Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Copyright 2020 MongoDB Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Index ¶
- type AWSPeeringConnectionCreator
- type AgentAPIKeyCreator
- type AgentAPIKeyDeleter
- type AgentAPIKeyLister
- type AgentLister
- type AgentUpgrader
- type AlertAcknowledger
- type AlertConfigurationCreator
- type AlertConfigurationDeleter
- type AlertConfigurationLister
- type AlertConfigurationUpdater
- type AlertDescriber
- type AlertLister
- type AllClusterLister
- type ArchivesDownloader
- type AutomationGetter
- type AutomationPatcher
- type AutomationStatusGetter
- type AutomationUpdater
- type AzurePeeringConnectionCreator
- type CheckpointsLister
- type CloudManagerClustersDescriber
- type CloudManagerClustersLister
- type ClusterCreator
- type ClusterDeleter
- type ClusterDescriber
- type ClusterLister
- type ClusterPauser
- type ClusterStarter
- type ClusterStore
- type ClusterUpdater
- type Config
- type ContainersDeleter
- type ContainersLister
- type ContinuousJobCreator
- type ContinuousJobLister
- type ContinuousSnapshotsLister
- type DBUserCertificateCreator
- type DBUserCertificateLister
- type DataLakeCreator
- type DataLakeDeleter
- type DataLakeDescriber
- type DataLakeLister
- type DataLakeStore
- type DataLakeUpdater
- type DatabaseUserCreator
- type DatabaseUserDeleter
- type DatabaseUserDescriber
- type DatabaseUserLister
- type DatabaseUserUpdater
- type EventLister
- type GCPPeeringConnectionCreator
- type GlobalAPIKeyCreator
- type GlobalAPIKeyDeleter
- type GlobalAPIKeyDescriber
- type GlobalAPIKeyLister
- type GlobalAPIKeyUpdater
- type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistCreator
- type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistDeleter
- type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistDescriber
- type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistLister
- type GlobalAlertLister
- type HostDatabaseLister
- type HostDatabaseMeasurementsLister
- type HostDescriber
- type HostDiskMeasurementsLister
- type HostDisksLister
- type HostLister
- type HostMeasurementLister
- type IndexCreator
- type IntegrationCreator
- type IntegrationDeleter
- type IntegrationDescriber
- type IntegrationLister
- type InterfaceEndpointCreator
- type InterfaceEndpointDeleter
- type InterfaceEndpointDescriber
- type LogCollector
- type LogJobDeleter
- type LogJobLister
- type LogJobsDownloader
- type LogsDownloader
- type MaintenanceWindowClearer
- type MaintenanceWindowDeferrer
- type MaintenanceWindowDescriber
- type MaintenanceWindowUpdater
- type MatcherFieldsLister
- type OnlineArchiveCreator
- type OnlineArchiveDeleter
- type OnlineArchiveDescriber
- type OnlineArchiveLister
- type OnlineArchiveUpdater
- type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowCreator
- type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowDeleter
- type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowDescriber
- type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowLister
- type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowUpdater
- type OrgProjectLister
- type OrganizationAPIKeyCreator
- type OrganizationAPIKeyDeleter
- type OrganizationAPIKeyDescriber
- type OrganizationAPIKeyLister
- type OrganizationAPIKeyUpdater
- type OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelistCreator
- type OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelistDeleter
- type OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelistLister
- type OrganizationCreator
- type OrganizationDeleter
- type OrganizationDescriber
- type OrganizationEventLister
- type OrganizationLister
- type OwnerCreator
- type PeeringConnectionCreator
- type PeeringConnectionDeleter
- type PeeringConnectionDescriber
- type PeeringConnectionLister
- type PrivateEndpointCreator
- type PrivateEndpointDeleter
- type PrivateEndpointDescriber
- type PrivateEndpointLister
- type ProcessDatabaseLister
- type ProcessDatabaseMeasurementsLister
- type ProcessDiskMeasurementsLister
- type ProcessDisksLister
- type ProcessLister
- type ProcessMeasurementLister
- type ProjectAPIKeyAssigner
- type ProjectAPIKeyCreator
- type ProjectAPIKeyDeleter
- type ProjectAPIKeyLister
- type ProjectCreator
- type ProjectDeleter
- type ProjectDescriber
- type ProjectEventLister
- type ProjectIPWhitelistCreator
- type ProjectIPWhitelistDeleter
- type ProjectIPWhitelistDescriber
- type ProjectIPWhitelistLister
- type ProjectLister
- type ProjectTeamAdder
- type ProjectTeamDeleter
- type ProjectTeamLister
- type ProjectUserDeleter
- type ProjectUsersLister
- type RestoreJobsCreator
- type RestoreJobsLister
- type SearchIndexCreator
- type SearchIndexDeleter
- type SearchIndexDescriber
- type SearchIndexLister
- type SearchIndexUpdater
- type SnapshotsCreator
- type SnapshotsDeleter
- type SnapshotsDescriber
- type SnapshotsLister
- type Store
- func (s *Store) AWSContainers(projectID string) ([]atlas.Container, error)
- func (s *Store) AcknowledgeAlert(projectID, alertID string, body *atlas.AcknowledgeRequest) (*atlas.Alert, error)
- func (s *Store) AddTeamsToProject(projectID string, teams []*atlas.ProjectTeam) (*atlas.TeamsAssigned, error)
- func (s *Store) AddUsersToTeam(orgID, teamID string, users []string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) AgentAPIKeys(projectID string) ([]*opsmngr.AgentAPIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) Agents(projectID, agentType string) (*opsmngr.Agents, error)
- func (s *Store) Alert(projectID, alertID string) (*atlas.Alert, error)
- func (s *Store) AlertConfigurations(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
- func (s *Store) Alerts(projectID string, opts *atlas.AlertsListOptions) (*atlas.AlertsResponse, error)
- func (s *Store) AllContainers(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.Container, error)
- func (s *Store) AssignProjectAPIKey(projectID, apiKeyID string, input *atlas.AssignAPIKey) error
- func (s *Store) AzureContainers(projectID string) ([]atlas.Container, error)
- func (s *Store) Checkpoints(projectID, clusterID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.Checkpoints, error)
- func (s *Store) ClearMaintenanceWindow(projectID string) error
- func (s *Store) Cluster(projectID, name string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) Collect(groupID string, newLog *opsmngr.LogCollectionJob) (*opsmngr.LogCollectionJob, error)
- func (s *Store) Container(projectID, containerID string) (*atlas.Container, error)
- func (s *Store) ContainersByProvider(projectID string, opts *atlas.ContainersListOptions) ([]atlas.Container, error)
- func (s *Store) ContinuousRestoreJobs(projectID, clusterID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ContinuousJobs, error)
- func (s *Store) ContinuousSnapshots(projectID, clusterID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ContinuousSnapshots, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAgentAPIKey(projectID string, r *opsmngr.AgentAPIKeysRequest) (*opsmngr.AgentAPIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAlertConfiguration(alertConfig *atlas.AlertConfiguration) (*atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateCluster(cluster *atlas.Cluster) (*atlas.Cluster, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateContainer(projectID string, container *atlas.Container) (*atlas.Container, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateContinuousRestoreJob(projectID, clusterID string, request *atlas.ContinuousJobRequest) (*atlas.ContinuousJobs, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateDBUserCertificate(projectID, username string, monthsUntilExpiration int) (*atlas.UserCertificate, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateDataLake(projectID string, dataLake *atlas.DataLakeCreateRequest) (*atlas.DataLake, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateDatabaseUser(user *atlas.DatabaseUser) (*atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateGlobalAPIKey(input *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateGlobalAPIKeyWhitelist(opts *opsmngr.WhitelistAPIKeysReq) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateIndex(projectID, clusterName string, index *atlas.IndexConfiguration) error
- func (s *Store) CreateIntegration(projectID, integrationType string, integration *atlas.ThirdPartyIntegration) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegrations, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateInterfaceEndpoint(projectID, privateLinkID, interfaceEndpointID string) (*atlas.InterfaceEndpointConnection, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateOnlineArchive(projectID, clusterName string, archive *atlas.OnlineArchive) (*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(projectID string, maintenanceWindow *opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateOrganization(name string) (*atlas.Organization, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateOrganizationAPIKey(orgID string, input *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateOrganizationAPIKeyWhite(orgID, apiKeyID string, opts []*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeysReq) (*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeys, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateOwner(u *opsmngr.User, ips []string) (*opsmngr.CreateUserResponse, error)
