
v1.22.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 1, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ProjectID                                = "Project ID to use. Overrides the settings in the configuration file or environment variable."
	OrgID                                    = "Organization ID to use. Overrides the settings in the configuration file or environment variable."
	Profile                                  = "Profile to use from your configuration file."
	Members                                  = "Number of members in the replica set."
	Shards                                   = "Number of shards in the cluster."
	ProcessName                              = "Unique identifier for the host of a MongoDB process in the following format: {hostname}:{port}."
	Since                                    = "Point in time, specified as milliseconds since the Unix Epoch, from which you want to receive results."
	HostID                                   = "Unique identifier for the host of a MongoDB process."
	Duration                                 = "Length of time from the since parameter, in milliseconds, for which you want to receive results."
	Tier                                     = "Tier for each data-bearing server in the cluster."
	NLog                                     = "Maximum number of log lines to return."
	SlowQueryNamespaces                      = "Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested slow query logs."
	DiskSizeGB                               = "Capacity, in gigabytes, of the host's root volume."
	Backup                                   = "If true, enables Continuous Cloud Backup for your deployment."
	BIConnector                              = "If true, enables BI Connector for Atlas on the deployment."
	SuggestedIndexNamespaces                 = "Namespaces from which to retrieve suggested indexes."
	NExamples                                = "Maximum number of example queries to provide that will be improved by a suggested index."
	NIndexes                                 = "Maximum number of indexes to suggest."
	MDBVersion                               = "MongoDB version of the cluster to deploy."
	AuthDB                                   = "Authentication database name."
	Granularity                              = "" /* 196-byte string literal not displayed */
	Page                                     = "Page number."
	Forever                                  = "Acknowledges an alert 'forever'."
	Status                                   = "Alert's status. The values are TRACKING, OPEN, CLOSED, and CANCELED."
	Until                                    = "" /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */
	ConnectionStringType                     = "When set to 'private', retrieves the connection string for the network peering endpoint."
	Limit                                    = "Number of items per page."
	Username                                 = "Username of the user."
	BackupStatus                             = "Current (or desired) status of the backup configuration."
	StorageEngine                            = "Storage engine used for the backup."
	AuthMechanism                            = "Authentication mechanism needed to connect to the sync source database."
	Provisioned                              = "Flag that indicates if Ops Manager has provisioned the resources needed to store a backup."
	Encryption                               = "Flag that indicates if encryption is enabled for the backup configuration."
	SSL                                      = "Flag that indicates if TLS is enabled for the sync source database."
	OplogSSL                                 = "Flag indicating whether this oplog store only accepts connections encrypted using TLS."
	SyncSource                               = "mongod instance from which you retrieve backup data."
	ExcludedNamespace                        = "List of database names and collection names to omit from the backup."
	IncludedNamespace                        = "List of database names and collection names to include in the backup."
	TeamUsername                             = "List of usernames to add to the new team."
	DBUsername                               = "Username for authenticating to MongoDB."
	TeamName                                 = "Name of the team."
	UserID                                   = "Unique identifier of the user."
	LDAPHostname                             = "Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server."
	LDAPPort                                 = "Port to which the LDAP server listens to for client connections."
	Hostname                                 = "The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the target node that should receive the authentication attempt."
	BindUsername                             = "The user distinguished name (DN) that Atlas uses to connect to the LDAP server."
	BindPassword                             = "Password used to authenticate the bindUsername."
	CaCertificate                            = "CA certificate used to verify the identify of the LDAP server."
	AuthzQueryTemplate                       = "An LDAP query template that Atlas executes to obtain the LDAP groups to which the authenticated user belongs."
	MappingMatch                             = "An ECMAScript-formatted regular expression (regex) to match against a provided username."
	MappingLdapQuery                         = "" /* 160-byte string literal not displayed */
	MappingSubstitution                      = "" /* 132-byte string literal not displayed */
	AuthenticationEnabled                    = "Specifies whether user authentication with LDAP is enabled."
