Index ¶
- Constants
- func GetAWSVolumeID(kubeVolumeID string) (string, error)
- func ResizeInstanceGroup(asg ASG, instanceGroupName string, size int) error
- type ASG
- type Backoff
- type Cloud
- func (c *Cloud) AddSSHKeyToAllInstances(ctx context.Context, user string, keyData []byte) error
- func (c *Cloud) AttachDisk(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error)
- func (c *Cloud) Clusters() (cloudprovider.Clusters, bool)
- func (c *Cloud) CreateDisk(volumeOptions *VolumeOptions) (KubernetesVolumeID, error)
- func (c *Cloud) CreateRoute(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, nameHint string, ...) error
- func (c *Cloud) CurrentNodeName(ctx context.Context, hostname string) (types.NodeName, error)
- func (c *Cloud) DeleteDisk(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (bool, error)
- func (c *Cloud) DeleteRoute(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, route *cloudprovider.Route) error
- func (c *Cloud) DescribeInstanceGroup(instanceGroupName string) (InstanceGroupInfo, error)
- func (c *Cloud) DetachDisk(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error)
- func (c *Cloud) DiskIsAttached(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, nodeName types.NodeName) (bool, error)
- func (c *Cloud) DisksAreAttached(nodeDisks map[types.NodeName][]KubernetesVolumeID) (map[types.NodeName]map[KubernetesVolumeID]bool, error)
- func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, apiService *v1.Service, ...) (*v1.LoadBalancerStatus, error)
- func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, service *v1.Service) error
- func (c *Cloud) GetCandidateZonesForDynamicVolume() (sets.String, error)
- func (c *Cloud) GetDiskPath(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (string, error)
- func (c *Cloud) GetLabelsForVolume(ctx context.Context, pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (map[string]string, error)
- func (c *Cloud) GetLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, service *v1.Service) (*v1.LoadBalancerStatus, bool, error)
- func (c *Cloud) GetLoadBalancerName(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, service *v1.Service) string
- func (c *Cloud) GetVolumeLabels(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (map[string]string, error)
- func (c *Cloud) GetZone(ctx context.Context) (cloudprovider.Zone, error)
- func (c *Cloud) GetZoneByNodeName(ctx context.Context, nodeName types.NodeName) (cloudprovider.Zone, error)
- func (c *Cloud) GetZoneByProviderID(ctx context.Context, providerID string) (cloudprovider.Zone, error)
- func (c *Cloud) HasClusterID() bool
- func (c *Cloud) Initialize(clientBuilder cloudprovider.ControllerClientBuilder, stop <-chan struct{})
- func (c *Cloud) InstanceExistsByProviderID(ctx context.Context, providerID string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Cloud) InstanceID(ctx context.Context, nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error)
- func (c *Cloud) InstanceShutdownByProviderID(ctx context.Context, providerID string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Cloud) InstanceType(ctx context.Context, nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error)
- func (c *Cloud) InstanceTypeByProviderID(ctx context.Context, providerID string) (string, error)
- func (c *Cloud) Instances() (cloudprovider.Instances, bool)
- func (c *Cloud) ListRoutes(ctx context.Context, clusterName string) ([]*cloudprovider.Route, error)
- func (c *Cloud) LoadBalancer() (cloudprovider.LoadBalancer, bool)
- func (c *Cloud) NodeAddresses(ctx context.Context, name types.NodeName) ([]v1.NodeAddress, error)
- func (c *Cloud) NodeAddressesByProviderID(ctx context.Context, providerID string) ([]v1.NodeAddress, error)
- func (c *Cloud) ProviderName() string
- func (c *Cloud) ResizeDisk(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, oldSize resource.Quantity, ...) (resource.Quantity, error)
- func (c *Cloud) ResizeInstanceGroup(instanceGroupName string, size int) error
- func (c *Cloud) Routes() (cloudprovider.Routes, bool)
- func (c *Cloud) UpdateLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, service *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) error
- func (c *Cloud) Zones() (cloudprovider.Zones, bool)
- type CloudConfig
- type CrossRequestRetryDelay
- type DeviceAllocator
- type EBSVolumeID
- type EC2
- type EC2Metadata
- type ELB
- type ELBV2
- type ExistingDevices
- type FakeASG
- type FakeAWSServices
- func (s *FakeAWSServices) Autoscaling(region string) (ASG, error)
- func (s *FakeAWSServices) Compute(region string) (EC2, error)
- func (s *FakeAWSServices) KeyManagement(region string) (KMS, error)
- func (s *FakeAWSServices) LoadBalancing(region string) (ELB, error)
- func (s *FakeAWSServices) LoadBalancingV2(region string) (ELBV2, error)
- func (s *FakeAWSServices) Metadata() (EC2Metadata, error)
- func (s *FakeAWSServices) WithAz(az string) *FakeAWSServices
- type FakeEC2
- type FakeEC2Impl
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) AttachVolume(request *ec2.AttachVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.VolumeAttachment, err error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateRoute(request *ec2.CreateRouteInput) (*ec2.CreateRouteOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateRouteTable(request *ec2.RouteTable) (*ec2.CreateRouteTableOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateSecurityGroup(*ec2.CreateSecurityGroupInput) (*ec2.CreateSecurityGroupOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateSubnet(request *ec2.Subnet) (*ec2.CreateSubnetOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateTags(*ec2.CreateTagsInput) (*ec2.CreateTagsOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateVolume(request *ec2.CreateVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.Volume, err error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DeleteRoute(request *ec2.DeleteRouteInput) (*ec2.DeleteRouteOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DeleteSecurityGroup(*ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupInput) (*ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DeleteVolume(request *ec2.DeleteVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.DeleteVolumeOutput, err error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeInstances(request *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput) ([]*ec2.Instance, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeRouteTables(request *ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput) ([]*ec2.RouteTable, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeSecurityGroups(request *ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput) ([]*ec2.SecurityGroup, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeSubnets(request *ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput) ([]*ec2.Subnet, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVolumeModifications(*ec2.DescribeVolumesModificationsInput) ([]*ec2.VolumeModification, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVolumes(request *ec2.DescribeVolumesInput) ([]*ec2.Volume, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVpcs(request *ec2.DescribeVpcsInput) (*ec2.DescribeVpcsOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DetachVolume(request *ec2.DetachVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.VolumeAttachment, err error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) ModifyInstanceAttribute(request *ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput) (*ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) ModifyVolume(*ec2.ModifyVolumeInput) (*ec2.ModifyVolumeOutput, error)
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) RemoveRouteTables()
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) RemoveSubnets()
- func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error)
- type FakeELB