- func (s *Store) CreatePeeringConnection(projectID string, peer *atlas.Peer) (*atlas.Peer, error)
- func (s *Store) CreatePrivateEndpoint(projectID string, r *atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection) (*atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateProject(name, orgID string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateProjectAPIKey(projectID string, apiKeyInput *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateProjectIPWhitelist(whitelist *atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist) ([]atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateRestoreJobs(projectID, clusterName string, request *atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJob) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJob, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateSearchIndexes(projectID, clusterName string, index *atlas.SearchIndex) (*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateSnapshot(projectID, clusterName string, request *atlas.CloudProviderSnapshot) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshot, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateTeam(orgID string, team *atlas.Team) (*atlas.Team, error)
- func (s *Store) CreateUser(user *UserRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) DBUserCertificates(projectID, username string) ([]atlas.UserCertificate, error)
- func (s *Store) DataLake(projectID, name string) (*atlas.DataLake, error)
- func (s *Store) DataLakes(projectID string) ([]atlas.DataLake, error)
- func (s *Store) DatabaseUser(authDB, groupID, username string) (*atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
- func (s *Store) DatabaseUsers(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
- func (s *Store) DeferMaintenanceWindow(projectID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAgentAPIKey(projectID, keyID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAlertConfiguration(projectID, id string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteCluster(projectID, name string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteCollectionJob(groupID, logID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteContainer(projectID, containerID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteDataLake(projectID, name string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteDatabaseUser(authDB, groupID, username string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteGlobalAPIKey(id string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteGlobalAPIKeyWhitelist(id string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteIntegration(projectID, integrationType string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteInterfaceEndpoint(projectID, privateLinkID, interfaceEndpointID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteOnlineArchive(projectID, clusterName, archiveID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(projectID, maintenanceWindowID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteOrganization(id string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteOrganizationAPIKey(orgID, id string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteOrganizationAPIKeyWhitelist(orgID, apiKeyID, ipAddress string) error
- func (s *Store) DeletePeeringConnection(projectID, peerID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeletePrivateEndpoint(projectID, privateLinkID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteProject(projectID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteProjectAPIKey(projectID, id string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteProjectIPWhitelist(projectID, whitelistEntry string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteSearchIndex(projectID, clusterName, indexID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteSnapshot(projectID, clusterName, snapshotID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteTeam(orgID, teamID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteTeamFromProject(projectID, teamID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteUser(userID string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteUserFromProject(projectID, userID string) error
- func (s *Store) DisableX509Configuration(projectID string) error
- func (s *Store) DownloadArchive(groupID string, opts *opsmngr.DiagnosticsListOpts, out io.Writer) error
- func (s *Store) DownloadLog(groupID, host, name string, out io.Writer, opts *atlas.DateRangetOptions) error
- func (s *Store) DownloadLogJob(groupID, jobID string, out io.Writer) error
- func (s *Store) GCPContainers(projectID string) ([]atlas.Container, error)
- func (s *Store) GetAutomationConfig(projectID string) (*opsmngr.AutomationConfig, error)
- func (s *Store) GetAutomationStatus(projectID string) (*opsmngr.AutomationStatus, error)
- func (s *Store) GetOrgProjects(orgID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) GlobalAPIKey(apiKeyID string) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) GlobalAPIKeyWhitelist(id string) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) GlobalAPIKeyWhitelists(opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKeys, error)
- func (s *Store) GlobalAPIKeys(opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) GlobalAlerts(opts *atlas.AlertsListOptions) (*opsmngr.GlobalAlerts, error)
- func (s *Store) Host(groupID, hostID string) (*opsmngr.Host, error)
- func (s *Store) HostDatabaseMeasurements(groupID, hostID, databaseName string, ...) (*atlas.ProcessDatabaseMeasurements, error)
- func (s *Store) HostDatabases(groupID, hostID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabasesResponse, error)
- func (s *Store) HostDiskMeasurements(groupID, hostID, partitionName string, ...) (*atlas.ProcessDiskMeasurements, error)
- func (s *Store) HostDisks(groupID, hostID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDisksResponse, error)
- func (s *Store) HostMeasurements(groupID, host string, opts *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessMeasurements, error)
- func (s *Store) Hosts(groupID string, opts *opsmngr.HostListOptions) (*opsmngr.Hosts, error)
- func (s *Store) IPWhitelist(projectID, name string) (*atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
- func (s *Store) Integration(projectID, integrationType string) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegration, error)
- func (s *Store) Integrations(projectID string) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegrations, error)
- func (s *Store) InterfaceEndpoint(projectID, privateLinkID, interfaceEndpointID string) (*atlas.InterfaceEndpointConnection, error)
- func (s *Store) ListAllProjectClusters() (*opsmngr.AllClustersProjects, error)
- func (s *Store) LogCollectionJobs(groupID string, opts *opsmngr.LogListOptions) (*opsmngr.LogCollectionJobs, error)
- func (s *Store) MaintenanceWindow(projectID string) (*atlas.MaintenanceWindow, error)
- func (s *Store) MatcherFields() ([]string, error)
- func (s *Store) OnlineArchive(projectID, clusterName, archiveID string) (*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
- func (s *Store) OnlineArchives(projectID, clusterName string) ([]*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
- func (s *Store) OpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(projectID, maintenanceWindowID string) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
- func (s *Store) OpsManagerMaintenanceWindows(projectID string) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindows, error)
- func (s *Store) Organization(id string) (*atlas.Organization, error)
- func (s *Store) OrganizationAPIKey(orgID, apiKeyID string) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelists(orgID, apiKeyID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeys, error)
- func (s *Store) OrganizationAPIKeys(orgID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) OrganizationEvents(orgID string, opts *atlas.EventListOptions) (*atlas.EventResponse, error)
- func (s *Store) OrganizationUsers(organizationID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) Organizations(opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.Organizations, error)
- func (s *Store) PauseCluster(projectID, name string) (*atlas.Cluster, error)
- func (s *Store) PeeringConnection(projectID, peerID string) (*atlas.Peer, error)
- func (s *Store) PeeringConnections(projectID string, opts *atlas.ContainersListOptions) ([]atlas.Peer, error)
- func (s *Store) PrivateEndpoint(projectID, privateLinkID string) (*atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
- func (s *Store) PrivateEndpoints(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
- func (s *Store) ProcessDatabaseMeasurements(groupID, host string, port int, dbName string, ...) (*atlas.ProcessDatabaseMeasurements, error)
- func (s *Store) ProcessDatabases(groupID, host string, port int, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabasesResponse, error)
- func (s *Store) ProcessDiskMeasurements(groupID, host string, port int, partitionName string, ...) (*atlas.ProcessDiskMeasurements, error)
- func (s *Store) ProcessDisks(groupID, host string, port int, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDisksResponse, error)
- func (s *Store) ProcessMeasurements(groupID, host string, port int, opts *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessMeasurements, error)
