Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type ASN
- type ASNConfigurationParam
- type ASNConfigurationTarget
- type ASNParam
- type AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam
- type AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationTarget
- type AccessRuleDeleteResponse
- type AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type AccessRuleEditParams
- type AccessRuleEditParamsConfiguration
- type AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget
- type AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationUnion
- type AccessRuleEditParamsMode
- type AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelope
- type AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type AccessRuleEditResponseUnion
- type AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelope
- type AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type AccessRuleGetResponseUnion
- type AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam
- type AccessRuleIPConfigurationTarget
- type AccessRuleListParams
- type AccessRuleListParamsDirection
- type AccessRuleListParamsEgsPagination
- type AccessRuleListParamsEgsPaginationJson
- type AccessRuleListParamsFilters
- type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget
- type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatch
- type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode
- type AccessRuleListParamsOrder
- type AccessRuleListResponse
- type AccessRuleNewParams
- type AccessRuleNewParamsConfiguration
- type AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget
- type AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationUnion
- type AccessRuleNewParamsMode
- type AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelope
- type AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type AccessRuleNewResponseUnion
- type AccessRuleService
- func (r *AccessRuleService) Delete(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, ...) (res *AccessRuleDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *AccessRuleService) Edit(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, ...) (res *AccessRuleEditResponseUnion, err error)
- func (r *AccessRuleService) Get(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, ...) (res *AccessRuleGetResponseUnion, err error)
- func (r *AccessRuleService) List(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[AccessRuleListResponse], err error)
- func (r *AccessRuleService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[AccessRuleListResponse]
- func (r *AccessRuleService) New(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, ...) (res *AccessRuleNewResponseUnion, err error)
- type AllowedModesAnomaly
- type AuditLog
- type AuditLogAction
- type AuditLogActor
- type AuditLogActorType
- type AuditLogOwner
- type AuditLogResource
- type CertificateCA
- type CertificateRequestType
- type CloudflareTunnel
- type CloudflareTunnelConnection
- type CloudflareTunnelStatus
- type CloudflareTunnelTunType
- type Configuration
- type ConfigurationTarget
- type ConfigurationUnion
- type CountryConfigurationParam
- type CountryConfigurationTarget
- type DeletedFilter
- type Error
- type ErrorData
- type FirewallRule
- type FirewallRuleFilter
- type FirewallRuleFilterUnion
- type FirewallService
- type Group
- type GroupAllowedMode
- type GroupMode
- type IPV6ConfigurationParam
- type IPV6ConfigurationTarget
- type Lockdown
- type LockdownCIDRConfiguration
- type LockdownCIDRConfigurationTarget
- type LockdownDeleteResponse
- type LockdownDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type LockdownGetResponseEnvelope
- type LockdownGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type LockdownIPConfiguration
- type LockdownIPConfigurationTarget
- type LockdownListParams
- type LockdownNewParams
- type LockdownNewResponseEnvelope
- type LockdownNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type LockdownService
- func (r *LockdownService) Delete(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *LockdownDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *LockdownService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *Lockdown, err error)
- func (r *LockdownService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query LockdownListParams, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[Lockdown], err error)
- func (r *LockdownService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query LockdownListParams, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[Lockdown]
- func (r *LockdownService) New(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, body LockdownNewParams, ...) (res *Lockdown, err error)
- func (r *LockdownService) Update(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *Lockdown, err error)
- type LockdownURL
- type LockdownUpdateParams
- type LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type MemberParam
- type MemberRoleParam
- type MemberRolesPermissionsParam
- type MemberStatus
- type MemberUserParam
- type Override
- type OverrideURL
- type Permission
- type PermissionGrant
- type PermissionGrantParam
- type Product
- type ResponseInfo
- type RewriteAction
- type RewriteActionBlock
- type RewriteActionDisable
- type Role
- type RuleDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type RuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RuleEditParams
- type RuleEditResponseEnvelope
- type RuleEditResponseEnvelopeResultInfo
- type RuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RuleGetParams
- type RuleGetResponseEnvelope
- type RuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RuleListParams
- type RuleNewParams
- type RuleNewResponseEnvelope
- type RuleNewResponseEnvelopeResultInfo
- type RuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RuleService
- func (r *RuleService) Delete(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *FirewallRule, err error)deprecated
- func (r *RuleService) Edit(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, body RuleEditParams, ...) (res *[]FirewallRule, err error)deprecated
- func (r *RuleService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, params RuleGetParams, ...) (res *FirewallRule, err error)deprecated
- func (r *RuleService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query RuleListParams, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[FirewallRule], err error)deprecated
- func (r *RuleService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query RuleListParams, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[FirewallRule]deprecated
- func (r *RuleService) New(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, body RuleNewParams, ...) (res *[]FirewallRule, err error)deprecated
- func (r *RuleService) Update(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, body RuleUpdateParams, ...) (res *FirewallRule, err error)deprecated
- type RuleUpdateParams
- type RuleUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type RuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SortDirection
- type UARuleDeleteResponse
- type UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type UARuleGetResponseEnvelope
- type UARuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type UARuleGetResponseUnion
- type UARuleListParams
- type UARuleListResponse
- type UARuleListResponseConfiguration
- type UARuleListResponseMode
- type UARuleNewParams
- type UARuleNewResponseEnvelope
- type UARuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type UARuleNewResponseUnion
