This is backend for a financial application wrriten in golang. It entails all the features of a simple finance application
Technologies Stack
- Golang - gRPC - PostgreSql - Docker - Terraform - Kubernetes - AWS
- Deposit -- Deposit funds at any time you like.
- Lock -- Lock will check your Current balance and lock an amount specified which you are not allowed to withdraw for a specified period of time.
- Withdraw money -- Withdraw a specified an amount of money and it effected in your database.
- Balance -- Request for your balance at any point in time -- It is calculated on the fly as the sum of all transactions perfomed by the user and returned.
You can use docker to start the application by running:
$ docker-compose up
You can also start up the application using the makefile:
1. create the .env file using the .env.sample as template
2. populate the .env file with your postgres db credentials
3. run `make run`
Project status
The basic functionality of the project is done but I intend to improve on the project structure in the future and write proper test for the application.
It is free for use and you can also raise issues faced when building or testing the application.