- func (elb *FakeELB) AddTags(input *elb.AddTagsInput) (*elb.AddTagsOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer(*elb.ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets(*elb.AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsInput) (*elb.AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) ConfigureHealthCheck(*elb.ConfigureHealthCheckInput) (*elb.ConfigureHealthCheckOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancer(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancerListeners(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) DeleteLoadBalancer(input *elb.DeleteLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) DeleteLoadBalancerListeners(*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerListenersInput) (*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerListenersOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer(*elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes(*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies(input *elb.DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancers(input *elb.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets(*elb.DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsInput) (*elb.DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(*elb.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elb.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer(*elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer(*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerInput) (*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELB) SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener(input *elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListenerInput) (*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListenerOutput, error)
- type FakeELBV2
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) AddTags(input *elbv2.AddTagsInput) (*elbv2.AddTagsOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) CreateListener(*elbv2.CreateListenerInput) (*elbv2.CreateListenerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) CreateLoadBalancer(*elbv2.CreateLoadBalancerInput) (*elbv2.CreateLoadBalancerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) CreateTargetGroup(*elbv2.CreateTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.CreateTargetGroupOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DeleteListener(*elbv2.DeleteListenerInput) (*elbv2.DeleteListenerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DeleteLoadBalancer(*elbv2.DeleteLoadBalancerInput) (*elbv2.DeleteLoadBalancerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DeleteTargetGroup(*elbv2.DeleteTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.DeleteTargetGroupOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DeregisterTargets(*elbv2.DeregisterTargetsInput) (*elbv2.DeregisterTargetsOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeListeners(*elbv2.DescribeListenersInput) (*elbv2.DescribeListenersOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeLoadBalancers(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) (*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetGroupAttributes(*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupAttributesInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupAttributesOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetGroups(*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupsInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupsOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetHealth(input *elbv2.DescribeTargetHealthInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetHealthOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) ModifyListener(*elbv2.ModifyListenerInput) (*elbv2.ModifyListenerOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(*elbv2.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elbv2.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) ModifyTargetGroup(*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) ModifyTargetGroupAttributes(*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupAttributesInput) (*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupAttributesOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) RegisterTargets(*elbv2.RegisterTargetsInput) (*elbv2.RegisterTargetsOutput, error)
- func (elb *FakeELBV2) WaitUntilLoadBalancersDeleted(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) error
- type FakeKMS
- type FakeMetadata
- type IPPermissionSet
- func (s IPPermissionSet) Difference(s2 IPPermissionSet) IPPermissionSet
- func (s IPPermissionSet) Equal(s2 IPPermissionSet) bool
- func (s IPPermissionSet) Insert(items ...*ec2.IpPermission)
- func (s IPPermissionSet) IsSuperset(s2 IPPermissionSet) bool
- func (s IPPermissionSet) Len() int
- func (s IPPermissionSet) List() []*ec2.IpPermission
- func (s IPPermissionSet) Ungroup() IPPermissionSet
- type InstanceGroupInfo
- type InstanceGroups
- type KMS
- type KubernetesVolumeID
- type ResourceLifecycle
- type Services
- type VolumeOptions
- type Volumes
Constants ¶
const ( // Provisioned IOPS SSD VolumeTypeIO1 = "io1" // General Purpose SSD VolumeTypeGP2 = "gp2" // Cold HDD (sc1) VolumeTypeSC1 = "sc1" // Throughput Optimized HDD VolumeTypeST1 = "st1" )
AWS volume types
const ( MinTotalIOPS = 100 MaxTotalIOPS = 20000 )
AWS provisioning limits. Source:
const ( // ProxyProtocolPolicyName is the tag named used for the proxy protocol // policy ProxyProtocolPolicyName = "k8s-proxyprotocol-enabled" // SSLNegotiationPolicyNameFormat is a format string used for the SSL // negotiation policy tag name SSLNegotiationPolicyNameFormat = "k8s-SSLNegotiationPolicy-%s" )
const ( // ResourceLifecycleOwned is the value we use when tagging resources to indicate // that the resource is considered owned and managed by the cluster, // and in particular that the lifecycle is tied to the lifecycle of the cluster. ResourceLifecycleOwned = "owned" // that the resource is shared between multiple clusters, and should not be destroyed // if the cluster is destroyed. ResourceLifecycleShared = "shared" )
const DefaultVolumeType = "gp2"
DefaultVolumeType specifies which storage to use for newly created Volumes TODO: Remove when user/admin can configure volume types and thus we don't need hardcoded defaults.
const MaxReadThenCreateRetries = 30
MaxReadThenCreateRetries sets the maximum number of attempts we will make when we read to see if something exists and then try to create it if we didn't find it. This can fail once in a consistent system if done in parallel In an eventually consistent system, it could fail unboundedly
const NLBClientRuleDescription = ""
NLBClientRuleDescription is the comment used on a security group rule to indicate that it is used for client traffic
const NLBHealthCheckRuleDescription = ""
NLBHealthCheckRuleDescription is the comment used on a security group rule to indicate that it is used for health checks
const NLBMtuDiscoveryRuleDescription = ""
NLBMtuDiscoveryRuleDescription is the comment used on a security group rule to indicate that it is used for mtu discovery
const ProviderName = "aws"
ProviderName is the name of this cloud provider.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAccessLogEmitInterval = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAccessLogEmitInterval is the annotation used to specify access log emit interval.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAccessLogEnabled = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAccessLogEnabled is the annotation used on the service to enable or disable access logs.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAccessLogS3BucketName = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAccessLogS3BucketName is the annotation used to specify access log s3 bucket name.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAccessLogS3BucketPrefix = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAccessLogS3BucketPrefix is the annotation used to specify access log s3 bucket prefix.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAdditionalTags = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAdditionalTags is the annotation used on the service to specify a comma-separated list of key-value pairs which will be recorded as additional tags in the ELB. For example: "Key1=Val1,Key2=Val2,KeyNoVal1=,KeyNoVal2"
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerBEProtocol = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerBEProtocol is the annotation used on the service to specify the protocol spoken by the backend (pod) behind a listener. If `http` (default) or `https`, an HTTPS listener that terminates the
connection and parses headers is created.
