kube-state-metrics is a simple service that listens to the Kubernetes API server and generates metrics about the state of the objects. (See examples in the Metrics section below.) It is not focused on the health of the individual Kubernetes components, but rather on the health of the various objects inside, such as deployments, nodes and pods.
The metrics are exported through the Prometheus golang
client on the HTTP endpoint /metrics
the listening port (default 80). They are served either as plaintext or
protobuf depending on the Accept
header. They are designed to be consumed
either by Prometheus itself or by a scraper that is compatible with scraping
a Prometheus client endpoint. You can also open /metrics
in a browser to see
the raw metrics.
Table of Contents
- Versioning
- Metrics Documentation
- Kube-state-metrics self metrics
- Resource recommendation
- kube-state-metrics vs. Heaspter
- Setup
- Usage
Kubernetes Version
kube-state-metrics uses client-go
to talk with
Kubernetes clusters. The supported Kubernetes cluster version is determined by client-go
The compatibility matrix for client-go and Kubernetes cluster can be found
All additional compatibility is only best effort, or happens to still/already be supported.
Compatibility matrix
At most 5 kube-state-metrics releases will be recorded below.
kube-state-metrics | client-go | Kubernetes 1.4 | Kubernetes 1.5 | Kubernetes 1.6 | Kubernetes 1.7 | Kubernetes 1.8 | Kubernetes 1.9 |
v0.4.0 | v2.0.0-alpha.1 | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | - | - |
v0.5.0 | v2.0.0-alpha.1 | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | - | - |
v1.0.x | 4.0.0-beta.0 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | - | - |
v1.1.0 | release-5.0 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | - |
v1.2.0 | v6.0.0 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
master | v6.0.0 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Fully supported version range.-
The Kubernetes cluster has features the client-go library can't use (additional API objects, etc).
Resource group version compatibility
Resources in Kubernetes can evolve, i.e., the group version for a resource may change from alpha to beta and finally GA in different Kubernetes versions. As for now, kube-state-metrics will only use the oldest API available in the latest release.
Container Image
The latest container image can be found at:
The recommended docker registry for kube-state-metrics is
. kube-state-metrics on
is only maintained on best effort as it requires external help from Google employees.
Metrics Documentation
There are many more metrics we could report, but this first pass is focused on those that could be used for actionable alerts. Please contribute PR's for additional metrics!
- kube_pod_container_resource_requests_nvidia_gpu_devices
- kube_pod_container_resource_limits_nvidia_gpu_devices
- kube_node_status_capacity_nvidia_gpu_cards
- kube_node_status_allocatable_nvidia_gpu_cards
are in alpha stage and will be deprecated when the kubernetes gpu support is final in 1.9 version.
- v2alpha1/cronjob
If users want to enable this feature when kubernetes version larger than 1.7, It must be configured, with the following parameter setting for apiserver.
Any collectors and metrics based on alpha Kubernetes APIs are excluded from any stability guarantee, which may be changed at any given release.
See the Documentation
directory for documentation of the exposed metrics.
Kube-state-metrics self metrics
kube-state-metrics exposes its own metrics under --telemetry-host
and --telemetry-port
(default 81).
Metric name | Metric type | Description | Labels/tags |
ksm_scrape_error_total | Counter | Total scrape errors encountered when scraping a resource | resource =<resource name> |
ksm_resources_per_scrape | Summary | Number of resources returned per scrape | resource =<resource name> |
Resource recommendation
Resource usage changes with the size of the cluster. As a general rule, you should allocate
- 200MiB memory
- 0.1 cores
For clusters of more than 100 nodes, allocate at least
- 2MiB memory per node
- 0.001 cores per node
These numbers are based on scalability tests at 30 pods per node.
kube-state-metrics vs. Heapster
Heapster is a project which fetches metrics (such as CPU and memory utilization) from the Kubernetes API server and nodes and sends them to various time-series backends such as InfluxDB or Google Cloud Monitoring. Its most important function right now is implementing certain metric APIs that Kubernetes components like the horizontal pod auto-scaler query to make decisions.
While Heapster's focus is on forwarding metrics already generated by Kubernetes, kube-state-metrics is focused on generating completely new metrics from Kubernetes' object state (e.g. metrics based on deployments, replica sets, etc.). The reason not to extend Heapster with kube-state-metrics' abilities is because the concerns are fundamentally different: Heapster only needs to fetch, format and forward metrics that already exist, in particular from Kubernetes components, and write them into sinks, which are the actual monitoring systems. kube-state-metrics, in contrast, holds an entire snapshot of Kubernetes state in memory and continuously generates new metrics based off of it but has no responsibility for exporting its metrics anywhere.
In other words, kube-state-metrics itself is designed to be another source for Heapster (although this is not currently the case).
Additionally, some monitoring systems such as Prometheus do not use Heapster for metric collection at all and instead implement their own, but Prometheus can scrape metrics from heapster itself to alert on Heapster's health. Having kube-state-metrics as a separate project enables access to these metrics from those monitoring systems.
Install this project to your $GOPATH
using go get
go get
Building the Docker container
Simple run the following command in this root folder, which will create a self-contained, statically-linked binary and build a Docker image:
make container
Simply build and run kube-state-metrics inside a Kubernetes pod which has a service account token that has read-only access to the Kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes Deployment
To deploy this project, you can simply run kubectl apply -f kubernetes
and a
Kubernetes service and deployment will be created. (Note: Adjust the apiVersion of some resource if your kubernetes cluster's version is not 1.8+, check the yaml file for more information). The service already has a 'true'
annotation and if you added the recommended
Prometheus service-endpoint scraping configuration, Prometheus will pick it up automatically and you can start using the generated
metrics right away.
Note: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Users - GKE has strict role permissions that will prevent the kube-state-metrics roles and role bindings from being created. To work around this, you can give your GCP identity the cluster-admin role by running the following one-liner:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud info | grep Account | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1)
After running the above, if you see Clusterrolebinding "cluster-admin-binding" created
, then you are able to continue with the setup of this service.
When developing, test a metric dump against your local Kubernetes cluster by running:
Users can override the apiserver address in KUBE-CONFIG file with
command line.
go install
kube-state-metrics --in-cluster=false --port=8080 --telemetry-port=8081 --kubeconfig=<KUBE-CONIFG>
Then curl the metrics endpoint
curl localhost:8080/metrics
There is no documentation for this package.