lib-cli is the command-line client for the some generator APIs implement in this library! It provides simple access to all APIs functions to make a server, a GUI app & ...!
Make new project - Use git as version control
Make project folder and suggest use your domain name for it.
Make project version control by git init
Instead aboves you can clone exiting repo by git clone ${repository path}.
Add libgo to project as submodule by git submodule add -b master
Build lib-cli by go build ./libgo/lib-cli
Run lib-cli in a terminal by ./lib-cli
Choose desire services to make needed files or other actions!
Complete manifest in main package of service.
Add other data to main package if needed.
Add as many service you need by CLI services and add business logic to them!
From CLI update service file to autogenerate some code for you!
As you can see in file services logic layers are independent layer and you must just think locally! But if you need network stream data use st *achaemenid.Stream in your each function parameters. Don't remove it even don't need it!
first check and change DevMode and DebugMode const in log package to desire behavior
Build app by go build
Strongly suggest run app by systemd on linux or other app manager on other OS!
Otherwise easily run app by ./{{root-folder-name}}