	AuthorizationEnabled                     = "Specifies whether user authorization with LDAP is enabled."
	TeamID                                   = "Unique identification of the team."
	Password                                 = "User's password."
	Country                                  = "The ISO 3166-1 alpha two-letter country code of the user's country of residence."
	Mobile                                   = "The user's mobile or cell phone number."
	Period                                   = "Duration in ISO 8601 that specifies how far back in the past to retrieve measurements."
	Roles                                    = "User's roles and the databases or collections on which the roles apply."
	Scopes                                   = "Array of clusters and Atlas Data Lakes that this user has access to."
	DataLakeRole                             = "Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role which Atlas Data Lake uses for accessing the data stores."
	DataLakeRegion                           = "Name of the region to which Atlas Data Lake routes client connections for data processing."
	DataLakeTestBucket                       = "Name of an Amazon S3 data bucket which Atlas Data Lake uses to validate the provided role."
	PrivateEndpointRegion                    = "Cloud provider region in which you want to create the private endpoint connection."
	PrivateEndpointProvider                  = "Name of the cloud provider you want to create the private endpoint connection for."
	Comment                                  = "Optional description or comment for the entry."
	AccessListsDeleteAfter                   = "ISO-8601-formatted UTC date after which Atlas removes the value from the entry."
	BDUsersDeleteAfter                       = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 in UTC after which Atlas deletes the user."
	ForceVersionManifest                     = "If specified, skips Ops Manager version check."
	Force                                    = "If specified, skips asking for confirmation before proceeding with a requsted action."
	ForceFile                                = "Overwrites the destination file."
	Email                                    = "User's email address."
	LogOut                                   = "Optional output file name. Uses the log name if the output file's name is not specified."
	DiagnoseOut                              = "Optional output file name. Uses diagnose-archive.tar.gz if the output file's name is not specified."
	LogStart                                 = "Beginning of the date and time, in UNIX Epoch format, from which to retrieve logs."
	LogEnd                                   = "End of the period, in UNIX Epoch format, until which to retrieve logs."
	ArchiveLimit                             = "Max number of entries for the diagnose archive."
	ArchiveMinutes                           = "" /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */
	MeasurementStart                         = "Beginning of the period, in UNIX Epoch format, from which to start retrieving measurements."
	MeasurementEnd                           = "End of the period, in UNIX Epoch format, until which to retrieve measurements."
	MeasurementType                          = "Measurements to return. If it is not specified, all measurements are returned."
	FirstName                                = "User's first name."
	LastName                                 = "User's last name."
	OrgRole                                  = "User's roles  for the associated organization."
	ProjectRole                              = "User's roles  for the associated project."
	TeamRole                                 = "Project role you want to assign to the team."
	MaxDate                                  = "Returns events whose created date is less than or equal to it."
	MinDate                                  = "Returns events whose created date is greater than or equal to it."
	Filename                                 = "File name to use, optional file with a json cluster configuration."
	SearchFilename                           = "File name to use, file with a json index configuration."
	AccessListIps                            = "IP addresses to add to the new user's access list."
	StartDate                                = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the maintenance window starts."
	EndDate                                  = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the maintenance window ends."
	AuthResult                               = "" /* 271-byte string literal not displayed */
	AccessLogDate                            = "" /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */
	AccessLogIP                              = "" /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
	ServerUsageStartDate                     = "Timestamp, in ISO 8601 date format, when the list of host assignments starts."
	ServerUsageEndDate                       = "Timestamp, in ISO 8601 date format, when the list of host assignments ends."
	AlertType                                = "Alert types to silence during maintenance window. Valid values are HOST, REPLICA_SET, CLUSTER, AGENT, or BACKUP."
	MaintenanceDescription                   = "Description of the maintenance window."
	Event                                    = "Type of the event that triggered the alert."
	Enabled                                  = "If set to true, the alert configuration is enabled."
	MatcherFieldName                         = "Name of the field in the target object to match on."
