Babble enables multiple computers to behave as one. It uses Peer to Peer (P2P)
networking and a consensus algorithm to guarantee that a group of connected
computers process the same commands in the same order; a technique known as
state-machine replication. This makes for secure systems that can tolerate
arbitrary failures, including malicious behavior.
For guidance on how to install and use Babble please visit our
documentation pages.
This is alpha software. Please contact us if you intend to run it in production.
Consensus Algorithm and Blockchain
We use an adaptation of the Hashgraph consensus algorithm, invented by Leemon
Baird. Hashgraph is best described in the
white-paper and its
accompanying document.
The original algorithm is protected by patents in
the USA. Therefore, anyone intending to use this software in the USA should
obtain a license from the patent holders.
Hashgraph is based on the intuitive idea that gossiping about gossip itself
yields enough information to compute a consensus ordering of events. It attains
the theoretical limit of tolerating up to one-third of faulty nodes without
compromising on speed. For those familiar with the jargon, it is a leaderless,
asynchronous BFT consensus algorithm.
Babble projects the output of the consensus algorithm onto a linear blockchain
which is more suitable for representing an ordered list of transactions and
facilitates the creation of light-clients. For information about this projection
please refer to documentation
This blockchain mapping is also instrumental in two important features that were
alluded to in Baird's paper, but not implemented:
A fast-sync protocol which
enables nodes to join a cluster without having to download the entire history
of gossip.
A dynamic membership
protocol, which enables peers to join or leave a cluster on demand.
Babble is designed to integrate with applications written in any programming
| APP |
| |
| +-------------+ +------------+ |
| | Service | <-- | State | |
| | | | | |
| +-------------+ +------------+ |
| | ^ |
| | | |
| |
--------- SubmitTx(tx) ---- CommitBlock(Block) ------- JSON-RPC/TCP or in-memory
| |
| BABBLE | | |
| v | |
| +----------------------+ |
| | App Proxy | |
| | | |
| +----------------------+ |
| | |
| +-------------------------------------+ |
| | Core | |
| | | |
| | +------------+ | +----------+ |
| | | Hashgraph | +---------+ | | Service | |
| | +------------+ | Store | | -- | | <----> HTTP
| | +------------+ +---------- | | | |
| | | Blockchain | | +----------+ |
| | +------------+ | |
| | | |
| +-------------------------------------+ |
| | |
| +-------------------------------------+ |
| | Transport | |
| | | |
| +-------------------------------------+ |
| ^ |
P2P Network
Almost any software application can be modeled in terms of a service and a
state. The service is responsible for processing commands (ex. user input),
while the state is responsible for manipulating and storing the data (eg.
database). Usually, when commands need to update the data, the service will
invoke the state directly. In a distributed application, however, commands
(referred to as transactions in this context), must be broadcast to all
replicas and consistently ordered before being applied to the state. This
ensures that all replicas process the same commands in the same order. Hence,
the service no longer communicates directly with the state (except for
read-only requests), but forwards commands to a transaction ordering system
which takes care of broadcasting and ordering the transactions across all
replicas before feeding them back to the application's state.
Babble is an ordering system that plugs into any application thanks to a very
simple interface. It uses a consensus algorithm, to replicate and order the
transactions, and a blockchain to represent the resulting list. A blockchain is
a linear data structure composed of batches of transactions, hashed and signed
together, easily allowing to verify any transaction. So, instead of applying
commands directly to the state, Babble applications must forward the commands
to Babble and let them be processed asynchronously by the consensus system
before receiving them back, in blocks, ready to be applied to the state.
Babble communicates with the App through an AppProxy
interface, which has two
: A SocketProxy connects to an App via TCP sockets. It enables
the application to run in a separate process or machine, and to
be written in any programming language.
: An InmemProxy uses native callback handlers to integrate Babble
as a regular Go dependency.
The AppProxy
interface exposes three methods for Babble to call the App:
CommitBlock(Block) (CommitResponse, error)
: Commits a block to the
application and returns the resulting state-hash, with accepted internal
GetSnapshot(int) ([]byte, error)
: Gets the application snapshot
corresponding to a particular block index.
Restore([]byte) error
: Restores the App state from a snapshot.
Reciprocally, AppProxy
relays transactions from the App to Babble via a native
Go channel - SubmitCh
- which ties into the application differently depending
on the type of proxy (Socket or Inmem).
Babble asynchronously processes transactions and eventually feeds them back to
the App, in consensus order and bundled into blocks, with a CommitBlock
call. Transactions are just raw bytes and Babble does not need to know what they
represent. Therefore, encoding and decoding transactions is done by the App.
Refer to the API documentation for
more details and a quick-start guide.
Babble is written in Golang. Hence, the first step is to
install Go version 1.9 or above which is both the programming language and a
CLI tool for managing Go code. Go is very opinionated and will require you to
define a workspace where all your
go code will reside.
