Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func EthCreateContractAddress(b common.Address, nonce uint32) common.Address
- func EthCreateContractAddress2(b common.Address, salt [32]byte, inithash []byte) common.Address
- func InitBlockChainConfig(genesisID Bytes32, chainFlag string)
- func IsMainChainEdison(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsMainChainTesla(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsMainChainTeslaFork2(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsMainChainTeslaFork3(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsMainChainTeslaFork4(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsMainNet() bool
- func IsTestChainTesla(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsTestChainTeslaFork2(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsTestChainTeslaFork3(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsTestChainTeslaFork4(blockNum uint32) bool
- func IsTestNet() bool
- func NewBlake2b() hash.Hash
- type Address
- type Bytes32
- type ChainConfig
- func (p *ChainConfig) IsEdison(blockNum uint32) bool
- func (c *ChainConfig) IsInitialized() bool
- func (c *ChainConfig) IsMainnet() bool
- func (p *ChainConfig) IsTesla(blockNum uint32) bool
- func (p *ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork2(blockNum uint32) bool
- func (p *ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork3(blockNum uint32) bool
- func (p *ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork4(blockNum uint32) bool
- func (c *ChainConfig) IsTestnet() bool
- func (c *ChainConfig) ToString() string
- type ForkConfig
Constants ¶
const ( Edison = iota + 1 EdisonSysContractStartNum = 4900000 //around 11/18/2020 TestnetSysContractStartNum = 100000 EdisonMainnetStartNum = 0 EdisonTestnetStartNum = 0 //chainID MainnetChainID = 82 // 0x52 for mainnet TestnetChainID = 83 // 0x53 for testnet )
Fork Release Version Edision: The initial Basic Release. Features include
const ( Tesla = iota + 2 TeslaMainnetStartNum = 9470000 // Tesla hard fork around 03/22/2021 08:00-09:00 (Beijing Time) TeslaTestnetStartNum = 0 // // Tesla 1.1 Hardfork // includes feature updates: // 1)bucket update issue fix, bound balance before update bucket // 2) allow update for forever bucket // 2) correct wrong buckets in Tesla 1.0 due to bucket update issue // 3) account lock fix, allow transfer only if (amount + lockedMTRG) < (balance + boundbalance), fix includes native transfer and system contract ERC20 transfer // 4)update (total votes / self vote) limit from 10x to 100x Tesla1_1MainnetStartNum = 9680000 TeslaFork2_MainnetStartNum = 10382000 // around 4/16/2021 11:00 AM (Beijing) TeslaFork2_TestnetStartNum = 682000 // around 4/16/2021 11:00 AM (Beijing) // Tesla 1.3 Hardfork // includes feature updates: // 1) evm upgrade from v1.18.10 to v1.18.14 // 2) istanbul porting from vechain // 3) aggregate autobid // 4) fix the contract address issue: if caller is external, use tx nonce + clauseIndex // otherwise, caller is internal, use global counter as entropy // 5) fix the empty chainid issue TeslaFork3_MainnetAuctionDefectStartNum = 14811495 TeslaFork3_MainnetStartNum = 14875500 // around 8/24/2021 10:00 AM (Beijing) TeslaFork3_TestnetStartNum = 4220000 // 4220000 // Tesla 1.4 Hardfork // includes feature updates: // 1) contract address schema update, after tesla fork4, contract created by external account should use // meter-specific address scheme for created contract: keccak256(txID, clauseIndex, counter) // 2) fixed the sync failure at 10963576 (negative total stake balance for stakeholder, should snap to 0 once negative) // 3) fixed the sync failure at 13931713 (use caller for contract address creation, should use origin) TeslaFork4_TestnetStartNum = 4932000 TeslaFork4_MainnetStartNum = 15138000 // around 9/1/2021 9:30 AM (Beijing) )
Tesla: The staking/auction release, Features include:
const ( // --------------------- Epoch -------------------------- MTR = byte(0) MTRG = byte(1) // minimum height for committee relay. NPowBlockPerEpoch = 60 // epoch time (normaly 1 pow block takes 1 minutes) MaxNPowBlockPerEpoch = 3000 // if too many pow blocks need to be packed in kblock, truncate to the last 3000 pow blocks NEpochPerDay = 24 * 60 / NPowBlockPerEpoch KBlockEpoch = 14603 // wrong LastKBlockHeight // ------------------- Miner Reward --------------------- MaxNClausePerRewardTx = 200 // pack reward tx with maxinum 200 clauses // --------------- Validator Reward --------------------- NDays = 10 // smooth with n days, the (last n days's total received MTR) * 1/n will be used as the validator reward for current day NDaysV2 = 1 // hard fork from 10 to 1 // ------------------ Auction --------------------------- NEpochPerAuction = 24 // every n Epoch move to next auction NAuctionPerDay = 24 * 60 / NPowBlockPerEpoch / NEpochPerAuction MaxNClausePerAutobidTx = 1000 // auction release mtrg (new version) AuctionReleaseBase = 40000000 // total base of 400M MTRG AuctionReleaseInflation = 5e16 // yoy 5%, in unit of wei (aka. 1e18) // ------------------ Basics ---------------------------- BlockInterval uint64 = 10 // time interval between two consecutive blocks. BaseTxGas uint64 = params.TxGas // 21000 TxGas uint64 = 5000 ClauseGas uint64 = params.TxGas - TxGas ClauseGasContractCreation uint64 = params.TxGasContractCreation - TxGas // InitialGasLimit was 10 *1000 *100, only accommodates 476 Txs, block size 61k, so change to 200M MinGasLimit uint64 = 1000 * 1000 InitialGasLimit uint64 = 200 * 1000 * 1000 // InitialGasLimit gas limit value int genesis block. GasLimitBoundDivisor uint64 = 1024 // from ethereum GetBalanceGas uint64 = 400 //EIP158 gas table SloadGas uint64 = 200 // EIP158 gas table SstoreSetGas uint64 = params.SstoreSetGas SstoreResetGas uint64 = params.SstoreResetGas MaxTxWorkDelay uint32 = 30 // (unit: block) if tx delay exceeds this value, no energy can be exchanged. MaxBlockProposers uint64 = 101 TolerableBlockPackingTime = 100 * time.Millisecond // the indicator to adjust target block gas limit MaxBackTrackingBlockNumber = 65535 )
Constants of block chain.
const ( //This ceof is based s9 ant miner, 1.323Kw 13.5T hashrate coef 11691855416.9 unit 1e18 //python -c "print 2**32 * 1.323 /120/13.5/1000/1000/1000/1000/10/30 * 1e18" POW_DEFAULT_REWARD_COEF_S9 = int64(11691855417) //efficiency w/hash python -c "print 1.323/13.5" = 0.098 POW_S9_EFFECIENCY = 0.098 //M10 spec 1500W, 25TH //python -c "print 2**32 * 1.5 /120/25/1000/1000/1000/1000/10/30 * 1e18" POW_DEFAULT_REWARD_COEF_M10 = int64(7158278826) POW_M10_EFFECIENCY = 0.060 // mainnet effeciency set as 0.053 //python -c "print 2**32 * 0.053 /120/1000/1000/1000/1000/10/30 * 1e18" POW_DEFAULT_REWARD_COEF_MAIN = int64(6323146297) POW_M10_EFFECIENCY_MAIN = 0.053 )
powpool coef
const ( // AddressLength length of address in bytes. AddressLength = common.AddressLength )
Variables ¶
var ( SysContractStartNum uint32 = EdisonSysContractStartNum EdisonStartNum uint32 = EdisonSysContractStartNum TeslaStartNum uint32 = TeslaMainnetStartNum TeslaFork2StartNum uint32 = TeslaFork2_MainnetStartNum TeslaFork3StartNum uint32 = TeslaFork3_MainnetStartNum TeslaFork4StartNum uint32 = TeslaFork4_MainnetStartNum // Genesis hashes to enforce below configs on. GenesisHash = MustParseBytes32("0x00000000733c970e6a7d68c7db54e3705eee865a97a07bf7e695c63b238f5e52") )
start block number support sys-contract
var ( // Keys KeyExecutorAddress = BytesToBytes32([]byte("executor")) KeyRewardRatio = BytesToBytes32([]byte("reward-ratio")) KeyBaseGasPrice = BytesToBytes32([]byte("base-gas-price")) KeyProposerEndorsement = BytesToBytes32([]byte("proposer-endorsement")) KeyPowPoolCoef = BytesToBytes32([]byte("powpool-coef")) KeyPowPoolCoefFadeDays = BytesToBytes32([]byte("powpool-coef-fade-days")) KeyPowPoolCoefFadeRate = BytesToBytes32([]byte("powpool-coef-fade-rate")) KeyValidatorBenefitRatio = BytesToBytes32([]byte("validator-benefit-ratio")) KeyValidatorBaseReward = BytesToBytes32([]byte("validator-base-reward")) KeyAuctionReservedPrice = BytesToBytes32([]byte("auction-reserved-price")) KeyMinRequiredByDelegate = BytesToBytes32([]byte("minimium-require-by-delegate")) KeyAuctionInitRelease = BytesToBytes32([]byte("auction-initial-release")) KeyBorrowInterestRate = BytesToBytes32([]byte("borrower-interest-rate")) KeyConsensusCommitteeSize = BytesToBytes32([]byte("consensus-committee-size")) KeyConsensusDelegateSize = BytesToBytes32([]byte("consensus-delegate-size")) // mtr-erc20, 0x00000000000000006e61746976652d6d74722d65726332302d61646472657373 KeyNativeMtrERC20Address = BytesToBytes32([]byte("native-mtr-erc20-address")) // mtrg-erc20, 0x000000000000006e61746976652d6d7472672d65726332302d61646472657373 KeyNativeMtrgERC20Address = BytesToBytes32([]byte("native-mtrg-erc20-address")) // 0x00000000000000312d73797374656d2d636f6e74726163742d61646472657373 KeySystemContractAddress1 = BytesToBytes32([]byte("1-system-contract-address")) // 0x00000000000000322d73797374656d2d636f6e74726163742d61646472657373 KeySystemContractAddress2 = BytesToBytes32([]byte("2-system-contract-address")) // 0x00000000000000332d73797374656d2d636f6e74726163742d61646472657373 KeySystemContractAddress3 = BytesToBytes32([]byte("3-system-contract-address")) // 0x00000000000000342d73797374656d2d636f6e74726163742d61646472657373 KeySystemContractAddress4 = BytesToBytes32([]byte("4-system-contract-address")) KeyEnforceTesla1_1Correction = BytesToBytes32([]byte("Tesla1_1Correction-Flag")) // unset or 0 is not do yet, 1 is donw // key set transaction fee address // 0x6e73616374696f6e2d6665652d62656e65666963696172792d61646472657373 KeyTransactionFeeAddress = BytesToBytes32([]byte("transaction-fee-beneficiary-address")) // Initial values InitialRewardRatio = big.NewInt(3e17) // 30% InitialBaseGasPrice = big.NewInt(5e11) // each tx gas is about 0.01 meter InitialProposerEndorsement = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(1e18), big.NewInt(25000000)) InitialPowPoolCoef = big.NewInt(POW_DEFAULT_REWARD_COEF_MAIN) // coef start with Main InitialPowPoolCoefFadeDays = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(550), big.NewInt(1e18)) // fade day initial is 550 days InitialPowPoolCoefFadeRate = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(1e17)) // fade rate initial with 0.5 InitialValidatorBenefitRatio = big.NewInt(4e17) //40% percent of total auciton gain InitialValidatorBaseReward = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(25), big.NewInt(1e16)) // base reward for each validator 0.25 InitialAuctionReservedPrice = big.NewInt(5e17) // 1 MTRG settle with 0.5 MTR InitialMinRequiredByDelegate = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(int64(300)), big.NewInt(int64(1e18))) // minimium require for delegate is 300 mtrg InitialAuctionInitRelease = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(int64(1000)), big.NewInt(int64(1e18))) // auction reward initial release, is 1000 // TBA InitialBorrowInterestRate = big.NewInt(1e17) // bowrrower interest rate, initial set as 10% InitialConsensusCommitteeSize = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(int64(50)), big.NewInt(int64(1e18))) // consensus committee size, is set to 50 InitialConsensusDelegateSize = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(int64(100)), big.NewInt(int64(1e18))) // consensus delegate size, is set to 100 // This account takes 40% of auction gain to distribute to validators in consensus // 0x61746f722d62656e656669742d61646472657373 ValidatorBenefitAddr = BytesToAddress([]byte("validator-benefit-address")) AuctionLeftOverAccount = MustParseAddress("0xe852f654dfaee0e2b60842657379a56e1cafa292") ZeroAddress = MustParseAddress("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000") ////////////////////////////// // The Following Accounts are defined for DFL Community InitialExecutorAccount = MustParseAddress("0xdbb11b66f1d62bdeb5f47018d85e2401d7e3dc2e") InitialDFLTeamAccount1 = MustParseAddress("0x2fa2d56e312c47709537acb198446205736022aa") InitialDFLTeamAccount2 = MustParseAddress("0x08ebea6584b3d9bf6fbcacf1a1507d00a61d95b7") InitialDFLTeamAccount3 = MustParseAddress("0x045df1ef32d6db371f1857bb60551ef2e43abb1e") InitialDFLTeamAccount4 = MustParseAddress("0xde4f71f45ae821614e9dd1256fef06780b775216") InitialDFLTeamAccount5 = MustParseAddress("0xab22ab75f8c42b6969c5d226f39aeb7be35bf24b") InitialDFLTeamAccount6 = MustParseAddress("0x63723217e860bc409e29b46eec70101cd03d8242") InitialDFLTeamAccount7 = MustParseAddress("0x0374f5867ab2effd2277c895e7d1088b10ec9452") InitialDFLTeamAccount8 = MustParseAddress("0x5308b6f26f21238963d0ea0b391eafa9be53c78e") TeslaValidatorBenefitRatio = big.NewInt(1e18) )
Keys of governance params.
