Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetAuctionInitialRelease() float64
- func GetAuctionReservedPrice() *big.Int
- func GetRelayPeers(myIndex, size int) (peers []int)
- func IsCritical(err error) bool
- func IsFutureBlock(err error) bool
- func IsKnownBlock(err error) bool
- func IsParentMissing(err error) bool
- func MajorityTwoThird(voterNum, committeeSize uint32) bool
- func NewConsensusCommonFromBlsCommon(blsCommon *BlsCommon) *types.ConsensusCommon
- func PrintDelegates(delegates []*types.Delegate)
- func RegisterConsensusMessages(cdc *amino.Codec)
- func SetConsensusGlobInst(inst *ConsensusReactor)
- func VerifyMsgType(m ConsensusMessage) bool
- func VerifySignature(m ConsensusMessage) bool
- type AnnounceCommitteeMessage
- type ApiCommitteeMember
- type BlockProbe
- type BlockType
- type BlsCommon
- type CommitCommitteeMessage
- type ConsensusConfig
- type ConsensusMessage
- type ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
- type ConsensusPeer
- type ConsensusReactor
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildCommitteeInfoFromMember(system *bls.System, cms []types.CommitteeMember) []block.CommitteeInfo
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildCommitteeMemberFromInfo(system *bls.System, cis []block.CommitteeInfo) []types.CommitteeMember
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildKBlock(parentBlock *block.Block, data *block.KBlockData, rewards []powpool.PowReward) *ProposedBlockInfo
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildMBlock(parentBlock *block.Block) *ProposedBlockInfo
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildProposalBlockSignMsg(blockType uint32, height uint64, id, txsRoot, stateRoot *meter.Bytes32) string
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildStopCommitteeBlock(parentBlock *block.Block) *ProposedBlockInfo
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) CalcCommitteeByNonce(nonce uint64) (*types.ValidatorSet, uint, int, bool)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) CommitteeInfoCompare(cm1, cm2 []block.CommitteeInfo) bool
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) FinalizeCommitBlock(blkInfo *ProposedBlockInfo, bestQC *block.QuorumCert) error
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetActualCommitteeMemberIndex(pubKey *ecdsa.PublicKey) int
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetCombinePubKey() string
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetCommitteeMember(pubKey []byte) *types.CommitteeMember
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetCommitteeMemberIndex(pubKey ecdsa.PublicKey) int
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetConsensusDelegates() ([]*types.Delegate, int, int)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetDelegateNameByIP(ip net.IP) string
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetDelegatesSource() string
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetLastKBlockHeight() uint32
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetLatestCommitteeList() ([]*ApiCommitteeMember, error)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetMyActualCommitteeIndex() int
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetMyName() string
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetMyNetAddr() types.NetAddress
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetMyPeers() ([]*ConsensusPeer, error)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) IsCommitteeMember() bool
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) IsPacemakerRunning() bool
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) LoadBlockBytes(num uint32) []byte
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) MakeBlockCommitteeInfo(system *bls.System, cms []types.CommitteeMember) []block.CommitteeInfo
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) MarshalMsg(msg *ConsensusMessage) ([]byte, error)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) NewConsensusStop() int
- func (c *ConsensusReactor) NewRuntimeForReplay(header *block.Header) (*runtime.Runtime, error)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) OnStart() error
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) OnStop()
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) PacemakerProbe() *PMProbeResult
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) PreCommitBlock(blkInfo *ProposedBlockInfo) error
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) PrepareEnvForPacemaker() error
- func (c *ConsensusReactor) Process(blk *block.Block, nowTimestamp uint64) (*state.Stage, tx.Receipts, error)
- func (c *ConsensusReactor) ProcessProposedBlock(parentHeader *block.Header, blk *block.Block, nowTimestamp uint64) (*state.Stage, tx.Receipts, error)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) ReceivePacemakerMsg(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) RefreshCurHeight() error
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) SignConsensusMsg(msgHash []byte) (sig []byte, err error)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) String() string
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) SwitchToConsensus()
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UnmarshalMsg(data []byte) (*consensusMsgInfo, error)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateActualCommittee() bool
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateCurCommitteeByNonce(nonce uint64) (uint, bool)
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateCurDelegates()