- type UARuleService
- func (r *UARuleService) Delete(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *UARuleDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *UARuleService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *UARuleGetResponseUnion, err error)
- func (r *UARuleService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query UARuleListParams, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[UARuleListResponse], err error)
- func (r *UARuleService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query UARuleListParams, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[UARuleListResponse]
- func (r *UARuleService) New(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, body UARuleNewParams, ...) (res *UARuleNewResponseUnion, err error)
- func (r *UARuleService) Update(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, body UARuleUpdateParams, ...) (res *UARuleUpdateResponseUnion, err error)
- type UARuleUpdateParams
- type UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type UARuleUpdateResponseUnion
- type WAFOverrideDeleteResponse
- type WAFOverrideDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelope
- type WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type WAFOverrideListParams
- type WAFOverrideNewParams
- type WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelope
- type WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type WAFOverrideService
- func (r *WAFOverrideService) Delete(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *WAFOverrideDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *WAFOverrideService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *Override, err error)
- func (r *WAFOverrideService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query WAFOverrideListParams, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[Override], err error)
- func (r *WAFOverrideService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query WAFOverrideListParams, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[Override]
- func (r *WAFOverrideService) New(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, body WAFOverrideNewParams, ...) (res *Override, err error)
- func (r *WAFOverrideService) Update(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, ...) (res *Override, err error)
- type WAFOverrideUpdateParams
- type WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type WAFPackageGetResponse
- type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingle
- type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleResultUnion
- type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleSuccess
- type WAFPackageGetResponseResult
- type WAFPackageGetResponseSuccess
- type WAFPackageGetResponseUnion
- type WAFPackageGroupEditParams
- type WAFPackageGroupEditParamsMode
- type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelope
- type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseUnion
- type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelope
- type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseUnion
- type WAFPackageGroupListParams
- type WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirection
- type WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatch
- type WAFPackageGroupListParamsMode
- type WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrder
- type WAFPackageGroupService
- func (r *WAFPackageGroupService) Edit(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, groupID string, ...) (res *WAFPackageGroupEditResponseUnion, err error)
- func (r *WAFPackageGroupService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, groupID string, ...) (res *WAFPackageGroupGetResponseUnion, err error)
- func (r *WAFPackageGroupService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[Group], err error)
- func (r *WAFPackageGroupService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[Group]
- type WAFPackageListParams
- type WAFPackageListParamsDirection
- type WAFPackageListParamsMatch
- type WAFPackageListParamsOrder
- type WAFPackageListResponse
- type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollection
- type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultArray
- type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultInfo
- type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultUnion
- type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionSuccess
- type WAFPackageListResponseResult
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResult
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionMode
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackage
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionMode
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageStatus
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinition
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionMode
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionStatus
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultStatus
- type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultUnion
- type WAFPackageListResponseSuccess
- type WAFPackageListResponseUnion
- type WAFPackageRuleEditParams
- type WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponse
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelope
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseUnion
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode
- type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode
- type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelope
- type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseUnion
- type WAFPackageRuleListParams
- type WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirection
- type WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatch
- type WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode
- type WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponse
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseUnion
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode
- type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode
- type WAFPackageRuleService
- func (r *WAFPackageRuleService) Edit(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, ruleID string, ...) (res *WAFPackageRuleEditResponse, err error)
- func (r *WAFPackageRuleService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, ruleID string, ...) (res *WAFPackageRuleGetResponseUnion, err error)
- func (r *WAFPackageRuleService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[WAFPackageRuleListResponse], err error)
- func (r *WAFPackageRuleService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[WAFPackageRuleListResponse]
- type WAFPackageService
- func (r *WAFPackageService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, identifier string, ...) (res *WAFPackageGetResponse, err error)
- func (r *WAFPackageService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query WAFPackageListParams, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[WAFPackageListResponse], err error)
- func (r *WAFPackageService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query WAFPackageListParams, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[WAFPackageListResponse]
- type WAFRule
- type WAFRuleGroup
- type WAFRuleItem
- type WAFService
Constants ¶
const AuditLogActorTypeAdmin = shared.AuditLogActorTypeAdmin
This is an alias to an internal value.
const AuditLogActorTypeCloudflare = shared.AuditLogActorTypeCloudflare
This is an alias to an internal value.