If set to `ssl` or `tcp`, a "raw" SSL listener is used. If set to `http` and `aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert` is not used then a HTTP listener is used.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerCertificate = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerCertificate is the annotation used on the service to request a secure listener. Value is a valid certificate ARN. For more, see CertARN is an IAM or CM certificate ARN, e.g. arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerConnectionDrainingEnabled = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerConnectionDrainingEnabled is the annnotation used on the service to enable or disable connection draining.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerConnectionDrainingTimeout = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerConnectionDrainingTimeout is the annotation used on the service to specify a connection draining timeout.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerConnectionIdleTimeout = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerConnectionIdleTimeout is the annotation used on the service to specify the idle connection timeout.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancingEnabled = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerCrossZoneLoadBalancingEnabled is the annotation used on the service to enable or disable cross-zone load balancing.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerExtraSecurityGroups = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerExtraSecurityGroups is the annotation used on the service to specify additional security groups to be added to ELB created
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHCHealthyThreshold = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHCHealthyThreshold is the annotation used on the service to specify the number of successive successful health checks required for a backend to be considered healthy for traffic.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHCInterval = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHCInterval is the annotation used on the service to specify, in seconds, the interval between health checks.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHCTimeout = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHCTimeout is the annotation used on the service to specify, in seconds, how long to wait before marking a health check as failed.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHCUnhealthyThreshold = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHCUnhealthyThreshold is the annotation used on the service to specify the number of unsuccessful health checks required for a backend to be considered unhealthy for traffic
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerInternal = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerInternal is the annotation used on the service to indicate that we want an internal ELB.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerProxyProtocol = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerProxyProtocol is the annotation used on the service to enable the proxy protocol on an ELB. Right now we only accept the value "*" which means enable the proxy protocol on all ELB backends. In the future we could adjust this to allow setting the proxy protocol only on certain backends.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerSSLNegotiationPolicy = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerSSLNegotiationPolicy is the annotation used on the service to specify a SSL negotiation settings for the HTTPS/SSL listeners of your load balancer. Defaults to AWS's default
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerSSLPorts = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerSSLPorts is the annotation used on the service to specify a comma-separated list of ports that will use SSL/HTTPS listeners. Defaults to '*' (all).
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerSecurityGroups = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerSecurityGroups is the annotation used on the service to specify the security groups to be added to ELB created. Differently from the annotation "", this replaces all other security groups previously assigned to the ELB.
const ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerType = ""
ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerType is the annotation used on the service to indicate what type of Load Balancer we want. Right now, the only accepted value is "nlb"
const TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy = "KubernetesCluster"
TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy is the legacy tag name we use to differentiate multiple logically independent clusters running in the same AZ. The problem with it was that it did not allow shared resources.
const TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix = ""
TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix is the tag name we use to differentiate multiple logically independent clusters running in the same AZ. The tag key = TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix + clusterID The tag value is an ownership value
const TagNameKubernetesService = ""
TagNameKubernetesService is the tag name we use to differentiate multiple services. Used currently for ELBs only.
const TagNameSubnetInternalELB = ""
TagNameSubnetInternalELB is the tag name used on a subnet to designate that it should be used for internal ELBs
const TagNameSubnetPublicELB = ""
TagNameSubnetPublicELB is the tag name used on a subnet to designate that it should be used for internet ELBs
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetAWSVolumeID ¶
GetAWSVolumeID converts a Kubernetes volume ID to an AWS volume ID
Types ¶
type ASG ¶
type ASG interface { UpdateAutoScalingGroup(*autoscaling.UpdateAutoScalingGroupInput) (*autoscaling.UpdateAutoScalingGroupOutput, error) DescribeAutoScalingGroups(*autoscaling.DescribeAutoScalingGroupsInput) (*autoscaling.DescribeAutoScalingGroupsOutput, error) }
ASG is a simple pass-through of the Autoscaling client interface, which allows for testing.
type Backoff ¶
type Backoff struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Backoff manages a backoff that varies based on the recently observed failures
func (*Backoff) ComputeDelayForRequest ¶
ComputeDelayForRequest computes the delay required for a request, also updates internal state to count this request
func (*Backoff) ReportError ¶
func (b *Backoff) ReportError()
ReportError is called when we observe a throttling error
type Cloud ¶
type Cloud struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Cloud is an implementation of Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances for Amazon Web Services.
func (*Cloud) AddSSHKeyToAllInstances ¶
AddSSHKeyToAllInstances is currently not implemented.
func (*Cloud) AttachDisk ¶
AttachDisk implements Volumes.AttachDisk
func (*Cloud) Clusters ¶
func (c *Cloud) Clusters() (cloudprovider.Clusters, bool)
Clusters returns the list of clusters.
func (*Cloud) CreateDisk ¶
func (c *Cloud) CreateDisk(volumeOptions *VolumeOptions) (KubernetesVolumeID, error)
CreateDisk implements Volumes.CreateDisk
func (*Cloud) CreateRoute ¶
func (c *Cloud) CreateRoute(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, nameHint string, route *cloudprovider.Route) error
CreateRoute implements Routes.CreateRoute Create the described route
func (*Cloud) CurrentNodeName ¶
CurrentNodeName returns the name of the current node
func (*Cloud) DeleteDisk ¶
func (c *Cloud) DeleteDisk(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (bool, error)
DeleteDisk implements Volumes.DeleteDisk
func (*Cloud) DeleteRoute ¶
func (c *Cloud) DeleteRoute(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, route *cloudprovider.Route) error
DeleteRoute implements Routes.DeleteRoute Delete the specified route
func (*Cloud) DescribeInstanceGroup ¶
func (c *Cloud) DescribeInstanceGroup(instanceGroupName string) (InstanceGroupInfo, error)
DescribeInstanceGroup implements InstanceGroups.DescribeInstanceGroup Queries the cloud provider for information about the specified instance group
func (*Cloud) DetachDisk ¶
DetachDisk implements Volumes.DetachDisk
func (*Cloud) DiskIsAttached ¶
DiskIsAttached implements Volumes.DiskIsAttached
func (*Cloud) DisksAreAttached ¶
func (c *Cloud) DisksAreAttached(nodeDisks map[types.NodeName][]KubernetesVolumeID) (map[types.NodeName]map[KubernetesVolumeID]bool, error)
DisksAreAttached returns a map of nodes and Kubernetes volume IDs indicating if the volumes are attached to the node
func (*Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancer ¶
func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, apiService *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) (*v1.LoadBalancerStatus, error)
EnsureLoadBalancer implements LoadBalancer.EnsureLoadBalancer
func (*Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted ¶
func (c *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, service *v1.Service) error
EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted implements LoadBalancer.EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted.
