A golang utility to help migrate your knwoledge base from confluence
Flowline is a golang utility to help migrate your knowledge base from confluence. It is designed to be easy to use and flexible enough to be extended to support any platform. (Hopefully)
go install github.com/mmatongo/flowline
Right now, Flowline only supports migrating from Confluence to Outline.
- Text content and formatting such as italic, bold, underline
- Links
- Lists, numbered lists, check lists
Notices (Info / error / etc) (I am working on this) (Will work on this if needed)
- Code blocks
- File attachments (kind of)
- Embedded images
- Document nesting (Document nesting is now supported for outline and markdown migrations)
- Emojis
- Simple tables
Here's a basic example of how to use Flowline to migrate your knowledge base from Confluence to Outline.
Flowline has a simple ui.
A tiny little tool built in a few hours out of frustration to migrate a confluence knowledge base
flowline [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
markdown Convert Confluence HTML export to markdown files
outline Process a confluence HTML export and import it into Outline
-h, --help help for flowline
Use "flowline [command] --help" for more information about a command.
flowline outline
Process and convert individual pages to markdown, while aiming to preserve document structure
flowline outline [flags]
-c, --collection string collection id to be populated
-G, --get-collections retrieve a list of all the collections
-h, --help help for outline
-i, --input string path to the confluence HTML export
-o, --output string desired output path for the processed documents
-r, --verify verify the contents of each page before upload
flowline markdown
Error: required flag(s) "input", "output" not set
flowline markdown [flags]
-h, --help help for markdown
-i, --input string path to the confluence HTML export
-o, --output string output path for the markdown files
-r, --verify verify before proceeding with conversion
exit status 1
Example 1
Before you can use Flowline to migrate your knowledge base, you need to export your knowledge base from Confluence. You can do this by following the instructions here to export your knowledge base to HTML.
You then need to craete a collection in Outline where you want to import your knowledge base. You can do this by following the instructions here.
Then create an API key in Outline. You can do this by going to your settings then to the API section.
# Get a list of all the collections
flowline outline -G
"name": "Wiki",
"id": "c0df2bd9-8b16-4169-b4ea-ecea5038be1d",
"url": "https://wiki.example.com/api/collection/digital-PxkVzcux4V"
"name": "Welcome",
"id": "daf00c41-05c8-403f-a665-2a27b736c5cb",
"url": "https://wiki.example.com/api/collection/welcome-SH4HCAvCWl"
From the output above, you can see that we have two collections. We can use the id
to specify the collection we want to populate.
Note that you need to export your BASE_URL and API_KEY as environment variables.
export BASE_URL=https://wiki.example.com/api
export API_KEY=your_api_key
Now you can run the following command to start the migration process.
flowline outline -i /path/to/confluence-export -o /path/to/output -c c0df2bd9-8b16-4169-b4ea-ecea5038be1d
Example 2
You can also convert the confluence HTML export to markdown files.
flowline markdown -i /path/to/confluence-export -o /path/to/output
- Flowline is still in its early stages and may not support all the features you need.
- Flowline is not perfect and may not work as expected.
- Flowline is not affiliated with any of the platforms it supports.
- In the case of Outline, Flowline uses the Outline API to upload documents and attachments. This means that you need to have an internet connection to upload your documents. If you have a large knowledge base, this may take some time as rate limiting is enforced by Outline. (turns out can be byassed but would not recommend it)
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have any suggestions or improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Known Issues
- Flowline does not support all the features of Confluence. If you need a feature that is not supported, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
- Some complex tables may not be converted correctly, I've tried to fix this but it's still a work in progress.