const AuditLogActorTypeUser = shared.AuditLogActorTypeUser
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCADigicert = shared.CertificateCADigicert
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCAGoogle = shared.CertificateCAGoogle
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCALetsEncrypt = shared.CertificateCALetsEncrypt
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeKeylessCertificate = shared.CertificateRequestTypeKeylessCertificate
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeOriginECC = shared.CertificateRequestTypeOriginECC
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeOriginRSA = shared.CertificateRequestTypeOriginRSA
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusDegraded = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusDegraded
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusDown = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusDown
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusHealthy = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusHealthy
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusInactive = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusInactive
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCNI = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCNI
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCfdTunnel = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCfdTunnel
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeGRE = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeGRE
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeIPSec = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeIPSec
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeWARPConnector = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeWARPConnector
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberStatusAccepted = shared.MemberStatusAccepted
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberStatusPending = shared.MemberStatusPending
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SortDirectionAsc = shared.SortDirectionAsc
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SortDirectionDesc = shared.SortDirectionDesc
This is an alias to an internal value.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ASNConfigurationParam ¶
type ASNConfigurationParam struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `asn` when specifying an // Autonomous System Number (ASN) in the rule. Target param.Field[ASNConfigurationTarget] `json:"target"` // The AS number to match. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
func (ASNConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ASNConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ASNConfigurationTarget ¶
type ASNConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `asn` when specifying an Autonomous System Number (ASN) in the rule.
const (
ASNConfigurationTargetASN ASNConfigurationTarget = "asn"
func (ASNConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r ASNConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam ¶
type AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip_range` when specifying // an IP address range in the rule. Target param.Field[AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationTarget] `json:"target"` // The IP address range to match. You can only use prefix lengths `/16` and `/24` // for IPv4 ranges, and prefix lengths `/32`, `/48`, and `/64` for IPv6 ranges. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
func (AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationTarget ¶
type AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip_range` when specifying an IP address range in the rule.
const (
AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationTargetIPRange AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationTarget = "ip_range"
func (AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleDeleteResponse ¶
type AccessRuleDeleteResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` JSON accessRuleDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*AccessRuleDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AccessRuleDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result AccessRuleDeleteResponse `json:"result,required,nullable"` // Whether the API call was successful Success AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON accessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleEditParams ¶
type AccessRuleEditParams struct { // The rule configuration. Configuration param.Field[AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationUnion] `json:"configuration,required"` // The action to apply to a matched request. Mode param.Field[AccessRuleEditParamsMode] `json:"mode,required"` // An informative summary of the rule, typically used as a reminder or explanation. Notes param.Field[string] `json:"notes"` }
func (AccessRuleEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AccessRuleEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type AccessRuleEditParamsConfiguration ¶
type AccessRuleEditParamsConfiguration struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP // address in the rule. Target param.Field[AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget] `json:"target"` // The IP address to match. This address will be compared to the IP address of // incoming requests. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
The rule configuration.
func (AccessRuleEditParamsConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AccessRuleEditParamsConfiguration) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget ¶
type AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP address in the rule.
const ( AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTargetIP AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget = "ip" AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTargetIp6 AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget = "ip6" AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTargetIPRange AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget = "ip_range" AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTargetASN AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget = "asn" AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTargetCountry AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget = "country" )
func (AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationUnion ¶
type AccessRuleEditParamsConfigurationUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
The rule configuration.
Satisfied by firewall.AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam, firewall.IPV6ConfigurationParam, firewall.AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam, firewall.ASNConfigurationParam, firewall.CountryConfigurationParam, AccessRuleEditParamsConfiguration.
type AccessRuleEditParamsMode ¶
type AccessRuleEditParamsMode string
The action to apply to a matched request.
const ( AccessRuleEditParamsModeBlock AccessRuleEditParamsMode = "block" AccessRuleEditParamsModeChallenge AccessRuleEditParamsMode = "challenge" AccessRuleEditParamsModeWhitelist AccessRuleEditParamsMode = "whitelist" AccessRuleEditParamsModeJSChallenge AccessRuleEditParamsMode = "js_challenge" AccessRuleEditParamsModeManagedChallenge AccessRuleEditParamsMode = "managed_challenge" )
func (AccessRuleEditParamsMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleEditParamsMode) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result AccessRuleEditResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON accessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleEditResponseUnion ¶
type AccessRuleEditResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.AccessRuleEditResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result AccessRuleGetResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON accessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleGetResponseUnion ¶
type AccessRuleGetResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.AccessRuleGetResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam ¶
type AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP // address in the rule. Target param.Field[AccessRuleIPConfigurationTarget] `json:"target"` // The IP address to match. This address will be compared to the IP address of // incoming requests. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
func (AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type AccessRuleIPConfigurationTarget ¶
type AccessRuleIPConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP address in the rule.
const (
AccessRuleIPConfigurationTargetIP AccessRuleIPConfigurationTarget = "ip"
func (AccessRuleIPConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleIPConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleListParams ¶
type AccessRuleListParams struct { // The direction used to sort returned rules. Direction param.Field[AccessRuleListParamsDirection] `query:"direction"` EgsPagination param.Field[AccessRuleListParamsEgsPagination] `query:"egs-pagination"` Filters param.Field[AccessRuleListParamsFilters] `query:"filters"` // The field used to sort returned rules. Order param.Field[AccessRuleListParamsOrder] `query:"order"` // Requested page within paginated list of results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // Maximum number of results requested. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` }
func (AccessRuleListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes AccessRuleListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type AccessRuleListParamsDirection ¶
type AccessRuleListParamsDirection string
The direction used to sort returned rules.
const ( AccessRuleListParamsDirectionAsc AccessRuleListParamsDirection = "asc" AccessRuleListParamsDirectionDesc AccessRuleListParamsDirection = "desc" )
func (AccessRuleListParamsDirection) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParamsDirection) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleListParamsEgsPagination ¶
type AccessRuleListParamsEgsPagination struct {
Json param.Field[AccessRuleListParamsEgsPaginationJson] `query:"json"`
func (AccessRuleListParamsEgsPagination) URLQuery ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParamsEgsPagination) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes AccessRuleListParamsEgsPagination's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type AccessRuleListParamsEgsPaginationJson ¶
type AccessRuleListParamsEgsPaginationJson struct { // The page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // The maximum number of results per page. You can only set the value to `1` or to // a multiple of 5 such as `5`, `10`, `15`, or `20`. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` }
func (AccessRuleListParamsEgsPaginationJson) URLQuery ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParamsEgsPaginationJson) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes AccessRuleListParamsEgsPaginationJson's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type AccessRuleListParamsFilters ¶
type AccessRuleListParamsFilters struct { // The target to search in existing rules. ConfigurationTarget param.Field[AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget] `query:""` // The target value to search for in existing rules: an IP address, an IP address // range, or a country code, depending on the provided ``. // Notes: You can search for a single IPv4 address, an IP address range with a // subnet of '/16' or '/24', or a two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. ConfigurationValue param.Field[string] `query:"configuration.value"` // When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set to `any`, // only one of the search requirements has to match. Match param.Field[AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatch] `query:"match"` // The action to apply to a matched request. Mode param.Field[AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode] `query:"mode"` // The string to search for in the notes of existing IP Access rules. Notes: For // example, the string 'attack' would match IP Access rules with notes 'Attack // 26/02' and 'Attack 27/02'. The search is case insensitive. Notes param.Field[string] `query:"notes"` }
func (AccessRuleListParamsFilters) URLQuery ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParamsFilters) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes AccessRuleListParamsFilters's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget ¶
type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget string
The target to search in existing rules.
const ( AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTargetIP AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget = "ip" AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTargetIPRange AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget = "ip_range" AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTargetASN AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget = "asn" AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTargetCountry AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget = "country" )
func (AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParamsFiltersConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatch ¶
type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatch string
When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set to `any`, only one of the search requirements has to match.
const ( AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatchAny AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatch = "any" AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatchAll AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatch = "all" )
func (AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatch) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMatch) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode ¶
type AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode string
The action to apply to a matched request.
const ( AccessRuleListParamsFiltersModeBlock AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode = "block" AccessRuleListParamsFiltersModeChallenge AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode = "challenge" AccessRuleListParamsFiltersModeWhitelist AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode = "whitelist" AccessRuleListParamsFiltersModeJSChallenge AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode = "js_challenge" AccessRuleListParamsFiltersModeManagedChallenge AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode = "managed_challenge" )
func (AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParamsFiltersMode) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleListParamsOrder ¶
type AccessRuleListParamsOrder string
The field used to sort returned rules.
const ( AccessRuleListParamsOrderConfigurationTarget AccessRuleListParamsOrder = "" AccessRuleListParamsOrderConfigurationValue AccessRuleListParamsOrder = "configuration.value" AccessRuleListParamsOrderMode AccessRuleListParamsOrder = "mode" )
func (AccessRuleListParamsOrder) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleListParamsOrder) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleListResponse ¶
type AccessRuleListResponse = interface{}
type AccessRuleNewParams ¶
type AccessRuleNewParams struct { // The rule configuration. Configuration param.Field[AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationUnion] `json:"configuration,required"` // The action to apply to a matched request. Mode param.Field[AccessRuleNewParamsMode] `json:"mode,required"` // An informative summary of the rule, typically used as a reminder or explanation. Notes param.Field[string] `json:"notes"` }
func (AccessRuleNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AccessRuleNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type AccessRuleNewParamsConfiguration ¶
type AccessRuleNewParamsConfiguration struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP // address in the rule. Target param.Field[AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget] `json:"target"` // The IP address to match. This address will be compared to the IP address of // incoming requests. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
The rule configuration.
func (AccessRuleNewParamsConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AccessRuleNewParamsConfiguration) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget ¶
type AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP address in the rule.
const ( AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTargetIP AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget = "ip" AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTargetIp6 AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget = "ip6" AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTargetIPRange AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget = "ip_range" AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTargetASN AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget = "asn" AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTargetCountry AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget = "country" )
func (AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationUnion ¶
type AccessRuleNewParamsConfigurationUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
The rule configuration.