- func (s *Store) Processes(groupID string, opts *atlas.ProcessesListOptions) ([]*atlas.Process, error)
- func (s *Store) Project(id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) ProjectAPIKeys(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) ProjectClusters(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) ProjectEvents(projectID string, opts *atlas.EventListOptions) (*atlas.EventResponse, error)
- func (s *Store) ProjectIPWhitelists(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
- func (s *Store) ProjectTeams(projectID string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) ProjectUsers(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) Projects(opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) RemoveUserFromTeam(orgID, teamID, userID string) error
- func (s *Store) RestoreJobs(projectID, clusterName string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJobs, error)
- func (s *Store) SaveX509Configuration(projectID, certificate string) (*atlas.CustomerX509, error)
- func (s *Store) SearchIndex(projectID, clusterName, indexID string) (*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
- func (s *Store) SearchIndexes(projectID, clusterName, dbName, collName string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
- func (s *Store) Snapshot(projectID, clusterName, snapshotID string) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshot, error)
- func (s *Store) Snapshots(projectID, clusterName string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshots, error)
- func (s *Store) StartCluster(projectID, name string) (*atlas.Cluster, error)
- func (s *Store) TeamByID(orgID, teamID string) (*atlas.Team, error)
- func (s *Store) TeamByName(orgID, teamName string) (*atlas.Team, error)
- func (s *Store) TeamUsers(orgID, teamID string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) Teams(orgID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.Team, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAlertConfiguration(alertConfig *atlas.AlertConfiguration) (*atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAutomationConfig(projectID string, automationConfig *opsmngr.AutomationConfig) error
- func (s *Store) UpdateCluster(projectID, name string, cluster *atlas.Cluster) (*atlas.Cluster, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateDataLake(projectID, name string, dataLake *atlas.DataLakeUpdateRequest) (*atlas.DataLake, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateDatabaseUser(user *atlas.DatabaseUser) (*atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateGlobalAPIKey(apiKeyID string, input *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateMaintenanceWindow(projectID string, maintenanceWindow *atlas.MaintenanceWindow) error
- func (s *Store) UpdateOnlineArchive(projectID, clusterName string, archive *atlas.OnlineArchive) (*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(projectID string, maintenanceWindow *opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateOrganizationAPIKey(orgID, apiKeyID string, input *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateProjectTeamRoles(projectID, teamID string, team *atlas.TeamUpdateRoles) ([]atlas.TeamRoles, error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateSearchIndexes(projectID, clusterName, indexID string, index *atlas.SearchIndex) (*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
- func (s *Store) UpgradeAgent(projectID string) (*opsmngr.AutomationConfigAgent, error)
- func (s *Store) UserByID(userID string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) UserByName(username string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Store) X509Configuration(projectID string) (*atlas.CustomerX509, error)
- type TeamAdder
- type TeamCreator
- type TeamDeleter
- type TeamDescriber
- type TeamLister
- type TeamRolesUpdater
- type TeamUserLister
- type TeamUserRemover
- type UserCreator
- type UserDeleter
- type UserDescriber
- type UserLister
- type UserRequest
- type X509CertificateConfDescriber
- type X509CertificateConfDisabler
- type X509CertificateConfSaver
- type X509CertificateStore
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AWSPeeringConnectionCreator ¶ added in v1.4.1
type AWSPeeringConnectionCreator interface { AWSContainers(string) ([]atlas.Container, error) PeeringConnectionCreator }
type AgentAPIKeyCreator ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AgentAPIKeyCreator interface {
CreateAgentAPIKey(string, *opsmngr.AgentAPIKeysRequest) (*opsmngr.AgentAPIKey, error)
type AgentAPIKeyDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AgentAPIKeyLister ¶ added in v1.4.0
type AgentAPIKeyLister interface {
AgentAPIKeys(string) ([]*opsmngr.AgentAPIKey, error)
type AgentLister ¶ added in v0.0.4
type AgentUpgrader ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AgentUpgrader interface {
UpgradeAgent(string) (*opsmngr.AutomationConfigAgent, error)
type AlertAcknowledger ¶ added in v0.1.0
type AlertConfigurationCreator ¶
type AlertConfigurationCreator interface {
CreateAlertConfiguration(*atlas.AlertConfiguration) (*atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
type AlertConfigurationLister ¶
type AlertConfigurationLister interface {
AlertConfigurations(string, *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
type AlertConfigurationUpdater ¶ added in v0.1.0
type AlertConfigurationUpdater interface {
UpdateAlertConfiguration(*atlas.AlertConfiguration) (*atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
type AlertDescriber ¶ added in v0.1.0
type AlertLister ¶ added in v0.1.0
type AlertLister interface {
Alerts(string, *atlas.AlertsListOptions) (*atlas.AlertsResponse, error)
type AllClusterLister ¶ added in v0.0.4
type AllClusterLister interface {
ListAllProjectClusters() (*opsmngr.AllClustersProjects, error)
type ArchivesDownloader ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AutomationGetter ¶
type AutomationGetter interface {
GetAutomationConfig(string) (*opsmngr.AutomationConfig, error)
type AutomationPatcher ¶ added in v0.1.0
type AutomationPatcher interface { AutomationGetter AutomationUpdater }
type AutomationStatusGetter ¶ added in v0.0.4
type AutomationStatusGetter interface {
GetAutomationStatus(string) (*opsmngr.AutomationStatus, error)
type AutomationUpdater ¶
type AutomationUpdater interface {
UpdateAutomationConfig(string, *opsmngr.AutomationConfig) error
type AzurePeeringConnectionCreator ¶ added in v1.4.1
type AzurePeeringConnectionCreator interface { AzureContainers(string) ([]atlas.Container, error) PeeringConnectionCreator }
type CheckpointsLister ¶ added in v0.0.4
type CheckpointsLister interface {
Checkpoints(string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.Checkpoints, error)
type CloudManagerClustersDescriber ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CloudManagerClustersDescriber interface { AutomationGetter ClusterDescriber }
type CloudManagerClustersLister ¶ added in v0.0.4
type CloudManagerClustersLister interface { AutomationGetter ClusterLister AllClusterLister }
type ClusterCreator ¶
type ClusterDeleter ¶
type ClusterDescriber ¶
type ClusterLister ¶
type ClusterLister interface {
ProjectClusters(string, *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
type ClusterPauser ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ClusterStarter ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ClusterStore ¶
type ClusterStore interface { ClusterLister ClusterDescriber ClusterCreator ClusterDeleter ClusterUpdater }
type ClusterUpdater ¶
type ContainersDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.1
type ContainersLister ¶ added in v1.4.1
type ContinuousJobCreator ¶ added in v0.0.4
type ContinuousJobCreator interface {
CreateContinuousRestoreJob(string, string, *atlas.ContinuousJobRequest) (*atlas.ContinuousJobs, error)
type ContinuousJobLister ¶ added in v0.0.4
type ContinuousJobLister interface {
ContinuousRestoreJobs(string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ContinuousJobs, error)
type ContinuousSnapshotsLister ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ContinuousSnapshotsLister interface {
ContinuousSnapshots(string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ContinuousSnapshots, error)
type DBUserCertificateCreator ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DBUserCertificateLister ¶ added in v1.3.0
type DBUserCertificateLister interface {
DBUserCertificates(string, string) ([]atlas.UserCertificate, error)
type DataLakeCreator ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DataLakeDeleter ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DataLakeDescriber ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DataLakeLister ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DataLakeStore ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DataLakeStore interface { DataLakeLister DataLakeDescriber DataLakeCreator DataLakeDeleter DataLakeUpdater }
type DataLakeUpdater ¶ added in v1.2.0
type DatabaseUserCreator ¶
type DatabaseUserCreator interface {
CreateDatabaseUser(*atlas.DatabaseUser) (*atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
type DatabaseUserDeleter ¶
type DatabaseUserDescriber ¶
type DatabaseUserLister ¶
type DatabaseUserLister interface {