func (*Cloud) GetCandidateZonesForDynamicVolume ¶
GetCandidateZonesForDynamicVolume retrieves a list of all the zones in which nodes are running It currently involves querying all instances
func (*Cloud) GetDiskPath ¶
func (c *Cloud) GetDiskPath(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (string, error)
GetDiskPath implements Volumes.GetDiskPath
func (*Cloud) GetLabelsForVolume ¶
func (c *Cloud) GetLabelsForVolume(ctx context.Context, pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (map[string]string, error)
GetLabelsForVolume gets the volume labels for a volume
func (*Cloud) GetLoadBalancer ¶
func (c *Cloud) GetLoadBalancer(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, service *v1.Service) (*v1.LoadBalancerStatus, bool, error)
GetLoadBalancer is an implementation of LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancer
func (*Cloud) GetLoadBalancerName ¶
func (c *Cloud) GetLoadBalancerName(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, service *v1.Service) string
GetLoadBalancerName is an implementation of LoadBalancer.GetLoadBalancerName
func (*Cloud) GetVolumeLabels ¶
func (c *Cloud) GetVolumeLabels(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (map[string]string, error)
GetVolumeLabels implements Volumes.GetVolumeLabels
func (*Cloud) GetZoneByNodeName ¶
func (c *Cloud) GetZoneByNodeName(ctx context.Context, nodeName types.NodeName) (cloudprovider.Zone, error)
GetZoneByNodeName implements Zones.GetZoneByNodeName This is particularly useful in external cloud providers where the kubelet does not initialize node data.
func (*Cloud) GetZoneByProviderID ¶
func (c *Cloud) GetZoneByProviderID(ctx context.Context, providerID string) (cloudprovider.Zone, error)
GetZoneByProviderID implements Zones.GetZoneByProviderID This is particularly useful in external cloud providers where the kubelet does not initialize node data.
func (*Cloud) HasClusterID ¶
HasClusterID returns true if the cluster has a clusterID
func (*Cloud) Initialize ¶
func (c *Cloud) Initialize(clientBuilder cloudprovider.ControllerClientBuilder, stop <-chan struct{})
Initialize passes a Kubernetes clientBuilder interface to the cloud provider
func (*Cloud) InstanceExistsByProviderID ¶
InstanceExistsByProviderID returns true if the instance with the given provider id still exists. If false is returned with no error, the instance will be immediately deleted by the cloud controller manager.
func (*Cloud) InstanceID ¶
InstanceID returns the cloud provider ID of the node with the specified nodeName.
func (*Cloud) InstanceShutdownByProviderID ¶
InstanceShutdownByProviderID returns true if the instance is in safe state to detach volumes
func (*Cloud) InstanceType ¶
InstanceType returns the type of the node with the specified nodeName.
func (*Cloud) InstanceTypeByProviderID ¶
InstanceTypeByProviderID returns the cloudprovider instance type of the node with the specified unique providerID This method will not be called from the node that is requesting this ID. i.e. metadata service and other local methods cannot be used here
func (*Cloud) Instances ¶
func (c *Cloud) Instances() (cloudprovider.Instances, bool)
Instances returns an implementation of Instances for Amazon Web Services.
func (*Cloud) ListRoutes ¶
ListRoutes implements Routes.ListRoutes List all routes that match the filter
func (*Cloud) LoadBalancer ¶
func (c *Cloud) LoadBalancer() (cloudprovider.LoadBalancer, bool)
LoadBalancer returns an implementation of LoadBalancer for Amazon Web Services.
func (*Cloud) NodeAddresses ¶
NodeAddresses is an implementation of Instances.NodeAddresses.
func (*Cloud) NodeAddressesByProviderID ¶
func (c *Cloud) NodeAddressesByProviderID(ctx context.Context, providerID string) ([]v1.NodeAddress, error)
NodeAddressesByProviderID returns the node addresses of an instances with the specified unique providerID This method will not be called from the node that is requesting this ID. i.e. metadata service and other local methods cannot be used here
func (*Cloud) ProviderName ¶
ProviderName returns the cloud provider ID.
func (*Cloud) ResizeDisk ¶
func (c *Cloud) ResizeDisk( diskName KubernetesVolumeID, oldSize resource.Quantity, newSize resource.Quantity) (resource.Quantity, error)
ResizeDisk resizes an EBS volume in GiB increments, it will round up to the next GiB if arguments are not provided in even GiB increments
func (*Cloud) ResizeInstanceGroup ¶
ResizeInstanceGroup implements InstanceGroups.ResizeInstanceGroup Set the size to the fixed size
func (*Cloud) Routes ¶
func (c *Cloud) Routes() (cloudprovider.Routes, bool)
Routes returns an implementation of Routes for Amazon Web Services.
type CloudConfig ¶
type CloudConfig struct { Global struct { // TODO: Is there any use for this? We can get it from the instance metadata service // Maybe if we're not running on AWS, e.g. bootstrap; for now it is not very useful Zone string // The AWS VPC flag enables the possibility to run the master components // on a different aws account, on a different cloud provider or on-premises. // If the flag is set also the KubernetesClusterTag must be provided VPC string // SubnetID enables using a specific subnet to use for ELB's SubnetID string // RouteTableID enables using a specific RouteTable RouteTableID string // RoleARN is the IAM role to assume when interaction with AWS APIs. RoleARN string // KubernetesClusterTag is the legacy cluster id we'll use to identify our cluster resources KubernetesClusterTag string // KubernetesClusterID is the cluster id we'll use to identify our cluster resources KubernetesClusterID string //The aws provider creates an inbound rule per load balancer on the node security //group. However, this can run into the AWS security group rule limit of 50 if //many LoadBalancers are created. // //This flag disables the automatic ingress creation. It requires that the user //has setup a rule that allows inbound traffic on kubelet ports from the //local VPC subnet (so load balancers can access it). E.g. 30000-32000. DisableSecurityGroupIngress bool //AWS has a hard limit of 500 security groups. For large clusters creating a security group for each ELB //can cause the max number of security groups to be reached. If this is set instead of creating a new //Security group for each ELB this security group will be used instead. ElbSecurityGroup string //During the instantiation of an new AWS cloud provider, the detected region //is validated against a known set of regions. // //In a non-standard, AWS like environment (e.g. Eucalyptus), this check may //be undesirable. Setting this to true will disable the check and provide //a warning that the check was skipped. Please note that this is an //experimental feature and work-in-progress for the moment. If you find //yourself in an non-AWS cloud and open an issue, please indicate that in the //issue body. DisableStrictZoneCheck bool } }
CloudConfig wraps the settings for the AWS cloud provider.
