
command module
v1.6.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 9, 2020 License: BSD-3-Clause, MIT Imports: 20 Imported by: 2



The project is based on

Generate OpenAPI Specification json file with comments in Go.


  • Only support go module.
  • Anonymous struct field is not supported.


go get -u github.com/mikunalpha/goas


Comments in main.go

// @Version 1.0.0
// @Title Backend API
// @Description API usually works as expected. But sometimes its not true.
// @ContactName Abcd
// @ContactEmail abce@email.com
// @ContactURL http://someurl.oxox
// @TermsOfServiceUrl http://someurl.oxox
// @LicenseName MIT
// @LicenseURL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
// @Server http://www.fake.com Server-1
// @Server http://www.fake2.com Server-2

Comments for API handleFunc

type User struct {
  ID   uint64 `json:"id" example:"100" description:"User identity"`
  Name string `json:"name" example:"Mikun"` 

type UsersResponse struct {
  Data []Users `json:"users" example:"[{\"id\":100, \"name\":\"Mikun\"}]"`

type Error struct {
  Code string `json:"code"`
  Msg  string `json:"msg"`

type ErrorResponse struct {
  ErrorInfo Error `json:"error"`

// @Title Get user list of a group.
// @Description Get users related to a specific group.
// @Param  groupID  path  int  true  "Id of a specific group."
// @Success  200  object  UsersResponse  "UsersResponse JSON"
// @Failure  400  object  ErrorResponse  "ErrorResponse JSON"
// @Resource users
// @Route /api/group/{groupID}/users [get]
func GetGroupUsers() {
  // ...

// @Title Get user list of a group.
// @Description Create a new user.
// @Param  user  body  User  true  "Info of a user."
// @Success  200  object  User           "UsersResponse JSON"
// @Failure  400  object  ErrorResponse  "ErrorResponse JSON"
// @Resource users
// @Route /api/user [post]
func PostUser() {
  // ...

Go to the folder where is main.go in

// go.mod and main file are in the same directory
goas --module-path . --output oas.json

// go.mod and main file are in the different directory
goas --module-path . --main-file-path ./cmd/xxx/main.go --output oas.json

HandleFunc Comments

Title & Description
@Title {title}
@Title Get user list of a group.

@Description {description}.
@Description Get users related to a specific group.
  • {title}: The title of the route.
  • {description}: The description of the route.
@Param  {name}  {in}  {goType}  {required}  {description}
@Param  user    body  User      true        "Info of a user."
  • {name}: The parameter name.
  • {in}: The parameter is in path, query, form, header, cookie, body or file.
  • {goType}: The type in go code. This will be ignored when {in} is file.
  • {required}: true, false, required or optional.
  • {description}: The description of the parameter. Must be quoted.
@Success  {stauts}  {jsonType}  {goType}       {description}
@Success  200       object      UsersResponse  "UsersResponse JSON"

@Failure  {stauts}  {jsonType}  {goType}       {description}
@Failure  400       object      ErrorResponse  "ErrorResponse JSON"
  • {status}: The HTTP status code.
  • {jsonType}: The value can be object or array.
  • {goType}: The type in go code.
  • {description}: The description of the response. Must be quoted.
Resource & Tag
@Resource {resource}
@Resource users

@Tag {tag}
@tag xxx
  • {resource}, {tag}: Tag of the route.
@Route {path}    {method}
@Route /api/user [post]
  • {path}: The URL path.
  • {method}: The HTTP Method. Must be put in brackets.


The Go Gopher

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL