This package can be used for building observable applications in Go.
It aims to unify three pillars of observability in one single package that is easy-to-use and hard-to-misuse.
This package leverages the OpenTelemetry API.
OpenTelemetry is a great initiative that has brought all different standards and APIs for observability under one umbrella.
However, due to the requirements for interoperability with existing systems, OpenTelemetry is complex and hard to use by design!
Many packages, configurations, and options make the developer experience not so pleasant.
Furthermore, due to the changing nature of this project, OpenTelemetry specification changes often so does the Go library for OpenTelemetry.
In my humble opinion, this is not how a single unified observability API should be.
Hopefully, many of these issues will go away once the API reaches to v1.0.0.
This package intends to provide a very minimal and yet practical API for observability by hiding the complexity of configuring and using OpenTelemetry API.
An Observer encompasses a logger, a meter, and a tracer.
It offers a single unified developer experience for enabling observability.
The Three Pillars of Observability
Logs are used for auditing purposes (sometimes for debugging with limited capabilities).
When looking at logs, you need to know what to look for ahead of the time (known unknowns vs. unknown unknowns).
Since log data can have any arbitrary shape and size, they cannot be used for real-time computational purposes.
Logs are hard to track across different and distributed processes. Logs are also very expensive at scale.
Metrics are regular time-series data with low and fixed cardinality.
They are aggregated by time. Metrics are used for real-time monitoring purposes.
Using metrics with can implement SLIs (service-level indicators), SLOs (service-level objectives), and automated alerts.
Metrics are very good at taking the distribution of data into account.
Metrics cannot be used with high-cardinality data.
Traces are used for debugging and tracking requests across different processes and services.
They can be used for identifying performance bottlenecks.
Due to their very data-heavy nature, traces in real-world applications need to be sampled.
Insights extracted from traces cannot be aggregated since they are sampled.
In other words, information captured by one trace does not tell anything about how this trace is compared against other traces, and what is the distribution of data.
Quick Start
For the examples below, you can use the following docker-compose.yml
file to bring up an observability stack:
git clone https://github.com/moorara/docker-compose.git
cd docker-compose/observability
docker-compose up -d
Example: Prometheus & Jaeger
package main
import (
type instruments struct {
reqCounter metric.Int64Counter
reqDuration metric.Float64ValueRecorder
func newInstruments(meter metric.Meter) *instruments {
mm := metric.Must(meter)
return &instruments{
reqCounter: mm.NewInt64Counter("requests_total", metric.WithDescription("the total number of requests")),
reqDuration: mm.NewFloat64ValueRecorder("request_duration_seconds", metric.WithDescription("the duration of requests in seconds")),
type server struct {
observer observer.Observer
instruments *instruments
func (s *server) Handle(ctx context.Context) {
// Tracing
ctx, span := s.observer.Tracer().Start(ctx, "handle-request")
defer span.End()
start := time.Now()
duration := time.Now().Sub(start)
labels := []label.KeyValue{
label.String("method", "GET"),
label.String("endpoint", "/user"),
label.Uint("statusCode", 200),
// Metrics
s.observer.Meter().RecordBatch(ctx, labels,
// Logging
s.observer.Logger().Info("request handled successfully.",
zap.String("method", "GET"),
zap.String("endpoint", "/user"),
zap.Uint("statusCode", 200),
func (s *server) fetch(ctx context.Context) {
_, span := s.observer.Tracer().Start(ctx, "read-database")
defer span.End()
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
func (s *server) respond(ctx context.Context) {
_, span := s.observer.Tracer().Start(ctx, "send-response")
defer span.End()
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
func main() {
// Creating a new Observer and set it as the singleton
obsv := observer.New(true,
observer.WithMetadata("my-service", "0.1.0", "production", "ca-central-1", map[string]string{
"domain": "auth",
observer.WithJaeger("localhost:6831", "", "", ""),
defer obsv.End(context.Background())
srv := &server{
observer: obsv,
instruments: newInstruments(obsv.Meter()),
// Creating a context
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = baggage.NewContext(ctx,
label.String("tenant", "1234"),
// Serving metrics endpoint
http.Handle("/metrics", obsv)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
Here are the logs from stdout :
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2020-08-29T21:10:47.763781-04:00","caller":"example/main.go:57","message":"request handled successfully.","domain":"auth","environment":"production","logger":"my-service","region":"ca-central-1","version":"0.1.0","method":"GET","endpoint":"/user","statusCode":200}
And here are the metrics reported at http://localhost:8080/metrics :
# HELP request_duration_seconds the duration of requests in seconds
# TYPE request_duration_seconds histogram
request_duration_seconds_bucket{endpoint="/user",method="GET",statusCode="200",le="+Inf"} 1
request_duration_seconds_sum{endpoint="/user",method="GET",statusCode="200"} 0.065279047
request_duration_seconds_count{endpoint="/user",method="GET",statusCode="200"} 1
# HELP requests_total the total number of requests
# TYPE requests_total counter
requests_total{endpoint="/user",method="GET",statusCode="200"} 1
You can also verfiy a trace is reported to Jaeger by visiting http://localhost:16686 .
