Index ¶
- Constants
- type Aggregate
- type AggregateFamily
- type AvailableIP
- type AvailablePrefix
- type Cable
- type CableLengthUnit
- type CableStatus
- type Circuit
- type CircuitCircuitTermination
- type CircuitStatus
- type CircuitTermination
- type CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus
- type CircuitType
- type Cluster
- type ClusterGroup
- type ClusterType
- type ConfigContext
- type ConsolePort
- type ConsolePortConnectionStatus
- type ConsolePortTemplate
- type ConsolePortTemplateType
- type ConsolePortType
- type ConsoleServerPort
- type ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus
- type ConsoleServerPortTemplate
- type ConsoleServerPortTemplateType
- type ConsoleServerPortType
- type Device
- type DeviceBay
- type DeviceBayTemplate
- type DeviceFace
- type DeviceNAPALM
- type DeviceRole
- type DeviceStatus
- type DeviceType
- type DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole
- type DeviceWithConfigContext
- type DeviceWithConfigContextFace
- type DeviceWithConfigContextStatus
- type ExportTemplate
- type ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage
- type FrontPort
- type FrontPortRearPort
- type FrontPortTemplate
- type FrontPortTemplateType
- type FrontPortType
- type Graph
- type Group
- type IPAddress
- type IPAddressFamily
- type IPAddressRole
- type IPAddressStatus
- type ImageAttachment
- type Interface
- type InterfaceConnection
- type InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus
- type InterfaceConnectionStatus
- type InterfaceMode
- type InterfaceTemplate
- type InterfaceTemplateType
- type InterfaceType
- type InventoryItem
- type JobResult
- type JobResultStatus
- type Manufacturer
- type NestedCable
- type NestedCircuit
- type NestedCircuitType
- type NestedCluster
- type NestedClusterGroup
- type NestedClusterType
- type NestedDevice
- type NestedDeviceRole
- type NestedDeviceType
- type NestedGroup
- type NestedIPAddress
- type NestedInterface
- type NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus
- type NestedManufacturer
- type NestedPlatform
- type NestedPowerPanel
- type NestedPowerPort
- type NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus
- type NestedPowerPortTemplate
- type NestedProvider
- type NestedRIR
- type NestedRack
- type NestedRackGroup
- type NestedRackRole
- type NestedRearPortTemplate
- type NestedRegion
- type NestedRole
- type NestedSecretRole
- type NestedSite
- type NestedTag
- type NestedTenant
- type NestedTenantGroup
- type NestedUser
- type NestedVLAN
- type NestedVLANGroup
- type NestedVRF
- type NestedVirtualChassis
- type NestedVirtualMachine
- type ObjectChange
- type ObjectChangeAction
- type ObjectPermission
- type Platform
- type PowerFeed
- type PowerFeedPhase
- type PowerFeedStatus
- type PowerFeedSupply
- type PowerFeedType
- type PowerOutlet
- type PowerOutletConnectionStatus
- type PowerOutletFeedLeg
- type PowerOutletTemplate
- type PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg
- type PowerOutletTemplateType
- type PowerOutletType
- type PowerPanel
- type PowerPort
- type PowerPortConnectionStatus
- type PowerPortTemplate
- type PowerPortTemplateType
- type PowerPortType
- type Prefix
- type PrefixFamily
- type PrefixLength
- type PrefixStatus
- type Provider
- type RIR
- type Rack
- type RackGroup
- type RackOuterUnit
- type RackReservation
- type RackRole
- type RackStatus
- type RackType
- type RackUnit
- type RackUnitFace
- type RackWidth
- type RearPort
- type RearPortTemplate
- type RearPortTemplateType
- type RearPortType
- type Region
- type Role
- type Secret
- type SecretRole
- type Service
- type ServiceProtocol
- type Site
- type SiteStatus
- type Tag
- type Tenant
- type TenantGroup
- type User
- type VLAN
- type VLANGroup
- type VLANStatus
- type VMInterface
- type VMInterfaceMode
- type VRF
- type VirtualChassis
- type VirtualMachineWithConfigContext
- type VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus
- type WritableAggregate
- type WritableAvailableIP
- type WritableCable
- type WritableCircuit
- type WritableCircuitTermination
- type WritableCluster
- type WritableConfigContext
- type WritableConsolePort
- type WritableConsolePortTemplate
- type WritableConsoleServerPort
- type WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate
- type WritableDeviceBay
- type WritableDeviceBayTemplate
- type WritableDeviceType
- type WritableDeviceWithConfigContext
- type WritableExportTemplate
- type WritableFrontPort
- type WritableFrontPortTemplate
- type WritableIPAddress
- type WritableInterface
- type WritableInterfaceTemplate
- type WritableInventoryItem
- type WritableObjectPermission
- type WritablePlatform
- type WritablePowerFeed
- type WritablePowerOutlet
- type WritablePowerOutletTemplate
- type WritablePowerPanel
- type WritablePowerPort
- type WritablePowerPortTemplate
- type WritablePrefix
- type WritableRack
- type WritableRackGroup
- type WritableRackReservation
- type WritableRearPort
- type WritableRearPortTemplate
- type WritableRegion
- type WritableSecret
- type WritableService
- type WritableSite
- type WritableTenant
- type WritableTenantGroup
- type WritableUser
- type WritableVLAN
- type WritableVLANGroup
- type WritableVMInterface
- type WritableVRF
- type WritableVirtualChassis
- type WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext
Constants ¶
const ( // AggregateFamilyLabelIPV4 captures enum value "IPv4" AggregateFamilyLabelIPV4 string = "IPv4" // AggregateFamilyLabelIPV6 captures enum value "IPv6" AggregateFamilyLabelIPV6 string = "IPv6" )
const ( // CableTypeCat3 captures enum value "cat3" CableTypeCat3 string = "cat3" // CableTypeCat5 captures enum value "cat5" CableTypeCat5 string = "cat5" // CableTypeCat5e captures enum value "cat5e" CableTypeCat5e string = "cat5e" // CableTypeCat6 captures enum value "cat6" CableTypeCat6 string = "cat6" // CableTypeCat6a captures enum value "cat6a" CableTypeCat6a string = "cat6a" // CableTypeCat7 captures enum value "cat7" CableTypeCat7 string = "cat7" // CableTypeDacActive captures enum value "dac-active" CableTypeDacActive string = "dac-active" // CableTypeDacPassive captures enum value "dac-passive" CableTypeDacPassive string = "dac-passive" // CableTypeMrj21Trunk captures enum value "mrj21-trunk" CableTypeMrj21Trunk string = "mrj21-trunk" // CableTypeCoaxial captures enum value "coaxial" CableTypeCoaxial string = "coaxial" // CableTypeMmf captures enum value "mmf" CableTypeMmf string = "mmf" // CableTypeMmfOm1 captures enum value "mmf-om1" CableTypeMmfOm1 string = "mmf-om1" // CableTypeMmfOm2 captures enum value "mmf-om2" CableTypeMmfOm2 string = "mmf-om2" // CableTypeMmfOm3 captures enum value "mmf-om3" CableTypeMmfOm3 string = "mmf-om3" // CableTypeMmfOm4 captures enum value "mmf-om4" CableTypeMmfOm4 string = "mmf-om4" // CableTypeSmf captures enum value "smf" CableTypeSmf string = "smf" // CableTypeSmfOs1 captures enum value "smf-os1" CableTypeSmfOs1 string = "smf-os1" // CableTypeSmfOs2 captures enum value "smf-os2" CableTypeSmfOs2 string = "smf-os2" // CableTypeAoc captures enum value "aoc" CableTypeAoc string = "aoc" // CableTypePower captures enum value "power" CableTypePower string = "power" )
const ( // CableLengthUnitLabelMeters captures enum value "Meters" CableLengthUnitLabelMeters string = "Meters" // CableLengthUnitLabelCentimeters captures enum value "Centimeters" CableLengthUnitLabelCentimeters string = "Centimeters" // CableLengthUnitLabelFeet captures enum value "Feet" CableLengthUnitLabelFeet string = "Feet" // CableLengthUnitLabelInches captures enum value "Inches" CableLengthUnitLabelInches string = "Inches" )
const ( // CableLengthUnitValueM captures enum value "m" CableLengthUnitValueM string = "m" // CableLengthUnitValueCm captures enum value "cm" CableLengthUnitValueCm string = "cm" // CableLengthUnitValueFt captures enum value "ft" CableLengthUnitValueFt string = "ft" // CableLengthUnitValueIn captures enum value "in" CableLengthUnitValueIn string = "in" )
const ( // CableStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" CableStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" // CableStatusLabelPlanned captures enum value "Planned" CableStatusLabelPlanned string = "Planned" // CableStatusLabelDecommissioning captures enum value "Decommissioning" CableStatusLabelDecommissioning string = "Decommissioning" )
const ( // CableStatusValueConnected captures enum value "connected" CableStatusValueConnected string = "connected" // CableStatusValuePlanned captures enum value "planned" CableStatusValuePlanned string = "planned" // CableStatusValueDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" CableStatusValueDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" )
const ( // CircuitStatusLabelPlanned captures enum value "Planned" CircuitStatusLabelPlanned string = "Planned" // CircuitStatusLabelProvisioning captures enum value "Provisioning" CircuitStatusLabelProvisioning string = "Provisioning" // CircuitStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" CircuitStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // CircuitStatusLabelOffline captures enum value "Offline" CircuitStatusLabelOffline string = "Offline" // CircuitStatusLabelDeprovisioning captures enum value "Deprovisioning" CircuitStatusLabelDeprovisioning string = "Deprovisioning" // CircuitStatusLabelDecommissioned captures enum value "Decommissioned" CircuitStatusLabelDecommissioned string = "Decommissioned" )
const ( // CircuitStatusValuePlanned captures enum value "planned" CircuitStatusValuePlanned string = "planned" // CircuitStatusValueProvisioning captures enum value "provisioning" CircuitStatusValueProvisioning string = "provisioning" // CircuitStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" CircuitStatusValueActive string = "active" // CircuitStatusValueOffline captures enum value "offline" CircuitStatusValueOffline string = "offline" // CircuitStatusValueDeprovisioning captures enum value "deprovisioning" CircuitStatusValueDeprovisioning string = "deprovisioning" // CircuitStatusValueDecommissioned captures enum value "decommissioned" CircuitStatusValueDecommissioned string = "decommissioned" )
const ( // CircuitTerminationTermSideA captures enum value "A" CircuitTerminationTermSideA string = "A" // CircuitTerminationTermSideZ captures enum value "Z" CircuitTerminationTermSideZ string = "Z" )
const ( // CircuitTerminationConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" CircuitTerminationConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // CircuitTerminationConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" CircuitTerminationConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // ConsolePortConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" ConsolePortConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // ConsolePortConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" ConsolePortConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // ConsolePortTypeLabelDE9 captures enum value "DE-9" ConsolePortTypeLabelDE9 string = "DE-9" // ConsolePortTypeLabelDB25 captures enum value "DB-25" ConsolePortTypeLabelDB25 string = "DB-25" // ConsolePortTypeLabelRJ11 captures enum value "RJ-11" ConsolePortTypeLabelRJ11 string = "RJ-11" // ConsolePortTypeLabelRJ12 captures enum value "RJ-12" ConsolePortTypeLabelRJ12 string = "RJ-12" // ConsolePortTypeLabelRJ45 captures enum value "RJ-45" ConsolePortTypeLabelRJ45 string = "RJ-45" // ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBTypeA captures enum value "USB Type A" ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBTypeA string = "USB Type A" // ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBTypeB captures enum value "USB Type B" ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBTypeB string = "USB Type B" // ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBTypeC captures enum value "USB Type C" ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBTypeC string = "USB Type C" // ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBMiniA captures enum value "USB Mini A" ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBMiniA string = "USB Mini A" // ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBMiniB captures enum value "USB Mini B" ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBMiniB string = "USB Mini B" // ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBMicroA captures enum value "USB Micro A" ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBMicroA string = "USB Micro A" // ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBMicroB captures enum value "USB Micro B" ConsolePortTypeLabelUSBMicroB string = "USB Micro B" // ConsolePortTypeLabelOther captures enum value "Other" ConsolePortTypeLabelOther string = "Other" )
const ( // ConsolePortTypeValueDe9 captures enum value "de-9" ConsolePortTypeValueDe9 string = "de-9" // ConsolePortTypeValueDb25 captures enum value "db-25" ConsolePortTypeValueDb25 string = "db-25" // ConsolePortTypeValueRj11 captures enum value "rj-11" ConsolePortTypeValueRj11 string = "rj-11" // ConsolePortTypeValueRj12 captures enum value "rj-12" ConsolePortTypeValueRj12 string = "rj-12" // ConsolePortTypeValueRj45 captures enum value "rj-45" ConsolePortTypeValueRj45 string = "rj-45" // ConsolePortTypeValueUsba captures enum value "usb-a" ConsolePortTypeValueUsba string = "usb-a" // ConsolePortTypeValueUsbb captures enum value "usb-b" ConsolePortTypeValueUsbb string = "usb-b" // ConsolePortTypeValueUsbc captures enum value "usb-c" ConsolePortTypeValueUsbc string = "usb-c" // ConsolePortTypeValueUsbMinia captures enum value "usb-mini-a" ConsolePortTypeValueUsbMinia string = "usb-mini-a" // ConsolePortTypeValueUsbMinib captures enum value "usb-mini-b" ConsolePortTypeValueUsbMinib string = "usb-mini-b" // ConsolePortTypeValueUsbMicroa captures enum value "usb-micro-a" ConsolePortTypeValueUsbMicroa string = "usb-micro-a" // ConsolePortTypeValueUsbMicrob captures enum value "usb-micro-b" ConsolePortTypeValueUsbMicrob string = "usb-micro-b" // ConsolePortTypeValueOther captures enum value "other" ConsolePortTypeValueOther string = "other" )
const ( // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelDE9 captures enum value "DE-9" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelDE9 string = "DE-9" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelDB25 captures enum value "DB-25" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelDB25 string = "DB-25" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelRJ11 captures enum value "RJ-11" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelRJ11 string = "RJ-11" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelRJ12 captures enum value "RJ-12" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelRJ12 string = "RJ-12" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelRJ45 captures enum value "RJ-45" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelRJ45 string = "RJ-45" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeA captures enum value "USB Type A" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeA string = "USB Type A" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeB captures enum value "USB Type B" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeB string = "USB Type B" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeC captures enum value "USB Type C" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeC string = "USB Type C" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMiniA captures enum value "USB Mini A" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMiniA string = "USB Mini A" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMiniB captures enum value "USB Mini B" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMiniB string = "USB Mini B" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMicroA captures enum value "USB Micro A" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMicroA string = "USB Micro A" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMicroB captures enum value "USB Micro B" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMicroB string = "USB Micro B" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelOther captures enum value "Other" ConsolePortTemplateTypeLabelOther string = "Other" )
const ( // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueDe9 captures enum value "de-9" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueDe9 string = "de-9" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueDb25 captures enum value "db-25" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueDb25 string = "db-25" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueRj11 captures enum value "rj-11" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueRj11 string = "rj-11" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueRj12 captures enum value "rj-12" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueRj12 string = "rj-12" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueRj45 captures enum value "rj-45" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueRj45 string = "rj-45" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsba captures enum value "usb-a" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsba string = "usb-a" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbb captures enum value "usb-b" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbb string = "usb-b" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbc captures enum value "usb-c" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbc string = "usb-c" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbMinia captures enum value "usb-mini-a" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbMinia string = "usb-mini-a" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbMinib captures enum value "usb-mini-b" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbMinib string = "usb-mini-b" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbMicroa captures enum value "usb-micro-a" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbMicroa string = "usb-micro-a" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbMicrob captures enum value "usb-micro-b" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueUsbMicrob string = "usb-micro-b" // ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueOther captures enum value "other" ConsolePortTemplateTypeValueOther string = "other" )
const ( // ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelDE9 captures enum value "DE-9" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelDE9 string = "DE-9" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelDB25 captures enum value "DB-25" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelDB25 string = "DB-25" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelRJ11 captures enum value "RJ-11" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelRJ11 string = "RJ-11" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelRJ12 captures enum value "RJ-12" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelRJ12 string = "RJ-12" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelRJ45 captures enum value "RJ-45" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelRJ45 string = "RJ-45" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBTypeA captures enum value "USB Type A" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBTypeA string = "USB Type A" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBTypeB captures enum value "USB Type B" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBTypeB string = "USB Type B" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBTypeC captures enum value "USB Type C" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBTypeC string = "USB Type C" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBMiniA captures enum value "USB Mini A" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBMiniA string = "USB Mini A" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBMiniB captures enum value "USB Mini B" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBMiniB string = "USB Mini B" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBMicroA captures enum value "USB Micro A" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBMicroA string = "USB Micro A" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBMicroB captures enum value "USB Micro B" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelUSBMicroB string = "USB Micro B" // ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelOther captures enum value "Other" ConsoleServerPortTypeLabelOther string = "Other" )
const ( // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueDe9 captures enum value "de-9" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueDe9 string = "de-9" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueDb25 captures enum value "db-25" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueDb25 string = "db-25" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueRj11 captures enum value "rj-11" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueRj11 string = "rj-11" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueRj12 captures enum value "rj-12" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueRj12 string = "rj-12" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueRj45 captures enum value "rj-45" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueRj45 string = "rj-45" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsba captures enum value "usb-a" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsba string = "usb-a" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbb captures enum value "usb-b" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbb string = "usb-b" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbc captures enum value "usb-c" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbc string = "usb-c" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbMinia captures enum value "usb-mini-a" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbMinia string = "usb-mini-a" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbMinib captures enum value "usb-mini-b" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbMinib string = "usb-mini-b" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbMicroa captures enum value "usb-micro-a" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbMicroa string = "usb-micro-a" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbMicrob captures enum value "usb-micro-b" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueUsbMicrob string = "usb-micro-b" // ConsoleServerPortTypeValueOther captures enum value "other" ConsoleServerPortTypeValueOther string = "other" )
const ( // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelDE9 captures enum value "DE-9" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelDE9 string = "DE-9" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelDB25 captures enum value "DB-25" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelDB25 string = "DB-25" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelRJ11 captures enum value "RJ-11" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelRJ11 string = "RJ-11" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelRJ12 captures enum value "RJ-12" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelRJ12 string = "RJ-12" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelRJ45 captures enum value "RJ-45" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelRJ45 string = "RJ-45" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeA captures enum value "USB Type A" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeA string = "USB Type A" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeB captures enum value "USB Type B" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeB string = "USB Type B" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeC captures enum value "USB Type C" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBTypeC string = "USB Type C" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMiniA captures enum value "USB Mini A" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMiniA string = "USB Mini A" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMiniB captures enum value "USB Mini B" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMiniB string = "USB Mini B" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMicroA captures enum value "USB Micro A" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMicroA string = "USB Micro A" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMicroB captures enum value "USB Micro B" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelUSBMicroB string = "USB Micro B" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelOther captures enum value "Other" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeLabelOther string = "Other" )
const ( // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueDe9 captures enum value "de-9" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueDe9 string = "de-9" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueDb25 captures enum value "db-25" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueDb25 string = "db-25" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueRj11 captures enum value "rj-11" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueRj11 string = "rj-11" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueRj12 captures enum value "rj-12" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueRj12 string = "rj-12" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueRj45 captures enum value "rj-45" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueRj45 string = "rj-45" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsba captures enum value "usb-a" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsba string = "usb-a" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbb captures enum value "usb-b" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbb string = "usb-b" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbc captures enum value "usb-c" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbc string = "usb-c" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbMinia captures enum value "usb-mini-a" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbMinia string = "usb-mini-a" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbMinib captures enum value "usb-mini-b" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbMinib string = "usb-mini-b" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbMicroa captures enum value "usb-micro-a" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbMicroa string = "usb-micro-a" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbMicrob captures enum value "usb-micro-b" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueUsbMicrob string = "usb-micro-b" // ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueOther captures enum value "other" ConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeValueOther string = "other" )
const ( // DeviceFaceLabelFront captures enum value "Front" DeviceFaceLabelFront string = "Front" // DeviceFaceLabelRear captures enum value "Rear" DeviceFaceLabelRear string = "Rear" )
const ( // DeviceFaceValueFront captures enum value "front" DeviceFaceValueFront string = "front" // DeviceFaceValueRear captures enum value "rear" DeviceFaceValueRear string = "rear" )
const ( // DeviceStatusLabelOffline captures enum value "Offline" DeviceStatusLabelOffline string = "Offline" // DeviceStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" DeviceStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // DeviceStatusLabelPlanned captures enum value "Planned" DeviceStatusLabelPlanned string = "Planned" // DeviceStatusLabelStaged captures enum value "Staged" DeviceStatusLabelStaged string = "Staged" // DeviceStatusLabelFailed captures enum value "Failed" DeviceStatusLabelFailed string = "Failed" // DeviceStatusLabelInventory captures enum value "Inventory" DeviceStatusLabelInventory string = "Inventory" // DeviceStatusLabelDecommissioning captures enum value "Decommissioning" DeviceStatusLabelDecommissioning string = "Decommissioning" )
const ( // DeviceStatusValueOffline captures enum value "offline" DeviceStatusValueOffline string = "offline" // DeviceStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" DeviceStatusValueActive string = "active" // DeviceStatusValuePlanned captures enum value "planned" DeviceStatusValuePlanned string = "planned" // DeviceStatusValueStaged captures enum value "staged" DeviceStatusValueStaged string = "staged" // DeviceStatusValueFailed captures enum value "failed" DeviceStatusValueFailed string = "failed" // DeviceStatusValueInventory captures enum value "inventory" DeviceStatusValueInventory string = "inventory" // DeviceStatusValueDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" DeviceStatusValueDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" )
const ( // DeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleLabelParent captures enum value "Parent" DeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleLabelParent string = "Parent" // DeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleLabelChild captures enum value "Child" DeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleLabelChild string = "Child" )
const ( // DeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleValueParent captures enum value "parent" DeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleValueParent string = "parent" // DeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleValueChild captures enum value "child" DeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleValueChild string = "child" )
const ( // DeviceWithConfigContextFaceLabelFront captures enum value "Front" DeviceWithConfigContextFaceLabelFront string = "Front" // DeviceWithConfigContextFaceLabelRear captures enum value "Rear" DeviceWithConfigContextFaceLabelRear string = "Rear" )
const ( // DeviceWithConfigContextFaceValueFront captures enum value "front" DeviceWithConfigContextFaceValueFront string = "front" // DeviceWithConfigContextFaceValueRear captures enum value "rear" DeviceWithConfigContextFaceValueRear string = "rear" )
const ( // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelOffline captures enum value "Offline" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelOffline string = "Offline" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelPlanned captures enum value "Planned" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelPlanned string = "Planned" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelStaged captures enum value "Staged" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelStaged string = "Staged" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelFailed captures enum value "Failed" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelFailed string = "Failed" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelInventory captures enum value "Inventory" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelInventory string = "Inventory" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelDecommissioning captures enum value "Decommissioning" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusLabelDecommissioning string = "Decommissioning" )
const ( // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueOffline captures enum value "offline" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueOffline string = "offline" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueActive string = "active" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValuePlanned captures enum value "planned" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValuePlanned string = "planned" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueStaged captures enum value "staged" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueStaged string = "staged" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueFailed captures enum value "failed" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueFailed string = "failed" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueInventory captures enum value "inventory" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueInventory string = "inventory" // DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" DeviceWithConfigContextStatusValueDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" )
const ( // ExportTemplateTemplateLanguageLabelJinja2 captures enum value "Jinja2" ExportTemplateTemplateLanguageLabelJinja2 string = "Jinja2" // ExportTemplateTemplateLanguageLabelDjangoLegacy captures enum value "Django (Legacy)" ExportTemplateTemplateLanguageLabelDjangoLegacy string = "Django (Legacy)" )
const ( // ExportTemplateTemplateLanguageValueJinja2 captures enum value "jinja2" ExportTemplateTemplateLanguageValueJinja2 string = "jinja2" // ExportTemplateTemplateLanguageValueDjango captures enum value "django" ExportTemplateTemplateLanguageValueDjango string = "django" )
const ( // FrontPortTypeLabelNr8P8C captures enum value "8P8C" FrontPortTypeLabelNr8P8C string = "8P8C" // FrontPortTypeLabelNr8P6C captures enum value "8P6C" FrontPortTypeLabelNr8P6C string = "8P6C" // FrontPortTypeLabelNr8P4C captures enum value "8P4C" FrontPortTypeLabelNr8P4C string = "8P4C" // FrontPortTypeLabelNr8P2C captures enum value "8P2C" FrontPortTypeLabelNr8P2C string = "8P2C" // FrontPortTypeLabelNr110Punch captures enum value "110 Punch" FrontPortTypeLabelNr110Punch string = "110 Punch" // FrontPortTypeLabelBNC captures enum value "BNC" FrontPortTypeLabelBNC string = "BNC" // FrontPortTypeLabelMRJ21 captures enum value "MRJ21" FrontPortTypeLabelMRJ21 string = "MRJ21" // FrontPortTypeLabelFC captures enum value "FC" FrontPortTypeLabelFC string = "FC" // FrontPortTypeLabelLC captures enum value "LC" FrontPortTypeLabelLC string = "LC" // FrontPortTypeLabelLCAPC captures enum value "LC/APC" FrontPortTypeLabelLCAPC string = "LC/APC" // FrontPortTypeLabelLSH captures enum value "LSH" FrontPortTypeLabelLSH string = "LSH" // FrontPortTypeLabelLSHAPC captures enum value "LSH/APC" FrontPortTypeLabelLSHAPC string = "LSH/APC" // FrontPortTypeLabelMPO captures enum value "MPO" FrontPortTypeLabelMPO string = "MPO" // FrontPortTypeLabelMTRJ captures enum value "MTRJ" FrontPortTypeLabelMTRJ string = "MTRJ" // FrontPortTypeLabelSC captures enum value "SC" FrontPortTypeLabelSC string = "SC" // FrontPortTypeLabelSCAPC captures enum value "SC/APC" FrontPortTypeLabelSCAPC string = "SC/APC" // FrontPortTypeLabelST captures enum value "ST" FrontPortTypeLabelST string = "ST" )
const ( // FrontPortTypeValueNr8p8c captures enum value "8p8c" FrontPortTypeValueNr8p8c string = "8p8c" // FrontPortTypeValueNr8p6c captures enum value "8p6c" FrontPortTypeValueNr8p6c string = "8p6c" // FrontPortTypeValueNr8p4c captures enum value "8p4c" FrontPortTypeValueNr8p4c string = "8p4c" // FrontPortTypeValueNr8p2c captures enum value "8p2c" FrontPortTypeValueNr8p2c string = "8p2c" // FrontPortTypeValueNr110Punch captures enum value "110-punch" FrontPortTypeValueNr110Punch string = "110-punch" // FrontPortTypeValueBnc captures enum value "bnc" FrontPortTypeValueBnc string = "bnc" // FrontPortTypeValueMrj21 captures enum value "mrj21" FrontPortTypeValueMrj21 string = "mrj21" // FrontPortTypeValueFc captures enum value "fc" FrontPortTypeValueFc string = "fc" // FrontPortTypeValueLc captures enum value "lc" FrontPortTypeValueLc string = "lc" // FrontPortTypeValueLcApc captures enum value "lc-apc" FrontPortTypeValueLcApc string = "lc-apc" // FrontPortTypeValueLsh captures enum value "lsh" FrontPortTypeValueLsh string = "lsh" // FrontPortTypeValueLshApc captures enum value "lsh-apc" FrontPortTypeValueLshApc string = "lsh-apc" // FrontPortTypeValueMpo captures enum value "mpo" FrontPortTypeValueMpo string = "mpo" // FrontPortTypeValueMtrj captures enum value "mtrj" FrontPortTypeValueMtrj string = "mtrj" // FrontPortTypeValueSc captures enum value "sc" FrontPortTypeValueSc string = "sc" // FrontPortTypeValueScApc captures enum value "sc-apc" FrontPortTypeValueScApc string = "sc-apc" // FrontPortTypeValueSt captures enum value "st" FrontPortTypeValueSt string = "st" )
const ( // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P8C captures enum value "8P8C" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P8C string = "8P8C" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P6C captures enum value "8P6C" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P6C string = "8P6C" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P4C captures enum value "8P4C" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P4C string = "8P4C" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P2C captures enum value "8P2C" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P2C string = "8P2C" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr110Punch captures enum value "110 Punch" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelNr110Punch string = "110 Punch" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelBNC captures enum value "BNC" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelBNC string = "BNC" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelMRJ21 captures enum value "MRJ21" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelMRJ21 string = "MRJ21" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelFC captures enum value "FC" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelFC string = "FC" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelLC captures enum value "LC" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelLC string = "LC" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelLCAPC captures enum value "LC/APC" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelLCAPC string = "LC/APC" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelLSH captures enum value "LSH" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelLSH string = "LSH" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelLSHAPC captures enum value "LSH/APC" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelLSHAPC string = "LSH/APC" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelMPO captures enum value "MPO" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelMPO string = "MPO" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelMTRJ captures enum value "MTRJ" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelMTRJ string = "MTRJ" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelSC captures enum value "SC" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelSC string = "SC" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelSCAPC captures enum value "SC/APC" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelSCAPC string = "SC/APC" // FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelST captures enum value "ST" FrontPortTemplateTypeLabelST string = "ST" )
const ( // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p8c captures enum value "8p8c" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p8c string = "8p8c" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p6c captures enum value "8p6c" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p6c string = "8p6c" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p4c captures enum value "8p4c" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p4c string = "8p4c" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p2c captures enum value "8p2c" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p2c string = "8p2c" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr110Punch captures enum value "110-punch" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueNr110Punch string = "110-punch" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueBnc captures enum value "bnc" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueBnc string = "bnc" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueMrj21 captures enum value "mrj21" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueMrj21 string = "mrj21" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueFc captures enum value "fc" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueFc string = "fc" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueLc captures enum value "lc" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueLc string = "lc" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueLcApc captures enum value "lc-apc" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueLcApc string = "lc-apc" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueLsh captures enum value "lsh" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueLsh string = "lsh" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueLshApc captures enum value "lsh-apc" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueLshApc string = "lsh-apc" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueMpo captures enum value "mpo" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueMpo string = "mpo" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueMtrj captures enum value "mtrj" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueMtrj string = "mtrj" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueSc captures enum value "sc" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueSc string = "sc" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueScApc captures enum value "sc-apc" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueScApc string = "sc-apc" // FrontPortTemplateTypeValueSt captures enum value "st" FrontPortTemplateTypeValueSt string = "st" )
const ( // GraphTemplateLanguageJinja2 captures enum value "jinja2" GraphTemplateLanguageJinja2 string = "jinja2" // GraphTemplateLanguageDjango captures enum value "django" GraphTemplateLanguageDjango string = "django" )
const ( // InterfaceConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" InterfaceConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // InterfaceConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" InterfaceConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // InterfaceModeLabelAccess captures enum value "Access" InterfaceModeLabelAccess string = "Access" // InterfaceModeLabelTagged captures enum value "Tagged" InterfaceModeLabelTagged string = "Tagged" // InterfaceModeLabelTaggedAll captures enum value "Tagged (All)" InterfaceModeLabelTaggedAll string = "Tagged (All)" )
const ( // InterfaceModeValueAccess captures enum value "access" InterfaceModeValueAccess string = "access" // InterfaceModeValueTagged captures enum value "tagged" InterfaceModeValueTagged string = "tagged" // InterfaceModeValueTaggedAll captures enum value "tagged-all" InterfaceModeValueTaggedAll string = "tagged-all" )
const ( // InterfaceTypeLabelVirtual captures enum value "Virtual" InterfaceTypeLabelVirtual string = "Virtual" // InterfaceTypeLabelLinkAggregationGroupLAG captures enum value "Link Aggregation Group (LAG)" InterfaceTypeLabelLinkAggregationGroupLAG string = "Link Aggregation Group (LAG)" // InterfaceTypeLabelNr100BASETX10100ME captures enum value "100BASE-TX (10/100ME)" InterfaceTypeLabelNr100BASETX10100ME string = "100BASE-TX (10/100ME)" // InterfaceTypeLabelNr1000BASET1GE captures enum value "1000BASE-T (1GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelNr1000BASET1GE string = "1000BASE-T (1GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelNr25GBASET25GE captures enum value "2.5GBASE-T (2.5GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelNr25GBASET25GE string = "2.5GBASE-T (2.5GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelNr5GBASET5GE captures enum value "5GBASE-T (5GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelNr5GBASET5GE string = "5GBASE-T (5GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelNr10GBASET10GE captures enum value "10GBASE-T (10GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelNr10GBASET10GE string = "10GBASE-T (10GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelNr10GBASECX410GE captures enum value "10GBASE-CX4 (10GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelNr10GBASECX410GE string = "10GBASE-CX4 (10GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelGBIC1GE captures enum value "GBIC (1GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelGBIC1GE string = "GBIC (1GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP1GE captures enum value "SFP (1GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP1GE string = "SFP (1GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP10GE captures enum value "SFP+ (10GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP10GE string = "SFP+ (10GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelXFP10GE captures enum value "XFP (10GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelXFP10GE string = "XFP (10GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelXENPAK10GE captures enum value "XENPAK (10GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelXENPAK10GE string = "XENPAK (10GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelX210GE captures enum value "X2 (10GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelX210GE string = "X2 (10GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP2825GE captures enum value "SFP28 (25GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP2825GE string = "SFP28 (25GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP40GE captures enum value "QSFP+ (40GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP40GE string = "QSFP+ (40GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP2850GE captures enum value "QSFP28 (50GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP2850GE string = "QSFP28 (50GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelCFP100GE captures enum value "CFP (100GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelCFP100GE string = "CFP (100GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelCFP2100GE captures enum value "CFP2 (100GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelCFP2100GE string = "CFP2 (100GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelCFP2200GE captures enum value "CFP2 (200GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelCFP2200GE string = "CFP2 (200GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelCFP4100GE captures enum value "CFP4 (100GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelCFP4100GE string = "CFP4 (100GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoCPAK100GE captures enum value "Cisco CPAK (100GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoCPAK100GE string = "Cisco CPAK (100GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP28100GE captures enum value "QSFP28 (100GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP28100GE string = "QSFP28 (100GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP56200GE captures enum value "QSFP56 (200GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP56200GE string = "QSFP56 (200GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelQSFPDD400GE captures enum value "QSFP-DD (400GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelQSFPDD400GE string = "QSFP-DD (400GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelOSFP400GE captures enum value "OSFP (400GE)" InterfaceTypeLabelOSFP400GE string = "OSFP (400GE)" // InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211a captures enum value "IEEE 802.11a" InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211a string = "IEEE 802.11a" // InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211bg captures enum value "IEEE 802.11b/g" InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211bg string = "IEEE 802.11b/g" // InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211n captures enum value "IEEE 802.11n" InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211n string = "IEEE 802.11n" // InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211ac captures enum value "IEEE 802.11ac" InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211ac string = "IEEE 802.11ac" // InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211ad captures enum value "IEEE 802.11ad" InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211ad string = "IEEE 802.11ad" // InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211ax captures enum value "IEEE 802.11ax" InterfaceTypeLabelIEEE80211ax string = "IEEE 802.11ax" // InterfaceTypeLabelGSM captures enum value "GSM" InterfaceTypeLabelGSM string = "GSM" // InterfaceTypeLabelCDMA captures enum value "CDMA" InterfaceTypeLabelCDMA string = "CDMA" // InterfaceTypeLabelLTE captures enum value "LTE" InterfaceTypeLabelLTE string = "LTE" // InterfaceTypeLabelOC3STM1 captures enum value "OC-3/STM-1" InterfaceTypeLabelOC3STM1 string = "OC-3/STM-1" // InterfaceTypeLabelOC12STM4 captures enum value "OC-12/STM-4" InterfaceTypeLabelOC12STM4 string = "OC-12/STM-4" // InterfaceTypeLabelOC48STM16 captures enum value "OC-48/STM-16" InterfaceTypeLabelOC48STM16 string = "OC-48/STM-16" // InterfaceTypeLabelOC192STM64 captures enum value "OC-192/STM-64" InterfaceTypeLabelOC192STM64 string = "OC-192/STM-64" // InterfaceTypeLabelOC768STM256 captures enum value "OC-768/STM-256" InterfaceTypeLabelOC768STM256 string = "OC-768/STM-256" // InterfaceTypeLabelOC1920STM640 captures enum value "OC-1920/STM-640" InterfaceTypeLabelOC1920STM640 string = "OC-1920/STM-640" // InterfaceTypeLabelOC3840STM1234 captures enum value "OC-3840/STM-1234" InterfaceTypeLabelOC3840STM1234 string = "OC-3840/STM-1234" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP1GFC captures enum value "SFP (1GFC)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP1GFC string = "SFP (1GFC)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP2GFC captures enum value "SFP (2GFC)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP2GFC string = "SFP (2GFC)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP4GFC captures enum value "SFP (4GFC)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP4GFC string = "SFP (4GFC)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP8GFC captures enum value "SFP+ (8GFC)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP8GFC string = "SFP+ (8GFC)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP16GFC captures enum value "SFP+ (16GFC)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP16GFC string = "SFP+ (16GFC)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSFP2832GFC captures enum value "SFP28 (32GFC)" InterfaceTypeLabelSFP2832GFC string = "SFP28 (32GFC)" // InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP28128GFC captures enum value "QSFP28 (128GFC)" InterfaceTypeLabelQSFP28128GFC string = "QSFP28 (128GFC)" // InterfaceTypeLabelSDR2Gbps captures enum value "SDR (2 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelSDR2Gbps string = "SDR (2 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelDDR4Gbps captures enum value "DDR (4 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelDDR4Gbps string = "DDR (4 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelQDR8Gbps captures enum value "QDR (8 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelQDR8Gbps string = "QDR (8 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelFDR1010Gbps captures enum value "FDR10 (10 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelFDR1010Gbps string = "FDR10 (10 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelFDR135Gbps captures enum value "FDR (13.5 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelFDR135Gbps string = "FDR (13.5 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelEDR25Gbps captures enum value "EDR (25 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelEDR25Gbps string = "EDR (25 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelHDR50Gbps captures enum value "HDR (50 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelHDR50Gbps string = "HDR (50 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelNDR100Gbps captures enum value "NDR (100 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelNDR100Gbps string = "NDR (100 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelXDR250Gbps captures enum value "XDR (250 Gbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelXDR250Gbps string = "XDR (250 Gbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelT11544Mbps captures enum value "T1 (1.544 Mbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelT11544Mbps string = "T1 (1.544 Mbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelE12048Mbps captures enum value "E1 (2.048 Mbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelE12048Mbps string = "E1 (2.048 Mbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelT345Mbps captures enum value "T3 (45 Mbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelT345Mbps string = "T3 (45 Mbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelE334Mbps captures enum value "E3 (34 Mbps)" InterfaceTypeLabelE334Mbps string = "E3 (34 Mbps)" // InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoStackWise captures enum value "Cisco StackWise" InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoStackWise string = "Cisco StackWise" // InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoStackWisePlus captures enum value "Cisco StackWise Plus" InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoStackWisePlus string = "Cisco StackWise Plus" // InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoFlexStack captures enum value "Cisco FlexStack" InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoFlexStack string = "Cisco FlexStack" // InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoFlexStackPlus captures enum value "Cisco FlexStack Plus" InterfaceTypeLabelCiscoFlexStackPlus string = "Cisco FlexStack Plus" // InterfaceTypeLabelJuniperVCP captures enum value "Juniper VCP" InterfaceTypeLabelJuniperVCP string = "Juniper VCP" // InterfaceTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack captures enum value "Extreme SummitStack" InterfaceTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack string = "Extreme SummitStack" // InterfaceTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack128 captures enum value "Extreme SummitStack-128" InterfaceTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack128 string = "Extreme SummitStack-128" // InterfaceTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack256 captures enum value "Extreme SummitStack-256" InterfaceTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack256 string = "Extreme SummitStack-256" // InterfaceTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack512 captures enum value "Extreme SummitStack-512" InterfaceTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack512 string = "Extreme SummitStack-512" // InterfaceTypeLabelOther captures enum value "Other" InterfaceTypeLabelOther string = "Other" )
const ( // InterfaceTypeValueVirtual captures enum value "virtual" InterfaceTypeValueVirtual string = "virtual" // InterfaceTypeValueLag captures enum value "lag" InterfaceTypeValueLag string = "lag" // InterfaceTypeValueNr100baseTx captures enum value "100base-tx" InterfaceTypeValueNr100baseTx string = "100base-tx" // InterfaceTypeValueNr1000baset captures enum value "1000base-t" InterfaceTypeValueNr1000baset string = "1000base-t" // InterfaceTypeValueNr25gbaset captures enum value "2.5gbase-t" InterfaceTypeValueNr25gbaset string = "2.5gbase-t" // InterfaceTypeValueNr5gbaset captures enum value "5gbase-t" InterfaceTypeValueNr5gbaset string = "5gbase-t" // InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbaset captures enum value "10gbase-t" InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbaset string = "10gbase-t" // InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbaseCx4 captures enum value "10gbase-cx4" InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbaseCx4 string = "10gbase-cx4" // InterfaceTypeValueNr1000basexGbic captures enum value "1000base-x-gbic" InterfaceTypeValueNr1000basexGbic string = "1000base-x-gbic" // InterfaceTypeValueNr1000basexSfp captures enum value "1000base-x-sfp" InterfaceTypeValueNr1000basexSfp string = "1000base-x-sfp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbasexSfpp captures enum value "10gbase-x-sfpp" InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbasexSfpp string = "10gbase-x-sfpp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbasexXfp captures enum value "10gbase-x-xfp" InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbasexXfp string = "10gbase-x-xfp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbasexXenpak captures enum value "10gbase-x-xenpak" InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbasexXenpak string = "10gbase-x-xenpak" // InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbasexX2 captures enum value "10gbase-x-x2" InterfaceTypeValueNr10gbasexX2 string = "10gbase-x-x2" // InterfaceTypeValueNr25gbasexSfp28 captures enum value "25gbase-x-sfp28" InterfaceTypeValueNr25gbasexSfp28 string = "25gbase-x-sfp28" // InterfaceTypeValueNr40gbasexQsfpp captures enum value "40gbase-x-qsfpp" InterfaceTypeValueNr40gbasexQsfpp string = "40gbase-x-qsfpp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr50gbasexSfp28 captures enum value "50gbase-x-sfp28" InterfaceTypeValueNr50gbasexSfp28 string = "50gbase-x-sfp28" // InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp" InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp string = "100gbase-x-cfp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp2 captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp2" InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp2 string = "100gbase-x-cfp2" // InterfaceTypeValueNr200gbasexCfp2 captures enum value "200gbase-x-cfp2" InterfaceTypeValueNr200gbasexCfp2 string = "200gbase-x-cfp2" // InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp4 captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp4" InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp4 string = "100gbase-x-cfp4" // InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexCpak captures enum value "100gbase-x-cpak" InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexCpak string = "100gbase-x-cpak" // InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexQsfp28 captures enum value "100gbase-x-qsfp28" InterfaceTypeValueNr100gbasexQsfp28 string = "100gbase-x-qsfp28" // InterfaceTypeValueNr200gbasexQsfp56 captures enum value "200gbase-x-qsfp56" InterfaceTypeValueNr200gbasexQsfp56 string = "200gbase-x-qsfp56" // InterfaceTypeValueNr400gbasexQsfpdd captures enum value "400gbase-x-qsfpdd" InterfaceTypeValueNr400gbasexQsfpdd string = "400gbase-x-qsfpdd" // InterfaceTypeValueNr400gbasexOsfp captures enum value "400gbase-x-osfp" InterfaceTypeValueNr400gbasexOsfp string = "400gbase-x-osfp" // InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211a captures enum value "ieee802.11a" InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211a string = "ieee802.11a" // InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211g captures enum value "ieee802.11g" InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211g string = "ieee802.11g" // InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211n captures enum value "ieee802.11n" InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211n string = "ieee802.11n" // InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211ac captures enum value "ieee802.11ac" InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211ac string = "ieee802.11ac" // InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211ad captures enum value "ieee802.11ad" InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211ad string = "ieee802.11ad" // InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211ax captures enum value "ieee802.11ax" InterfaceTypeValueIeee80211ax string = "ieee802.11ax" // InterfaceTypeValueGsm captures enum value "gsm" InterfaceTypeValueGsm string = "gsm" // InterfaceTypeValueCdma captures enum value "cdma" InterfaceTypeValueCdma string = "cdma" // InterfaceTypeValueLte captures enum value "lte" InterfaceTypeValueLte string = "lte" // InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc3 captures enum value "sonet-oc3" InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc3 string = "sonet-oc3" // InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc12 captures enum value "sonet-oc12" InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc12 string = "sonet-oc12" // InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc48 captures enum value "sonet-oc48" InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc48 string = "sonet-oc48" // InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc192 captures enum value "sonet-oc192" InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc192 string = "sonet-oc192" // InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc768 captures enum value "sonet-oc768" InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc768 string = "sonet-oc768" // InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc1920 captures enum value "sonet-oc1920" InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc1920 string = "sonet-oc1920" // InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc3840 captures enum value "sonet-oc3840" InterfaceTypeValueSonetOc3840 string = "sonet-oc3840" // InterfaceTypeValueNr1gfcSfp captures enum value "1gfc-sfp" InterfaceTypeValueNr1gfcSfp string = "1gfc-sfp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr2gfcSfp captures enum value "2gfc-sfp" InterfaceTypeValueNr2gfcSfp string = "2gfc-sfp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr4gfcSfp captures enum value "4gfc-sfp" InterfaceTypeValueNr4gfcSfp string = "4gfc-sfp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr8gfcSfpp captures enum value "8gfc-sfpp" InterfaceTypeValueNr8gfcSfpp string = "8gfc-sfpp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr16gfcSfpp captures enum value "16gfc-sfpp" InterfaceTypeValueNr16gfcSfpp string = "16gfc-sfpp" // InterfaceTypeValueNr32gfcSfp28 captures enum value "32gfc-sfp28" InterfaceTypeValueNr32gfcSfp28 string = "32gfc-sfp28" // InterfaceTypeValueNr128gfcSfp28 captures enum value "128gfc-sfp28" InterfaceTypeValueNr128gfcSfp28 string = "128gfc-sfp28" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandSdr captures enum value "infiniband-sdr" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandSdr string = "infiniband-sdr" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandDdr captures enum value "infiniband-ddr" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandDdr string = "infiniband-ddr" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandQdr captures enum value "infiniband-qdr" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandQdr string = "infiniband-qdr" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandFdr10 captures enum value "infiniband-fdr10" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandFdr10 string = "infiniband-fdr10" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandFdr captures enum value "infiniband-fdr" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandFdr string = "infiniband-fdr" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandEdr captures enum value "infiniband-edr" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandEdr string = "infiniband-edr" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandHdr captures enum value "infiniband-hdr" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandHdr string = "infiniband-hdr" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandNdr captures enum value "infiniband-ndr" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandNdr string = "infiniband-ndr" // InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandXdr captures enum value "infiniband-xdr" InterfaceTypeValueInfinibandXdr string = "infiniband-xdr" // InterfaceTypeValueT1 captures enum value "t1" InterfaceTypeValueT1 string = "t1" // InterfaceTypeValueE1 captures enum value "e1" InterfaceTypeValueE1 string = "e1" // InterfaceTypeValueT3 captures enum value "t3" InterfaceTypeValueT3 string = "t3" // InterfaceTypeValueE3 captures enum value "e3" InterfaceTypeValueE3 string = "e3" // InterfaceTypeValueCiscoStackwise captures enum value "cisco-stackwise" InterfaceTypeValueCiscoStackwise string = "cisco-stackwise" // InterfaceTypeValueCiscoStackwisePlus captures enum value "cisco-stackwise-plus" InterfaceTypeValueCiscoStackwisePlus string = "cisco-stackwise-plus" // InterfaceTypeValueCiscoFlexstack captures enum value "cisco-flexstack" InterfaceTypeValueCiscoFlexstack string = "cisco-flexstack" // InterfaceTypeValueCiscoFlexstackPlus captures enum value "cisco-flexstack-plus" InterfaceTypeValueCiscoFlexstackPlus string = "cisco-flexstack-plus" // InterfaceTypeValueJuniperVcp captures enum value "juniper-vcp" InterfaceTypeValueJuniperVcp string = "juniper-vcp" // InterfaceTypeValueExtremeSummitstack captures enum value "extreme-summitstack" InterfaceTypeValueExtremeSummitstack string = "extreme-summitstack" // InterfaceTypeValueExtremeSummitstack128 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-128" InterfaceTypeValueExtremeSummitstack128 string = "extreme-summitstack-128" // InterfaceTypeValueExtremeSummitstack256 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-256" InterfaceTypeValueExtremeSummitstack256 string = "extreme-summitstack-256" // InterfaceTypeValueExtremeSummitstack512 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-512" InterfaceTypeValueExtremeSummitstack512 string = "extreme-summitstack-512" // InterfaceTypeValueOther captures enum value "other" InterfaceTypeValueOther string = "other" )
const ( // InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelVirtual captures enum value "Virtual" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelVirtual string = "Virtual" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelLinkAggregationGroupLAG captures enum value "Link Aggregation Group (LAG)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelLinkAggregationGroupLAG string = "Link Aggregation Group (LAG)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr100BASETX10100ME captures enum value "100BASE-TX (10/100ME)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr100BASETX10100ME string = "100BASE-TX (10/100ME)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr1000BASET1GE captures enum value "1000BASE-T (1GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr1000BASET1GE string = "1000BASE-T (1GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr25GBASET25GE captures enum value "2.5GBASE-T (2.5GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr25GBASET25GE string = "2.5GBASE-T (2.5GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr5GBASET5GE captures enum value "5GBASE-T (5GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr5GBASET5GE string = "5GBASE-T (5GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr10GBASET10GE captures enum value "10GBASE-T (10GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr10GBASET10GE string = "10GBASE-T (10GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr10GBASECX410GE captures enum value "10GBASE-CX4 (10GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNr10GBASECX410GE string = "10GBASE-CX4 (10GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelGBIC1GE captures enum value "GBIC (1GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelGBIC1GE string = "GBIC (1GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP1GE captures enum value "SFP (1GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP1GE string = "SFP (1GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP10GE captures enum value "SFP+ (10GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP10GE string = "SFP+ (10GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelXFP10GE captures enum value "XFP (10GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelXFP10GE string = "XFP (10GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelXENPAK10GE captures enum value "XENPAK (10GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelXENPAK10GE string = "XENPAK (10GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelX210GE captures enum value "X2 (10GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelX210GE string = "X2 (10GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP2825GE captures enum value "SFP28 (25GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP2825GE string = "SFP28 (25GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP40GE captures enum value "QSFP+ (40GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP40GE string = "QSFP+ (40GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP2850GE captures enum value "QSFP28 (50GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP2850GE string = "QSFP28 (50GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCFP100GE captures enum value "CFP (100GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCFP100GE string = "CFP (100GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCFP2100GE captures enum value "CFP2 (100GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCFP2100GE string = "CFP2 (100GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCFP2200GE captures enum value "CFP2 (200GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCFP2200GE string = "CFP2 (200GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCFP4100GE captures enum value "CFP4 (100GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCFP4100GE string = "CFP4 (100GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoCPAK100GE captures enum value "Cisco CPAK (100GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoCPAK100GE string = "Cisco CPAK (100GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP28100GE captures enum value "QSFP28 (100GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP28100GE string = "QSFP28 (100GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP56200GE captures enum value "QSFP56 (200GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP56200GE string = "QSFP56 (200GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFPDD400GE captures enum value "QSFP-DD (400GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFPDD400GE string = "QSFP-DD (400GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOSFP400GE captures enum value "OSFP (400GE)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOSFP400GE string = "OSFP (400GE)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211a captures enum value "IEEE 802.11a" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211a string = "IEEE 802.11a" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211bg captures enum value "IEEE 802.11b/g" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211bg string = "IEEE 802.11b/g" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211n captures enum value "IEEE 802.11n" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211n string = "IEEE 802.11n" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211ac captures enum value "IEEE 802.11ac" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211ac string = "IEEE 802.11ac" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211ad captures enum value "IEEE 802.11ad" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211ad string = "IEEE 802.11ad" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211ax captures enum value "IEEE 802.11ax" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelIEEE80211ax string = "IEEE 802.11ax" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelGSM captures enum value "GSM" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelGSM string = "GSM" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCDMA captures enum value "CDMA" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCDMA string = "CDMA" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelLTE captures enum value "LTE" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelLTE string = "LTE" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC3STM1 captures enum value "OC-3/STM-1" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC3STM1 string = "OC-3/STM-1" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC12STM4 captures enum value "OC-12/STM-4" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC12STM4 string = "OC-12/STM-4" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC48STM16 captures enum value "OC-48/STM-16" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC48STM16 string = "OC-48/STM-16" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC192STM64 captures enum value "OC-192/STM-64" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC192STM64 string = "OC-192/STM-64" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC768STM256 captures enum value "OC-768/STM-256" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC768STM256 string = "OC-768/STM-256" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC1920STM640 captures enum value "OC-1920/STM-640" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC1920STM640 string = "OC-1920/STM-640" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC3840STM1234 captures enum value "OC-3840/STM-1234" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOC3840STM1234 string = "OC-3840/STM-1234" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP1GFC captures enum value "SFP (1GFC)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP1GFC string = "SFP (1GFC)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP2GFC captures enum value "SFP (2GFC)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP2GFC string = "SFP (2GFC)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP4GFC captures enum value "SFP (4GFC)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP4GFC string = "SFP (4GFC)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP8GFC captures enum value "SFP+ (8GFC)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP8GFC string = "SFP+ (8GFC)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP16GFC captures enum value "SFP+ (16GFC)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP16GFC string = "SFP+ (16GFC)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP2832GFC captures enum value "SFP28 (32GFC)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSFP2832GFC string = "SFP28 (32GFC)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP28128GFC captures enum value "QSFP28 (128GFC)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQSFP28128GFC string = "QSFP28 (128GFC)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSDR2Gbps captures enum value "SDR (2 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelSDR2Gbps string = "SDR (2 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelDDR4Gbps captures enum value "DDR (4 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelDDR4Gbps string = "DDR (4 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQDR8Gbps captures enum value "QDR (8 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelQDR8Gbps string = "QDR (8 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelFDR1010Gbps captures enum value "FDR10 (10 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelFDR1010Gbps string = "FDR10 (10 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelFDR135Gbps captures enum value "FDR (13.5 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelFDR135Gbps string = "FDR (13.5 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelEDR25Gbps captures enum value "EDR (25 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelEDR25Gbps string = "EDR (25 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelHDR50Gbps captures enum value "HDR (50 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelHDR50Gbps string = "HDR (50 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNDR100Gbps captures enum value "NDR (100 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelNDR100Gbps string = "NDR (100 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelXDR250Gbps captures enum value "XDR (250 Gbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelXDR250Gbps string = "XDR (250 Gbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelT11544Mbps captures enum value "T1 (1.544 Mbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelT11544Mbps string = "T1 (1.544 Mbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelE12048Mbps captures enum value "E1 (2.048 Mbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelE12048Mbps string = "E1 (2.048 Mbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelT345Mbps captures enum value "T3 (45 Mbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelT345Mbps string = "T3 (45 Mbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelE334Mbps captures enum value "E3 (34 Mbps)" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelE334Mbps string = "E3 (34 Mbps)" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoStackWise captures enum value "Cisco StackWise" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoStackWise string = "Cisco StackWise" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoStackWisePlus captures enum value "Cisco StackWise Plus" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoStackWisePlus string = "Cisco StackWise Plus" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoFlexStack captures enum value "Cisco FlexStack" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoFlexStack string = "Cisco FlexStack" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoFlexStackPlus captures enum value "Cisco FlexStack Plus" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelCiscoFlexStackPlus string = "Cisco FlexStack Plus" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelJuniperVCP captures enum value "Juniper VCP" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelJuniperVCP string = "Juniper VCP" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack captures enum value "Extreme SummitStack" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack string = "Extreme SummitStack" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack128 captures enum value "Extreme SummitStack-128" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack128 string = "Extreme SummitStack-128" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack256 captures enum value "Extreme SummitStack-256" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack256 string = "Extreme SummitStack-256" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack512 captures enum value "Extreme SummitStack-512" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelExtremeSummitStack512 string = "Extreme SummitStack-512" // InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOther captures enum value "Other" InterfaceTemplateTypeLabelOther string = "Other" )
const ( // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueVirtual captures enum value "virtual" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueVirtual string = "virtual" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueLag captures enum value "lag" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueLag string = "lag" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100baseTx captures enum value "100base-tx" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100baseTx string = "100base-tx" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr1000baset captures enum value "1000base-t" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr1000baset string = "1000base-t" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr25gbaset captures enum value "2.5gbase-t" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr25gbaset string = "2.5gbase-t" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr5gbaset captures enum value "5gbase-t" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr5gbaset string = "5gbase-t" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbaset captures enum value "10gbase-t" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbaset string = "10gbase-t" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbaseCx4 captures enum value "10gbase-cx4" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbaseCx4 string = "10gbase-cx4" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr1000basexGbic captures enum value "1000base-x-gbic" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr1000basexGbic string = "1000base-x-gbic" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr1000basexSfp captures enum value "1000base-x-sfp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr1000basexSfp string = "1000base-x-sfp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbasexSfpp captures enum value "10gbase-x-sfpp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbasexSfpp string = "10gbase-x-sfpp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbasexXfp captures enum value "10gbase-x-xfp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbasexXfp string = "10gbase-x-xfp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbasexXenpak captures enum value "10gbase-x-xenpak" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbasexXenpak string = "10gbase-x-xenpak" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbasexX2 captures enum value "10gbase-x-x2" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr10gbasexX2 string = "10gbase-x-x2" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr25gbasexSfp28 captures enum value "25gbase-x-sfp28" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr25gbasexSfp28 string = "25gbase-x-sfp28" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr40gbasexQsfpp captures enum value "40gbase-x-qsfpp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr40gbasexQsfpp string = "40gbase-x-qsfpp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr50gbasexSfp28 captures enum value "50gbase-x-sfp28" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr50gbasexSfp28 string = "50gbase-x-sfp28" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp string = "100gbase-x-cfp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp2 captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp2" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp2 string = "100gbase-x-cfp2" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr200gbasexCfp2 captures enum value "200gbase-x-cfp2" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr200gbasexCfp2 string = "200gbase-x-cfp2" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp4 captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp4" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexCfp4 string = "100gbase-x-cfp4" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexCpak captures enum value "100gbase-x-cpak" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexCpak string = "100gbase-x-cpak" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexQsfp28 captures enum value "100gbase-x-qsfp28" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr100gbasexQsfp28 string = "100gbase-x-qsfp28" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr200gbasexQsfp56 captures enum value "200gbase-x-qsfp56" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr200gbasexQsfp56 string = "200gbase-x-qsfp56" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr400gbasexQsfpdd captures enum value "400gbase-x-qsfpdd" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr400gbasexQsfpdd string = "400gbase-x-qsfpdd" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr400gbasexOsfp captures enum value "400gbase-x-osfp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr400gbasexOsfp string = "400gbase-x-osfp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211a captures enum value "ieee802.11a" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211a string = "ieee802.11a" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211g captures enum value "ieee802.11g" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211g string = "ieee802.11g" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211n captures enum value "ieee802.11n" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211n string = "ieee802.11n" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211ac captures enum value "ieee802.11ac" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211ac string = "ieee802.11ac" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211ad captures enum value "ieee802.11ad" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211ad string = "ieee802.11ad" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211ax captures enum value "ieee802.11ax" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueIeee80211ax string = "ieee802.11ax" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueGsm captures enum value "gsm" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueGsm string = "gsm" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCdma captures enum value "cdma" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCdma string = "cdma" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueLte captures enum value "lte" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueLte string = "lte" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc3 captures enum value "sonet-oc3" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc3 string = "sonet-oc3" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc12 captures enum value "sonet-oc12" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc12 string = "sonet-oc12" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc48 captures enum value "sonet-oc48" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc48 string = "sonet-oc48" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc192 captures enum value "sonet-oc192" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc192 string = "sonet-oc192" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc768 captures enum value "sonet-oc768" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc768 string = "sonet-oc768" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc1920 captures enum value "sonet-oc1920" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc1920 string = "sonet-oc1920" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc3840 captures enum value "sonet-oc3840" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueSonetOc3840 string = "sonet-oc3840" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr1gfcSfp captures enum value "1gfc-sfp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr1gfcSfp string = "1gfc-sfp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr2gfcSfp captures enum value "2gfc-sfp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr2gfcSfp string = "2gfc-sfp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr4gfcSfp captures enum value "4gfc-sfp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr4gfcSfp string = "4gfc-sfp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr8gfcSfpp captures enum value "8gfc-sfpp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr8gfcSfpp string = "8gfc-sfpp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr16gfcSfpp captures enum value "16gfc-sfpp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr16gfcSfpp string = "16gfc-sfpp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr32gfcSfp28 captures enum value "32gfc-sfp28" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr32gfcSfp28 string = "32gfc-sfp28" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr128gfcSfp28 captures enum value "128gfc-sfp28" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueNr128gfcSfp28 string = "128gfc-sfp28" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandSdr captures enum value "infiniband-sdr" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandSdr string = "infiniband-sdr" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandDdr captures enum value "infiniband-ddr" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandDdr string = "infiniband-ddr" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandQdr captures enum value "infiniband-qdr" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandQdr string = "infiniband-qdr" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandFdr10 captures enum value "infiniband-fdr10" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandFdr10 string = "infiniband-fdr10" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandFdr captures enum value "infiniband-fdr" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandFdr string = "infiniband-fdr" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandEdr captures enum value "infiniband-edr" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandEdr string = "infiniband-edr" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandHdr captures enum value "infiniband-hdr" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandHdr string = "infiniband-hdr" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandNdr captures enum value "infiniband-ndr" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandNdr string = "infiniband-ndr" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandXdr captures enum value "infiniband-xdr" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueInfinibandXdr string = "infiniband-xdr" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueT1 captures enum value "t1" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueT1 string = "t1" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueE1 captures enum value "e1" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueE1 string = "e1" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueT3 captures enum value "t3" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueT3 string = "t3" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueE3 captures enum value "e3" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueE3 string = "e3" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCiscoStackwise captures enum value "cisco-stackwise" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCiscoStackwise string = "cisco-stackwise" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCiscoStackwisePlus captures enum value "cisco-stackwise-plus" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCiscoStackwisePlus string = "cisco-stackwise-plus" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCiscoFlexstack captures enum value "cisco-flexstack" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCiscoFlexstack string = "cisco-flexstack" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCiscoFlexstackPlus captures enum value "cisco-flexstack-plus" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueCiscoFlexstackPlus string = "cisco-flexstack-plus" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueJuniperVcp captures enum value "juniper-vcp" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueJuniperVcp string = "juniper-vcp" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueExtremeSummitstack captures enum value "extreme-summitstack" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueExtremeSummitstack string = "extreme-summitstack" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueExtremeSummitstack128 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-128" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueExtremeSummitstack128 string = "extreme-summitstack-128" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueExtremeSummitstack256 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-256" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueExtremeSummitstack256 string = "extreme-summitstack-256" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueExtremeSummitstack512 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-512" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueExtremeSummitstack512 string = "extreme-summitstack-512" // InterfaceTemplateTypeValueOther captures enum value "other" InterfaceTemplateTypeValueOther string = "other" )
const ( // IPAddressFamilyLabelIPV4 captures enum value "IPv4" IPAddressFamilyLabelIPV4 string = "IPv4" // IPAddressFamilyLabelIPV6 captures enum value "IPv6" IPAddressFamilyLabelIPV6 string = "IPv6" )
const ( // IPAddressRoleLabelLoopback captures enum value "Loopback" IPAddressRoleLabelLoopback string = "Loopback" // IPAddressRoleLabelSecondary captures enum value "Secondary" IPAddressRoleLabelSecondary string = "Secondary" // IPAddressRoleLabelAnycast captures enum value "Anycast" IPAddressRoleLabelAnycast string = "Anycast" // IPAddressRoleLabelVIP captures enum value "VIP" IPAddressRoleLabelVIP string = "VIP" // IPAddressRoleLabelVRRP captures enum value "VRRP" IPAddressRoleLabelVRRP string = "VRRP" // IPAddressRoleLabelHSRP captures enum value "HSRP" IPAddressRoleLabelHSRP string = "HSRP" // IPAddressRoleLabelGLBP captures enum value "GLBP" IPAddressRoleLabelGLBP string = "GLBP" // IPAddressRoleLabelCARP captures enum value "CARP" IPAddressRoleLabelCARP string = "CARP" )
const ( // IPAddressRoleValueLoopback captures enum value "loopback" IPAddressRoleValueLoopback string = "loopback" // IPAddressRoleValueSecondary captures enum value "secondary" IPAddressRoleValueSecondary string = "secondary" // IPAddressRoleValueAnycast captures enum value "anycast" IPAddressRoleValueAnycast string = "anycast" // IPAddressRoleValueVip captures enum value "vip" IPAddressRoleValueVip string = "vip" // IPAddressRoleValueVrrp captures enum value "vrrp" IPAddressRoleValueVrrp string = "vrrp" // IPAddressRoleValueHsrp captures enum value "hsrp" IPAddressRoleValueHsrp string = "hsrp" // IPAddressRoleValueGlbp captures enum value "glbp" IPAddressRoleValueGlbp string = "glbp" // IPAddressRoleValueCarp captures enum value "carp" IPAddressRoleValueCarp string = "carp" )
const ( // IPAddressStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" IPAddressStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // IPAddressStatusLabelReserved captures enum value "Reserved" IPAddressStatusLabelReserved string = "Reserved" // IPAddressStatusLabelDeprecated captures enum value "Deprecated" IPAddressStatusLabelDeprecated string = "Deprecated" // IPAddressStatusLabelDHCP captures enum value "DHCP" IPAddressStatusLabelDHCP string = "DHCP" // IPAddressStatusLabelSLAAC captures enum value "SLAAC" IPAddressStatusLabelSLAAC string = "SLAAC" )
const ( // IPAddressStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" IPAddressStatusValueActive string = "active" // IPAddressStatusValueReserved captures enum value "reserved" IPAddressStatusValueReserved string = "reserved" // IPAddressStatusValueDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" IPAddressStatusValueDeprecated string = "deprecated" // IPAddressStatusValueDhcp captures enum value "dhcp" IPAddressStatusValueDhcp string = "dhcp" // IPAddressStatusValueSlaac captures enum value "slaac" IPAddressStatusValueSlaac string = "slaac" )
const ( // JobResultStatusLabelPending captures enum value "Pending" JobResultStatusLabelPending string = "Pending" // JobResultStatusLabelRunning captures enum value "Running" JobResultStatusLabelRunning string = "Running" // JobResultStatusLabelCompleted captures enum value "Completed" JobResultStatusLabelCompleted string = "Completed" // JobResultStatusLabelErrored captures enum value "Errored" JobResultStatusLabelErrored string = "Errored" // JobResultStatusLabelFailed captures enum value "Failed" JobResultStatusLabelFailed string = "Failed" )
const ( // JobResultStatusValuePending captures enum value "pending" JobResultStatusValuePending string = "pending" // JobResultStatusValueRunning captures enum value "running" JobResultStatusValueRunning string = "running" // JobResultStatusValueCompleted captures enum value "completed" JobResultStatusValueCompleted string = "completed" // JobResultStatusValueErrored captures enum value "errored" JobResultStatusValueErrored string = "errored" // JobResultStatusValueFailed captures enum value "failed" JobResultStatusValueFailed string = "failed" )
const ( // NestedInterfaceConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" NestedInterfaceConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // NestedInterfaceConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" NestedInterfaceConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // NestedPowerPortConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" NestedPowerPortConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // NestedPowerPortConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" NestedPowerPortConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // ObjectChangeActionLabelCreated captures enum value "Created" ObjectChangeActionLabelCreated string = "Created" // ObjectChangeActionLabelUpdated captures enum value "Updated" ObjectChangeActionLabelUpdated string = "Updated" // ObjectChangeActionLabelDeleted captures enum value "Deleted" ObjectChangeActionLabelDeleted string = "Deleted" )
const ( // ObjectChangeActionValueCreate captures enum value "create" ObjectChangeActionValueCreate string = "create" // ObjectChangeActionValueUpdate captures enum value "update" ObjectChangeActionValueUpdate string = "update" // ObjectChangeActionValueDelete captures enum value "delete" ObjectChangeActionValueDelete string = "delete" )
const ( // PowerFeedPhaseLabelSinglePhase captures enum value "Single phase" PowerFeedPhaseLabelSinglePhase string = "Single phase" // PowerFeedPhaseLabelThreePhase captures enum value "Three-phase" PowerFeedPhaseLabelThreePhase string = "Three-phase" )
const ( // PowerFeedPhaseValueSinglePhase captures enum value "single-phase" PowerFeedPhaseValueSinglePhase string = "single-phase" // PowerFeedPhaseValueThreePhase captures enum value "three-phase" PowerFeedPhaseValueThreePhase string = "three-phase" )
const ( // PowerFeedStatusLabelOffline captures enum value "Offline" PowerFeedStatusLabelOffline string = "Offline" // PowerFeedStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" PowerFeedStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // PowerFeedStatusLabelPlanned captures enum value "Planned" PowerFeedStatusLabelPlanned string = "Planned" // PowerFeedStatusLabelFailed captures enum value "Failed" PowerFeedStatusLabelFailed string = "Failed" )
const ( // PowerFeedStatusValueOffline captures enum value "offline" PowerFeedStatusValueOffline string = "offline" // PowerFeedStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" PowerFeedStatusValueActive string = "active" // PowerFeedStatusValuePlanned captures enum value "planned" PowerFeedStatusValuePlanned string = "planned" // PowerFeedStatusValueFailed captures enum value "failed" PowerFeedStatusValueFailed string = "failed" )
const ( // PowerFeedSupplyLabelAC captures enum value "AC" PowerFeedSupplyLabelAC string = "AC" // PowerFeedSupplyLabelDC captures enum value "DC" PowerFeedSupplyLabelDC string = "DC" )
const ( // PowerFeedSupplyValueAc captures enum value "ac" PowerFeedSupplyValueAc string = "ac" // PowerFeedSupplyValueDc captures enum value "dc" PowerFeedSupplyValueDc string = "dc" )
const ( // PowerFeedTypeLabelPrimary captures enum value "Primary" PowerFeedTypeLabelPrimary string = "Primary" // PowerFeedTypeLabelRedundant captures enum value "Redundant" PowerFeedTypeLabelRedundant string = "Redundant" )
const ( // PowerFeedTypeValuePrimary captures enum value "primary" PowerFeedTypeValuePrimary string = "primary" // PowerFeedTypeValueRedundant captures enum value "redundant" PowerFeedTypeValueRedundant string = "redundant" )
const ( // PowerOutletConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" PowerOutletConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // PowerOutletConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" PowerOutletConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // PowerOutletFeedLegLabelA captures enum value "A" PowerOutletFeedLegLabelA string = "A" // PowerOutletFeedLegLabelB captures enum value "B" PowerOutletFeedLegLabelB string = "B" // PowerOutletFeedLegLabelC captures enum value "C" PowerOutletFeedLegLabelC string = "C" )
const ( // PowerOutletFeedLegValueA captures enum value "A" PowerOutletFeedLegValueA string = "A" // PowerOutletFeedLegValueB captures enum value "B" PowerOutletFeedLegValueB string = "B" // PowerOutletFeedLegValueC captures enum value "C" PowerOutletFeedLegValueC string = "C" )
const ( // PowerOutletTypeLabelC5 captures enum value "C5" PowerOutletTypeLabelC5 string = "C5" // PowerOutletTypeLabelC7 captures enum value "C7" PowerOutletTypeLabelC7 string = "C7" // PowerOutletTypeLabelC13 captures enum value "C13" PowerOutletTypeLabelC13 string = "C13" // PowerOutletTypeLabelC15 captures enum value "C15" PowerOutletTypeLabelC15 string = "C15" // PowerOutletTypeLabelC19 captures enum value "C19" PowerOutletTypeLabelC19 string = "C19" // PowerOutletTypeLabelPNE4H captures enum value "P+N+E 4H" PowerOutletTypeLabelPNE4H string = "P+N+E 4H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelPNE6H captures enum value "P+N+E 6H" PowerOutletTypeLabelPNE6H string = "P+N+E 6H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelPNE9H captures enum value "P+N+E 9H" PowerOutletTypeLabelPNE9H string = "P+N+E 9H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr2PE4H captures enum value "2P+E 4H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr2PE4H string = "2P+E 4H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr2PE6H captures enum value "2P+E 6H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr2PE6H string = "2P+E 6H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr2PE9H captures enum value "2P+E 9H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr2PE9H string = "2P+E 9H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PE4H captures enum value "3P+E 4H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PE4H string = "3P+E 4H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PE6H captures enum value "3P+E 6H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PE6H string = "3P+E 6H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PE9H captures enum value "3P+E 9H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PE9H string = "3P+E 9H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PNE4H captures enum value "3P+N+E 4H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PNE4H string = "3P+N+E 4H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PNE6H captures enum value "3P+N+E 6H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PNE6H string = "3P+N+E 6H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PNE9H captures enum value "3P+N+E 9H" PowerOutletTypeLabelNr3PNE9H string = "3P+N+E 9H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA115R captures enum value "NEMA 1-15R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA115R string = "NEMA 1-15R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA515R captures enum value "NEMA 5-15R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA515R string = "NEMA 5-15R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA520R captures enum value "NEMA 5-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA520R string = "NEMA 5-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA530R captures enum value "NEMA 5-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA530R string = "NEMA 5-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA550R captures enum value "NEMA 5-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA550R string = "NEMA 5-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA615R captures enum value "NEMA 6-15R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA615R string = "NEMA 6-15R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA620R captures enum value "NEMA 6-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA620R string = "NEMA 6-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA630R captures enum value "NEMA 6-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA630R string = "NEMA 6-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA650R captures enum value "NEMA 6-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA650R string = "NEMA 6-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1030R captures enum value "NEMA 10-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1030R string = "NEMA 10-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1050R captures enum value "NEMA 10-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1050R string = "NEMA 10-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1420R captures enum value "NEMA 14-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1420R string = "NEMA 14-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1430R captures enum value "NEMA 14-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1430R string = "NEMA 14-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1450R captures enum value "NEMA 14-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1450R string = "NEMA 14-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1460R captures enum value "NEMA 14-60R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1460R string = "NEMA 14-60R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1515R captures enum value "NEMA 15-15R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1515R string = "NEMA 15-15R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1520R captures enum value "NEMA 15-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1520R string = "NEMA 15-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1530R captures enum value "NEMA 15-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1530R string = "NEMA 15-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1550R captures enum value "NEMA 15-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1550R string = "NEMA 15-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1560R captures enum value "NEMA 15-60R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMA1560R string = "NEMA 15-60R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL115R captures enum value "NEMA L1-15R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL115R string = "NEMA L1-15R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL515R captures enum value "NEMA L5-15R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL515R string = "NEMA L5-15R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL520R captures enum value "NEMA L5-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL520R string = "NEMA L5-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL530R captures enum value "NEMA L5-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL530R string = "NEMA L5-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL550R captures enum value "NEMA L5-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL550R string = "NEMA L5-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL615R captures enum value "NEMA L6-15R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL615R string = "NEMA L6-15R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL620R captures enum value "NEMA L6-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL620R string = "NEMA L6-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL630R captures enum value "NEMA L6-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL630R string = "NEMA L6-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL650R captures enum value "NEMA L6-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL650R string = "NEMA L6-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1030R captures enum value "NEMA L10-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1030R string = "NEMA L10-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1420R captures enum value "NEMA L14-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1420R string = "NEMA L14-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1430R captures enum value "NEMA L14-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1430R string = "NEMA L14-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1450R captures enum value "NEMA L14-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1450R string = "NEMA L14-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1460R captures enum value "NEMA L14-60R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1460R string = "NEMA L14-60R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1520R captures enum value "NEMA L15-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1520R string = "NEMA L15-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1530R captures enum value "NEMA L15-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1530R string = "NEMA L15-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1550R captures enum value "NEMA L15-50R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1550R string = "NEMA L15-50R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1560R captures enum value "NEMA L15-60R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL1560R string = "NEMA L15-60R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL2120R captures enum value "NEMA L21-20R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL2120R string = "NEMA L21-20R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL2130R captures enum value "NEMA L21-30R" PowerOutletTypeLabelNEMAL2130R string = "NEMA L21-30R" // PowerOutletTypeLabelCS6360C captures enum value "CS6360C" PowerOutletTypeLabelCS6360C string = "CS6360C" // PowerOutletTypeLabelCS6364C captures enum value "CS6364C" PowerOutletTypeLabelCS6364C string = "CS6364C" // PowerOutletTypeLabelCS8164C captures enum value "CS8164C" PowerOutletTypeLabelCS8164C string = "CS8164C" // PowerOutletTypeLabelCS8264C captures enum value "CS8264C" PowerOutletTypeLabelCS8264C string = "CS8264C" // PowerOutletTypeLabelCS8364C captures enum value "CS8364C" PowerOutletTypeLabelCS8364C string = "CS8364C" // PowerOutletTypeLabelCS8464C captures enum value "CS8464C" PowerOutletTypeLabelCS8464C string = "CS8464C" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeECEE75 captures enum value "ITA Type E (CEE7/5)" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeECEE75 string = "ITA Type E (CEE7/5)" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeFCEE73 captures enum value "ITA Type F (CEE7/3)" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeFCEE73 string = "ITA Type F (CEE7/3)" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeGBS1363 captures enum value "ITA Type G (BS 1363)" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeGBS1363 string = "ITA Type G (BS 1363)" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeH captures enum value "ITA Type H" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeH string = "ITA Type H" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeI captures enum value "ITA Type I" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeI string = "ITA Type I" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeJ captures enum value "ITA Type J" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeJ string = "ITA Type J" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeK captures enum value "ITA Type K" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeK string = "ITA Type K" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeLCEI2350 captures enum value "ITA Type L (CEI 23-50)" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeLCEI2350 string = "ITA Type L (CEI 23-50)" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeMBS546 captures enum value "ITA Type M (BS 546)" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeMBS546 string = "ITA Type M (BS 546)" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeN captures enum value "ITA Type N" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeN string = "ITA Type N" // PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeO captures enum value "ITA Type O" PowerOutletTypeLabelITATypeO string = "ITA Type O" // PowerOutletTypeLabelHDOTCx captures enum value "HDOT Cx" PowerOutletTypeLabelHDOTCx string = "HDOT Cx" )
const ( // PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C5 captures enum value "iec-60320-c5" PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C5 string = "iec-60320-c5" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C7 captures enum value "iec-60320-c7" PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C7 string = "iec-60320-c7" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C13 captures enum value "iec-60320-c13" PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C13 string = "iec-60320-c13" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C15 captures enum value "iec-60320-c15" PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C15 string = "iec-60320-c15" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C19 captures enum value "iec-60320-c19" PowerOutletTypeValueIec60320C19 string = "iec-60320-c19" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec60309pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec60309pne4h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec60309pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec60309pne6h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec60309pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec60309pne9h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603092pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603092pe4h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603092pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603092pe6h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603092pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603092pe9h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pe4h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pe6h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pe9h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pne4h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pne6h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" // PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" PowerOutletTypeValueIec603093pne9h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema115r captures enum value "nema-1-15r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema115r string = "nema-1-15r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema515r captures enum value "nema-5-15r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema515r string = "nema-5-15r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema520r captures enum value "nema-5-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema520r string = "nema-5-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema530r captures enum value "nema-5-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema530r string = "nema-5-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema550r captures enum value "nema-5-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema550r string = "nema-5-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema615r captures enum value "nema-6-15r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema615r string = "nema-6-15r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema620r captures enum value "nema-6-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema620r string = "nema-6-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema630r captures enum value "nema-6-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema630r string = "nema-6-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema650r captures enum value "nema-6-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema650r string = "nema-6-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1030r captures enum value "nema-10-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1030r string = "nema-10-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1050r captures enum value "nema-10-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1050r string = "nema-10-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1420r captures enum value "nema-14-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1420r string = "nema-14-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1430r captures enum value "nema-14-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1430r string = "nema-14-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1450r captures enum value "nema-14-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1450r string = "nema-14-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1460r captures enum value "nema-14-60r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1460r string = "nema-14-60r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1515r captures enum value "nema-15-15r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1515r string = "nema-15-15r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1520r captures enum value "nema-15-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1520r string = "nema-15-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1530r captures enum value "nema-15-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1530r string = "nema-15-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1550r captures enum value "nema-15-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1550r string = "nema-15-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNema1560r captures enum value "nema-15-60r" PowerOutletTypeValueNema1560r string = "nema-15-60r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL115r captures enum value "nema-l1-15r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL115r string = "nema-l1-15r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL515r captures enum value "nema-l5-15r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL515r string = "nema-l5-15r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL520r captures enum value "nema-l5-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL520r string = "nema-l5-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL530r captures enum value "nema-l5-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL530r string = "nema-l5-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL550r captures enum value "nema-l5-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL550r string = "nema-l5-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL615r captures enum value "nema-l6-15r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL615r string = "nema-l6-15r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL620r captures enum value "nema-l6-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL620r string = "nema-l6-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL630r captures enum value "nema-l6-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL630r string = "nema-l6-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL650r captures enum value "nema-l6-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL650r string = "nema-l6-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1030r captures enum value "nema-l10-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1030r string = "nema-l10-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1420r captures enum value "nema-l14-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1420r string = "nema-l14-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1430r captures enum value "nema-l14-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1430r string = "nema-l14-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1450r captures enum value "nema-l14-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1450r string = "nema-l14-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1460r captures enum value "nema-l14-60r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1460r string = "nema-l14-60r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1520r captures enum value "nema-l15-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1520r string = "nema-l15-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1530r captures enum value "nema-l15-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1530r string = "nema-l15-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1550r captures enum value "nema-l15-50r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1550r string = "nema-l15-50r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1560r captures enum value "nema-l15-60r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL1560r string = "nema-l15-60r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL2120r captures enum value "nema-l21-20r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL2120r string = "nema-l21-20r" // PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL2130r captures enum value "nema-l21-30r" PowerOutletTypeValueNemaL2130r string = "nema-l21-30r" // PowerOutletTypeValueCS6360C captures enum value "CS6360C" PowerOutletTypeValueCS6360C string = "CS6360C" // PowerOutletTypeValueCS6364C captures enum value "CS6364C" PowerOutletTypeValueCS6364C string = "CS6364C" // PowerOutletTypeValueCS8164C captures enum value "CS8164C" PowerOutletTypeValueCS8164C string = "CS8164C" // PowerOutletTypeValueCS8264C captures enum value "CS8264C" PowerOutletTypeValueCS8264C string = "CS8264C" // PowerOutletTypeValueCS8364C captures enum value "CS8364C" PowerOutletTypeValueCS8364C string = "CS8364C" // PowerOutletTypeValueCS8464C captures enum value "CS8464C" PowerOutletTypeValueCS8464C string = "CS8464C" // PowerOutletTypeValueItae captures enum value "ita-e" PowerOutletTypeValueItae string = "ita-e" // PowerOutletTypeValueItaf captures enum value "ita-f" PowerOutletTypeValueItaf string = "ita-f" // PowerOutletTypeValueItag captures enum value "ita-g" PowerOutletTypeValueItag string = "ita-g" // PowerOutletTypeValueItah captures enum value "ita-h" PowerOutletTypeValueItah string = "ita-h" // PowerOutletTypeValueItai captures enum value "ita-i" PowerOutletTypeValueItai string = "ita-i" // PowerOutletTypeValueItaj captures enum value "ita-j" PowerOutletTypeValueItaj string = "ita-j" // PowerOutletTypeValueItak captures enum value "ita-k" PowerOutletTypeValueItak string = "ita-k" // PowerOutletTypeValueItal captures enum value "ita-l" PowerOutletTypeValueItal string = "ita-l" // PowerOutletTypeValueItam captures enum value "ita-m" PowerOutletTypeValueItam string = "ita-m" // PowerOutletTypeValueItan captures enum value "ita-n" PowerOutletTypeValueItan string = "ita-n" // PowerOutletTypeValueItao captures enum value "ita-o" PowerOutletTypeValueItao string = "ita-o" // PowerOutletTypeValueHdotCx captures enum value "hdot-cx" PowerOutletTypeValueHdotCx string = "hdot-cx" )
const ( // PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegLabelA captures enum value "A" PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegLabelA string = "A" // PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegLabelB captures enum value "B" PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegLabelB string = "B" // PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegLabelC captures enum value "C" PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegLabelC string = "C" )
const ( // PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegValueA captures enum value "A" PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegValueA string = "A" // PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegValueB captures enum value "B" PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegValueB string = "B" // PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegValueC captures enum value "C" PowerOutletTemplateFeedLegValueC string = "C" )
const ( // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC5 captures enum value "C5" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC5 string = "C5" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC7 captures enum value "C7" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC7 string = "C7" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC13 captures enum value "C13" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC13 string = "C13" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC15 captures enum value "C15" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC15 string = "C15" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC19 captures enum value "C19" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelC19 string = "C19" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelPNE4H captures enum value "P+N+E 4H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelPNE4H string = "P+N+E 4H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelPNE6H captures enum value "P+N+E 6H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelPNE6H string = "P+N+E 6H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelPNE9H captures enum value "P+N+E 9H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelPNE9H string = "P+N+E 9H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE4H captures enum value "2P+E 4H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE4H string = "2P+E 4H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE6H captures enum value "2P+E 6H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE6H string = "2P+E 6H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE9H captures enum value "2P+E 9H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE9H string = "2P+E 9H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE4H captures enum value "3P+E 4H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE4H string = "3P+E 4H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE6H captures enum value "3P+E 6H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE6H string = "3P+E 6H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE9H captures enum value "3P+E 9H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE9H string = "3P+E 9H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE4H captures enum value "3P+N+E 4H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE4H string = "3P+N+E 4H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE6H captures enum value "3P+N+E 6H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE6H string = "3P+N+E 6H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE9H captures enum value "3P+N+E 9H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE9H string = "3P+N+E 9H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA115R captures enum value "NEMA 1-15R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA115R string = "NEMA 1-15R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA515R captures enum value "NEMA 5-15R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA515R string = "NEMA 5-15R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA520R captures enum value "NEMA 5-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA520R string = "NEMA 5-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA530R captures enum value "NEMA 5-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA530R string = "NEMA 5-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA550R captures enum value "NEMA 5-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA550R string = "NEMA 5-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA615R captures enum value "NEMA 6-15R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA615R string = "NEMA 6-15R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA620R captures enum value "NEMA 6-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA620R string = "NEMA 6-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA630R captures enum value "NEMA 6-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA630R string = "NEMA 6-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA650R captures enum value "NEMA 6-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA650R string = "NEMA 6-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1030R captures enum value "NEMA 10-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1030R string = "NEMA 10-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1050R captures enum value "NEMA 10-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1050R string = "NEMA 10-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1420R captures enum value "NEMA 14-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1420R string = "NEMA 14-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1430R captures enum value "NEMA 14-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1430R string = "NEMA 14-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1450R captures enum value "NEMA 14-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1450R string = "NEMA 14-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1460R captures enum value "NEMA 14-60R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1460R string = "NEMA 14-60R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1515R captures enum value "NEMA 15-15R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1515R string = "NEMA 15-15R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1520R captures enum value "NEMA 15-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1520R string = "NEMA 15-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1530R captures enum value "NEMA 15-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1530R string = "NEMA 15-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1550R captures enum value "NEMA 15-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1550R string = "NEMA 15-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1560R captures enum value "NEMA 15-60R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1560R string = "NEMA 15-60R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL115R captures enum value "NEMA L1-15R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL115R string = "NEMA L1-15R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL515R captures enum value "NEMA L5-15R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL515R string = "NEMA L5-15R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL520R captures enum value "NEMA L5-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL520R string = "NEMA L5-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL530R captures enum value "NEMA L5-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL530R string = "NEMA L5-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL550R captures enum value "NEMA L5-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL550R string = "NEMA L5-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL615R captures enum value "NEMA L6-15R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL615R string = "NEMA L6-15R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL620R captures enum value "NEMA L6-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL620R string = "NEMA L6-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL630R captures enum value "NEMA L6-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL630R string = "NEMA L6-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL650R captures enum value "NEMA L6-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL650R string = "NEMA L6-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1030R captures enum value "NEMA L10-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1030R string = "NEMA L10-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1420R captures enum value "NEMA L14-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1420R string = "NEMA L14-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1430R captures enum value "NEMA L14-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1430R string = "NEMA L14-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1450R captures enum value "NEMA L14-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1450R string = "NEMA L14-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1460R captures enum value "NEMA L14-60R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1460R string = "NEMA L14-60R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1520R captures enum value "NEMA L15-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1520R string = "NEMA L15-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1530R captures enum value "NEMA L15-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1530R string = "NEMA L15-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1550R captures enum value "NEMA L15-50R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1550R string = "NEMA L15-50R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1560R captures enum value "NEMA L15-60R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1560R string = "NEMA L15-60R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL2120R captures enum value "NEMA L21-20R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL2120R string = "NEMA L21-20R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL2130R captures enum value "NEMA L21-30R" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL2130R string = "NEMA L21-30R" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS6360C captures enum value "CS6360C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS6360C string = "CS6360C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS6364C captures enum value "CS6364C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS6364C string = "CS6364C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS8164C captures enum value "CS8164C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS8164C string = "CS8164C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS8264C captures enum value "CS8264C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS8264C string = "CS8264C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS8364C captures enum value "CS8364C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS8364C string = "CS8364C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS8464C captures enum value "CS8464C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelCS8464C string = "CS8464C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeECEE75 captures enum value "ITA Type E (CEE7/5)" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeECEE75 string = "ITA Type E (CEE7/5)" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeFCEE73 captures enum value "ITA Type F (CEE7/3)" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeFCEE73 string = "ITA Type F (CEE7/3)" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeGBS1363 captures enum value "ITA Type G (BS 1363)" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeGBS1363 string = "ITA Type G (BS 1363)" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeH captures enum value "ITA Type H" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeH string = "ITA Type H" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeI captures enum value "ITA Type I" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeI string = "ITA Type I" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeJ captures enum value "ITA Type J" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeJ string = "ITA Type J" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeK captures enum value "ITA Type K" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeK string = "ITA Type K" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeLCEI2350 captures enum value "ITA Type L (CEI 23-50)" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeLCEI2350 string = "ITA Type L (CEI 23-50)" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeMBS546 captures enum value "ITA Type M (BS 546)" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeMBS546 string = "ITA Type M (BS 546)" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeN captures enum value "ITA Type N" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeN string = "ITA Type N" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeO captures enum value "ITA Type O" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelITATypeO string = "ITA Type O" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelHDOTCx captures enum value "HDOT Cx" PowerOutletTemplateTypeLabelHDOTCx string = "HDOT Cx" )
const ( // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C5 captures enum value "iec-60320-c5" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C5 string = "iec-60320-c5" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C7 captures enum value "iec-60320-c7" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C7 string = "iec-60320-c7" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C13 captures enum value "iec-60320-c13" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C13 string = "iec-60320-c13" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C15 captures enum value "iec-60320-c15" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C15 string = "iec-60320-c15" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C19 captures enum value "iec-60320-c19" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60320C19 string = "iec-60320-c19" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne4h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne6h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne9h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe4h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe6h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe9h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe4h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe6h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe9h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne4h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne6h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne9h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema115r captures enum value "nema-1-15r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema115r string = "nema-1-15r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema515r captures enum value "nema-5-15r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema515r string = "nema-5-15r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema520r captures enum value "nema-5-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema520r string = "nema-5-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema530r captures enum value "nema-5-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema530r string = "nema-5-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema550r captures enum value "nema-5-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema550r string = "nema-5-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema615r captures enum value "nema-6-15r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema615r string = "nema-6-15r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema620r captures enum value "nema-6-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema620r string = "nema-6-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema630r captures enum value "nema-6-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema630r string = "nema-6-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema650r captures enum value "nema-6-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema650r string = "nema-6-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1030r captures enum value "nema-10-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1030r string = "nema-10-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1050r captures enum value "nema-10-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1050r string = "nema-10-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1420r captures enum value "nema-14-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1420r string = "nema-14-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1430r captures enum value "nema-14-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1430r string = "nema-14-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1450r captures enum value "nema-14-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1450r string = "nema-14-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1460r captures enum value "nema-14-60r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1460r string = "nema-14-60r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1515r captures enum value "nema-15-15r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1515r string = "nema-15-15r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1520r captures enum value "nema-15-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1520r string = "nema-15-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1530r captures enum value "nema-15-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1530r string = "nema-15-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1550r captures enum value "nema-15-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1550r string = "nema-15-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1560r captures enum value "nema-15-60r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNema1560r string = "nema-15-60r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL115r captures enum value "nema-l1-15r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL115r string = "nema-l1-15r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL515r captures enum value "nema-l5-15r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL515r string = "nema-l5-15r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL520r captures enum value "nema-l5-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL520r string = "nema-l5-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL530r captures enum value "nema-l5-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL530r string = "nema-l5-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL550r captures enum value "nema-l5-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL550r string = "nema-l5-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL615r captures enum value "nema-l6-15r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL615r string = "nema-l6-15r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL620r captures enum value "nema-l6-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL620r string = "nema-l6-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL630r captures enum value "nema-l6-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL630r string = "nema-l6-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL650r captures enum value "nema-l6-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL650r string = "nema-l6-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1030r captures enum value "nema-l10-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1030r string = "nema-l10-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1420r captures enum value "nema-l14-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1420r string = "nema-l14-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1430r captures enum value "nema-l14-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1430r string = "nema-l14-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1450r captures enum value "nema-l14-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1450r string = "nema-l14-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1460r captures enum value "nema-l14-60r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1460r string = "nema-l14-60r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1520r captures enum value "nema-l15-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1520r string = "nema-l15-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1530r captures enum value "nema-l15-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1530r string = "nema-l15-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1550r captures enum value "nema-l15-50r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1550r string = "nema-l15-50r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1560r captures enum value "nema-l15-60r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL1560r string = "nema-l15-60r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL2120r captures enum value "nema-l21-20r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL2120r string = "nema-l21-20r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL2130r captures enum value "nema-l21-30r" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueNemaL2130r string = "nema-l21-30r" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS6360C captures enum value "CS6360C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS6360C string = "CS6360C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS6364C captures enum value "CS6364C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS6364C string = "CS6364C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS8164C captures enum value "CS8164C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS8164C string = "CS8164C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS8264C captures enum value "CS8264C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS8264C string = "CS8264C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS8364C captures enum value "CS8364C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS8364C string = "CS8364C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS8464C captures enum value "CS8464C" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueCS8464C string = "CS8464C" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItae captures enum value "ita-e" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItae string = "ita-e" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItaf captures enum value "ita-f" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItaf string = "ita-f" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItag captures enum value "ita-g" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItag string = "ita-g" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItah captures enum value "ita-h" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItah string = "ita-h" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItai captures enum value "ita-i" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItai string = "ita-i" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItaj captures enum value "ita-j" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItaj string = "ita-j" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItak captures enum value "ita-k" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItak string = "ita-k" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItal captures enum value "ita-l" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItal string = "ita-l" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItam captures enum value "ita-m" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItam string = "ita-m" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItan captures enum value "ita-n" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItan string = "ita-n" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItao captures enum value "ita-o" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueItao string = "ita-o" // PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueHdotCx captures enum value "hdot-cx" PowerOutletTemplateTypeValueHdotCx string = "hdot-cx" )
const ( // PowerPortConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected captures enum value "Not Connected" PowerPortConnectionStatusLabelNotConnected string = "Not Connected" // PowerPortConnectionStatusLabelConnected captures enum value "Connected" PowerPortConnectionStatusLabelConnected string = "Connected" )
const ( // PowerPortTypeLabelC6 captures enum value "C6" PowerPortTypeLabelC6 string = "C6" // PowerPortTypeLabelC8 captures enum value "C8" PowerPortTypeLabelC8 string = "C8" // PowerPortTypeLabelC14 captures enum value "C14" PowerPortTypeLabelC14 string = "C14" // PowerPortTypeLabelC16 captures enum value "C16" PowerPortTypeLabelC16 string = "C16" // PowerPortTypeLabelC20 captures enum value "C20" PowerPortTypeLabelC20 string = "C20" // PowerPortTypeLabelPNE4H captures enum value "P+N+E 4H" PowerPortTypeLabelPNE4H string = "P+N+E 4H" // PowerPortTypeLabelPNE6H captures enum value "P+N+E 6H" PowerPortTypeLabelPNE6H string = "P+N+E 6H" // PowerPortTypeLabelPNE9H captures enum value "P+N+E 9H" PowerPortTypeLabelPNE9H string = "P+N+E 9H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr2PE4H captures enum value "2P+E 4H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr2PE4H string = "2P+E 4H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr2PE6H captures enum value "2P+E 6H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr2PE6H string = "2P+E 6H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr2PE9H captures enum value "2P+E 9H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr2PE9H string = "2P+E 9H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PE4H captures enum value "3P+E 4H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PE4H string = "3P+E 4H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PE6H captures enum value "3P+E 6H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PE6H string = "3P+E 6H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PE9H captures enum value "3P+E 9H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PE9H string = "3P+E 9H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PNE4H captures enum value "3P+N+E 4H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PNE4H string = "3P+N+E 4H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PNE6H captures enum value "3P+N+E 6H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PNE6H string = "3P+N+E 6H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PNE9H captures enum value "3P+N+E 9H" PowerPortTypeLabelNr3PNE9H string = "3P+N+E 9H" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA115P captures enum value "NEMA 1-15P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA115P string = "NEMA 1-15P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA515P captures enum value "NEMA 5-15P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA515P string = "NEMA 5-15P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA520P captures enum value "NEMA 5-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA520P string = "NEMA 5-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA530P captures enum value "NEMA 5-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA530P string = "NEMA 5-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA550P captures enum value "NEMA 5-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA550P string = "NEMA 5-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA615P captures enum value "NEMA 6-15P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA615P string = "NEMA 6-15P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA620P captures enum value "NEMA 6-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA620P string = "NEMA 6-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA630P captures enum value "NEMA 6-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA630P string = "NEMA 6-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA650P captures enum value "NEMA 6-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA650P string = "NEMA 6-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1030P captures enum value "NEMA 10-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1030P string = "NEMA 10-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1050P captures enum value "NEMA 10-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1050P string = "NEMA 10-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1420P captures enum value "NEMA 14-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1420P string = "NEMA 14-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1430P captures enum value "NEMA 14-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1430P string = "NEMA 14-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1450P captures enum value "NEMA 14-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1450P string = "NEMA 14-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1460P captures enum value "NEMA 14-60P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1460P string = "NEMA 14-60P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1515P captures enum value "NEMA 15-15P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1515P string = "NEMA 15-15P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1520P captures enum value "NEMA 15-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1520P string = "NEMA 15-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1530P captures enum value "NEMA 15-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1530P string = "NEMA 15-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1550P captures enum value "NEMA 15-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1550P string = "NEMA 15-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1560P captures enum value "NEMA 15-60P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMA1560P string = "NEMA 15-60P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL115P captures enum value "NEMA L1-15P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL115P string = "NEMA L1-15P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL515P captures enum value "NEMA L5-15P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL515P string = "NEMA L5-15P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL520P captures enum value "NEMA L5-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL520P string = "NEMA L5-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL530P captures enum value "NEMA L5-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL530P string = "NEMA L5-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL550P captures enum value "NEMA L5-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL550P string = "NEMA L5-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL615P captures enum value "NEMA L6-15P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL615P string = "NEMA L6-15P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL620P captures enum value "NEMA L6-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL620P string = "NEMA L6-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL630P captures enum value "NEMA L6-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL630P string = "NEMA L6-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL650P captures enum value "NEMA L6-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL650P string = "NEMA L6-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1030P captures enum value "NEMA L10-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1030P string = "NEMA L10-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1420P captures enum value "NEMA L14-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1420P string = "NEMA L14-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1430P captures enum value "NEMA L14-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1430P string = "NEMA L14-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1450P captures enum value "NEMA L14-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1450P string = "NEMA L14-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1460P captures enum value "NEMA L14-60P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1460P string = "NEMA L14-60P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1520P captures enum value "NEMA L15-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1520P string = "NEMA L15-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1530P captures enum value "NEMA L15-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1530P string = "NEMA L15-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1550P captures enum value "NEMA L15-50P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1550P string = "NEMA L15-50P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1560P captures enum value "NEMA L15-60P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL1560P string = "NEMA L15-60P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL2120P captures enum value "NEMA L21-20P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL2120P string = "NEMA L21-20P" // PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL2130P captures enum value "NEMA L21-30P" PowerPortTypeLabelNEMAL2130P string = "NEMA L21-30P" // PowerPortTypeLabelCS6361C captures enum value "CS6361C" PowerPortTypeLabelCS6361C string = "CS6361C" // PowerPortTypeLabelCS6365C captures enum value "CS6365C" PowerPortTypeLabelCS6365C string = "CS6365C" // PowerPortTypeLabelCS8165C captures enum value "CS8165C" PowerPortTypeLabelCS8165C string = "CS8165C" // PowerPortTypeLabelCS8265C captures enum value "CS8265C" PowerPortTypeLabelCS8265C string = "CS8265C" // PowerPortTypeLabelCS8365C captures enum value "CS8365C" PowerPortTypeLabelCS8365C string = "CS8365C" // PowerPortTypeLabelCS8465C captures enum value "CS8465C" PowerPortTypeLabelCS8465C string = "CS8465C" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeECEE75 captures enum value "ITA Type E (CEE 7/5)" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeECEE75 string = "ITA Type E (CEE 7/5)" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeFCEE74 captures enum value "ITA Type F (CEE 7/4)" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeFCEE74 string = "ITA Type F (CEE 7/4)" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeEFCEE77 captures enum value "ITA Type E/F (CEE 7/7)" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeEFCEE77 string = "ITA Type E/F (CEE 7/7)" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeGBS1363 captures enum value "ITA Type G (BS 1363)" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeGBS1363 string = "ITA Type G (BS 1363)" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeH captures enum value "ITA Type H" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeH string = "ITA Type H" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeI captures enum value "ITA Type I" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeI string = "ITA Type I" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeJ captures enum value "ITA Type J" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeJ string = "ITA Type J" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeK captures enum value "ITA Type K" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeK string = "ITA Type K" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeLCEI2350 captures enum value "ITA Type L (CEI 23-50)" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeLCEI2350 string = "ITA Type L (CEI 23-50)" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeMBS546 captures enum value "ITA Type M (BS 546)" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeMBS546 string = "ITA Type M (BS 546)" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeN captures enum value "ITA Type N" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeN string = "ITA Type N" // PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeO captures enum value "ITA Type O" PowerPortTypeLabelITATypeO string = "ITA Type O" )
const ( // PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C6 captures enum value "iec-60320-c6" PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C6 string = "iec-60320-c6" // PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C8 captures enum value "iec-60320-c8" PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C8 string = "iec-60320-c8" // PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C14 captures enum value "iec-60320-c14" PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C14 string = "iec-60320-c14" // PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C16 captures enum value "iec-60320-c16" PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C16 string = "iec-60320-c16" // PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C20 captures enum value "iec-60320-c20" PowerPortTypeValueIec60320C20 string = "iec-60320-c20" // PowerPortTypeValueIec60309pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" PowerPortTypeValueIec60309pne4h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec60309pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" PowerPortTypeValueIec60309pne6h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec60309pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" PowerPortTypeValueIec60309pne9h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603092pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603092pe4h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603092pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603092pe6h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603092pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603092pe9h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pe4h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pe6h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pe9h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pne4h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pne6h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" // PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" PowerPortTypeValueIec603093pne9h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" // PowerPortTypeValueNema115p captures enum value "nema-1-15p" PowerPortTypeValueNema115p string = "nema-1-15p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema515p captures enum value "nema-5-15p" PowerPortTypeValueNema515p string = "nema-5-15p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema520p captures enum value "nema-5-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNema520p string = "nema-5-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema530p captures enum value "nema-5-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNema530p string = "nema-5-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema550p captures enum value "nema-5-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNema550p string = "nema-5-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema615p captures enum value "nema-6-15p" PowerPortTypeValueNema615p string = "nema-6-15p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema620p captures enum value "nema-6-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNema620p string = "nema-6-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema630p captures enum value "nema-6-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNema630p string = "nema-6-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema650p captures enum value "nema-6-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNema650p string = "nema-6-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1030p captures enum value "nema-10-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1030p string = "nema-10-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1050p captures enum value "nema-10-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1050p string = "nema-10-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1420p captures enum value "nema-14-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1420p string = "nema-14-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1430p captures enum value "nema-14-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1430p string = "nema-14-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1450p captures enum value "nema-14-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1450p string = "nema-14-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1460p captures enum value "nema-14-60p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1460p string = "nema-14-60p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1515p captures enum value "nema-15-15p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1515p string = "nema-15-15p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1520p captures enum value "nema-15-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1520p string = "nema-15-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1530p captures enum value "nema-15-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1530p string = "nema-15-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1550p captures enum value "nema-15-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1550p string = "nema-15-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNema1560p captures enum value "nema-15-60p" PowerPortTypeValueNema1560p string = "nema-15-60p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL115p captures enum value "nema-l1-15p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL115p string = "nema-l1-15p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL515p captures enum value "nema-l5-15p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL515p string = "nema-l5-15p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL520p captures enum value "nema-l5-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL520p string = "nema-l5-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL530p captures enum value "nema-l5-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL530p string = "nema-l5-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL550p captures enum value "nema-l5-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL550p string = "nema-l5-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL615p captures enum value "nema-l6-15p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL615p string = "nema-l6-15p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL620p captures enum value "nema-l6-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL620p string = "nema-l6-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL630p captures enum value "nema-l6-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL630p string = "nema-l6-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL650p captures enum value "nema-l6-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL650p string = "nema-l6-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1030p captures enum value "nema-l10-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1030p string = "nema-l10-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1420p captures enum value "nema-l14-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1420p string = "nema-l14-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1430p captures enum value "nema-l14-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1430p string = "nema-l14-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1450p captures enum value "nema-l14-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1450p string = "nema-l14-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1460p captures enum value "nema-l14-60p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1460p string = "nema-l14-60p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1520p captures enum value "nema-l15-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1520p string = "nema-l15-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1530p captures enum value "nema-l15-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1530p string = "nema-l15-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1550p captures enum value "nema-l15-50p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1550p string = "nema-l15-50p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1560p captures enum value "nema-l15-60p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL1560p string = "nema-l15-60p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL2120p captures enum value "nema-l21-20p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL2120p string = "nema-l21-20p" // PowerPortTypeValueNemaL2130p captures enum value "nema-l21-30p" PowerPortTypeValueNemaL2130p string = "nema-l21-30p" // PowerPortTypeValueCs6361c captures enum value "cs6361c" PowerPortTypeValueCs6361c string = "cs6361c" // PowerPortTypeValueCs6365c captures enum value "cs6365c" PowerPortTypeValueCs6365c string = "cs6365c" // PowerPortTypeValueCs8165c captures enum value "cs8165c" PowerPortTypeValueCs8165c string = "cs8165c" // PowerPortTypeValueCs8265c captures enum value "cs8265c" PowerPortTypeValueCs8265c string = "cs8265c" // PowerPortTypeValueCs8365c captures enum value "cs8365c" PowerPortTypeValueCs8365c string = "cs8365c" // PowerPortTypeValueCs8465c captures enum value "cs8465c" PowerPortTypeValueCs8465c string = "cs8465c" // PowerPortTypeValueItae captures enum value "ita-e" PowerPortTypeValueItae string = "ita-e" // PowerPortTypeValueItaf captures enum value "ita-f" PowerPortTypeValueItaf string = "ita-f" // PowerPortTypeValueItaEf captures enum value "ita-ef" PowerPortTypeValueItaEf string = "ita-ef" // PowerPortTypeValueItag captures enum value "ita-g" PowerPortTypeValueItag string = "ita-g" // PowerPortTypeValueItah captures enum value "ita-h" PowerPortTypeValueItah string = "ita-h" // PowerPortTypeValueItai captures enum value "ita-i" PowerPortTypeValueItai string = "ita-i" // PowerPortTypeValueItaj captures enum value "ita-j" PowerPortTypeValueItaj string = "ita-j" // PowerPortTypeValueItak captures enum value "ita-k" PowerPortTypeValueItak string = "ita-k" // PowerPortTypeValueItal captures enum value "ita-l" PowerPortTypeValueItal string = "ita-l" // PowerPortTypeValueItam captures enum value "ita-m" PowerPortTypeValueItam string = "ita-m" // PowerPortTypeValueItan captures enum value "ita-n" PowerPortTypeValueItan string = "ita-n" // PowerPortTypeValueItao captures enum value "ita-o" PowerPortTypeValueItao string = "ita-o" )
const ( // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC6 captures enum value "C6" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC6 string = "C6" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC8 captures enum value "C8" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC8 string = "C8" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC14 captures enum value "C14" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC14 string = "C14" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC16 captures enum value "C16" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC16 string = "C16" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC20 captures enum value "C20" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelC20 string = "C20" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelPNE4H captures enum value "P+N+E 4H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelPNE4H string = "P+N+E 4H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelPNE6H captures enum value "P+N+E 6H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelPNE6H string = "P+N+E 6H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelPNE9H captures enum value "P+N+E 9H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelPNE9H string = "P+N+E 9H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE4H captures enum value "2P+E 4H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE4H string = "2P+E 4H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE6H captures enum value "2P+E 6H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE6H string = "2P+E 6H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE9H captures enum value "2P+E 9H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr2PE9H string = "2P+E 9H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE4H captures enum value "3P+E 4H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE4H string = "3P+E 4H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE6H captures enum value "3P+E 6H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE6H string = "3P+E 6H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE9H captures enum value "3P+E 9H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PE9H string = "3P+E 9H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE4H captures enum value "3P+N+E 4H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE4H string = "3P+N+E 4H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE6H captures enum value "3P+N+E 6H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE6H string = "3P+N+E 6H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE9H captures enum value "3P+N+E 9H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNr3PNE9H string = "3P+N+E 9H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA115P captures enum value "NEMA 1-15P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA115P string = "NEMA 1-15P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA515P captures enum value "NEMA 5-15P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA515P string = "NEMA 5-15P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA520P captures enum value "NEMA 5-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA520P string = "NEMA 5-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA530P captures enum value "NEMA 5-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA530P string = "NEMA 5-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA550P captures enum value "NEMA 5-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA550P string = "NEMA 5-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA615P captures enum value "NEMA 6-15P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA615P string = "NEMA 6-15P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA620P captures enum value "NEMA 6-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA620P string = "NEMA 6-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA630P captures enum value "NEMA 6-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA630P string = "NEMA 6-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA650P captures enum value "NEMA 6-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA650P string = "NEMA 6-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1030P captures enum value "NEMA 10-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1030P string = "NEMA 10-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1050P captures enum value "NEMA 10-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1050P string = "NEMA 10-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1420P captures enum value "NEMA 14-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1420P string = "NEMA 14-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1430P captures enum value "NEMA 14-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1430P string = "NEMA 14-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1450P captures enum value "NEMA 14-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1450P string = "NEMA 14-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1460P captures enum value "NEMA 14-60P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1460P string = "NEMA 14-60P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1515P captures enum value "NEMA 15-15P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1515P string = "NEMA 15-15P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1520P captures enum value "NEMA 15-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1520P string = "NEMA 15-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1530P captures enum value "NEMA 15-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1530P string = "NEMA 15-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1550P captures enum value "NEMA 15-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1550P string = "NEMA 15-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1560P captures enum value "NEMA 15-60P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMA1560P string = "NEMA 15-60P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL115P captures enum value "NEMA L1-15P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL115P string = "NEMA L1-15P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL515P captures enum value "NEMA L5-15P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL515P string = "NEMA L5-15P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL520P captures enum value "NEMA L5-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL520P string = "NEMA L5-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL530P captures enum value "NEMA L5-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL530P string = "NEMA L5-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL550P captures enum value "NEMA L5-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL550P string = "NEMA L5-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL615P captures enum value "NEMA L6-15P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL615P string = "NEMA L6-15P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL620P captures enum value "NEMA L6-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL620P string = "NEMA L6-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL630P captures enum value "NEMA L6-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL630P string = "NEMA L6-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL650P captures enum value "NEMA L6-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL650P string = "NEMA L6-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1030P captures enum value "NEMA L10-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1030P string = "NEMA L10-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1420P captures enum value "NEMA L14-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1420P string = "NEMA L14-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1430P captures enum value "NEMA L14-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1430P string = "NEMA L14-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1450P captures enum value "NEMA L14-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1450P string = "NEMA L14-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1460P captures enum value "NEMA L14-60P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1460P string = "NEMA L14-60P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1520P captures enum value "NEMA L15-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1520P string = "NEMA L15-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1530P captures enum value "NEMA L15-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1530P string = "NEMA L15-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1550P captures enum value "NEMA L15-50P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1550P string = "NEMA L15-50P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1560P captures enum value "NEMA L15-60P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL1560P string = "NEMA L15-60P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL2120P captures enum value "NEMA L21-20P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL2120P string = "NEMA L21-20P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL2130P captures enum value "NEMA L21-30P" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelNEMAL2130P string = "NEMA L21-30P" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS6361C captures enum value "CS6361C" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS6361C string = "CS6361C" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS6365C captures enum value "CS6365C" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS6365C string = "CS6365C" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS8165C captures enum value "CS8165C" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS8165C string = "CS8165C" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS8265C captures enum value "CS8265C" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS8265C string = "CS8265C" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS8365C captures enum value "CS8365C" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS8365C string = "CS8365C" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS8465C captures enum value "CS8465C" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelCS8465C string = "CS8465C" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeECEE75 captures enum value "ITA Type E (CEE 7/5)" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeECEE75 string = "ITA Type E (CEE 7/5)" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeFCEE74 captures enum value "ITA Type F (CEE 7/4)" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeFCEE74 string = "ITA Type F (CEE 7/4)" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeEFCEE77 captures enum value "ITA Type E/F (CEE 7/7)" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeEFCEE77 string = "ITA Type E/F (CEE 7/7)" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeGBS1363 captures enum value "ITA Type G (BS 1363)" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeGBS1363 string = "ITA Type G (BS 1363)" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeH captures enum value "ITA Type H" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeH string = "ITA Type H" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeI captures enum value "ITA Type I" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeI string = "ITA Type I" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeJ captures enum value "ITA Type J" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeJ string = "ITA Type J" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeK captures enum value "ITA Type K" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeK string = "ITA Type K" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeLCEI2350 captures enum value "ITA Type L (CEI 23-50)" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeLCEI2350 string = "ITA Type L (CEI 23-50)" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeMBS546 captures enum value "ITA Type M (BS 546)" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeMBS546 string = "ITA Type M (BS 546)" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeN captures enum value "ITA Type N" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeN string = "ITA Type N" // PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeO captures enum value "ITA Type O" PowerPortTemplateTypeLabelITATypeO string = "ITA Type O" )
const ( // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C6 captures enum value "iec-60320-c6" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C6 string = "iec-60320-c6" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C8 captures enum value "iec-60320-c8" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C8 string = "iec-60320-c8" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C14 captures enum value "iec-60320-c14" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C14 string = "iec-60320-c14" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C16 captures enum value "iec-60320-c16" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C16 string = "iec-60320-c16" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C20 captures enum value "iec-60320-c20" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60320C20 string = "iec-60320-c20" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne4h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne6h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec60309pne9h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe4h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe6h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603092pe9h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe4h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe6h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pe9h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne4h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne6h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueIec603093pne9h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema115p captures enum value "nema-1-15p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema115p string = "nema-1-15p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema515p captures enum value "nema-5-15p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema515p string = "nema-5-15p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema520p captures enum value "nema-5-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema520p string = "nema-5-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema530p captures enum value "nema-5-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema530p string = "nema-5-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema550p captures enum value "nema-5-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema550p string = "nema-5-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema615p captures enum value "nema-6-15p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema615p string = "nema-6-15p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema620p captures enum value "nema-6-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema620p string = "nema-6-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema630p captures enum value "nema-6-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema630p string = "nema-6-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema650p captures enum value "nema-6-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema650p string = "nema-6-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1030p captures enum value "nema-10-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1030p string = "nema-10-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1050p captures enum value "nema-10-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1050p string = "nema-10-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1420p captures enum value "nema-14-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1420p string = "nema-14-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1430p captures enum value "nema-14-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1430p string = "nema-14-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1450p captures enum value "nema-14-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1450p string = "nema-14-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1460p captures enum value "nema-14-60p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1460p string = "nema-14-60p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1515p captures enum value "nema-15-15p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1515p string = "nema-15-15p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1520p captures enum value "nema-15-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1520p string = "nema-15-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1530p captures enum value "nema-15-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1530p string = "nema-15-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1550p captures enum value "nema-15-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1550p string = "nema-15-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1560p captures enum value "nema-15-60p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNema1560p string = "nema-15-60p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL115p captures enum value "nema-l1-15p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL115p string = "nema-l1-15p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL515p captures enum value "nema-l5-15p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL515p string = "nema-l5-15p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL520p captures enum value "nema-l5-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL520p string = "nema-l5-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL530p captures enum value "nema-l5-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL530p string = "nema-l5-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL550p captures enum value "nema-l5-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL550p string = "nema-l5-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL615p captures enum value "nema-l6-15p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL615p string = "nema-l6-15p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL620p captures enum value "nema-l6-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL620p string = "nema-l6-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL630p captures enum value "nema-l6-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL630p string = "nema-l6-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL650p captures enum value "nema-l6-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL650p string = "nema-l6-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1030p captures enum value "nema-l10-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1030p string = "nema-l10-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1420p captures enum value "nema-l14-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1420p string = "nema-l14-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1430p captures enum value "nema-l14-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1430p string = "nema-l14-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1450p captures enum value "nema-l14-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1450p string = "nema-l14-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1460p captures enum value "nema-l14-60p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1460p string = "nema-l14-60p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1520p captures enum value "nema-l15-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1520p string = "nema-l15-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1530p captures enum value "nema-l15-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1530p string = "nema-l15-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1550p captures enum value "nema-l15-50p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1550p string = "nema-l15-50p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1560p captures enum value "nema-l15-60p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL1560p string = "nema-l15-60p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL2120p captures enum value "nema-l21-20p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL2120p string = "nema-l21-20p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL2130p captures enum value "nema-l21-30p" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueNemaL2130p string = "nema-l21-30p" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs6361c captures enum value "cs6361c" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs6361c string = "cs6361c" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs6365c captures enum value "cs6365c" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs6365c string = "cs6365c" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs8165c captures enum value "cs8165c" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs8165c string = "cs8165c" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs8265c captures enum value "cs8265c" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs8265c string = "cs8265c" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs8365c captures enum value "cs8365c" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs8365c string = "cs8365c" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs8465c captures enum value "cs8465c" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueCs8465c string = "cs8465c" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItae captures enum value "ita-e" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItae string = "ita-e" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItaf captures enum value "ita-f" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItaf string = "ita-f" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItaEf captures enum value "ita-ef" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItaEf string = "ita-ef" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItag captures enum value "ita-g" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItag string = "ita-g" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItah captures enum value "ita-h" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItah string = "ita-h" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItai captures enum value "ita-i" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItai string = "ita-i" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItaj captures enum value "ita-j" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItaj string = "ita-j" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItak captures enum value "ita-k" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItak string = "ita-k" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItal captures enum value "ita-l" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItal string = "ita-l" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItam captures enum value "ita-m" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItam string = "ita-m" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItan captures enum value "ita-n" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItan string = "ita-n" // PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItao captures enum value "ita-o" PowerPortTemplateTypeValueItao string = "ita-o" )
const ( // PrefixFamilyLabelIPV4 captures enum value "IPv4" PrefixFamilyLabelIPV4 string = "IPv4" // PrefixFamilyLabelIPV6 captures enum value "IPv6" PrefixFamilyLabelIPV6 string = "IPv6" )
const ( // PrefixStatusLabelContainer captures enum value "Container" PrefixStatusLabelContainer string = "Container" // PrefixStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" PrefixStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // PrefixStatusLabelReserved captures enum value "Reserved" PrefixStatusLabelReserved string = "Reserved" // PrefixStatusLabelDeprecated captures enum value "Deprecated" PrefixStatusLabelDeprecated string = "Deprecated" )
const ( // PrefixStatusValueContainer captures enum value "container" PrefixStatusValueContainer string = "container" // PrefixStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" PrefixStatusValueActive string = "active" // PrefixStatusValueReserved captures enum value "reserved" PrefixStatusValueReserved string = "reserved" // PrefixStatusValueDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" PrefixStatusValueDeprecated string = "deprecated" )
const ( // RackOuterUnitLabelMillimeters captures enum value "Millimeters" RackOuterUnitLabelMillimeters string = "Millimeters" // RackOuterUnitLabelInches captures enum value "Inches" RackOuterUnitLabelInches string = "Inches" )
const ( // RackOuterUnitValueMm captures enum value "mm" RackOuterUnitValueMm string = "mm" // RackOuterUnitValueIn captures enum value "in" RackOuterUnitValueIn string = "in" )
const ( // RackStatusLabelReserved captures enum value "Reserved" RackStatusLabelReserved string = "Reserved" // RackStatusLabelAvailable captures enum value "Available" RackStatusLabelAvailable string = "Available" // RackStatusLabelPlanned captures enum value "Planned" RackStatusLabelPlanned string = "Planned" // RackStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" RackStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // RackStatusLabelDeprecated captures enum value "Deprecated" RackStatusLabelDeprecated string = "Deprecated" )
const ( // RackStatusValueReserved captures enum value "reserved" RackStatusValueReserved string = "reserved" // RackStatusValueAvailable captures enum value "available" RackStatusValueAvailable string = "available" // RackStatusValuePlanned captures enum value "planned" RackStatusValuePlanned string = "planned" // RackStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" RackStatusValueActive string = "active" // RackStatusValueDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" RackStatusValueDeprecated string = "deprecated" )
const ( // RackTypeLabelNr2PostFrame captures enum value "2-post frame" RackTypeLabelNr2PostFrame string = "2-post frame" // RackTypeLabelNr4PostFrame captures enum value "4-post frame" RackTypeLabelNr4PostFrame string = "4-post frame" // RackTypeLabelNr4PostCabinet captures enum value "4-post cabinet" RackTypeLabelNr4PostCabinet string = "4-post cabinet" // RackTypeLabelWallMountedFrame captures enum value "Wall-mounted frame" RackTypeLabelWallMountedFrame string = "Wall-mounted frame" // RackTypeLabelWallMountedCabinet captures enum value "Wall-mounted cabinet" RackTypeLabelWallMountedCabinet string = "Wall-mounted cabinet" )
const ( // RackTypeValueNr2PostFrame captures enum value "2-post-frame" RackTypeValueNr2PostFrame string = "2-post-frame" // RackTypeValueNr4PostFrame captures enum value "4-post-frame" RackTypeValueNr4PostFrame string = "4-post-frame" // RackTypeValueNr4PostCabinet captures enum value "4-post-cabinet" RackTypeValueNr4PostCabinet string = "4-post-cabinet" // RackTypeValueWallFrame captures enum value "wall-frame" RackTypeValueWallFrame string = "wall-frame" // RackTypeValueWallCabinet captures enum value "wall-cabinet" RackTypeValueWallCabinet string = "wall-cabinet" )
const ( // RackWidthLabelNr10Inches captures enum value "10 inches" RackWidthLabelNr10Inches string = "10 inches" // RackWidthLabelNr19Inches captures enum value "19 inches" RackWidthLabelNr19Inches string = "19 inches" // RackWidthLabelNr21Inches captures enum value "21 inches" RackWidthLabelNr21Inches string = "21 inches" // RackWidthLabelNr23Inches captures enum value "23 inches" RackWidthLabelNr23Inches string = "23 inches" )
const ( // RackUnitFaceLabelFront captures enum value "Front" RackUnitFaceLabelFront string = "Front" // RackUnitFaceLabelRear captures enum value "Rear" RackUnitFaceLabelRear string = "Rear" )
const ( // RackUnitFaceValueFront captures enum value "front" RackUnitFaceValueFront string = "front" // RackUnitFaceValueRear captures enum value "rear" RackUnitFaceValueRear string = "rear" )
const ( // RearPortTypeLabelNr8P8C captures enum value "8P8C" RearPortTypeLabelNr8P8C string = "8P8C" // RearPortTypeLabelNr8P6C captures enum value "8P6C" RearPortTypeLabelNr8P6C string = "8P6C" // RearPortTypeLabelNr8P4C captures enum value "8P4C" RearPortTypeLabelNr8P4C string = "8P4C" // RearPortTypeLabelNr8P2C captures enum value "8P2C" RearPortTypeLabelNr8P2C string = "8P2C" // RearPortTypeLabelNr110Punch captures enum value "110 Punch" RearPortTypeLabelNr110Punch string = "110 Punch" // RearPortTypeLabelBNC captures enum value "BNC" RearPortTypeLabelBNC string = "BNC" // RearPortTypeLabelMRJ21 captures enum value "MRJ21" RearPortTypeLabelMRJ21 string = "MRJ21" // RearPortTypeLabelFC captures enum value "FC" RearPortTypeLabelFC string = "FC" // RearPortTypeLabelLC captures enum value "LC" RearPortTypeLabelLC string = "LC" // RearPortTypeLabelLCAPC captures enum value "LC/APC" RearPortTypeLabelLCAPC string = "LC/APC" // RearPortTypeLabelLSH captures enum value "LSH" RearPortTypeLabelLSH string = "LSH" // RearPortTypeLabelLSHAPC captures enum value "LSH/APC" RearPortTypeLabelLSHAPC string = "LSH/APC" // RearPortTypeLabelMPO captures enum value "MPO" RearPortTypeLabelMPO string = "MPO" // RearPortTypeLabelMTRJ captures enum value "MTRJ" RearPortTypeLabelMTRJ string = "MTRJ" // RearPortTypeLabelSC captures enum value "SC" RearPortTypeLabelSC string = "SC" // RearPortTypeLabelSCAPC captures enum value "SC/APC" RearPortTypeLabelSCAPC string = "SC/APC" // RearPortTypeLabelST captures enum value "ST" RearPortTypeLabelST string = "ST" )
const ( // RearPortTypeValueNr8p8c captures enum value "8p8c" RearPortTypeValueNr8p8c string = "8p8c" // RearPortTypeValueNr8p6c captures enum value "8p6c" RearPortTypeValueNr8p6c string = "8p6c" // RearPortTypeValueNr8p4c captures enum value "8p4c" RearPortTypeValueNr8p4c string = "8p4c" // RearPortTypeValueNr8p2c captures enum value "8p2c" RearPortTypeValueNr8p2c string = "8p2c" // RearPortTypeValueNr110Punch captures enum value "110-punch" RearPortTypeValueNr110Punch string = "110-punch" // RearPortTypeValueBnc captures enum value "bnc" RearPortTypeValueBnc string = "bnc" // RearPortTypeValueMrj21 captures enum value "mrj21" RearPortTypeValueMrj21 string = "mrj21" // RearPortTypeValueFc captures enum value "fc" RearPortTypeValueFc string = "fc" // RearPortTypeValueLc captures enum value "lc" RearPortTypeValueLc string = "lc" // RearPortTypeValueLcApc captures enum value "lc-apc" RearPortTypeValueLcApc string = "lc-apc" // RearPortTypeValueLsh captures enum value "lsh" RearPortTypeValueLsh string = "lsh" // RearPortTypeValueLshApc captures enum value "lsh-apc" RearPortTypeValueLshApc string = "lsh-apc" // RearPortTypeValueMpo captures enum value "mpo" RearPortTypeValueMpo string = "mpo" // RearPortTypeValueMtrj captures enum value "mtrj" RearPortTypeValueMtrj string = "mtrj" // RearPortTypeValueSc captures enum value "sc" RearPortTypeValueSc string = "sc" // RearPortTypeValueScApc captures enum value "sc-apc" RearPortTypeValueScApc string = "sc-apc" // RearPortTypeValueSt captures enum value "st" RearPortTypeValueSt string = "st" )
const ( // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P8C captures enum value "8P8C" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P8C string = "8P8C" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P6C captures enum value "8P6C" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P6C string = "8P6C" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P4C captures enum value "8P4C" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P4C string = "8P4C" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P2C captures enum value "8P2C" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr8P2C string = "8P2C" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr110Punch captures enum value "110 Punch" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelNr110Punch string = "110 Punch" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelBNC captures enum value "BNC" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelBNC string = "BNC" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelMRJ21 captures enum value "MRJ21" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelMRJ21 string = "MRJ21" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelFC captures enum value "FC" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelFC string = "FC" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelLC captures enum value "LC" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelLC string = "LC" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelLCAPC captures enum value "LC/APC" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelLCAPC string = "LC/APC" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelLSH captures enum value "LSH" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelLSH string = "LSH" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelLSHAPC captures enum value "LSH/APC" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelLSHAPC string = "LSH/APC" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelMPO captures enum value "MPO" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelMPO string = "MPO" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelMTRJ captures enum value "MTRJ" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelMTRJ string = "MTRJ" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelSC captures enum value "SC" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelSC string = "SC" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelSCAPC captures enum value "SC/APC" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelSCAPC string = "SC/APC" // RearPortTemplateTypeLabelST captures enum value "ST" RearPortTemplateTypeLabelST string = "ST" )
const ( // RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p8c captures enum value "8p8c" RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p8c string = "8p8c" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p6c captures enum value "8p6c" RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p6c string = "8p6c" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p4c captures enum value "8p4c" RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p4c string = "8p4c" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p2c captures enum value "8p2c" RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr8p2c string = "8p2c" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr110Punch captures enum value "110-punch" RearPortTemplateTypeValueNr110Punch string = "110-punch" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueBnc captures enum value "bnc" RearPortTemplateTypeValueBnc string = "bnc" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueMrj21 captures enum value "mrj21" RearPortTemplateTypeValueMrj21 string = "mrj21" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueFc captures enum value "fc" RearPortTemplateTypeValueFc string = "fc" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueLc captures enum value "lc" RearPortTemplateTypeValueLc string = "lc" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueLcApc captures enum value "lc-apc" RearPortTemplateTypeValueLcApc string = "lc-apc" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueLsh captures enum value "lsh" RearPortTemplateTypeValueLsh string = "lsh" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueLshApc captures enum value "lsh-apc" RearPortTemplateTypeValueLshApc string = "lsh-apc" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueMpo captures enum value "mpo" RearPortTemplateTypeValueMpo string = "mpo" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueMtrj captures enum value "mtrj" RearPortTemplateTypeValueMtrj string = "mtrj" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueSc captures enum value "sc" RearPortTemplateTypeValueSc string = "sc" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueScApc captures enum value "sc-apc" RearPortTemplateTypeValueScApc string = "sc-apc" // RearPortTemplateTypeValueSt captures enum value "st" RearPortTemplateTypeValueSt string = "st" )
const ( // ServiceProtocolLabelTCP captures enum value "TCP" ServiceProtocolLabelTCP string = "TCP" // ServiceProtocolLabelUDP captures enum value "UDP" ServiceProtocolLabelUDP string = "UDP" )
const ( // ServiceProtocolValueTCP captures enum value "tcp" ServiceProtocolValueTCP string = "tcp" // ServiceProtocolValueUDP captures enum value "udp" ServiceProtocolValueUDP string = "udp" )
const ( // SiteStatusLabelPlanned captures enum value "Planned" SiteStatusLabelPlanned string = "Planned" // SiteStatusLabelStaging captures enum value "Staging" SiteStatusLabelStaging string = "Staging" // SiteStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" SiteStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // SiteStatusLabelDecommissioning captures enum value "Decommissioning" SiteStatusLabelDecommissioning string = "Decommissioning" // SiteStatusLabelRetired captures enum value "Retired" SiteStatusLabelRetired string = "Retired" )
const ( // SiteStatusValuePlanned captures enum value "planned" SiteStatusValuePlanned string = "planned" // SiteStatusValueStaging captures enum value "staging" SiteStatusValueStaging string = "staging" // SiteStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" SiteStatusValueActive string = "active" // SiteStatusValueDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" SiteStatusValueDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" // SiteStatusValueRetired captures enum value "retired" SiteStatusValueRetired string = "retired" )
const ( // VLANStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" VLANStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // VLANStatusLabelReserved captures enum value "Reserved" VLANStatusLabelReserved string = "Reserved" // VLANStatusLabelDeprecated captures enum value "Deprecated" VLANStatusLabelDeprecated string = "Deprecated" )
const ( // VLANStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" VLANStatusValueActive string = "active" // VLANStatusValueReserved captures enum value "reserved" VLANStatusValueReserved string = "reserved" // VLANStatusValueDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" VLANStatusValueDeprecated string = "deprecated" )
const ( // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelOffline captures enum value "Offline" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelOffline string = "Offline" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelActive captures enum value "Active" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelActive string = "Active" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelPlanned captures enum value "Planned" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelPlanned string = "Planned" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelStaged captures enum value "Staged" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelStaged string = "Staged" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelFailed captures enum value "Failed" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelFailed string = "Failed" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelDecommissioning captures enum value "Decommissioning" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusLabelDecommissioning string = "Decommissioning" )
const ( // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueOffline captures enum value "offline" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueOffline string = "offline" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueActive captures enum value "active" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueActive string = "active" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValuePlanned captures enum value "planned" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValuePlanned string = "planned" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueStaged captures enum value "staged" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueStaged string = "staged" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueFailed captures enum value "failed" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueFailed string = "failed" // VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusValueDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" )
const ( // VMInterfaceModeLabelAccess captures enum value "Access" VMInterfaceModeLabelAccess string = "Access" // VMInterfaceModeLabelTagged captures enum value "Tagged" VMInterfaceModeLabelTagged string = "Tagged" // VMInterfaceModeLabelTaggedAll captures enum value "Tagged (All)" VMInterfaceModeLabelTaggedAll string = "Tagged (All)" )
const ( // VMInterfaceModeValueAccess captures enum value "access" VMInterfaceModeValueAccess string = "access" // VMInterfaceModeValueTagged captures enum value "tagged" VMInterfaceModeValueTagged string = "tagged" // VMInterfaceModeValueTaggedAll captures enum value "tagged-all" VMInterfaceModeValueTaggedAll string = "tagged-all" )
const ( // WritableCableLengthUnitM captures enum value "m" WritableCableLengthUnitM string = "m" // WritableCableLengthUnitCm captures enum value "cm" WritableCableLengthUnitCm string = "cm" // WritableCableLengthUnitFt captures enum value "ft" WritableCableLengthUnitFt string = "ft" // WritableCableLengthUnitIn captures enum value "in" WritableCableLengthUnitIn string = "in" )
const ( // WritableCableStatusConnected captures enum value "connected" WritableCableStatusConnected string = "connected" // WritableCableStatusPlanned captures enum value "planned" WritableCableStatusPlanned string = "planned" // WritableCableStatusDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" WritableCableStatusDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" )
const ( // WritableCableTypeCat3 captures enum value "cat3" WritableCableTypeCat3 string = "cat3" // WritableCableTypeCat5 captures enum value "cat5" WritableCableTypeCat5 string = "cat5" // WritableCableTypeCat5e captures enum value "cat5e" WritableCableTypeCat5e string = "cat5e" // WritableCableTypeCat6 captures enum value "cat6" WritableCableTypeCat6 string = "cat6" // WritableCableTypeCat6a captures enum value "cat6a" WritableCableTypeCat6a string = "cat6a" // WritableCableTypeCat7 captures enum value "cat7" WritableCableTypeCat7 string = "cat7" // WritableCableTypeDacActive captures enum value "dac-active" WritableCableTypeDacActive string = "dac-active" // WritableCableTypeDacPassive captures enum value "dac-passive" WritableCableTypeDacPassive string = "dac-passive" // WritableCableTypeMrj21Trunk captures enum value "mrj21-trunk" WritableCableTypeMrj21Trunk string = "mrj21-trunk" // WritableCableTypeCoaxial captures enum value "coaxial" WritableCableTypeCoaxial string = "coaxial" // WritableCableTypeMmf captures enum value "mmf" WritableCableTypeMmf string = "mmf" // WritableCableTypeMmfOm1 captures enum value "mmf-om1" WritableCableTypeMmfOm1 string = "mmf-om1" // WritableCableTypeMmfOm2 captures enum value "mmf-om2" WritableCableTypeMmfOm2 string = "mmf-om2" // WritableCableTypeMmfOm3 captures enum value "mmf-om3" WritableCableTypeMmfOm3 string = "mmf-om3" // WritableCableTypeMmfOm4 captures enum value "mmf-om4" WritableCableTypeMmfOm4 string = "mmf-om4" // WritableCableTypeSmf captures enum value "smf" WritableCableTypeSmf string = "smf" // WritableCableTypeSmfOs1 captures enum value "smf-os1" WritableCableTypeSmfOs1 string = "smf-os1" // WritableCableTypeSmfOs2 captures enum value "smf-os2" WritableCableTypeSmfOs2 string = "smf-os2" // WritableCableTypeAoc captures enum value "aoc" WritableCableTypeAoc string = "aoc" // WritableCableTypePower captures enum value "power" WritableCableTypePower string = "power" )
const ( // WritableCircuitStatusPlanned captures enum value "planned" WritableCircuitStatusPlanned string = "planned" // WritableCircuitStatusProvisioning captures enum value "provisioning" WritableCircuitStatusProvisioning string = "provisioning" // WritableCircuitStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritableCircuitStatusActive string = "active" // WritableCircuitStatusOffline captures enum value "offline" WritableCircuitStatusOffline string = "offline" // WritableCircuitStatusDeprovisioning captures enum value "deprovisioning" WritableCircuitStatusDeprovisioning string = "deprovisioning" // WritableCircuitStatusDecommissioned captures enum value "decommissioned" WritableCircuitStatusDecommissioned string = "decommissioned" )
const ( // WritableCircuitTerminationTermSideA captures enum value "A" WritableCircuitTerminationTermSideA string = "A" // WritableCircuitTerminationTermSideZ captures enum value "Z" WritableCircuitTerminationTermSideZ string = "Z" )
const ( // WritableConsolePortTypeDe9 captures enum value "de-9" WritableConsolePortTypeDe9 string = "de-9" // WritableConsolePortTypeDb25 captures enum value "db-25" WritableConsolePortTypeDb25 string = "db-25" // WritableConsolePortTypeRj11 captures enum value "rj-11" WritableConsolePortTypeRj11 string = "rj-11" // WritableConsolePortTypeRj12 captures enum value "rj-12" WritableConsolePortTypeRj12 string = "rj-12" // WritableConsolePortTypeRj45 captures enum value "rj-45" WritableConsolePortTypeRj45 string = "rj-45" // WritableConsolePortTypeUsba captures enum value "usb-a" WritableConsolePortTypeUsba string = "usb-a" // WritableConsolePortTypeUsbb captures enum value "usb-b" WritableConsolePortTypeUsbb string = "usb-b" // WritableConsolePortTypeUsbc captures enum value "usb-c" WritableConsolePortTypeUsbc string = "usb-c" // WritableConsolePortTypeUsbMinia captures enum value "usb-mini-a" WritableConsolePortTypeUsbMinia string = "usb-mini-a" // WritableConsolePortTypeUsbMinib captures enum value "usb-mini-b" WritableConsolePortTypeUsbMinib string = "usb-mini-b" // WritableConsolePortTypeUsbMicroa captures enum value "usb-micro-a" WritableConsolePortTypeUsbMicroa string = "usb-micro-a" // WritableConsolePortTypeUsbMicrob captures enum value "usb-micro-b" WritableConsolePortTypeUsbMicrob string = "usb-micro-b" // WritableConsolePortTypeOther captures enum value "other" WritableConsolePortTypeOther string = "other" )
const ( // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeDe9 captures enum value "de-9" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeDe9 string = "de-9" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeDb25 captures enum value "db-25" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeDb25 string = "db-25" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeRj11 captures enum value "rj-11" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeRj11 string = "rj-11" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeRj12 captures enum value "rj-12" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeRj12 string = "rj-12" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeRj45 captures enum value "rj-45" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeRj45 string = "rj-45" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsba captures enum value "usb-a" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsba string = "usb-a" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbb captures enum value "usb-b" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbb string = "usb-b" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbc captures enum value "usb-c" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbc string = "usb-c" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbMinia captures enum value "usb-mini-a" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbMinia string = "usb-mini-a" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbMinib captures enum value "usb-mini-b" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbMinib string = "usb-mini-b" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbMicroa captures enum value "usb-micro-a" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbMicroa string = "usb-micro-a" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbMicrob captures enum value "usb-micro-b" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeUsbMicrob string = "usb-micro-b" // WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeOther captures enum value "other" WritableConsolePortTemplateTypeOther string = "other" )
const ( // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeDe9 captures enum value "de-9" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeDe9 string = "de-9" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeDb25 captures enum value "db-25" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeDb25 string = "db-25" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeRj11 captures enum value "rj-11" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeRj11 string = "rj-11" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeRj12 captures enum value "rj-12" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeRj12 string = "rj-12" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeRj45 captures enum value "rj-45" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeRj45 string = "rj-45" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsba captures enum value "usb-a" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsba string = "usb-a" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbb captures enum value "usb-b" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbb string = "usb-b" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbc captures enum value "usb-c" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbc string = "usb-c" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbMinia captures enum value "usb-mini-a" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbMinia string = "usb-mini-a" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbMinib captures enum value "usb-mini-b" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbMinib string = "usb-mini-b" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbMicroa captures enum value "usb-micro-a" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbMicroa string = "usb-micro-a" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbMicrob captures enum value "usb-micro-b" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeUsbMicrob string = "usb-micro-b" // WritableConsoleServerPortTypeOther captures enum value "other" WritableConsoleServerPortTypeOther string = "other" )
const ( // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeDe9 captures enum value "de-9" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeDe9 string = "de-9" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeDb25 captures enum value "db-25" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeDb25 string = "db-25" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeRj11 captures enum value "rj-11" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeRj11 string = "rj-11" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeRj12 captures enum value "rj-12" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeRj12 string = "rj-12" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeRj45 captures enum value "rj-45" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeRj45 string = "rj-45" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsba captures enum value "usb-a" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsba string = "usb-a" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbb captures enum value "usb-b" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbb string = "usb-b" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbc captures enum value "usb-c" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbc string = "usb-c" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbMinia captures enum value "usb-mini-a" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbMinia string = "usb-mini-a" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbMinib captures enum value "usb-mini-b" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbMinib string = "usb-mini-b" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbMicroa captures enum value "usb-micro-a" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbMicroa string = "usb-micro-a" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbMicrob captures enum value "usb-micro-b" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeUsbMicrob string = "usb-micro-b" // WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeOther captures enum value "other" WritableConsoleServerPortTemplateTypeOther string = "other" )
const ( // WritableDeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleParent captures enum value "parent" WritableDeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleParent string = "parent" // WritableDeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleChild captures enum value "child" WritableDeviceTypeSubdeviceRoleChild string = "child" )
const ( // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextFaceFront captures enum value "front" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextFaceFront string = "front" // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextFaceRear captures enum value "rear" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextFaceRear string = "rear" )
const ( // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusOffline captures enum value "offline" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusOffline string = "offline" // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusActive string = "active" // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusPlanned captures enum value "planned" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusPlanned string = "planned" // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusStaged captures enum value "staged" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusStaged string = "staged" // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusFailed captures enum value "failed" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusFailed string = "failed" // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusInventory captures enum value "inventory" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusInventory string = "inventory" // WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" WritableDeviceWithConfigContextStatusDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" )
const ( // WritableExportTemplateTemplateLanguageJinja2 captures enum value "jinja2" WritableExportTemplateTemplateLanguageJinja2 string = "jinja2" // WritableExportTemplateTemplateLanguageDjango captures enum value "django" WritableExportTemplateTemplateLanguageDjango string = "django" )
const ( // WritableFrontPortTypeNr8p8c captures enum value "8p8c" WritableFrontPortTypeNr8p8c string = "8p8c" // WritableFrontPortTypeNr8p6c captures enum value "8p6c" WritableFrontPortTypeNr8p6c string = "8p6c" // WritableFrontPortTypeNr8p4c captures enum value "8p4c" WritableFrontPortTypeNr8p4c string = "8p4c" // WritableFrontPortTypeNr8p2c captures enum value "8p2c" WritableFrontPortTypeNr8p2c string = "8p2c" // WritableFrontPortTypeNr110Punch captures enum value "110-punch" WritableFrontPortTypeNr110Punch string = "110-punch" // WritableFrontPortTypeBnc captures enum value "bnc" WritableFrontPortTypeBnc string = "bnc" // WritableFrontPortTypeMrj21 captures enum value "mrj21" WritableFrontPortTypeMrj21 string = "mrj21" // WritableFrontPortTypeFc captures enum value "fc" WritableFrontPortTypeFc string = "fc" // WritableFrontPortTypeLc captures enum value "lc" WritableFrontPortTypeLc string = "lc" // WritableFrontPortTypeLcApc captures enum value "lc-apc" WritableFrontPortTypeLcApc string = "lc-apc" // WritableFrontPortTypeLsh captures enum value "lsh" WritableFrontPortTypeLsh string = "lsh" // WritableFrontPortTypeLshApc captures enum value "lsh-apc" WritableFrontPortTypeLshApc string = "lsh-apc" // WritableFrontPortTypeMpo captures enum value "mpo" WritableFrontPortTypeMpo string = "mpo" // WritableFrontPortTypeMtrj captures enum value "mtrj" WritableFrontPortTypeMtrj string = "mtrj" // WritableFrontPortTypeSc captures enum value "sc" WritableFrontPortTypeSc string = "sc" // WritableFrontPortTypeScApc captures enum value "sc-apc" WritableFrontPortTypeScApc string = "sc-apc" // WritableFrontPortTypeSt captures enum value "st" WritableFrontPortTypeSt string = "st" )
const ( // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr8p8c captures enum value "8p8c" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr8p8c string = "8p8c" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr8p6c captures enum value "8p6c" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr8p6c string = "8p6c" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr8p4c captures enum value "8p4c" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr8p4c string = "8p4c" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr8p2c captures enum value "8p2c" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr8p2c string = "8p2c" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr110Punch captures enum value "110-punch" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeNr110Punch string = "110-punch" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeBnc captures enum value "bnc" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeBnc string = "bnc" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeMrj21 captures enum value "mrj21" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeMrj21 string = "mrj21" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeFc captures enum value "fc" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeFc string = "fc" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeLc captures enum value "lc" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeLc string = "lc" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeLcApc captures enum value "lc-apc" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeLcApc string = "lc-apc" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeLsh captures enum value "lsh" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeLsh string = "lsh" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeLshApc captures enum value "lsh-apc" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeLshApc string = "lsh-apc" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeMpo captures enum value "mpo" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeMpo string = "mpo" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeMtrj captures enum value "mtrj" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeMtrj string = "mtrj" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeSc captures enum value "sc" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeSc string = "sc" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeScApc captures enum value "sc-apc" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeScApc string = "sc-apc" // WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeSt captures enum value "st" WritableFrontPortTemplateTypeSt string = "st" )
const ( // WritableInterfaceModeAccess captures enum value "access" WritableInterfaceModeAccess string = "access" // WritableInterfaceModeTagged captures enum value "tagged" WritableInterfaceModeTagged string = "tagged" // WritableInterfaceModeTaggedAll captures enum value "tagged-all" WritableInterfaceModeTaggedAll string = "tagged-all" )
const ( // WritableInterfaceTypeVirtual captures enum value "virtual" WritableInterfaceTypeVirtual string = "virtual" // WritableInterfaceTypeLag captures enum value "lag" WritableInterfaceTypeLag string = "lag" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr100baseTx captures enum value "100base-tx" WritableInterfaceTypeNr100baseTx string = "100base-tx" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr1000baset captures enum value "1000base-t" WritableInterfaceTypeNr1000baset string = "1000base-t" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr25gbaset captures enum value "2.5gbase-t" WritableInterfaceTypeNr25gbaset string = "2.5gbase-t" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr5gbaset captures enum value "5gbase-t" WritableInterfaceTypeNr5gbaset string = "5gbase-t" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbaset captures enum value "10gbase-t" WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbaset string = "10gbase-t" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbaseCx4 captures enum value "10gbase-cx4" WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbaseCx4 string = "10gbase-cx4" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr1000basexGbic captures enum value "1000base-x-gbic" WritableInterfaceTypeNr1000basexGbic string = "1000base-x-gbic" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr1000basexSfp captures enum value "1000base-x-sfp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr1000basexSfp string = "1000base-x-sfp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbasexSfpp captures enum value "10gbase-x-sfpp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbasexSfpp string = "10gbase-x-sfpp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbasexXfp captures enum value "10gbase-x-xfp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbasexXfp string = "10gbase-x-xfp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbasexXenpak captures enum value "10gbase-x-xenpak" WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbasexXenpak string = "10gbase-x-xenpak" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbasexX2 captures enum value "10gbase-x-x2" WritableInterfaceTypeNr10gbasexX2 string = "10gbase-x-x2" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr25gbasexSfp28 captures enum value "25gbase-x-sfp28" WritableInterfaceTypeNr25gbasexSfp28 string = "25gbase-x-sfp28" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr40gbasexQsfpp captures enum value "40gbase-x-qsfpp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr40gbasexQsfpp string = "40gbase-x-qsfpp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr50gbasexSfp28 captures enum value "50gbase-x-sfp28" WritableInterfaceTypeNr50gbasexSfp28 string = "50gbase-x-sfp28" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexCfp captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexCfp string = "100gbase-x-cfp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexCfp2 captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp2" WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexCfp2 string = "100gbase-x-cfp2" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr200gbasexCfp2 captures enum value "200gbase-x-cfp2" WritableInterfaceTypeNr200gbasexCfp2 string = "200gbase-x-cfp2" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexCfp4 captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp4" WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexCfp4 string = "100gbase-x-cfp4" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexCpak captures enum value "100gbase-x-cpak" WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexCpak string = "100gbase-x-cpak" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexQsfp28 captures enum value "100gbase-x-qsfp28" WritableInterfaceTypeNr100gbasexQsfp28 string = "100gbase-x-qsfp28" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr200gbasexQsfp56 captures enum value "200gbase-x-qsfp56" WritableInterfaceTypeNr200gbasexQsfp56 string = "200gbase-x-qsfp56" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr400gbasexQsfpdd captures enum value "400gbase-x-qsfpdd" WritableInterfaceTypeNr400gbasexQsfpdd string = "400gbase-x-qsfpdd" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr400gbasexOsfp captures enum value "400gbase-x-osfp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr400gbasexOsfp string = "400gbase-x-osfp" // WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211a captures enum value "ieee802.11a" WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211a string = "ieee802.11a" // WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211g captures enum value "ieee802.11g" WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211g string = "ieee802.11g" // WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211n captures enum value "ieee802.11n" WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211n string = "ieee802.11n" // WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211ac captures enum value "ieee802.11ac" WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211ac string = "ieee802.11ac" // WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211ad captures enum value "ieee802.11ad" WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211ad string = "ieee802.11ad" // WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211ax captures enum value "ieee802.11ax" WritableInterfaceTypeIeee80211ax string = "ieee802.11ax" // WritableInterfaceTypeGsm captures enum value "gsm" WritableInterfaceTypeGsm string = "gsm" // WritableInterfaceTypeCdma captures enum value "cdma" WritableInterfaceTypeCdma string = "cdma" // WritableInterfaceTypeLte captures enum value "lte" WritableInterfaceTypeLte string = "lte" // WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc3 captures enum value "sonet-oc3" WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc3 string = "sonet-oc3" // WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc12 captures enum value "sonet-oc12" WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc12 string = "sonet-oc12" // WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc48 captures enum value "sonet-oc48" WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc48 string = "sonet-oc48" // WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc192 captures enum value "sonet-oc192" WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc192 string = "sonet-oc192" // WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc768 captures enum value "sonet-oc768" WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc768 string = "sonet-oc768" // WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc1920 captures enum value "sonet-oc1920" WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc1920 string = "sonet-oc1920" // WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc3840 captures enum value "sonet-oc3840" WritableInterfaceTypeSonetOc3840 string = "sonet-oc3840" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr1gfcSfp captures enum value "1gfc-sfp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr1gfcSfp string = "1gfc-sfp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr2gfcSfp captures enum value "2gfc-sfp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr2gfcSfp string = "2gfc-sfp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr4gfcSfp captures enum value "4gfc-sfp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr4gfcSfp string = "4gfc-sfp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr8gfcSfpp captures enum value "8gfc-sfpp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr8gfcSfpp string = "8gfc-sfpp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr16gfcSfpp captures enum value "16gfc-sfpp" WritableInterfaceTypeNr16gfcSfpp string = "16gfc-sfpp" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr32gfcSfp28 captures enum value "32gfc-sfp28" WritableInterfaceTypeNr32gfcSfp28 string = "32gfc-sfp28" // WritableInterfaceTypeNr128gfcSfp28 captures enum value "128gfc-sfp28" WritableInterfaceTypeNr128gfcSfp28 string = "128gfc-sfp28" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandSdr captures enum value "infiniband-sdr" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandSdr string = "infiniband-sdr" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandDdr captures enum value "infiniband-ddr" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandDdr string = "infiniband-ddr" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandQdr captures enum value "infiniband-qdr" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandQdr string = "infiniband-qdr" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandFdr10 captures enum value "infiniband-fdr10" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandFdr10 string = "infiniband-fdr10" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandFdr captures enum value "infiniband-fdr" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandFdr string = "infiniband-fdr" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandEdr captures enum value "infiniband-edr" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandEdr string = "infiniband-edr" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandHdr captures enum value "infiniband-hdr" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandHdr string = "infiniband-hdr" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandNdr captures enum value "infiniband-ndr" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandNdr string = "infiniband-ndr" // WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandXdr captures enum value "infiniband-xdr" WritableInterfaceTypeInfinibandXdr string = "infiniband-xdr" // WritableInterfaceTypeT1 captures enum value "t1" WritableInterfaceTypeT1 string = "t1" // WritableInterfaceTypeE1 captures enum value "e1" WritableInterfaceTypeE1 string = "e1" // WritableInterfaceTypeT3 captures enum value "t3" WritableInterfaceTypeT3 string = "t3" // WritableInterfaceTypeE3 captures enum value "e3" WritableInterfaceTypeE3 string = "e3" // WritableInterfaceTypeCiscoStackwise captures enum value "cisco-stackwise" WritableInterfaceTypeCiscoStackwise string = "cisco-stackwise" // WritableInterfaceTypeCiscoStackwisePlus captures enum value "cisco-stackwise-plus" WritableInterfaceTypeCiscoStackwisePlus string = "cisco-stackwise-plus" // WritableInterfaceTypeCiscoFlexstack captures enum value "cisco-flexstack" WritableInterfaceTypeCiscoFlexstack string = "cisco-flexstack" // WritableInterfaceTypeCiscoFlexstackPlus captures enum value "cisco-flexstack-plus" WritableInterfaceTypeCiscoFlexstackPlus string = "cisco-flexstack-plus" // WritableInterfaceTypeJuniperVcp captures enum value "juniper-vcp" WritableInterfaceTypeJuniperVcp string = "juniper-vcp" // WritableInterfaceTypeExtremeSummitstack captures enum value "extreme-summitstack" WritableInterfaceTypeExtremeSummitstack string = "extreme-summitstack" // WritableInterfaceTypeExtremeSummitstack128 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-128" WritableInterfaceTypeExtremeSummitstack128 string = "extreme-summitstack-128" // WritableInterfaceTypeExtremeSummitstack256 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-256" WritableInterfaceTypeExtremeSummitstack256 string = "extreme-summitstack-256" // WritableInterfaceTypeExtremeSummitstack512 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-512" WritableInterfaceTypeExtremeSummitstack512 string = "extreme-summitstack-512" // WritableInterfaceTypeOther captures enum value "other" WritableInterfaceTypeOther string = "other" )
const ( // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeVirtual captures enum value "virtual" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeVirtual string = "virtual" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeLag captures enum value "lag" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeLag string = "lag" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100baseTx captures enum value "100base-tx" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100baseTx string = "100base-tx" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr1000baset captures enum value "1000base-t" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr1000baset string = "1000base-t" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr25gbaset captures enum value "2.5gbase-t" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr25gbaset string = "2.5gbase-t" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr5gbaset captures enum value "5gbase-t" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr5gbaset string = "5gbase-t" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbaset captures enum value "10gbase-t" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbaset string = "10gbase-t" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbaseCx4 captures enum value "10gbase-cx4" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbaseCx4 string = "10gbase-cx4" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr1000basexGbic captures enum value "1000base-x-gbic" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr1000basexGbic string = "1000base-x-gbic" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr1000basexSfp captures enum value "1000base-x-sfp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr1000basexSfp string = "1000base-x-sfp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbasexSfpp captures enum value "10gbase-x-sfpp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbasexSfpp string = "10gbase-x-sfpp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbasexXfp captures enum value "10gbase-x-xfp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbasexXfp string = "10gbase-x-xfp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbasexXenpak captures enum value "10gbase-x-xenpak" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbasexXenpak string = "10gbase-x-xenpak" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbasexX2 captures enum value "10gbase-x-x2" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr10gbasexX2 string = "10gbase-x-x2" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr25gbasexSfp28 captures enum value "25gbase-x-sfp28" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr25gbasexSfp28 string = "25gbase-x-sfp28" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr40gbasexQsfpp captures enum value "40gbase-x-qsfpp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr40gbasexQsfpp string = "40gbase-x-qsfpp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr50gbasexSfp28 captures enum value "50gbase-x-sfp28" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr50gbasexSfp28 string = "50gbase-x-sfp28" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexCfp captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexCfp string = "100gbase-x-cfp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexCfp2 captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp2" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexCfp2 string = "100gbase-x-cfp2" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr200gbasexCfp2 captures enum value "200gbase-x-cfp2" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr200gbasexCfp2 string = "200gbase-x-cfp2" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexCfp4 captures enum value "100gbase-x-cfp4" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexCfp4 string = "100gbase-x-cfp4" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexCpak captures enum value "100gbase-x-cpak" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexCpak string = "100gbase-x-cpak" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexQsfp28 captures enum value "100gbase-x-qsfp28" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr100gbasexQsfp28 string = "100gbase-x-qsfp28" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr200gbasexQsfp56 captures enum value "200gbase-x-qsfp56" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr200gbasexQsfp56 string = "200gbase-x-qsfp56" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr400gbasexQsfpdd captures enum value "400gbase-x-qsfpdd" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr400gbasexQsfpdd string = "400gbase-x-qsfpdd" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr400gbasexOsfp captures enum value "400gbase-x-osfp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr400gbasexOsfp string = "400gbase-x-osfp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211a captures enum value "ieee802.11a" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211a string = "ieee802.11a" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211g captures enum value "ieee802.11g" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211g string = "ieee802.11g" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211n captures enum value "ieee802.11n" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211n string = "ieee802.11n" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211ac captures enum value "ieee802.11ac" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211ac string = "ieee802.11ac" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211ad captures enum value "ieee802.11ad" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211ad string = "ieee802.11ad" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211ax captures enum value "ieee802.11ax" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeIeee80211ax string = "ieee802.11ax" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeGsm captures enum value "gsm" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeGsm string = "gsm" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCdma captures enum value "cdma" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCdma string = "cdma" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeLte captures enum value "lte" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeLte string = "lte" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc3 captures enum value "sonet-oc3" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc3 string = "sonet-oc3" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc12 captures enum value "sonet-oc12" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc12 string = "sonet-oc12" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc48 captures enum value "sonet-oc48" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc48 string = "sonet-oc48" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc192 captures enum value "sonet-oc192" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc192 string = "sonet-oc192" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc768 captures enum value "sonet-oc768" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc768 string = "sonet-oc768" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc1920 captures enum value "sonet-oc1920" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc1920 string = "sonet-oc1920" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc3840 captures enum value "sonet-oc3840" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeSonetOc3840 string = "sonet-oc3840" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr1gfcSfp captures enum value "1gfc-sfp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr1gfcSfp string = "1gfc-sfp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr2gfcSfp captures enum value "2gfc-sfp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr2gfcSfp string = "2gfc-sfp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr4gfcSfp captures enum value "4gfc-sfp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr4gfcSfp string = "4gfc-sfp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr8gfcSfpp captures enum value "8gfc-sfpp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr8gfcSfpp string = "8gfc-sfpp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr16gfcSfpp captures enum value "16gfc-sfpp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr16gfcSfpp string = "16gfc-sfpp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr32gfcSfp28 captures enum value "32gfc-sfp28" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr32gfcSfp28 string = "32gfc-sfp28" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr128gfcSfp28 captures enum value "128gfc-sfp28" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeNr128gfcSfp28 string = "128gfc-sfp28" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandSdr captures enum value "infiniband-sdr" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandSdr string = "infiniband-sdr" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandDdr captures enum value "infiniband-ddr" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandDdr string = "infiniband-ddr" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandQdr captures enum value "infiniband-qdr" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandQdr string = "infiniband-qdr" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandFdr10 captures enum value "infiniband-fdr10" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandFdr10 string = "infiniband-fdr10" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandFdr captures enum value "infiniband-fdr" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandFdr string = "infiniband-fdr" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandEdr captures enum value "infiniband-edr" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandEdr string = "infiniband-edr" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandHdr captures enum value "infiniband-hdr" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandHdr string = "infiniband-hdr" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandNdr captures enum value "infiniband-ndr" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandNdr string = "infiniband-ndr" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandXdr captures enum value "infiniband-xdr" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeInfinibandXdr string = "infiniband-xdr" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeT1 captures enum value "t1" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeT1 string = "t1" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeE1 captures enum value "e1" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeE1 string = "e1" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeT3 captures enum value "t3" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeT3 string = "t3" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeE3 captures enum value "e3" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeE3 string = "e3" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCiscoStackwise captures enum value "cisco-stackwise" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCiscoStackwise string = "cisco-stackwise" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCiscoStackwisePlus captures enum value "cisco-stackwise-plus" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCiscoStackwisePlus string = "cisco-stackwise-plus" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCiscoFlexstack captures enum value "cisco-flexstack" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCiscoFlexstack string = "cisco-flexstack" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCiscoFlexstackPlus captures enum value "cisco-flexstack-plus" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeCiscoFlexstackPlus string = "cisco-flexstack-plus" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeJuniperVcp captures enum value "juniper-vcp" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeJuniperVcp string = "juniper-vcp" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeExtremeSummitstack captures enum value "extreme-summitstack" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeExtremeSummitstack string = "extreme-summitstack" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeExtremeSummitstack128 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-128" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeExtremeSummitstack128 string = "extreme-summitstack-128" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeExtremeSummitstack256 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-256" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeExtremeSummitstack256 string = "extreme-summitstack-256" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeExtremeSummitstack512 captures enum value "extreme-summitstack-512" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeExtremeSummitstack512 string = "extreme-summitstack-512" // WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeOther captures enum value "other" WritableInterfaceTemplateTypeOther string = "other" )
const ( // WritableIPAddressRoleLoopback captures enum value "loopback" WritableIPAddressRoleLoopback string = "loopback" // WritableIPAddressRoleSecondary captures enum value "secondary" WritableIPAddressRoleSecondary string = "secondary" // WritableIPAddressRoleAnycast captures enum value "anycast" WritableIPAddressRoleAnycast string = "anycast" // WritableIPAddressRoleVip captures enum value "vip" WritableIPAddressRoleVip string = "vip" // WritableIPAddressRoleVrrp captures enum value "vrrp" WritableIPAddressRoleVrrp string = "vrrp" // WritableIPAddressRoleHsrp captures enum value "hsrp" WritableIPAddressRoleHsrp string = "hsrp" // WritableIPAddressRoleGlbp captures enum value "glbp" WritableIPAddressRoleGlbp string = "glbp" // WritableIPAddressRoleCarp captures enum value "carp" WritableIPAddressRoleCarp string = "carp" )
const ( // WritableIPAddressStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritableIPAddressStatusActive string = "active" // WritableIPAddressStatusReserved captures enum value "reserved" WritableIPAddressStatusReserved string = "reserved" // WritableIPAddressStatusDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" WritableIPAddressStatusDeprecated string = "deprecated" // WritableIPAddressStatusDhcp captures enum value "dhcp" WritableIPAddressStatusDhcp string = "dhcp" // WritableIPAddressStatusSlaac captures enum value "slaac" WritableIPAddressStatusSlaac string = "slaac" )
const ( // WritablePowerFeedPhaseSinglePhase captures enum value "single-phase" WritablePowerFeedPhaseSinglePhase string = "single-phase" // WritablePowerFeedPhaseThreePhase captures enum value "three-phase" WritablePowerFeedPhaseThreePhase string = "three-phase" )
const ( // WritablePowerFeedStatusOffline captures enum value "offline" WritablePowerFeedStatusOffline string = "offline" // WritablePowerFeedStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritablePowerFeedStatusActive string = "active" // WritablePowerFeedStatusPlanned captures enum value "planned" WritablePowerFeedStatusPlanned string = "planned" // WritablePowerFeedStatusFailed captures enum value "failed" WritablePowerFeedStatusFailed string = "failed" )
const ( // WritablePowerFeedSupplyAc captures enum value "ac" WritablePowerFeedSupplyAc string = "ac" // WritablePowerFeedSupplyDc captures enum value "dc" WritablePowerFeedSupplyDc string = "dc" )
const ( // WritablePowerFeedTypePrimary captures enum value "primary" WritablePowerFeedTypePrimary string = "primary" // WritablePowerFeedTypeRedundant captures enum value "redundant" WritablePowerFeedTypeRedundant string = "redundant" )
const ( // WritablePowerOutletFeedLegA captures enum value "A" WritablePowerOutletFeedLegA string = "A" // WritablePowerOutletFeedLegB captures enum value "B" WritablePowerOutletFeedLegB string = "B" // WritablePowerOutletFeedLegC captures enum value "C" WritablePowerOutletFeedLegC string = "C" )
const ( // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C5 captures enum value "iec-60320-c5" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C5 string = "iec-60320-c5" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C7 captures enum value "iec-60320-c7" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C7 string = "iec-60320-c7" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C13 captures enum value "iec-60320-c13" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C13 string = "iec-60320-c13" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C15 captures enum value "iec-60320-c15" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C15 string = "iec-60320-c15" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C19 captures enum value "iec-60320-c19" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60320C19 string = "iec-60320-c19" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60309pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60309pne4h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60309pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60309pne6h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60309pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec60309pne9h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603092pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603092pe4h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603092pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603092pe6h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603092pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603092pe9h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pe4h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pe6h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pe9h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pne4h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pne6h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" WritablePowerOutletTypeIec603093pne9h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema115r captures enum value "nema-1-15r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema115r string = "nema-1-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema515r captures enum value "nema-5-15r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema515r string = "nema-5-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema520r captures enum value "nema-5-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema520r string = "nema-5-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema530r captures enum value "nema-5-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema530r string = "nema-5-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema550r captures enum value "nema-5-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema550r string = "nema-5-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema615r captures enum value "nema-6-15r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema615r string = "nema-6-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema620r captures enum value "nema-6-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema620r string = "nema-6-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema630r captures enum value "nema-6-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema630r string = "nema-6-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema650r captures enum value "nema-6-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema650r string = "nema-6-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1030r captures enum value "nema-10-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1030r string = "nema-10-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1050r captures enum value "nema-10-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1050r string = "nema-10-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1420r captures enum value "nema-14-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1420r string = "nema-14-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1430r captures enum value "nema-14-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1430r string = "nema-14-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1450r captures enum value "nema-14-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1450r string = "nema-14-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1460r captures enum value "nema-14-60r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1460r string = "nema-14-60r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1515r captures enum value "nema-15-15r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1515r string = "nema-15-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1520r captures enum value "nema-15-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1520r string = "nema-15-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1530r captures enum value "nema-15-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1530r string = "nema-15-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1550r captures enum value "nema-15-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1550r string = "nema-15-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1560r captures enum value "nema-15-60r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNema1560r string = "nema-15-60r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL115r captures enum value "nema-l1-15r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL115r string = "nema-l1-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL515r captures enum value "nema-l5-15r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL515r string = "nema-l5-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL520r captures enum value "nema-l5-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL520r string = "nema-l5-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL530r captures enum value "nema-l5-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL530r string = "nema-l5-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL550r captures enum value "nema-l5-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL550r string = "nema-l5-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL615r captures enum value "nema-l6-15r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL615r string = "nema-l6-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL620r captures enum value "nema-l6-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL620r string = "nema-l6-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL630r captures enum value "nema-l6-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL630r string = "nema-l6-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL650r captures enum value "nema-l6-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL650r string = "nema-l6-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1030r captures enum value "nema-l10-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1030r string = "nema-l10-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1420r captures enum value "nema-l14-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1420r string = "nema-l14-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1430r captures enum value "nema-l14-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1430r string = "nema-l14-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1450r captures enum value "nema-l14-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1450r string = "nema-l14-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1460r captures enum value "nema-l14-60r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1460r string = "nema-l14-60r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1520r captures enum value "nema-l15-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1520r string = "nema-l15-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1530r captures enum value "nema-l15-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1530r string = "nema-l15-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1550r captures enum value "nema-l15-50r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1550r string = "nema-l15-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1560r captures enum value "nema-l15-60r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL1560r string = "nema-l15-60r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL2120r captures enum value "nema-l21-20r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL2120r string = "nema-l21-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL2130r captures enum value "nema-l21-30r" WritablePowerOutletTypeNemaL2130r string = "nema-l21-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTypeCS6360C captures enum value "CS6360C" WritablePowerOutletTypeCS6360C string = "CS6360C" // WritablePowerOutletTypeCS6364C captures enum value "CS6364C" WritablePowerOutletTypeCS6364C string = "CS6364C" // WritablePowerOutletTypeCS8164C captures enum value "CS8164C" WritablePowerOutletTypeCS8164C string = "CS8164C" // WritablePowerOutletTypeCS8264C captures enum value "CS8264C" WritablePowerOutletTypeCS8264C string = "CS8264C" // WritablePowerOutletTypeCS8364C captures enum value "CS8364C" WritablePowerOutletTypeCS8364C string = "CS8364C" // WritablePowerOutletTypeCS8464C captures enum value "CS8464C" WritablePowerOutletTypeCS8464C string = "CS8464C" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItae captures enum value "ita-e" WritablePowerOutletTypeItae string = "ita-e" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItaf captures enum value "ita-f" WritablePowerOutletTypeItaf string = "ita-f" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItag captures enum value "ita-g" WritablePowerOutletTypeItag string = "ita-g" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItah captures enum value "ita-h" WritablePowerOutletTypeItah string = "ita-h" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItai captures enum value "ita-i" WritablePowerOutletTypeItai string = "ita-i" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItaj captures enum value "ita-j" WritablePowerOutletTypeItaj string = "ita-j" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItak captures enum value "ita-k" WritablePowerOutletTypeItak string = "ita-k" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItal captures enum value "ita-l" WritablePowerOutletTypeItal string = "ita-l" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItam captures enum value "ita-m" WritablePowerOutletTypeItam string = "ita-m" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItan captures enum value "ita-n" WritablePowerOutletTypeItan string = "ita-n" // WritablePowerOutletTypeItao captures enum value "ita-o" WritablePowerOutletTypeItao string = "ita-o" // WritablePowerOutletTypeHdotCx captures enum value "hdot-cx" WritablePowerOutletTypeHdotCx string = "hdot-cx" )
const ( // WritablePowerOutletTemplateFeedLegA captures enum value "A" WritablePowerOutletTemplateFeedLegA string = "A" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateFeedLegB captures enum value "B" WritablePowerOutletTemplateFeedLegB string = "B" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateFeedLegC captures enum value "C" WritablePowerOutletTemplateFeedLegC string = "C" )
const ( // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C5 captures enum value "iec-60320-c5" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C5 string = "iec-60320-c5" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C7 captures enum value "iec-60320-c7" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C7 string = "iec-60320-c7" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C13 captures enum value "iec-60320-c13" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C13 string = "iec-60320-c13" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C15 captures enum value "iec-60320-c15" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C15 string = "iec-60320-c15" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C19 captures enum value "iec-60320-c19" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60320C19 string = "iec-60320-c19" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60309pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60309pne4h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60309pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60309pne6h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60309pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec60309pne9h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603092pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603092pe4h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603092pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603092pe6h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603092pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603092pe9h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pe4h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pe6h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pe9h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pne4h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pne6h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeIec603093pne9h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema115r captures enum value "nema-1-15r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema115r string = "nema-1-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema515r captures enum value "nema-5-15r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema515r string = "nema-5-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema520r captures enum value "nema-5-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema520r string = "nema-5-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema530r captures enum value "nema-5-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema530r string = "nema-5-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema550r captures enum value "nema-5-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema550r string = "nema-5-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema615r captures enum value "nema-6-15r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema615r string = "nema-6-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema620r captures enum value "nema-6-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema620r string = "nema-6-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema630r captures enum value "nema-6-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema630r string = "nema-6-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema650r captures enum value "nema-6-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema650r string = "nema-6-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1030r captures enum value "nema-10-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1030r string = "nema-10-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1050r captures enum value "nema-10-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1050r string = "nema-10-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1420r captures enum value "nema-14-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1420r string = "nema-14-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1430r captures enum value "nema-14-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1430r string = "nema-14-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1450r captures enum value "nema-14-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1450r string = "nema-14-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1460r captures enum value "nema-14-60r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1460r string = "nema-14-60r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1515r captures enum value "nema-15-15r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1515r string = "nema-15-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1520r captures enum value "nema-15-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1520r string = "nema-15-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1530r captures enum value "nema-15-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1530r string = "nema-15-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1550r captures enum value "nema-15-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1550r string = "nema-15-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1560r captures enum value "nema-15-60r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNema1560r string = "nema-15-60r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL115r captures enum value "nema-l1-15r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL115r string = "nema-l1-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL515r captures enum value "nema-l5-15r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL515r string = "nema-l5-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL520r captures enum value "nema-l5-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL520r string = "nema-l5-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL530r captures enum value "nema-l5-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL530r string = "nema-l5-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL550r captures enum value "nema-l5-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL550r string = "nema-l5-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL615r captures enum value "nema-l6-15r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL615r string = "nema-l6-15r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL620r captures enum value "nema-l6-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL620r string = "nema-l6-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL630r captures enum value "nema-l6-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL630r string = "nema-l6-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL650r captures enum value "nema-l6-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL650r string = "nema-l6-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1030r captures enum value "nema-l10-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1030r string = "nema-l10-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1420r captures enum value "nema-l14-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1420r string = "nema-l14-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1430r captures enum value "nema-l14-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1430r string = "nema-l14-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1450r captures enum value "nema-l14-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1450r string = "nema-l14-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1460r captures enum value "nema-l14-60r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1460r string = "nema-l14-60r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1520r captures enum value "nema-l15-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1520r string = "nema-l15-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1530r captures enum value "nema-l15-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1530r string = "nema-l15-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1550r captures enum value "nema-l15-50r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1550r string = "nema-l15-50r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1560r captures enum value "nema-l15-60r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL1560r string = "nema-l15-60r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL2120r captures enum value "nema-l21-20r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL2120r string = "nema-l21-20r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL2130r captures enum value "nema-l21-30r" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeNemaL2130r string = "nema-l21-30r" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS6360C captures enum value "CS6360C" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS6360C string = "CS6360C" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS6364C captures enum value "CS6364C" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS6364C string = "CS6364C" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS8164C captures enum value "CS8164C" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS8164C string = "CS8164C" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS8264C captures enum value "CS8264C" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS8264C string = "CS8264C" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS8364C captures enum value "CS8364C" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS8364C string = "CS8364C" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS8464C captures enum value "CS8464C" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeCS8464C string = "CS8464C" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItae captures enum value "ita-e" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItae string = "ita-e" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItaf captures enum value "ita-f" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItaf string = "ita-f" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItag captures enum value "ita-g" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItag string = "ita-g" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItah captures enum value "ita-h" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItah string = "ita-h" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItai captures enum value "ita-i" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItai string = "ita-i" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItaj captures enum value "ita-j" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItaj string = "ita-j" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItak captures enum value "ita-k" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItak string = "ita-k" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItal captures enum value "ita-l" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItal string = "ita-l" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItam captures enum value "ita-m" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItam string = "ita-m" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItan captures enum value "ita-n" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItan string = "ita-n" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItao captures enum value "ita-o" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeItao string = "ita-o" // WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeHdotCx captures enum value "hdot-cx" WritablePowerOutletTemplateTypeHdotCx string = "hdot-cx" )
const ( // WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C6 captures enum value "iec-60320-c6" WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C6 string = "iec-60320-c6" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C8 captures enum value "iec-60320-c8" WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C8 string = "iec-60320-c8" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C14 captures enum value "iec-60320-c14" WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C14 string = "iec-60320-c14" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C16 captures enum value "iec-60320-c16" WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C16 string = "iec-60320-c16" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C20 captures enum value "iec-60320-c20" WritablePowerPortTypeIec60320C20 string = "iec-60320-c20" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec60309pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec60309pne4h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec60309pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec60309pne6h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec60309pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec60309pne9h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603092pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603092pe4h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603092pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603092pe6h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603092pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603092pe9h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pe4h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pe6h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pe9h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pne4h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pne6h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" // WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" WritablePowerPortTypeIec603093pne9h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema115p captures enum value "nema-1-15p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema115p string = "nema-1-15p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema515p captures enum value "nema-5-15p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema515p string = "nema-5-15p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema520p captures enum value "nema-5-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema520p string = "nema-5-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema530p captures enum value "nema-5-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema530p string = "nema-5-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema550p captures enum value "nema-5-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema550p string = "nema-5-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema615p captures enum value "nema-6-15p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema615p string = "nema-6-15p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema620p captures enum value "nema-6-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema620p string = "nema-6-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema630p captures enum value "nema-6-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema630p string = "nema-6-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema650p captures enum value "nema-6-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema650p string = "nema-6-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1030p captures enum value "nema-10-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1030p string = "nema-10-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1050p captures enum value "nema-10-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1050p string = "nema-10-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1420p captures enum value "nema-14-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1420p string = "nema-14-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1430p captures enum value "nema-14-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1430p string = "nema-14-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1450p captures enum value "nema-14-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1450p string = "nema-14-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1460p captures enum value "nema-14-60p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1460p string = "nema-14-60p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1515p captures enum value "nema-15-15p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1515p string = "nema-15-15p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1520p captures enum value "nema-15-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1520p string = "nema-15-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1530p captures enum value "nema-15-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1530p string = "nema-15-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1550p captures enum value "nema-15-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1550p string = "nema-15-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNema1560p captures enum value "nema-15-60p" WritablePowerPortTypeNema1560p string = "nema-15-60p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL115p captures enum value "nema-l1-15p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL115p string = "nema-l1-15p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL515p captures enum value "nema-l5-15p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL515p string = "nema-l5-15p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL520p captures enum value "nema-l5-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL520p string = "nema-l5-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL530p captures enum value "nema-l5-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL530p string = "nema-l5-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL550p captures enum value "nema-l5-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL550p string = "nema-l5-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL615p captures enum value "nema-l6-15p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL615p string = "nema-l6-15p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL620p captures enum value "nema-l6-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL620p string = "nema-l6-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL630p captures enum value "nema-l6-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL630p string = "nema-l6-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL650p captures enum value "nema-l6-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL650p string = "nema-l6-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1030p captures enum value "nema-l10-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1030p string = "nema-l10-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1420p captures enum value "nema-l14-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1420p string = "nema-l14-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1430p captures enum value "nema-l14-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1430p string = "nema-l14-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1450p captures enum value "nema-l14-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1450p string = "nema-l14-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1460p captures enum value "nema-l14-60p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1460p string = "nema-l14-60p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1520p captures enum value "nema-l15-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1520p string = "nema-l15-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1530p captures enum value "nema-l15-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1530p string = "nema-l15-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1550p captures enum value "nema-l15-50p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1550p string = "nema-l15-50p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1560p captures enum value "nema-l15-60p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL1560p string = "nema-l15-60p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL2120p captures enum value "nema-l21-20p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL2120p string = "nema-l21-20p" // WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL2130p captures enum value "nema-l21-30p" WritablePowerPortTypeNemaL2130p string = "nema-l21-30p" // WritablePowerPortTypeCs6361c captures enum value "cs6361c" WritablePowerPortTypeCs6361c string = "cs6361c" // WritablePowerPortTypeCs6365c captures enum value "cs6365c" WritablePowerPortTypeCs6365c string = "cs6365c" // WritablePowerPortTypeCs8165c captures enum value "cs8165c" WritablePowerPortTypeCs8165c string = "cs8165c" // WritablePowerPortTypeCs8265c captures enum value "cs8265c" WritablePowerPortTypeCs8265c string = "cs8265c" // WritablePowerPortTypeCs8365c captures enum value "cs8365c" WritablePowerPortTypeCs8365c string = "cs8365c" // WritablePowerPortTypeCs8465c captures enum value "cs8465c" WritablePowerPortTypeCs8465c string = "cs8465c" // WritablePowerPortTypeItae captures enum value "ita-e" WritablePowerPortTypeItae string = "ita-e" // WritablePowerPortTypeItaf captures enum value "ita-f" WritablePowerPortTypeItaf string = "ita-f" // WritablePowerPortTypeItaEf captures enum value "ita-ef" WritablePowerPortTypeItaEf string = "ita-ef" // WritablePowerPortTypeItag captures enum value "ita-g" WritablePowerPortTypeItag string = "ita-g" // WritablePowerPortTypeItah captures enum value "ita-h" WritablePowerPortTypeItah string = "ita-h" // WritablePowerPortTypeItai captures enum value "ita-i" WritablePowerPortTypeItai string = "ita-i" // WritablePowerPortTypeItaj captures enum value "ita-j" WritablePowerPortTypeItaj string = "ita-j" // WritablePowerPortTypeItak captures enum value "ita-k" WritablePowerPortTypeItak string = "ita-k" // WritablePowerPortTypeItal captures enum value "ita-l" WritablePowerPortTypeItal string = "ita-l" // WritablePowerPortTypeItam captures enum value "ita-m" WritablePowerPortTypeItam string = "ita-m" // WritablePowerPortTypeItan captures enum value "ita-n" WritablePowerPortTypeItan string = "ita-n" // WritablePowerPortTypeItao captures enum value "ita-o" WritablePowerPortTypeItao string = "ita-o" )
const ( // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C6 captures enum value "iec-60320-c6" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C6 string = "iec-60320-c6" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C8 captures enum value "iec-60320-c8" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C8 string = "iec-60320-c8" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C14 captures enum value "iec-60320-c14" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C14 string = "iec-60320-c14" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C16 captures enum value "iec-60320-c16" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C16 string = "iec-60320-c16" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C20 captures enum value "iec-60320-c20" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60320C20 string = "iec-60320-c20" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60309pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60309pne4h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-4h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60309pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60309pne6h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-6h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60309pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec60309pne9h string = "iec-60309-p-n-e-9h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603092pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603092pe4h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-4h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603092pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603092pe6h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-6h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603092pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603092pe9h string = "iec-60309-2p-e-9h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pe4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pe4h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-4h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pe6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pe6h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-6h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pe9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pe9h string = "iec-60309-3p-e-9h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pne4h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pne4h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pne6h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pne6h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pne9h captures enum value "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeIec603093pne9h string = "iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema115p captures enum value "nema-1-15p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema115p string = "nema-1-15p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema515p captures enum value "nema-5-15p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema515p string = "nema-5-15p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema520p captures enum value "nema-5-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema520p string = "nema-5-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema530p captures enum value "nema-5-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema530p string = "nema-5-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema550p captures enum value "nema-5-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema550p string = "nema-5-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema615p captures enum value "nema-6-15p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema615p string = "nema-6-15p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema620p captures enum value "nema-6-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema620p string = "nema-6-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema630p captures enum value "nema-6-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema630p string = "nema-6-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema650p captures enum value "nema-6-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema650p string = "nema-6-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1030p captures enum value "nema-10-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1030p string = "nema-10-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1050p captures enum value "nema-10-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1050p string = "nema-10-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1420p captures enum value "nema-14-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1420p string = "nema-14-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1430p captures enum value "nema-14-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1430p string = "nema-14-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1450p captures enum value "nema-14-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1450p string = "nema-14-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1460p captures enum value "nema-14-60p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1460p string = "nema-14-60p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1515p captures enum value "nema-15-15p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1515p string = "nema-15-15p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1520p captures enum value "nema-15-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1520p string = "nema-15-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1530p captures enum value "nema-15-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1530p string = "nema-15-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1550p captures enum value "nema-15-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1550p string = "nema-15-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1560p captures enum value "nema-15-60p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNema1560p string = "nema-15-60p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL115p captures enum value "nema-l1-15p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL115p string = "nema-l1-15p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL515p captures enum value "nema-l5-15p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL515p string = "nema-l5-15p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL520p captures enum value "nema-l5-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL520p string = "nema-l5-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL530p captures enum value "nema-l5-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL530p string = "nema-l5-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL550p captures enum value "nema-l5-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL550p string = "nema-l5-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL615p captures enum value "nema-l6-15p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL615p string = "nema-l6-15p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL620p captures enum value "nema-l6-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL620p string = "nema-l6-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL630p captures enum value "nema-l6-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL630p string = "nema-l6-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL650p captures enum value "nema-l6-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL650p string = "nema-l6-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1030p captures enum value "nema-l10-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1030p string = "nema-l10-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1420p captures enum value "nema-l14-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1420p string = "nema-l14-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1430p captures enum value "nema-l14-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1430p string = "nema-l14-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1450p captures enum value "nema-l14-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1450p string = "nema-l14-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1460p captures enum value "nema-l14-60p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1460p string = "nema-l14-60p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1520p captures enum value "nema-l15-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1520p string = "nema-l15-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1530p captures enum value "nema-l15-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1530p string = "nema-l15-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1550p captures enum value "nema-l15-50p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1550p string = "nema-l15-50p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1560p captures enum value "nema-l15-60p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL1560p string = "nema-l15-60p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL2120p captures enum value "nema-l21-20p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL2120p string = "nema-l21-20p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL2130p captures enum value "nema-l21-30p" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeNemaL2130p string = "nema-l21-30p" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs6361c captures enum value "cs6361c" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs6361c string = "cs6361c" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs6365c captures enum value "cs6365c" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs6365c string = "cs6365c" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs8165c captures enum value "cs8165c" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs8165c string = "cs8165c" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs8265c captures enum value "cs8265c" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs8265c string = "cs8265c" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs8365c captures enum value "cs8365c" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs8365c string = "cs8365c" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs8465c captures enum value "cs8465c" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeCs8465c string = "cs8465c" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItae captures enum value "ita-e" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItae string = "ita-e" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItaf captures enum value "ita-f" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItaf string = "ita-f" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItaEf captures enum value "ita-ef" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItaEf string = "ita-ef" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItag captures enum value "ita-g" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItag string = "ita-g" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItah captures enum value "ita-h" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItah string = "ita-h" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItai captures enum value "ita-i" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItai string = "ita-i" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItaj captures enum value "ita-j" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItaj string = "ita-j" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItak captures enum value "ita-k" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItak string = "ita-k" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItal captures enum value "ita-l" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItal string = "ita-l" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItam captures enum value "ita-m" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItam string = "ita-m" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItan captures enum value "ita-n" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItan string = "ita-n" // WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItao captures enum value "ita-o" WritablePowerPortTemplateTypeItao string = "ita-o" )
const ( // WritablePrefixStatusContainer captures enum value "container" WritablePrefixStatusContainer string = "container" // WritablePrefixStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritablePrefixStatusActive string = "active" // WritablePrefixStatusReserved captures enum value "reserved" WritablePrefixStatusReserved string = "reserved" // WritablePrefixStatusDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" WritablePrefixStatusDeprecated string = "deprecated" )
const ( // WritableRackOuterUnitMm captures enum value "mm" WritableRackOuterUnitMm string = "mm" // WritableRackOuterUnitIn captures enum value "in" WritableRackOuterUnitIn string = "in" )
const ( // WritableRackStatusReserved captures enum value "reserved" WritableRackStatusReserved string = "reserved" // WritableRackStatusAvailable captures enum value "available" WritableRackStatusAvailable string = "available" // WritableRackStatusPlanned captures enum value "planned" WritableRackStatusPlanned string = "planned" // WritableRackStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritableRackStatusActive string = "active" // WritableRackStatusDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" WritableRackStatusDeprecated string = "deprecated" )
const ( // WritableRackTypeNr2PostFrame captures enum value "2-post-frame" WritableRackTypeNr2PostFrame string = "2-post-frame" // WritableRackTypeNr4PostFrame captures enum value "4-post-frame" WritableRackTypeNr4PostFrame string = "4-post-frame" // WritableRackTypeNr4PostCabinet captures enum value "4-post-cabinet" WritableRackTypeNr4PostCabinet string = "4-post-cabinet" // WritableRackTypeWallFrame captures enum value "wall-frame" WritableRackTypeWallFrame string = "wall-frame" // WritableRackTypeWallCabinet captures enum value "wall-cabinet" WritableRackTypeWallCabinet string = "wall-cabinet" )