	MatcherOperator                          = "Operator to test the field's value."
	MatcherValue                             = "Value to test with the specified operator."
	MetricName                               = "Name of the metric against which Atlas checks the configured alert."
	MetricOperator                           = "Operator to apply when checking the current metric value against the threshold value."
	MetricThreshold                          = "Threshold value outside of which an alert will be triggered."
	MetricUnits                              = "Units for the threshold value."
	MetricMode                               = "If specified, Atlas computes the current metric value as an average."
	NotificationToken                        = "Slack API token, Bot token, or Flowdock personal API token." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a password
	NotificationsChannelName                 = "Slack channel name. Required for the SLACK notifications type."
	AlertConfigAPIKey                        = "Datadog API Key, Opsgenie API Key, VictorOps API key." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	APIKey                                   = "API Key."
	RoutingKey                               = "An optional field for your Routing Key."
	IntegrationAPIToken                      = "Your API Token." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	OrgName                                  = "Your Flowdock organization's name."
	OrgNameFilter                            = "Performs a case-insensitive search for organizations which exactly match the specified name."
	OrgIncludeDeleted                        = "If specified, Atlas includes the deleted organizations."
	FlowName                                 = "Flowdock Flow name."
	BlockstoreAssignment                     = "Flag indicating whether this blockstore can be assigned backup jobs."
	OplogAssignment                          = "Flag indicating whether this oplog can be assigned backup jobs."
	FileSystemAssignment                     = "Flag indicating whether this file system store can be assigned backup jobs."
	SyncAssignment                           = "Flag indicating whether this sync store can be assigned backup jobs."
	EncryptedCredentials                     = "Flag indicating whether the username and password were encrypted using the credentials tool."
	MMAPV1CompressionSetting                 = "The compression setting for the MMAPv1 storage engine snaphots."
	WTCompressionSetting                     = "The compression setting for the WiredTiger storage engine snaphots."
	StorePath                                = "The location where file system-based backups are stored on the file system store host."
	Label                                    = "Array of tags to manage which backup jobs Ops Manager can assign to which blockstores."
	LoadFactor                               = "" /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	MaxCapacityGB                            = "The maximum amount of data in GB this blockstore can store."
	BlockstoreURI                            = "A comma-separated list of hosts in the <hostname:port> format that can be used to access this blockstore."
	BlockstoreSSL                            = "Flag indicating whether this blockstore only accepts connections encrypted using TLS."
	BlockstoreName                           = "Unique name that labels this blockstore."
	OplogName                                = "Unique name that labels this oplog store."
	FileSystemName                           = "Unique name that labels this file system store configuration."
	SyncName                                 = "Unique name that labels this sync store."
	WriteConcern                             = "The write concern used for this blockstore."
	AWSAccessKey                             = "AWS Access Key ID that can access the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName."
	AWSSecretKey                             = "AWS Secret Access Key that can access the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	DisableProxyS3                           = "Flag indicating whether the HTTP proxy should be used when connecting to Amazon S3."
	S3BucketEndpoint                         = "URL that Ops Manager uses to access this Amazon S3 or S3-compatible bucket."
	S3BucketName                             = "Name of the Amazon S3 bucket that hosts the S3 blockstore."
	S3MaxConnections                         = "Positive integer indicating the maximum number of connections to this Amazon S3 blockstore."
	AcceptedTos                              = "Flag indicating whether or not you accepted the terms of service for using Amazon S3-compatible stores with Ops Manager."
	SSEEnabled                               = "Flag indicating whether this Amazon S3 blockstore enables server-side encryption."
	PathStyleAccessEnabled                   = "Flag indicating the style of this endpoint."
	APIKeyDescription                        = "Description of the API key."
	APIKeyRoles                              = "List of roles for the API key." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	NotificationRegion                       = "Region that indicates which API URL to use."
	NotificationDelayMin                     = "Number of minutes to wait after an alert condition is detected before sending out the first notification."
	NotificationEmailAddress                 = "Email address to which alert notifications are sent."
	NotificationEmailEnabled                 = "Flag indicating whether email notifications should be sent."
	NotificationFlowName                     = "Flowdock Flow name in lower-case letters for sending alert notifications."
	NotificationIntervalMin                  = "Number of minutes to wait between successive notifications for unacknowledged alerts that are not resolved."
	NotificationMobileNumber                 = "Mobile number to which alert notifications are sent."
	NotificationOrgName                      = "Flowdock organization's name in lower-case letters."
	NotificationServiceKey                   = "PagerDuty service key."
	NotificationSmsEnabled                   = "Flag indicating whether text message notifications should be sent."
	NotificationTeamID                       = "Unique identifier of a team."
	NotificationType                         = "" /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */
	NotificationUsername                     = "Name of the Atlas user to which to send notifications."
	NotificationVictorOpsRoutingKey          = "VictorOps routing key."
	SnapshotID                               = "Unique identifier of the snapshot to restore."
	SnapshotDescription                      = "Description of the on-demand snapshot."
	Database                                 = "Database name."
	DatabaseUser                             = "Username of a database user."
	MonthsUntilExpiration                    = "Number of months that the certificate is valid for."
	Collection                               = "Collection name."
	Append                                   = "The input action and inheritedRoles that will be appended to the existing role."
	PrivilegeAction                          = "List of actions per database and collection. If no database or collections are provided, cluster scope is assumed."
	InheritedRoles                           = "List of inherited roles and the database on which the role is granted."
	Analyzer                                 = "Analyzer to use when creating the index."
	SearchAnalyzer                           = "Analyzer to use when searching the index."
	Dynamic                                  = "Indicates whether the index uses dynamic or static mappings."
	SearchFields                             = "Static field specifications."
	RSName                                   = "The replica set that the index is built on."
	Key                                      = "Field to be indexed and the type of index in the following format: field:type."
	LogTypes                                 = "Array of strings specifying the types of logs to collect."
	SizeRequestedPerFileBytes                = "Size for each log file in bytes."
	LogRedacted                              = "" /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	Sparse                                   = "Flag that indicates whether Atlas should create a sparse index."
	Locale                                   = "Locale that the ICU defines."
	CaseLevel                                = "Flag that indicates whether the index uses case comparison. This flag applies only if the strength level is set to 1 or 2."
	CaseFirst                                = "Flag that, if specified, determines the sort order of case differences during tertiary level comparisons."
	Strength                                 = "Level of comparison to perform."
	Alternate                                = "" /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	MaxVariable                              = "" /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */
	NumericOrdering                          = "" /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */
	Normalization                            = "Flag that, if set to true, collation checks if text requires normalization and performs normalization to compare text."
	Backwards                                = "Flag that, if set to true, strings with diacritics sort from the back to the front of the string."
	ClusterName                              = "Name of the cluster."
	IndexName                                = "Name of the index."
	CASFilePath                              = "Path to a PEM file containing one or more CAs for database user authentication."
	Verbose                                  = "Flag that, if set to true, returns all child jobs in the response."
	ClusterID                                = "Unique identifier of the cluster."
	ReferenceTimeZoneOffset                  = "The ISO-8601-formatted timezone offset where the Ops Manager host resides."
	DailySnapshotRetentionDays               = "Number of days to retain daily snapshots. Accepted values are between 1 and 365 inclusive."
	SnapshotRetentionDays                    = "Number of days to keep recent snapshots. Accepted values are between 2 and 5 inclusive."
	WeeklySnapshotRetentionWeeks             = "Number of weeks to retain weekly snapshots. Accepted values are between 1 and 52 inclusive."
	PointInTimeWindowHours                   = "Number of hours in the past for which MongoDB should create a point-in-time snapshot."
	ReferenceHourOfDay                       = "Hour of the day to schedule snapshots using a 24-hour clock. Accepted values are between 0 and 23 inclusive."