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateHeight(height uint32) bool
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateLastKBlockHeight(height uint32) bool
- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) VerifyBothPubKey()
- type MsgCache
- type NewCommitteeMessage
- type NewViewReason
- type NotaryAnnounceMessage
- type PMBeatInfo
- type PMCmd
- type PMCmdInfo
- type PMMode
- type PMNewViewMessage
- type PMProbeResult
- type PMProposalMessage
- func (m *PMProposalMessage) CompactString() string
- func (m *PMProposalMessage) EpochID() uint64
- func (m *PMProposalMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
- func (m *PMProposalMessage) MsgType() byte
- func (m *PMProposalMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
- func (m *PMProposalMessage) String() string
- type PMQueryProposalMessage
- type PMRoundState
- type PMRoundTimeoutInfo
- type PMTimeoutCert
- type PMTimeoutCertManager
- type PMVoteMessage
- type Pacemaker
- func (p *Pacemaker) AddressBlock(height uint32) *pmBlock
- func (p *Pacemaker) BlockMatchQC(b *pmBlock, qc *block.QuorumCert) (bool, error)
- func (p *Pacemaker) BuildNewViewMessage(nextHeight, nextRound uint32, qcHigh *pmQuorumCert, reason NewViewReason, ...) (*PMNewViewMessage, error)
- func (p *Pacemaker) BuildNewViewSignMsg(pubKey ecdsa.PublicKey, reason NewViewReason, height, round uint32, ...) string
- func (p *Pacemaker) BuildProposalMessage(height, round uint32, bnew *pmBlock, tc *PMTimeoutCert) (*PMProposalMessage, error)
- func (p *Pacemaker) BuildQueryProposalMessage(fromHeight, toHeight, round uint32, epochID uint64, retAddr types.NetAddress) (*PMQueryProposalMessage, error)
- func (p *Pacemaker) BuildVoteForProposalMessage(proposalMsg *PMProposalMessage, blockID, txsRoot, stateRoot meter.Bytes32) (*PMVoteMessage, error)
- func (p *Pacemaker) CreateLeaf(parent *pmBlock, qc *pmQuorumCert, height, round uint32) *pmBlock
- func (p *Pacemaker) Execute(b *pmBlock)
- func (p *Pacemaker) GetRelayPeers(round uint32) []*ConsensusPeer
- func (p *Pacemaker) IsExtendedFromBLocked(b *pmBlock) bool
- func (p *Pacemaker) IsStopped() bool
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnBeat(height, round uint32, reason beatReason) error
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnCommit(commitReady []*pmBlock)
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnNextSyncView(nextHeight, nextRound uint32, reason NewViewReason, ti *PMRoundTimeoutInfo)
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnPreCommitBlock(b *pmBlock) error
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnPropose(b *pmBlock, qc *pmQuorumCert, height, round uint32) (*pmBlock, error)
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnReceiveNewView(mi *consensusMsgInfo) error
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnReceiveProposal(mi *consensusMsgInfo) error
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnReceiveQueryProposal(mi *consensusMsgInfo) error
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnReceiveVote(mi *consensusMsgInfo) error
- func (p *Pacemaker) OnRoundTimeout(ti PMRoundTimeoutInfo)
- func (p *Pacemaker) Probe() *PMProbeResult
- func (p *Pacemaker) ScheduleOnBeat(height, round uint32, reason beatReason, d time.Duration) bool
- func (p *Pacemaker) SendCatchUpQuery()
- func (p *Pacemaker) SendConsensusMessage(round uint32, msg ConsensusMessage, copyMyself bool) bool
- func (p *Pacemaker) SendKblockInfo(b *pmBlock)
- func (p *Pacemaker) Start(mode PMMode, calcStatsTx bool)
- func (p *Pacemaker) Stop()
- func (p *Pacemaker) Update(bnew *pmBlock) error
- func (p *Pacemaker) UpdateQCHigh(qc *pmQuorumCert) bool
- func (p *Pacemaker) ValidateProposal(b *pmBlock) error
- type PendingList
- type ProposalMap
- type ProposedBlockInfo
- type RecvKBlockInfo
- type SignatureAggregator
- type ValidatorReward
- type ValidatorRewardList
- func (v *ValidatorRewardList) Count() int
- func (v *ValidatorRewardList) Get(epoch uint32) *ValidatorReward
- func (v *ValidatorRewardList) GetList() []*ValidatorReward
- func (v *ValidatorRewardList) String() string
- func (v *ValidatorRewardList) ToList() []*ValidatorReward
- func (v *ValidatorRewardList) ToString() string
Constants ¶
const ( RoundInterval = 2 * time.Second RoundTimeoutInterval = 16 * time.Second // move the timeout from 20 to 16 secs. RoundTimeoutLongInterval = 40 * time.Second MIN_MBLOCKS_AN_EPOCH = uint32(4) CATCH_UP_THRESHOLD = 5 )
const ( PMModeNormal PMMode = 1 PMModeCatchUp = 2 PMModeObserve = 3 )
const ( PMCmdStop PMCmd = 1 PMCmdRestart = 2 // restart pacemaker perserving previous settings PMCmdReboot = 3 // reboot pacemaker with all fresh start, should be used only when KBlock is received )
const ( UpdateOnBeat = roundUpdateReason(1) UpdateOnRegularProposal = roundUpdateReason(2) UpdateOnTimeout = roundUpdateReason(3) UpdateOnTimeoutCertProposal = roundUpdateReason(4) UpdateOnKBlockProposal = roundUpdateReason(5) BeatOnInit = beatReason(0) BeatOnHigherQC = beatReason(1) BeatOnTimeout = beatReason(2) TimerInit = roundTimerUpdateReason(0) TimerInc = roundTimerUpdateReason(1) TimerInitLong = roundTimerUpdateReason(2) )
const (
const (
const (
Variables ¶
Functions ¶
func GetAuctionInitialRelease ¶ added in v1.2.0
func GetAuctionInitialRelease() float64
func GetAuctionReservedPrice ¶ added in v1.2.0
func GetRelayPeers ¶
Assumptions to use this: myIndex is always 0 for proposer (or leader in consensus) indexes starts from 0 1st layer: 0 (proposer) 2nd layer: [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8] 3rd layer (32 groups): [9..] ...
