This is web based eMule ed2k link search engine for Movie/TV, developed by Go. It searches file link from eMule KAD network. User search input will be firstly validated via DouBan or MTime, and then send eMule KAD network for searching. Results will be classcified and then display on browser.
KAD search egnine is independent in case you don't want file links to be filtered. It's easy to use it without dependency. Check main.go and web/web.go to see how to use it.
Currently, the web page is displayed in Chinese, but it's easy to guess how to use it.
How to build
It's developed with VS code on Windows. So you can open project by VS code and build it.
For Linux, e.g. on Ubuntu(64bit), you can use below commands to build it
set GOARCH=amd64
set GOOS=linux
go build
How to run
Local side(e.g. Windows)
Run hahajing.exe (here web server is started at localhost:66)
Open browser to visit localhost:66
Server side(e.g. Ubuntu)
nohup hahajing server &
Open browser to visit the server
Note: Make sure executable file is at same directory with config directory.