A plugin for Protocol Buffers that generates XML marshal receivers for enums generated from .proto
files. It enables enums to be marshaled/unmarshaled from their string variants.
To see an example output go to e2e\e2e.xml.go
How to build
For building the package run:
task build
go build -o protoc-gen-go-xml-enums .
How to run
There is an example .proto
file at e2e\e2e.proto
for generating it run the following command:
task gen_e2e_proto
protoc --plugin protoc-gen-go-xml-enums --go-xml-enums_out=e2e --proto_path=. --go_out=plugins=grpc:e2e e2e/e2e.proto
The output file will be e2e\e2e.xml.go
How to run tests
task run_e2e
or if you want to rebuild the package and regenerate the e2e.xml.go file run
task e2e_all