func IsCritical ¶
IsCritical returns if the error is consensus related.
func IsFutureBlock ¶
IsFutureBlock returns if the error indicates that the block should be processed later.
func IsKnownBlock ¶
IsKnownBlock returns if the error means the block was already in the chain.
func MajorityTwoThird ¶
since votes of pacemaker include propser, but committee votes do not have leader itself, we seperate the majority func Easier adjust the logic of major 2/3, for pacemaker
func NewConsensusCommonFromBlsCommon ¶
func NewConsensusCommonFromBlsCommon(blsCommon *BlsCommon) *types.ConsensusCommon
func PrintDelegates ¶
------------------------------------ UTILITY ------------------------------------
func SetConsensusGlobInst ¶
func SetConsensusGlobInst(inst *ConsensusReactor)
func VerifyMsgType ¶
func VerifyMsgType(m ConsensusMessage) bool
func VerifySignature ¶
func VerifySignature(m ConsensusMessage) bool
Types ¶
type AnnounceCommitteeMessage ¶
type AnnounceCommitteeMessage struct { CSMsgCommonHeader ConsensusMsgCommonHeader AnnouncerID []byte //ecdsa.PublicKey AnnouncerBlsPK []byte //bls.PublicKey CommitteeSize uint32 Nonce uint64 //nonce is 8 bytes KBlockHeight uint32 // kblockdata POWBlockHeight uint32 //collected NewCommittee signature VotingBitArray *cmn.BitArray VotingMsgHash [32]byte // all message hash from Newcommittee msgs VotingAggSig []byte // aggregate signature of voterSig above }
New Consensus Message Definitions --------------------------------------- AnnounceCommitteeMessage is sent when new committee is relayed. The leader of new committee send out to announce the new committee is setup, after collects the majority signature from new committee members.
func (*AnnounceCommitteeMessage) EpochID ¶
func (m *AnnounceCommitteeMessage) EpochID() uint64
func (*AnnounceCommitteeMessage) Header ¶
func (m *AnnounceCommitteeMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
func (*AnnounceCommitteeMessage) MsgType ¶
func (m *AnnounceCommitteeMessage) MsgType() byte
func (*AnnounceCommitteeMessage) SigningHash ¶
func (m *AnnounceCommitteeMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
SigningHash computes hash of all header fields excluding signature.
func (*AnnounceCommitteeMessage) String ¶
func (m *AnnounceCommitteeMessage) String() string
String returns a string representation.
type ApiCommitteeMember ¶
type BlockProbe ¶ added in v1.2.0
type BlsCommon ¶
type BlsCommon struct { PrivKey bls.PrivateKey //my private key PubKey bls.PublicKey //my public key // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBlsCommon ¶
func NewBlsCommon() *BlsCommon
func NewBlsCommonFromParams ¶
func (*BlsCommon) GetPrivKey ¶
func (cc *BlsCommon) GetPrivKey() bls.PrivateKey
type CommitCommitteeMessage ¶
type CommitCommitteeMessage struct { CSMsgCommonHeader ConsensusMsgCommonHeader CommitterID []byte //ecdsa.PublicKey CommitterBlsPK []byte //bls.PublicKey CommitterIndex uint32 BlsSignature []byte //bls.Signature SignedMsgHash [32]byte //bls signed message hash }
CommitCommitteMessage is sent after announce committee is received. Told the Leader there is enough member to setup the committee.
func (*CommitCommitteeMessage) EpochID ¶
func (m *CommitCommitteeMessage) EpochID() uint64
func (*CommitCommitteeMessage) Header ¶
func (m *CommitCommitteeMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
func (*CommitCommitteeMessage) MsgType ¶
func (m *CommitCommitteeMessage) MsgType() byte
func (*CommitCommitteeMessage) SigningHash ¶
func (m *CommitCommitteeMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
SigningHash computes hash of all header fields excluding signature.
func (*CommitCommitteeMessage) String ¶
func (m *CommitCommitteeMessage) String() string
String returns a string representation.
