Index ¶
- func CreateGroupCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateGroupFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateLocalizedDescriptionFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateLocalizedLabelFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateLocalizedNameFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateRelationCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateRelationFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateSetCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateSetFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateStoreCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateStoreFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateTermCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func CreateTermFromDiscriminatorValue(...) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, ...)
- func ParseRelationType(v string) (interface{}, error)
- func ParseTermGroupScope(v string) (interface{}, error)
- func SerializeRelationType(values []RelationType) []string
- func SerializeTermGroupScope(values []TermGroupScope) []string
- type Group
- func (m *Group) GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *Group) GetDescription() *string
- func (m *Group) GetDisplayName() *string
- func (m *Group) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Group) GetParentSiteId() *string
- func (m *Group) GetScope() *TermGroupScope
- func (m *Group) GetSets() []Setable
- func (m *Group) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Group) SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *Group) SetDescription(value *string)
- func (m *Group) SetDisplayName(value *string)
- func (m *Group) SetParentSiteId(value *string)
- func (m *Group) SetScope(value *TermGroupScope)
- func (m *Group) SetSets(value []Setable)
- type GroupCollectionResponse
- func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
- func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
- func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Groupable
- func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
- func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
- func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Groupable)
- type GroupCollectionResponseable
- type Groupable
- type LocalizedDescription
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetDescription() *string
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetLanguageTag() *string
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) SetDescription(value *string)
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) SetLanguageTag(value *string)
- func (m *LocalizedDescription) SetOdataType(value *string)
- type LocalizedDescriptionable
- type LocalizedLabel
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetIsDefault() *bool
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetLanguageTag() *string
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetName() *string
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetIsDefault(value *bool)
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetLanguageTag(value *string)
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetName(value *string)
- func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetOdataType(value *string)
- type LocalizedLabelable
- type LocalizedName
- func (m *LocalizedName) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
- func (m *LocalizedName) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *LocalizedName) GetLanguageTag() *string
- func (m *LocalizedName) GetName() *string
- func (m *LocalizedName) GetOdataType() *string
- func (m *LocalizedName) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *LocalizedName) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
- func (m *LocalizedName) SetLanguageTag(value *string)
- func (m *LocalizedName) SetName(value *string)
- func (m *LocalizedName) SetOdataType(value *string)
- type LocalizedNameable
- type Relation
- func (m *Relation) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Relation) GetFromTerm() Termable
- func (m *Relation) GetRelationship() *RelationType
- func (m *Relation) GetSet() Setable
- func (m *Relation) GetToTerm() Termable
- func (m *Relation) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Relation) SetFromTerm(value Termable)
- func (m *Relation) SetRelationship(value *RelationType)
- func (m *Relation) SetSet(value Setable)
- func (m *Relation) SetToTerm(value Termable)
- type RelationCollectionResponse
- func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
- func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
- func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Relationable
- func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
- func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
- func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Relationable)
- type RelationCollectionResponseable
- type RelationType
- type Relationable
- type Set
- func (m *Set) GetChildren() []Termable
- func (m *Set) GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *Set) GetDescription() *string
- func (m *Set) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Set) GetLocalizedNames() []LocalizedNameable
- func (m *Set) GetParentGroup() Groupable
- func (m *Set) GetProperties() ...
- func (m *Set) GetRelations() []Relationable
- func (m *Set) GetTerms() []Termable
- func (m *Set) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Set) SetChildren(value []Termable)
- func (m *Set) SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *Set) SetDescription(value *string)
- func (m *Set) SetLocalizedNames(value []LocalizedNameable)
- func (m *Set) SetParentGroup(value Groupable)
- func (m *Set) SetProperties(...)