DatabaseUsers(groupID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
type DatabaseUserUpdater ¶
type DatabaseUserUpdater interface {
UpdateDatabaseUser(*atlas.DatabaseUser) (*atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
type EventLister ¶ added in v1.0.0
type EventLister interface { OrganizationEventLister ProjectEventLister }
type GCPPeeringConnectionCreator ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GCPPeeringConnectionCreator interface { GCPContainers(string) ([]atlas.Container, error) PeeringConnectionCreator }
type GlobalAPIKeyCreator ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyCreator interface {
CreateGlobalAPIKey(*atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
type GlobalAPIKeyDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyDescriber ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyLister ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyLister interface {
GlobalAPIKeys(*atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.APIKey, error)
type GlobalAPIKeyUpdater ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistCreator ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistCreator interface {
CreateGlobalAPIKeyWhitelist(*opsmngr.WhitelistAPIKeysReq) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKey, error)
type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistDescriber ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistDescriber interface {
GlobalAPIKeyWhitelist(string) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKey, error)
type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistLister ¶ added in v1.4.1
type GlobalAPIKeyWhitelistLister interface {
GlobalAPIKeyWhitelists(*atlas.ListOptions) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKeys, error)
type GlobalAlertLister ¶ added in v0.1.0
type GlobalAlertLister interface {
GlobalAlerts(*atlas.AlertsListOptions) (*opsmngr.GlobalAlerts, error)
type HostDatabaseLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HostDatabaseLister interface {
HostDatabases(string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabasesResponse, error)
type HostDatabaseMeasurementsLister ¶ added in v1.4.1
type HostDatabaseMeasurementsLister interface {
HostDatabaseMeasurements(string, string, string, *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabaseMeasurements, error)
type HostDescriber ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HostDiskMeasurementsLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HostDiskMeasurementsLister interface {
HostDiskMeasurements(string, string, string, *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDiskMeasurements, error)
type HostDisksLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HostDisksLister interface {
HostDisks(string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDisksResponse, error)
type HostLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HostMeasurementLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type HostMeasurementLister interface {
HostMeasurements(string, string, *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessMeasurements, error)
type IndexCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type IndexCreator interface {
CreateIndex(string, string, *atlas.IndexConfiguration) error
type IntegrationCreator ¶ added in v1.5.0
type IntegrationCreator interface {
CreateIntegration(string, string, *atlas.ThirdPartyIntegration) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegrations, error)
type IntegrationDeleter ¶ added in v1.5.0
type IntegrationDescriber ¶ added in v1.5.0
type IntegrationDescriber interface {
Integration(string, string) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegration, error)
type IntegrationLister ¶ added in v1.5.0
type IntegrationLister interface {
Integrations(string) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegrations, error)
type InterfaceEndpointCreator ¶ added in v1.4.0
type InterfaceEndpointDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.0
type InterfaceEndpointDescriber ¶ added in v1.4.0
type LogCollector ¶ added in v0.5.0
type LogCollector interface {
Collect(string, *opsmngr.LogCollectionJob) (*opsmngr.LogCollectionJob, error)
type LogJobDeleter ¶ added in v0.5.0
type LogJobLister ¶ added in v0.5.0
type LogJobLister interface {
LogCollectionJobs(string, *opsmngr.LogListOptions) (*opsmngr.LogCollectionJobs, error)
type LogJobsDownloader ¶ added in v0.5.0
type LogsDownloader ¶ added in v0.2.0
type MaintenanceWindowClearer ¶ added in v1.5.0
type MaintenanceWindowDeferrer ¶ added in v1.5.0
type MaintenanceWindowDescriber ¶ added in v1.5.0
type MaintenanceWindowDescriber interface {
MaintenanceWindow(string) (*atlas.MaintenanceWindow, error)
type MaintenanceWindowUpdater ¶ added in v1.5.0
type MaintenanceWindowUpdater interface {
UpdateMaintenanceWindow(string, *atlas.MaintenanceWindow) error
type MatcherFieldsLister ¶ added in v0.1.0
type OnlineArchiveCreator ¶ added in v1.2.0
type OnlineArchiveCreator interface {
CreateOnlineArchive(string, string, *atlas.OnlineArchive) (*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
type OnlineArchiveDeleter ¶ added in v1.2.0
type OnlineArchiveDescriber ¶ added in v1.2.0
type OnlineArchiveLister ¶ added in v1.2.0
type OnlineArchiveLister interface {
OnlineArchives(string, string) ([]*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
type OnlineArchiveUpdater ¶ added in v1.2.0
type OnlineArchiveUpdater interface {
UpdateOnlineArchive(string, string, *atlas.OnlineArchive) (*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowCreator ¶ added in v1.5.0
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowCreator interface {
CreateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(string, *opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowDeleter ¶ added in v1.5.0
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowDescriber ¶ added in v1.5.0
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowDescriber interface {
OpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(string, string) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowLister ¶ added in v1.5.0
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowLister interface {
OpsManagerMaintenanceWindows(string) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindows, error)
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowUpdater ¶ added in v1.5.0
type OpsManagerMaintenanceWindowUpdater interface {
UpdateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(string, *opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
type OrgProjectLister ¶
type OrganizationAPIKeyCreator ¶ added in v1.4.0
type OrganizationAPIKeyDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.0
type OrganizationAPIKeyDescriber ¶ added in v1.4.0
type OrganizationAPIKeyLister ¶ added in v1.4.0
type OrganizationAPIKeyUpdater ¶ added in v1.4.0
type OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelistCreator ¶ added in v1.4.0
type OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelistCreator interface {
CreateOrganizationAPIKeyWhite(string, string, []*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeysReq) (*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeys, error)
type OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelistDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.0
type OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelistLister ¶ added in v1.4.0
type OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelistLister interface {
OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelists(string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeys, error)
type OrganizationCreator ¶
type OrganizationCreator interface {
CreateOrganization(string) (*atlas.Organization, error)
type OrganizationDeleter ¶
type OrganizationDescriber ¶ added in v1.1.0
type OrganizationDescriber interface {
Organization(string) (*atlas.Organization, error)
type OrganizationEventLister ¶ added in v0.1.0
type OrganizationEventLister interface {
OrganizationEvents(string, *atlas.EventListOptions) (*atlas.EventResponse, error)
type OrganizationLister ¶
type OrganizationLister interface {
Organizations(*atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.Organizations, error)
type OwnerCreator ¶
type PeeringConnectionCreator ¶ added in v1.4.1
type PeeringConnectionDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.1
type PeeringConnectionDescriber ¶ added in v1.4.1
type PeeringConnectionLister ¶ added in v1.4.1
type PrivateEndpointCreator ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PrivateEndpointCreator interface {
CreatePrivateEndpoint(string, *atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection) (*atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
type PrivateEndpointDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PrivateEndpointDescriber ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PrivateEndpointDescriber interface {
PrivateEndpoint(string, string) (*atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
type PrivateEndpointLister ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PrivateEndpointLister interface {
PrivateEndpoints(string, *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
type ProcessDatabaseLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProcessDatabaseLister interface {