type CrossRequestRetryDelay ¶
type CrossRequestRetryDelay struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CrossRequestRetryDelay inserts delays before AWS calls, when we are observing RequestLimitExceeded errors Note that we share a CrossRequestRetryDelay across multiple AWS requests; this is a process-wide back-off, whereas the aws-sdk-go implements a per-request exponential backoff/retry
func NewCrossRequestRetryDelay ¶
func NewCrossRequestRetryDelay() *CrossRequestRetryDelay
NewCrossRequestRetryDelay creates a new CrossRequestRetryDelay
func (*CrossRequestRetryDelay) AfterRetry ¶
func (c *CrossRequestRetryDelay) AfterRetry(r *request.Request)
AfterRetry is added to the AfterRetry chain; called after any error
func (*CrossRequestRetryDelay) BeforeSign ¶
func (c *CrossRequestRetryDelay) BeforeSign(r *request.Request)
BeforeSign is added to the Sign chain; called before each request
type DeviceAllocator ¶
type DeviceAllocator interface { // GetNext returns a free device name or error when there is no free device // name. Only the device suffix is returned, e.g. "ba" for "/dev/xvdba". // It's up to the called to add appropriate "/dev/sd" or "/dev/xvd" prefix. GetNext(existingDevices ExistingDevices) (mountDevice, error) // Deprioritize the device so as it can't be used immediately again Deprioritize(mountDevice) // Lock the deviceAllocator Lock() // Unlock the deviceAllocator Unlock() }
DeviceAllocator finds available device name, taking into account already assigned device names from ExistingDevices map. It tries to find the next device name to the previously assigned one (from previous DeviceAllocator call), so all available device names are used eventually and it minimizes device name reuse.
All these allocations are in-memory, nothing is written to / read from /dev directory.
On AWS, we should assign new (not yet used) device names to attached volumes. If we reuse a previously used name, we may get the volume "attaching" forever, see
func NewDeviceAllocator ¶
func NewDeviceAllocator() DeviceAllocator
NewDeviceAllocator allocates device names according to scheme, it moves along the ring and always picks next device until device list is exhausted.
type EBSVolumeID ¶
type EBSVolumeID string
EBSVolumeID represents the ID of the volume in the AWS API, e.g. vol-12345678 The "traditional" format is "vol-12345678" A new longer format is also being introduced: "vol-12345678abcdef01" We should not assume anything about the length or format, though it seems reasonable to assume that volumes will continue to start with "vol-".
type EC2 ¶
type EC2 interface { // Query EC2 for instances matching the filter DescribeInstances(request *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput) ([]*ec2.Instance, error) // Attach a volume to an instance AttachVolume(*ec2.AttachVolumeInput) (*ec2.VolumeAttachment, error) // Detach a volume from an instance it is attached to DetachVolume(request *ec2.DetachVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.VolumeAttachment, err error) // Lists volumes DescribeVolumes(request *ec2.DescribeVolumesInput) ([]*ec2.Volume, error) // Create an EBS volume CreateVolume(request *ec2.CreateVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.Volume, err error) // Delete an EBS volume DeleteVolume(*ec2.DeleteVolumeInput) (*ec2.DeleteVolumeOutput, error) ModifyVolume(*ec2.ModifyVolumeInput) (*ec2.ModifyVolumeOutput, error) DescribeVolumeModifications(*ec2.DescribeVolumesModificationsInput) ([]*ec2.VolumeModification, error) DescribeSecurityGroups(request *ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput) ([]*ec2.SecurityGroup, error) CreateSecurityGroup(*ec2.CreateSecurityGroupInput) (*ec2.CreateSecurityGroupOutput, error) DeleteSecurityGroup(request *ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupInput) (*ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupOutput, error) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error) DescribeSubnets(*ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput) ([]*ec2.Subnet, error) CreateTags(*ec2.CreateTagsInput) (*ec2.CreateTagsOutput, error) DescribeRouteTables(request *ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput) ([]*ec2.RouteTable, error) CreateRoute(request *ec2.CreateRouteInput) (*ec2.CreateRouteOutput, error) DeleteRoute(request *ec2.DeleteRouteInput) (*ec2.DeleteRouteOutput, error) ModifyInstanceAttribute(request *ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput) (*ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeOutput, error) DescribeVpcs(input *ec2.DescribeVpcsInput) (*ec2.DescribeVpcsOutput, error) }
EC2 is an abstraction over AWS', to allow mocking/other implementations Note that the DescribeX functions return a list, so callers don't need to deal with paging TODO: Should we rename this to AWS (EBS & ELB are not technically part of EC2)
type EC2Metadata ¶
type EC2Metadata interface { // Query the EC2 metadata service (used to discover instance-id etc) GetMetadata(path string) (string, error) }
EC2Metadata is an abstraction over the AWS metadata service.
