Index ¶
- type AddLabelBadRequest
- type AddLabelConflict
- type AddLabelForbidden
- type AddLabelInternalServerError
- type AddLabelNotFound
- type AddLabelOK
- type AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *AddLabelParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *AddLabelParams) SetLabel(label *model.Label)
- func (o *AddLabelParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *AddLabelParams) SetReference(reference string)
- func (o *AddLabelParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *AddLabelParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *AddLabelParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WithLabel(label *model.Label) *AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WithReference(reference string) *AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *AddLabelParams
- func (o *AddLabelParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type AddLabelReader
- type AddLabelUnauthorized
- type Client
- func (a *Client) AddLabel(params *AddLabelParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*AddLabelOK, error)
- func (a *Client) CopyArtifact(params *CopyArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*CopyArtifactCreated, error)
- func (a *Client) CreateTag(params *CreateTagParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*CreateTagCreated, error)
- func (a *Client) DeleteArtifact(params *DeleteArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*DeleteArtifactOK, error)
- func (a *Client) DeleteTag(params *DeleteTagParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*DeleteTagOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetAddition(params *GetAdditionParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*GetAdditionOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetArtifact(params *GetArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*GetArtifactOK, error)
- func (a *Client) ListArtifacts(params *ListArtifactsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*ListArtifactsOK, error)
- func (a *Client) ListTags(params *ListTagsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*ListTagsOK, error)
- func (a *Client) RemoveLabel(params *RemoveLabelParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*RemoveLabelOK, error)
- func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
- type ClientService
- type CopyArtifactBadRequest
- type CopyArtifactCreated
- type CopyArtifactForbidden
- type CopyArtifactInternalServerError
- type CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed
- type CopyArtifactNotFound
- type CopyArtifactParams
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetFrom(from string)
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CopyArtifactParams
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithFrom(from string) *CopyArtifactParams
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CopyArtifactParams
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *CopyArtifactParams
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *CopyArtifactParams
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CopyArtifactParams
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *CopyArtifactParams
- func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type CopyArtifactReader
- type CopyArtifactUnauthorized
- type CreateTagBadRequest
- type CreateTagConflict
- type CreateTagCreated
- type CreateTagForbidden
- type CreateTagInternalServerError
- type CreateTagMethodNotAllowed
- type CreateTagNotFound
- type CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *CreateTagParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *CreateTagParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *CreateTagParams) SetReference(reference string)
- func (o *CreateTagParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *CreateTagParams) SetTag(tag *model.Tag)
- func (o *CreateTagParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *CreateTagParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WithReference(reference string) *CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WithTag(tag *model.Tag) *CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *CreateTagParams
- func (o *CreateTagParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type CreateTagReader
- type CreateTagUnauthorized
- type DeleteArtifactForbidden
- type DeleteArtifactInternalServerError
- type DeleteArtifactNotFound
- type DeleteArtifactOK
- type DeleteArtifactParams
- func NewDeleteArtifactParams() *DeleteArtifactParams
- func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetReference(reference string)
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithReference(reference string) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *DeleteArtifactParams
- func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeleteArtifactReader
- type DeleteArtifactUnauthorized
- type DeleteTagForbidden
- type DeleteTagInternalServerError
- type DeleteTagNotFound
- type DeleteTagOK
- type DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetReference(reference string)
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetTagName(tagName string)
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithReference(reference string) *DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithTagName(tagName string) *DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *DeleteTagParams
- func (o *DeleteTagParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeleteTagReader
- type DeleteTagUnauthorized
- type GetAdditionBadRequest
- type GetAdditionForbidden
- type GetAdditionInternalServerError
- type GetAdditionNotFound
- type GetAdditionOK
- type GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetAddition(addition string)
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetReference(reference string)
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithAddition(addition string) *GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithReference(reference string) *GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *GetAdditionParams
- func (o *GetAdditionParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetAdditionReader
- type GetAdditionUnauthorized
- type GetArtifactBadRequest
- type GetArtifactForbidden
- type GetArtifactInternalServerError
- type GetArtifactNotFound
- type GetArtifactOK
- type GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetPage(page *int64)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetPageSize(pageSize *int64)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetReference(reference string)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithLabel(withLabel *bool)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithSignature(withSignature *bool)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithTag(withTag *bool)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithPage(page *int64) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithPageSize(pageSize *int64) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithReference(reference string) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithLabel(withLabel *bool) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithSignature(withSignature *bool) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithTag(withTag *bool) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *GetArtifactParams
- func (o *GetArtifactParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetArtifactReader
- type GetArtifactUnauthorized
- type ListArtifactsBadRequest
- type ListArtifactsForbidden
- type ListArtifactsInternalServerError
- type ListArtifactsNotFound
- type ListArtifactsOK
- type ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetPage(page *int64)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetPageSize(pageSize *int64)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetQ(q *string)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithLabel(withLabel *bool)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithSignature(withSignature *bool)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithTag(withTag *bool)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithPage(page *int64) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithPageSize(pageSize *int64) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithQ(q *string) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithLabel(withLabel *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithSignature(withSignature *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithTag(withTag *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *ListArtifactsParams
- func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ListArtifactsReader
- type ListArtifactsUnauthorized
- type ListTagsBadRequest
- type ListTagsForbidden
- type ListTagsInternalServerError
- type ListTagsNotFound
- type ListTagsOK
- type ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetPage(page *int64)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetPageSize(pageSize *int64)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetQ(q *string)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetReference(reference string)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetWithSignature(withSignature *bool)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithPage(page *int64) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithPageSize(pageSize *int64) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithQ(q *string) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithReference(reference string) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithWithSignature(withSignature *bool) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *ListTagsParams
- func (o *ListTagsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ListTagsReader
- type ListTagsUnauthorized
- type RemoveLabelConflict
- type RemoveLabelForbidden
- type RemoveLabelInternalServerError
- type RemoveLabelNotFound
- type RemoveLabelOK
- type RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetLabelID(labelID int64)
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetReference(reference string)
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithLabelID(labelID int64) *RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithReference(reference string) *RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *RemoveLabelParams
- func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type RemoveLabelReader
- type RemoveLabelUnauthorized
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AddLabelBadRequest ¶
type AddLabelBadRequest struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
AddLabelBadRequest handles this case with default header values.
Bad request
func NewAddLabelBadRequest ¶
func NewAddLabelBadRequest() *AddLabelBadRequest
NewAddLabelBadRequest creates a AddLabelBadRequest with default headers values
func (*AddLabelBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *AddLabelBadRequest) Error() string
func (*AddLabelBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *AddLabelBadRequest) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type AddLabelConflict ¶
type AddLabelConflict struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
AddLabelConflict handles this case with default header values.
func NewAddLabelConflict ¶
func NewAddLabelConflict() *AddLabelConflict
NewAddLabelConflict creates a AddLabelConflict with default headers values
func (*AddLabelConflict) Error ¶
func (o *AddLabelConflict) Error() string
func (*AddLabelConflict) GetPayload ¶
func (o *AddLabelConflict) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type AddLabelForbidden ¶
type AddLabelForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
AddLabelForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewAddLabelForbidden ¶
func NewAddLabelForbidden() *AddLabelForbidden
NewAddLabelForbidden creates a AddLabelForbidden with default headers values
func (*AddLabelForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *AddLabelForbidden) Error() string
func (*AddLabelForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *AddLabelForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type AddLabelInternalServerError ¶
type AddLabelInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
AddLabelInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewAddLabelInternalServerError ¶
func NewAddLabelInternalServerError() *AddLabelInternalServerError
NewAddLabelInternalServerError creates a AddLabelInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*AddLabelInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *AddLabelInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*AddLabelInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *AddLabelInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type AddLabelNotFound ¶
type AddLabelNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
AddLabelNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewAddLabelNotFound ¶
func NewAddLabelNotFound() *AddLabelNotFound
NewAddLabelNotFound creates a AddLabelNotFound with default headers values
func (*AddLabelNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *AddLabelNotFound) Error() string
func (*AddLabelNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *AddLabelNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type AddLabelOK ¶
type AddLabelOK struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string }
AddLabelOK handles this case with default header values.
func NewAddLabelOK ¶
func NewAddLabelOK() *AddLabelOK
NewAddLabelOK creates a AddLabelOK with default headers values
func (*AddLabelOK) Error ¶
func (o *AddLabelOK) Error() string
type AddLabelParams ¶
type AddLabelParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*Label The label that added to the artifact. Only the ID property is needed. */ Label *model.Label /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Reference The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag */ Reference string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AddLabelParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the add label operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewAddLabelParams ¶
func NewAddLabelParams() *AddLabelParams
NewAddLabelParams creates a new AddLabelParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewAddLabelParamsWithContext ¶
func NewAddLabelParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *AddLabelParams
NewAddLabelParamsWithContext creates a new AddLabelParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewAddLabelParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewAddLabelParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *AddLabelParams
NewAddLabelParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new AddLabelParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewAddLabelParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewAddLabelParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *AddLabelParams
NewAddLabelParamsWithTimeout creates a new AddLabelParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*AddLabelParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) SetLabel ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) SetLabel(label *model.Label)
SetLabel adds the label to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) SetReference ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) SetReference(reference string)
SetReference adds the reference to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *AddLabelParams
WithContext adds the context to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *AddLabelParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WithLabel ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WithLabel(label *model.Label) *AddLabelParams
WithLabel adds the label to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *AddLabelParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WithReference ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WithReference(reference string) *AddLabelParams
WithReference adds the reference to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *AddLabelParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *AddLabelParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *AddLabelParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the add label params
func (*AddLabelParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *AddLabelParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type AddLabelReader ¶
type AddLabelReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AddLabelReader is a Reader for the AddLabel structure.
func (*AddLabelReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *AddLabelReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type AddLabelUnauthorized ¶
type AddLabelUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
AddLabelUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewAddLabelUnauthorized ¶
func NewAddLabelUnauthorized() *AddLabelUnauthorized
NewAddLabelUnauthorized creates a AddLabelUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*AddLabelUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *AddLabelUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*AddLabelUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *AddLabelUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client for artifact API
func (*Client) AddLabel ¶
func (a *Client) AddLabel(params *AddLabelParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*AddLabelOK, error)
AddLabel adds label to artifact
Add label to the specified artiact.
func (*Client) CopyArtifact ¶
func (a *Client) CopyArtifact(params *CopyArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*CopyArtifactCreated, error)
CopyArtifact copies artifact
Copy the artifact specified in the "from" parameter to the repository.
func (*Client) CreateTag ¶
func (a *Client) CreateTag(params *CreateTagParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*CreateTagCreated, error)
CreateTag creates tag
Create a tag for the specified artifact
func (*Client) DeleteArtifact ¶
func (a *Client) DeleteArtifact(params *DeleteArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*DeleteArtifactOK, error)
DeleteArtifact deletes the specific artifact
Delete the artifact specified by the reference under the project and repository. The reference can be digest or tag
func (*Client) DeleteTag ¶
func (a *Client) DeleteTag(params *DeleteTagParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*DeleteTagOK, error)
DeleteTag deletes tag
Delete the tag of the specified artifact
func (*Client) GetAddition ¶
func (a *Client) GetAddition(params *GetAdditionParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*GetAdditionOK, error)
GetAddition gets the addition of the specific artifact
Get the addition of the artifact specified by the reference under the project and repository.
func (*Client) GetArtifact ¶
func (a *Client) GetArtifact(params *GetArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*GetArtifactOK, error)
GetArtifact gets the specific artifact
Get the artifact specified by the reference under the project and repository. The reference can be digest or tag.
func (*Client) ListArtifacts ¶
func (a *Client) ListArtifacts(params *ListArtifactsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*ListArtifactsOK, error)
ListArtifacts lists artifacts
List artifacts under the specific project and repository. Except the basic properties, the other supported queries in "q" includes "tags=*" to list only tagged artifacts, "tags=nil" to list only untagged artifacts, "tags=~v" to list artifacts whose tag fuzzy matches "v", "tags=v" to list artifact whose tag exactly matches "v", "labels=(id1, id2)" to list artifacts that both labels with id1 and id2 are added to
func (*Client) ListTags ¶
func (a *Client) ListTags(params *ListTagsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*ListTagsOK, error)
ListTags lists tags
List tags of the specific artifact
func (*Client) RemoveLabel ¶
func (a *Client) RemoveLabel(params *RemoveLabelParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*RemoveLabelOK, error)
RemoveLabel removes label from artifact
Remove the label from the specified artiact.
func (*Client) SetTransport ¶
func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
SetTransport changes the transport on the client
type ClientService ¶
type ClientService interface { CopyArtifact(params *CopyArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*CopyArtifactCreated, error) AddLabel(params *AddLabelParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*AddLabelOK, error) CreateTag(params *CreateTagParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*CreateTagCreated, error) DeleteArtifact(params *DeleteArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*DeleteArtifactOK, error) DeleteTag(params *DeleteTagParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*DeleteTagOK, error) GetAddition(params *GetAdditionParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*GetAdditionOK, error) GetArtifact(params *GetArtifactParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*GetArtifactOK, error) ListArtifacts(params *ListArtifactsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*ListArtifactsOK, error) ListTags(params *ListTagsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*ListTagsOK, error) RemoveLabel(params *RemoveLabelParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*RemoveLabelOK, error) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport) }
ClientService is the interface for Client methods
func New ¶
func New(transport runtime.ClientTransport, formats strfmt.Registry) ClientService
New creates a new artifact API client.
type CopyArtifactBadRequest ¶
type CopyArtifactBadRequest struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CopyArtifactBadRequest handles this case with default header values.