type ConsensusConfig ¶
type ConsensusMessage ¶
type ConsensusMessage interface { String() string EpochID() uint64 MsgType() byte Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader SigningHash() meter.Bytes32 }
ConsensusMessage is a message that can be sent and received on the ConsensusReactor
type ConsensusMsgCommonHeader ¶
type ConsensusMsgCommonHeader struct { Height uint32 Round uint32 Sender []byte //ecdsa.PublicKey Timestamp time.Time MsgType byte MsgSubType byte EpochID uint64 Signature []byte // ecdsa signature of whole consensus message }
func (ConsensusMsgCommonHeader) Fields ¶
func (ch ConsensusMsgCommonHeader) Fields() []interface{}
func (*ConsensusMsgCommonHeader) SetMsgSignature ¶
func (cmh *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader) SetMsgSignature(sig []byte)
func (*ConsensusMsgCommonHeader) ToString ¶
func (cmh *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader) ToString() string
type ConsensusPeer ¶
type ConsensusPeer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Consensus Topology Peer
func (*ConsensusPeer) FullString ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPeer) FullString() string
func (*ConsensusPeer) NameString ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPeer) NameString() string
func (*ConsensusPeer) String ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPeer) String() string
type ConsensusReactor ¶
type ConsensusReactor struct { SyncDone bool RcvKBlockInfoQueue chan RecvKBlockInfo // this channel for kblock notify from node module. // contains filtered or unexported fields }
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConsensusReactor defines a reactor for the consensus service.
var (
ConsensusGlobInst *ConsensusReactor
func NewConsensusReactor ¶
func NewConsensusReactor(ctx *cli.Context, chain *chain.Chain, state *state.Creator, privKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey, pubKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, magic [4]byte, blsCommon *BlsCommon, initDelegates []*types.Delegate) *ConsensusReactor
NewConsensusReactor returns a new ConsensusReactor with config
func (*ConsensusReactor) BuildCommitteeInfoFromMember ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildCommitteeInfoFromMember(system *bls.System, cms []types.CommitteeMember) []block.CommitteeInfo
build block committee info part
func (*ConsensusReactor) BuildCommitteeMemberFromInfo ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildCommitteeMemberFromInfo(system *bls.System, cis []block.CommitteeInfo) []types.CommitteeMember
de-serialize the block committee info part
func (*ConsensusReactor) BuildKBlock ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildKBlock(parentBlock *block.Block, data *block.KBlockData, rewards []powpool.PowReward) *ProposedBlockInfo
func (*ConsensusReactor) BuildMBlock ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildMBlock(parentBlock *block.Block) *ProposedBlockInfo
Build MBlock
func (*ConsensusReactor) BuildProposalBlockSignMsg ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildProposalBlockSignMsg(blockType uint32, height uint64, id, txsRoot, stateRoot *meter.Bytes32) string
Sign Propopal Message "Proposal Block Message: BlockType <8 bytes> Height <16 (8x2) bytes> Round <8 (4x2) bytes>
func (*ConsensusReactor) BuildStopCommitteeBlock ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) BuildStopCommitteeBlock(parentBlock *block.Block) *ProposedBlockInfo
func (*ConsensusReactor) CalcCommitteeByNonce ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) CalcCommitteeByNonce(nonce uint64) (*types.ValidatorSet, uint, int, bool)
it is used for temp calculate committee set by a given nonce in the fly. also return the committee
func (*ConsensusReactor) CommitteeInfoCompare ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) CommitteeInfoCompare(cm1, cm2 []block.CommitteeInfo) bool
func (*ConsensusReactor) FinalizeCommitBlock ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) FinalizeCommitBlock(blkInfo *ProposedBlockInfo, bestQC *block.QuorumCert) error
finalize the block with its own QC
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetActualCommitteeMemberIndex ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetActualCommitteeMemberIndex(pubKey *ecdsa.PublicKey) int
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetCombinePubKey ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetCombinePubKey() string
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetCommitteeMember ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetCommitteeMember(pubKey []byte) *types.CommitteeMember
input is serialized ecdsa.PublicKey
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetCommitteeMemberIndex ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetCommitteeMemberIndex(pubKey ecdsa.PublicKey) int
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetConsensusDelegates ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetConsensusDelegates() ([]*types.Delegate, int, int)
entry point for each committee return with delegates list, delegateSize, committeeSize maxDelegateSize >= maxCommiteeSize >= minCommitteeSize
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetDelegateNameByIP ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetDelegateNameByIP(ip net.IP) string
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetDelegatesSource ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetDelegatesSource() string
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetLastKBlockHeight ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetLastKBlockHeight() uint32
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetLatestCommitteeList ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetLatestCommitteeList() ([]*ApiCommitteeMember, error)
------------------------------------ USED FOR API ONLY ------------------------------------
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetMyActualCommitteeIndex ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetMyActualCommitteeIndex() int
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetMyName ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetMyName() string
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetMyNetAddr ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetMyNetAddr() types.NetAddress
func (*ConsensusReactor) GetMyPeers ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetMyPeers() ([]*ConsensusPeer, error)
func (*ConsensusReactor) IsCommitteeMember ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) IsCommitteeMember() bool
func (*ConsensusReactor) IsPacemakerRunning ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) IsPacemakerRunning() bool
------------------------------------ USED FOR PROBE ONLY ------------------------------------
func (*ConsensusReactor) LoadBlockBytes ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) LoadBlockBytes(num uint32) []byte
func (*ConsensusReactor) MakeBlockCommitteeInfo ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) MakeBlockCommitteeInfo(system *bls.System, cms []types.CommitteeMember) []block.CommitteeInfo
build block committee info part
func (*ConsensusReactor) MarshalMsg ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) MarshalMsg(msg *ConsensusMessage) ([]byte, error)
func (*ConsensusReactor) NewConsensusStop ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) NewConsensusStop() int
called by reactor stop
func (*ConsensusReactor) NewRuntimeForReplay ¶
func (*ConsensusReactor) OnStart ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) OnStart() error
OnStart implements BaseService by subscribing to events, which later will be broadcasted to other peers and starting state if we're not in fast sync.
