
command module
v0.0.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 17, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 66 Imported by: 0


Mox is a modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email.

See Quickstart below to get started.

Mox features:

  • Quick and easy to start/maintain mail server, for your own domain(s).
  • SMTP (with extensions) for receiving and submitting email.
  • IMAP4 (with extensions) for giving email clients access to email.
  • Automatic TLS with ACME, for use with Let's Encrypt and other CA's.
  • SPF, verifying that a remote host is allowed to sent email for a domain.
  • DKIM, verifying that a message is signed by the claimed sender domain, and for signing emails sent by mox for others to verify.
  • DMARC, for enforcing SPF/DKIM policies set by domains. Incoming DMARC aggregate reports are analyzed.
  • Reputation tracking, learning (per user) host- and domain-based reputation from (Non-)Junk email.
  • Bayesian spam filtering that learns (per user) from (Non-)Junk email.
  • Slowing down senders with no/low reputation or questionable email content (similar to greylisting). Rejected emails are stored in a mailbox called Rejects for a short period, helping with misclassified legitimate synchronous signup/login/transactional emails.
  • Internationalized email, with unicode names in domains and usernames ("localparts").
  • TLSRPT, parsing reports about TLS usage and issues.
  • MTA-STS, for ensuring TLS is used whenever it is required. Both serving of policies, and tracking and applying policies of remote servers.
  • Web admin interface that helps you set up your domains and accounts (instructions to create DNS records, configure SPF/DKIM/DMARC/TLSRPT/MTA-STS), for status information, managing accounts/domains, and modifying the configuration file.
  • Autodiscovery (with SRV records, Microsoft-style and Thunderbird-style) for easy account setup (though not many clients support it).
  • Prometheus metrics and structured logging for operational insight.

Not supported (but perhaps in the future):

  • Webmail
  • HTTP-based API for sending messages and receiving delivery feedback
  • Calendaring
  • Functioning as SMTP relay
  • Forwarding (to an external address)
  • Autoresponders
  • POP3
  • Delivery to (unix) OS system users
  • Sieve for filtering
  • PGP or S/MIME
  • Mailing list manager
  • Support for pluggable delivery mechanisms.

Mox has automated tests, including for interoperability with Postfix for SMTP.

Mox is manually tested with email clients: Mozilla Thunderbird, mutt, iOS Mail, macOS Mail, Android Mail, Microsoft Outlook.

Mox is also manually tested to interoperate with popular cloud providers:,,,

Mox is implemented in Go, a modern safe programming language, and has a focus on security.

Mox is available under the MIT-license. Mox includes the Public Suffix List by Mozilla, under Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

Mox was created by Mechiel Lukkien,

For discussions/talk, join #mox on, or #mox on the "Gopher slack".


You can easily (cross) compile mox if you have a recent Go toolchain installed (see "go version", it must be >= 1.19; otherwise, see or and $HOME/go/bin):

GOBIN=$PWD go install

Or you can download a binary built with the latest Go toolchain from, and symlink or rename it to "mox".

Verify you have a working mox binary:

./mox version

Note: Mox only compiles/works on unix systems, not on Plan 9 or Windows.


The easiest way to get started with serving email for your domain is to get a vm/machine dedicated to serving email, name it [host].[domain], login as an admin user, e.g. /home/service, download mox, and generate a configuration for your desired email address at your domain:

./mox quickstart

This creates an account, generates a password and configuration files, prints the DNS records you need to manually create and prints commands to set permissions and install mox as a service.

If you already have email configured for your domain, or if you are already sending email for your domain from other machines/services, you should modify the suggested configuration and/or DNS records.

A dedicated machine is highly recommended because modern email requires HTTPS, also for automatic TLS. You can combine mox with an existing webserver, but it requires more configuration.

After starting, you can access the admin web interface on internal IPs.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Why a new mail server implementation?

Mox aims to make "running a mail server" easy and nearly effortless. Excellent quality mail server software exists, but getting a working setup typically requires you configure half a dozen services (SMTP, IMAP, SPF/DKIM/DMARC, spam filtering). That seems to lead to people no longer running their own mail servers, instead switching to one of the few centralized email providers. Email with SMTP is a long-time decentralized messaging protocol. To keep it decentralized, people need to run their own mail server. Mox aims to make that easy.