Satisfied by firewall.AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam, firewall.IPV6ConfigurationParam, firewall.AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam, firewall.ASNConfigurationParam, firewall.CountryConfigurationParam, AccessRuleNewParamsConfiguration.
type AccessRuleNewParamsMode ¶
type AccessRuleNewParamsMode string
The action to apply to a matched request.
const ( AccessRuleNewParamsModeBlock AccessRuleNewParamsMode = "block" AccessRuleNewParamsModeChallenge AccessRuleNewParamsMode = "challenge" AccessRuleNewParamsModeWhitelist AccessRuleNewParamsMode = "whitelist" AccessRuleNewParamsModeJSChallenge AccessRuleNewParamsMode = "js_challenge" AccessRuleNewParamsModeManagedChallenge AccessRuleNewParamsMode = "managed_challenge" )
func (AccessRuleNewParamsMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleNewParamsMode) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result AccessRuleNewResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON accessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r AccessRuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type AccessRuleNewResponseUnion ¶
type AccessRuleNewResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.AccessRuleNewResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type AccessRuleService ¶
type AccessRuleService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
AccessRuleService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewAccessRuleService method instead.
func NewAccessRuleService ¶
func NewAccessRuleService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *AccessRuleService)
NewAccessRuleService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*AccessRuleService) Delete ¶
func (r *AccessRuleService) Delete(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, identifier interface{}, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *AccessRuleDeleteResponse, err error)
Deletes an existing IP Access rule defined.
Note: This operation will affect all zones in the account or zone.
func (*AccessRuleService) Edit ¶
func (r *AccessRuleService) Edit(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, identifier interface{}, body AccessRuleEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *AccessRuleEditResponseUnion, err error)
Updates an IP Access rule defined.
Note: This operation will affect all zones in the account or zone.
func (*AccessRuleService) Get ¶
func (r *AccessRuleService) Get(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, identifier interface{}, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *AccessRuleGetResponseUnion, err error)
Fetches the details of an IP Access rule defined.
func (*AccessRuleService) List ¶
func (r *AccessRuleService) List(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, query AccessRuleListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[AccessRuleListResponse], err error)
Fetches IP Access rules of an account or zone. These rules apply to all the zones in the account or zone. You can filter the results using several optional parameters.
func (*AccessRuleService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *AccessRuleService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, query AccessRuleListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[AccessRuleListResponse]
Fetches IP Access rules of an account or zone. These rules apply to all the zones in the account or zone. You can filter the results using several optional parameters.
func (*AccessRuleService) New ¶
func (r *AccessRuleService) New(ctx context.Context, accountOrZone string, accountOrZoneID interface{}, body AccessRuleNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *AccessRuleNewResponseUnion, err error)
Creates a new IP Access rule for an account or zone. The rule will apply to all zones in the account or zone.
Note: To create an IP Access rule that applies to a single zone, refer to the [IP Access rules for a zone](#ip-access-rules-for-a-zone) endpoints.
type AllowedModesAnomaly ¶
type AllowedModesAnomaly string
When set to `on`, the current WAF rule will be used when evaluating the request. Applies to anomaly detection WAF rules.
const ( AllowedModesAnomalyOn AllowedModesAnomaly = "on" AllowedModesAnomalyOff AllowedModesAnomaly = "off" )
func (AllowedModesAnomaly) IsKnown ¶
func (r AllowedModesAnomaly) IsKnown() bool
type AuditLogAction ¶
type AuditLogAction = shared.AuditLogAction
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogActor ¶
type AuditLogActor = shared.AuditLogActor
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogActorType ¶
type AuditLogActorType = shared.AuditLogActorType
The type of actor, whether a User, Cloudflare Admin, or an Automated System.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogOwner ¶
type AuditLogOwner = shared.AuditLogOwner
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogResource ¶
type AuditLogResource = shared.AuditLogResource
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CertificateCA ¶
type CertificateCA = shared.CertificateCA
The Certificate Authority that will issue the certificate
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CertificateRequestType ¶
type CertificateRequestType = shared.CertificateRequestType
Signature type desired on certificate ("origin-rsa" (rsa), "origin-ecc" (ecdsa), or "keyless-certificate" (for Keyless SSL servers).
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnel ¶
type CloudflareTunnel = shared.CloudflareTunnel
A Cloudflare Tunnel that connects your origin to Cloudflare's edge.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelConnection ¶
type CloudflareTunnelConnection = shared.CloudflareTunnelConnection
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelStatus ¶
type CloudflareTunnelStatus = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatus
The status of the tunnel. Valid values are `inactive` (tunnel has never been run), `degraded` (tunnel is active and able to serve traffic but in an unhealthy state), `healthy` (tunnel is active and able to serve traffic), or `down` (tunnel can not serve traffic as it has no connections to the Cloudflare Edge).