type ELB ¶
type ELB interface { CreateLoadBalancer(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerOutput, error) DeleteLoadBalancer(*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerOutput, error) DescribeLoadBalancers(*elb.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, error) AddTags(*elb.AddTagsInput) (*elb.AddTagsOutput, error) RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer(*elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerOutput, error) DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer(*elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerOutput, error) CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyOutput, error) SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer(*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerInput) (*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerOutput, error) SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener(input *elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListenerInput) (*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListenerOutput, error) DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies(input *elb.DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesOutput, error) DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets(*elb.DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsInput) (*elb.DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsOutput, error) AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets(*elb.AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsInput) (*elb.AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsOutput, error) CreateLoadBalancerListeners(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersOutput, error) DeleteLoadBalancerListeners(*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerListenersInput) (*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerListenersOutput, error) ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer(*elb.ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerOutput, error) ConfigureHealthCheck(*elb.ConfigureHealthCheckInput) (*elb.ConfigureHealthCheckOutput, error) DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes(*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error) ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(*elb.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elb.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error) }
ELB is a simple pass-through of AWS' ELB client interface, which allows for testing
type ELBV2 ¶
type ELBV2 interface { AddTags(input *elbv2.AddTagsInput) (*elbv2.AddTagsOutput, error) CreateLoadBalancer(*elbv2.CreateLoadBalancerInput) (*elbv2.CreateLoadBalancerOutput, error) DescribeLoadBalancers(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) (*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, error) DeleteLoadBalancer(*elbv2.DeleteLoadBalancerInput) (*elbv2.DeleteLoadBalancerOutput, error) ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(*elbv2.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elbv2.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error) DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error) CreateTargetGroup(*elbv2.CreateTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.CreateTargetGroupOutput, error) DescribeTargetGroups(*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupsInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupsOutput, error) ModifyTargetGroup(*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupOutput, error) DeleteTargetGroup(*elbv2.DeleteTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.DeleteTargetGroupOutput, error) DescribeTargetHealth(input *elbv2.DescribeTargetHealthInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetHealthOutput, error) DescribeTargetGroupAttributes(*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupAttributesInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupAttributesOutput, error) ModifyTargetGroupAttributes(*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupAttributesInput) (*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupAttributesOutput, error) RegisterTargets(*elbv2.RegisterTargetsInput) (*elbv2.RegisterTargetsOutput, error) DeregisterTargets(*elbv2.DeregisterTargetsInput) (*elbv2.DeregisterTargetsOutput, error) CreateListener(*elbv2.CreateListenerInput) (*elbv2.CreateListenerOutput, error) DescribeListeners(*elbv2.DescribeListenersInput) (*elbv2.DescribeListenersOutput, error) DeleteListener(*elbv2.DeleteListenerInput) (*elbv2.DeleteListenerOutput, error) ModifyListener(*elbv2.ModifyListenerInput) (*elbv2.ModifyListenerOutput, error) WaitUntilLoadBalancersDeleted(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) error }
ELBV2 is a simple pass-through of AWS' ELBV2 client interface, which allows for testing
type ExistingDevices ¶
type ExistingDevices map[mountDevice]EBSVolumeID
ExistingDevices is a map of assigned devices. Presence of a key with a device name in the map means that the device is allocated. Value is irrelevant and can be used for anything that DeviceAllocator user wants. Only the relevant part of device name should be in the map, e.g. "ba" for "/dev/xvdba".
type FakeASG ¶
type FakeASG struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FakeASG is a fake Autoscaling client used for testing
func (*FakeASG) DescribeAutoScalingGroups ¶
func (a *FakeASG) DescribeAutoScalingGroups(*autoscaling.DescribeAutoScalingGroupsInput) (*autoscaling.DescribeAutoScalingGroupsOutput, error)
DescribeAutoScalingGroups is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeASG) UpdateAutoScalingGroup ¶
func (a *FakeASG) UpdateAutoScalingGroup(*autoscaling.UpdateAutoScalingGroupInput) (*autoscaling.UpdateAutoScalingGroupOutput, error)
UpdateAutoScalingGroup is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
type FakeAWSServices ¶
type FakeAWSServices struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FakeAWSServices is an fake AWS session used for testing
func NewFakeAWSServices ¶
func NewFakeAWSServices(clusterID string) *FakeAWSServices
NewFakeAWSServices creates a new FakeAWSServices
func (*FakeAWSServices) Autoscaling ¶
func (s *FakeAWSServices) Autoscaling(region string) (ASG, error)
Autoscaling returns a fake ASG client
func (*FakeAWSServices) Compute ¶
func (s *FakeAWSServices) Compute(region string) (EC2, error)
Compute returns a fake EC2 client
func (*FakeAWSServices) KeyManagement ¶
func (s *FakeAWSServices) KeyManagement(region string) (KMS, error)
KeyManagement returns a fake KMS client
func (*FakeAWSServices) LoadBalancing ¶
func (s *FakeAWSServices) LoadBalancing(region string) (ELB, error)
LoadBalancing returns a fake ELB client
func (*FakeAWSServices) LoadBalancingV2 ¶
func (s *FakeAWSServices) LoadBalancingV2(region string) (ELBV2, error)
LoadBalancingV2 returns a fake ELBV2 client
func (*FakeAWSServices) Metadata ¶
func (s *FakeAWSServices) Metadata() (EC2Metadata, error)
Metadata returns a fake EC2Metadata client
func (*FakeAWSServices) WithAz ¶
func (s *FakeAWSServices) WithAz(az string) *FakeAWSServices
WithAz sets the ec2 placement availability zone
type FakeEC2 ¶
type FakeEC2 interface { EC2 CreateSubnet(*ec2.Subnet) (*ec2.CreateSubnetOutput, error) RemoveSubnets() CreateRouteTable(*ec2.RouteTable) (*ec2.CreateRouteTableOutput, error) RemoveRouteTables() }
FakeEC2 is a fake EC2 client used for testing
type FakeEC2Impl ¶
type FakeEC2Impl struct { Subnets []*ec2.Subnet DescribeSubnetsInput *ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput RouteTables []*ec2.RouteTable DescribeRouteTablesInput *ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FakeEC2Impl is an implementation of the FakeEC2 interface used for testing
func (*FakeEC2Impl) AttachVolume ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) AttachVolume(request *ec2.AttachVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.VolumeAttachment, err error)
AttachVolume is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error)
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) CreateRoute ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateRoute(request *ec2.CreateRouteInput) (*ec2.CreateRouteOutput, error)
CreateRoute is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) CreateRouteTable ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateRouteTable(request *ec2.RouteTable) (*ec2.CreateRouteTableOutput, error)
CreateRouteTable creates fake route tables
func (*FakeEC2Impl) CreateSecurityGroup ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateSecurityGroup(*ec2.CreateSecurityGroupInput) (*ec2.CreateSecurityGroupOutput, error)
CreateSecurityGroup is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) CreateSubnet ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateSubnet(request *ec2.Subnet) (*ec2.CreateSubnetOutput, error)
CreateSubnet creates fake subnets
func (*FakeEC2Impl) CreateTags ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateTags(*ec2.CreateTagsInput) (*ec2.CreateTagsOutput, error)
CreateTags is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) CreateVolume ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) CreateVolume(request *ec2.CreateVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.Volume, err error)
CreateVolume is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DeleteRoute ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DeleteRoute(request *ec2.DeleteRouteInput) (*ec2.DeleteRouteOutput, error)
DeleteRoute is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DeleteSecurityGroup ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DeleteSecurityGroup(*ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupInput) (*ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupOutput, error)
DeleteSecurityGroup is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DeleteVolume ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DeleteVolume(request *ec2.DeleteVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.DeleteVolumeOutput, err error)
DeleteVolume is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DescribeInstances ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeInstances(request *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput) ([]*ec2.Instance, error)
DescribeInstances returns fake instance descriptions
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DescribeRouteTables ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeRouteTables(request *ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput) ([]*ec2.RouteTable, error)
DescribeRouteTables returns fake route table descriptions
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DescribeSecurityGroups ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeSecurityGroups(request *ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput) ([]*ec2.SecurityGroup, error)
DescribeSecurityGroups is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DescribeSubnets ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeSubnets(request *ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput) ([]*ec2.Subnet, error)
DescribeSubnets returns fake subnet descriptions
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVolumeModifications ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVolumeModifications(*ec2.DescribeVolumesModificationsInput) ([]*ec2.VolumeModification, error)
DescribeVolumeModifications is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVolumes ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVolumes(request *ec2.DescribeVolumesInput) ([]*ec2.Volume, error)
DescribeVolumes is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVpcs ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DescribeVpcs(request *ec2.DescribeVpcsInput) (*ec2.DescribeVpcsOutput, error)
DescribeVpcs returns fake VPC descriptions
