
v0.1.0-beta.13 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 28, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 19 Imported by: 0





This section is empty.


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var ErrCapacity = errCapacity{
	CapacityNotFound:                    errors.New("CapacityNotFound"),
	CapacityNotInActiveState:            errors.New("CapacityNotInActiveState"),
	InsufficientPermissionsOverCapacity: errors.New("InsufficientPermissionsOverCapacity"),
	UnsupportedCapacitySKU:              errors.New("UnsupportedCapacitySKU"),
View Source
var ErrCommon = errCommon{
	UnknownError:              errors.New("UnknownError"),
	UnknownUserError:          errors.New("UnknownUserError"),
	BadRequest:                errors.New("BadRequest"),
	InvalidInput:              errors.New("InvalidInput"),
	InvalidParameter:          errors.New("InvalidParameter"),
	InvalidArgument:           errors.New("InvalidArgument"),
	InvalidItemType:           errors.New("InvalidItemType"),
	UnsupportedItemType:       errors.New("UnsupportedItemType"),
	InvalidRequestUri:         errors.New("InvalidRequestUri"),
	CorruptedPayload:          errors.New("CorruptedPayload"),
	InvalidContinuationToken:  errors.New("InvalidContinuationToken"),
	Unauthorized:              errors.New("Unauthorized"),
	InvalidToken:              errors.New("InvalidToken"),
	TokenIsMissing:            errors.New("TokenIsMissing"),
	TokenExpired:              errors.New("TokenExpired"),
	TenantNotAllowed:          errors.New("TenantNotAllowed"),
	UserNotLicensed:           errors.New("UserNotLicensed"),
	Forbidden:                 errors.New("Forbidden"),
	InsufficientPrivileges:    errors.New("InsufficientPrivileges"),
	InsufficientScopes:        errors.New("InsufficientScopes"),
	FeatureNotAvailable:       errors.New("FeatureNotAvailable"),
	TenantSwitchDisabled:      errors.New("TenantSwitchDisabled"),
	NotFound:                  errors.New("NotFound"),
	EntityNotFound:            errors.New("EntityNotFound"),
	MissingMinimalPermissions: errors.New("MissingMinimalPermissions"),
	EndpointNotFound:          errors.New("EndpointNotFound"),
	Conflict:                  errors.New("Conflict"),
	EntityConflict:            errors.New("EntityConflict"),
	PreconditionFailed:        errors.New("PreconditionFailed"),
	UnsupportedMediaType:      errors.New("UnsupportedMediaType"),
	TooManyRequests:           errors.New("TooManyRequests"),
	RequestBlocked:            errors.New("RequestBlocked"),
	InternalServerError:       errors.New("InternalServerError"),
View Source
var ErrConnection = errConnection{
	UnsupportedConnectivityTypeInput:          errors.New("UnsupportedConnectivityTypeInput"),
	UnsupportedPrivacyLevelInput:              errors.New("UnsupportedPrivacyLevelInput"),
	UnsupportedConnectionEncryptionInput:      errors.New("UnsupportedConnectionEncryptionInput"),
	UnsupportedCredentialTypeInput:            errors.New("UnsupportedCredentialTypeInput"),
	UnsupportedSingleSignOnTypeInput:          errors.New("UnsupportedSingleSignOnTypeInput"),
	SkipTestConnectionNotSupported:            errors.New("SkipTestConnectionNotSupported"),
	DuplicateConnectionNameInput:              errors.New("DuplicateConnectionNameInput"),
	InvalidConnectionDetailsInput:             errors.New("InvalidConnectionDetailsInput"),
	InvalidCredentialDetailsInput:             errors.New("InvalidCredentialDetailsInput"),
	IncorrectCredentialsInput:                 errors.New("IncorrectCredentialsInput"),
	OAuthTokenLoginFailed:                     errors.New("OAuthTokenLoginFailed"),
	CannotUpdateKerberosSingleSignOn:          errors.New("CannotUpdateKerberosSingleSignOn"),
	OperationNotSupportedForConnectionType:    errors.New("OperationNotSupportedForConnectionType"),
	CannotUpdateCredentialType:                errors.New("CannotUpdateCredentialType"),
	InsufficientPermissionsToManageConnection: errors.New("InsufficientPermissionsToManageConnection"),
	CreateGatewayConnectionFailed:             errors.New("CreateGatewayConnectionFailed"),
	UpdateGatewayConnectionFailed:             errors.New("UpdateGatewayConnectionFailed"),
View Source
var ErrDeploymentPipeline = errDeploymentPipeline{
	DeploymentPipelineStageHasNoAssignedWorkspace:   errors.New("DeploymentPipelineStageHasNoAssignedWorkspace"),
	DeploymentOperationFailed:                       errors.New("DeploymentOperationFailed"),
	InvalidDeploymentOperationRequest:               errors.New("InvalidDeploymentOperationRequest"),
	NumberOfItemsInDeployRequestExceededLimit:       errors.New("NumberOfItemsInDeployRequestExceededLimit"),
	NoItemsToDeploy:                                 errors.New("NoItemsToDeploy"),
	NoTargetFolderName:                              errors.New("NoTargetFolderName"),
	UnsupportedItemType:                             errors.New("UnsupportedItemType"),
	DuplicateSourceObjectIds:                        errors.New("DuplicateSourceObjectIds"),
	TargetWorkspaceCreationBlockedByTenantSetting:   errors.New("TargetWorkspaceCreationBlockedByTenantSetting"),
	CannotCreateFolderWithDuplicateNameDuringDeploy: errors.New("CannotCreateFolderWithDuplicateNameDuringDeploy"),
View Source
var ErrDomain = errDomain{
	AssignGuestUserAsDomainAdminError:          errors.New("AssignGuestUserAsDomainAdminError"),
	DomainSpecificUsersScopeCannotBeEmptyError: errors.New("DomainSpecificUsersScopeCannotBeEmptyError"),
View Source
var ErrExternalDataShare = errExternalDataShare{
	ExternalDataShareOperationNotSupportedForItemType: errors.New("ExternalDataShareOperationNotSupportedForItemType"),
	ExternalDataShareNotFound:                         errors.New("ExternalDataShareNotFound"),
	ExternalDataShareCannotBeAcceptedInTheSameTenant:  errors.New("ExternalDataShareCannotBeAcceptedInTheSameTenant"),
View Source
var ErrGateway = errGateway{
	PowerPlatformVirtualNetworkNotEnabled: errors.New("PowerPlatformVirtualNetworkNotEnabled"),
	DuplicateGatewayName:                  errors.New("DuplicateGatewayName"),
View Source
var ErrGit = errGit{
	TemplateAppsWorkspacesNotSupported:       errors.New("TemplateAppsWorkspacesNotSupported"),
	WorkspaceNotConnectedToGit:               errors.New("WorkspaceNotConnectedToGit"),
	WorkspaceAlreadyConnectedToGit:           errors.New("WorkspaceAlreadyConnectedToGit"),
	WorkspaceGitConnectionAlreadyInitialized: errors.New("WorkspaceGitConnectionAlreadyInitialized"),
	WorkspaceGitConnectionNotInitialized:     errors.New("WorkspaceGitConnectionNotInitialized"),
	WorkspaceMigrationOperationInProgress:    errors.New("WorkspaceMigrationOperationInProgress"),
	CrossGeographyOperationIsNotAllowed:      errors.New("CrossGeographyOperationIsNotAllowed"),
	GitProviderResourceNotFound:              errors.New("GitProviderResourceNotFound"),
	MissingInitializationStrategy:            errors.New("MissingInitializationStrategy"),
	WorkspaceHeadMismatch:                    errors.New("WorkspaceHeadMismatch"),
	NoItemsSelected:                          errors.New("NoItemsSelected"),
	NoChangesToCommit:                        errors.New("NoChangesToCommit"),
	OverrideItemsNotAllowed:                  errors.New("OverrideItemsNotAllowed"),
	ItemNotFound:                             errors.New("ItemNotFound"),
	DuplicateDisplayNameAndType:              errors.New("DuplicateDisplayNameAndType"),
	PotentialDuplicateDisplayNameAndType:     errors.New("PotentialDuplicateDisplayNameAndType"),
	DuplicateLogicalId:                       errors.New("DuplicateLogicalId"),
	DependencyDeletionFailed:                 errors.New("DependencyDeletionFailed"),
	MissingDependency:                        errors.New("MissingDependency"),
	DiscoverDependenciesFailed:               errors.New("DiscoverDependenciesFailed"),
	CyclicDependencyDetected:                 errors.New("CyclicDependencyDetected"),
	GitSyncFailed:                            errors.New("GitSyncFailed"),
	GitFilePathTooLong:                       errors.New("GitFilePathTooLong"),
	MissingWorkspaceConflictResolution:       errors.New("MissingWorkspaceConflictResolution"),
	InvalidSystemFiles:                       errors.New("InvalidSystemFiles"),
	GitProviderGuestAccessDenied:             errors.New("GitProviderGuestAccessDenied"),
	GitProviderOperationFailed:               errors.New("GitProviderOperationFailed"),
View Source
var ErrItem = errItem{
	ItemNotFound:                 errors.New("ItemNotFound"),
	ItemNotActive:                errors.New("ItemNotActive"),
	ItemDisplayNameAlreadyInUse:  errors.New("ItemDisplayNameAlreadyInUse"),
	InvalidItemType:              errors.New("InvalidItemType"),
	InvalidItemState:             errors.New("InvalidItemState"),
	ItemTypeNotEnabled:           errors.New("ItemTypeNotEnabled"),
	OperationNotSupportedForItem: errors.New("OperationNotSupportedForItem"),
	UnsupportedPayloadType:       errors.New("UnsupportedPayloadType"),
	InvalidPayloadSize:           errors.New("InvalidPayloadSize"),
	MissingDefinition:            errors.New("MissingDefinition"),
	MissingDefinitionParts:       errors.New("MissingDefinitionParts"),
	InvalidDefinitionFormat:      errors.New("InvalidDefinitionFormat"),
	InvalidDefinitionParts:       errors.New("InvalidDefinitionParts"),
	ItemHasProtectedLabel:        errors.New("ItemHasProtectedLabel"),
	InvalidConnectionInformation: errors.New("InvalidConnectionInformation"),
	RequestWithDefinitionAndCreationPayloadNotSupported: errors.New("RequestWithDefinitionAndCreationPayloadNotSupported"),
	ItemTypeDoesNotSupportCreationPayload:               errors.New("ItemTypeDoesNotSupportCreationPayload"),
	InvalidPlatformFile:                                 errors.New("InvalidPlatformFile"),
	MLModelDisplayNameCannotBeChanged:                   errors.New("MLModelDisplayNameCannotBeChanged"),
View Source
var ErrJobScheduler = errJobScheduler{
	InvalidJobType:                       errors.New("InvalidJobType"),
	JobInstanceNotFound:                  errors.New("JobInstanceNotFound"),
	JobAlreadyCompleted:                  errors.New("JobAlreadyCompleted"),
	JobInstanceStatusDeduped:             errors.New("JobInstanceStatusDeduped"),
	JobInstanceStatusOwnerUserMissing:    errors.New("JobInstanceStatusOwnerUserMissing"),
	JobInstanceStatusUnknownErrorOccured: errors.New("JobInstanceStatusUnknownErrorOccured"),
	JobInstanceStatusDeadLettered:        errors.New("JobInstanceStatusDeadLettered"),
	JobInstanceStatusNotFound:            errors.New("JobInstanceStatusNotFound"),
	JobInstanceStatusFailed:              errors.New("JobInstanceStatusFailed"),
View Source
var ErrLongRunningOperation = errLongRunningOperation{
	OperationFailedOnTimeout: errors.New("OperationFailedOnTimeout"),
	OperationNotSucceeded:    errors.New("OperationNotSucceeded"),
	OperationHasNoResult:     errors.New("OperationHasNoResult"),
	OperationNotFound:        errors.New("OperationNotFound"),
	InvalidWorkloadId:        errors.New("InvalidWorkloadId"),
View Source
var ErrManagedPrivateEndpoint = errManagedPrivateEndpoint{
	UnsupportedSku:                       errors.New("UnsupportedSku"),
	UnsupportedRegion:                    errors.New("UnsupportedRegion"),
	InvalidPrivateEndpointName:           errors.New("InvalidPrivateEndpointName"),
	InvalidTargetSubResourceType:         errors.New("InvalidTargetSubResourceType"),
	InvalidRequestMessage:                errors.New("InvalidRequestMessage"),
	InvalidTargetPrivateLinkResourceId:   errors.New("InvalidTargetPrivateLinkResourceId"),
	DuplicatePrivateEndpointName:         errors.New("DuplicatePrivateEndpointName"),
	DuplicateTargetPrivateLinkResourceId: errors.New("DuplicateTargetPrivateLinkResourceId"),
	NonCompliant:                         errors.New("NonCompliant"),
	PrivateEndpointNotFound:              errors.New("PrivateEndpointNotFound"),
	IncorrectVNetType:                    errors.New("IncorrectVNetType"),
View Source
var ErrPrincipal = errPrincipal{
	PrincipalTypeNotSupported:  errors.New("PrincipalTypeNotSupported"),
	InvalidPrincipalType:       errors.New("InvalidPrincipalType"),
	InvalidParentPrincipalType: errors.New("InvalidParentPrincipalType"),
	PrincipalNotFound:          errors.New("PrincipalNotFound"),
	ServicePrincipalProfileMissingParentPrincipalInformation: errors.New("ServicePrincipalProfileMissingParentPrincipalInformation"),
	DisabledUser:         errors.New("DisabledUser"),
	MissingPrincipal:     errors.New("MissingPrincipal"),
	MissingPrincipalType: errors.New("MissingPrincipalType"),
	InvalidPrincipal:     errors.New("InvalidPrincipal"),
View Source
var ErrSpark = errSpark{
	SparkSettingsManagementUserError: errors.New("SparkSettingsManagementUserError"),
	SparkSettingsNotFound:            errors.New("SparkSettingsNotFound"),
View Source
var ErrTenantSetting = errTenantSetting{
	UnappliedChangesExistInTenantSettings: errors.New("UnappliedChangesExistInTenantSettings"),
View Source
var ErrWorkload = errWorkload{
	UnknownWorkloadError: errors.New("UnknownWorkloadError"),
View Source
var ErrWorkspace = errWorkspace{
	WorkspaceNotFound:                                 errors.New("WorkspaceNotFound"),
	WorkspaceNameAlreadyExists:                        errors.New("WorkspaceNameAlreadyExists"),
	WorkspaceNameIsReserved:                           errors.New("WorkspaceNameIsReserved"),
	WorkspaceNameTooLong:                              errors.New("WorkspaceNameTooLong"),
	MyWorkspaceCantBeChanged:                          errors.New("MyWorkspaceCantBeChanged"),
	SystemWorkspaceCantBeChanged:                      errors.New("SystemWorkspaceCantBeChanged"),
	WorkspaceTypeNotSupported:                         errors.New("WorkspaceTypeNotSupported"),
	PrincipalWithoutWorkspaceRolePermissions:          errors.New("PrincipalWithoutWorkspaceRolePermissions"),
	PrincipalAlreadyHasWorkspaceRolePermissions:       errors.New("PrincipalAlreadyHasWorkspaceRolePermissions"),
	PrincipalNotWorkspaceAdmin:                        errors.New("PrincipalNotWorkspaceAdmin"),
	InsufficientWorkspaceRole:                         errors.New("InsufficientWorkspaceRole"),
	WorkspaceHasNoCapacityAssigned:                    errors.New("WorkspaceHasNoCapacityAssigned"),
	PrivilegedAppCantBeAddedToWorkspace:               errors.New("PrivilegedAppCantBeAddedToWorkspace"),
	GroupHasTooManyMembers:                            errors.New("GroupHasTooManyMembers"),
	WorkspaceRoleNotAllowedForServicePrincipalProfile: errors.New("WorkspaceRoleNotAllowedForServicePrincipalProfile"),
	InvalidWorkspacePrincipalRole:                     errors.New("InvalidWorkspacePrincipalRole"),
	MissingWorkspaceRole:                              errors.New("MissingWorkspaceRole"),
	DeleteWorkspaceNotAllowed:                         errors.New("DeleteWorkspaceNotAllowed"),
	UnsupportedItemForTargetCapacity:                  errors.New("UnsupportedItemForTargetCapacity"),
	UnsupportedItemForTargetCapacityRegion:            errors.New("UnsupportedItemForTargetCapacityRegion"),
	UnsupportedItemForTargetCapacitySku:               errors.New("UnsupportedItemForTargetCapacitySku"),
	TargetCapacityIncompatibleRegion:                  errors.New("TargetCapacityIncompatibleRegion"),
	AssignWorkspaceToCapacityFailed:                   errors.New("AssignWorkspaceToCapacityFailed"),
	WorkspaceItemsCanNotBeUnassignedFromCapacity:      errors.New("WorkspaceItemsCanNotBeUnassignedFromCapacity"),
	UnassignMyWorkspaceFromCapacityIsRestricted:       errors.New("UnassignMyWorkspaceFromCapacityIsRestricted"),
	InvalidRestoreWorkspaceRequest:                    errors.New("InvalidRestoreWorkspaceRequest"),
	InternalError:                                     errors.New("InternalError"),
	WorkspaceIdentityAlreadyExists:                    errors.New("WorkspaceIdentityAlreadyExists"),
	WorkspaceIdentityLimitExceeded:                    errors.New("WorkspaceIdentityLimitExceeded"),
	ProvisionInProgress:                               errors.New("ProvisionInProgress"),
	DeprovisionInProgress:                             errors.New("DeprovisionInProgress"),
	WorkspaceIdentityNotSupportedCapacitySku:          errors.New("WorkspaceIdentityNotSupportedCapacitySku"),


func NewResponseError

func NewResponseError(resp *http.Response) error

func PossibleErrCapacityValues

func PossibleErrCapacityValues() []string

func PossibleErrCommonValues

func PossibleErrCommonValues() []string

func PossibleErrConnectionValues

func PossibleErrConnectionValues() []string

func PossibleErrDeploymentPipelineValues

func PossibleErrDeploymentPipelineValues() []string

func PossibleErrDomainValues

func PossibleErrDomainValues() []string

func PossibleErrExternalDataShareValues

func PossibleErrExternalDataShareValues() []string

func PossibleErrGatewayValues

func PossibleErrGatewayValues() []string

func PossibleErrGitValues

func PossibleErrGitValues() []string

func PossibleErrItemValues

func PossibleErrItemValues() []string

func PossibleErrJobSchedulerValues

func PossibleErrJobSchedulerValues() []string

func PossibleErrLongRunningOperationValues

func PossibleErrLongRunningOperationValues() []string

func PossibleErrManagedPrivateEndpointValues

func PossibleErrManagedPrivateEndpointValues() []string

func PossibleErrPrincipalValues

func PossibleErrPrincipalValues() []string

func PossibleErrSparkValues

func PossibleErrSparkValues() []string

func PossibleErrTenantSettingValues

func PossibleErrTenantSettingValues() []string

func PossibleErrWorkloadValues

func PossibleErrWorkloadValues() []string

func PossibleErrWorkspaceValues

func PossibleErrWorkspaceValues() []string


type AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest

type AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The principal.
	Principal *Principal

	// REQUIRED; The connection role of the principal.
	Role *ConnectionRole

AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest - The add connection role assignment request for a principal.

func (AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON

func (a AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest.

func (*AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest.

type AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest

type AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The principal.
	Principal *Principal

	// REQUIRED; The gateway role of the principal.
	Role *GatewayRole

AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest - The add gateway role assignment request for a principal.

func (AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON

func (a AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest.

func (*AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest.

type AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest

type AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The principal.
	Principal *Principal

	// REQUIRED; The workspace role of the principal.
	Role *WorkspaceRole

AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest - Add workspace role assignment request payload.

func (AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON

func (a AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest.

func (*AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest.

type AdlsGen2

type AdlsGen2 struct {
	// REQUIRED; A string representing the connection that is bound with the shortcut. The connectionId is a unique identifier
	// used to establish a connection between the shortcut and the target datasource. To find
	// this connection ID, first create a cloud connection [/fabric/data-factory/data-source-management#add-a-data-source] to
	// be used by the shortcut when connecting to the ADLS data location. Open the cloud
	// connection's Settings view and copy the connection ID; this is a GUID.
	ConnectionID *string

	// REQUIRED; Specifies the location of the target ADLS container. The URI must be in the format https://[account-name]
	// where [account-name] is the name of the target ADLS account.
	Location *string

	// REQUIRED; Specifies the container and subfolder within the ADLS account where the target folder is located. Must be of
	// the format [container]/[subfolder] where [container] is the name of the container that
	// holds the files and folders; [subfolder] is the name of the subfolder within the container (optional). For example: /mycontainer/mysubfolder
	Subpath *string

AdlsGen2 - An object containing the properties of the target ADLS Gen2 data source.

func (AdlsGen2) MarshalJSON

func (a AdlsGen2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AdlsGen2.

func (*AdlsGen2) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AdlsGen2) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AdlsGen2.

type AmazonS3

type AmazonS3 struct {
	// REQUIRED; A string representing the connection that is bound with the shortcut. The connectionId is a unique identifier
	// used to establish a connection between the shortcut and the target datasource. To find
	// this connection ID, first create a cloud connection [/fabric/data-factory/data-source-management#add-a-data-source] to
	// be used by the shortcut when connecting to the Amazon S3 data location. Open the
	// cloud connection's Settings view and copy the connection ID; this is a GUID.
	ConnectionID *string

	// REQUIRED; HTTP URL that points to the target bucket in S3. The URL should be in the format https://[bucket-name].s3.[region-code],
	// where "bucket-name" is the name of the S3 bucket you want to
	// point to, and "region-code" is the code for the region where the bucket is located. For example:
	Location *string

	// Specifies a target folder or subfolder within the S3 bucket.
	Subpath *string

AmazonS3 - An object containing the properties of the target Amazon S3 data source.

func (AmazonS3) MarshalJSON

func (a AmazonS3) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AmazonS3.

func (*AmazonS3) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AmazonS3) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AmazonS3.

type AnonymousCredentials

type AnonymousCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

AnonymousCredentials - Credentials for Anonymous CredentialType.

func (*AnonymousCredentials) GetCredentials

func (a *AnonymousCredentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type AnonymousCredentials.

func (AnonymousCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (a AnonymousCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AnonymousCredentials.

func (*AnonymousCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AnonymousCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AnonymousCredentials.

type AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest

type AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The ID of the capacity the workspace should be assigned to.
	CapacityID *string

AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest - A capacity assignment request.

func (AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest) MarshalJSON

func (a AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest.

func (*AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest.

type AttributeName

type AttributeName string

AttributeName - Specifies the name of the attribute that is being evaluated for access permissions. AttributeName can be Path or Action. Additional attributeName types may be added over time.

const (
	// AttributeNameAction - Attribute name Action
	AttributeNameAction AttributeName = "Action"
	// AttributeNamePath - Attribute name Path
	AttributeNamePath AttributeName = "Path"

func PossibleAttributeNameValues

func PossibleAttributeNameValues() []AttributeName

PossibleAttributeNameValues returns the possible values for the AttributeName const type.

type AutomaticGitCredentials

type AutomaticGitCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

AutomaticGitCredentials - Automatic Git credentials.

func (*AutomaticGitCredentials) GetGitCredentials

func (a *AutomaticGitCredentials) GetGitCredentials() *GitCredentials

GetGitCredentials implements the GitCredentialsClassification interface for type AutomaticGitCredentials.

func (AutomaticGitCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (a AutomaticGitCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AutomaticGitCredentials.

func (*AutomaticGitCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AutomaticGitCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AutomaticGitCredentials.

type AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse

type AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse - Automatic Git credentials.

func (*AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse) GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

func (a *AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse) GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse() *GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse implements the GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification interface for type AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse.

func (AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse) MarshalJSON

func (a AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse.

func (*AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse.

type AzureDevOpsDetails

type AzureDevOpsDetails struct {
	// REQUIRED; The branch name. Maximum length is 250 characters.
	BranchName *string

	// REQUIRED; The relative path to the directory. Maximum length is 256 characters.
	DirectoryName *string

	// REQUIRED; A Git provider type. Additional provider types may be added over time.
	GitProviderType *GitProviderType

	// REQUIRED; The organization name. Maximum length is 100 characters.
	OrganizationName *string

	// REQUIRED; The project name. Maximum length is 100 characters.
	ProjectName *string

	// REQUIRED; The repository name. Maximum length is 128 characters.
	RepositoryName *string

AzureDevOpsDetails - Azure DevOps provider details.

func (*AzureDevOpsDetails) GetGitProviderDetails

func (a *AzureDevOpsDetails) GetGitProviderDetails() *GitProviderDetails

GetGitProviderDetails implements the GitProviderDetailsClassification interface for type AzureDevOpsDetails.

func (AzureDevOpsDetails) MarshalJSON

func (a AzureDevOpsDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type AzureDevOpsDetails.

func (*AzureDevOpsDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *AzureDevOpsDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type AzureDevOpsDetails.

type BasicCredentials

type BasicCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

	// REQUIRED; The password.
	Password *string

	// REQUIRED; The username.
	Username *string

BasicCredentials - Credentials for Basic CredentialType.

func (*BasicCredentials) GetCredentials

func (b *BasicCredentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type BasicCredentials.

func (BasicCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (b BasicCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type BasicCredentials.

func (*BasicCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (b *BasicCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type BasicCredentials.

type Capacities

type Capacities struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of capacities.
	Value []Capacity

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (Capacities) MarshalJSON

func (c Capacities) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Capacities.

func (*Capacities) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Capacities) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Capacities.

type CapacitiesClient

type CapacitiesClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CapacitiesClient contains the methods for the Capacities group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*CapacitiesClient) ListCapacities

func (client *CapacitiesClient) ListCapacities(ctx context.Context, options *CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesOptions) ([]Capacity, error)

ListCapacities - returns array of Capacity from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Capacity.Read.All or Capacity.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • options - CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the CapacitiesClient.NewListCapacitiesPager method.

func (*CapacitiesClient) NewListCapacitiesPager

NewListCapacitiesPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Capacity.Read.All or Capacity.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • options - CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the CapacitiesClient.NewListCapacitiesPager method.
Example (ListCapacitiesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewCapacitiesClient().NewListCapacitiesPager(&core.CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Capacities = core.Capacities{
		// 	Value: []core.Capacity{
		// 		{
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("F4 Capacity"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("96f3f0ff-4fe2-4712-b61b-05a456ba9357"),
		// 			Region: to.Ptr("West Central US"),
		// 			SKU: to.Ptr("F4"),
		// 			State: to.Ptr(core.CapacityStateActive),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("F8 Capacity"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("0b9a4952-b5e7-4a55-8739-3e7251a2fd43"),
		// 			Region: to.Ptr("West Central US"),
		// 			SKU: to.Ptr("F8"),
		// 			State: to.Ptr(core.CapacityStateInactive),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("F16 Capacity"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("af196b7b-0bf8-4430-b383-ad48d14f4edf"),
		// 			Region: to.Ptr("West Central US"),
		// 			SKU: to.Ptr("F16"),
		// 			State: to.Ptr(core.CapacityStateActive),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListCapacitiesWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewCapacitiesClient().NewListCapacitiesPager(&core.CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Capacities = core.Capacities{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.Capacity{
		// 		{
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("F4 Capacity"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("96f3f0ff-4fe2-4712-b61b-05a456ba9357"),
		// 			Region: to.Ptr("West Central US"),
		// 			SKU: to.Ptr("F4"),
		// 			State: to.Ptr(core.CapacityStateActive),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("F8 Capacity"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("0b9a4952-b5e7-4a55-8739-3e7251a2fd43"),
		// 			Region: to.Ptr("West Central US"),
		// 			SKU: to.Ptr("F8"),
		// 			State: to.Ptr(core.CapacityStateInactive),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("F16 Capacity"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("af196b7b-0bf8-4430-b383-ad48d14f4edf"),
		// 			Region: to.Ptr("West Central US"),
		// 			SKU: to.Ptr("F16"),
		// 			State: to.Ptr(core.CapacityStateActive),
		// 	}},
		// }

type CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesOptions

type CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the CapacitiesClient.NewListCapacitiesPager method.

type CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesResponse

type CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesResponse struct {

CapacitiesClientListCapacitiesResponse contains the response from method CapacitiesClient.NewListCapacitiesPager.

type Capacity

type Capacity struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The capacity display name.
	DisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The capacity ID.
	ID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The Azure region where the capacity was provisioned.
	Region *string

	// READ-ONLY; The capacity SKU.
	SKU *string

	// READ-ONLY; The capacity state.
	State *CapacityState

Capacity - A capacity object.

func (Capacity) MarshalJSON

func (c Capacity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Capacity.

func (*Capacity) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Capacity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Capacity.

type CapacityAssignmentProgress

type CapacityAssignmentProgress string

CapacityAssignmentProgress - A Workspace assignment to capacity progress status. Additional capacity assignment progress values may be added over time.

const (
	// CapacityAssignmentProgressCompleted - Last capacity assignment operation was completed successfully.
	CapacityAssignmentProgressCompleted CapacityAssignmentProgress = "Completed"
	// CapacityAssignmentProgressFailed - Capacity assignment operation has encountered an error or failure and was unable to
	// complete.
	CapacityAssignmentProgressFailed CapacityAssignmentProgress = "Failed"
	// CapacityAssignmentProgressInProgress - Capacity assignment operation is currently running and has not yet completed.
	CapacityAssignmentProgressInProgress CapacityAssignmentProgress = "InProgress"

func PossibleCapacityAssignmentProgressValues

func PossibleCapacityAssignmentProgressValues() []CapacityAssignmentProgress

PossibleCapacityAssignmentProgressValues returns the possible values for the CapacityAssignmentProgress const type.

type CapacityRegion

type CapacityRegion string

CapacityRegion - The region of the capacity associated with this workspace. Additional capacity region values may be added over time.

const (
	// CapacityRegionAustraliaEast - Australia East region
	CapacityRegionAustraliaEast CapacityRegion = "Australia East"
	// CapacityRegionAustraliaSoutheast - Australia Southeast region
	CapacityRegionAustraliaSoutheast CapacityRegion = "Australia Southeast"
	// CapacityRegionBrazilSouth - Brazil South region
	CapacityRegionBrazilSouth CapacityRegion = "Brazil South"
	// CapacityRegionBrazilSoutheast - Brazil Southeast region
	CapacityRegionBrazilSoutheast CapacityRegion = "Brazil Southeast"
	// CapacityRegionCanadaCentral - Canada Central region
	CapacityRegionCanadaCentral CapacityRegion = "Canada Central"
	// CapacityRegionCanadaEast - Canada East region
	CapacityRegionCanadaEast CapacityRegion = "Canada East"
	// CapacityRegionCentralIndia - Central India region
	CapacityRegionCentralIndia CapacityRegion = "Central India"
	// CapacityRegionCentralUS - Central US region
	CapacityRegionCentralUS CapacityRegion = "Central US"
	// CapacityRegionCentralUSEUAP - Central US EUAP region
	CapacityRegionCentralUSEUAP CapacityRegion = "Central US EUAP"
	// CapacityRegionChinaEast - China East region
	CapacityRegionChinaEast CapacityRegion = "China East"
	// CapacityRegionChinaEast2 - China East 2 region
	CapacityRegionChinaEast2 CapacityRegion = "China East 2"
	// CapacityRegionChinaEast3 - China East 3 region
	CapacityRegionChinaEast3 CapacityRegion = "China East 3"
	// CapacityRegionChinaNorth - China North region
	CapacityRegionChinaNorth CapacityRegion = "China North"
	// CapacityRegionChinaNorth2 - China North 2 region
	CapacityRegionChinaNorth2 CapacityRegion = "China North 2"
	// CapacityRegionChinaNorth3 - China North 3 region
	CapacityRegionChinaNorth3 CapacityRegion = "China North 3"
	// CapacityRegionEastAsia - East Asia region
	CapacityRegionEastAsia CapacityRegion = "East Asia"
	// CapacityRegionEastUS - East US region
	CapacityRegionEastUS CapacityRegion = "East US"
	// CapacityRegionEastUS2 - East US 2 region
	CapacityRegionEastUS2 CapacityRegion = "East US 2"
	// CapacityRegionFranceCentral - France Central region
	CapacityRegionFranceCentral CapacityRegion = "France Central"
	// CapacityRegionFranceSouth - France South region
	CapacityRegionFranceSouth CapacityRegion = "France South"
	// CapacityRegionGermanyCentral - Germany Central region
	CapacityRegionGermanyCentral CapacityRegion = "Germany Central"
	// CapacityRegionGermanyNorth - Germany North region
	CapacityRegionGermanyNorth CapacityRegion = "Germany North"
	// CapacityRegionGermanyNortheast - Germany Northeast region
	CapacityRegionGermanyNortheast CapacityRegion = "Germany Northeast"
	// CapacityRegionGermanyWestCentral - Germany West Central region
	CapacityRegionGermanyWestCentral CapacityRegion = "Germany West Central"
	// CapacityRegionIsraelCentral - Israel Central region
	CapacityRegionIsraelCentral CapacityRegion = "Israel Central"
	// CapacityRegionItalyNorth - Italy North region
	CapacityRegionItalyNorth CapacityRegion = "Italy North"
	// CapacityRegionJapanEast - Japan East region
	CapacityRegionJapanEast CapacityRegion = "Japan East"
	// CapacityRegionJapanWest - Japan West region
	CapacityRegionJapanWest CapacityRegion = "Japan West"
	// CapacityRegionKoreaCentral - Korea Central region
	CapacityRegionKoreaCentral CapacityRegion = "Korea Central"
	// CapacityRegionKoreaSouth - Korea South region
	CapacityRegionKoreaSouth CapacityRegion = "Korea South"
	// CapacityRegionMexicoCentral - Mexico Central region
	CapacityRegionMexicoCentral CapacityRegion = "Mexico Central"
	// CapacityRegionNorthCentralUS - North Central US region
	CapacityRegionNorthCentralUS CapacityRegion = "North Central US"
	// CapacityRegionNorthEurope - North Europe region
	CapacityRegionNorthEurope CapacityRegion = "North Europe"
	// CapacityRegionNorwayEast - Norway East region
	CapacityRegionNorwayEast CapacityRegion = "Norway East"
	// CapacityRegionNorwayWest - Norway West region
	CapacityRegionNorwayWest CapacityRegion = "Norway West"
	// CapacityRegionPolandCentral - Poland Central region
	CapacityRegionPolandCentral CapacityRegion = "Poland Central"
	// CapacityRegionQatarCentral - Qatar Central region
	CapacityRegionQatarCentral CapacityRegion = "Qatar Central"
	// CapacityRegionSouthAfricaNorth - South Africa North region
	CapacityRegionSouthAfricaNorth CapacityRegion = "South Africa North"
	// CapacityRegionSouthAfricaWest - South Africa West region
	CapacityRegionSouthAfricaWest CapacityRegion = "South Africa West"
	// CapacityRegionSouthCentralUS - South Central US region
	CapacityRegionSouthCentralUS CapacityRegion = "South Central US"
	// CapacityRegionSouthIndia - South India region
	CapacityRegionSouthIndia CapacityRegion = "South India"
	// CapacityRegionSoutheastAsia - Southeast Asia region
	CapacityRegionSoutheastAsia CapacityRegion = "Southeast Asia"
	// CapacityRegionSpainCentral - Spain Central region
	CapacityRegionSpainCentral CapacityRegion = "Spain Central"
	// CapacityRegionSwedenCentral - Sweden Central region
	CapacityRegionSwedenCentral CapacityRegion = "Sweden Central"
	// CapacityRegionSwitzerlandNorth - Switzerland North region
	CapacityRegionSwitzerlandNorth CapacityRegion = "Switzerland North"
	// CapacityRegionSwitzerlandWest - Switzerland West region
	CapacityRegionSwitzerlandWest CapacityRegion = "Switzerland West"
	// CapacityRegionUAECentral - UAE Central region
	CapacityRegionUAECentral CapacityRegion = "UAE Central"
	// CapacityRegionUAENorth - UAE North region
	CapacityRegionUAENorth CapacityRegion = "UAE North"
	// CapacityRegionUKSouth - UK South region
	CapacityRegionUKSouth CapacityRegion = "UK South"
	// CapacityRegionUKWest - UK West region
	CapacityRegionUKWest CapacityRegion = "UK West"
	// CapacityRegionWestCentralUS - West Central US region
	CapacityRegionWestCentralUS CapacityRegion = "West Central US"
	// CapacityRegionWestEurope - West Europe region
	CapacityRegionWestEurope CapacityRegion = "West Europe"
	// CapacityRegionWestIndia - West India region
	CapacityRegionWestIndia CapacityRegion = "West India"
	// CapacityRegionWestUS - West US region
	CapacityRegionWestUS CapacityRegion = "West US"
	// CapacityRegionWestUS2 - West US 2 region
	CapacityRegionWestUS2 CapacityRegion = "West US 2"
	// CapacityRegionWestUS3 - West US 3 region
	CapacityRegionWestUS3 CapacityRegion = "West US 3"

func PossibleCapacityRegionValues

func PossibleCapacityRegionValues() []CapacityRegion

PossibleCapacityRegionValues returns the possible values for the CapacityRegion const type.

type CapacityState

type CapacityState string

CapacityState - A Capacity state. Additional capacity states may be added over time.

const (
	// CapacityStateActive - The capacity is ready to use.
	CapacityStateActive CapacityState = "Active"
	// CapacityStateInactive - The capacity can't be used.
	CapacityStateInactive CapacityState = "Inactive"

func PossibleCapacityStateValues

func PossibleCapacityStateValues() []CapacityState

PossibleCapacityStateValues returns the possible values for the CapacityState const type.

type ChangeType

type ChangeType string

ChangeType - A change of an item. Additional changed types may be added over time.

const (
	// ChangeTypeAdded - A newly created item.
	ChangeTypeAdded ChangeType = "Added"
	// ChangeTypeDeleted - Item has been deleted.
	ChangeTypeDeleted ChangeType = "Deleted"
	// ChangeTypeModified - Item content has been modified.
	ChangeTypeModified ChangeType = "Modified"

func PossibleChangeTypeValues

func PossibleChangeTypeValues() []ChangeType

PossibleChangeTypeValues returns the possible values for the ChangeType const type.

type ClientFactory

type ClientFactory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClientFactory is a client factory used to create any client in this module. Don't use this type directly, use NewClientFactory instead.

func NewClientFactory

func NewClientFactory(credential azcore.TokenCredential, endpoint *string, options *azcore.ClientOptions) (*ClientFactory, error)

NewClientFactory creates a new instance of ClientFactory with the specified values. The parameter values will be propagated to any client created from this factory.

  • credential - used to authorize requests. Usually a credential from azidentity.
  • endpoint - pass nil to accept the default values.
  • options - pass nil to accept the default values.

func NewClientFactoryWithClient

func NewClientFactoryWithClient(client fabric.Client) *ClientFactory

NewClientFactoryWithClient creates a new instance of ClientFactory with sharable Client. The Client will be propagated to any client created from this factory.

  • client - Client created in the containing module:

func (*ClientFactory) NewCapacitiesClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewCapacitiesClient() *CapacitiesClient

NewCapacitiesClient creates a new instance of CapacitiesClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewConnectionsClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewConnectionsClient() *ConnectionsClient

NewConnectionsClient creates a new instance of ConnectionsClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewDeploymentPipelinesClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewDeploymentPipelinesClient() *DeploymentPipelinesClient

NewDeploymentPipelinesClient creates a new instance of DeploymentPipelinesClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewExternalDataSharesClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewExternalDataSharesClient() *ExternalDataSharesClient

NewExternalDataSharesClient creates a new instance of ExternalDataSharesClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewGatewaysClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewGatewaysClient() *GatewaysClient

NewGatewaysClient creates a new instance of GatewaysClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewGitClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewGitClient() *GitClient

NewGitClient creates a new instance of GitClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewItemsClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewItemsClient() *ItemsClient

NewItemsClient creates a new instance of ItemsClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewJobSchedulerClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewJobSchedulerClient() *JobSchedulerClient

NewJobSchedulerClient creates a new instance of JobSchedulerClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewLongRunningOperationsClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewLongRunningOperationsClient() *LongRunningOperationsClient

NewLongRunningOperationsClient creates a new instance of LongRunningOperationsClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewManagedPrivateEndpointsClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewManagedPrivateEndpointsClient() *ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient

NewManagedPrivateEndpointsClient creates a new instance of ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewOneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewOneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient() *OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient

NewOneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient creates a new instance of OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewOneLakeShortcutsClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewOneLakeShortcutsClient() *OneLakeShortcutsClient

NewOneLakeShortcutsClient creates a new instance of OneLakeShortcutsClient.

func (*ClientFactory) NewWorkspacesClient

func (c *ClientFactory) NewWorkspacesClient() *WorkspacesClient

NewWorkspacesClient creates a new instance of WorkspacesClient.

type CommitMode

type CommitMode string

CommitMode - Modes for the commit operation. Additional modes may be added over time.

const (
	// CommitModeAll - Commit all uncommitted changes. The caller is not required to provide the list of items to commit.
	CommitModeAll CommitMode = "All"
	// CommitModeSelective - Commit a specified items list that has uncommitted changes.
	CommitModeSelective CommitMode = "Selective"

func PossibleCommitModeValues

func PossibleCommitModeValues() []CommitMode

PossibleCommitModeValues returns the possible values for the CommitMode const type.

type CommitToGitRequest

type CommitToGitRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The mode for the commit operation.
	Mode *CommitMode

	// Caller-free comment for this commit. Maximum length is 300 characters. If no comment is provided by the caller, use the
	// default Git provider comment.
	Comment *string
	Items   []ItemIdentifier

	// Full SHA hash that the workspace is synced to. The hash can be retrieved from the Git Status [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/get-status]
	// API.
	WorkspaceHead *string

CommitToGitRequest - Contains the commit request.

func (CommitToGitRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CommitToGitRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CommitToGitRequest.

func (*CommitToGitRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CommitToGitRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CommitToGitRequest.

type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials

type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the connection.
	ConnectionID *string

	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials - Configured connection Git credentials.

func (*ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials) GetGitCredentials

func (c *ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials) GetGitCredentials() *GitCredentials

GetGitCredentials implements the GitCredentialsClassification interface for type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials.

func (ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (c ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials.

func (*ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials.

type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse

type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the connection.
	ConnectionID *string

	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse - Configured connection Git credentials.

func (*ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse) GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

func (c *ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse) GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse() *GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse implements the GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification interface for type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse.

func (ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse.

func (*ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse.

type ConflictResolutionPolicy

type ConflictResolutionPolicy string

ConflictResolutionPolicy - Conflict resolution policy. Additional conflict resolution policies may be added over time.

const (
	// ConflictResolutionPolicyPreferRemote - Prefer remote Git side content.
	ConflictResolutionPolicyPreferRemote ConflictResolutionPolicy = "PreferRemote"
	// ConflictResolutionPolicyPreferWorkspace - Prefer workspace side content.
	ConflictResolutionPolicyPreferWorkspace ConflictResolutionPolicy = "PreferWorkspace"

func PossibleConflictResolutionPolicyValues

func PossibleConflictResolutionPolicyValues() []ConflictResolutionPolicy

PossibleConflictResolutionPolicyValues returns the possible values for the ConflictResolutionPolicy const type.

type ConflictResolutionType

type ConflictResolutionType string

ConflictResolutionType - Conflict resolution type. Additional conflict resolution types may be added over time.

const (
	// ConflictResolutionTypeWorkspace - Conflict resolution representing the workspace level.
	ConflictResolutionTypeWorkspace ConflictResolutionType = "Workspace"

func PossibleConflictResolutionTypeValues

func PossibleConflictResolutionTypeValues() []ConflictResolutionType

PossibleConflictResolutionTypeValues returns the possible values for the ConflictResolutionType const type.

type ConflictType

type ConflictType string

ConflictType - A change of an item in both workspace and remote. Additional changed types may be added over time.

const (
	// ConflictTypeConflict - There are different changes to the item in the workspace and in remote Git.
	ConflictTypeConflict ConflictType = "Conflict"
	// ConflictTypeNone - There are no changes to the item.
	ConflictTypeNone ConflictType = "None"
	// ConflictTypeSameChanges - There are identical changes to the item in the workspace and in remote Git.
	ConflictTypeSameChanges ConflictType = "SameChanges"

func PossibleConflictTypeValues

func PossibleConflictTypeValues() []ConflictType

PossibleConflictTypeValues returns the possible values for the ConflictType const type.

type Connection

type Connection struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connection details of the connection.
	ConnectionDetails *ListConnectionDetails

	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the connection.
	ID *string

	// The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *ListCredentialDetails

	// The display name of the connection.
	DisplayName *string

	// The gateway object ID of the connection.
	GatewayID *string

	// The privacy level of the connection.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (Connection) MarshalJSON

func (c Connection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Connection.

func (*Connection) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Connection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Connection.

type ConnectionCreationMetadata

type ConnectionCreationMetadata struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of creation methods for the connection.
	CreationMethods []ConnectionCreationMethod

	// REQUIRED; A list of connection encryption values that the connection supports.
	SupportedConnectionEncryptionTypes []ConnectionEncryption

	// REQUIRED; A list of credential type values that the connection supports.
	SupportedCredentialTypes []CredentialType

	// REQUIRED; Whether the connection type supports skip test connection. True - The connection type supports skip test connection,
	// False - The connection type does not support skip test connection.
	SupportsSkipTestConnection *bool

	// REQUIRED; The type of the connection.
	Type *string

func (ConnectionCreationMetadata) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionCreationMetadata) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionCreationMetadata.

func (*ConnectionCreationMetadata) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionCreationMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionCreationMetadata.

type ConnectionCreationMethod

type ConnectionCreationMethod struct {
	// REQUIRED; The name of the creation method.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; A list of creation method parameters for the connection.
	Parameters []ConnectionCreationParameter

func (ConnectionCreationMethod) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionCreationMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionCreationMethod.

func (*ConnectionCreationMethod) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionCreationMethod) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionCreationMethod.

type ConnectionCreationParameter

type ConnectionCreationParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the connection creation parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the connection creation parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; Whether the connection creation parameter is required. True - The connection creation parameter is required,
	// False - The connection creation parameter is not required.
	Required *bool

	// A list of allowed values for the connection creation parameter.
	AllowedValues []string

func (ConnectionCreationParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionCreationParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionCreationParameter.

func (*ConnectionCreationParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionCreationParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionCreationParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter

type ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; The boolean value.
	Value *bool

ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter - ConnectionDetailsParameter for boolean dataType.

func (*ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsDateParameter

type ConnectionDetailsDateParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; The date value using YYYY-MM-DD format.
	Value *time.Time

ConnectionDetailsDateParameter - ConnectionDetailsParameter for date dataType.

func (*ConnectionDetailsDateParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsDateParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsDateParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsDateParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsDateParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsDateParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter

type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; The date time value using YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.FFFZ format.
	Value *time.Time

ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter - ConnectionDetailsParameter for dateTime dataType.

func (*ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter

type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; The date time zone value using YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.FFF±hh:mm format.
	Value *string

ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter - ConnectionDetailsParameter for dateTimeZone dataType.

func (*ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter

type ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; The duration value using [-]P(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S format. For example: P3DT4H30M10S (for 3 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes,
	// and 10 seconds).
	Value *string

ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter - ConnectionDetailsParameter for duration dataType.

func (*ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter

type ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; The number value.
	Value *float32

ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter - ConnectionDetailsParameter for number dataType.

func (*ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsParameter

type ConnectionDetailsParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

ConnectionDetailsParameter - The base object of ConnectionDetailsParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification

type ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface {
	// GetConnectionDetailsParameter returns the ConnectionDetailsParameter content of the underlying type.
	GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetConnectionDetailsParameter() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *ConnectionDetailsBooleanParameter, *ConnectionDetailsDateParameter, *ConnectionDetailsDateTimeParameter, *ConnectionDetailsDateTimeZoneParameter, - *ConnectionDetailsDurationParameter, *ConnectionDetailsNumberParameter, *ConnectionDetailsParameter, *ConnectionDetailsTextParameter, - *ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter

type ConnectionDetailsTextParameter

type ConnectionDetailsTextParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; The text value.
	Value *string

ConnectionDetailsTextParameter - ConnectionDetailsParameter for text dataType.

func (*ConnectionDetailsTextParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsTextParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsTextParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsTextParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsTextParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsTextParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsTextParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsTextParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsTextParameter.

type ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter

type ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter struct {
	// REQUIRED; The data type of the parameter.
	DataType *DataType

	// REQUIRED; The name of the parameter.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; The time value using HH:mm:ss.FFFZ format.
	Value *time.Time

ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter - ConnectionDetailsParameter for time dataType.

func (*ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter

func (c *ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter) GetConnectionDetailsParameter() *ConnectionDetailsParameter

GetConnectionDetailsParameter implements the ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification interface for type ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter.

func (ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter.

func (*ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionDetailsTimeParameter.

type ConnectionEncryption

type ConnectionEncryption string

ConnectionEncryption - The connection encryption type of the connection. Additional connection encryption values may be added over time.

const (
	// ConnectionEncryptionAny - The connection attempt is first made using an encrypted connection, then falls back to unencrypted
	// connection if unsuccessful.
	ConnectionEncryptionAny ConnectionEncryption = "Any"
	// ConnectionEncryptionEncrypted - The connection attempt is made using an encrypted connection.
	ConnectionEncryptionEncrypted ConnectionEncryption = "Encrypted"
	// ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted - The connection attempt is made using an unencrypted connection.
	ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted ConnectionEncryption = "NotEncrypted"

func PossibleConnectionEncryptionValues

func PossibleConnectionEncryptionValues() []ConnectionEncryption

PossibleConnectionEncryptionValues returns the possible values for the ConnectionEncryption const type.

type ConnectionRole

type ConnectionRole string

ConnectionRole - A Connection role. Additional connection roles may be added over time.

const (
	// ConnectionRoleOwner - Enables ownership access for the connection.
	ConnectionRoleOwner ConnectionRole = "Owner"
	// ConnectionRoleUser - Enables user access for the connection.
	ConnectionRoleUser ConnectionRole = "User"
	// ConnectionRoleUserWithReshare - Enables user with resharing access for the connection.
	ConnectionRoleUserWithReshare ConnectionRole = "UserWithReshare"

func PossibleConnectionRoleValues

func PossibleConnectionRoleValues() []ConnectionRole

PossibleConnectionRoleValues returns the possible values for the ConnectionRole const type.

type ConnectionRoleAssignment

type ConnectionRoleAssignment struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the connection role assignment.
	ID *string

	// REQUIRED; The principal.
	Principal *Principal

	// REQUIRED; The connection role of the principal.
	Role *ConnectionRole

ConnectionRoleAssignment - The connection role assignment for a principal.

func (ConnectionRoleAssignment) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionRoleAssignment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionRoleAssignment.

func (*ConnectionRoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionRoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionRoleAssignment.

type ConnectionRoleAssignments

type ConnectionRoleAssignments struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of connection role assignments.
	Value []ConnectionRoleAssignment

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (ConnectionRoleAssignments) MarshalJSON

func (c ConnectionRoleAssignments) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ConnectionRoleAssignments.

func (*ConnectionRoleAssignments) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ConnectionRoleAssignments) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ConnectionRoleAssignments.

type ConnectionStatus

type ConnectionStatus string

ConnectionStatus - Private endpoint connection status. Additional connection status may be added over time.

const (
	// ConnectionStatusApproved - Endpoint approved
	ConnectionStatusApproved ConnectionStatus = "Approved"
	// ConnectionStatusDisconnected - Endpoint disconnected
	ConnectionStatusDisconnected ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected"
	// ConnectionStatusPending - Pending approval
	ConnectionStatusPending ConnectionStatus = "Pending"
	// ConnectionStatusRejected - Endpoint rejected
	ConnectionStatusRejected ConnectionStatus = "Rejected"

func PossibleConnectionStatusValues

func PossibleConnectionStatusValues() []ConnectionStatus

PossibleConnectionStatusValues returns the possible values for the ConnectionStatus const type.

type ConnectionsClient

type ConnectionsClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConnectionsClient contains the methods for the Connections group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*ConnectionsClient) AddConnectionRoleAssignment

func (client *ConnectionsClient) AddConnectionRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, connectionID string, addConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest, options *ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions) (ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

AddConnectionRoleAssignment - To get the principal user ID required for request body, see Find the user ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have UserWithReshare or higher role on the connection or be an Admin on the gateway that's bound to the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection.
  • addConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest - The request payload for adding a connection role assignment
  • options - ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.AddConnectionRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().AddConnectionRoleAssignment(ctx, "f3a2e6af-d048-4f85-94d9-b3d16140df05", core.AddConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest{
		Principal: &core.Principal{
			Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
			ID:   to.Ptr("6a002b3d-e4ec-43df-8c08-e8eb7547d9dd"),
		Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleOwner),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*ConnectionsClient) CreateConnection

CreateConnection - To encrypt credentials, see Configure credentials programmatically [/power-bi/developer/embedded/configure-credentials]. PERMISSIONS If creating a gateway connection, the caller must have permissions for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • createConnectionRequest - The request payload for creating the connection
  • options - ConnectionsClientCreateConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.CreateConnection method.
Example (CloudExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().CreateConnection(ctx, &core.CreateCloudConnectionRequest{
		ConnectionDetails: &core.CreateConnectionDetails{
			Type:           to.Ptr("SQL"),
			CreationMethod: to.Ptr("SQL"),
			Parameters: []core.ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification{
					Name:     to.Ptr("server"),
					DataType: to.Ptr(core.DataTypeText),
					Value:    to.Ptr(""),
					Name:     to.Ptr("database"),
					DataType: to.Ptr(core.DataTypeText),
					Value:    to.Ptr("sales"),
		ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeShareableCloud),
		DisplayName:      to.Ptr("ContosoCloudConnection"),
		PrivacyLevel:     to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelOrganizational),
		CredentialDetails: &core.CreateCredentialDetails{
			ConnectionEncryption: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted),
			SingleSignOnType:     to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
			SkipTestConnection:   to.Ptr(false),
			Credentials: &core.BasicCredentials{
				CredentialType: to.Ptr(core.CredentialTypeBasic),
				Password:       to.Ptr("********"),
				Username:       to.Ptr("admin"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (VirtualNetworkGatewayExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().CreateConnection(ctx, &core.CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest{
		ConnectionDetails: &core.CreateConnectionDetails{
			Type:           to.Ptr("SQL"),
			CreationMethod: to.Ptr("SQL"),
			Parameters: []core.ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification{
					Name:     to.Ptr("server"),
					DataType: to.Ptr(core.DataTypeText),
					Value:    to.Ptr(""),
					Name:     to.Ptr("database"),
					DataType: to.Ptr(core.DataTypeText),
					Value:    to.Ptr("sales"),
		ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeVirtualNetworkGateway),
		DisplayName:      to.Ptr("ContosoVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection"),
		PrivacyLevel:     to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelOrganizational),
		CredentialDetails: &core.CreateCredentialDetails{
			ConnectionEncryption: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionEncryptionEncrypted),
			SingleSignOnType:     to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
			SkipTestConnection:   to.Ptr(false),
			Credentials: &core.BasicCredentials{
				CredentialType: to.Ptr(core.CredentialTypeBasic),
				Password:       to.Ptr("*********"),
				Username:       to.Ptr("admin"),
		GatewayID: to.Ptr("93491300-cfbd-402f-bf17-9ace59a92354"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*ConnectionsClient) DeleteConnection

DeleteConnection - PERMISSIONS The caller must have owner permission for the connection or admin permission for the gateway of the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection.
  • options - ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.DeleteConnection method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().DeleteConnection(ctx, "536f7c95-076c-40b5-8fe0-2179536e4161", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*ConnectionsClient) DeleteConnectionRoleAssignment

func (client *ConnectionsClient) DeleteConnectionRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, connectionID string, connectionRoleAssignmentID string, options *ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions) (ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

DeleteConnectionRoleAssignment - To get the principal user ID required for request body, see Find the user ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must be an Owner of the connection or be an Admin on the gateway that's bound to the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection
  • connectionRoleAssignmentID - The ID of the role assignment
  • options - ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.DeleteConnectionRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().DeleteConnectionRoleAssignment(ctx, "a06fbff3-09e1-4958-a92b-2a7550459762", "b7439ed7-7331-4c59-b2bb-f4f917e61979", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*ConnectionsClient) GetConnection

GetConnection - PERMISSIONS The caller must have permission for the connection or admin permission for the gateway of the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.Read.All or Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection.
  • options - ConnectionsClientGetConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.GetConnection method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().GetConnection(ctx, "f6a39b76-9816-4e4b-b93a-f42e405017b7", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Connection = core.Connection{
	// 	ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
	// 		Path: to.Ptr(";sales"),
	// 	},
	// 	ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeOnPremisesGateway),
	// 	CredentialDetails: &core.ListCredentialDetails{
	// 		ConnectionEncryption: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted),
	// 		SingleSignOnType: to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
	// 		SkipTestConnection: to.Ptr(false),
	// 		CredentialType: to.Ptr(core.CredentialTypeBasic),
	// 	},
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoConnection"),
	// 	GatewayID: to.Ptr("58376c10-5f61-4024-887e-748df4beae45"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("f6a39b76-9816-4e4b-b93a-f42e405017b7"),
	// 	PrivacyLevel: to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelOrganizational),
	// }

func (*ConnectionsClient) GetConnectionRoleAssignment

func (client *ConnectionsClient) GetConnectionRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, connectionID string, connectionRoleAssignmentID string, options *ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions) (ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

GetConnectionRoleAssignment - To get the principal user ID required for request body, see Find the user ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have User or higher role on the connection or be an Admin on the gateway that's bound to the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.Read.All or Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection
  • connectionRoleAssignmentID - The ID of the connection role assignment
  • options - ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.GetConnectionRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().GetConnectionRoleAssignment(ctx, "4bbb41c0-1dcc-4a8c-aff5-c681a3d10208", "43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ConnectionRoleAssignment = core.ConnectionRoleAssignment{
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff"),
	// 	Principal: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff"),
	// 	},
	// 	Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleOwner),
	// }

func (*ConnectionsClient) ListConnectionRoleAssignments

func (client *ConnectionsClient) ListConnectionRoleAssignments(ctx context.Context, connectionID string, options *ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsOptions) ([]ConnectionRoleAssignment, error)

ListConnectionRoleAssignments - returns array of ConnectionRoleAssignment from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].


  • The caller must have User or higher role on the connection or be an Admin on the gateway that's bound to the connection.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.Read.All or Connection.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection.
  • options - ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListConnectionRoleAssignmentsPager method.

func (*ConnectionsClient) ListConnections

func (client *ConnectionsClient) ListConnections(ctx context.Context, options *ConnectionsClientListConnectionsOptions) ([]Connection, error)

ListConnections - returns array of Connection from all pages. PERMISSIONS The caller must have permission for the connection.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.Read.All or Connection.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • options - ConnectionsClientListConnectionsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListConnectionsPager method.

func (*ConnectionsClient) ListSupportedConnectionTypes

ListSupportedConnectionTypes - returns array of ConnectionCreationMetadata from all pages. PERMISSIONS If called with gatewayId, the caller must have permission for the gateway.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.Read.All or Connection.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • options - ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListSupportedConnectionTypesPager method.

func (*ConnectionsClient) NewListConnectionRoleAssignmentsPager

NewListConnectionRoleAssignmentsPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have User or higher role on the connection or be an Admin on the gateway that's bound to the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.Read.All or Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection.
  • options - ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListConnectionRoleAssignmentsPager method.
Example (ListConnectionRoleAssignmentExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().NewListConnectionRoleAssignmentsPager("9558d649-84f1-4b7e-850a-59b5d0ae95eb", &core.ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ConnectionRoleAssignments = core.ConnectionRoleAssignments{
		// 	Value: []core.ConnectionRoleAssignment{
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("1c15c348-dd88-4065-8f25-57581c216bcf"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("1c15c348-dd88-4065-8f25-57581c216bcf"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleOwner),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("d3a7dbf7-6641-48f2-851e-d71bbf9d90c4"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeGroup),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("d3a7dbf7-6641-48f2-851e-d71bbf9d90c4"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleOwner),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("48ba22da-4431-4da4-8b70-3401685bf9e5"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeGroup),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("48ba22da-4431-4da4-8b70-3401685bf9e5"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleUser),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("1dfa1747-ce76-4caf-99c8-360b95f9f17a"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("1dfa1747-ce76-4caf-99c8-360b95f9f17a"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleUserWithReshare),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListConnectionRoleAssignmentWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().NewListConnectionRoleAssignmentsPager("9558d649-84f1-4b7e-850a-59b5d0ae95eb", &core.ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ConnectionRoleAssignments = core.ConnectionRoleAssignments{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.ConnectionRoleAssignment{
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("1c15c348-dd88-4065-8f25-57581c216bcf"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("1c15c348-dd88-4065-8f25-57581c216bcf"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleOwner),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("d3a7dbf7-6641-48f2-851e-d71bbf9d90c4"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeGroup),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("d3a7dbf7-6641-48f2-851e-d71bbf9d90c4"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleOwner),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("48ba22da-4431-4da4-8b70-3401685bf9e5"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeGroup),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("48ba22da-4431-4da4-8b70-3401685bf9e5"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleUser),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("1dfa1747-ce76-4caf-99c8-360b95f9f17a"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("1dfa1747-ce76-4caf-99c8-360b95f9f17a"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleUserWithReshare),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*ConnectionsClient) NewListConnectionsPager

NewListConnectionsPager - PERMISSIONS The caller must have permission for the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.Read.All or Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • options - ConnectionsClientListConnectionsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListConnectionsPager method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().NewListConnectionsPager(&core.ConnectionsClientListConnectionsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ListConnectionsResponse = core.ListConnectionsResponse{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.Connection{
		// 		{
		// 			ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr("Web"),
		// 				Path: to.Ptr(""),
		// 			},
		// 			ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeShareableCloud),
		// 			CredentialDetails: &core.ListCredentialDetails{
		// 				ConnectionEncryption: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted),
		// 				SingleSignOnType: to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
		// 				SkipTestConnection: to.Ptr(false),
		// 				CredentialType: to.Ptr(core.CredentialTypeAnonymous),
		// 			},
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoConnection1"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("6952a7b2-aea3-414f-9d85-6c0fe5d34539"),
		// 			PrivacyLevel: to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelPublic),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
		// 				Path: to.Ptr(";sales"),
		// 			},
		// 			ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeOnPremisesGateway),
		// 			CredentialDetails: &core.ListCredentialDetails{
		// 				ConnectionEncryption: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionEncryptionAny),
		// 				SingleSignOnType: to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
		// 				SkipTestConnection: to.Ptr(false),
		// 				CredentialType: to.Ptr(core.CredentialTypeBasic),
		// 			},
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoConnection2"),
		// 			GatewayID: to.Ptr("58376c10-5f61-4024-887e-748df4beae45"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("f6a39b76-9816-4e4b-b93a-f42e405017b7"),
		// 			PrivacyLevel: to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelOrganizational),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*ConnectionsClient) NewListSupportedConnectionTypesPager

NewListSupportedConnectionTypesPager - PERMISSIONS If called with gatewayId, the caller must have permission for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.Read.All or Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • options - ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListSupportedConnectionTypesPager method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().NewListSupportedConnectionTypesPager(&core.ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesOptions{GatewayID: to.Ptr("6d824cb9-6bfb-4bdb-a702-238e172a8743"),
		ShowAllCreationMethods: nil,
		ContinuationToken:      nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse = core.ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.ConnectionCreationMetadata{
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
		// 			CreationMethods: []core.ConnectionCreationMethod{
		// 				{
		// 					Name: to.Ptr("SQL"),
		// 					Parameters: []core.ConnectionCreationParameter{
		// 						{
		// 							Name: to.Ptr("server"),
		// 							DataType: to.Ptr(core.DataTypeText),
		// 							Required: to.Ptr(true),
		// 						},
		// 						{
		// 							Name: to.Ptr("database"),
		// 							DataType: to.Ptr(core.DataTypeText),
		// 							Required: to.Ptr(false),
		// 					}},
		// 			}},
		// 			SupportedConnectionEncryptionTypes: []core.ConnectionEncryption{
		// 				core.ConnectionEncryptionEncrypted,
		// 				core.ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted},
		// 				SupportedCredentialTypes: []core.CredentialType{
		// 					core.CredentialTypeBasic,
		// 					core.CredentialTypeOAuth2},
		// 					SupportsSkipTestConnection: to.Ptr(true),
		// 			}},
		// 		}

func (*ConnectionsClient) UpdateConnection

UpdateConnection - To encrypt credentials, see Configure credentials programmatically [/power-bi/developer/embedded/configure-credentials]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have permission for the connection or admin permission for the gateway of the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection.
  • updateConnectionRequest - The request payload for updating the connection
  • options - ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.UpdateConnection method.
Example (PersonalCloudExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().UpdateConnection(ctx, "7a0369b2-58c4-4b67-b3f3-92156a95f1cd", &core.UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest{
		ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypePersonalCloud),
		PrivacyLevel:     to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelOrganizational),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Connection = core.Connection{
	// 	ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
	// 		Path: to.Ptr(";finances"),
	// 	},
	// 	ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypePersonalCloud),
	// 	CredentialDetails: &core.ListCredentialDetails{
	// 		ConnectionEncryption: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted),
	// 		SingleSignOnType: to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
	// 		SkipTestConnection: to.Ptr(false),
	// 		CredentialType: to.Ptr(core.CredentialTypeOAuth2),
	// 	},
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("7a0369b2-58c4-4b67-b3f3-92156a95f1cd"),
	// 	PrivacyLevel: to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelOrganizational),
	// }

Example (ShareableCloudExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().UpdateConnection(ctx, "fa968eee-8075-48f6-8c6d-41260ee1396d", &core.UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest{
		ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeShareableCloud),
		DisplayName:      to.Ptr("ContosoCloudConnection"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Connection = core.Connection{
	// 	ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
	// 		Path: to.Ptr(";networks"),
	// 	},
	// 	ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeShareableCloud),
	// 	CredentialDetails: &core.ListCredentialDetails{
	// 		ConnectionEncryption: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted),
	// 		SingleSignOnType: to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
	// 		SkipTestConnection: to.Ptr(true),
	// 		CredentialType: to.Ptr(core.CredentialTypeBasic),
	// 	},
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoCloudConnection"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("fa968eee-8075-48f6-8c6d-41260ee1396d"),
	// 	PrivacyLevel: to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelPublic),
	// }

Example (VirtualNetworkGatewayExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().UpdateConnection(ctx, "6b571614-2e98-4bfd-b9ed-1cb8d3ffc396", &core.UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest{
		ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeVirtualNetworkGateway),
		PrivacyLevel:     to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelOrganizational),
		CredentialDetails: &core.UpdateCredentialDetails{
			SingleSignOnType: to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
		DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoMarketingVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Connection = core.Connection{
	// 	ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
	// 		Path: to.Ptr(";marketing"),
	// 	},
	// 	ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeVirtualNetworkGateway),
	// 	CredentialDetails: &core.ListCredentialDetails{
	// 		ConnectionEncryption: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionEncryptionNotEncrypted),
	// 		SingleSignOnType: to.Ptr(core.SingleSignOnTypeNone),
	// 		SkipTestConnection: to.Ptr(false),
	// 		CredentialType: to.Ptr(core.CredentialTypeBasic),
	// 	},
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoMarketingVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection"),
	// 	GatewayID: to.Ptr("befccff4-3ee6-40d7-b8f1-a0a9fd684a85"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("6b571614-2e98-4bfd-b9ed-1cb8d3ffc396"),
	// 	PrivacyLevel: to.Ptr(core.PrivacyLevelOrganizational),
	// }

func (*ConnectionsClient) UpdateConnectionRoleAssignment

func (client *ConnectionsClient) UpdateConnectionRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, connectionID string, connectionRoleAssignmentID string, updateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest, options *ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions) (ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

UpdateConnectionRoleAssignment - To get the principal user ID required for request body, see Find the user ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must be an Owner of the connection or be an Admin on the gateway that's bound to the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Connection.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • connectionID - The ID of the connection
  • connectionRoleAssignmentID - The ID of the role assignment
  • updateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest - Update connection role assignment request payload.
  • options - ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.UpdateConnectionRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewConnectionsClient().UpdateConnectionRoleAssignment(ctx, "fe8e181d-dbb8-471a-99f0-fdbf0a2ad4fd", "43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff", core.UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest{
		Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleUserWithReshare),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ConnectionRoleAssignment = core.ConnectionRoleAssignment{
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff"),
	// 	Principal: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff"),
	// 	},
	// 	Role: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionRoleUserWithReshare),
	// }

type ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions

type ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.AddConnectionRoleAssignment method.

type ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse

type ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// The connection role assignment for a principal.

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

ConnectionsClientAddConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.AddConnectionRoleAssignment.

type ConnectionsClientCreateConnectionOptions

type ConnectionsClientCreateConnectionOptions struct {

ConnectionsClientCreateConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.CreateConnection method.

type ConnectionsClientCreateConnectionResponse

type ConnectionsClientCreateConnectionResponse struct {

ConnectionsClientCreateConnectionResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.CreateConnection.

type ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionOptions

type ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionOptions struct {

ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.DeleteConnection method.

type ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionResponse

type ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionResponse struct {

ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.DeleteConnection.

type ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions

type ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.DeleteConnectionRoleAssignment method.

type ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse

type ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse struct {

ConnectionsClientDeleteConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.DeleteConnectionRoleAssignment.

type ConnectionsClientGetConnectionOptions

type ConnectionsClientGetConnectionOptions struct {

ConnectionsClientGetConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.GetConnection method.

type ConnectionsClientGetConnectionResponse

type ConnectionsClientGetConnectionResponse struct {

ConnectionsClientGetConnectionResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.GetConnection.

type ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions

type ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.GetConnectionRoleAssignment method.

type ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse

type ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// The connection role assignment for a principal.

ConnectionsClientGetConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.GetConnectionRoleAssignment.

type ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsOptions

type ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListConnectionRoleAssignmentsPager method.

type ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsResponse

type ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsResponse struct {

ConnectionsClientListConnectionRoleAssignmentsResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.NewListConnectionRoleAssignmentsPager.

type ConnectionsClientListConnectionsOptions

type ConnectionsClientListConnectionsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

ConnectionsClientListConnectionsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListConnectionsPager method.

type ConnectionsClientListConnectionsResponse

type ConnectionsClientListConnectionsResponse struct {

ConnectionsClientListConnectionsResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.NewListConnectionsPager.

type ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesOptions

type ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The gateway to list supported connection types. If omitted, the API lists supported connection types in the cloud.
	GatewayID *string

	// Setting that controls whether to show all creation methods. True - Show all creation methods, False - Show only recommended
	// creation methods.
	ShowAllCreationMethods *bool

ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.NewListSupportedConnectionTypesPager method.

type ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse

type ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse struct {

ConnectionsClientListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.NewListSupportedConnectionTypesPager.

type ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionOptions

type ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionOptions struct {

ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.UpdateConnection method.

type ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionResponse

type ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionResponse struct {

ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.UpdateConnection.

type ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions

type ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ConnectionsClient.UpdateConnectionRoleAssignment method.

type ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse

type ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// The connection role assignment for a principal.

ConnectionsClientUpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method ConnectionsClient.UpdateConnectionRoleAssignment.

type ConnectivityType

type ConnectivityType string

ConnectivityType - The connectivity type of the connection. Additional connectivity types may be added over time.

const (
	// ConnectivityTypeAutomatic - The connection connects through the cloud using an implicit data connection. This option is
	// only available for specific scenarios like semantic models that use Single Sign-On (SSO).”
	ConnectivityTypeAutomatic ConnectivityType = "Automatic"
	// ConnectivityTypeNone - The connection is not bound
	ConnectivityTypeNone ConnectivityType = "None"
	// ConnectivityTypeOnPremisesGateway - The connection connects through an on-premises data gateway.
	ConnectivityTypeOnPremisesGateway ConnectivityType = "OnPremisesGateway"
	// ConnectivityTypeOnPremisesGatewayPersonal - The connection connects through a personal on-premises data gateway.
	ConnectivityTypeOnPremisesGatewayPersonal ConnectivityType = "OnPremisesGatewayPersonal"
	// ConnectivityTypePersonalCloud - The connection connects through the cloud and cannot be shared with others.
	ConnectivityTypePersonalCloud ConnectivityType = "PersonalCloud"
	// ConnectivityTypeShareableCloud - The connection connects through the cloud and can be shared with others.
	ConnectivityTypeShareableCloud ConnectivityType = "ShareableCloud"
	// ConnectivityTypeVirtualNetworkGateway - The connection connects through a virtual network data gateway.
	ConnectivityTypeVirtualNetworkGateway ConnectivityType = "VirtualNetworkGateway"

func PossibleConnectivityTypeValues

func PossibleConnectivityTypeValues() []ConnectivityType

PossibleConnectivityTypeValues returns the possible values for the ConnectivityType const type.

type CreatableShortcutTarget

type CreatableShortcutTarget struct {
	// An object containing the properties of the target ADLS Gen2 data source.
	AdlsGen2 *AdlsGen2

	// An object containing the properties of the target Amazon S3 data source.
	AmazonS3 *AmazonS3

	// An object containing the properties of the target Dataverse data source.
	Dataverse *Dataverse

	// An object containing the properties of the target Google Cloud Storage data source.
	GoogleCloudStorage *GoogleCloudStorage

	// An object containing the properties of the target OneLake data source.
	OneLake *OneLake

	// An object containing the properties of the target S3 compatible data source.
	S3Compatible *S3Compatible

CreatableShortcutTarget - An object that contains the target datasource, and must specify exactly one of the supported destinations as described in the table below.

func (CreatableShortcutTarget) MarshalJSON

func (c CreatableShortcutTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreatableShortcutTarget.

func (*CreatableShortcutTarget) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreatableShortcutTarget) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreatableShortcutTarget.

type CreateCloudConnectionRequest

type CreateCloudConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connection details of the connection.
	ConnectionDetails *CreateConnectionDetails

	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// REQUIRED; The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *CreateCredentialDetails

	// REQUIRED; The display name of the connection. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// (Optional) The privacy level of the connection. When no value is passed, this is set to 'Organizational'.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (*CreateCloudConnectionRequest) GetCreateConnectionRequest

func (c *CreateCloudConnectionRequest) GetCreateConnectionRequest() *CreateConnectionRequest

GetCreateConnectionRequest implements the CreateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type CreateCloudConnectionRequest.

func (CreateCloudConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateCloudConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateCloudConnectionRequest.

func (*CreateCloudConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateCloudConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateCloudConnectionRequest.

type CreateConnectionDetails

type CreateConnectionDetails struct {
	// REQUIRED; The creation method used to create the connection.
	CreationMethod *string

	// REQUIRED; The list of connection parameters.
	Parameters []ConnectionDetailsParameterClassification

	// REQUIRED; The type of the connection.
	Type *string

CreateConnectionDetails - The connection details input for create operations.

func (CreateConnectionDetails) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateConnectionDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateConnectionDetails.

func (*CreateConnectionDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateConnectionDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateConnectionDetails.

type CreateConnectionRequest

type CreateConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connection details of the connection.
	ConnectionDetails *CreateConnectionDetails

	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// REQUIRED; The display name of the connection. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// (Optional) The privacy level of the connection. When no value is passed, this is set to 'Organizational'.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

CreateConnectionRequest - The base object of create connection request.

func (*CreateConnectionRequest) GetCreateConnectionRequest

func (c *CreateConnectionRequest) GetCreateConnectionRequest() *CreateConnectionRequest

GetCreateConnectionRequest implements the CreateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type CreateConnectionRequest.

func (CreateConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateConnectionRequest.

func (*CreateConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateConnectionRequest.

type CreateConnectionRequestClassification

type CreateConnectionRequestClassification interface {
	// GetCreateConnectionRequest returns the CreateConnectionRequest content of the underlying type.
	GetCreateConnectionRequest() *CreateConnectionRequest

CreateConnectionRequestClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetCreateConnectionRequest() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *CreateCloudConnectionRequest, *CreateConnectionRequest, *CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest, *CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest

type CreateCredentialDetails

type CreateCredentialDetails struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credentials of the connection.
	Credentials CredentialsClassification

	// (Optional) The connection encryption setting that is used during the test connection. When no value is passed, the connection
	// is not encrypted.
	ConnectionEncryption *ConnectionEncryption

	// (Optional) The single sign-on type of the connection. When no value is passed, the connection doesn't use single sign-on.
	SingleSignOnType *SingleSignOnType

	// Whether the connection should skip the test connection during creation and update. True - Skip the test connection, False
	// - Do not skip the test connection. When no value is passed, this is set to
	// 'False'.
	SkipTestConnection *bool

CreateCredentialDetails - The credential details input for creating a connection.

func (CreateCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateCredentialDetails.

func (*CreateCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateCredentialDetails.

type CreateExternalDataShareRequest

type CreateExternalDataShareRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The path or list of paths that are to be externally shared. Currently, only a single path is supported. A valid
	// path to an external data share must start with "Files/" or "Tables/". You can't share
	// the root folder itself (Files or Tables).
	// * For example, these paths are valid:
	// * "Files/MyFolder1"
	// * "Tables/MyTable1"
	Paths []string

	// REQUIRED; The recipient who is invited to accept the external data share.
	Recipient *ExternalDataShareRecipient

CreateExternalDataShareRequest - The request payload for creating an external data share.

func (CreateExternalDataShareRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateExternalDataShareRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateExternalDataShareRequest.

func (*CreateExternalDataShareRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateExternalDataShareRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateExternalDataShareRequest.

type CreateGatewayRequest

type CreateGatewayRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

CreateGatewayRequest - The base object of create gateway request.

func (*CreateGatewayRequest) GetCreateGatewayRequest

func (c *CreateGatewayRequest) GetCreateGatewayRequest() *CreateGatewayRequest

GetCreateGatewayRequest implements the CreateGatewayRequestClassification interface for type CreateGatewayRequest.

func (CreateGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateGatewayRequest.

func (*CreateGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateGatewayRequest.

type CreateGatewayRequestClassification

type CreateGatewayRequestClassification interface {
	// GetCreateGatewayRequest returns the CreateGatewayRequest content of the underlying type.
	GetCreateGatewayRequest() *CreateGatewayRequest

CreateGatewayRequestClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetCreateGatewayRequest() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *CreateGatewayRequest, *CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest

type CreateItemRequest

type CreateItemRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The item display name. The display name must follow naming rules according to item type.
	DisplayName *string

	// REQUIRED; The item type.
	Type *ItemType

	// A set of properties used to create the item. Use creationPayload or definition. You can't use both at the same time.
	CreationPayload any

	// The item definition. Use definition or creationPayload. You can't use both at the same time.
	Definition *ItemDefinition

	// The item description. Maximum length is 256 characters.
	Description *string

CreateItemRequest - Create item request payload.

func (CreateItemRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateItemRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateItemRequest.

func (*CreateItemRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateItemRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateItemRequest.

type CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest

type CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The private endpoint name. Should not be more than 64 characters.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; Resource Id of data source for which private endpoint needs to be created.
	TargetPrivateLinkResourceID *string

	// REQUIRED; Sub-resource pointing to Private-link resoure [/azure/private-link/private-endpoint-overview#private-link-resource].
	TargetSubresourceType *string

	// Message to approve private endpoint request. Should not be more than 140 characters.
	RequestMessage *string

CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest - Create managed private endpoint request payload.

func (CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest.

func (*CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest.

type CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest

type CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connection details of the connection.
	ConnectionDetails *CreateConnectionDetails

	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// REQUIRED; The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails

	// REQUIRED; The display name of the connection. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the primary gateway of the on-premises gateway that the connection is created under.
	GatewayID *string

	// (Optional) The privacy level of the connection. When no value is passed, this is set to 'Organizational'.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (*CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest) GetCreateConnectionRequest

func (c *CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest) GetCreateConnectionRequest() *CreateConnectionRequest

GetCreateConnectionRequest implements the CreateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest.

func (CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest.

func (*CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateOnPremisesConnectionRequest.

type CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails

type CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credentials of the connection.
	Credentials *OnPremisesGatewayCredentials

	// (Optional) The connection encryption setting that is used during the test connection. When no value is passed, the connection
	// is not encrypted.
	ConnectionEncryption *ConnectionEncryption

	// (Optional) The single sign-on type of the connection. When no value is passed, the connection doesn't use single sign-on.
	SingleSignOnType *SingleSignOnType

	// Whether the connection should skip the test connection during creation and update. True - Skip the test connection, False
	// - Do not skip the test connection. When no value is passed, this is set to
	// 'False'.
	SkipTestConnection *bool

CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails - The credential details input for creating an on-premises gateway connection.

func (CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails.

func (*CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateOnPremisesCredentialDetails.

type CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest

type CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest struct {
	// A list of roles that are used to manage data access security and ensure that only authorized users can view certain data.
	// A role represents a set of permissions and permission scopes that define what
	// actions its members are allowed to perform for the data in scope. Members are users or groups who have been granted the
	// role, and they can read the data based on the permissions assigned to the role.
	// For example, a member can be a Microsoft Entra ID group and permission scope can be a Read Action applied on the given
	// Path to File, Folder(s) or Table(s) in OneLake.
	Value []DataAccessRole

CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest - Contains definition of Roles that are used to manage data access security and ensure that only authorized users can view, edit, or delete certain data. Calling this API updates role definitions and creates, updates, or deletes roles to match the provided payload.

func (CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest.

func (*CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest.

type CreateScheduleRequest

type CreateScheduleRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The actual data contains the time/weekdays of this schedule.
	Configuration ScheduleConfigClassification

	// REQUIRED; Whether this schedule is enabled. True - Enabled, False - Disabled.
	Enabled *bool

CreateScheduleRequest - Create item schedule plan request payload.

func (CreateScheduleRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateScheduleRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateScheduleRequest.

func (*CreateScheduleRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateScheduleRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateScheduleRequest.

type CreateShortcutRequest

type CreateShortcutRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; Name of the shortcut.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; A string representing the full path where the shortcut is created, including either "Files" or "Tables".
	Path *string

	// REQUIRED; An object that contains the target datasource, and it must specify exactly one of the supported destinations:
	// OneLake, Amazon S3, ADLS Gen2, Google Cloud Storage, S3 compatible or Dataverse.
	Target *CreatableShortcutTarget

CreateShortcutRequest - A shortcut creation request with an object representing a reference to another storage location.

func (CreateShortcutRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateShortcutRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateShortcutRequest.

func (*CreateShortcutRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateShortcutRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateShortcutRequest.

type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest

type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connection details of the connection.
	ConnectionDetails *CreateConnectionDetails

	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// REQUIRED; The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *CreateCredentialDetails

	// REQUIRED; The display name of the connection. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the virtual network gateway that the connection is created under.
	GatewayID *string

	// (Optional) The privacy level of the connection. When no value is passed, this is set to 'Organizational'.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (*CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest) GetCreateConnectionRequest

GetCreateConnectionRequest implements the CreateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest.

func (CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest.

func (*CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest.

type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest

type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the Fabric license capacity.
	CapacityID *string

	// REQUIRED; The display name of the virtual network gateway. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// REQUIRED; The minutes of inactivity before the virtual network gateway goes into auto-sleep. Must be one of the following
	// values: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 240, 360, 480, 720, 1440.
	InactivityMinutesBeforeSleep *int32

	// REQUIRED; The number of member gateways. A number between 1 and 7.
	NumberOfMemberGateways *int32

	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

	// REQUIRED; The Azure virtual network resource.
	VirtualNetworkAzureResource *VirtualNetworkAzureResource

func (*CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) GetCreateGatewayRequest

func (c *CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) GetCreateGatewayRequest() *CreateGatewayRequest

GetCreateGatewayRequest implements the CreateGatewayRequestClassification interface for type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest.

func (CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest.

func (*CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest.

type CreateWorkspaceRequest

type CreateWorkspaceRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The workspace display name.
	// The display name cannot contain more than 256 characters.
	// Only unused workspace names are allowed.
	// "Admin monitoring" is a reserved workspace name.
	DisplayName *string

	// The ID of the capacity to assign the workspace to.
	CapacityID *string

	// The workspace description.
	// The description cannot contain more than 4000 characters.
	Description *string

CreateWorkspaceRequest - Create workspace request payload.

func (CreateWorkspaceRequest) MarshalJSON

func (c CreateWorkspaceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CreateWorkspaceRequest.

func (*CreateWorkspaceRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CreateWorkspaceRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CreateWorkspaceRequest.

type CredentialType

type CredentialType string

CredentialType - The credential type of the connection. Additional credential types may be added over time.

const (
	// CredentialTypeAnonymous - Connection uses anonymous authentication to connect.
	CredentialTypeAnonymous CredentialType = "Anonymous"
	// CredentialTypeBasic - Connection uses basic authentication to connect.
	CredentialTypeBasic CredentialType = "Basic"
	// CredentialTypeKey - Connection uses key authentication to connect.
	CredentialTypeKey CredentialType = "Key"
	// CredentialTypeOAuth2 - Connection uses OAuth 2.0 authentication to connect.
	CredentialTypeOAuth2 CredentialType = "OAuth2"
	// CredentialTypeServicePrincipal - Connection uses service principal authentication to connect.
	CredentialTypeServicePrincipal CredentialType = "ServicePrincipal"
	// CredentialTypeSharedAccessSignature - Connection uses shared access signature (SAS) authentication to connect.
	CredentialTypeSharedAccessSignature CredentialType = "SharedAccessSignature"
	// CredentialTypeWindows - Connection uses Windows authentication to connect. Only supported for on-premises gateways.
	CredentialTypeWindows CredentialType = "Windows"
	// CredentialTypeWindowsWithoutImpersonation - Connection uses Windows (without the option for impersonation) authentication
	// to connect. Only supported for on-premises gateways (personal mode).
	CredentialTypeWindowsWithoutImpersonation CredentialType = "WindowsWithoutImpersonation"
	// CredentialTypeWorkspaceIdentity - Connection uses workspace identity authentication to connect.
	CredentialTypeWorkspaceIdentity CredentialType = "WorkspaceIdentity"

func PossibleCredentialTypeValues

func PossibleCredentialTypeValues() []CredentialType

PossibleCredentialTypeValues returns the possible values for the CredentialType const type.

type Credentials

type Credentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

Credentials - The base object of credentials.

func (*Credentials) GetCredentials

func (c *Credentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type Credentials.

func (Credentials) MarshalJSON

func (c Credentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Credentials.

func (*Credentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Credentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Credentials.

type CredentialsClassification

type CredentialsClassification interface {
	// GetCredentials returns the Credentials content of the underlying type.
	GetCredentials() *Credentials

CredentialsClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetCredentials() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *AnonymousCredentials, *BasicCredentials, *Credentials, *KeyCredentials, *OnPremisesGatewayCredentials, *OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials, - *ServicePrincipalCredentials, *SharedAccessSignatureCredentials, *WindowsCredentials, *WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials, - *WorkspaceIdentityCredentials

type CronScheduleConfig

type CronScheduleConfig struct {
	// REQUIRED; The end time for this schedule. The end time must be later than the start time.
	EndDateTime *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; The time interval in minutes. A number between 1 and 5270400 (10 years).
	Interval *int32

	// REQUIRED; The time zone identifier registry on local computer for windows, see Default Time Zones [/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones]
	LocalTimeZoneID *string

	// REQUIRED; The start time for this schedule. If the start time is in the past, it will trigger a job instantly.
	StartDateTime *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; A string represents the type of the plan. Additional planType types may be added over time.
	Type *ScheduleType

func (*CronScheduleConfig) GetScheduleConfig

func (c *CronScheduleConfig) GetScheduleConfig() *ScheduleConfig

GetScheduleConfig implements the ScheduleConfigClassification interface for type CronScheduleConfig.

func (CronScheduleConfig) MarshalJSON

func (c CronScheduleConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type CronScheduleConfig.

func (*CronScheduleConfig) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *CronScheduleConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type CronScheduleConfig.

type DailyScheduleConfig

type DailyScheduleConfig struct {
	// REQUIRED; The end time for this schedule. The end time must be later than the start time.
	EndDateTime *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; The time zone identifier registry on local computer for windows, see Default Time Zones [/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones]
	LocalTimeZoneID *string

	// REQUIRED; The start time for this schedule. If the start time is in the past, it will trigger a job instantly.
	StartDateTime *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; A list of time slots in hh:mm format, at most 100 elements are allowed.
	Times []string

	// REQUIRED; A string represents the type of the plan. Additional planType types may be added over time.
	Type *ScheduleType

func (*DailyScheduleConfig) GetScheduleConfig

func (d *DailyScheduleConfig) GetScheduleConfig() *ScheduleConfig

GetScheduleConfig implements the ScheduleConfigClassification interface for type DailyScheduleConfig.

func (DailyScheduleConfig) MarshalJSON

func (d DailyScheduleConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DailyScheduleConfig.

func (*DailyScheduleConfig) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DailyScheduleConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DailyScheduleConfig.

type DataAccessRole

type DataAccessRole struct {
	// REQUIRED; The array of permissions that make up the Data access role.
	DecisionRules []DecisionRule

	// REQUIRED; The name of the Data access role.
	Name *string

	// The members object which contains the members of the role as arrays of different member types.
	Members *Members

	// READ-ONLY; The unique id for the Data access role.
	ID *string

DataAccessRole - A Data access role represents a set of permissions and permission scopes that define what actions its members are allowed to perform for the data in scope. Data access roles are used to manage data access security and ensure that only authorized users can view, edit, or delete certain data. Members are users or groups who have been granted the role, and they can read the data based on the permissions assigned to the role. For example, a member can be an Microsoft Entra ID group and permission scope can be a Read Action applied on the given Path to File, Folder(s) or Table(s) in OneLake.

func (DataAccessRole) MarshalJSON

func (d DataAccessRole) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DataAccessRole.

func (*DataAccessRole) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DataAccessRole) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DataAccessRole.

type DataAccessRoles

type DataAccessRoles struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of roles that are used to manage data access security and ensure that only authorized users can view certain
	// data. A role represents a set of permissions and permission scopes that define what
	// actions its members are allowed to perform for the data in scope. Members are users or groups who have been granted the
	// role, and they can read the data based on the permissions assigned to the role.
	// For example, a member can be a Microsoft Entra ID group and permission scope can be a Read Action applied on the given
	// Path to File, Folder(s) or Table(s) in OneLake.
	Value []DataAccessRole

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (DataAccessRoles) MarshalJSON

func (d DataAccessRoles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DataAccessRoles.

func (*DataAccessRoles) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DataAccessRoles) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DataAccessRoles.

type DataType

type DataType string

DataType - The data type of the connection creation parameter value. Additional data type values may be added over time.

const (
	// DataTypeBoolean - Use boolean as the parameter input value. False - the value is false, True - the value is true.
	DataTypeBoolean DataType = "Boolean"
	// DataTypeDate - Use date as the parameter input value, using YYYY-MM-DD format.
	DataTypeDate DataType = "Date"
	// DataTypeDateTime - Use date time as the parameter input value, using YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.FFFZ format.
	DataTypeDateTime DataType = "DateTime"
	// DataTypeDateTimeZone - Use date time zone as the parameter input value, using YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.FFF±hh:mm format.
	DataTypeDateTimeZone DataType = "DateTimeZone"
	// DataTypeDuration - Use duration as the parameter input value, using [-]P(n)DT(n)H(n)M(n)S format. For example: P3DT4H30M10S
	// (for 3 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 10 seconds).
	DataTypeDuration DataType = "Duration"
	// DataTypeNumber - Use number as the parameter input value (integer or floating point).
	DataTypeNumber DataType = "Number"
	// DataTypeText - Use text as the parameter input value.
	DataTypeText DataType = "Text"
	// DataTypeTime - Use time as the parameter input value, using HH:mm:ss.FFFZ format.
	DataTypeTime DataType = "Time"

func PossibleDataTypeValues

func PossibleDataTypeValues() []DataType

PossibleDataTypeValues returns the possible values for the DataType const type.

type Dataverse

type Dataverse struct {
	// REQUIRED; A string representing the connection that is bound with the shortcut. The connectionId is a unique identifier
	// used to establish a connection between the shortcut and the target datasource. To find
	// this connection ID, first create a cloud connection [/fabric/data-factory/data-source-management#add-a-data-source] to
	// be used by the shortcut when connecting to the Dataverse data location. Open the
	// cloud connection's Settings view and copy the connection ID; this is a GUID.
	ConnectionID *string

	// REQUIRED; Specifies the DeltaLake folder path where the target data is stored.
	DeltaLakeFolder *string

	// REQUIRED; URI that indicates the Dataverse target environment's domain name. The URI should be formatted as "https://[orgname].crm[xx]",
	// where [orgname] represents the name of your Dataverse
	// organization.
	EnvironmentDomain *string

	// REQUIRED; Specifies the name of the target table in Dataverse
	TableName *string

Dataverse - An object containing the properties of the target Dataverse data source.

func (Dataverse) MarshalJSON

func (d Dataverse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Dataverse.

func (*Dataverse) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *Dataverse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Dataverse.

type DayOfWeek

type DayOfWeek string

DayOfWeek - Days of the week

const (
	// DayOfWeekFriday - Friday
	DayOfWeekFriday DayOfWeek = "Friday"
	// DayOfWeekMonday - Monday
	DayOfWeekMonday DayOfWeek = "Monday"
	// DayOfWeekSaturday - Saturday
	DayOfWeekSaturday DayOfWeek = "Saturday"
	// DayOfWeekSunday - Sunday
	DayOfWeekSunday DayOfWeek = "Sunday"
	// DayOfWeekThursday - Thursday
	DayOfWeekThursday DayOfWeek = "Thursday"
	// DayOfWeekTuesday - Tuesday
	DayOfWeekTuesday DayOfWeek = "Tuesday"
	// DayOfWeekWednesday - Wednesday
	DayOfWeekWednesday DayOfWeek = "Wednesday"

func PossibleDayOfWeekValues

func PossibleDayOfWeekValues() []DayOfWeek

PossibleDayOfWeekValues returns the possible values for the DayOfWeek const type.

type DecisionRule

type DecisionRule struct {
	// REQUIRED; The permission property is an array that specifies the scope and level of access for a requested action. The
	// array must contain exactly two PermissionScope objects: Path and Action. The scope is
	// defined using the PermissionScope object, with attributeValueIncludedIn specifying either the location of the resource
	// being accessed or the type of action being granted. The access refers to the
	// level of access being granted, such as Read.
	Permission []PermissionScope

	// The effect that a role has on access to the data resource. Currently, the only supported effect type is Permit, which grants
	// access to the resource. Additional effect types may be added over time.
	Effect *Effect

DecisionRule - Specifies a rule for matching the requested action. Contains effect (Permit) and Permission which determine whether a user or entity is authorized to perform a specific action (e.g., read) on a resource. Permission is a set of scopes, defined by attributes, that must match the requested action for the rule to apply.

func (DecisionRule) MarshalJSON

func (d DecisionRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DecisionRule.

func (*DecisionRule) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DecisionRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DecisionRule.

type DeployRequest

type DeployRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The ID of the source stage.
	SourceStageID *string

	// REQUIRED; The ID of the target stage.
	TargetStageID *string

	// The configuration details for creating a new workspace. Required when deploying to a stage that has no assigned workspaces,
	// otherwise it is ignored. The deployment will fail if the new workspace
	// configuration details aren't provided when required.
	CreatedWorkspaceDetails *DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration

	// A list of items to be deployed. If not used, all supported stage items are deployed.
	Items []ItemDeploymentRequest

	// A note describing the deployment. The text size is limited to 1024 characters.
	Note *string

	// Deployment options that control the behavior of the deployment.
	Options *DeploymentOptions

DeployRequest - A request to deploy items from a deployment pipeline stage to another consecutive stage. Deploying to a previous stage can be done only when the target stage is empty. If no items were specified, will deploy all supported items from the deployment pipeline stage, otherwise will deploy only the specified items.

func (DeployRequest) MarshalJSON

func (d DeployRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeployRequest.

func (*DeployRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeployRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeployRequest.

type DeploymentExecutionPlan

type DeploymentExecutionPlan struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The collection of execution plan steps.
	Steps []DeploymentExecutionStep

DeploymentExecutionPlan - A deployment execution plan.

func (DeploymentExecutionPlan) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentExecutionPlan) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentExecutionPlan.

func (*DeploymentExecutionPlan) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentExecutionPlan) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentExecutionPlan.

type DeploymentExecutionStep

type DeploymentExecutionStep struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The deployment step description.
	Description *string

	// READ-ONLY; The step index.
	Index *int32

	// READ-ONLY; The source and target items of the step.
	SourceAndTarget *DeploymentSourceAndTarget

	// READ-ONLY; The status of the deployment pipeline operation. Additional statuses may be added over time.
	Status *DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus

	// READ-ONLY; The error details. Only applicable if the deployment pipeline operation failed.
	Error *ErrorResponse

	// READ-ONLY; Is an item new, different or identical to items in the target stage before deployment.
	PreDeploymentDiffState *ItemPreDeploymentDiffState

DeploymentExecutionStep - A deployment execution step.

func (DeploymentExecutionStep) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentExecutionStep) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentExecutionStep.

func (*DeploymentExecutionStep) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentExecutionStep) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentExecutionStep.

type DeploymentOptions

type DeploymentOptions struct {
	// Indicates whether cross region deployment is enabled. True - enabled, False - disabled. Default value is false.
	AllowCrossRegionDeployment *bool

DeploymentOptions - Deployment configuration options for the deployment.

func (DeploymentOptions) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentOptions.

func (*DeploymentOptions) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentOptions.

type DeploymentPipeline

type DeploymentPipeline struct {
	// REQUIRED; The deployment pipeline display name.
	DisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The deployment pipeline ID.
	ID *string

	// The deployment pipeline description.
	Description *string

DeploymentPipeline - A Fabric deployment pipeline.

func (DeploymentPipeline) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentPipeline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipeline.

func (*DeploymentPipeline) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipeline) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipeline.

type DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration

type DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration struct {
	// REQUIRED; The name of the new workspace.
	Name *string

	// The ID of the capacity that the new workspace will be assigned to. If unspecified and the API caller has permissions for
	// the source stage workspace capacity, then that capacity will be used.
	// Otherwise, Fabric will select a capacity that the API caller has permissions for.
	CapacityID *string

DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration - The configuration details for creating a new workspace. Required when deploying to a stage that has no assigned workspaces.

func (DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration.

func (*DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineNewWorkspaceConfiguration.

type DeploymentPipelineOperation

type DeploymentPipelineOperation struct {
	// A note representing a description of the operation.
	Note *DeploymentPipelineOperationNote

	// The principal that performed the deployment pipeline operation.
	PerformedBy *Principal

	// READ-ONLY; The operation ID.
	ID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The date and time that the operation was last updated.
	LastUpdatedTime *time.Time

	// READ-ONLY; The deployment pipeline operation status. Additional statuses may be added over time.
	Status *DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus

	// READ-ONLY; The operation type. Additional types may be added over time.
	Type *DeploymentPipelineOperationType

	// READ-ONLY; The date and time that the operation ended.
	ExecutionEndTime *time.Time

	// READ-ONLY; The deployment execution plan.
	ExecutionPlan *DeploymentExecutionPlan

	// READ-ONLY; The date and time that the operation started.
	ExecutionStartTime *time.Time

	// READ-ONLY; The number of deployed items in the source stage, that are new, identical or different to items in the target
	// stage, before deployment.
	PreDeploymentDiffInformation *PreDeploymentDiffInformation

	// READ-ONLY; The ID of a source deployment pipeline stage.
	SourceStageID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The ID of a target deployment pipeline stage.
	TargetStageID *string

DeploymentPipelineOperation - A Fabric deployment pipeline operation.

func (DeploymentPipelineOperation) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentPipelineOperation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineOperation.

func (*DeploymentPipelineOperation) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipelineOperation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineOperation.

type DeploymentPipelineOperationNote

type DeploymentPipelineOperationNote struct {
	// REQUIRED; Text describing the deployment.
	Content *string

DeploymentPipelineOperationNote - A note describing the deployment.

func (DeploymentPipelineOperationNote) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentPipelineOperationNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineOperationNote.

func (*DeploymentPipelineOperationNote) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipelineOperationNote) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineOperationNote.

type DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus

type DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus string

DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus - The status of the deployment pipeline operation. Additional statuses may be added over time.

const (
	// DeploymentPipelineOperationStatusFailed - The deployment pipeline operation failed.
	DeploymentPipelineOperationStatusFailed DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus = "Failed"
	// DeploymentPipelineOperationStatusNotStarted - The deployment pipeline operation didn't start.
	DeploymentPipelineOperationStatusNotStarted DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus = "NotStarted"
	// DeploymentPipelineOperationStatusRunning - The deployment pipeline operation is running.
	DeploymentPipelineOperationStatusRunning DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus = "Running"
	// DeploymentPipelineOperationStatusSucceeded - The deployment pipeline operation succeeded.
	DeploymentPipelineOperationStatusSucceeded DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus = "Succeeded"

func PossibleDeploymentPipelineOperationStatusValues

func PossibleDeploymentPipelineOperationStatusValues() []DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus

PossibleDeploymentPipelineOperationStatusValues returns the possible values for the DeploymentPipelineOperationStatus const type.

type DeploymentPipelineOperationType

type DeploymentPipelineOperationType string

DeploymentPipelineOperationType - The operation type. Additional types may be added over time.

const (
	// DeploymentPipelineOperationTypeDeploy - Deploy content between stages.
	DeploymentPipelineOperationTypeDeploy DeploymentPipelineOperationType = "Deploy"

func PossibleDeploymentPipelineOperationTypeValues

func PossibleDeploymentPipelineOperationTypeValues() []DeploymentPipelineOperationType

PossibleDeploymentPipelineOperationTypeValues returns the possible values for the DeploymentPipelineOperationType const type.

type DeploymentPipelineStage

type DeploymentPipelineStage struct {
	// REQUIRED; The deployment pipeline stage display name.
	DisplayName *string

	// Indicates whether the deployment pipeline stage is public. True - the stage is public, False - the stage isn't public.
	IsPublic *bool

	// The assigned workspace ID. Only applicable when there's an assigned workspace.
	WorkspaceID *string

	// The assigned workspace name. Only applicable when there's an assigned workspace and the user has access to the workspace.
	WorkspaceName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The deployment pipeline stage ID.
	ID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The stage order, starting from zero.
	Order *int32

	// The deployment pipeline stage description.
	Description *string

DeploymentPipelineStage - A Fabric deployment pipeline stage.

func (DeploymentPipelineStage) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentPipelineStage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineStage.

func (*DeploymentPipelineStage) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipelineStage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineStage.

type DeploymentPipelineStageItem

type DeploymentPipelineStageItem struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Fabric item display name.
	ItemDisplayName *string

	// REQUIRED; The Fabric item ID.
	ItemID *string

	// REQUIRED; The Fabric item type.
	ItemType *ItemType

	// The ID of the Fabric item from the workspace assigned to the source stage, which will update the current Fabric item upon
	// deployment. Applicable only when the user has at least contributor access to
	// the source stage workspace.
	SourceItemID *string

	// The ID of the Fabric item from the workspace of the target stage, which will be updated by the current Fabric item upon
	// deployment. Applicable only when the user has at least contributor access to the
	// target stage workspace.
	TargetItemID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The last deployment date and time of the Fabric item.
	LastDeploymentTime *time.Time

DeploymentPipelineStageItem - Fabric item metadata for a deployment pipeline stage.

func (DeploymentPipelineStageItem) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentPipelineStageItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineStageItem.

func (*DeploymentPipelineStageItem) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipelineStageItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineStageItem.

type DeploymentPipelineStageItems

type DeploymentPipelineStageItems struct {
	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

	// The items collection.
	Value []DeploymentPipelineStageItem

DeploymentPipelineStageItems - Supported items from a workspace that's assigned to a deployment pipeline stage.

func (DeploymentPipelineStageItems) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentPipelineStageItems) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineStageItems.

func (*DeploymentPipelineStageItems) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipelineStageItems) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineStageItems.

type DeploymentPipelineStages

type DeploymentPipelineStages struct {
	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

	// The collection of deployment pipeline stages
	Value []DeploymentPipelineStage

DeploymentPipelineStages - A collection of Fabric deployment pipeline stages.

func (DeploymentPipelineStages) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentPipelineStages) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineStages.

func (*DeploymentPipelineStages) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipelineStages) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelineStages.

type DeploymentPipelines

type DeploymentPipelines struct {
	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

	// A collection of deployment pipelines.
	Value []DeploymentPipeline

DeploymentPipelines - A collection of Fabric deployment pipelines.

func (DeploymentPipelines) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentPipelines) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelines.

func (*DeploymentPipelines) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentPipelines) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentPipelines.

type DeploymentPipelinesClient

type DeploymentPipelinesClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DeploymentPipelinesClient contains the methods for the DeploymentPipelines group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) BeginDeployStageContent

BeginDeployStageContent - To learn about items that are supported in deployment pipelines, see: Supported items [/fabric/cicd/deployment-pipelines/intro-to-deployment-pipelines#supported-items]. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. PERMISSIONS The user must be at least a contributor on both source and target deployment workspaces. For more information, see: Permissions []. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Pipeline.Deploy LIMITATIONS Maximum 300 deployed items per request. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Only Power BI Items [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/item-management-overview#power-bi] are supported | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • deploymentPipelineID - The deployment pipeline ID.
  • deployRequest - The deploy request.
  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientBeginDeployStageContentOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.BeginDeployStageContent method.
Example (ExampleOfDeployingAllFabricItemsSuchAsReportsOrDashboardsFromADeploymentPipelineStage)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().BeginDeployStageContent(ctx, "a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824", core.DeployRequest{
		Note:          to.Ptr("Deploying business ready items"),
		SourceStageID: to.Ptr("db1577e0-0132-4d6d-92b9-952c359988f2"),
		TargetStageID: to.Ptr("f1c39546-6282-4590-8af3-847a6226ad16"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	_, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)

Example (ExampleOfDeployingSpecificFabricItemsSuchAsReportsOrDashboardsFromADeploymentPipelineStage)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().BeginDeployStageContent(ctx, "a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824", core.DeployRequest{
		Items: []core.ItemDeploymentRequest{
				ItemType:     to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeDatamart),
				SourceItemID: to.Ptr("6bfe235c-6d7b-41b7-98a6-2b8276b3e82b"),
				ItemType:     to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeSemanticModel),
				SourceItemID: to.Ptr("1a201f2a-d1d8-45c0-8c61-1676338517de"),
				ItemType:     to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeReport),
				SourceItemID: to.Ptr("2d225191-65f8-4ec3-b77d-06100602b1f7"),
				ItemType:     to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeDashboard),
				SourceItemID: to.Ptr("9046e4cc-8aea-4a7a-a3b5-1a78b1447d82"),
				ItemType:     to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeDashboard),
				SourceItemID: to.Ptr("7f08923c-8f57-49d6-a010-8335bb9cbd1b"),
		Note:          to.Ptr("Deploying business ready items"),
		SourceStageID: to.Ptr("db1577e0-0132-4d6d-92b9-952c359988f2"),
		TargetStageID: to.Ptr("f1c39546-6282-4590-8af3-847a6226ad16"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	_, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) DeployStageContent

DeployStageContent - returns DeploymentPipelinesClientDeployStageContentResponse in sync mode. To learn about items that are supported in deployment pipelines, see: Supported items [/fabric/cicd/deployment-pipelines/intro-to-deployment-pipelines#supported-items].

This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

PERMISSIONS The user must be at least a contributor on both source and target deployment workspaces. For more information, see: Permissions [].


LIMITATIONS Maximum 300 deployed items per request.

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Only Power BI Items [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/item-management-overview#power-bi] are supported |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • deploymentPipelineID - The deployment pipeline ID.
  • deployRequest - The deploy request.
  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientBeginDeployStageContentOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.BeginDeployStageContent method.

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) GetDeploymentPipeline

GetDeploymentPipeline - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Pipeline.Read.All or Pipeline.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • deploymentPipelineID - The deployment pipeline ID.
  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientGetDeploymentPipelineOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.GetDeploymentPipeline method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().GetDeploymentPipeline(ctx, "a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.DeploymentPipeline = core.DeploymentPipeline{
	// 	Description: to.Ptr("Fabric deployment pipeline to manage marketing reports"),
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("Marketing Deployment Pipeline"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824"),
	// }

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) ListDeploymentPipelineStageItems

func (client *DeploymentPipelinesClient) ListDeploymentPipelineStageItems(ctx context.Context, deploymentPipelineID string, stageID string, options *DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsOptions) ([]DeploymentPipelineStageItem, error)

ListDeploymentPipelineStageItems - returns array of DeploymentPipelineStageItem from all pages. To learn about items that are supported in deployment pipelines, see: Supported items [/fabric/cicd/deployment-pipelines/intro-to-deployment-pipelines#supported-items].

PERMISSIONS The user must be at least a workspace contributor assigned to the specified stage. For more information, see: Permissions [].

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Pipeline.Read.All or Pipeline.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • deploymentPipelineID - The deployment pipeline ID.
  • stageID - The deployment pipeline stage ID.
  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsPager method.

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) ListDeploymentPipelineStages

func (client *DeploymentPipelinesClient) ListDeploymentPipelineStages(ctx context.Context, deploymentPipelineID string, options *DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesOptions) ([]DeploymentPipelineStage, error)

ListDeploymentPipelineStages - returns array of DeploymentPipelineStage from all pages. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Pipeline.Read.All or Pipeline.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • deploymentPipelineID - The deployment pipeline ID.
  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelineStagesPager method.

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) ListDeploymentPipelines

ListDeploymentPipelines - returns array of DeploymentPipeline from all pages. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Pipeline.Read.All or Pipeline.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelinesPager method.

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) NewListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsPager

NewListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsPager - To learn about items that are supported in deployment pipelines, see: Supported items [/fabric/cicd/deployment-pipelines/intro-to-deployment-pipelines#supported-items]. PERMISSIONS The user must be at least a workspace contributor assigned to the specified stage. For more information, see: Permissions []. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Pipeline.Read.All or Pipeline.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • deploymentPipelineID - The deployment pipeline ID.
  • stageID - The deployment pipeline stage ID.
  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsPager method.
Example (ExampleOfListingADeploymentPipelineStageFabricItems)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().NewListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsPager("a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824", "48d2f500-6375-4f17-9199-2e1d73c18486", &core.DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.DeploymentPipelineStageItems = core.DeploymentPipelineStageItems{
		// 	Value: []core.DeploymentPipelineStageItem{
		// 		{
		// 			ItemDisplayName: to.Ptr("Sales datamart"),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("a7654a17-c5d1-4539-b9ec-022075545e50"),
		// 			ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeDatamart),
		// 			LastDeploymentTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2021-06-06T11:55:59.057Z"); return t}()),
		// 			SourceItemID: to.Ptr("6bfe235c-6d7b-41b7-98a6-2b8276b3e82b"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ItemDisplayName: to.Ptr("Sales semantic model"),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("dd3b6aa1-4d40-405c-a19b-48314a27e8ee"),
		// 			ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeSemanticModel),
		// 			LastDeploymentTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2020-12-13T09:26:41.153Z"); return t}()),
		// 			SourceItemID: to.Ptr("1a201f2a-d1d8-45c0-8c61-1676338517de"),
		// 			TargetItemID: to.Ptr("a5cf347e-7b49-4198-8a2b-0aa92c37d8f8"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ItemDisplayName: to.Ptr("Sales report"),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("9d5c1f0f-f85c-48f4-8a8e-4c77547116b3"),
		// 			ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeReport),
		// 			LastDeploymentTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2020-12-13T09:26:41.153Z"); return t}()),
		// 			SourceItemID: to.Ptr("2d225191-65f8-4ec3-b77d-06100602b1f7"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ItemDisplayName: to.Ptr("Sales dashboard"),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("9046e4cc-8aea-4a7a-a3b5-1a78b1447d82"),
		// 			ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeDashboard),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ExampleOfListingADeploymentPipelineStageFabricItemsWithAContinuationToken)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().NewListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsPager("a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824", "48d2f500-6375-4f17-9199-2e1d73c18486", &core.DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.DeploymentPipelineStageItems = core.DeploymentPipelineStageItems{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.DeploymentPipelineStageItem{
		// 		{
		// 			ItemDisplayName: to.Ptr("Sales datamart"),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("a7654a17-c5d1-4539-b9ec-022075545e50"),
		// 			ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeDatamart),
		// 			LastDeploymentTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2021-06-06T11:55:59.057Z"); return t}()),
		// 			SourceItemID: to.Ptr("6bfe235c-6d7b-41b7-98a6-2b8276b3e82b"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ItemDisplayName: to.Ptr("Sales semantic model"),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("dd3b6aa1-4d40-405c-a19b-48314a27e8ee"),
		// 			ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeSemanticModel),
		// 			LastDeploymentTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2020-12-13T09:26:41.153Z"); return t}()),
		// 			SourceItemID: to.Ptr("1a201f2a-d1d8-45c0-8c61-1676338517de"),
		// 			TargetItemID: to.Ptr("a5cf347e-7b49-4198-8a2b-0aa92c37d8f8"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ItemDisplayName: to.Ptr("Sales report"),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("9d5c1f0f-f85c-48f4-8a8e-4c77547116b3"),
		// 			ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeReport),
		// 			LastDeploymentTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2020-12-13T09:26:41.153Z"); return t}()),
		// 			SourceItemID: to.Ptr("2d225191-65f8-4ec3-b77d-06100602b1f7"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ItemDisplayName: to.Ptr("Sales dashboard"),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("9046e4cc-8aea-4a7a-a3b5-1a78b1447d82"),
		// 			ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeDashboard),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) NewListDeploymentPipelineStagesPager

NewListDeploymentPipelineStagesPager - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Pipeline.Read.All or Pipeline.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • deploymentPipelineID - The deployment pipeline ID.
  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelineStagesPager method.
Example (ListTheDeploymentPipelineStagesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().NewListDeploymentPipelineStagesPager("a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824", &core.DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.DeploymentPipelineStages = core.DeploymentPipelineStages{
		// 	Value: []core.DeploymentPipelineStage{
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Design, review, and revise your content in a development workspace. When it's ready to test and preview, deploy the content to the test stage."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Development"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("2e6f0272-e809-410a-be63-50e1d97ba75a"),
		// 			IsPublic: to.Ptr(false),
		// 			Order: to.Ptr[int32](0),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("4de5bcc4-2c88-4efe-b827-4ee7b289b496"),
		// 			WorkspaceName: to.Ptr("Workpsace-Development"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Test and verify your content in a preproduction workspace. When it's ready, deploy the content to the production stage."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Test"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("d2056166-041c-4a56-8d37-ea90038bc0d6"),
		// 			IsPublic: to.Ptr(false),
		// 			Order: to.Ptr[int32](1),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("44b499cf-1eeb-45e2-9ada-63b6ec9d516e"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Your content has been tested and is ready for your customers as an app or by access to the production workspace."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Production"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("4c3eb03b-fbbb-4605-9b1a-6fba1003679e"),
		// 			IsPublic: to.Ptr(true),
		// 			Order: to.Ptr[int32](2),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListTheDeploymentPipelineStagesWithAContinuationTokenExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().NewListDeploymentPipelineStagesPager("a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824", &core.DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.DeploymentPipelineStages = core.DeploymentPipelineStages{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.DeploymentPipelineStage{
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Design, review, and revise your content in a development workspace. When it's ready to test and preview, deploy the content to the test stage."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Development"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("2e6f0272-e809-410a-be63-50e1d97ba75a"),
		// 			IsPublic: to.Ptr(false),
		// 			Order: to.Ptr[int32](0),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("4de5bcc4-2c88-4efe-b827-4ee7b289b496"),
		// 			WorkspaceName: to.Ptr("Workpsace-Development"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Test and verify your content in a preproduction workspace. When it's ready, deploy the content to the production stage."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Test"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("d2056166-041c-4a56-8d37-ea90038bc0d6"),
		// 			IsPublic: to.Ptr(false),
		// 			Order: to.Ptr[int32](1),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("44b499cf-1eeb-45e2-9ada-63b6ec9d516e"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Your content has been tested and is ready for your customers as an app or by access to the production workspace."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Production"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("4c3eb03b-fbbb-4605-9b1a-6fba1003679e"),
		// 			IsPublic: to.Ptr(true),
		// 			Order: to.Ptr[int32](2),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*DeploymentPipelinesClient) NewListDeploymentPipelinesPager

NewListDeploymentPipelinesPager - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Pipeline.Read.All or Pipeline.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • options - DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelinesPager method.
Example (ListDeploymentPipelinesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().NewListDeploymentPipelinesPager(&core.DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.DeploymentPipelines = core.DeploymentPipelines{
		// 	Value: []core.DeploymentPipeline{
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Fabric deployment pipeline to manage marketing reports."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Marketing Deployment Pipeline"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Fabric deployment pipeline to manage finance reports."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Finance Deployment Pipeline"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("f2d70dc6-8f3e-4f2c-b00e-e2d336d7d711"),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListDeploymentPipelinesWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewDeploymentPipelinesClient().NewListDeploymentPipelinesPager(&core.DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.DeploymentPipelines = core.DeploymentPipelines{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.DeploymentPipeline{
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Fabric deployment pipeline to manage marketing reports."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Marketing Deployment Pipeline"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("Fabric deployment pipeline to manage finance reports."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Finance Deployment Pipeline"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("f2d70dc6-8f3e-4f2c-b00e-e2d336d7d711"),
		// 	}},
		// }

type DeploymentPipelinesClientBeginDeployStageContentOptions

type DeploymentPipelinesClientBeginDeployStageContentOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

DeploymentPipelinesClientBeginDeployStageContentOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.BeginDeployStageContent method.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientDeployStageContentResponse

type DeploymentPipelinesClientDeployStageContentResponse struct {
	// A Fabric deployment pipeline operation.

DeploymentPipelinesClientDeployStageContentResponse contains the response from method DeploymentPipelinesClient.BeginDeployStageContent.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientGetDeploymentPipelineOptions

type DeploymentPipelinesClientGetDeploymentPipelineOptions struct {

DeploymentPipelinesClientGetDeploymentPipelineOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.GetDeploymentPipeline method.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientGetDeploymentPipelineResponse

type DeploymentPipelinesClientGetDeploymentPipelineResponse struct {
	// A Fabric deployment pipeline.

DeploymentPipelinesClientGetDeploymentPipelineResponse contains the response from method DeploymentPipelinesClient.GetDeploymentPipeline.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsOptions

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsPager method.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsResponse

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsResponse struct {
	// Supported items from a workspace that's assigned to a deployment pipeline stage.

DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsResponse contains the response from method DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelineStageItemsPager.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesOptions

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelineStagesPager method.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesResponse

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesResponse struct {
	// A collection of Fabric deployment pipeline stages.

DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelineStagesResponse contains the response from method DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelineStagesPager.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesOptions

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesOptions contains the optional parameters for the DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelinesPager method.

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesResponse

type DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesResponse struct {
	// A collection of Fabric deployment pipelines.

DeploymentPipelinesClientListDeploymentPipelinesResponse contains the response from method DeploymentPipelinesClient.NewListDeploymentPipelinesPager.

type DeploymentSourceAndTarget

type DeploymentSourceAndTarget struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The ID of the Fabric item that's deployed from the source stage.
	SourceItemID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The type of the Fabric item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Fabric
	// item.
	ItemType *ItemType

	// READ-ONLY; The display name of the Fabric item that's deployed from the source stage.
	SourceItemDisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The name of the Fabric item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Fabric
	// item.
	TargetItemDisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The ID of the Fabric item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Fabric
	// item.
	TargetItemID *string

DeploymentSourceAndTarget - Source and target items.

func (DeploymentSourceAndTarget) MarshalJSON

func (d DeploymentSourceAndTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type DeploymentSourceAndTarget.

func (*DeploymentSourceAndTarget) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *DeploymentSourceAndTarget) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type DeploymentSourceAndTarget.

type Effect

type Effect string

Effect - The effect that a role has on access to the data resource. Currently, the only supported effect type is Permit, which grants access to the resource. Additional effect types may be added over time.

const (
	// EffectPermit - the effect type Permit
	EffectPermit Effect = "Permit"

func PossibleEffectValues

func PossibleEffectValues() []Effect

PossibleEffectValues returns the possible values for the Effect const type.

type ErrorRelatedResource

type ErrorRelatedResource struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The resource ID that's involved in the error.
	ResourceID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The type of the resource that's involved in the error.
	ResourceType *string

ErrorRelatedResource - The error related resource details object.

func (ErrorRelatedResource) MarshalJSON

func (e ErrorRelatedResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ErrorRelatedResource.

func (*ErrorRelatedResource) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *ErrorRelatedResource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ErrorRelatedResource.

type ErrorResponse

type ErrorResponse struct {
	// READ-ONLY; A specific identifier that provides information about an error condition, allowing for standardized communication
	// between our service and its users.
	ErrorCode *string

	// READ-ONLY; A human readable representation of the error.
	Message *string

	// READ-ONLY; List of additional error details.
	MoreDetails []ErrorResponseDetails

	// READ-ONLY; The error related resource details.
	RelatedResource *ErrorRelatedResource

	// READ-ONLY; ID of the request associated with the error.
	RequestID *string

ErrorResponse - The error response.

func (ErrorResponse) MarshalJSON

func (e ErrorResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ErrorResponse.

func (*ErrorResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *ErrorResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ErrorResponse.

type ErrorResponseDetails

type ErrorResponseDetails struct {
	// READ-ONLY; A specific identifier that provides information about an error condition, allowing for standardized communication
	// between our service and its users.
	ErrorCode *string

	// READ-ONLY; A human readable representation of the error.
	Message *string

	// READ-ONLY; The error related resource details.
	RelatedResource *ErrorRelatedResource

ErrorResponseDetails - The error response details.

func (ErrorResponseDetails) MarshalJSON

func (e ErrorResponseDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ErrorResponseDetails.

func (*ErrorResponseDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *ErrorResponseDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ErrorResponseDetails.

type ExternalDataShare

type ExternalDataShare struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The principal that created the external data share.
	CreatorPrincipal *Principal

	// READ-ONLY; The external data share ID.
	ID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The item ID.
	ItemID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The path or list of paths that are externally shared.
	Paths []string

	// READ-ONLY; The recipient who was invited to accept the external data share.
	Recipient *ExternalDataShareRecipient

	// READ-ONLY; The status of the external data share.
	Status *ExternalDataShareStatus

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace ID.
	WorkspaceID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The tenant ID in which the external data share was accepted.
	AcceptedByTenantID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The expiration date and time (UTC) of the invitation to the external data share.
	ExpirationTimeUTC *time.Time

	// READ-ONLY; The URL for accepting the invitation to the external data share.
	InvitationURL *string

ExternalDataShare - An external data share object.

func (ExternalDataShare) MarshalJSON

func (e ExternalDataShare) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ExternalDataShare.

func (*ExternalDataShare) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *ExternalDataShare) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ExternalDataShare.

type ExternalDataShareRecipient

type ExternalDataShareRecipient struct {
	// REQUIRED; The recipient's email address.
	UserPrincipalName *string

	// The recipient's tenant ID.
	TenantID *string

ExternalDataShareRecipient - A representation of the the external data share recipient.

func (ExternalDataShareRecipient) MarshalJSON

func (e ExternalDataShareRecipient) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ExternalDataShareRecipient.

func (*ExternalDataShareRecipient) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *ExternalDataShareRecipient) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ExternalDataShareRecipient.

type ExternalDataShareStatus

type ExternalDataShareStatus string

ExternalDataShareStatus - The status of a given external data share. Additional ExternalDataShareStatus types may be added over time.

const (
	// ExternalDataShareStatusActive - The invitation has been accepted by the recipient and the external data share is active.
	ExternalDataShareStatusActive ExternalDataShareStatus = "Active"
	// ExternalDataShareStatusInvitationExpired - The invitation expired and can no longer be accepted by the recipient.
	ExternalDataShareStatusInvitationExpired ExternalDataShareStatus = "InvitationExpired"
	// ExternalDataShareStatusPending - An invitation was created and is now pending acceptance by the recipient.
	ExternalDataShareStatusPending ExternalDataShareStatus = "Pending"
	// ExternalDataShareStatusRevoked - The external data share was revoked.
	ExternalDataShareStatusRevoked ExternalDataShareStatus = "Revoked"

func PossibleExternalDataShareStatusValues

func PossibleExternalDataShareStatusValues() []ExternalDataShareStatus

PossibleExternalDataShareStatusValues returns the possible values for the ExternalDataShareStatus const type.

type ExternalDataShareTarget

type ExternalDataShareTarget struct {
	// REQUIRED; A string representing the connection that is bound with the shortcut. The connectionId is a unique identifier
	// used to establish a connection between the shortcut and the target datasource.
	ConnectionID *string

ExternalDataShareTarget - An object containing the properties of the target external data share.

func (ExternalDataShareTarget) MarshalJSON

func (e ExternalDataShareTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ExternalDataShareTarget.

func (*ExternalDataShareTarget) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *ExternalDataShareTarget) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ExternalDataShareTarget.

type ExternalDataShares

type ExternalDataShares struct {
	// READ-ONLY; A list of external data shares.
	Value []ExternalDataShare

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

ExternalDataShares - A list of external data shares with a continuation token.

func (ExternalDataShares) MarshalJSON

func (e ExternalDataShares) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ExternalDataShares.

func (*ExternalDataShares) UnmarshalJSON

func (e *ExternalDataShares) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ExternalDataShares.

type ExternalDataSharesClient

type ExternalDataSharesClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExternalDataSharesClient contains the methods for the ExternalDataShares group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*ExternalDataSharesClient) CreateExternalDataShare

CreateExternalDataShare - PERMISSIONS The caller must have Read and Reshare permissions on the item. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs you can have one of the 2 types of scopes in the token: * Generic scope: Item.ExternalDataShare.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ExternalDataShare.All (for example: Lakehouse.ExternalDataShare.All)

For more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

REQUIRED TENANT SETTINGS To use this API, enable the 'External data sharing' admin switch for the calling principal. LIMITATIONS Maximum 10 requests per minute. Supported item types: See External data sharing in Microsoft Fabric - Supported item types [/fabric/governance/external-data-sharing-overview#supported-fabric-item-types]. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • createExternalDataShareRequest - The request payload for creating an external data share.
  • options - ExternalDataSharesClientCreateExternalDataShareOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.CreateExternalDataShare method.
Example (CreateAnExternalDataShareExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewExternalDataSharesClient().CreateExternalDataShare(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", core.CreateExternalDataShareRequest{
		Paths: []string{
		Recipient: &core.ExternalDataShareRecipient{
			UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (CreateAnExternalDataShareWithASpecificRecipientTenantIdExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewExternalDataSharesClient().CreateExternalDataShare(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", core.CreateExternalDataShareRequest{
		Paths: []string{
		Recipient: &core.ExternalDataShareRecipient{
			TenantID:          to.Ptr("c51dc03f-268a-4da0-a879-25f24947ab8b"),
			UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*ExternalDataSharesClient) GetExternalDataShare

GetExternalDataShare - PERMISSIONS The caller must have Read and Reshare permissions on the item. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs you can have one of the 2 types of scopes in the token: * Generic scope: Item.ExternalDataShare.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ExternalDataShare.All (for example: Lakehouse.ExternalDataShare.All)

For more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

REQUIRED TENANT SETTINGS To use this API, enable the 'External data sharing' admin switch for the calling principal. LIMITATIONS Maximum 10 requests per minute. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • externalDataShareID - The external data share ID.
  • options - ExternalDataSharesClientGetExternalDataShareOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.GetExternalDataShare method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewExternalDataSharesClient().GetExternalDataShare(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "dccc162f-7a41-4720-83c3-5c7e81187959", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ExternalDataShare = core.ExternalDataShare{
	// 	CreatorPrincipal: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("f3052d1c-61a9-46fb-8df9-0d78916ae041"),
	// 	},
	// 	ExpirationTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-12-13T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("dccc162f-7a41-4720-83c3-5c7e81187959"),
	// 	InvitationURL: to.Ptr(""),
	// 	ItemID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
	// 	Paths: []string{
	// 		"Files/Sales/Contoso_Sales_2023"},
	// 		Recipient: &core.ExternalDataShareRecipient{
	// 			UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
	// 		},
	// 		Status: to.Ptr(core.ExternalDataShareStatusPending),
	// 		WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
	// 	}

func (*ExternalDataSharesClient) ListExternalDataSharesInItem

func (client *ExternalDataSharesClient) ListExternalDataSharesInItem(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, options *ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemOptions) ([]ExternalDataShare, error)

ListExternalDataSharesInItem - returns array of ExternalDataShare from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].

PERMISSIONS The caller must have Read and Reshare permissions on the item.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs you can have one of the 2 types of scopes in the token:

  • Generic scope: Item.ExternalDataShare.All

  • Specific scope: itemType.ExternalDataShare.All (for example: Lakehouse.ExternalDataShare.All)

    For more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

REQUIRED TENANT SETTINGS To use this API, enable the 'External data sharing' admin switch for the calling principal.

LIMITATIONS Maximum 10 requests per minute.

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.NewListExternalDataSharesInItemPager method.

func (*ExternalDataSharesClient) NewListExternalDataSharesInItemPager

NewListExternalDataSharesInItemPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have Read and Reshare permissions on the item. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs you can have one of the 2 types of scopes in the token: * Generic scope: Item.ExternalDataShare.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ExternalDataShare.All (for example: Lakehouse.ExternalDataShare.All)

For more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

REQUIRED TENANT SETTINGS To use this API, enable the 'External data sharing' admin switch for the calling principal. LIMITATIONS Maximum 10 requests per minute. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.NewListExternalDataSharesInItemPager method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewExternalDataSharesClient().NewListExternalDataSharesInItemPager("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", &core.ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ExternalDataShares = core.ExternalDataShares{
		// 	Value: []core.ExternalDataShare{
		// 		{
		// 			CreatorPrincipal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("f3052d1c-61a9-46fb-8df9-0d78916ae041"),
		// 			},
		// 			ExpirationTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-12-13T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("dccc162f-7a41-4720-83c3-5c7e81187959"),
		// 			InvitationURL: to.Ptr(""),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
		// 			Paths: []string{
		// 				"Files/Sales/Contoso_Sales_2023"},
		// 				Recipient: &core.ExternalDataShareRecipient{
		// 					UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
		// 				},
		// 				Status: to.Ptr(core.ExternalDataShareStatusPending),
		// 				WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 			},
		// 			{
		// 				AcceptedByTenantID: to.Ptr("c51dc03f-268a-4da0-a879-25f24947ab8b"),
		// 				CreatorPrincipal: &core.Principal{
		// 					Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 					ID: to.Ptr("f3052d1c-61a9-46fb-8df9-0d78916ae041"),
		// 				},
		// 				ExpirationTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-08-31T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("96c21561-65b8-4b23-bb9a-ee8cef945c45"),
		// 				InvitationURL: to.Ptr(""),
		// 				ItemID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
		// 				Paths: []string{
		// 					"Files/Sales/Contoso_Sales_2023"},
		// 					Recipient: &core.ExternalDataShareRecipient{
		// 						UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
		// 					},
		// 					Status: to.Ptr(core.ExternalDataShareStatusActive),
		// 					WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 				},
		// 				{
		// 					CreatorPrincipal: &core.Principal{
		// 						Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 						ID: to.Ptr("81fac5e1-2a81-421b-a168-110b1c72fa11"),
		// 					},
		// 					ExpirationTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 					ID: to.Ptr("0f40aeca-8f78-4a6f-a552-e5c45faadc60"),
		// 					InvitationURL: to.Ptr(""),
		// 					ItemID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
		// 					Paths: []string{
		// 						"Files/Sales/Contoso_Sales_2023"},
		// 						Recipient: &core.ExternalDataShareRecipient{
		// 							UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
		// 						},
		// 						Status: to.Ptr(core.ExternalDataShareStatusInvitationExpired),
		// 						WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 					},
		// 					{
		// 						AcceptedByTenantID: to.Ptr("c51dc03f-268a-4da0-a879-25f24947ab8b"),
		// 						CreatorPrincipal: &core.Principal{
		// 							Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 							ID: to.Ptr("81fac5e1-2a81-421b-a168-110b1c72fa11"),
		// 						},
		// 						ExpirationTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-12-01T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 						ID: to.Ptr("89e82a82-0140-4837-8eee-9c919e3e5952"),
		// 						InvitationURL: to.Ptr(""),
		// 						ItemID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
		// 						Paths: []string{
		// 							"Files/Sales/Contoso_Sales_2023"},
		// 							Recipient: &core.ExternalDataShareRecipient{
		// 								UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
		// 							},
		// 							Status: to.Ptr(core.ExternalDataShareStatusRevoked),
		// 							WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 					}},
		// 				}

func (*ExternalDataSharesClient) RevokeExternalDataShare

RevokeExternalDataShare - PERMISSIONS The caller must have Read and Reshare permissions on the item. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs you can have one of the 2 types of scopes in the token: * Generic scope: Item.ExternalDataShare.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ExternalDataShare.All (for example: Lakehouse.ExternalDataShare.All)

For more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

REQUIRED TENANT SETTINGS To use this API, enable the 'External data sharing' admin switch for the calling principal. LIMITATIONS Maximum 10 requests per minute. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • externalDataShareID - The external data share ID.
  • options - ExternalDataSharesClientRevokeExternalDataShareOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.RevokeExternalDataShare method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewExternalDataSharesClient().RevokeExternalDataShare(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "dccc162f-7a41-4720-83c3-5c7e81187959", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

type ExternalDataSharesClientCreateExternalDataShareOptions

type ExternalDataSharesClientCreateExternalDataShareOptions struct {

ExternalDataSharesClientCreateExternalDataShareOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.CreateExternalDataShare method.

type ExternalDataSharesClientCreateExternalDataShareResponse

type ExternalDataSharesClientCreateExternalDataShareResponse struct {
	// An external data share object.

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

ExternalDataSharesClientCreateExternalDataShareResponse contains the response from method ExternalDataSharesClient.CreateExternalDataShare.

type ExternalDataSharesClientGetExternalDataShareOptions

type ExternalDataSharesClientGetExternalDataShareOptions struct {

ExternalDataSharesClientGetExternalDataShareOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.GetExternalDataShare method.

type ExternalDataSharesClientGetExternalDataShareResponse

type ExternalDataSharesClientGetExternalDataShareResponse struct {
	// An external data share object.

ExternalDataSharesClientGetExternalDataShareResponse contains the response from method ExternalDataSharesClient.GetExternalDataShare.

type ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemOptions

type ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.NewListExternalDataSharesInItemPager method.

type ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemResponse

type ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemResponse struct {
	// A list of external data shares with a continuation token.

ExternalDataSharesClientListExternalDataSharesInItemResponse contains the response from method ExternalDataSharesClient.NewListExternalDataSharesInItemPager.

type ExternalDataSharesClientRevokeExternalDataShareOptions

type ExternalDataSharesClientRevokeExternalDataShareOptions struct {

ExternalDataSharesClientRevokeExternalDataShareOptions contains the optional parameters for the ExternalDataSharesClient.RevokeExternalDataShare method.

type ExternalDataSharesClientRevokeExternalDataShareResponse

type ExternalDataSharesClientRevokeExternalDataShareResponse struct {

ExternalDataSharesClientRevokeExternalDataShareResponse contains the response from method ExternalDataSharesClient.RevokeExternalDataShare.

type FabricItemMember

type FabricItemMember struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list specifying the access permissions for Fabric user to have to be automatically included in the role members.
	// Additional itemAccess types may be added over time.
	ItemAccess []ItemAccess

	// REQUIRED; The path to Fabric item having the specified item access.
	SourcePath *string

FabricItemMember - Fabric item member.

func (FabricItemMember) MarshalJSON

func (f FabricItemMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type FabricItemMember.

func (*FabricItemMember) UnmarshalJSON

func (f *FabricItemMember) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type FabricItemMember.

type Gateway

type Gateway struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the gateway.
	ID *string

	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

Gateway - The base object of gateway.

func (*Gateway) GetGateway

func (g *Gateway) GetGateway() *Gateway

GetGateway implements the GatewayClassification interface for type Gateway.

func (Gateway) MarshalJSON

func (g Gateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Gateway.

func (*Gateway) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *Gateway) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Gateway.

type GatewayClassification

type GatewayClassification interface {
	// GetGateway returns the Gateway content of the underlying type.
	GetGateway() *Gateway

GatewayClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetGateway() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *Gateway, *OnPremisesGateway, *OnPremisesGatewayPersonal, *VirtualNetworkGateway

type GatewayRole

type GatewayRole string

GatewayRole - A Gateway role. Additional gateway roles may be added over time.

const (
	// GatewayRoleAdmin - Enables administrative access for the gateway.
	GatewayRoleAdmin GatewayRole = "Admin"
	// GatewayRoleConnectionCreator - Enables connection creator access for the gateway.
	GatewayRoleConnectionCreator GatewayRole = "ConnectionCreator"
	// GatewayRoleConnectionCreatorWithResharing - Enables connection creator with resharing access for the gateway.
	GatewayRoleConnectionCreatorWithResharing GatewayRole = "ConnectionCreatorWithResharing"

func PossibleGatewayRoleValues

func PossibleGatewayRoleValues() []GatewayRole

PossibleGatewayRoleValues returns the possible values for the GatewayRole const type.

type GatewayRoleAssignment

type GatewayRoleAssignment struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the gateway role assignment.
	ID *string

	// REQUIRED; The principal.
	Principal *Principal

	// REQUIRED; The gateway role of the principal.
	Role *GatewayRole

GatewayRoleAssignment - The gateway role assignment for a principal.

func (GatewayRoleAssignment) MarshalJSON

func (g GatewayRoleAssignment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GatewayRoleAssignment.

func (*GatewayRoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GatewayRoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GatewayRoleAssignment.

type GatewayRoleAssignments

type GatewayRoleAssignments struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of gateway role assignments.
	Value []GatewayRoleAssignment

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (GatewayRoleAssignments) MarshalJSON

func (g GatewayRoleAssignments) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GatewayRoleAssignments.

func (*GatewayRoleAssignments) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GatewayRoleAssignments) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GatewayRoleAssignments.

type GatewayType

type GatewayType string

GatewayType - The type of the gateway. Additional gateway types may be added over time.

const (
	// GatewayTypeOnPremises - The on-premises gateway.
	GatewayTypeOnPremises GatewayType = "OnPremises"
	// GatewayTypeOnPremisesPersonal - The on-premises gateway (personal mode).
	GatewayTypeOnPremisesPersonal GatewayType = "OnPremisesPersonal"
	// GatewayTypeVirtualNetwork - The virtual network gateway.
	GatewayTypeVirtualNetwork GatewayType = "VirtualNetwork"

func PossibleGatewayTypeValues

func PossibleGatewayTypeValues() []GatewayType

PossibleGatewayTypeValues returns the possible values for the GatewayType const type.

type GatewaysClient

type GatewaysClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GatewaysClient contains the methods for the Gateways group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*GatewaysClient) AddGatewayRoleAssignment

func (client *GatewaysClient) AddGatewayRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, gatewayID string, addGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest, options *GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions) (GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

AddGatewayRoleAssignment - To get the principal user ID required for request body, see Find the user ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. SERVICE PRINCIPAL PROFILES ARE NOT SUPPORTED FOR GATEWAY ROLE ASSIGNMENTS. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have ConnectionCreatorWithResharing or higher role on the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • addGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest - The request payload for adding a gateway role assignment
  • options - GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.AddGatewayRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().AddGatewayRoleAssignment(ctx, "d12d139f-4141-467c-9f53-80787b198843", core.AddGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest{
		Principal: &core.Principal{
			Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
			ID:   to.Ptr("6a002b3d-e4ec-43df-8c08-e8eb7547d9dd"),
		Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*GatewaysClient) CreateGateway

CreateGateway - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • createGatewayRequest - The request payload for creating the gateway
  • options - GatewaysClientCreateGatewayOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.CreateGateway method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().CreateGateway(ctx, &core.CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest{
		Type:                         to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeVirtualNetwork),
		CapacityID:                   to.Ptr("ed26b6f3-7bc5-44b0-9565-a8942619ef4c"),
		DisplayName:                  to.Ptr("ContosoVirtualNetworkGateway"),
		InactivityMinutesBeforeSleep: to.Ptr[int32](120),
		NumberOfMemberGateways:       to.Ptr[int32](3),
		VirtualNetworkAzureResource: &core.VirtualNetworkAzureResource{
			ResourceGroupName:  to.Ptr("ContosoResourceGroup"),
			SubscriptionID:     to.Ptr("879b4ba0-ed17-4ff2-851e-4a2228e00b70"),
			SubnetName:         to.Ptr("ContosoSubnet"),
			VirtualNetworkName: to.Ptr("ContosoVirtualNetwork"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*GatewaysClient) DeleteGateway

DeleteGateway - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin permission for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • options - GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.DeleteGateway method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().DeleteGateway(ctx, "411a04d3-7c15-4b69-9dd8-de6e80df1009", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*GatewaysClient) DeleteGatewayMember

func (client *GatewaysClient) DeleteGatewayMember(ctx context.Context, gatewayID string, gatewayMemberID string, options *GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberOptions) (GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberResponse, error)

DeleteGatewayMember - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin permission for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • gatewayMemberID - The ID of the gateway member.
  • options - GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.DeleteGatewayMember method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().DeleteGatewayMember(ctx, "ad457a0a-1fc4-4218-9867-1d84661ca4b8", "f921ee6b-8feb-4595-8aa7-3ed34338e8b6", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*GatewaysClient) DeleteGatewayRoleAssignment

func (client *GatewaysClient) DeleteGatewayRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, gatewayID string, gatewayRoleAssignmentID string, options *GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions) (GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

DeleteGatewayRoleAssignment - To get the principal user ID required for request body, see Find the user ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have Admin role on the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway
  • gatewayRoleAssignmentID - The ID of the role assignment
  • options - GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.DeleteGatewayRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().DeleteGatewayRoleAssignment(ctx, "8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2", "056afb37-8f6c-4fd8-9aa5-64ba7f1974e7", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*GatewaysClient) GetGateway

GetGateway - PERMISSIONS The caller must have permissions for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.Read.All or Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • options - GatewaysClientGetGatewayOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.GetGateway method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().GetGateway(ctx, "8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res = core.GatewaysClientGetGatewayResponse{
	// 	                            GatewayClassification: &core.OnPremisesGateway{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeOnPremises),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2"),
	// 		AllowCloudConnectionRefresh: to.Ptr(true),
	// 		AllowCustomConnectors: to.Ptr(true),
	// 		DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoOnPremisesGateway"),
	// 		LoadBalancingSetting: to.Ptr(core.LoadBalancingSettingDistributeEvenly),
	// 		NumberOfMemberGateways: to.Ptr[int32](2),
	// 		PublicKey: &core.PublicKey{
	// 			Exponent: to.Ptr("AQGB"),
	// 			Modulus: to.Ptr("od9b...90Jp1Q=="),
	// 		},
	// 		Version: to.Ptr("3000.1.1"),
	// 	},
	// 	                        }

func (*GatewaysClient) GetGatewayRoleAssignment

func (client *GatewaysClient) GetGatewayRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, gatewayID string, gatewayRoleAssignmentID string, options *GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions) (GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

GetGatewayRoleAssignment - To get the principal user ID required for request body, see Find the user ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have ConnectionCreator or higher role on the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.Read.All or Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway
  • gatewayRoleAssignmentID - The ID of the gateway role assignment.
  • options - GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.GetGatewayRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().GetGatewayRoleAssignment(ctx, "8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2", "056afb37-8f6c-4fd8-9aa5-64ba7f1974e7", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.GatewayRoleAssignment = core.GatewayRoleAssignment{
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("056afb37-8f6c-4fd8-9aa5-64ba7f1974e7"),
	// 	Principal: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("056afb37-8f6c-4fd8-9aa5-64ba7f1974e7"),
	// 	},
	// 	Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleAdmin),
	// }

func (*GatewaysClient) ListGatewayMembers

ListGatewayMembers - PERMISSIONS * The caller must have permission for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.Read.All or Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • options - GatewaysClientListGatewayMembersOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.ListGatewayMembers method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().ListGatewayMembers(ctx, "8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ListGatewayMembersResponse = core.ListGatewayMembersResponse{
	// 	Value: []core.OnPremisesGatewayMember{
	// 		{
	// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoPrimaryMemberGateway"),
	// 			Enabled: to.Ptr(true),
	// 			ID: to.Ptr("8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2"),
	// 			PublicKey: &core.PublicKey{
	// 				Exponent: to.Ptr("AQGB"),
	// 				Modulus: to.Ptr("od9b...90Jp1Q=="),
	// 			},
	// 			Version: to.Ptr("3000.1.1"),
	// 		},
	// 		{
	// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoSecondaryMemberGateway"),
	// 			Enabled: to.Ptr(false),
	// 			ID: to.Ptr("5d225cda-42d5-43d3-bc40-218f746e1d58"),
	// 			PublicKey: &core.PublicKey{
	// 				Exponent: to.Ptr("AQCB"),
	// 				Modulus: to.Ptr("o57c...90Jh1P=="),
	// 			},
	// 			Version: to.Ptr("3000.1.1"),
	// 	}},
	// }

func (*GatewaysClient) ListGatewayRoleAssignments

func (client *GatewaysClient) ListGatewayRoleAssignments(ctx context.Context, gatewayID string, options *GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsOptions) ([]GatewayRoleAssignment, error)

ListGatewayRoleAssignments - returns array of GatewayRoleAssignment from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].


  • The caller must have ConnectionCreator or higher role on the gateway.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.Read.All or Gateway.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • options - GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.NewListGatewayRoleAssignmentsPager method.

func (*GatewaysClient) ListGateways

ListGateways - returns array of GatewayClassification from all pages. PERMISSIONS The caller must have permissions for the gateway.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.Read.All or Gateway.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • options - GatewaysClientListGatewaysOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.NewListGatewaysPager method.

func (*GatewaysClient) NewListGatewayRoleAssignmentsPager

NewListGatewayRoleAssignmentsPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have ConnectionCreator or higher role on the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.Read.All or Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • options - GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.NewListGatewayRoleAssignmentsPager method.
Example (ListGatewayRoleAssignmentExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().NewListGatewayRoleAssignmentsPager("8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2", &core.GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.GatewayRoleAssignments = core.GatewayRoleAssignments{
		// 	Value: []core.GatewayRoleAssignment{
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("ef543eb8-969c-46b0-a5a1-3f93351b6b31"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("ef543eb8-969c-46b0-a5a1-3f93351b6b31"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleAdmin),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("5cf7d203-9123-4dff-a87f-7097dc4b5d60"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("5cf7d203-9123-4dff-a87f-7097dc4b5d60"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreatorWithResharing),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("5931cd21-857f-42a5-beaf-0120e8b36542"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("5931cd21-857f-42a5-beaf-0120e8b36542"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("97614f04-507c-4f6c-8dbc-da1845f582ef"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("97614f04-507c-4f6c-8dbc-da1845f582ef"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("a5d9f30d-a15c-4fb9-b8ff-e2a884c9fd82"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeGroup),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("a5d9f30d-a15c-4fb9-b8ff-e2a884c9fd82"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListGatewayRoleAssignmentWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().NewListGatewayRoleAssignmentsPager("8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2", &core.GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.GatewayRoleAssignments = core.GatewayRoleAssignments{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.GatewayRoleAssignment{
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("ef543eb8-969c-46b0-a5a1-3f93351b6b31"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("ef543eb8-969c-46b0-a5a1-3f93351b6b31"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleAdmin),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("5cf7d203-9123-4dff-a87f-7097dc4b5d60"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("5cf7d203-9123-4dff-a87f-7097dc4b5d60"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreatorWithResharing),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("5931cd21-857f-42a5-beaf-0120e8b36542"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("5931cd21-857f-42a5-beaf-0120e8b36542"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("97614f04-507c-4f6c-8dbc-da1845f582ef"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("97614f04-507c-4f6c-8dbc-da1845f582ef"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("a5d9f30d-a15c-4fb9-b8ff-e2a884c9fd82"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeGroup),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("a5d9f30d-a15c-4fb9-b8ff-e2a884c9fd82"),
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*GatewaysClient) NewListGatewaysPager

NewListGatewaysPager - PERMISSIONS The caller must have permissions for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.Read.All or Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • options - GatewaysClientListGatewaysOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.NewListGatewaysPager method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().NewListGatewaysPager(&core.GatewaysClientListGatewaysOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ListGatewaysResponse = core.ListGatewaysResponse{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.GatewayClassification{
		// 		&core.OnPremisesGateway{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeOnPremises),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2"),
		// 			AllowCloudConnectionRefresh: to.Ptr(true),
		// 			AllowCustomConnectors: to.Ptr(true),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoOnPremisesGateway"),
		// 			LoadBalancingSetting: to.Ptr(core.LoadBalancingSettingDistributeEvenly),
		// 			NumberOfMemberGateways: to.Ptr[int32](2),
		// 			PublicKey: &core.PublicKey{
		// 				Exponent: to.Ptr("AQGB"),
		// 				Modulus: to.Ptr("od9b...90Jp1Q=="),
		// 			},
		// 			Version: to.Ptr("3000.1.1"),
		// 		},
		// 		&core.OnPremisesGatewayPersonal{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeOnPremisesPersonal),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("ca8979ff-4238-4489-ad13-2e1bd69a8412"),
		// 			PublicKey: &core.PublicKey{
		// 				Exponent: to.Ptr("AQOV"),
		// 				Modulus: to.Ptr("pt9b...87Jp1Q=="),
		// 			},
		// 			Version: to.Ptr("3000.1.1"),
		// 		},
		// 		&core.VirtualNetworkGateway{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeVirtualNetwork),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("271c5c9a-0860-4927-b1da-ce49008d6565"),
		// 			CapacityID: to.Ptr("ed26b6f3-7bc5-44b0-9565-a8942619ef4c"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoVirtualNetworkGateway"),
		// 			InactivityMinutesBeforeSleep: to.Ptr[int32](1440),
		// 			NumberOfMemberGateways: to.Ptr[int32](3),
		// 			VirtualNetworkAzureResource: &core.VirtualNetworkAzureResource{
		// 				ResourceGroupName: to.Ptr("ContosoResourceGroup"),
		// 				SubscriptionID: to.Ptr("879b4ba0-ed17-4ff2-851e-4a2228e00b70"),
		// 				SubnetName: to.Ptr("ContosoSubnet"),
		// 				VirtualNetworkName: to.Ptr("ContosoVirtualNetwork"),
		// 			},
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*GatewaysClient) UpdateGateway

UpdateGateway - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin permission for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • updateGatewayRequest - The request payload for updating the gateway
  • options - GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.UpdateGateway method.
Example (OnPremisesGatewayExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().UpdateGateway(ctx, "3d1290e1-e3ed-4bd6-93bc-2bbd5b49a789", &core.UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest{
		Type:                        to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeOnPremises),
		DisplayName:                 to.Ptr("ContosoGatewayCluster1"),
		AllowCloudConnectionRefresh: to.Ptr(false),
		AllowCustomConnectors:       to.Ptr(false),
		LoadBalancingSetting:        to.Ptr(core.LoadBalancingSettingFailover),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res = core.GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayResponse{
	// 	                            GatewayClassification: &core.OnPremisesGateway{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeOnPremises),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("3d1290e1-e3ed-4bd6-93bc-2bbd5b49a789"),
	// 		AllowCloudConnectionRefresh: to.Ptr(false),
	// 		AllowCustomConnectors: to.Ptr(false),
	// 		DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoGatewayCluster1"),
	// 		LoadBalancingSetting: to.Ptr(core.LoadBalancingSettingFailover),
	// 		NumberOfMemberGateways: to.Ptr[int32](2),
	// 		PublicKey: &core.PublicKey{
	// 			Exponent: to.Ptr("AQGB"),
	// 			Modulus: to.Ptr("od9b...90Jp1Q=="),
	// 		},
	// 		Version: to.Ptr("3000.1.2"),
	// 	},
	// 	                        }

Example (VirtualNetworkGatewayExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().UpdateGateway(ctx, "7015263e-885f-455b-80f7-bbf862899176", &core.UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest{
		Type:                         to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeVirtualNetwork),
		DisplayName:                  to.Ptr("ContosoVirtualNetworkGateway1"),
		CapacityID:                   to.Ptr("7cf7181f-9457-4178-b488-e7472b02faf4"),
		InactivityMinutesBeforeSleep: to.Ptr[int32](720),
		NumberOfMemberGateways:       to.Ptr[int32](5),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res = core.GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayResponse{
	// 	                            GatewayClassification: &core.VirtualNetworkGateway{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.GatewayTypeVirtualNetwork),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("7015263e-885f-455b-80f7-bbf862899176"),
	// 		CapacityID: to.Ptr("7cf7181f-9457-4178-b488-e7472b02faf4"),
	// 		DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoVirtualNetworkGateway1"),
	// 		InactivityMinutesBeforeSleep: to.Ptr[int32](720),
	// 		NumberOfMemberGateways: to.Ptr[int32](5),
	// 		VirtualNetworkAzureResource: &core.VirtualNetworkAzureResource{
	// 			ResourceGroupName: to.Ptr("ContosoResourceGroup"),
	// 			SubscriptionID: to.Ptr("879b4ba0-ed17-4ff2-851e-4a2228e00b70"),
	// 			SubnetName: to.Ptr("ContosoSubnet"),
	// 			VirtualNetworkName: to.Ptr("ContosoVirtualNetwork"),
	// 		},
	// 	},
	// 	                        }

func (*GatewaysClient) UpdateGatewayMember

func (client *GatewaysClient) UpdateGatewayMember(ctx context.Context, gatewayID string, gatewayMemberID string, updateGatewayMemberRequest UpdateGatewayMemberRequest, options *GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberOptions) (GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberResponse, error)

UpdateGatewayMember - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin permission for the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway.
  • gatewayMemberID - The ID of the gateway member.
  • updateGatewayMemberRequest - The request payload for updating the gateway member
  • options - GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.UpdateGatewayMember method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().UpdateGatewayMember(ctx, "41d198df-5fb2-4463-8157-2af5153e6503", "1e624ffb-f74a-4dfb-9aa8-ea5056da37da", core.UpdateGatewayMemberRequest{
		DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoGatewayMember1"),
		Enabled:     to.Ptr(false),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.OnPremisesGatewayMember = core.OnPremisesGatewayMember{
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoGatewayMember1"),
	// 	Enabled: to.Ptr(false),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("1e624ffb-f74a-4dfb-9aa8-ea5056da37da"),
	// 	PublicKey: &core.PublicKey{
	// 		Exponent: to.Ptr("AQGB"),
	// 		Modulus: to.Ptr("od9b...90Jp1Q=="),
	// 	},
	// 	Version: to.Ptr("3000.1.1"),
	// }

func (*GatewaysClient) UpdateGatewayRoleAssignment

func (client *GatewaysClient) UpdateGatewayRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, gatewayID string, gatewayRoleAssignmentID string, updateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest, options *GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions) (GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

UpdateGatewayRoleAssignment - To get the principal user ID required for request body, see Find the user ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have Admin role on the gateway. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Gateway.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • gatewayID - The ID of the gateway
  • gatewayRoleAssignmentID - The ID of the role assignment
  • updateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest - Update gateway role assignment request payload.
  • options - GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.UpdateGatewayRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGatewaysClient().UpdateGatewayRoleAssignment(ctx, "8e41c4dd-a382-4937-9bf3-695ab881f7c2", "43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff", core.UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest{
		Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.GatewayRoleAssignment = core.GatewayRoleAssignment{
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff"),
	// 	Principal: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("43970761-afc9-4428-ae6e-3b08bef098ff"),
	// 	},
	// 	Role: to.Ptr(core.GatewayRoleConnectionCreator),
	// }

type GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions

type GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.AddGatewayRoleAssignment method.

type GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse

type GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// The gateway role assignment for a principal.

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

GatewaysClientAddGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.AddGatewayRoleAssignment.

type GatewaysClientCreateGatewayOptions

type GatewaysClientCreateGatewayOptions struct {

GatewaysClientCreateGatewayOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.CreateGateway method.

type GatewaysClientCreateGatewayResponse

type GatewaysClientCreateGatewayResponse struct {
	// The base object of gateway.

GatewaysClientCreateGatewayResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.CreateGateway.

func (*GatewaysClientCreateGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GatewaysClientCreateGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GatewaysClientCreateGatewayResponse.

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberOptions

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberOptions struct {

GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.DeleteGatewayMember method.

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberResponse

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberResponse struct {

GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayMemberResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.DeleteGatewayMember.

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayOptions

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayOptions struct {

GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.DeleteGateway method.

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayResponse

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayResponse struct {

GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.DeleteGateway.

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.DeleteGatewayRoleAssignment method.

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse

type GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse struct {

GatewaysClientDeleteGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.DeleteGatewayRoleAssignment.

type GatewaysClientGetGatewayOptions

type GatewaysClientGetGatewayOptions struct {

GatewaysClientGetGatewayOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.GetGateway method.

type GatewaysClientGetGatewayResponse

type GatewaysClientGetGatewayResponse struct {
	// The base object of gateway.

GatewaysClientGetGatewayResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.GetGateway.

func (*GatewaysClientGetGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GatewaysClientGetGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GatewaysClientGetGatewayResponse.

type GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions

type GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.GetGatewayRoleAssignment method.

type GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse

type GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// The gateway role assignment for a principal.

GatewaysClientGetGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.GetGatewayRoleAssignment.

type GatewaysClientListGatewayMembersOptions

type GatewaysClientListGatewayMembersOptions struct {

GatewaysClientListGatewayMembersOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.ListGatewayMembers method.

type GatewaysClientListGatewayMembersResponse

type GatewaysClientListGatewayMembersResponse struct {

GatewaysClientListGatewayMembersResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.ListGatewayMembers.

type GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsOptions

type GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.NewListGatewayRoleAssignmentsPager method.

type GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsResponse

type GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsResponse struct {

GatewaysClientListGatewayRoleAssignmentsResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.NewListGatewayRoleAssignmentsPager.

type GatewaysClientListGatewaysOptions

type GatewaysClientListGatewaysOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

GatewaysClientListGatewaysOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.NewListGatewaysPager method.

type GatewaysClientListGatewaysResponse

type GatewaysClientListGatewaysResponse struct {

GatewaysClientListGatewaysResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.NewListGatewaysPager.

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberOptions

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberOptions struct {

GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.UpdateGatewayMember method.

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberResponse

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberResponse struct {
	// The gateway member information.

GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayMemberResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.UpdateGatewayMember.

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayOptions

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayOptions struct {

GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.UpdateGateway method.

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayResponse

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayResponse struct {
	// The base object of gateway.

GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.UpdateGateway.

func (*GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayResponse.

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the GatewaysClient.UpdateGatewayRoleAssignment method.

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse

type GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// The gateway role assignment for a principal.

GatewaysClientUpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method GatewaysClient.UpdateGatewayRoleAssignment.

type GitClient

type GitClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GitClient contains the methods for the Git group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*GitClient) BeginCommitToGit

func (client *GitClient) BeginCommitToGit(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, commitToGitRequest CommitToGitRequest, options *GitClientBeginCommitToGitOptions) (*runtime.Poller[GitClientCommitToGitResponse], error)

BeginCommitToGit - This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. You can choose to commit all changes or only specific changed items. To sync the workspace for the first time, use this API after the Connect [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/connect] and Initialize Connection [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/initialize-connection] APIs. PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.GitCommit.All. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • commitToGitRequest - Commit to the Git request payload.
  • options - GitClientBeginCommitToGitOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginCommitToGit method.
Example (CommitAllToGitExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().BeginCommitToGit(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", core.CommitToGitRequest{
		Comment:       to.Ptr("I'm committing all my changes."),
		Mode:          to.Ptr(core.CommitModeAll),
		WorkspaceHead: to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	_, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)

Example (CommitSelectiveItemsToGitExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().BeginCommitToGit(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", core.CommitToGitRequest{
		Comment: to.Ptr("I'm committing specific changes."),
		Items: []core.ItemIdentifier{
				LogicalID: to.Ptr("111e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd1"),
				ObjectID:  to.Ptr("1153f3b4-dbb8-33c1-a84f-6ae4d776362d"),
				ObjectID: to.Ptr("7753f3b4-dbb8-44c1-a94f-6ae4d776369e"),
		Mode:          to.Ptr(core.CommitModeSelective),
		WorkspaceHead: to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	_, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)

func (*GitClient) BeginGetStatus

func (client *GitClient) BeginGetStatus(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *GitClientBeginGetStatusOptions) (*runtime.Poller[GitClientGetStatusResponse], error)

BeginGetStatus - This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. The status indicates changes to the item(s) since the last workspace and remote branch sync. If both locations were modified, the API flags a conflict. PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.GitUpdate.All or Workspace.GitCommit.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - GitClientBeginGetStatusOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginGetStatus method.
Example (GetStatusExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().BeginGetStatus(ctx, "1455b6a2-c120-4c1c-dda7-92bafe99bec3", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.GitStatusResponse = core.GitStatusResponse{
	// 	Changes: []core.ItemChange{
	// 		{
	// 			ConflictType: to.Ptr(core.ConflictTypeNone),
	// 			ItemMetadata: &core.ItemMetadata{
	// 				DisplayName: to.Ptr("My new dataset in the workspace"),
	// 				ItemIdentifier: &core.ItemIdentifier{
	// 					ObjectID: to.Ptr("7753f3b4-dbb8-44c1-a94f-6ae4d776369e"),
	// 				},
	// 				ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeSemanticModel),
	// 			},
	// 			WorkspaceChange: to.Ptr(core.ChangeTypeAdded),
	// 		},
	// 		{
	// 			ConflictType: to.Ptr(core.ConflictTypeNone),
	// 			ItemMetadata: &core.ItemMetadata{
	// 				DisplayName: to.Ptr("My deleted report in Git"),
	// 				ItemIdentifier: &core.ItemIdentifier{
	// 					LogicalID: to.Ptr("1423f3b4-dba5-44c1-a94f-6ae4d776369a"),
	// 				},
	// 				ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeReport),
	// 			},
	// 			RemoteChange: to.Ptr(core.ChangeTypeDeleted),
	// 		},
	// 		{
	// 			ConflictType: to.Ptr(core.ConflictTypeNone),
	// 			ItemMetadata: &core.ItemMetadata{
	// 				DisplayName: to.Ptr("Modified dataset in the workspace"),
	// 				ItemIdentifier: &core.ItemIdentifier{
	// 					LogicalID: to.Ptr("111e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd1"),
	// 					ObjectID: to.Ptr("1153f3b4-dbb8-33c1-a84f-6ae4d776362d"),
	// 				},
	// 				ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeSemanticModel),
	// 			},
	// 			WorkspaceChange: to.Ptr(core.ChangeTypeModified),
	// 	}},
	// 	RemoteCommitHash: to.Ptr("7d03b2918bf6aa62f96d0a4307293f3853201705"),
	// 	WorkspaceHead: to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	// }

Example (GetStatusNoChangesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().BeginGetStatus(ctx, "1455b6a2-c120-4c1c-dda7-92bafe99bec3", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.GitStatusResponse = core.GitStatusResponse{
	// 	Changes: []core.ItemChange{
	// 	},
	// 	RemoteCommitHash: to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	// 	WorkspaceHead: to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	// }

Example (GetStatusWithConflictExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().BeginGetStatus(ctx, "1455b6a2-c120-4c1c-dda7-92bafe99bec3", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.GitStatusResponse = core.GitStatusResponse{
	// 	Changes: []core.ItemChange{
	// 		{
	// 			ConflictType: to.Ptr(core.ConflictTypeConflict),
	// 			ItemMetadata: &core.ItemMetadata{
	// 				DisplayName: to.Ptr("Modified report on both sides"),
	// 				ItemIdentifier: &core.ItemIdentifier{
	// 					LogicalID: to.Ptr("222e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd2"),
	// 					ObjectID: to.Ptr("8853f3b4-dbb8-33c1-a84f-6ae4d776362a"),
	// 				},
	// 				ItemType: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeReport),
	// 			},
	// 			RemoteChange: to.Ptr(core.ChangeTypeModified),
	// 			WorkspaceChange: to.Ptr(core.ChangeTypeModified),
	// 	}},
	// 	RemoteCommitHash: to.Ptr("7d03b2918bf6aa62f96d0a4307293f3853201705"),
	// 	WorkspaceHead: to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	// }

func (*GitClient) BeginInitializeConnection

func (client *GitClient) BeginInitializeConnection(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *GitClientBeginInitializeConnectionOptions) (*runtime.Poller[GitClientInitializeConnectionResponse], error)

BeginInitializeConnection - This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. This API should be called after a successful call to the Connect [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/connect] API. To complete a full sync of the workspace, use the Required Action [initialize-connection#requiredaction] operation to call the relevant sync operation, either Commit To Git [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/commit-to-git] or Update From Git [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/update-from-git]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have an admin workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - GitClientBeginInitializeConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginInitializeConnection method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().BeginInitializeConnection(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", &core.GitClientBeginInitializeConnectionOptions{GitInitializeConnectionRequest: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.InitializeGitConnectionResponse = core.InitializeGitConnectionResponse{
	// 	RemoteCommitHash: to.Ptr("7d03b2918bf6aa62f96d0a4307293f3853201705"),
	// 	RequiredAction: to.Ptr(core.RequiredActionUpdateFromGit),
	// 	WorkspaceHead: to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	// }

func (*GitClient) BeginUpdateFromGit

func (client *GitClient) BeginUpdateFromGit(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, updateFromGitRequest UpdateFromGitRequest, options *GitClientBeginUpdateFromGitOptions) (*runtime.Poller[GitClientUpdateFromGitResponse], error)

BeginUpdateFromGit - This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. The update only affects items in the workspace that were changed in those commits. If called after the Connect [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/connect] and Initialize Connection [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/initialize-connection] APIs, it will perform a full update of the entire workspace. PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher role for the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.GitUpdate.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • updateFromGitRequest - Update from a Git request payload.
  • options - GitClientBeginUpdateFromGitOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginUpdateFromGit method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().BeginUpdateFromGit(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", core.UpdateFromGitRequest{
		ConflictResolution: &core.WorkspaceConflictResolution{
			ConflictResolutionPolicy: to.Ptr(core.ConflictResolutionPolicyPreferWorkspace),
			ConflictResolutionType:   to.Ptr(core.ConflictResolutionTypeWorkspace),
		Options: &core.UpdateOptions{
			AllowOverrideItems: to.Ptr(true),
		RemoteCommitHash: to.Ptr("7d03b2918bf6aa62f96d0a4307293f3853201705"),
		WorkspaceHead:    to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	_, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)

func (*GitClient) CommitToGit

func (client *GitClient) CommitToGit(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, commitToGitRequest CommitToGitRequest, options *GitClientBeginCommitToGitOptions) (GitClientCommitToGitResponse, error)

CommitToGit - returns GitClientCommitToGitResponse in sync mode. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

You can choose to commit all changes or only specific changed items. To sync the workspace for the first time, use this API after the Connect [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/connect] and Initialize Connection [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/initialize-connection] APIs.

PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher workspace role.


MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • commitToGitRequest - Commit to the Git request payload.
  • options - GitClientBeginCommitToGitOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginCommitToGit method.

func (*GitClient) Connect

func (client *GitClient) Connect(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, gitConnectRequest GitConnectRequest, options *GitClientConnectOptions) (GitClientConnectResponse, error)

Connect - This operation does not sync between the workspace and the connected branch. To complete the sync, use the Initialize Connection [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/initialize-connection] operation and follow with either the Commit To Git [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/commit-to-git] or the Update From Git [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/update-from-git] operation. To get started with GitHub, see: Get started with Git integration [/fabric/cicd/git-integration/git-get-started?tabs=github]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have an admin role for the workspace. For configured connection Git credentials, the caller must have permission for the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • gitConnectRequest - Connect to the Git request payload.
  • options - GitClientConnectOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.Connect method.
Example (ConnectAWorkspaceToAzureDevOpsExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewGitClient().Connect(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", core.GitConnectRequest{
		GitProviderDetails: &core.AzureDevOpsDetails{
			BranchName:       to.Ptr("Test Branch"),
			DirectoryName:    to.Ptr("Test Directory"),
			GitProviderType:  to.Ptr(core.GitProviderTypeAzureDevOps),
			RepositoryName:   to.Ptr("Test Repo"),
			OrganizationName: to.Ptr("Test Organization"),
			ProjectName:      to.Ptr("Test Project"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (ConnectAWorkspaceToGitHubExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewGitClient().Connect(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", core.GitConnectRequest{
		GitProviderDetails: &core.GitHubDetails{
			BranchName:      to.Ptr("Test Branch"),
			DirectoryName:   to.Ptr("Test Directory/Test Subdirectory"),
			GitProviderType: to.Ptr(core.GitProviderTypeGitHub),
			RepositoryName:  to.Ptr("Test Repo"),
			OwnerName:       to.Ptr("Test Owner"),
		MyGitCredentials: &core.ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials{
			Source:       to.Ptr(core.GitCredentialsSourceConfiguredConnection),
			ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3f2504e0-4f89-11d3-9a0c-0305e82c3301"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*GitClient) Disconnect

func (client *GitClient) Disconnect(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *GitClientDisconnectOptions) (GitClientDisconnectResponse, error)

Disconnect - PERMISSIONS The caller must have an admin workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - GitClientDisconnectOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.Disconnect method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewGitClient().Disconnect(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*GitClient) GetConnection

func (client *GitClient) GetConnection(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *GitClientGetConnectionOptions) (GitClientGetConnectionResponse, error)

GetConnection - PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - GitClientGetConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.GetConnection method.
Example (GetGitConnectionDetailsExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().GetConnection(ctx, "1455b6a2-c120-4c1c-dda7-92bafe99bec3", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.GitConnection = core.GitConnection{
	// 	GitConnectionState: to.Ptr(core.GitConnectionStateConnectedAndInitialized),
	// 	GitProviderDetails: &core.AzureDevOpsDetails{
	// 		BranchName: to.Ptr("Test Branch"),
	// 		DirectoryName: to.Ptr(""),
	// 		GitProviderType: to.Ptr(core.GitProviderTypeAzureDevOps),
	// 		RepositoryName: to.Ptr("Test Repo"),
	// 		OrganizationName: to.Ptr("Test Organization"),
	// 		ProjectName: to.Ptr("Test Project"),
	// 	},
	// 	GitSyncDetails: &core.GitSyncDetails{
	// 		Head: to.Ptr("eaa737b48cda41b37ffefac772ea48f6fed3eac4"),
	// 		LastSyncTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2021-11-20T09:26:43.153Z"); return t}()),
	// 	},
	// }

Example (WorkspaceNotConnectedToGitExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().GetConnection(ctx, "1455b6a2-c120-4c1c-dda7-92bafe99bec3", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.GitConnection = core.GitConnection{
	// 	GitConnectionState: to.Ptr(core.GitConnectionStateNotConnected),
	// }

func (*GitClient) GetMyGitCredentials

func (client *GitClient) GetMyGitCredentials(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsOptions) (GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse, error)

GetMyGitCredentials - Indicates how the user's credentials are obtained for accessing the relevant Git provider, automatically or through configured connection. If the user's credentials aren't configured, go to Update My Git Credentials [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/update-my-git-credentials]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.GetMyGitCredentials method.
Example (GetTheUsersGitCredentialsConfigurationForAzureDevOpsWhenItIsAutomaticExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().GetMyGitCredentials(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res = core.GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 	                            GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification: &core.AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 		Source: to.Ptr(core.GitCredentialsSourceAutomatic),
	// 	},
	// 	                        }

Example (GetTheUsersGitCredentialsConfigurationForGitHubWhenItIsConfiguredByConnectionExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().GetMyGitCredentials(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res = core.GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 	                            GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification: &core.ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 		Source: to.Ptr(core.GitCredentialsSourceConfiguredConnection),
	// 		ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3f2504e0-4f89-11d3-9a0c-0305e82c3301"),
	// 	},
	// 	                        }

Example (GetTheUsersGitCredentialsConfigurationForGitHubWhenItIsNotConfiguredExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().GetMyGitCredentials(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res = core.GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 	                            GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification: &core.NoneGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 		Source: to.Ptr(core.GitCredentialsSourceNone),
	// 	},
	// 	                        }

func (*GitClient) GetStatus

func (client *GitClient) GetStatus(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *GitClientBeginGetStatusOptions) (GitClientGetStatusResponse, error)

GetStatus - returns GitClientGetStatusResponse in sync mode. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

The status indicates changes to the item(s) since the last workspace and remote branch sync. If both locations were modified, the API flags a conflict.

PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher workspace role.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.GitUpdate.All or Workspace.GitCommit.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - GitClientBeginGetStatusOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginGetStatus method.

func (*GitClient) InitializeConnection

func (client *GitClient) InitializeConnection(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *GitClientBeginInitializeConnectionOptions) (GitClientInitializeConnectionResponse, error)

InitializeConnection - returns GitClientInitializeConnectionResponse in sync mode. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

This API should be called after a successful call to the Connect [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/connect] API. To complete a full sync of the workspace, use the Required Action [initialize-connection#requiredaction] operation to call the relevant sync operation, either Commit To Git [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/commit-to-git] or Update From Git [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/update-from-git].

PERMISSIONS The caller must have an admin workspace role.


MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - GitClientBeginInitializeConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginInitializeConnection method.

func (*GitClient) UpdateFromGit

func (client *GitClient) UpdateFromGit(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, updateFromGitRequest UpdateFromGitRequest, options *GitClientBeginUpdateFromGitOptions) (GitClientUpdateFromGitResponse, error)

UpdateFromGit - returns GitClientUpdateFromGitResponse in sync mode. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

The update only affects items in the workspace that were changed in those commits. If called after the Connect [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/connect] and Initialize Connection [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/initialize-connection] APIs, it will perform a full update of the entire workspace.

PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher role for the workspace.


MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • updateFromGitRequest - Update from a Git request payload.
  • options - GitClientBeginUpdateFromGitOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginUpdateFromGit method.

func (*GitClient) UpdateMyGitCredentials

func (client *GitClient) UpdateMyGitCredentials(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, updateGitCredentialsRequest UpdateGitCredentialsRequestClassification, options *GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsOptions) (GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse, error)

UpdateMyGitCredentials - Each user in the workspace has their own configured Git credentials. You can use Get My Git Credentials [/rest/api/fabric/core/git/get-my-git-credentials] to get the Git credentials configuration. PERMISSIONS The caller must have a contributor or higher workspace role. For configured connection Git credentials, the caller must have permission for the connection. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • updateGitCredentialsRequest - Updates the user's Git credentials request payload.
  • options - GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.UpdateMyGitCredentials method.
Example (UpdateUsersGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().UpdateMyGitCredentials(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", &core.UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest{
		Source:       to.Ptr(core.GitCredentialsSourceConfiguredConnection),
		ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3f2504e0-4f89-11d3-9a0c-0305e82c3301"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res = core.GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 	                            GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification: &core.ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 		Source: to.Ptr(core.GitCredentialsSourceConfiguredConnection),
	// 		ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3f2504e0-4f89-11d3-9a0c-0305e82c3301"),
	// 	},
	// 	                        }

Example (UpdateUsersGitCredentialsToNoneExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewGitClient().UpdateMyGitCredentials(ctx, "1565e6a3-c020-4c0c-dda7-92bafe99eec5", &core.UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest{
		Source: to.Ptr(core.GitCredentialsSourceNone),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res = core.GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 	                            GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification: &core.NoneGitCredentialsResponse{
	// 		Source: to.Ptr(core.GitCredentialsSourceNone),
	// 	},
	// 	                        }

type GitClientBeginCommitToGitOptions

type GitClientBeginCommitToGitOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

GitClientBeginCommitToGitOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginCommitToGit method.

type GitClientBeginGetStatusOptions

type GitClientBeginGetStatusOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

GitClientBeginGetStatusOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginGetStatus method.

type GitClientBeginInitializeConnectionOptions

type GitClientBeginInitializeConnectionOptions struct {
	// Initialize the connection request payload.
	GitInitializeConnectionRequest *InitializeGitConnectionRequest

	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

GitClientBeginInitializeConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginInitializeConnection method.

type GitClientBeginUpdateFromGitOptions

type GitClientBeginUpdateFromGitOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

GitClientBeginUpdateFromGitOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.BeginUpdateFromGit method.

type GitClientCommitToGitResponse

type GitClientCommitToGitResponse struct {

GitClientCommitToGitResponse contains the response from method GitClient.BeginCommitToGit.

type GitClientConnectOptions

type GitClientConnectOptions struct {

GitClientConnectOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.Connect method.

type GitClientConnectResponse

type GitClientConnectResponse struct {

GitClientConnectResponse contains the response from method GitClient.Connect.

type GitClientDisconnectOptions

type GitClientDisconnectOptions struct {

GitClientDisconnectOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.Disconnect method.

type GitClientDisconnectResponse

type GitClientDisconnectResponse struct {

GitClientDisconnectResponse contains the response from method GitClient.Disconnect.

type GitClientGetConnectionOptions

type GitClientGetConnectionOptions struct {

GitClientGetConnectionOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.GetConnection method.

type GitClientGetConnectionResponse

type GitClientGetConnectionResponse struct {
	// Contains the Git connection details.

GitClientGetConnectionResponse contains the response from method GitClient.GetConnection.

type GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsOptions

type GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsOptions struct {

GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.GetMyGitCredentials method.

type GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse

type GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse struct {
	// The Git credentials configuration.

GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse contains the response from method GitClient.GetMyGitCredentials.

func (*GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitClientGetMyGitCredentialsResponse.

type GitClientGetStatusResponse

type GitClientGetStatusResponse struct {
	// Contains the status response.

GitClientGetStatusResponse contains the response from method GitClient.BeginGetStatus.

type GitClientInitializeConnectionResponse

type GitClientInitializeConnectionResponse struct {
	// Contains the initialize Git connection response data.

GitClientInitializeConnectionResponse contains the response from method GitClient.BeginInitializeConnection.

type GitClientUpdateFromGitResponse

type GitClientUpdateFromGitResponse struct {

GitClientUpdateFromGitResponse contains the response from method GitClient.BeginUpdateFromGit.

type GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsOptions

type GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsOptions struct {

GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsOptions contains the optional parameters for the GitClient.UpdateMyGitCredentials method.

type GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse

type GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse struct {
	// The Git credentials configuration.

GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse contains the response from method GitClient.UpdateMyGitCredentials.

func (*GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitClientUpdateMyGitCredentialsResponse.

type GitConnectRequest

type GitConnectRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git provider details.
	GitProviderDetails GitProviderDetailsClassification

	// User-specific Git credentials for authentication to the GitProvider. These credentials are not shared with other workspace
	// contributors. For AzureDevOps, the default value is AutomaticGitCredentials.
	// For GitHub, this property is required.
	MyGitCredentials GitCredentialsClassification

GitConnectRequest - Contains the Git connect request data.

func (GitConnectRequest) MarshalJSON

func (g GitConnectRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GitConnectRequest.

func (*GitConnectRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitConnectRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitConnectRequest.

type GitConnection

type GitConnection struct {
	// Git connection state. Additional connection state types may be added over time.
	GitConnectionState *GitConnectionState

	// The Git provider details.
	GitProviderDetails GitProviderDetailsClassification

	// Contains the sync details.
	GitSyncDetails *GitSyncDetails

GitConnection - Contains the Git connection details.

func (GitConnection) MarshalJSON

func (g GitConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GitConnection.

func (*GitConnection) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitConnection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitConnection.

type GitConnectionState

type GitConnectionState string

GitConnectionState - Git connection state. Additional connection state types may be added over time.

const (
	// GitConnectionStateConnected - Connected state.
	GitConnectionStateConnected GitConnectionState = "Connected"
	// GitConnectionStateConnectedAndInitialized - Connected and initialized state.
	GitConnectionStateConnectedAndInitialized GitConnectionState = "ConnectedAndInitialized"
	// GitConnectionStateNotConnected - Not connected state.
	GitConnectionStateNotConnected GitConnectionState = "NotConnected"

func PossibleGitConnectionStateValues

func PossibleGitConnectionStateValues() []GitConnectionState

PossibleGitConnectionStateValues returns the possible values for the GitConnectionState const type.

type GitCredentials

type GitCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

GitCredentials - The Git credentials.

func (*GitCredentials) GetGitCredentials

func (g *GitCredentials) GetGitCredentials() *GitCredentials

GetGitCredentials implements the GitCredentialsClassification interface for type GitCredentials.

func (GitCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (g GitCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GitCredentials.

func (*GitCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitCredentials.

type GitCredentialsClassification

type GitCredentialsClassification interface {
	// GetGitCredentials returns the GitCredentials content of the underlying type.
	GetGitCredentials() *GitCredentials

GitCredentialsClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetGitCredentials() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *AutomaticGitCredentials, *ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentials, *GitCredentials

type GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

type GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse - The Git credentials configuration.

func (*GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse) GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

func (g *GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse) GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse() *GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse implements the GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification interface for type GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse.

func (GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse) MarshalJSON

func (g GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse.

func (*GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse.

type GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification

type GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification interface {
	// GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse returns the GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse content of the underlying type.
	GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse() *GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *AutomaticGitCredentialsResponse, *ConfiguredConnectionGitCredentialsResponse, *GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse, - *NoneGitCredentialsResponse

type GitCredentialsSource

type GitCredentialsSource string

GitCredentialsSource - The Git credentials source. Additional Git credentials sources may be added over time.

const (
	// GitCredentialsSourceAutomatic - The Git credentials are automatically obtained by the system, using default credentials
	// if available.
	GitCredentialsSourceAutomatic GitCredentialsSource = "Automatic"
	// GitCredentialsSourceConfiguredConnection - The Git credentials are obtained through a configured connection.
	GitCredentialsSourceConfiguredConnection GitCredentialsSource = "ConfiguredConnection"
	// GitCredentialsSourceNone - The Git credentials are not configured.
	GitCredentialsSourceNone GitCredentialsSource = "None"

func PossibleGitCredentialsSourceValues

func PossibleGitCredentialsSourceValues() []GitCredentialsSource

PossibleGitCredentialsSourceValues returns the possible values for the GitCredentialsSource const type.

type GitHubDetails

type GitHubDetails struct {
	// REQUIRED; The branch name. Maximum length is 250 characters.
	BranchName *string

	// REQUIRED; The relative path to the directory. Maximum length is 256 characters.
	DirectoryName *string

	// REQUIRED; A Git provider type. Additional provider types may be added over time.
	GitProviderType *GitProviderType

	// REQUIRED; The owner name. Maximum length is 100 characters.
	OwnerName *string

	// REQUIRED; The repository name. Maximum length is 128 characters.
	RepositoryName *string

GitHubDetails - GitHub provider details.

func (*GitHubDetails) GetGitProviderDetails

func (g *GitHubDetails) GetGitProviderDetails() *GitProviderDetails

GetGitProviderDetails implements the GitProviderDetailsClassification interface for type GitHubDetails.

func (GitHubDetails) MarshalJSON

func (g GitHubDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GitHubDetails.

func (*GitHubDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitHubDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitHubDetails.

type GitProviderDetails

type GitProviderDetails struct {
	// REQUIRED; The branch name. Maximum length is 250 characters.
	BranchName *string

	// REQUIRED; The relative path to the directory. Maximum length is 256 characters.
	DirectoryName *string

	// REQUIRED; A Git provider type. Additional provider types may be added over time.
	GitProviderType *GitProviderType

	// REQUIRED; The repository name. Maximum length is 128 characters.
	RepositoryName *string

GitProviderDetails - The Git provider details.

func (*GitProviderDetails) GetGitProviderDetails

func (g *GitProviderDetails) GetGitProviderDetails() *GitProviderDetails

GetGitProviderDetails implements the GitProviderDetailsClassification interface for type GitProviderDetails.

func (GitProviderDetails) MarshalJSON

func (g GitProviderDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GitProviderDetails.

func (*GitProviderDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitProviderDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitProviderDetails.

type GitProviderDetailsClassification

type GitProviderDetailsClassification interface {
	// GetGitProviderDetails returns the GitProviderDetails content of the underlying type.
	GetGitProviderDetails() *GitProviderDetails

GitProviderDetailsClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetGitProviderDetails() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *AzureDevOpsDetails, *GitHubDetails, *GitProviderDetails

type GitProviderType

type GitProviderType string

GitProviderType - A Git provider type. Additional provider types may be added over time.

const (
	// GitProviderTypeAzureDevOps - Azure DevOps provider
	GitProviderTypeAzureDevOps GitProviderType = "AzureDevOps"
	// GitProviderTypeGitHub - GitHub provider
	GitProviderTypeGitHub GitProviderType = "GitHub"

func PossibleGitProviderTypeValues

func PossibleGitProviderTypeValues() []GitProviderType

PossibleGitProviderTypeValues returns the possible values for the GitProviderType const type.

type GitStatusResponse

type GitStatusResponse struct {
	Changes []ItemChange

	// READ-ONLY; Remote full SHA commit hash.
	RemoteCommitHash *string

	// READ-ONLY; Full SHA hash that the workspace is synced to.
	WorkspaceHead *string

GitStatusResponse - Contains the status response.

func (GitStatusResponse) MarshalJSON

func (g GitStatusResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GitStatusResponse.

func (*GitStatusResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitStatusResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitStatusResponse.

type GitSyncDetails

type GitSyncDetails struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The full Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) of the synced commit ID.
	Head *string

	// READ-ONLY; The date and time of last sync state.
	LastSyncTime *time.Time

GitSyncDetails - Contains the sync details.

func (GitSyncDetails) MarshalJSON

func (g GitSyncDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GitSyncDetails.

func (*GitSyncDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GitSyncDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GitSyncDetails.

type GoogleCloudStorage

type GoogleCloudStorage struct {
	// REQUIRED; A string representing the connection that is bound with the shortcut. The connectionId is a unique identifier
	// used to establish a connection between the shortcut and the target datasource.
	ConnectionID *string

	// REQUIRED; HTTP URL that points to the target bucket in GCS. The URL should be in the format https://[bucket-name],
	// where [bucket-name] is the name of the bucket you want to point to. For
	// example:
	Location *string

	// REQUIRED; Specifies a target folder or subfolder within the GCS bucket. For example: /folder
	Subpath *string

GoogleCloudStorage - An object containing the properties of the target Google Cloud Storage data source.

func (GoogleCloudStorage) MarshalJSON

func (g GoogleCloudStorage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type GoogleCloudStorage.

func (*GoogleCloudStorage) UnmarshalJSON

func (g *GoogleCloudStorage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type GoogleCloudStorage.

type GroupType

type GroupType string

GroupType - The type of the group. Additional group types may be added over time.

const (
	// GroupTypeDistributionList - Principal is a distribution list.
	GroupTypeDistributionList GroupType = "DistributionList"
	// GroupTypeSecurityGroup - Principal is a security group.
	GroupTypeSecurityGroup GroupType = "SecurityGroup"
	// GroupTypeUnknown - Principal group type is unknown.
	GroupTypeUnknown GroupType = "Unknown"

func PossibleGroupTypeValues

func PossibleGroupTypeValues() []GroupType

PossibleGroupTypeValues returns the possible values for the GroupType const type.

type InitializationStrategy

type InitializationStrategy string

InitializationStrategy - The strategy required for an initialization process when content exists on both the remote side and the workspace side. Additional strategies may be added over time.

const (
	// InitializationStrategyNone - No strategy defined.
	InitializationStrategyNone InitializationStrategy = "None"
	// InitializationStrategyPreferRemote - Prefer remote Git side content.
	InitializationStrategyPreferRemote InitializationStrategy = "PreferRemote"
	// InitializationStrategyPreferWorkspace - Prefer workspace side content.
	InitializationStrategyPreferWorkspace InitializationStrategy = "PreferWorkspace"

func PossibleInitializationStrategyValues

func PossibleInitializationStrategyValues() []InitializationStrategy

PossibleInitializationStrategyValues returns the possible values for the InitializationStrategy const type.

type InitializeGitConnectionRequest

type InitializeGitConnectionRequest struct {
	// The strategy required for an initialization process when content exists on both the remote side and the workspace side.
	// Additional strategies may be added over time.
	InitializationStrategy *InitializationStrategy

InitializeGitConnectionRequest - Contains the initialize Git connection request data.

func (InitializeGitConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

func (i InitializeGitConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type InitializeGitConnectionRequest.

func (*InitializeGitConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *InitializeGitConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type InitializeGitConnectionRequest.

type InitializeGitConnectionResponse

type InitializeGitConnectionResponse struct {
	// READ-ONLY; Remote full SHA commit hash.
	RemoteCommitHash *string

	// READ-ONLY; Required action after the initialization process has finished. Additional actions may be added over time.
	RequiredAction *RequiredAction

	// READ-ONLY; Full SHA hash that the workspace is synced to.
	WorkspaceHead *string

InitializeGitConnectionResponse - Contains the initialize Git connection response data.

func (InitializeGitConnectionResponse) MarshalJSON

func (i InitializeGitConnectionResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type InitializeGitConnectionResponse.

func (*InitializeGitConnectionResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *InitializeGitConnectionResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type InitializeGitConnectionResponse.

type InvokeType

type InvokeType string

InvokeType - The item job invoke type. Additional invokeTypes may be added over time.

const (
	// InvokeTypeManual - Job is invoked manually
	InvokeTypeManual InvokeType = "Manual"
	// InvokeTypeScheduled - Job is scheduled
	InvokeTypeScheduled InvokeType = "Scheduled"

func PossibleInvokeTypeValues

func PossibleInvokeTypeValues() []InvokeType

PossibleInvokeTypeValues returns the possible values for the InvokeType const type.

type Item

type Item struct {
	// REQUIRED; The item type.
	Type *ItemType

	// The item description.
	Description *string

	// The item display name.
	DisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The item ID.
	ID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace ID.
	WorkspaceID *string

Item - An item object.

func (Item) MarshalJSON

func (i Item) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Item.

func (*Item) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *Item) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Item.

type ItemAccess

type ItemAccess string
const (
	// ItemAccessExecute - Item Access Execute.
	ItemAccessExecute ItemAccess = "Execute"
	// ItemAccessExplore - Item Access Explore.
	ItemAccessExplore ItemAccess = "Explore"
	// ItemAccessRead - Item Access Read.
	ItemAccessRead ItemAccess = "Read"
	// ItemAccessReadAll - Item Access ReadAll.
	ItemAccessReadAll ItemAccess = "ReadAll"
	// ItemAccessReshare - Item Access Reshare.
	ItemAccessReshare ItemAccess = "Reshare"
	// ItemAccessWrite - Item Access Write.
	ItemAccessWrite ItemAccess = "Write"

func PossibleItemAccessValues

func PossibleItemAccessValues() []ItemAccess

PossibleItemAccessValues returns the possible values for the ItemAccess const type.

type ItemChange

type ItemChange struct {
	// READ-ONLY; When there are changes on both the workspace side and the remote Git side.
	ConflictType *ConflictType

	// READ-ONLY; The item metadata.
	ItemMetadata *ItemMetadata

	// READ-ONLY; Change on the remote Git side.
	RemoteChange *ChangeType

	// READ-ONLY; Change on the workspace side.
	WorkspaceChange *ChangeType

ItemChange - Contains the item's change information.

func (ItemChange) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemChange) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemChange.

func (*ItemChange) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemChange) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemChange.

type ItemConnection

type ItemConnection struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connection details of the connection.
	ConnectionDetails *ListConnectionDetails

	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// The display name of the connection. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// The gateway object ID of the connection.
	GatewayID *string

	// The object ID of the connection.
	ID *string

func (ItemConnection) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemConnection.

func (*ItemConnection) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemConnection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemConnection.

type ItemConnections

type ItemConnections struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of item connections
	Value []ItemConnection

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (ItemConnections) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemConnections) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemConnections.

func (*ItemConnections) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemConnections) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemConnections.

type ItemDefinition

type ItemDefinition struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of definition parts.
	Parts []ItemDefinitionPart

	// The format of the item definition.
	Format *string

ItemDefinition - An item definition object.

func (ItemDefinition) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemDefinition.

func (*ItemDefinition) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemDefinition.

type ItemDefinitionPart

type ItemDefinitionPart struct {
	// REQUIRED; The item part path.
	Path *string

	// REQUIRED; The item part payload.
	Payload *string

	// REQUIRED; The payload type.
	PayloadType *PayloadType

ItemDefinitionPart - An item definition part object.

func (ItemDefinitionPart) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemDefinitionPart) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemDefinitionPart.

func (*ItemDefinitionPart) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemDefinitionPart) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemDefinitionPart.

type ItemDefinitionResponse

type ItemDefinitionResponse struct {
	// READ-ONLY; An item definition object.
	Definition *ItemDefinition

ItemDefinitionResponse - Item public definition response.

func (ItemDefinitionResponse) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemDefinitionResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemDefinitionResponse.

func (*ItemDefinitionResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemDefinitionResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemDefinitionResponse.

type ItemDeploymentRequest

type ItemDeploymentRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Fabric item type.
	ItemType *ItemType

	// REQUIRED; The ID of the Fabric item to be deployed.
	SourceItemID *string

ItemDeploymentRequest - A request to deploy a Fabric item (such as a report or a dashboard).

func (ItemDeploymentRequest) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemDeploymentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemDeploymentRequest.

func (*ItemDeploymentRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemDeploymentRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemDeploymentRequest.

type ItemIdentifier

type ItemIdentifier struct {
	// The logical ID of the item. When the logical ID isn't available because the item is not yet added to the workspace, you
	// can use the object ID.
	LogicalID *string

	// The object ID of the item. When the object ID isn't available because the item was deleted from the workspace, you can
	// use the logical ID.
	ObjectID *string

ItemIdentifier - Contains the item identifier. At least one of the properties must be defined.

func (ItemIdentifier) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemIdentifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemIdentifier.

func (*ItemIdentifier) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemIdentifier) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemIdentifier.

type ItemJobInstance

type ItemJobInstance struct {
	// Job end time in UTC
	EndTimeUTC *string

	// Job instance Id
	ID *string

	// The item job invoke type. Additional invokeTypes may be added over time.
	InvokeType *InvokeType

	// Item Id
	ItemID *string

	// Job type
	JobType *string

	// Root activity id to trace requests across services
	RootActivityID *string

	// Job start time in UTC
	StartTimeUTC *string

	// The item job status. Additional statuses may be added over time.
	Status *Status

	// READ-ONLY; Error response when job is failed
	FailureReason *ErrorResponse

ItemJobInstance - An object representing item job instance

func (ItemJobInstance) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemJobInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemJobInstance.

func (*ItemJobInstance) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemJobInstance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemJobInstance.

type ItemJobInstances

type ItemJobInstances struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of item job instances.
	Value []ItemJobInstance

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (ItemJobInstances) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemJobInstances) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemJobInstances.

func (*ItemJobInstances) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemJobInstances) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemJobInstances.

type ItemMetadata

type ItemMetadata struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The display name of the item. Prefers the workspace item's display name if it exists, otherwise displayName
	// uses the remote item's display name.
	DisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The item identifier.
	ItemIdentifier *ItemIdentifier

	// READ-ONLY; The item type.
	ItemType *ItemType

ItemMetadata - Contains the item metadata.

func (ItemMetadata) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemMetadata) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemMetadata.

func (*ItemMetadata) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemMetadata.

type ItemPreDeploymentDiffState

type ItemPreDeploymentDiffState string

ItemPreDeploymentDiffState - Specifies if an item is new, different or identical to items in the target stage before deployment. Additional states may be added over time.

const (
	// ItemPreDeploymentDiffStateDifferent - Before deployment, the item in the source stage wasn't identical to the one in the
	// target stage.
	ItemPreDeploymentDiffStateDifferent ItemPreDeploymentDiffState = "Different"
	// ItemPreDeploymentDiffStateNew - A new deployed item that doesn't exist in the target stage.
	ItemPreDeploymentDiffStateNew ItemPreDeploymentDiffState = "New"
	// ItemPreDeploymentDiffStateNoDifference - Before deployment, the item in the source stage was identical to the one in the
	// target stage.
	ItemPreDeploymentDiffStateNoDifference ItemPreDeploymentDiffState = "NoDifference"

func PossibleItemPreDeploymentDiffStateValues

func PossibleItemPreDeploymentDiffStateValues() []ItemPreDeploymentDiffState

PossibleItemPreDeploymentDiffStateValues returns the possible values for the ItemPreDeploymentDiffState const type.

type ItemSchedule

type ItemSchedule struct {
	// REQUIRED; Whether this schedule is enabled. True - Enabled, False - Disabled.
	Enabled *bool

	// REQUIRED; The schedule ID.
	ID *string

	// The actual data contains the time/weekdays of this schedule.
	Configuration ScheduleConfigClassification

	// The created time stamp of this schedule in Utc.
	CreatedDateTime *time.Time

	// The user identity that created this schedule or last modified.
	Owner *Principal

ItemSchedule - Item schedule.

func (ItemSchedule) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemSchedule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemSchedule.

func (*ItemSchedule) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemSchedule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemSchedule.

type ItemSchedules

type ItemSchedules struct {
	// REQUIRED; list of schedules for this item.
	Value []ItemSchedule

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

ItemSchedules - list of schedules for this item.

func (ItemSchedules) MarshalJSON

func (i ItemSchedules) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ItemSchedules.

func (*ItemSchedules) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *ItemSchedules) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ItemSchedules.

type ItemType

type ItemType string

ItemType - The type of the item. Additional item types may be added over time.

const (
	// ItemTypeDashboard - PowerBI dashboard.
	ItemTypeDashboard ItemType = "Dashboard"
	// ItemTypeDataPipeline - A data pipeline.
	ItemTypeDataPipeline ItemType = "DataPipeline"
	// ItemTypeDatamart - PowerBI datamart.
	ItemTypeDatamart ItemType = "Datamart"
	// ItemTypeEnvironment - An environment.
	ItemTypeEnvironment ItemType = "Environment"
	// ItemTypeEventhouse - An eventhouse.
	ItemTypeEventhouse ItemType = "Eventhouse"
	// ItemTypeEventstream - An eventstream.
	ItemTypeEventstream ItemType = "Eventstream"
	// ItemTypeGraphQLAPI - An API for GraphQL item.
	ItemTypeGraphQLAPI ItemType = "GraphQLApi"
	// ItemTypeKQLDashboard - A KQL dashboard.
	ItemTypeKQLDashboard ItemType = "KQLDashboard"
	// ItemTypeKQLDatabase - A KQL database.
	ItemTypeKQLDatabase ItemType = "KQLDatabase"
	// ItemTypeKQLQueryset - A KQL queryset.
	ItemTypeKQLQueryset ItemType = "KQLQueryset"
	// ItemTypeLakehouse - A lakehouse.
	ItemTypeLakehouse ItemType = "Lakehouse"
	// ItemTypeMLExperiment - A machine learning experiment.
	ItemTypeMLExperiment ItemType = "MLExperiment"
	// ItemTypeMLModel - A machine learning model.
	ItemTypeMLModel ItemType = "MLModel"
	// ItemTypeMirroredDatabase - A mirrored database.
	ItemTypeMirroredDatabase ItemType = "MirroredDatabase"
	// ItemTypeMirroredWarehouse - A mirrored warehouse.
	ItemTypeMirroredWarehouse ItemType = "MirroredWarehouse"
	// ItemTypeMountedDataFactory - A MountedDataFactory.
	ItemTypeMountedDataFactory ItemType = "MountedDataFactory"
	// ItemTypeNotebook - A notebook.
	ItemTypeNotebook ItemType = "Notebook"
	// ItemTypePaginatedReport - PowerBI paginated report.
	ItemTypePaginatedReport ItemType = "PaginatedReport"
	// ItemTypeReflex - A Reflex.
	ItemTypeReflex ItemType = "Reflex"
	// ItemTypeReport - PowerBI report.
	ItemTypeReport ItemType = "Report"
	// ItemTypeSQLDatabase - A SQLDatabase.
	ItemTypeSQLDatabase ItemType = "SQLDatabase"
	// ItemTypeSQLEndpoint - An SQL endpoint.
	ItemTypeSQLEndpoint ItemType = "SQLEndpoint"
	// ItemTypeSemanticModel - PowerBI semantic model.
	ItemTypeSemanticModel ItemType = "SemanticModel"
	// ItemTypeSparkJobDefinition - A spark job definition.
	ItemTypeSparkJobDefinition ItemType = "SparkJobDefinition"
	// ItemTypeWarehouse - A warehouse.
	ItemTypeWarehouse ItemType = "Warehouse"

func PossibleItemTypeValues

func PossibleItemTypeValues() []ItemType

PossibleItemTypeValues returns the possible values for the ItemType const type.

type Items

type Items struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of items.
	Value []Item

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (Items) MarshalJSON

func (i Items) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Items.

func (*Items) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *Items) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Items.

type ItemsClient

type ItemsClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ItemsClient contains the methods for the Items group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*ItemsClient) BeginCreateItem

func (client *ItemsClient) BeginCreateItem(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, createItemRequest CreateItemRequest, options *ItemsClientBeginCreateItemOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ItemsClientCreateItemResponse], error)

BeginCreateItem - This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types in Item management overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/item-management-overview]. You can use Get item definition API [/rest/api/fabric/core/items/get-item-definition] to get an item definition. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. PERMISSIONS THE CALLER MUST HAVE CONTRIBUTOR OR HIGHER WORKSPACE ROLE. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

LIMITATIONS * To create a non-PowerBI Fabric item the workspace must be on a supported Fabric capacity. For more information see Microsoft Fabric license types [/fabric/enterprise/licenses#microsoft-fabric-license-types]. * To create a PowerBI item, the user must have the appropriate license. For more information see Microsoft Fabric license types [/fabric/enterprise/licenses#microsoft-fabric-license-types]. * When creating an item, use either creationPayload or definition, but do not use both at the same time. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | When the item type in the call is supported. Check the corresponding API for the item type you're calling, to see if your call is supported. For example, semantic models are supported. | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • createItemRequest - Create item request payload.
  • options - ItemsClientBeginCreateItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginCreateItem method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().BeginCreateItem(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", core.CreateItemRequest{
		Type:        to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeLakehouse),
		DisplayName: to.Ptr("Item 1"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	_, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)

func (*ItemsClient) BeginGetItemDefinition

func (client *ItemsClient) BeginGetItemDefinition(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, options *ItemsClientBeginGetItemDefinitionOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ItemsClientGetItemDefinitionResponse], error)

BeginGetItemDefinition - This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types and information about their definition structure in Item definition overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/definitions/item-definition-overview]. When you get an item's definition, the sensitivity label is not a part of the definition. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have contributor or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see Scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

LIMITATIONS This API is blocked for an item with a protected sensitivity label, unless the caller has the usage rights to delete the sensitivity label. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | When the item type in the call is supported. Check the corresponding API for the item type you're calling, to see if your call is supported. For example, semantic models are supported. | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - ItemsClientBeginGetItemDefinitionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginGetItemDefinition method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().BeginGetItemDefinition(ctx, "6e335e92-a2a2-4b5a-970a-bd6a89fbb765", "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", &core.ItemsClientBeginGetItemDefinitionOptions{Format: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ItemDefinitionResponse = core.ItemDefinitionResponse{
	// 	Definition: &core.ItemDefinition{
	// 		Parts: []core.ItemDefinitionPart{
	// 			{
	// 				Path: to.Ptr("report.json"),
	// 				Payload: to.Ptr("QmFzZTY0U3RyaW5n"),
	// 				PayloadType: to.Ptr(core.PayloadTypeInlineBase64),
	// 			},
	// 			{
	// 				Path: to.Ptr("definition.pbir"),
	// 				Payload: to.Ptr("QW5vdGhlckJhc2U2NFN0cmluZw"),
	// 				PayloadType: to.Ptr(core.PayloadTypeInlineBase64),
	// 			},
	// 			{
	// 				Path: to.Ptr(".platform"),
	// 				Payload: to.Ptr("ZG90UGxhdGZvcm1CYXNlNjRTdHJpbmc="),
	// 				PayloadType: to.Ptr(core.PayloadTypeInlineBase64),
	// 		}},
	// 	},
	// }

func (*ItemsClient) BeginUpdateItemDefinition

func (client *ItemsClient) BeginUpdateItemDefinition(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, updateItemDefinitionRequest UpdateItemDefinitionRequest, options *ItemsClientBeginUpdateItemDefinitionOptions) (*runtime.Poller[ItemsClientUpdateItemDefinitionResponse], error)

BeginUpdateItemDefinition - This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types and information about their definition structure in Item definition overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/definitions/item-definition-overview]. Updating the item's definition, does not affect its sensitivity label. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. PERMISSIONS The API caller must have item write permissions (contributor or higher workspace permissions). REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | When the item type in the call is supported. Check the corresponding API for the item type you're calling, to see if your call is supported. For example, semantic models are supported. | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • updateItemDefinitionRequest - Update item definition request payload.
  • options - ItemsClientBeginUpdateItemDefinitionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginUpdateItemDefinition method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().BeginUpdateItemDefinition(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", core.UpdateItemDefinitionRequest{
		Definition: &core.ItemDefinition{
			Parts: []core.ItemDefinitionPart{
					Path:        to.Ptr("report.json"),
					Payload:     to.Ptr("QmFzZTY0U3RyaW5n"),
					PayloadType: to.Ptr(core.PayloadTypeInlineBase64),
					Path:        to.Ptr("definition.pbir"),
					Payload:     to.Ptr("QW5vdGhlckJhc2U2NFN0cmluZw"),
					PayloadType: to.Ptr(core.PayloadTypeInlineBase64),
					Path:        to.Ptr(".platform"),
					Payload:     to.Ptr("ZG90UGxhdGZvcm1CYXNlNjRTdHJpbmc="),
					PayloadType: to.Ptr(core.PayloadTypeInlineBase64),
	}, &core.ItemsClientBeginUpdateItemDefinitionOptions{UpdateMetadata: to.Ptr(true)})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	_, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)

func (*ItemsClient) CreateItem

func (client *ItemsClient) CreateItem(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, createItemRequest CreateItemRequest, options *ItemsClientBeginCreateItemOptions) (ItemsClientCreateItemResponse, error)

CreateItem - returns ItemsClientCreateItemResponse in sync mode. This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types in Item management overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/item-management-overview]. You can use Get item definition API [/rest/api/fabric/core/items/get-item-definition] to get an item definition.

This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].


  • Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

  • Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

    for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].


  • To create a non-PowerBI Fabric item the workspace must be on a supported Fabric capacity. For more information see Microsoft Fabric license types [/fabric/enterprise/licenses#microsoft-fabric-license-types].
  • To create a PowerBI item, the user must have the appropriate license. For more information see Microsoft Fabric license types [/fabric/enterprise/licenses#microsoft-fabric-license-types].
  • When creating an item, use either creationPayload or definition, but do not use both at the same time.

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | When the item type in the call is supported. Check the corresponding API for the item type you're calling, to see if your call is supported. For example, semantic models are supported. |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • createItemRequest - Create item request payload.
  • options - ItemsClientBeginCreateItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginCreateItem method.

func (*ItemsClient) DeleteItem

func (client *ItemsClient) DeleteItem(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, options *ItemsClientDeleteItemOptions) (ItemsClientDeleteItemResponse, error)

DeleteItem - This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types and information about their definition structure in Item management overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/item-management-overview]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have contributor or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | When the item type in the call is supported. Check the corresponding API for the item type you're calling, to see if your call is supported. For example, semantic models are supported. | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - ItemsClientDeleteItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.DeleteItem method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewItemsClient().DeleteItem(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*ItemsClient) GetItem

func (client *ItemsClient) GetItem(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, options *ItemsClientGetItemOptions) (ItemsClientGetItemResponse, error)

GetItem - This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types in Item management overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/item-management-overview]. For retrieving additional type specific properties, refer to the get API reference page of the specific item type. PERMISSIONS The caller must have viewer or higher role on the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.Read.All or Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.Read.All or itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see: scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - ItemsClientGetItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.GetItem method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().GetItem(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Item = core.Item{
	// 	Type: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeLakehouse),
	// 	Description: to.Ptr("Item 1 description"),
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("Item 1"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
	// 	WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
	// }

func (*ItemsClient) GetItemDefinition

func (client *ItemsClient) GetItemDefinition(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, options *ItemsClientBeginGetItemDefinitionOptions) (ItemsClientGetItemDefinitionResponse, error)

GetItemDefinition - returns ItemsClientGetItemDefinitionResponse in sync mode. This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types and information about their definition structure in Item definition overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/definitions/item-definition-overview]. When you get an item's definition, the sensitivity label is not a part of the definition.

This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

PERMISSIONS The caller must have contributor or higher workspace role.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types:

  • Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

  • Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

    for more information about scopes, see Scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

LIMITATIONS This API is blocked for an item with a protected sensitivity label, unless the caller has the usage rights to delete the sensitivity label.

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | When the item type in the call is supported. Check the corresponding API for the item type you're calling, to see if your call is supported. For example, semantic models are supported. |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - ItemsClientBeginGetItemDefinitionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginGetItemDefinition method.

func (*ItemsClient) ListItemConnections

func (client *ItemsClient) ListItemConnections(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, options *ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions) ([]ItemConnection, error)

ListItemConnections - returns array of ItemConnection from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].

PERMISSIONS The caller must have contributor or higher role on the workspace.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types:

  • Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

  • Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

    for more information about scopes, see Scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

LIMITATIONS This API is blocked for an item with a protected sensitivity label, unless the caller has the usage rights to delete the sensitivity label.

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.NewListItemConnectionsPager method.

func (*ItemsClient) ListItems

func (client *ItemsClient) ListItems(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *ItemsClientListItemsOptions) ([]Item, error)

ListItems - returns array of Item from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].

PERMISSIONS The caller must have viewer or higher workspace role.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - ItemsClientListItemsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.NewListItemsPager method.

func (*ItemsClient) NewListItemConnectionsPager

func (client *ItemsClient) NewListItemConnectionsPager(workspaceID string, itemID string, options *ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions) *runtime.Pager[ItemsClientListItemConnectionsResponse]

NewListItemConnectionsPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have contributor or higher role on the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see Scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

LIMITATIONS This API is blocked for an item with a protected sensitivity label, unless the caller has the usage rights to delete the sensitivity label. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.NewListItemConnectionsPager method.
Example (ListItemConnectionsExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().NewListItemConnectionsPager("4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", &core.ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ItemConnections = core.ItemConnections{
		// 	Value: []core.ItemConnection{
		// 		{
		// 			ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr("Web"),
		// 				Path: to.Ptr(""),
		// 			},
		// 			ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeShareableCloud),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoConnection1"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("6952a7b2-aea3-414f-9d85-6c0fe5d34539"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
		// 				Path: to.Ptr(";sales"),
		// 			},
		// 			ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityType("OnPremisesDataGateway")),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("ContosoConnection2"),
		// 			GatewayID: to.Ptr("58376c10-5f61-4024-887e-748df4beae45"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("0b9af1bd-e974-4893-8947-d89d5a560385"),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListItemConnectionsSemanticModelDirectLakeExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().NewListItemConnectionsPager("4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", &core.ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ItemConnections = core.ItemConnections{
		// 	Value: []core.ItemConnection{
		// 		{
		// 			ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
		// 				Path: to.Ptr(";532183f5-ac60-4d12-0fc5-4094532f14b5"),
		// 			},
		// 			ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeAutomatic),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListItemConnectionsWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().NewListItemConnectionsPager("4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", &core.ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ItemConnections = core.ItemConnections{
		// 	Value: []core.ItemConnection{
		// 		{
		// 			ConnectionDetails: &core.ListConnectionDetails{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr("SQL"),
		// 				Path: to.Ptr(";532183f5-ac60-4d12-0fc5-4094532f14b5"),
		// 			},
		// 			ConnectivityType: to.Ptr(core.ConnectivityTypeAutomatic),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*ItemsClient) NewListItemsPager

func (client *ItemsClient) NewListItemsPager(workspaceID string, options *ItemsClientListItemsOptions) *runtime.Pager[ItemsClientListItemsResponse]

NewListItemsPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have viewer or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - ItemsClientListItemsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.NewListItemsPager method.
Example (ListItemInWorkspaceWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().NewListItemsPager("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", &core.ItemsClientListItemsOptions{Type: nil,
		ContinuationToken: nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Items = core.Items{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.Item{
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeLakehouse),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A lakehouse used by the analytics team."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Lakehouse"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("3546052c-ae64-4526-b1a8-52af7761426f"),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.ItemType("KustoDashboard")),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A notebook for refining medical data analysis through machine learning algorithms."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Notebook"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("58fa1eac-9694-4a6b-ba25-3520288e8fea"),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListItemsInWorkspaceByTypeQueryParameterExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().NewListItemsPager("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", &core.ItemsClientListItemsOptions{Type: to.Ptr("Lakehouse"),
		ContinuationToken: nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Items = core.Items{
		// 	Value: []core.Item{
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeLakehouse),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A lakehouse used by the analytics team."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Lakehouse Name 1"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("3546052c-ae64-4526-b1a8-52af7761426f"),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListItemsInWorkspaceExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().NewListItemsPager("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", &core.ItemsClientListItemsOptions{Type: nil,
		ContinuationToken: nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Items = core.Items{
		// 	Value: []core.Item{
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeLakehouse),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A lakehouse used by the analytics team."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Lakehouse"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("3546052c-ae64-4526-b1a8-52af7761426f"),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.ItemType("KustoDashboard")),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A notebook for refining medical data analysis through machine learning algorithms."),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Notebook"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("58fa1eac-9694-4a6b-ba25-3520288e8fea"),
		// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*ItemsClient) UpdateItem

func (client *ItemsClient) UpdateItem(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, updateItemRequest UpdateItemRequest, options *ItemsClientUpdateItemOptions) (ItemsClientUpdateItemResponse, error)

UpdateItem - This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types and information about their definition structure in Item management overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/item-management-overview]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have contributor or higher role on the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see: scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | When the item type in the call is supported. Check the corresponding API for the item type you're calling, to see if your call is supported. For example, semantic models are supported. | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • updateItemRequest - Update item request payload.
  • options - ItemsClientUpdateItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.UpdateItem method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewItemsClient().UpdateItem(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", core.UpdateItemRequest{
		Description: to.Ptr("Item's New description"),
		DisplayName: to.Ptr("Item's New name"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Item = core.Item{
	// 	Type: to.Ptr(core.ItemTypeLakehouse),
	// 	Description: to.Ptr("Item's New description"),
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("Item's New name"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
	// 	WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
	// }

func (*ItemsClient) UpdateItemDefinition

func (client *ItemsClient) UpdateItemDefinition(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, updateItemDefinitionRequest UpdateItemDefinitionRequest, options *ItemsClientBeginUpdateItemDefinitionOptions) (ItemsClientUpdateItemDefinitionResponse, error)

UpdateItemDefinition - returns ItemsClientUpdateItemDefinitionResponse in sync mode. This API is supported for a number of item types, find the supported item types and information about their definition structure in Item definition overview [/rest/api/fabric/articles/item-management/definitions/item-definition-overview]. Updating the item's definition, does not affect its sensitivity label.

This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

PERMISSIONS The API caller must have item write permissions (contributor or higher workspace permissions).

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types:

  • Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

  • Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

    for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | When the item type in the call is supported. Check the corresponding API for the item type you're calling, to see if your call is supported. For example, semantic models are supported. |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • updateItemDefinitionRequest - Update item definition request payload.
  • options - ItemsClientBeginUpdateItemDefinitionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginUpdateItemDefinition method.

type ItemsClientBeginCreateItemOptions

type ItemsClientBeginCreateItemOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

ItemsClientBeginCreateItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginCreateItem method.

type ItemsClientBeginGetItemDefinitionOptions

type ItemsClientBeginGetItemDefinitionOptions struct {
	// The format of the item definition.
	Format *string

	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

ItemsClientBeginGetItemDefinitionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginGetItemDefinition method.

type ItemsClientBeginUpdateItemDefinitionOptions

type ItemsClientBeginUpdateItemDefinitionOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

	// When set to true and the .platform file is provided as part of the definition, the item's metadata is updated using the
	// metadata in the .platform file
	UpdateMetadata *bool

ItemsClientBeginUpdateItemDefinitionOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.BeginUpdateItemDefinition method.

type ItemsClientCreateItemResponse

type ItemsClientCreateItemResponse struct {
	// An item object.

ItemsClientCreateItemResponse contains the response from method ItemsClient.BeginCreateItem.

type ItemsClientDeleteItemOptions

type ItemsClientDeleteItemOptions struct {

ItemsClientDeleteItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.DeleteItem method.

type ItemsClientDeleteItemResponse

type ItemsClientDeleteItemResponse struct {

ItemsClientDeleteItemResponse contains the response from method ItemsClient.DeleteItem.

type ItemsClientGetItemDefinitionResponse

type ItemsClientGetItemDefinitionResponse struct {
	// Item public definition response.

ItemsClientGetItemDefinitionResponse contains the response from method ItemsClient.BeginGetItemDefinition.

type ItemsClientGetItemOptions

type ItemsClientGetItemOptions struct {

ItemsClientGetItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.GetItem method.

type ItemsClientGetItemResponse

type ItemsClientGetItemResponse struct {
	// An item object.

ItemsClientGetItemResponse contains the response from method ItemsClient.GetItem.

type ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions

type ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

ItemsClientListItemConnectionsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.NewListItemConnectionsPager method.

type ItemsClientListItemConnectionsResponse

type ItemsClientListItemConnectionsResponse struct {

ItemsClientListItemConnectionsResponse contains the response from method ItemsClient.NewListItemConnectionsPager.

type ItemsClientListItemsOptions

type ItemsClientListItemsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The item's type.
	Type *string

ItemsClientListItemsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.NewListItemsPager method.

type ItemsClientListItemsResponse

type ItemsClientListItemsResponse struct {

ItemsClientListItemsResponse contains the response from method ItemsClient.NewListItemsPager.

type ItemsClientUpdateItemDefinitionResponse

type ItemsClientUpdateItemDefinitionResponse struct {

ItemsClientUpdateItemDefinitionResponse contains the response from method ItemsClient.BeginUpdateItemDefinition.

type ItemsClientUpdateItemOptions

type ItemsClientUpdateItemOptions struct {

ItemsClientUpdateItemOptions contains the optional parameters for the ItemsClient.UpdateItem method.

type ItemsClientUpdateItemResponse

type ItemsClientUpdateItemResponse struct {
	// An item object.

ItemsClientUpdateItemResponse contains the response from method ItemsClient.UpdateItem.

type JobSchedulerClient

type JobSchedulerClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

JobSchedulerClient contains the methods for the JobScheduler group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*JobSchedulerClient) CancelItemJobInstance

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) CancelItemJobInstance(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, jobInstanceID string, options *JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceOptions) (JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceResponse, error)

CancelItemJobInstance - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.Execute.All

* Specific scope: itemType.Execute.All (for example: Notebook.Execute.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobInstanceID - The job instance ID.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.CancelItemJobInstance method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().CancelItemJobInstance(ctx, "4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*JobSchedulerClient) CreateItemSchedule

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) CreateItemSchedule(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, jobType string, createScheduleRequest CreateScheduleRequest, options *JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleOptions) (JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleResponse, error)

CreateItemSchedule - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES: Item.Execute.All and Item.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobType - The job type.
  • createScheduleRequest - A item schedule create request.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.CreateItemSchedule method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (




func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().CreateItemSchedule(ctx, "4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "DefaultJob", core.CreateScheduleRequest{
		Configuration: &core.CronScheduleConfig{
			Type:            to.Ptr(core.ScheduleTypeCron),
			EndDateTime:     to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-30T23:59:00.000Z"); return t }()),
			LocalTimeZoneID: to.Ptr("Central Standard Time"),
			StartDateTime:   to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T00:00:00.000Z"); return t }()),
			Interval:        to.Ptr[int32](10),
		Enabled: to.Ptr(true),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*JobSchedulerClient) DeleteItemSchedule

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) DeleteItemSchedule(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, jobType string, scheduleID string, options *JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleOptions) (JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleResponse, error)

DeleteItemSchedule - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobType - The job type.
  • scheduleID - The item schedule ID.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.DeleteItemSchedule method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().DeleteItemSchedule(ctx, "4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "DefaultJob", "3546052c-ae64-4526-b1a8-52af7761426f", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*JobSchedulerClient) GetItemJobInstance

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) GetItemJobInstance(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, jobInstanceID string, options *JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceOptions) (JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceResponse, error)

GetItemJobInstance - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All or Item.Read.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All or itemType.Read.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobInstanceID - The job instance ID.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.GetItemJobInstance method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().GetItemJobInstance(ctx, "4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", "f2d65699-dd22-4889-980c-15226deb0e1b", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ItemJobInstance = core.ItemJobInstance{
	// 	EndTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2023-04-22T06:35:00.8033333"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("f2d65699-dd22-4889-980c-15226deb0e1b"),
	// 	InvokeType: to.Ptr(core.InvokeTypeManual),
	// 	ItemID: to.Ptr("431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7"),
	// 	JobType: to.Ptr("DefaultJob"),
	// 	RootActivityID: to.Ptr("8c2ee553-53a4-7edb-1042-0d8189a9e0ca"),
	// 	StartTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2023-04-22T06:35:00.7812154"),
	// 	Status: to.Ptr(core.StatusCompleted),
	// }

func (*JobSchedulerClient) GetItemSchedule

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) GetItemSchedule(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, jobType string, scheduleID string, options *JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleOptions) (JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleResponse, error)

GetItemSchedule - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.Read.All or Item.ReadWrite.All

* Specific scope: itemType.Read.All or itemType.ReadWrite.All (for example: Notebook.Read.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobType - The job type.
  • scheduleID - The item schedule ID.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.GetItemSchedule method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().GetItemSchedule(ctx, "4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "DefaultJob", "3546052c-ae64-4526-b1a8-52af7761426f", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ItemSchedule = core.ItemSchedule{
	// 	Configuration: &core.CronScheduleConfig{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.ScheduleTypeCron),
	// 		EndDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-30T23:59:00.000Z"); return t}()),
	// 		LocalTimeZoneID: to.Ptr("Central Standard Time"),
	// 		StartDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
	// 		Interval: to.Ptr[int32](10),
	// 	},
	// 	CreatedDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T05:35:20.536Z"); return t}()),
	// 	Enabled: to.Ptr(true),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
	// 	Owner: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("8eedb1b0-3af8-4b17-8e7e-663e61e12211"),
	// 	},
	// }

func (*JobSchedulerClient) ListItemJobInstances

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) ListItemJobInstances(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, options *JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesOptions) ([]ItemJobInstance, error)

ListItemJobInstances - returns array of ItemJobInstance from all pages. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types:

  • Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All or Item.Read.All

  • Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All or itemType.Read.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

    for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.NewListItemJobInstancesPager method.

func (*JobSchedulerClient) ListItemSchedules

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) ListItemSchedules(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, jobType string, options *JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesOptions) ([]ItemSchedule, error)

ListItemSchedules - returns array of ItemSchedule from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types:

  • Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All or Item.Read.All

  • Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All or itemType.Read.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

    for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobType - The job type.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.NewListItemSchedulesPager method.

func (*JobSchedulerClient) NewListItemJobInstancesPager

NewListItemJobInstancesPager - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All or Item.Read.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All or itemType.Read.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.NewListItemJobInstancesPager method.
Example (ListItemJobInstancesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().NewListItemJobInstancesPager("4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", &core.JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ItemJobInstances = core.ItemJobInstances{
		// 	Value: []core.ItemJobInstance{
		// 		{
		// 			EndTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2024-06-22T06:35:00.8033333"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("f2d65699-dd22-4889-980c-15226deb0e1b"),
		// 			InvokeType: to.Ptr(core.InvokeTypeManual),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7"),
		// 			JobType: to.Ptr("DefaultJob"),
		// 			RootActivityID: to.Ptr("8c2ee553-53a4-7edb-1042-0d8189a9e0ca"),
		// 			StartTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2024-06-22T06:35:00.7812154"),
		// 			Status: to.Ptr(core.StatusCompleted),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			EndTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2024-06-22T07:35:00.8033333"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("c0c99aed-be56-4fe0-a6e5-6de5fe277f16"),
		// 			InvokeType: to.Ptr(core.InvokeTypeManual),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7"),
		// 			JobType: to.Ptr("DefaultJob"),
		// 			RootActivityID: to.Ptr("c0c99aed-be56-4fe0-a6e5-6de5fe277f16"),
		// 			StartTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2024-06-22T06:35:00.7812154"),
		// 			Status: to.Ptr(core.StatusCompleted),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListItemJobInstancesWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().NewListItemJobInstancesPager("4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", &core.JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ItemJobInstances = core.ItemJobInstances{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.ItemJobInstance{
		// 		{
		// 			EndTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2024-06-22T06:35:00.8033333"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("f2d65699-dd22-4889-980c-15226deb0e1b"),
		// 			InvokeType: to.Ptr(core.InvokeTypeManual),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7"),
		// 			JobType: to.Ptr("DefaultJob"),
		// 			RootActivityID: to.Ptr("8c2ee553-53a4-7edb-1042-0d8189a9e0ca"),
		// 			StartTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2024-06-22T06:35:00.7812154"),
		// 			Status: to.Ptr(core.StatusCompleted),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			EndTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2024-06-22T07:35:00.8033333"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("c0c99aed-be56-4fe0-a6e5-6de5fe277f16"),
		// 			InvokeType: to.Ptr(core.InvokeTypeManual),
		// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7"),
		// 			JobType: to.Ptr("DefaultJob"),
		// 			RootActivityID: to.Ptr("c0c99aed-be56-4fe0-a6e5-6de5fe277f16"),
		// 			StartTimeUTC: to.Ptr("2024-06-22T06:35:00.7812154"),
		// 			Status: to.Ptr(core.StatusCompleted),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*JobSchedulerClient) NewListItemSchedulesPager

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) NewListItemSchedulesPager(workspaceID string, itemID string, jobType string, options *JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesOptions) *runtime.Pager[JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesResponse]

NewListItemSchedulesPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.ReadWrite.All or Item.Read.All

* Specific scope: itemType.ReadWrite.All or itemType.Read.All (for example: Notebook.ReadWrite.All)

for more information about scopes, see scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobType - The job type.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.NewListItemSchedulesPager method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().NewListItemSchedulesPager("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "3546052c-ae64-4526-b1a8-52af7761426f", "DefaultJob", &core.JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ItemSchedules = core.ItemSchedules{
		// 	Value: []core.ItemSchedule{
		// 		{
		// 			Configuration: &core.CronScheduleConfig{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.ScheduleTypeCron),
		// 				EndDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-30T23:59:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 				LocalTimeZoneID: to.Ptr("Central Standard Time"),
		// 				StartDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 				Interval: to.Ptr[int32](10),
		// 			},
		// 			CreatedDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T05:35:20.536Z"); return t}()),
		// 			Enabled: to.Ptr(true),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
		// 			Owner: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("8eedb1b0-3af8-4b17-8e7e-663e61e12211"),
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Configuration: &core.WeeklyScheduleConfig{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.ScheduleTypeWeekly),
		// 				EndDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-30T23:59:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 				LocalTimeZoneID: to.Ptr("Central Standard Time"),
		// 				StartDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 				Times: []string{
		// 					"18:09",
		// 					"17:12"},
		// 					Weekdays: []core.DayOfWeek{
		// 						core.DayOfWeekMonday,
		// 						core.DayOfWeekTuesday},
		// 					},
		// 					CreatedDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T05:35:20.536Z"); return t}()),
		// 					Enabled: to.Ptr(true),
		// 					ID: to.Ptr("96f3f0ff-4fe2-4712-b61b-05a456ba9357"),
		// 					Owner: &core.Principal{
		// 						Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 						ID: to.Ptr("8eedb1b0-3af8-4b17-8e7e-663e61e12211"),
		// 					},
		// 				},
		// 				{
		// 					Configuration: &core.DailyScheduleConfig{
		// 						Type: to.Ptr(core.ScheduleTypeDaily),
		// 						EndDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-30T23:59:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 						LocalTimeZoneID: to.Ptr("Central Standard Time"),
		// 						StartDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
		// 						Times: []string{
		// 							"18:09",
		// 							"17:12"},
		// 						},
		// 						CreatedDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T05:35:20.536Z"); return t}()),
		// 						Enabled: to.Ptr(true),
		// 						ID: to.Ptr("c0ed1d27-32dc-49e6-90ba-cac9b6248c7f"),
		// 						Owner: &core.Principal{
		// 							Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 							ID: to.Ptr("8eedb1b0-3af8-4b17-8e7e-663e61e12211"),
		// 						},
		// 				}},
		// 			}

func (*JobSchedulerClient) RunOnDemandItemJob

RunOnDemandItemJob - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES For item APIs use these scope types: * Generic scope: Item.Execute.All

* Specific scope: itemType.Execute.All (for example: Notebook.Execute.All)

for more information about scopes, see: scopes article [/rest/api/fabric/articles/scopes].

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobType - Job type
  • options - JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.RunOnDemandItemJob method.
Example (RunItemJobInstanceWithNoRequestBodyExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().RunOnDemandItemJob(ctx, "4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", "DefaultJob", &core.JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobOptions{RunOnDemandItemJobRequest: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (RunItemJobInstanceWithRequestBodyContainingExecutionDataExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().RunOnDemandItemJob(ctx, "4b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", "DefaultJob", &core.JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobOptions{RunOnDemandItemJobRequest: &core.RunOnDemandItemJobRequest{
		ExecutionData: map[string]any{
			"optimizeSettings": map[string]any{
				"vOrder": true,
			"tableName": "Table1",
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*JobSchedulerClient) UpdateItemSchedule

func (client *JobSchedulerClient) UpdateItemSchedule(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, jobType string, scheduleID string, updateScheduleRequest UpdateScheduleRequest, options *JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleOptions) (JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleResponse, error)

UpdateItemSchedule - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES: Item.Execute.All and Item.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | No | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • jobType - The job type.
  • scheduleID - The item schedule ID.
  • updateScheduleRequest - A item schedule update request.
  • options - JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.UpdateItemSchedule method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (




func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewJobSchedulerClient().UpdateItemSchedule(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "DefaultJob", "3546052c-ae64-4526-b1a8-52af7761426f", core.UpdateScheduleRequest{
		Configuration: &core.CronScheduleConfig{
			Type:            to.Ptr(core.ScheduleTypeCron),
			EndDateTime:     to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-30T23:59:00.000Z"); return t }()),
			LocalTimeZoneID: to.Ptr("Central Standard Time"),
			StartDateTime:   to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T00:00:00.000Z"); return t }()),
			Interval:        to.Ptr[int32](10),
		Enabled: to.Ptr(true),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ItemSchedule = core.ItemSchedule{
	// 	Configuration: &core.CronScheduleConfig{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.ScheduleTypeCron),
	// 		EndDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-30T23:59:00.000Z"); return t}()),
	// 		LocalTimeZoneID: to.Ptr("Central Standard Time"),
	// 		StartDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T00:00:00.000Z"); return t}()),
	// 		Interval: to.Ptr[int32](10),
	// 	},
	// 	CreatedDateTime: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2024-04-28T05:35:20.536Z"); return t}()),
	// 	Enabled: to.Ptr(true),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
	// 	Owner: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("8eedb1b0-3af8-4b17-8e7e-663e61e12211"),
	// 	},
	// }

type JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceOptions

type JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceOptions struct {

JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.CancelItemJobInstance method.

type JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceResponse

type JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceResponse struct {
	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

	// RetryAfter contains the information returned from the Retry-After header response.
	RetryAfter *int32

JobSchedulerClientCancelItemJobInstanceResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.CancelItemJobInstance.

type JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleOptions

type JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleOptions struct {

JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.CreateItemSchedule method.

type JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleResponse

type JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleResponse struct {
	// Item schedule.

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

JobSchedulerClientCreateItemScheduleResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.CreateItemSchedule.

type JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleOptions

type JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleOptions struct {

JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.DeleteItemSchedule method.

type JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleResponse

type JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleResponse struct {

JobSchedulerClientDeleteItemScheduleResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.DeleteItemSchedule.

type JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceOptions

type JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceOptions struct {

JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.GetItemJobInstance method.

type JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceResponse

type JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceResponse struct {
	// An object representing item job instance

JobSchedulerClientGetItemJobInstanceResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.GetItemJobInstance.

type JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleOptions

type JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleOptions struct {

JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.GetItemSchedule method.

type JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleResponse

type JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleResponse struct {
	// Item schedule.

JobSchedulerClientGetItemScheduleResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.GetItemSchedule.

type JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesOptions

type JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.NewListItemJobInstancesPager method.

type JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesResponse

type JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesResponse struct {

JobSchedulerClientListItemJobInstancesResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.NewListItemJobInstancesPager.

type JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesOptions

type JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.NewListItemSchedulesPager method.

type JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesResponse

type JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesResponse struct {
	// list of schedules for this item.

JobSchedulerClientListItemSchedulesResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.NewListItemSchedulesPager.

type JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobOptions

type JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobOptions struct {
	// Run on-demand item job request payload.
	RunOnDemandItemJobRequest *RunOnDemandItemJobRequest

JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.RunOnDemandItemJob method.

type JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobResponse

type JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobResponse struct {
	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

	// RetryAfter contains the information returned from the Retry-After header response.
	RetryAfter *int32

JobSchedulerClientRunOnDemandItemJobResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.RunOnDemandItemJob.

type JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleOptions

type JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleOptions struct {

JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleOptions contains the optional parameters for the JobSchedulerClient.UpdateItemSchedule method.

type JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleResponse

type JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleResponse struct {
	// Item schedule.

JobSchedulerClientUpdateItemScheduleResponse contains the response from method JobSchedulerClient.UpdateItemSchedule.

type KeyCredentials

type KeyCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

	// REQUIRED; The key.
	Key *string

KeyCredentials - Credentials for Key CredentialType.

func (*KeyCredentials) GetCredentials

func (k *KeyCredentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type KeyCredentials.

func (KeyCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (k KeyCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type KeyCredentials.

func (*KeyCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (k *KeyCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type KeyCredentials.

type ListConnectionDetails

type ListConnectionDetails struct {
	// REQUIRED; The path of the connection.
	Path *string

	// REQUIRED; The type of the connection.
	Type *string

ListConnectionDetails - The connection details output for list operations.

func (ListConnectionDetails) MarshalJSON

func (l ListConnectionDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ListConnectionDetails.

func (*ListConnectionDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *ListConnectionDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ListConnectionDetails.

type ListConnectionsResponse

type ListConnectionsResponse struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of connections returned.
	Value []Connection

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (ListConnectionsResponse) MarshalJSON

func (l ListConnectionsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ListConnectionsResponse.

func (*ListConnectionsResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *ListConnectionsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ListConnectionsResponse.

type ListCredentialDetails

type ListCredentialDetails struct {
	// The connection encryption setting that is used during the test connection.
	ConnectionEncryption *ConnectionEncryption

	// The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

	// The single sign-on type of the connection.
	SingleSignOnType *SingleSignOnType

	// Whether the connection should skip the test connection during creation and update. True - Skip the test connection, False
	// - Do not skip the test connection.
	SkipTestConnection *bool

ListCredentialDetails - The credential details returned when fetching a connection.

func (ListCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

func (l ListCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ListCredentialDetails.

func (*ListCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *ListCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ListCredentialDetails.

type ListGatewayMembersResponse

type ListGatewayMembersResponse struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of gateway cluster members returned.
	Value []OnPremisesGatewayMember

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (ListGatewayMembersResponse) MarshalJSON

func (l ListGatewayMembersResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ListGatewayMembersResponse.

func (*ListGatewayMembersResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *ListGatewayMembersResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ListGatewayMembersResponse.

type ListGatewaysResponse

type ListGatewaysResponse struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of gateways returned.
	Value []GatewayClassification

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (ListGatewaysResponse) MarshalJSON

func (l ListGatewaysResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ListGatewaysResponse.

func (*ListGatewaysResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *ListGatewaysResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ListGatewaysResponse.

type ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse

type ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of supported connection types returned.
	Value []ConnectionCreationMetadata

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse) MarshalJSON

func (l ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse.

func (*ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ListSupportedConnectionTypesResponse.

type LoadBalancingSetting

type LoadBalancingSetting string

LoadBalancingSetting - The load balancing setting of the gateway cluster. Additional load balancing settings may be added over time.

const (
	// LoadBalancingSettingDistributeEvenly - Requests will be distributed evenly among all enabled gateway cluster members.
	LoadBalancingSettingDistributeEvenly LoadBalancingSetting = "DistributeEvenly"
	// LoadBalancingSettingFailover - Requests will be sent to the first available gateway cluster member.
	LoadBalancingSettingFailover LoadBalancingSetting = "Failover"

func PossibleLoadBalancingSettingValues

func PossibleLoadBalancingSettingValues() []LoadBalancingSetting

PossibleLoadBalancingSettingValues returns the possible values for the LoadBalancingSetting const type.

type LongRunningOperationStatus

type LongRunningOperationStatus string

LongRunningOperationStatus - The current status of the operation. Additional operation statuses may be added over time.

const (
	// LongRunningOperationStatusFailed - The operation has failed
	LongRunningOperationStatusFailed LongRunningOperationStatus = "Failed"
	// LongRunningOperationStatusNotStarted - The operation didn't start
	LongRunningOperationStatusNotStarted LongRunningOperationStatus = "NotStarted"
	// LongRunningOperationStatusRunning - The operation is running
	LongRunningOperationStatusRunning LongRunningOperationStatus = "Running"
	// LongRunningOperationStatusSucceeded - The operation has finished successfully
	LongRunningOperationStatusSucceeded LongRunningOperationStatus = "Succeeded"
	// LongRunningOperationStatusUndefined - The status of the operation is undefined
	LongRunningOperationStatusUndefined LongRunningOperationStatus = "Undefined"

func PossibleLongRunningOperationStatusValues

func PossibleLongRunningOperationStatusValues() []LongRunningOperationStatus

PossibleLongRunningOperationStatusValues returns the possible values for the LongRunningOperationStatus const type.

type LongRunningOperationsClient

type LongRunningOperationsClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LongRunningOperationsClient contains the methods for the LongRunningOperations group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*LongRunningOperationsClient) GetOperationResult

GetOperationResult - You get the operationId from x-ms-operation-id header return by the API that initiated the operation. PERMISSIONS Same as the permissions required for the API that initiated the operation. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPE Same as the scopes required for the API that initiated the operation. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • operationID - The operation ID
  • options - LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationResultOptions contains the optional parameters for the LongRunningOperationsClient.GetOperationResult method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewLongRunningOperationsClient().GetOperationResult(ctx, "431e8d7b-4a95-4c02-8ccd-6faef5ba1bd7", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*LongRunningOperationsClient) GetOperationState

GetOperationState - You get the operationId from x-ms-operation-id header return by the API that initiated the operation. Once the operation status is 'Succeeded' use the Get Operation Result API [/rest/api/fabric/core/long-running-operations/get-operation-result] to retrieve the result. PERMISSIONS Same as the permissions required for the API that initiated the operation. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPE Same as the scopes required for the API that initiated the operation. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • operationID - The operation ID
  • options - LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationStateOptions contains the optional parameters for the LongRunningOperationsClient.GetOperationState method.
Example (GetActiveLongRunningOperationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewLongRunningOperationsClient().GetOperationState(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff227", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.OperationState = core.OperationState{
	// 	CreatedTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2023-09-13T14:56:18.477Z"); return t}()),
	// 	LastUpdatedTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2023-09-13T15:01:10.532Z"); return t}()),
	// 	PercentComplete: to.Ptr[int32](25),
	// 	Status: to.Ptr(core.LongRunningOperationStatusRunning),
	// }

Example (GetCompletedLongRunningOperationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewLongRunningOperationsClient().GetOperationState(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff227", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.OperationState = core.OperationState{
	// 	CreatedTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2023-09-13T14:56:18.477Z"); return t}()),
	// 	LastUpdatedTimeUTC: to.Ptr(func() time.Time { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2023-09-13T15:01:10.532Z"); return t}()),
	// 	PercentComplete: to.Ptr[int32](100),
	// 	Status: to.Ptr(core.LongRunningOperationStatusSucceeded),
	// }

type LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationResultOptions

type LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationResultOptions struct {

LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationResultOptions contains the optional parameters for the LongRunningOperationsClient.GetOperationResult method.

type LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationResultResponse

type LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationResultResponse struct {
	// Body contains the streaming response.
	Body io.ReadCloser

LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationResultResponse contains the response from method LongRunningOperationsClient.GetOperationResult.

type LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationStateOptions

type LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationStateOptions struct {

LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationStateOptions contains the optional parameters for the LongRunningOperationsClient.GetOperationState method.

type LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationStateResponse

type LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationStateResponse struct {
	// An object describing the details and current state of a long running operation

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

	// RetryAfter contains the information returned from the Retry-After header response.
	RetryAfter *int32

	// XMSOperationID contains the information returned from the x-ms-operation-id header response.
	XMSOperationID *string

LongRunningOperationsClientGetOperationStateResponse contains the response from method LongRunningOperationsClient.GetOperationState.

type ManagedPrivateEndpoint

type ManagedPrivateEndpoint struct {
	// Endpoint connection state of provisioned endpoints.
	ConnectionState *PrivateEndpointConnectionState

	// Managed private endpoint Id.
	ID *string

	// The private endpoint name.
	Name *string

	// Provisioning state of endpoint.
	ProvisioningState *PrivateEndpointProvisioningState

	// Resource Id of data source for which private endpoint is created
	TargetPrivateLinkResourceID *string

	// Sub-resource pointing to Private-link resoure [/azure/private-link/private-endpoint-overview#private-link-resource].
	TargetSubresourceType *string

ManagedPrivateEndpoint - Managed private endpoint.

func (ManagedPrivateEndpoint) MarshalJSON

func (m ManagedPrivateEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ManagedPrivateEndpoint.

func (*ManagedPrivateEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *ManagedPrivateEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ManagedPrivateEndpoint.

type ManagedPrivateEndpoints

type ManagedPrivateEndpoints struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of managed private endpoints.
	Value []ManagedPrivateEndpoint

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (ManagedPrivateEndpoints) MarshalJSON

func (m ManagedPrivateEndpoints) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ManagedPrivateEndpoints.

func (*ManagedPrivateEndpoints) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *ManagedPrivateEndpoints) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ManagedPrivateEndpoints.

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient contains the methods for the ManagedPrivateEndpoints group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient) CreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint

CreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All. LIMITATIONS * To create managed private endpoint the workspace must be on a supported Fabric capacity. For more information see: Microsoft Fabric license types [/fabric/enterprise/licenses#microsoft-fabric-license-types]. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • createManagedPrivateEndpointRequest - Create managed private endpoint request payload.
  • options - ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientCreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.CreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewManagedPrivateEndpointsClient().CreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint(ctx, "47482db6-4583-4672-86dd-999d0f8f4d7a", core.CreateManagedPrivateEndpointRequest{
		Name:                        to.Ptr("testprivatendpoint1"),
		RequestMessage:              to.Ptr("Request message to approve private endpoint"),
		TargetPrivateLinkResourceID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/2374e587-d28b-4898-a39c-6070e078ae31/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/testsql1"),
		TargetSubresourceType:       to.Ptr("sqlServer"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient) DeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint

DeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • managedPrivateEndpointID - The managed private endpoint ID.
  • options - ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientDeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.DeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewManagedPrivateEndpointsClient().DeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint(ctx, "47482db6-4583-4672-86dd-999d0f8f4d7a", "59a92b06-6e5a-468c-b748-e28c8ff28da3", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient) GetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint

GetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint - PERMISSIONS The caller must have viewer or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • managedPrivateEndpointID - The managed private endpoint ID.
  • options - ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientGetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.GetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewManagedPrivateEndpointsClient().GetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint(ctx, "47482db6-4583-4672-86dd-999d0f8f4d7a", "59a92b06-6e5a-468c-b748-e28c8ff28da3", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.ManagedPrivateEndpoint = core.ManagedPrivateEndpoint{
	// 	Name: to.Ptr("SqlPE"),
	// 	ConnectionState: &core.PrivateEndpointConnectionState{
	// 		Description: to.Ptr("Endpoint approved"),
	// 		Status: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionStatusApproved),
	// 	},
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("59a92b06-6e5a-468c-b748-e28c8ff28da3"),
	// 	ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(core.PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateSucceeded),
	// 	TargetPrivateLinkResourceID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/e3bf3f1a-4d64-4e42-85e9-aa1b84e3874/resourceGroups/testRG/providers/Microsoft.SqlServer/SqlServer/sql1"),
	// 	TargetSubresourceType: to.Ptr("sqlServer"),
	// }

func (*ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient) ListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoints

ListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoints - returns array of ManagedPrivateEndpoint from all pages. PERMISSIONS The caller must have viewer or higher workspace role.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.NewListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsPager method.

func (*ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient) NewListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsPager

NewListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsPager - PERMISSIONS The caller must have viewer or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.NewListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsPager method.
Example (ListManagedPrivateEndpointsInWorkspaceExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewManagedPrivateEndpointsClient().NewListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsPager("47482db6-4583-4672-86dd-999d0f8f4d7a", &core.ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ManagedPrivateEndpoints = core.ManagedPrivateEndpoints{
		// 	Value: []core.ManagedPrivateEndpoint{
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("SqlPE"),
		// 			ConnectionState: &core.PrivateEndpointConnectionState{
		// 				Description: to.Ptr("Endpoint approved"),
		// 				Status: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionStatusApproved),
		// 			},
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("59a92b06-6e5a-468c-b748-e28c8ff28da3"),
		// 			ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(core.PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateSucceeded),
		// 			TargetPrivateLinkResourceID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/e3bf3f1a-4d64-4e42-85e9-aa1b84e3874/resourceGroups/testRG/providers/Microsoft.SqlServer/SqlServer/sql1"),
		// 			TargetSubresourceType: to.Ptr("sqlServer"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("BlobPE"),
		// 			ConnectionState: &core.PrivateEndpointConnectionState{
		// 				Description: to.Ptr("Endpoint approval provided"),
		// 				Status: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionStatusApproved),
		// 			},
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("1b56faf6-9cb8-4506-8c6c-83e0aece804f"),
		// 			ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(core.PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateSucceeded),
		// 			TargetPrivateLinkResourceID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/73310022-c811-4844-8b73-f9baa17c0d08/resourceGroups/testRG2/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storage1"),
		// 			TargetSubresourceType: to.Ptr("blob"),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListManagedPrivateEndpointsInWorkspaceWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewManagedPrivateEndpointsClient().NewListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsPager("47482db6-4583-4672-86dd-999d0f8f4d7a", &core.ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.ManagedPrivateEndpoints = core.ManagedPrivateEndpoints{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.ManagedPrivateEndpoint{
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("SqlPE"),
		// 			ConnectionState: &core.PrivateEndpointConnectionState{
		// 				Description: to.Ptr("Endpoint approved"),
		// 				Status: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionStatusApproved),
		// 			},
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("59a92b06-6e5a-468c-b748-e28c8ff28da3"),
		// 			ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(core.PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateSucceeded),
		// 			TargetPrivateLinkResourceID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/e3bf3f1a-4d64-4e42-85e9-aa1b84e3874/resourceGroups/testRG/providers/Microsoft.SqlServer/SqlServer/sql1"),
		// 			TargetSubresourceType: to.Ptr("sqlServer"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("BlobPE"),
		// 			ConnectionState: &core.PrivateEndpointConnectionState{
		// 				Description: to.Ptr("Endpoint approval provided"),
		// 				Status: to.Ptr(core.ConnectionStatusApproved),
		// 			},
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("1b56faf6-9cb8-4506-8c6c-83e0aece804f"),
		// 			ProvisioningState: to.Ptr(core.PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateSucceeded),
		// 			TargetPrivateLinkResourceID: to.Ptr("/subscriptions/73310022-c811-4844-8b73-f9baa17c0d08/resourceGroups/testRG2/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storage1"),
		// 			TargetSubresourceType: to.Ptr("blob"),
		// 	}},
		// }

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientCreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientCreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions struct {

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientCreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.CreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint method.

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientCreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientCreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse struct {
	// Managed private endpoint.

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientCreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse contains the response from method ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.CreateWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint.

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientDeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientDeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions struct {

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientDeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.DeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint method.

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientDeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientDeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse struct {

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientDeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse contains the response from method ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.DeleteWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint.

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientGetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientGetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions struct {

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientGetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.GetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint method.

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientGetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientGetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse struct {
	// Managed private endpoint.

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientGetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointResponse contains the response from method ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.GetWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpoint.

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsOptions

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.NewListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsPager method.

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsResponse

type ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsResponse struct {

ManagedPrivateEndpointsClientListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsResponse contains the response from method ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient.NewListWorkspaceManagedPrivateEndpointsPager.

type Members

type Members struct {
	// A list of members who have a certain permission set in Microsoft Fabric. All members with that permission set are added
	// as members of this Data Access Role.
	FabricItemMembers []FabricItemMember

	// The list of Microsoft Entra ID members.
	MicrosoftEntraMembers []MicrosoftEntraMember

Members - The members object which contains the members of the role as arrays of different member types.

func (Members) MarshalJSON

func (m Members) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Members.

func (*Members) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *Members) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Members.

type MicrosoftEntraMember

type MicrosoftEntraMember struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object id.
	ObjectID *string

	// REQUIRED; The tenant id.
	TenantID *string

	// The type of Microsoft Entra ID object. Additional objectType types may be added over time.
	ObjectType *ObjectType

MicrosoftEntraMember - Microsoft Entra ID member assigned to the role.

func (MicrosoftEntraMember) MarshalJSON

func (m MicrosoftEntraMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type MicrosoftEntraMember.

func (*MicrosoftEntraMember) UnmarshalJSON

func (m *MicrosoftEntraMember) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type MicrosoftEntraMember.

type NoneGitCredentialsResponse

type NoneGitCredentialsResponse struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

NoneGitCredentialsResponse - Not configured Git credentials.

func (*NoneGitCredentialsResponse) GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

func (n *NoneGitCredentialsResponse) GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse() *GitCredentialsConfigurationResponse

GetGitCredentialsConfigurationResponse implements the GitCredentialsConfigurationResponseClassification interface for type NoneGitCredentialsResponse.

func (NoneGitCredentialsResponse) MarshalJSON

func (n NoneGitCredentialsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type NoneGitCredentialsResponse.

func (*NoneGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON

func (n *NoneGitCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type NoneGitCredentialsResponse.

type ObjectType

type ObjectType string

ObjectType - The type of Microsoft Entra ID object. Additional objectType types may be added over time.

const (
	// ObjectTypeGroup - Attribute name Group
	ObjectTypeGroup ObjectType = "Group"
	// ObjectTypeManagedIdentity - Attribute name ManagedIdentity
	ObjectTypeManagedIdentity ObjectType = "ManagedIdentity"
	// ObjectTypeServicePrincipal - Attribute name ServicePrincipal
	ObjectTypeServicePrincipal ObjectType = "ServicePrincipal"
	// ObjectTypeUser - Attribute name User
	ObjectTypeUser ObjectType = "User"

func PossibleObjectTypeValues

func PossibleObjectTypeValues() []ObjectType

PossibleObjectTypeValues returns the possible values for the ObjectType const type.

type OnPremisesCredentialEntry

type OnPremisesCredentialEntry struct {
	// REQUIRED; The encrypted serialized .json of the list of name value pairs. Name is a credential name and value is a credential
	// value. Encryption is performed using the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption
	// algorithm with the on-premises gateway member's public key.
	EncryptedCredentials *string

	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the gateway.
	GatewayID *string

OnPremisesCredentialEntry - A gateway ID and its encrypted serialized credentials.

func (OnPremisesCredentialEntry) MarshalJSON

func (o OnPremisesCredentialEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OnPremisesCredentialEntry.

func (*OnPremisesCredentialEntry) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OnPremisesCredentialEntry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OnPremisesCredentialEntry.

type OnPremisesGateway

type OnPremisesGateway struct {
	// REQUIRED; Whether to allow cloud connections to refresh through this on-premises gateway. True - Allow, False - Do not
	// allow.
	AllowCloudConnectionRefresh *bool

	// REQUIRED; Whether to allow custom connectors to be used with this on-premises gateway. True - Allow, False - Do not allow.
	AllowCustomConnectors *bool

	// REQUIRED; The display name of the on-premises gateway.
	DisplayName *string

	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the gateway.
	ID *string

	// REQUIRED; The load balancing setting of the on-premises gateway.
	LoadBalancingSetting *LoadBalancingSetting

	// REQUIRED; The number of gateway members in the on-premises gateway.
	NumberOfMemberGateways *int32

	// REQUIRED; The public key of the primary gateway member. Used to encrypt the credentials for creating and updating connections.
	PublicKey *PublicKey

	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

	// REQUIRED; The version of the installed primary gateway member.
	Version *string

func (*OnPremisesGateway) GetGateway

func (o *OnPremisesGateway) GetGateway() *Gateway

GetGateway implements the GatewayClassification interface for type OnPremisesGateway.

func (OnPremisesGateway) MarshalJSON

func (o OnPremisesGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OnPremisesGateway.

func (*OnPremisesGateway) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OnPremisesGateway) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OnPremisesGateway.

type OnPremisesGatewayCredentials

type OnPremisesGatewayCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

	// REQUIRED; The credential payload to send to the on-premises gateway.
	Values []OnPremisesCredentialEntry

OnPremisesGatewayCredentials - Credentials for authenticating through an on-premises gateway.

func (*OnPremisesGatewayCredentials) GetCredentials

func (o *OnPremisesGatewayCredentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type OnPremisesGatewayCredentials.

func (OnPremisesGatewayCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (o OnPremisesGatewayCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OnPremisesGatewayCredentials.

func (*OnPremisesGatewayCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OnPremisesGatewayCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OnPremisesGatewayCredentials.

type OnPremisesGatewayMember

type OnPremisesGatewayMember struct {
	// REQUIRED; The display name of the gateway member.
	DisplayName *string

	// REQUIRED; Whether the gateway member is enabled. True - Enabled, False - Not enabled.
	Enabled *bool

	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the gateway member.
	ID *string

	// REQUIRED; The public key of the gateway member. Used to encrypt the credentials for creating and updating connections.
	PublicKey *PublicKey

	// REQUIRED; The version of the installed gateway member.
	Version *string

OnPremisesGatewayMember - The gateway member information.

func (OnPremisesGatewayMember) MarshalJSON

func (o OnPremisesGatewayMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OnPremisesGatewayMember.

func (*OnPremisesGatewayMember) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OnPremisesGatewayMember) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OnPremisesGatewayMember.

type OnPremisesGatewayPersonal

type OnPremisesGatewayPersonal struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the gateway.
	ID *string

	// REQUIRED; The public key of the gateway. Used to encrypt the credentials for creating and updating connections.
	PublicKey *PublicKey

	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

	// REQUIRED; The version of the gateway.
	Version *string

func (*OnPremisesGatewayPersonal) GetGateway

func (o *OnPremisesGatewayPersonal) GetGateway() *Gateway

GetGateway implements the GatewayClassification interface for type OnPremisesGatewayPersonal.

func (OnPremisesGatewayPersonal) MarshalJSON

func (o OnPremisesGatewayPersonal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OnPremisesGatewayPersonal.

func (*OnPremisesGatewayPersonal) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OnPremisesGatewayPersonal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OnPremisesGatewayPersonal.

type OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials

type OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

	// REQUIRED; The encrypted serialized .json of the list of name value pairs. Name is a credential name and value is a credential
	// value. Encryption is performed using the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption
	// algorithm with the on-premises gateway's public key.
	EncryptedCredentials *string

OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials - Credentials for authenticating through an on-premises gateway (personal mode).

func (*OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials) GetCredentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials.

func (OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (o OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials.

func (*OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials.

type OneLake

type OneLake struct {
	// REQUIRED; The ID of the target in OneLake. The target can be an item of Lakehouse, KQLDatabase, or Warehouse.
	ItemID *string

	// REQUIRED; A string representing the full path to the target folder within the Item. This path should be relative to the
	// root of the OneLake directory structure. For example:
	// "Tables/myTablesFolder/someTableSubFolder".
	Path *string

	// REQUIRED; The ID of the target workspace.
	WorkspaceID *string

OneLake - An object containing the properties of the target OneLake data source.

func (OneLake) MarshalJSON

func (o OneLake) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OneLake.

func (*OneLake) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OneLake) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OneLake.

