Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BroadcastMessage(hostname, msg, password string, lg *log.Logger)
- func InAirspace(p math.Point2LL, alt float32, volumes []ControllerAirspaceVolume) (bool, [][2]int)
- func LaunchLocalServer(extraScenario string, extraVideoMap string, e *util.ErrorLogger, ...) (chan *Server, error)
- func LoadScenarioGroups(isLocal bool, extraScenarioFilename string, extraVideoMapFilename string, ...) (map[string]map[string]*ScenarioGroup, map[string]map[string]*Configuration, ...)
- func PostRadioEvents(from string, transmissions []av.RadioTransmission, ep EventPoster)
- func RunServer(extraScenario string, extraVideoMap string, serverPort int, lg *log.Logger)
- func TryConnectRemoteServer(hostname string, lg *log.Logger) chan *serverConnection
- func TryDecodeError(e error) error
- func TryDecodeErrorString(s string) error
- type AbbreviatedFPFields
- type AcceptHandoffArgs
- type AircraftCommandsArgs
- type AircraftCommandsResult
- type AircraftDataMessage
- type AircraftSpecifier
- type Airspace
- type AirspaceAwareness
- type AssignAltitudeArgs
- type CancelHandoffArgs
- type ChangeControlPositionArgs
- type Configuration
- type Connection
- type ConnectionManager
- func (cm *ConnectionManager) ClientIsLocal() bool
- func (cm *ConnectionManager) Connected() bool
- func (cm *ConnectionManager) ConnectionStartTime() time.Time
- func (cm *ConnectionManager) Disconnect()
- func (cm *ConnectionManager) LoadLocalSim(s *Sim, lg *log.Logger) (*ControlClient, error)
- func (cm *ConnectionManager) NewConnection(c Connection)
- func (cm *ConnectionManager) Update(es *EventStream, lg *log.Logger)
- type ControlClient
- func (c *ControlClient) AcceptHandoff(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) AcceptRedirectedHandoff(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) AcknowledgePointOut(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) AmendFlightPlan(callsign string, fp av.FlightPlan) error
- func (c *ControlClient) AutoAssociateFP(callsign string, fp *STARSFlightPlan, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) CancelHandoff(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) ChangeControlPosition(tcp string, keepTracks bool) error
- func (c *ControlClient) Connected() bool
- func (c *ControlClient) ControllerAirspace(id string) []ControllerAirspaceVolume
- func (c *ControlClient) CreateArrival(group, airport string, ac *av.Aircraft, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) CreateDeparture(airport, runway, category string, ac *av.Aircraft, success func(any), ...)
- func (c *ControlClient) CreateOverflight(group string, ac *av.Aircraft, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) CreateRestrictionArea(ra RestrictionArea, success func(int), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) CreateUnsupportedTrack(callsign string, ut *UnsupportedTrack, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) CurrentTime() time.Time
- func (c *ControlClient) DeleteAllAircraft(onErr func(err error))
- func (c *ControlClient) DeleteRestrictionArea(idx int, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) Disconnect()
- func (c *ControlClient) DrawScenarioInfoWindow(lg *log.Logger) (show bool)
- func (c *ControlClient) DropTrack(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) ForceQL(callsign, controller string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) GetSerializeSim() (*Sim, error)
- func (c *ControlClient) GetSimRate() float32
- func (c *ControlClient) GetUpdates(eventStream *EventStream, onErr func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) GetVideoMapLibrary(filename string) (*av.VideoMapLibrary, error)
- func (c *ControlClient) HandoffTrack(callsign string, controller string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) InitiateTrack(callsign string, fp *STARSFlightPlan, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) LaunchAircraft(ac av.Aircraft)
- func (c *ControlClient) PointOut(callsign string, controller string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) RPCClient() *util.RPCClient
- func (c *ControlClient) RedirectHandoff(callsign, controller string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) RejectPointOut(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) ReleaseDeparture(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) RunAircraftCommands(callsign string, cmds string, ...)
- func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawAirspace() map[string]map[string]bool
- func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawApproaches() map[string]map[string]bool
- func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawArrivals() map[string]map[int]bool
- func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawDepartures() map[string]map[string]map[string]bool
- func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawOverflights() map[string]map[int]bool
- func (c *ControlClient) SendGlobalMessage(global GlobalMessage)
- func (c *ControlClient) SetGlobalLeaderLine(callsign string, dir *math.CardinalOrdinalDirection, success func(any), ...)
- func (c *ControlClient) SetLaunchConfig(lc LaunchConfig)
- func (c *ControlClient) SetScratchpad(callsign string, scratchpad string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) SetSecondaryScratchpad(callsign string, scratchpad string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) SetSimRate(r float32)
- func (c *ControlClient) SetSquawk(callsign string, squawk av.Squawk) error
- func (c *ControlClient) SetSquawkAutomatic(callsign string) error
- func (c *ControlClient) SetTemporaryAltitude(callsign string, alt int, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) Status() string
- func (c *ControlClient) TakeOrReturnLaunchControl(eventStream *EventStream)
- func (c *ControlClient) ToggleSPCOverride(callsign string, spc string, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) ToggleSimPause()
- func (c *ControlClient) TowerListAirports() []string
- func (c *ControlClient) UpdateRestrictionArea(idx int, ra RestrictionArea, success func(any), err func(error))
- func (c *ControlClient) UpdateWorld(wu *WorldUpdate, eventStream *EventStream)
- func (c *ControlClient) UploadFlightPlan(fp *STARSFlightPlan, typ int, success func(any), err func(error))
- type ControllerAirspaceVolume
- type CoordinationList
- type CoordinationTime
- type CreateArrivalArgs
- type CreateDepartureArgs
- type CreateOverflightArgs
- type CreateUnsupportedTrackArgs
- type DeleteAircraftArgs
- type DepartureAircraft
- type Dispatcher
- func (sd *Dispatcher) AcceptHandoff(ah *AcceptHandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) AcceptRedirectedHandoff(po *AcceptHandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) AcknowledgePointOut(po *PointOutArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) AutoAssociateFP(it *InitiateTrackArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) CancelHandoff(ch *CancelHandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) ChangeControlPosition(cs *ChangeControlPositionArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateArrival(aa *CreateArrivalArgs, arrAc *av.Aircraft) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateDeparture(da *CreateDepartureArgs, depAc *av.Aircraft) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateOverflight(oa *CreateOverflightArgs, ofAc *av.Aircraft) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateRestrictionArea(ra *RestrictionAreaArgs, idx *int) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateUnsupportedTrack(it *CreateUnsupportedTrackArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) DeleteAllAircraft(da *DeleteAircraftArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) DeleteRestrictionArea(ra *RestrictionAreaArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) DropTrack(dt *DropTrackArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) ForceQL(ql *ForceQLArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) GetVideoMapLibrary(vm *VideoMapsArgs, vmf *av.VideoMapLibrary) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) GetWorldUpdate(token string, update *WorldUpdate) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) GlobalMessage(po *GlobalMessageArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) HandoffTrack(h *HandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) InitiateTrack(it *InitiateTrackArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) LaunchAircraft(ls *LaunchAircraftArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) PointOut(po *PointOutArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) RedirectHandoff(h *HandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) RejectPointOut(po *PointOutArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) ReleaseDeparture(hd *HeldDepartureArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) RunAircraftCommands(cmds *AircraftCommandsArgs, result *AircraftCommandsResult) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) SetGlobalLeaderLine(a *SetGlobalLeaderLineArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) SetLaunchConfig(lc *SetLaunchConfigArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) SetScratchpad(a *SetScratchpadArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) SetSecondaryScratchpad(a *SetScratchpadArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) SetSimRate(r *SetSimRateArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) SetTemporaryAltitude(alt *AssignAltitudeArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) SignOff(token string, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) TakeOrReturnLaunchControl(token string, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) TogglePause(token string, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) ToggleSPCOverride(ts *ToggleSPCArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) UpdateRestrictionArea(ra *RestrictionAreaArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sd *Dispatcher) UploadFlightPlan(it *UploadPlanArgs, _ *struct{}) error
- type DropTrackArgs
- type ERAMComputer
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) Activate(ec *ERAMComputers)
- func (ec *ERAMComputer) AdaptationFixForAltitude(fix string, altitude string) *av.AdaptationFix
