Fast s3 utility is a faster version of s3cmd's ls, get, and cp functions ideal for buckets containing millions of keys.

go get -u github.com/tuneinc/fasts3
This should install the binary under $GOPATH/bin/
Use aws configure
command from the aws cli tool (https://aws.amazon.com/cli/) which will create the necessary config files in ~/.aws/credentials
add your region to your credentials file to support tab-completion of buckets:
Alternatively you can set these environment variables which will take precedence over the credentials file:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_key>
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
fasts3 --help
fasts3 <cmd> --help
Using search depth to go faster
Many times you know the structure of your s3 bucket, and this can be used to optimize listings. Say you have a structure like so:
fasts3 ls s3://mybuck/logs/
DIR s3://mybuck/logs/2011/
DIR s3://mybuck/logs/2012/
DIR s3://mybuck/logs/2013/
DIR s3://mybuck/logs/2014/
DIR s3://mybuck/logs/2015/
Doing a fasts3 ls -r s3://mybuck/logs/
will read all keys under logs
sequentially. We can make this faster by adding a --search-depth 1
flag to the command which gives each of the underlying directories its own thread, increasing throughput.
The concurrency level of s3 command execution can be tweaked based on your usage needs. By default, 4*NumCPU
s3 commands will be executed concurrently, which is ideal based on our benchmarks. If you want to override this value, set GOMAXPROCS
in your environment to set the concurrency level: GOMAXPROCS=64 fasts3 ls -r s3://mybuck/logs/
will execute 64 s3 commands concurrently.
# ls
fasts3 ls s3://mybucket/ # lists top level directories and keys
fasts3 ls -r s3://mybucket/ # lists all keys in the bucket
fasts3 ls -r --search-depth 1 s3://mybucket/ # lists all keys in the bucket using the directories 1 level down to thread
fasts3 ls -r s3://mybucket/ | awk '{s += $1}END{print s}' # sum sizes of all objects in the bucket
# get
fasts3 get s3://mybuck/logs/ # fetches all logs in the prefix
# stream
fasts3 stream s3://mybuck/logs/ # streams all logs under prefix to stdout
fasts3 stream --key-regex ".*2015-01-01" s3://mybuck/logs/ # streams all logs with 2015-01-01 in the key name stdout
# cp
fasts3 cp -r s3://mybuck/logs/ s3://otherbuck/ # copies all subdirectories to another bucket
fasts3 cp -r -f s3://mybuck/logs/ s3://otherbuck/all-logs/ # copies all source files into the same destination directory
Bash and ZSH completion are available.
To install for bash:
source completion.sh
For zsh:
source completion.zsh