
command module
v1.3.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 22, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 13 Imported by: 0


πŸ“ git-prompt-string

git-prompt-string is a shell agnostic git prompt written in Go. git-prompt-string provides information about the current git branch and is inspired by



Looking for bgps? git-prompt-string is the successor of bgps. bgps is still available on the tag v0.0.1

πŸ“¦ Installation

homebrew tap
brew install mikesmithgh/homebrew-git-prompt-string/git-prompt-string
go install
go install 
  1. Download pre-compiled binary from releases.
  2. If you are on MacOS, run xattr -c git-prompt-string*.tar.gz to avoid "unknown developer" warning
  3. Extract the tar.gz or zip file
  4. Move git-prompt-string to a file location that is in your PATH environment variable
  5. Run git-prompt-string --version
Example manually downloading via curl on MacOS
curl -L -o git-prompt-string.tar.gz
xattr -c git-prompt-string.tar.gz
tar xzvf git-prompt-string.tar.gz
mv git-prompt-string "$HOME/bin" # replace with your preferred directory that is in PATH

πŸ› οΈ Setup

Prompt configuration

See the following for examples for a reference on how you could add git-prompt-string to your prompt.

PS1='\[\n\e[0;33m\w\e[0m$(git-prompt-string)\n\e[0;32mbash \e[0;36m\$\e[0m \]'


autoload -U colors && colors
PROMPT=$'\n%{$fg[yellow]%}%~%{$reset_color%}$(git-prompt-string)\n%{$fg[green]%}zsh %{$fg[cyan]%}%#%{$reset_color%} '


set -U fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0
function fish_prompt
  set -l symbol ' $ '
  if fish_is_root_user
      set symbol ' # '

  printf '\n%s%s%s%s\n%s%sfish%s%s%s' \
  (set_color yellow) (prompt_pwd) (set_color normal) (git-prompt-string) \
  (set_color green) (set_color blue) (set_color cyan) $symbol (set_color normal)


function prompt {
    $ESC = [char]27
    $w = $pwd.Path.Replace($env:USER_PROFILE, "~").Replace($env:HOME, "~")
    return "`n$ESC[0;33m$w$ESC[0m$(git-prompt-string)`n$ESC[0;32mPS $ESC[0;36m>$ESC[0m "


    $" (ansi cyan)>(ansi reset) "
$env.PROMPT_COMMAND = { ||
    $"\n(ansi yellow)($env.PWD | str replace $"($env.HOME)" '~')(git-prompt-string)\n(ansi green)nushell"



Starship will hide custom commands that fail with a non-zero exit code. To prevent this, add || : or your shell's equvilent command to always return a zero exit code. It is recommended to always return successfully so that error messages are displayed.

"$schema" = ''

format = """
[starship](green) \
[\\$](cyan) \

command = "git-prompt-string || :"
when = true

format = '[$path]($style)'
truncation_length = 0
truncate_to_repo = false
style = "yellow"
use_logical_path = true


git-prompt-string configuration
Nerd Font

By default, the powerline icon ξ‚  is used as a prefix in the prompt. It is recommended to use a Nerd Font to properly display the ξ‚  (nf-pl-branch) icon. See to download a Nerd Font. If you do not want this symbol, replace the prompt prefix with " ". For example, add the following to you git-prompt-string configuration.

prompt_prefix = ' '
Configuration file

git-prompt-string will first check if the --config option was passed as an argument. If --config is set, the filepath defined in the value will be used as the configuration file.

If --config is not set, then git-prompt-string will check if the environment variable $GIT_PROMPT_STRING_CONFIG is set. If $GIT_PROMPT_STRING_CONFIG is set, the filepath defined in the value will be used as the configuration file.

If $GIT_PROMPT_STRING_CONFIG is not set, then git-prompt-string will check if the environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, the directory defined in then value will be used as the base directory for git-prompt-string configurations. See XDG Base Directory Specification for more information on XDG environment variables.

If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, then ~/.config and ~/AppData/Local will be used as the base directory for Unix and Windows, respectively.

The file defined at git-prompt-string/config.toml in the base directory will be used to configure git-prompt-string.

OS Base directory Configuration file
Unix ~/.config ~/.config/git-prompt-string/config.toml
Windows ~/AppData/Local ~/AppData/Local/git-prompt-string/config.toml

If the configuration filepath is set to the special value of NONE, then all user configurations will be ignored. For example, git-prompt-string --config=NONE or GIT_PROMPT_STRING_CONFIG=NONE git-prompt-string will use the default configuration values defined by git-prompt-string.

Configuration options

The following configuration options are available in either as a command-line argument or TOML key.