	ReferenceMinuteOfHour                    = "Minute of the hour to schedule snapshots. Accepted values are between 0 and 59 inclusive."
	MonthlySnapshotRetentionMonths           = "Number of months to retain monthly snapshots. Accepted values are between 1 and 36 inclusive."
	Policy                                   = "List of policies that the external system applies to this Ops Manager Project."
	SystemID                                 = "Unique identifier of the external system that manages this Ops Manager Project."
	ExternalSystemName                       = "Identifying label for the external system that manages this Ops Manager Project."
	DateField                                = "Name of an already indexed date field from the documents."
	PartitionFields                          = "Fields to use to partition data. You can specify up to two frequently queried fields to use for partitioning data."
	ArchiveAfter                             = "Number of days that specifies the age limit for the data in the live Atlas cluster."
	TargetProjectID                          = "Unique identifier of the project that contains the destination cluster for the restore job."
	APIAccessListIPEntry                     = "IP address to be allowed for a given API key."
	NetworkAccessListIPEntry                 = "IP address to be allowed to access the deployment."
	AccessListCIDREntry                      = "Whitelist entry in CIDR notation to be added for a given API key."
	LinkTokenAccessListCIDREntries           = "IP address access list entries that are associated with the link-token." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	LinkToken                                = "Link-token generated by Atlas."                                          //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	LiveMigrationID                          = "Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the live migration job."
	PrivateEndpointID                        = "Unique identifier of the AWS PrivateLink connection."
	EndpointServiceID                        = "Unique identifier of the private endpoint service for which you want to retrieve a private endpoint."
	PrivateEndpointIDAzure                   = "Unique identifier of the Azure private endpoint resource."
	PrivateEndpointIPAddressAzure            = "Private IP address of the private endpoint network interface you created in your Azure VNet."
	Endpoint                                 = "List of GCP endpoints in the group separated by commas, such as: endpointName1@ipAddress1,...,endpointNameN@ipAddressN"
	AccountID                                = "Account ID of the owner of the peer VPC."
	NewRelicAccountID                        = "Unique identifier of your New Relic account."
	LicenceKey                               = "Your License Key."
	ServiceKey                               = "Your Service Key."
	URL                                      = "Your webhook URL."
	Secret                                   = "An optional field for your webhook secret." //nolint:gosec // This is just a message not a credential
	WriteToken                               = "Your Insights Insert Key."
	DayOfWeek                                = "Day of the week that you want the maintenance window to start, as a 1-based integer."
	HourOfDay                                = "" /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */
	StartASAP                                = "Flag that, if specified, indicates to start maintenance immediately upon receiving this request."
	ReadToken                                = "Your Insights Query Key."
	RouteTableCidrBlock                      = "Peer VPC CIDR block or subnet."
	VpcID                                    = "Unique identifier of the peer VPC."
	AtlasCIDRBlock                           = "CIDR block that Atlas uses for your clusters."
	VNet                                     = "Name of your Azure VNet."
	ResourceGroup                            = "Name of your Azure resource group."
	IAMAssumedRoleARN                        = "Role ARN that Atlas assumes to access your AWS account."
	DirectoryID                              = "Unique identifier for an Azure AD directory."
	SubscriptionID                           = "Unique identifier of the Azure subscription in which the VNet resides."
	GCPProjectID                             = "Unique identifier of the GCP project in which the network peer resides."
	Network                                  = "Unique identifier of the Network Peering connection in the Atlas project."
	APIRegion                                = "Indicates which API URL to use, either US or EU. The integration service will use US by default."
	SkipMongosh                              = "Indicates whether to skip accessing your deployment with MongoDB Shell."
	SkipSampleData                           = "Indicates whether to skip loading sample data into your Atlas Cluster."
	ContainerRegion                          = "Atlas region where the container resides."
	ContainerRegions                         = "List of Atlas regions where the container resides."
