Multiple DataBase Tool simplifies querying data from multiple databases at once.
Usage case: you have multiple environments(separate for every/some clients) and separate database for each microservice,
and you want to execute same query in specific microservice database of each environment. Group Name is environment and
Group Type is microservice database.
- Lightweight and fast web UI
- Query multiple databases by group type and view data in single table
- Query a single database by group type and group name
- Supports postgresql, mysql and firebird databases
How to build
can be used to build and run. To build and run locally you need(might work with lower versions):
Build js app(UI) with live reload. Built UI files are saved to static
cd web/ui/js-app
yarn install && yarn start
Build go executable without embedding UI files
go build ./cmd/mdb-tool -tags=dev
Build js app(UI). Build UI files are saved to static
cd web/ui/js-app
yarn install && yarn build
Build go executable with embedded UI files
go build ./cmd/mdb-tool
How to run
Required files:
- executable
folder if it is not embedded to executable
- config file. Databases and datasources can be provided only by config file.
Program arguments:
- config - config file path. Default: config.json
- port - port of application. Default: 8080
Command example:
mdb-tool --config=config_file_path.json --port=8080
Fields definition:
- groupName - name of databases group(environment, client)
- groupType - group type of database(database name)
- type - type of database. Supported: postgresql, mysql, firebird
Not listed fields are used for connecting to database.
Keep in mind that groupName and groupType combination must be unique
"dataSources": [
"query": "select 'groupName' as \"groupName\", 'groupType' as \"groupType\", 'localhost' as hostname, 5432 as port, 'name' as name, 'username' as username, 'password' as password, 'postgresql' as type, 4 as \"maxOpenConns\", 1 as \"maxIdleConns\", 600 as \"connMaxLifetimeInSeconds\", 60 as \"connMaxIdleTimeInSeconds\"",
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"name": "db",
"username": "postgres",
"password": "admin",
"type": "postgresql"
"databaseConfigs": [
"groupName": "test-env-1",
"groupType" : "messaging",
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"name": "messaging",
"username": "postgres",
"password": "admin",
"type": "postgresql",
"maxOpenConns": 4,
"maxIdleConns": 1,
"connMaxLifetimeInSeconds": 300,
"connMaxIdleTimeInSeconds": 60