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Published: Oct 27, 2023 License: MIT


gRPC Federation

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gRPC Federation is a mechanism to automatically generate a BFF (Backend for frontend) server that aggregates and returns the results of gRPC protocol based microservices by writing Protocol Buffer's option.

NOTE: gRPC Federation is still in alpha version. Please do not use it in production, as the design may change significantly.


Consider a system with a backend consisting of multiple microservices. In this case, it is known that instead of the client communicating directly with each microservice, it is better to prepare a dedicated service that accepts requests from the client, aggregates the necessary information from each microservice, and returns it to the client application. This dedicated service is called a BFF ( Backend for Frontned ) service.

However, as the system grows, the BFF becomes dependent on a variety of services. This raises the problem of which team is responsible for maintaining the BFF service ( responsibilities tend to ambiguity ). Federated Architecture can be used to solve this problem.

A well-known example of Federated Architecture is the GraphQL ( Apollo ) Federation.

Apollo Federation assumes that each microservice has its own GraphQL server, and by limiting the work performed on the BFF to tasks such as aggregating acquired resources, it is possible to keep the BFF service itself in a simple state.

However, it is not easy to add a new GraphQL server to an already huge system. In addition, there are various problems that must be solved in order to introduce GraphQL to a system that has been developed using the gRPC protocol.

We thought that if we could automatically generate a BFF service using the gRPC protocol, we could continue to use gRPC while reducing the cost of maintaining the BFF service. Since the schema information for the BFF service is already defined using Protocol Buffers, we are trying to accomplish this by giving the minimum required implementation information using custom options.


gRPC Federation automatically generates a gRPC server by writing a custom option in Protocol Buffers.
To generate a gRPC server, you can use libraries for the Go language as well as the protoc plugin.
We also provide a linter to verify that option descriptions are correct, and a language server to assist with option descriptions.

  • protoc-gen-grpc-federation: protoc's plugin for gRPC Federation
  • grpc-federation-linter: linter for gRPC Federation
  • grpc-federation-language-server: language server program for gRPC Federation
  • grpc-federation-generator: monitors proto changes and interactively performs code generation

Why use this

1. Reduce the typical implementation required to create a BFF

1.1. Many type conversion work for the same message between different packages

Consider defining a BFF service with a proto, assuming that the BFF service proxies some microservices calls and aggregates the results. In this case, we need to define a message to store the responses of the microservices that depend on the BFF side. If we were to use the messages defined in different packages as is, BFF's client need to be aware of the different packages. This is not a good idea, so the message must be redefined on the BFF side.

This means that a large number of messages almost identical to the microservice-side messages on which the BFF depends will be created on the BFF side.
This causes a lot of type conversion work for the same message between different packages.

With gRPC Federation, there is no need to go through the tedious process of type conversion. Just define the simple option on proto and it will automatically convert the typed value.

1.2. Optimize gRPC method calls

When calling multiple gRPC methods, performance can be improved by analyzing the dependencies between method calls, and requests in parallel when possible. However, figuring out dependencies becomes more difficult as the number of method calls increases, and requests in parallel tends to become more complex implementation.

gRPC Federation automatically analyzes the dependencies and generates code that makes the request in the most efficient way, so you don't have to think about them.

1.3. Retries and timeouts on gRPC method calls

When calling a gRPC method of a dependent service, you may set a timeout or a retry count. These implementations can be complex, but with gRPC Federation, they can be written declaratively.

These are just a few examples of how gRPC federation can make your work easier, but if you can create a BFF service with only a few definitions on the proto, you can lower the cost of developing BFF services to date.

2. Explicitly declare dependencies on services

By using the gRPC Federation, it is possible to know which services the BFF depends on just by reading the proto file. In some cases, you can get a complete picture of which microservice methods a given method of the BFF depends on.

In addition, since the gRPC Federation provides the functionality to obtain dependencies as a library in Go, it is possible to automatically obtain service dependencies simply by statically analyzing proto file. This is very useful for various types of analysis and automation.