- func (m *Set) SetRelations(value []Relationable)
- func (m *Set) SetTerms(value []Termable)
- type SetCollectionResponse
- func (m *SetCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
- func (m *SetCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *SetCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
- func (m *SetCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Setable
- func (m *SetCollectionResponse) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *SetCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
- func (m *SetCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
- func (m *SetCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Setable)
- type SetCollectionResponseable
- type Setable
- type Store
- func (m *Store) GetDefaultLanguageTag() *string
- func (m *Store) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Store) GetGroups() []Groupable
- func (m *Store) GetLanguageTags() []string
- func (m *Store) GetSets() []Setable
- func (m *Store) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Store) SetDefaultLanguageTag(value *string)
- func (m *Store) SetGroups(value []Groupable)
- func (m *Store) SetLanguageTags(value []string)
- func (m *Store) SetSets(value []Setable)
- type StoreCollectionResponse
- func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
- func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
- func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Storeable
- func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
- func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
- func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Storeable)
- type StoreCollectionResponseable
- type Storeable
- type Term
- func (m *Term) GetChildren() []Termable
- func (m *Term) GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *Term) GetDescriptions() []LocalizedDescriptionable
- func (m *Term) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *Term) GetLabels() []LocalizedLabelable
- func (m *Term) GetLastModifiedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
- func (m *Term) GetProperties() ...
- func (m *Term) GetRelations() []Relationable
- func (m *Term) GetSet() Setable
- func (m *Term) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *Term) SetChildren(value []Termable)
- func (m *Term) SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *Term) SetDescriptions(value []LocalizedDescriptionable)
- func (m *Term) SetLabels(value []LocalizedLabelable)
- func (m *Term) SetLastModifiedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
- func (m *Term) SetProperties(...)
- func (m *Term) SetRelations(value []Relationable)
- func (m *Term) SetSet(value Setable)
- type TermCollectionResponse
- func (m *TermCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
- func (m *TermCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() ...
- func (m *TermCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
- func (m *TermCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Termable
- func (m *TermCollectionResponse) Serialize(...) error
- func (m *TermCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
- func (m *TermCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
- func (m *TermCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Termable)
- type TermCollectionResponseable
- type TermGroupScope
- type Termable
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CreateGroupCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateGroupCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateGroupCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateGroupFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateGroupFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateGroupFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateLocalizedDescriptionFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateLocalizedDescriptionFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateLocalizedDescriptionFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateLocalizedLabelFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateLocalizedLabelFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateLocalizedLabelFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateLocalizedNameFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateLocalizedNameFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateLocalizedNameFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateRelationCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateRelationCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateRelationCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateRelationFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateRelationFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateRelationFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateSetCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateSetCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateSetCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateSetFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateSetFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateSetFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateStoreCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateStoreCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateStoreCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateStoreFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateStoreFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateStoreFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateTermCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateTermCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateTermCollectionResponseFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func CreateTermFromDiscriminatorValue ¶
func CreateTermFromDiscriminatorValue(parseNode i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) (i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable, error)
CreateTermFromDiscriminatorValue creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
func ParseRelationType ¶
func ParseTermGroupScope ¶
func SerializeRelationType ¶
func SerializeRelationType(values []RelationType) []string
func SerializeTermGroupScope ¶
func SerializeTermGroupScope(values []TermGroupScope) []string
Types ¶
type Group ¶
type Group struct { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Group provides operations to manage the collection of agreement entities.
func NewGroup ¶
func NewGroup() *Group
NewGroup instantiates a new group and sets the default values.
func (*Group) GetCreatedDateTime ¶
func (m *Group) GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetCreatedDateTime gets the createdDateTime property value. Date and time of the group creation. Read-only.
func (*Group) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription gets the description property value. Description that gives details on the term usage.
func (*Group) GetDisplayName ¶
GetDisplayName gets the displayName property value. Name of the group.
func (*Group) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Group) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*Group) GetParentSiteId ¶
GetParentSiteId gets the parentSiteId property value. ID of the parent site of this group.
func (*Group) GetScope ¶
func (m *Group) GetScope() *TermGroupScope
GetScope gets the scope property value. Returns the type of the group. Possible values are global, system, and siteCollection.
func (*Group) GetSets ¶
GetSets gets the sets property value. All sets under the group in a term [store].
func (*Group) Serialize ¶
func (m *Group) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Group) SetCreatedDateTime ¶
func (m *Group) SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetCreatedDateTime sets the createdDateTime property value. Date and time of the group creation. Read-only.
func (*Group) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription sets the description property value. Description that gives details on the term usage.
func (*Group) SetDisplayName ¶
SetDisplayName sets the displayName property value. Name of the group.
func (*Group) SetParentSiteId ¶
SetParentSiteId sets the parentSiteId property value. ID of the parent site of this group.
func (*Group) SetScope ¶
func (m *Group) SetScope(value *TermGroupScope)
SetScope sets the scope property value. Returns the type of the group. Possible values are global, system, and siteCollection.
type GroupCollectionResponse ¶
type GroupCollectionResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGroupCollectionResponse ¶
func NewGroupCollectionResponse() *GroupCollectionResponse
NewGroupCollectionResponse instantiates a new GroupCollectionResponse and sets the default values.
func (*GroupCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
GetAdditionalData gets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*GroupCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*GroupCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
GetOdataNextLink gets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*GroupCollectionResponse) GetValue ¶
func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Groupable
GetValue gets the value property value. The value property
func (*GroupCollectionResponse) Serialize ¶
func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*GroupCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
SetAdditionalData sets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*GroupCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
SetOdataNextLink sets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*GroupCollectionResponse) SetValue ¶
func (m *GroupCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Groupable)
SetValue sets the value property value. The value property
type GroupCollectionResponseable ¶
type GroupCollectionResponseable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataNextLink() *string GetValue() []Groupable SetOdataNextLink(value *string) SetValue(value []Groupable) }
type Groupable ¶
type Groupable interface { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetDescription() *string GetDisplayName() *string GetParentSiteId() *string GetScope() *TermGroupScope GetSets() []Setable SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetDescription(value *string) SetDisplayName(value *string) SetParentSiteId(value *string) SetScope(value *TermGroupScope) SetSets(value []Setable) }
type LocalizedDescription ¶
type LocalizedDescription struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLocalizedDescription ¶
func NewLocalizedDescription() *LocalizedDescription
NewLocalizedDescription instantiates a new localizedDescription and sets the default values.
func (*LocalizedDescription) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
GetAdditionalData gets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*LocalizedDescription) GetDescription ¶
func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetDescription() *string
GetDescription gets the description property value. The description in the localized language.
func (*LocalizedDescription) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*LocalizedDescription) GetLanguageTag ¶
func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetLanguageTag() *string
GetLanguageTag gets the languageTag property value. The language tag for the label.
func (*LocalizedDescription) GetOdataType ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *LocalizedDescription) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*LocalizedDescription) Serialize ¶
func (m *LocalizedDescription) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*LocalizedDescription) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *LocalizedDescription) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
SetAdditionalData sets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*LocalizedDescription) SetDescription ¶
func (m *LocalizedDescription) SetDescription(value *string)
SetDescription sets the description property value. The description in the localized language.
func (*LocalizedDescription) SetLanguageTag ¶
func (m *LocalizedDescription) SetLanguageTag(value *string)
SetLanguageTag sets the languageTag property value. The language tag for the label.
func (*LocalizedDescription) SetOdataType ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *LocalizedDescription) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
type LocalizedDescriptionable ¶
type LocalizedDescriptionable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetDescription() *string GetLanguageTag() *string GetOdataType() *string SetDescription(value *string) SetLanguageTag(value *string) SetOdataType(value *string) }
type LocalizedLabel ¶
type LocalizedLabel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLocalizedLabel ¶
func NewLocalizedLabel() *LocalizedLabel
NewLocalizedLabel instantiates a new localizedLabel and sets the default values.
func (*LocalizedLabel) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
GetAdditionalData gets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*LocalizedLabel) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*LocalizedLabel) GetIsDefault ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetIsDefault() *bool
GetIsDefault gets the isDefault property value. Indicates whether the label is the default label.
func (*LocalizedLabel) GetLanguageTag ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetLanguageTag() *string
GetLanguageTag gets the languageTag property value. The language tag for the label.
func (*LocalizedLabel) GetName ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetName() *string
GetName gets the name property value. The name of the label.
