Redir is an HTTP redirector of DNS SRV records with configurable
load-balancing strategies.
Pre-compiled binaries are available for most OS and architectures.
Alternatively, if you have Go installed:
$ go get
$ redir -h
usage: redir [flags]
-addr=:8080: HTTP address to listen on
-code=307: HTTP code to respond with
-origin="*": HTTP CORS Origin to accept
-param="request-path": DNS SRV name source [request-path, host-header]
-path="/go/": HTTP path to handle
-resolver=:53: DNS resolver addr to use
-strategy="random": SRV RR load balancing strategy [random, round-robin]
-timeout=1s: DNS query timeout
This program starts a CORS enabled HTTP server on a given -addr whose
requests to -path are converted into -timeout bound DNS SRV queries against
the -resolver. The -param defines where the name to be resolved comes from.
Answers returned are load balanced with the given -strategy and used to respond
to the original request with the defined -code and derived location.