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) AddDeparture(fp *av.FlightPlan, tracon string, simTime time.Time)
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) AddFlightPlan(plan *STARSFlightPlan)
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) AddTrackInformation(callsign string, trk TrackInformation)
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) CompletelyDeleteAircraft(ac *av.Aircraft)
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) CreateSquawk() (av.Squawk, error)
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) DropTrack(ac *av.Aircraft) error
- func (ec *ERAMComputer) FixForRouteAndAltitude(route string, altitude string) *av.AdaptationFix
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) HandoffTrack(ac *av.Aircraft, from, to *av.Controller, simTime time.Time) error
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) InitiateTrack(callsign string, controller string, fp *STARSFlightPlan) error
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) SendFlightPlan(fp *STARSFlightPlan, tracon string, simTime time.Time) error
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) SendFlightPlans(tracon string, simTime time.Time, lg *log.Logger)
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) SendMessageToERAM(facility string, msg FlightPlanMessage) error
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) SendMessageToSTARSFacility(facility string, msg FlightPlanMessage) error
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) SortMessages(simTime time.Time, lg *log.Logger)
- func (comp *ERAMComputer) Update(s *Sim)
- type ERAMComputers
- func (ec *ERAMComputers) Activate()
- func (ec *ERAMComputers) AddArrival(ac *av.Aircraft, facility string, fa STARSFacilityAdaptation, ...) error
- func (ec *ERAMComputers) CompletelyDeleteAircraft(ac *av.Aircraft)
- func (e ERAMComputers) DumpMap()
- func (ec *ERAMComputers) FacilityComputers(fac string) (*ERAMComputer, *STARSComputer, error)
- func (ec ERAMComputers) GetSTARSFlightPlan(tracon string, identifier string) (*STARSFlightPlan, error)
- func (ec *ERAMComputers) HandoffTrack(ac *av.Aircraft, from, to string, controllers map[string]*av.Controller, ...) error
- func (ec *ERAMComputers) SetScratchpad(callsign, facility, scratchpad string) error
- func (ec *ERAMComputers) SetSecondaryScratchpad(callsign, facility, scratchpad string) error
- func (ec ERAMComputers) Update(s *Sim)
- type ERAMTrackInfo
- type Event
- type EventPoster
- type EventStream
- type EventSubscriberId
- type EventType
- type EventsSubscription
- type FlightPlanMessage
- type ForceQLArgs
- type FutureControllerContact
- type FutureOnCourse
- type GlobalMessage
- type GlobalMessageArgs
- type Handoff
- type HandoffArgs
- type HeadingArgs
- type HeldDepartureArgs
- type InboundFlow
- type InitiateTrackArgs
- type IntermTrackArgs
- type LaunchAircraftArgs
- type LaunchConfig
- type METAR
- type NewSimConfiguration
- func (c *NewSimConfiguration) DrawRatesUI(p platform.Platform) bool
- func (c *NewSimConfiguration) DrawUI(p platform.Platform) bool
- func (c *NewSimConfiguration) OkDisabled() bool
- func (c *NewSimConfiguration) SetScenario(groupName, scenarioName string)
- func (c *NewSimConfiguration) SetTRACON(name string)
- func (c *NewSimConfiguration) ShowRatesWindow() bool
- func (c *NewSimConfiguration) Start() error
- func (c *NewSimConfiguration) UIButtonText() string
- type NewSimResult
- type PointOut
- type PointOutArgs
- type RemoteSim
- type RestrictionArea
- type RestrictionAreaArgs
- type STARSComputer
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AcceptHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, ctrl *av.Controller, controllers map[string]*av.Controller, ...) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AcceptRedirectedHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, ctrl *av.Controller) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AcknowledgePointOut(callsign, controller string) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) Activate(pool *av.SquawkCodePool)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AddFlightPlan(plan *STARSFlightPlan)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AddHeldDeparture(ac *av.Aircraft)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AddTrackInformation(callsign string, info TrackInformation)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AddUnsupportedTrack(ut UnsupportedTrack)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AssociateFlightPlans(s *Sim)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AutoAssociateFP(ac *av.Aircraft, fp *STARSFlightPlan)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) AutomatedAcceptHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, controller string, receivingSTARS *STARSComputer, ...) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) CancelHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, ctrl *av.Controller, controllers map[string]*av.Controller, ...) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) CompletelyDeleteAircraft(ac *av.Aircraft)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) CreateSquawk() (av.Squawk, error)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) DropTrack(ac *av.Aircraft) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) GetFlightPlan(identifier string) (*STARSFlightPlan, error)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) GetReleaseDepartures() []*av.Aircraft
- func (comp *STARSComputer) HandoffControl(callsign string, nextController string) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) HandoffTrack(callsign string, from *av.Controller, to *av.Controller, simTime time.Time) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) InitiateTrack(callsign string, controller string, fp *STARSFlightPlan, haveControl bool) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) LookupTrackIndex(idx int) *TrackInformation
- func (comp *STARSComputer) PointOut(callsign, toController string) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) RedirectHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, ctrl, octrl *av.Controller) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) RejectPointOut(callsign, controller string) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) ReleaseDeparture(callsign string) error
- func (comp *STARSComputer) RequestFlightPlan(bcn av.Squawk, simTime time.Time)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) SendToOverlyingERAMFacility(msg FlightPlanMessage)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) SendTrackInfo(receivingFacility string, msg FlightPlanMessage, simTime time.Time)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) SortReceivedMessages(e *EventStream)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) Update(s *Sim)
- func (comp *STARSComputer) UpdateAssociatedFlightPlans(aircraft []*av.Aircraft)
- type STARSControllerConfig
- type STARSFacilityAdaptation
- type STARSFlightPlan
- type Scenario
- type ScenarioGroup
- type ScenarioGroupArrivalRunway
- type ScenarioGroupDepartureRunway
- type Server
- type ServerController
- type SetGlobalLeaderLineArgs
- type SetLaunchConfigArgs
- type SetScratchpadArgs
- type SetSimRateArgs
- type SignOnResult
- type SignificantPoint
- type Sim
- func (s *Sim) AcceptHandoff(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) AcceptRedirectedHandoff(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) AcknowledgePointOut(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) Activate(lg *log.Logger)
- func (s *Sim) AssignAltitude(token, callsign string, altitude int, afterSpeed bool) error
- func (s *Sim) AssignHeading(hdg *HeadingArgs) error
- func (s *Sim) AssignSpeed(token, callsign string, speed int, afterAltitude bool) error
- func (s *Sim) AtFixCleared(token, callsign, fix, approach string) error
- func (s *Sim) AutoAssociateFP(token, callsign string, fp *STARSFlightPlan) error
- func (s *Sim) CancelApproachClearance(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) CancelHandoff(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) ChangeControlPosition(token string, id string, keepTracks bool) error
- func (s *Sim) ChangeSquawk(token, callsign string, sq av.Squawk) error
- func (s *Sim) ClearedApproach(token, callsign, approach string, straightIn bool) error
- func (s *Sim) ClimbViaSID(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) ContactTower(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) CreateArrival(arrivalGroup string, arrivalAirport string) (*av.Aircraft, error)
- func (s *Sim) CreateDeparture(departureAirport, runway, category string) (*av.Aircraft, error)
- func (s *Sim) CreateOverflight(group string) (*av.Aircraft, error)
- func (s *Sim) CreateRestrictionArea(ra RestrictionArea) (int, error)
- func (s *Sim) CreateUnsupportedTrack(token, callsign string, ut *UnsupportedTrack) error
- func (s *Sim) CrossFixAt(token, callsign, fix string, ar *av.AltitudeRestriction, speed int) error
- func (s *Sim) DeleteAircraft(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) DeleteAllAircraft(token string) error
- func (s *Sim) DeleteRestrictionArea(idx int) error
- func (s *Sim) DepartFixDirect(token, callsign, fixa string, fixb string) error
- func (s *Sim) DepartFixHeading(token, callsign, fix string, heading int) error
- func (s *Sim) DescendViaSTAR(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) DirectFix(token, callsign, fix string) error
- func (s *Sim) DropTrack(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) ExpectApproach(token, callsign, approach string) error
- func (s *Sim) ExpediteClimb(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) ExpediteDescent(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) ForceQL(token, callsign, controller string) error
- func (s *Sim) GetVideoMapLibrary(filename string) (*av.VideoMapLibrary, error)
- func (s *Sim) GetWorldUpdate(token string, update *WorldUpdate) error
- func (s *Sim) GlobalMessage(global GlobalMessageArgs) error
- func (s *Sim) GoAround(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) HandoffControl(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) HandoffTrack(token, callsign, controller string) error