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelTunType ¶
type CloudflareTunnelTunType = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunType
The type of tunnel.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP // address in the Zone Lockdown rule. Target ConfigurationTarget `json:"target"` // The IP address to match. This address will be compared to the IP address of // incoming requests. Value string `json:"value"` JSON configurationJSON `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges that will be allowed to access the URLs specified in the Zone Lockdown rule. You can include any number of `ip` or `ip_range` configurations.
func (Configuration) AsUnion ¶
func (r Configuration) AsUnion() ConfigurationUnion
AsUnion returns a ConfigurationUnion interface which you can cast to the specific types for more type safety.
Possible runtime types of the union are firewall.LockdownIPConfiguration, firewall.LockdownCIDRConfiguration.
func (*Configuration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *Configuration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ConfigurationTarget ¶
type ConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP address in the Zone Lockdown rule.
const ( ConfigurationTargetIP ConfigurationTarget = "ip" ConfigurationTargetIPRange ConfigurationTarget = "ip_range" )
func (ConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r ConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type ConfigurationUnion ¶
type ConfigurationUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
A list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges that will be allowed to access the URLs specified in the Zone Lockdown rule. You can include any number of `ip` or `ip_range` configurations.
Union satisfied by firewall.LockdownIPConfiguration or firewall.LockdownCIDRConfiguration.
type CountryConfigurationParam ¶
type CountryConfigurationParam struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `country` when specifying a // country code in the rule. Target param.Field[CountryConfigurationTarget] `json:"target"` // The two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code to match. For more information, refer to // [IP Access rules: Parameters]( Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
func (CountryConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CountryConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CountryConfigurationTarget ¶
type CountryConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `country` when specifying a country code in the rule.
const (
CountryConfigurationTargetCountry CountryConfigurationTarget = "country"
func (CountryConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r CountryConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type DeletedFilter ¶
type DeletedFilter struct { // The unique identifier of the filter. ID string `json:"id,required"` // When true, indicates that the firewall rule was deleted. Deleted bool `json:"deleted,required"` JSON deletedFilterJSON `json:"-"` }
func (DeletedFilter) ImplementsFirewallFirewallRuleFilter ¶
func (r DeletedFilter) ImplementsFirewallFirewallRuleFilter()
func (*DeletedFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DeletedFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type FirewallRule ¶
type FirewallRule struct { // The unique identifier of the firewall rule. ID string `json:"id"` // The action to apply to a matched request. The `log` action is only available on // an Enterprise plan. Action rate_limits.Action `json:"action"` // An informative summary of the firewall rule. Description string `json:"description"` Filter FirewallRuleFilter `json:"filter"` // When true, indicates that the firewall rule is currently paused. Paused bool `json:"paused"` // The priority of the rule. Optional value used to define the processing order. A // lower number indicates a higher priority. If not provided, rules with a defined // priority will be processed before rules without a priority. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` Products []Product `json:"products"` // A short reference tag. Allows you to select related firewall rules. Ref string `json:"ref"` JSON firewallRuleJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*FirewallRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *FirewallRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type FirewallRuleFilter ¶
type FirewallRuleFilter struct { // An informative summary of the filter. Description string `json:"description"` // The filter expression. For more information, refer to // [Expressions]( Expression string `json:"expression"` // The unique identifier of the filter. ID string `json:"id"` // When true, indicates that the filter is currently paused. Paused bool `json:"paused"` // A short reference tag. Allows you to select related filters. Ref string `json:"ref"` // When true, indicates that the firewall rule was deleted. Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` JSON firewallRuleFilterJSON `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (FirewallRuleFilter) AsUnion ¶
func (r FirewallRuleFilter) AsUnion() FirewallRuleFilterUnion
AsUnion returns a FirewallRuleFilterUnion interface which you can cast to the specific types for more type safety.
Possible runtime types of the union are filters.FirewallFilter, firewall.DeletedFilter.
func (*FirewallRuleFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *FirewallRuleFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type FirewallRuleFilterUnion ¶
type FirewallRuleFilterUnion interface {
Union satisfied by filters.FirewallFilter or firewall.DeletedFilter.
type FirewallService ¶
type FirewallService struct { Options []option.RequestOption Lockdowns *LockdownService Rules *RuleService AccessRules *AccessRuleService UARules *UARuleService WAF *WAFService }
FirewallService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewFirewallService method instead.
func NewFirewallService ¶
func NewFirewallService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *FirewallService)
NewFirewallService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
type Group ¶
type Group struct { // The unique identifier of the rule group. ID string `json:"id,required"` // An informative summary of what the rule group does. Description string `json:"description,required,nullable"` // The state of the rules contained in the rule group. When `on`, the rules in the // group are configurable/usable. Mode GroupMode `json:"mode,required"` // The name of the rule group. Name string `json:"name,required"` // The number of rules in the current rule group. RulesCount float64 `json:"rules_count,required"` // The available states for the rule group. AllowedModes []GroupAllowedMode `json:"allowed_modes"` // The number of rules within the group that have been modified from their default // configuration. ModifiedRulesCount float64 `json:"modified_rules_count"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id"` JSON groupJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Group) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type GroupAllowedMode ¶
type GroupAllowedMode string
The state of the rules contained in the rule group. When `on`, the rules in the group are configurable/usable.
const ( GroupAllowedModeOn GroupAllowedMode = "on" GroupAllowedModeOff GroupAllowedMode = "off" )
func (GroupAllowedMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r GroupAllowedMode) IsKnown() bool
type GroupMode ¶
type GroupMode string
The state of the rules contained in the rule group. When `on`, the rules in the group are configurable/usable.
type IPV6ConfigurationParam ¶
type IPV6ConfigurationParam struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip6` when specifying an // IPv6 address in the rule. Target param.Field[IPV6ConfigurationTarget] `json:"target"` // The IPv6 address to match. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
func (IPV6ConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r IPV6ConfigurationParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type IPV6ConfigurationTarget ¶
type IPV6ConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip6` when specifying an IPv6 address in the rule.
const (
IPV6ConfigurationTargetIp6 IPV6ConfigurationTarget = "ip6"
func (IPV6ConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r IPV6ConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type Lockdown ¶
type Lockdown struct { // The unique identifier of the Zone Lockdown rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // A list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges that will be allowed to access the URLs // specified in the Zone Lockdown rule. You can include any number of `ip` or // `ip_range` configurations. Configurations Configuration `json:"configurations,required"` // The timestamp of when the rule was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // An informative summary of the rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The timestamp of when the rule was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // When true, indicates that the rule is currently paused. Paused bool `json:"paused,required"` // The URLs to include in the rule definition. You can use wildcards. Each entered // URL will be escaped before use, which means you can only use simple wildcard // patterns. URLs []LockdownURL `json:"urls,required"` JSON lockdownJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Lockdown) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LockdownCIDRConfiguration ¶
type LockdownCIDRConfiguration struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip_range` when specifying // an IP address range in the Zone Lockdown rule. Target LockdownCIDRConfigurationTarget `json:"target"` // The IP address range to match. You can only use prefix lengths `/16` and `/24`. Value string `json:"value"` JSON lockdownCIDRConfigurationJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*LockdownCIDRConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LockdownCIDRConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LockdownCIDRConfigurationTarget ¶
type LockdownCIDRConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip_range` when specifying an IP address range in the Zone Lockdown rule.
const (
LockdownCIDRConfigurationTargetIPRange LockdownCIDRConfigurationTarget = "ip_range"
func (LockdownCIDRConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r LockdownCIDRConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type LockdownDeleteResponse ¶
type LockdownDeleteResponse struct { // The unique identifier of the Zone Lockdown rule. ID string `json:"id"` JSON lockdownDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*LockdownDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LockdownDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LockdownDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type LockdownDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Result LockdownDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON lockdownDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*LockdownDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LockdownDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LockdownGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type LockdownGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Lockdown `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success LockdownGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON lockdownGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*LockdownGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LockdownGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LockdownGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type LockdownGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
LockdownGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue LockdownGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (LockdownGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r LockdownGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type LockdownIPConfiguration ¶
type LockdownIPConfiguration struct { // The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP // address in the Zone Lockdown rule. Target LockdownIPConfigurationTarget `json:"target"` // The IP address to match. This address will be compared to the IP address of // incoming requests. Value string `json:"value"` JSON lockdownIPConfigurationJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*LockdownIPConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LockdownIPConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LockdownIPConfigurationTarget ¶
type LockdownIPConfigurationTarget string
The configuration target. You must set the target to `ip` when specifying an IP address in the Zone Lockdown rule.
const (
LockdownIPConfigurationTargetIP LockdownIPConfigurationTarget = "ip"
func (LockdownIPConfigurationTarget) IsKnown ¶
func (r LockdownIPConfigurationTarget) IsKnown() bool
type LockdownListParams ¶
type LockdownListParams struct { // The timestamp of when the rule was created. CreatedOn param.Field[time.Time] `query:"created_on" format:"date-time"` // A string to search for in the description of existing rules. Description param.Field[string] `query:"description"` // A string to search for in the description of existing rules. DescriptionSearch param.Field[string] `query:"description_search"` // A single IP address to search for in existing rules. IP param.Field[string] `query:"ip"` // A single IP address range to search for in existing rules. IPRangeSearch param.Field[string] `query:"ip_range_search"` // A single IP address to search for in existing rules. IPSearch param.Field[string] `query:"ip_search"` // The timestamp of when the rule was last modified. ModifiedOn param.Field[time.Time] `query:"modified_on" format:"date-time"` // Page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // The maximum number of results per page. You can only set the value to `1` or to // a multiple of 5 such as `5`, `10`, `15`, or `20`. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` // The priority of the rule to control the processing order. A lower number // indicates higher priority. If not provided, any rules with a configured priority // will be processed before rules without a priority. Priority param.Field[float64] `query:"priority"` // A single URI to search for in the list of URLs of existing rules. URISearch param.Field[string] `query:"uri_search"` }
func (LockdownListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r LockdownListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes LockdownListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type LockdownNewParams ¶
type LockdownNewParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (LockdownNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r LockdownNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type LockdownNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type LockdownNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Lockdown `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success LockdownNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON lockdownNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*LockdownNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LockdownNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LockdownNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type LockdownNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
LockdownNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue LockdownNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (LockdownNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r LockdownNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type LockdownService ¶
type LockdownService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
LockdownService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewLockdownService method instead.