ProcessDatabases(string, string, int, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabasesResponse, error)
type ProcessDatabaseMeasurementsLister ¶ added in v1.4.1
type ProcessDatabaseMeasurementsLister interface {
ProcessDatabaseMeasurements(string, string, int, string, *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabaseMeasurements, error)
type ProcessDiskMeasurementsLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProcessDiskMeasurementsLister interface {
ProcessDiskMeasurements(string, string, int, string, *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDiskMeasurements, error)
type ProcessDisksLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProcessDisksLister interface {
ProcessDisks(string, string, int, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDisksResponse, error)
type ProcessLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProcessMeasurementLister ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProcessMeasurementLister interface {
ProcessMeasurements(string, string, int, *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessMeasurements, error)
type ProjectAPIKeyAssigner ¶ added in v1.4.0
type ProjectAPIKeyAssigner interface {
AssignProjectAPIKey(string, string, *atlas.AssignAPIKey) error
type ProjectAPIKeyCreator ¶ added in v1.4.0
type ProjectAPIKeyDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.0
type ProjectAPIKeyLister ¶ added in v1.4.0
type ProjectCreator ¶
type ProjectDeleter ¶
type ProjectDescriber ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ProjectEventLister ¶ added in v0.1.0
type ProjectEventLister interface {
ProjectEvents(string, *atlas.EventListOptions) (*atlas.EventResponse, error)
type ProjectIPWhitelistCreator ¶
type ProjectIPWhitelistCreator interface {
CreateProjectIPWhitelist(*atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist) ([]atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
type ProjectIPWhitelistDescriber ¶
type ProjectIPWhitelistDescriber interface {
IPWhitelist(string, string) (*atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
type ProjectIPWhitelistLister ¶
type ProjectIPWhitelistLister interface {
ProjectIPWhitelists(string, *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
type ProjectLister ¶
type ProjectLister interface { Projects(*atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error) GetOrgProjects(string, *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error) }
type ProjectTeamAdder ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ProjectTeamAdder interface {
AddTeamsToProject(string, []*atlas.ProjectTeam) (*atlas.TeamsAssigned, error)
type ProjectTeamDeleter ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ProjectTeamLister ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ProjectUserDeleter ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ProjectUsersLister ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ProjectUsersLister interface {
ProjectUsers(string, *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
type RestoreJobsCreator ¶ added in v1.0.0
type RestoreJobsCreator interface {
CreateRestoreJobs(string, string, *atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJob) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJob, error)
type RestoreJobsLister ¶ added in v1.0.0
type RestoreJobsLister interface {
RestoreJobs(string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJobs, error)
type SearchIndexCreator ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SearchIndexCreator interface {
CreateSearchIndexes(string, string, *atlas.SearchIndex) (*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
type SearchIndexDeleter ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SearchIndexDescriber ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SearchIndexLister ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SearchIndexLister interface {
SearchIndexes(string, string, string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) ([]*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
type SearchIndexUpdater ¶ added in v1.3.0
type SearchIndexUpdater interface {
UpdateSearchIndexes(string, string, string, *atlas.SearchIndex) (*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
type SnapshotsCreator ¶ added in v1.4.1
type SnapshotsCreator interface {
CreateSnapshot(string, string, *atlas.CloudProviderSnapshot) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshot, error)
type SnapshotsDeleter ¶ added in v1.4.1
type SnapshotsDescriber ¶ added in v1.4.1
type SnapshotsLister ¶ added in v0.0.4
type SnapshotsLister interface {
Snapshots(string, string, *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshots, error)
type Store ¶
type Store struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUnauthenticated ¶
func (*Store) AWSContainers ¶ added in v1.4.1
AWSContainers encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) AcknowledgeAlert ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Store) AcknowledgeAlert(projectID, alertID string, body *atlas.AcknowledgeRequest) (*atlas.Alert, error)
Acknowledge encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) AddTeamsToProject ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) AddTeamsToProject(projectID string, teams []*atlas.ProjectTeam) (*atlas.TeamsAssigned, error)
AddTeamsToProject encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) AddUsersToTeam ¶ added in v1.5.0
AddUsersToTeam encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) AgentAPIKeys ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) AgentAPIKeys(projectID string) ([]*opsmngr.AgentAPIKey, error)
AgentAPIKeys encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Agents ¶ added in v0.0.4
Agents encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Alert ¶ added in v0.1.0
Alert encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) AlertConfigurations ¶
func (s *Store) AlertConfigurations(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
AlertConfigurations encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Alerts ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Store) Alerts(projectID string, opts *atlas.AlertsListOptions) (*atlas.AlertsResponse, error)
Alerts encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) AllContainers ¶ added in v1.4.1
AllContainers encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) AssignProjectAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) AssignProjectAPIKey(projectID, apiKeyID string, input *atlas.AssignAPIKey) error
AssignProjectAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) AzureContainers ¶ added in v1.4.1
AzureContainers encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Checkpoints ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *Store) Checkpoints(projectID, clusterID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.Checkpoints, error)
Checkpoints encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ClearMaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.5.0
ClearMaintenanceWindow encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Collect ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (s *Store) Collect(groupID string, newLog *opsmngr.LogCollectionJob) (*opsmngr.LogCollectionJob, error)
Collect encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Container ¶ added in v1.4.1
Container encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ContainersByProvider ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) ContainersByProvider(projectID string, opts *atlas.ContainersListOptions) ([]atlas.Container, error)
ContainersByProvider encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ContinuousRestoreJobs ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (s *Store) ContinuousRestoreJobs(projectID, clusterID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ContinuousJobs, error)
ContinuousRestoreJobs encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ContinuousSnapshots ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (s *Store) ContinuousSnapshots(projectID, clusterID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ContinuousSnapshots, error)
ContinuousSnapshots encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateAgentAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) CreateAgentAPIKey(projectID string, r *opsmngr.AgentAPIKeysRequest) (*opsmngr.AgentAPIKey, error)
CreateAgentAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateAlertConfiguration ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAlertConfiguration(alertConfig *atlas.AlertConfiguration) (*atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
CreateAlertConfiguration encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateCluster ¶
CreateCluster encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateContainer ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) CreateContainer(projectID string, container *atlas.Container) (*atlas.Container, error)
CreateContainer encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateContinuousRestoreJob ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (s *Store) CreateContinuousRestoreJob(projectID, clusterID string, request *atlas.ContinuousJobRequest) (*atlas.ContinuousJobs, error)