Where is the documentation?

See all commands and help text at, and example config files at

You can get the same information by running "mox" without arguments to list its subcommands and usage, and "mox help [subcommand]" for more details.

The example config files are printed by "mox config describe-static" and "mox config describe-dynamic".

Mox is still in early stages, and documentation is still limited. Please create an issue describing what is unclear or confusing, and we'll try to improve the documentation.

How do I import/export email?

Use the import functionality on the accounts web page to import a zip/tgz with maildirs/mbox files, or use the "mox import maildir" or "mox import mbox" subcommands. You could also use your IMAP email client, add your mox account, and copy or move messages from one account to the other.

Similarly, see the export functionality on the accounts web page and the "mox export maildir" and "mox export mbox" subcommands to export email.

How can I help?

Mox needs users and testing in real-life setups! So just give it a try, send and receive emails through it with your favourite email clients, and file an issue if you encounter a problem or would like to see a feature/functionality implemented.

Instead of switching your email for your domain over to mox, you could simply configure mox for a subdomain, e.g. [you]@moxtest.[yourdomain].

If you have experience with how the email protocols are used in the wild, e.g. compatibility issues, limitations, anti-spam measures, specification violations, that would be interesting to hear about.

Pull requests for bug fixes and new code are welcome too. If the changes are large, it helps to start a discussion (create a ticket) before doing all the work.

How do I change my password?

Regular users (doing IMAP/SMTP with authentication) can change their password at the account page, e.g. Or you can set a password with "mox setaccountpassword".

The admin password can be changed with "mox setadminpassword".

How do I configure a second mox instance as a backup MX?

Unfortunately, mox does not yet provide an option for that. Mox does spam filtering based on reputation of received messages. It will take a good amount of work to share that information with a backup MX. Without that information, spammer could use a backup MX to get their spam accepted. Until mox has a proper solution, you can simply run a single SMTP server.

How secure is mox?

Security is high on the priority list for mox. Mox is young, so don't expect no bugs at all. Mox does have automated tests for some security aspects, e.g. for login, and uses fuzzing. Mox is written in Go, so some classes of bugs such as buffer mishandling do not typically result in privilege escalation. Of course logic bugs will still exist. If you find any security issues, please email them to



Command mox is a modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email.

  • Quick and easy to set up with quickstart and automatic TLS with ACME and Let's Encrypt.
  • IMAP4 with extensions for accessing email.
  • SMTP with SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DNSBL, MTA-STS, TLSRPT for exchanging email.
  • Reputation-based and content-based spam filtering.
  • Internationalized email.
  • Admin web interface.


mox [-config config/mox.conf] ...
mox serve
mox quickstart user@domain
mox restart
mox stop
mox setaccountpassword address
mox setadminpassword
mox loglevels [level [pkg]]
mox queue list
mox queue kick [-id id] [-todomain domain] [-recipient address]
mox queue drop [-id id] [-todomain domain] [-recipient address]
mox queue dump id
mox import maildir accountname mailboxname maildir
mox import mbox accountname mailboxname mbox
mox export maildir dst-dir account-path [mailbox]
mox export mbox dst-dir account-path [mailbox]
mox help [command ...]
mox config test
mox config dnscheck domain
mox config dnsrecords domain
mox config describe-domains >domains.conf
mox config describe-static >mox.conf
mox config account add account address
mox config account rm account
mox config address add address account
mox config address rm address
mox config domain add domain account [localpart]
mox config domain rm domain
mox config describe-sendmail >/etc/moxsubmit.conf
mox checkupdate
mox cid cid
mox clientconfig domain
mox dkim gened25519 >$selector._domainkey.$domain.ed25519key.pkcs8.pem
mox dkim genrsa >$selector._domainkey.$domain.rsakey.pkcs8.pem
mox dkim lookup selector domain
mox dkim txt <$selector._domainkey.$domain.key.pkcs8.pem
mox dkim verify message
mox dmarc lookup domain
mox dmarc parsereportmsg message ...
mox dmarc verify remoteip mailfromaddress helodomain < message
mox dnsbl check zone ip
mox dnsbl checkhealth zone
mox mtasts lookup domain
mox retrain accountname
mox sendmail [-Fname] [ignoredflags] [-t] [<message]
mox spf check domain ip
mox spf lookup domain
mox spf parse txtrecord
mox tlsrpt lookup domain
mox tlsrpt parsereportmsg message ...
mox version

Many commands talk to a running mox instance, through the ctl file in the data directory. Specify the configuration file (that holds the path to the data directory) through the -config flag or MOXCONF environment variable.

mox serve

Start mox, serving SMTP/IMAP/HTTPS.

Incoming email is accepted over SMTP. Email can be retrieved by users using IMAP. HTTP listeners are started for the admin/account web interfaces, and for automated TLS configuration. Missing essential TLS certificates are immediately requested, other TLS certificates are requested on demand.

usage: mox serve

mox quickstart

Quickstart generates configuration files and prints instructions to quickly set up a mox instance.

Quickstart prints initial admin and account passwords, configuration files, DNS records you should create, instructions for setting correct user/group and permissions, and if you run it on Linux it prints a systemd service file.

usage: mox quickstart user@domain

mox restart

Restart mox after validating the configuration file.

Restart execs the mox binary, which have been updated. Restart returns after the restart has finished. If you update the mox binary, keep in mind that the validation of the configuration file is done by the old process with the old binary. The new binary may report a syntax error. If you update the binary, you should use the "config test" command with the new binary to validate the configuration file.

Like stop, existing connections get a 3 second period for graceful shutdown.

usage: mox restart

mox stop

Shut mox down, giving connections maximum 3 seconds to stop before closing them.

While shutting down, new IMAP and SMTP connections will get a status response indicating temporary unavailability. Existing connections will get a 3 second period to finish their transaction and shut down. Under normal circumstances, only IMAP has long-living connections, with the IDLE command to get notified of new mail deliveries.

usage: mox stop

mox setaccountpassword

Set new password an account.

The password is read from stdin. Secrets derived from the password, but not the password itself, are stored in the account database. The stored secrets are for authentication with: scram-sha-256, scram-sha-1, cram-md5, plain text (bcrypt hash).

Any email address configured for the account can be used.

usage: mox setaccountpassword address

mox setadminpassword

Set a new admin password, for the web interface.

The password is read from stdin. Its bcrypt hash is stored in a file named "adminpasswd" in the configuration directory.

usage: mox setadminpassword

mox loglevels

Print the log levels, or set a new default log level, or a level for the given package.

By default, a single log level applies to all logging in mox. But for each "pkg", an overriding log level can be configured. Examples of packages: smtpserver, smtpclient, queue, imapserver, spf, dkim, dmarc, junk, message, etc.

Specify a pkg and an empty level to clear the configured level for a package.

Valid labels: error, info, debug, trace, traceauth, tracedata.

usage: mox loglevels [level [pkg]]

mox queue list

List messages in the delivery queue.

This prints the message with its ID, last and next delivery attempts, last error.

usage: mox queue list

mox queue kick

Schedule matching messages in the queue for immediate delivery.

Messages deliveries are normally attempted with exponential backoff. The first retry after 7.5 minutes, and doubling each time. Kicking messages sets their next scheduled attempt to now, it can cause delivery to fail earlier than without rescheduling.

usage: mox queue kick [-id id] [-todomain domain] [-recipient address]
  -id int
    	id of message in queue
  -recipient string
    	recipient email address
  -todomain string
    	destination domain of messages

mox queue drop

Remove matching messages from the queue.

Dangerous operation, this completely removes the message. If you want to store the message, use "queue dump" before removing.

usage: mox queue drop [-id id] [-todomain domain] [-recipient address]
  -id int
    	id of message in queue
  -recipient string
    	recipient email address
  -todomain string
    	destination domain of messages

mox queue dump

Dump a message from the queue.

The message is printed to stdout and is in standard internet mail format.

usage: mox queue dump id

mox import maildir

Import a maildir into an account.

By default, messages will train the junk filter based on their flags and, if "automatic junk flags" configuration is set, based on mailbox naming.

If the destination mailbox is "Sent", the recipients of the messages are added to the message metadata, causing later incoming messages from these recipients to be accepted, unless other reputation signals prevent that.

Users can also import mailboxes/messages through the account web page by uploading a zip or tgz file with mbox and/or maildirs.

Mailbox flags, like "seen", "answered", will be imported. An optional dovecot-keywords file can specify additional flags, like Forwarded/Junk/NotJunk.

