Index ¶
- Variables
- type AssociatedWorkItem
- type AsyncGitOperationNotification
- type AsyncRefOperationCommitLevelEventNotification
- type AsyncRefOperationCompletedNotification
- type AsyncRefOperationConflictNotification
- type AsyncRefOperationGeneralFailureNotification
- type AsyncRefOperationProgressNotification
- type AsyncRefOperationTimeoutNotification
- type Attachment
- type AutoCompleteUpdatedEvent
- type BranchUpdatedEvent
- type Change
- type ChangeCountDictionary
- type ChangeList
- type ChangeListSearchCriteria
- type CheckinNote
- type Client
- type ClientImpl
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateAnnotatedTag(ctx context.Context, args CreateAnnotatedTagArgs) (*GitAnnotatedTag, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateAttachment(ctx context.Context, args CreateAttachmentArgs) (*Attachment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateCherryPick(ctx context.Context, args CreateCherryPickArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateComment(ctx context.Context, args CreateCommentArgs) (*Comment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateCommitStatus(ctx context.Context, args CreateCommitStatusArgs) (*GitStatus, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateFavorite(ctx context.Context, args CreateFavoriteArgs) (*GitRefFavorite, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateForkSyncRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreateForkSyncRequestArgs) (*GitForkSyncRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateImportRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreateImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateLike(ctx context.Context, args CreateLikeArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateMergeRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreateMergeRequestArgs) (*GitMerge, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestIterationStatus(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestIterationStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestLabel(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestLabelArgs) (*core.WebApiTagDefinition, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestReviewer(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestReviewerArgs) (*IdentityRefWithVote, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestReviewers(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestReviewersArgs) (*[]IdentityRefWithVote, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestStatus(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePush(ctx context.Context, args CreatePushArgs) (*GitPush, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateRepository(ctx context.Context, args CreateRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateRevert(ctx context.Context, args CreateRevertArgs) (*GitRevert, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) CreateThread(ctx context.Context, args CreateThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteAttachment(ctx context.Context, args DeleteAttachmentArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteComment(ctx context.Context, args DeleteCommentArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteLike(ctx context.Context, args DeleteLikeArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestIterationStatus(ctx context.Context, args DeletePullRequestIterationStatusArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestLabels(ctx context.Context, args DeletePullRequestLabelsArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestReviewer(ctx context.Context, args DeletePullRequestReviewerArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestStatus(ctx context.Context, args DeletePullRequestStatusArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteRefFavorite(ctx context.Context, args DeleteRefFavoriteArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteRepository(ctx context.Context, args DeleteRepositoryArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBin(ctx context.Context, args DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAnnotatedTag(ctx context.Context, args GetAnnotatedTagArgs) (*GitAnnotatedTag, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAttachmentContent(ctx context.Context, args GetAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAttachmentZip(ctx context.Context, args GetAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetAttachments(ctx context.Context, args GetAttachmentsArgs) (*[]Attachment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetBlob(ctx context.Context, args GetBlobArgs) (*GitBlobRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetBlobContent(ctx context.Context, args GetBlobContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetBlobZip(ctx context.Context, args GetBlobZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetBlobsZip(ctx context.Context, args GetBlobsZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetBranch(ctx context.Context, args GetBranchArgs) (*GitBranchStats, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetBranches(ctx context.Context, args GetBranchesArgs) (*[]GitBranchStats, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetChanges(ctx context.Context, args GetChangesArgs) (*GitCommitChanges, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCherryPick(ctx context.Context, args GetCherryPickArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCherryPickForRefName(ctx context.Context, args GetCherryPickForRefNameArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetComment(ctx context.Context, args GetCommentArgs) (*Comment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetComments(ctx context.Context, args GetCommentsArgs) (*[]Comment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCommit(ctx context.Context, args GetCommitArgs) (*GitCommit, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCommitDiffs(ctx context.Context, args GetCommitDiffsArgs) (*GitCommitDiffs, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCommits(ctx context.Context, args GetCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetCommitsBatch(ctx context.Context, args GetCommitsBatchArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetDeletedRepositories(ctx context.Context, args GetDeletedRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitDeletedRepository, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetForkSyncRequest(ctx context.Context, args GetForkSyncRequestArgs) (*GitForkSyncRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetForkSyncRequests(ctx context.Context, args GetForkSyncRequestsArgs) (*[]GitForkSyncRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetForks(ctx context.Context, args GetForksArgs) (*[]GitRepositoryRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetImportRequest(ctx context.Context, args GetImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetItem(ctx context.Context, args GetItemArgs) (*GitItem, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetItemContent(ctx context.Context, args GetItemContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetItemText(ctx context.Context, args GetItemTextArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetItemZip(ctx context.Context, args GetItemZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetItems(ctx context.Context, args GetItemsArgs) (*[]GitItem, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetItemsBatch(ctx context.Context, args GetItemsBatchArgs) (*[][]GitItem, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetLikes(ctx context.Context, args GetLikesArgs) (*[]webapi.IdentityRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetMergeBases(ctx context.Context, args GetMergeBasesArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetMergeRequest(ctx context.Context, args GetMergeRequestArgs) (*GitMerge, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPolicyConfigurations(ctx context.Context, args GetPolicyConfigurationsArgs) (*GitPolicyConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequest(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestById(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestByIdArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestCommits(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestCommitsArgs) (*GetPullRequestCommitsResponseValue, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIteration(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationArgs) (*GitPullRequestIteration, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationChanges(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationChangesArgs) (*GitPullRequestIterationChanges, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationCommits(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationStatus(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationStatuses(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationStatusesArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestStatus, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterations(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestIteration, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestLabel(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestLabelArgs) (*core.WebApiTagDefinition, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestLabels(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestLabelsArgs) (*[]core.WebApiTagDefinition, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestProperties(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestPropertiesArgs) (interface{}, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestQuery(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestQueryArgs) (*GitPullRequestQuery, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestReviewer(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestReviewerArgs) (*IdentityRefWithVote, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestReviewers(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestReviewersArgs) (*[]IdentityRefWithVote, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestStatus(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestStatuses(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestStatusesArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestStatus, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestThread(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestWorkItemRefs(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestWorkItemRefsArgs) (*[]webapi.ResourceRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequests(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestsByProject(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestsByProjectArgs) (*[]GitPullRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPush(ctx context.Context, args GetPushArgs) (*GitPush, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPushCommits(ctx context.Context, args GetPushCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetPushes(ctx context.Context, args GetPushesArgs) (*[]GitPush, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRecycleBinRepositories(ctx context.Context, args GetRecycleBinRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitDeletedRepository, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRefFavorite(ctx context.Context, args GetRefFavoriteArgs) (*GitRefFavorite, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRefFavorites(ctx context.Context, args GetRefFavoritesArgs) (*[]GitRefFavorite, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRefs(ctx context.Context, args GetRefsArgs) (*GetRefsResponseValue, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRepositories(ctx context.Context, args GetRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitRepository, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRepository(ctx context.Context, args GetRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRepositoryWithParent(ctx context.Context, args GetRepositoryWithParentArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRevert(ctx context.Context, args GetRevertArgs) (*GitRevert, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetRevertForRefName(ctx context.Context, args GetRevertForRefNameArgs) (*GitRevert, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetStatuses(ctx context.Context, args GetStatusesArgs) (*[]GitStatus, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetSuggestions(ctx context.Context, args GetSuggestionsArgs) (*[]GitSuggestion, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetThreads(ctx context.Context, args GetThreadsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestCommentThread, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTree(ctx context.Context, args GetTreeArgs) (*GitTreeRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) GetTreeZip(ctx context.Context, args GetTreeZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) QueryImportRequests(ctx context.Context, args QueryImportRequestsArgs) (*[]GitImportRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBin(ctx context.Context, args RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) SharePullRequest(ctx context.Context, args SharePullRequestArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateComment(ctx context.Context, args UpdateCommentArgs) (*Comment, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateImportRequest(ctx context.Context, args UpdateImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequest(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestIterationStatuses(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestIterationStatusesArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestProperties(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestPropertiesArgs) (interface{}, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestReviewers(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestReviewersArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestStatuses(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestStatusesArgs) error
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateRef(ctx context.Context, args UpdateRefArgs) (*GitRef, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateRefs(ctx context.Context, args UpdateRefsArgs) (*[]GitRefUpdateResult, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateRepository(ctx context.Context, args UpdateRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
- func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateThread(ctx context.Context, args UpdateThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error)
- type Comment
- type CommentIterationContext
- type CommentPosition
- type CommentThread
- type CommentThreadContext
- type CommentThreadStatus
- type CommentTrackingCriteria
- type CommentType
- type CompletionErrorsEvent
- type CreateAnnotatedTagArgs
- type CreateAttachmentArgs
- type CreateCherryPickArgs
- type CreateCommentArgs
- type CreateCommitStatusArgs
- type CreateFavoriteArgs
- type CreateForkSyncRequestArgs
- type CreateImportRequestArgs
- type CreateLikeArgs
- type CreateMergeRequestArgs
- type CreatePullRequestArgs
- type CreatePullRequestIterationStatusArgs
- type CreatePullRequestLabelArgs
- type CreatePullRequestReviewerArgs
- type CreatePullRequestReviewersArgs
- type CreatePullRequestStatusArgs
- type CreatePushArgs
- type CreateRepositoryArgs
- type CreateRevertArgs
- type CreateThreadArgs
- type DeleteAttachmentArgs
- type DeleteCommentArgs
- type DeleteLikeArgs
- type DeletePullRequestIterationStatusArgs
- type DeletePullRequestLabelsArgs
- type DeletePullRequestReviewerArgs
- type DeletePullRequestStatusArgs
- type DeleteRefFavoriteArgs
- type DeleteRepositoryArgs
- type DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs
- type DiscussionsUpdatedEvent
- type FileContentMetadata
- type FileDiff
- type FileDiffParams
- type FileDiffsCriteria
- type GetAnnotatedTagArgs
- type GetAttachmentContentArgs
- type GetAttachmentZipArgs
- type GetAttachmentsArgs
- type GetBlobArgs
- type GetBlobContentArgs
- type GetBlobZipArgs
- type GetBlobsZipArgs
- type GetBranchArgs
- type GetBranchesArgs
- type GetChangesArgs
- type GetCherryPickArgs
- type GetCherryPickForRefNameArgs
- type GetCommentArgs
- type GetCommentsArgs
- type GetCommitArgs
- type GetCommitDiffsArgs
- type GetCommitsArgs
- type GetCommitsBatchArgs
- type GetDeletedRepositoriesArgs
- type GetForkSyncRequestArgs
- type GetForkSyncRequestsArgs
- type GetForksArgs
- type GetImportRequestArgs
- type GetItemArgs
- type GetItemContentArgs
- type GetItemTextArgs
- type GetItemZipArgs
- type GetItemsArgs
- type GetItemsBatchArgs
- type GetLikesArgs
- type GetMergeBasesArgs
- type GetMergeRequestArgs
- type GetPolicyConfigurationsArgs
- type GetPullRequestArgs
- type GetPullRequestByIdArgs
- type GetPullRequestCommitsArgs
- type GetPullRequestCommitsResponseValue
- type GetPullRequestIterationArgs
- type GetPullRequestIterationChangesArgs
- type GetPullRequestIterationCommitsArgs
- type GetPullRequestIterationStatusArgs
- type GetPullRequestIterationStatusesArgs
- type GetPullRequestIterationsArgs
- type GetPullRequestLabelArgs
- type GetPullRequestLabelsArgs
- type GetPullRequestPropertiesArgs
- type GetPullRequestQueryArgs
- type GetPullRequestReviewerArgs
- type GetPullRequestReviewersArgs
- type GetPullRequestStatusArgs
- type GetPullRequestStatusesArgs
- type GetPullRequestThreadArgs
- type GetPullRequestWorkItemRefsArgs
- type GetPullRequestsArgs
- type GetPullRequestsByProjectArgs
- type GetPushArgs
- type GetPushCommitsArgs
- type GetPushesArgs
- type GetRecycleBinRepositoriesArgs
- type GetRefFavoriteArgs
- type GetRefFavoritesArgs
- type GetRefsArgs
- type GetRefsResponseValue
- type GetRepositoriesArgs
- type GetRepositoryArgs
- type GetRepositoryWithParentArgs
- type GetRevertArgs
- type GetRevertForRefNameArgs
- type GetStatusesArgs
- type GetSuggestionsArgs
- type GetThreadsArgs
- type GetTreeArgs
- type GetTreeZipArgs
- type GitAnnotatedTag
- type GitAsyncOperationStatus
- type GitAsyncRefOperation
- type GitAsyncRefOperationDetail
- type GitAsyncRefOperationFailureStatus
- type GitAsyncRefOperationParameters
- type GitAsyncRefOperationSource
- type GitBaseVersionDescriptor
- type GitBlobRef
- type GitBranchStats
- type GitChange
- type GitCherryPick
- type GitCommit
- type GitCommitChanges
- type GitCommitDiffs
- type GitCommitRef
- type GitCommitToCreate
- type GitConflict
- type GitConflictAddAdd
- type GitConflictAddRename
- type GitConflictDeleteEdit
- type GitConflictDeleteRename
- type GitConflictDirectoryFile
- type GitConflictEditDelete
- type GitConflictEditEdit
- type GitConflictFileDirectory
- type GitConflictRename1to2
- type GitConflictRename2to1
- type GitConflictRenameAdd
- type GitConflictRenameDelete
- type GitConflictRenameRename
- type GitConflictType
- type GitConflictUpdateResult
- type GitConflictUpdateStatus
- type GitDeletedRepository
- type GitFilePathsCollection
- type GitForkOperationStatusDetail
- type GitForkRef
- type GitForkSyncRequest
- type GitForkSyncRequestParameters
- type GitForkTeamProjectReference
- type GitHistoryMode
- type GitImportFailedEvent
- type GitImportGitSource
- type GitImportRequest
- type GitImportRequestParameters
- type GitImportStatusDetail
- type GitImportSucceededEvent
- type GitImportTfvcSource
- type GitItem
- type GitItemDescriptor
- type GitItemRequestData
- type GitLastChangeItem
- type GitLastChangeTreeItems
- type GitMerge
- type GitMergeOperationStatusDetail
- type GitMergeOriginRef
- type GitMergeParameters
- type GitObject
- type GitObjectType
- type GitPathAction
- type GitPathActions
- type GitPathToItemsCollection
- type GitPolicyConfigurationResponse
- type GitPullRequest
- type GitPullRequestChange
- type GitPullRequestCommentThread
- type GitPullRequestCommentThreadContext
- type GitPullRequestCompletionOptions
- type GitPullRequestIteration
- type GitPullRequestIterationChanges
- type GitPullRequestMergeOptions
- type GitPullRequestMergeStrategy
- type GitPullRequestQuery
- type GitPullRequestQueryInput
- type GitPullRequestQueryType
- type GitPullRequestReviewFileContentInfo
- type GitPullRequestReviewFileType
- type GitPullRequestSearchCriteria
- type GitPullRequestStatus
- type GitPush
- type GitPushEventData
- type GitPushRef
- type GitPushSearchCriteria
- type GitQueryBranchStatsCriteria
- type GitQueryCommitsCriteria
- type GitQueryRefsCriteria
- type GitRecycleBinRepositoryDetails
- type GitRef
- type GitRefFavorite
- type GitRefSearchType
- type GitRefUpdate
- type GitRefUpdateMode
- type GitRefUpdateResult
- type GitRefUpdateStatus
- type GitRepository
- type GitRepositoryCreateOptions
- type GitRepositoryRef
- type GitRepositoryStats
- type GitResolution
- type GitResolutionError
- type GitResolutionMergeContent
- type GitResolutionMergeType
- type GitResolutionPathConflict
- type GitResolutionPathConflictAction
- type GitResolutionPickOneAction
- type GitResolutionRename1to2
- type GitResolutionRename1to2Action
- type GitResolutionStatus
- type GitResolutionWhichAction
- type GitRevert
- type GitStatus
- type GitStatusContext
- type GitStatusState
- type GitSuggestion
- type GitTargetVersionDescriptor
- type GitTemplate
- type GitTreeDiff
- type GitTreeDiffEntry
- type GitTreeDiffResponse
- type GitTreeEntryRef
- type GitTreeRef
- type GitUserDate
- type GitVersionDescriptor
- type GitVersionOptions
- type GitVersionType
- type GlobalGitRepositoryKey
- type HistoryEntry
- type IdentityRefWithVote
- type ImportRepositoryValidation
- type IncludedGitCommit
- type IsDraftUpdatedEvent
- type ItemContent
- type ItemContentType
- type ItemDetailsOptions
- type ItemModel
- type IterationReason
- type LabelsUpdatedEvent
- type LineDiffBlock
- type LineDiffBlockChangeType
- type MergeCompletedEvent
- type PolicyEvaluationUpdatedEvent
- type PullRequestAsyncStatus
- type PullRequestCreatedEvent
- type PullRequestMergeFailureType
- type PullRequestStatus
- type PullRequestTabExtensionConfig
- type QueryImportRequestsArgs
- type RealTimePullRequestEvent
- type RefFavoriteType
- type RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs
- type RetargetEvent
- type ReviewerVoteUpdatedEvent
- type ReviewersUpdatedEvent
- type ReviewersVotesResetEvent
- type ShareNotificationContext
- type SharePullRequestArgs
- type SourceToTargetRef
- type StatusAddedEvent
- type StatusUpdatedEvent
- type StatusesDeletedEvent
- type SupportedIde
- type SupportedIdeType
- type TfvcBranch
- type TfvcBranchMapping
- type TfvcBranchRef
- type TfvcChange
- type TfvcChangeset
- type TfvcChangesetRef
- type TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria
- type TfvcChangesetsRequestData
- type TfvcCheckinEventData
- type TfvcHistoryEntry
- type TfvcItem
- type TfvcItemDescriptor
- type TfvcItemPreviousHash
- type TfvcItemRequestData
- type TfvcLabel
- type TfvcLabelRef
- type TfvcLabelRequestData
- type TfvcMappingFilter
- type TfvcMergeSource
- type TfvcPolicyFailureInfo
- type TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo
- type TfvcShallowBranchRef
- type TfvcShelveset
- type TfvcShelvesetRef
- type TfvcShelvesetRequestData
- type TfvcStatistics
- type TfvcVersionDescriptor
- type TfvcVersionOption
- type TfvcVersionType
- type TitleDescriptionUpdatedEvent
- type UpdateCommentArgs
- type UpdateImportRequestArgs
- type UpdatePullRequestArgs
- type UpdatePullRequestIterationStatusesArgs
- type UpdatePullRequestPropertiesArgs
- type UpdatePullRequestReviewersArgs
- type UpdatePullRequestStatusesArgs
- type UpdateRefArgs
- type UpdateRefsArgs
- type UpdateRefsRequest
- type UpdateRepositoryArgs
- type UpdateThreadArgs
- type VersionControlChangeType
- type VersionControlProjectInfo
- type VersionControlRecursionType
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var CommentThreadStatusValues = commentThreadStatusValuesType{
Unknown: "unknown",
Active: "active",
Fixed: "fixed",
WontFix: "wontFix",
Closed: "closed",
ByDesign: "byDesign",
Pending: "pending",
var CommentTypeValues = commentTypeValuesType{
Unknown: "unknown",
Text: "text",
CodeChange: "codeChange",
System: "system",
var GitAsyncOperationStatusValues = gitAsyncOperationStatusValuesType{
Queued: "queued",
InProgress: "inProgress",
Completed: "completed",
Failed: "failed",
Abandoned: "abandoned",
var GitAsyncRefOperationFailureStatusValues = gitAsyncRefOperationFailureStatusValuesType{
None: "none",
InvalidRefName: "invalidRefName",
RefNameConflict: "refNameConflict",
CreateBranchPermissionRequired: "createBranchPermissionRequired",
WritePermissionRequired: "writePermissionRequired",
TargetBranchDeleted: "targetBranchDeleted",
GitObjectTooLarge: "gitObjectTooLarge",
OperationIndentityNotFound: "operationIndentityNotFound",
AsyncOperationNotFound: "asyncOperationNotFound",
Other: "other",
EmptyCommitterSignature: "emptyCommitterSignature",
var GitConflictTypeValues = gitConflictTypeValuesType{
None: "none",
AddAdd: "addAdd",
AddRename: "addRename",
DeleteEdit: "deleteEdit",
DeleteRename: "deleteRename",
DirectoryFile: "directoryFile",
DirectoryChild: "directoryChild",
EditDelete: "editDelete",
EditEdit: "editEdit",
FileDirectory: "fileDirectory",
Rename1to2: "rename1to2",
Rename2to1: "rename2to1",
RenameAdd: "renameAdd",
RenameDelete: "renameDelete",
RenameRename: "renameRename",
var GitConflictUpdateStatusValues = gitConflictUpdateStatusValuesType{
Succeeded: "succeeded",
BadRequest: "badRequest",
InvalidResolution: "invalidResolution",
UnsupportedConflictType: "unsupportedConflictType",
NotFound: "notFound",
var GitHistoryModeValues = gitHistoryModeValuesType{
SimplifiedHistory: "simplifiedHistory",
FirstParent: "firstParent",
FullHistory: "fullHistory",
FullHistorySimplifyMerges: "fullHistorySimplifyMerges",
var GitObjectTypeValues = gitObjectTypeValuesType{
Bad: "bad",
Commit: "commit",
Tree: "tree",
Blob: "blob",
Tag: "tag",
Ext2: "ext2",
OfsDelta: "ofsDelta",
RefDelta: "refDelta",
var GitPathActionsValues = gitPathActionsValuesType{
None: "none",
Edit: "edit",
Delete: "delete",
Add: "add",
Rename: "rename",
var GitPullRequestMergeStrategyValues = gitPullRequestMergeStrategyValuesType{
NoFastForward: "noFastForward",
Squash: "squash",
Rebase: "rebase",
RebaseMerge: "rebaseMerge",
var GitPullRequestQueryTypeValues = gitPullRequestQueryTypeValuesType{
NotSet: "notSet",
LastMergeCommit: "lastMergeCommit",
Commit: "commit",
var GitPullRequestReviewFileTypeValues = gitPullRequestReviewFileTypeValuesType{ ChangeEntry: "changeEntry", Attachment: "attachment", }
var GitRefSearchTypeValues = gitRefSearchTypeValuesType{
Exact: "exact",
StartsWith: "startsWith",
Contains: "contains",
var GitRefUpdateModeValues = gitRefUpdateModeValuesType{
BestEffort: "bestEffort",
AllOrNone: "allOrNone",
var GitRefUpdateStatusValues = gitRefUpdateStatusValuesType{
Succeeded: "succeeded",
ForcePushRequired: "forcePushRequired",
StaleOldObjectId: "staleOldObjectId",
InvalidRefName: "invalidRefName",
Unprocessed: "unprocessed",
UnresolvableToCommit: "unresolvableToCommit",
WritePermissionRequired: "writePermissionRequired",
ManageNotePermissionRequired: "manageNotePermissionRequired",
CreateBranchPermissionRequired: "createBranchPermissionRequired",
CreateTagPermissionRequired: "createTagPermissionRequired",
RejectedByPlugin: "rejectedByPlugin",
Locked: "locked",
RefNameConflict: "refNameConflict",
RejectedByPolicy: "rejectedByPolicy",
SucceededNonExistentRef: "succeededNonExistentRef",
SucceededCorruptRef: "succeededCorruptRef",
var GitResolutionErrorValues = gitResolutionErrorValuesType{
None: "none",
MergeContentNotFound: "mergeContentNotFound",
PathInUse: "pathInUse",
InvalidPath: "invalidPath",
UnknownAction: "unknownAction",
UnknownMergeType: "unknownMergeType",
OtherError: "otherError",
var GitResolutionMergeTypeValues = gitResolutionMergeTypeValuesType{
Undecided: "undecided",
TakeSourceContent: "takeSourceContent",
TakeTargetContent: "takeTargetContent",
AutoMerged: "autoMerged",
UserMerged: "userMerged",
var GitResolutionPathConflictActionValues = gitResolutionPathConflictActionValuesType{
Undecided: "undecided",
KeepSourceRenameTarget: "keepSourceRenameTarget",
KeepSourceDeleteTarget: "keepSourceDeleteTarget",
KeepTargetRenameSource: "keepTargetRenameSource",
KeepTargetDeleteSource: "keepTargetDeleteSource",
var GitResolutionRename1to2ActionValues = gitResolutionRename1to2ActionValuesType{
Undecided: "undecided",
KeepSourcePath: "keepSourcePath",
KeepTargetPath: "keepTargetPath",
KeepBothFiles: "keepBothFiles",
var GitResolutionStatusValues = gitResolutionStatusValuesType{
Unresolved: "unresolved",
PartiallyResolved: "partiallyResolved",
Resolved: "resolved",
var GitResolutionWhichActionValues = gitResolutionWhichActionValuesType{
Undecided: "undecided",
PickSourceAction: "pickSourceAction",
PickTargetAction: "pickTargetAction",
var GitStatusStateValues = gitStatusStateValuesType{
NotSet: "notSet",
Pending: "pending",
Succeeded: "succeeded",
Failed: "failed",
Error: "error",
NotApplicable: "notApplicable",
var GitVersionOptionsValues = gitVersionOptionsValuesType{
None: "none",
PreviousChange: "previousChange",
FirstParent: "firstParent",
var GitVersionTypeValues = gitVersionTypeValuesType{
Branch: "branch",
Tag: "tag",
Commit: "commit",
var ItemContentTypeValues = itemContentTypeValuesType{
RawText: "rawText",
Base64Encoded: "base64Encoded",
var IterationReasonValues = iterationReasonValuesType{
Push: "push",
ForcePush: "forcePush",
Create: "create",
Rebase: "rebase",
Unknown: "unknown",
Retarget: "retarget",
var LineDiffBlockChangeTypeValues = lineDiffBlockChangeTypeValuesType{
None: "none",
Add: "add",
Delete: "delete",
Edit: "edit",
var PullRequestAsyncStatusValues = pullRequestAsyncStatusValuesType{
NotSet: "notSet",
Queued: "queued",
Conflicts: "conflicts",
Succeeded: "succeeded",
RejectedByPolicy: "rejectedByPolicy",
Failure: "failure",
var PullRequestMergeFailureTypeValues = pullRequestMergeFailureTypeValuesType{
None: "none",
Unknown: "unknown",
CaseSensitive: "caseSensitive",
ObjectTooLarge: "objectTooLarge",
var PullRequestStatusValues = pullRequestStatusValuesType{
NotSet: "notSet",
Active: "active",
Abandoned: "abandoned",
Completed: "completed",
All: "all",
var RefFavoriteTypeValues = refFavoriteTypeValuesType{
Invalid: "invalid",
Folder: "folder",
Ref: "ref",
var ResourceAreaId, _ = uuid.Parse("4e080c62-fa21-4fbc-8fef-2a10a2b38049")
var SupportedIdeTypeValues = supportedIdeTypeValuesType{
Unknown: "unknown",
AndroidStudio: "androidStudio",
AppCode: "appCode",
CLion: "cLion",
DataGrip: "dataGrip",
Eclipse: "eclipse",
IntelliJ: "intelliJ",
Mps: "mps",
PhpStorm: "phpStorm",
PyCharm: "pyCharm",
RubyMine: "rubyMine",
Tower: "tower",
VisualStudio: "visualStudio",
VsCode: "vsCode",
WebStorm: "webStorm",
var TfvcVersionOptionValues = tfvcVersionOptionValuesType{
None: "none",
Previous: "previous",
UseRename: "useRename",
var TfvcVersionTypeValues = tfvcVersionTypeValuesType{ None: "none", Changeset: "changeset", Shelveset: "shelveset", Change: "change", Date: "date", Latest: "latest", Tip: "tip", MergeSource: "mergeSource", }
var VersionControlChangeTypeValues = versionControlChangeTypeValuesType{
None: "none",
Add: "add",
Edit: "edit",
Encoding: "encoding",
Rename: "rename",
Delete: "delete",
Undelete: "undelete",
Branch: "branch",
Merge: "merge",
Lock: "lock",
Rollback: "rollback",
SourceRename: "sourceRename",
TargetRename: "targetRename",
Property: "property",
All: "all",
var VersionControlRecursionTypeValues = versionControlRecursionTypeValuesType{
None: "none",
OneLevel: "oneLevel",
OneLevelPlusNestedEmptyFolders: "oneLevelPlusNestedEmptyFolders",
Full: "full",
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AssociatedWorkItem ¶
type AssociatedWorkItem struct { AssignedTo *string `json:"assignedTo,omitempty"` // Id of associated the work item. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // REST Url of the work item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` WebUrl *string `json:"webUrl,omitempty"` WorkItemType *string `json:"workItemType,omitempty"` }
type AsyncGitOperationNotification ¶
type AsyncGitOperationNotification struct {
OperationId *int `json:"operationId,omitempty"`
type AsyncRefOperationGeneralFailureNotification ¶
type AsyncRefOperationGeneralFailureNotification struct {
OperationId *int `json:"operationId,omitempty"`
type AsyncRefOperationTimeoutNotification ¶
type AsyncRefOperationTimeoutNotification struct {
OperationId *int `json:"operationId,omitempty"`
type Attachment ¶
type Attachment struct { // Links to other related objects. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // The person that uploaded this attachment. Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` // Content hash of on-disk representation of file content. Its calculated by the server by using SHA1 hash function. ContentHash *string `json:"contentHash,omitempty"` // The time the attachment was uploaded. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // The description of the attachment. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The display name of the attachment. Can't be null or empty. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Id of the attachment. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Extended properties. Properties interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"` // The url to download the content of the attachment. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Meta data for a file attached to an artifact.
type AutoCompleteUpdatedEvent ¶
type AutoCompleteUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for an auto-complete update on a pull request
type BranchUpdatedEvent ¶
type BranchUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` // If true, the source branch of the pull request was updated IsSourceUpdate *bool `json:"isSourceUpdate,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for a source/target branch update on a pull request
type Change ¶
type Change struct { // The type of change that was made to the item. ChangeType *VersionControlChangeType `json:"changeType,omitempty"` // Current version. Item interface{} `json:"item,omitempty"` // Content of the item after the change. NewContent *ItemContent `json:"newContent,omitempty"` // Path of the item on the server. SourceServerItem *string `json:"sourceServerItem,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve the item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type ChangeCountDictionary ¶
type ChangeCountDictionary struct { }
type ChangeList ¶
type ChangeList struct { AllChangesIncluded *bool `json:"allChangesIncluded,omitempty"` ChangeCounts *map[VersionControlChangeType]int `json:"changeCounts,omitempty"` Changes *[]interface{} `json:"changes,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CommentTruncated *bool `json:"commentTruncated,omitempty"` CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` Notes *[]CheckinNote `json:"notes,omitempty"` Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` OwnerDisplayName *string `json:"ownerDisplayName,omitempty"` OwnerId *uuid.UUID `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` SortDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"sortDate,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
type ChangeListSearchCriteria ¶
type ChangeListSearchCriteria struct { // If provided, a version descriptor to compare against base CompareVersion *string `json:"compareVersion,omitempty"` // If true, don't include delete history entries ExcludeDeletes *bool `json:"excludeDeletes,omitempty"` // Whether or not to follow renames for the given item being queried FollowRenames *bool `json:"followRenames,omitempty"` // If provided, only include history entries created after this date (string) FromDate *string `json:"fromDate,omitempty"` // If provided, a version descriptor for the earliest change list to include FromVersion *string `json:"fromVersion,omitempty"` // Path of item to search under. If the itemPaths memebr is used then it will take precedence over this. ItemPath *string `json:"itemPath,omitempty"` // List of item paths to search under. If this member is used then itemPath will be ignored. ItemPaths *[]string `json:"itemPaths,omitempty"` // Version of the items to search ItemVersion *string `json:"itemVersion,omitempty"` // Number of results to skip (used when clicking more...) Skip *int `json:"skip,omitempty"` // If provided, only include history entries created before this date (string) ToDate *string `json:"toDate,omitempty"` // If provided, the maximum number of history entries to return Top *int `json:"top,omitempty"` // If provided, a version descriptor for the latest change list to include ToVersion *string `json:"toVersion,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of user who made the changes User *string `json:"user,omitempty"` }
Criteria used in a search for change lists
type CheckinNote ¶
type Client ¶
type Client interface { // [Preview API] Create an annotated tag. CreateAnnotatedTag(context.Context, CreateAnnotatedTagArgs) (*GitAnnotatedTag, error) // [Preview API] Attach a new file to a pull request. CreateAttachment(context.Context, CreateAttachmentArgs) (*Attachment, error) // [Preview API] Cherry pick a specific commit or commits that are associated to a pull request into a new branch. CreateCherryPick(context.Context, CreateCherryPickArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error) // Create a comment on a specific thread in a pull request (up to 500 comments can be created per thread). CreateComment(context.Context, CreateCommentArgs) (*Comment, error) // Create Git commit status. CreateCommitStatus(context.Context, CreateCommitStatusArgs) (*GitStatus, error) // [Preview API] Creates a ref favorite CreateFavorite(context.Context, CreateFavoriteArgs) (*GitRefFavorite, error) // [Preview API] Request that another repository's refs be fetched into this one. It syncs two existing forks. To create a fork, please see the <a href=""> repositories endpoint</a> CreateForkSyncRequest(context.Context, CreateForkSyncRequestArgs) (*GitForkSyncRequest, error) // [Preview API] Create an import request. CreateImportRequest(context.Context, CreateImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error) // [Preview API] Add a like on a comment. CreateLike(context.Context, CreateLikeArgs) error // [Preview API] Request a git merge operation. Currently we support merging only 2 commits. CreateMergeRequest(context.Context, CreateMergeRequestArgs) (*GitMerge, error) // Create a pull request. CreatePullRequest(context.Context, CreatePullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error) // [Preview API] Create a pull request status on the iteration. This operation will have the same result as Create status on pull request with specified iteration ID in the request body. CreatePullRequestIterationStatus(context.Context, CreatePullRequestIterationStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error) // [Preview API] Create a label for a specified pull request. The only required field is the name of the new label. CreatePullRequestLabel(context.Context, CreatePullRequestLabelArgs) (*core.WebApiTagDefinition, error) // Add a reviewer to a pull request or cast a vote. CreatePullRequestReviewer(context.Context, CreatePullRequestReviewerArgs) (*IdentityRefWithVote, error) // Add reviewers to a pull request. CreatePullRequestReviewers(context.Context, CreatePullRequestReviewersArgs) (*[]IdentityRefWithVote, error) // [Preview API] Create a pull request status. CreatePullRequestStatus(context.Context, CreatePullRequestStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error) // Push changes to the repository. CreatePush(context.Context, CreatePushArgs) (*GitPush, error) // Create a git repository in a team project. CreateRepository(context.Context, CreateRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error) // [Preview API] Starts the operation to create a new branch which reverts changes introduced by either a specific commit or commits that are associated to a pull request. CreateRevert(context.Context, CreateRevertArgs) (*GitRevert, error) // Create a thread in a pull request. CreateThread(context.Context, CreateThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error) // [Preview API] Delete a pull request attachment. DeleteAttachment(context.Context, DeleteAttachmentArgs) error // Delete a comment associated with a specific thread in a pull request. DeleteComment(context.Context, DeleteCommentArgs) error // [Preview API] Delete a like on a comment. DeleteLike(context.Context, DeleteLikeArgs) error // [Preview API] Delete pull request iteration status. DeletePullRequestIterationStatus(context.Context, DeletePullRequestIterationStatusArgs) error // [Preview API] Removes a label from the set of those assigned to the pull request. DeletePullRequestLabels(context.Context, DeletePullRequestLabelsArgs) error // Remove a reviewer from a pull request. DeletePullRequestReviewer(context.Context, DeletePullRequestReviewerArgs) error // [Preview API] Delete pull request status. DeletePullRequestStatus(context.Context, DeletePullRequestStatusArgs) error // [Preview API] Deletes the refs favorite specified DeleteRefFavorite(context.Context, DeleteRefFavoriteArgs) error // Delete a git repository DeleteRepository(context.Context, DeleteRepositoryArgs) error // [Preview API] Destroy (hard delete) a soft-deleted Git repository. DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBin(context.Context, DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs) error // [Preview API] Get an annotated tag. GetAnnotatedTag(context.Context, GetAnnotatedTagArgs) (*GitAnnotatedTag, error) // [Preview API] Get the file content of a pull request attachment. GetAttachmentContent(context.Context, GetAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] Get a list of files attached to a given pull request. GetAttachments(context.Context, GetAttachmentsArgs) (*[]Attachment, error) // [Preview API] Get the file content of a pull request attachment. GetAttachmentZip(context.Context, GetAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // Get a single blob. GetBlob(context.Context, GetBlobArgs) (*GitBlobRef, error) // Get a single blob. GetBlobContent(context.Context, GetBlobContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download. GetBlobsZip(context.Context, GetBlobsZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // Get a single blob. GetBlobZip(context.Context, GetBlobZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // Retrieve statistics about a single branch. GetBranch(context.Context, GetBranchArgs) (*GitBranchStats, error) // Retrieve statistics about all branches within a repository. GetBranches(context.Context, GetBranchesArgs) (*[]GitBranchStats, error) // Retrieve changes for a particular commit. GetChanges(context.Context, GetChangesArgs) (*GitCommitChanges, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve information about a cherry pick by cherry pick Id. GetCherryPick(context.Context, GetCherryPickArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve information about a cherry pick for a specific branch. GetCherryPickForRefName(context.Context, GetCherryPickForRefNameArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error) // Retrieve a comment associated with a specific thread in a pull request. GetComment(context.Context, GetCommentArgs) (*Comment, error) // Retrieve all comments associated with a specific thread in a pull request. GetComments(context.Context, GetCommentsArgs) (*[]Comment, error) // Retrieve a particular commit. GetCommit(context.Context, GetCommitArgs) (*GitCommit, error) // Find the closest common commit (the merge base) between base and target commits, and get the diff between either the base and target commits or common and target commits. GetCommitDiffs(context.Context, GetCommitDiffsArgs) (*GitCommitDiffs, error) // Retrieve git commits for a project GetCommits(context.Context, GetCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error) // Retrieve git commits for a project matching the search criteria GetCommitsBatch(context.Context, GetCommitsBatchArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve deleted git repositories. GetDeletedRepositories(context.Context, GetDeletedRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitDeletedRepository, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve all forks of a repository in the collection. GetForks(context.Context, GetForksArgs) (*[]GitRepositoryRef, error) // [Preview API] Get a specific fork sync operation's details. GetForkSyncRequest(context.Context, GetForkSyncRequestArgs) (*GitForkSyncRequest, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository. GetForkSyncRequests(context.Context, GetForkSyncRequestsArgs) (*[]GitForkSyncRequest, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve a particular import request. GetImportRequest(context.Context, GetImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error) // Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content, which is always returned as a download. GetItem(context.Context, GetItemArgs) (*GitItem, error) // Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content, which is always returned as a download. GetItemContent(context.Context, GetItemContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a collection of items. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download. GetItems(context.Context, GetItemsArgs) (*[]GitItem, error) // Post for retrieving a creating a batch out of a set of items in a repo / project given a list of paths or a long path GetItemsBatch(context.Context, GetItemsBatchArgs) (*[][]GitItem, error) // Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content, which is always returned as a download. GetItemText(context.Context, GetItemTextArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content, which is always returned as a download. GetItemZip(context.Context, GetItemZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] Get likes for a comment. GetLikes(context.Context, GetLikesArgs) (*[]webapi.IdentityRef, error) // [Preview API] Find the merge bases of two commits, optionally across forks. If otherRepositoryId is not specified, the merge bases will only be calculated within the context of the local repositoryNameOrId. GetMergeBases(context.Context, GetMergeBasesArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error) // [Preview API] Get a specific merge operation's details. GetMergeRequest(context.Context, GetMergeRequestArgs) (*GitMerge, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve a list of policy configurations by a given set of scope/filtering criteria. GetPolicyConfigurations(context.Context, GetPolicyConfigurationsArgs) (*GitPolicyConfigurationResponse, error) // Retrieve a pull request. GetPullRequest(context.Context, GetPullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error) // Retrieve a pull request. GetPullRequestById(context.Context, GetPullRequestByIdArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error) // Get the commits for the specified pull request. GetPullRequestCommits(context.Context, GetPullRequestCommitsArgs) (*GetPullRequestCommitsResponseValue, error) // Get the specified iteration for a pull request. GetPullRequestIteration(context.Context, GetPullRequestIterationArgs) (*GitPullRequestIteration, error) // Retrieve the changes made in a pull request between two iterations. GetPullRequestIterationChanges(context.Context, GetPullRequestIterationChangesArgs) (*GitPullRequestIterationChanges, error) // Get the commits for the specified iteration of a pull request. GetPullRequestIterationCommits(context.Context, GetPullRequestIterationCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error) // Get the list of iterations for the specified pull request. GetPullRequestIterations(context.Context, GetPullRequestIterationsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestIteration, error) // [Preview API] Get the specific pull request iteration status by ID. The status ID is unique within the pull request across all iterations. GetPullRequestIterationStatus(context.Context, GetPullRequestIterationStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error) // [Preview API] Get all the statuses associated with a pull request iteration. GetPullRequestIterationStatuses(context.Context, GetPullRequestIterationStatusesArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestStatus, error) // [Preview API] Retrieves a single label that has been assigned to a pull request. GetPullRequestLabel(context.Context, GetPullRequestLabelArgs) (*core.WebApiTagDefinition, error) // [Preview API] Get all the labels assigned to a pull request. GetPullRequestLabels(context.Context, GetPullRequestLabelsArgs) (*[]core.WebApiTagDefinition, error) // [Preview API] Get external properties of the pull request. GetPullRequestProperties(context.Context, GetPullRequestPropertiesArgs) (interface{}, error) // This API is used to find what pull requests are related to a given commit. It can be used to either find the pull request that created a particular merge commit or it can be used to find all pull requests that have ever merged a particular commit. The input is a list of queries which each contain a list of commits. For each commit that you search against, you will get back a dictionary of commit -> pull requests. GetPullRequestQuery(context.Context, GetPullRequestQueryArgs) (*GitPullRequestQuery, error) // Retrieve information about a particular reviewer on a pull request GetPullRequestReviewer(context.Context, GetPullRequestReviewerArgs) (*IdentityRefWithVote, error) // Retrieve the reviewers for a pull request GetPullRequestReviewers(context.Context, GetPullRequestReviewersArgs) (*[]IdentityRefWithVote, error) // Retrieve all pull requests matching a specified criteria. GetPullRequests(context.Context, GetPullRequestsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequest, error) // Retrieve all pull requests matching a specified criteria. GetPullRequestsByProject(context.Context, GetPullRequestsByProjectArgs) (*[]GitPullRequest, error) // [Preview API] Get the specific pull request status by ID. The status ID is unique within the pull request across all iterations. GetPullRequestStatus(context.Context, GetPullRequestStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error) // [Preview API] Get all the statuses associated with a pull request. GetPullRequestStatuses(context.Context, GetPullRequestStatusesArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestStatus, error) // Retrieve a thread in a pull request. GetPullRequestThread(context.Context, GetPullRequestThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error) // Retrieve a list of work items associated with a pull request. GetPullRequestWorkItemRefs(context.Context, GetPullRequestWorkItemRefsArgs) (*[]webapi.ResourceRef, error) // Retrieves a particular push. GetPush(context.Context, GetPushArgs) (*GitPush, error) // Retrieve a list of commits associated with a particular push. GetPushCommits(context.Context, GetPushCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error) // Retrieves pushes associated with the specified repository. GetPushes(context.Context, GetPushesArgs) (*[]GitPush, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve soft-deleted git repositories from the recycle bin. GetRecycleBinRepositories(context.Context, GetRecycleBinRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitDeletedRepository, error) // [Preview API] Gets the refs favorite for a favorite Id. GetRefFavorite(context.Context, GetRefFavoriteArgs) (*GitRefFavorite, error) // [Preview API] Gets the refs favorites for a repo and an identity. GetRefFavorites(context.Context, GetRefFavoritesArgs) (*[]GitRefFavorite, error) // Queries the provided repository for its refs and returns them. GetRefs(context.Context, GetRefsArgs) (*GetRefsResponseValue, error) // Retrieve git repositories. GetRepositories(context.Context, GetRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitRepository, error) // Retrieve a git repository. GetRepository(context.Context, GetRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error) // Retrieve a git repository. GetRepositoryWithParent(context.Context, GetRepositoryWithParentArgs) (*GitRepository, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve information about a revert operation by revert Id. GetRevert(context.Context, GetRevertArgs) (*GitRevert, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve information about a revert operation for a specific branch. GetRevertForRefName(context.Context, GetRevertForRefNameArgs) (*GitRevert, error) // Get statuses associated with the Git commit. GetStatuses(context.Context, GetStatusesArgs) (*[]GitStatus, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve a pull request suggestion for a particular repository or team project. GetSuggestions(context.Context, GetSuggestionsArgs) (*[]GitSuggestion, error) // Retrieve all threads in a pull request. GetThreads(context.Context, GetThreadsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestCommentThread, error) // The Tree endpoint returns the collection of objects underneath the specified tree. Trees are folders in a Git repository. GetTree(context.Context, GetTreeArgs) (*GitTreeRef, error) // The Tree endpoint returns the collection of objects underneath the specified tree. Trees are folders in a Git repository. GetTreeZip(context.Context, GetTreeZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error) // [Preview API] Retrieve import requests for a repository. QueryImportRequests(context.Context, QueryImportRequestsArgs) (*[]GitImportRequest, error) // [Preview API] Recover a soft-deleted Git repository. Recently deleted repositories go into a soft-delete state for a period of time before they are hard deleted and become unrecoverable. RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBin(context.Context, RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs) (*GitRepository, error) SharePullRequest(context.Context, SharePullRequestArgs) error // Update a comment associated with a specific thread in a pull request. UpdateComment(context.Context, UpdateCommentArgs) (*Comment, error) // [Preview API] Retry or abandon a failed import request. UpdateImportRequest(context.Context, UpdateImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error) // Update a pull request UpdatePullRequest(context.Context, UpdatePullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error) // [Preview API] Update pull request iteration statuses collection. The only supported operation type is `remove`. UpdatePullRequestIterationStatuses(context.Context, UpdatePullRequestIterationStatusesArgs) error // [Preview API] Create or update pull request external properties. The patch operation can be `add`, `replace` or `remove`. For `add` operation, the path can be empty. If the path is empty, the value must be a list of key value pairs. For `replace` operation, the path cannot be empty. If the path does not exist, the property will be added to the collection. For `remove` operation, the path cannot be empty. If the path does not exist, no action will be performed. UpdatePullRequestProperties(context.Context, UpdatePullRequestPropertiesArgs) (interface{}, error) // Reset the votes of multiple reviewers on a pull request. NOTE: This endpoint only supports updating votes, but does not support updating required reviewers (use policy) or display names. UpdatePullRequestReviewers(context.Context, UpdatePullRequestReviewersArgs) error // [Preview API] Update pull request statuses collection. The only supported operation type is `remove`. UpdatePullRequestStatuses(context.Context, UpdatePullRequestStatusesArgs) error // Lock or Unlock a branch. UpdateRef(context.Context, UpdateRefArgs) (*GitRef, error) // Creating, updating, or deleting refs(branches). UpdateRefs(context.Context, UpdateRefsArgs) (*[]GitRefUpdateResult, error) // Updates the Git repository with either a new repo name or a new default branch. UpdateRepository(context.Context, UpdateRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error) // Update a thread in a pull request. UpdateThread(context.Context, UpdateThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error) }
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, connection *azuredevops.Connection) (Client, error)
type ClientImpl ¶
type ClientImpl struct {
Client azuredevops.Client
func (*ClientImpl) CreateAnnotatedTag ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateAnnotatedTag(ctx context.Context, args CreateAnnotatedTagArgs) (*GitAnnotatedTag, error)
[Preview API] Create an annotated tag.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateAttachment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateAttachment(ctx context.Context, args CreateAttachmentArgs) (*Attachment, error)
[Preview API] Attach a new file to a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateCherryPick ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateCherryPick(ctx context.Context, args CreateCherryPickArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error)
[Preview API] Cherry pick a specific commit or commits that are associated to a pull request into a new branch.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateComment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateComment(ctx context.Context, args CreateCommentArgs) (*Comment, error)
Create a comment on a specific thread in a pull request (up to 500 comments can be created per thread).
func (*ClientImpl) CreateCommitStatus ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateCommitStatus(ctx context.Context, args CreateCommitStatusArgs) (*GitStatus, error)
Create Git commit status.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateFavorite ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateFavorite(ctx context.Context, args CreateFavoriteArgs) (*GitRefFavorite, error)
[Preview API] Creates a ref favorite
func (*ClientImpl) CreateForkSyncRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateForkSyncRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreateForkSyncRequestArgs) (*GitForkSyncRequest, error)
[Preview API] Request that another repository's refs be fetched into this one. It syncs two existing forks. To create a fork, please see the <a href=""> repositories endpoint</a>
func (*ClientImpl) CreateImportRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateImportRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreateImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error)
[Preview API] Create an import request.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateLike ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateLike(ctx context.Context, args CreateLikeArgs) error
[Preview API] Add a like on a comment.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateMergeRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateMergeRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreateMergeRequestArgs) (*GitMerge, error)
[Preview API] Request a git merge operation. Currently we support merging only 2 commits.
func (*ClientImpl) CreatePullRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequest(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error)
Create a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestIterationStatus ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestIterationStatus(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestIterationStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error)
[Preview API] Create a pull request status on the iteration. This operation will have the same result as Create status on pull request with specified iteration ID in the request body.
func (*ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestLabel ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestLabel(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestLabelArgs) (*core.WebApiTagDefinition, error)
[Preview API] Create a label for a specified pull request. The only required field is the name of the new label.
func (*ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestReviewer ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestReviewer(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestReviewerArgs) (*IdentityRefWithVote, error)
Add a reviewer to a pull request or cast a vote.
func (*ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestReviewers ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestReviewers(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestReviewersArgs) (*[]IdentityRefWithVote, error)
Add reviewers to a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestStatus ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePullRequestStatus(ctx context.Context, args CreatePullRequestStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error)
[Preview API] Create a pull request status.
func (*ClientImpl) CreatePush ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreatePush(ctx context.Context, args CreatePushArgs) (*GitPush, error)
Push changes to the repository.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateRepository ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateRepository(ctx context.Context, args CreateRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
Create a git repository in a team project.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateRevert ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateRevert(ctx context.Context, args CreateRevertArgs) (*GitRevert, error)
[Preview API] Starts the operation to create a new branch which reverts changes introduced by either a specific commit or commits that are associated to a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) CreateThread ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) CreateThread(ctx context.Context, args CreateThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error)
Create a thread in a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteAttachment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteAttachment(ctx context.Context, args DeleteAttachmentArgs) error
[Preview API] Delete a pull request attachment.
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteComment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteComment(ctx context.Context, args DeleteCommentArgs) error
Delete a comment associated with a specific thread in a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteLike ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteLike(ctx context.Context, args DeleteLikeArgs) error
[Preview API] Delete a like on a comment.
func (*ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestIterationStatus ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestIterationStatus(ctx context.Context, args DeletePullRequestIterationStatusArgs) error
[Preview API] Delete pull request iteration status.
func (*ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestLabels ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestLabels(ctx context.Context, args DeletePullRequestLabelsArgs) error
[Preview API] Removes a label from the set of those assigned to the pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestReviewer ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestReviewer(ctx context.Context, args DeletePullRequestReviewerArgs) error
Remove a reviewer from a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestStatus ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeletePullRequestStatus(ctx context.Context, args DeletePullRequestStatusArgs) error
[Preview API] Delete pull request status.
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteRefFavorite ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteRefFavorite(ctx context.Context, args DeleteRefFavoriteArgs) error
[Preview API] Deletes the refs favorite specified
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteRepository ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteRepository(ctx context.Context, args DeleteRepositoryArgs) error
Delete a git repository
func (*ClientImpl) DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBin ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBin(ctx context.Context, args DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs) error
[Preview API] Destroy (hard delete) a soft-deleted Git repository.
func (*ClientImpl) GetAnnotatedTag ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAnnotatedTag(ctx context.Context, args GetAnnotatedTagArgs) (*GitAnnotatedTag, error)
[Preview API] Get an annotated tag.
func (*ClientImpl) GetAttachmentContent ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAttachmentContent(ctx context.Context, args GetAttachmentContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Get the file content of a pull request attachment.
func (*ClientImpl) GetAttachmentZip ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAttachmentZip(ctx context.Context, args GetAttachmentZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
[Preview API] Get the file content of a pull request attachment.
func (*ClientImpl) GetAttachments ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetAttachments(ctx context.Context, args GetAttachmentsArgs) (*[]Attachment, error)
[Preview API] Get a list of files attached to a given pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetBlob ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetBlob(ctx context.Context, args GetBlobArgs) (*GitBlobRef, error)
Get a single blob.
func (*ClientImpl) GetBlobContent ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetBlobContent(ctx context.Context, args GetBlobContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Get a single blob.
func (*ClientImpl) GetBlobZip ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetBlobZip(ctx context.Context, args GetBlobZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Get a single blob.
func (*ClientImpl) GetBlobsZip ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetBlobsZip(ctx context.Context, args GetBlobsZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download.
func (*ClientImpl) GetBranch ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetBranch(ctx context.Context, args GetBranchArgs) (*GitBranchStats, error)
Retrieve statistics about a single branch.
func (*ClientImpl) GetBranches ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetBranches(ctx context.Context, args GetBranchesArgs) (*[]GitBranchStats, error)
Retrieve statistics about all branches within a repository.
func (*ClientImpl) GetChanges ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetChanges(ctx context.Context, args GetChangesArgs) (*GitCommitChanges, error)
Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
func (*ClientImpl) GetCherryPick ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCherryPick(ctx context.Context, args GetCherryPickArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve information about a cherry pick by cherry pick Id.
func (*ClientImpl) GetCherryPickForRefName ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCherryPickForRefName(ctx context.Context, args GetCherryPickForRefNameArgs) (*GitCherryPick, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve information about a cherry pick for a specific branch.
func (*ClientImpl) GetComment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetComment(ctx context.Context, args GetCommentArgs) (*Comment, error)
Retrieve a comment associated with a specific thread in a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetComments ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetComments(ctx context.Context, args GetCommentsArgs) (*[]Comment, error)
Retrieve all comments associated with a specific thread in a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetCommit ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCommit(ctx context.Context, args GetCommitArgs) (*GitCommit, error)
Retrieve a particular commit.
func (*ClientImpl) GetCommitDiffs ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCommitDiffs(ctx context.Context, args GetCommitDiffsArgs) (*GitCommitDiffs, error)
Find the closest common commit (the merge base) between base and target commits, and get the diff between either the base and target commits or common and target commits.
func (*ClientImpl) GetCommits ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCommits(ctx context.Context, args GetCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
Retrieve git commits for a project
func (*ClientImpl) GetCommitsBatch ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetCommitsBatch(ctx context.Context, args GetCommitsBatchArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
Retrieve git commits for a project matching the search criteria
func (*ClientImpl) GetDeletedRepositories ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetDeletedRepositories(ctx context.Context, args GetDeletedRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitDeletedRepository, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve deleted git repositories.
func (*ClientImpl) GetForkSyncRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetForkSyncRequest(ctx context.Context, args GetForkSyncRequestArgs) (*GitForkSyncRequest, error)
[Preview API] Get a specific fork sync operation's details.
func (*ClientImpl) GetForkSyncRequests ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetForkSyncRequests(ctx context.Context, args GetForkSyncRequestsArgs) (*[]GitForkSyncRequest, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve all requested fork sync operations on this repository.
func (*ClientImpl) GetForks ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetForks(ctx context.Context, args GetForksArgs) (*[]GitRepositoryRef, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve all forks of a repository in the collection.
func (*ClientImpl) GetImportRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetImportRequest(ctx context.Context, args GetImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve a particular import request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetItem ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetItem(ctx context.Context, args GetItemArgs) (*GitItem, error)
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content, which is always returned as a download.
func (*ClientImpl) GetItemContent ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetItemContent(ctx context.Context, args GetItemContentArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content, which is always returned as a download.
func (*ClientImpl) GetItemText ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetItemText(ctx context.Context, args GetItemTextArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content, which is always returned as a download.
func (*ClientImpl) GetItemZip ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetItemZip(ctx context.Context, args GetItemZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content, which is always returned as a download.
func (*ClientImpl) GetItems ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetItems(ctx context.Context, args GetItemsArgs) (*[]GitItem, error)
Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a collection of items. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
func (*ClientImpl) GetItemsBatch ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetItemsBatch(ctx context.Context, args GetItemsBatchArgs) (*[][]GitItem, error)
Post for retrieving a creating a batch out of a set of items in a repo / project given a list of paths or a long path
func (*ClientImpl) GetLikes ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetLikes(ctx context.Context, args GetLikesArgs) (*[]webapi.IdentityRef, error)
[Preview API] Get likes for a comment.
func (*ClientImpl) GetMergeBases ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetMergeBases(ctx context.Context, args GetMergeBasesArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
[Preview API] Find the merge bases of two commits, optionally across forks. If otherRepositoryId is not specified, the merge bases will only be calculated within the context of the local repositoryNameOrId.
func (*ClientImpl) GetMergeRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetMergeRequest(ctx context.Context, args GetMergeRequestArgs) (*GitMerge, error)
[Preview API] Get a specific merge operation's details.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPolicyConfigurations ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPolicyConfigurations(ctx context.Context, args GetPolicyConfigurationsArgs) (*GitPolicyConfigurationResponse, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve a list of policy configurations by a given set of scope/filtering criteria.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequest(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error)
Retrieve a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestById ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestById(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestByIdArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error)
Retrieve a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestCommits ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestCommits(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestCommitsArgs) (*GetPullRequestCommitsResponseValue, error)
Get the commits for the specified pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIteration ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIteration(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationArgs) (*GitPullRequestIteration, error)
Get the specified iteration for a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationChanges ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationChanges(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationChangesArgs) (*GitPullRequestIterationChanges, error)
Retrieve the changes made in a pull request between two iterations.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationCommits ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationCommits(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
Get the commits for the specified iteration of a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationStatus ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationStatus(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error)
[Preview API] Get the specific pull request iteration status by ID. The status ID is unique within the pull request across all iterations.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationStatuses ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterationStatuses(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationStatusesArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestStatus, error)
[Preview API] Get all the statuses associated with a pull request iteration.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterations ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestIterations(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestIterationsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestIteration, error)
Get the list of iterations for the specified pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestLabel ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestLabel(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestLabelArgs) (*core.WebApiTagDefinition, error)
[Preview API] Retrieves a single label that has been assigned to a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestLabels ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestLabels(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestLabelsArgs) (*[]core.WebApiTagDefinition, error)
[Preview API] Get all the labels assigned to a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestProperties ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestProperties(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestPropertiesArgs) (interface{}, error)
[Preview API] Get external properties of the pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestQuery ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestQuery(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestQueryArgs) (*GitPullRequestQuery, error)
This API is used to find what pull requests are related to a given commit. It can be used to either find the pull request that created a particular merge commit or it can be used to find all pull requests that have ever merged a particular commit. The input is a list of queries which each contain a list of commits. For each commit that you search against, you will get back a dictionary of commit -> pull requests.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestReviewer ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestReviewer(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestReviewerArgs) (*IdentityRefWithVote, error)
Retrieve information about a particular reviewer on a pull request
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestReviewers ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestReviewers(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestReviewersArgs) (*[]IdentityRefWithVote, error)
Retrieve the reviewers for a pull request
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestStatus ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestStatus(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestStatusArgs) (*GitPullRequestStatus, error)
[Preview API] Get the specific pull request status by ID. The status ID is unique within the pull request across all iterations.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestStatuses ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestStatuses(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestStatusesArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestStatus, error)
[Preview API] Get all the statuses associated with a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestThread ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestThread(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error)
Retrieve a thread in a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestWorkItemRefs ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestWorkItemRefs(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestWorkItemRefsArgs) (*[]webapi.ResourceRef, error)
Retrieve a list of work items associated with a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequests ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequests(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequest, error)
Retrieve all pull requests matching a specified criteria.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPullRequestsByProject ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPullRequestsByProject(ctx context.Context, args GetPullRequestsByProjectArgs) (*[]GitPullRequest, error)
Retrieve all pull requests matching a specified criteria.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPush ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPush(ctx context.Context, args GetPushArgs) (*GitPush, error)
Retrieves a particular push.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPushCommits ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPushCommits(ctx context.Context, args GetPushCommitsArgs) (*[]GitCommitRef, error)
Retrieve a list of commits associated with a particular push.
func (*ClientImpl) GetPushes ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetPushes(ctx context.Context, args GetPushesArgs) (*[]GitPush, error)
Retrieves pushes associated with the specified repository.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRecycleBinRepositories ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRecycleBinRepositories(ctx context.Context, args GetRecycleBinRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitDeletedRepository, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve soft-deleted git repositories from the recycle bin.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRefFavorite ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRefFavorite(ctx context.Context, args GetRefFavoriteArgs) (*GitRefFavorite, error)
[Preview API] Gets the refs favorite for a favorite Id.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRefFavorites ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRefFavorites(ctx context.Context, args GetRefFavoritesArgs) (*[]GitRefFavorite, error)
[Preview API] Gets the refs favorites for a repo and an identity.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRefs ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRefs(ctx context.Context, args GetRefsArgs) (*GetRefsResponseValue, error)
Queries the provided repository for its refs and returns them.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRepositories ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRepositories(ctx context.Context, args GetRepositoriesArgs) (*[]GitRepository, error)
Retrieve git repositories.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRepository ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRepository(ctx context.Context, args GetRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
Retrieve a git repository.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRepositoryWithParent ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRepositoryWithParent(ctx context.Context, args GetRepositoryWithParentArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
Retrieve a git repository.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRevert ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRevert(ctx context.Context, args GetRevertArgs) (*GitRevert, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve information about a revert operation by revert Id.
func (*ClientImpl) GetRevertForRefName ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetRevertForRefName(ctx context.Context, args GetRevertForRefNameArgs) (*GitRevert, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve information about a revert operation for a specific branch.
func (*ClientImpl) GetStatuses ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetStatuses(ctx context.Context, args GetStatusesArgs) (*[]GitStatus, error)
Get statuses associated with the Git commit.
func (*ClientImpl) GetSuggestions ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetSuggestions(ctx context.Context, args GetSuggestionsArgs) (*[]GitSuggestion, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve a pull request suggestion for a particular repository or team project.
func (*ClientImpl) GetThreads ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetThreads(ctx context.Context, args GetThreadsArgs) (*[]GitPullRequestCommentThread, error)
Retrieve all threads in a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTree ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTree(ctx context.Context, args GetTreeArgs) (*GitTreeRef, error)
The Tree endpoint returns the collection of objects underneath the specified tree. Trees are folders in a Git repository.
func (*ClientImpl) GetTreeZip ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) GetTreeZip(ctx context.Context, args GetTreeZipArgs) (io.ReadCloser, error)
The Tree endpoint returns the collection of objects underneath the specified tree. Trees are folders in a Git repository.
func (*ClientImpl) QueryImportRequests ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) QueryImportRequests(ctx context.Context, args QueryImportRequestsArgs) (*[]GitImportRequest, error)
[Preview API] Retrieve import requests for a repository.
func (*ClientImpl) RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBin ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBin(ctx context.Context, args RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
[Preview API] Recover a soft-deleted Git repository. Recently deleted repositories go into a soft-delete state for a period of time before they are hard deleted and become unrecoverable.
func (*ClientImpl) SharePullRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) SharePullRequest(ctx context.Context, args SharePullRequestArgs) error
[Preview API] Sends an e-mail notification about a specific pull request to a set of recipients
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateComment ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateComment(ctx context.Context, args UpdateCommentArgs) (*Comment, error)
Update a comment associated with a specific thread in a pull request.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateImportRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateImportRequest(ctx context.Context, args UpdateImportRequestArgs) (*GitImportRequest, error)
[Preview API] Retry or abandon a failed import request.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequest ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequest(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestArgs) (*GitPullRequest, error)
Update a pull request
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestIterationStatuses ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestIterationStatuses(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestIterationStatusesArgs) error
[Preview API] Update pull request iteration statuses collection. The only supported operation type is `remove`.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestProperties ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestProperties(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestPropertiesArgs) (interface{}, error)
[Preview API] Create or update pull request external properties. The patch operation can be `add`, `replace` or `remove`. For `add` operation, the path can be empty. If the path is empty, the value must be a list of key value pairs. For `replace` operation, the path cannot be empty. If the path does not exist, the property will be added to the collection. For `remove` operation, the path cannot be empty. If the path does not exist, no action will be performed.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestReviewers ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestReviewers(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestReviewersArgs) error
Reset the votes of multiple reviewers on a pull request. NOTE: This endpoint only supports updating votes, but does not support updating required reviewers (use policy) or display names.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestStatuses ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdatePullRequestStatuses(ctx context.Context, args UpdatePullRequestStatusesArgs) error
[Preview API] Update pull request statuses collection. The only supported operation type is `remove`.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateRef ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateRef(ctx context.Context, args UpdateRefArgs) (*GitRef, error)
Lock or Unlock a branch.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateRefs ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateRefs(ctx context.Context, args UpdateRefsArgs) (*[]GitRefUpdateResult, error)
Creating, updating, or deleting refs(branches).
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateRepository ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateRepository(ctx context.Context, args UpdateRepositoryArgs) (*GitRepository, error)
Updates the Git repository with either a new repo name or a new default branch.
func (*ClientImpl) UpdateThread ¶
func (client *ClientImpl) UpdateThread(ctx context.Context, args UpdateThreadArgs) (*GitPullRequestCommentThread, error)
Update a thread in a pull request.
type Comment ¶
type Comment struct { // Links to other related objects. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // The author of the comment. Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` // The comment type at the time of creation. CommentType *CommentType `json:"commentType,omitempty"` // The comment content. Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` // The comment ID. IDs start at 1 and are unique to a pull request. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Whether or not this comment was soft-deleted. IsDeleted *bool `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"` // The date the comment's content was last updated. LastContentUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastContentUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // The date the comment was last updated. LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // The ID of the parent comment. This is used for replies. ParentCommentId *int `json:"parentCommentId,omitempty"` // The date the comment was first published. PublishedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"publishedDate,omitempty"` // A list of the users who have liked this comment. UsersLiked *[]webapi.IdentityRef `json:"usersLiked,omitempty"` }
Represents a comment which is one of potentially many in a comment thread.
type CommentIterationContext ¶
type CommentIterationContext struct { // The iteration of the file on the left side of the diff when the thread was created. If this value is equal to SecondComparingIteration, then this version is the common commit between the source and target branches of the pull request. FirstComparingIteration *int `json:"firstComparingIteration,omitempty"` // The iteration of the file on the right side of the diff when the thread was created. SecondComparingIteration *int `json:"secondComparingIteration,omitempty"` }
Comment iteration context is used to identify which diff was being viewed when the thread was created.
type CommentPosition ¶
type CommentThread ¶
type CommentThread struct { // Links to other related objects. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // A list of the comments. Comments *[]Comment `json:"comments,omitempty"` // The comment thread id. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Set of identities related to this thread Identities *map[string]webapi.IdentityRef `json:"identities,omitempty"` // Specify if the thread is deleted which happens when all comments are deleted. IsDeleted *bool `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"` // The time this thread was last updated. LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Optional properties associated with the thread as a collection of key-value pairs. Properties interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"` // The time this thread was published. PublishedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"publishedDate,omitempty"` // The status of the comment thread. Status *CommentThreadStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Specify thread context such as position in left/right file. ThreadContext *CommentThreadContext `json:"threadContext,omitempty"` }
Represents a comment thread of a pull request. A thread contains meta data about the file it was left on along with one or more comments (an initial comment and the subsequent replies).
type CommentThreadContext ¶
type CommentThreadContext struct { // File path relative to the root of the repository. It's up to the client to use any path format. FilePath *string `json:"filePath,omitempty"` // Position of last character of the thread's span in left file. LeftFileEnd *CommentPosition `json:"leftFileEnd,omitempty"` // Position of first character of the thread's span in left file. LeftFileStart *CommentPosition `json:"leftFileStart,omitempty"` // Position of last character of the thread's span in right file. RightFileEnd *CommentPosition `json:"rightFileEnd,omitempty"` // Position of first character of the thread's span in right file. RightFileStart *CommentPosition `json:"rightFileStart,omitempty"` }
type CommentTrackingCriteria ¶
type CommentTrackingCriteria struct { // The iteration of the file on the left side of the diff that the thread will be tracked to. Threads were tracked if this is greater than 0. FirstComparingIteration *int `json:"firstComparingIteration,omitempty"` // Original filepath the thread was created on before tracking. This will be different than the current thread filepath if the file in question was renamed in a later iteration. OrigFilePath *string `json:"origFilePath,omitempty"` // Original position of last character of the thread's span in left file. OrigLeftFileEnd *CommentPosition `json:"origLeftFileEnd,omitempty"` // Original position of first character of the thread's span in left file. OrigLeftFileStart *CommentPosition `json:"origLeftFileStart,omitempty"` // Original position of last character of the thread's span in right file. OrigRightFileEnd *CommentPosition `json:"origRightFileEnd,omitempty"` // Original position of first character of the thread's span in right file. OrigRightFileStart *CommentPosition `json:"origRightFileStart,omitempty"` // The iteration of the file on the right side of the diff that the thread will be tracked to. Threads were tracked if this is greater than 0. SecondComparingIteration *int `json:"secondComparingIteration,omitempty"` }
Comment tracking criteria is used to identify which iteration context the thread has been tracked to (if any) along with some detail about the original position and filename.
type CompletionErrorsEvent ¶
type CompletionErrorsEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` // The error message associated with the completion error ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for a completion errors on a pull request
type CreateAnnotatedTagArgs ¶
type CreateAnnotatedTagArgs struct { // (required) Object containing details of tag to be created. TagObject *GitAnnotatedTag // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID or name of the repository. RepositoryId *string }
Arguments for the CreateAnnotatedTag function
type CreateAttachmentArgs ¶
type CreateAttachmentArgs struct { // (required) Stream to upload UploadStream io.Reader // (required) The name of the file. FileName *string // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreateAttachment function
type CreateCherryPickArgs ¶
type CreateCherryPickArgs struct { // (required) CherryPickToCreate *GitAsyncRefOperationParameters // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string }
Arguments for the CreateCherryPick function
type CreateCommentArgs ¶
type CreateCommentArgs struct { // (required) The comment to create. Comments can be up to 150,000 characters. Comment *Comment // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the thread that the desired comment is in. ThreadId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreateComment function
type CreateCommitStatusArgs ¶
type CreateCommitStatusArgs struct { // (required) Git commit status object to create. GitCommitStatusToCreate *GitStatus // (required) ID of the Git commit. CommitId *string // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreateCommitStatus function
type CreateFavoriteArgs ¶
type CreateFavoriteArgs struct { // (required) The ref favorite to create. Favorite *GitRefFavorite // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreateFavorite function
type CreateForkSyncRequestArgs ¶
type CreateForkSyncRequestArgs struct { // (required) Source repository and ref mapping. SyncParams *GitForkSyncRequestParameters // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryNameOrId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) True to include links IncludeLinks *bool }
Arguments for the CreateForkSyncRequest function
type CreateImportRequestArgs ¶
type CreateImportRequestArgs struct { // (required) The import request to create. ImportRequest *GitImportRequest // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string }
Arguments for the CreateImportRequest function
type CreateLikeArgs ¶
type CreateLikeArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) The ID of the thread that contains the comment. ThreadId *int // (required) The ID of the comment. CommentId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreateLike function
type CreateMergeRequestArgs ¶
type CreateMergeRequestArgs struct { // (required) Parents commitIds and merge commit messsage. MergeParameters *GitMergeParameters // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryNameOrId *string // (optional) True to include links IncludeLinks *bool }
Arguments for the CreateMergeRequest function
type CreatePullRequestArgs ¶
type CreatePullRequestArgs struct { // (required) The pull request to create. GitPullRequestToCreate *GitPullRequest // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) If true, subsequent pushes to the pull request will be individually reviewable. Set this to false for large pull requests for performance reasons if this functionality is not needed. SupportsIterations *bool }
Arguments for the CreatePullRequest function
type CreatePullRequestIterationStatusArgs ¶
type CreatePullRequestIterationStatusArgs struct { // (required) Pull request status to create. Status *GitPullRequestStatus // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request iteration. IterationId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreatePullRequestIterationStatus function
type CreatePullRequestLabelArgs ¶
type CreatePullRequestLabelArgs struct { // (required) Label to assign to the pull request. Label *core.WebApiCreateTagRequestData // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Project ID or project name. ProjectId *string }
Arguments for the CreatePullRequestLabel function
type CreatePullRequestReviewerArgs ¶
type CreatePullRequestReviewerArgs struct { // (required) Reviewer's vote.<br />If the reviewer's ID is included here, it must match the reviewerID parameter.<br />Reviewers can set their own vote with this method. When adding other reviewers, vote must be set to zero. Reviewer *IdentityRefWithVote // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the reviewer. ReviewerId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreatePullRequestReviewer function
type CreatePullRequestReviewersArgs ¶
type CreatePullRequestReviewersArgs struct { // (required) Reviewers to add to the pull request. Reviewers *[]webapi.IdentityRef // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreatePullRequestReviewers function
type CreatePullRequestStatusArgs ¶
type CreatePullRequestStatusArgs struct { // (required) Pull request status to create. Status *GitPullRequestStatus // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreatePullRequestStatus function
type CreatePushArgs ¶
type CreatePushArgs struct { // (required) Push *GitPush // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreatePush function
type CreateRepositoryArgs ¶
type CreateRepositoryArgs struct { // (required) Specify the repo name, team project and/or parent repository. Team project information can be omitted from gitRepositoryToCreate if the request is project-scoped (i.e., includes project Id). GitRepositoryToCreate *GitRepositoryCreateOptions // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) [optional] Specify the source refs to use while creating a fork repo SourceRef *string }
Arguments for the CreateRepository function
type CreateRevertArgs ¶
type CreateRevertArgs struct { // (required) RevertToCreate *GitAsyncRefOperationParameters // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string }
Arguments for the CreateRevert function
type CreateThreadArgs ¶
type CreateThreadArgs struct { // (required) The thread to create. Thread must contain at least one comment. CommentThread *GitPullRequestCommentThread // (required) Repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the CreateThread function
type DeleteAttachmentArgs ¶
type DeleteAttachmentArgs struct { // (required) The name of the attachment to delete. FileName *string // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the DeleteAttachment function
type DeleteCommentArgs ¶
type DeleteCommentArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the thread that the desired comment is in. ThreadId *int // (required) ID of the comment. CommentId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the DeleteComment function
type DeleteLikeArgs ¶
type DeleteLikeArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) The ID of the thread that contains the comment. ThreadId *int // (required) The ID of the comment. CommentId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the DeleteLike function
type DeletePullRequestIterationStatusArgs ¶
type DeletePullRequestIterationStatusArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request iteration. IterationId *int // (required) ID of the pull request status. StatusId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the DeletePullRequestIterationStatus function
type DeletePullRequestLabelsArgs ¶
type DeletePullRequestLabelsArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) The name or ID of the label requested. LabelIdOrName *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Project ID or project name. ProjectId *string }
Arguments for the DeletePullRequestLabels function
type DeletePullRequestReviewerArgs ¶
type DeletePullRequestReviewerArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the reviewer to remove. ReviewerId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the DeletePullRequestReviewer function
type DeletePullRequestStatusArgs ¶
type DeletePullRequestStatusArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request status. StatusId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the DeletePullRequestStatus function
type DeleteRefFavoriteArgs ¶
type DeleteRefFavoriteArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The Id of the ref favorite to delete. FavoriteId *int }
Arguments for the DeleteRefFavorite function
type DeleteRepositoryArgs ¶
type DeleteRepositoryArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *uuid.UUID // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the DeleteRepository function
type DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs ¶
type DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The ID of the repository. RepositoryId *uuid.UUID }
Arguments for the DeleteRepositoryFromRecycleBin function
type DiscussionsUpdatedEvent ¶
type DiscussionsUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for a discussions update on a pull request
type FileContentMetadata ¶
type FileContentMetadata struct { ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` Encoding *int `json:"encoding,omitempty"` Extension *string `json:"extension,omitempty"` FileName *string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` IsBinary *bool `json:"isBinary,omitempty"` IsImage *bool `json:"isImage,omitempty"` VsLink *string `json:"vsLink,omitempty"` }
type FileDiff ¶
type FileDiff struct { // The collection of line diff blocks LineDiffBlocks *[]LineDiffBlock `json:"lineDiffBlocks,omitempty"` // Original path of item if different from current path. OriginalPath *string `json:"originalPath,omitempty"` // Current path of item Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
Provides properties that describe file differences
type FileDiffParams ¶
type FileDiffParams struct { // Original path of the file OriginalPath *string `json:"originalPath,omitempty"` // Current path of the file Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
Provides parameters that describe inputs for the file diff
type FileDiffsCriteria ¶
type FileDiffsCriteria struct { // Commit ID of the base version BaseVersionCommit *string `json:"baseVersionCommit,omitempty"` // List of parameters for each of the files for which we need to get the file diff FileDiffParams *[]FileDiffParams `json:"fileDiffParams,omitempty"` // Commit ID of the target version TargetVersionCommit *string `json:"targetVersionCommit,omitempty"` }
Provides properties that describe inputs for the file diffs
type GetAnnotatedTagArgs ¶
type GetAnnotatedTagArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID or name of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) ObjectId (Sha1Id) of tag to get. ObjectId *string }
Arguments for the GetAnnotatedTag function
type GetAttachmentContentArgs ¶
type GetAttachmentContentArgs struct { // (required) The name of the attachment. FileName *string // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetAttachmentContent function
type GetAttachmentZipArgs ¶
type GetAttachmentZipArgs struct { // (required) The name of the attachment. FileName *string // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetAttachmentZip function
type GetAttachmentsArgs ¶
type GetAttachmentsArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetAttachments function
type GetBlobArgs ¶
type GetBlobArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) SHA1 hash of the file. You can get the SHA1 of a file using the "Git/Items/Get Item" endpoint. Sha1 *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) If true, prompt for a download rather than rendering in a browser. Note: this value defaults to true if $format is zip Download *bool // (optional) Provide a fileName to use for a download. FileName *string // (optional) If true, try to resolve a blob to its LFS contents, if it's an LFS pointer file. Only compatible with octet-stream Accept headers or $format types ResolveLfs *bool }
Arguments for the GetBlob function
type GetBlobContentArgs ¶
type GetBlobContentArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) SHA1 hash of the file. You can get the SHA1 of a file using the "Git/Items/Get Item" endpoint. Sha1 *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) If true, prompt for a download rather than rendering in a browser. Note: this value defaults to true if $format is zip Download *bool // (optional) Provide a fileName to use for a download. FileName *string // (optional) If true, try to resolve a blob to its LFS contents, if it's an LFS pointer file. Only compatible with octet-stream Accept headers or $format types ResolveLfs *bool }
Arguments for the GetBlobContent function
type GetBlobZipArgs ¶
type GetBlobZipArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) SHA1 hash of the file. You can get the SHA1 of a file using the "Git/Items/Get Item" endpoint. Sha1 *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) If true, prompt for a download rather than rendering in a browser. Note: this value defaults to true if $format is zip Download *bool // (optional) Provide a fileName to use for a download. FileName *string // (optional) If true, try to resolve a blob to its LFS contents, if it's an LFS pointer file. Only compatible with octet-stream Accept headers or $format types ResolveLfs *bool }
Arguments for the GetBlobZip function
type GetBlobsZipArgs ¶
type GetBlobsZipArgs struct { // (required) Blob IDs (SHA1 hashes) to be returned in the zip file. BlobIds *[]string // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Filename *string }
Arguments for the GetBlobsZip function
type GetBranchArgs ¶
type GetBranchArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) Name of the branch. Name *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Identifies the commit or branch to use as the base. BaseVersionDescriptor *GitVersionDescriptor }
Arguments for the GetBranch function
type GetBranchesArgs ¶
type GetBranchesArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Identifies the commit or branch to use as the base. BaseVersionDescriptor *GitVersionDescriptor }
Arguments for the GetBranches function
type GetChangesArgs ¶
type GetChangesArgs struct { // (required) The id of the commit. CommitId *string // (required) The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The maximum number of changes to return. Top *int // (optional) The number of changes to skip. Skip *int }
Arguments for the GetChanges function
type GetCherryPickArgs ¶
type GetCherryPickArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the cherry pick. CherryPickId *int // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string }
Arguments for the GetCherryPick function
type GetCherryPickForRefNameArgs ¶
type GetCherryPickForRefNameArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The GitAsyncRefOperationParameters generatedRefName used for the cherry pick operation. RefName *string }
Arguments for the GetCherryPickForRefName function
type GetCommentArgs ¶
type GetCommentArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the thread that the desired comment is in. ThreadId *int // (required) ID of the comment. CommentId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetComment function
type GetCommentsArgs ¶
type GetCommentsArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the thread. ThreadId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetComments function
type GetCommitArgs ¶
type GetCommitArgs struct { // (required) The id of the commit. CommitId *string // (required) The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The number of changes to include in the result. ChangeCount *int }
Arguments for the GetCommit function
type GetCommitDiffsArgs ¶
type GetCommitDiffsArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) If true, diff between common and target commits. If false, diff between base and target commits. DiffCommonCommit *bool // (optional) Maximum number of changes to return. Defaults to 100. Top *int // (optional) Number of changes to skip Skip *int // (optional) Descriptor for base commit. BaseVersionDescriptor *GitBaseVersionDescriptor // (optional) Descriptor for target commit. TargetVersionDescriptor *GitTargetVersionDescriptor }
Arguments for the GetCommitDiffs function
type GetCommitsArgs ¶
type GetCommitsArgs struct { // (required) The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified. RepositoryId *string // (required) SearchCriteria *GitQueryCommitsCriteria // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Skip *int // (optional) Top *int }
Arguments for the GetCommits function
type GetCommitsBatchArgs ¶
type GetCommitsBatchArgs struct { // (required) Search options SearchCriteria *GitQueryCommitsCriteria // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Number of commits to skip. Skip *int // (optional) Maximum number of commits to return. Top *int // (optional) True to include additional commit status information. IncludeStatuses *bool }
Arguments for the GetCommitsBatch function
type GetDeletedRepositoriesArgs ¶
type GetDeletedRepositoriesArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetDeletedRepositories function
type GetForkSyncRequestArgs ¶
type GetForkSyncRequestArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryNameOrId *string // (required) OperationId of the sync request. ForkSyncOperationId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) True to include links. IncludeLinks *bool }
Arguments for the GetForkSyncRequest function
type GetForkSyncRequestsArgs ¶
type GetForkSyncRequestsArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryNameOrId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) True to include abandoned requests. IncludeAbandoned *bool // (optional) True to include links. IncludeLinks *bool }
Arguments for the GetForkSyncRequests function
type GetForksArgs ¶
type GetForksArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryNameOrId *string // (required) Team project collection ID. CollectionId *uuid.UUID // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) True to include links. IncludeLinks *bool }
Arguments for the GetForks function
type GetImportRequestArgs ¶
type GetImportRequestArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The unique identifier for the import request. ImportRequestId *int }
Arguments for the GetImportRequest function
type GetItemArgs ¶
type GetItemArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The item path. Path *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The path scope. The default is null. ScopePath *string // (optional) The recursion level of this request. The default is 'none', no recursion. RecursionLevel *VersionControlRecursionType // (optional) Set to true to include content metadata. Default is false. IncludeContentMetadata *bool // (optional) Set to true to include the latest changes. Default is false. LatestProcessedChange *bool // (optional) Set to true to download the response as a file. Default is false. Download *bool // (optional) Version descriptor. Default is the default branch for the repository. VersionDescriptor *GitVersionDescriptor // (optional) Set to true to include item content when requesting json. Default is false. IncludeContent *bool // (optional) Set to true to resolve Git LFS pointer files to return actual content from Git LFS. Default is false. ResolveLfs *bool }
Arguments for the GetItem function
type GetItemContentArgs ¶
type GetItemContentArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The item path. Path *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The path scope. The default is null. ScopePath *string // (optional) The recursion level of this request. The default is 'none', no recursion. RecursionLevel *VersionControlRecursionType // (optional) Set to true to include content metadata. Default is false. IncludeContentMetadata *bool // (optional) Set to true to include the latest changes. Default is false. LatestProcessedChange *bool // (optional) Set to true to download the response as a file. Default is false. Download *bool // (optional) Version descriptor. Default is the default branch for the repository. VersionDescriptor *GitVersionDescriptor // (optional) Set to true to include item content when requesting json. Default is false. IncludeContent *bool // (optional) Set to true to resolve Git LFS pointer files to return actual content from Git LFS. Default is false. ResolveLfs *bool }
Arguments for the GetItemContent function
type GetItemTextArgs ¶
type GetItemTextArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The item path. Path *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The path scope. The default is null. ScopePath *string // (optional) The recursion level of this request. The default is 'none', no recursion. RecursionLevel *VersionControlRecursionType // (optional) Set to true to include content metadata. Default is false. IncludeContentMetadata *bool // (optional) Set to true to include the latest changes. Default is false. LatestProcessedChange *bool // (optional) Set to true to download the response as a file. Default is false. Download *bool // (optional) Version descriptor. Default is the default branch for the repository. VersionDescriptor *GitVersionDescriptor // (optional) Set to true to include item content when requesting json. Default is false. IncludeContent *bool // (optional) Set to true to resolve Git LFS pointer files to return actual content from Git LFS. Default is false. ResolveLfs *bool }
Arguments for the GetItemText function
type GetItemZipArgs ¶
type GetItemZipArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The item path. Path *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The path scope. The default is null. ScopePath *string // (optional) The recursion level of this request. The default is 'none', no recursion. RecursionLevel *VersionControlRecursionType // (optional) Set to true to include content metadata. Default is false. IncludeContentMetadata *bool // (optional) Set to true to include the latest changes. Default is false. LatestProcessedChange *bool // (optional) Set to true to download the response as a file. Default is false. Download *bool // (optional) Version descriptor. Default is the default branch for the repository. VersionDescriptor *GitVersionDescriptor // (optional) Set to true to include item content when requesting json. Default is false. IncludeContent *bool // (optional) Set to true to resolve Git LFS pointer files to return actual content from Git LFS. Default is false. ResolveLfs *bool }
Arguments for the GetItemZip function
type GetItemsArgs ¶
type GetItemsArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The path scope. The default is null. ScopePath *string // (optional) The recursion level of this request. The default is 'none', no recursion. RecursionLevel *VersionControlRecursionType // (optional) Set to true to include content metadata. Default is false. IncludeContentMetadata *bool // (optional) Set to true to include the latest changes. Default is false. LatestProcessedChange *bool // (optional) Set to true to download the response as a file. Default is false. Download *bool // (optional) Set to true to include links to items. Default is false. IncludeLinks *bool // (optional) Version descriptor. Default is the default branch for the repository. VersionDescriptor *GitVersionDescriptor }
Arguments for the GetItems function
type GetItemsBatchArgs ¶
type GetItemsBatchArgs struct { // (required) Request data attributes: ItemDescriptors, IncludeContentMetadata, LatestProcessedChange, IncludeLinks. ItemDescriptors: Collection of items to fetch, including path, version, and recursion level. IncludeContentMetadata: Whether to include metadata for all items LatestProcessedChange: Whether to include shallow ref to commit that last changed each item. IncludeLinks: Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references. RequestData *GitItemRequestData // (required) The name or ID of the repository RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetItemsBatch function
type GetLikesArgs ¶
type GetLikesArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) The ID of the thread that contains the comment. ThreadId *int // (required) The ID of the comment. CommentId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetLikes function
type GetMergeBasesArgs ¶
type GetMergeBasesArgs struct { // (required) ID or name of the local repository. RepositoryNameOrId *string // (required) First commit, usually the tip of the target branch of the potential merge. CommitId *string // (required) Other commit, usually the tip of the source branch of the potential merge. OtherCommitId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The collection ID where otherCommitId lives. OtherCollectionId *uuid.UUID // (optional) The repository ID where otherCommitId lives. OtherRepositoryId *uuid.UUID }
Arguments for the GetMergeBases function
type GetMergeRequestArgs ¶
type GetMergeRequestArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryNameOrId *string // (required) OperationId of the merge request. MergeOperationId *int // (optional) True to include links IncludeLinks *bool }
Arguments for the GetMergeRequest function
type GetPolicyConfigurationsArgs ¶
type GetPolicyConfigurationsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The repository id. RepositoryId *uuid.UUID // (optional) The fully-qualified Git ref name (e.g. refs/heads/master). RefName *string // (optional) The policy type filter. PolicyType *uuid.UUID // (optional) Maximum number of policies to return. Top *int // (optional) Pass a policy configuration ID to fetch the next page of results, up to top number of results, for this endpoint. ContinuationToken *string }
Arguments for the GetPolicyConfigurations function
type GetPullRequestArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) The ID of the pull request to retrieve. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Not used. MaxCommentLength *int // (optional) Not used. Skip *int // (optional) Not used. Top *int // (optional) If true, the pull request will be returned with the associated commits. IncludeCommits *bool // (optional) If true, the pull request will be returned with the associated work item references. IncludeWorkItemRefs *bool }
Arguments for the GetPullRequest function
type GetPullRequestByIdArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestByIdArgs struct { // (required) The ID of the pull request to retrieve. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestById function
type GetPullRequestCommitsArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestCommitsArgs struct { // (required) ID or name of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Maximum number of commits to return. Top *int // (optional) The continuation token used for pagination. ContinuationToken *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestCommits function
type GetPullRequestCommitsResponseValue ¶
type GetPullRequestCommitsResponseValue struct { Value []GitCommitRef // The continuation token to be used to get the next page of results. ContinuationToken string }
Return type for the GetPullRequestCommits function
type GetPullRequestIterationArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestIterationArgs struct { // (required) ID or name of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request iteration to return. IterationId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestIteration function
type GetPullRequestIterationChangesArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestIterationChangesArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request iteration. <br /> Iteration IDs are zero-based with zero indicating the common commit between the source and target branches. Iteration one is the head of the source branch at the time the pull request is created and subsequent iterations are created when there are pushes to the source branch. IterationId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Optional. The number of changes to retrieve. The default value is 100 and the maximum value is 2000. Top *int // (optional) Optional. The number of changes to ignore. For example, to retrieve changes 101-150, set top 50 and skip to 100. Skip *int // (optional) ID of the pull request iteration to compare against. The default value is zero which indicates the comparison is made against the common commit between the source and target branches CompareTo *int }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestIterationChanges function
type GetPullRequestIterationCommitsArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestIterationCommitsArgs struct { // (required) ID or name of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the iteration from which to get the commits. IterationId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Maximum number of commits to return. The maximum number of commits that can be returned per batch is 500. Top *int // (optional) Number of commits to skip. Skip *int }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestIterationCommits function
type GetPullRequestIterationStatusArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestIterationStatusArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request iteration. IterationId *int // (required) ID of the pull request status. StatusId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestIterationStatus function
type GetPullRequestIterationStatusesArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestIterationStatusesArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request iteration. IterationId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestIterationStatuses function
type GetPullRequestIterationsArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestIterationsArgs struct { // (required) ID or name of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) If true, include the commits associated with each iteration in the response. IncludeCommits *bool }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestIterations function
type GetPullRequestLabelArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestLabelArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) The name or ID of the label requested. LabelIdOrName *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Project ID or project name. ProjectId *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestLabel function
type GetPullRequestLabelsArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestLabelsArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Project ID or project name. ProjectId *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestLabels function
type GetPullRequestPropertiesArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestPropertiesArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestProperties function
type GetPullRequestQueryArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestQueryArgs struct { // (required) The list of queries to perform. Queries *GitPullRequestQuery // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestQuery function
type GetPullRequestReviewerArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestReviewerArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the reviewer. ReviewerId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestReviewer function
type GetPullRequestReviewersArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestReviewersArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestReviewers function
type GetPullRequestStatusArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestStatusArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request status. StatusId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestStatus function
type GetPullRequestStatusesArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestStatusesArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestStatuses function
type GetPullRequestThreadArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestThreadArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the thread. ThreadId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) If specified, thread position will be tracked using this iteration as the right side of the diff. Iteration *int // (optional) If specified, thread position will be tracked using this iteration as the left side of the diff. BaseIteration *int }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestThread function
type GetPullRequestWorkItemRefsArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestWorkItemRefsArgs struct { // (required) ID or name of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestWorkItemRefs function
type GetPullRequestsArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestsArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) Pull requests will be returned that match this search criteria. SearchCriteria *GitPullRequestSearchCriteria // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Not used. MaxCommentLength *int // (optional) The number of pull requests to ignore. For example, to retrieve results 101-150, set top to 50 and skip to 100. Skip *int // (optional) The number of pull requests to retrieve. Top *int }
Arguments for the GetPullRequests function
type GetPullRequestsByProjectArgs ¶
type GetPullRequestsByProjectArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) Pull requests will be returned that match this search criteria. SearchCriteria *GitPullRequestSearchCriteria // (optional) Not used. MaxCommentLength *int // (optional) The number of pull requests to ignore. For example, to retrieve results 101-150, set top to 50 and skip to 100. Skip *int // (optional) The number of pull requests to retrieve. Top *int }
Arguments for the GetPullRequestsByProject function
type GetPushArgs ¶
type GetPushArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the push. PushId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The number of commits to include in the result. IncludeCommits *int // (optional) If true, include the list of refs that were updated by the push. IncludeRefUpdates *bool }
Arguments for the GetPush function
type GetPushCommitsArgs ¶
type GetPushCommitsArgs struct { // (required) The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified. RepositoryId *string // (required) The id of the push. PushId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The maximum number of commits to return ("get the top x commits"). Top *int // (optional) The number of commits to skip. Skip *int // (optional) Set to false to avoid including REST Url links for resources. Defaults to true. IncludeLinks *bool }
Arguments for the GetPushCommits function
type GetPushesArgs ¶
type GetPushesArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Number of pushes to skip. Skip *int // (optional) Number of pushes to return. Top *int // (optional) Search criteria attributes: fromDate, toDate, pusherId, refName, includeRefUpdates or includeLinks. fromDate: Start date to search from. toDate: End date to search to. pusherId: Identity of the person who submitted the push. refName: Branch name to consider. includeRefUpdates: If true, include the list of refs that were updated by the push. includeLinks: Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references. SearchCriteria *GitPushSearchCriteria }
Arguments for the GetPushes function
type GetRecycleBinRepositoriesArgs ¶
type GetRecycleBinRepositoriesArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetRecycleBinRepositories function
type GetRefFavoriteArgs ¶
type GetRefFavoriteArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The Id of the requested ref favorite. FavoriteId *int }
Arguments for the GetRefFavorite function
type GetRefFavoritesArgs ¶
type GetRefFavoritesArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) The id of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) The id of the identity whose favorites are to be retrieved. If null, the requesting identity is used. IdentityId *string }
Arguments for the GetRefFavorites function
type GetRefsArgs ¶
type GetRefsArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) [optional] A filter to apply to the refs (starts with). Filter *string // (optional) [optional] Specifies if referenceLinks should be included in the result. default is false. IncludeLinks *bool // (optional) [optional] Includes up to the first 1000 commit statuses for each ref. The default value is false. IncludeStatuses *bool // (optional) [optional] Includes only branches that the user owns, the branches the user favorites, and the default branch. The default value is false. Cannot be combined with the filter parameter. IncludeMyBranches *bool // (optional) [optional] True to include only the tip commit status for each ref. This option requires `includeStatuses` to be true. The default value is false. LatestStatusesOnly *bool // (optional) [optional] Annotated tags will populate the PeeledObjectId property. default is false. PeelTags *bool // (optional) [optional] A filter to apply to the refs (contains). FilterContains *string // (optional) [optional] Maximum number of refs to return. It cannot be bigger than 1000. If it is not provided but continuationToken is, top will default to 100. Top *int // (optional) The continuation token used for pagination. ContinuationToken *string }
Arguments for the GetRefs function
type GetRefsResponseValue ¶
type GetRefsResponseValue struct { Value []GitRef // The continuation token to be used to get the next page of results. ContinuationToken string }
Return type for the GetRefs function
type GetRepositoriesArgs ¶
type GetRepositoriesArgs struct { // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) [optional] True to include reference links. The default value is false. IncludeLinks *bool // (optional) [optional] True to include all remote URLs. The default value is false. IncludeAllUrls *bool // (optional) [optional] True to include hidden repositories. The default value is false. IncludeHidden *bool }
Arguments for the GetRepositories function
type GetRepositoryArgs ¶
type GetRepositoryArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetRepository function
type GetRepositoryWithParentArgs ¶
type GetRepositoryWithParentArgs struct { // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) True to include parent repository. Only available in authenticated calls. IncludeParent *bool // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetRepositoryWithParent function
type GetRevertArgs ¶
type GetRevertArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the revert operation. RevertId *int // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string }
Arguments for the GetRevert function
type GetRevertForRefNameArgs ¶
type GetRevertForRefNameArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The GitAsyncRefOperationParameters generatedRefName used for the revert operation. RefName *string }
Arguments for the GetRevertForRefName function
type GetStatusesArgs ¶
type GetStatusesArgs struct { // (required) ID of the Git commit. CommitId *string // (required) ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Optional. The number of statuses to retrieve. Default is 1000. Top *int // (optional) Optional. The number of statuses to ignore. Default is 0. For example, to retrieve results 101-150, set top to 50 and skip to 100. Skip *int // (optional) The flag indicates whether to get only latest statuses grouped by `Context.Name` and `Context.Genre`. LatestOnly *bool }
Arguments for the GetStatuses function
type GetSuggestionsArgs ¶
type GetSuggestionsArgs struct { // (required) ID of the git repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the GetSuggestions function
type GetThreadsArgs ¶
type GetThreadsArgs struct { // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) If specified, thread positions will be tracked using this iteration as the right side of the diff. Iteration *int // (optional) If specified, thread positions will be tracked using this iteration as the left side of the diff. BaseIteration *int }
Arguments for the GetThreads function
type GetTreeArgs ¶
type GetTreeArgs struct { // (required) Repository Id. RepositoryId *string // (required) SHA1 hash of the tree object. Sha1 *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Project Id. ProjectId *string // (optional) Search recursively. Include trees underneath this tree. Default is false. Recursive *bool // (optional) Name to use if a .zip file is returned. Default is the object ID. FileName *string }
Arguments for the GetTree function
type GetTreeZipArgs ¶
type GetTreeZipArgs struct { // (required) Repository Id. RepositoryId *string // (required) SHA1 hash of the tree object. Sha1 *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) Project Id. ProjectId *string // (optional) Search recursively. Include trees underneath this tree. Default is false. Recursive *bool // (optional) Name to use if a .zip file is returned. Default is the object ID. FileName *string }
Arguments for the GetTreeZip function
type GitAnnotatedTag ¶
type GitAnnotatedTag struct { // The tagging Message Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // The name of the annotated tag. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The objectId (Sha1Id) of the tag. ObjectId *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // User info and date of tagging. TaggedBy *GitUserDate `json:"taggedBy,omitempty"` // Tagged git object. TaggedObject *GitObject `json:"taggedObject,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
A Git annotated tag.
type GitAsyncOperationStatus ¶
type GitAsyncOperationStatus string
Current status of the asynchronous operation.
type GitAsyncRefOperation ¶
type GitAsyncRefOperation struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` DetailedStatus *GitAsyncRefOperationDetail `json:"detailedStatus,omitempty"` Parameters *GitAsyncRefOperationParameters `json:"parameters,omitempty"` Status *GitAsyncOperationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // A URL that can be used to make further requests for status about the operation Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitAsyncRefOperationDetail ¶
type GitAsyncRefOperationDetail struct { // Indicates if there was a conflict generated when trying to cherry pick or revert the changes. Conflict *bool `json:"conflict,omitempty"` // The current commit from the list of commits that are being cherry picked or reverted. CurrentCommitId *string `json:"currentCommitId,omitempty"` // Detailed information about why the cherry pick or revert failed to complete. FailureMessage *string `json:"failureMessage,omitempty"` // A number between 0 and 1 indicating the percent complete of the operation. Progress *float64 `json:"progress,omitempty"` // Provides a status code that indicates the reason the cherry pick or revert failed. Status *GitAsyncRefOperationFailureStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Indicates if the operation went beyond the maximum time allowed for a cherry pick or revert operation. Timedout *bool `json:"timedout,omitempty"` }
Information about the progress of a cherry pick or revert operation.
type GitAsyncRefOperationFailureStatus ¶
type GitAsyncRefOperationFailureStatus string
type GitAsyncRefOperationParameters ¶
type GitAsyncRefOperationParameters struct { // Proposed target branch name for the cherry pick or revert operation. GeneratedRefName *string `json:"generatedRefName,omitempty"` // The target branch for the cherry pick or revert operation. OntoRefName *string `json:"ontoRefName,omitempty"` // The git repository for the cherry pick or revert operation. Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository,omitempty"` // Details about the source of the cherry pick or revert operation (e.g. A pull request or a specific commit). Source *GitAsyncRefOperationSource `json:"source,omitempty"` }
Parameters that are provided in the request body when requesting to cherry pick or revert.
type GitAsyncRefOperationSource ¶
type GitAsyncRefOperationSource struct { // A list of commits to cherry pick or revert CommitList *[]GitCommitRef `json:"commitList,omitempty"` // Id of the pull request to cherry pick or revert PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
GitAsyncRefOperationSource specifies the pull request or list of commits to use when making a cherry pick and revert operation request. Only one should be provided.
type GitBaseVersionDescriptor ¶
type GitBaseVersionDescriptor struct { // Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit) Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous) VersionOptions *GitVersionOptions `json:"versionOptions,omitempty"` // Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted VersionType *GitVersionType `json:"versionType,omitempty"` // Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit) BaseVersion *string `json:"baseVersion,omitempty"` // Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous) BaseVersionOptions *GitVersionOptions `json:"baseVersionOptions,omitempty"` // Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted BaseVersionType *GitVersionType `json:"baseVersionType,omitempty"` }
type GitBlobRef ¶
type GitBranchStats ¶
type GitBranchStats struct { // Number of commits ahead. AheadCount *int `json:"aheadCount,omitempty"` // Number of commits behind. BehindCount *int `json:"behindCount,omitempty"` // Current commit. Commit *GitCommitRef `json:"commit,omitempty"` // True if this is the result for the base version. IsBaseVersion *bool `json:"isBaseVersion,omitempty"` // Name of the ref. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Ahead and behind counts for a particular ref.
type GitChange ¶
type GitChange struct { // The type of change that was made to the item. ChangeType *VersionControlChangeType `json:"changeType,omitempty"` // Current version. Item interface{} `json:"item,omitempty"` // Content of the item after the change. NewContent *ItemContent `json:"newContent,omitempty"` // Path of the item on the server. SourceServerItem *string `json:"sourceServerItem,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve the item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // ID of the change within the group of changes. ChangeId *int `json:"changeId,omitempty"` // New Content template to be used when pushing new changes. NewContentTemplate *GitTemplate `json:"newContentTemplate,omitempty"` // Original path of item if different from current path. OriginalPath *string `json:"originalPath,omitempty"` }
type GitCherryPick ¶
type GitCherryPick struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` DetailedStatus *GitAsyncRefOperationDetail `json:"detailedStatus,omitempty"` Parameters *GitAsyncRefOperationParameters `json:"parameters,omitempty"` Status *GitAsyncOperationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // A URL that can be used to make further requests for status about the operation Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` CherryPickId *int `json:"cherryPickId,omitempty"` }
This object is returned from Cherry Pick operations and provides the id and status of the operation
type GitCommit ¶
type GitCommit struct { // A collection of related REST reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Author of the commit. Author *GitUserDate `json:"author,omitempty"` // Counts of the types of changes (edits, deletes, etc.) included with the commit. ChangeCounts *ChangeCountDictionary `json:"changeCounts,omitempty"` // An enumeration of the changes included with the commit. Changes *[]interface{} `json:"changes,omitempty"` // Comment or message of the commit. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Indicates if the comment is truncated from the full Git commit comment message. CommentTruncated *bool `json:"commentTruncated,omitempty"` // ID (SHA-1) of the commit. CommitId *string `json:"commitId,omitempty"` // Committer of the commit. Committer *GitUserDate `json:"committer,omitempty"` // An enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit. Parents *[]string `json:"parents,omitempty"` // The push associated with this commit. Push *GitPushRef `json:"push,omitempty"` // Remote URL path to the commit. RemoteUrl *string `json:"remoteUrl,omitempty"` // A list of status metadata from services and extensions that may associate additional information to the commit. Statuses *[]GitStatus `json:"statuses,omitempty"` // REST URL for this resource. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // A list of workitems associated with this commit. WorkItems *[]webapi.ResourceRef `json:"workItems,omitempty"` TreeId *string `json:"treeId,omitempty"` }
type GitCommitChanges ¶
type GitCommitChanges struct { ChangeCounts *ChangeCountDictionary `json:"changeCounts,omitempty"` Changes *[]interface{} `json:"changes,omitempty"` }
type GitCommitDiffs ¶
type GitCommitDiffs struct { AheadCount *int `json:"aheadCount,omitempty"` AllChangesIncluded *bool `json:"allChangesIncluded,omitempty"` BaseCommit *string `json:"baseCommit,omitempty"` BehindCount *int `json:"behindCount,omitempty"` ChangeCounts *map[VersionControlChangeType]int `json:"changeCounts,omitempty"` Changes *[]interface{} `json:"changes,omitempty"` CommonCommit *string `json:"commonCommit,omitempty"` TargetCommit *string `json:"targetCommit,omitempty"` }
type GitCommitRef ¶
type GitCommitRef struct { // A collection of related REST reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Author of the commit. Author *GitUserDate `json:"author,omitempty"` // Counts of the types of changes (edits, deletes, etc.) included with the commit. ChangeCounts *ChangeCountDictionary `json:"changeCounts,omitempty"` // An enumeration of the changes included with the commit. Changes *[]interface{} `json:"changes,omitempty"` // Comment or message of the commit. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Indicates if the comment is truncated from the full Git commit comment message. CommentTruncated *bool `json:"commentTruncated,omitempty"` // ID (SHA-1) of the commit. CommitId *string `json:"commitId,omitempty"` // Committer of the commit. Committer *GitUserDate `json:"committer,omitempty"` // An enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit. Parents *[]string `json:"parents,omitempty"` // The push associated with this commit. Push *GitPushRef `json:"push,omitempty"` // Remote URL path to the commit. RemoteUrl *string `json:"remoteUrl,omitempty"` // A list of status metadata from services and extensions that may associate additional information to the commit. Statuses *[]GitStatus `json:"statuses,omitempty"` // REST URL for this resource. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // A list of workitems associated with this commit. WorkItems *[]webapi.ResourceRef `json:"workItems,omitempty"` }
Provides properties that describe a Git commit and associated metadata.
type GitCommitToCreate ¶
type GitCommitToCreate struct { BaseRef *GitRef `json:"baseRef,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` PathActions *[]GitPathAction `json:"pathActions,omitempty"` }
type GitConflict ¶
type GitConflict struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitConflictAddAdd ¶
type GitConflictAddAdd struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionMergeContent `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` }
Data object for AddAdd conflict
type GitConflictAddRename ¶
type GitConflictAddRename struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPathConflict `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` TargetOriginalPath *string `json:"targetOriginalPath,omitempty"` }
Data object for RenameAdd conflict
type GitConflictDeleteEdit ¶
type GitConflictDeleteEdit struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPickOneAction `json:"resolution,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` }
Data object for EditDelete conflict
type GitConflictDeleteRename ¶
type GitConflictDeleteRename struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPickOneAction `json:"resolution,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` TargetNewPath *string `json:"targetNewPath,omitempty"` }
Data object for RenameDelete conflict
type GitConflictDirectoryFile ¶
type GitConflictDirectoryFile struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPathConflict `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceTree *GitTreeRef `json:"sourceTree,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` }
Data object for FileDirectory conflict
type GitConflictEditDelete ¶
type GitConflictEditDelete struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPickOneAction `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` }
Data object for DeleteEdit conflict
type GitConflictEditEdit ¶
type GitConflictEditEdit struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionMergeContent `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` }
Data object for EditEdit conflict
type GitConflictFileDirectory ¶
type GitConflictFileDirectory struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPathConflict `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` TargetTree *GitTreeRef `json:"targetTree,omitempty"` }
Data object for DirectoryFile conflict
type GitConflictRename1to2 ¶
type GitConflictRename1to2 struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionRename1to2 `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` SourceNewPath *string `json:"sourceNewPath,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` TargetNewPath *string `json:"targetNewPath,omitempty"` }
Data object for Rename1to2 conflict
type GitConflictRename2to1 ¶
type GitConflictRename2to1 struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPathConflict `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceNewBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceNewBlob,omitempty"` SourceOriginalBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceOriginalBlob,omitempty"` SourceOriginalPath *string `json:"sourceOriginalPath,omitempty"` TargetNewBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetNewBlob,omitempty"` TargetOriginalBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetOriginalBlob,omitempty"` TargetOriginalPath *string `json:"targetOriginalPath,omitempty"` }
Data object for Rename2to1 conflict
type GitConflictRenameAdd ¶
type GitConflictRenameAdd struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPathConflict `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` SourceOriginalPath *string `json:"sourceOriginalPath,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` }
Data object for AddRename conflict
type GitConflictRenameDelete ¶
type GitConflictRenameDelete struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionPickOneAction `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` SourceNewPath *string `json:"sourceNewPath,omitempty"` }
Data object for DeleteRename conflict
type GitConflictRenameRename ¶
type GitConflictRenameRename struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` ConflictPath *string `json:"conflictPath,omitempty"` ConflictType *GitConflictType `json:"conflictType,omitempty"` MergeBaseCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeBaseCommit,omitempty"` MergeOrigin *GitMergeOriginRef `json:"mergeOrigin,omitempty"` MergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` MergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"mergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` ResolutionError *GitResolutionError `json:"resolutionError,omitempty"` ResolutionStatus *GitResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus,omitempty"` ResolvedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"resolvedBy,omitempty"` ResolvedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"resolvedDate,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` BaseBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"baseBlob,omitempty"` OriginalPath *string `json:"originalPath,omitempty"` Resolution *GitResolutionMergeContent `json:"resolution,omitempty"` SourceBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"sourceBlob,omitempty"` TargetBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"targetBlob,omitempty"` }
Data object for RenameRename conflict
type GitConflictUpdateResult ¶
type GitConflictUpdateResult struct { // Conflict ID that was provided by input ConflictId *int `json:"conflictId,omitempty"` // Reason for failing CustomMessage *string `json:"customMessage,omitempty"` // New state of the conflict after updating UpdatedConflict *GitConflict `json:"updatedConflict,omitempty"` // Status of the update on the server UpdateStatus *GitConflictUpdateStatus `json:"updateStatus,omitempty"` }
type GitConflictUpdateStatus ¶
type GitConflictUpdateStatus string
Represents the possible outcomes from a request to update a pull request conflict
type GitDeletedRepository ¶
type GitDeletedRepository struct { CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` DeletedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"deletedBy,omitempty"` DeletedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"deletedDate,omitempty"` Id *uuid.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Project *core.TeamProjectReference `json:"project,omitempty"` }
type GitFilePathsCollection ¶
type GitForkOperationStatusDetail ¶
type GitForkOperationStatusDetail struct { // All valid steps for the forking process AllSteps *[]string `json:"allSteps,omitempty"` // Index into AllSteps for the current step CurrentStep *int `json:"currentStep,omitempty"` // Error message if the operation failed. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` }
Status information about a requested fork operation.
type GitForkRef ¶
type GitForkRef struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Creator *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"creator,omitempty"` IsLocked *bool `json:"isLocked,omitempty"` IsLockedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"isLockedBy,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` ObjectId *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` PeeledObjectId *string `json:"peeledObjectId,omitempty"` Statuses *[]GitStatus `json:"statuses,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // The repository ID of the fork. Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository,omitempty"` }
Information about a fork ref.
type GitForkSyncRequest ¶
type GitForkSyncRequest struct { // Collection of related links Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` DetailedStatus *GitForkOperationStatusDetail `json:"detailedStatus,omitempty"` // Unique identifier for the operation. OperationId *int `json:"operationId,omitempty"` // Fully-qualified identifier for the source repository. Source *GlobalGitRepositoryKey `json:"source,omitempty"` // If supplied, the set of ref mappings to use when performing a "sync" or create. If missing, all refs will be synchronized. SourceToTargetRefs *[]SourceToTargetRef `json:"sourceToTargetRefs,omitempty"` Status *GitAsyncOperationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Request to sync data between two forks.
type GitForkSyncRequestParameters ¶
type GitForkSyncRequestParameters struct { // Fully-qualified identifier for the source repository. Source *GlobalGitRepositoryKey `json:"source,omitempty"` // If supplied, the set of ref mappings to use when performing a "sync" or create. If missing, all refs will be synchronized. SourceToTargetRefs *[]SourceToTargetRef `json:"sourceToTargetRefs,omitempty"` }
Parameters for creating a fork request
type GitForkTeamProjectReference ¶
type GitForkTeamProjectReference struct { // Project abbreviation. Abbreviation *string `json:"abbreviation,omitempty"` // Url to default team identity image. DefaultTeamImageUrl *string `json:"defaultTeamImageUrl,omitempty"` // The project's description (if any). Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Project identifier. Id *uuid.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"` // Project last update time. LastUpdateTime *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdateTime,omitempty"` // Project name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Project revision. Revision *uint64 `json:"revision,omitempty"` // Project state. State *core.ProjectState `json:"state,omitempty"` // Url to the full version of the object. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Project visibility. Visibility *core.ProjectVisibility `json:"visibility,omitempty"` }
type GitImportFailedEvent ¶
type GitImportFailedEvent struct { SourceRepositoryName *string `json:"sourceRepositoryName,omitempty"` TargetRepository *GitRepository `json:"targetRepository,omitempty"` }
type GitImportGitSource ¶
type GitImportGitSource struct { // Tells if this is a sync request or not Overwrite *bool `json:"overwrite,omitempty"` // Url for the source repo Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
Parameter for creating a git import request when source is Git version control
type GitImportRequest ¶
type GitImportRequest struct { // Links to related resources. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Detailed status of the import, including the current step and an error message, if applicable. DetailedStatus *GitImportStatusDetail `json:"detailedStatus,omitempty"` // The unique identifier for this import request. ImportRequestId *int `json:"importRequestId,omitempty"` // Parameters for creating the import request. Parameters *GitImportRequestParameters `json:"parameters,omitempty"` // The target repository for this import. Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository,omitempty"` // Current status of the import. Status *GitAsyncOperationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // A link back to this import request resource. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
A request to import data from a remote source control system.
type GitImportRequestParameters ¶
type GitImportRequestParameters struct { // Option to delete service endpoint when import is done DeleteServiceEndpointAfterImportIsDone *bool `json:"deleteServiceEndpointAfterImportIsDone,omitempty"` // Source for importing git repository GitSource *GitImportGitSource `json:"gitSource,omitempty"` // Service Endpoint for connection to external endpoint ServiceEndpointId *uuid.UUID `json:"serviceEndpointId,omitempty"` // Source for importing tfvc repository TfvcSource *GitImportTfvcSource `json:"tfvcSource,omitempty"` }
Parameters for creating an import request
type GitImportStatusDetail ¶
type GitImportStatusDetail struct { // All valid steps for the import process AllSteps *[]string `json:"allSteps,omitempty"` // Index into AllSteps for the current step CurrentStep *int `json:"currentStep,omitempty"` // Error message if the operation failed. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"` }
Additional status information about an import request.
type GitImportSucceededEvent ¶
type GitImportSucceededEvent struct { SourceRepositoryName *string `json:"sourceRepositoryName,omitempty"` TargetRepository *GitRepository `json:"targetRepository,omitempty"` }
type GitImportTfvcSource ¶
type GitImportTfvcSource struct { // Set true to import History, false otherwise ImportHistory *bool `json:"importHistory,omitempty"` // Get history for last n days (max allowed value is 180 days) ImportHistoryDurationInDays *int `json:"importHistoryDurationInDays,omitempty"` // Path which we want to import (this can be copied from Path Control in Explorer) Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
Parameter for creating a git import request when source is tfvc version control
type GitItem ¶
type GitItem struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` ContentMetadata *FileContentMetadata `json:"contentMetadata,omitempty"` IsFolder *bool `json:"isFolder,omitempty"` IsSymLink *bool `json:"isSymLink,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // SHA1 of commit item was fetched at CommitId *string `json:"commitId,omitempty"` // Type of object (Commit, Tree, Blob, Tag, ...) GitObjectType *GitObjectType `json:"gitObjectType,omitempty"` // Shallow ref to commit that last changed this item Only populated if latestProcessedChange is requested May not be accurate if latest change is not yet cached LatestProcessedChange *GitCommitRef `json:"latestProcessedChange,omitempty"` // Git object id ObjectId *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Git object id OriginalObjectId *string `json:"originalObjectId,omitempty"` }
type GitItemDescriptor ¶
type GitItemDescriptor struct { // Path to item Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Specifies whether to include children (OneLevel), all descendants (Full), or None RecursionLevel *VersionControlRecursionType `json:"recursionLevel,omitempty"` // Version string (interpretation based on VersionType defined in subclass Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Version modifiers (e.g. previous) VersionOptions *GitVersionOptions `json:"versionOptions,omitempty"` // How to interpret version (branch,tag,commit) VersionType *GitVersionType `json:"versionType,omitempty"` }
type GitItemRequestData ¶
type GitItemRequestData struct { // Whether to include metadata for all items IncludeContentMetadata *bool `json:"includeContentMetadata,omitempty"` // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` // Collection of items to fetch, including path, version, and recursion level ItemDescriptors *[]GitItemDescriptor `json:"itemDescriptors,omitempty"` // Whether to include shallow ref to commit that last changed each item LatestProcessedChange *bool `json:"latestProcessedChange,omitempty"` }
type GitLastChangeItem ¶
type GitLastChangeTreeItems ¶
type GitLastChangeTreeItems struct { // The list of commits referenced by Items, if they were requested. Commits *[]GitCommitRef `json:"commits,omitempty"` // The last change of items. Items *[]GitLastChangeItem `json:"items,omitempty"` // The last explored time, in case the result is not comprehensive. Null otherwise. LastExploredTime *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastExploredTime,omitempty"` }
type GitMerge ¶
type GitMerge struct { // Comment or message of the commit. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // An enumeration of the parent commit IDs for the merge commit. Parents *[]string `json:"parents,omitempty"` // Reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Detailed status of the merge operation. DetailedStatus *GitMergeOperationStatusDetail `json:"detailedStatus,omitempty"` // Unique identifier for the merge operation. MergeOperationId *int `json:"mergeOperationId,omitempty"` // Status of the merge operation. Status *GitAsyncOperationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
type GitMergeOperationStatusDetail ¶
type GitMergeOperationStatusDetail struct { // Error message if the operation failed. FailureMessage *string `json:"failureMessage,omitempty"` // The commitId of the resultant merge commit. MergeCommitId *string `json:"mergeCommitId,omitempty"` }
Status information about a requested merge operation.
type GitMergeOriginRef ¶
type GitMergeOriginRef struct {
PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"`
type GitMergeParameters ¶
type GitMergeParameters struct { // Comment or message of the commit. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // An enumeration of the parent commit IDs for the merge commit. Parents *[]string `json:"parents,omitempty"` }
Parameters required for performing git merge.
type GitObject ¶
type GitObject struct { // Object Id (Sha1Id). ObjectId *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Type of object (Commit, Tree, Blob, Tag) ObjectType *GitObjectType `json:"objectType,omitempty"` }
Git object identifier and type information.
type GitObjectType ¶
type GitObjectType string
type GitPathAction ¶
type GitPathAction struct { Action *GitPathActions `json:"action,omitempty"` Base64Content *string `json:"base64Content,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` RawTextContent *string `json:"rawTextContent,omitempty"` TargetPath *string `json:"targetPath,omitempty"` }
type GitPathActions ¶
type GitPathActions string
type GitPolicyConfigurationResponse ¶
type GitPolicyConfigurationResponse struct { // The HTTP client methods find the continuation token header in the response and populate this field. ContinuationToken *string `json:"continuationToken,omitempty"` PolicyConfigurations *[]policy.PolicyConfiguration `json:"policyConfigurations,omitempty"` }
type GitPullRequest ¶
type GitPullRequest struct { // Links to other related objects. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // A string which uniquely identifies this pull request. To generate an artifact ID for a pull request, use this template: “`vstfs:///Git/PullRequestId/{projectId}/{repositoryId}/{pullRequestId}“` ArtifactId *string `json:"artifactId,omitempty"` // If set, auto-complete is enabled for this pull request and this is the identity that enabled it. AutoCompleteSetBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"autoCompleteSetBy,omitempty"` // The user who closed the pull request. ClosedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"closedBy,omitempty"` // The date when the pull request was closed (completed, abandoned, or merged externally). ClosedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"closedDate,omitempty"` // The code review ID of the pull request. Used internally. CodeReviewId *int `json:"codeReviewId,omitempty"` // The commits contained in the pull request. Commits *[]GitCommitRef `json:"commits,omitempty"` // Options which affect how the pull request will be merged when it is completed. CompletionOptions *GitPullRequestCompletionOptions `json:"completionOptions,omitempty"` // The most recent date at which the pull request entered the queue to be completed. Used internally. CompletionQueueTime *azuredevops.Time `json:"completionQueueTime,omitempty"` // The identity of the user who created the pull request. CreatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` // The date when the pull request was created. CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` // The description of the pull request. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // If this is a PR from a fork this will contain information about its source. ForkSource *GitForkRef `json:"forkSource,omitempty"` // Draft / WIP pull request. IsDraft *bool `json:"isDraft,omitempty"` // The labels associated with the pull request. Labels *[]core.WebApiTagDefinition `json:"labels,omitempty"` // The commit of the most recent pull request merge. If empty, the most recent merge is in progress or was unsuccessful. LastMergeCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"lastMergeCommit,omitempty"` // The commit at the head of the source branch at the time of the last pull request merge. LastMergeSourceCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"lastMergeSourceCommit,omitempty"` // The commit at the head of the target branch at the time of the last pull request merge. LastMergeTargetCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"lastMergeTargetCommit,omitempty"` // If set, pull request merge failed for this reason. MergeFailureMessage *string `json:"mergeFailureMessage,omitempty"` // The type of failure (if any) of the pull request merge. MergeFailureType *PullRequestMergeFailureType `json:"mergeFailureType,omitempty"` // The ID of the job used to run the pull request merge. Used internally. MergeId *uuid.UUID `json:"mergeId,omitempty"` // Options used when the pull request merge runs. These are separate from completion options since completion happens only once and a new merge will run every time the source branch of the pull request changes. MergeOptions *GitPullRequestMergeOptions `json:"mergeOptions,omitempty"` // The current status of the pull request merge. MergeStatus *PullRequestAsyncStatus `json:"mergeStatus,omitempty"` // The ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` // Used internally. RemoteUrl *string `json:"remoteUrl,omitempty"` // The repository containing the target branch of the pull request. Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository,omitempty"` // A list of reviewers on the pull request along with the state of their votes. Reviewers *[]IdentityRefWithVote `json:"reviewers,omitempty"` // The name of the source branch of the pull request. SourceRefName *string `json:"sourceRefName,omitempty"` // The status of the pull request. Status *PullRequestStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // If true, this pull request supports multiple iterations. Iteration support means individual pushes to the source branch of the pull request can be reviewed and comments left in one iteration will be tracked across future iterations. SupportsIterations *bool `json:"supportsIterations,omitempty"` // The name of the target branch of the pull request. TargetRefName *string `json:"targetRefName,omitempty"` // The title of the pull request. Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // Used internally. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Any work item references associated with this pull request. WorkItemRefs *[]webapi.ResourceRef `json:"workItemRefs,omitempty"` }
Represents all the data associated with a pull request.
type GitPullRequestChange ¶
type GitPullRequestChange struct { // The type of change that was made to the item. ChangeType *VersionControlChangeType `json:"changeType,omitempty"` // Current version. Item interface{} `json:"item,omitempty"` // Content of the item after the change. NewContent *ItemContent `json:"newContent,omitempty"` // Path of the item on the server. SourceServerItem *string `json:"sourceServerItem,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve the item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // ID of the change within the group of changes. ChangeId *int `json:"changeId,omitempty"` // New Content template to be used when pushing new changes. NewContentTemplate *GitTemplate `json:"newContentTemplate,omitempty"` // Original path of item if different from current path. OriginalPath *string `json:"originalPath,omitempty"` // ID used to track files through multiple changes. ChangeTrackingId *int `json:"changeTrackingId,omitempty"` }
Change made in a pull request.
type GitPullRequestCommentThread ¶
type GitPullRequestCommentThread struct { // Links to other related objects. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // A list of the comments. Comments *[]Comment `json:"comments,omitempty"` // The comment thread id. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // Set of identities related to this thread Identities *map[string]webapi.IdentityRef `json:"identities,omitempty"` // Specify if the thread is deleted which happens when all comments are deleted. IsDeleted *bool `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"` // The time this thread was last updated. LastUpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Optional properties associated with the thread as a collection of key-value pairs. Properties interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"` // The time this thread was published. PublishedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"publishedDate,omitempty"` // The status of the comment thread. Status *CommentThreadStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // Specify thread context such as position in left/right file. ThreadContext *CommentThreadContext `json:"threadContext,omitempty"` // Extended context information unique to pull requests PullRequestThreadContext *GitPullRequestCommentThreadContext `json:"pullRequestThreadContext,omitempty"` }
Represents a comment thread of a pull request. A thread contains meta data about the file it was left on (if any) along with one or more comments (an initial comment and the subsequent replies).
type GitPullRequestCommentThreadContext ¶
type GitPullRequestCommentThreadContext struct { // Used to track a comment across iterations. This value can be found by looking at the iteration's changes list. Must be set for pull requests with iteration support. Otherwise, it's not required for 'legacy' pull requests. ChangeTrackingId *int `json:"changeTrackingId,omitempty"` // The iteration context being viewed when the thread was created. IterationContext *CommentIterationContext `json:"iterationContext,omitempty"` // The criteria used to track this thread. If this property is filled out when the thread is returned, then the thread has been tracked from its original location using the given criteria. TrackingCriteria *CommentTrackingCriteria `json:"trackingCriteria,omitempty"` }
Comment thread context contains details about what diffs were being viewed at the time of thread creation and whether or not the thread has been tracked from that original diff.
type GitPullRequestCompletionOptions ¶
type GitPullRequestCompletionOptions struct { // If true, policies will be explicitly bypassed while the pull request is completed. BypassPolicy *bool `json:"bypassPolicy,omitempty"` // If policies are bypassed, this reason is stored as to why bypass was used. BypassReason *string `json:"bypassReason,omitempty"` // If true, the source branch of the pull request will be deleted after completion. DeleteSourceBranch *bool `json:"deleteSourceBranch,omitempty"` // If set, this will be used as the commit message of the merge commit. MergeCommitMessage *string `json:"mergeCommitMessage,omitempty"` // Specify the strategy used to merge the pull request during completion. If MergeStrategy is not set to any value, a no-FF merge will be created if SquashMerge == false. If MergeStrategy is not set to any value, the pull request commits will be squash if SquashMerge == true. The SquashMerge member is deprecated. It is recommended that you explicitly set MergeStrategy in all cases. If an explicit value is provided for MergeStrategy, the SquashMerge member will be ignored. MergeStrategy *GitPullRequestMergeStrategy `json:"mergeStrategy,omitempty"` // SquashMerge is deprecated. You should explicitly set the value of MergeStrategy. If MergeStrategy is set to any value, the SquashMerge value will be ignored. If MergeStrategy is not set, the merge strategy will be no-fast-forward if this flag is false, or squash if true. SquashMerge *bool `json:"squashMerge,omitempty"` // If true, we will attempt to transition any work items linked to the pull request into the next logical state (i.e. Active -> Resolved) TransitionWorkItems *bool `json:"transitionWorkItems,omitempty"` // If true, the current completion attempt was triggered via auto-complete. Used internally. TriggeredByAutoComplete *bool `json:"triggeredByAutoComplete,omitempty"` }
Preferences about how the pull request should be completed.
type GitPullRequestIteration ¶
type GitPullRequestIteration struct { // A collection of related REST reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Author of the pull request iteration. Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` // Changes included with the pull request iteration. ChangeList *[]GitPullRequestChange `json:"changeList,omitempty"` // The commits included with the pull request iteration. Commits *[]GitCommitRef `json:"commits,omitempty"` // The first common Git commit of the source and target refs. CommonRefCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"commonRefCommit,omitempty"` // The creation date of the pull request iteration. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Description of the pull request iteration. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Indicates if the Commits property contains a truncated list of commits in this pull request iteration. HasMoreCommits *bool `json:"hasMoreCommits,omitempty"` // ID of the pull request iteration. Iterations are created as a result of creating and pushing updates to a pull request. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // If the iteration reason is Retarget, this is the refName of the new target NewTargetRefName *string `json:"newTargetRefName,omitempty"` // If the iteration reason is Retarget, this is the original target refName OldTargetRefName *string `json:"oldTargetRefName,omitempty"` // The Git push information associated with this pull request iteration. Push *GitPushRef `json:"push,omitempty"` // The reason for which the pull request iteration was created. Reason *IterationReason `json:"reason,omitempty"` // The source Git commit of this iteration. SourceRefCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"sourceRefCommit,omitempty"` // The target Git commit of this iteration. TargetRefCommit *GitCommitRef `json:"targetRefCommit,omitempty"` // The updated date of the pull request iteration. UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` }
Provides properties that describe a Git pull request iteration. Iterations are created as a result of creating and pushing updates to a pull request.
type GitPullRequestIterationChanges ¶
type GitPullRequestIterationChanges struct { // Changes made in the iteration. ChangeEntries *[]GitPullRequestChange `json:"changeEntries,omitempty"` // Value to specify as skip to get the next page of changes. This will be zero if there are no more changes. NextSkip *int `json:"nextSkip,omitempty"` // Value to specify as top to get the next page of changes. This will be zero if there are no more changes. NextTop *int `json:"nextTop,omitempty"` }
Collection of changes made in a pull request.
type GitPullRequestMergeOptions ¶
type GitPullRequestMergeOptions struct { DetectRenameFalsePositives *bool `json:"detectRenameFalsePositives,omitempty"` // If true, rename detection will not be performed during the merge. DisableRenames *bool `json:"disableRenames,omitempty"` }
The options which are used when a pull request merge is created.
type GitPullRequestMergeStrategy ¶
type GitPullRequestMergeStrategy string
Enumeration of possible merge strategies which can be used to complete a pull request.
type GitPullRequestQuery ¶
type GitPullRequestQuery struct { // The queries to perform. Queries *[]GitPullRequestQueryInput `json:"queries,omitempty"` // The results of the queries. This matches the QueryInputs list so Results[n] are the results of QueryInputs[n]. Each entry in the list is a dictionary of commit->pull requests. Results *[]map[string][]GitPullRequest `json:"results,omitempty"` }
A set of pull request queries and their results.
type GitPullRequestQueryInput ¶
type GitPullRequestQueryInput struct { // The list of commit IDs to search for. Items *[]string `json:"items,omitempty"` // The type of query to perform. Type *GitPullRequestQueryType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
Pull request query input parameters.
type GitPullRequestQueryType ¶
type GitPullRequestQueryType string
Accepted types of pull request queries.
type GitPullRequestReviewFileContentInfo ¶
type GitPullRequestReviewFileContentInfo struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // The file change path. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Content hash of on-disk representation of file content. Its calculated by the client by using SHA1 hash function. Ensure that uploaded file has same encoding as in source control. ShA1Hash *string `json:"shA1Hash,omitempty"` }
type GitPullRequestReviewFileType ¶
type GitPullRequestReviewFileType string
type GitPullRequestSearchCriteria ¶
type GitPullRequestSearchCriteria struct { // If set, search for pull requests that were created by this identity. CreatorId *uuid.UUID `json:"creatorId,omitempty"` // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` // If set, search for pull requests whose target branch is in this repository. RepositoryId *uuid.UUID `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` // If set, search for pull requests that have this identity as a reviewer. ReviewerId *uuid.UUID `json:"reviewerId,omitempty"` // If set, search for pull requests from this branch. SourceRefName *string `json:"sourceRefName,omitempty"` // If set, search for pull requests whose source branch is in this repository. SourceRepositoryId *uuid.UUID `json:"sourceRepositoryId,omitempty"` // If set, search for pull requests that are in this state. Defaults to Active if unset. Status *PullRequestStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // If set, search for pull requests into this branch. TargetRefName *string `json:"targetRefName,omitempty"` }
Pull requests can be searched for matching this criteria.
type GitPullRequestStatus ¶
type GitPullRequestStatus struct { // Reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Context of the status. Context *GitStatusContext `json:"context,omitempty"` // Identity that created the status. CreatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` // Creation date and time of the status. CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` // Status description. Typically describes current state of the status. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Status identifier. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // State of the status. State *GitStatusState `json:"state,omitempty"` // URL with status details. TargetUrl *string `json:"targetUrl,omitempty"` // Last update date and time of the status. UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` // ID of the iteration to associate status with. Minimum value is 1. IterationId *int `json:"iterationId,omitempty"` // Custom properties of the status. Properties interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"` }
This class contains the metadata of a service/extension posting pull request status. Status can be associated with a pull request or an iteration.
type GitPush ¶
type GitPush struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Date *azuredevops.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` PushCorrelationId *uuid.UUID `json:"pushCorrelationId,omitempty"` PushedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"pushedBy,omitempty"` PushId *int `json:"pushId,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Commits *[]GitCommitRef `json:"commits,omitempty"` RefUpdates *[]GitRefUpdate `json:"refUpdates,omitempty"` Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository,omitempty"` }
type GitPushEventData ¶
type GitPushEventData struct { AfterId *string `json:"afterId,omitempty"` BeforeId *string `json:"beforeId,omitempty"` Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"` Commits *[]GitCommit `json:"commits,omitempty"` Repository *GitRepository `json:"repository,omitempty"` }
type GitPushRef ¶
type GitPushRef struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Date *azuredevops.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` // Deprecated: This is unused as of Dev15 M115 and may be deleted in the future PushCorrelationId *uuid.UUID `json:"pushCorrelationId,omitempty"` PushedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"pushedBy,omitempty"` PushId *int `json:"pushId,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitPushSearchCriteria ¶
type GitPushSearchCriteria struct { FromDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"fromDate,omitempty"` // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` IncludeRefUpdates *bool `json:"includeRefUpdates,omitempty"` PusherId *uuid.UUID `json:"pusherId,omitempty"` RefName *string `json:"refName,omitempty"` ToDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"toDate,omitempty"` }
type GitQueryBranchStatsCriteria ¶
type GitQueryBranchStatsCriteria struct { BaseCommit *GitVersionDescriptor `json:"baseCommit,omitempty"` TargetCommits *[]GitVersionDescriptor `json:"targetCommits,omitempty"` }
type GitQueryCommitsCriteria ¶
type GitQueryCommitsCriteria struct { // Number of entries to skip Skip *int `json:"$skip,omitempty"` // Maximum number of entries to retrieve Top *int `json:"$top,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of the author Author *string `json:"author,omitempty"` // Only applicable when ItemVersion specified. If provided, start walking history starting at this commit. CompareVersion *GitVersionDescriptor `json:"compareVersion,omitempty"` // Only applies when an itemPath is specified. This determines whether to exclude delete entries of the specified path. ExcludeDeletes *bool `json:"excludeDeletes,omitempty"` // If provided, a lower bound for filtering commits alphabetically FromCommitId *string `json:"fromCommitId,omitempty"` // If provided, only include history entries created after this date (string) FromDate *string `json:"fromDate,omitempty"` // What Git history mode should be used. This only applies to the search criteria when Ids = null and an itemPath is specified. HistoryMode *GitHistoryMode `json:"historyMode,omitempty"` // If provided, specifies the exact commit ids of the commits to fetch. May not be combined with other parameters. Ids *[]string `json:"ids,omitempty"` // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` // Whether to include the push information IncludePushData *bool `json:"includePushData,omitempty"` // Whether to include the image Url for committers and authors IncludeUserImageUrl *bool `json:"includeUserImageUrl,omitempty"` // Whether to include linked work items IncludeWorkItems *bool `json:"includeWorkItems,omitempty"` // Path of item to search under ItemPath *string `json:"itemPath,omitempty"` // If provided, identifies the commit or branch to search ItemVersion *GitVersionDescriptor `json:"itemVersion,omitempty"` // If provided, an upper bound for filtering commits alphabetically ToCommitId *string `json:"toCommitId,omitempty"` // If provided, only include history entries created before this date (string) ToDate *string `json:"toDate,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of the committer User *string `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type GitQueryRefsCriteria ¶
type GitQueryRefsCriteria struct { // List of commit Ids to be searched CommitIds *[]string `json:"commitIds,omitempty"` // List of complete or partial names for refs to be searched RefNames *[]string `json:"refNames,omitempty"` // Type of search on refNames, if provided SearchType *GitRefSearchType `json:"searchType,omitempty"` }
type GitRecycleBinRepositoryDetails ¶
type GitRecycleBinRepositoryDetails struct { // Setting to false will undo earlier deletion and restore the repository. Deleted *bool `json:"deleted,omitempty"` }
type GitRef ¶
type GitRef struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Creator *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"creator,omitempty"` IsLocked *bool `json:"isLocked,omitempty"` IsLockedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"isLockedBy,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` ObjectId *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` PeeledObjectId *string `json:"peeledObjectId,omitempty"` Statuses *[]GitStatus `json:"statuses,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitRefFavorite ¶
type GitRefFavorite struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` IdentityId *uuid.UUID `json:"identityId,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` RepositoryId *uuid.UUID `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` Type *RefFavoriteType `json:"type,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitRefUpdate ¶
type GitRefUpdateMode ¶
type GitRefUpdateMode string
Enumerates the modes under which ref updates can be written to their repositories.
type GitRefUpdateResult ¶
type GitRefUpdateResult struct { // Custom message for the result object For instance, Reason for failing. CustomMessage *string `json:"customMessage,omitempty"` // Whether the ref is locked or not IsLocked *bool `json:"isLocked,omitempty"` // Ref name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // New object ID NewObjectId *string `json:"newObjectId,omitempty"` // Old object ID OldObjectId *string `json:"oldObjectId,omitempty"` // Name of the plugin that rejected the updated. RejectedBy *string `json:"rejectedBy,omitempty"` // Repository ID RepositoryId *uuid.UUID `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` // True if the ref update succeeded, false otherwise Success *bool `json:"success,omitempty"` // Status of the update from the TFS server. UpdateStatus *GitRefUpdateStatus `json:"updateStatus,omitempty"` }
type GitRefUpdateStatus ¶
type GitRefUpdateStatus string
Represents the possible outcomes from a request to update a ref in a repository.
type GitRepository ¶
type GitRepository struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` DefaultBranch *string `json:"defaultBranch,omitempty"` Id *uuid.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"` // True if the repository was created as a fork IsFork *bool `json:"isFork,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` ParentRepository *GitRepositoryRef `json:"parentRepository,omitempty"` Project *core.TeamProjectReference `json:"project,omitempty"` RemoteUrl *string `json:"remoteUrl,omitempty"` // Compressed size (bytes) of the repository. Size *uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` SshUrl *string `json:"sshUrl,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` ValidRemoteUrls *[]string `json:"validRemoteUrls,omitempty"` WebUrl *string `json:"webUrl,omitempty"` }
type GitRepositoryCreateOptions ¶
type GitRepositoryCreateOptions struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` ParentRepository *GitRepositoryRef `json:"parentRepository,omitempty"` Project *core.TeamProjectReference `json:"project,omitempty"` }
type GitRepositoryRef ¶
type GitRepositoryRef struct { // Team Project Collection where this Fork resides Collection *core.TeamProjectCollectionReference `json:"collection,omitempty"` Id *uuid.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"` // True if the repository was created as a fork IsFork *bool `json:"isFork,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Project *core.TeamProjectReference `json:"project,omitempty"` RemoteUrl *string `json:"remoteUrl,omitempty"` SshUrl *string `json:"sshUrl,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitRepositoryStats ¶
type GitResolution ¶
type GitResolution struct { // User who created the resolution. Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` }
type GitResolutionMergeContent ¶
type GitResolutionMergeContent struct { // User who created the resolution. Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` MergeType *GitResolutionMergeType `json:"mergeType,omitempty"` UserMergedBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"userMergedBlob,omitempty"` UserMergedContent *[]byte `json:"userMergedContent,omitempty"` }
type GitResolutionMergeType ¶
type GitResolutionMergeType string
type GitResolutionPathConflict ¶
type GitResolutionPathConflict struct { // User who created the resolution. Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` Action *GitResolutionPathConflictAction `json:"action,omitempty"` RenamePath *string `json:"renamePath,omitempty"` }
type GitResolutionPathConflictAction ¶
type GitResolutionPathConflictAction string
type GitResolutionPickOneAction ¶
type GitResolutionPickOneAction struct { // User who created the resolution. Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` Action *GitResolutionWhichAction `json:"action,omitempty"` }
type GitResolutionRename1to2 ¶
type GitResolutionRename1to2 struct { // User who created the resolution. Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` MergeType *GitResolutionMergeType `json:"mergeType,omitempty"` UserMergedBlob *GitBlobRef `json:"userMergedBlob,omitempty"` UserMergedContent *[]byte `json:"userMergedContent,omitempty"` Action *GitResolutionRename1to2Action `json:"action,omitempty"` }
type GitResolutionRename1to2Action ¶
type GitResolutionRename1to2Action string
type GitResolutionWhichAction ¶
type GitResolutionWhichAction string
type GitRevert ¶
type GitRevert struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` DetailedStatus *GitAsyncRefOperationDetail `json:"detailedStatus,omitempty"` Parameters *GitAsyncRefOperationParameters `json:"parameters,omitempty"` Status *GitAsyncOperationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // A URL that can be used to make further requests for status about the operation Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` RevertId *int `json:"revertId,omitempty"` }
type GitStatus ¶
type GitStatus struct { // Reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Context of the status. Context *GitStatusContext `json:"context,omitempty"` // Identity that created the status. CreatedBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` // Creation date and time of the status. CreationDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` // Status description. Typically describes current state of the status. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Status identifier. Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` // State of the status. State *GitStatusState `json:"state,omitempty"` // URL with status details. TargetUrl *string `json:"targetUrl,omitempty"` // Last update date and time of the status. UpdatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"updatedDate,omitempty"` }
This class contains the metadata of a service/extension posting a status.
type GitStatusContext ¶
type GitStatusContext struct { // Genre of the status. Typically name of the service/tool generating the status, can be empty. Genre *string `json:"genre,omitempty"` // Name identifier of the status, cannot be null or empty. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Status context that uniquely identifies the status.
type GitSuggestion ¶
type GitSuggestion struct { // Specific properties describing the suggestion. Properties *map[string]interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"` // The type of suggestion (e.g. pull request). Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
An object describing the git suggestion. Git suggestions are currently limited to suggested pull requests.
type GitTargetVersionDescriptor ¶
type GitTargetVersionDescriptor struct { // Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit) Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous) VersionOptions *GitVersionOptions `json:"versionOptions,omitempty"` // Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted VersionType *GitVersionType `json:"versionType,omitempty"` // Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit) TargetVersion *string `json:"targetVersion,omitempty"` // Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous) TargetVersionOptions *GitVersionOptions `json:"targetVersionOptions,omitempty"` // Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted TargetVersionType *GitVersionType `json:"targetVersionType,omitempty"` }
type GitTemplate ¶
type GitTreeDiff ¶
type GitTreeDiff struct { // ObjectId of the base tree of this diff. BaseTreeId *string `json:"baseTreeId,omitempty"` // List of tree entries that differ between the base and target tree. Renames and object type changes are returned as a delete for the old object and add for the new object. If a continuation token is returned in the response header, some tree entries are yet to be processed and may yield more diff entries. If the continuation token is not returned all the diff entries have been included in this response. DiffEntries *[]GitTreeDiffEntry `json:"diffEntries,omitempty"` // ObjectId of the target tree of this diff. TargetTreeId *string `json:"targetTreeId,omitempty"` // REST Url to this resource. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitTreeDiffEntry ¶
type GitTreeDiffEntry struct { // SHA1 hash of the object in the base tree, if it exists. Will be null in case of adds. BaseObjectId *string `json:"baseObjectId,omitempty"` // Type of change that affected this entry. ChangeType *VersionControlChangeType `json:"changeType,omitempty"` // Object type of the tree entry. Blob, Tree or Commit("submodule") ObjectType *GitObjectType `json:"objectType,omitempty"` // Relative path in base and target trees. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // SHA1 hash of the object in the target tree, if it exists. Will be null in case of deletes. TargetObjectId *string `json:"targetObjectId,omitempty"` }
type GitTreeDiffResponse ¶
type GitTreeDiffResponse struct { // The HTTP client methods find the continuation token header in the response and populate this field. ContinuationToken *[]string `json:"continuationToken,omitempty"` TreeDiff *GitTreeDiff `json:"treeDiff,omitempty"` }
type GitTreeEntryRef ¶
type GitTreeEntryRef struct { // Blob or tree GitObjectType *GitObjectType `json:"gitObjectType,omitempty"` // Mode represented as octal string Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` // SHA1 hash of git object ObjectId *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Path relative to parent tree object RelativePath *string `json:"relativePath,omitempty"` // Size of content Size *uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // url to retrieve tree or blob Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitTreeRef ¶
type GitTreeRef struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // SHA1 hash of git object ObjectId *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Sum of sizes of all children Size *uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // Blobs and trees under this tree TreeEntries *[]GitTreeEntryRef `json:"treeEntries,omitempty"` // Url to tree Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type GitUserDate ¶
type GitUserDate struct { // Date of the Git operation. Date *azuredevops.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` // Email address of the user performing the Git operation. Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // Url for the user's avatar. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // Name of the user performing the Git operation. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
User info and date for Git operations.
type GitVersionDescriptor ¶
type GitVersionDescriptor struct { // Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit) Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous) VersionOptions *GitVersionOptions `json:"versionOptions,omitempty"` // Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted VersionType *GitVersionType `json:"versionType,omitempty"` }
type GlobalGitRepositoryKey ¶
type GlobalGitRepositoryKey struct { // Team Project Collection ID of the collection for the repository. CollectionId *uuid.UUID `json:"collectionId,omitempty"` // Team Project ID of the project for the repository. ProjectId *uuid.UUID `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // ID of the repository. RepositoryId *uuid.UUID `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` }
Globally unique key for a repository.
type HistoryEntry ¶
type HistoryEntry struct { // The Change list (changeset/commit/shelveset) for this point in history ChangeList interface{} `json:"changeList,omitempty"` // The change made to the item from this change list (only relevant for File history, not folders) ItemChangeType *VersionControlChangeType `json:"itemChangeType,omitempty"` // The path of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders) ServerItem *string `json:"serverItem,omitempty"` }
type IdentityRefWithVote ¶
type IdentityRefWithVote struct { // This field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // The descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations. Descriptor *string `json:"descriptor,omitempty"` // This is the non-unique display name of the graph subject. To change this field, you must alter its value in the source provider. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // This url is the full route to the source resource of this graph subject. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Deprecated - Can be retrieved by querying the Graph user referenced in the "self" entry of the IdentityRef "_links" dictionary DirectoryAlias *string `json:"directoryAlias,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Deprecated - Available in the "avatar" entry of the IdentityRef "_links" dictionary ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // Deprecated - Can be retrieved by querying the Graph membership state referenced in the "membershipState" entry of the GraphUser "_links" dictionary Inactive *bool `json:"inactive,omitempty"` // Deprecated - Can be inferred from the subject type of the descriptor (Descriptor.IsAadUserType/Descriptor.IsAadGroupType) IsAadIdentity *bool `json:"isAadIdentity,omitempty"` // Deprecated - Can be inferred from the subject type of the descriptor (Descriptor.IsGroupType) IsContainer *bool `json:"isContainer,omitempty"` IsDeletedInOrigin *bool `json:"isDeletedInOrigin,omitempty"` // Deprecated - not in use in most preexisting implementations of ToIdentityRef ProfileUrl *string `json:"profileUrl,omitempty"` // Deprecated - use Domain+PrincipalName instead UniqueName *string `json:"uniqueName,omitempty"` // Indicates if this is a required reviewer for this pull request. <br /> Branches can have policies that require particular reviewers are required for pull requests. IsRequired *bool `json:"isRequired,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve information about this identity ReviewerUrl *string `json:"reviewerUrl,omitempty"` // Vote on a pull request:<br /> 10 - approved 5 - approved with suggestions 0 - no vote -5 - waiting for author -10 - rejected Vote *int `json:"vote,omitempty"` // Groups or teams that that this reviewer contributed to. <br /> Groups and teams can be reviewers on pull requests but can not vote directly. When a member of the group or team votes, that vote is rolled up into the group or team vote. VotedFor is a list of such votes. VotedFor *[]IdentityRefWithVote `json:"votedFor,omitempty"` }
Identity information including a vote on a pull request.
type ImportRepositoryValidation ¶
type ImportRepositoryValidation struct { GitSource *GitImportGitSource `json:"gitSource,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` TfvcSource *GitImportTfvcSource `json:"tfvcSource,omitempty"` Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
type IncludedGitCommit ¶
type IsDraftUpdatedEvent ¶
type IsDraftUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for IsDraft update on a pull request
type ItemContent ¶
type ItemContent struct { Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` ContentType *ItemContentType `json:"contentType,omitempty"` }
type ItemDetailsOptions ¶
type ItemDetailsOptions struct { // If true, include metadata about the file type IncludeContentMetadata *bool `json:"includeContentMetadata,omitempty"` // Specifies whether to include children (OneLevel), all descendants (Full) or None for folder items RecursionLevel *VersionControlRecursionType `json:"recursionLevel,omitempty"` }
Optional details to include when returning an item model
type ItemModel ¶
type ItemModel struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` ContentMetadata *FileContentMetadata `json:"contentMetadata,omitempty"` IsFolder *bool `json:"isFolder,omitempty"` IsSymLink *bool `json:"isSymLink,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type IterationReason ¶
type IterationReason string
[Flags] The reason for which the pull request iteration was created.
type LabelsUpdatedEvent ¶
type LabelsUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for updated labels on a pull request
type LineDiffBlock ¶
type LineDiffBlock struct { // Type of change that was made to the block. ChangeType *LineDiffBlockChangeType `json:"changeType,omitempty"` // Line number where this block starts in modified file. ModifiedLineNumberStart *int `json:"modifiedLineNumberStart,omitempty"` // Count of lines in this block in modified file. ModifiedLinesCount *int `json:"modifiedLinesCount,omitempty"` // Line number where this block starts in original file. OriginalLineNumberStart *int `json:"originalLineNumberStart,omitempty"` // Count of lines in this block in original file. OriginalLinesCount *int `json:"originalLinesCount,omitempty"` }
The class to represent the line diff block
type LineDiffBlockChangeType ¶
type LineDiffBlockChangeType string
Type of change for a line diff block
type MergeCompletedEvent ¶
type MergeCompletedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for a merge completed on a pull request
type PolicyEvaluationUpdatedEvent ¶
type PolicyEvaluationUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for a policy evaluation update on a pull request
type PullRequestAsyncStatus ¶
type PullRequestAsyncStatus string
The status of a pull request merge.
type PullRequestCreatedEvent ¶
type PullRequestCreatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for pull request creation
type PullRequestMergeFailureType ¶
type PullRequestMergeFailureType string
The specific type of a pull request merge failure.
type PullRequestTabExtensionConfig ¶
type PullRequestTabExtensionConfig struct { PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` RepositoryId *string `json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` }
Initial config contract sent to extensions creating tabs on the pull request page
type QueryImportRequestsArgs ¶
type QueryImportRequestsArgs struct { // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) True to include abandoned import requests in the results. IncludeAbandoned *bool }
Arguments for the QueryImportRequests function
type RealTimePullRequestEvent ¶
type RealTimePullRequestEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Base contract for a real time pull request event (SignalR)
type RefFavoriteType ¶
type RefFavoriteType string
type RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs ¶
type RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBinArgs struct { // (required) RepositoryDetails *GitRecycleBinRepositoryDetails // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The ID of the repository. RepositoryId *uuid.UUID }
Arguments for the RestoreRepositoryFromRecycleBin function
type RetargetEvent ¶
type RetargetEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for when the target branch of a pull request is changed
type ReviewerVoteUpdatedEvent ¶
type ReviewerVoteUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for a reviewer vote update on a pull request
type ReviewersUpdatedEvent ¶
type ReviewersUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for an update to reviewers on a pull request
type ReviewersVotesResetEvent ¶
type ReviewersVotesResetEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for reviewer votes being reset on a pull request
type ShareNotificationContext ¶
type ShareNotificationContext struct { string `json:"message,omitempty"` Receivers *[]webapi.IdentityRef `json:"receivers,omitempty"` }Message *
Context used while sharing a pull request.
type SharePullRequestArgs ¶
type SharePullRequestArgs struct { ShareNotificationContext RepositoryId *string PullRequestId *int Project *string }UserMessage *
Arguments for the SharePullRequest function
type SourceToTargetRef ¶
type StatusAddedEvent ¶
type StatusAddedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for an added status on a pull request
type StatusUpdatedEvent ¶
type StatusUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for a status update on a pull request
type StatusesDeletedEvent ¶
type StatusesDeletedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for deleted statuses on a pull request
type SupportedIde ¶
type SupportedIde struct { // The download URL for the IDE. DownloadUrl *string `json:"downloadUrl,omitempty"` // The type of the IDE. IdeType *SupportedIdeType `json:"ideType,omitempty"` // The name of the IDE. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The URL to open the protocol handler for the IDE. ProtocolHandlerUrl *string `json:"protocolHandlerUrl,omitempty"` // A list of SupportedPlatforms. SupportedPlatforms *[]string `json:"supportedPlatforms,omitempty"` }
Represents a Supported IDE entity.
type SupportedIdeType ¶
type SupportedIdeType string
Enumeration that represents the types of IDEs supported.
type TfvcBranch ¶
type TfvcBranch struct { // Path for the branch. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // A collection of REST reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Creation date of the branch. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Description of the branch. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Is the branch deleted? IsDeleted *bool `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of user Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve the item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // List of children for the branch. Children *[]TfvcBranch `json:"children,omitempty"` // List of branch mappings. Mappings *[]TfvcBranchMapping `json:"mappings,omitempty"` // Path of the branch's parent. Parent *TfvcShallowBranchRef `json:"parent,omitempty"` // List of paths of the related branches. RelatedBranches *[]TfvcShallowBranchRef `json:"relatedBranches,omitempty"` }
type TfvcBranchMapping ¶
type TfvcBranchRef ¶
type TfvcBranchRef struct { // Path for the branch. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // A collection of REST reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Creation date of the branch. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Description of the branch. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Is the branch deleted? IsDeleted *bool `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of user Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve the item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type TfvcChange ¶
type TfvcChange struct { // The type of change that was made to the item. ChangeType *VersionControlChangeType `json:"changeType,omitempty"` // Current version. Item interface{} `json:"item,omitempty"` // Content of the item after the change. NewContent *ItemContent `json:"newContent,omitempty"` // Path of the item on the server. SourceServerItem *string `json:"sourceServerItem,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve the item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // List of merge sources in case of rename or branch creation. MergeSources *[]TfvcMergeSource `json:"mergeSources,omitempty"` // Version at which a (shelved) change was pended against PendingVersion *int `json:"pendingVersion,omitempty"` }
type TfvcChangeset ¶
type TfvcChangeset struct { // A collection of REST reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of user Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` // Id of the changeset. ChangesetId *int `json:"changesetId,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of user CheckedInBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"checkedInBy,omitempty"` // Comment for the changeset. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Was the Comment result truncated? CommentTruncated *bool `json:"commentTruncated,omitempty"` // Creation date of the changeset. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve the item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Account Id of the changeset. AccountId *uuid.UUID `json:"accountId,omitempty"` // List of associated changes. Changes *[]TfvcChange `json:"changes,omitempty"` // Checkin Notes for the changeset. CheckinNotes *[]CheckinNote `json:"checkinNotes,omitempty"` // Collection Id of the changeset. CollectionId *uuid.UUID `json:"collectionId,omitempty"` // Are more changes available. HasMoreChanges *bool `json:"hasMoreChanges,omitempty"` // Policy Override for the changeset. PolicyOverride *TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo `json:"policyOverride,omitempty"` // Team Project Ids for the changeset. TeamProjectIds *[]uuid.UUID `json:"teamProjectIds,omitempty"` // List of work items associated with the changeset. WorkItems *[]AssociatedWorkItem `json:"workItems,omitempty"` }
type TfvcChangesetRef ¶
type TfvcChangesetRef struct { // A collection of REST reference links. Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of user Author *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"author,omitempty"` // Id of the changeset. ChangesetId *int `json:"changesetId,omitempty"` // Alias or display name of user CheckedInBy *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"checkedInBy,omitempty"` // Comment for the changeset. Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // Was the Comment result truncated? CommentTruncated *bool `json:"commentTruncated,omitempty"` // Creation date of the changeset. CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // URL to retrieve the item. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria ¶
type TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria struct { // Alias or display name of user who made the changes Author *string `json:"author,omitempty"` // Whether or not to follow renames for the given item being queried FollowRenames *bool `json:"followRenames,omitempty"` // If provided, only include changesets created after this date (string) Think of a better name for this. FromDate *string `json:"fromDate,omitempty"` // If provided, only include changesets after this changesetID FromId *int `json:"fromId,omitempty"` // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` // Path of item to search under ItemPath *string `json:"itemPath,omitempty"` Mappings *[]TfvcMappingFilter `json:"mappings,omitempty"` // If provided, only include changesets created before this date (string) Think of a better name for this. ToDate *string `json:"toDate,omitempty"` // If provided, a version descriptor for the latest change list to include ToId *int `json:"toId,omitempty"` }
Criteria used in a search for change lists
type TfvcChangesetsRequestData ¶
type TfvcChangesetsRequestData struct { // List of changeset Ids. ChangesetIds *[]int `json:"changesetIds,omitempty"` // Length of the comment. CommentLength *int `json:"commentLength,omitempty"` // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` }
type TfvcCheckinEventData ¶
type TfvcCheckinEventData struct { Changeset *TfvcChangeset `json:"changeset,omitempty"` Project *core.TeamProjectReference `json:"project,omitempty"` }
type TfvcHistoryEntry ¶
type TfvcHistoryEntry struct { // The Change list (changeset/commit/shelveset) for this point in history ChangeList interface{} `json:"changeList,omitempty"` // The change made to the item from this change list (only relevant for File history, not folders) ItemChangeType *VersionControlChangeType `json:"itemChangeType,omitempty"` // The path of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders) ServerItem *string `json:"serverItem,omitempty"` // The encoding of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders) Encoding *int `json:"encoding,omitempty"` // The file id of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders) FileId *int `json:"fileId,omitempty"` }
type TfvcItem ¶
type TfvcItem struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` ContentMetadata *FileContentMetadata `json:"contentMetadata,omitempty"` IsFolder *bool `json:"isFolder,omitempty"` IsSymLink *bool `json:"isSymLink,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` ChangeDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"changeDate,omitempty"` DeletionId *int `json:"deletionId,omitempty"` // File encoding from database, -1 represents binary. Encoding *int `json:"encoding,omitempty"` // MD5 hash as a base 64 string, applies to files only. HashValue *string `json:"hashValue,omitempty"` IsBranch *bool `json:"isBranch,omitempty"` IsPendingChange *bool `json:"isPendingChange,omitempty"` // The size of the file, if applicable. Size *uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` }
type TfvcItemDescriptor ¶
type TfvcItemDescriptor struct { Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` RecursionLevel *VersionControlRecursionType `json:"recursionLevel,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionOption *TfvcVersionOption `json:"versionOption,omitempty"` VersionType *TfvcVersionType `json:"versionType,omitempty"` }
Item path and Version descriptor properties
type TfvcItemPreviousHash ¶
type TfvcItemPreviousHash struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` ContentMetadata *FileContentMetadata `json:"contentMetadata,omitempty"` IsFolder *bool `json:"isFolder,omitempty"` IsSymLink *bool `json:"isSymLink,omitempty"` Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` ChangeDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"changeDate,omitempty"` DeletionId *int `json:"deletionId,omitempty"` // File encoding from database, -1 represents binary. Encoding *int `json:"encoding,omitempty"` // MD5 hash as a base 64 string, applies to files only. HashValue *string `json:"hashValue,omitempty"` IsBranch *bool `json:"isBranch,omitempty"` IsPendingChange *bool `json:"isPendingChange,omitempty"` // The size of the file, if applicable. Size *uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"` Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"` // MD5 hash as a base 64 string, applies to files only. PreviousHashValue *string `json:"previousHashValue,omitempty"` }
type TfvcItemRequestData ¶
type TfvcItemRequestData struct { // If true, include metadata about the file type IncludeContentMetadata *bool `json:"includeContentMetadata,omitempty"` // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` ItemDescriptors *[]TfvcItemDescriptor `json:"itemDescriptors,omitempty"` }
type TfvcLabel ¶
type TfvcLabel struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` LabelScope *string `json:"labelScope,omitempty"` ModifiedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"modifiedDate,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Items *[]TfvcItem `json:"items,omitempty"` }
type TfvcLabelRef ¶
type TfvcLabelRef struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"` LabelScope *string `json:"labelScope,omitempty"` ModifiedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"modifiedDate,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type TfvcLabelRequestData ¶
type TfvcLabelRequestData struct { // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` ItemLabelFilter *string `json:"itemLabelFilter,omitempty"` LabelScope *string `json:"labelScope,omitempty"` MaxItemCount *int `json:"maxItemCount,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` }
type TfvcMappingFilter ¶
type TfvcMergeSource ¶
type TfvcMergeSource struct { // Indicates if this a rename source. If false, it is a merge source. IsRename *bool `json:"isRename,omitempty"` // The server item of the merge source ServerItem *string `json:"serverItem,omitempty"` // Start of the version range VersionFrom *int `json:"versionFrom,omitempty"` // End of the version range VersionTo *int `json:"versionTo,omitempty"` }
type TfvcPolicyFailureInfo ¶
type TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo ¶
type TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo struct { Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` PolicyFailures *[]TfvcPolicyFailureInfo `json:"policyFailures,omitempty"` }
type TfvcShallowBranchRef ¶
type TfvcShallowBranchRef struct { // Path for the branch. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
type TfvcShelveset ¶
type TfvcShelveset struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CommentTruncated *bool `json:"commentTruncated,omitempty"` CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` Changes *[]TfvcChange `json:"changes,omitempty"` Notes *[]CheckinNote `json:"notes,omitempty"` PolicyOverride *TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo `json:"policyOverride,omitempty"` WorkItems *[]AssociatedWorkItem `json:"workItems,omitempty"` }
This is the deep shelveset class
type TfvcShelvesetRef ¶
type TfvcShelvesetRef struct { Links interface{} `json:"_links,omitempty"` Comment *string `json:"comment,omitempty"` CommentTruncated *bool `json:"commentTruncated,omitempty"` CreatedDate *azuredevops.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Owner *webapi.IdentityRef `json:"owner,omitempty"` Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
This is the shallow shelveset class
type TfvcShelvesetRequestData ¶
type TfvcShelvesetRequestData struct { // Whether to include policyOverride and notes Only applies when requesting a single deep shelveset IncludeDetails *bool `json:"includeDetails,omitempty"` // Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references. Does not apply when requesting a single deep shelveset object. Links will always be included in the deep shelveset. IncludeLinks *bool `json:"includeLinks,omitempty"` // Whether to include workItems IncludeWorkItems *bool `json:"includeWorkItems,omitempty"` // Max number of changes to include MaxChangeCount *int `json:"maxChangeCount,omitempty"` // Max length of comment MaxCommentLength *int `json:"maxCommentLength,omitempty"` // Shelveset's name Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Owner's ID. Could be a name or a guid. Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` }
type TfvcStatistics ¶
type TfvcVersionDescriptor ¶
type TfvcVersionDescriptor struct { Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` VersionOption *TfvcVersionOption `json:"versionOption,omitempty"` VersionType *TfvcVersionType `json:"versionType,omitempty"` }
type TfvcVersionOption ¶
type TfvcVersionOption string
type TfvcVersionType ¶
type TfvcVersionType string
type TitleDescriptionUpdatedEvent ¶
type TitleDescriptionUpdatedEvent struct { // The id of this event. Can be used to track send/receive state between client and server. EventId *uuid.UUID `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the pull request this event was generated for. PullRequestId *int `json:"pullRequestId,omitempty"` }
Real time event (SignalR) for a title/description update on a pull request
type UpdateCommentArgs ¶
type UpdateCommentArgs struct { // (required) The comment content that should be updated. Comments can be up to 150,000 characters. Comment *Comment // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the thread that the desired comment is in. ThreadId *int // (required) ID of the comment to update. CommentId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdateComment function
type UpdateImportRequestArgs ¶
type UpdateImportRequestArgs struct { // (required) The updated version of the import request. Currently, the only change allowed is setting the Status to Queued or Abandoned. ImportRequestToUpdate *GitImportRequest // (required) Project ID or project name Project *string // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The unique identifier for the import request to update. ImportRequestId *int }
Arguments for the UpdateImportRequest function
type UpdatePullRequestArgs ¶
type UpdatePullRequestArgs struct { // (required) The pull request content that should be updated. GitPullRequestToUpdate *GitPullRequest // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request to update. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePullRequest function
type UpdatePullRequestIterationStatusesArgs ¶
type UpdatePullRequestIterationStatusesArgs struct { // (required) Operations to apply to the pull request statuses in JSON Patch format. PatchDocument *[]webapi.JsonPatchOperation // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the pull request iteration. IterationId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePullRequestIterationStatuses function
type UpdatePullRequestPropertiesArgs ¶
type UpdatePullRequestPropertiesArgs struct { // (required) Properties to add, replace or remove in JSON Patch format. PatchDocument *[]webapi.JsonPatchOperation // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePullRequestProperties function
type UpdatePullRequestReviewersArgs ¶
type UpdatePullRequestReviewersArgs struct { // (required) IDs of the reviewers whose votes will be reset to zero PatchVotes *[]IdentityRefWithVote // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePullRequestReviewers function
type UpdatePullRequestStatusesArgs ¶
type UpdatePullRequestStatusesArgs struct { // (required) Operations to apply to the pull request statuses in JSON Patch format. PatchDocument *[]webapi.JsonPatchOperation // (required) The repository ID of the pull request’s target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdatePullRequestStatuses function
type UpdateRefArgs ¶
type UpdateRefArgs struct { // (required) The ref update action (lock/unlock) to perform NewRefInfo *GitRefUpdate // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (required) The name of the branch to lock/unlock Filter *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) ID or name of the team project. Optional if specifying an ID for repository. ProjectId *string }
Arguments for the UpdateRef function
type UpdateRefsArgs ¶
type UpdateRefsArgs struct { // (required) List of ref updates to attempt to perform RefUpdates *[]GitRefUpdate // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *string // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string // (optional) ID or name of the team project. Optional if specifying an ID for repository. ProjectId *string }
Arguments for the UpdateRefs function
type UpdateRefsRequest ¶
type UpdateRefsRequest struct { RefUpdateRequests *[]GitRefUpdate `json:"refUpdateRequests,omitempty"` UpdateMode *GitRefUpdateMode `json:"updateMode,omitempty"` }
type UpdateRepositoryArgs ¶
type UpdateRepositoryArgs struct { // (required) Specify a new repo name or a new default branch of the repository NewRepositoryInfo *GitRepository // (required) The name or ID of the repository. RepositoryId *uuid.UUID // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdateRepository function
type UpdateThreadArgs ¶
type UpdateThreadArgs struct { // (required) The thread content that should be updated. CommentThread *GitPullRequestCommentThread // (required) The repository ID of the pull request's target branch. RepositoryId *string // (required) ID of the pull request. PullRequestId *int // (required) ID of the thread to update. ThreadId *int // (optional) Project ID or project name Project *string }
Arguments for the UpdateThread function
type VersionControlProjectInfo ¶
type VersionControlProjectInfo struct { DefaultSourceControlType *core.SourceControlTypes `json:"defaultSourceControlType,omitempty"` Project *core.TeamProjectReference `json:"project,omitempty"` SupportsGit *bool `json:"supportsGit,omitempty"` SupportsTFVC *bool `json:"supportsTFVC,omitempty"` }
type VersionControlRecursionType ¶
type VersionControlRecursionType string