1. gRPC method call exists to create a response message

Normally, the response message of a gRPC method exists as a result of the processing of the gRPC method, so the implementer's concern is "processing content" first and "processing result" second.

The gRPC Federation focuses on the "processing result" and considers that the gRPC method is called to create a response to the message.

Therefore, what you must do with gRPC Federation is to write dedicated options in those messages to create response messages for each of the Federation Service methods.

2. For every message, there is always a method that returns that message

Every message defined in Protocol Buffers has a method to return it. Therefore, it is possible to link message and method.

With these, we believe we can implemente the Federation Service by defining the message dependencies to create a response message and map them to the method definition.


There are currently two ways to use gRPC Federation.

  1. Use protoc-gen-grpc-federation
  2. Use grpc-federation-generator

1. Use protoc-gen-grpc-federation

1.1. Install protoc-gen-grpc-federation

protoc-gen-grpc-federation is a protoc plugin made by Go. It can be installed with the following command.

go install
1.2. Put gRPC Federation proto file to the import path

Copy the gRPC Federation proto file to the import path. gRPC Federation's proto file is here.

git clone
cd grpc-federation
cp -r proto /path/to/proto
1.3. Use gRPC Federation proto file in your proto file.
  • my_federation.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package mypackage;

import "grpc/federation/federation.proto";
1.4. Run protoc command with gRPC Federation plugin
protoc -I/path/to/proto --grpc-federation_out=. ./path/to/my_federation.proto


In the future, we plan to make it easier to use by registering with the Buf Schema Registry !

2. Use grpc-federation-generator

grpc-federation-generator is an standalone generator that allows you to use the gRPC Federation code generation functionality without protoc plugin. Also, the code generated by gRPC Federation depends on the code generated by protoc-gen-go and protoc-gen-go-grpc, so it generates file.pb.go and file_grpc.pb.go files at the same time without that plugins. ( This behavior can be optionally disabled )

grpc-federation-generator also has the ability to monitor changes in proto files and automatically generate them, allowing you to perform automatic generation interactively. Combined with the existing hot-reloader tools, it allows for rapid Go application development. The version of the gRPC Federation proto is the version when grpc-federation-generator is built.

1. Install grpc-federation-generator

grpc-federation-generator made by Go. It can be installed with the following command.

go install
2. Write configuration file for grpc-federation-generator

Parameters to be specified when running protoc are described in grpc-federation.yaml

  • grpc-federation.yaml
# specify import paths.
  - proto

# specify a list of directories to be monitored for changes in proto files.
  - proto

# specify the destination of gRPC Federation's code-generated output.
out: .

# specify options to be used during code generation of gRPC Federation. 
  paths: source_relative
3. Run grpc-federation-generator

If a proto file is specified, code generation is performed on that file.

grpc-federation-generator ./path/to/my_federation.proto

When invoked with the -w option, monitors changes to the proto file for directories specified in grpc-federation.yaml and performs interactive compilation and code generation.

grpc-federation-generator -w


In the future, we plan to implement a mechanism for code generation by other plugins in combination with and buf.gen.yaml definitions.


Consider the example of creating a BFF ( FederationService ) that combines and returns the results obtained using the PostService and UserService.

The definitions of PostService and UserService are as follows.


PostService has GetPost gRPC method. It returns Post message.

  • post.proto
package post;

service PostService {
  rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

message GetPostRequest {
  string post_id = 1;

message GetPostReply {
  Post post = 1;

message Post {
  string id = 1;
  string title = 2;
  string content = 3;
  string user_id = 4;


UserService has GetUser gRPC method. It returns User message.

  • user.proto
package user;

service UserService {
  rpc GetUser (GetUserRequest) returns (GetUserReply) {}

message GetUserRequest {
  string user_id = 1;

message GetUserReply {
  User user = 1;

message User {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 2;
  int age = 3;

The FederationService implements an API that combines and returns the results obtained using the PostService and UserService. We will explain how to implement the FederationService by using gRPC Federation.


