TSDB Gateway
This gateway provides access to the Hosted Metrics Graphite service at Grafana Labs, powered by Metrictank.
Uses basic auth to verify requests.
The username defaults to api_key
, username: api_key
The password is either a grafana.com api_key or a key located in the file auth, password: <api_key>
Forwards metric and data requests to metrictank via a MetrictankProxy and a GraphiteProxy
Handles ingestion with the corresponding plugin, but typical deployments all publish into Kafka.
Available http routes
rate limiter
Available http routes
TODO. @jtlisi
Ingestion support
- "metrics2.0" payloads in json or messagepack over http.
- Carbon
- Prometheus Remote Write
- OpenTSDB HTTP write
- DataDog JSON
Every request (whether for ingest, data, etc) is authenticated via grafana.com accounts/apikeys.
- FileAuth
- GrafanaComInstanceAuth
- GrafanaComAuth
- GCom
TODO @woodsaj describe the various plugins/methods, org vs instance, and the best practices, special admin keys, etc
TODO @woodsaj If auth works the same for the 3 services mentioned above, remove the auth stuff from their description
If you have more questions about authentication, ping @woodsaj and ask him to update this.