func (*ConsensusReactor) OnStop ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) OnStop()
OnStop implements BaseService by unsubscribing from events and stopping state.
func (*ConsensusReactor) PacemakerProbe ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) PacemakerProbe() *PMProbeResult
func (*ConsensusReactor) PreCommitBlock ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) PreCommitBlock(blkInfo *ProposedBlockInfo) error
func (*ConsensusReactor) PrepareEnvForPacemaker ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) PrepareEnvForPacemaker() error
func (*ConsensusReactor) Process ¶
func (c *ConsensusReactor) Process(blk *block.Block, nowTimestamp uint64) (*state.Stage, tx.Receipts, error)
Process process a block.
func (*ConsensusReactor) ProcessProposedBlock ¶
func (*ConsensusReactor) ReceivePacemakerMsg ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) ReceivePacemakerMsg(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func (*ConsensusReactor) RefreshCurHeight ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) RefreshCurHeight() error
Refresh the current Height from the best block normally call this routine after block chain changed
func (*ConsensusReactor) SignConsensusMsg ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) SignConsensusMsg(msgHash []byte) (sig []byte, err error)
func (*ConsensusReactor) String ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) String() string
String returns a string representation of the ConsensusReactor. NOTE: For now, it is just a hard-coded string to avoid accessing unprotected shared variables. TODO: improve!
func (*ConsensusReactor) SwitchToConsensus ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) SwitchToConsensus()
SwitchToConsensus switches from fast_sync mode to consensus mode. It resets the state, turns off fast_sync, and starts the consensus state-machine
func (*ConsensusReactor) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UnmarshalMsg(data []byte) (*consensusMsgInfo, error)
func (*ConsensusReactor) UpdateActualCommittee ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateActualCommittee() bool
actual committee is exactly the same as committee with one more field: CSIndex, the index order in committee
func (*ConsensusReactor) UpdateCurCommitteeByNonce ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateCurCommitteeByNonce(nonce uint64) (uint, bool)
create validatorSet by a given nonce. return by my self role
func (*ConsensusReactor) UpdateCurDelegates ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateCurDelegates()
update current delegates with new delegates from staking or config file keep this standalone method intentionly
func (*ConsensusReactor) UpdateHeight ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateHeight(height uint32) bool
func (*ConsensusReactor) UpdateLastKBlockHeight ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) UpdateLastKBlockHeight(height uint32) bool
update the LastKBlockHeight
func (*ConsensusReactor) VerifyBothPubKey ¶
func (conR *ConsensusReactor) VerifyBothPubKey()
type NewCommitteeMessage ¶
type NewCommitteeMessage struct { CSMsgCommonHeader ConsensusMsgCommonHeader NewLeaderID []byte //ecdsa.PublicKey ValidatorID []byte //ecdsa.PublicKey ValidatorBlsPK []byte //bls publickey NextEpochID uint64 Nonce uint64 // 8 bytes Kblock info KBlockHeight uint32 SignedMsgHash [32]byte // BLS signed message hash BlsSignature []byte // BLS signed signature }
func (*NewCommitteeMessage) EpochID ¶
func (m *NewCommitteeMessage) EpochID() uint64
func (*NewCommitteeMessage) Header ¶
func (m *NewCommitteeMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
func (*NewCommitteeMessage) MsgType ¶
func (m *NewCommitteeMessage) MsgType() byte
func (*NewCommitteeMessage) SigningHash ¶
func (m *NewCommitteeMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
SigningHash computes hash of all header fields excluding signature.
func (*NewCommitteeMessage) String ¶
func (m *NewCommitteeMessage) String() string
String returns a string representation.
type NewViewReason ¶
type NewViewReason byte
NewViewReason is the reason for new view
const ( // HigherQCSeen HigherQCSeen NewViewReason = NewViewReason(1) RoundTimeout NewViewReason = NewViewReason(2) )
func (NewViewReason) String ¶
func (r NewViewReason) String() string
type NotaryAnnounceMessage ¶
type NotaryAnnounceMessage struct { CSMsgCommonHeader ConsensusMsgCommonHeader AnnouncerID []byte //ecdsa.PublicKey AnnouncerBlsPK []byte //bls.PublicKey //collected NewCommittee messages VotingBitArray *cmn.BitArray VotingMsgHash [32]byte // all message hash from Newcommittee msgs VotingAggSig []byte // aggregate signature of voterSig above // collected from commitcommittee messages NotarizeBitArray *cmn.BitArray NotarizeMsgHash [32]byte // all message hash from Newcommittee msgs NotarizeAggSig []byte // aggregate signature of voterSig above CommitteeSize uint32 // summarized committee info CommitteeMembers []block.CommitteeInfo }
func (*NotaryAnnounceMessage) EpochID ¶
func (m *NotaryAnnounceMessage) EpochID() uint64
func (*NotaryAnnounceMessage) Header ¶
func (m *NotaryAnnounceMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
func (*NotaryAnnounceMessage) MsgType ¶
func (m *NotaryAnnounceMessage) MsgType() byte
func (*NotaryAnnounceMessage) SigningHash ¶
func (m *NotaryAnnounceMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
SigningHash computes hash of all header fields excluding signature.
func (*NotaryAnnounceMessage) String ¶
func (m *NotaryAnnounceMessage) String() string
String returns a string representation.
type PMBeatInfo ¶
type PMBeatInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PMNewViewMessage ¶
type PMNewViewMessage struct { CSMsgCommonHeader ConsensusMsgCommonHeader QCHeight uint32 QCRound uint32 QCHigh []byte Reason NewViewReason TimeoutHeight uint32 TimeoutRound uint32 TimeoutCounter uint64 PeerID []byte PeerIndex uint32 SignedMessageHash [32]byte PeerSignature []byte }
PMNewViewMessage is sent to the next leader in these two senarios 1. leader relay 2. repica timeout
func (*PMNewViewMessage) EpochID ¶
func (m *PMNewViewMessage) EpochID() uint64
func (*PMNewViewMessage) Header ¶
func (m *PMNewViewMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
func (*PMNewViewMessage) MsgType ¶
func (m *PMNewViewMessage) MsgType() byte
func (*PMNewViewMessage) SigningHash ¶
func (m *PMNewViewMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
SigningHash computes hash of all header fields excluding signature.
func (*PMNewViewMessage) String ¶
func (m *PMNewViewMessage) String() string
String returns a string representation.
type PMProbeResult ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PMProbeResult struct { Mode string StartHeight uint32 StartRound uint32 CurRound uint32 MyCommitteeIndex int LastVotingHeight uint32 LastOnBeatRound uint32 QCHigh *block.QuorumCert BlockLeaf *BlockProbe BlockExecuted *BlockProbe BlockLocked *BlockProbe ProposalCount int PendingCount int PendingLowest uint32 }
type PMProposalMessage ¶
type PMProposalMessage struct { CSMsgCommonHeader ConsensusMsgCommonHeader ParentHeight uint32 ParentRound uint32 ProposerID []byte //ecdsa.PublicKey ProposerBlsPK []byte //bls.PublicKey KBlockHeight uint32 // SignOffset uint // SignLength uint ProposedSize uint32 ProposedBlock []byte ProposedBlockType BlockType TimeoutCert *PMTimeoutCert }
PMProposalMessage is sent when a new block leaf is proposed
func (*PMProposalMessage) CompactString ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *PMProposalMessage) CompactString() string
func (*PMProposalMessage) EpochID ¶
func (m *PMProposalMessage) EpochID() uint64
func (*PMProposalMessage) Header ¶
func (m *PMProposalMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
func (*PMProposalMessage) MsgType ¶
func (m *PMProposalMessage) MsgType() byte
func (*PMProposalMessage) SigningHash ¶
func (m *PMProposalMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
SigningHash computes hash of all header fields excluding signature.
func (*PMProposalMessage) String ¶
func (m *PMProposalMessage) String() string
String returns a string representation.
type PMQueryProposalMessage ¶
type PMQueryProposalMessage struct { CSMsgCommonHeader ConsensusMsgCommonHeader FromHeight uint32 ToHeight uint32 Round uint32 ReturnAddr types.NetAddress }
PMQueryProposalMessage is sent to current leader to get the parent proposal
func (*PMQueryProposalMessage) EpochID ¶
func (m *PMQueryProposalMessage) EpochID() uint64
func (*PMQueryProposalMessage) Header ¶
func (m *PMQueryProposalMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
func (*PMQueryProposalMessage) MsgType ¶
func (m *PMQueryProposalMessage) MsgType() byte
func (*PMQueryProposalMessage) SigningHash ¶
func (m *PMQueryProposalMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
SigningHash computes hash of all header fields excluding signature.