Babble and dependencies
Clone the repository in the appropriate
GOPATH subdirectory:
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
[...]/mosaicnetworks$ git clone
Babble uses Glide to manage dependencies.
[...]/babble$ curl | sh
[...]/babble$ glide install
This will download all dependencies and put them in the vendor folder.
Other requirements
Bash scripts used in this project assume the use of GNU versions of coreutils.
Please ensure you have GNU versions of these programs installed:-
example for macOS:
# --with-default-names makes the `sed` and `awk` commands default to gnu sed and gnu awk respectively.
brew install gnu-sed gawk --with-default-names
Babble has extensive unit-testing. Use the Go tool to run tests:
[...]/babble$ make test
If everything goes well, it should output something along these lines:
? [no test files]
ok 0.015s
ok 0.122s
ok 10.270s
? [no test files]
ok 0.012s
ok 19.171s
ok 0.038s
? [no test files]
ok 0.013s
ok 0.037s
ok 0.009s
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
Build from source
The easiest way to build binaries is to do so in a hermetic Docker container.
Use this simple command:
[...]/babble$ make dist
This will launch the build in a Docker container and write all the artifacts in
the build/ folder.
[...]/babble$ tree build
├── dist
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── babble_0.1.0_SHA256SUMS
│ ├──
│ └──
└── pkg
├── darwin_386
│ └── babble
├── darwin_amd64
│ └── babble
├── freebsd_386
│ └── babble
├── freebsd_arm
│ └── babble
├── linux_386
│ └── babble
├── linux_amd64
│ └── babble
├── linux_arm
│ └── babble
├── windows_386
│ └── babble.exe
└── windows_amd64
└── babble.exe
To see Babble in action, we have provided a series of scripts to bootstrap a
test network locally.
This has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and macOS.
Make sure you have Docker installed.
Then, run the testnet:
[...]/babble$ cd demo
[...]/babble/demo$ make
Once the testnet is started, a script is automatically launched to monitor
consensus figures:
consensus_events:180 consensus_transactions:40 events_per_second:0.00 id:1 last_block_index:3 last_consensus_round:17 num_peers:3 round_events:7 rounds_per_second:0.00 state:Babbling sync_rate:1.00 transaction_pool:0 undetermined_events:18
consensus_events:180 consensus_transactions:40 events_per_second:0.00 id:3 last_block_index:3 last_consensus_round:17 num_peers:3 round_events:7 rounds_per_second:0.00 state:Babbling sync_rate:1.00 transaction_pool:0 undetermined_events:20
consensus_events:180 consensus_transactions:40 events_per_second:0.00 id:2 last_block_index:3 last_consensus_round:17 num_peers:3 round_events:7 rounds_per_second:0.00 state:Babbling sync_rate:1.00 transaction_pool:0 undetermined_events:21
consensus_events:180 consensus_transactions:40 events_per_second:0.00 id:0 last_block_index:3 last_consensus_round:17 num_peers:3 round_events:7 rounds_per_second:0.00 state:Babbling sync_rate:1.00 transaction_pool:0 undetermined_events:20
Running docker ps -a
will show you that 9 docker containers have been launched:
[...]/babble/demo$ docker ps -a
ba80ef275f22 mosaicnetworks/watcher "/" 48 seconds ago Up 7 seconds watcher
4620ed62a67d mosaicnetworks/dummy "dummy '--name=client" 49 seconds ago Up 48 seconds 1339/tcp client4
847ea77bd7fc mosaicnetworks/babble "babble run --cache_s" 50 seconds ago Up 49 seconds 80/tcp, 1337-1338/tcp node4
11df03bf9690 mosaicnetworks/dummy "dummy '--name=client" 51 seconds ago Up 50 seconds 1339/tcp client3
00af002747ca mosaicnetworks/babble "babble run --cache_s" 52 seconds ago Up 50 seconds 80/tcp, 1337-1338/tcp node3
b2011d3d65bb mosaicnetworks/dummy "dummy '--name=client" 53 seconds ago Up 51 seconds 1339/tcp client2
e953b50bc1db mosaicnetworks/babble "babble run --cache_s" 53 seconds ago Up 52 seconds 80/tcp, 1337-1338/tcp node2
0c9dd65de193 mosaicnetworks/dummy "dummy '--name=client" 54 seconds ago Up 53 seconds 1339/tcp client1
d1f4e5008d4d mosaicnetworks/babble "babble run --cache_s" 55 seconds ago Up 54 seconds 80/tcp, 1337-1338/tcp node1
Indeed, each node is comprised of an App and a Babble node (cf Design section).
Run the demo script to play with the Dummy App which is a simple chat
application powered by the Babble consensus platform:
[...]/babble/demo$ make demo

Finally, stop the testnet:
[...]/babble/demo$ make stop