- func (s *Sim) Ident(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) IdleTime() time.Duration
- func (s *Sim) InitiateTrack(token, callsign string, fp *STARSFlightPlan) error
- func (s *Sim) InterceptLocalizer(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) LaunchAircraft(ac av.Aircraft)
- func (s *Sim) LogValue() slog.Value
- func (s *Sim) MaintainMaximumForward(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) MaintainSlowestPractical(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) PointOut(token, callsign, controller string) error
- func (s *Sim) PostEvent(e Event)
- func (s *Sim) RedirectHandoff(token, callsign, controller string) error
- func (s *Sim) RejectPointOut(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) ReleaseDeparture(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) ResolveController(callsign string) string
- func (s *Sim) SayAltitude(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) SayHeading(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) SaySpeed(token, callsign string) error
- func (s *Sim) SetGlobalLeaderLine(token, callsign string, dir *math.CardinalOrdinalDirection) error
- func (s *Sim) SetLaunchConfig(token string, lc LaunchConfig) error
- func (s *Sim) SetScratchpad(token, callsign, scratchpad string) error
- func (s *Sim) SetSecondaryScratchpad(token, callsign, scratchpad string) error
- func (s *Sim) SetSimRate(token string, rate float32) error
- func (s *Sim) SetTemporaryAltitude(token, callsign string, altitude int) error
- func (s *Sim) SignOff(token string) error
- func (s *Sim) SignOn(id string, instructor bool) (*State, string, error)
- func (s *Sim) TakeOrReturnLaunchControl(token string) error
- func (s *Sim) TogglePause(token string) error
- func (s *Sim) ToggleSPCOverride(token, callsign, spc string) error
- func (s *Sim) Update()
- func (s *Sim) UpdateRestrictionArea(idx int, ra RestrictionArea) error
- func (s *Sim) UploadFlightPlan(token string, Type int, plan *STARSFlightPlan) error
- type SimBroadcastMessage
- type SimManager
- func (sm *SimManager) Add(sim *Sim, result *NewSimResult) error
- func (sm *SimManager) Broadcast(m *SimBroadcastMessage, _ *struct{}) error
- func (sm *SimManager) ControllerTokenToSim(token string) (*Sim, bool)
- func (sm *SimManager) GetRunningSims(_ int, result *map[string]*RemoteSim) error
- func (sm *SimManager) GetSerializeSim(token string, s *Sim) error
- func (sm *SimManager) New(config *NewSimConfiguration, result *NewSimResult) error
- func (sm *SimManager) SignOn(version int, result *SignOnResult) error
- func (sm *SimManager) SimShouldExit(sim *Sim) bool
- type SimScenarioConfiguration
- type State
- func (s *State) Activate(lg *log.Logger)
- func (ss *State) AircraftFromCallsignSuffix(suffix string, instructor bool) []*av.Aircraft
- func (ss *State) AmInstructor() bool
- func (ss *State) AverageWindVector() [2]float32
- func (ss *State) DeleteAircraft(ac *av.Aircraft)
- func (ss *State) DepartureController(ac *av.Aircraft, lg *log.Logger) string
- func (ss *State) ERAMComputer() *ERAMComputer
- func (ss *State) FacilityFromController(callsign string) (string, bool)
- func (ss *State) GetAllReleaseDepartures() []*av.Aircraft
- func (ss *State) GetConsolidatedPositions(id string) []string
- func (s *State) GetControllerVideoMaps() ([]string, []string)
- func (ss *State) GetInitialCenter() math.Point2LL
- func (ss *State) GetInitialRange() float32
- func (ss *State) GetRegularReleaseDepartures() []*av.Aircraft
- func (ss *State) GetSTARSReleaseDepartures() []*av.Aircraft
- func (s *State) GetStateForController(tcp string) *State
- func (s *State) GetVideoMapLibrary(client *ControlClient) (*av.VideoMapLibrary, error)
- func (ss *State) GetWindVector(p math.Point2LL, alt float32) math.Point2LL
- func (ss *State) InhibitCAVolumes() []av.AirspaceVolume
- func (s *State) IsArrival(ac *av.Aircraft) bool
- func (s *State) IsDeparture(ac *av.Aircraft) bool
- func (s *State) IsIntraFacility(ac *av.Aircraft) bool
- func (s *State) IsOverflight(ac *av.Aircraft) bool
- func (ss *State) Locate(s string) (math.Point2LL, bool)
- func (ss *State) STARSComputer() *STARSComputer
- type ToggleSPCArgs
- type TrackInformation
- type UnsupportedTrack
- type UploadPlanArgs
- type VideoMapsArgs
- type WorldUpdate
Constants ¶
const ( InitiatedTrackEvent = iota DroppedTrackEvent PushedFlightStripEvent PointOutEvent OfferedHandoffEvent AcceptedHandoffEvent AcceptedRedirectedHandoffEvent CanceledHandoffEvent RejectedHandoffEvent RadioTransmissionEvent StatusMessageEvent ServerBroadcastMessageEvent GlobalMessageEvent AcknowledgedPointOutEvent RejectedPointOutEvent IdentEvent HandoffControlEvent SetGlobalLeaderLineEvent TrackClickedEvent ForceQLEvent TransferAcceptedEvent TransferRejectedEvent NumEventTypes )
const ( Unset = iota // Have this so we can catch unset types. Plan // Both STARS & ERAM send this. Amendment // ERAM (STARS?) Cancellation // ERAM (STARS?) RequestFlightPlan // STARS DepartureDM // STARS BeaconTerminate // STARS InitiateTransfer // When handoff gets sent. Sends the flightplan, contains track location AcceptRecallTransfer // Accept/ recall handoff )
Message types sent from either ERAM or STARS
const ( // Flight plan received from a NAS ARTCC. This is a flight plan that // has been sent over by an overlying ERAM facility. RemoteEnroute = iota // Flight plan received from an adjacent terminal facility This is a // flight plan that has been sent over by another STARS facility. RemoteNonEnroute // VFR interfacility flight plan entered locally for which the NAS // ARTCC has not returned a flight plan This is a flight plan that is // made by a STARS facility that gets a NAS code. LocalEnroute // Flight plan entered by TCW or flight plan from an adjacent terminal // that has been handed off to this STARS facility This is a flight // plan that is made at a STARS facility and gets a local code. LocalNonEnroute )
Flight plan types (STARS)
const ( DepartureTime = "P" ArrivalTime = "A" OverflightTime = "E" )
const ( ACID = iota BCN ControllingPosition TypeOfFlight // Figure out this SC1 SC2 AircraftType RequestedALT Rules DepartureAirport // Specified with type of flight (maybe) Errors )
const ( LaunchAutomatic = iota LaunchManual )
const ( NewSimCreateLocal = iota NewSimCreateRemote NewSimJoinRemote )
const MaxRestrictionAreas = 100
This many adapted and then this many user-defined
const STARSTriangleCharacter = string(rune(0x80))
FIXME: yuck, duplicated here
const ServerSimCallsign = "__SERVER__"
const TransmitFPMessageTime = 30 * time.Minute
const ViceRPCVersion = 21
const ViceServerAddress = ""
const ViceServerPort = 8080 - 21 + ViceRPCVersion
Variables ¶
var ( ErrAircraftAlreadyReleased = errors.New("Aircraft already released") ErrAircraftNotReleased = errors.New("Aircraft not released") ErrBeaconMismatch = errors.New("Beacon code mismatch") ErrControllerAlreadySignedIn = errors.New("Controller with that callsign already signed in") ErrDuplicateSimName = errors.New("A sim with that name already exists") ErrIllegalACID = errors.New("Illegal ACID") ErrIllegalACType = errors.New("Illegal aircraft type") ErrIllegalScratchpad = errors.New("Illegal scratchpad") ErrInvalidAbbreviatedFP = errors.New("Invalid abbreviated flight plan") ErrInvalidCommandSyntax = errors.New("Invalid command syntax") ErrInvalidControllerToken = errors.New("Invalid controller token") ErrInvalidDepartureController = errors.New("Invalid departure controller") ErrInvalidPassword = errors.New("Invalid password") ErrInvalidRestrictionAreaIndex = errors.New("Invalid restriction area index") ErrNoCoordinationFix = errors.New("No coordination fix found") ErrNoMatchingFlight = errors.New("No matching flight") ErrNoNamedSim = errors.New("No Sim with that name") ErrNoSimForControllerToken = errors.New("No Sim running for controller token") ErrNotLaunchController = errors.New("Not signed in as the launch controller") ErrRPCTimeout = errors.New("RPC call timed out") ErrRPCVersionMismatch = errors.New("Client and server RPC versions don't match") ErrRestoringSavedState = errors.New("Errors during state restoration") ErrServerDisconnected = errors.New("Server disconnected") ErrTooManyRestrictionAreas = errors.New("Too many restriction areas specified") ErrUnknownController = errors.New("Unknown controller") ErrUnknownFacility = errors.New("Unknown facility (ARTCC/TRACON)") ErrUnknownControllerFacility = errors.New("Unknown controller facility") )
Functions ¶
func BroadcastMessage ¶
func InAirspace ¶
func LaunchLocalServer ¶
func LoadScenarioGroups ¶
func LoadScenarioGroups(isLocal bool, extraScenarioFilename string, extraVideoMapFilename string, e *util.ErrorLogger, lg *log.Logger) (map[string]map[string]*ScenarioGroup, map[string]map[string]*Configuration, map[string]*av.VideoMapManifest)
LoadScenarioGroups loads all of the available scenarios, both from the scenarios/ directory in the source code distribution as well as, optionally, a scenario file provided on the command line. It doesn't try to do any sort of meaningful error handling but it does try to continue on in the presence of errors; all errors will be printed and the program will exit if there are any. We'd rather force any errors due to invalid scenario definitions to be fixed...
func PostRadioEvents ¶
func PostRadioEvents(from string, transmissions []av.RadioTransmission, ep EventPoster)
func TryConnectRemoteServer ¶
func TryDecodeError ¶
func TryDecodeErrorString ¶ added in v0.11.6
Types ¶
type AbbreviatedFPFields ¶
type AbbreviatedFPFields struct { ACID string BCN av.Squawk ControllingPosition string TypeOfFlight string // Figure out this SC1 string SC2 string AircraftType string RequestedALT string Rules av.FlightRules DepartureAirport string // Specified with type of flight (maybe) // TODO: why is there an error stored here (vs just returned from the // parsing function)? Error error }
func ParseAbbreviatedFPFields ¶
func ParseAbbreviatedFPFields(facilityAdaptation STARSFacilityAdaptation, fields []string) AbbreviatedFPFields
type AcceptHandoffArgs ¶
type AcceptHandoffArgs AircraftSpecifier
type AircraftCommandsArgs ¶
type AircraftCommandsResult ¶
If an RPC call returns an error, then the result argument is not returned(!?). So we don't use the error type for syntax errors...