var ( // BlocktChainConfig is the chain parameters to run a node on the main network. BlockChainConfig = &ChainConfig{ ChainGenesisID: GenesisHash, ChainFlag: "", Initialized: false, } )
var NoFork = ForkConfig{ FixTransferLog: math.MaxUint32, }
NoFork a special config without any forks.
Functions ¶
func EthCreateContractAddress ¶
to compatible with ethereum contract creation count.
func EthCreateContractAddress2 ¶
CreateAddress2 creates an ethereum address given the address bytes, initial contract code hash and a salt.
func InitBlockChainConfig ¶
func IsMainChainEdison ¶
func IsMainChainTesla ¶
func IsMainChainTeslaFork2 ¶
func IsMainChainTeslaFork3 ¶
func IsMainChainTeslaFork4 ¶
func IsTestChainTesla ¶
func IsTestChainTeslaFork2 ¶
func IsTestChainTeslaFork3 ¶
func IsTestChainTeslaFork4 ¶
Types ¶
type Address ¶
Address address of account.
func BytesToAddress ¶
BytesToAddress converts bytes slice into address. If b is larger than address legnth, b will be cropped (from the left). If b is smaller than address length, b will be extended (from the left).
func CreateContractAddress ¶
CreateContractAddress to generate contract address according to tx id, clause index and contract creation count.
func MustParseAddress ¶
MustParseAddress convert string presented address into Address type, panic on error.
func ParseAddress ¶
ParseAddress convert string presented address into Address type.
func (*Address) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Address) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type Bytes32 ¶
type Bytes32 [32]byte
Bytes32 array of 32 bytes.
func BytesToBytes32 ¶
BytesToBytes32 converts bytes slice into Bytes32. If b is larger than Bytes32 legnth, b will be cropped (from the left). If b is smaller than Bytes32 length, b will be extended (from the left).
func MustParseBytes32 ¶
MustParseBytes32 convert string presented into Bytes32 type, panic on error.
func ParseBytes32 ¶
ParseBytes32 convert string presented into Bytes32 type
func (Bytes32) AbbrevString ¶
AbbrevString returns abbrev string presentation.
func (*Bytes32) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (*Bytes32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
type ChainConfig ¶
type ChainConfig struct { ChainGenesisID Bytes32 // set while init ChainFlag string Initialized bool }
func (*ChainConfig) IsEdison ¶
func (p *ChainConfig) IsEdison(blockNum uint32) bool
TBD: There would be more rules when 2nd fork is there.
func (*ChainConfig) IsInitialized ¶
func (c *ChainConfig) IsInitialized() bool
func (*ChainConfig) IsMainnet ¶
func (c *ChainConfig) IsMainnet() bool
chain flag right now ONLY 3: "main"/"test"/"warringstakes"
func (*ChainConfig) IsTesla ¶
func (p *ChainConfig) IsTesla(blockNum uint32) bool
func (*ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork2 ¶
func (p *ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork2(blockNum uint32) bool
func (*ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork3 ¶
func (p *ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork3(blockNum uint32) bool
func (*ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork4 ¶
func (p *ChainConfig) IsTeslaFork4(blockNum uint32) bool
func (*ChainConfig) IsTestnet ¶
func (c *ChainConfig) IsTestnet() bool
func (*ChainConfig) ToString ¶
func (c *ChainConfig) ToString() string
type ForkConfig ¶
type ForkConfig struct {
FixTransferLog uint32
ForkConfig config for a fork.
func GetForkConfig ¶
func GetForkConfig(genesisID Bytes32) ForkConfig
GetForkConfig get fork config for given genesis ID.
func (ForkConfig) String ¶
func (fc ForkConfig) String() string