gauth is a two-factor authentication agent.
You have 2 ways to get gauth
Grab gauth
from Release page and place it in your $PATH
Please ensure that you set $GOPATH
and have $GOPATH/bin
in your $PATH
. Then run the following command:
go get -u
gauth -add [-hotp] name
gauth -list
gauth name
To add a new key to keychain use "gauth -add name", where name is a given service name (such as gmail, github and so on).
It'll prompt a 2fa key from stdin. 2fa keys are case-insensitive strings [A-Z2-7].
Default generation algorithm is time based auth codes (TOTP - the same as Google Authenticator).
There is also EXPERIMENTAL support of counter based auth codes (HOTP).
To list all entries in the keychain use gauth -list
To print certain 2fa auth code use gauth name
If no arguments are provided, gauth
prints all 2fa TOTP auth codes.
TOTP auth codes are derived from key hash and current time. Please ensure that system clock is adjusted via NTP.
Acceptable fault threshold is about ~1 min.
The keychain itself is stored UNENCRYPTED in $HOME/.gauth
Take measures to encrypt your partitions (haven't you done this yet?)
While Google 2fa setup select "enter this text code instead" bypassing QR code scanning. You will get your 2fa secret - short string.
Add it to 2fa under the name google, typing the secret at the prompt:
$ gauth -add google
gauth key for google: <secret>
Whenever Google prompts for a 2fa code, run gauth to obtain one:
$ gauth google
All PR and Issues are welcome
(C) MIT License