
v0.1.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 26, 2023 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0




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type Asset2d

type Asset2d struct {
	Meta    Asset2dMeta    `json:"meta"`
	Options Asset2dOptions `json:"options"`

type Asset2dMeta

type Asset2dMeta *entry.Asset2dMeta

type Asset2dOptions

type Asset2dOptions *entry.Asset2dOptions

type Asset3d

type Asset3d struct {
	ID        string      `json:"id"`
	Name      string      `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Meta      Asset3dMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt string      `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt string      `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`

type Asset3dMeta

type Asset3dMeta *entry.Asset3dMeta

type Asset3dOptions

type Asset3dOptions *entry.Asset3dOptions

type Asset3dType

type Asset3dType int8
const (
	AddressableAssetType Asset3dType = iota

type Assets3dMeta

type Assets3dMeta map[uuid.UUID]Asset3dMeta

type Assets3dOptions

type Assets3dOptions map[uuid.UUID]Asset3dOptions

type Broadcast

type Broadcast struct {
	URL             string              `json:"url"`
	YoutubeURL      string              `json:"youtubeUrl"`
	BroadcastStatus BroadcastStatusType `json:"broadcastStatus"`

type BroadcastStatusType

type BroadcastStatusType string
const (
	UnknownBroadcastStatusType    BroadcastStatusType = ""
	ForceSmallBroadcastStatusType BroadcastStatusType = "force_small"
	PlaySmallBroadcastStatusType  BroadcastStatusType = "play_small"
	ForceLargeBroadcastStatusType BroadcastStatusType = "force_large"
	PlayLargeBroadcastStatusType  BroadcastStatusType = "play_large"
	PlayBroadcastStatusType       BroadcastStatusType = "play"
	StopBroadcastStatusType       BroadcastStatusType = "stop"

type Emoji

type Emoji struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Code    string `json:"code"`
	Hash    string `json:"hash"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`
	Order   int    `json:"order"`

type Event

type Event struct {
	ID          string  `json:"id"`
	Title       string  `json:"title"`
	Description string  `json:"description"`
	HostedBy    string  `json:"hosted_by"`
	ImageHash   *string `json:"image_hash,omitempty"`
	WebLink     *string `json:"web_link,omitempty"`
	SpaceID     string  `json:"spaceId"`
	SpaceName   string  `json:"spaceName"`
	Start       string  `json:"start"`
	End         string  `json:"end"`
	Created     string  `json:"created"`
	Modified    string  `json:"modified"`
	Attendees   []User  `json:"attendees"`

type EventForm

type EventForm struct {
	Start       string  `json:"start"`
	End         string  `json:"end"`
	Title       string  `json:"title"`
	HostedBy    string  `json:"hosted_by"`
	WebLink     *string `json:"web_link"`
	Description string  `json:"description"`

type ExploreOption

type ExploreOption struct {
	ID          uuid.UUID       `json:"id"`
	Name        string          `json:"name"`
	Description string          `json:"description"`
	SubSpaces   []ExploreOption `json:"subSpaces,omitempty"`

type ExploreOptions

type ExploreOptions []ExploreOption

type Favorite

type Favorite struct {
	SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`

type FlyToMe

type FlyToMe struct {
	Pilot     uuid.UUID `json:"pilot"`
	PilotName string    `json:"pilot_name"`
	SpaceID   uuid.UUID `json:"space_id"`

type FlyToMeType

type FlyToMeType string
const (
	FlyToMeTrigger FlyToMeType = "fly-to-me"

type GoogleDrive

type GoogleDrive struct {
	ID   string `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	URL  string `json:"url"`

type HashResponse

type HashResponse struct {
	Hash string `json:"hash"`

type JWTToken

type JWTToken struct {
	Subject      *string `json:"subject,omitempty"`
	Issuer       *string `json:"issuer,omitempty"`
	ExpiresAt    *string `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"`
	IssuedAt     *string `json:"issuedAt,omitempty"`
	SignedString *string `json:"signedString,omitempty"`

type KusamaMetaData

type KusamaMetaData struct {
	ValidatorID     string `json:"validator_id"`
	ValidatorReward int    `json:"validator_reward"`
	ValidatorInfo   struct {
		AccountID string `json:"account_id"`
		Entity    struct {
			Name      string `json:"name"`
			AccountID string `json:"accountId"`
		} `json:"entity"`
		Commission              any    `json:"commission"` // QUESTION: originally here is "string | number", really?
		OwnStake                any    `json:"ownStake"`   // QUESTION: originally here is "string | number", really?
		Status                  string `json:"status"`
		TotalStake              string `json:"totalStake"`
		ValidatorAccountDetails struct {
			Name string `json:"name"`
		} `json:"validatorAccountDetails"`
	} `json:"validator_info"`