The maildir files/directories are read by the mox process, so make sure it has access to the maildir directories/files.

usage: mox import maildir accountname mailboxname maildir

mox import mbox

Import an mbox into an account.

Using mbox is not recommended, maildir is a better defined format.

By default, messages will train the junk filter based on their flags and, if "automatic junk flags" configuration is set, based on mailbox naming.

If the destination mailbox is "Sent", the recipients of the messages are added to the message metadata, causing later incoming messages from these recipients to be accepted, unless other reputation signals prevent that.

Users can also import mailboxes/messages through the account web page by uploading a zip or tgz file with mbox and/or maildirs.

The mailbox is read by the mox process, so make sure it has access to the maildir directories/files.

usage: mox import mbox accountname mailboxname mbox

mox export maildir

Export one or all mailboxes from an account in maildir format.

Export bypasses a running mox instance. It opens the account mailbox/message database file directly. This may block if a running mox instance also has the database open, e.g. for IMAP connections. To export from a running instance, use the accounts web page.

usage: mox export maildir dst-dir account-path [mailbox]

mox export mbox

Export messages from one or all mailboxes in an account in mbox format.

Using mbox is not recommended. Maildir is a better format.

Export bypasses a running mox instance. It opens the account mailbox/message database file directly. This may block if a running mox instance also has the database open, e.g. for IMAP connections. To export from a running instance, use the accounts web page.

For mbox export, "mboxrd" is used where message lines starting with the magic "From " string are escaped by prepending a >. All ">*From " are escaped, otherwise reconstructing the original could lose a ">".

usage: mox export mbox dst-dir account-path [mailbox]

mox help

Prints help about matching commands.

If multiple commands match, they are listed along with the first line of their help text. If a single command matches, its usage and full help text is printed.

usage: mox help [command ...]

mox config test

Parses and validates the configuration files.

If valid, the command exits with status 0. If not valid, all errors encountered are printed.

usage: mox config test

mox config dnscheck

Check the DNS records with the configuration for the domain, and print any errors/warnings.

usage: mox config dnscheck domain

mox config dnsrecords

Prints annotated DNS records as zone file that should be created for the domain.

The zone file can be imported into existing DNS software. You should review the DNS records, especially if your domain previously/currently has email configured.

usage: mox config dnsrecords domain

mox config describe-domains

Prints an annotated empty configuration for use as domains.conf.

The domains configuration file contains the domains and their configuration, and accounts and their configuration. This includes the configured email addresses. The mox admin web interface, and the mox command line interface, can make changes to this file. Mox automatically reloads this file when it changes.

Like the static configuration, the example domains.conf printed by this command needs modifications to make it valid.

usage: mox config describe-domains >domains.conf

mox config describe-static

Prints an annotated empty configuration for use as mox.conf.

The static configuration file cannot be reloaded while mox is running. Mox has to be restarted for changes to the static configuration file to take effect.

This configuration file needs modifications to make it valid. For example, it may contain unfinished list items.

usage: mox config describe-static >mox.conf

mox config account add

Add an account with an email address and reload the configuration.

Email can be delivered to this address/account. A password has to be configured explicitly, see the setaccountpassword command.

usage: mox config account add account address

mox config account rm

Remove an account and reload the configuration.

Email addresses for this account will also be removed, and incoming email for these addresses will be rejected.

usage: mox config account rm account

mox config address add

Adds an address to an account and reloads the configuration.

usage: mox config address add address account

mox config address rm

Remove an address and reload the configuration.

Incoming email for this address will be rejected.

usage: mox config address rm address

mox config domain add

Adds a new domain to the configuration and reloads the configuration.

The account is used for the postmaster mailboxes the domain, including as DMARC and TLS reporting. Localpart is the "username" at the domain for this account. If must be set if and only if account does not yet exist.

usage: mox config domain add domain account [localpart]

mox config domain rm

Remove a domain from the configuration and reload the configuration.

This is a dangerous operation. Incoming email delivery for this domain will be rejected.

usage: mox config domain rm domain

mox config describe-sendmail

Describe configuration for mox when invoked as sendmail.

usage: mox config describe-sendmail >/etc/moxsubmit.conf

mox checkupdate

Check if a newer version of mox is available.