func (*LocalizedLabel) GetOdataType ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *LocalizedLabel) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*LocalizedLabel) Serialize ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*LocalizedLabel) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
SetAdditionalData sets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*LocalizedLabel) SetIsDefault ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetIsDefault(value *bool)
SetIsDefault sets the isDefault property value. Indicates whether the label is the default label.
func (*LocalizedLabel) SetLanguageTag ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetLanguageTag(value *string)
SetLanguageTag sets the languageTag property value. The language tag for the label.
func (*LocalizedLabel) SetName ¶
func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetName(value *string)
SetName sets the name property value. The name of the label.
func (*LocalizedLabel) SetOdataType ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *LocalizedLabel) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
type LocalizedLabelable ¶
type LocalizedLabelable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetIsDefault() *bool GetLanguageTag() *string GetName() *string GetOdataType() *string SetIsDefault(value *bool) SetLanguageTag(value *string) SetName(value *string) SetOdataType(value *string) }
type LocalizedName ¶
type LocalizedName struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLocalizedName ¶
func NewLocalizedName() *LocalizedName
NewLocalizedName instantiates a new localizedName and sets the default values.
func (*LocalizedName) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *LocalizedName) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
GetAdditionalData gets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*LocalizedName) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *LocalizedName) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*LocalizedName) GetLanguageTag ¶
func (m *LocalizedName) GetLanguageTag() *string
GetLanguageTag gets the languageTag property value. The language tag for the label.
func (*LocalizedName) GetName ¶
func (m *LocalizedName) GetName() *string
GetName gets the name property value. The name in the localized language.
func (*LocalizedName) GetOdataType ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *LocalizedName) GetOdataType() *string
GetOdataType gets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
func (*LocalizedName) Serialize ¶
func (m *LocalizedName) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*LocalizedName) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *LocalizedName) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
SetAdditionalData sets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*LocalizedName) SetLanguageTag ¶
func (m *LocalizedName) SetLanguageTag(value *string)
SetLanguageTag sets the languageTag property value. The language tag for the label.
func (*LocalizedName) SetName ¶
func (m *LocalizedName) SetName(value *string)
SetName sets the name property value. The name in the localized language.
func (*LocalizedName) SetOdataType ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *LocalizedName) SetOdataType(value *string)
SetOdataType sets the @odata.type property value. The OdataType property
type LocalizedNameable ¶
type LocalizedNameable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetLanguageTag() *string GetName() *string GetOdataType() *string SetLanguageTag(value *string) SetName(value *string) SetOdataType(value *string) }
type Relation ¶
type Relation struct { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Relation provides operations to manage the collection of agreement entities.
func NewRelation ¶
func NewRelation() *Relation
NewRelation instantiates a new relation and sets the default values.
func (*Relation) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Relation) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*Relation) GetFromTerm ¶
GetFromTerm gets the fromTerm property value. The from [term] of the relation. The term from which the relationship is defined. A null value would indicate the relation is directly with the [set].
func (*Relation) GetRelationship ¶
func (m *Relation) GetRelationship() *RelationType
GetRelationship gets the relationship property value. The type of relation. Possible values are: pin, reuse.
func (*Relation) GetSet ¶
GetSet gets the set property value. The [set] in which the relation is relevant.
func (*Relation) GetToTerm ¶
GetToTerm gets the toTerm property value. The to [term] of the relation. The term to which the relationship is defined.
func (*Relation) Serialize ¶
func (m *Relation) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Relation) SetFromTerm ¶
SetFromTerm sets the fromTerm property value. The from [term] of the relation. The term from which the relationship is defined. A null value would indicate the relation is directly with the [set].
func (*Relation) SetRelationship ¶
func (m *Relation) SetRelationship(value *RelationType)
SetRelationship sets the relationship property value. The type of relation. Possible values are: pin, reuse.
type RelationCollectionResponse ¶
type RelationCollectionResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRelationCollectionResponse ¶
func NewRelationCollectionResponse() *RelationCollectionResponse
NewRelationCollectionResponse instantiates a new RelationCollectionResponse and sets the default values.
