This library has been created with the purpose to facilitate the store, validation, and transfer of Go ISO-3166/ISO-4217/timezones/emails/URL types. There is a openapi3 spec of that type and make you able to include it into your spec. All types has own ozzo.Validate, json.Unmarshaler, Stringer and driver.Valuer implementations.
go get github.com/mikekonan/go-types/v2
package main
import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
// 1. use in your structs
type User struct {
Name string `json:"name" db:"name"`
Country country.Alpha2Code `json:"country" db:"country"`
Currency currency.Code `json:"currency" db:"currency"`
Language language.Alpha2Code `json:"language" db:"language"`
Phone phone.Number `json:"phone" db:"phone"`
CountryDialCode phone.DialCode `json:"dialCode" db:"dialCode"`
PostalCode postalcode.PostalCode `json:"postalCode" db:"postalCode"`
func main() {
// 2. use in your wire
user := User{}
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"name":"name", "country": "CA", "currency": "CAD", "language": "fr", "phone": "123456789", "dialCode": "1"}`), &user)
// 3. check is set
// 4. validate using ozzo-validation
if err := validation.ValidateStruct(&user, validation.Field(&user.Country), validation.Field(&user.Currency)); err != nil {
// 5. lookup by alpha2, alpha3, country name
if userCountry, ok := country.ByAlpha2Code(user.Country); ok {
fmt.Printf("country name - '%s', alpha-2 - '%s', alpha-3 - '%s'", userCountry.Name(), userCountry.Alpha2Code(), userCountry.Alpha3Code())
// 6. lookup by 2 and 3 char codes, language name
if userLanguage, ok := language.ByAlpha2Code(user.Language); ok {
fmt.Printf("language name - '%s', alpha-2 - '%s', alpha-3 - '%s'", userLanguage.Name(), userLanguage.Alpha2Code(), userLanguage.Alpha3Code())
// 7. lookup by country dial code
if phoneCountries, ok := phone.CountriesByDialCode(user.CountryDialCode); ok {
for _, phoneCountry := range phoneCountries {
fmt.Printf("country by dial code - '%s'", phoneCountry)
// 8. lookup by country
if dialCode, ok := phone.DialByAlpha2Code(user.Country); ok {
fmt.Printf("'%s' dial code is '%s'", user.Country, dialCode)
// 9. lookup by currency code
if userCurrency, ok := currency.ByCode(user.Currency); ok {
fmt.Printf("currency name - '%s', code - '%s', number - '%s', countries - '%s', decimal places - '%d'",
userCurrency.Currency(), userCurrency.Code(), userCurrency.Number(), userCurrency.Countries(), userCurrency.DecimalPlaces())
// 10. store in db
fmt.Println(user.Country.Value()) //prints 'CA'
fmt.Println(user.Currency.Value()) //prints 'CAN'
fmt.Println(user.Language.Value()) //prints 'fr'
// 11. use specific country constants
fmt.Println("name:", name.Canada)
fmt.Println("alpha-2:", alpha2.CA)
fmt.Println("alpha-3:", alpha3.CAN)
// 12. use specific currency codes