CreateContinuousRestoreJob encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateDBUserCertificate ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *Store) CreateDBUserCertificate(projectID, username string, monthsUntilExpiration int) (*atlas.UserCertificate, error)
CreateDBUserCertificate creates a new Atlas managed certificates for a database user
func (*Store) CreateDataLake ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) CreateDataLake(projectID string, dataLake *atlas.DataLakeCreateRequest) (*atlas.DataLake, error)
CreateDataLake encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateDatabaseUser ¶
func (s *Store) CreateDatabaseUser(user *atlas.DatabaseUser) (*atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
CreateDatabaseUser encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateGlobalAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.1
CreateGlobalAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateGlobalAPIKeyWhitelist ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) CreateGlobalAPIKeyWhitelist(opts *opsmngr.WhitelistAPIKeysReq) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKey, error)
CreateGlobalAPIKeyWhitelist encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateIndex ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) CreateIndex(projectID, clusterName string, index *atlas.IndexConfiguration) error
CreateIndex encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateIntegration ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) CreateIntegration(projectID, integrationType string, integration *atlas.ThirdPartyIntegration) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegrations, error)
CreateIntegration encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateInterfaceEndpoint ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) CreateInterfaceEndpoint(projectID, privateLinkID, interfaceEndpointID string) (*atlas.InterfaceEndpointConnection, error)
CreateInterfaceEndpoint encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateOnlineArchive ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) CreateOnlineArchive(projectID, clusterName string, archive *atlas.OnlineArchive) (*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
CreateOnlineArchive encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) CreateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(projectID string, maintenanceWindow *opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
CreateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateOrganization ¶
func (s *Store) CreateOrganization(name string) (*atlas.Organization, error)
CreateOrganization encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateOrganizationAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) CreateOrganizationAPIKey(orgID string, input *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
CreateOrganizationAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateOrganizationAPIKeyWhite ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) CreateOrganizationAPIKeyWhite(orgID, apiKeyID string, opts []*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeysReq) (*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeys, error)
CreateOrganizationAPIKeyWhite encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateOwner ¶
CreateOwner encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreatePeeringConnection ¶ added in v1.4.1
CreatePeeringConnection encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreatePrivateEndpoint ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) CreatePrivateEndpoint(projectID string, r *atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection) (*atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
CreatePrivateEndpoint encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateProject ¶
CreateProject encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateProjectAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) CreateProjectAPIKey(projectID string, apiKeyInput *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
CreateProjectAPIKey creates an API Keys for a project
func (*Store) CreateProjectIPWhitelist ¶
func (s *Store) CreateProjectIPWhitelist(whitelist *atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist) ([]atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
CreateProjectIPWhitelist encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateRestoreJobs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *Store) CreateRestoreJobs(projectID, clusterName string, request *atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJob) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJob, error)
CreateSnapshotRestoreJobs encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateSearchIndexes ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *Store) CreateSearchIndexes(projectID, clusterName string, index *atlas.SearchIndex) (*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
CreateSearchIndexes encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateSnapshot ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) CreateSnapshot(projectID, clusterName string, request *atlas.CloudProviderSnapshot) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshot, error)
CreateSnapshot encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateTeam ¶ added in v1.5.0
CreateTeam encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) CreateUser ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) CreateUser(user *UserRequest) (interface{}, error)
CreateUser encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DBUserCertificates ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *Store) DBUserCertificates(projectID, username string) ([]atlas.UserCertificate, error)
DBUserCertificates retrieves the current Atlas managed certificates for a database user
func (*Store) DataLake ¶ added in v1.2.0
DataLake encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DataLakes ¶ added in v1.2.0
DataLakes encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DatabaseUser ¶
func (s *Store) DatabaseUser(authDB, groupID, username string) (*atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
func (*Store) DatabaseUsers ¶
func (s *Store) DatabaseUsers(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
func (*Store) DeferMaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.5.0
DeferMaintenanceWindow encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteAgentAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
DeleteAgentAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteAlertConfiguration ¶
DeleteAlertConfiguration encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteCluster ¶
DeleteCluster encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteCollectionJob ¶ added in v0.5.0
DeleteCollectionJob encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteContainer ¶ added in v1.4.1
DeleteContainer encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteDataLake ¶ added in v1.2.0
DeleteDataLake encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteDatabaseUser ¶
func (*Store) DeleteGlobalAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.1
DeleteGlobalAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteGlobalAPIKeyWhitelist ¶ added in v1.4.1
DeleteGlobalAPIKeyWhitelist encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteIntegration ¶ added in v1.5.0
DeleteIntegration encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteInterfaceEndpoint ¶ added in v1.4.0
DeleteInterfaceEndpoint encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteOnlineArchive ¶ added in v1.2.0
DeleteOnlineArchive encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.5.0
DeleteOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteOrganization ¶
DeleteOrganization encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteOrganizationAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
DeleteOrganizationAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteOrganizationAPIKeyWhitelist ¶ added in v1.4.0
DeleteOrganizationAPIKeyWhitelist encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeletePeeringConnection ¶ added in v1.4.1
DeletePrivateEndpoint encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeletePrivateEndpoint ¶ added in v1.4.0
DeletePrivateEndpoint encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteProject ¶
DeleteProject encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteProjectAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
DeleteProjectAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteProjectIPWhitelist ¶
DeleteProjectIPWhitelist encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteSearchIndex ¶ added in v1.3.0
DeleteSearchIndex encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteSnapshot ¶ added in v1.4.1
DeleteSnapshot encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteTeam ¶ added in v1.5.0
DeleteTeam encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteTeamFromProject ¶ added in v1.5.0
DeleteTeamFromProject encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteUser ¶ added in v1.5.0
DeleteUser encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DeleteUserFromProject ¶ added in v1.5.0
DeleteProject encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DisableX509Configuration ¶ added in v1.3.0
DisableX509Configuration disables customer-managed X.509 configuration for an Atlas project.
