Palm is a fast token reader
CLI tool for generating and fast reading tokens.
Palm command generate generates random tokens using lowercase letters a-z and dumps them to file (one token per line).
Command read reads and handles tokens from a file. User may want to dump unique tokens to a storage, so this tool allows him to write tokens to postgresql database. To set database connection, the user should use configuration file.
This command has 3 flags:
- out (shorthand o) - required flag that describes output file path for generated tokens;
- number (shorthand n) - not required flag describing the number tokens needed to generate;
- length (shorthand l) - not required flag that describes the length of each token.
Example of usage
palm generate -n 3 -l 7 -o ~/home/user/desktop/output-sample.txt
Result (output-example.txt content)
Has 2 flags:
- in (shorthand i) - required flag describing input file path with tokens;
- out (shorthand o) - required flag describing output file path for non-unique tokens and their frequencies.
Example of usage
palm read -i ~/home/user/desktop/output-sample.txt -o ~/home/user/desktop/non-unique_tokens.txt
Result (non-unique_tokens.txt content)
{"ftyolck":3, "ycmslxb":2}
Database dumping
As it mentioned above palm allows to dump unique tokens to postgresql storage. To take advantage of this feature an user need to place his configuration file next to palm's execution file. The configuration file must be called as .palm.yaml and looks like
postgresql: postgres://d4l:d4l@localhost:5432/d4l
Within the postgresql database the user needs to create a table using the following script
create table tokens (token varchar not null unique);
Within db.script you can find commands for creating postgresql role and database.
Design decision
Palm uses cobra package to work as a CLI tool.
Package token_generator implements the functionality for generating tokens and dumping them to a file.
Package token_handler implements the functionality for reading and handling tokens from a file. There is struct Handler which incapsulates an instance of interface Reader from package token_handler/readers within the package. This approach has an advantage allows to use different implementations of the Reader.
There are two implementations of Reader interface in token_handler/readers package
- DefaultReader - reads the whole file and then token by token handles them.
- FastReader - an asynchronous reader that runs a number of goroutines equal to the number of logical processors on the computer and each goroutine reads a chunk from the file and then processes the read chunk.
There is also interface Hook which can be used for dumping unique tokens to a storage. There is only one implementation of this interface - PostgreSQLHook.