SQL-like query language for csv

csvq is a command line tool to operate CSV files.
You can read, update, delete CSV records with SQL-like query.
You can also execute multiple operations sequentially in managed transactions by passing a procedure or using the interactive shell.
In the multiple operations, you can use variables, cursors, temporary tables, and other features.
Install executable binary
- Download an archive file from release page.
- Extract the downloaded archive and add a binary file in it to your path.
Build from source
Go 1.9 (ref. Getting Started - The Go Programming Language)
Build with either of the following two ways
Use go get
$ go get -u github.com/mithrandie/csvq
Build with strict dependencies
- Install Glide (ref. Glide: Vendor Package Management for Golang)
$ go get -d github.com/mithrandie/csvq
- Change directory to $GOPATH/github.com/mithrandie/csvq
$ glide install
$ go install
# Simple query
csvq "select id, name from `user.csv`"
csvq "select id, name from user"
# Specify data delimiter as tab character
csvq -d "\t" "select count(*) from `user.csv`"
# Load no-header-csv
csvq --no-header "select c1, c2 from user"
# Load from redirection or pipe
csvq "select * from stdin" < user.csv
cat user.csv | csvq "select *"
# Output in JSON format
csvq -f json "select integer(id) as id, name from user"
# Output to a file
csvq -o new_user.csv "select id, name from user"
# Load statements from file
$ cat statements.sql
VAR @id := 0;
SELECT @id := @id + 1 AS id,
FROM user;
$ csvq -s statements.sql
# Execute statements in the interactive shell
$ csvq
csvq > UPDATE users SET name = 'Mildred' WHERE id = 2;
1 record updated on "/home/mithrandie/docs/csv/users.csv".
csvq > COMMIT;
Commit: file "/home/mithrandie/docs/csv/users.csv" is updated.
csvq > EXIT;
# Show help
csvq -h
More details >> https://mithrandie.github.io/csvq