This repository contains the assignment submission for the ZopSmart hiring drive in JUIT, Solan. It contians the implementation of a simple CRUD API, using the GoFR library.
Must have GoLang Compiler/ToolChain installed
How was the project made?
Created a github repository and cloned it to local system.
Initialized the "Go Module" using go mod init This simplifies the remote downloading of packages.
Created the file main.go, with basic configuration (including GoFR).
For necessary libraries, go mod tidy.
docker run --name gofr-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -p 2001:3306 -d mysql/mysql-server to start the mysql docker server.
Create a database and table on the docker server. myysql -u root -p passwordCREATE DATABASE Students; and CREATE TABLE students (id int auto_increment, name varchar(255), class varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (id));. Created Dummy Data, INSERT INTO students (name, class) VALUES ("moulik","fourth");.
Learned about Handlers and how they work in Go and GoFR.
Explored GoFR documentations, which helped a lot in making of this project.
CRUD operations were added.
Unit Testing file is under development.
Postman Collection has been attached in the respective directory.
To run
To run can use the command go run main.go.
We can also the command go build which will compile the code in an executable program. Then we can run the executable file.