type Magic

type Magic struct {
	ID   string    `json:"id"`
	Key  string    `json:"key"`
	Type MagicType `json:"type"`
	Data struct {
		ID       string  `json:"id"`
		EventID  *string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
		Position *any    `json:"position,omitempty"`
	} `json:"data"`
	Expired  string `json:"expired"`
	UpdateAt string `json:"update_at"`
	CratedAt string `json:"cratedAt"`

type MagicType

type MagicType string
const (
	UnknownMagicType     MagicType = ""
	OpenSpaceMagicType   MagicType = "open_space"
	JoinMeetingMagicType MagicType = "join_meeting"
	FlyMagicType         MagicType = "fly"
	EventMagicType       MagicType = "event"

type Miro

type Miro struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	ViewLink    string `json:"viewLink"`
	AccessLink  string `json:"accessLink"`

type PermanentType

type PermanentType string
const (
	UnknownPermanentType        PermanentType = ""
	NonePermanentType           PermanentType = "none"
	PosterPermanentType         PermanentType = "poster"
	MemePermanentType           PermanentType = "meme"
	LogoPermanentType           PermanentType = "logo"
	DescriptionPermanentType    PermanentType = "description"
	VideoPermanentPermanentType PermanentType = "video"
	NamePermanentType           PermanentType = "name"
	ProblemPermanentType        PermanentType = "problem"
	SolutionPermanentType       PermanentType = "solution"
	ThirdPermanentType          PermanentType = "third"

type Plugin

type Plugin struct {
	Name      string  `json:"name"`
	Title     string  `json:"title"`
	SubTitle  *string `json:"subTitle,omitempty"`
	ScriptURL string  `json:"scriptUrl"`
	IconName  *string `json:"iconName,omitempty"`

type PluginMeta

type PluginMeta *entry.PluginMeta

type PluginOptions

type PluginOptions *entry.PluginOptions

type Plugins

type Plugins map[uuid.UUID]string

type PluginsMeta

type PluginsMeta map[uuid.UUID]PluginMeta

type PluginsOptions

type PluginsOptions map[uuid.UUID]PluginOptions

type Profile

type Profile struct {
	Bio         *string `json:"bio,omitempty"`
	Location    *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
	AvatarHash  *string `json:"avatarHash,omitempty"`
	ProfileLink *string `json:"profileLink,omitempty"`

type SearchOptions

type SearchOptions map[string][]ExploreOption

type Space

type Space struct {
	OwnerID     string              `json:"owner_id"`
	ParentID    string              `json:"parent_id"`
	SpaceTypeID string              `json:"space_type_id"`
	Asset2dID   string              `json:"asset_2d_id"`
	Asset3dID   string              `json:"asset_3d_id"`
	Position    cmath.SpacePosition `json:"position"`

type SpaceAncestor

type SpaceAncestor struct {
	SpaceID   string `json:"spaceId"`
	SpaceName string `json:"spaceName"`

type SpaceAttributeValues

type SpaceAttributeValues map[uuid.UUID]*entry.AttributeValue

type SpaceAttributes

type SpaceAttributes map[uuid.UUID]*entry.SpaceAttribute

type SpaceInfo

type SpaceInfo struct {
	ID          string    `json:"id"`
	ParentID    *string   `json:"parentId,omitempty"`
	SpaceType   SpaceType `json:"spaceType"`
	Name        string    `json:"name"`
	Description string    `json:"description"`
	OwnerID     string    `json:"ownerId"`
	OwnerName   string    `json:"ownerName"`
	CreateAt    string    `json:"createAt"`
	UpdatedAt   string    `json:"updatedAt"`
	IsPrivate   bool      `json:"isPrivate"`
	IsAdmin     bool      `json:"isAdmin"`

type SpaceMember

type SpaceMember struct {
	UserID   string `json:"userId"`
	UserName string `json:"userName"`
	IsAdmin  bool   `json:"isAdmin"`

type SpaceOptions

type SpaceOptions *entry.SpaceOptions

type SpaceSubAttributes

type SpaceSubAttributes map[string]any

type SpaceSubOptions

type SpaceSubOptions map[string]any

type SpaceType

type SpaceType string
const (
	UnknownSpaceType    SpaceType = ""
	WorldSpaceType      SpaceType = "world"
	ProgramSpaceType    SpaceType = "program"
	ChallengeSpaceType  SpaceType = "challenge"
	ProjectSpaceType    SpaceType = "project"
	GrabATableSpaceType SpaceType = "grab-a-table"

type StageModeRequestType

type StageModeRequestType string
const (
	UnknownStageModeRequestType StageModeRequestType = ""
	RequestStageModeRequestType StageModeRequestType = "request"
	InviteStageModeRequestType  StageModeRequestType = "invite"
	AcceptStageModeRequestType  StageModeRequestType = "accept"
	DeclineStageModeRequestType StageModeRequestType = "decline"

type StageModeStatusType

type StageModeStatusType string
const (
	UnknownStageModeStatusType   StageModeStatusType = ""
	InitiatedStageModeStatusType StageModeStatusType = "initiated"
	StoppedStageModeStatusType   StageModeStatusType = "stopped"