Bad request
func NewCopyArtifactBadRequest ¶
func NewCopyArtifactBadRequest() *CopyArtifactBadRequest
NewCopyArtifactBadRequest creates a CopyArtifactBadRequest with default headers values
func (*CopyArtifactBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactBadRequest) Error() string
func (*CopyArtifactBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactBadRequest) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CopyArtifactCreated ¶
type CopyArtifactCreated struct { /*The location of the resource */ Location string /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string }
CopyArtifactCreated handles this case with default header values.
func NewCopyArtifactCreated ¶
func NewCopyArtifactCreated() *CopyArtifactCreated
NewCopyArtifactCreated creates a CopyArtifactCreated with default headers values
func (*CopyArtifactCreated) Error ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactCreated) Error() string
type CopyArtifactForbidden ¶
type CopyArtifactForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CopyArtifactForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewCopyArtifactForbidden ¶
func NewCopyArtifactForbidden() *CopyArtifactForbidden
NewCopyArtifactForbidden creates a CopyArtifactForbidden with default headers values
func (*CopyArtifactForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactForbidden) Error() string
func (*CopyArtifactForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CopyArtifactInternalServerError ¶
type CopyArtifactInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CopyArtifactInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewCopyArtifactInternalServerError ¶
func NewCopyArtifactInternalServerError() *CopyArtifactInternalServerError
NewCopyArtifactInternalServerError creates a CopyArtifactInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*CopyArtifactInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*CopyArtifactInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed ¶
type CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed handles this case with default header values.
Method not allowed
func NewCopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed ¶
func NewCopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed() *CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed
NewCopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed creates a CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed with default headers values
func (*CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed) Error ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed) Error() string
func (*CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactMethodNotAllowed) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CopyArtifactNotFound ¶
type CopyArtifactNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CopyArtifactNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewCopyArtifactNotFound ¶
func NewCopyArtifactNotFound() *CopyArtifactNotFound
NewCopyArtifactNotFound creates a CopyArtifactNotFound with default headers values
func (*CopyArtifactNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactNotFound) Error() string
func (*CopyArtifactNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CopyArtifactParams ¶
type CopyArtifactParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*From The artifact from which the new artifact is copied from, the format should be "project/repository:tag" or "project/repository@digest". */ From string /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CopyArtifactParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the copy artifact operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewCopyArtifactParams ¶
func NewCopyArtifactParams() *CopyArtifactParams
NewCopyArtifactParams creates a new CopyArtifactParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewCopyArtifactParamsWithContext ¶
func NewCopyArtifactParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *CopyArtifactParams
NewCopyArtifactParamsWithContext creates a new CopyArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewCopyArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewCopyArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CopyArtifactParams
NewCopyArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new CopyArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewCopyArtifactParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewCopyArtifactParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CopyArtifactParams
NewCopyArtifactParamsWithTimeout creates a new CopyArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*CopyArtifactParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) SetFrom ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetFrom(from string)
SetFrom adds the from to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CopyArtifactParams
WithContext adds the context to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) WithFrom ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithFrom(from string) *CopyArtifactParams
WithFrom adds the from to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CopyArtifactParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *CopyArtifactParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *CopyArtifactParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CopyArtifactParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *CopyArtifactParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the copy artifact params
func (*CopyArtifactParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type CopyArtifactReader ¶
type CopyArtifactReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CopyArtifactReader is a Reader for the CopyArtifact structure.
func (*CopyArtifactReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type CopyArtifactUnauthorized ¶
type CopyArtifactUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
CopyArtifactUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewCopyArtifactUnauthorized ¶
func NewCopyArtifactUnauthorized() *CopyArtifactUnauthorized
NewCopyArtifactUnauthorized creates a CopyArtifactUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*CopyArtifactUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*CopyArtifactUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CopyArtifactUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CreateTagBadRequest ¶
type CreateTagBadRequest struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CreateTagBadRequest handles this case with default header values.
Bad request
func NewCreateTagBadRequest ¶
func NewCreateTagBadRequest() *CreateTagBadRequest
NewCreateTagBadRequest creates a CreateTagBadRequest with default headers values
func (*CreateTagBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *CreateTagBadRequest) Error() string
func (*CreateTagBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CreateTagBadRequest) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CreateTagConflict ¶
type CreateTagConflict struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CreateTagConflict handles this case with default header values.
func NewCreateTagConflict ¶
func NewCreateTagConflict() *CreateTagConflict
NewCreateTagConflict creates a CreateTagConflict with default headers values
func (*CreateTagConflict) Error ¶
func (o *CreateTagConflict) Error() string
func (*CreateTagConflict) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CreateTagConflict) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CreateTagCreated ¶
type CreateTagCreated struct { /*The location of the resource */ Location string /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string }
CreateTagCreated handles this case with default header values.
func NewCreateTagCreated ¶
func NewCreateTagCreated() *CreateTagCreated
NewCreateTagCreated creates a CreateTagCreated with default headers values
func (*CreateTagCreated) Error ¶
func (o *CreateTagCreated) Error() string
type CreateTagForbidden ¶
type CreateTagForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CreateTagForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewCreateTagForbidden ¶
func NewCreateTagForbidden() *CreateTagForbidden
NewCreateTagForbidden creates a CreateTagForbidden with default headers values
func (*CreateTagForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *CreateTagForbidden) Error() string
func (*CreateTagForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CreateTagForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CreateTagInternalServerError ¶
type CreateTagInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CreateTagInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewCreateTagInternalServerError ¶
func NewCreateTagInternalServerError() *CreateTagInternalServerError
NewCreateTagInternalServerError creates a CreateTagInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*CreateTagInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *CreateTagInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*CreateTagInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CreateTagInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CreateTagMethodNotAllowed ¶
type CreateTagMethodNotAllowed struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CreateTagMethodNotAllowed handles this case with default header values.