func (*Store) DownloadArchive ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *Store) DownloadArchive(groupID string, opts *opsmngr.DiagnosticsListOpts, out io.Writer) error
DownloadArchive encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DownloadLog ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) DownloadLog(groupID, host, name string, out io.Writer, opts *atlas.DateRangetOptions) error
ProcessDisks encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) DownloadLogJob ¶ added in v0.5.0
DownloadLogJob encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) GCPContainers ¶ added in v1.4.1
GCPContainers encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) GetAutomationConfig ¶
func (s *Store) GetAutomationConfig(projectID string) (*opsmngr.AutomationConfig, error)
GetAutomationConfig encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) GetAutomationStatus ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (s *Store) GetAutomationStatus(projectID string) (*opsmngr.AutomationStatus, error)
func (*Store) GetOrgProjects ¶
func (s *Store) GetOrgProjects(orgID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
GetOrgProjects encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) GlobalAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.1
GlobalAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) GlobalAPIKeyWhitelist ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) GlobalAPIKeyWhitelist(id string) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKey, error)
GlobalAPIKeyWhitelist encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) GlobalAPIKeyWhitelists ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) GlobalAPIKeyWhitelists(opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*opsmngr.GlobalWhitelistAPIKeys, error)
GlobalAPIKeyWhitelists encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) GlobalAPIKeys ¶ added in v1.4.1
GlobalAPIKeys encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) GlobalAlerts ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Store) GlobalAlerts(opts *atlas.AlertsListOptions) (*opsmngr.GlobalAlerts, error)
GlobalAlerts encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) HostDatabaseMeasurements ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) HostDatabaseMeasurements(groupID, hostID, databaseName string, opts *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabaseMeasurements, error)
HostDatabaseMeasurements encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) HostDatabases ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) HostDatabases(groupID, hostID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabasesResponse, error)
HostDatabases encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) HostDiskMeasurements ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) HostDiskMeasurements(groupID, hostID, partitionName string, opts *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDiskMeasurements, error)
HostDiskMeasurements encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) HostDisks ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) HostDisks(groupID, hostID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDisksResponse, error)
HostDisks encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) HostMeasurements ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) HostMeasurements(groupID, host string, opts *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessMeasurements, error)
HostMeasurements encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Hosts ¶ added in v0.2.0
Hosts encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) IPWhitelist ¶
func (s *Store) IPWhitelist(projectID, name string) (*atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
IPWhitelist encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Integration ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) Integration(projectID, integrationType string) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegration, error)
Integration encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Integrations ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) Integrations(projectID string) (*atlas.ThirdPartyIntegrations, error)
Integrations encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) InterfaceEndpoint ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) InterfaceEndpoint(projectID, privateLinkID, interfaceEndpointID string) (*atlas.InterfaceEndpointConnection, error)
InterfaceEndpoint encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ListAllProjectClusters ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Store) ListAllProjectClusters() (*opsmngr.AllClustersProjects, error)
ListAllProjectClusters encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) LogCollectionJobs ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (s *Store) LogCollectionJobs(groupID string, opts *opsmngr.LogListOptions) (*opsmngr.LogCollectionJobs, error)
LogCollectionJobs encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) MaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) MaintenanceWindow(projectID string) (*atlas.MaintenanceWindow, error)
MaintenanceWindow encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) MatcherFields ¶ added in v0.1.0
MatcherFields encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OnlineArchive ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) OnlineArchive(projectID, clusterName, archiveID string) (*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
OnlineArchive encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OnlineArchives ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) OnlineArchives(projectID, clusterName string) ([]*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
OnlineArchives encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OpsManagerMaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) OpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(projectID, maintenanceWindowID string) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
OpsManagerMaintenanceWindow encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OpsManagerMaintenanceWindows ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) OpsManagerMaintenanceWindows(projectID string) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindows, error)
OpsManagerMaintenanceWindows encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Organization ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *Store) Organization(id string) (*atlas.Organization, error)
Organization encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OrganizationAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
OrganizationAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelists ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) OrganizationAPIKeyWhitelists(orgID, apiKeyID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.WhitelistAPIKeys, error)
OrganizationAPIKeys encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OrganizationAPIKeys ¶ added in v1.4.0
OrganizationAPIKeys encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OrganizationEvents ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Store) OrganizationEvents(orgID string, opts *atlas.EventListOptions) (*atlas.EventResponse, error)
OrganizationEvents encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) OrganizationUsers ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) OrganizationUsers(organizationID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
OrganizationUsers encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Organizations ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *Store) Organizations(opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.Organizations, error)
Organizations encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) PauseCluster ¶ added in v1.3.0
PauseCluster encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) PeeringConnection ¶ added in v1.4.1
PeeringConnections encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) PeeringConnections ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) PeeringConnections(projectID string, opts *atlas.ContainersListOptions) ([]atlas.Peer, error)
PeeringConnections encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) PrivateEndpoint ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) PrivateEndpoint(projectID, privateLinkID string) (*atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
PrivateEndpoint encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) PrivateEndpoints ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) PrivateEndpoints(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.PrivateEndpointConnection, error)
PrivateEndpoints encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProcessDatabaseMeasurements ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) ProcessDatabaseMeasurements(groupID, host string, port int, dbName string, opts *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabaseMeasurements, error)
ProcessDiskMeasurements encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProcessDatabases ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) ProcessDatabases(groupID, host string, port int, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDatabasesResponse, error)
ProcessDatabases encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProcessDiskMeasurements ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) ProcessDiskMeasurements(groupID, host string, port int, partitionName string, opts *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDiskMeasurements, error)
ProcessDiskMeasurements encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProcessDisks ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) ProcessDisks(groupID, host string, port int, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessDisksResponse, error)
ProcessDisks encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProcessMeasurements ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) ProcessMeasurements(groupID, host string, port int, opts *atlas.ProcessMeasurementListOptions) (*atlas.ProcessMeasurements, error)
ProcessMeasurements encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Processes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *Store) Processes(groupID string, opts *atlas.ProcessesListOptions) ([]*atlas.Process, error)
Processes encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Project ¶ added in v1.1.0
Project encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProjectAPIKeys ¶ added in v1.4.0
ProjectAPIKeys returns the API Keys for a specific project
func (*Store) ProjectClusters ¶
func (s *Store) ProjectClusters(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
ProjectClusters encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProjectEvents ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Store) ProjectEvents(projectID string, opts *atlas.EventListOptions) (*atlas.EventResponse, error)
ProjectEvents encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProjectIPWhitelists ¶
func (s *Store) ProjectIPWhitelists(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]atlas.ProjectIPWhitelist, error)
ProjectIPWhitelists encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProjectTeams ¶ added in v1.5.0
ProjectTeams encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) ProjectUsers ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) ProjectUsers(projectID string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
ProjectUsers lists all IAM users in a project
func (*Store) Projects ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *Store) Projects(opts *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
Projects encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) RemoveUserFromTeam ¶ added in v1.5.0
RemoveUserFromTeam encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) RestoreJobs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *Store) RestoreJobs(projectID, clusterName string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshotRestoreJobs, error)
SnapshotRestoreJobs encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) SaveX509Configuration ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *Store) SaveX509Configuration(projectID, certificate string) (*atlas.CustomerX509, error)
SaveX509Configuration saves a customer-managed X.509 configuration for an Atlas project.