const ( // WritableRearPortTypeNr8p8c captures enum value "8p8c" WritableRearPortTypeNr8p8c string = "8p8c" // WritableRearPortTypeNr8p6c captures enum value "8p6c" WritableRearPortTypeNr8p6c string = "8p6c" // WritableRearPortTypeNr8p4c captures enum value "8p4c" WritableRearPortTypeNr8p4c string = "8p4c" // WritableRearPortTypeNr8p2c captures enum value "8p2c" WritableRearPortTypeNr8p2c string = "8p2c" // WritableRearPortTypeNr110Punch captures enum value "110-punch" WritableRearPortTypeNr110Punch string = "110-punch" // WritableRearPortTypeBnc captures enum value "bnc" WritableRearPortTypeBnc string = "bnc" // WritableRearPortTypeMrj21 captures enum value "mrj21" WritableRearPortTypeMrj21 string = "mrj21" // WritableRearPortTypeFc captures enum value "fc" WritableRearPortTypeFc string = "fc" // WritableRearPortTypeLc captures enum value "lc" WritableRearPortTypeLc string = "lc" // WritableRearPortTypeLcApc captures enum value "lc-apc" WritableRearPortTypeLcApc string = "lc-apc" // WritableRearPortTypeLsh captures enum value "lsh" WritableRearPortTypeLsh string = "lsh" // WritableRearPortTypeLshApc captures enum value "lsh-apc" WritableRearPortTypeLshApc string = "lsh-apc" // WritableRearPortTypeMpo captures enum value "mpo" WritableRearPortTypeMpo string = "mpo" // WritableRearPortTypeMtrj captures enum value "mtrj" WritableRearPortTypeMtrj string = "mtrj" // WritableRearPortTypeSc captures enum value "sc" WritableRearPortTypeSc string = "sc" // WritableRearPortTypeScApc captures enum value "sc-apc" WritableRearPortTypeScApc string = "sc-apc" // WritableRearPortTypeSt captures enum value "st" WritableRearPortTypeSt string = "st" )
const ( // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr8p8c captures enum value "8p8c" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr8p8c string = "8p8c" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr8p6c captures enum value "8p6c" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr8p6c string = "8p6c" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr8p4c captures enum value "8p4c" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr8p4c string = "8p4c" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr8p2c captures enum value "8p2c" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr8p2c string = "8p2c" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr110Punch captures enum value "110-punch" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeNr110Punch string = "110-punch" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeBnc captures enum value "bnc" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeBnc string = "bnc" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeMrj21 captures enum value "mrj21" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeMrj21 string = "mrj21" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeFc captures enum value "fc" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeFc string = "fc" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeLc captures enum value "lc" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeLc string = "lc" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeLcApc captures enum value "lc-apc" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeLcApc string = "lc-apc" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeLsh captures enum value "lsh" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeLsh string = "lsh" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeLshApc captures enum value "lsh-apc" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeLshApc string = "lsh-apc" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeMpo captures enum value "mpo" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeMpo string = "mpo" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeMtrj captures enum value "mtrj" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeMtrj string = "mtrj" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeSc captures enum value "sc" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeSc string = "sc" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeScApc captures enum value "sc-apc" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeScApc string = "sc-apc" // WritableRearPortTemplateTypeSt captures enum value "st" WritableRearPortTemplateTypeSt string = "st" )
const ( // WritableServiceProtocolTCP captures enum value "tcp" WritableServiceProtocolTCP string = "tcp" // WritableServiceProtocolUDP captures enum value "udp" WritableServiceProtocolUDP string = "udp" )
const ( // WritableSiteStatusPlanned captures enum value "planned" WritableSiteStatusPlanned string = "planned" // WritableSiteStatusStaging captures enum value "staging" WritableSiteStatusStaging string = "staging" // WritableSiteStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritableSiteStatusActive string = "active" // WritableSiteStatusDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" WritableSiteStatusDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" // WritableSiteStatusRetired captures enum value "retired" WritableSiteStatusRetired string = "retired" )
const ( // WritableVLANStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritableVLANStatusActive string = "active" // WritableVLANStatusReserved captures enum value "reserved" WritableVLANStatusReserved string = "reserved" // WritableVLANStatusDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" WritableVLANStatusDeprecated string = "deprecated" )
const ( // WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusOffline captures enum value "offline" WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusOffline string = "offline" // WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusActive captures enum value "active" WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusActive string = "active" // WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusPlanned captures enum value "planned" WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusPlanned string = "planned" // WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusStaged captures enum value "staged" WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusStaged string = "staged" // WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusFailed captures enum value "failed" WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusFailed string = "failed" // WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusDecommissioning captures enum value "decommissioning" WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatusDecommissioning string = "decommissioning" )
const ( // WritableVMInterfaceModeAccess captures enum value "access" WritableVMInterfaceModeAccess string = "access" // WritableVMInterfaceModeTagged captures enum value "tagged" WritableVMInterfaceModeTagged string = "tagged" // WritableVMInterfaceModeTaggedAll captures enum value "tagged-all" WritableVMInterfaceModeTaggedAll string = "tagged-all" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Aggregate ¶
type Aggregate struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Date added // Format: date DateAdded *strfmt.Date `json:"date_added,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // family Family *AggregateFamily `json:"family,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Prefix // Required: true Prefix *string `json:"prefix"` // rir // Required: true Rir *NestedRIR `json:"rir"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Aggregate aggregate
swagger:model Aggregate
func (*Aggregate) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Aggregate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AggregateFamily ¶
type AggregateFamily struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [IPv4 IPv6] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [4 6] Value *int64 `json:"value"` }
AggregateFamily Family
swagger:model AggregateFamily
func (*AggregateFamily) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AggregateFamily) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AggregateFamily) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AggregateFamily) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AvailableIP ¶
type AvailableIP struct { // Address // Read Only: true // Min Length: 1 Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // Family // Read Only: true Family int64 `json:"family,omitempty"` // vrf Vrf *NestedVRF `json:"vrf,omitempty"` }
AvailableIP available IP
swagger:model AvailableIP
func (*AvailableIP) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AvailableIP) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AvailableIP) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AvailableIP) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AvailablePrefix ¶
type AvailablePrefix struct { // Family // Read Only: true Family int64 `json:"family,omitempty"` // Prefix // Read Only: true // Min Length: 1 Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty"` // vrf Vrf *NestedVRF `json:"vrf,omitempty"` }
AvailablePrefix available prefix
swagger:model AvailablePrefix
func (*AvailablePrefix) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AvailablePrefix) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AvailablePrefix) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AvailablePrefix) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Cable ¶
type Cable struct { // Color // Max Length: 6 // Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{6}$ Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // Max Length: 100 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Length // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 Length *int64 `json:"length,omitempty"` // length unit LengthUnit *CableLengthUnit `json:"length_unit,omitempty"` // status Status *CableStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Termination a // Read Only: true Terminationa map[string]string `json:"termination_a,omitempty"` // Termination a id // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 TerminationaID *int64 `json:"termination_a_id"` // Termination a type // Required: true TerminationaType *string `json:"termination_a_type"` // Termination b // Read Only: true Terminationb map[string]string `json:"termination_b,omitempty"` // Termination b id // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 TerminationbID *int64 `json:"termination_b_id"` // Termination b type // Required: true TerminationbType *string `json:"termination_b_type"` // Type // Enum: [cat3 cat5 cat5e cat6 cat6a cat7 dac-active dac-passive mrj21-trunk coaxial mmf mmf-om1 mmf-om2 mmf-om3 mmf-om4 smf smf-os1 smf-os2 aoc power] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Cable cable
swagger:model Cable
func (*Cable) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Cable) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CableLengthUnit ¶
type CableLengthUnit struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Meters Centimeters Feet Inches] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [m cm ft in] Value *string `json:"value"` }
CableLengthUnit Length unit
swagger:model CableLengthUnit
func (*CableLengthUnit) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CableLengthUnit) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CableLengthUnit) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CableLengthUnit) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CableStatus ¶
type CableStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Connected Planned Decommissioning] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [connected planned decommissioning] Value *string `json:"value"` }
CableStatus Status
swagger:model CableStatus
func (*CableStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CableStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CableStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CableStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Circuit ¶
type Circuit struct { // Circuit ID // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Cid *string `json:"cid"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Commit rate (Kbps) // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 CommitRate *int64 `json:"commit_rate,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Date installed // Format: date InstallDate *strfmt.Date `json:"install_date,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // provider // Required: true Provider *NestedProvider `json:"provider"` // status Status *CircuitStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // termination a Terminationa *CircuitCircuitTermination `json:"termination_a,omitempty"` // termination z Terminationz *CircuitCircuitTermination `json:"termination_z,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type *NestedCircuitType `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Circuit circuit
swagger:model Circuit
func (*Circuit) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Circuit) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CircuitCircuitTermination ¶
type CircuitCircuitTermination struct { // connected endpoint // Required: true ConnectedEndpoint *NestedInterface `json:"connected_endpoint"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Port speed (Kbps) // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed"` // site // Required: true Site *NestedSite `json:"site"` // Upstream speed (Kbps) // // Upstream speed, if different from port speed // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 UpstreamSpeed *int64 `json:"upstream_speed,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Cross-connect ID // Max Length: 50 XconnectID string `json:"xconnect_id,omitempty"` }
CircuitCircuitTermination Termination a
swagger:model CircuitCircuitTermination
func (*CircuitCircuitTermination) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitCircuitTermination) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CircuitCircuitTermination) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitCircuitTermination) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CircuitStatus ¶
type CircuitStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Planned Provisioning Active Offline Deprovisioning Decommissioned] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [planned provisioning active offline deprovisioning decommissioned] Value *string `json:"value"` }
CircuitStatus Status
swagger:model CircuitStatus
func (*CircuitStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CircuitStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CircuitTermination ¶
type CircuitTermination struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // circuit // Required: true Circuit *NestedCircuit `json:"circuit"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // connection status ConnectionStatus *CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Port speed (Kbps) // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed"` // Patch panel/port(s) // Max Length: 100 PpInfo string `json:"pp_info,omitempty"` // site // Required: true Site *NestedSite `json:"site"` // Termination // Required: true // Enum: [A Z] TermSide *string `json:"term_side"` // Upstream speed (Kbps) // // Upstream speed, if different from port speed // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 UpstreamSpeed *int64 `json:"upstream_speed,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Cross-connect ID // Max Length: 50 XconnectID string `json:"xconnect_id,omitempty"` }
CircuitTermination circuit termination
swagger:model CircuitTermination
func (*CircuitTermination) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitTermination) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CircuitTermination) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitTermination) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus ¶
type CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus
func (*CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitTerminationConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CircuitType ¶
type CircuitType struct { // Circuit count // Read Only: true CircuitCount int64 `json:"circuit_count,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
CircuitType circuit type
swagger:model CircuitType
func (*CircuitType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CircuitType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CircuitType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Cluster ¶
type Cluster struct { // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // group Group *NestedClusterGroup `json:"group,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // site Site *NestedSite `json:"site,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type *NestedClusterType `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` }
Cluster cluster
swagger:model Cluster
func (*Cluster) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Cluster) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ClusterGroup ¶
type ClusterGroup struct { // Cluster count // Read Only: true ClusterCount int64 `json:"cluster_count,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ClusterGroup cluster group
swagger:model ClusterGroup
func (*ClusterGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ClusterGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ClusterGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ClusterGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ClusterType ¶
type ClusterType struct { // Cluster count // Read Only: true ClusterCount int64 `json:"cluster_count,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ClusterType cluster type
swagger:model ClusterType
func (*ClusterType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ClusterType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ClusterType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ClusterType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConfigContext ¶
type ConfigContext struct { // cluster groups // Unique: true ClusterGroups []*NestedClusterGroup `json:"cluster_groups"` // clusters // Unique: true Clusters []*NestedCluster `json:"clusters"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Data // Required: true Data *string `json:"data"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Is active IsActive bool `json:"is_active,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // platforms // Unique: true Platforms []*NestedPlatform `json:"platforms"` // regions // Unique: true Regions []*NestedRegion `json:"regions"` // roles // Unique: true Roles []*NestedDeviceRole `json:"roles"` // sites // Unique: true Sites []*NestedSite `json:"sites"` // tags // Unique: true Tags []string `json:"tags"` // tenant groups // Unique: true TenantGroups []*NestedTenantGroup `json:"tenant_groups"` // tenants // Unique: true Tenants []*NestedTenant `json:"tenants"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Weight // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
ConfigContext config context
swagger:model ConfigContext
func (*ConfigContext) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigContext) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsolePort ¶
type ConsolePort struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // connection status ConnectionStatus *ConsolePortConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // type Type *ConsolePortType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ConsolePort console port
swagger:model ConsolePort
func (*ConsolePort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsolePort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsolePortConnectionStatus ¶
type ConsolePortConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
ConsolePortConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model ConsolePortConnectionStatus
func (*ConsolePortConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePortConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsolePortConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePortConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsolePortTemplate ¶
type ConsolePortTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // type Type *ConsolePortTemplateType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ConsolePortTemplate console port template
swagger:model ConsolePortTemplate
func (*ConsolePortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsolePortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsolePortTemplateType ¶
type ConsolePortTemplateType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [DE-9 DB-25 RJ-11 RJ-12 RJ-45 USB Type A USB Type B USB Type C USB Mini A USB Mini B USB Micro A USB Micro B Other] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [de-9 db-25 rj-11 rj-12 rj-45 usb-a usb-b usb-c usb-mini-a usb-mini-b usb-micro-a usb-micro-b other] Value *string `json:"value"` }
ConsolePortTemplateType Type
swagger:model ConsolePortTemplateType
func (*ConsolePortTemplateType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePortTemplateType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsolePortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsolePortType ¶
type ConsolePortType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [DE-9 DB-25 RJ-11 RJ-12 RJ-45 USB Type A USB Type B USB Type C USB Mini A USB Mini B USB Micro A USB Micro B Other] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [de-9 db-25 rj-11 rj-12 rj-45 usb-a usb-b usb-c usb-mini-a usb-mini-b usb-micro-a usb-micro-b other] Value *string `json:"value"` }
ConsolePortType Type
swagger:model ConsolePortType
func (*ConsolePortType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePortType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsolePortType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsolePortType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsoleServerPort ¶
type ConsoleServerPort struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // connection status ConnectionStatus *ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // type Type *ConsoleServerPortType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ConsoleServerPort console server port
swagger:model ConsoleServerPort
func (*ConsoleServerPort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsoleServerPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus ¶
type ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus
func (*ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPortConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsoleServerPortTemplate ¶
type ConsoleServerPortTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // type Type *ConsoleServerPortTemplateType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ConsoleServerPortTemplate console server port template
swagger:model ConsoleServerPortTemplate
func (*ConsoleServerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsoleServerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsoleServerPortTemplateType ¶
type ConsoleServerPortTemplateType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [DE-9 DB-25 RJ-11 RJ-12 RJ-45 USB Type A USB Type B USB Type C USB Mini A USB Mini B USB Micro A USB Micro B Other] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [de-9 db-25 rj-11 rj-12 rj-45 usb-a usb-b usb-c usb-mini-a usb-mini-b usb-micro-a usb-micro-b other] Value *string `json:"value"` }
ConsoleServerPortTemplateType Type
swagger:model ConsoleServerPortTemplateType
func (*ConsoleServerPortTemplateType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPortTemplateType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsoleServerPortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConsoleServerPortType ¶
type ConsoleServerPortType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [DE-9 DB-25 RJ-11 RJ-12 RJ-45 USB Type A USB Type B USB Type C USB Mini A USB Mini B USB Micro A USB Micro B Other] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [de-9 db-25 rj-11 rj-12 rj-45 usb-a usb-b usb-c usb-mini-a usb-mini-b usb-micro-a usb-micro-b other] Value *string `json:"value"` }
ConsoleServerPortType Type
swagger:model ConsoleServerPortType
func (*ConsoleServerPortType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPortType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConsoleServerPortType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConsoleServerPortType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Device ¶
type Device struct { // Asset tag // // A unique tag used to identify this device // Max Length: 50 AssetTag *string `json:"asset_tag,omitempty"` // cluster Cluster *NestedCluster `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // device role // Required: true DeviceRole *NestedDeviceRole `json:"device_role"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // face Face *DeviceFace `json:"face,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Local context data LocalContextData *string `json:"local_context_data,omitempty"` // Name // Max Length: 64 Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // parent device ParentDevice *NestedDevice `json:"parent_device,omitempty"` // platform Platform *NestedPlatform `json:"platform,omitempty"` // Position (U) // // The lowest-numbered unit occupied by the device // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 Position *int64 `json:"position,omitempty"` // primary ip PrimaryIP *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` // primary ip4 PrimaryIp4 *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip4,omitempty"` // primary ip6 PrimaryIp6 *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip6,omitempty"` // rack Rack *NestedRack `json:"rack,omitempty"` // Serial number // Max Length: 50 Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"` // site // Required: true Site *NestedSite `json:"site"` // status Status *DeviceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Vc position // Maximum: 255 // Minimum: 0 VcPosition *int64 `json:"vc_position,omitempty"` // Vc priority // Maximum: 255 // Minimum: 0 VcPriority *int64 `json:"vc_priority,omitempty"` // virtual chassis VirtualChassis *NestedVirtualChassis `json:"virtual_chassis,omitempty"` }
Device device
swagger:model Device
func (*Device) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Device) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceBay ¶
type DeviceBay struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // installed device InstalledDevice *NestedDevice `json:"installed_device,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
DeviceBay device bay
swagger:model DeviceBay
func (*DeviceBay) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceBay) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceBayTemplate ¶
type DeviceBayTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
DeviceBayTemplate device bay template
swagger:model DeviceBayTemplate
func (*DeviceBayTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceBayTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceBayTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceBayTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceFace ¶
type DeviceFace struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Front Rear] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [front rear] Value *string `json:"value"` }
DeviceFace Face
swagger:model DeviceFace
func (*DeviceFace) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceFace) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceFace) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceFace) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceNAPALM ¶
DeviceNAPALM device n a p a l m
swagger:model DeviceNAPALM
func (*DeviceNAPALM) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceNAPALM) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceNAPALM) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceNAPALM) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceRole ¶
type DeviceRole struct { // Color // Max Length: 6 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{6}$ Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` // VM Role // // Virtual machines may be assigned to this role VMRole bool `json:"vm_role,omitempty"` }
DeviceRole device role
swagger:model DeviceRole
func (*DeviceRole) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceRole) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceRole) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceStatus ¶
type DeviceStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Offline Active Planned Staged Failed Inventory Decommissioning] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [offline active planned staged failed inventory decommissioning] Value *string `json:"value"` }
DeviceStatus Status
swagger:model DeviceStatus
func (*DeviceStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceType ¶
type DeviceType struct { // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // Front image // Read Only: true // Format: uri FrontImage strfmt.URI `json:"front_image,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Is full depth // // Device consumes both front and rear rack faces IsFullDepth bool `json:"is_full_depth,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // manufacturer // Required: true Manufacturer *NestedManufacturer `json:"manufacturer"` // Model // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Model *string `json:"model"` // Part number // // Discrete part number (optional) // Max Length: 50 PartNumber string `json:"part_number,omitempty"` // Rear image // Read Only: true // Format: uri RearImage strfmt.URI `json:"rear_image,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // subdevice role SubdeviceRole *DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole `json:"subdevice_role,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Height (U) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 UHeight *int64 `json:"u_height,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
DeviceType device type
swagger:model DeviceType
func (*DeviceType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole ¶
type DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Parent Child] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [parent child] Value *string `json:"value"` }
DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole Subdevice role
swagger:model DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole
func (*DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceTypeSubdeviceRole) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceWithConfigContext ¶
type DeviceWithConfigContext struct { // Asset tag // // A unique tag used to identify this device // Max Length: 50 AssetTag *string `json:"asset_tag,omitempty"` // cluster Cluster *NestedCluster `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Config context // Read Only: true ConfigContext map[string]string `json:"config_context,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // device role // Required: true DeviceRole *NestedDeviceRole `json:"device_role"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // face Face *DeviceWithConfigContextFace `json:"face,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Local context data LocalContextData *string `json:"local_context_data,omitempty"` // Name // Max Length: 64 Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // parent device ParentDevice *NestedDevice `json:"parent_device,omitempty"` // platform Platform *NestedPlatform `json:"platform,omitempty"` // Position (U) // // The lowest-numbered unit occupied by the device // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 Position *int64 `json:"position,omitempty"` // primary ip PrimaryIP *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` // primary ip4 PrimaryIp4 *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip4,omitempty"` // primary ip6 PrimaryIp6 *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip6,omitempty"` // rack Rack *NestedRack `json:"rack,omitempty"` // Serial number // Max Length: 50 Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"` // site // Required: true Site *NestedSite `json:"site"` // status Status *DeviceWithConfigContextStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Vc position // Maximum: 255 // Minimum: 0 VcPosition *int64 `json:"vc_position,omitempty"` // Vc priority // Maximum: 255 // Minimum: 0 VcPriority *int64 `json:"vc_priority,omitempty"` // virtual chassis VirtualChassis *NestedVirtualChassis `json:"virtual_chassis,omitempty"` }
DeviceWithConfigContext device with config context
swagger:model DeviceWithConfigContext
func (*DeviceWithConfigContext) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceWithConfigContext) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceWithConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceWithConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceWithConfigContextFace ¶
type DeviceWithConfigContextFace struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Front Rear] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [front rear] Value *string `json:"value"` }
DeviceWithConfigContextFace Face
swagger:model DeviceWithConfigContextFace
func (*DeviceWithConfigContextFace) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceWithConfigContextFace) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceWithConfigContextFace) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceWithConfigContextFace) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceWithConfigContextStatus ¶
type DeviceWithConfigContextStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Offline Active Planned Staged Failed Inventory Decommissioning] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [offline active planned staged failed inventory decommissioning] Value *string `json:"value"` }
DeviceWithConfigContextStatus Status
swagger:model DeviceWithConfigContextStatus
func (*DeviceWithConfigContextStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceWithConfigContextStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceWithConfigContextStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceWithConfigContextStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExportTemplate ¶
type ExportTemplate struct { // Content type // Required: true ContentType *string `json:"content_type"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // File extension // // Extension to append to the rendered filename // Max Length: 15 FileExtension string `json:"file_extension,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // MIME type // // Defaults to <code>text/plain</code> // Max Length: 50 MimeType string `json:"mime_type,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Template code // // The list of objects being exported is passed as a context variable named <code>queryset</code>. // Required: true // Min Length: 1 TemplateCode *string `json:"template_code"` // template language TemplateLanguage *ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage `json:"template_language,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ExportTemplate export template
swagger:model ExportTemplate
func (*ExportTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExportTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExportTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExportTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage ¶
type ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Jinja2 Django (Legacy)] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [jinja2 django] Value *string `json:"value"` }
ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage Template language
swagger:model ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage
func (*ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ExportTemplateTemplateLanguage) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FrontPort ¶
type FrontPort struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // rear port // Required: true RearPort *FrontPortRearPort `json:"rear_port"` // Rear port position // Maximum: 64 // Minimum: 1 RearPortPosition int64 `json:"rear_port_position,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type *FrontPortType `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
FrontPort front port
swagger:model FrontPort
func (*FrontPort) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*FrontPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type FrontPortRearPort ¶
type FrontPortRearPort struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
FrontPortRearPort Rear port
swagger:model FrontPortRearPort
func (*FrontPortRearPort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FrontPortRearPort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*FrontPortRearPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FrontPortRearPort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type FrontPortTemplate ¶
type FrontPortTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // rear port // Required: true RearPort *NestedRearPortTemplate `json:"rear_port"` // Rear port position // Maximum: 64 // Minimum: 1 RearPortPosition int64 `json:"rear_port_position,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type *FrontPortTemplateType `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
FrontPortTemplate front port template
swagger:model FrontPortTemplate
func (*FrontPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FrontPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*FrontPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FrontPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type FrontPortTemplateType ¶
type FrontPortTemplateType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [8P8C 8P6C 8P4C 8P2C 110 Punch BNC MRJ21 FC LC LC/APC LSH LSH/APC MPO MTRJ SC SC/APC ST] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [8p8c 8p6c 8p4c 8p2c 110-punch bnc mrj21 fc lc lc-apc lsh lsh-apc mpo mtrj sc sc-apc st] Value *string `json:"value"` }
FrontPortTemplateType Type
swagger:model FrontPortTemplateType
func (*FrontPortTemplateType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FrontPortTemplateType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*FrontPortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FrontPortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type FrontPortType ¶
type FrontPortType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [8P8C 8P6C 8P4C 8P2C 110 Punch BNC MRJ21 FC LC LC/APC LSH LSH/APC MPO MTRJ SC SC/APC ST] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [8p8c 8p6c 8p4c 8p2c 110-punch bnc mrj21 fc lc lc-apc lsh lsh-apc mpo mtrj sc sc-apc st] Value *string `json:"value"` }
FrontPortType Type
swagger:model FrontPortType
func (*FrontPortType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FrontPortType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*FrontPortType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FrontPortType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Graph ¶
type Graph struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Link URL // Max Length: 200 // Format: uri Link strfmt.URI `json:"link,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Source URL // Required: true // Max Length: 500 // Min Length: 1 Source *string `json:"source"` // Template language // Enum: [jinja2 django] TemplateLanguage string `json:"template_language,omitempty"` // Type // Required: true Type *string `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Weight // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
Graph graph
swagger:model Graph
func (*Graph) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Graph) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Group ¶
type Group struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 150 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // User count // Read Only: true UserCount int64 `json:"user_count,omitempty"` }
Group group
swagger:model Group
func (*Group) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Group) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IPAddress ¶
type IPAddress struct { // Address // // IPv4 or IPv6 address (with mask) // Required: true Address *string `json:"address"` // Assigned object // Read Only: true AssignedObject interface{} `json:"assigned_object,omitempty"` // Assigned object id // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 AssignedObjectID *int64 `json:"assigned_object_id,omitempty"` // Assigned object type AssignedObjectType string `json:"assigned_object_type,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // DNS Name // // Hostname or FQDN (not case-sensitive) // Max Length: 255 // Pattern: ^[0-9A-Za-z._-]+$ DNSName string `json:"dns_name,omitempty"` // family Family *IPAddressFamily `json:"family,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // nat inside NatInside *NestedIPAddress `json:"nat_inside,omitempty"` // nat outside NatOutside *NestedIPAddress `json:"nat_outside,omitempty"` // role Role *IPAddressRole `json:"role,omitempty"` // status Status *IPAddressStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // vrf Vrf *NestedVRF `json:"vrf,omitempty"` }
IPAddress IP address
swagger:model IPAddress
func (*IPAddress) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IPAddress) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IPAddressFamily ¶
type IPAddressFamily struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [IPv4 IPv6] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [4 6] Value *int64 `json:"value"` }
IPAddressFamily Family
swagger:model IPAddressFamily
func (*IPAddressFamily) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IPAddressFamily) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IPAddressFamily) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IPAddressFamily) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IPAddressRole ¶
type IPAddressRole struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Loopback Secondary Anycast VIP VRRP HSRP GLBP CARP] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [loopback secondary anycast vip vrrp hsrp glbp carp] Value *string `json:"value"` }
IPAddressRole Role
swagger:model IPAddressRole
func (*IPAddressRole) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IPAddressRole) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IPAddressRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IPAddressRole) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IPAddressStatus ¶
type IPAddressStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Active Reserved Deprecated DHCP SLAAC] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [active reserved deprecated dhcp slaac] Value *string `json:"value"` }
IPAddressStatus Status
swagger:model IPAddressStatus
func (*IPAddressStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IPAddressStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IPAddressStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IPAddressStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ImageAttachment ¶
type ImageAttachment struct { // Content type // Required: true ContentType *string `json:"content_type"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date-time Created strfmt.DateTime `json:"created,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Image // Read Only: true // Format: uri Image strfmt.URI `json:"image,omitempty"` // Image height // Required: true // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 ImageHeight *int64 `json:"image_height"` // Image width // Required: true // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 ImageWidth *int64 `json:"image_width"` // Name // Max Length: 50 Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Object id // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 ObjectID *int64 `json:"object_id"` // Parent // Read Only: true Parent map[string]string `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
ImageAttachment image attachment
swagger:model ImageAttachment
func (*ImageAttachment) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ImageAttachment) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ImageAttachment) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ImageAttachment) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Interface ¶
type Interface struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // connection status ConnectionStatus *InterfaceConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Count ipaddresses // Read Only: true CountIpaddresses int64 `json:"count_ipaddresses,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // Enabled Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // lag Lag *NestedInterface `json:"lag,omitempty"` // MAC Address MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address,omitempty"` // OOB Management // // This interface is used only for out-of-band management MgmtOnly bool `json:"mgmt_only,omitempty"` // mode Mode *InterfaceMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // MTU // Maximum: 65536 // Minimum: 1 Mtu *int64 `json:"mtu,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Parent // Required: false Parent *NestedInterface `json:"parent,omitempty"` // tagged vlans // Unique: true TaggedVlans []*NestedVLAN `json:"tagged_vlans"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type *InterfaceType `json:"type"` // untagged vlan UntaggedVlan *NestedVLAN `json:"untagged_vlan,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Interface interface
swagger:model Interface
func (*Interface) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Interface) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InterfaceConnection ¶
type InterfaceConnection struct { // connection status ConnectionStatus *InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // interface a Interfacea *NestedInterface `json:"interface_a,omitempty"` // interface b // Required: true Interfaceb *NestedInterface `json:"interface_b"` }
InterfaceConnection interface connection
swagger:model InterfaceConnection
func (*InterfaceConnection) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceConnection) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InterfaceConnection) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceConnection) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus ¶
type InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus
func (*InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceConnectionConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InterfaceConnectionStatus ¶
type InterfaceConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
InterfaceConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model InterfaceConnectionStatus
func (*InterfaceConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InterfaceConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InterfaceMode ¶
type InterfaceMode struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Access Tagged Tagged (All)] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [access tagged tagged-all] Value *string `json:"value"` }
InterfaceMode Mode
swagger:model InterfaceMode
func (*InterfaceMode) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceMode) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InterfaceMode) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceMode) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InterfaceTemplate ¶
type InterfaceTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Management only MgmtOnly bool `json:"mgmt_only,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // type // Required: true Type *InterfaceTemplateType `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
InterfaceTemplate interface template
swagger:model InterfaceTemplate
func (*InterfaceTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InterfaceTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InterfaceTemplateType ¶
type InterfaceTemplateType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Virtual Link Aggregation Group (LAG) 100BASE-TX (10/100ME) 1000BASE-T (1GE) 2.5GBASE-T (2.5GE) 5GBASE-T (5GE) 10GBASE-T (10GE) 10GBASE-CX4 (10GE) GBIC (1GE) SFP (1GE) SFP+ (10GE) XFP (10GE) XENPAK (10GE) X2 (10GE) SFP28 (25GE) QSFP+ (40GE) QSFP28 (50GE) CFP (100GE) CFP2 (100GE) CFP2 (200GE) CFP4 (100GE) Cisco CPAK (100GE) QSFP28 (100GE) QSFP56 (200GE) QSFP-DD (400GE) OSFP (400GE) IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11b/g IEEE 802.11n IEEE 802.11ac IEEE 802.11ad IEEE 802.11ax GSM CDMA LTE OC-3/STM-1 OC-12/STM-4 OC-48/STM-16 OC-192/STM-64 OC-768/STM-256 OC-1920/STM-640 OC-3840/STM-1234 SFP (1GFC) SFP (2GFC) SFP (4GFC) SFP+ (8GFC) SFP+ (16GFC) SFP28 (32GFC) QSFP28 (128GFC) SDR (2 Gbps) DDR (4 Gbps) QDR (8 Gbps) FDR10 (10 Gbps) FDR (13.5 Gbps) EDR (25 Gbps) HDR (50 Gbps) NDR (100 Gbps) XDR (250 Gbps) T1 (1.544 Mbps) E1 (2.048 Mbps) T3 (45 Mbps) E3 (34 Mbps) Cisco StackWise Cisco StackWise Plus Cisco FlexStack Cisco FlexStack Plus Juniper VCP Extreme SummitStack Extreme SummitStack-128 Extreme SummitStack-256 Extreme SummitStack-512 Other] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [virtual lag 100base-tx 1000base-t 2.5gbase-t 5gbase-t 10gbase-t 10gbase-cx4 1000base-x-gbic 1000base-x-sfp 10gbase-x-sfpp 10gbase-x-xfp 10gbase-x-xenpak 10gbase-x-x2 25gbase-x-sfp28 40gbase-x-qsfpp 50gbase-x-sfp28 100gbase-x-cfp 100gbase-x-cfp2 200gbase-x-cfp2 100gbase-x-cfp4 100gbase-x-cpak 100gbase-x-qsfp28 200gbase-x-qsfp56 400gbase-x-qsfpdd 400gbase-x-osfp ieee802.11a ieee802.11g ieee802.11n ieee802.11ac ieee802.11ad ieee802.11ax gsm cdma lte sonet-oc3 sonet-oc12 sonet-oc48 sonet-oc192 sonet-oc768 sonet-oc1920 sonet-oc3840 1gfc-sfp 2gfc-sfp 4gfc-sfp 8gfc-sfpp 16gfc-sfpp 32gfc-sfp28 128gfc-sfp28 infiniband-sdr infiniband-ddr infiniband-qdr infiniband-fdr10 infiniband-fdr infiniband-edr infiniband-hdr infiniband-ndr infiniband-xdr t1 e1 t3 e3 cisco-stackwise cisco-stackwise-plus cisco-flexstack cisco-flexstack-plus juniper-vcp extreme-summitstack extreme-summitstack-128 extreme-summitstack-256 extreme-summitstack-512 other] Value *string `json:"value"` }
InterfaceTemplateType Type
swagger:model InterfaceTemplateType
func (*InterfaceTemplateType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceTemplateType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InterfaceTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InterfaceType ¶
type InterfaceType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Virtual Link Aggregation Group (LAG) 100BASE-TX (10/100ME) 1000BASE-T (1GE) 2.5GBASE-T (2.5GE) 5GBASE-T (5GE) 10GBASE-T (10GE) 10GBASE-CX4 (10GE) GBIC (1GE) SFP (1GE) SFP+ (10GE) XFP (10GE) XENPAK (10GE) X2 (10GE) SFP28 (25GE) QSFP+ (40GE) QSFP28 (50GE) CFP (100GE) CFP2 (100GE) CFP2 (200GE) CFP4 (100GE) Cisco CPAK (100GE) QSFP28 (100GE) QSFP56 (200GE) QSFP-DD (400GE) OSFP (400GE) IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11b/g IEEE 802.11n IEEE 802.11ac IEEE 802.11ad IEEE 802.11ax GSM CDMA LTE OC-3/STM-1 OC-12/STM-4 OC-48/STM-16 OC-192/STM-64 OC-768/STM-256 OC-1920/STM-640 OC-3840/STM-1234 SFP (1GFC) SFP (2GFC) SFP (4GFC) SFP+ (8GFC) SFP+ (16GFC) SFP28 (32GFC) QSFP28 (128GFC) SDR (2 Gbps) DDR (4 Gbps) QDR (8 Gbps) FDR10 (10 Gbps) FDR (13.5 Gbps) EDR (25 Gbps) HDR (50 Gbps) NDR (100 Gbps) XDR (250 Gbps) T1 (1.544 Mbps) E1 (2.048 Mbps) T3 (45 Mbps) E3 (34 Mbps) Cisco StackWise Cisco StackWise Plus Cisco FlexStack Cisco FlexStack Plus Juniper VCP Extreme SummitStack Extreme SummitStack-128 Extreme SummitStack-256 Extreme SummitStack-512 Other] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [virtual lag 100base-tx 1000base-t 2.5gbase-t 5gbase-t 10gbase-t 10gbase-cx4 1000base-x-gbic 1000base-x-sfp 10gbase-x-sfpp 10gbase-x-xfp 10gbase-x-xenpak 10gbase-x-x2 25gbase-x-sfp28 40gbase-x-qsfpp 50gbase-x-sfp28 100gbase-x-cfp 100gbase-x-cfp2 200gbase-x-cfp2 100gbase-x-cfp4 100gbase-x-cpak 100gbase-x-qsfp28 200gbase-x-qsfp56 400gbase-x-qsfpdd 400gbase-x-osfp ieee802.11a ieee802.11g ieee802.11n ieee802.11ac ieee802.11ad ieee802.11ax gsm cdma lte sonet-oc3 sonet-oc12 sonet-oc48 sonet-oc192 sonet-oc768 sonet-oc1920 sonet-oc3840 1gfc-sfp 2gfc-sfp 4gfc-sfp 8gfc-sfpp 16gfc-sfpp 32gfc-sfp28 128gfc-sfp28 infiniband-sdr infiniband-ddr infiniband-qdr infiniband-fdr10 infiniband-fdr infiniband-edr infiniband-hdr infiniband-ndr infiniband-xdr t1 e1 t3 e3 cisco-stackwise cisco-stackwise-plus cisco-flexstack cisco-flexstack-plus juniper-vcp extreme-summitstack extreme-summitstack-128 extreme-summitstack-256 extreme-summitstack-512 other] Value *string `json:"value"` }
InterfaceType Type
swagger:model InterfaceType
func (*InterfaceType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InterfaceType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InterfaceType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InventoryItem ¶
type InventoryItem struct { // Asset tag // // A unique tag used to identify this item // Max Length: 50 AssetTag *string `json:"asset_tag,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // Discovered // // This item was automatically discovered Discovered bool `json:"discovered,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // manufacturer Manufacturer *NestedManufacturer `json:"manufacturer,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Parent Parent *int64 `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Part ID // // Manufacturer-assigned part identifier // Max Length: 50 PartID string `json:"part_id,omitempty"` // Serial number // Max Length: 50 Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
InventoryItem inventory item
swagger:model InventoryItem
func (*InventoryItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InventoryItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InventoryItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InventoryItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type JobResult ¶
type JobResult struct { // Completed // Format: date-time Completed *strfmt.DateTime `json:"completed,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date-time Created strfmt.DateTime `json:"created,omitempty"` // Data Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Job id // Required: true // Format: uuid JobID *strfmt.UUID `json:"job_id"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 255 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Obj type // Read Only: true ObjType string `json:"obj_type,omitempty"` // status Status *JobResultStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // user User *NestedUser `json:"user,omitempty"` }
JobResult job result
swagger:model JobResult
func (*JobResult) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*JobResult) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type JobResultStatus ¶
type JobResultStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Pending Running Completed Errored Failed] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [pending running completed errored failed] Value *string `json:"value"` }
JobResultStatus Status
swagger:model JobResultStatus
func (*JobResultStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *JobResultStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*JobResultStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *JobResultStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Manufacturer ¶
type Manufacturer struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Devicetype count // Read Only: true DevicetypeCount int64 `json:"devicetype_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Inventoryitem count // Read Only: true InventoryitemCount int64 `json:"inventoryitem_count,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Platform count // Read Only: true PlatformCount int64 `json:"platform_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Manufacturer manufacturer
swagger:model Manufacturer
func (*Manufacturer) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Manufacturer) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Manufacturer) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Manufacturer) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedCable ¶
type NestedCable struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // Max Length: 100 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedCable Cable
swagger:model NestedCable
func (*NestedCable) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedCable) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedCable) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedCable) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedCircuit ¶
type NestedCircuit struct { // Circuit ID // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Cid *string `json:"cid"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedCircuit Circuit
swagger:model NestedCircuit
func (*NestedCircuit) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedCircuit) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedCircuit) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedCircuit) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedCircuitType ¶
type NestedCircuitType struct { // Circuit count // Read Only: true CircuitCount int64 `json:"circuit_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedCircuitType Type
swagger:model NestedCircuitType
func (*NestedCircuitType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedCircuitType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedCircuitType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedCircuitType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedCluster ¶
type NestedCluster struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` }
NestedCluster Cluster
swagger:model NestedCluster
func (*NestedCluster) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedCluster) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedCluster) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedCluster) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedClusterGroup ¶
type NestedClusterGroup struct { // Cluster count // Read Only: true ClusterCount int64 `json:"cluster_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedClusterGroup nested cluster group
swagger:model NestedClusterGroup
func (*NestedClusterGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedClusterGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedClusterGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedClusterGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedClusterType ¶
type NestedClusterType struct { // Cluster count // Read Only: true ClusterCount int64 `json:"cluster_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedClusterType Type
swagger:model NestedClusterType
func (*NestedClusterType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedClusterType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedClusterType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedClusterType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedDevice ¶
type NestedDevice struct { // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Max Length: 64 Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedDevice Device
swagger:model NestedDevice
func (*NestedDevice) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedDevice) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedDevice) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedDevice) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedDeviceRole ¶
type NestedDeviceRole struct { // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` }
NestedDeviceRole Device role
swagger:model NestedDeviceRole
func (*NestedDeviceRole) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedDeviceRole) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedDeviceRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedDeviceRole) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedDeviceType ¶
type NestedDeviceType struct { // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // manufacturer Manufacturer *NestedManufacturer `json:"manufacturer,omitempty"` // Model // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Model *string `json:"model"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedDeviceType Device type
swagger:model NestedDeviceType
func (*NestedDeviceType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedDeviceType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedDeviceType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedDeviceType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedGroup ¶
type NestedGroup struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 150 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedGroup nested group
swagger:model NestedGroup
func (*NestedGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedIPAddress ¶
type NestedIPAddress struct { // Address // // IPv4 or IPv6 address (with mask) // Required: true Address *string `json:"address"` // Family // Read Only: true Family int64 `json:"family,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedIPAddress Primary ip
swagger:model NestedIPAddress
func (*NestedIPAddress) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedIPAddress) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedIPAddress) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedIPAddress) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedInterface ¶
type NestedInterface struct { // Cable Cable *int64 `json:"cable,omitempty"` // connection status ConnectionStatus *NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // device Device *NestedDevice `json:"device,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedInterface Connected endpoint