Method not allowed
func NewCreateTagMethodNotAllowed ¶
func NewCreateTagMethodNotAllowed() *CreateTagMethodNotAllowed
NewCreateTagMethodNotAllowed creates a CreateTagMethodNotAllowed with default headers values
func (*CreateTagMethodNotAllowed) Error ¶
func (o *CreateTagMethodNotAllowed) Error() string
func (*CreateTagMethodNotAllowed) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CreateTagMethodNotAllowed) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CreateTagNotFound ¶
type CreateTagNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
CreateTagNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewCreateTagNotFound ¶
func NewCreateTagNotFound() *CreateTagNotFound
NewCreateTagNotFound creates a CreateTagNotFound with default headers values
func (*CreateTagNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *CreateTagNotFound) Error() string
func (*CreateTagNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CreateTagNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type CreateTagParams ¶
type CreateTagParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Reference The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag */ Reference string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string /*Tag The JSON object of tag. */ Tag *model.Tag Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CreateTagParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the create tag operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewCreateTagParams ¶
func NewCreateTagParams() *CreateTagParams
NewCreateTagParams creates a new CreateTagParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewCreateTagParamsWithContext ¶
func NewCreateTagParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateTagParams
NewCreateTagParamsWithContext creates a new CreateTagParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewCreateTagParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewCreateTagParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateTagParams
NewCreateTagParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new CreateTagParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewCreateTagParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewCreateTagParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateTagParams
NewCreateTagParamsWithTimeout creates a new CreateTagParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*CreateTagParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) SetReference ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) SetReference(reference string)
SetReference adds the reference to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) SetTag ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) SetTag(tag *model.Tag)
SetTag adds the tag to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateTagParams
WithContext adds the context to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateTagParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *CreateTagParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WithReference ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WithReference(reference string) *CreateTagParams
WithReference adds the reference to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *CreateTagParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WithTag ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WithTag(tag *model.Tag) *CreateTagParams
WithTag adds the tag to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateTagParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *CreateTagParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the create tag params
func (*CreateTagParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *CreateTagParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type CreateTagReader ¶
type CreateTagReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CreateTagReader is a Reader for the CreateTag structure.
func (*CreateTagReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *CreateTagReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type CreateTagUnauthorized ¶
type CreateTagUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
CreateTagUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewCreateTagUnauthorized ¶
func NewCreateTagUnauthorized() *CreateTagUnauthorized
NewCreateTagUnauthorized creates a CreateTagUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*CreateTagUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *CreateTagUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*CreateTagUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *CreateTagUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type DeleteArtifactForbidden ¶
type DeleteArtifactForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
DeleteArtifactForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewDeleteArtifactForbidden ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactForbidden() *DeleteArtifactForbidden
NewDeleteArtifactForbidden creates a DeleteArtifactForbidden with default headers values
func (*DeleteArtifactForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactForbidden) Error() string
func (*DeleteArtifactForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type DeleteArtifactInternalServerError ¶
type DeleteArtifactInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
DeleteArtifactInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewDeleteArtifactInternalServerError ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactInternalServerError() *DeleteArtifactInternalServerError
NewDeleteArtifactInternalServerError creates a DeleteArtifactInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*DeleteArtifactInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*DeleteArtifactInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type DeleteArtifactNotFound ¶
type DeleteArtifactNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
DeleteArtifactNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewDeleteArtifactNotFound ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactNotFound() *DeleteArtifactNotFound
NewDeleteArtifactNotFound creates a DeleteArtifactNotFound with default headers values
func (*DeleteArtifactNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactNotFound) Error() string
func (*DeleteArtifactNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type DeleteArtifactOK ¶
type DeleteArtifactOK struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string }
DeleteArtifactOK handles this case with default header values.
func NewDeleteArtifactOK ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactOK() *DeleteArtifactOK
NewDeleteArtifactOK creates a DeleteArtifactOK with default headers values
func (*DeleteArtifactOK) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactOK) Error() string
type DeleteArtifactParams ¶
type DeleteArtifactParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Reference The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag */ Reference string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteArtifactParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the delete artifact operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewDeleteArtifactParams ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactParams() *DeleteArtifactParams
NewDeleteArtifactParams creates a new DeleteArtifactParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithContext ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteArtifactParams
NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithContext creates a new DeleteArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteArtifactParams
NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DeleteArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteArtifactParams
NewDeleteArtifactParamsWithTimeout creates a new DeleteArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) SetReference ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetReference(reference string)
SetReference adds the reference to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteArtifactParams
WithContext adds the context to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteArtifactParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *DeleteArtifactParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) WithReference ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithReference(reference string) *DeleteArtifactParams
WithReference adds the reference to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *DeleteArtifactParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteArtifactParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *DeleteArtifactParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the delete artifact params
func (*DeleteArtifactParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type DeleteArtifactReader ¶
type DeleteArtifactReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteArtifactReader is a Reader for the DeleteArtifact structure.
func (*DeleteArtifactReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type DeleteArtifactUnauthorized ¶
type DeleteArtifactUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
DeleteArtifactUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewDeleteArtifactUnauthorized ¶
func NewDeleteArtifactUnauthorized() *DeleteArtifactUnauthorized
NewDeleteArtifactUnauthorized creates a DeleteArtifactUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*DeleteArtifactUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*DeleteArtifactUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeleteArtifactUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type DeleteTagForbidden ¶
type DeleteTagForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
DeleteTagForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewDeleteTagForbidden ¶
func NewDeleteTagForbidden() *DeleteTagForbidden
NewDeleteTagForbidden creates a DeleteTagForbidden with default headers values
func (*DeleteTagForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteTagForbidden) Error() string
func (*DeleteTagForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeleteTagForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type DeleteTagInternalServerError ¶
type DeleteTagInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
DeleteTagInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewDeleteTagInternalServerError ¶
func NewDeleteTagInternalServerError() *DeleteTagInternalServerError
NewDeleteTagInternalServerError creates a DeleteTagInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*DeleteTagInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteTagInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*DeleteTagInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeleteTagInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type DeleteTagNotFound ¶
type DeleteTagNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
DeleteTagNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewDeleteTagNotFound ¶
func NewDeleteTagNotFound() *DeleteTagNotFound
NewDeleteTagNotFound creates a DeleteTagNotFound with default headers values
func (*DeleteTagNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteTagNotFound) Error() string
func (*DeleteTagNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeleteTagNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type DeleteTagOK ¶
type DeleteTagOK struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string }
DeleteTagOK handles this case with default header values.