func (*Store) SearchIndex ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *Store) SearchIndex(projectID, clusterName, indexID string) (*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
SearchIndex encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) SearchIndexes ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *Store) SearchIndexes(projectID, clusterName, dbName, collName string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) ([]*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
SearchIndexes encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Snapshot ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) Snapshot(projectID, clusterName, snapshotID string) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshot, error)
Snapshot encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Snapshots ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *Store) Snapshots(projectID, clusterName string, opts *atlas.ListOptions) (*atlas.CloudProviderSnapshots, error)
Snapshots encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) StartCluster ¶ added in v1.3.0
StartCluster encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) TeamByID ¶ added in v1.5.0
TeamByID encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) TeamByName ¶ added in v1.5.0
TeamByName encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) TeamUsers ¶ added in v1.5.0
TeamUsers encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) Teams ¶ added in v1.5.0
Teams encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateAlertConfiguration ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Store) UpdateAlertConfiguration(alertConfig *atlas.AlertConfiguration) (*atlas.AlertConfiguration, error)
func (*Store) UpdateAutomationConfig ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAutomationConfig(projectID string, automationConfig *opsmngr.AutomationConfig) error
UpdateAutomationConfig encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateCluster ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateCluster(projectID, name string, cluster *atlas.Cluster) (*atlas.Cluster, error)
UpdateCluster encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateDataLake ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) UpdateDataLake(projectID, name string, dataLake *atlas.DataLakeUpdateRequest) (*atlas.DataLake, error)
UpdateDataLake encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateDatabaseUser ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateDatabaseUser(user *atlas.DatabaseUser) (*atlas.DatabaseUser, error)
func (*Store) UpdateGlobalAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Store) UpdateGlobalAPIKey(apiKeyID string, input *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
UpdateGlobalAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateMaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) UpdateMaintenanceWindow(projectID string, maintenanceWindow *atlas.MaintenanceWindow) error
UpdateMaintenanceWindow encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateOnlineArchive ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *Store) UpdateOnlineArchive(projectID, clusterName string, archive *atlas.OnlineArchive) (*atlas.OnlineArchive, error)
UpdateOnlineArchive encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) UpdateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow(projectID string, maintenanceWindow *opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow) (*opsmngr.MaintenanceWindow, error)
UpdateOpsManagerMaintenanceWindow encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateOrganizationAPIKey ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Store) UpdateOrganizationAPIKey(orgID, apiKeyID string, input *atlas.APIKeyInput) (*atlas.APIKey, error)
UpdateOrganizationAPIKey encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateProjectTeamRoles ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *Store) UpdateProjectTeamRoles(projectID, teamID string, team *atlas.TeamUpdateRoles) ([]atlas.TeamRoles, error)
UpdateProjectTeamRoles encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpdateSearchIndexes ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *Store) UpdateSearchIndexes(projectID, clusterName, indexID string, index *atlas.SearchIndex) (*atlas.SearchIndex, error)
UpdateSearchIndexes encapsulate the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UpgradeAgent ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (s *Store) UpgradeAgent(projectID string) (*opsmngr.AutomationConfigAgent, error)
UpgradeAgent encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UserByID ¶ added in v1.5.0
UserByID encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) UserByName ¶ added in v1.5.0
UserByName encapsulates the logic to manage different cloud providers
func (*Store) X509Configuration ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *Store) X509Configuration(projectID string) (*atlas.CustomerX509, error)
X509Configuration retrieves the current user managed certificates for a database user
type TeamCreator ¶ added in v1.5.0
type TeamDeleter ¶ added in v1.5.0
type TeamDescriber ¶ added in v1.5.0
type TeamLister ¶ added in v1.5.0
type TeamRolesUpdater ¶ added in v1.5.0
type TeamUserLister ¶ added in v1.5.0
type TeamUserRemover ¶ added in v1.5.0
type UserCreator ¶ added in v1.5.0
type UserCreator interface {
CreateUser(*UserRequest) (interface{}, error)
type UserDeleter ¶ added in v1.5.0
type UserDescriber ¶ added in v1.5.0
type UserLister ¶ added in v1.5.0
type UserLister interface {
OrganizationUsers(string, *atlas.ListOptions) (interface{}, error)
type UserRequest ¶ added in v1.5.0
type X509CertificateConfDescriber ¶ added in v1.3.0
type X509CertificateConfDescriber interface {
X509Configuration(string) (*atlas.CustomerX509, error)
type X509CertificateConfDisabler ¶ added in v1.3.0
type X509CertificateConfSaver ¶ added in v1.3.0
type X509CertificateConfSaver interface {
SaveX509Configuration(string, string) (*atlas.CustomerX509, error)
type X509CertificateStore ¶ added in v1.3.0
type X509CertificateStore interface { X509CertificateConfDescriber X509CertificateConfSaver X509CertificateConfDisabler }
Source Files ¶
- agents.go
- alert_configuration.go
- alerts.go
- api_keys.go
- api_keys_whitelist.go
- automation.go
- cloud_provider_backup.go
- clusters.go
- containers.go
- continuous_backup.go
- data_lake.go
- database_users.go
- deployments.go
- diagnose_archive.go
- events.go
- global_alerts.go
- global_api_keys.go
- global_api_keys_whitelist.go
- indexes.go
- integrations.go
- logs.go
- maintenance.go
- measurements.go
- online_archives.go
- organizations.go
- owners.go
- peering_connections.go
- private_endpoints.go
- process_databases.go
- process_disk_measurements.go
- process_disks.go
- process_measurements.go
- processes.go
- project_ip_whitelist.go
- projects.go
- search.go
- store.go
- teams.go
- users.go
- x509_auth_database_users.go