type StageModeUser

type StageModeUser struct {
	UserID string `json:"userId"`
	Flag   int    `json:"flag"`

type Tile

type Tile struct {
	ID            string        `json:"id"`
	Hash          string        `json:"hash"`
	SpaceID       string        `json:"spaceId"`
	UITypeID      string        `json:"uiTypeId"`
	OwnerID       string        `json:"owner_id"`
	UpdatedAt     string        `json:"updatedAt"`
	PermanentType PermanentType `json:"permanentType"`
	Edited        int           `json:"edited"`
	Render        uint8         `json:"render"`
	Column        int           `json:"column"`
	Row           int           `json:"row"`
	Type          TileType      `json:"type"`
	Content       TileContent   `json:"content"`

type TileContent

type TileContent struct {
	Text  *string `json:"text"`
	Title *string `json:"title"`
	Type  *string `json:"type"`
	URL   *string `json:"url"`

type TileType

type TileType string
const (
	UnknownTileType TileType = ""
	TextTileType    TileType = "TILE_TYPE_TEXT"
	MediaTileType   TileType = "TILE_TYPE_MEDIA"
	VideoTileType   TileType = "TILE_TYPE_VIDEO"

type Token

type Token struct {
	ID              string                     `json:"id"`
	Name            string                     `json:"name"`
	ContractAddress *string                    `json:"contractAddress,omitempty"`
	TokenType       *TokenType                 `json:"tokenType,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt       *string                    `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
	UpdatedAt       *string                    `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`
	Status          *TokenRuleReviewStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	WorldID         *string                    `json:"worldId,omitempty"`
	SpaceID         *string                    `json:"spaceId,omitempty"`

type TokenInfo

type TokenInfo struct {
	ID   string `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

type TokenNetworkType

type TokenNetworkType string
const (
	UnknownTokenNetworkType  TokenNetworkType = ""
	MoonbeamTokenNetworkType TokenNetworkType = "moonbeam"
	EthereumTokenNetworkType TokenNetworkType = "eth_mainnet"

type TokenRule

type TokenRule struct {
	ID               string                    `json:"id"`
	Status           TokenRuleReviewStatusType `json:"status"`
	CreatedAt        *string                   `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
	TokenGroupUserID *string                   `json:"tokenGroupUserId,omitempty"`
	Name             string                    `json:"name"`
	UpdatedAt        *string                   `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`
	MinBalance       int                       `json:"minBalance"`
	Network          TokenNetworkType          `json:"network"`
	ContractAddress  string                    `json:"contractAddress"`
	TokenType        TokenType                 `json:"tokenType"`
	UserName         *string                   `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	UserID           *string                   `json:"userId,omitempty"`
	SpaceName        *string                   `json:"spaceName,omitempty"`

type TokenRuleReviewStatusType

type TokenRuleReviewStatusType string
const (
	UnknownTokenRuleReviewStatusType  TokenRuleReviewStatusType = ""
	ApprovedTokenRuleReviewStatusType TokenRuleReviewStatusType = "approved"
	DeniedTokenRuleReviewStatusType   TokenRuleReviewStatusType = "denied"

type TokenType

type TokenType string
const (
	UnknownTokenType TokenType = ""
	ERC20TokenType   TokenType = "ERC20"
	ERC721TokenType  TokenType = "ERC721"
	ERC1155TokenType TokenType = "ERC1155"

type User

type User struct {
	ID         string  `json:"id"`
	UserTypeID string  `json:"userTypeId"`
	Name       string  `json:"name"`
	Wallet     *string `json:"wallet,omitempty"`
	Profile    Profile `json:"profile"`
	JWTToken   *string `json:"token,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt  string  `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt  *string `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`
	IsGuest    bool    `json:"isGuest"`

type UserStatusType

type UserStatusType string
const (
	UnknownUserStatusType      UserStatusType = ""
	OnlineUserStatusType       UserStatusType = "online"
	DoNotDisturbUserStatusType UserStatusType = "dnd"
	AwayUserStatusType         UserStatusType = "away"
	InvisibleUserStatusType    UserStatusType = "invisible"

type Validator

type Validator struct {
	ID                string  `json:"id"`
	ParentID          string  `json:"parentId"`
	SpaceTypeID       string  `json:"spaceTypeId"`
	OperatorSpaceID   *string `json:"operatorSpaceId,omitempty"`
	UITypeID          string  `json:"uiTypeId"`
	OperatorSpaceName string  `json:"operatorSpaceName"`
	Name              string  `json:"name"`
	IsFavorited       bool    `json:"isFavorited"`
	Metadata          struct {
		KusamaMetadata KusamaMetaData `json:"kusama_metadata"`
	} `json:"metadata"`

type VibeAmount

type VibeAmount struct {
	SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`
	Amount  int    `json:"amount"`

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