	ProjectOwnerID                           = "" /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */
	GovCloudRegionsOnly                      = "" /* 259-byte string literal not displayed */
	ReclaimFreeSpaceTimestamp                = "Timestamp in ISO 8601 format when the service reclaims the space. If not set, defaults to the current timestamp."
	QuickstartDefault                        = "" /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */
	ServerlessProvider                       = "Cloud service provider that applies to the provisioned serverless instance."
	ServerlessRegion                         = "" /* 182-byte string literal not displayed */
	WithoutDefaultAlertSettings              = "" /* 415-byte string literal not displayed */
	FormatOut                                = "Output format. Valid values are json, json-path, go-template, or go-template-file."
	TargetClusterID                          = "Unique identifier of the target cluster. For use only with automated restore jobs."
	TargetClusterName                        = "Name of the target cluster. For use only with automated restore jobs."
	CheckpointID                             = "" /* 219-byte string literal not displayed */
	OplogTS                                  = "" /* 198-byte string literal not displayed */
	OplogInc                                 = "" /* 173-byte string literal not displayed */
	PointInTimeUTCMillis                     = "" /* 218-byte string literal not displayed */
	Expires                                  = "" /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */
	ExpirationHours                          = "Number of hours the download URL is valid once the restore job is complete. For use only with download restore jobs."
	MaxDownloads                             = "Number of times the download URL can be used. This value must be 1 or greater. For use only with download restore jobs."
	Mechanisms                               = "Authentication mechanism. Valid values are SCRAM-SHA-1 or SCRAM-SHA-256."
	AccessListType                           = "Type of access list entry. Valid values are cidrBlock, ipAddress, or awsSecurityGroup."
	Service                                  = "Type of MongoDB service. Valid values are cloud, cloudgov, cloud-manager, or ops-manager."
	Provider                                 = "Name of your cloud service provider. Valid values are AWS, AZURE, or GCP."
	ClusterTypes                             = "Type of the cluster that you want to create. Valid values are REPLICASET or SHARDED."
	Region                                   = "" /* 402-byte string literal not displayed */
	AWSIAMType                               = "AWS IAM method by which the provided username is authenticated. Valid values are NONE, USER, or ROLE."
	X509Type                                 = "X.509 method by which the provided username is authenticated.  Valid values are NONE, MANAGED, or CUSTOMER."
	LDAPType                                 = "LDAP method by which the provided username is authenticated. Valid values are NONE, USER, or GROUP."
	DateFormat                               = "Date format for the date field. Valid values are ISODATE, EPOCH_SECONDS, EPOCH_MILLIS, or EPOCH_NANOSECONDS."
	ServerUsageFormat                        = "Compression format of the resulting report. Valid values are ZIP, TAR, or .GZ."
	S3AuthMethod                             = "Method used to authorize access to the Amazon S3 bucket specified in s3BucketName. Valid values are KEYS or IAM_ROLE."
	ClusterCheckpointIntervalMin             = "Number of minutes between successive cluster checkpoints. Valid values are 15, 30, or 60."
	SnapshotIntervalHours                    = "Number of hours between snapshots. Valid values are 6, 8, 12, or 24."
	LiveMigrationDestinationClusterName      = "Human-readable label that identifies the Atlas destination cluster."
	LiveMigrationHostEntries                 = "" /* 225-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationSourceClusterName           = "Human-readable label that identifies the source Cloud Manager or Ops Manager cluster."
	LiveMigrationSourceProjectID             = "Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the source project."
	LiveMigrationSourceSSL                   = "Flag that indicates whether data source has TLS enabled."
	LiveMigrationSourceCACertificatePath     = "" /* 173-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationSourceManagedAuthentication = "" /* 210-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationSourceUsername              = "" /* 178-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationSourcePassword              = "" /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationDropCollections             = "" /* 207-byte string literal not displayed */
	LiveMigrationValidationID                = "Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the validation job."
	CurrentIP                                = "" /* 253-byte string literal not displayed */


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