Telegram NFT Wizard Contracts
Smart contracts for Telegram NFT-Wizard bot
Wizard accepts 'file_id' obtained from telegram bot and can:
- Create NFT as a single record inside SingletonNFT Collection (gas efficient and cheap)
- Create the whole new NFT collection (deploy new erc721 contract from FactoryNFT.sol) and pollute it with file_ids[] items
Assuming that this repo is using alongside with Telegram NFT Wizard bot, so the whole how-to look like this:
- User start telegram bot
- Telegram bot await input media files from user, upload it to telegram server and obtain unique file_id (string)
- Telegram bot generates link like"someuniquestring"
- User click button create NFT
- ????
It's also assuming further integration into NFT marketplace and Telegram-bot-NFT-Marketplace
Try running some of the following tasks:
npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
Generating ABI
solc --abi --bin ./contracts/FactoryNFT.sol -o build ..=.. --overwrite --allow-paths *,/node_modules/,
solc --abi --bin ./contracts/SampleNFT.sol -o build ..=.. --overwrite --allow-paths *,/node_modules/,
solc --abi --bin ./contracts/SingletonNFT.sol -o build ..=.. --overwrite --allow-paths *,/node_modules/,
Generating GO
abigen --abi="build/FactoryNFT.abi" --pkg=FactoryNFT --out="./go/FactoryNFT/FactoryNFT.go"
abigen --abi="build/SingletonNFT.abi" --pkg=SingletonNFT --out="./go/SingletonNFT/SingletonNFT.go"