd/system/smtpw@.service
vi /etc/systemd/system/
chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/smtpw@.service
chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable smtpw@1
systemctl enable smtpw@2
systemctl start smtpw@1
systemctl start smtpw@2
External deps