func NewDeleteTagOK ¶
func NewDeleteTagOK() *DeleteTagOK
NewDeleteTagOK creates a DeleteTagOK with default headers values
func (*DeleteTagOK) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteTagOK) Error() string
type DeleteTagParams ¶
type DeleteTagParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Reference The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag */ Reference string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string /*TagName The name of the tag */ TagName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteTagParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the delete tag operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewDeleteTagParams ¶
func NewDeleteTagParams() *DeleteTagParams
NewDeleteTagParams creates a new DeleteTagParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewDeleteTagParamsWithContext ¶
func NewDeleteTagParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteTagParams
NewDeleteTagParamsWithContext creates a new DeleteTagParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewDeleteTagParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewDeleteTagParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteTagParams
NewDeleteTagParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DeleteTagParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewDeleteTagParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewDeleteTagParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteTagParams
NewDeleteTagParamsWithTimeout creates a new DeleteTagParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*DeleteTagParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) SetReference ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetReference(reference string)
SetReference adds the reference to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) SetTagName ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetTagName(tagName string)
SetTagName adds the tagName to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteTagParams
WithContext adds the context to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteTagParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *DeleteTagParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WithReference ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithReference(reference string) *DeleteTagParams
WithReference adds the reference to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *DeleteTagParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WithTagName ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithTagName(tagName string) *DeleteTagParams
WithTagName adds the tagName to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteTagParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *DeleteTagParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the delete tag params
func (*DeleteTagParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *DeleteTagParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type DeleteTagReader ¶
type DeleteTagReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteTagReader is a Reader for the DeleteTag structure.
func (*DeleteTagReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *DeleteTagReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type DeleteTagUnauthorized ¶
type DeleteTagUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
DeleteTagUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewDeleteTagUnauthorized ¶
func NewDeleteTagUnauthorized() *DeleteTagUnauthorized
NewDeleteTagUnauthorized creates a DeleteTagUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*DeleteTagUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteTagUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*DeleteTagUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DeleteTagUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetAdditionBadRequest ¶
type GetAdditionBadRequest struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
GetAdditionBadRequest handles this case with default header values.
Bad request
func NewGetAdditionBadRequest ¶
func NewGetAdditionBadRequest() *GetAdditionBadRequest
NewGetAdditionBadRequest creates a GetAdditionBadRequest with default headers values
func (*GetAdditionBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *GetAdditionBadRequest) Error() string
func (*GetAdditionBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetAdditionBadRequest) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetAdditionForbidden ¶
type GetAdditionForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
GetAdditionForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewGetAdditionForbidden ¶
func NewGetAdditionForbidden() *GetAdditionForbidden
NewGetAdditionForbidden creates a GetAdditionForbidden with default headers values
func (*GetAdditionForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *GetAdditionForbidden) Error() string
func (*GetAdditionForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetAdditionForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetAdditionInternalServerError ¶
type GetAdditionInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
GetAdditionInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewGetAdditionInternalServerError ¶
func NewGetAdditionInternalServerError() *GetAdditionInternalServerError
NewGetAdditionInternalServerError creates a GetAdditionInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*GetAdditionInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *GetAdditionInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*GetAdditionInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetAdditionInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetAdditionNotFound ¶
type GetAdditionNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
GetAdditionNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewGetAdditionNotFound ¶
func NewGetAdditionNotFound() *GetAdditionNotFound
NewGetAdditionNotFound creates a GetAdditionNotFound with default headers values
func (*GetAdditionNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *GetAdditionNotFound) Error() string
func (*GetAdditionNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetAdditionNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetAdditionOK ¶
type GetAdditionOK struct { /*The content type of the addition */ ContentType string Payload string }
GetAdditionOK handles this case with default header values.
func NewGetAdditionOK ¶
func NewGetAdditionOK() *GetAdditionOK
NewGetAdditionOK creates a GetAdditionOK with default headers values
func (*GetAdditionOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetAdditionOK) Error() string
func (*GetAdditionOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetAdditionOK) GetPayload() string
type GetAdditionParams ¶
type GetAdditionParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*Addition The type of addition. */ Addition string /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Reference The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag */ Reference string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetAdditionParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the get addition operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewGetAdditionParams ¶
func NewGetAdditionParams() *GetAdditionParams
NewGetAdditionParams creates a new GetAdditionParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewGetAdditionParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetAdditionParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAdditionParams
NewGetAdditionParamsWithContext creates a new GetAdditionParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewGetAdditionParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetAdditionParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetAdditionParams
NewGetAdditionParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetAdditionParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewGetAdditionParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetAdditionParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetAdditionParams
NewGetAdditionParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetAdditionParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*GetAdditionParams) SetAddition ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetAddition(addition string)
SetAddition adds the addition to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) SetReference ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetReference(reference string)
SetReference adds the reference to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WithAddition ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithAddition(addition string) *GetAdditionParams
WithAddition adds the addition to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAdditionParams
WithContext adds the context to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetAdditionParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *GetAdditionParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WithReference ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithReference(reference string) *GetAdditionParams
WithReference adds the reference to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *GetAdditionParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetAdditionParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *GetAdditionParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the get addition params
func (*GetAdditionParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetAdditionParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetAdditionReader ¶
type GetAdditionReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetAdditionReader is a Reader for the GetAddition structure.
func (*GetAdditionReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetAdditionReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetAdditionUnauthorized ¶
type GetAdditionUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
GetAdditionUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewGetAdditionUnauthorized ¶
func NewGetAdditionUnauthorized() *GetAdditionUnauthorized
NewGetAdditionUnauthorized creates a GetAdditionUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*GetAdditionUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *GetAdditionUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*GetAdditionUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetAdditionUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetArtifactBadRequest ¶
type GetArtifactBadRequest struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
GetArtifactBadRequest handles this case with default header values.
Bad request
func NewGetArtifactBadRequest ¶
func NewGetArtifactBadRequest() *GetArtifactBadRequest
NewGetArtifactBadRequest creates a GetArtifactBadRequest with default headers values
func (*GetArtifactBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *GetArtifactBadRequest) Error() string
func (*GetArtifactBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetArtifactBadRequest) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetArtifactForbidden ¶
type GetArtifactForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
GetArtifactForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewGetArtifactForbidden ¶
func NewGetArtifactForbidden() *GetArtifactForbidden
NewGetArtifactForbidden creates a GetArtifactForbidden with default headers values
func (*GetArtifactForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *GetArtifactForbidden) Error() string
func (*GetArtifactForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetArtifactForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetArtifactInternalServerError ¶
type GetArtifactInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
GetArtifactInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewGetArtifactInternalServerError ¶
func NewGetArtifactInternalServerError() *GetArtifactInternalServerError
NewGetArtifactInternalServerError creates a GetArtifactInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*GetArtifactInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *GetArtifactInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*GetArtifactInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetArtifactInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetArtifactNotFound ¶
type GetArtifactNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
GetArtifactNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewGetArtifactNotFound ¶
func NewGetArtifactNotFound() *GetArtifactNotFound
NewGetArtifactNotFound creates a GetArtifactNotFound with default headers values
func (*GetArtifactNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *GetArtifactNotFound) Error() string
func (*GetArtifactNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetArtifactNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type GetArtifactOK ¶
GetArtifactOK handles this case with default header values.