type AircraftDataMessage ¶
type AircraftDataMessage struct { DepartureLocation string // Only for departures. ArrivalLocation string // Only for arrivals. I think this is made up, but I don't know where to get the arrival info from. NumberOfAircraft int // Default this at one for now. AircraftType string // A20N, B737, etc. // V = VFR (not heavy jet), // H = Heavy, // W = Heavy + VFR, // U = Heavy + OTP. AircraftCategory string Equipment string // /L, /G, /A, etc }
type AircraftSpecifier ¶
type Airspace ¶
type Airspace struct { Boundaries map[string][]math.Point2LL `json:"boundaries"` Volumes map[string][]ControllerAirspaceVolume `json:"volumes"` }
type AirspaceAwareness ¶
type AssignAltitudeArgs ¶
type CancelHandoffArgs ¶
type CancelHandoffArgs AircraftSpecifier
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { ScenarioConfigs map[string]*SimScenarioConfiguration ControlPositions map[string]*av.Controller DefaultScenario string }
type Connection ¶
type Connection struct { SimState State SimProxy *proxy }
type ConnectionManager ¶
type ConnectionManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func MakeServerConnection ¶
func MakeServerConnection(address, additionalScenario, additionalVideoMap string, e *util.ErrorLogger, lg *log.Logger, onNewClient func(*ControlClient), onError func(error)) (*ConnectionManager, error)
func (*ConnectionManager) ClientIsLocal ¶
func (cm *ConnectionManager) ClientIsLocal() bool
func (*ConnectionManager) Connected ¶
func (cm *ConnectionManager) Connected() bool
func (*ConnectionManager) ConnectionStartTime ¶
func (cm *ConnectionManager) ConnectionStartTime() time.Time
func (*ConnectionManager) Disconnect ¶
func (cm *ConnectionManager) Disconnect()
func (*ConnectionManager) LoadLocalSim ¶
func (cm *ConnectionManager) LoadLocalSim(s *Sim, lg *log.Logger) (*ControlClient, error)
func (*ConnectionManager) NewConnection ¶
func (cm *ConnectionManager) NewConnection(c Connection)
func (*ConnectionManager) Update ¶
func (cm *ConnectionManager) Update(es *EventStream, lg *log.Logger)
type ControlClient ¶
type ControlClient struct { // This is all read-only data that we expect other parts of the system // to access directly. State // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewControlClient ¶
func (*ControlClient) AcceptHandoff ¶
func (c *ControlClient) AcceptHandoff(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) AcceptRedirectedHandoff ¶
func (c *ControlClient) AcceptRedirectedHandoff(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) AcknowledgePointOut ¶
func (c *ControlClient) AcknowledgePointOut(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) AmendFlightPlan ¶
func (c *ControlClient) AmendFlightPlan(callsign string, fp av.FlightPlan) error
func (*ControlClient) AutoAssociateFP ¶
func (c *ControlClient) AutoAssociateFP(callsign string, fp *STARSFlightPlan, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) CancelHandoff ¶
func (c *ControlClient) CancelHandoff(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) ChangeControlPosition ¶
func (c *ControlClient) ChangeControlPosition(tcp string, keepTracks bool) error
func (*ControlClient) Connected ¶
func (c *ControlClient) Connected() bool
func (*ControlClient) ControllerAirspace ¶ added in v0.11.7
func (c *ControlClient) ControllerAirspace(id string) []ControllerAirspaceVolume
func (*ControlClient) CreateArrival ¶
func (*ControlClient) CreateDeparture ¶
func (*ControlClient) CreateOverflight ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (*ControlClient) CreateRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (c *ControlClient) CreateRestrictionArea(ra RestrictionArea, success func(int), err func(error))
Note that the success callback is passed an integer, giving the index of the newly-created restriction area.
func (*ControlClient) CreateUnsupportedTrack ¶
func (c *ControlClient) CreateUnsupportedTrack(callsign string, ut *UnsupportedTrack, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) CurrentTime ¶
func (c *ControlClient) CurrentTime() time.Time
CurrentTime returns an extrapolated value that models the current Sim's time. (Because the Sim may be running remotely, we have to make some approximations, though they shouldn't cause much trouble since we get an update from the Sim at least once a second...)
func (*ControlClient) DeleteAllAircraft ¶
func (c *ControlClient) DeleteAllAircraft(onErr func(err error))
func (*ControlClient) DeleteRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (c *ControlClient) DeleteRestrictionArea(idx int, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) Disconnect ¶
func (c *ControlClient) Disconnect()
func (*ControlClient) DrawScenarioInfoWindow ¶
func (c *ControlClient) DrawScenarioInfoWindow(lg *log.Logger) (show bool)
func (*ControlClient) DropTrack ¶
func (c *ControlClient) DropTrack(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) ForceQL ¶
func (c *ControlClient) ForceQL(callsign, controller string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) GetSerializeSim ¶
func (c *ControlClient) GetSerializeSim() (*Sim, error)
func (*ControlClient) GetSimRate ¶
func (c *ControlClient) GetSimRate() float32
func (*ControlClient) GetUpdates ¶
func (c *ControlClient) GetUpdates(eventStream *EventStream, onErr func(error))
func (*ControlClient) GetVideoMapLibrary ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (c *ControlClient) GetVideoMapLibrary(filename string) (*av.VideoMapLibrary, error)
func (*ControlClient) HandoffTrack ¶
func (c *ControlClient) HandoffTrack(callsign string, controller string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) InitiateTrack ¶
func (c *ControlClient) InitiateTrack(callsign string, fp *STARSFlightPlan, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) LaunchAircraft ¶
func (c *ControlClient) LaunchAircraft(ac av.Aircraft)
func (*ControlClient) PointOut ¶
func (c *ControlClient) PointOut(callsign string, controller string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) RPCClient ¶
func (c *ControlClient) RPCClient() *util.RPCClient
func (*ControlClient) RedirectHandoff ¶
func (c *ControlClient) RedirectHandoff(callsign, controller string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) RejectPointOut ¶
func (c *ControlClient) RejectPointOut(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) ReleaseDeparture ¶ added in v0.11.5
func (c *ControlClient) ReleaseDeparture(callsign string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) RunAircraftCommands ¶
func (c *ControlClient) RunAircraftCommands(callsign string, cmds string, handleResult func(message string, remainingInput string))
func (*ControlClient) ScopeDrawAirspace ¶ added in v0.11.7
func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawAirspace() map[string]map[string]bool
func (*ControlClient) ScopeDrawApproaches ¶
func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawApproaches() map[string]map[string]bool
func (*ControlClient) ScopeDrawArrivals ¶
func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawArrivals() map[string]map[int]bool
func (*ControlClient) ScopeDrawDepartures ¶
func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawDepartures() map[string]map[string]map[string]bool
func (*ControlClient) ScopeDrawOverflights ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (c *ControlClient) ScopeDrawOverflights() map[string]map[int]bool
func (*ControlClient) SendGlobalMessage ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SendGlobalMessage(global GlobalMessage)
func (*ControlClient) SetGlobalLeaderLine ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SetGlobalLeaderLine(callsign string, dir *math.CardinalOrdinalDirection, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) SetLaunchConfig ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SetLaunchConfig(lc LaunchConfig)
func (*ControlClient) SetScratchpad ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SetScratchpad(callsign string, scratchpad string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) SetSecondaryScratchpad ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SetSecondaryScratchpad(callsign string, scratchpad string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) SetSimRate ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SetSimRate(r float32)
func (*ControlClient) SetSquawk ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SetSquawk(callsign string, squawk av.Squawk) error
func (*ControlClient) SetSquawkAutomatic ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SetSquawkAutomatic(callsign string) error
func (*ControlClient) SetTemporaryAltitude ¶
func (c *ControlClient) SetTemporaryAltitude(callsign string, alt int, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) Status ¶
func (c *ControlClient) Status() string
func (*ControlClient) TakeOrReturnLaunchControl ¶
func (c *ControlClient) TakeOrReturnLaunchControl(eventStream *EventStream)
func (*ControlClient) ToggleSPCOverride ¶
func (c *ControlClient) ToggleSPCOverride(callsign string, spc string, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) ToggleSimPause ¶
func (c *ControlClient) ToggleSimPause()
func (*ControlClient) TowerListAirports ¶ added in v0.11.5
func (c *ControlClient) TowerListAirports() []string
func (*ControlClient) UpdateRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (c *ControlClient) UpdateRestrictionArea(idx int, ra RestrictionArea, success func(any), err func(error))
func (*ControlClient) UpdateWorld ¶
func (c *ControlClient) UpdateWorld(wu *WorldUpdate, eventStream *EventStream)
func (*ControlClient) UploadFlightPlan ¶
func (c *ControlClient) UploadFlightPlan(fp *STARSFlightPlan, typ int, success func(any), err func(error))
type CoordinationList ¶ added in v0.11.5
type CoordinationTime ¶
type CreateArrivalArgs ¶
type CreateDepartureArgs ¶
type CreateOverflightArgs ¶ added in v0.11.2
type CreateUnsupportedTrackArgs ¶
type CreateUnsupportedTrackArgs struct { ControllerToken string Callsign string UnsupportedTrack *UnsupportedTrack }
type DeleteAircraftArgs ¶
type DeleteAircraftArgs AircraftSpecifier
type DepartureAircraft ¶ added in v0.11.5
type DepartureAircraft struct { Callsign string Runway string ReleaseRequested bool Index int MinSeparation time.Duration // How long after takeoff it will be at ~6000' and airborne LaunchTime time.Time }
DepartureAircraft represents a departing aircraft, either still on the ground or recently-launched.