swagger:model NestedInterface
func (*NestedInterface) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedInterface) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedInterface) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedInterface) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus ¶
type NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus
func (*NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedInterfaceConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedManufacturer ¶
type NestedManufacturer struct { // Devicetype count // Read Only: true DevicetypeCount int64 `json:"devicetype_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedManufacturer Manufacturer
swagger:model NestedManufacturer
func (*NestedManufacturer) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedManufacturer) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedManufacturer) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedManufacturer) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedPlatform ¶
type NestedPlatform struct { // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` }
NestedPlatform Platform
swagger:model NestedPlatform
func (*NestedPlatform) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPlatform) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedPlatform) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPlatform) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedPowerPanel ¶
type NestedPowerPanel struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Powerfeed count // Read Only: true PowerfeedCount int64 `json:"powerfeed_count,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedPowerPanel Power panel
swagger:model NestedPowerPanel
func (*NestedPowerPanel) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPowerPanel) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedPowerPanel) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPowerPanel) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedPowerPort ¶
type NestedPowerPort struct { // Cable Cable *int64 `json:"cable,omitempty"` // connection status ConnectionStatus *NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // device Device *NestedDevice `json:"device,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedPowerPort Power port
swagger:model NestedPowerPort
func (*NestedPowerPort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPowerPort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedPowerPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPowerPort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus ¶
type NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus
func (*NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPowerPortConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedPowerPortTemplate ¶
type NestedPowerPortTemplate struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedPowerPortTemplate Power port
swagger:model NestedPowerPortTemplate
func (*NestedPowerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPowerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedPowerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedPowerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedProvider ¶
type NestedProvider struct { // Circuit count // Read Only: true CircuitCount int64 `json:"circuit_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedProvider Provider
swagger:model NestedProvider
func (*NestedProvider) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedProvider) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedProvider) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedProvider) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedRIR ¶
type NestedRIR struct { // Aggregate count // Read Only: true AggregateCount int64 `json:"aggregate_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedRIR Rir
swagger:model NestedRIR
func (*NestedRIR) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedRIR) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedRack ¶
type NestedRack struct { // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedRack Rack
swagger:model NestedRack
func (*NestedRack) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRack) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedRack) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRack) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedRackGroup ¶
type NestedRackGroup struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedRackGroup Rack group
swagger:model NestedRackGroup
func (*NestedRackGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRackGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedRackGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRackGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedRackRole ¶
type NestedRackRole struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedRackRole Role
swagger:model NestedRackRole
func (*NestedRackRole) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRackRole) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedRackRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRackRole) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedRearPortTemplate ¶
type NestedRearPortTemplate struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedRearPortTemplate Rear port
swagger:model NestedRearPortTemplate
func (*NestedRearPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRearPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedRearPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRearPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedRegion ¶
type NestedRegion struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Site count // Read Only: true SiteCount int64 `json:"site_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedRegion Parent
swagger:model NestedRegion
func (*NestedRegion) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRegion) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedRegion) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRegion) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedRole ¶
type NestedRole struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` }
NestedRole Role
swagger:model NestedRole
func (*NestedRole) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRole) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedRole) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedSecretRole ¶
type NestedSecretRole struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Secret count // Read Only: true SecretCount int64 `json:"secret_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedSecretRole Role
swagger:model NestedSecretRole
func (*NestedSecretRole) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedSecretRole) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedSecretRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedSecretRole) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedSite ¶
type NestedSite struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedSite Site
swagger:model NestedSite
func (*NestedSite) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedSite) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedSite) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedSite) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedTag ¶
type NestedTag struct { // Color // Max Length: 6 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{6}$ Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedTag nested tag
swagger:model NestedTag
func (*NestedTag) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedTag) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedTenant ¶
type NestedTenant struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 30 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedTenant Tenant
swagger:model NestedTenant
func (*NestedTenant) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedTenant) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedTenant) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedTenant) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedTenantGroup ¶
type NestedTenantGroup struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Tenant count // Read Only: true TenantCount int64 `json:"tenant_count,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedTenantGroup nested tenant group
swagger:model NestedTenantGroup
func (*NestedTenantGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedTenantGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedTenantGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedTenantGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedUser ¶
type NestedUser struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Username // // Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. // Required: true // Max Length: 150 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[\w.@+-]+$ Username *string `json:"username"` }
NestedUser User
swagger:model NestedUser
func (*NestedUser) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedUser) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedUser) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedUser) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedVLAN ¶
type NestedVLAN struct { // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // ID // Required: true // Maximum: 4094 // Minimum: 1 Vid *int64 `json:"vid"` }
NestedVLAN Untagged vlan
swagger:model NestedVLAN
func (*NestedVLAN) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedVLAN) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedVLAN) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedVLAN) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedVLANGroup ¶
type NestedVLANGroup struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` }
NestedVLANGroup Group
swagger:model NestedVLANGroup
func (*NestedVLANGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedVLANGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedVLANGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedVLANGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedVRF ¶
type NestedVRF struct { // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Route distinguisher // // Unique route distinguisher (as defined in RFC 4364) // Max Length: 21 Rd *string `json:"rd,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedVRF Vrf
swagger:model NestedVRF
func (*NestedVRF) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedVRF) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedVirtualChassis ¶
type NestedVirtualChassis struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // master // Required: true Master *NestedDevice `json:"master"` // Member count // Read Only: true MemberCount int64 `json:"member_count,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedVirtualChassis Virtual chassis
swagger:model NestedVirtualChassis
func (*NestedVirtualChassis) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedVirtualChassis) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedVirtualChassis) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedVirtualChassis) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NestedVirtualMachine ¶
type NestedVirtualMachine struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
NestedVirtualMachine Virtual machine
swagger:model NestedVirtualMachine
func (*NestedVirtualMachine) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedVirtualMachine) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NestedVirtualMachine) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NestedVirtualMachine) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ObjectChange ¶
type ObjectChange struct { // action Action *ObjectChangeAction `json:"action,omitempty"` // Changed object // // // Serialize a nested representation of the changed object. // // Read Only: true ChangedObject map[string]string `json:"changed_object,omitempty"` // Changed object id // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 ChangedObjectID *int64 `json:"changed_object_id"` // Changed object type // Read Only: true ChangedObjectType string `json:"changed_object_type,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Object data // Read Only: true ObjectData string `json:"object_data,omitempty"` // Request id // Read Only: true // Format: uuid RequestID strfmt.UUID `json:"request_id,omitempty"` // Time // Read Only: true // Format: date-time Time strfmt.DateTime `json:"time,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // user User *NestedUser `json:"user,omitempty"` // User name // Read Only: true // Min Length: 1 UserName string `json:"user_name,omitempty"` }
ObjectChange object change
swagger:model ObjectChange
func (*ObjectChange) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ObjectChange) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ObjectChange) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ObjectChange) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ObjectChangeAction ¶
type ObjectChangeAction struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Created Updated Deleted] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [create update delete] Value *string `json:"value"` }
ObjectChangeAction Action
swagger:model ObjectChangeAction
func (*ObjectChangeAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ObjectChangeAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ObjectChangeAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ObjectChangeAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ObjectPermission ¶
type ObjectPermission struct { // The list of actions granted by this permission // Required: true Actions []string `json:"actions"` // Constraints // // Queryset filter matching the applicable objects of the selected type(s) Constraints *string `json:"constraints,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Enabled Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // groups // Unique: true Groups []*NestedGroup `json:"groups"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // object types // Required: true // Unique: true ObjectTypes []string `json:"object_types"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // users // Unique: true Users []*NestedUser `json:"users"` }
ObjectPermission object permission
swagger:model ObjectPermission
func (*ObjectPermission) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ObjectPermission) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ObjectPermission) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ObjectPermission) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Platform ¶
type Platform struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // manufacturer Manufacturer *NestedManufacturer `json:"manufacturer,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // NAPALM arguments // // Additional arguments to pass when initiating the NAPALM driver (JSON format) NapalmArgs *string `json:"napalm_args,omitempty"` // NAPALM driver // // The name of the NAPALM driver to use when interacting with devices // Max Length: 50 NapalmDriver string `json:"napalm_driver,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` }
Platform platform
swagger:model Platform
func (*Platform) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Platform) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerFeed ¶
type PowerFeed struct { // Amperage // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 Amperage int64 `json:"amperage,omitempty"` // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Max utilization // // Maximum permissible draw (percentage) // Maximum: 100 // Minimum: 1 MaxUtilization int64 `json:"max_utilization,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // phase Phase *PowerFeedPhase `json:"phase,omitempty"` // power panel // Required: true PowerPanel *NestedPowerPanel `json:"power_panel"` // rack Rack *NestedRack `json:"rack,omitempty"` // status Status *PowerFeedStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // supply Supply *PowerFeedSupply `json:"supply,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // type Type *PowerFeedType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Voltage // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: -32768 Voltage *int64 `json:"voltage,omitempty"` }
PowerFeed power feed
swagger:model PowerFeed
func (*PowerFeed) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeed) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerFeedPhase ¶
type PowerFeedPhase struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Single phase Three-phase] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [single-phase three-phase] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerFeedPhase Phase
swagger:model PowerFeedPhase
func (*PowerFeedPhase) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerFeedPhase) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeedPhase) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerFeedPhase) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeedPhase) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *PowerFeedPhase) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PowerFeedStatus ¶
type PowerFeedStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Offline Active Planned Failed] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [offline active planned failed] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerFeedStatus Status
swagger:model PowerFeedStatus
func (*PowerFeedStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerFeedStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeedStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerFeedStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeedStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *PowerFeedStatus) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PowerFeedSupply ¶
type PowerFeedSupply struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [AC DC] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [ac dc] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerFeedSupply Supply
swagger:model PowerFeedSupply
func (*PowerFeedSupply) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerFeedSupply) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeedSupply) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerFeedSupply) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeedSupply) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *PowerFeedSupply) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PowerFeedType ¶
type PowerFeedType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Primary Redundant] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [primary redundant] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerFeedType Type
swagger:model PowerFeedType
func (*PowerFeedType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerFeedType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeedType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerFeedType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerFeedType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *PowerFeedType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PowerOutlet ¶
type PowerOutlet struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // connection status ConnectionStatus *PowerOutletConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // feed leg FeedLeg *PowerOutletFeedLeg `json:"feed_leg,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // power port PowerPort *NestedPowerPort `json:"power_port,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // type Type *PowerOutletType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
PowerOutlet power outlet
swagger:model PowerOutlet
func (*PowerOutlet) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutlet) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerOutlet) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutlet) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerOutletConnectionStatus ¶
type PowerOutletConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
PowerOutletConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model PowerOutletConnectionStatus
func (*PowerOutletConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerOutletConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerOutletFeedLeg ¶
type PowerOutletFeedLeg struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [A B C] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [A B C] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerOutletFeedLeg Feed leg
swagger:model PowerOutletFeedLeg
func (*PowerOutletFeedLeg) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletFeedLeg) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerOutletFeedLeg) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletFeedLeg) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerOutletTemplate ¶
type PowerOutletTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // feed leg FeedLeg *PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg `json:"feed_leg,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // power port PowerPort *NestedPowerPortTemplate `json:"power_port,omitempty"` // type Type *PowerOutletTemplateType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
PowerOutletTemplate power outlet template
swagger:model PowerOutletTemplate
func (*PowerOutletTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerOutletTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg ¶
type PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [A B C] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [A B C] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg Feed leg
swagger:model PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg
func (*PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletTemplateFeedLeg) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerOutletTemplateType ¶
type PowerOutletTemplateType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [C5 C7 C13 C15 C19 P+N+E 4H P+N+E 6H P+N+E 9H 2P+E 4H 2P+E 6H 2P+E 9H 3P+E 4H 3P+E 6H 3P+E 9H 3P+N+E 4H 3P+N+E 6H 3P+N+E 9H NEMA 1-15R NEMA 5-15R NEMA 5-20R NEMA 5-30R NEMA 5-50R NEMA 6-15R NEMA 6-20R NEMA 6-30R NEMA 6-50R NEMA 10-30R NEMA 10-50R NEMA 14-20R NEMA 14-30R NEMA 14-50R NEMA 14-60R NEMA 15-15R NEMA 15-20R NEMA 15-30R NEMA 15-50R NEMA 15-60R NEMA L1-15R NEMA L5-15R NEMA L5-20R NEMA L5-30R NEMA L5-50R NEMA L6-15R NEMA L6-20R NEMA L6-30R NEMA L6-50R NEMA L10-30R NEMA L14-20R NEMA L14-30R NEMA L14-50R NEMA L14-60R NEMA L15-20R NEMA L15-30R NEMA L15-50R NEMA L15-60R NEMA L21-20R NEMA L21-30R CS6360C CS6364C CS8164C CS8264C CS8364C CS8464C ITA Type E (CEE7/5) ITA Type F (CEE7/3) ITA Type G (BS 1363) ITA Type H ITA Type I ITA Type J ITA Type K ITA Type L (CEI 23-50) ITA Type M (BS 546) ITA Type N ITA Type O HDOT Cx] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [iec-60320-c5 iec-60320-c7 iec-60320-c13 iec-60320-c15 iec-60320-c19 iec-60309-p-n-e-4h iec-60309-p-n-e-6h iec-60309-p-n-e-9h iec-60309-2p-e-4h iec-60309-2p-e-6h iec-60309-2p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-e-4h iec-60309-3p-e-6h iec-60309-3p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h nema-1-15r nema-5-15r nema-5-20r nema-5-30r nema-5-50r nema-6-15r nema-6-20r nema-6-30r nema-6-50r nema-10-30r nema-10-50r nema-14-20r nema-14-30r nema-14-50r nema-14-60r nema-15-15r nema-15-20r nema-15-30r nema-15-50r nema-15-60r nema-l1-15r nema-l5-15r nema-l5-20r nema-l5-30r nema-l5-50r nema-l6-15r nema-l6-20r nema-l6-30r nema-l6-50r nema-l10-30r nema-l14-20r nema-l14-30r nema-l14-50r nema-l14-60r nema-l15-20r nema-l15-30r nema-l15-50r nema-l15-60r nema-l21-20r nema-l21-30r CS6360C CS6364C CS8164C CS8264C CS8364C CS8464C ita-e ita-f ita-g ita-h ita-i ita-j ita-k ita-l ita-m ita-n ita-o hdot-cx] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerOutletTemplateType Type
swagger:model PowerOutletTemplateType
func (*PowerOutletTemplateType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletTemplateType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerOutletTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerOutletType ¶
type PowerOutletType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [C5 C7 C13 C15 C19 P+N+E 4H P+N+E 6H P+N+E 9H 2P+E 4H 2P+E 6H 2P+E 9H 3P+E 4H 3P+E 6H 3P+E 9H 3P+N+E 4H 3P+N+E 6H 3P+N+E 9H NEMA 1-15R NEMA 5-15R NEMA 5-20R NEMA 5-30R NEMA 5-50R NEMA 6-15R NEMA 6-20R NEMA 6-30R NEMA 6-50R NEMA 10-30R NEMA 10-50R NEMA 14-20R NEMA 14-30R NEMA 14-50R NEMA 14-60R NEMA 15-15R NEMA 15-20R NEMA 15-30R NEMA 15-50R NEMA 15-60R NEMA L1-15R NEMA L5-15R NEMA L5-20R NEMA L5-30R NEMA L5-50R NEMA L6-15R NEMA L6-20R NEMA L6-30R NEMA L6-50R NEMA L10-30R NEMA L14-20R NEMA L14-30R NEMA L14-50R NEMA L14-60R NEMA L15-20R NEMA L15-30R NEMA L15-50R NEMA L15-60R NEMA L21-20R NEMA L21-30R CS6360C CS6364C CS8164C CS8264C CS8364C CS8464C ITA Type E (CEE7/5) ITA Type F (CEE7/3) ITA Type G (BS 1363) ITA Type H ITA Type I ITA Type J ITA Type K ITA Type L (CEI 23-50) ITA Type M (BS 546) ITA Type N ITA Type O HDOT Cx] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [iec-60320-c5 iec-60320-c7 iec-60320-c13 iec-60320-c15 iec-60320-c19 iec-60309-p-n-e-4h iec-60309-p-n-e-6h iec-60309-p-n-e-9h iec-60309-2p-e-4h iec-60309-2p-e-6h iec-60309-2p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-e-4h iec-60309-3p-e-6h iec-60309-3p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h nema-1-15r nema-5-15r nema-5-20r nema-5-30r nema-5-50r nema-6-15r nema-6-20r nema-6-30r nema-6-50r nema-10-30r nema-10-50r nema-14-20r nema-14-30r nema-14-50r nema-14-60r nema-15-15r nema-15-20r nema-15-30r nema-15-50r nema-15-60r nema-l1-15r nema-l5-15r nema-l5-20r nema-l5-30r nema-l5-50r nema-l6-15r nema-l6-20r nema-l6-30r nema-l6-50r nema-l10-30r nema-l14-20r nema-l14-30r nema-l14-50r nema-l14-60r nema-l15-20r nema-l15-30r nema-l15-50r nema-l15-60r nema-l21-20r nema-l21-30r CS6360C CS6364C CS8164C CS8264C CS8364C CS8464C ita-e ita-f ita-g ita-h ita-i ita-j ita-k ita-l ita-m ita-n ita-o hdot-cx] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerOutletType Type
swagger:model PowerOutletType
func (*PowerOutletType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerOutletType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerOutletType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerPanel ¶
type PowerPanel struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Powerfeed count // Read Only: true PowerfeedCount int64 `json:"powerfeed_count,omitempty"` // rack group RackGroup *NestedRackGroup `json:"rack_group,omitempty"` // site // Required: true Site *NestedSite `json:"site"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
PowerPanel power panel
swagger:model PowerPanel
func (*PowerPanel) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPanel) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerPanel) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPanel) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerPort ¶
type PowerPort struct { // Allocated draw // // Allocated power draw (watts) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 AllocatedDraw *int64 `json:"allocated_draw,omitempty"` // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // connection status ConnectionStatus *PowerPortConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Maximum draw // // Maximum power draw (watts) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 MaximumDraw *int64 `json:"maximum_draw,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // type Type *PowerPortType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
PowerPort power port
swagger:model PowerPort
func (*PowerPort) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerPortConnectionStatus ¶
type PowerPortConnectionStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Not Connected Connected] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [false true] Value *bool `json:"value"` }
PowerPortConnectionStatus Connection status
swagger:model PowerPortConnectionStatus
func (*PowerPortConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPortConnectionStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerPortConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPortConnectionStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerPortTemplate ¶
type PowerPortTemplate struct { // Allocated draw // // Allocated power draw (watts) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 AllocatedDraw *int64 `json:"allocated_draw,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Maximum draw // // Maximum power draw (watts) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 MaximumDraw *int64 `json:"maximum_draw,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // type Type *PowerPortTemplateType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
PowerPortTemplate power port template
swagger:model PowerPortTemplate
func (*PowerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerPortTemplateType ¶
type PowerPortTemplateType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [C6 C8 C14 C16 C20 P+N+E 4H P+N+E 6H P+N+E 9H 2P+E 4H 2P+E 6H 2P+E 9H 3P+E 4H 3P+E 6H 3P+E 9H 3P+N+E 4H 3P+N+E 6H 3P+N+E 9H NEMA 1-15P NEMA 5-15P NEMA 5-20P NEMA 5-30P NEMA 5-50P NEMA 6-15P NEMA 6-20P NEMA 6-30P NEMA 6-50P NEMA 10-30P NEMA 10-50P NEMA 14-20P NEMA 14-30P NEMA 14-50P NEMA 14-60P NEMA 15-15P NEMA 15-20P NEMA 15-30P NEMA 15-50P NEMA 15-60P NEMA L1-15P NEMA L5-15P NEMA L5-20P NEMA L5-30P NEMA L5-50P NEMA L6-15P NEMA L6-20P NEMA L6-30P NEMA L6-50P NEMA L10-30P NEMA L14-20P NEMA L14-30P NEMA L14-50P NEMA L14-60P NEMA L15-20P NEMA L15-30P NEMA L15-50P NEMA L15-60P NEMA L21-20P NEMA L21-30P CS6361C CS6365C CS8165C CS8265C CS8365C CS8465C ITA Type E (CEE 7/5) ITA Type F (CEE 7/4) ITA Type E/F (CEE 7/7) ITA Type G (BS 1363) ITA Type H ITA Type I ITA Type J ITA Type K ITA Type L (CEI 23-50) ITA Type M (BS 546) ITA Type N ITA Type O] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [iec-60320-c6 iec-60320-c8 iec-60320-c14 iec-60320-c16 iec-60320-c20 iec-60309-p-n-e-4h iec-60309-p-n-e-6h iec-60309-p-n-e-9h iec-60309-2p-e-4h iec-60309-2p-e-6h iec-60309-2p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-e-4h iec-60309-3p-e-6h iec-60309-3p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h nema-1-15p nema-5-15p nema-5-20p nema-5-30p nema-5-50p nema-6-15p nema-6-20p nema-6-30p nema-6-50p nema-10-30p nema-10-50p nema-14-20p nema-14-30p nema-14-50p nema-14-60p nema-15-15p nema-15-20p nema-15-30p nema-15-50p nema-15-60p nema-l1-15p nema-l5-15p nema-l5-20p nema-l5-30p nema-l5-50p nema-l6-15p nema-l6-20p nema-l6-30p nema-l6-50p nema-l10-30p nema-l14-20p nema-l14-30p nema-l14-50p nema-l14-60p nema-l15-20p nema-l15-30p nema-l15-50p nema-l15-60p nema-l21-20p nema-l21-30p cs6361c cs6365c cs8165c cs8265c cs8365c cs8465c ita-e ita-f ita-ef ita-g ita-h ita-i ita-j ita-k ita-l ita-m ita-n ita-o] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerPortTemplateType Type
swagger:model PowerPortTemplateType
func (*PowerPortTemplateType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPortTemplateType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerPortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PowerPortType ¶
type PowerPortType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [C6 C8 C14 C16 C20 P+N+E 4H P+N+E 6H P+N+E 9H 2P+E 4H 2P+E 6H 2P+E 9H 3P+E 4H 3P+E 6H 3P+E 9H 3P+N+E 4H 3P+N+E 6H 3P+N+E 9H NEMA 1-15P NEMA 5-15P NEMA 5-20P NEMA 5-30P NEMA 5-50P NEMA 6-15P NEMA 6-20P NEMA 6-30P NEMA 6-50P NEMA 10-30P NEMA 10-50P NEMA 14-20P NEMA 14-30P NEMA 14-50P NEMA 14-60P NEMA 15-15P NEMA 15-20P NEMA 15-30P NEMA 15-50P NEMA 15-60P NEMA L1-15P NEMA L5-15P NEMA L5-20P NEMA L5-30P NEMA L5-50P NEMA L6-15P NEMA L6-20P NEMA L6-30P NEMA L6-50P NEMA L10-30P NEMA L14-20P NEMA L14-30P NEMA L14-50P NEMA L14-60P NEMA L15-20P NEMA L15-30P NEMA L15-50P NEMA L15-60P NEMA L21-20P NEMA L21-30P CS6361C CS6365C CS8165C CS8265C CS8365C CS8465C ITA Type E (CEE 7/5) ITA Type F (CEE 7/4) ITA Type E/F (CEE 7/7) ITA Type G (BS 1363) ITA Type H ITA Type I ITA Type J ITA Type K ITA Type L (CEI 23-50) ITA Type M (BS 546) ITA Type N ITA Type O] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [iec-60320-c6 iec-60320-c8 iec-60320-c14 iec-60320-c16 iec-60320-c20 iec-60309-p-n-e-4h iec-60309-p-n-e-6h iec-60309-p-n-e-9h iec-60309-2p-e-4h iec-60309-2p-e-6h iec-60309-2p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-e-4h iec-60309-3p-e-6h iec-60309-3p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h nema-1-15p nema-5-15p nema-5-20p nema-5-30p nema-5-50p nema-6-15p nema-6-20p nema-6-30p nema-6-50p nema-10-30p nema-10-50p nema-14-20p nema-14-30p nema-14-50p nema-14-60p nema-15-15p nema-15-20p nema-15-30p nema-15-50p nema-15-60p nema-l1-15p nema-l5-15p nema-l5-20p nema-l5-30p nema-l5-50p nema-l6-15p nema-l6-20p nema-l6-30p nema-l6-50p nema-l10-30p nema-l14-20p nema-l14-30p nema-l14-50p nema-l14-60p nema-l15-20p nema-l15-30p nema-l15-50p nema-l15-60p nema-l21-20p nema-l21-30p cs6361c cs6365c cs8165c cs8265c cs8365c cs8465c ita-e ita-f ita-ef ita-g ita-h ita-i ita-j ita-k ita-l ita-m ita-n ita-o] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PowerPortType Type
swagger:model PowerPortType
func (*PowerPortType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPortType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PowerPortType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PowerPortType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Prefix ¶
type Prefix struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // family Family *PrefixFamily `json:"family,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Is a pool // // All IP addresses within this prefix are considered usable IsPool bool `json:"is_pool,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Prefix // // IPv4 or IPv6 network with mask // Required: true Prefix *string `json:"prefix"` // role Role *NestedRole `json:"role,omitempty"` // site Site *NestedSite `json:"site,omitempty"` // status Status *PrefixStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // vlan Vlan *NestedVLAN `json:"vlan,omitempty"` // vrf Vrf *NestedVRF `json:"vrf,omitempty"` }
Prefix prefix
swagger:model Prefix
func (*Prefix) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Prefix) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PrefixFamily ¶
type PrefixFamily struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [IPv4 IPv6] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [4 6] Value *int64 `json:"value"` }
PrefixFamily Family
swagger:model PrefixFamily
func (*PrefixFamily) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PrefixFamily) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PrefixFamily) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PrefixFamily) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PrefixLength ¶
type PrefixLength struct { // Prefix length // Required: true PrefixLength *int64 `json:"prefix_length"` }
PrefixLength prefix length
swagger:model PrefixLength
func (*PrefixLength) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PrefixLength) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PrefixLength) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PrefixLength) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PrefixStatus ¶
type PrefixStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Container Active Reserved Deprecated] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [container active reserved deprecated] Value *string `json:"value"` }
PrefixStatus Status
swagger:model PrefixStatus
func (*PrefixStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PrefixStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PrefixStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PrefixStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Provider ¶
type Provider struct { // Account number // Max Length: 30 Account string `json:"account,omitempty"` // Admin contact AdminContact string `json:"admin_contact,omitempty"` // ASN // // 32-bit autonomous system number // Maximum: 4.294967295e+09 // Minimum: 1 Asn *int64 `json:"asn,omitempty"` // Circuit count // Read Only: true CircuitCount int64 `json:"circuit_count,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // NOC contact NocContact string `json:"noc_contact,omitempty"` // Portal URL // Max Length: 200 // Format: uri PortalURL strfmt.URI `json:"portal_url,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Provider provider
swagger:model Provider
func (*Provider) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Provider) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RIR ¶
type RIR struct { // Aggregate count // Read Only: true AggregateCount int64 `json:"aggregate_count,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Private // // IP space managed by this RIR is considered private IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
RIR r i r
swagger:model RIR
func (*RIR) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RIR) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Rack ¶
type Rack struct { // Asset tag // // A unique tag used to identify this rack // Max Length: 50 AssetTag *string `json:"asset_tag,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Descending units // // Units are numbered top-to-bottom DescUnits bool `json:"desc_units,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // Facility ID // // Locally-assigned identifier // Max Length: 50 FacilityID *string `json:"facility_id,omitempty"` // group Group *NestedRackGroup `json:"group,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Outer depth // // Outer dimension of rack (depth) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 OuterDepth *int64 `json:"outer_depth,omitempty"` // outer unit OuterUnit *RackOuterUnit `json:"outer_unit,omitempty"` // Outer width // // Outer dimension of rack (width) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 OuterWidth *int64 `json:"outer_width,omitempty"` // Powerfeed count // Read Only: true PowerfeedCount int64 `json:"powerfeed_count,omitempty"` // role Role *NestedRackRole `json:"role,omitempty"` // Serial number // Max Length: 50 Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"` // site // Required: true Site *NestedSite `json:"site"` // status Status *RackStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // type Type *RackType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Height (U) // // Height in rack units // Maximum: 100 // Minimum: 1 UHeight int64 `json:"u_height,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // width Width *RackWidth `json:"width,omitempty"` }
Rack rack
swagger:model Rack
func (*Rack) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Rack) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackGroup ¶
type RackGroup struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // parent Parent *NestedRackGroup `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // site // Required: true Site *NestedSite `json:"site"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
RackGroup rack group
swagger:model RackGroup
func (*RackGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackOuterUnit ¶
type RackOuterUnit struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Millimeters Inches] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [mm in] Value *string `json:"value"` }
RackOuterUnit Outer unit
swagger:model RackOuterUnit
func (*RackOuterUnit) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RackOuterUnit) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackOuterUnit) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RackOuterUnit) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackReservation ¶
type RackReservation struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Description // Required: true // Max Length: 200 // Min Length: 1 Description *string `json:"description"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // rack // Required: true Rack *NestedRack `json:"rack"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // units // Required: true Units []*int64 `json:"units"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // user // Required: true User *NestedUser `json:"user"` }
RackReservation rack reservation
swagger:model RackReservation
func (*RackReservation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RackReservation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackReservation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RackReservation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackRole ¶
type RackRole struct { // Color // Max Length: 6 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{6}$ Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
RackRole rack role
swagger:model RackRole
func (*RackRole) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackStatus ¶
type RackStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Reserved Available Planned Active Deprecated] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [reserved available planned active deprecated] Value *string `json:"value"` }
RackStatus Status
swagger:model RackStatus
func (*RackStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RackStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RackStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackType ¶
type RackType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [2-post frame 4-post frame 4-post cabinet Wall-mounted frame Wall-mounted cabinet] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [2-post-frame 4-post-frame 4-post-cabinet wall-frame wall-cabinet] Value *string `json:"value"` }
RackType Type
swagger:model RackType
func (*RackType) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackUnit ¶
type RackUnit struct { // device Device *NestedDevice `json:"device,omitempty"` // face Face *RackUnitFace `json:"face,omitempty"` // Id // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Read Only: true // Min Length: 1 Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Occupied // Read Only: true Occupied *bool `json:"occupied,omitempty"` }
RackUnit rack unit
swagger:model RackUnit
func (*RackUnit) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackUnit) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackUnitFace ¶
type RackUnitFace struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Front Rear] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [front rear] Value *string `json:"value"` }
RackUnitFace Face
swagger:model RackUnitFace
func (*RackUnitFace) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RackUnitFace) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackUnitFace) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RackUnitFace) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RackWidth ¶
type RackWidth struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [10 inches 19 inches 21 inches 23 inches] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [10 19 21 23] Value *int64 `json:"value"` }
RackWidth Width
swagger:model RackWidth
func (*RackWidth) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RackWidth) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RearPort ¶
type RearPort struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Positions // Maximum: 64 // Minimum: 1 Positions int64 `json:"positions,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type *RearPortType `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
RearPort rear port
swagger:model RearPort
func (*RearPort) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RearPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RearPortTemplate ¶
type RearPortTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device type // Required: true DeviceType *NestedDeviceType `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Positions // Maximum: 64 // Minimum: 1 Positions int64 `json:"positions,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type *RearPortTemplateType `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
RearPortTemplate rear port template
swagger:model RearPortTemplate
func (*RearPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RearPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RearPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RearPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RearPortTemplateType ¶
type RearPortTemplateType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [8P8C 8P6C 8P4C 8P2C 110 Punch BNC MRJ21 FC LC LC/APC LSH LSH/APC MPO MTRJ SC SC/APC ST] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [8p8c 8p6c 8p4c 8p2c 110-punch bnc mrj21 fc lc lc-apc lsh lsh-apc mpo mtrj sc sc-apc st] Value *string `json:"value"` }
RearPortTemplateType Type
swagger:model RearPortTemplateType
func (*RearPortTemplateType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RearPortTemplateType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RearPortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RearPortTemplateType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RearPortType ¶
type RearPortType struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [8P8C 8P6C 8P4C 8P2C 110 Punch BNC MRJ21 FC LC LC/APC LSH LSH/APC MPO MTRJ SC SC/APC ST] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [8p8c 8p6c 8p4c 8p2c 110-punch bnc mrj21 fc lc lc-apc lsh lsh-apc mpo mtrj sc sc-apc st] Value *string `json:"value"` }
RearPortType Type
swagger:model RearPortType
func (*RearPortType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RearPortType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RearPortType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RearPortType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Region ¶
type Region struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // parent Parent *NestedRegion `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Site count // Read Only: true SiteCount int64 `json:"site_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Region region
swagger:model Region
func (*Region) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Region) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Role ¶
type Role struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` // Weight // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
Role role
swagger:model Role
func (*Role) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Role) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Secret ¶
type Secret struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // device // Required: true Device *NestedDevice `json:"device"` // Hash // Read Only: true // Min Length: 1 Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Max Length: 100 Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Plaintext // Required: true // Min Length: 1 Plaintext *string `json:"plaintext"` // role // Required: true Role *NestedSecretRole `json:"role"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Secret secret
swagger:model Secret
func (*Secret) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Secret) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SecretRole ¶
type SecretRole struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Secret count // Read Only: true SecretCount int64 `json:"secret_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SecretRole secret role
swagger:model SecretRole
func (*SecretRole) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SecretRole) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SecretRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SecretRole) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Service ¶
type Service struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // device Device *NestedDevice `json:"device,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // ipaddresses // Unique: true Ipaddresses []*NestedIPAddress `json:"ipaddresses"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 30 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Port number // Required: true // Maximum: 65535 // Minimum: 1 Port *int64 `json:"port"` // protocol Protocol *ServiceProtocol `json:"protocol,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // virtual machine VirtualMachine *NestedVirtualMachine `json:"virtual_machine,omitempty"` }
Service service
swagger:model Service
func (*Service) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Service) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceProtocol ¶
type ServiceProtocol struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [TCP UDP] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [tcp udp] Value *string `json:"value"` }
ServiceProtocol Protocol
swagger:model ServiceProtocol
func (*ServiceProtocol) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceProtocol) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceProtocol) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceProtocol) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Site ¶
type Site struct { // ASN // // 32-bit autonomous system number // Maximum: 4.294967295e+09 // Minimum: 1 Asn *int64 `json:"asn,omitempty"` // Circuit count // Read Only: true CircuitCount int64 `json:"circuit_count,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Contact E-mail // Max Length: 254 // Format: email ContactEmail strfmt.Email `json:"contact_email,omitempty"` // Contact name // Max Length: 50 ContactName string `json:"contact_name,omitempty"` // Contact phone // Max Length: 20 ContactPhone string `json:"contact_phone,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Facility // // Local facility ID or description // Max Length: 50 Facility string `json:"facility,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Latitude // // GPS coordinate (latitude) Latitude *string `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // Longitude // // GPS coordinate (longitude) Longitude *string `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Physical address // Max Length: 200 PhysicalAddress string `json:"physical_address,omitempty"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // region Region *NestedRegion `json:"region,omitempty"` // Shipping address // Max Length: 200 ShippingAddress string `json:"shipping_address,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // status Status *SiteStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Time zone TimeZone string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` }
Site site
swagger:model Site
func (*Site) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Site) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SiteStatus ¶
type SiteStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Planned Staging Active Decommissioning Retired] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [planned staging active decommissioning retired] Value *string `json:"value"` }
SiteStatus Status
swagger:model SiteStatus
func (*SiteStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SiteStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SiteStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SiteStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { // Color // Max Length: 6 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{6}$ Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Tagged items // Read Only: true TaggedItems int64 `json:"tagged_items,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Tag tag
swagger:model Tag
func (*Tag) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Tag) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Tenant ¶
type Tenant struct { // Circuit count // Read Only: true CircuitCount int64 `json:"circuit_count,omitempty"` // Cluster count // Read Only: true ClusterCount int64 `json:"cluster_count,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // group Group *NestedTenantGroup `json:"group,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Ipaddress count // Read Only: true IpaddressCount int64 `json:"ipaddress_count,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 30 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // Site count // Read Only: true SiteCount int64 `json:"site_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` // Vrf count // Read Only: true VrfCount int64 `json:"vrf_count,omitempty"` }
Tenant tenant
swagger:model Tenant
func (*Tenant) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Tenant) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TenantGroup ¶
type TenantGroup struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // parent Parent *NestedTenantGroup `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Tenant count // Read Only: true TenantCount int64 `json:"tenant_count,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
TenantGroup tenant group
swagger:model TenantGroup
func (*TenantGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TenantGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TenantGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TenantGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type User ¶
type User struct { // Date joined // Format: date-time DateJoined strfmt.DateTime `json:"date_joined,omitempty"` // Email address // Max Length: 254 // Format: email Email strfmt.Email `json:"email,omitempty"` // First name // Max Length: 150 FirstName string `json:"first_name,omitempty"` // groups // Unique: true Groups []*NestedGroup `json:"groups"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Active // // Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts. IsActive bool `json:"is_active,omitempty"` // Staff status // // Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. IsStaff bool `json:"is_staff,omitempty"` // Last name // Max Length: 150 LastName string `json:"last_name,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Username // // Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. // Required: true // Max Length: 150 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[\w.@+-]+$ Username *string `json:"username"` }
User user
swagger:model User
func (*User) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*User) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VLAN ¶
type VLAN struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // group Group *NestedVLANGroup `json:"group,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // role Role *NestedRole `json:"role,omitempty"` // site Site *NestedSite `json:"site,omitempty"` // status Status *VLANStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // ID // Required: true // Maximum: 4094 // Minimum: 1 Vid *int64 `json:"vid"` }
VLAN v l a n
swagger:model VLAN
func (*VLAN) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VLAN) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VLANGroup ¶
type VLANGroup struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // site Site *NestedSite `json:"site,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` }
VLANGroup v l a n group
swagger:model VLANGroup
func (*VLANGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VLANGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VLANStatus ¶
type VLANStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Active Reserved Deprecated] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [active reserved deprecated] Value *string `json:"value"` }
VLANStatus Status
swagger:model VLANStatus
func (*VLANStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VLANStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VLANStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VLANStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VMInterface ¶
type VMInterface struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Enabled Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // MAC Address MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address,omitempty"` // mode Mode *VMInterfaceMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` // MTU // Maximum: 65536 // Minimum: 1 Mtu *int64 `json:"mtu,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tagged vlans // Unique: true TaggedVlans []*NestedVLAN `json:"tagged_vlans"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // untagged vlan UntaggedVlan *NestedVLAN `json:"untagged_vlan,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // virtual machine // Required: true VirtualMachine *NestedVirtualMachine `json:"virtual_machine"` }
VMInterface VM interface
swagger:model VMInterface
func (*VMInterface) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VMInterface) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VMInterface) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VMInterface) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VMInterfaceMode ¶
type VMInterfaceMode struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Access Tagged Tagged (All)] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [access tagged tagged-all] Value *string `json:"value"` }
VMInterfaceMode Mode
swagger:model VMInterfaceMode
func (*VMInterfaceMode) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VMInterfaceMode) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VMInterfaceMode) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VMInterfaceMode) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VRF ¶
type VRF struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // Enforce unique space // // Prevent duplicate prefixes/IP addresses within this VRF EnforceUnique bool `json:"enforce_unique,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Ipaddress count // Read Only: true IpaddressCount int64 `json:"ipaddress_count,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Route distinguisher // // Unique route distinguisher (as defined in RFC 4364) // Max Length: 21 Rd *string `json:"rd,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
VRF v r f
swagger:model VRF
func (*VRF) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VRF) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VirtualChassis ¶
type VirtualChassis struct { // Domain // Max Length: 30 Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // master Master *NestedDevice `json:"master,omitempty"` // Member count // Read Only: true MemberCount int64 `json:"member_count,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
VirtualChassis virtual chassis
swagger:model VirtualChassis
func (*VirtualChassis) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VirtualChassis) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VirtualChassis) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VirtualChassis) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VirtualMachineWithConfigContext ¶
type VirtualMachineWithConfigContext struct { // cluster // Required: true Cluster *NestedCluster `json:"cluster"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Config context // Read Only: true ConfigContext map[string]string `json:"config_context,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Disk (GB) // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 Disk *int64 `json:"disk,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Local context data LocalContextData *string `json:"local_context_data,omitempty"` // Memory (MB) // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 Memory *int64 `json:"memory,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // platform Platform *NestedPlatform `json:"platform,omitempty"` // primary ip PrimaryIP *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` // primary ip4 PrimaryIp4 *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip4,omitempty"` // primary ip6 PrimaryIp6 *NestedIPAddress `json:"primary_ip6,omitempty"` // role Role *NestedDeviceRole `json:"role,omitempty"` // site Site *NestedSite `json:"site,omitempty"` // status Status *VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // tenant Tenant *NestedTenant `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // VCPUs // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 Vcpus *int64 `json:"vcpus,omitempty"` }
VirtualMachineWithConfigContext virtual machine with config context
swagger:model VirtualMachineWithConfigContext
func (*VirtualMachineWithConfigContext) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VirtualMachineWithConfigContext) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VirtualMachineWithConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VirtualMachineWithConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus ¶
type VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus struct { // label // Required: true // Enum: [Offline Active Planned Staged Failed Decommissioning] Label *string `json:"label"` // value // Required: true // Enum: [offline active planned staged failed decommissioning] Value *string `json:"value"` }
VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus Status
swagger:model VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus
func (*VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VirtualMachineWithConfigContextStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableAggregate ¶
