This demo showcases the capabilities of the Geom2D library by visualizing relationships between a mouse-controlled line segment and various geometric shapes (point, line segment, rectangle, circle, and polygon) in real-time.
How to Use
Mouse Cursor:
The mouse cursor is represented by a red line segment on the screen.
For visibility, the mouse's position is also displayed in the bottom-left corner.
Real-Time Relationships:
The relationships between the mouse line segment and each geometric object are calculated in real time, at 60 ticks per second. This highlights the library's performance in dynamic scenarios.
Real-Time Rendering:
The geometries are redrawn every frame, running at 60 frames per second. This highlights the efficiency of the library for real-time rendering.
Resizable Window:
For high-resolution displays, you can resize the application window to make the pixels larger and improve visibility.
Key Features Demonstrated
Real-time calculation and visualization of geometric relationships.
Dynamic rendering of various geometric objects, including: