Advanced builder based on Buildkit for selectively build compact Docker images selecting the only required languages.
go build cmd/main.go
./main runtime py node rb | buildctl build --output type=docker,name=imagename | docker load
if you want to push the image to a registry, you can use the following command:
./main runtime py node rb | buildctl build --output type=image,,push=true
After getting the llb, you can use various buildkit args to specify output
Run with buildctl-daemonless
Linux Requirements:
For MacOs, you can use install buildkit using brew and lima for rootless containers, and run the script after the installation.
$ brew install buildkit
$ brew install lima
Using Docker:
If you don't have buildkit installed, you can use the docker image to run the buildkit daemon.
docker run --rm --privileged -d --name buildkit moby/buildkit
Export the environment variable BUILDKIT_HOST
to point to the buildkit daemon.
export BUILDKIT_HOST=docker-container://buildkit
./main py node rb | ./hack/ build --output type=docker,name=imagename | docker load
Run with docker
Use the environment variable BUILDER_ARGS
for passing the arguments.
With daemon:
BUILDER_ARGS="runtime py" docker compose up --exit-code-from client client
BUILDER_ARGS="runtime node" docker compose up --exit-code-from rootless rootless
You can also run the builder binary only:
BUILDER_ARGS="runtime rb" docker compose up --exit-code-from binary binary
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.59.1 golangci-lint run -v --enable-all
For testing in rootless mode:
./test/ rootless
For testing in daemon mode:
./test/ client
Dive can be used to analyze each layer of the generated image
dive <your-image-tag>
This opens up a window where in we can see changes in each layer of the image according to preferences.
Ctrl + L : To show only layer changes
Tab : To switch view from layers to current layer contents