type Dispatcher ¶
type Dispatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Dispatcher) AcceptHandoff ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) AcceptHandoff(ah *AcceptHandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) AcceptRedirectedHandoff ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) AcceptRedirectedHandoff(po *AcceptHandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) AcknowledgePointOut ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) AcknowledgePointOut(po *PointOutArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) AutoAssociateFP ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) AutoAssociateFP(it *InitiateTrackArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) CancelHandoff ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) CancelHandoff(ch *CancelHandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) ChangeControlPosition ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) ChangeControlPosition(cs *ChangeControlPositionArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) CreateArrival ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateArrival(aa *CreateArrivalArgs, arrAc *av.Aircraft) error
func (*Dispatcher) CreateDeparture ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateDeparture(da *CreateDepartureArgs, depAc *av.Aircraft) error
func (*Dispatcher) CreateOverflight ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateOverflight(oa *CreateOverflightArgs, ofAc *av.Aircraft) error
func (*Dispatcher) CreateRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateRestrictionArea(ra *RestrictionAreaArgs, idx *int) error
func (*Dispatcher) CreateUnsupportedTrack ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) CreateUnsupportedTrack(it *CreateUnsupportedTrackArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) DeleteAllAircraft ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) DeleteAllAircraft(da *DeleteAircraftArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) DeleteRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (sd *Dispatcher) DeleteRestrictionArea(ra *RestrictionAreaArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) DropTrack ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) DropTrack(dt *DropTrackArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) ForceQL ¶ added in v0.11.4
func (sd *Dispatcher) ForceQL(ql *ForceQLArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) GetVideoMapLibrary ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (sd *Dispatcher) GetVideoMapLibrary(vm *VideoMapsArgs, vmf *av.VideoMapLibrary) error
func (*Dispatcher) GetWorldUpdate ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) GetWorldUpdate(token string, update *WorldUpdate) error
func (*Dispatcher) GlobalMessage ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) GlobalMessage(po *GlobalMessageArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) HandoffTrack ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) HandoffTrack(h *HandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) InitiateTrack ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) InitiateTrack(it *InitiateTrackArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) LaunchAircraft ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) LaunchAircraft(ls *LaunchAircraftArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) PointOut ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) PointOut(po *PointOutArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) RedirectHandoff ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) RedirectHandoff(h *HandoffArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) RejectPointOut ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) RejectPointOut(po *PointOutArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) ReleaseDeparture ¶ added in v0.11.5
func (sd *Dispatcher) ReleaseDeparture(hd *HeldDepartureArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) RunAircraftCommands ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) RunAircraftCommands(cmds *AircraftCommandsArgs, result *AircraftCommandsResult) error
func (*Dispatcher) SetGlobalLeaderLine ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) SetGlobalLeaderLine(a *SetGlobalLeaderLineArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) SetLaunchConfig ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) SetLaunchConfig(lc *SetLaunchConfigArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) SetScratchpad ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) SetScratchpad(a *SetScratchpadArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) SetSecondaryScratchpad ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) SetSecondaryScratchpad(a *SetScratchpadArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) SetSimRate ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) SetSimRate(r *SetSimRateArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) SetTemporaryAltitude ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) SetTemporaryAltitude(alt *AssignAltitudeArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) SignOff ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) SignOff(token string, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) TakeOrReturnLaunchControl ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) TakeOrReturnLaunchControl(token string, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) TogglePause ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) TogglePause(token string, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) ToggleSPCOverride ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) ToggleSPCOverride(ts *ToggleSPCArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) UpdateRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (sd *Dispatcher) UpdateRestrictionArea(ra *RestrictionAreaArgs, _ *struct{}) error
func (*Dispatcher) UploadFlightPlan ¶
func (sd *Dispatcher) UploadFlightPlan(it *UploadPlanArgs, _ *struct{}) error
type DropTrackArgs ¶
type DropTrackArgs AircraftSpecifier
type ERAMComputer ¶
type ERAMComputer struct { STARSComputers map[string]*STARSComputer ReceivedMessages []FlightPlanMessage FlightPlans map[av.Squawk]*STARSFlightPlan TrackInformation map[string]*TrackInformation SquawkCodePool *av.SquawkCodePool // This is shared among all STARS computers for our facility; we keep a // copy in ERAMComputer so that when we deserialize after loading a // saved sim, we are still sharing the same one. STARSCodePool *av.SquawkCodePool Identifier string Adaptation av.ERAMAdaptation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MakeERAMComputer ¶
func MakeERAMComputer(fac string, adapt av.ERAMAdaptation, starsBeaconBank int, eramComputers *ERAMComputers) *ERAMComputer
func (*ERAMComputer) Activate ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (comp *ERAMComputer) Activate(ec *ERAMComputers)
func (*ERAMComputer) AdaptationFixForAltitude ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputer) AdaptationFixForAltitude(fix string, altitude string) *av.AdaptationFix
func (*ERAMComputer) AddDeparture ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) AddDeparture(fp *av.FlightPlan, tracon string, simTime time.Time)
func (*ERAMComputer) AddFlightPlan ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) AddFlightPlan(plan *STARSFlightPlan)
func (*ERAMComputer) AddTrackInformation ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) AddTrackInformation(callsign string, trk TrackInformation)
func (*ERAMComputer) CompletelyDeleteAircraft ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) CompletelyDeleteAircraft(ac *av.Aircraft)
func (*ERAMComputer) CreateSquawk ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) CreateSquawk() (av.Squawk, error)
For NAS codes
func (*ERAMComputer) FixForRouteAndAltitude ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputer) FixForRouteAndAltitude(route string, altitude string) *av.AdaptationFix
func (*ERAMComputer) HandoffTrack ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) HandoffTrack(ac *av.Aircraft, from, to *av.Controller, simTime time.Time) error
func (*ERAMComputer) InitiateTrack ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) InitiateTrack(callsign string, controller string, fp *STARSFlightPlan) error
func (*ERAMComputer) SendFlightPlan ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) SendFlightPlan(fp *STARSFlightPlan, tracon string, simTime time.Time) error
For individual plans being sent.
func (*ERAMComputer) SendFlightPlans ¶
func (*ERAMComputer) SendMessageToERAM ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) SendMessageToERAM(facility string, msg FlightPlanMessage) error
func (*ERAMComputer) SendMessageToSTARSFacility ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) SendMessageToSTARSFacility(facility string, msg FlightPlanMessage) error
Sends a message, whether that be a flight plan or any other message type to a STARS computer. The STARS computer will sort messages by itself
func (*ERAMComputer) SortMessages ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) SortMessages(simTime time.Time, lg *log.Logger)
func (*ERAMComputer) Update ¶
func (comp *ERAMComputer) Update(s *Sim)
type ERAMComputers ¶
type ERAMComputers struct {
Computers map[string]*ERAMComputer
func MakeERAMComputers ¶
func MakeERAMComputers(starsBeaconBank int, lg *log.Logger) *ERAMComputers
func (*ERAMComputers) Activate ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputers) Activate()
func (*ERAMComputers) AddArrival ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputers) AddArrival(ac *av.Aircraft, facility string, fa STARSFacilityAdaptation, simTime time.Time) error
func (*ERAMComputers) CompletelyDeleteAircraft ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputers) CompletelyDeleteAircraft(ac *av.Aircraft)
func (*ERAMComputers) FacilityComputers ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputers) FacilityComputers(fac string) (*ERAMComputer, *STARSComputer, error)
If given an ARTCC, returns the corresponding ERAMComputer; if given a TRACON, returns both the associated ERMANComputer and STARSComputer
func (ERAMComputers) GetSTARSFlightPlan ¶
func (ec ERAMComputers) GetSTARSFlightPlan(tracon string, identifier string) (*STARSFlightPlan, error)
identifier can be bcn or callsign
func (*ERAMComputers) HandoffTrack ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputers) HandoffTrack(ac *av.Aircraft, from, to string, controllers map[string]*av.Controller, simTime time.Time) error
func (*ERAMComputers) SetScratchpad ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputers) SetScratchpad(callsign, facility, scratchpad string) error
func (*ERAMComputers) SetSecondaryScratchpad ¶
func (ec *ERAMComputers) SetSecondaryScratchpad(callsign, facility, scratchpad string) error
func (ERAMComputers) Update ¶
func (ec ERAMComputers) Update(s *Sim)
Give the computers a chance to sort through their received messages and do assorted housekeeping.
type ERAMTrackInfo ¶
type Event ¶
type Event struct { Type EventType Callsign string FromController string ToController string // For radio transmissions, the controlling controller. Message string RadioTransmissionType av.RadioTransmissionType // For radio transmissions only LeaderLineDirection *math.CardinalOrdinalDirection // SetGlobalLeaderLineEvent }
type EventPoster ¶
type EventPoster interface {
type EventStream ¶
type EventStream struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EventStream provides a basic pub/sub event interface that allows any part of the system to post an event to the stream and other parts to subscribe and receive messages from the stream. It is the backbone for communicating events, world updates, and user actions across the various parts of the system.
func NewEventStream ¶
func NewEventStream(lg *log.Logger) *EventStream
func (*EventStream) LogValue ¶
func (e *EventStream) LogValue() slog.Value
implements slog.LogValuer
func (*EventStream) Post ¶
func (e *EventStream) Post(event Event)
Post adds an event to the event stream. The type used to encode the event is arbitrary; it's up to the EventStream users to establish conventions.
func (*EventStream) Subscribe ¶
func (e *EventStream) Subscribe() *EventsSubscription
Subscribe registers a new subscriber to the stream and returns an EventSubscriberId for the subscriber that can then be passed to other EventStream methods.
type EventSubscriberId ¶
type EventSubscriberId int
type EventsSubscription ¶
type EventsSubscription struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EventsSubscription) Get ¶
func (e *EventsSubscription) Get() []Event
Get returns all of the events from the stream since the last time Get was called with the given id. Note that events before an id was created with Subscribe are never reported for that id.
func (*EventsSubscription) LogValue ¶
func (e *EventsSubscription) LogValue() slog.Value
func (*EventsSubscription) PostEvent ¶
func (e *EventsSubscription) PostEvent(event Event)
func (*EventsSubscription) Unsubscribe ¶
func (e *EventsSubscription) Unsubscribe()
Unsubscribe removes a subscriber from the subscriber list
type FlightPlanMessage ¶
type FlightPlanMessage struct { SourceID string // LLLdddd e.g. ZCN2034 (ZNY at 2034z) MessageType int FlightID string // ddaLa(a)(a)(a)(a)(a)ECID (3 chars start w/ digit), Aircraft ID (2-7 chars start with letter) AircraftData AircraftDataMessage BCN av.Squawk CoordinationFix string CoordinationTime CoordinationTime // Altitude will either be requested (cruise altitude) for departures, // or the assigned altitude for arrivals. ERAM has the ability to // assign interm alts (and is used much more than STARS interm alts) // with `QQ`. This interim altiude gets sent down to the STARS // computer instead of the cruising altitude. If no interim altitude is // set, use the cruise altitude (check this) Examples of altitudes // could be 310, VFR/170, VFR, 170B210 (block altitude), etc. Altitude string Route string TrackInformation // For track messages }
func FlightPlanDepartureMessage ¶
func FlightPlanDepartureMessage(fp av.FlightPlan, sendingFacility string, simTime time.Time) FlightPlanMessage
Prepare the message to sent to a STARS facility after a RF message
func (FlightPlanMessage) FlightPlan ¶
func (s FlightPlanMessage) FlightPlan() *STARSFlightPlan
Converts the message to a STARS flight plan.