func (*PMQueryProposalMessage) String ¶
func (m *PMQueryProposalMessage) String() string
String returns a string representation.
type PMRoundState ¶
type PMRoundState byte
PMRoundState is the const state for pacemaker state machine
const ( PMRoundStateInit PMRoundState = 1 PMRoundStateProposalRcvd PMRoundState = 2 PMRoundStateProposalSent PMRoundState = 3 PMRoundStateProposalMajorReached PMRoundState = 4 PMRoundStateProposalCommitted PMRoundState = 4 PMRoundStateProposalDecided PMRoundState = 4 )
type PMRoundTimeoutInfo ¶
type PMRoundTimeoutInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PMTimeoutCert ¶
type PMTimeoutCert struct { TimeoutRound uint32 TimeoutHeight uint32 TimeoutCounter uint32 TimeoutBitArray *cmn.BitArray TimeoutAggSig []byte }
func (*PMTimeoutCert) DecodeRLP ¶
func (tc *PMTimeoutCert) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error
DecodeRLP implements rlp.Decoder.
func (*PMTimeoutCert) EncodeRLP ¶
func (tc *PMTimeoutCert) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error
EncodeRLP implements rlp.Encoder.
func (*PMTimeoutCert) SigningHash ¶
func (tc *PMTimeoutCert) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
func (*PMTimeoutCert) String ¶
func (tc *PMTimeoutCert) String() string
type PMTimeoutCertManager ¶
type PMVoteMessage ¶
type PMVoteMessage struct { CSMsgCommonHeader ConsensusMsgCommonHeader VoterID []byte //ecdsa.PublicKey VoterBlsPK []byte //bls.PublicKey BlsSignature []byte //bls.Signature VoterIndex uint32 SignedMessageHash [32]byte }
PMVoteResponseMessage is sent when voting for a proposal (or lack thereof).
func (*PMVoteMessage) EpochID ¶
func (m *PMVoteMessage) EpochID() uint64
func (*PMVoteMessage) Header ¶
func (m *PMVoteMessage) Header() *ConsensusMsgCommonHeader
func (*PMVoteMessage) MsgType ¶
func (m *PMVoteMessage) MsgType() byte
func (*PMVoteMessage) SigningHash ¶
func (m *PMVoteMessage) SigningHash() (hash meter.Bytes32)
SigningHash computes hash of all header fields excluding signature.
func (*PMVoteMessage) String ¶
func (m *PMVoteMessage) String() string
String returns a string representation.
type Pacemaker ¶
type Pacemaker struct { QCHigh *pmQuorumCert // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPaceMaker ¶
func NewPaceMaker(conR *ConsensusReactor) *Pacemaker
func (*Pacemaker) AddressBlock ¶
find out b b' b"
func (*Pacemaker) BlockMatchQC ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) BlockMatchQC(b *pmBlock, qc *block.QuorumCert) (bool, error)
qc is for that block? blk is derived from pmBlock message. pass it in if already decoded
func (*Pacemaker) BuildNewViewMessage ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) BuildNewViewMessage(nextHeight, nextRound uint32, qcHigh *pmQuorumCert, reason NewViewReason, ti *PMRoundTimeoutInfo) (*PMNewViewMessage, error)
BuildVoteForProposalMsg build VFP message for proposal
func (*Pacemaker) BuildNewViewSignMsg ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) BuildNewViewSignMsg(pubKey ecdsa.PublicKey, reason NewViewReason, height, round uint32, qc *block.QuorumCert) string
func (*Pacemaker) BuildProposalMessage ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) BuildProposalMessage(height, round uint32, bnew *pmBlock, tc *PMTimeoutCert) (*PMProposalMessage, error)
func (*Pacemaker) BuildQueryProposalMessage ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) BuildQueryProposalMessage(fromHeight, toHeight, round uint32, epochID uint64, retAddr types.NetAddress) (*PMQueryProposalMessage, error)
func (*Pacemaker) BuildVoteForProposalMessage ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) BuildVoteForProposalMessage(proposalMsg *PMProposalMessage, blockID, txsRoot, stateRoot meter.Bytes32) (*PMVoteMessage, error)
BuildVoteForProposalMsg build VFP message for proposal txRoot, stateRoot is decoded from proposalMsg.ProposedBlock, carry in cos already decoded outside
func (*Pacemaker) CreateLeaf ¶
func (*Pacemaker) GetRelayPeers ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) GetRelayPeers(round uint32) []*ConsensusPeer
func (*Pacemaker) IsExtendedFromBLocked ¶
check a pmBlock is the extension of b_locked, max 10 hops
func (*Pacemaker) OnNextSyncView ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) OnNextSyncView(nextHeight, nextRound uint32, reason NewViewReason, ti *PMRoundTimeoutInfo)
func (*Pacemaker) OnPreCommitBlock ¶
func (*Pacemaker) OnReceiveNewView ¶
func (*Pacemaker) OnReceiveProposal ¶
func (*Pacemaker) OnReceiveQueryProposal ¶
func (*Pacemaker) OnReceiveVote ¶
func (*Pacemaker) OnRoundTimeout ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) OnRoundTimeout(ti PMRoundTimeoutInfo)
func (*Pacemaker) Probe ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (p *Pacemaker) Probe() *PMProbeResult
