parsing-exercise golang
Golang solution to parsing-exercise.
version 1.18 and above
First, run tests by running the following from this directory.
go test ./...
Make sure all tests are passing.
Then, build the command line took by running the following from this directory.
go build -o parse ./cmd
An executable parse
will be created in this directory.
Run on Example Files
Run the following to parse the example files.
mkdir output
./parse ../../files ./output
You should see the following logged to stdout
2022/11/15 09:47:43 starting workflow...
2022/11/15 09:47:43 loading input001.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 loading input002.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 loading input003.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 processing input001.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 processing input002.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 writing input001.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 processing input003.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 error processing input003.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 writing input002.json
2022/11/15 09:47:43 success!
You should also find input001.json
and input002.json
in the output
folder of the parsed output.
Clean Up
Run the following to clean up.
rm -rf ./output
rm parse