type ForceQLArgs ¶
type FutureControllerContact ¶ added in v0.11.7
type FutureOnCourse ¶ added in v0.11.7
type GlobalMessage ¶
type GlobalMessageArgs ¶
type HandoffArgs ¶
type HeadingArgs ¶
type HeldDepartureArgs ¶ added in v0.11.5
type HeldDepartureArgs AircraftSpecifier
type InboundFlow ¶ added in v0.11.2
type InboundFlow struct { Arrivals []av.Arrival `json:"arrivals"` Overflights []av.Overflight `json:"overflights"` }
type InitiateTrackArgs ¶
type InitiateTrackArgs struct { AircraftSpecifier Plan *STARSFlightPlan }
type IntermTrackArgs ¶
type IntermTrackArgs struct {
Token, Callsign, Initial string
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type LaunchAircraftArgs ¶
type LaunchConfig ¶
type LaunchConfig struct { // Controller is the controller in charge of the launch settings; if empty then // launch control may be taken by any signed in controller. Controller string // LaunchManual or LaunchAutomatic Mode int GoAroundRate float32 // airport -> runway -> category -> rate DepartureRates map[string]map[string]map[string]float32 DepartureRateScale float32 // inbound flow -> airport / "overflights" -> rate InboundFlowRates map[string]map[string]float32 InboundFlowRateScale float32 ArrivalPushes bool ArrivalPushFrequencyMinutes int ArrivalPushLengthMinutes int }
LaunchConfig collects settings related to launching aircraft in the sim.
func MakeLaunchConfig ¶
func MakeLaunchConfig(dep []ScenarioGroupDepartureRunway, inbound map[string]map[string]int) LaunchConfig
func (*LaunchConfig) DrawArrivalUI ¶
func (lc *LaunchConfig) DrawArrivalUI(p platform.Platform) (changed bool)
func (*LaunchConfig) DrawDepartureUI ¶
func (lc *LaunchConfig) DrawDepartureUI(p platform.Platform) (changed bool)
func (*LaunchConfig) DrawOverflightUI ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (lc *LaunchConfig) DrawOverflightUI(p platform.Platform) (changed bool)
type METAR ¶ added in v0.11.7
type METAR struct { //MetarId int `json:"metar_id"` IcaoId string `json:"icaoId"` // ICAO identifier //ReceiptTime string `json:"receiptTime"` //ObsTime int `json:"obsTime"` //ReportTime string `json:"reportTime"` //Temp float64 `json:"temp"` //Dewp float64 `json:"dewp"` Wdir any `json:"wdir"` // Wind direction in degrees or VRB for variable winds Wspd int `json:"wspd"` // Wind speed in knots Wgst int `json:"wgst"` // Wind gusts in knots //Visib string `json:"visib"` Altim float64 `json:"altim"` // Altimeter setting in hectoPascals }
func (METAR) GetWindDirection ¶ added in v0.11.7
GetWindDirection returns the wind direction in degrees or VRB for variable winds.
type NewSimConfiguration ¶
type NewSimConfiguration struct { TRACONName string TRACON map[string]*Configuration GroupName string Scenario *SimScenarioConfiguration ScenarioName string NewSimName string // for create remote only RequirePassword bool // for create remote only Password string // for create remote only NewSimType int TFRs []av.TFR LiveWeather bool InstructorAllowed bool Instructor bool SelectedRemoteSim string SelectedRemoteSimPosition string RemoteSimPassword string // for join remote only DisplayError error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MakeNewSimConfiguration ¶
func MakeNewSimConfiguration(mgr *ConnectionManager, defaultTRACON *string, tfrCache *av.TFRCache, lg *log.Logger) *NewSimConfiguration
func (*NewSimConfiguration) DrawRatesUI ¶
func (c *NewSimConfiguration) DrawRatesUI(p platform.Platform) bool
func (*NewSimConfiguration) OkDisabled ¶
func (c *NewSimConfiguration) OkDisabled() bool
func (*NewSimConfiguration) SetScenario ¶
func (c *NewSimConfiguration) SetScenario(groupName, scenarioName string)
func (*NewSimConfiguration) SetTRACON ¶
func (c *NewSimConfiguration) SetTRACON(name string)
func (*NewSimConfiguration) ShowRatesWindow ¶
func (c *NewSimConfiguration) ShowRatesWindow() bool
func (*NewSimConfiguration) Start ¶
func (c *NewSimConfiguration) Start() error
func (*NewSimConfiguration) UIButtonText ¶
func (c *NewSimConfiguration) UIButtonText() string
type NewSimResult ¶
type PointOutArgs ¶
type RestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
type RestrictionArea struct { Title string `json:"title"` Text [2]string `json:"text"` BlinkingText bool `json:"blinking_text"` HideId bool `json:"hide_id"` TextPosition math.Point2LL `json:"text_position"` CircleCenter math.Point2LL `json:"circle_center"` CircleRadius float32 `json:"circle_radius"` VerticesUser av.WaypointArray `json:"vertices"` Vertices [][]math.Point2LL Closed bool `json:"closed"` Shaded bool `json:"shade_region"` Color int `json:"color"` Tris [][3]math.Point2LL Deleted bool }
func RestrictionAreaFromTFR ¶ added in v0.11.6
func RestrictionAreaFromTFR(tfr av.TFR) RestrictionArea
func (*RestrictionArea) AverageVertexPosition ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (ra *RestrictionArea) AverageVertexPosition() math.Point2LL
func (*RestrictionArea) MoveTo ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (ra *RestrictionArea) MoveTo(p math.Point2LL)
func (*RestrictionArea) UpdateTriangles ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (ra *RestrictionArea) UpdateTriangles()
type RestrictionAreaArgs ¶ added in v0.11.6
type RestrictionAreaArgs struct { ControllerToken string Index int RestrictionArea RestrictionArea }
type STARSComputer ¶
type STARSComputer struct { Identifier string ContainedPlans map[av.Squawk]*STARSFlightPlan ReceivedMessages []FlightPlanMessage TrackInformation map[string]*TrackInformation ERAMInbox *[]FlightPlanMessage // The address of the overlying ERAM's message inbox. STARSInbox map[string]*[]FlightPlanMessage // Other STARS Facilities' inboxes UnsupportedTracks []UnsupportedTrack SquawkCodePool *av.SquawkCodePool HoldForRelease []*av.Aircraft }
func MakeSTARSComputer ¶
func MakeSTARSComputer(id string, sq *av.SquawkCodePool) *STARSComputer
func (*STARSComputer) AcceptHandoff ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AcceptHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, ctrl *av.Controller, controllers map[string]*av.Controller, adaptation STARSFacilityAdaptation, simTime time.Time) error
func (*STARSComputer) AcceptRedirectedHandoff ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AcceptRedirectedHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, ctrl *av.Controller) error
func (*STARSComputer) AcknowledgePointOut ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AcknowledgePointOut(callsign, controller string) error
func (*STARSComputer) Activate ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (comp *STARSComputer) Activate(pool *av.SquawkCodePool)
func (*STARSComputer) AddFlightPlan ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AddFlightPlan(plan *STARSFlightPlan)
func (*STARSComputer) AddHeldDeparture ¶ added in v0.11.5
func (comp *STARSComputer) AddHeldDeparture(ac *av.Aircraft)
func (*STARSComputer) AddTrackInformation ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AddTrackInformation(callsign string, info TrackInformation)
func (*STARSComputer) AddUnsupportedTrack ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AddUnsupportedTrack(ut UnsupportedTrack)
func (*STARSComputer) AssociateFlightPlans ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AssociateFlightPlans(s *Sim)
func (*STARSComputer) AutoAssociateFP ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AutoAssociateFP(ac *av.Aircraft, fp *STARSFlightPlan)
func (*STARSComputer) AutomatedAcceptHandoff ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) AutomatedAcceptHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, controller string, receivingSTARS *STARSComputer, controllers map[string]*av.Controller, simTime time.Time) error
func (*STARSComputer) CancelHandoff ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) CancelHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, ctrl *av.Controller, controllers map[string]*av.Controller, simTime time.Time) error
func (*STARSComputer) CompletelyDeleteAircraft ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) CompletelyDeleteAircraft(ac *av.Aircraft)
func (*STARSComputer) CreateSquawk ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) CreateSquawk() (av.Squawk, error)
For local codes
func (*STARSComputer) GetFlightPlan ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) GetFlightPlan(identifier string) (*STARSFlightPlan, error)
func (*STARSComputer) GetReleaseDepartures ¶ added in v0.11.5
func (comp *STARSComputer) GetReleaseDepartures() []*av.Aircraft
func (*STARSComputer) HandoffControl ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) HandoffControl(callsign string, nextController string) error
func (*STARSComputer) HandoffTrack ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) HandoffTrack(callsign string, from *av.Controller, to *av.Controller, simTime time.Time) error
func (*STARSComputer) InitiateTrack ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) InitiateTrack(callsign string, controller string, fp *STARSFlightPlan, haveControl bool) error
func (*STARSComputer) LookupTrackIndex ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) LookupTrackIndex(idx int) *TrackInformation
func (*STARSComputer) PointOut ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) PointOut(callsign, toController string) error
func (*STARSComputer) RedirectHandoff ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) RedirectHandoff(ac *av.Aircraft, ctrl, octrl *av.Controller) error
func (*STARSComputer) RejectPointOut ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) RejectPointOut(callsign, controller string) error
func (*STARSComputer) ReleaseDeparture ¶ added in v0.11.5
func (comp *STARSComputer) ReleaseDeparture(callsign string) error
func (*STARSComputer) RequestFlightPlan ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) RequestFlightPlan(bcn av.Squawk, simTime time.Time)
func (*STARSComputer) SendToOverlyingERAMFacility ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) SendToOverlyingERAMFacility(msg FlightPlanMessage)
func (*STARSComputer) SendTrackInfo ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) SendTrackInfo(receivingFacility string, msg FlightPlanMessage, simTime time.Time)
func (*STARSComputer) SortReceivedMessages ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) SortReceivedMessages(e *EventStream)
Sorting the STARS messages. This will store flight plans with FP messages, change flight plans with AM messages, cancel flight plans with CX messages, etc.