func (*Pacemaker) ScheduleOnBeat ¶
func (*Pacemaker) SendCatchUpQuery ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) SendCatchUpQuery()
func (*Pacemaker) SendConsensusMessage ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) SendConsensusMessage(round uint32, msg ConsensusMessage, copyMyself bool) bool
------------------------------------------------------ Message Delivery Utilities ------------------------------------------------------
func (*Pacemaker) SendKblockInfo ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) SendKblockInfo(b *pmBlock)
func (*Pacemaker) Stop ¶
func (p *Pacemaker) Stop()
actions of commites/receives kblock, stop pacemake to next committee all proposal txs need to be reclaimed before stop
func (*Pacemaker) UpdateQCHigh ¶
func (*Pacemaker) ValidateProposal ¶
type PendingList ¶
type PendingList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPendingList ¶
func NewPendingList() *PendingList
func (*PendingList) Add ¶
func (p *PendingList) Add(mi *consensusMsgInfo)
func (*PendingList) CleanUpTo ¶
func (p *PendingList) CleanUpTo(height uint32)
func (*PendingList) GetLowestHeight ¶
func (p *PendingList) GetLowestHeight() uint32
func (*PendingList) Len ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (p *PendingList) Len() int
type ProposalMap ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ProposalMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewProposalMap ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewProposalMap() *ProposalMap
func (*ProposalMap) Add ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (p *ProposalMap) Add(blk *pmBlock)
func (*ProposalMap) Get ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (p *ProposalMap) Get(key uint32) *pmBlock
func (*ProposalMap) Len ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (p *ProposalMap) Len() int
func (*ProposalMap) Reset ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (p *ProposalMap) Reset()
func (*ProposalMap) RevertTo ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (p *ProposalMap) RevertTo(height uint32)
type ProposedBlockInfo ¶
type ProposedBlockInfo struct { ProposedBlock *block.Block Stage *state.Stage Receipts *tx.Receipts CheckPoint int BlockType BlockType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
proposed block info
func (*ProposedBlockInfo) String ¶
func (pb *ProposedBlockInfo) String() string
type RecvKBlockInfo ¶
type SignatureAggregator ¶
type SignatureAggregator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SignatureAggregator) Aggregate ¶
func (sa *SignatureAggregator) Aggregate() []byte
func (*SignatureAggregator) BitArrayString ¶
func (sa *SignatureAggregator) BitArrayString() string
func (*SignatureAggregator) Count ¶
func (sa *SignatureAggregator) Count() uint32
func (*SignatureAggregator) Seal ¶
func (sa *SignatureAggregator) Seal()
seal the signature, no future modification could be done anymore
type ValidatorReward ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ValidatorReward struct { Epoch uint32 BaseReward *big.Int ExpectDistribute *big.Int ActualDistribute *big.Int }
func (*ValidatorReward) ToString ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *ValidatorReward) ToString() string
type ValidatorRewardList ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ValidatorRewardList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewValidatorRewardList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewValidatorRewardList(rewards []*ValidatorReward) *ValidatorRewardList
func (*ValidatorRewardList) Count ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *ValidatorRewardList) Count() int
func (*ValidatorRewardList) Get ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *ValidatorRewardList) Get(epoch uint32) *ValidatorReward
func (*ValidatorRewardList) GetList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *ValidatorRewardList) GetList() []*ValidatorReward
func (*ValidatorRewardList) String ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *ValidatorRewardList) String() string
func (*ValidatorRewardList) ToList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *ValidatorRewardList) ToList() []*ValidatorReward
func (*ValidatorRewardList) ToString ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *ValidatorRewardList) ToString() string
Source Files
- auction_reward.go
- bls_common.go
- common.go
- consensus_block.go
- consensus_peer.go
- errors.go
- message_relay.go
- messages.go
- msg_cache.go
- pacemaker.go
- pacemaker_message.go
- pacemaker_util.go
- pending_list.go
- pm_structs.go
- prometheus.go
- proposal_map.go
- reactor.go
- signature_aggregator.go
- timeout_cert_manager.go
- validator_reward_api.go
- wire.go