func (*FakeEC2Impl) DetachVolume ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) DetachVolume(request *ec2.DetachVolumeInput) (resp *ec2.VolumeAttachment, err error)
DetachVolume is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) ModifyInstanceAttribute ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) ModifyInstanceAttribute(request *ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput) (*ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeOutput, error)
ModifyInstanceAttribute is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) ModifyVolume ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) ModifyVolume(*ec2.ModifyVolumeInput) (*ec2.ModifyVolumeOutput, error)
ModifyVolume is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeEC2Impl) RemoveRouteTables ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) RemoveRouteTables()
RemoveRouteTables clears route tables on client
func (*FakeEC2Impl) RemoveSubnets ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) RemoveSubnets()
RemoveSubnets clears subnets on client
func (*FakeEC2Impl) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress ¶
func (ec2i *FakeEC2Impl) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error)
RevokeSecurityGroupIngress is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
type FakeELB ¶
type FakeELB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FakeELB is a fake ELB client used for testing
func (*FakeELB) AddTags ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) AddTags(input *elb.AddTagsInput) (*elb.AddTagsOutput, error)
AddTags is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer(*elb.ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancerOutput, error)
ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets(*elb.AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsInput) (*elb.AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsOutput, error)
AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) ConfigureHealthCheck ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) ConfigureHealthCheck(*elb.ConfigureHealthCheckInput) (*elb.ConfigureHealthCheckOutput, error)
ConfigureHealthCheck is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancer ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancer(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerOutput, error)
CreateLoadBalancer is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancerListeners ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancerListeners(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersOutput, error)
CreateLoadBalancerListeners is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancerPolicy ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(*elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyInput) (*elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyOutput, error)
CreateLoadBalancerPolicy is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) DeleteLoadBalancer ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) DeleteLoadBalancer(input *elb.DeleteLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerOutput, error)
DeleteLoadBalancer is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) DeleteLoadBalancerListeners ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) DeleteLoadBalancerListeners(*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerListenersInput) (*elb.DeleteLoadBalancerListenersOutput, error)
DeleteLoadBalancerListeners is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer(*elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancerOutput, error)
DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes(*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error)
DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies(input *elb.DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesOutput, error)
DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancers ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) DescribeLoadBalancers(input *elb.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) (*elb.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, error)
DescribeLoadBalancers is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets(*elb.DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsInput) (*elb.DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnetsOutput, error)
DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(*elb.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elb.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error)
ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer(*elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerInput) (*elb.RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerOutput, error)
RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer(*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerInput) (*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerOutput, error)
SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELB) SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener ¶
func (elb *FakeELB) SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener(input *elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListenerInput) (*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListenerOutput, error)
SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
type FakeELBV2 ¶
type FakeELBV2 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FakeELBV2 is a fake ELBV2 client used for testing
func (*FakeELBV2) AddTags ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) AddTags(input *elbv2.AddTagsInput) (*elbv2.AddTagsOutput, error)
AddTags is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) CreateListener ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) CreateListener(*elbv2.CreateListenerInput) (*elbv2.CreateListenerOutput, error)
CreateListener is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) CreateLoadBalancer ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) CreateLoadBalancer(*elbv2.CreateLoadBalancerInput) (*elbv2.CreateLoadBalancerOutput, error)
CreateLoadBalancer is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) CreateTargetGroup ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) CreateTargetGroup(*elbv2.CreateTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.CreateTargetGroupOutput, error)
CreateTargetGroup is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DeleteListener ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DeleteListener(*elbv2.DeleteListenerInput) (*elbv2.DeleteListenerOutput, error)
DeleteListener is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DeleteLoadBalancer ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DeleteLoadBalancer(*elbv2.DeleteLoadBalancerInput) (*elbv2.DeleteLoadBalancerOutput, error)
DeleteLoadBalancer is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DeleteTargetGroup ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DeleteTargetGroup(*elbv2.DeleteTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.DeleteTargetGroupOutput, error)
DeleteTargetGroup is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DeregisterTargets ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DeregisterTargets(*elbv2.DeregisterTargetsInput) (*elbv2.DeregisterTargetsOutput, error)
DeregisterTargets is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DescribeListeners ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeListeners(*elbv2.DescribeListenersInput) (*elbv2.DescribeListenersOutput, error)
DescribeListeners is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error)
DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DescribeLoadBalancers ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeLoadBalancers(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) (*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, error)
DescribeLoadBalancers is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetGroupAttributes ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetGroupAttributes(*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupAttributesInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupAttributesOutput, error)
DescribeTargetGroupAttributes is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetGroups ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetGroups(*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupsInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetGroupsOutput, error)
DescribeTargetGroups is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetHealth ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) DescribeTargetHealth(input *elbv2.DescribeTargetHealthInput) (*elbv2.DescribeTargetHealthOutput, error)
DescribeTargetHealth is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) ModifyListener ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) ModifyListener(*elbv2.ModifyListenerInput) (*elbv2.ModifyListenerOutput, error)
ModifyListener is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes(*elbv2.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesInput) (*elbv2.ModifyLoadBalancerAttributesOutput, error)
ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) ModifyTargetGroup ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) ModifyTargetGroup(*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupInput) (*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupOutput, error)
ModifyTargetGroup is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) ModifyTargetGroupAttributes ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) ModifyTargetGroupAttributes(*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupAttributesInput) (*elbv2.ModifyTargetGroupAttributesOutput, error)
ModifyTargetGroupAttributes is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) RegisterTargets ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) RegisterTargets(*elbv2.RegisterTargetsInput) (*elbv2.RegisterTargetsOutput, error)
RegisterTargets is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
func (*FakeELBV2) WaitUntilLoadBalancersDeleted ¶
func (elb *FakeELBV2) WaitUntilLoadBalancersDeleted(*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput) error
WaitUntilLoadBalancersDeleted is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
type FakeKMS ¶
type FakeKMS struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FakeKMS is a fake KMS client used for testing
func (*FakeKMS) DescribeKey ¶
func (kms *FakeKMS) DescribeKey(*kms.DescribeKeyInput) (*kms.DescribeKeyOutput, error)
DescribeKey is not implemented but is required for interface conformance
type FakeMetadata ¶
type FakeMetadata struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FakeMetadata is a fake EC2 metadata service client used for testing
func (*FakeMetadata) GetMetadata ¶
func (m *FakeMetadata) GetMetadata(key string) (string, error)
GetMetadata returns fake EC2 metadata for testing
type IPPermissionSet ¶
type IPPermissionSet map[string]*ec2.IpPermission
IPPermissionSet maps IP strings of strings to EC2 IpPermissions
func NewIPPermissionSet ¶
func NewIPPermissionSet(items ...*ec2.IpPermission) IPPermissionSet
NewIPPermissionSet creates a new IPPermissionSet
func (IPPermissionSet) Difference ¶
func (s IPPermissionSet) Difference(s2 IPPermissionSet) IPPermissionSet
Difference returns a set of objects that are not in s2 For example: s1 = {a1, a2, a3} s2 = {a1, a2, a4, a5} s1.Difference(s2) = {a3} s2.Difference(s1) = {a4, a5}
func (IPPermissionSet) Equal ¶
func (s IPPermissionSet) Equal(s2 IPPermissionSet) bool
Equal returns true if and only if s is equal (as a set) to s2. Two sets are equal if their membership is identical. (In practice, this means same elements, order doesn't matter)
func (IPPermissionSet) Insert ¶
func (s IPPermissionSet) Insert(items ...*ec2.IpPermission)
Insert adds items to the set.