func (*STARSComputer) Update ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) Update(s *Sim)
func (*STARSComputer) UpdateAssociatedFlightPlans ¶
func (comp *STARSComputer) UpdateAssociatedFlightPlans(aircraft []*av.Aircraft)
type STARSControllerConfig ¶
type STARSFacilityAdaptation ¶
type STARSFacilityAdaptation struct { AirspaceAwareness []AirspaceAwareness `json:"airspace_awareness"` ForceQLToSelf bool `json:"force_ql_self"` AllowLongScratchpad bool `json:"allow_long_scratchpad"` VideoMapNames []string `json:"stars_maps"` VideoMapLabels map[string]string `json:"map_labels"` ControllerConfigs map[string]*STARSControllerConfig `json:"controller_configs"` InhibitCAVolumes []av.AirspaceVolume `json:"inhibit_ca_volumes"` RadarSites map[string]*av.RadarSite `json:"radar_sites"` Center math.Point2LL `json:"-"` CenterString string `json:"center"` Range float32 `json:"range"` Scratchpads map[string]string `json:"scratchpads"` SignificantPoints map[string]SignificantPoint `json:"significant_points"` Altimeters []string `json:"altimeters"` VideoMapFile string `json:"video_map_file"` CoordinationFixes map[string]av.AdaptationFixes `json:"coordination_fixes"` SingleCharAIDs map[string]string `json:"single_char_aids"` // Char to airport BeaconBank int `json:"beacon_bank"` KeepLDB bool `json:"keep_ldb"` HandoffAcceptFlashDuration int `json:"handoff_acceptance_flash_duration"` DisplayHOFacilityOnly bool `json:"display_handoff_facility_only"` HOSectorDisplayDuration int `json:"handoff_sector_display_duration"` PDB struct { ShowScratchpad2 bool `json:"show_scratchpad2"` HideGroundspeed bool `json:"hide_gs"` ShowAircraftType bool `json:"show_aircraft_type"` SplitGSAndCWT bool `json:"split_gs_and_cwt"` } `json:"pdb"` Scratchpad1 struct { DisplayExitFix bool `json:"display_exit_fix"` DisplayExitFix1 bool `json:"display_exit_fix_1"` DisplayExitGate bool `json:"display_exit_gate"` DisplayAltExitGate bool `json:"display_alternate_exit_gate"` } `json:"scratchpad1"` CoordinationLists []CoordinationList `json:"coordination_lists"` RestrictionAreas []RestrictionArea `json:"restriction_areas"` UseLegacyFont bool `json:"use_legacy_font"` }
func (*STARSFacilityAdaptation) GetCoordinationFix ¶
func (fa *STARSFacilityAdaptation) GetCoordinationFix(fp *STARSFlightPlan, acpos math.Point2LL, waypoints []av.Waypoint) (string, bool)
func (*STARSFacilityAdaptation) PostDeserialize ¶
func (s *STARSFacilityAdaptation) PostDeserialize(e *util.ErrorLogger, sg *ScenarioGroup, manifest *av.VideoMapManifest)
type STARSFlightPlan ¶
type STARSFlightPlan struct { *av.FlightPlan FlightPlanType int CoordinationTime CoordinationTime CoordinationFix string ContainedFacilities []string Altitude string SP1 string SP2 string InitialController string // For abbreviated FPs }
func MakeSTARSFlightPlan ¶
func MakeSTARSFlightPlan(fp *av.FlightPlan) *STARSFlightPlan
func MakeSTARSFlightPlanFromAbbreviated ¶
func MakeSTARSFlightPlanFromAbbreviated(abbr string, stars *STARSComputer, facilityAdaptation STARSFacilityAdaptation) (*STARSFlightPlan, error)
func (STARSFlightPlan) Message ¶
func (fp STARSFlightPlan) Message() FlightPlanMessage
func (*STARSFlightPlan) SetCoordinationFix ¶
func (fp *STARSFlightPlan) SetCoordinationFix(fa STARSFacilityAdaptation, ac *av.Aircraft, simTime time.Time) error
type Scenario ¶
type Scenario struct { SoloController string `json:"solo_controller"` SplitConfigurations av.SplitConfigurationSet `json:"multi_controllers"` DefaultSplit string `json:"default_split"` Wind av.Wind `json:"wind"` VirtualControllers []string `json:"controllers"` // Map from inbound flow names to a map from airport name to default rate, // with "overflights" a special case to denote overflights InboundFlowDefaultRates map[string]map[string]int `json:"inbound_rates"` // Temporary backwards compatibility ArrivalGroupDefaultRates map[string]map[string]int `json:"arrivals"` Airspace map[string][]string `json:"airspace"` DepartureRunways []ScenarioGroupDepartureRunway `json:"departure_runways,omitempty"` ArrivalRunways []ScenarioGroupArrivalRunway `json:"arrival_runways,omitempty"` Center math.Point2LL `json:"-"` CenterString string `json:"center"` Range float32 `json:"range"` DefaultMaps []string `json:"default_maps"` }
func (*Scenario) PostDeserialize ¶
func (s *Scenario) PostDeserialize(sg *ScenarioGroup, e *util.ErrorLogger, manifest *av.VideoMapManifest)
type ScenarioGroup ¶
type ScenarioGroup struct { TRACON string `json:"tracon"` Name string `json:"name"` Airports map[string]*av.Airport `json:"airports"` Fixes map[string]math.Point2LL `json:"-"` FixesStrings util.OrderedMap `json:"fixes"` Scenarios map[string]*Scenario `json:"scenarios"` DefaultScenario string `json:"default_scenario"` ControlPositions map[string]*av.Controller `json:"control_positions"` Airspace Airspace `json:"airspace"` InboundFlows map[string]*InboundFlow `json:"inbound_flows"` PrimaryAirport string `json:"primary_airport"` ReportingPointStrings []string `json:"reporting_points"` ReportingPoints []av.ReportingPoint // not in JSON NmPerLatitude float32 // Always 60 NmPerLongitude float32 // Derived from Center MagneticVariation float32 MagneticAdjustment float32 `json:"magnetic_adjustment"` STARSFacilityAdaptation STARSFacilityAdaptation `json:"stars_config"` }
func (*ScenarioGroup) PostDeserialize ¶
func (sg *ScenarioGroup) PostDeserialize(multiController bool, e *util.ErrorLogger, simConfigurations map[string]map[string]*Configuration, manifest *av.VideoMapManifest)
type ServerController ¶
type ServerController struct { Id string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ServerController) LogValue ¶
func (sc *ServerController) LogValue() slog.Value
type SetGlobalLeaderLineArgs ¶
type SetGlobalLeaderLineArgs struct { ControllerToken string Callsign string Direction *math.CardinalOrdinalDirection }
type SetLaunchConfigArgs ¶
type SetLaunchConfigArgs struct { ControllerToken string Config LaunchConfig }
type SetScratchpadArgs ¶
type SetSimRateArgs ¶
type SignOnResult ¶
type SignOnResult struct { Configurations map[string]map[string]*Configuration RunningSims map[string]*RemoteSim }
type SignificantPoint ¶ added in v0.11.5
type Sim ¶
type Sim struct { Name string ScenarioGroup string Scenario string State *State SignOnPositions map[string]*av.Controller LaunchConfig LaunchConfig // For each airport, at what time we would like to launch a departure, // based on the airport's departure rate. The actual time an aircraft // is launched may be later, e.g. if we need longer for wake turbulence // separation, etc. NextDepartureLaunch map[string]time.Time // Map from airport to aircraft that are ready to go. The slice is // ordered according to the departure sequence. DeparturePool map[string][]DepartureAircraft // Index to track departing aircraft; we use this to make sure we don't // keep pushing an aircraft to the end of the queue. DepartureIndex map[string]int // Airport -> runway -> *DepartureAircraft (nil if none launched yet) LastDeparture map[string]map[string]*DepartureAircraft // Key is inbound flow group name NextInboundSpawn map[string]time.Time Handoffs map[string]Handoff // callsign -> "to" controller PointOuts map[string]map[string]PointOut TotalDepartures int TotalArrivals int TotalOverflights int ReportingPoints []av.ReportingPoint FutureControllerContacts []FutureControllerContact FutureOnCourse []FutureOnCourse RequirePassword bool Password string SimTime time.Time // this is our fake time--accounting for pauses & simRate.. SimRate float32 Paused bool NextPushStart time.Time // both w.r.t. sim time PushEnd time.Time InstructorAllowed bool Instructors map[string]bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSim ¶
func NewSim(ssc NewSimConfiguration, scenarioGroups map[string]map[string]*ScenarioGroup, isLocal bool, manifests map[string]*av.VideoMapManifest, lg *log.Logger) *Sim
func (*Sim) AcceptHandoff ¶
func (*Sim) AcceptRedirectedHandoff ¶
func (*Sim) AcknowledgePointOut ¶
