Requests Validator
Automatically validates your requests. Helps to incapsulate requests validation logic.
go get
By Default it highly utilizes go-apierr package, so for the comfort usage better be used in link with the API Errors Handler middleware from this repo.
Validation logic and errors handling can be overridden.
- Populates your requests from the preferred source.
- Validates requests data by ozzo-validation(v3).
- Saves valid request to the context to use its data further.
JSON API validation
On invalid request will panic with apierr.ValidationFailed
that can be converted in 422 response with JSON like:
"error": {
"id": "validation_failed",
"message": "Validation failed.",
"meta": {
"errors": [
"field": "body",
"message": "Cannot be blank",
On invalid requests old input and validation errors will be saved to session flash and redirected back
to the referer url or previous visited page or /
package main
import (
handler ""
validator ""
// PostNewsJSON request:
// - if name ends with JSON, request will be populated from JSON;
// - if name ends with XML, request will be populated with XML;
// - if name ends with Form, request will be populated from form data;
// - if name ends with Query, request will be populated from URL query
type PostNewsJSON struct {
// By default fields in request will be searched by their name, but you can override it by tag:
// - json
// - xml
// - form
// - query
Text string `json:"text"`
// Validate request.
func (r *PostNews) Validate() error {
// Register validation rules.
return validation.ValidateStruct(r,
validation.Field(&r.Text, validation.Required),
func main() {
// Make RequestsValidator middleware.
rv := validator.New(validator.Config{})
// Make APIErrors handler middleware.
errorsHandler := handler.New(handler.Config{
EnvGetter: func() string {
return "production"
DebugGetter: func() bool {
return false
// Import middleware.
// Place rv.ValidateRequest with you request struct right before main handler.
iris.Post("/news", rv.ValidateRequest(&PostNewsJSON{}), func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// If request is valid, it will be stored by request full name key in the IRIS context.
request := ctx.Get("main.PostNewsJSON").(*PostNewsJSON)
ctx.Text(200, request.Text)
Override handler
You can override error handing logic by passing your own handlers to the validator's constructor.
func main() {
// Make RequestsValidator middleware and override default JSON API requests errors.
rv := validator.New(validator.Config{
APIHandler: func(context *validator.Context, ctx *iris.Context) {
WebHandler: func(context *validator.Context, ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Text(200, "Error")
BadRequestHandler: func(context *validator.Context, ctx *iris.Context) {
Working example
Full working example can be found in API Boilerplate