FederationService has a GetPost method. It returns a response containing a User message in the Post message.

  • federation.proto
package federation;

service FederationService {
  rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

message GetPostRequest {
  string id = 1;

message GetPostReply {
  Post post = 1;

message Post {
  string id = 1;
  string title = 2;
  string content = 3;
  User user = 4;

message User {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 3;
  int age = 3;  

In this example, we will use the following three types of options provided by the gRPC Federation for implementation.

  • grpc.federation.service option
  • grpc.federation.message option
  • grpc.federation.field option

grpc.federation.service option

The grpc.federation.service option is used to specify a service to be automatically generated using gRPC Federation.
Therefore, your first step is to import the gRPC Federation proto file and add the service option.

+import "grpc/federation/federation.proto";

 service FederationService {
+  option (grpc.federation.service) = {};
   rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

In the grpc.federation.service option, dependencies field is available to specify the services that depend on it.

FederationService depends on the PostService in post package and UserService in user package, write the following.

 import "grpc/federation/federation.proto";
+import "post.proto";
+import "user.proto";

 service FederationService {
   option (grpc.federation.service) = {
+    dependencies: [
+      { service: "post.PostService" },
+      { service: "user.UserService" }
+    ]
   rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

See the following table for a list of features available under the grpc.federation.service option.

field type description
dependencies repeated ServiceDependency dependent service information
field type description required or optional
name string used when initializing the gRPC client optional
service string name of the dependent service required

grpc.federation.message option

The message option is used for the following purposes.
There must always be a method to retrieve it for a message. First, we link the message and its method. However, a parameter is required to call the method. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to define the parameters necessary to call the method in option.

In the grpc.federation.message option, the following fields are available to build itself.

field type description required or optional
resolver Resolver defines how to call method optional
messages repeated Message defines a list of dependent messages optional

The resolver is used to link message and method. Only one resolver can be defined per message.

If you call the GetPost method of post.PostService service, write the following.

 message Post {
   option (grpc.federation.message) = {
+    resolver {
+      method: "post.PostService/GetPost"
+      // assign "abcd" constant value to post_id field of GetPostRequest and call GetPost.
+      request { field: "post_id", string: "abcd" }
+    }

You may have wondered about the use of constants as parameters in the request. This is for simplicity's sake, and the request is actually made using the value that exists in the GetPostRequest message of the FederationService. To use the value of the GetPostRequest message, use the by feature and $. prefix. These will be explained later.

message Post {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    resolver {
      method: "post.PostService/GetPost"
      // refer GetPostRequest message's id field by `$.id`.
      request { field: "post_id", by: "$.id" }

If you want to use the result of the GetPost method, use the response field as follows.

 message Post {
   option (grpc.federation.message) = {
     resolver {
       method: "post.PostService/GetPost"
       request { field: "post_id", by: "$.id" }
+      response {
+        // specify a name to refer the value for the `post` field.
+        name: "res"
+        // select `post` field from `GetPostReply` message in `post` package.
+        field: "post"
+        // automatically binds the fields ( `id` or `title` or `content` ) of `post` field to its own fields.
+        autobind: true
+      }
   string id = 1; // automatically binds the value of ``.
   string title = 2; // automatically binds the value of `res.title`.
   string content = 3; // automatically binds the value of `res.content`.

In this example, there is no User user = 4; field in the Post message. This field can be supported by the Message feature (explain later).

The resolver has the following fields.

field type description required or optional
method string specify the FQDN for the gRPC method. format is <package-name>.<service-name>/<method-name>. required
request repeated MethodRequest request parameters for the gRPC method optional
response repeated MethodResponse which value of the gRPC method response to use optional

Refer to the request message of the method to be called and specify the necessary parameters. The field corresponds to the field name in the request message, and the by or string specifies which value is associated with the field.

field type description required or optional
field string field name of the request message required
by string used to refer to a name or message argument defined in a message option, use $. to refer to the message argument optional
string string the referenced value directly in literal (string) optional

In addition to string, you can write literals for any data type supported by proto, such as int64 or bool .