func (*Sim) AssignAltitude ¶
func (*Sim) AssignHeading ¶
func (s *Sim) AssignHeading(hdg *HeadingArgs) error
func (*Sim) AssignSpeed ¶
func (*Sim) AtFixCleared ¶
func (*Sim) AutoAssociateFP ¶
func (s *Sim) AutoAssociateFP(token, callsign string, fp *STARSFlightPlan) error
func (*Sim) CancelApproachClearance ¶
func (*Sim) CancelHandoff ¶
func (*Sim) ChangeControlPosition ¶
func (*Sim) ClearedApproach ¶
func (*Sim) ClimbViaSID ¶
func (*Sim) ContactTower ¶
func (*Sim) CreateArrival ¶
func (*Sim) CreateDeparture ¶
func (*Sim) CreateOverflight ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (*Sim) CreateRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (s *Sim) CreateRestrictionArea(ra RestrictionArea) (int, error)
func (*Sim) CreateUnsupportedTrack ¶
func (s *Sim) CreateUnsupportedTrack(token, callsign string, ut *UnsupportedTrack) error
func (*Sim) CrossFixAt ¶
func (*Sim) DeleteAircraft ¶
func (*Sim) DeleteAllAircraft ¶
func (*Sim) DeleteRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (*Sim) DepartFixDirect ¶
func (*Sim) DepartFixHeading ¶
func (*Sim) DescendViaSTAR ¶
func (*Sim) ExpectApproach ¶
func (*Sim) ExpediteClimb ¶
func (*Sim) ExpediteDescent ¶
func (*Sim) GetVideoMapLibrary ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (s *Sim) GetVideoMapLibrary(filename string) (*av.VideoMapLibrary, error)
func (*Sim) GetWorldUpdate ¶
func (s *Sim) GetWorldUpdate(token string, update *WorldUpdate) error
func (*Sim) GlobalMessage ¶
func (s *Sim) GlobalMessage(global GlobalMessageArgs) error
func (*Sim) HandoffControl ¶
func (*Sim) HandoffTrack ¶
func (*Sim) InitiateTrack ¶
func (s *Sim) InitiateTrack(token, callsign string, fp *STARSFlightPlan) error
func (*Sim) InterceptLocalizer ¶
func (*Sim) LaunchAircraft ¶
func (*Sim) MaintainMaximumForward ¶
func (*Sim) MaintainSlowestPractical ¶
func (*Sim) RedirectHandoff ¶
func (*Sim) RejectPointOut ¶
func (*Sim) ReleaseDeparture ¶ added in v0.11.5
func (*Sim) ResolveController ¶
func (*Sim) SayAltitude ¶
func (*Sim) SayHeading ¶
func (*Sim) SetGlobalLeaderLine ¶
func (s *Sim) SetGlobalLeaderLine(token, callsign string, dir *math.CardinalOrdinalDirection) error
func (*Sim) SetLaunchConfig ¶
func (s *Sim) SetLaunchConfig(token string, lc LaunchConfig) error
func (*Sim) SetScratchpad ¶
func (*Sim) SetSecondaryScratchpad ¶
func (*Sim) SetTemporaryAltitude ¶
func (*Sim) TakeOrReturnLaunchControl ¶
func (*Sim) TogglePause ¶
func (*Sim) ToggleSPCOverride ¶
func (*Sim) UpdateRestrictionArea ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (s *Sim) UpdateRestrictionArea(idx int, ra RestrictionArea) error
func (*Sim) UploadFlightPlan ¶
func (s *Sim) UploadFlightPlan(token string, Type int, plan *STARSFlightPlan) error
type SimBroadcastMessage ¶
type SimManager ¶
type SimManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSimManager ¶
func NewSimManager(scenarioGroups map[string]map[string]*ScenarioGroup, simConfigurations map[string]map[string]*Configuration, manifests map[string]*av.VideoMapManifest, lg *log.Logger) *SimManager
func (*SimManager) Add ¶
func (sm *SimManager) Add(sim *Sim, result *NewSimResult) error
func (*SimManager) Broadcast ¶
func (sm *SimManager) Broadcast(m *SimBroadcastMessage, _ *struct{}) error
func (*SimManager) ControllerTokenToSim ¶
func (sm *SimManager) ControllerTokenToSim(token string) (*Sim, bool)
func (*SimManager) GetRunningSims ¶
func (sm *SimManager) GetRunningSims(_ int, result *map[string]*RemoteSim) error
func (*SimManager) GetSerializeSim ¶
func (sm *SimManager) GetSerializeSim(token string, s *Sim) error
func (*SimManager) New ¶
func (sm *SimManager) New(config *NewSimConfiguration, result *NewSimResult) error
func (*SimManager) SignOn ¶
func (sm *SimManager) SignOn(version int, result *SignOnResult) error
func (*SimManager) SimShouldExit ¶
func (sm *SimManager) SimShouldExit(sim *Sim) bool
type SimScenarioConfiguration ¶
type SimScenarioConfiguration struct { SelectedController string SelectedSplit string SplitConfigurations av.SplitConfigurationSet PrimaryAirport string Wind av.Wind LaunchConfig LaunchConfig DepartureRunways []ScenarioGroupDepartureRunway ArrivalRunways []ScenarioGroupArrivalRunway }
type State ¶
type State struct { Aircraft map[string]*av.Aircraft METAR map[string]*av.METAR Controllers map[string]*av.Controller DepartureAirports map[string]*av.Airport ArrivalAirports map[string]*av.Airport ERAMComputers *ERAMComputers TRACON string LaunchConfig LaunchConfig PrimaryController string MultiControllers av.SplitConfiguration SimIsPaused bool SimRate float32 SimName string SimDescription string SimTime time.Time MagneticVariation float32 NmPerLongitude float32 Airports map[string]*av.Airport Fixes map[string]math.Point2LL PrimaryAirport string RadarSites map[string]*av.RadarSite Center math.Point2LL Range float32 Wind av.Wind PrimaryTCP string ScenarioDefaultVideoMaps []string Airspace map[string]map[string][]ControllerAirspaceVolume // ctrl id -> vol name -> definition DepartureRunways []ScenarioGroupDepartureRunway ArrivalRunways []ScenarioGroupArrivalRunway Scratchpads map[string]string InboundFlows map[string]*InboundFlow TotalDepartures int TotalArrivals int TotalOverflights int STARSFacilityAdaptation STARSFacilityAdaptation UserRestrictionAreas []RestrictionArea Instructors map[string]bool ControllerVideoMaps []string ControllerDefaultVideoMaps []string VideoMapLibraryHash []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*State) AircraftFromCallsignSuffix ¶ added in v0.11.7
Returns all aircraft that match the given suffix. If instructor is true, returns all matching aircraft; otherwise only ones under the current controller's control are considered for matching.
func (*State) AmInstructor ¶ added in v0.11.7
func (*State) AverageWindVector ¶
func (*State) DeleteAircraft ¶
func (*State) DepartureController ¶
func (*State) ERAMComputer ¶
func (ss *State) ERAMComputer() *ERAMComputer
func (*State) FacilityFromController ¶
func (*State) GetAllReleaseDepartures ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (*State) GetConsolidatedPositions ¶ added in v0.11.7
func (*State) GetControllerVideoMaps ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (*State) GetInitialCenter ¶
func (*State) GetInitialRange ¶
func (*State) GetRegularReleaseDepartures ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (*State) GetSTARSReleaseDepartures ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (*State) GetStateForController ¶
func (*State) GetVideoMapLibrary ¶ added in v0.11.6
func (s *State) GetVideoMapLibrary(client *ControlClient) (*av.VideoMapLibrary, error)
func (*State) GetWindVector ¶
func (*State) InhibitCAVolumes ¶
func (ss *State) InhibitCAVolumes() []av.AirspaceVolume
func (*State) IsIntraFacility ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (*State) STARSComputer ¶
func (ss *State) STARSComputer() *STARSComputer
type ToggleSPCArgs ¶
type TrackInformation ¶
type TrackInformation struct { Identifier string TrackOwner string HandoffController string FlightPlan *STARSFlightPlan PointOut string PointOutHistory []string RedirectedHandoff av.RedirectedHandoff SP1 string SP2 string AutoAssociateFP bool // If it's white or not }
func (TrackInformation) HandingOffTo ¶ added in v0.11.2
func (trk TrackInformation) HandingOffTo(ctrl string) bool
type UnsupportedTrack ¶
type UnsupportedTrack struct { TrackLocation math.Point2LL Owner string HandoffController string FlightPlan *STARSFlightPlan }
type UploadPlanArgs ¶
type UploadPlanArgs struct { ControllerToken string Type int Plan *STARSFlightPlan }
type VideoMapsArgs ¶ added in v0.11.6
type WorldUpdate ¶
type WorldUpdate struct { Aircraft map[string]*av.Aircraft Controllers map[string]*av.Controller Time time.Time ERAMComputers *ERAMComputers LaunchConfig LaunchConfig UserRestrictionAreas []RestrictionArea SimIsPaused bool SimRate float32 Events []Event TotalDepartures int TotalArrivals int TotalOverflights int Instructors map[string]bool }