--ahead-format or ahead_format
      The format used to indicate the number of commits ahead of the
      remote branch. The %v verb represents the number of commits
      ahead. One %v verb is required. (default "↑[%v]")

--behind-format or behind_format
      The format used to indicate the number of commits behind the
      remote branch. The %v verb represents the number of commits
      behind. One %v verb is required. (default "↓[%v]")

--color-clean or color_clean
      The color of the prompt when the working directory is clean.
      (default "green")

--color-delta or color_delta
      The color of the prompt when the local branch is ahead, behind,
      or has diverged from the remote branch. (default "yellow")

--color-dirty or color_dirty
      The color of the prompt when the working directory has changes
      that have not yet been committed. (default "red")

--color-disabled or color_disabled
      Disable all colors in the color-disabled

--color-merging or color_merging
      The color of the prompt during a merge, rebase, cherry-pick,
      revert, or bisect. (default "blue")

--color-no-upstream or color_no_upstream
      The color of the prompt when there is no remote upstream branch.
      (default "bright-black")

--color-untracked or color_untracked
      The color of the prompt when there are untracked files in the
      working directory. (default "magenta")

--diverged-format or diverged_format
      The format used to indicate the number of commits diverged
      from the remote branch. The first %v verb represents the number
      of commits ahead of the remote branch. The second %v verb
      represents the number of commits behind the remote branch. Two
      %v verbs are required. (default "↕ ↑[%v] ↓[%v]")

--no-upstream-remote-format or no_upstream_remote_format
      The format used to indicate when there is no remote upstream,
      but there is still a remote branch configured. The first %v
      represents the remote repository. The second %v represents the
      remote branch. Two %v are required. (default " β†’ %v/%v")

--prompt-prefix or prompt_prefix
      A prefix that is added to the beginning of the prompt. The
      powerline icon ξ‚  is used be default. It is recommended to
      use a Nerd Font to properly display the ξ‚  (nf-pl-branch) icon.
      See to download a Nerd Font. If you
      do not want this symbol, replace the prompt prefix with " ".
      \ue0a0 is the unicode representation of ξ‚ . (default " \ue0a0 ")

--prompt-suffix or prompt_suffix
      A suffix that is added to the end of the prompt.

      Output the results in JSON format. The keys of the JSON result are
      branchInfo, branchStatus, color, promptPrefix, and promptSuffix.
        "branchInfo": "main",
        "branchStatus": "",
        "color": "green",
        "promptPrefix": " ξ‚  ",
        "promptSuffix": ""
Specifying colors

A color value in the configuration must be either a single color or multiple colors separated by white space.

Valid formats for a color are:

  • color
  • fg:color
  • bg:color
  • #ffffff
  • #fg:ffffff
  • #bg:ffffff
  • reset

The value reset will clear all text formatting and reset the color to the default value. Colors starting with bg or #bg are background colors. All other formats are considered foreground colors. i.e., red is equivalent to fg:reg.

Colors starting with # are considered a hex color code and must have 6 digits.

Valid colors are defined in the following table.

Color Code
black 0
red 1
green 2
yellow 3
blue 4
magenta 5
cyan 6
white 7
bright-black 8
bright-red 9
bright-green 10
bright-yellow 11
bright-blue 12
bright-magenta 13
bright-cyan 14
bright-white 15

The following are examples of valid color configurations:

color_no_upstream="reset fg:black bg:white"
color_untracked="fg:#ff0000 bg:#16f2aa"
color_merging="bg:#ccccff magenta"
Default configuration
prompt_prefix = ' ξ‚  '
prompt_suffix = ''
ahead_format = '↑[%v]'
behind_format = '↓[%v]'
diverged_format = '↕ ↑[%v] ↓[%v]'
no_upstream_remote_format = ' β†’ %v/%v'
color_disabled = false
color_clean = 'green'
color_delta = 'yellow'
color_dirty = 'red'
color_untracked = 'magenta'
color_no_upstream = 'bright-black'
color_merging = 'blue'

πŸ“Œ Alternatives

  • - bash/zsh git prompt support
  • bash-git-prompt - An informative and fancy bash prompt for Git users
  • zsh-git-prompt - Informative git prompt for zsh
  • starship - The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
    • You can integrate git-prompt-string with starship or use starship's builtin git configurations.
  • ohmyzsh - πŸ™ƒ A delightful community-driven (with 2,200+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration.
    • ohmyzsh offers git plugins to customize the prompt
  • powerlevel10k - A Zsh theme
    • powerlevel10k offers git status integration into the prompt
  • oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
    • oh-my-posh offers a git segment to customize the prompt
  • fish_git_prompt - Fish has builtin git support to display information about the current git repository, if any.
  • gitprompt - a configurable, fast and zero-dependencies* way of getting the current git status to be displayed in the PROMPT.

Documentation ΒΆ

The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.

Directories ΒΆ

Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL