An open-source api-first status page aggregator.
If you're looking for the official hosted version, head here.
Read more about the project at the launch blog post.
Statusphere is API first, it has a frontend that consumes the API, but the API is the main focus of the project.
The api endpoints are here:
Warning: This will spin up a local instance of the statusphere stack which will automatically scrape the status pages of
the services listed in the status_pages.go
# From the root of the repository
docker-compose up
# The api server will be available at http://localhost:8080
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/statusPages/count
Statusphere is made up of 3 main components:
- The scrapers
- The database
- The api servers
They're orchestrated in the following way:
Scraping mechanism
Each scraper periodically polls the database to get a list of status pages to scrape.
After the time interval has passed, the scraper will scrape the status page and update the database with the new status.
Parsing status pages
When a scraper scrapes a status page, it attempts to parse the page using providers
in a cascading manner.
Each provider is responsible for parsing a specific type of status page. For example, the provider is responsible for parsing status pages that are built using the platform.
If a provider is unable to parse the status page it will return an error, and the next provider in the list will be attempted.
We're actively welcoming contributions to Statusphere! Please read the file for more information on how to get started.