Describe the information necessary to bind the result of the method call to the message field. Select and name the required information from the response message, and use the defined name when referencing the information in the message option.

field type description required or optional
name string the unique name that can be used in a message option or field option for a specific field in the response optional
field string field name in response message optional
autobind bool if the value referenced by field is a message type, the value of a field with the same name and type as the field name of its own message is automatically assigned to the value of the field in the message optional

Since only one resolver can be defined per message, use the messages field if multiple methods must be called to assign values to all fields. messages is used when it is necessary to depend on other messages.
When depends on a message, you can specify parameters to be passed to the depndent message. This parameter is called the message argument.

In the following example, We retrieve the User message and assign to the fourth field of Post message.

 message Post {
   option (grpc.federation.message) = {
     resolver {
       method: "post.PostService/GetPost"
       request { field: "post_id", by: "$.id" }
       response { name: "res", field: "post", autobind: true }
+    messages {
+      // specify the name to refer the value for User message
+      name: "u"
+      // specify the name of the dependent message.
+      message: "User"
+      // specify the message arguments for resolving dependent message.
+      args {
+        // The name of the message argument. This name with the `$.` prefix can refer to this value.
+        name: "uid"
+        // specify the value.
+        by: "res.user_id"
+      }
+    }
   string id = 1;
   string title = 2;
   string content = 3;
+  // represents directly binding the value of the User message.
+  User user = 4 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "u"];

 message User {
+  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
+    resolver {
+      method: "user.UserService/GetUser"
+      request { field: "user_id", by: "$.uid" }
+      response { field: "user", autobind: true }
+    }
+  };
   string id = 1;
   string name = 2;
   int age = 3;

The referenced by the options are shown in the figure below.

The messages has the following fields.

field type description required or optional
name string a unique name for the dependent message required
message string the message to be referred to by FQDN. format is <package-name>.<message-name>. The <package-name> can be omitted when referring to messages in the same package required
args repeated Argument the parameters needed to retrieve the message. This is called the message argument optional
field type description required or optional
name string name of the message argument. Use this name to refer to the message argument. For example, if foo is specified as the name, it is referenced by $.foo required
by string refer to a name or message argument defined in message option, use $. to refer to the message argument optional
inline string like by, it refers to the specified value and expands all fields beyond it. For this reason, the referenced value must always be of message type optional
string string specify the referenced value directly in literal optional

In addition to string, you can write literals for any data type supported by proto, such as int64 or bool .

grpc.federation.field option

The field option used to specify which value to bind to each field of a message.
The only names that can be referenced by by are those specified in the message option of the message for which the field is defined.

field type description required or optional
by string refer to a name or message argument defined in message option, use $. to refer to the message argument optional
string string specify the referenced value directly in literal (string) optional

In addition to string, you can write literals for any data type supported by proto, such as int64 or bool .

Build response message

The purpose of gRPC Federation is to build a response messsage. Therefore, the examples described so far are not yet complete. To build a response message, write the following.

 message GetPostReply {
+  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
+    messages { name: "p", message: "Post", args { name: "id", by: "$.id" } }
+  };
+  Post post = 1 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "p"];

GetPostReply corresponds to the root message. In this message, all fields of GetPostRequest can be referenced as message arguments. Thus, "$.id" refers to the id field of the GetPostRequest message.

In this example, we name the retrieved Post message p. Then, grpc.federation.field option is used to refer to p and bind it to a field.

