Project Documentation
Quickstart Guide

An extensible, highly-available, distributed, and fault-tolerant ACH uploader and downloader. ACH Gateway creates events for outside services and transforms files prior to upload to fit real-world requirements of production systems.
If you believe you have identified a security vulnerability please responsibly report the issue as via email to security@moov.io. Please do not post it to a public issue tracker.
Getting started
Read through the project docs to gain an understanding of this project's purpose and how to run it.
We publish a public Docker image moov/achgateway
from Docker Hub or use this repository. No configuration is required to serve on :8484
and metrics at :9494/metrics
in Prometheus format.
Start achgateway and an FTP server:
# Inside of ./examples/getting-started/
$ docker-compose up achgateway
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:06Z msg="public listening on :8484" version=v0.4.1 level=info app=achgateway
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:06Z msg="listening on [::]:9494" version=v0.4.1 level=info app=achgateway
Submit a file to achgateway (Nacha ACH format):
$ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8484/shards/foo/files/f6" --data @./testdata/ppd-debit.ach
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:16Z msg="begin handle received ACHFile=f6 of 1918 bytes" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:16Z msg="finished handling ACHFile=f6" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
Submit a file to achgateway (moov-io ACH JSON format):
$ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8484/shards/foo/files/f4" --data @./testdata/ppd-valid.json
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:16Z msg="begin handle received ACHFile=f4 of 1918 bytes" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:16Z msg="finished handling ACHFile=f4" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
Initiate cutoff time processing (aka upload to your ODFI):
$ curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9494/trigger-cutoff" --data '{"shardNames":["testing"]}'
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:20Z msg="starting manual cutoff window processing" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:20Z msg="processing mergable directory foo" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1 shardKey=foo
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:20Z msg="found *upload.FTPTransferAgent agent" version=v0.4.1 shardKey=foo level=info app=achgateway
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:20Z msg="found 1 matching ACH files: []string{\"storage-1/20210618-233820/foo/f4.ach\"}" tenantID=foo level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:38:20Z msg="merged 1 files into 1 files" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1 tenantID=foo
View the uploaded file with achcli
from moov-io/ach:
$ achcli ./testdata/ftp-server/outbound/20210618-233820-231380104.ach
Describing ACH file './testdata/ftp-server/outbound/20210618-233820-231380104.ach'
Origin OriginName Destination DestinationName FileCreationDate FileCreationTime
121042882 Wells Fargo 231380104 Citadel 181008 0101
BatchNumber SECCode ServiceClassCode CompanyName DiscretionaryData Identification EntryDescription DescriptiveDate
1 PPD 200 (Mixed Debits and Credits) Wells Fargo 121042882 Trans. Des
TransactionCode RDFIIdentification AccountNumber Amount Name TraceNumber Category
22 (Checking Credit) 23138010 81967038518 100000 Steven Tander 121042880000001
TransactionCode RDFIIdentification AccountNumber Amount Name TraceNumber Category
27 (Checking Debit) 12104288 17124411 100000 My ODFI 121042880000002
ServiceClassCode EntryAddendaCount EntryHash TotalDebits TotalCredits MACCode ODFIIdentification BatchNumber
200 (Mixed Debits and Credits) 2 35242298 100000 100000 12104288 1
BatchCount BlockCount EntryAddendaCount TotalDebitAmount TotalCreditAmount
1 1 2 100000 100000
Initiate inbound file processing:
$ curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9494/trigger-inbound"
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="starting odfi periodic processing for testing" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="start retrieving and processing of inbound files in ftp:2121" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="created directory storage-1/download318650464" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="*upload.FTPTransferAgent found 1 inbound files in /returned/" app=achgateway version=v0.4.1 level=info
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="saved return-WEB.ach at storage-1/download318650464/returned/return-WEB.ach" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="*upload.FTPTransferAgent found 1 reconciliation files in /reconciliation/" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="saved ppd-debit.ach at storage-1/download318650464/reconciliation/ppd-debit.ach" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="*upload.FTPTransferAgent found 1 return files in /returned/" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="saved return-WEB.ach at storage-1/download318650464/returned/return-WEB.ach" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="odfi: processing return file" app=achgateway version=v0.4.1 origin=691000134 destination=091400606 level=info
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="odfi: return batch 0 entry 0 code R01" app=achgateway origin=691000134 destination=091400606 version=v0.4.1 level=info
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="odfi: return batch 1 entry 0 code R03" version=v0.4.1 level=info app=achgateway origin=691000134 destination=091400606
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="cleanup: deleted remote file /returned/return-WEB.ach" version=v0.4.1 level=info app=achgateway
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="cleanup: deleted remote file /reconciliation/ppd-debit.ach" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="cleanup: deleted remote file /returned/return-WEB.ach" level=info app=achgateway version=v0.4.1
achgateway_1 | ts=2021-06-18T23:39:06Z msg="finished odfi periodic processing for testing" app=achgateway version=v0.4.1 level=info
achgateway accepts files over HTTP and Kafka to queue them up for upload at a Nacha cutoff time. This allows systems and humans to publish files and have them be optimized for upload. achgateway is inspired by the work done in moov-io/paygate and is used in production at Moov.
Project status
This project is used in production at multiple companies and has reached a stable status. We are looking to improve the configuration of ACHGateway and looking for feedback from real-world usage. Please reach out and share your story.
Getting help
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Project Documentation |
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GitHub Issue |
If you are able to reproduce a problem please open a GitHub Issue under the specific project that caused the error. |
moov-io slack |
Join our slack channel (#ach ) to have an interactive discussion about the development of the project. |
- 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu, Debian), macOS, and Windows
Yes please! Please review our Contributing guide and Code of Conduct to get started! Checkout our issues for first time contributors for something to help out with.
This project uses Go Modules and uses Go 1.19 or higher. See Golang's install instructions for help setting up Go. You can download the source code and we offer tagged and released versions as well. We highly recommend you use a tagged release for production.
Test coverage
Improving test coverage is a great candidate for new contributors and allows the project to move more quickly by reducing regression issues that might not be caught before a release is pushed out to our users. One great way to improve coverage is by adding edge cases and different inputs to functions (or contributing and running fuzzers).
Tests can run processes (like SQLite databases), but should only do so locally.
Apache License 2.0 - See LICENSE for details.