func (*RelationCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
GetAdditionalData gets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*RelationCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*RelationCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
GetOdataNextLink gets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*RelationCollectionResponse) GetValue ¶
func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Relationable
GetValue gets the value property value. The value property
func (*RelationCollectionResponse) Serialize ¶
func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*RelationCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
SetAdditionalData sets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*RelationCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
SetOdataNextLink sets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*RelationCollectionResponse) SetValue ¶
func (m *RelationCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Relationable)
SetValue sets the value property value. The value property
type RelationCollectionResponseable ¶
type RelationCollectionResponseable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataNextLink() *string GetValue() []Relationable SetOdataNextLink(value *string) SetValue(value []Relationable) }
type RelationType ¶
type RelationType int
Provides operations to manage the collection of agreement entities.
func (RelationType) String ¶
func (i RelationType) String() string
type Relationable ¶
type Relationable interface { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetFromTerm() Termable GetRelationship() *RelationType GetSet() Setable GetToTerm() Termable SetFromTerm(value Termable) SetRelationship(value *RelationType) SetSet(value Setable) SetToTerm(value Termable) }
type Set ¶
type Set struct { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Set) GetChildren ¶
GetChildren gets the children property value. Children terms of set in term [store].
func (*Set) GetCreatedDateTime ¶
func (m *Set) GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetCreatedDateTime gets the createdDateTime property value. Date and time of set creation. Read-only.
func (*Set) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription gets the description property value. Description that gives details on the term usage.
func (*Set) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Set) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*Set) GetLocalizedNames ¶
func (m *Set) GetLocalizedNames() []LocalizedNameable
GetLocalizedNames gets the localizedNames property value. Name of the set for each languageTag.
func (*Set) GetParentGroup ¶
GetParentGroup gets the parentGroup property value. The parentGroup property
func (*Set) GetProperties ¶
func (m *Set) GetProperties() []iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.KeyValueable
GetProperties gets the properties property value. Custom properties for the set.
func (*Set) GetRelations ¶
func (m *Set) GetRelations() []Relationable
GetRelations gets the relations property value. Indicates which terms have been pinned or reused directly under the set.
func (*Set) Serialize ¶
func (m *Set) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Set) SetChildren ¶
SetChildren sets the children property value. Children terms of set in term [store].
func (*Set) SetCreatedDateTime ¶
func (m *Set) SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetCreatedDateTime sets the createdDateTime property value. Date and time of set creation. Read-only.
func (*Set) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription sets the description property value. Description that gives details on the term usage.
func (*Set) SetLocalizedNames ¶
func (m *Set) SetLocalizedNames(value []LocalizedNameable)
SetLocalizedNames sets the localizedNames property value. Name of the set for each languageTag.
func (*Set) SetParentGroup ¶
SetParentGroup sets the parentGroup property value. The parentGroup property
func (*Set) SetProperties ¶
func (m *Set) SetProperties(value []iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.KeyValueable)
SetProperties sets the properties property value. Custom properties for the set.
func (*Set) SetRelations ¶
func (m *Set) SetRelations(value []Relationable)
SetRelations sets the relations property value. Indicates which terms have been pinned or reused directly under the set.
type SetCollectionResponse ¶
type SetCollectionResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSetCollectionResponse ¶
func NewSetCollectionResponse() *SetCollectionResponse
NewSetCollectionResponse instantiates a new SetCollectionResponse and sets the default values.
func (*SetCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *SetCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
GetAdditionalData gets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*SetCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *SetCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*SetCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *SetCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
GetOdataNextLink gets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*SetCollectionResponse) GetValue ¶
func (m *SetCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Setable
GetValue gets the value property value. The value property
func (*SetCollectionResponse) Serialize ¶
func (m *SetCollectionResponse) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*SetCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *SetCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
SetAdditionalData sets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*SetCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *SetCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
SetOdataNextLink sets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*SetCollectionResponse) SetValue ¶
func (m *SetCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Setable)
SetValue sets the value property value. The value property
type SetCollectionResponseable ¶
type SetCollectionResponseable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataNextLink() *string GetValue() []Setable SetOdataNextLink(value *string) SetValue(value []Setable) }
type Setable ¶
type Setable interface { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetChildren() []Termable GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetDescription() *string GetLocalizedNames() []LocalizedNameable GetParentGroup() Groupable GetProperties() []iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.KeyValueable GetRelations() []Relationable GetTerms() []Termable SetChildren(value []Termable) SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetDescription(value *string) SetLocalizedNames(value []LocalizedNameable) SetParentGroup(value Groupable) SetProperties(value []iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.KeyValueable) SetRelations(value []Relationable) SetTerms(value []Termable) }
type Store ¶
type Store struct { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStore ¶
func NewStore() *Store
NewStore instantiates a new store and sets the default values.