Finally, the completed FederationService will look like this.

package federation;

import "grpc/federation/federation.proto";
import "post.proto";
import "user.proto";

service FederationService {
  option (grpc.federation.service) = {
    dependencies: [
     { service: "post.PostService" },
     { service: "user.UserService" }
  rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

message GetPostRequest {
  string id = 1;

message GetPostReply {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    messages { name: "p", message: "Post", args { name: "id", by: "$.id" } }
  Post post = 1 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "p"];

message Post {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    resolver {
      method: "post.PostService/GetPost"
      request { field: "post_id", by: "$.id" }
      response { name: "res", field: "post", autobind: true }
    messages { name: "u", message: "User", args { name: "uid", by: "res.user_id" } }

  string id = 1;
  string title = 2;
  string content = 3;
  User user = 4 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "u"];

message User {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    resolver {
      method: "user.UserService/GetUser"
      request { field: "user_id", by: "$.uid" }
      response { field: "user", autobind: true }
  string id = 1;
  string name = 3;
  int age = 3;  

Other Important Specs

Order of method invocation

The order in which resolver and messages are called is automatically determined by the parameters on which they depend.
If the request parameter of the resolver is made with reference to the message specified in messages, the message is obtained first. Conversely, if the response value obtained by the resolver is passed as a message parameter, the resolver is called first.

If there are circular dependencies, etc., an error will occur during automatic generation.

Message Argument

Message argument is an argument passed when depends on other messages via the messages option. This parameter propagates the information necessary to resolve message dependencies.

Normally, only values explicitly specified in args can be referenced as message arguments.

However, exceptionally, a field in the method's request message can be referenced as a message argument to the method's response.

For example, consider the GetPost method of the FederationService: the GetPostResponse message implicitly allows the fields of the GetPostRequest message to be used as message arguments.

In summary, it looks like this.

  1. For the root message ( the response message of rpc ), the request message fields are the message arguments.
  2. For other messages, the parameters explicitly passed in messages[].args option are the message arguments.
  3. You can access to the message argument with $. prefix.
Implements custom resolvers in Go

There is a limit to what can be expressed in proto, so if you want to execute a process that cannot be expressed in proto, you will need to implement it yourself in the Go language.

In the services for the gRPC Federation, by setting custom_resolver: true in the message or field option, only that part can be implemented in Go.

message Foo {
  option (grpc.federation.message).custom_resolver = true;


message Foo {
  User user = 1 [(grpc.federation.field).custom_resolver = true];

Use generated server

Running code generation using the federation.proto described above will create a federationservice_grpc_federation.go file under the specified path.

In federationservice_grpc_federation.go, an initialization function ( NewFederationService ) for the FederationService is created. The server instance initialized using that function can be registered as a gRPC server using the RegisterFederationService function defined in federation_grpc.pb.go as is.

When initializing, you need to create a dedicated Config structure and pass.

type ClientConfig struct{}

func (c *ClientConfig) Post_PostServiceClient(cfg federation.FederationServiceClientConfig) (post.PostServiceClient, error) {
  // create by post.NewPostServiceClient()

func (c *ClientConfig) User_UserServiceClient(cfg federation.FederationServiceClientConfig) (user.UserServiceClient, error) {
  // create by user.NewUserServiceClient()

federationServer, err := federation.NewFederationService(federation.FederationServiceConfig{
  // Client provides a factory that creates the gRPC Client needed to invoke methods of the gRPC Service on which the Federation Service depends.
  // If this interface is not provided, an error is returned during initialization.
  Client: new(ClientConfig),
if err != nil { ... }
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
federation.RegisterFederationServiceServer(grpcServer, federationServer)

Config (e.g. federation.FederationServiceConfig ) must always be passed a configuration to initialize the gRPC Client, which is needed to invoke the methods on which the federation service depends.

Also, there are settings for customizing error handling on method calls or logger, etc.


Examples using gRPC Federation are located under the _examples directory.


NOTE: Currently, we do not accept pull requests from anyone other than the development team. Please report feature requests or bug fix requests via Issues.

Please read the CLA carefully before submitting your contribution to Mercari. Under any circumstances, by submitting your contribution, you are deemed to accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the CLA.


Copyright 2023 Mercari, Inc.

Licensed under the MIT License.

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