This is a simple blogging engine written in Go. Its features are:
- Works on any platform that Go can build for.
- Does not require a database.
- Syntax highlighting via Highlight.js.
- Comment spam detection via Akismet.
- Comment spam prevention via reCAPTCHA.
- Easy to install.
- Fast.
- Python 3 script to convert from an XML WordPress export to Gobble format.
- Configurable via JSON file.
- Posts are stored on the file system.
- Posts and comments are written in Markdown.
- Search.
- Archives list.
- Paging.
- Tagging.
- RSS feed.
- Simple re-theming.
Writing Posts
All posts are stored in the posts
directory. All posts are written in
Markdown, with metadata included at the top of the post giving the publish date,
tags, etc. The format is identical to that used by Scriptogram.
To write a post, create a new file in the posts directory. Call it whatever you like, but ensure it has the extension ".md". Here's an example:
Title: My First Gobble Post
Date: 2013-02-02 01:18:36
Tags: helloworld, fristpost
This is my first Gobble post!
Save the file and start Gobble. Your post should now appear. Clicking on the "Tags" link in the navigation menu will show the two tags, and the "Archives" page will show this new post's title and publish date.
Tags are specified as a list of words in a post's metadata block, separated by commas. They should be lower-case, but Gobble will automatically convert them to lower-case for you should you enter some with upper-case characters.
Hash characters in tags are stripped out. Tags are included in URLs, so hash characters would prevent the browser from accessing the correct page.
Comments are stored in a folder in the comments
directory that has the same
name as the post's Markdown file. For example, a post called ""
will store its comments in a folder called "my-first-post".
Comments can be disabled on a post-by-post basis by using the DisallowComments
metadata tag:
DisallowComments: true
Omitting the tag or using any value other than "true" will enable comments. This functionality is provided mainly as a way to stop spam bots that latch on to a particular post and repeatedly manage to bypass the other spam protections.
Comments can also be disabled by setting a value for the "commentsOpenForDays"
configuration property. Setting this to a value other than 0
will cause
comments to be disabled after the specified number of days. This is useful both
for blocking spam and for preventing discussion of ancient posts.
Other spam protection is implemented via Akismet and reCAPTCHA. Both services are enabled automatically if their keys are provided in the config file.
Media Files
Media files, such as images, sounds and others, can be served from the folder
defined in the mediaPath
config setting. Media links take this format:
Files can be organised however you want. I personally organise my files like WordPress and use a directory structure like this:
For example:
To link to that image from a post, this is the Markdown syntax:
![Image name](/media/2014/01/26/Image.png)
Other Static Files
Other static files which support the blog itself, rather than content, should be
stored in the path defined by the staticFilePath
config setting. These files
include the robots.txt file, favicon.ico file, etc and are served from a user-
defined URL. The files have to be added to the config file in order for Gobble
to serve them.
Here's a partial example of a config file that will serve robots.txt
from the ./files
"staticFilePath": "./files",
"staticFiles": {
"/favicon.ico": "favicon.ico",
"/robots.txt": "robots.txt"
In the "staticFiles" dictionary, the key represents the URL of the file and the
value represents the path to the file relative to the staticFilePath
In this example, the URL /favicon.ico
serves the file located at
Gobble supports multiple themes, which can be found in the gobble/themes directory. Each theme consists of image, css and templates folders. All are designed to be standards compliant and easy to edit.
When editing templates, take care not to disturb content between {{brackets}}
These are part of Go's templating system and function as placeholders for
content generated by Gobble. Changing these may break the templates.
Post Caching
Rather than use a database, which would increase the complexity of Gobble and its installation, Gobble stores all of its posts on the file system. When Gobble is running it caches the entire content of the blog in memory. This may sound a little excessive, but consists of 280,000 words spread over 480 posts and 912 comments, and uses just 2MB of disk space. Storing the posts in RAM makes retrieving and searching them extremely fast.
The cache is updated whenever the content of the posts directory changes.
The easiest way to install Gobble is via the command line. Assuming you have Go installed and configured correctly:
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
Gobble wil now be available at http://localhost:8080
Note that Gobble requires a minimum of Go v1.2.
Ubuntu Gobble Service
If you are deploying to an Ubuntu server, you can set up Gobble as a service to run at system startup:
cd /etc/init
sudo nano gobble.conf
Insert the following text:
description "gobble web server"
start on startup
chdir path_to_gobble/gobble exec ./gobble
sudo service gobble start
To stop Gobble:
- sudo service gobble stop
Startup Options
The -config
argument allows the config file to be specified:
./gobble -config ./gobble.conf
The -disableWatcher
argument can disable watching the posts directory for
updates. This is of most use on OSX which currently has difficulties with the
library. Disabling the filesystem watcher means that Gobble will
need to be restarted before it will load new posts.
./gobble -disableWatcher true
Gobble's configuration is changed by editing the gobble.conf file. You can specify a different file to use via the command line, and therefore have multiple Gobble servers running simultaneously.
The default config file looks like this:
"name": "Gobble",
"description": "Blogging Engine",
"address": "",
"port": 8080,
"postPath": "./posts",
"commentPath": "./comments",
"mediaPath": "./media",
"themePath": "./themes",
"theme": "grump",
"commentsOpenForDays": 0,
"akismetAPIKey": "",
"recaptchaPublicKey": "",
"recaptchaPrivateKey": "",
"staticFilePath": "./files",
"staticFiles": { }
The config file is a JSON document. When editing the file, ensure that you respect the JSON conventions.
The options are defined as follows:
- name: the site's name.
- description: the site's description, which appears on the RSS feed.
- address: the site's address, which appears on the RSS feed and is sent to Akismet for comment validation.
- port: the port on which Gobble should listen.
- postPath: the path to the posts directory.
- commentPath: the path to the comments directory.
- mediaPath: the path to the media directory.
- themePath: the path to the themes directory.
- theme: the theme to use.
- commentsOpenForDays: the number of days that comments can be added to a post after its publish date (0 means "forever").
- akismetAPIKey: the key used to check comments for spam (leave it blank if you don't want to use Akismet).
- recaptchaPublicKey: the key used to ensure the commenter isn't a bot (leave it blank if you don't want to use reCAPTCHA).
- recaptchaPrivateKey: the key used to ensure the commenter isn't a bot (leave it blank if you don't want to use reCAPTCHA).
- staticFilePath: the path to the files directory, which contains the robots.txt, favicon.ico, and others.
- staticFiles: a dictionary of files to serve from the files directory; the key is the URL, and the value is the filename.
Note that missing configuration values will be given the defaults.
Nginx can be used as a proxy to redirect traffic to the Gobble server. Here's an example server block:
server {
listen 80;
access_log /var/log/nginx/;
location / {
Gobble uses a handful of libraries to do its thing:
There is no documentation for this package.