func (*Store) GetDefaultLanguageTag ¶
GetDefaultLanguageTag gets the defaultLanguageTag property value. Default language of the term store.
func (*Store) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Store) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*Store) GetGroups ¶
GetGroups gets the groups property value. Collection of all groups available in the term store.
func (*Store) GetLanguageTags ¶
GetLanguageTags gets the languageTags property value. List of languages for the term store.
func (*Store) GetSets ¶
GetSets gets the sets property value. Collection of all sets available in the term store.
func (*Store) Serialize ¶
func (m *Store) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Store) SetDefaultLanguageTag ¶
SetDefaultLanguageTag sets the defaultLanguageTag property value. Default language of the term store.
func (*Store) SetGroups ¶
SetGroups sets the groups property value. Collection of all groups available in the term store.
func (*Store) SetLanguageTags ¶
SetLanguageTags sets the languageTags property value. List of languages for the term store.
type StoreCollectionResponse ¶
type StoreCollectionResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStoreCollectionResponse ¶
func NewStoreCollectionResponse() *StoreCollectionResponse
NewStoreCollectionResponse instantiates a new StoreCollectionResponse and sets the default values.
func (*StoreCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
GetAdditionalData gets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*StoreCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*StoreCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
GetOdataNextLink gets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*StoreCollectionResponse) GetValue ¶
func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Storeable
GetValue gets the value property value. The value property
func (*StoreCollectionResponse) Serialize ¶
func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*StoreCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
SetAdditionalData sets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*StoreCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
SetOdataNextLink sets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*StoreCollectionResponse) SetValue ¶
func (m *StoreCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Storeable)
SetValue sets the value property value. The value property
type StoreCollectionResponseable ¶
type StoreCollectionResponseable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataNextLink() *string GetValue() []Storeable SetOdataNextLink(value *string) SetValue(value []Storeable) }
type Storeable ¶
type Storeable interface { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetDefaultLanguageTag() *string GetGroups() []Groupable GetLanguageTags() []string GetSets() []Setable SetDefaultLanguageTag(value *string) SetGroups(value []Groupable) SetLanguageTags(value []string) SetSets(value []Setable) }
type Term ¶
type Term struct { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Term) GetChildren ¶
GetChildren gets the children property value. Children of current term.
func (*Term) GetCreatedDateTime ¶
func (m *Term) GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetCreatedDateTime gets the createdDateTime property value. Date and time of term creation. Read-only.
func (*Term) GetDescriptions ¶
func (m *Term) GetDescriptions() []LocalizedDescriptionable
GetDescriptions gets the descriptions property value. Description about term that is dependent on the languageTag.
func (*Term) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *Term) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*Term) GetLabels ¶
func (m *Term) GetLabels() []LocalizedLabelable
GetLabels gets the labels property value. Label metadata for a term.
func (*Term) GetLastModifiedDateTime ¶
func (m *Term) GetLastModifiedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time
GetLastModifiedDateTime gets the lastModifiedDateTime property value. Last date and time of term modification. Read-only.
func (*Term) GetProperties ¶
func (m *Term) GetProperties() []iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.KeyValueable
GetProperties gets the properties property value. Collection of properties on the term.
func (*Term) GetRelations ¶
func (m *Term) GetRelations() []Relationable
GetRelations gets the relations property value. To indicate which terms are related to the current term as either pinned or reused.
func (*Term) Serialize ¶
func (m *Term) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*Term) SetChildren ¶
SetChildren sets the children property value. Children of current term.
func (*Term) SetCreatedDateTime ¶
func (m *Term) SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetCreatedDateTime sets the createdDateTime property value. Date and time of term creation. Read-only.