Example: OpenTelemetry Collector
package main
import (
type instruments struct {
reqCounter metric.Int64Counter
reqDuration metric.Float64ValueRecorder
func newInstruments(meter metric.Meter) *instruments {
mm := metric.Must(meter)
return &instruments{
reqCounter: mm.NewInt64Counter("requests_total", metric.WithDescription("the total number of requests")),
reqDuration: mm.NewFloat64ValueRecorder("request_duration_seconds", metric.WithDescription("the duration of requests in seconds")),
type server struct {
observer observer.Observer
instruments *instruments
func (s *server) Handle(ctx context.Context) {
// Tracing
ctx, span := s.observer.Tracer().Start(ctx, "handle-request")
defer span.End()
start := time.Now()
duration := time.Now().Sub(start)
labels := []label.KeyValue{
label.String("method", "GET"),
label.String("endpoint", "/user"),
label.Uint("statusCode", 200),
// Metrics
s.observer.Meter().RecordBatch(ctx, labels,
// Logging
s.observer.Logger().Info("request handled successfully.",
zap.String("method", "GET"),
zap.String("endpoint", "/user"),
zap.Uint("statusCode", 200),
func (s *server) fetch(ctx context.Context) {
_, span := s.observer.Tracer().Start(ctx, "read-database")
defer span.End()
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
func (s *server) respond(ctx context.Context) {
_, span := s.observer.Tracer().Start(ctx, "send-response")
defer span.End()
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
func main() {
// Creating a new Observer and set it as the singleton
obsv := observer.New(true,
observer.WithMetadata("my-service", "0.1.0", "production", "ca-central-1", map[string]string{
"domain": "auth",
observer.WithOpenTelemetry("localhost:55680", nil),
defer obsv.End(context.Background())
srv := &server{
observer: obsv,
instruments: newInstruments(obsv.Meter()),
// Creating a context
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = baggage.NewContext(ctx,
label.String("tenant", "1234"),
// Wait before exiting
Here are the logs from stdout :
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2020-08-29T22:00:33.274878-04:00","caller":"example/main.go:57","message":"request handled successfully.","domain":"auth","environment":"production","logger":"my-service","region":"ca-central-1","version":"0.1.0","method":"GET","endpoint":"/user","statusCode":200}
You can verify metrics are reported to OpenTelemetry collector by visiting http://localhost:8889/metrics :
# HELP requests_total the total number of requests
# TYPE requests_total gauge
requests_total{endpoint="/user",method="GET",statusCode="200"} 1
You can also verfiy OpenTelemetry collector reported a trace to Jaeger by visiting http://localhost:16686 .
Most options can be set through environment variables.
This lets SRE people change how the observability pipeline is configured without making any code change.
Options set explicity in the code will override those set by environment variables.
Environment Variable |
Description |
The name of service or application. |
The version of service or application. |
The name of environment in which the service or application is running. |
The name of region in which the service or application is running. |
Each variable prefixed with OBSERVER_TAG_ represents a tag for the service or application. |
Whether or not to create a logger (boolean). |
The verbosity level for the logger (debug , info , warn , error , or none ). |
Whether or not to configure and create a Prometheus meter (boolean). |
Whether or not to configure and create a Jaeger tracer (boolean). |
The address to the Jaeger agent (i.e. localhost:6831 ). |
The full URL to the Jaeger HTTP Thrift collector (i.e. http://localhost:14268/api/traces ). |
The username for Jaeger collector endpoint if basic auth is required. |
The password for Jaeger collector endpoint if basic auth is required. |
Whether or not to configure and create an OpenTelemetry Collector meter and tracer (boolean). |
The address to OpenTelemetry collector (i.e. localhost:55680 ). |
Metric instruments capture measurements at runtime. A Meter is used for creating metric instruments.
There are two kinds of measurements:
- Additive: measurements for which only the sum is considered useful information
- Non-Additive: measurements for which the set of values (a.k.a. population or distribution) has useful information
Non-additive instruments capture more information than additive instruments, but non-additive measurements are more expensive.
Aggregation is the process of combining multiple measurements into exact or estimated statistics during an interval of time.
Each instrument has a default aggregation. Other standard aggregations (histograms, quantile summaries, cardinality estimates, etc.) are also available.
There are six kinds of metric instruments:
Name |
Synchronous |
Additive |
Monotonic |
Default Aggregation |
Counter |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Sum |
UpDownCounter |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Sum |
ValueRecorder |
Yes |
No |
No |
MinMaxSumCount |
SumObserver |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Sum |
UpDownSumObserver |
No |
Yes |
No |
Sum |
ValueObserver |
No |
No |
No |
MinMaxSumCount |
The synchronous instruments are useful for measurements that are gathered in a distributed Context.
The asynchronous instruments are useful when measurements are expensive, therefore should be gathered periodically.
Synchronous instruments are used to capture changes in a sum, whereas asynchronous instruments are used to capture sums directly.
Asynchronous (observer) instruments capture measurements about the state of the application periodically.
- Logging
- Metrics
- Tracing
- OpenTelemetry