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient contains the methods for the OneLakeDataAccessSecurity group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient) CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRoles

CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRoles - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES OneLake.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The ID of the Fabric item to put the roles.
  • createOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest - Contains definition of roles used to manage data access security and ensure that only authorized users can view, edit, or delete certain data. Calling this API updates role definitions and creates, updates, or deletes roles to match the provided payload.
  • options - OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient.CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRoles method.
Example (CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewOneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient().CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRoles(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", core.CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest{
		Value: []core.DataAccessRole{
				Name: to.Ptr("default_role_1"),
				DecisionRules: []core.DecisionRule{
						Effect: to.Ptr(core.EffectPermit),
						Permission: []core.PermissionScope{
								AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNamePath),
								AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
								AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNameAction),
								AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
				Members: &core.Members{
					FabricItemMembers: []core.FabricItemMember{
							ItemAccess: []core.ItemAccess{
							SourcePath: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222/25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb"),
	}, &core.OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesOptions{DryRun: nil,
		IfMatch:     nil,
		IfNoneMatch: nil,
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesWithTablesPathExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewOneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient().CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRoles(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", core.CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesRequest{
		Value: []core.DataAccessRole{
				Name: to.Ptr("default_role_1"),
				DecisionRules: []core.DecisionRule{
						Effect: to.Ptr(core.EffectPermit),
						Permission: []core.PermissionScope{
								AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNamePath),
								AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
								AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNameAction),
								AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
				Members: &core.Members{
					FabricItemMembers: []core.FabricItemMember{
							ItemAccess: []core.ItemAccess{
							SourcePath: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222/25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb"),
	}, &core.OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesOptions{DryRun: nil,
		IfMatch:     nil,
		IfNoneMatch: nil,
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient) ListDataAccessRoles

ListDataAccessRoles - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES OneLake.Read.All or OneLake.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The ID of the Fabric item to put the roles.
  • options - OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient.ListDataAccessRoles method.
Example (ListDataAccessRolesMultiplePagesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewOneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient().ListDataAccessRoles(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", &core.OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.DataAccessRoles = core.DataAccessRoles{
	// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
	// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
	// 	Value: []core.DataAccessRole{
	// 		{
	// 			Name: to.Ptr("default_role_1"),
	// 			DecisionRules: []core.DecisionRule{
	// 				{
	// 					Effect: to.Ptr(core.EffectPermit),
	// 					Permission: []core.PermissionScope{
	// 						{
	// 							AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNamePath),
	// 							AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
	// 								"*"},
	// 							},
	// 							{
	// 								AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNameAction),
	// 								AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
	// 									"Read"},
	// 							}},
	// 					}},
	// 					Members: &core.Members{
	// 						FabricItemMembers: []core.FabricItemMember{
	// 							{
	// 								ItemAccess: []core.ItemAccess{
	// 									core.ItemAccessReadAll},
	// 									SourcePath: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222/25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb"),
	// 							}},
	// 						},
	// 				}},
	// 			}

Example (ListDataAccessRolesSinglePageExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewOneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient().ListDataAccessRoles(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", &core.OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.DataAccessRoles = core.DataAccessRoles{
	// 	Value: []core.DataAccessRole{
	// 		{
	// 			Name: to.Ptr("default_role_1"),
	// 			DecisionRules: []core.DecisionRule{
	// 				{
	// 					Effect: to.Ptr(core.EffectPermit),
	// 					Permission: []core.PermissionScope{
	// 						{
	// 							AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNamePath),
	// 							AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
	// 								"*"},
	// 							},
	// 							{
	// 								AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNameAction),
	// 								AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
	// 									"Read"},
	// 							}},
	// 					}},
	// 					Members: &core.Members{
	// 						FabricItemMembers: []core.FabricItemMember{
	// 							{
	// 								ItemAccess: []core.ItemAccess{
	// 									core.ItemAccessReadAll},
	// 									SourcePath: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222/25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb"),
	// 							}},
	// 						},
	// 				}},
	// 			}

Example (ListDefaultDataAccessRolesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewOneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient().ListDataAccessRoles(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", &core.OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.DataAccessRoles = core.DataAccessRoles{
	// 	Value: []core.DataAccessRole{
	// 		{
	// 			Name: to.Ptr("DefaultReader"),
	// 			DecisionRules: []core.DecisionRule{
	// 				{
	// 					Effect: to.Ptr(core.EffectPermit),
	// 					Permission: []core.PermissionScope{
	// 						{
	// 							AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNamePath),
	// 							AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
	// 								"*"},
	// 							},
	// 							{
	// 								AttributeName: to.Ptr(core.AttributeNameAction),
	// 								AttributeValueIncludedIn: []string{
	// 									"Read"},
	// 							}},
	// 					}},
	// 					Members: &core.Members{
	// 						FabricItemMembers: []core.FabricItemMember{
	// 							{
	// 								ItemAccess: []core.ItemAccess{
	// 									core.ItemAccessReadAll},
	// 									SourcePath: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222/25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb"),
	// 							}},
	// 						},
	// 				}},
	// 			}

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesOptions

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesOptions struct {
	// Used to trigger a dry run of the API call. True - The API call will trigger a dry run and no roles will be changed. False
	// - Will not trigger a dry run and roles will be updated.
	DryRun *bool

	// An ETag value. The ETag must be specified in quotes. If provided, the call will succeed only if the resource's ETag matches
	// the provided ETag.
	IfMatch *string

	// An ETag value. The ETag must be specified in quotes. If provided, the call will succeed only if the resource's ETag doesn't
	// match the provided ETag.
	IfNoneMatch *string

OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient.CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRoles method.

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesResponse

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesResponse struct {
	// Etag contains the information returned from the Etag header response.
	Etag *string

OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientCreateOrUpdateDataAccessRolesResponse contains the response from method OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient.CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRoles.

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesOptions

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient.ListDataAccessRoles method.

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesResponse

type OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesResponse struct {

	// Etag contains the information returned from the Etag header response.
	Etag *string

OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClientListDataAccessRolesResponse contains the response from method OneLakeDataAccessSecurityClient.ListDataAccessRoles.

type OneLakeEndpoints

type OneLakeEndpoints struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The OneLake API endpoint available for Blob API operations. This is a region specific endpoint, unless the tenant
	// has Private Link enabled and public access disabled, in which case the global endpoint
	// is provided.
	BlobEndpoint *string

	// READ-ONLY; The OneLake API endpoint available for Distributed File System (DFS) or ADLSgen2 filesystem API operations.
	// This is a region specific endpoint, unless the tenant has Private Link enabled and public
	// access disabled, in which case the global endpoint is provided.
	DfsEndpoint *string

OneLakeEndpoints - The OneLake API endpoints associated with this workspace.

func (OneLakeEndpoints) MarshalJSON

func (o OneLakeEndpoints) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OneLakeEndpoints.

func (*OneLakeEndpoints) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OneLakeEndpoints) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OneLakeEndpoints.

type OneLakeShortcutsClient

type OneLakeShortcutsClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OneLakeShortcutsClient contains the methods for the OneLakeShortcuts group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*OneLakeShortcutsClient) BeginResetShortcutCache

BeginResetShortcutCache - This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES OneLake.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • options - OneLakeShortcutsClientBeginResetShortcutCacheOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.BeginResetShortcutCache method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().BeginResetShortcutCache(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	_, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)

func (*OneLakeShortcutsClient) CreateShortcut

CreateShortcut - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES OneLake.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • itemID - The ID of the data item.
  • createShortcutRequest - A shortcut create request includes a shortcut object representing a reference pointing to internal or external storage locations within OneLake. The shortcut is defined by its name, the path where it's created, and the target indicating the destination storage location.
  • options - OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.CreateShortcut method.
Example (CreateShortcutAdlsGen2TargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().CreateShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", core.CreateShortcutRequest{
		Name: to.Ptr("PartnerProducts"),
		Path: to.Ptr("Files/landingZone"),
		Target: &core.CreatableShortcutTarget{
			AdlsGen2: &core.AdlsGen2{
				ConnectionID: to.Ptr("91324db9-8dc4-4730-a1e5-bafabf1fb91e"),
				Location:     to.Ptr(""),
				Subpath:      to.Ptr("/mycontainer/data/ContosoProducts"),
	}, &core.OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions{ShortcutConflictPolicy: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (CreateShortcutAmazonS3TargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().CreateShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", core.CreateShortcutRequest{
		Name: to.Ptr("PartnerEmployees"),
		Path: to.Ptr("Files/landingZone"),
		Target: &core.CreatableShortcutTarget{
			AmazonS3: &core.AmazonS3{
				ConnectionID: to.Ptr("cf480513-2c1c-46b2-958a-42556ee584c3"),
				Location:     to.Ptr(""),
				Subpath:      to.Ptr("/data/ContosoEmployees"),
	}, &core.OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions{ShortcutConflictPolicy: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (CreateShortcutGoogleCloudStorageTargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().CreateShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", core.CreateShortcutRequest{
		Name: to.Ptr("MyGCSShortcut1"),
		Path: to.Ptr("Files/landingZone"),
		Target: &core.CreatableShortcutTarget{
			GoogleCloudStorage: &core.GoogleCloudStorage{
				ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3c976446-0bda-472e-8800-f1d6e4f162dc"),
				Location:     to.Ptr(""),
				Subpath:      to.Ptr("/gcsDirectory/data/ContosoProducts"),
	}, &core.OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions{ShortcutConflictPolicy: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (CreateShortcutOneLakeTargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().CreateShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", core.CreateShortcutRequest{
		Name: to.Ptr("MyOneLakeShortcut"),
		Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		Target: &core.CreatableShortcutTarget{
			OneLake: &core.OneLake{
				Path:        to.Ptr("Tables/myTablesFolder/someTableSubFolder"),
				ItemID:      to.Ptr("56bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fcac"),
				WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("acafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff256"),
	}, &core.OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions{ShortcutConflictPolicy: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

Example (CreateShortcutS3CompatibleTargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().CreateShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", core.CreateShortcutRequest{
		Name: to.Ptr("MyS3CompatibleShortcut1"),
		Path: to.Ptr("Files/landingZone"),
		Target: &core.CreatableShortcutTarget{
			S3Compatible: &core.S3Compatible{
				Bucket:       to.Ptr("contosoBucket1"),
				ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3c976446-0bda-472e-8800-f1d6e4f162dc"),
				Location:     to.Ptr(""),
				Subpath:      to.Ptr("/s3CompatibleDirectory/data/ContosoProducts"),
	}, &core.OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions{ShortcutConflictPolicy: nil})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*OneLakeShortcutsClient) DeleteShortcut

func (client *OneLakeShortcutsClient) DeleteShortcut(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, shortcutPath string, shortcutName string, options *OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutOptions) (OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutResponse, error)

DeleteShortcut - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES OneLake.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • itemID - The ID of the data item.
  • shortcutPath - The path of the shortcut to be deleted. For more information see: Directory and file names [/rest/api/storageservices/Naming-and-Referencing-Shares--Directories--Files--and-Metadata#directory-and-file-names].
  • shortcutName - The name of the shortcut to delete. For more information see: Directory and file names [/rest/api/storageservices/Naming-and-Referencing-Shares--Directories--Files--and-Metadata#directory-and-file-names].
  • options - OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.DeleteShortcut method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().DeleteShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", "Files/blafolder/folder3", "MyOneLakeShortcut", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*OneLakeShortcutsClient) GetShortcut

func (client *OneLakeShortcutsClient) GetShortcut(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, shortcutPath string, shortcutName string, options *OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutOptions) (OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutResponse, error)

GetShortcut - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES OneLake.Read.All or OneLake.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • itemID - The ID of the data item.
  • shortcutPath - The creation path of the shortcut. For more information see: Directory and file names [/rest/api/storageservices/Naming-and-Referencing-Shares--Directories--Files--and-Metadata#directory-and-file-names].
  • shortcutName - The name of the shortcut. For more information see: Directory and file names [/rest/api/storageservices/Naming-and-Referencing-Shares--Directories--Files--and-Metadata#directory-and-file-names].
  • options - OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.GetShortcut method.
Example (GetShortcutExternalDataShareTargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().GetShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", "Files/blafolder/folder3", "MyExternalDataShareShortcut", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Shortcut = core.Shortcut{
	// 	Name: to.Ptr("MyExternalDataShareShortcut"),
	// 	Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
	// 	Target: &core.Target{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeExternalDataShare),
	// 		ExternalDataShare: &core.ExternalDataShareTarget{
	// 			ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3c976446-0bda-472e-8800-f1d6e4f162dc"),
	// 		},
	// 	},
	// }

Example (GetShortcutGoogleCloudStorageTargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().GetShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", "Files/blafolder/folder3", "MyGCSShortcut", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Shortcut = core.Shortcut{
	// 	Name: to.Ptr("MyGCSShortcut"),
	// 	Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
	// 	Target: &core.Target{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeGoogleCloudStorage),
	// 		GoogleCloudStorage: &core.GoogleCloudStorage{
	// 			ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3c976446-0bda-472e-8800-f1d6e4f162dc"),
	// 			Location: to.Ptr(""),
	// 			Subpath: to.Ptr("gcsDirectory"),
	// 		},
	// 	},
	// }

Example (GetShortcutOneLakeTargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().GetShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", "Files/blafolder/folder3", "MyOneLakeShortcut", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Shortcut = core.Shortcut{
	// 	Name: to.Ptr("MyOneLakeShortcut"),
	// 	Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
	// 	Target: &core.Target{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeOneLake),
	// 		OneLake: &core.OneLake{
	// 			Path: to.Ptr("Tables/myTablesFolder/someTableSubFolder"),
	// 			ItemID: to.Ptr("56bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fcac"),
	// 			WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("acafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff256"),
	// 		},
	// 	},
	// }

Example (GetShortcutS3CompatibleTargetExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().GetShortcut(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", "25bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fceb", "Files/blafolder/folder3", "MyS3CompatibleShortcut", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Shortcut = core.Shortcut{
	// 	Name: to.Ptr("MyS3CompatibleShortcut"),
	// 	Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
	// 	Target: &core.Target{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeS3Compatible),
	// 		S3Compatible: &core.S3Compatible{
	// 			Bucket: to.Ptr("contosoBucket"),
	// 			ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3c976446-0bda-472e-8800-f1d6e4f162dc"),
	// 			Location: to.Ptr(""),
	// 			Subpath: to.Ptr("s3CompatibleDirectory"),
	// 		},
	// 	},
	// }

func (*OneLakeShortcutsClient) ListShortcuts

func (client *OneLakeShortcutsClient) ListShortcuts(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, itemID string, options *OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsOptions) ([]Shortcut, error)

ListShortcuts - returns array of Shortcut from all pages. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES OneLake.Read.All or OneLake.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.NewListShortcutsPager method.

func (*OneLakeShortcutsClient) NewListShortcutsPager

NewListShortcutsPager - REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES OneLake.Read.All or OneLake.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • itemID - The item ID.
  • options - OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.NewListShortcutsPager method.
Example (ListShortcutsExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().NewListShortcutsPager("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "56bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fcac", &core.OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsOptions{ParentPath: nil,
		ContinuationToken: nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Shortcuts = core.Shortcuts{
		// 	Value: []core.Shortcut{
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyOneLakeShortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeOneLake),
		// 				OneLake: &core.OneLake{
		// 					Path: to.Ptr("Tables/myTablesFolder/someTableSubFolder"),
		// 					ItemID: to.Ptr("56bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fcac"),
		// 					WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyS3Shortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/noaccess"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeAmazonS3),
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyS3CompatibleShortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeS3Compatible),
		// 				S3Compatible: &core.S3Compatible{
		// 					Bucket: to.Ptr("contosoBucket"),
		// 					ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3c976446-0bda-472e-8800-f1d6e4f162dc"),
		// 					Location: to.Ptr(""),
		// 					Subpath: to.Ptr("s3CompatibleDirectory"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyGCSShortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeGoogleCloudStorage),
		// 				GoogleCloudStorage: &core.GoogleCloudStorage{
		// 					ConnectionID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
		// 					Location: to.Ptr(""),
		// 					Subpath: to.Ptr("gcsDirectory"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyExternalDataShareShortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeExternalDataShare),
		// 				ExternalDataShare: &core.ExternalDataShareTarget{
		// 					ConnectionID: to.Ptr("af196b7b-0bf8-4430-b383-ad48d14f4edf"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyDataShareShortcutWithREAD"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/bla1folder/folder4"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeExternalDataShare),
		// 			},
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListShortcutsWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewOneLakeShortcutsClient().NewListShortcutsPager("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229", "56bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fcac", &core.OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsOptions{ParentPath: nil,
		ContinuationToken: nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Shortcuts = core.Shortcuts{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.Shortcut{
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyOneLakeShortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeOneLake),
		// 				OneLake: &core.OneLake{
		// 					Path: to.Ptr("Tables/myTablesFolder/someTableSubFolder"),
		// 					ItemID: to.Ptr("56bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fcac"),
		// 					WorkspaceID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyS3Shortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/noaccess"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeAmazonS3),
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyS3CompatibleShortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeS3Compatible),
		// 				S3Compatible: &core.S3Compatible{
		// 					Bucket: to.Ptr("contosoBucket"),
		// 					ConnectionID: to.Ptr("3c976446-0bda-472e-8800-f1d6e4f162dc"),
		// 					Location: to.Ptr(""),
		// 					Subpath: to.Ptr("s3CompatibleDirectory"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyGCSShortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeGoogleCloudStorage),
		// 				GoogleCloudStorage: &core.GoogleCloudStorage{
		// 					ConnectionID: to.Ptr("5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715"),
		// 					Location: to.Ptr(""),
		// 					Subpath: to.Ptr("gcsDirectory"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyExternalDataShareShortcut"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/blafolder/folder3"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeExternalDataShare),
		// 				ExternalDataShare: &core.ExternalDataShareTarget{
		// 					ConnectionID: to.Ptr("af196b7b-0bf8-4430-b383-ad48d14f4edf"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Name: to.Ptr("MyDataShareShortcutWithREAD"),
		// 			Path: to.Ptr("Files/bla1folder/folder4"),
		// 			Target: &core.Target{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.TypeExternalDataShare),
		// 			},
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*OneLakeShortcutsClient) ResetShortcutCache

ResetShortcutCache - returns OneLakeShortcutsClientResetShortcutCacheResponse in sync mode. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].


MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • options - OneLakeShortcutsClientBeginResetShortcutCacheOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.BeginResetShortcutCache method.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientBeginResetShortcutCacheOptions

type OneLakeShortcutsClientBeginResetShortcutCacheOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

OneLakeShortcutsClientBeginResetShortcutCacheOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.BeginResetShortcutCache method.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions

type OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions struct {
	// When provided, it defines the action to take when a shortcut with the same name and path already exists. The default action
	// is 'Abort'. Additional ShortcutConflictPolicy types may be added over time.
	ShortcutConflictPolicy *ShortcutConflictPolicy

OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.CreateShortcut method.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutResponse

type OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutResponse struct {
	// An object representing a reference that points to other storage locations which can be internal or external to OneLake.
	// Shortcut is defined by name, path where the shortcut is created and target specifying the target storage location.

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

OneLakeShortcutsClientCreateShortcutResponse contains the response from method OneLakeShortcutsClient.CreateShortcut.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutOptions

type OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutOptions struct {

OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.DeleteShortcut method.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutResponse

type OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutResponse struct {

OneLakeShortcutsClientDeleteShortcutResponse contains the response from method OneLakeShortcutsClient.DeleteShortcut.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutOptions

type OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutOptions struct {

OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.GetShortcut method.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutResponse

type OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutResponse struct {
	// An object representing a reference that points to other storage locations which can be internal or external to OneLake.
	// Shortcut is defined by name, path where the shortcut is created and target specifying the target storage location.

OneLakeShortcutsClientGetShortcutResponse contains the response from method OneLakeShortcutsClient.GetShortcut.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsOptions

type OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The starting path from which to retrieve the shortcuts
	ParentPath *string

OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsOptions contains the optional parameters for the OneLakeShortcutsClient.NewListShortcutsPager method.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsResponse

type OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsResponse struct {

OneLakeShortcutsClientListShortcutsResponse contains the response from method OneLakeShortcutsClient.NewListShortcutsPager.

type OneLakeShortcutsClientResetShortcutCacheResponse

type OneLakeShortcutsClientResetShortcutCacheResponse struct {

OneLakeShortcutsClientResetShortcutCacheResponse contains the response from method OneLakeShortcutsClient.BeginResetShortcutCache.

type OperationState

type OperationState struct {
	// REQUIRED; The start date and time of the operation
	CreatedTimeUTC *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; The date and time of the last change to the operation
	LastUpdatedTimeUTC *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; The current status of the operation. Additional operation statuses may be added over time.
	Status *LongRunningOperationStatus

	// Operation progress as a percentage
	PercentComplete *int32

	// READ-ONLY; The error details in case the operation is in failed state
	Error *ErrorResponse

OperationState - An object describing the details and current state of a long running operation

func (OperationState) MarshalJSON

func (o OperationState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type OperationState.

func (*OperationState) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *OperationState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type OperationState.

type PayloadType

type PayloadType string

PayloadType - The type of the definition part payload. Additional payload types may be added over time.

const (
	// PayloadTypeInlineBase64 - Inline Base 64.
	PayloadTypeInlineBase64 PayloadType = "InlineBase64"

func PossiblePayloadTypeValues

func PossiblePayloadTypeValues() []PayloadType

PossiblePayloadTypeValues returns the possible values for the PayloadType const type.

type PermissionScope

type PermissionScope struct {
	// REQUIRED; Specifies the name of the attribute that is being evaluated for access permissions. AttributeName can be Path
	// or Action. Additional attributeName types may be added over time.
	AttributeName *AttributeName

	// REQUIRED; Specifies a list of values for the attributeName to define the scope and the level of access to a resource. When
	// attributeName is Path, attributeValueIncludedIn must specify the location of the
	// resource being accessed, such as "Tables/Table1". When attributeName is Action, the attributeValueIncludedIn must specify
	// the type of access being granted, such as Read.
	AttributeValueIncludedIn []string

PermissionScope - Defines a set of attributes (properties) that determine the scope and level of access to a resource. When attributeName property is set to Path, the attributeValueIncludedIn property must specify the location of the resource being accessed, such as "Tables/Table1". When the attributeName property is set to Action, the attributeValueIncludedIn property must specify the type of access being granted, such as Read.

func (PermissionScope) MarshalJSON

func (p PermissionScope) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PermissionScope.

func (*PermissionScope) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PermissionScope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PermissionScope.

type PreDeploymentDiffInformation

type PreDeploymentDiffInformation struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The number of deployed items with differences between source and target stages, before deployment.
	DifferentItemsCount *int32

	// READ-ONLY; The number of new items deployed to the target stage.
	NewItemsCount *int32

	// READ-ONLY; The number of identical deployed items in the source and target stages, before deployment.
	NoDifferenceItemsCount *int32

PreDeploymentDiffInformation - The number of new, different and identical deployed items before deployment.

func (PreDeploymentDiffInformation) MarshalJSON

func (p PreDeploymentDiffInformation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PreDeploymentDiffInformation.

func (*PreDeploymentDiffInformation) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PreDeploymentDiffInformation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PreDeploymentDiffInformation.

type Principal

type Principal struct {
	// REQUIRED; The principal's ID.
	ID *string

	// REQUIRED; The type of the principal. Additional principal types may be added over time.
	Type *PrincipalType

	// Group specific details. Applicable when the principal type is Group.
	GroupDetails *PrincipalGroupDetails

	// Service principal profile details. Applicable when the principal type is ServicePrincipalProfile.
	ServicePrincipalProfileDetails *PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails

	// READ-ONLY; The principal's display name.
	DisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; Service principal specific details. Applicable when the principal type is ServicePrincipal.
	ServicePrincipalDetails *PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails

	// READ-ONLY; User principal specific details. Applicable when the principal type is User.
	UserDetails *PrincipalUserDetails

Principal - Represents an identity or a Microsoft Entra group.

func (Principal) MarshalJSON

func (p Principal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Principal.

func (*Principal) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Principal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Principal.

type PrincipalGroupDetails

type PrincipalGroupDetails struct {
	// The type of the group. Additional group types may be added over time.
	GroupType *GroupType

PrincipalGroupDetails - Group specific details. Applicable when the principal type is Group.

func (PrincipalGroupDetails) MarshalJSON

func (p PrincipalGroupDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrincipalGroupDetails.

func (*PrincipalGroupDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PrincipalGroupDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrincipalGroupDetails.

type PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails

type PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The service principal's Microsoft Entra AppId.
	AADAppID *string

PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails - Service principal specific details. Applicable when the principal type is ServicePrincipal.

func (PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails) MarshalJSON

func (p PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails.

func (*PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails.

type PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails

type PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails struct {
	// The service principal profile's parent principal.
	ParentPrincipal *Principal

PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails - Service principal profile details. Applicable when the principal type is ServicePrincipalProfile.

func (PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails) MarshalJSON

func (p PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails.

func (*PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrincipalServicePrincipalProfileDetails.

type PrincipalType

type PrincipalType string

PrincipalType - The type of the principal. Additional principal types may be added over time.

const (
	// PrincipalTypeGroup - Principal is a security group.
	PrincipalTypeGroup PrincipalType = "Group"
	// PrincipalTypeServicePrincipal - Principal is a Microsoft Entra service principal.
	PrincipalTypeServicePrincipal PrincipalType = "ServicePrincipal"
	// PrincipalTypeServicePrincipalProfile - Principal is a service principal profile.
	PrincipalTypeServicePrincipalProfile PrincipalType = "ServicePrincipalProfile"
	// PrincipalTypeUser - Principal is a Microsoft Entra user principal.
	PrincipalTypeUser PrincipalType = "User"

func PossiblePrincipalTypeValues

func PossiblePrincipalTypeValues() []PrincipalType

PossiblePrincipalTypeValues returns the possible values for the PrincipalType const type.

type PrincipalUserDetails

type PrincipalUserDetails struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The user principal name.
	UserPrincipalName *string

PrincipalUserDetails - User principal specific details. Applicable when the principal type is User.

func (PrincipalUserDetails) MarshalJSON

func (p PrincipalUserDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrincipalUserDetails.

func (*PrincipalUserDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PrincipalUserDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrincipalUserDetails.

type PrivacyLevel

type PrivacyLevel string

PrivacyLevel - The privacy level setting of the connection. Additional privacy levels may be added over time.

const (
	// PrivacyLevelNone - No privacy level setting is configured.
	PrivacyLevelNone PrivacyLevel = "None"
	// PrivacyLevelOrganizational - Connections set to organizational can fold in to private and other organizational connections.
	// They can't fold in to public connections. Visibility is set to a trusted group.
	PrivacyLevelOrganizational PrivacyLevel = "Organizational"
	// PrivacyLevelPrivate - Connections set to private contain sensitive or confidential information. Visibility can be restricted
	// to authorized users. Data from a private connection won't fold in to other connections, including other private connections.
	PrivacyLevelPrivate PrivacyLevel = "Private"
	// PrivacyLevelPublic - Files, internet connections, and workbook data can be set to public. Data can fold in to other connections.
	// Visibility is available to everyone.
	PrivacyLevelPublic PrivacyLevel = "Public"

func PossiblePrivacyLevelValues

func PossiblePrivacyLevelValues() []PrivacyLevel

PossiblePrivacyLevelValues returns the possible values for the PrivacyLevel const type.

type PrivateEndpointConnectionState

type PrivateEndpointConnectionState struct {
	// Actions required to establish connection.
	ActionsRequired *string

	// Description message (if any) provided on approving or rejecting the end point.
	Description *string

	// Connection status
	Status *ConnectionStatus

PrivateEndpointConnectionState - Private endpoint connection state

func (PrivateEndpointConnectionState) MarshalJSON

func (p PrivateEndpointConnectionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointConnectionState.

func (*PrivateEndpointConnectionState) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PrivateEndpointConnectionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PrivateEndpointConnectionState.

type PrivateEndpointProvisioningState

type PrivateEndpointProvisioningState string

PrivateEndpointProvisioningState - PrivateEndpointProvisioningState type. Additional Provisioning state may be added over time.

const (
	// PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateDeleting - Private endpoint deleting
	PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateDeleting PrivateEndpointProvisioningState = "Deleting"
	// PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateFailed - Private endpoint provisioning failed
	PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateFailed PrivateEndpointProvisioningState = "Failed"
	// PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateProvisioning - Private endpoint in provisioning is in-progress
	PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateProvisioning PrivateEndpointProvisioningState = "Provisioning"
	// PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateSucceeded - Private endpoint provisioning Succeeded
	PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateSucceeded PrivateEndpointProvisioningState = "Succeeded"
	// PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateUpdating - Private endpoint updating
	PrivateEndpointProvisioningStateUpdating PrivateEndpointProvisioningState = "Updating"

func PossiblePrivateEndpointProvisioningStateValues

func PossiblePrivateEndpointProvisioningStateValues() []PrivateEndpointProvisioningState

PossiblePrivateEndpointProvisioningStateValues returns the possible values for the PrivateEndpointProvisioningState const type.

type PublicKey

type PublicKey struct {
	// REQUIRED; The exponent of the public key.
	Exponent *string

	// REQUIRED; The modulus of the public key.
	Modulus *string

PublicKey - The public key of the on-premises gateway.

func (PublicKey) MarshalJSON

func (p PublicKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type PublicKey.

func (*PublicKey) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PublicKey) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type PublicKey.

type RequiredAction

type RequiredAction string

RequiredAction - Required action after the initialization process has finished. Additional actions may be added over time.

const (
	// RequiredActionCommitToGit - Commit to Git is required.
	RequiredActionCommitToGit RequiredAction = "CommitToGit"
	// RequiredActionNone - No action is required.
	RequiredActionNone RequiredAction = "None"
	// RequiredActionUpdateFromGit - Update from Git is required.
	RequiredActionUpdateFromGit RequiredAction = "UpdateFromGit"

func PossibleRequiredActionValues

func PossibleRequiredActionValues() []RequiredAction

PossibleRequiredActionValues returns the possible values for the RequiredAction const type.

type ResponseError

type ResponseError struct {
	ErrorCode     string
	StatusCode    int
	ErrorResponse *ErrorResponse
	RawResponse   *http.Response

func (*ResponseError) Error

func (e *ResponseError) Error() string

func (*ResponseError) Is

func (e *ResponseError) Is(target error) bool

type RunOnDemandItemJobRequest

type RunOnDemandItemJobRequest struct {
	// Payload for run on-demand job request. Needed only if the job type requires a payload.
	ExecutionData any

RunOnDemandItemJobRequest - Run on demand item job instance payload

func (RunOnDemandItemJobRequest) MarshalJSON

func (r RunOnDemandItemJobRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type RunOnDemandItemJobRequest.

func (*RunOnDemandItemJobRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *RunOnDemandItemJobRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type RunOnDemandItemJobRequest.

type S3Compatible

type S3Compatible struct {
	// REQUIRED; Specifies the target bucket within the S3 compatible location.
	Bucket *string

	// REQUIRED; A string representing the connection that is bound with the shortcut. The connectionId is a unique identifier
	// used to establish a connection between the shortcut and the target datasource.
	ConnectionID *string

	// REQUIRED; HTTP URL of the S3 compatible endpoint. This endpoint must be able to receive ListBuckets S3 API calls. The URL
	// must be in the non-bucket specific format; no bucket should be specified here. For
	// example:
	Location *string

	// REQUIRED; Specifies a target folder or subfolder within the S3 compatible bucket. For example: /folder
	Subpath *string

S3Compatible - An object containing the properties of the target S3 compatible data source.

func (S3Compatible) MarshalJSON

func (s S3Compatible) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type S3Compatible.

func (*S3Compatible) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *S3Compatible) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type S3Compatible.

type ScheduleConfig

type ScheduleConfig struct {
	// REQUIRED; The end time for this schedule. The end time must be later than the start time.
	EndDateTime *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; The time zone identifier registry on local computer for windows, see Default Time Zones [/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones]
	LocalTimeZoneID *string

	// REQUIRED; The start time for this schedule. If the start time is in the past, it will trigger a job instantly.
	StartDateTime *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; A string represents the type of the plan. Additional planType types may be added over time.
	Type *ScheduleType

ScheduleConfig - Item schedule plan detail settings.

func (*ScheduleConfig) GetScheduleConfig

func (s *ScheduleConfig) GetScheduleConfig() *ScheduleConfig

GetScheduleConfig implements the ScheduleConfigClassification interface for type ScheduleConfig.

func (ScheduleConfig) MarshalJSON

func (s ScheduleConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ScheduleConfig.

func (*ScheduleConfig) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *ScheduleConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ScheduleConfig.

type ScheduleConfigClassification

type ScheduleConfigClassification interface {
	// GetScheduleConfig returns the ScheduleConfig content of the underlying type.
	GetScheduleConfig() *ScheduleConfig

ScheduleConfigClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetScheduleConfig() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *CronScheduleConfig, *DailyScheduleConfig, *ScheduleConfig, *WeeklyScheduleConfig

type ScheduleType

type ScheduleType string

ScheduleType - A string represents the type of the plan. Additional planType types may be added over time.

const (
	// ScheduleTypeCron - A type of schedule triggers jobs periodically.
	ScheduleTypeCron ScheduleType = "Cron"
	// ScheduleTypeDaily - A type of schedule triggers jobs daily.
	ScheduleTypeDaily ScheduleType = "Daily"
	// ScheduleTypeWeekly - A type of schedule triggers jobs by the week.
	ScheduleTypeWeekly ScheduleType = "Weekly"

func PossibleScheduleTypeValues

func PossibleScheduleTypeValues() []ScheduleType

PossibleScheduleTypeValues returns the possible values for the ScheduleType const type.

type ServicePrincipalCredentials

type ServicePrincipalCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

	// REQUIRED; The client ID of the service principal.
	ServicePrincipalClientID *string

	// REQUIRED; The secret of the service principal.
	ServicePrincipalSecret *string

	// REQUIRED; The tenant ID of the service principal.
	TenantID *string

ServicePrincipalCredentials - Credentials for ServicePrincipal CredentialType.

func (*ServicePrincipalCredentials) GetCredentials

func (s *ServicePrincipalCredentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type ServicePrincipalCredentials.

func (ServicePrincipalCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (s ServicePrincipalCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type ServicePrincipalCredentials.

func (*ServicePrincipalCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *ServicePrincipalCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type ServicePrincipalCredentials.

type SharedAccessSignatureCredentials

type SharedAccessSignatureCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

	// REQUIRED; The token.
	Token *string

SharedAccessSignatureCredentials - Credentials for SharedAccessSignature CredentialType.

func (*SharedAccessSignatureCredentials) GetCredentials

func (s *SharedAccessSignatureCredentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type SharedAccessSignatureCredentials.

func (SharedAccessSignatureCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (s SharedAccessSignatureCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type SharedAccessSignatureCredentials.

func (*SharedAccessSignatureCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *SharedAccessSignatureCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type SharedAccessSignatureCredentials.

type Shortcut

type Shortcut struct {
	// REQUIRED; Name of the shortcut.
	Name *string

	// REQUIRED; A string representing the full path where the shortcut is created, including either "Files" or "Tables".
	Path *string

	// REQUIRED; An object that contains the target datasource, and must specify exactly one of the supported destinations.
	Target *Target

Shortcut - An object representing a reference that points to other storage locations which can be internal or external to OneLake. Shortcut is defined by name, path where the shortcut is created and target specifying the target storage location.

func (Shortcut) MarshalJSON

func (s Shortcut) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Shortcut.

func (*Shortcut) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *Shortcut) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Shortcut.

type ShortcutConflictPolicy

type ShortcutConflictPolicy string
const (
	// ShortcutConflictPolicyAbort - When a shortcut with the same name and path already exists the shortcut creation will be
	// cancelled.
	ShortcutConflictPolicyAbort ShortcutConflictPolicy = "Abort"
	// ShortcutConflictPolicyGenerateUniqueName - When a shortcut with the same name and path already exists the shortcut creation
	// will continue with a new unique shortcut name.
	ShortcutConflictPolicyGenerateUniqueName ShortcutConflictPolicy = "GenerateUniqueName"

func PossibleShortcutConflictPolicyValues

func PossibleShortcutConflictPolicyValues() []ShortcutConflictPolicy

PossibleShortcutConflictPolicyValues returns the possible values for the ShortcutConflictPolicy const type.

type Shortcuts

type Shortcuts struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of shortcuts.
	Value []Shortcut

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (Shortcuts) MarshalJSON

func (s Shortcuts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Shortcuts.

func (*Shortcuts) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *Shortcuts) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Shortcuts.

type SingleSignOnType

type SingleSignOnType string

SingleSignOnType - The single sign-on type of the connection. Additional single sign on types may be added over time.

const (
	// SingleSignOnTypeKerberos - Connection uses Kerberos single sign-on to connect.
	SingleSignOnTypeKerberos SingleSignOnType = "Kerberos"
	// SingleSignOnTypeKerberosDirectQueryAndRefresh - Connection uses Kerberos DirectQuery and Refresh single sign-on to connect.
	SingleSignOnTypeKerberosDirectQueryAndRefresh SingleSignOnType = "KerberosDirectQueryAndRefresh"
	// SingleSignOnTypeMicrosoftEntraID - Connection uses Microsoft Entra ID single sign-on to connect.
	SingleSignOnTypeMicrosoftEntraID SingleSignOnType = "MicrosoftEntraID"
	// SingleSignOnTypeNone - Connection does not use single sign-on to connect.
	SingleSignOnTypeNone SingleSignOnType = "None"
	// SingleSignOnTypeSecurityAssertionMarkupLanguage - Connection uses Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) single sign-on
	// to connect.
	SingleSignOnTypeSecurityAssertionMarkupLanguage SingleSignOnType = "SecurityAssertionMarkupLanguage"

func PossibleSingleSignOnTypeValues

func PossibleSingleSignOnTypeValues() []SingleSignOnType

PossibleSingleSignOnTypeValues returns the possible values for the SingleSignOnType const type.

type Status

type Status string

Status - The item job status. Additional statuses may be added over time.

const (
	// StatusCancelled - Job cancelled
	StatusCancelled Status = "Cancelled"
	// StatusCompleted - Job completed
	StatusCompleted Status = "Completed"
	// StatusDeduped - A job instance of the same job type is already running and this job instance is skipped
	StatusDeduped Status = "Deduped"
	// StatusFailed - Job failed
	StatusFailed Status = "Failed"
	// StatusInProgress - Job in progress
	StatusInProgress Status = "InProgress"
	// StatusNotStarted - Job not started
	StatusNotStarted Status = "NotStarted"

func PossibleStatusValues

func PossibleStatusValues() []Status

PossibleStatusValues returns the possible values for the Status const type.

type Target

type Target struct {
	// REQUIRED; The type object contains properties like target shortcut account type. Additional types may be added over time.
	Type *Type

	// An object containing the properties of the target ADLS Gen2 data source.
	AdlsGen2 *AdlsGen2

	// An object containing the properties of the target Amazon S3 data source.
	AmazonS3 *AmazonS3

	// An object containing the properties of the target Dataverse data source.
	Dataverse *Dataverse

	// An object containing the properties of the target external data share.
	ExternalDataShare *ExternalDataShareTarget

	// An object containing the properties of the target Google Cloud Storage data source.
	GoogleCloudStorage *GoogleCloudStorage

	// An object containing the properties of the target OneLake data source.
	OneLake *OneLake

	// An object containing the properties of the target S3 compatible data source.
	S3Compatible *S3Compatible

Target - An object that contains the target datasource, and must specify exactly one of the supported destinations as described in the table below.

func (Target) MarshalJSON

func (t Target) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Target.

func (*Target) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *Target) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Target.

type Type

type Type string

Type - The type object contains properties like target shortcut account type. Additional types may be added over time.

const (
	// TypeAdlsGen2 - AdlsGen2
	TypeAdlsGen2 Type = "AdlsGen2"
	// TypeAmazonS3 - AmazonS3
	TypeAmazonS3 Type = "AmazonS3"
	// TypeDataverse - Dataverse
	TypeDataverse Type = "Dataverse"
	// TypeExternalDataShare - ExternalDataShare
	TypeExternalDataShare Type = "ExternalDataShare"
	// TypeGoogleCloudStorage - GoogleCloudStorage
	TypeGoogleCloudStorage Type = "GoogleCloudStorage"
	// TypeOneLake - OneLake
	TypeOneLake Type = "OneLake"
	// TypeS3Compatible - S3Compatible
	TypeS3Compatible Type = "S3Compatible"

func PossibleTypeValues

func PossibleTypeValues() []Type

PossibleTypeValues returns the possible values for the Type const type.

type UpdateConnectionRequest

type UpdateConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// The privacy level of the connection.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

UpdateConnectionRequest - The base object of update connection request.

func (*UpdateConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest

func (u *UpdateConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest() *UpdateConnectionRequest

GetUpdateConnectionRequest implements the UpdateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type UpdateConnectionRequest.

func (UpdateConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateConnectionRequest.

func (*UpdateConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateConnectionRequest.

type UpdateConnectionRequestClassification

type UpdateConnectionRequestClassification interface {
	// GetUpdateConnectionRequest returns the UpdateConnectionRequest content of the underlying type.
	GetUpdateConnectionRequest() *UpdateConnectionRequest

UpdateConnectionRequestClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetUpdateConnectionRequest() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *UpdateConnectionRequest, *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest, *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest, - *UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest, *UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest, *UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest

type UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest

type UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connection role of the principal.
	Role *ConnectionRole

UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest - An update connection role assignment request payload.

func (UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest.

func (*UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateConnectionRoleAssignmentRequest.

type UpdateCredentialDetails

type UpdateCredentialDetails struct {
	// The connection encryption setting that is used during the test connection.
	ConnectionEncryption *ConnectionEncryption

	// The credentials of the connection.
	Credentials CredentialsClassification

	// The single sign-on type of the connection.
	SingleSignOnType *SingleSignOnType

	// Whether the connection should skip the test connection during creation and update. True - Skip the test connection, False
	// - Do not skip the test connection.
	SkipTestConnection *bool

UpdateCredentialDetails - The credential details input for updating a connection.

func (UpdateCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateCredentialDetails.

func (*UpdateCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateCredentialDetails.

type UpdateFromGitRequest

type UpdateFromGitRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; Remote full SHA commit hash.
	RemoteCommitHash *string

	// Conflict resolution to be used in the update from Git operation. If items are in conflict and a conflict resolution is
	// not specified, the update operation will not start.
	ConflictResolution *WorkspaceConflictResolution

	// Options to be used in the update from Git operation
	Options *UpdateOptions

	// Full SHA hash that the workspace is synced to. This value may be null only after Initialize Connection. In other cases,
	// the system will validate that the given value is aligned with the head known to
	// the system.
	WorkspaceHead *string

UpdateFromGitRequest - Contains the update from Git request data.

func (UpdateFromGitRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateFromGitRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateFromGitRequest.

func (*UpdateFromGitRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateFromGitRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateFromGitRequest.

type UpdateGatewayMemberRequest

type UpdateGatewayMemberRequest struct {
	// The display name of the gateway member. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// Whether the gateway member is enabled. True - Enabled, False - Not enabled.
	Enabled *bool

func (UpdateGatewayMemberRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateGatewayMemberRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateGatewayMemberRequest.

func (*UpdateGatewayMemberRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateGatewayMemberRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateGatewayMemberRequest.

type UpdateGatewayRequest

type UpdateGatewayRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

	// The name of the gateway. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

UpdateGatewayRequest - The base object of update gateway request.

func (*UpdateGatewayRequest) GetUpdateGatewayRequest

func (u *UpdateGatewayRequest) GetUpdateGatewayRequest() *UpdateGatewayRequest

GetUpdateGatewayRequest implements the UpdateGatewayRequestClassification interface for type UpdateGatewayRequest.

func (UpdateGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateGatewayRequest.

func (*UpdateGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateGatewayRequest.

type UpdateGatewayRequestClassification

type UpdateGatewayRequestClassification interface {
	// GetUpdateGatewayRequest returns the UpdateGatewayRequest content of the underlying type.
	GetUpdateGatewayRequest() *UpdateGatewayRequest

UpdateGatewayRequestClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetUpdateGatewayRequest() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *UpdateGatewayRequest, *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest, *UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest

type UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest

type UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The gateway role of the principal.
	Role *GatewayRole

UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest - An update gateway role assignment request payload.

func (UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest.

func (*UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateGatewayRoleAssignmentRequest.

type UpdateGitCredentialsRequest

type UpdateGitCredentialsRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

UpdateGitCredentialsRequest - Contains the request data to update the Git credentials configuration.

func (*UpdateGitCredentialsRequest) GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest

func (u *UpdateGitCredentialsRequest) GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest() *UpdateGitCredentialsRequest

GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest implements the UpdateGitCredentialsRequestClassification interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsRequest.

func (UpdateGitCredentialsRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateGitCredentialsRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsRequest.

func (*UpdateGitCredentialsRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateGitCredentialsRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsRequest.

type UpdateGitCredentialsRequestClassification

type UpdateGitCredentialsRequestClassification interface {
	// GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest returns the UpdateGitCredentialsRequest content of the underlying type.
	GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest() *UpdateGitCredentialsRequest

UpdateGitCredentialsRequestClassification provides polymorphic access to related types. Call the interface's GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest() method to access the common type. Use a type switch to determine the concrete type. The possible types are: - *UpdateGitCredentialsRequest, *UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest, *UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest, - *UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest

type UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest

type UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest - Contains the request data to update the Git credentials to automatic.

func (*UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest) GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest

func (u *UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest) GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest() *UpdateGitCredentialsRequest

GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest implements the UpdateGitCredentialsRequestClassification interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest.

func (UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest.

func (*UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToAutomaticRequest.

type UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest

type UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the connection.
	ConnectionID *string

	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest - Contains the request data to update the Git credentials to configured connection.

func (*UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest) GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest

GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest implements the UpdateGitCredentialsRequestClassification interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest.

func (UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest.

func (*UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToConfiguredConnectionRequest.

type UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest

type UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The Git credentials source.
	Source *GitCredentialsSource

UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest - Contains the request data to update the Git credentials to none.

func (*UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest) GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest

func (u *UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest) GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest() *UpdateGitCredentialsRequest

GetUpdateGitCredentialsRequest implements the UpdateGitCredentialsRequestClassification interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest.

func (UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest.

func (*UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateGitCredentialsToNoneRequest.

type UpdateItemDefinitionRequest

type UpdateItemDefinitionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; An item definition object.
	Definition *ItemDefinition

UpdateItemDefinitionRequest - Update item definition request payload.

func (UpdateItemDefinitionRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateItemDefinitionRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateItemDefinitionRequest.

func (*UpdateItemDefinitionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateItemDefinitionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateItemDefinitionRequest.

type UpdateItemRequest

type UpdateItemRequest struct {
	// The item description. Maximum length is 256 characters.
	Description *string

	// The item display name. The display name must follow naming rules according to item type.
	DisplayName *string

UpdateItemRequest - Update item request.

func (UpdateItemRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateItemRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateItemRequest.

func (*UpdateItemRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateItemRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateItemRequest.

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails

	// The display name of the connection. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// The privacy level of the connection.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (*UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest

func (u *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest() *UpdateConnectionRequest

GetUpdateConnectionRequest implements the UpdateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest.

func (UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest.

func (*UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayConnectionRequest.

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails struct {
	// The connection encryption setting that is used during the test connection.
	ConnectionEncryption *ConnectionEncryption

	// The credentials of the connection.
	Credentials *OnPremisesGatewayCredentials

	// The single sign-on type of the connection.
	SingleSignOnType *SingleSignOnType

	// Whether the connection should skip the test connection during creation and update. True - Skip the test connection, False
	// - Do not skip the test connection.
	SkipTestConnection *bool

UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails - The credential details input for updating an on-premises gateway connection.

func (UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails.

func (*UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayCredentialDetails.

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentialDetails

	// The privacy level of the connection.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (*UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest

GetUpdateConnectionRequest implements the UpdateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest.

func (UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest.

func (*UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalConnectionRequest.

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentialDetails

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentialDetails struct {
	// The connection encryption setting that is used during the test connection.
	ConnectionEncryption *ConnectionEncryption

	// The credentials of the connection.
	Credentials *OnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentials

	// The single sign-on type of the connection.
	SingleSignOnType *SingleSignOnType

	// Whether the connection should skip the test connection during creation and update. True - Skip the test connection, False
	// - Do not skip the test connection.
	SkipTestConnection *bool

UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentialDetails - The credential details input for updating an on-premises gateway connection.

func (UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentialDetails) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentialDetails.

func (*UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentialDetails) UnmarshalJSON

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayPersonalCredentialDetails.

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest

type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

	// Whether to allow cloud connections to refresh through this on-premises gateway. True - Allow, False - Do not allow.
	AllowCloudConnectionRefresh *bool

	// Whether to allow custom connectors to be used with this on-premises gateway. True - Allow, False - Do not allow.
	AllowCustomConnectors *bool

	// The name of the gateway. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// The load balancing setting of the on-premises gateway.
	LoadBalancingSetting *LoadBalancingSetting

func (*UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest) GetUpdateGatewayRequest

func (u *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest) GetUpdateGatewayRequest() *UpdateGatewayRequest

GetUpdateGatewayRequest implements the UpdateGatewayRequestClassification interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest.

func (UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest.

func (*UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateOnPremisesGatewayRequest.

type UpdateOptions

type UpdateOptions struct {
	// User consent to override incoming items during the update from Git process. When incoming items are present and the allow
	// override items is not specified or is provided as false, the update operation
	// will not start. Default value is false.
	AllowOverrideItems *bool

UpdateOptions - Contains the options that are enabled for the update from Git.

func (UpdateOptions) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateOptions.

func (*UpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateOptions.

type UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest

type UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *UpdateCredentialDetails

	// The privacy level of the connection.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (*UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest

func (u *UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest() *UpdateConnectionRequest

GetUpdateConnectionRequest implements the UpdateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest.

func (UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest.

func (*UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdatePersonalCloudConnectionRequest.

type UpdateScheduleRequest

type UpdateScheduleRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The actual data contains the time/weekdays of this schedule.
	Configuration ScheduleConfigClassification

	// REQUIRED; Whether this schedule is enabled. True - Enabled, False - Disabled.
	Enabled *bool

UpdateScheduleRequest - Update item schedule plan request payload.

func (UpdateScheduleRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateScheduleRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateScheduleRequest.

func (*UpdateScheduleRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateScheduleRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateScheduleRequest.

type UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest

type UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *UpdateCredentialDetails

	// The display name of the connection. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// The privacy level of the connection.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (*UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest

func (u *UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest() *UpdateConnectionRequest

GetUpdateConnectionRequest implements the UpdateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest.

func (UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest.

func (*UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateShareableCloudConnectionRequest.

type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest

type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The connectivity type of the connection.
	ConnectivityType *ConnectivityType

	// The credential details of the connection.
	CredentialDetails *UpdateCredentialDetails

	// The display name of the connection. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// The privacy level of the connection.
	PrivacyLevel *PrivacyLevel

func (*UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest) GetUpdateConnectionRequest

GetUpdateConnectionRequest implements the UpdateConnectionRequestClassification interface for type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest.

func (UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest) MarshalJSON

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest.

func (*UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionRequest.

type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest

type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

	// The object ID of the Fabric license capacity.
	CapacityID *string

	// The name of the gateway. Maximum length is 200 characters.
	DisplayName *string

	// The minutes of inactivity before the virtual network gateway goes into auto-sleep. Must be one of the following values:
	// 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 240, 360, 480, 720, 1440.
	InactivityMinutesBeforeSleep *int32

	// The number of member gateways. A number between 1 and 7.
	NumberOfMemberGateways *int32

func (*UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) GetUpdateGatewayRequest

func (u *UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) GetUpdateGatewayRequest() *UpdateGatewayRequest

GetUpdateGatewayRequest implements the UpdateGatewayRequestClassification interface for type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest.

func (UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest.

func (*UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateVirtualNetworkGatewayRequest.

type UpdateWorkspaceRequest

type UpdateWorkspaceRequest struct {
	// The workspace description.
	// The description cannot contain more than 4000 characters.
	Description *string

	// The workspace display name.
	// The display name cannot contain more than 256 characters.
	// Workspace names must be unique within the tenant.
	// "Admin monitoring" is a reserved workspace name.
	DisplayName *string

UpdateWorkspaceRequest - Update workspace request payload.

func (UpdateWorkspaceRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateWorkspaceRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateWorkspaceRequest.

func (*UpdateWorkspaceRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateWorkspaceRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateWorkspaceRequest.

type UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest

type UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest struct {
	// REQUIRED; The workspace role of the principal.
	Role *WorkspaceRole

UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest - Update workspace role assignment request payload.

func (UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON

func (u UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest.

func (*UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (u *UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest.

type VirtualNetworkAzureResource

type VirtualNetworkAzureResource struct {
	// REQUIRED; The name of the resource group
	ResourceGroupName *string

	// REQUIRED; The name of the subnet
	SubnetName *string

	// REQUIRED; The subscription ID
	SubscriptionID *string

	// REQUIRED; The name of the virtual network
	VirtualNetworkName *string

VirtualNetworkAzureResource - The properties of a Virtual Network Azure resource

func (VirtualNetworkAzureResource) MarshalJSON

func (v VirtualNetworkAzureResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type VirtualNetworkAzureResource.

func (*VirtualNetworkAzureResource) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *VirtualNetworkAzureResource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type VirtualNetworkAzureResource.

type VirtualNetworkGateway

type VirtualNetworkGateway struct {
	// REQUIRED; The display name of the virtual network gateway.
	DisplayName *string

	// REQUIRED; The object ID of the gateway.
	ID *string

	// REQUIRED; The minutes of inactivity before the virtual network gateway goes into auto-sleep.
	InactivityMinutesBeforeSleep *int32

	// REQUIRED; The number of member gateways.
	NumberOfMemberGateways *int32

	// REQUIRED; The type of the gateway.
	Type *GatewayType

	// REQUIRED; The Azure virtual network resource.
	VirtualNetworkAzureResource *VirtualNetworkAzureResource

	// The object ID of the Fabric license capacity.
	CapacityID *string

func (*VirtualNetworkGateway) GetGateway

func (v *VirtualNetworkGateway) GetGateway() *Gateway

GetGateway implements the GatewayClassification interface for type VirtualNetworkGateway.

func (VirtualNetworkGateway) MarshalJSON

func (v VirtualNetworkGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type VirtualNetworkGateway.

func (*VirtualNetworkGateway) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *VirtualNetworkGateway) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type VirtualNetworkGateway.

type WeeklyScheduleConfig

type WeeklyScheduleConfig struct {
	// REQUIRED; The end time for this schedule. The end time must be later than the start time.
	EndDateTime *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; The time zone identifier registry on local computer for windows, see Default Time Zones [/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones]
	LocalTimeZoneID *string

	// REQUIRED; The start time for this schedule. If the start time is in the past, it will trigger a job instantly.
	StartDateTime *time.Time

	// REQUIRED; A list of time slots in hh:mm format, at most 100 elements are allowed.
	Times []string

	// REQUIRED; A string represents the type of the plan. Additional planType types may be added over time.
	Type *ScheduleType

	// REQUIRED; A list of weekdays, at most seven elements are allowed.
	Weekdays []DayOfWeek

func (*WeeklyScheduleConfig) GetScheduleConfig

func (w *WeeklyScheduleConfig) GetScheduleConfig() *ScheduleConfig

GetScheduleConfig implements the ScheduleConfigClassification interface for type WeeklyScheduleConfig.

func (WeeklyScheduleConfig) MarshalJSON

func (w WeeklyScheduleConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WeeklyScheduleConfig.

func (*WeeklyScheduleConfig) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WeeklyScheduleConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WeeklyScheduleConfig.

type WindowsCredentials

type WindowsCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

	// REQUIRED; The password.
	Password *string

	// REQUIRED; The username.
	Username *string

WindowsCredentials - Credentials for Windows CredentialType.

func (*WindowsCredentials) GetCredentials

func (w *WindowsCredentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type WindowsCredentials.

func (WindowsCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (w WindowsCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WindowsCredentials.

func (*WindowsCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WindowsCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WindowsCredentials.

type WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials

type WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials - Credentials for WindowsWithoutImpersonation CredentialType.

func (*WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials) GetCredentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials.

func (WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (w WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials.

func (*WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WindowsWithoutImpersonationCredentials.

type Workspace

type Workspace struct {
	// REQUIRED; The workspace display name.
	DisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace description.
	Description *string

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace ID.
	ID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The ID of the capacity the workspace is assigned to.
	CapacityID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace type.
	Type *WorkspaceType

Workspace - A workspace object.

func (Workspace) MarshalJSON

func (w Workspace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Workspace.

func (*Workspace) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *Workspace) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Workspace.

type WorkspaceConflictResolution

type WorkspaceConflictResolution struct {
	// REQUIRED; Conflict resolution policy. Additional conflict resolution policies may be added over time.
	ConflictResolutionPolicy *ConflictResolutionPolicy

	// REQUIRED; Conflict resolution type. Additional conflict resolution types may be added over time.
	ConflictResolutionType *ConflictResolutionType

WorkspaceConflictResolution - The basic conflict resolution data.

func (WorkspaceConflictResolution) MarshalJSON

func (w WorkspaceConflictResolution) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WorkspaceConflictResolution.

func (*WorkspaceConflictResolution) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WorkspaceConflictResolution) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WorkspaceConflictResolution.

type WorkspaceIdentity

type WorkspaceIdentity struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The application ID.
	ApplicationID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The service principal ID.
	ServicePrincipalID *string

WorkspaceIdentity - A workspace identity object.

func (WorkspaceIdentity) MarshalJSON

func (w WorkspaceIdentity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WorkspaceIdentity.

func (*WorkspaceIdentity) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WorkspaceIdentity) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WorkspaceIdentity.

type WorkspaceIdentityCredentials

type WorkspaceIdentityCredentials struct {
	// REQUIRED; The credential type of the connection.
	CredentialType *CredentialType

WorkspaceIdentityCredentials - Credentials for WorkspaceIdentity CredentialType.

func (*WorkspaceIdentityCredentials) GetCredentials

func (w *WorkspaceIdentityCredentials) GetCredentials() *Credentials

GetCredentials implements the CredentialsClassification interface for type WorkspaceIdentityCredentials.

func (WorkspaceIdentityCredentials) MarshalJSON

func (w WorkspaceIdentityCredentials) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WorkspaceIdentityCredentials.

func (*WorkspaceIdentityCredentials) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WorkspaceIdentityCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WorkspaceIdentityCredentials.

type WorkspaceInfo

type WorkspaceInfo struct {
	// REQUIRED; The workspace display name.
	DisplayName *string

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace description.
	Description *string

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace ID.
	ID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The status of the workspace's capacity assignment progress.
	CapacityAssignmentProgress *CapacityAssignmentProgress

	// READ-ONLY; The ID of the capacity the workspace is assigned to.
	CapacityID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The region of the capacity associated with this workspace.
	CapacityRegion *CapacityRegion

	// READ-ONLY; The OneLake API endpoints associated with this workspace.
	OneLakeEndpoints *OneLakeEndpoints

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace type.
	Type *WorkspaceType

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace identity.
	WorkspaceIdentity *WorkspaceIdentity

WorkspaceInfo - A workspace object.

func (WorkspaceInfo) MarshalJSON

func (w WorkspaceInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WorkspaceInfo.

func (*WorkspaceInfo) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WorkspaceInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WorkspaceInfo.

type WorkspaceRole

type WorkspaceRole string

WorkspaceRole - A Workspace role. Additional workspace roles may be added over time.

const (
	// WorkspaceRoleAdmin - Enables administrative access to the workspace.
	WorkspaceRoleAdmin WorkspaceRole = "Admin"
	// WorkspaceRoleContributor - Enables contribution to the workspace.
	WorkspaceRoleContributor WorkspaceRole = "Contributor"
	// WorkspaceRoleMember - Enables membership access to the workspace.
	WorkspaceRoleMember WorkspaceRole = "Member"
	// WorkspaceRoleViewer - Enables viewing of the workspace.
	WorkspaceRoleViewer WorkspaceRole = "Viewer"

func PossibleWorkspaceRoleValues

func PossibleWorkspaceRoleValues() []WorkspaceRole

PossibleWorkspaceRoleValues returns the possible values for the WorkspaceRole const type.

type WorkspaceRoleAssignment

type WorkspaceRoleAssignment struct {
	// READ-ONLY; The workspace role assignment ID.
	ID *string

	// READ-ONLY; The principal.
	Principal *Principal

	// READ-ONLY; The workspace role of the principal.
	Role *WorkspaceRole

WorkspaceRoleAssignment - A workspace role assignment object.

func (WorkspaceRoleAssignment) MarshalJSON

func (w WorkspaceRoleAssignment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WorkspaceRoleAssignment.

func (*WorkspaceRoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WorkspaceRoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WorkspaceRoleAssignment.

type WorkspaceRoleAssignments

type WorkspaceRoleAssignments struct {
	Value []WorkspaceRoleAssignment

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (WorkspaceRoleAssignments) MarshalJSON

func (w WorkspaceRoleAssignments) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type WorkspaceRoleAssignments.

func (*WorkspaceRoleAssignments) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *WorkspaceRoleAssignments) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type WorkspaceRoleAssignments.

type WorkspaceType

type WorkspaceType string

WorkspaceType - A workspace type. Additional workspace types may be added over time.

const (
	// WorkspaceTypeAdminWorkspace - Admin monitoring workspace. Contains admin reports such as the audit report and the usage
	// and adoption report.
	WorkspaceTypeAdminWorkspace WorkspaceType = "AdminWorkspace"
	// WorkspaceTypePersonal - My folder or My workspace used to manage user items.
	WorkspaceTypePersonal WorkspaceType = "Personal"
	// WorkspaceTypeWorkspace - Workspace used to manage the Fabric items.
	WorkspaceTypeWorkspace WorkspaceType = "Workspace"

func PossibleWorkspaceTypeValues

func PossibleWorkspaceTypeValues() []WorkspaceType

PossibleWorkspaceTypeValues returns the possible values for the WorkspaceType const type.

type Workspaces

type Workspaces struct {
	// REQUIRED; A list of workspaces.
	Value []Workspace

	// The token for the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// The URI of the next result set batch. If there are no more records, it's removed from the response.
	ContinuationURI *string

func (Workspaces) MarshalJSON

func (w Workspaces) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type Workspaces.

func (*Workspaces) UnmarshalJSON

func (w *Workspaces) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface for type Workspaces.

type WorkspacesClient

type WorkspacesClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WorkspacesClient contains the methods for the Workspaces group. Don't use this type directly, use a constructor function instead.

func (*WorkspacesClient) AddWorkspaceRoleAssignment

AddWorkspaceRoleAssignment - To get the principal user object ID required for request body, see Find the user object ID [/partner-center/find-ids-and-domain-names#find-the-user-object-id]. PERMISSIONS * The caller must have member or higher workspace role. * Members can add members or others with lower permissions. For more information see: workspace roles [/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-roles-new-workspaces#workspace-roles]. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • workspaceRoleAssignmentRequest - Add workspace role assignment request payload.
  • options - WorkspacesClientAddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.AddWorkspaceRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().AddWorkspaceRoleAssignment(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff512", core.AddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest{
		Principal: &core.Principal{
			Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
			ID:   to.Ptr("8eedb1b0-3af8-4b17-8e7e-663e61e12211"),
		Role: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceRoleMember),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*WorkspacesClient) AssignToCapacity

func (client *WorkspacesClient) AssignToCapacity(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, assignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest, options *WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityOptions) (WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityResponse, error)

AssignToCapacity - PERMISSIONS * The caller must have contributor permissions or be an capacity Admin. * The caller must have admin workspace role. REQUIRED SCOPE Capacity.ReadWrite.All and Workspace.ReadWrite.All LIMITATIONS * Fabric items (non-PowerBI) don't support migration across region. For more information see moving data around [/fabric/admin/portal-workspaces#moving-data-around]. * Workspaces with Fabric items (non-PowerBI) can only be assigned to Fabric, Fabric trial or Power BI Premium capacity. For more information see Microsoft Fabric license types [/fabric/enterprise/licenses#microsoft-fabric-license-types]. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • assignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest - Assign to capacity parameters
  • options - WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.AssignToCapacity method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().AssignToCapacity(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff512", core.AssignWorkspaceToCapacityRequest{
		CapacityID: to.Ptr("0f084df7-c13d-451b-af5f-ed0c466403b2"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*WorkspacesClient) BeginDeprovisionIdentity

BeginDeprovisionIdentity - This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have an admin role in the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • options - WorkspacesClientBeginDeprovisionIdentityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.BeginDeprovisionIdentity method.

func (*WorkspacesClient) BeginProvisionIdentity

BeginProvisionIdentity - This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have an admin role in the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • options - WorkspacesClientBeginProvisionIdentityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.BeginProvisionIdentity method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	poller, err := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().BeginProvisionIdentity(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff227", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	res, err := poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to pull the result: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.WorkspaceIdentity = core.WorkspaceIdentity{
	// 	ApplicationID: to.Ptr("00a4a8f9-78d3-41b3-b87a-6ae5271c8d0d"),
	// 	ServicePrincipalID: to.Ptr("5ba4ae58-d402-45c6-a848-0253e834fd78"),
	// }

func (*WorkspacesClient) CreateWorkspace

CreateWorkspace - PERMISSIONS * The caller must have permission to create workspaces granted by the tenant admin. For more information see: create workspaces [/fabric/admin/portal-workspace#create-workspaces-new-workspace-experience]. * The caller must have contributor permissions or be an Admin on the capacity. For more information, see: capacity user permissions [/power-bi/enterprise/service-admin-premium-manage#manage-user-permissions]. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • createWorkspaceRequest - Create workspace request payload.
  • options - WorkspacesClientCreateWorkspaceOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.CreateWorkspace method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().CreateWorkspace(ctx, core.CreateWorkspaceRequest{
		DisplayName: to.Ptr("New workspace"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*WorkspacesClient) DeleteWorkspace

DeleteWorkspace - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.DeleteWorkspace method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().DeleteWorkspace(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff222", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*WorkspacesClient) DeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignment

func (client *WorkspacesClient) DeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, workspaceRoleAssignmentID string, options *WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions) (WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

DeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignment - The role assignment of the last admin can't be deleted. PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • workspaceRoleAssignmentID - The workspace role assignment ID.
  • options - WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.DeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().DeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignment(ctx, "ba33a98a-2b66-49f1-bb71-80c38e4b3756", "6e335e92-a2a2-4b5a-970a-bd6a89fbb765", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*WorkspacesClient) DeprovisionIdentity

DeprovisionIdentity - returns WorkspacesClientDeprovisionIdentityResponse in sync mode. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

PERMISSIONS The caller must have an admin role in the workspace.


MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • options - WorkspacesClientBeginDeprovisionIdentityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.BeginDeprovisionIdentity method.

func (*WorkspacesClient) GetWorkspace

GetWorkspace - PERMISSIONS The caller must have viewer or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.GetWorkspace method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().GetWorkspace(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff227", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.WorkspaceInfo = core.WorkspaceInfo{
	// 	Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
	// 	Description: to.Ptr("New workspace description"),
	// 	CapacityID: to.Ptr("56bac802-080d-4f73-8a42-1b406eb1fcac"),
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("New workspace"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff227"),
	// 	CapacityAssignmentProgress: to.Ptr(core.CapacityAssignmentProgressCompleted),
	// 	CapacityRegion: to.Ptr(core.CapacityRegionEastUS),
	// 	OneLakeEndpoints: &core.OneLakeEndpoints{
	// 		BlobEndpoint: to.Ptr(""),
	// 		DfsEndpoint: to.Ptr(""),
	// 	},
	// 	WorkspaceIdentity: &core.WorkspaceIdentity{
	// 		ApplicationID: to.Ptr("00a4a8f9-78d3-41b3-b87a-6ae5271c8d0d"),
	// 		ServicePrincipalID: to.Ptr("5ba4ae58-d402-45c6-a848-0253e834fd78"),
	// 	},
	// }

func (*WorkspacesClient) GetWorkspaceRoleAssignment

func (client *WorkspacesClient) GetWorkspaceRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, workspaceRoleAssignmentID string, options *WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions) (WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

GetWorkspaceRoleAssignment - PERMISSIONS The caller must have member or higher role on the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • workspaceRoleAssignmentID - The workspace role assignment ID.
  • options - WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.GetWorkspaceRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().GetWorkspaceRoleAssignment(ctx, "0ac682f5-aee3-4968-9d21-692eb3fd4056", "259b6674-74cf-4197-ac05-1bf391800ec2", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.WorkspaceRoleAssignment = core.WorkspaceRoleAssignment{
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("259b6674-74cf-4197-ac05-1bf391800ec2"),
	// 	Principal: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("259b6674-74cf-4197-ac05-1bf391800ec2"),
	// 	},
	// 	Role: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceRoleMember),
	// }

func (*WorkspacesClient) ListWorkspaceRoleAssignments

func (client *WorkspacesClient) ListWorkspaceRoleAssignments(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, options *WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsOptions) ([]WorkspaceRoleAssignment, error)

ListWorkspaceRoleAssignments - returns array of WorkspaceRoleAssignment from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].

PERMISSIONS The caller must have member or higher workspace role.

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.NewListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsPager method.

func (*WorkspacesClient) ListWorkspaces

func (client *WorkspacesClient) ListWorkspaces(ctx context.Context, options *WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions) ([]Workspace, error)

ListWorkspaces - returns array of Workspace from all pages. This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination].

REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All

MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • options - WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.NewListWorkspacesPager method.

func (*WorkspacesClient) NewListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsPager

NewListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. PERMISSIONS The caller must have member or higher workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.NewListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsPager method.
Example (GetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().NewListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsPager("e4ae4765-02a0-4cd8-bbef-65be17dd5a22", &core.WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.WorkspaceRoleAssignments = core.WorkspaceRoleAssignments{
		// 	Value: []core.WorkspaceRoleAssignment{
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("81fac5e1-2a81-421b-a168-110b1c72fa11"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				DisplayName: to.Ptr("Eric Solomon"),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("81fac5e1-2a81-421b-a168-110b1c72fa11"),
		// 				UserDetails: &core.PrincipalUserDetails{
		// 					UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceRoleAdmin),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("dbc4f130-681f-46b9-b19a-ca19ea5daa31"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeServicePrincipal),
		// 				DisplayName: to.Ptr("ServicePrincipal"),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("dbc4f130-681f-46b9-b19a-ca19ea5daa31"),
		// 				ServicePrincipalDetails: &core.PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails{
		// 					AADAppID: to.Ptr("7ac9c70b-69f1-48c5-bf5b-69ac50578a55"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceRoleMember),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (GetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().NewListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsPager("e4ae4765-02a0-4cd8-bbef-65be17dd5a22", &core.WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsOptions{ContinuationToken: nil})
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.WorkspaceRoleAssignments = core.WorkspaceRoleAssignments{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.WorkspaceRoleAssignment{
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("81fac5e1-2a81-421b-a168-110b1c72fa11"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
		// 				DisplayName: to.Ptr("Eric Solomon"),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("81fac5e1-2a81-421b-a168-110b1c72fa11"),
		// 				UserDetails: &core.PrincipalUserDetails{
		// 					UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceRoleAdmin),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("dbc4f130-681f-46b9-b19a-ca19ea5daa31"),
		// 			Principal: &core.Principal{
		// 				Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeServicePrincipal),
		// 				DisplayName: to.Ptr("ServicePrincipal"),
		// 				ID: to.Ptr("dbc4f130-681f-46b9-b19a-ca19ea5daa31"),
		// 				ServicePrincipalDetails: &core.PrincipalServicePrincipalDetails{
		// 					AADAppID: to.Ptr("7ac9c70b-69f1-48c5-bf5b-69ac50578a55"),
		// 				},
		// 			},
		// 			Role: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceRoleMember),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*WorkspacesClient) NewListWorkspacesPager

NewListWorkspacesPager - This API supports pagination [/rest/api/fabric/articles/pagination]. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.Read.All or Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE

Generated from API version v1

  • options - WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.NewListWorkspacesPager method.
Example (ListWorkspacesExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().NewListWorkspacesPager(&core.WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions{Roles: nil,
		ContinuationToken: nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Workspaces = core.Workspaces{
		// 	Value: []core.Workspace{
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypePersonal),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr(""),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("My workspace"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("fa9ad228-3e6b-44d4-b5f4-e275f337afa9"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A  workspace used by the marketing team"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Marketing"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff227"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A workspace used by the finance team"),
		// 			CapacityID: to.Ptr("171018af-1531-4e61-942a-74f024b7f9fd"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Finance"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("f2d70dc6-8f3e-4f2c-b00e-e2d336d7d711"),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListWorkspacesWithContinuationExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().NewListWorkspacesPager(&core.WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions{Roles: nil,
		ContinuationToken: nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Workspaces = core.Workspaces{
		// 	ContinuationToken: to.Ptr("LDEsMTAwMDAwLDA%3D"),
		// 	ContinuationURI: to.Ptr(""),
		// 	Value: []core.Workspace{
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypePersonal),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr(""),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("My workspace"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("fa9ad228-3e6b-44d4-b5f4-e275f337afa9"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A  workspace used by the marketing team"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Marketing"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff227"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A workspace used by the finance team"),
		// 			CapacityID: to.Ptr("171018af-1531-4e61-942a-74f024b7f9fd"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Finance"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("f2d70dc6-8f3e-4f2c-b00e-e2d336d7d711"),
		// 	}},
		// }

Example (ListWorkspacesWithRolesFilterExample)

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	pager := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().NewListWorkspacesPager(&core.WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions{Roles: to.Ptr("Admin,Member,Contributor,Viewer"),
		ContinuationToken: nil,
	for pager.More() {
		page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
		for _, v := range page.Value {
			// You could use page here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
			_ = v
		// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your page structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
		// page.Workspaces = core.Workspaces{
		// 	Value: []core.Workspace{
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypePersonal),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A workspace for admins"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Admins workspace"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("fa9ad228-3e6b-44d4-b5f4-e275f337afa9"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A workspace for members"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Members workspace"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff227"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A workspace for contributors"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Contributors workspace"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("0c02a0cd-71bc-410f-aa05-5a7bc98765f7"),
		// 		},
		// 		{
		// 			Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
		// 			Description: to.Ptr("A workspace for viewers"),
		// 			DisplayName: to.Ptr("Viewers workspace"),
		// 			ID: to.Ptr("99d58687-8903-4dbd-8a78-40f95dca7177"),
		// 	}},
		// }

func (*WorkspacesClient) ProvisionIdentity

ProvisionIdentity - returns WorkspacesClientProvisionIdentityResponse in sync mode. This API supports long running operations (LRO) [/rest/api/fabric/articles/long-running-operation].

PERMISSIONS The caller must have an admin role in the workspace.


MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section.

| Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes |

INTERFACE Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The ID of the workspace.
  • options - WorkspacesClientBeginProvisionIdentityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.BeginProvisionIdentity method.

func (*WorkspacesClient) UnassignFromCapacity

UnassignFromCapacity - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin role on the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Capacity.ReadWrite.All and Workspace.ReadWrite.All LIMITATIONS Workspaces with Fabric items (non-PowerBI) cannot be unassigned from capacity of supported type. For more information see: moving data around [/fabric/admin/portal-workspaces#moving-data-around]. MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • options - WorkspacesClientUnassignFromCapacityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.UnassignFromCapacity method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	_, err = clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().UnassignFromCapacity(ctx, "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff512", nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)

func (*WorkspacesClient) UpdateWorkspace

func (client *WorkspacesClient) UpdateWorkspace(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, updateWorkspaceRequest UpdateWorkspaceRequest, options *WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceOptions) (WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceResponse, error)

UpdateWorkspace - PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin workspace role. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • updateWorkspaceRequest - Update workspace request payload.
  • options - WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.UpdateWorkspace method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().UpdateWorkspace(ctx, "33bae707-5fe7-4352-89bd-061a1318b60a", core.UpdateWorkspaceRequest{
		Description: to.Ptr("Workspace New description"),
		DisplayName: to.Ptr("Workspace New displayName"),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.Workspace = core.Workspace{
	// 	Type: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceTypeWorkspace),
	// 	Description: to.Ptr("Workspace New description"),
	// 	DisplayName: to.Ptr("Workspace New displayName"),
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("33bae707-5fe7-4352-89bd-061a1318b60a"),
	// }

func (*WorkspacesClient) UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignment

func (client *WorkspacesClient) UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignment(ctx context.Context, workspaceID string, workspaceRoleAssignmentID string, updateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest, options *WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions) (WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse, error)

UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignment - The role assignment of the last admin can't be changed. PERMISSIONS The caller must have admin role on the workspace. REQUIRED DELEGATED SCOPES Workspace.ReadWrite.All MICROSOFT ENTRA SUPPORTED IDENTITIES This API supports the Microsoft identities [/rest/api/fabric/articles/identity-support] listed in this section. | Identity | Support | |-|-| | User | Yes | | Service principal [/entra/identity-platform/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object] and Managed identities [/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview] | Yes | INTERFACE If the operation fails it returns an *core.ResponseError type.

Generated from API version v1

  • workspaceID - The workspace ID.
  • workspaceRoleAssignmentID - The workspace role assignment ID.
  • updateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest - Update workspace role assignment request payload.
  • options - WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignment method.

Generated from example definition

package main

import (



func main() {
	cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
	ctx := context.Background()
	clientFactory, err := core.NewClientFactory(cred, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
	res, err := clientFactory.NewWorkspacesClient().UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignment(ctx, "0ac682f5-aee3-4968-9d21-692eb3fd4056", "0218b8c4-f5a2-4a1e-bbbd-a986dd8aeb81", core.UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentRequest{
		Role: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceRoleContributor),
	}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to finish the request: %v", err)
	// You could use response here. We use blank identifier for just demo purposes.
	_ = res
	// If the HTTP response code is 200 as defined in example definition, your response structure would look as follows. Please pay attention that all the values in the output are fake values for just demo purposes.
	// res.WorkspaceRoleAssignment = core.WorkspaceRoleAssignment{
	// 	ID: to.Ptr("0218b8c4-f5a2-4a1e-bbbd-a986dd8aeb81"),
	// 	Principal: &core.Principal{
	// 		Type: to.Ptr(core.PrincipalTypeUser),
	// 		DisplayName: to.Ptr("user1"),
	// 		ID: to.Ptr("0218b8c4-f5a2-4a1e-bbbd-a986dd8aeb81"),
	// 		UserDetails: &core.PrincipalUserDetails{
	// 			UserPrincipalName: to.Ptr(""),
	// 		},
	// 	},
	// 	Role: to.Ptr(core.WorkspaceRoleContributor),
	// }

type WorkspacesClientAddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions

type WorkspacesClientAddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientAddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.AddWorkspaceRoleAssignment method.

type WorkspacesClientAddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse

type WorkspacesClientAddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// A workspace role assignment object.

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

WorkspacesClientAddWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.AddWorkspaceRoleAssignment.

type WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityOptions

type WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.AssignToCapacity method.

type WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityResponse

type WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityResponse struct {

WorkspacesClientAssignToCapacityResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.AssignToCapacity.

type WorkspacesClientBeginDeprovisionIdentityOptions

type WorkspacesClientBeginDeprovisionIdentityOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

WorkspacesClientBeginDeprovisionIdentityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.BeginDeprovisionIdentity method.

type WorkspacesClientBeginProvisionIdentityOptions

type WorkspacesClientBeginProvisionIdentityOptions struct {
	// Resumes the long-running operation from the provided token.
	ResumeToken string

WorkspacesClientBeginProvisionIdentityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.BeginProvisionIdentity method.

type WorkspacesClientCreateWorkspaceOptions

type WorkspacesClientCreateWorkspaceOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientCreateWorkspaceOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.CreateWorkspace method.

type WorkspacesClientCreateWorkspaceResponse

type WorkspacesClientCreateWorkspaceResponse struct {
	// A workspace object.

	// Location contains the information returned from the Location header response.
	Location *string

WorkspacesClientCreateWorkspaceResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.CreateWorkspace.

type WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceOptions

type WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.DeleteWorkspace method.

type WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceResponse

type WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceResponse struct {

WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.DeleteWorkspace.

type WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions

type WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.DeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignment method.

type WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse

type WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse struct {

WorkspacesClientDeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.DeleteWorkspaceRoleAssignment.

type WorkspacesClientDeprovisionIdentityResponse

type WorkspacesClientDeprovisionIdentityResponse struct {

WorkspacesClientDeprovisionIdentityResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.BeginDeprovisionIdentity.

type WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceOptions

type WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.GetWorkspace method.

type WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceResponse

type WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceResponse struct {
	// A workspace object.

WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.GetWorkspace.

type WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions

type WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.GetWorkspaceRoleAssignment method.

type WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse

type WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// A workspace role assignment object.

WorkspacesClientGetWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.GetWorkspaceRoleAssignment.

type WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsOptions

type WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.NewListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsPager method.

type WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsResponse

type WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsResponse struct {

WorkspacesClientListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.NewListWorkspaceRoleAssignmentsPager.

type WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions

type WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions struct {
	// A token for retrieving the next page of results.
	ContinuationToken *string

	// A list of roles [/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-roles-new-workspaces#workspace-roles]. Separate values using a comma.
	// If not provided, all workspaces are returned.
	Roles *string

WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.NewListWorkspacesPager method.

type WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesResponse

type WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesResponse struct {

WorkspacesClientListWorkspacesResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.NewListWorkspacesPager.

type WorkspacesClientProvisionIdentityResponse

type WorkspacesClientProvisionIdentityResponse struct {
	// A workspace identity object.

WorkspacesClientProvisionIdentityResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.BeginProvisionIdentity.

type WorkspacesClientUnassignFromCapacityOptions

type WorkspacesClientUnassignFromCapacityOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientUnassignFromCapacityOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.UnassignFromCapacity method.

type WorkspacesClientUnassignFromCapacityResponse

type WorkspacesClientUnassignFromCapacityResponse struct {

WorkspacesClientUnassignFromCapacityResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.UnassignFromCapacity.

type WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceOptions

type WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.UpdateWorkspace method.

type WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceResponse

type WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceResponse struct {
	// A workspace object.

WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.UpdateWorkspace.

type WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions

type WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions struct {

WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the WorkspacesClient.UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignment method.

type WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse

type WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse struct {
	// A workspace role assignment object.

WorkspacesClientUpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignmentResponse contains the response from method WorkspacesClient.UpdateWorkspaceRoleAssignment.


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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
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