ImageBuilder is a tool for building an optimized k8s images, currently only supporting AWS.
It is a wrapper around bootstrap-vz (the tool used to build official Debian cloud images).
It adds functionality to spin up an instance for building the image, and publishing the image to all regions.
Imagebuilder create an instance to build the image, builds the image as specified by TemplatePath
, makes the
image public and copies it to all accessible regions (on AWS), and then shuts down the builder instance.
Each of these stages can be controlled through flags
(for example, you might not want use --publish=false
for an internal image.)
export AWS_PROFILE=...
if you are not using the default profile
- Create a VPC (with a subnet) and tag the subnet with
- Create a security group in the VPC, allowing port 22, and tag with
go install
Run the image builder:
${GOPATH}/bin/imagebuilder --config aws.yaml --v=8
It will print the IDs of the image in each region, but it will also tag the image with a Name
as specified in the template) and this is the easier way to retrieve the image.
- Edit gce.yaml, at least to specify the Project and GCSDestination to use
- Create the GCS bucket in GCSDestination (if it does not exist)
gsutil mb gs://<bucketname>/
go install
Run the image builder:
${GOPATH}/bin/imagebuilder --config gce.yaml --v=8 --publish=false
Note that because GCE does not currently support publishing images, you must pass --publish=false
. Also, images on
GCE are global, so replicate
does not actually need to do anything.
Advanced options
Check out --help
, but these options control which operations we perform,
and may be useful for debugging or publishing a lot of images:
, --down=true/false
control whether we try to create and terminate an instance to do the building
controls whether we make the image public
controls whether we copy the image to all regions
lets you configure most options