func NewGetArtifactOK ¶
func NewGetArtifactOK() *GetArtifactOK
NewGetArtifactOK creates a GetArtifactOK with default headers values
func (*GetArtifactOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetArtifactOK) Error() string
func (*GetArtifactOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetArtifactOK) GetPayload() *model.Artifact
type GetArtifactParams ¶
type GetArtifactParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*Page The page number */ Page *int64 /*PageSize The size of per page */ PageSize *int64 /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Reference The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag */ Reference string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string /*WithImmutableStatus Specify whether the immutable status is inclued inside the tags of the returning artifacts. Only works when setting "with_tag=true" */ WithImmutableStatus *bool /*WithLabel Specify whether the labels are inclued inside the returning artifacts */ WithLabel *bool /*WithScanOverview Specify whether the scan overview is inclued inside the returning artifacts */ WithScanOverview *bool /*WithSignature Specify whether the signature is inclued inside the returning artifacts */ WithSignature *bool /*WithTag Specify whether the tags are inclued inside the returning artifacts */ WithTag *bool Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetArtifactParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the get artifact operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewGetArtifactParams ¶
func NewGetArtifactParams() *GetArtifactParams
NewGetArtifactParams creates a new GetArtifactParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetArtifactParams
NewGetArtifactParamsWithContext creates a new GetArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetArtifactParams
NewGetArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetArtifactParams
NewGetArtifactParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetArtifactParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetPage ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetPage(page *int64)
SetPage adds the page to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetPageSize(pageSize *int64)
SetPageSize adds the pageSize to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetReference ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetReference(reference string)
SetReference adds the reference to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetWithImmutableStatus ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool)
SetWithImmutableStatus adds the withImmutableStatus to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetWithLabel ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithLabel(withLabel *bool)
SetWithLabel adds the withLabel to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetWithScanOverview ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool)
SetWithScanOverview adds the withScanOverview to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetWithSignature ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithSignature(withSignature *bool)
SetWithSignature adds the withSignature to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetWithTag ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithTag(withTag *bool)
SetWithTag adds the withTag to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetArtifactParams
WithContext adds the context to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetArtifactParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithPage ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithPage(page *int64) *GetArtifactParams
WithPage adds the page to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithPageSize ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithPageSize(pageSize *int64) *GetArtifactParams
WithPageSize adds the pageSize to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *GetArtifactParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithReference ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithReference(reference string) *GetArtifactParams
WithReference adds the reference to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *GetArtifactParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetArtifactParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithWithImmutableStatus ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool) *GetArtifactParams
WithWithImmutableStatus adds the withImmutableStatus to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithWithLabel ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithLabel(withLabel *bool) *GetArtifactParams
WithWithLabel adds the withLabel to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithWithScanOverview ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool) *GetArtifactParams
WithWithScanOverview adds the withScanOverview to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithWithSignature ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithSignature(withSignature *bool) *GetArtifactParams
WithWithSignature adds the withSignature to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithWithTag ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithTag(withTag *bool) *GetArtifactParams
WithWithTag adds the withTag to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *GetArtifactParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the get artifact params
func (*GetArtifactParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetArtifactReader ¶
type GetArtifactReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetArtifactReader is a Reader for the GetArtifact structure.
func (*GetArtifactReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetArtifactReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetArtifactUnauthorized ¶
type GetArtifactUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
GetArtifactUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewGetArtifactUnauthorized ¶
func NewGetArtifactUnauthorized() *GetArtifactUnauthorized
NewGetArtifactUnauthorized creates a GetArtifactUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*GetArtifactUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *GetArtifactUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*GetArtifactUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetArtifactUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListArtifactsBadRequest ¶
type ListArtifactsBadRequest struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
ListArtifactsBadRequest handles this case with default header values.
Bad request
func NewListArtifactsBadRequest ¶
func NewListArtifactsBadRequest() *ListArtifactsBadRequest
NewListArtifactsBadRequest creates a ListArtifactsBadRequest with default headers values
func (*ListArtifactsBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsBadRequest) Error() string
func (*ListArtifactsBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsBadRequest) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListArtifactsForbidden ¶
type ListArtifactsForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
ListArtifactsForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewListArtifactsForbidden ¶
func NewListArtifactsForbidden() *ListArtifactsForbidden
NewListArtifactsForbidden creates a ListArtifactsForbidden with default headers values
func (*ListArtifactsForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsForbidden) Error() string
func (*ListArtifactsForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListArtifactsInternalServerError ¶
type ListArtifactsInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
ListArtifactsInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewListArtifactsInternalServerError ¶
func NewListArtifactsInternalServerError() *ListArtifactsInternalServerError
NewListArtifactsInternalServerError creates a ListArtifactsInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*ListArtifactsInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*ListArtifactsInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListArtifactsNotFound ¶
type ListArtifactsNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
ListArtifactsNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewListArtifactsNotFound ¶
func NewListArtifactsNotFound() *ListArtifactsNotFound
NewListArtifactsNotFound creates a ListArtifactsNotFound with default headers values
func (*ListArtifactsNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsNotFound) Error() string
func (*ListArtifactsNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListArtifactsOK ¶
type ListArtifactsOK struct { /*Link refers to the previous page and next page */ Link string /*The total count of artifacts */ XTotalCount int64 Payload []*model.Artifact }
ListArtifactsOK handles this case with default header values.
func NewListArtifactsOK ¶
func NewListArtifactsOK() *ListArtifactsOK
NewListArtifactsOK creates a ListArtifactsOK with default headers values
func (*ListArtifactsOK) Error ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsOK) Error() string
func (*ListArtifactsOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsOK) GetPayload() []*model.Artifact
type ListArtifactsParams ¶
type ListArtifactsParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*Page The page number */ Page *int64 /*PageSize The size of per page */ PageSize *int64 /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Q Query string to query resources. Supported query patterns are "exact match(k=v)", "fuzzy match(k=~v)", "range(k=[min~max])", "list with union releationship(k={v1 v2 v3})" and "list with intersetion relationship(k=(v1 v2 v3))". The value of range and list can be string(enclosed by " or '), integer or time(in format "2020-04-09 02:36:00"). All of these query patterns should be put in the query string "q=xxx" and splitted by ",". e.g. q=k1=v1,k2=~v2,k3=[min~max] */ Q *string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string /*WithImmutableStatus Specify whether the immutable status is included inside the tags of the returning artifacts. Only works when setting "with_tag=true" */ WithImmutableStatus *bool /*WithLabel Specify whether the labels are included inside the returning artifacts */ WithLabel *bool /*WithScanOverview Specify whether the scan overview is included inside the returning artifacts */ WithScanOverview *bool /*WithSignature Specify whether the signature is included inside the tags of the returning artifacts. Only works when setting "with_tag=true" */ WithSignature *bool /*WithTag Specify whether the tags are included inside the returning artifacts */ WithTag *bool Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListArtifactsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the list artifacts operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewListArtifactsParams ¶
func NewListArtifactsParams() *ListArtifactsParams
NewListArtifactsParams creates a new ListArtifactsParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewListArtifactsParamsWithContext ¶
func NewListArtifactsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListArtifactsParams
NewListArtifactsParamsWithContext creates a new ListArtifactsParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewListArtifactsParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewListArtifactsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListArtifactsParams
NewListArtifactsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ListArtifactsParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewListArtifactsParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewListArtifactsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListArtifactsParams
NewListArtifactsParamsWithTimeout creates a new ListArtifactsParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetPage ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetPage(page *int64)
SetPage adds the page to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetPageSize(pageSize *int64)
SetPageSize adds the pageSize to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetQ ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetQ(q *string)
SetQ adds the q to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetWithImmutableStatus ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool)
SetWithImmutableStatus adds the withImmutableStatus to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetWithLabel ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithLabel(withLabel *bool)
SetWithLabel adds the withLabel to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetWithScanOverview ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool)
SetWithScanOverview adds the withScanOverview to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetWithSignature ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithSignature(withSignature *bool)
SetWithSignature adds the withSignature to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetWithTag ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetWithTag(withTag *bool)
SetWithTag adds the withTag to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListArtifactsParams
WithContext adds the context to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListArtifactsParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithPage ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithPage(page *int64) *ListArtifactsParams
WithPage adds the page to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithPageSize ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithPageSize(pageSize *int64) *ListArtifactsParams
WithPageSize adds the pageSize to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *ListArtifactsParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithQ ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithQ(q *string) *ListArtifactsParams
WithQ adds the q to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *ListArtifactsParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListArtifactsParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithWithImmutableStatus ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
WithWithImmutableStatus adds the withImmutableStatus to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithWithLabel ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithLabel(withLabel *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
WithWithLabel adds the withLabel to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithWithScanOverview ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
WithWithScanOverview adds the withScanOverview to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithWithSignature ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithSignature(withSignature *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
WithWithSignature adds the withSignature to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithWithTag ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithWithTag(withTag *bool) *ListArtifactsParams
WithWithTag adds the withTag to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *ListArtifactsParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the list artifacts params
func (*ListArtifactsParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ListArtifactsReader ¶
type ListArtifactsReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListArtifactsReader is a Reader for the ListArtifacts structure.
func (*ListArtifactsReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ListArtifactsUnauthorized ¶
type ListArtifactsUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
ListArtifactsUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewListArtifactsUnauthorized ¶
func NewListArtifactsUnauthorized() *ListArtifactsUnauthorized
NewListArtifactsUnauthorized creates a ListArtifactsUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*ListArtifactsUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*ListArtifactsUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListArtifactsUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListTagsBadRequest ¶
type ListTagsBadRequest struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
ListTagsBadRequest handles this case with default header values.
Bad request
func NewListTagsBadRequest ¶
func NewListTagsBadRequest() *ListTagsBadRequest
NewListTagsBadRequest creates a ListTagsBadRequest with default headers values
func (*ListTagsBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *ListTagsBadRequest) Error() string
func (*ListTagsBadRequest) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListTagsBadRequest) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListTagsForbidden ¶
type ListTagsForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
ListTagsForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewListTagsForbidden ¶
func NewListTagsForbidden() *ListTagsForbidden
NewListTagsForbidden creates a ListTagsForbidden with default headers values
func (*ListTagsForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *ListTagsForbidden) Error() string
func (*ListTagsForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListTagsForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListTagsInternalServerError ¶
type ListTagsInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
ListTagsInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewListTagsInternalServerError ¶
func NewListTagsInternalServerError() *ListTagsInternalServerError
NewListTagsInternalServerError creates a ListTagsInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*ListTagsInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *ListTagsInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*ListTagsInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListTagsInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListTagsNotFound ¶
type ListTagsNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
ListTagsNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewListTagsNotFound ¶
func NewListTagsNotFound() *ListTagsNotFound
NewListTagsNotFound creates a ListTagsNotFound with default headers values
func (*ListTagsNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *ListTagsNotFound) Error() string
func (*ListTagsNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListTagsNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type ListTagsOK ¶
type ListTagsOK struct { /*Link refers to the previous page and next page */ Link string /*The total count of tags */ XTotalCount int64 Payload []*model.Tag }
ListTagsOK handles this case with default header values.
func NewListTagsOK ¶
func NewListTagsOK() *ListTagsOK
NewListTagsOK creates a ListTagsOK with default headers values
func (*ListTagsOK) Error ¶
func (o *ListTagsOK) Error() string
func (*ListTagsOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListTagsOK) GetPayload() []*model.Tag
type ListTagsParams ¶
type ListTagsParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*Page The page number */ Page *int64 /*PageSize The size of per page */ PageSize *int64 /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Q Query string to query resources. Supported query patterns are "exact match(k=v)", "fuzzy match(k=~v)", "range(k=[min~max])", "list with union releationship(k={v1 v2 v3})" and "list with intersetion relationship(k=(v1 v2 v3))". The value of range and list can be string(enclosed by " or '), integer or time(in format "2020-04-09 02:36:00"). All of these query patterns should be put in the query string "q=xxx" and splitted by ",". e.g. q=k1=v1,k2=~v2,k3=[min~max] */ Q *string /*Reference The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag */ Reference string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string /*WithImmutableStatus Specify whether the immutable status is included inside the returning tags */ WithImmutableStatus *bool /*WithSignature Specify whether the signature is included inside the returning tags */ WithSignature *bool Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListTagsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the list tags operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewListTagsParams ¶
func NewListTagsParams() *ListTagsParams
NewListTagsParams creates a new ListTagsParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewListTagsParamsWithContext ¶
func NewListTagsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListTagsParams
NewListTagsParamsWithContext creates a new ListTagsParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewListTagsParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewListTagsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListTagsParams
NewListTagsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ListTagsParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewListTagsParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewListTagsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListTagsParams
NewListTagsParamsWithTimeout creates a new ListTagsParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*ListTagsParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetPage ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetPage(page *int64)
SetPage adds the page to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetPageSize ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetPageSize(pageSize *int64)
SetPageSize adds the pageSize to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetQ ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetQ(q *string)
SetQ adds the q to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetReference ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetReference(reference string)
SetReference adds the reference to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetWithImmutableStatus ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool)
SetWithImmutableStatus adds the withImmutableStatus to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetWithSignature ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetWithSignature(withSignature *bool)
SetWithSignature adds the withSignature to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListTagsParams
WithContext adds the context to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListTagsParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithPage ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithPage(page *int64) *ListTagsParams
WithPage adds the page to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithPageSize ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithPageSize(pageSize *int64) *ListTagsParams
WithPageSize adds the pageSize to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *ListTagsParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithQ ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithQ(q *string) *ListTagsParams
WithQ adds the q to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithReference ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithReference(reference string) *ListTagsParams
WithReference adds the reference to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *ListTagsParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListTagsParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithWithImmutableStatus ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool) *ListTagsParams
WithWithImmutableStatus adds the withImmutableStatus to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithWithSignature ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithWithSignature(withSignature *bool) *ListTagsParams
WithWithSignature adds the withSignature to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *ListTagsParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the list tags params
func (*ListTagsParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ListTagsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ListTagsReader ¶
type ListTagsReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListTagsReader is a Reader for the ListTags structure.
func (*ListTagsReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ListTagsReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ListTagsUnauthorized ¶
type ListTagsUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
ListTagsUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewListTagsUnauthorized ¶
func NewListTagsUnauthorized() *ListTagsUnauthorized
NewListTagsUnauthorized creates a ListTagsUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*ListTagsUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *ListTagsUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*ListTagsUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListTagsUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type RemoveLabelConflict ¶
type RemoveLabelConflict struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
RemoveLabelConflict handles this case with default header values.
func NewRemoveLabelConflict ¶
func NewRemoveLabelConflict() *RemoveLabelConflict
NewRemoveLabelConflict creates a RemoveLabelConflict with default headers values
func (*RemoveLabelConflict) Error ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelConflict) Error() string
func (*RemoveLabelConflict) GetPayload ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelConflict) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type RemoveLabelForbidden ¶
type RemoveLabelForbidden struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
RemoveLabelForbidden handles this case with default header values.
func NewRemoveLabelForbidden ¶
func NewRemoveLabelForbidden() *RemoveLabelForbidden
NewRemoveLabelForbidden creates a RemoveLabelForbidden with default headers values
func (*RemoveLabelForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelForbidden) Error() string
func (*RemoveLabelForbidden) GetPayload ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelForbidden) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type RemoveLabelInternalServerError ¶
type RemoveLabelInternalServerError struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
RemoveLabelInternalServerError handles this case with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewRemoveLabelInternalServerError ¶
func NewRemoveLabelInternalServerError() *RemoveLabelInternalServerError
NewRemoveLabelInternalServerError creates a RemoveLabelInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*RemoveLabelInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*RemoveLabelInternalServerError) GetPayload ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelInternalServerError) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type RemoveLabelNotFound ¶
type RemoveLabelNotFound struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string Payload *model.Errors }
RemoveLabelNotFound handles this case with default header values.
Not found
func NewRemoveLabelNotFound ¶
func NewRemoveLabelNotFound() *RemoveLabelNotFound
NewRemoveLabelNotFound creates a RemoveLabelNotFound with default headers values
func (*RemoveLabelNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelNotFound) Error() string
func (*RemoveLabelNotFound) GetPayload ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelNotFound) GetPayload() *model.Errors
type RemoveLabelOK ¶
type RemoveLabelOK struct { /*The ID of the corresponding request for the response */ XRequestID string }
RemoveLabelOK handles this case with default header values.
func NewRemoveLabelOK ¶
func NewRemoveLabelOK() *RemoveLabelOK
NewRemoveLabelOK creates a RemoveLabelOK with default headers values
func (*RemoveLabelOK) Error ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelOK) Error() string
type RemoveLabelParams ¶
type RemoveLabelParams struct { /*XRequestID An unique ID for the request */ XRequestID *string /*LabelID The ID of the label that removed from the artifact. */ LabelID int64 /*ProjectName The name of the project */ ProjectName string /*Reference The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag */ Reference string /*RepositoryName The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb */ RepositoryName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RemoveLabelParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the remove label operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewRemoveLabelParams ¶
func NewRemoveLabelParams() *RemoveLabelParams
NewRemoveLabelParams creates a new RemoveLabelParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewRemoveLabelParamsWithContext ¶
func NewRemoveLabelParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RemoveLabelParams
NewRemoveLabelParamsWithContext creates a new RemoveLabelParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewRemoveLabelParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewRemoveLabelParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RemoveLabelParams
NewRemoveLabelParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new RemoveLabelParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewRemoveLabelParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewRemoveLabelParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RemoveLabelParams
NewRemoveLabelParamsWithTimeout creates a new RemoveLabelParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*RemoveLabelParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) SetLabelID ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetLabelID(labelID int64)
SetLabelID adds the labelId to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) SetProjectName ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetProjectName(projectName string)
SetProjectName adds the projectName to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) SetReference ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetReference(reference string)
SetReference adds the reference to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) SetRepositoryName ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string)
SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) SetXRequestID ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string)
SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RemoveLabelParams
WithContext adds the context to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RemoveLabelParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WithLabelID ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithLabelID(labelID int64) *RemoveLabelParams
WithLabelID adds the labelID to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WithProjectName ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *RemoveLabelParams
WithProjectName adds the projectName to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WithReference ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithReference(reference string) *RemoveLabelParams
WithReference adds the reference to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WithRepositoryName ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *RemoveLabelParams
WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RemoveLabelParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WithXRequestID ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *RemoveLabelParams
WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the remove label params
func (*RemoveLabelParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type RemoveLabelReader ¶
type RemoveLabelReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RemoveLabelReader is a Reader for the RemoveLabel structure.
func (*RemoveLabelReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type RemoveLabelUnauthorized ¶
type RemoveLabelUnauthorized struct { string }XRequestID
RemoveLabelUnauthorized handles this case with default header values.
func NewRemoveLabelUnauthorized ¶
func NewRemoveLabelUnauthorized() *RemoveLabelUnauthorized
NewRemoveLabelUnauthorized creates a RemoveLabelUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*RemoveLabelUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*RemoveLabelUnauthorized) GetPayload ¶
func (o *RemoveLabelUnauthorized) GetPayload() *model.Errors
Source Files
- add_label_parameters.go
- add_label_responses.go
- artifact_client.go
- copy_artifact_parameters.go
- copy_artifact_responses.go
- create_tag_parameters.go
- create_tag_responses.go
- delete_artifact_parameters.go
- delete_artifact_responses.go
- delete_tag_parameters.go
- delete_tag_responses.go
- get_addition_parameters.go
- get_addition_responses.go
- get_artifact_parameters.go
- get_artifact_responses.go
- list_artifacts_parameters.go
- list_artifacts_responses.go
- list_tags_parameters.go
- list_tags_responses.go
- remove_label_parameters.go
- remove_label_responses.go