Mattermost memebot
/meme command for mattermost
based on:
Help output
/meme help
Mattermost Meme Bot
/meme memename top_row;bottom_row
generate a meme image
(NOTE: memename can also be a URL to an image)
/meme list
List templates
/meme help
Shows this menu
Show meme image
/meme buzz memes,memes; everywhere
To build the bot, simply:
go build
To install and run:
cp mm-memebot /usr/local/bin
cp mm-memebot.default /etc/default/memebot
# edit that file to check and maybe change settings.
vi /etc/default/mm-memebot
cp mm-memebot.service /lib/systemd/system
systemctl enable mm-memebot
systemctl start mm-memebot
The bot is now running and listening on localhost:5020.
Add to mattermost
Go to the integration - slash commands menu
Title: Meme Generator
Description: Displays a meme image with your text overlaid
Command Trigger Word: meme
Request URL: http://localhost:5020/meme
Request Method: POST
Autocomplete: [v]
Autocomplete hint: memename top text; bottom text
Autocomplete description: Generates a meme image (try /meme help)
Allow mattermost to connect to services on localhost
Go to System Console -> Advanced -> Developer. Set:
Allow untrusted internal connections to: localhost