A single DNS TXT lookup to tells if a new version is available. If so, a changelog is fetched from, and the individual entries validated with a builtin public key. The changelog is printed.

usage: mox checkupdate

mox cid

Turn an ID from a Received header into a cid, for looking up in logs.

A cid is essentially a connection counter initialized when mox starts. Each log line contains a cid. Received headers added by mox contain a unique ID that can be decrypted to a cid by admin of a mox instance only.

usage: mox cid cid

mox clientconfig

Print the configuration for email clients for a domain.

Sending email is typically not done on the SMTP port 25, but on submission ports 465 (with TLS) and 587 (without initial TLS, but usually added to the connection with STARTTLS). For IMAP, the port with TLS is 993 and without is 143.

Without TLS/STARTTLS, passwords are sent in clear text, which should only be configured over otherwise secured connections, like a VPN.

usage: mox clientconfig domain

mox dkim gened25519

Generate a new ed25519 key for use with DKIM.

Ed25519 keys are much smaller than RSA keys of comparable cryptographic strength. This is convenient because of maximum DNS message sizes. At the time of writing, not many mail servers appear to support ed25519 DKIM keys though, so it is recommended to sign messages with both RSA and ed25519 keys.

usage: mox dkim gened25519 >$selector._domainkey.$domain.ed25519key.pkcs8.pem

mox dkim genrsa

Generate a new 2048 bit RSA private key for use with DKIM.

The generated file is in PEM format, and has a comment it is generated for use with DKIM, by mox.

usage: mox dkim genrsa >$selector._domainkey.$domain.rsakey.pkcs8.pem

mox dkim lookup

Lookup and print the DKIM record for the selector at the domain.

usage: mox dkim lookup selector domain

mox dkim txt

Print a DKIM DNS TXT record with the public key derived from the private key read from stdin.

The DNS should be configured as a TXT record at $selector._domainkey.$domain.

usage: mox dkim txt <$selector._domainkey.$domain.key.pkcs8.pem

mox dkim verify

Verify the DKIM signatures in a message and print the results.

The message is parsed, and the DKIM-Signature headers are validated. Validation of older messages may fail because the DNS records have been removed or changed by now, or because the signature header may have specified an expiration time that was passed.

usage: mox dkim verify message

mox dmarc lookup

Lookup dmarc policy for domain, a DNS TXT record at _dmarc.<domain>, validate and print it.

usage: mox dmarc lookup domain

mox dmarc parsereportmsg

Parse a DMARC report from an email message, and print its extracted details.

DMARC reports are periodically mailed, if requested in the DMARC DNS record of a domain. Reports are sent by mail servers that received messages with our domain in a From header. This may or may not be legatimate email. DMARC reports contain summaries of evaluations of DMARC and DKIM/SPF, which can help understand email deliverability problems.

usage: mox dmarc parsereportmsg message ...

mox dmarc verify

Parse an email message and evaluate it against the DMARC policy of the domain in the From-header.

mailfromaddress and helodomain are used for SPF validation. If both are empty, SPF validation is skipped.

mailfromaddress should be the address used as MAIL FROM in the SMTP session. For DSN messages, that address may be empty. The helo domain was specified at the beginning of the SMTP transaction that delivered the message. These values can be found in message headers.

usage: mox dmarc verify remoteip mailfromaddress helodomain < message

mox dnsbl check

Test if IP is in the DNS blocklist of the zone, e.g.

If the IP is in the blocklist, an explanation is printed. This is typically a URL with more information.

usage: mox dnsbl check zone ip

mox dnsbl checkhealth

Check the health of the DNS blocklist represented by zone, e.g.

The health of a DNS blocklist can be checked by querying for and The second must and the first must not be present.

usage: mox dnsbl checkhealth zone

mox mtasts lookup

Lookup the MTASTS record and policy for the domain.

MTA-STS is a mechanism for a domain to specify if it requires TLS connections for delivering email. If a domain has a valid MTA-STS DNS TXT record at _mta-sts.<domain> it signals it implements MTA-STS. A policy can then be fetched at https://mta-sts.<domain>/.well-known/mta-sts.txt. The policy specifies the mode (enforce, testing, none), which MX servers support TLS and should be used, and how long the policy can be cached.

usage: mox mtasts lookup domain

mox retrain

Recreate and retrain the junk filter for the account.

Useful after having made changes to the junk filter configuration, or if the implementation has changed.

usage: mox retrain accountname

mox sendmail

Sendmail is a drop-in replacement for /usr/sbin/sendmail to deliver emails sent by unix processes like cron.

If invoked as "sendmail", it will act as sendmail for sending messages. Its intention is to let processes like cron send emails. Messages are submitted to an actual mail server over SMTP. The destination mail server and credentials are configured in /etc/moxsubmit.conf, see mox config describe-sendmail. The From message header is rewritten to the configured address. When the addressee appears to be a local user, because without @, the message is sent to the configured default address.

If submitting an email fails, it is added to a directory moxsubmit.failures in the user's home directory.

Most flags are ignored to fake compatibility with other sendmail implementations. A single recipient is required, or the tflag.

/etc/moxsubmit.conf should be group-readable and not readable by others and this binary should be setgid that group:

groupadd moxsubmit
install -m 2755 -o root -g moxsubmit mox /usr/sbin/sendmail
touch /etc/moxsubmit.conf
chown root:moxsubmit /etc/moxsubmit.conf
chmod 640 /etc/moxsubmit.conf
# edit /etc/moxsubmit.conf

usage: mox sendmail [-Fname] [ignoredflags] [-t] [<message]

mox spf check

Check the status of IP for the policy published in DNS for the domain.

IPs may be allowed to send for a domain, or disallowed, and several shades in between. If not allowed, an explanation may be provided by the policy. If so, the explanation is printed. The SPF mechanism that matched (if any) is also printed.

usage: mox spf check domain ip

mox spf lookup

Lookup the SPF record for the domain and print it.

usage: mox spf lookup domain

mox spf parse

Parse the record as SPF record. If valid, nothing is printed.

usage: mox spf parse txtrecord

mox tlsrpt lookup

Lookup the TLSRPT record for the domain.

A TLSRPT record typically contains an email address where reports about TLS connectivity should be sent. Mail servers attempting delivery to our domain should attempt to use TLS. TLSRPT lets them report how many connection successfully used TLS, and how what kind of errors occurred otherwise.

usage: mox tlsrpt lookup domain

mox tlsrpt parsereportmsg

Parse and print the TLSRPT in the message.

The report is printed in formatted JSON.

usage: mox tlsrpt parsereportmsg message ...

mox version

Prints this mox version.

usage: mox version


Path Synopsis
Package autotls automatically configures TLS (for SMTP, IMAP, HTTP) by requesting certificates with ACME, typically from Let's Encrypt.
Package autotls automatically configures TLS (for SMTP, IMAP, HTTP) by requesting certificates with ACME, typically from Let's Encrypt.
Package config holds the configuration file definitions for mox.conf (Static) and domains.conf (Dynamic).
Package config holds the configuration file definitions for mox.conf (Static) and domains.conf (Dynamic).
Package dkim (DomainKeys Identified Mail signatures, RFC 6376) signs and verifies DKIM signatures.
Package dkim (DomainKeys Identified Mail signatures, RFC 6376) signs and verifies DKIM signatures.
Package dmarc implements DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance; RFC 7489) verification.
Package dmarc implements DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance; RFC 7489) verification.
Package dmarcdb stores incoming DMARC reports.
Package dmarcdb stores incoming DMARC reports.
Package dmarcrpt parses DMARC aggregate feedback reports.
Package dmarcrpt parses DMARC aggregate feedback reports.
Package dns helps parse internationalized domain names (IDNA), canonicalize names and provides a strict and metrics-keeping logging DNS resolver.
Package dns helps parse internationalized domain names (IDNA), canonicalize names and provides a strict and metrics-keeping logging DNS resolver.
Package dnsbl implements DNS block lists (RFC 5782), for checking incoming messages from sources without reputation.
Package dnsbl implements DNS block lists (RFC 5782), for checking incoming messages from sources without reputation.
Package dsn parses and composes Delivery Status Notification messages, see RFC 3464 and RFC 6533.
Package dsn parses and composes Delivery Status Notification messages, see RFC 3464 and RFC 6533.
Package http provides HTTP listeners/servers, for autoconfiguration/autodiscovery, the account and admin web interface and MTA-STS policies.
Package http provides HTTP listeners/servers, for autoconfiguration/autodiscovery, the account and admin web interface and MTA-STS policies.
Package imapclient provides an IMAP4 client, primarily for testing the IMAP4 server.
Package imapclient provides an IMAP4 client, primarily for testing the IMAP4 server.
Package imapserver implements an IMAPv4 server, rev2 (RFC 9051) and rev1 with extensions (RFC 3501 and more).
Package imapserver implements an IMAPv4 server, rev2 (RFC 9051) and rev1 with extensions (RFC 3501 and more).
Package iprev checks if an IP has a reverse DNS name configured and that the reverse DNS name resolves back to the IP (RFC 8601, Section 3).
Package iprev checks if an IP has a reverse DNS name configured and that the reverse DNS name resolves back to the IP (RFC 8601, Section 3).
Package junk implements a bayesian spam filter.
Package junk implements a bayesian spam filter.
Package message provides functions for reading and writing email messages, ensuring they are correctly formatted.
Package message provides functions for reading and writing email messages, ensuring they are correctly formatted.
Package metrics has prometheus metric variables/functions.
Package metrics has prometheus metric variables/functions.
Package mlog provides logging with log levels and fields.
Package mlog provides logging with log levels and fields.
Package mox provides functions dealing with global state, such as the current configuration, and convenience functions.
Package mox provides functions dealing with global state, such as the current configuration, and convenience functions.
Package moxio has common i/o functions.
Package moxio has common i/o functions.
Package moxvar provides the version number of a mox build.
Package moxvar provides the version number of a mox build.
Package mtasts implements MTA-STS (SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security, RFC 8461) which allows a domain to specify SMTP TLS requirements.
Package mtasts implements MTA-STS (SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security, RFC 8461) which allows a domain to specify SMTP TLS requirements.
Package mtastsdb stores MTA-STS policies for later use.
Package mtastsdb stores MTA-STS policies for later use.
Package publicsuffix implements a public suffix list to look up the organizational domain for a given host name.
Package publicsuffix implements a public suffix list to look up the organizational domain for a given host name.
Package queue is in charge of outgoing messages, queueing them when submitted, attempting a first delivery over SMTP, retrying with backoff and sending DSNs for delayed or failed deliveries.
Package queue is in charge of outgoing messages, queueing them when submitted, attempting a first delivery over SMTP, retrying with backoff and sending DSNs for delayed or failed deliveries.
Package ratelimit provides a simple window-based rate limiter.
Package ratelimit provides a simple window-based rate limiter.
Package scram implements the SCRAM-SHA-* SASL authentication mechanism, RFC 7677 and RFC 5802.
Package scram implements the SCRAM-SHA-* SASL authentication mechanism, RFC 7677 and RFC 5802.
Package smtp provides SMTP definitions and functions shared between smtpserver and smtpclient.
Package smtp provides SMTP definitions and functions shared between smtpserver and smtpclient.
Package smtpclient is an SMTP client, used by the queue for sending outgoing messages.
Package smtpclient is an SMTP client, used by the queue for sending outgoing messages.
Package smtpserver implements an SMTP server for submission and incoming delivery of mail messages.
Package smtpserver implements an SMTP server for submission and incoming delivery of mail messages.
Package spf implements Sender Policy Framework (SPF, RFC 7208) for verifying remote mail server IPs with their published records.
Package spf implements Sender Policy Framework (SPF, RFC 7208) for verifying remote mail server IPs with their published records.
Package store implements storage for accounts, their mailboxes, IMAP subscriptions and messages, and broadcasts updates (e.g.
Package store implements storage for accounts, their mailboxes, IMAP subscriptions and messages, and broadcasts updates (e.g.
Package subjectpass implements a mechanism for reject an incoming message with a challenge to include a token in a next delivery attempt.
Package subjectpass implements a mechanism for reject an incoming message with a challenge to include a token in a next delivery attempt.
Package tlsrpt implements SMTP TLS Reporting, RFC 8460.
Package tlsrpt implements SMTP TLS Reporting, RFC 8460.
Package tlsrptdb stores reports from "SMTP TLS Reporting" in its database.
Package tlsrptdb stores reports from "SMTP TLS Reporting" in its database.
Package updates implements a mechanism for checking if software updates are available, and fetching a changelog.
Package updates implements a mechanism for checking if software updates are available, and fetching a changelog.

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