Go extensions library
Setting up for development
Clone Repository
git clone
Setup Pre-commit Hooks
When you clone this repository to your workstation, make sure to install the pre-commit hooks. GitHub Repository
brew install pre-commit
- Check installed versions.
$ pre-commit --version
pre-commit 3.3.2
- Update configured pre-commit plugins. Updates repository versions in .pre-commit-config.yaml to the latest.
pre-commit autoupdate
- Install pre-commit into the local git.
pre-commit install --install-hooks
- Run pre-commit checks manually.
pre-commit run --all-files
Maintaining, Housekeeping, Greenkeeping, etc
Upgrade Go Version
go mod edit -go=<go_version> && go mod tidy
Upgrade Dependency Versions
go get -u && go mod tidy
Running GitHub Super-Linter Locally
docker run --rm -e RUN_LOCAL=true --env-file ".github/super-linter.env" -v $PWD:/tmp/lint github/super-linter:latest
Running golangci-lint Locally
golangci-lint run --verbose --tests=true --config=.github/linters/.golangci.yml --issues-exit-code=0 --out-format=checkstyle