func (IPPermissionSet) IsSuperset ¶
func (s IPPermissionSet) IsSuperset(s2 IPPermissionSet) bool
IsSuperset returns true if and only if s is a superset of s2.
func (IPPermissionSet) List ¶
func (s IPPermissionSet) List() []*ec2.IpPermission
List returns the contents as a slice. Order is not defined.
func (IPPermissionSet) Ungroup ¶
func (s IPPermissionSet) Ungroup() IPPermissionSet
Ungroup splits permissions out into individual permissions EC2 will combine permissions with the same port but different SourceRanges together, for example We ungroup them so we can process them
type InstanceGroupInfo ¶
type InstanceGroupInfo interface { // The number of instances currently running under control of this group CurrentSize() (int, error) }
InstanceGroupInfo is returned by InstanceGroups.Describe, and exposes information about the group.
func DescribeInstanceGroup ¶
func DescribeInstanceGroup(asg ASG, instanceGroupName string) (InstanceGroupInfo, error)
DescribeInstanceGroup gets info about the specified instancegroup Exported so it can be used by the e2e tests, which don't want to instantiate a full cloudprovider.
type InstanceGroups ¶
type InstanceGroups interface { // Set the size to the fixed size ResizeInstanceGroup(instanceGroupName string, size int) error // Queries the cloud provider for information about the specified instance group DescribeInstanceGroup(instanceGroupName string) (InstanceGroupInfo, error) }
InstanceGroups is an interface for managing cloud-managed instance groups / autoscaling instance groups TODO: Allow other clouds to implement this
type KMS ¶
type KMS interface {
DescribeKey(*kms.DescribeKeyInput) (*kms.DescribeKeyOutput, error)
KMS is a simple pass-through of the Key Management Service client interface, which allows for testing.
type KubernetesVolumeID ¶
type KubernetesVolumeID string
KubernetesVolumeID represents the id for a volume in the kubernetes API; a few forms are recognized:
- aws://<zone>/<awsVolumeId>
- aws:///<awsVolumeId>
- <awsVolumeId>
func (KubernetesVolumeID) MapToAWSVolumeID ¶
func (name KubernetesVolumeID) MapToAWSVolumeID() (EBSVolumeID, error)
MapToAWSVolumeID extracts the EBSVolumeID from the KubernetesVolumeID
type ResourceLifecycle ¶
type ResourceLifecycle string
ResourceLifecycle is the cluster lifecycle state used in tagging
type Services ¶
type Services interface { Compute(region string) (EC2, error) LoadBalancing(region string) (ELB, error) LoadBalancingV2(region string) (ELBV2, error) Autoscaling(region string) (ASG, error) Metadata() (EC2Metadata, error) KeyManagement(region string) (KMS, error) }
Services is an abstraction over AWS, to allow mocking/other implementations
type VolumeOptions ¶
type VolumeOptions struct { CapacityGB int Tags map[string]string VolumeType string AvailabilityZone string // IOPSPerGB x CapacityGB will give total IOPS of the volume to create. // Calculated total IOPS will be capped at MaxTotalIOPS. IOPSPerGB int Encrypted bool // fully qualified resource name to the key to use for encryption. // example: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef KmsKeyID string }
VolumeOptions specifies capacity and tags for a volume.
type Volumes ¶
type Volumes interface { // Attach the disk to the node with the specified NodeName // nodeName can be empty to mean "the instance on which we are running" // Returns the device (e.g. /dev/xvdf) where we attached the volume AttachDisk(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error) // Detach the disk from the node with the specified NodeName // nodeName can be empty to mean "the instance on which we are running" // Returns the device where the volume was attached DetachDisk(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error) // Create a volume with the specified options CreateDisk(volumeOptions *VolumeOptions) (volumeName KubernetesVolumeID, err error) // Delete the specified volume // Returns true iff the volume was deleted // If the was not found, returns (false, nil) DeleteDisk(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (bool, error) // Get labels to apply to volume on creation GetVolumeLabels(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (map[string]string, error) // Get volume's disk path from volume name // return the device path where the volume is attached GetDiskPath(volumeName KubernetesVolumeID) (string, error) // Check if the volume is already attached to the node with the specified NodeName DiskIsAttached(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, nodeName types.NodeName) (bool, error) // Check if disks specified in argument map are still attached to their respective nodes. DisksAreAttached(map[types.NodeName][]KubernetesVolumeID) (map[types.NodeName]map[KubernetesVolumeID]bool, error) // Expand the disk to new size ResizeDisk(diskName KubernetesVolumeID, oldSize resource.Quantity, newSize resource.Quantity) (resource.Quantity, error) }
Volumes is an interface for managing cloud-provisioned volumes TODO: Allow other clouds to implement this