type WritableAggregate struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Date added // Format: date DateAdded *strfmt.Date `json:"date_added,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Family // Read Only: true Family string `json:"family,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Prefix // Required: true Prefix *string `json:"prefix"` // RIR // Required: true Rir *int64 `json:"rir"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableAggregate writable aggregate
swagger:model WritableAggregate
func (*WritableAggregate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableAggregate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableAggregate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableAggregate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableAvailableIP ¶
type WritableAvailableIP struct { // Address // Read Only: true // Min Length: 1 Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // Family // Read Only: true Family int64 `json:"family,omitempty"` }
WritableAvailableIP writable available IP
swagger:model WritableAvailableIP
func (*WritableAvailableIP) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableAvailableIP) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableAvailableIP) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableAvailableIP) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableCable ¶
type WritableCable struct { // Color // Max Length: 6 // Pattern: ^[0-9a-f]{6}$ Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // Max Length: 100 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Length // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 Length *int64 `json:"length,omitempty"` // Length unit // Enum: [m cm ft in] LengthUnit string `json:"length_unit,omitempty"` // Status // Enum: [connected planned decommissioning] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Termination a // Read Only: true Terminationa map[string]string `json:"termination_a,omitempty"` // Termination a id // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 TerminationaID *int64 `json:"termination_a_id"` // Termination a type // Required: true TerminationaType *string `json:"termination_a_type"` // Termination b // Read Only: true Terminationb map[string]string `json:"termination_b,omitempty"` // Termination b id // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 TerminationbID *int64 `json:"termination_b_id"` // Termination b type // Required: true TerminationbType *string `json:"termination_b_type"` // Type // Enum: [cat3 cat5 cat5e cat6 cat6a cat7 dac-active dac-passive mrj21-trunk coaxial mmf mmf-om1 mmf-om2 mmf-om3 mmf-om4 smf smf-os1 smf-os2 aoc power] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableCable writable cable
swagger:model WritableCable
func (*WritableCable) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableCable) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableCable) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableCable) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableCircuit ¶
type WritableCircuit struct { // Circuit ID // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Cid *string `json:"cid"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Commit rate (Kbps) // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 CommitRate *int64 `json:"commit_rate,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Date installed // Format: date InstallDate *strfmt.Date `json:"install_date,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Provider // Required: true Provider *int64 `json:"provider"` // Status // Enum: [planned provisioning active offline deprovisioning decommissioned] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Termination a // Read Only: true Terminationa string `json:"termination_a,omitempty"` // Termination z // Read Only: true Terminationz string `json:"termination_z,omitempty"` // Type // Required: true Type *int64 `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableCircuit writable circuit
swagger:model WritableCircuit
func (*WritableCircuit) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableCircuit) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableCircuit) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableCircuit) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableCircuitTermination ¶
type WritableCircuitTermination struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Circuit // Required: true Circuit *int64 `json:"circuit"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // Connection status // Enum: [false true] ConnectionStatus *bool `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Port speed (Kbps) // Required: true // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed"` // Patch panel/port(s) // Max Length: 100 PpInfo string `json:"pp_info,omitempty"` // Site // Required: true Site *int64 `json:"site"` // Termination // Required: true // Enum: [A Z] TermSide *string `json:"term_side"` // Upstream speed (Kbps) // // Upstream speed, if different from port speed // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 UpstreamSpeed *int64 `json:"upstream_speed,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Cross-connect ID // Max Length: 50 XconnectID string `json:"xconnect_id,omitempty"` }
WritableCircuitTermination writable circuit termination
swagger:model WritableCircuitTermination
func (*WritableCircuitTermination) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableCircuitTermination) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableCircuitTermination) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableCircuitTermination) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableCluster ¶
type WritableCluster struct { // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Group Group *int64 `json:"group,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Site Site *int64 `json:"site,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Type // Required: true Type *int64 `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` }
WritableCluster writable cluster
swagger:model WritableCluster
func (*WritableCluster) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableCluster) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableCluster) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableCluster) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableConfigContext ¶
type WritableConfigContext struct { // cluster groups // Unique: true ClusterGroups []int64 `json:"cluster_groups"` // clusters // Unique: true Clusters []int64 `json:"clusters"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Data // Required: true Data *string `json:"data"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Is active IsActive bool `json:"is_active,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // platforms // Unique: true Platforms []int64 `json:"platforms"` // regions // Unique: true Regions []int64 `json:"regions"` // roles // Unique: true Roles []int64 `json:"roles"` // sites // Unique: true Sites []int64 `json:"sites"` // tags // Unique: true Tags []string `json:"tags"` // tenant groups // Unique: true TenantGroups []int64 `json:"tenant_groups"` // tenants // Unique: true Tenants []int64 `json:"tenants"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Weight // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
WritableConfigContext writable config context
swagger:model WritableConfigContext
func (*WritableConfigContext) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConfigContext) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableConsolePort ¶
type WritableConsolePort struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // Connection status // Enum: [false true] ConnectionStatus *bool `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Type // // Physical port type // Enum: [de-9 db-25 rj-11 rj-12 rj-45 usb-a usb-b usb-c usb-mini-a usb-mini-b usb-micro-a usb-micro-b other] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableConsolePort writable console port
swagger:model WritableConsolePort
func (*WritableConsolePort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConsolePort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableConsolePort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConsolePort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableConsolePortTemplate ¶
type WritableConsolePortTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Type // Enum: [de-9 db-25 rj-11 rj-12 rj-45 usb-a usb-b usb-c usb-mini-a usb-mini-b usb-micro-a usb-micro-b other] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableConsolePortTemplate writable console port template
swagger:model WritableConsolePortTemplate
func (*WritableConsolePortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConsolePortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableConsolePortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConsolePortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableConsoleServerPort ¶
type WritableConsoleServerPort struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // Connection status // Enum: [false true] ConnectionStatus *bool `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Type // // Physical port type // Enum: [de-9 db-25 rj-11 rj-12 rj-45 usb-a usb-b usb-c usb-mini-a usb-mini-b usb-micro-a usb-micro-b other] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableConsoleServerPort writable console server port
swagger:model WritableConsoleServerPort
func (*WritableConsoleServerPort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConsoleServerPort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableConsoleServerPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConsoleServerPort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate ¶
type WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Type // Enum: [de-9 db-25 rj-11 rj-12 rj-45 usb-a usb-b usb-c usb-mini-a usb-mini-b usb-micro-a usb-micro-b other] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate writable console server port template
swagger:model WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate
func (*WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableConsoleServerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableDeviceBay ¶
type WritableDeviceBay struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Installed device InstalledDevice *int64 `json:"installed_device,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableDeviceBay writable device bay
swagger:model WritableDeviceBay
func (*WritableDeviceBay) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableDeviceBay) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableDeviceBay) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableDeviceBay) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableDeviceBayTemplate ¶
type WritableDeviceBayTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableDeviceBayTemplate writable device bay template
swagger:model WritableDeviceBayTemplate
func (*WritableDeviceBayTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableDeviceBayTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableDeviceBayTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableDeviceBayTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableDeviceType ¶
type WritableDeviceType struct { // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // Front image // Read Only: true // Format: uri FrontImage strfmt.URI `json:"front_image,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Is full depth // // Device consumes both front and rear rack faces IsFullDepth bool `json:"is_full_depth,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Manufacturer // Required: true Manufacturer *int64 `json:"manufacturer"` // Model // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Model *string `json:"model"` // Part number // // Discrete part number (optional) // Max Length: 50 PartNumber string `json:"part_number,omitempty"` // Rear image // Read Only: true // Format: uri RearImage strfmt.URI `json:"rear_image,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Parent/child status // // Parent devices house child devices in device bays. Leave blank if this device type is neither a parent nor a child. // Enum: [parent child] SubdeviceRole string `json:"subdevice_role,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Height (U) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 UHeight *int64 `json:"u_height,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableDeviceType writable device type
swagger:model WritableDeviceType
func (*WritableDeviceType) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableDeviceType) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableDeviceType) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableDeviceType) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableDeviceWithConfigContext ¶
type WritableDeviceWithConfigContext struct { // Asset tag // // A unique tag used to identify this device // Max Length: 50 AssetTag *string `json:"asset_tag,omitempty"` // Cluster Cluster *int64 `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Config context // Read Only: true ConfigContext map[string]string `json:"config_context,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Device role // Required: true DeviceRole *int64 `json:"device_role"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // Rack face // Enum: [front rear] Face string `json:"face,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Local context data LocalContextData *string `json:"local_context_data,omitempty"` // Name // Max Length: 64 Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // parent device ParentDevice *NestedDevice `json:"parent_device,omitempty"` // Platform Platform *int64 `json:"platform,omitempty"` // Position (U) // // The lowest-numbered unit occupied by the device // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 Position *int64 `json:"position,omitempty"` // Primary ip // Read Only: true PrimaryIP string `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` // Primary IPv4 PrimaryIp4 *int64 `json:"primary_ip4,omitempty"` // Primary IPv6 PrimaryIp6 *int64 `json:"primary_ip6,omitempty"` // Rack Rack *int64 `json:"rack,omitempty"` // Serial number // Max Length: 50 Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"` // Site // Required: true Site *int64 `json:"site"` // Status // Enum: [offline active planned staged failed inventory decommissioning] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Vc position // Maximum: 255 // Minimum: 0 VcPosition *int64 `json:"vc_position,omitempty"` // Vc priority // Maximum: 255 // Minimum: 0 VcPriority *int64 `json:"vc_priority,omitempty"` // Virtual chassis VirtualChassis *int64 `json:"virtual_chassis,omitempty"` }
WritableDeviceWithConfigContext writable device with config context
swagger:model WritableDeviceWithConfigContext
func (*WritableDeviceWithConfigContext) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableDeviceWithConfigContext) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableDeviceWithConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableDeviceWithConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableExportTemplate ¶
type WritableExportTemplate struct { // Content type // Required: true ContentType *string `json:"content_type"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // File extension // // Extension to append to the rendered filename // Max Length: 15 FileExtension string `json:"file_extension,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // MIME type // // Defaults to <code>text/plain</code> // Max Length: 50 MimeType string `json:"mime_type,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Template code // // The list of objects being exported is passed as a context variable named <code>queryset</code>. // Required: true // Min Length: 1 TemplateCode *string `json:"template_code"` // Template language // Enum: [jinja2 django] TemplateLanguage string `json:"template_language,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableExportTemplate writable export template
swagger:model WritableExportTemplate
func (*WritableExportTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableExportTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableExportTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableExportTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableFrontPort ¶
type WritableFrontPort struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Rear port // Required: true RearPort *int64 `json:"rear_port"` // Rear port position // Maximum: 64 // Minimum: 1 RearPortPosition int64 `json:"rear_port_position,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Type // Required: true // Enum: [8p8c 8p6c 8p4c 8p2c 110-punch bnc mrj21 fc lc lc-apc lsh lsh-apc mpo mtrj sc sc-apc st] Type *string `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableFrontPort writable front port
swagger:model WritableFrontPort
func (*WritableFrontPort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableFrontPort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableFrontPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableFrontPort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableFrontPortTemplate ¶
type WritableFrontPortTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Rear port // Required: true RearPort *int64 `json:"rear_port"` // Rear port position // Maximum: 64 // Minimum: 1 RearPortPosition int64 `json:"rear_port_position,omitempty"` // Type // Required: true // Enum: [8p8c 8p6c 8p4c 8p2c 110-punch bnc mrj21 fc lc lc-apc lsh lsh-apc mpo mtrj sc sc-apc st] Type *string `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableFrontPortTemplate writable front port template
swagger:model WritableFrontPortTemplate
func (*WritableFrontPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableFrontPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableFrontPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableFrontPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableIPAddress ¶
type WritableIPAddress struct { // Address // // IPv4 or IPv6 address (with mask) // Required: true Address *string `json:"address"` // Assigned object // Read Only: true AssignedObject map[string]string `json:"assigned_object,omitempty"` // Assigned object id // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 AssignedObjectID *int64 `json:"assigned_object_id,omitempty"` // Assigned object type AssignedObjectType string `json:"assigned_object_type,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // DNS Name // // Hostname or FQDN (not case-sensitive) // Max Length: 255 // Pattern: ^[0-9A-Za-z._-]+$ DNSName string `json:"dns_name,omitempty"` // Family // Read Only: true Family string `json:"family,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // NAT (Inside) // // The IP for which this address is the "outside" IP NatInside *int64 `json:"nat_inside,omitempty"` // Nat outside // Required: true NatOutside *int64 `json:"nat_outside"` // Role // // The functional role of this IP // Enum: [loopback secondary anycast vip vrrp hsrp glbp carp] Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` // Status // // The operational status of this IP // Enum: [active reserved deprecated dhcp slaac] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // VRF Vrf *int64 `json:"vrf,omitempty"` }
WritableIPAddress writable IP address
swagger:model WritableIPAddress
func (*WritableIPAddress) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableIPAddress) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableIPAddress) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableIPAddress) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableInterface ¶
type WritableInterface struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // Connection status // Enum: [false true] ConnectionStatus *bool `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Count ipaddresses // Read Only: true CountIpaddresses int64 `json:"count_ipaddresses,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // Enabled Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Parent LAG Lag *int64 `json:"lag,omitempty"` // MAC Address MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address,omitempty"` // OOB Management // // This interface is used only for out-of-band management MgmtOnly bool `json:"mgmt_only,omitempty"` // Mode // Enum: [access tagged tagged-all] Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"` // MTU // Maximum: 65536 // Minimum: 1 Mtu *int64 `json:"mtu,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Parent // Required: false Parent *NestedInterface `json:"parent,omitempty"` // tagged vlans // Unique: true TaggedVlans []int64 `json:"tagged_vlans"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Type // Required: true // Enum: [virtual lag 100base-tx 1000base-t 2.5gbase-t 5gbase-t 10gbase-t 10gbase-cx4 1000base-x-gbic 1000base-x-sfp 10gbase-x-sfpp 10gbase-x-xfp 10gbase-x-xenpak 10gbase-x-x2 25gbase-x-sfp28 40gbase-x-qsfpp 50gbase-x-sfp28 100gbase-x-cfp 100gbase-x-cfp2 200gbase-x-cfp2 100gbase-x-cfp4 100gbase-x-cpak 100gbase-x-qsfp28 200gbase-x-qsfp56 400gbase-x-qsfpdd 400gbase-x-osfp ieee802.11a ieee802.11g ieee802.11n ieee802.11ac ieee802.11ad ieee802.11ax gsm cdma lte sonet-oc3 sonet-oc12 sonet-oc48 sonet-oc192 sonet-oc768 sonet-oc1920 sonet-oc3840 1gfc-sfp 2gfc-sfp 4gfc-sfp 8gfc-sfpp 16gfc-sfpp 32gfc-sfp28 128gfc-sfp28 infiniband-sdr infiniband-ddr infiniband-qdr infiniband-fdr10 infiniband-fdr infiniband-edr infiniband-hdr infiniband-ndr infiniband-xdr t1 e1 t3 e3 cisco-stackwise cisco-stackwise-plus cisco-flexstack cisco-flexstack-plus juniper-vcp extreme-summitstack extreme-summitstack-128 extreme-summitstack-256 extreme-summitstack-512 other] Type *string `json:"type"` // Untagged VLAN UntaggedVlan *int64 `json:"untagged_vlan,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableInterface writable interface
swagger:model WritableInterface
func (*WritableInterface) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableInterface) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableInterface) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableInterface) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableInterfaceTemplate ¶
type WritableInterfaceTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Management only MgmtOnly bool `json:"mgmt_only,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Type // Required: true // Enum: [virtual lag 100base-tx 1000base-t 2.5gbase-t 5gbase-t 10gbase-t 10gbase-cx4 1000base-x-gbic 1000base-x-sfp 10gbase-x-sfpp 10gbase-x-xfp 10gbase-x-xenpak 10gbase-x-x2 25gbase-x-sfp28 40gbase-x-qsfpp 50gbase-x-sfp28 100gbase-x-cfp 100gbase-x-cfp2 200gbase-x-cfp2 100gbase-x-cfp4 100gbase-x-cpak 100gbase-x-qsfp28 200gbase-x-qsfp56 400gbase-x-qsfpdd 400gbase-x-osfp ieee802.11a ieee802.11g ieee802.11n ieee802.11ac ieee802.11ad ieee802.11ax gsm cdma lte sonet-oc3 sonet-oc12 sonet-oc48 sonet-oc192 sonet-oc768 sonet-oc1920 sonet-oc3840 1gfc-sfp 2gfc-sfp 4gfc-sfp 8gfc-sfpp 16gfc-sfpp 32gfc-sfp28 128gfc-sfp28 infiniband-sdr infiniband-ddr infiniband-qdr infiniband-fdr10 infiniband-fdr infiniband-edr infiniband-hdr infiniband-ndr infiniband-xdr t1 e1 t3 e3 cisco-stackwise cisco-stackwise-plus cisco-flexstack cisco-flexstack-plus juniper-vcp extreme-summitstack extreme-summitstack-128 extreme-summitstack-256 extreme-summitstack-512 other] Type *string `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableInterfaceTemplate writable interface template
swagger:model WritableInterfaceTemplate
func (*WritableInterfaceTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableInterfaceTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableInterfaceTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableInterfaceTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableInventoryItem ¶
type WritableInventoryItem struct { // Asset tag // // A unique tag used to identify this item // Max Length: 50 AssetTag *string `json:"asset_tag,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // Discovered // // This item was automatically discovered Discovered bool `json:"discovered,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Manufacturer Manufacturer *int64 `json:"manufacturer,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Parent Parent *int64 `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Part ID // // Manufacturer-assigned part identifier // Max Length: 50 PartID string `json:"part_id,omitempty"` // Serial number // Max Length: 50 Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableInventoryItem writable inventory item
swagger:model WritableInventoryItem
func (*WritableInventoryItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableInventoryItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableInventoryItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableInventoryItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableObjectPermission ¶
type WritableObjectPermission struct { // The list of actions granted by this permission // Required: true Actions []string `json:"actions"` // Constraints // // Queryset filter matching the applicable objects of the selected type(s) Constraints *string `json:"constraints,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Enabled Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // groups // Unique: true Groups []int64 `json:"groups"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // object types // Required: true // Unique: true ObjectTypes []string `json:"object_types"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // users // Unique: true Users []int64 `json:"users"` }
WritableObjectPermission writable object permission
swagger:model WritableObjectPermission
func (*WritableObjectPermission) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableObjectPermission) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableObjectPermission) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableObjectPermission) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritablePlatform ¶
type WritablePlatform struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Manufacturer // // Optionally limit this platform to devices of a certain manufacturer Manufacturer *int64 `json:"manufacturer,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // NAPALM arguments // // Additional arguments to pass when initiating the NAPALM driver (JSON format) NapalmArgs *string `json:"napalm_args,omitempty"` // NAPALM driver // // The name of the NAPALM driver to use when interacting with devices // Max Length: 50 NapalmDriver string `json:"napalm_driver,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` }
WritablePlatform writable platform
swagger:model WritablePlatform
func (*WritablePlatform) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePlatform) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritablePlatform) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePlatform) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritablePowerFeed ¶
type WritablePowerFeed struct { // Amperage // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 Amperage int64 `json:"amperage,omitempty"` // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Max utilization // // Maximum permissible draw (percentage) // Maximum: 100 // Minimum: 1 MaxUtilization int64 `json:"max_utilization,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Phase // Enum: [single-phase three-phase] Phase string `json:"phase,omitempty"` // Power panel // Required: true PowerPanel *int64 `json:"power_panel"` // Rack Rack *int64 `json:"rack,omitempty"` // Status // Enum: [offline active planned failed] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // Supply // Enum: [ac dc] Supply string `json:"supply,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Type // Enum: [primary redundant] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Voltage // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: -32768 Voltage *int64 `json:"voltage,omitempty"` }
WritablePowerFeed writable power feed
swagger:model WritablePowerFeed
func (*WritablePowerFeed) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerFeed) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritablePowerFeed) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerFeed) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritablePowerOutlet ¶
type WritablePowerOutlet struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // Connection status // Enum: [false true] ConnectionStatus *bool `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // Feed leg // // Phase (for three-phase feeds) // Enum: [A B C] FeedLeg string `json:"feed_leg,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Power port PowerPort *int64 `json:"power_port,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Type // // Physical port type // Enum: [iec-60320-c5 iec-60320-c7 iec-60320-c13 iec-60320-c15 iec-60320-c19 iec-60309-p-n-e-4h iec-60309-p-n-e-6h iec-60309-p-n-e-9h iec-60309-2p-e-4h iec-60309-2p-e-6h iec-60309-2p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-e-4h iec-60309-3p-e-6h iec-60309-3p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h nema-1-15r nema-5-15r nema-5-20r nema-5-30r nema-5-50r nema-6-15r nema-6-20r nema-6-30r nema-6-50r nema-10-30r nema-10-50r nema-14-20r nema-14-30r nema-14-50r nema-14-60r nema-15-15r nema-15-20r nema-15-30r nema-15-50r nema-15-60r nema-l1-15r nema-l5-15r nema-l5-20r nema-l5-30r nema-l5-50r nema-l6-15r nema-l6-20r nema-l6-30r nema-l6-50r nema-l10-30r nema-l14-20r nema-l14-30r nema-l14-50r nema-l14-60r nema-l15-20r nema-l15-30r nema-l15-50r nema-l15-60r nema-l21-20r nema-l21-30r CS6360C CS6364C CS8164C CS8264C CS8364C CS8464C ita-e ita-f ita-g ita-h ita-i ita-j ita-k ita-l ita-m ita-n ita-o hdot-cx] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritablePowerOutlet writable power outlet
swagger:model WritablePowerOutlet
func (*WritablePowerOutlet) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerOutlet) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritablePowerOutlet) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerOutlet) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritablePowerOutletTemplate ¶
type WritablePowerOutletTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // Feed leg // // Phase (for three-phase feeds) // Enum: [A B C] FeedLeg string `json:"feed_leg,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Power port PowerPort *int64 `json:"power_port,omitempty"` // Type // Enum: [iec-60320-c5 iec-60320-c7 iec-60320-c13 iec-60320-c15 iec-60320-c19 iec-60309-p-n-e-4h iec-60309-p-n-e-6h iec-60309-p-n-e-9h iec-60309-2p-e-4h iec-60309-2p-e-6h iec-60309-2p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-e-4h iec-60309-3p-e-6h iec-60309-3p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h nema-1-15r nema-5-15r nema-5-20r nema-5-30r nema-5-50r nema-6-15r nema-6-20r nema-6-30r nema-6-50r nema-10-30r nema-10-50r nema-14-20r nema-14-30r nema-14-50r nema-14-60r nema-15-15r nema-15-20r nema-15-30r nema-15-50r nema-15-60r nema-l1-15r nema-l5-15r nema-l5-20r nema-l5-30r nema-l5-50r nema-l6-15r nema-l6-20r nema-l6-30r nema-l6-50r nema-l10-30r nema-l14-20r nema-l14-30r nema-l14-50r nema-l14-60r nema-l15-20r nema-l15-30r nema-l15-50r nema-l15-60r nema-l21-20r nema-l21-30r CS6360C CS6364C CS8164C CS8264C CS8364C CS8464C ita-e ita-f ita-g ita-h ita-i ita-j ita-k ita-l ita-m ita-n ita-o hdot-cx] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritablePowerOutletTemplate writable power outlet template
swagger:model WritablePowerOutletTemplate
func (*WritablePowerOutletTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerOutletTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritablePowerOutletTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerOutletTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritablePowerPanel ¶
type WritablePowerPanel struct { // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Powerfeed count // Read Only: true PowerfeedCount int64 `json:"powerfeed_count,omitempty"` // Rack group RackGroup *int64 `json:"rack_group,omitempty"` // Site // Required: true Site *int64 `json:"site"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritablePowerPanel writable power panel
swagger:model WritablePowerPanel
func (*WritablePowerPanel) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerPanel) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritablePowerPanel) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerPanel) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritablePowerPort ¶
type WritablePowerPort struct { // Allocated draw // // Allocated power draw (watts) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 AllocatedDraw *int64 `json:"allocated_draw,omitempty"` // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint // // // Return the appropriate serializer for the type of connected object. // // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpoint map[string]string `json:"connected_endpoint,omitempty"` // Connected endpoint type // Read Only: true ConnectedEndpointType string `json:"connected_endpoint_type,omitempty"` // Connection status // Enum: [false true] ConnectionStatus *bool `json:"connection_status,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Maximum draw // // Maximum power draw (watts) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 MaximumDraw *int64 `json:"maximum_draw,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Type // // Physical port type // Enum: [iec-60320-c6 iec-60320-c8 iec-60320-c14 iec-60320-c16 iec-60320-c20 iec-60309-p-n-e-4h iec-60309-p-n-e-6h iec-60309-p-n-e-9h iec-60309-2p-e-4h iec-60309-2p-e-6h iec-60309-2p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-e-4h iec-60309-3p-e-6h iec-60309-3p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h nema-1-15p nema-5-15p nema-5-20p nema-5-30p nema-5-50p nema-6-15p nema-6-20p nema-6-30p nema-6-50p nema-10-30p nema-10-50p nema-14-20p nema-14-30p nema-14-50p nema-14-60p nema-15-15p nema-15-20p nema-15-30p nema-15-50p nema-15-60p nema-l1-15p nema-l5-15p nema-l5-20p nema-l5-30p nema-l5-50p nema-l6-15p nema-l6-20p nema-l6-30p nema-l6-50p nema-l10-30p nema-l14-20p nema-l14-30p nema-l14-50p nema-l14-60p nema-l15-20p nema-l15-30p nema-l15-50p nema-l15-60p nema-l21-20p nema-l21-30p cs6361c cs6365c cs8165c cs8265c cs8365c cs8465c ita-e ita-f ita-ef ita-g ita-h ita-i ita-j ita-k ita-l ita-m ita-n ita-o] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritablePowerPort writable power port
swagger:model WritablePowerPort
func (*WritablePowerPort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerPort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritablePowerPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerPort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritablePowerPortTemplate ¶
type WritablePowerPortTemplate struct { // Allocated draw // // Allocated power draw (watts) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 AllocatedDraw *int64 `json:"allocated_draw,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Maximum draw // // Maximum power draw (watts) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 1 MaximumDraw *int64 `json:"maximum_draw,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Type // Enum: [iec-60320-c6 iec-60320-c8 iec-60320-c14 iec-60320-c16 iec-60320-c20 iec-60309-p-n-e-4h iec-60309-p-n-e-6h iec-60309-p-n-e-9h iec-60309-2p-e-4h iec-60309-2p-e-6h iec-60309-2p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-e-4h iec-60309-3p-e-6h iec-60309-3p-e-9h iec-60309-3p-n-e-4h iec-60309-3p-n-e-6h iec-60309-3p-n-e-9h nema-1-15p nema-5-15p nema-5-20p nema-5-30p nema-5-50p nema-6-15p nema-6-20p nema-6-30p nema-6-50p nema-10-30p nema-10-50p nema-14-20p nema-14-30p nema-14-50p nema-14-60p nema-15-15p nema-15-20p nema-15-30p nema-15-50p nema-15-60p nema-l1-15p nema-l5-15p nema-l5-20p nema-l5-30p nema-l5-50p nema-l6-15p nema-l6-20p nema-l6-30p nema-l6-50p nema-l10-30p nema-l14-20p nema-l14-30p nema-l14-50p nema-l14-60p nema-l15-20p nema-l15-30p nema-l15-50p nema-l15-60p nema-l21-20p nema-l21-30p cs6361c cs6365c cs8165c cs8265c cs8365c cs8465c ita-e ita-f ita-ef ita-g ita-h ita-i ita-j ita-k ita-l ita-m ita-n ita-o] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritablePowerPortTemplate writable power port template
swagger:model WritablePowerPortTemplate
func (*WritablePowerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritablePowerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePowerPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritablePrefix ¶
type WritablePrefix struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Family // Read Only: true Family string `json:"family,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Is a pool // // All IP addresses within this prefix are considered usable IsPool bool `json:"is_pool,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Prefix // // IPv4 or IPv6 network with mask // Required: true Prefix *string `json:"prefix"` // Role // // The primary function of this prefix Role *int64 `json:"role,omitempty"` // Site Site *int64 `json:"site,omitempty"` // Status // // Operational status of this prefix // Enum: [container active reserved deprecated] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // VLAN Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan,omitempty"` // VRF Vrf *int64 `json:"vrf,omitempty"` }
WritablePrefix writable prefix
swagger:model WritablePrefix
func (*WritablePrefix) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePrefix) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritablePrefix) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritablePrefix) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableRack ¶
type WritableRack struct { // Asset tag // // A unique tag used to identify this rack // Max Length: 50 AssetTag *string `json:"asset_tag,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Descending units // // Units are numbered top-to-bottom DescUnits bool `json:"desc_units,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // Facility ID // // Locally-assigned identifier // Max Length: 50 FacilityID *string `json:"facility_id,omitempty"` // Group // // Assigned group Group *int64 `json:"group,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Outer depth // // Outer dimension of rack (depth) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 OuterDepth *int64 `json:"outer_depth,omitempty"` // Outer unit // Enum: [mm in] OuterUnit string `json:"outer_unit,omitempty"` // Outer width // // Outer dimension of rack (width) // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 OuterWidth *int64 `json:"outer_width,omitempty"` // Powerfeed count // Read Only: true PowerfeedCount int64 `json:"powerfeed_count,omitempty"` // Role // // Functional role Role *int64 `json:"role,omitempty"` // Serial number // Max Length: 50 Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"` // Site // Required: true Site *int64 `json:"site"` // Status // Enum: [reserved available planned active deprecated] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Type // Enum: [2-post-frame 4-post-frame 4-post-cabinet wall-frame wall-cabinet] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // Height (U) // // Height in rack units // Maximum: 100 // Minimum: 1 UHeight int64 `json:"u_height,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Width // // Rail-to-rail width // Enum: [10 19 21 23] Width int64 `json:"width,omitempty"` }
WritableRack writable rack
swagger:model WritableRack
func (*WritableRack) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRack) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableRack) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRack) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableRackGroup ¶
type WritableRackGroup struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Parent Parent *int64 `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // Site // Required: true Site *int64 `json:"site"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableRackGroup writable rack group
swagger:model WritableRackGroup
func (*WritableRackGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRackGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableRackGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRackGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableRackReservation ¶
type WritableRackReservation struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Description // Required: true // Max Length: 200 // Min Length: 1 Description *string `json:"description"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Rack // Required: true Rack *int64 `json:"rack"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // units // Required: true Units []*int64 `json:"units"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // User // Required: true User *int64 `json:"user"` }
WritableRackReservation writable rack reservation
swagger:model WritableRackReservation
func (*WritableRackReservation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRackReservation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableRackReservation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRackReservation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableRearPort ¶
type WritableRearPort struct { // cable Cable *NestedCable `json:"cable,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Positions // Maximum: 64 // Minimum: 1 Positions int64 `json:"positions,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Type // Required: true // Enum: [8p8c 8p6c 8p4c 8p2c 110-punch bnc mrj21 fc lc lc-apc lsh lsh-apc mpo mtrj sc sc-apc st] Type *string `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableRearPort writable rear port
swagger:model WritableRearPort
func (*WritableRearPort) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRearPort) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableRearPort) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRearPort) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableRearPortTemplate ¶
type WritableRearPortTemplate struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device type // Required: true DeviceType *int64 `json:"device_type"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Label // // Physical label // Max Length: 64 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Positions // Maximum: 64 // Minimum: 1 Positions int64 `json:"positions,omitempty"` // Type // Required: true // Enum: [8p8c 8p6c 8p4c 8p2c 110-punch bnc mrj21 fc lc lc-apc lsh lsh-apc mpo mtrj sc sc-apc st] Type *string `json:"type"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableRearPortTemplate writable rear port template
swagger:model WritableRearPortTemplate
func (*WritableRearPortTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRearPortTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableRearPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRearPortTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableRegion ¶
type WritableRegion struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Parent Parent *int64 `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Site count // Read Only: true SiteCount int64 `json:"site_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableRegion writable region
swagger:model WritableRegion
func (*WritableRegion) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRegion) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableRegion) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableRegion) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableSecret ¶
type WritableSecret struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Device // Required: true Device *int64 `json:"device"` // Hash // Read Only: true // Min Length: 1 Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Max Length: 100 Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Plaintext // Required: true // Min Length: 1 Plaintext *string `json:"plaintext"` // Role // Required: true Role *int64 `json:"role"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableSecret writable secret
swagger:model WritableSecret
func (*WritableSecret) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableSecret) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableSecret) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableSecret) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableService ¶
type WritableService struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device Device *int64 `json:"device,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // ipaddresses // Unique: true Ipaddresses []int64 `json:"ipaddresses"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 30 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Port number // Required: true // Maximum: 65535 // Minimum: 1 Port *int64 `json:"port"` // Protocol // Required: true // Enum: [tcp udp] Protocol *string `json:"protocol"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtual machine VirtualMachine *int64 `json:"virtual_machine,omitempty"` }
WritableService writable service
swagger:model WritableService
func (*WritableService) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableService) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableService) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableService) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableSite ¶
type WritableSite struct { // ASN // // 32-bit autonomous system number // Maximum: 4.294967295e+09 // Minimum: 1 Asn *int64 `json:"asn,omitempty"` // Circuit count // Read Only: true CircuitCount int64 `json:"circuit_count,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Contact E-mail // Max Length: 254 // Format: email ContactEmail strfmt.Email `json:"contact_email,omitempty"` // Contact name // Max Length: 50 ContactName string `json:"contact_name,omitempty"` // Contact phone // Max Length: 20 ContactPhone string `json:"contact_phone,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Facility // // Local facility ID or description // Max Length: 50 Facility string `json:"facility,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Latitude // // GPS coordinate (latitude) Latitude *string `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // Longitude // // GPS coordinate (longitude) Longitude *string `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Physical address // Max Length: 200 PhysicalAddress string `json:"physical_address,omitempty"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // Region Region *int64 `json:"region,omitempty"` // Shipping address // Max Length: 200 ShippingAddress string `json:"shipping_address,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Status // Enum: [planned staging active decommissioning retired] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Time zone TimeZone string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` }
WritableSite writable site
swagger:model WritableSite
func (*WritableSite) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableSite) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableSite) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableSite) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableTenant ¶
type WritableTenant struct { // Circuit count // Read Only: true CircuitCount int64 `json:"circuit_count,omitempty"` // Cluster count // Read Only: true ClusterCount int64 `json:"cluster_count,omitempty"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Device count // Read Only: true DeviceCount int64 `json:"device_count,omitempty"` // Group Group *int64 `json:"group,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Ipaddress count // Read Only: true IpaddressCount int64 `json:"ipaddress_count,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 30 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Rack count // Read Only: true RackCount int64 `json:"rack_count,omitempty"` // Site count // Read Only: true SiteCount int64 `json:"site_count,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtualmachine count // Read Only: true VirtualmachineCount int64 `json:"virtualmachine_count,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` // Vrf count // Read Only: true VrfCount int64 `json:"vrf_count,omitempty"` }
WritableTenant writable tenant
swagger:model WritableTenant
func (*WritableTenant) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableTenant) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableTenant) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableTenant) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableTenantGroup ¶
type WritableTenantGroup struct { // depth // Read Only: true Depth int64 `json:"_depth,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Parent Parent *int64 `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Tenant count // Read Only: true TenantCount int64 `json:"tenant_count,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableTenantGroup writable tenant group
swagger:model WritableTenantGroup
func (*WritableTenantGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableTenantGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableTenantGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableTenantGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableUser ¶
type WritableUser struct { // Date joined // Format: date-time DateJoined strfmt.DateTime `json:"date_joined,omitempty"` // Email address // Max Length: 254 // Format: email Email strfmt.Email `json:"email,omitempty"` // First name // Max Length: 150 FirstName string `json:"first_name,omitempty"` // The groups this user belongs to. A user will get all permissions granted to each of their groups. // Unique: true Groups []int64 `json:"groups"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Active // // Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts. IsActive bool `json:"is_active,omitempty"` // Staff status // // Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. IsStaff bool `json:"is_staff,omitempty"` // Last name // Max Length: 150 LastName string `json:"last_name,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Username // // Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. // Required: true // Max Length: 150 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[\w.@+-]+$ Username *string `json:"username"` }
WritableUser writable user
swagger:model WritableUser
func (*WritableUser) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableUser) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableUser) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableUser) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableVLAN ¶
type WritableVLAN struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // Group Group *int64 `json:"group,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Role Role *int64 `json:"role,omitempty"` // Site Site *int64 `json:"site,omitempty"` // Status // Enum: [active reserved deprecated] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // ID // Required: true // Maximum: 4094 // Minimum: 1 Vid *int64 `json:"vid"` }
WritableVLAN writable v l a n
swagger:model WritableVLAN
func (*WritableVLAN) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVLAN) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableVLAN) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVLAN) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableVLANGroup ¶
type WritableVLANGroup struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Site Site *int64 `json:"site,omitempty"` // Slug // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 // Pattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Vlan count // Read Only: true VlanCount int64 `json:"vlan_count,omitempty"` }
WritableVLANGroup writable v l a n group
swagger:model WritableVLANGroup
func (*WritableVLANGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVLANGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableVLANGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVLANGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableVMInterface ¶
type WritableVMInterface struct { // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Enabled Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // MAC Address MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address,omitempty"` // Mode // Enum: [access tagged tagged-all] Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"` // MTU // Maximum: 65536 // Minimum: 1 Mtu *int64 `json:"mtu,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tagged vlans // Unique: true TaggedVlans []int64 `json:"tagged_vlans"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Untagged VLAN UntaggedVlan *int64 `json:"untagged_vlan,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // Virtual machine // Required: true VirtualMachine *int64 `json:"virtual_machine"` }
WritableVMInterface writable VM interface
swagger:model WritableVMInterface
func (*WritableVMInterface) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVMInterface) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableVMInterface) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVMInterface) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableVRF ¶
type WritableVRF struct { // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Description // Max Length: 200 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Display name // Read Only: true DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` // Enforce unique space // // Prevent duplicate prefixes/IP addresses within this VRF EnforceUnique bool `json:"enforce_unique,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Ipaddress count // Read Only: true IpaddressCount int64 `json:"ipaddress_count,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 50 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Prefix count // Read Only: true PrefixCount int64 `json:"prefix_count,omitempty"` // Route distinguisher // // Unique route distinguisher (as defined in RFC 4364) // Max Length: 21 Rd *string `json:"rd,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableVRF writable v r f
swagger:model WritableVRF
func (*WritableVRF) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVRF) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableVRF) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVRF) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableVirtualChassis ¶
type WritableVirtualChassis struct { // Domain // Max Length: 30 Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Master Master *int64 `json:"master,omitempty"` // Member count // Read Only: true MemberCount int64 `json:"member_count,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
WritableVirtualChassis writable virtual chassis
swagger:model WritableVirtualChassis
func (*WritableVirtualChassis) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVirtualChassis) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableVirtualChassis) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVirtualChassis) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext ¶
type WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext struct { // Cluster // Required: true Cluster *int64 `json:"cluster"` // Comments Comments string `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Config context // Read Only: true ConfigContext map[string]string `json:"config_context,omitempty"` // Created // Read Only: true // Format: date Created strfmt.Date `json:"created,omitempty"` // Custom fields CustomFields interface{} `json:"custom_fields,omitempty"` // Disk (GB) // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 Disk *int64 `json:"disk,omitempty"` // ID // Read Only: true ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` // Last updated // Read Only: true // Format: date-time LastUpdated strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` // Local context data LocalContextData *string `json:"local_context_data,omitempty"` // Memory (MB) // Maximum: 2.147483647e+09 // Minimum: 0 Memory *int64 `json:"memory,omitempty"` // Name // Required: true // Max Length: 64 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // Platform Platform *int64 `json:"platform,omitempty"` // Primary ip // Read Only: true PrimaryIP string `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` // Primary IPv4 PrimaryIp4 *int64 `json:"primary_ip4,omitempty"` // Primary IPv6 PrimaryIp6 *int64 `json:"primary_ip6,omitempty"` // Role Role *int64 `json:"role,omitempty"` // Site // Read Only: true Site string `json:"site,omitempty"` // Status // Enum: [offline active planned staged failed decommissioning] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // tags Tags []*NestedTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Tenant Tenant *int64 `json:"tenant,omitempty"` // Url // Read Only: true // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` // VCPUs // Maximum: 32767 // Minimum: 0 Vcpus *int64 `json:"vcpus,omitempty"` }
WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext writable virtual machine with config context
swagger:model WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext
func (*WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WritableVirtualMachineWithConfigContext) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
Source Files
- aggregate.go
- available_ip.go
- available_prefix.go
- cable.go
- circuit.go
- circuit_circuit_termination.go
- circuit_termination.go
- circuit_type.go
- cluster.go
- cluster_group.go
- cluster_type.go
- config_context.go
- console_port.go
- console_port_template.go
- console_server_port.go
- console_server_port_template.go
- device.go
- device_bay.go
- device_bay_template.go
- device_n_a_p_a_l_m.go
- device_role.go
- device_type.go
- device_with_config_context.go
- export_template.go
- front_port.go
- front_port_rear_port.go
- front_port_template.go
- graph.go
- group.go
- image_attachment.go
- interface.go
- interface_connection.go
- interface_template.go
- inventory_item.go
- ip_address.go
- job_result.go
- manufacturer.go
- nested_cable.go
- nested_circuit.go
- nested_circuit_type.go
- nested_cluster.go
- nested_cluster_group.go
- nested_cluster_type.go
- nested_device.go
- nested_device_role.go
- nested_device_type.go
- nested_group.go
- nested_interface.go
- nested_ip_address.go
- nested_manufacturer.go
- nested_platform.go
- nested_power_panel.go
- nested_power_port.go
- nested_power_port_template.go
- nested_provider.go
- nested_r_i_r.go
- nested_rack.go
- nested_rack_group.go
- nested_rack_role.go
- nested_rear_port_template.go
- nested_region.go
- nested_role.go
- nested_secret_role.go
- nested_site.go
- nested_tag.go
- nested_tenant.go
- nested_tenant_group.go
- nested_user.go
- nested_v_l_a_n.go
- nested_v_l_a_n_group.go
- nested_v_r_f.go
- nested_virtual_chassis.go
- nested_virtual_machine.go
- object_change.go
- object_permission.go
- platform.go
- power_feed.go
- power_outlet.go
- power_outlet_template.go
- power_panel.go
- power_port.go
- power_port_template.go
- prefix.go
- prefix_length.go
- provider.go
- r_i_r.go
- rack.go
- rack_group.go
- rack_reservation.go
- rack_role.go
- rack_unit.go
- rear_port.go
- rear_port_template.go
- region.go
- role.go
- secret.go
- secret_role.go
- service.go
- site.go
- tag.go
- tenant.go
- tenant_group.go
- user.go
- v_l_a_n.go
- v_l_a_n_group.go
- v_r_f.go
- virtual_chassis.go
- virtual_machine_with_config_context.go
- vm_interface.go
- writable_aggregate.go
- writable_available_ip.go
- writable_cable.go
- writable_circuit.go
- writable_circuit_termination.go
- writable_cluster.go
- writable_config_context.go
- writable_console_port.go
- writable_console_port_template.go
- writable_console_server_port.go
- writable_console_server_port_template.go
- writable_device_bay.go
- writable_device_bay_template.go
- writable_device_type.go
- writable_device_with_config_context.go
- writable_export_template.go
- writable_front_port.go
- writable_front_port_template.go
- writable_interface.go
- writable_interface_template.go
- writable_inventory_item.go
- writable_ip_address.go
- writable_object_permission.go
- writable_platform.go
- writable_power_feed.go
- writable_power_outlet.go
- writable_power_outlet_template.go
- writable_power_panel.go
- writable_power_port.go
- writable_power_port_template.go
- writable_prefix.go
- writable_rack.go
- writable_rack_group.go
- writable_rack_reservation.go
- writable_rear_port.go
- writable_rear_port_template.go
- writable_region.go
- writable_secret.go
- writable_service.go
- writable_site.go
- writable_tenant.go
- writable_tenant_group.go
- writable_user.go
- writable_v_l_a_n.go
- writable_v_l_a_n_group.go
- writable_v_r_f.go
- writable_virtual_chassis.go
- writable_virtual_machine_with_config_context.go
- writable_vm_interface.go