func (*Term) SetDescriptions ¶
func (m *Term) SetDescriptions(value []LocalizedDescriptionable)
SetDescriptions sets the descriptions property value. Description about term that is dependent on the languageTag.
func (*Term) SetLabels ¶
func (m *Term) SetLabels(value []LocalizedLabelable)
SetLabels sets the labels property value. Label metadata for a term.
func (*Term) SetLastModifiedDateTime ¶
func (m *Term) SetLastModifiedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time)
SetLastModifiedDateTime sets the lastModifiedDateTime property value. Last date and time of term modification. Read-only.
func (*Term) SetProperties ¶
func (m *Term) SetProperties(value []iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.KeyValueable)
SetProperties sets the properties property value. Collection of properties on the term.
func (*Term) SetRelations ¶
func (m *Term) SetRelations(value []Relationable)
SetRelations sets the relations property value. To indicate which terms are related to the current term as either pinned or reused.
type TermCollectionResponse ¶
type TermCollectionResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTermCollectionResponse ¶
func NewTermCollectionResponse() *TermCollectionResponse
NewTermCollectionResponse instantiates a new TermCollectionResponse and sets the default values.
func (*TermCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *TermCollectionResponse) GetAdditionalData() map[string]interface{}
GetAdditionalData gets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*TermCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers ¶
func (m *TermCollectionResponse) GetFieldDeserializers() map[string]func(i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error
GetFieldDeserializers the deserialization information for the current model
func (*TermCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *TermCollectionResponse) GetOdataNextLink() *string
GetOdataNextLink gets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*TermCollectionResponse) GetValue ¶
func (m *TermCollectionResponse) GetValue() []Termable
GetValue gets the value property value. The value property
func (*TermCollectionResponse) Serialize ¶
func (m *TermCollectionResponse) Serialize(writer i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.SerializationWriter) error
Serialize serializes information the current object
func (*TermCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData ¶
func (m *TermCollectionResponse) SetAdditionalData(value map[string]interface{})
SetAdditionalData sets the additionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
func (*TermCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (m *TermCollectionResponse) SetOdataNextLink(value *string)
SetOdataNextLink sets the @odata.nextLink property value. The OdataNextLink property
func (*TermCollectionResponse) SetValue ¶
func (m *TermCollectionResponse) SetValue(value []Termable)
SetValue sets the value property value. The value property
type TermCollectionResponseable ¶
type TermCollectionResponseable interface { i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.AdditionalDataHolder i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetOdataNextLink() *string GetValue() []Termable SetOdataNextLink(value *string) SetValue(value []Termable) }
type TermGroupScope ¶
type TermGroupScope int
Provides operations to manage the collection of agreement entities.
func (TermGroupScope) String ¶
func (i TermGroupScope) String() string
type Termable ¶
type Termable interface { iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.Entityable i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.Parsable GetChildren() []Termable GetCreatedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetDescriptions() []LocalizedDescriptionable GetLabels() []LocalizedLabelable GetLastModifiedDateTime() *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time GetProperties() []iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.KeyValueable GetRelations() []Relationable GetSet() Setable SetChildren(value []Termable) SetCreatedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetDescriptions(value []LocalizedDescriptionable) SetLabels(value []LocalizedLabelable) SetLastModifiedDateTime(value *i336074805fc853987abe6f7fe3ad97a6a6f3077a16391fec744f671a015fbd7e.Time) SetProperties(value []iadcd81124412c61e647227ecfc4449d8bba17de0380ddda76f641a29edf2b242.KeyValueable) SetRelations(value []Relationable) SetSet(value Setable) }
Source Files
- group.go
- group_collection_response.go
- group_collection_responseable.go
- groupable.go
- localized_description.go
- localized_descriptionable.go
- localized_label.go
- localized_labelable.go
- localized_name.go
- localized_nameable.go
- relation.go
- relation_collection_response.go
- relation_collection_responseable.go
- relation_type.go
- relationable.go
- set.go
- set_collection_response.go
- set_collection_responseable.go
- setable.go
- store.go
- store_collection_response.go
- store_collection_responseable.go
- storeable.go
- term.go
- term_collection_response.go
- term_collection_responseable.go
- term_group_scope.go
- termable.go