func NewLockdownService ¶
func NewLockdownService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *LockdownService)
NewLockdownService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*LockdownService) Delete ¶
func (r *LockdownService) Delete(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *LockdownDeleteResponse, err error)
Deletes an existing Zone Lockdown rule.
func (*LockdownService) Get ¶
func (r *LockdownService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Lockdown, err error)
Fetches the details of a Zone Lockdown rule.
func (*LockdownService) List ¶
func (r *LockdownService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query LockdownListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[Lockdown], err error)
Fetches Zone Lockdown rules. You can filter the results using several optional parameters.
func (*LockdownService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *LockdownService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query LockdownListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[Lockdown]
Fetches Zone Lockdown rules. You can filter the results using several optional parameters.
func (*LockdownService) New ¶
func (r *LockdownService) New(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, body LockdownNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Lockdown, err error)
Creates a new Zone Lockdown rule.
func (*LockdownService) Update ¶
func (r *LockdownService) Update(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, body LockdownUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Lockdown, err error)
Updates an existing Zone Lockdown rule.
type LockdownURL ¶
type LockdownURL = string
type LockdownUpdateParams ¶
type LockdownUpdateParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (LockdownUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r LockdownUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Lockdown `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON lockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r LockdownUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type MemberRoleParam ¶
type MemberRoleParam = shared.MemberRoleParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberRolesPermissionsParam ¶
type MemberRolesPermissionsParam = shared.MemberRolesPermissionsParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberStatus ¶
type MemberStatus = shared.MemberStatus
A member's status in the account.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberUserParam ¶
type MemberUserParam = shared.MemberUserParam
Details of the user associated to the membership.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type Override ¶
type Override struct { // The unique identifier of the WAF override. ID string `json:"id"` // An informative summary of the current URI-based WAF override. Description string `json:"description,nullable"` // An object that allows you to enable or disable WAF rule groups for the current // WAF override. Each key of this object must be the ID of a WAF rule group, and // each value must be a valid WAF action (usually `default` or `disable`). When // creating a new URI-based WAF override, you must provide a `groups` object or a // `rules` object. Groups map[string]interface{} `json:"groups"` // When true, indicates that the WAF package is currently paused. Paused bool `json:"paused"` // The relative priority of the current URI-based WAF override when multiple // overrides match a single URL. A lower number indicates higher priority. Higher // priority overrides may overwrite values set by lower priority overrides. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // Specifies that, when a WAF rule matches, its configured action will be replaced // by the action configured in this object. RewriteAction RewriteAction `json:"rewrite_action"` // An object that allows you to override the action of specific WAF rules. Each key // of this object must be the ID of a WAF rule, and each value must be a valid WAF // action. Unless you are disabling a rule, ensure that you also enable the rule // group that this WAF rule belongs to. When creating a new URI-based WAF override, // you must provide a `groups` object or a `rules` object. Rules WAFRule `json:"rules"` // The URLs to include in the current WAF override. You can use wildcards. Each // entered URL will be escaped before use, which means you can only use simple // wildcard patterns. URLs []OverrideURL `json:"urls"` JSON overrideJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Override) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type OverrideURL ¶
type OverrideURL = string
type PermissionGrant ¶
type PermissionGrant = shared.PermissionGrant
This is an alias to an internal type.
type PermissionGrantParam ¶
type PermissionGrantParam = shared.PermissionGrantParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type Product ¶
type Product string
A list of products to bypass for a request when using the `bypass` action.
type RewriteAction ¶
type RewriteAction struct { // The WAF rule action to apply. Block RewriteActionBlock `json:"block"` Challenge string `json:"challenge"` Default string `json:"default"` // The WAF rule action to apply. Disable RewriteActionDisable `json:"disable"` Simulate string `json:"simulate"` JSON rewriteActionJSON `json:"-"` }
Specifies that, when a WAF rule matches, its configured action will be replaced by the action configured in this object.
func (*RewriteAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RewriteAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RewriteActionBlock ¶
type RewriteActionBlock string
The WAF rule action to apply.
const ( RewriteActionBlockChallenge RewriteActionBlock = "challenge" RewriteActionBlockBlock RewriteActionBlock = "block" RewriteActionBlockSimulate RewriteActionBlock = "simulate" RewriteActionBlockDisable RewriteActionBlock = "disable" RewriteActionBlockDefault RewriteActionBlock = "default" )
func (RewriteActionBlock) IsKnown ¶
func (r RewriteActionBlock) IsKnown() bool
type RewriteActionDisable ¶
type RewriteActionDisable string
The WAF rule action to apply.
const ( RewriteActionDisableChallenge RewriteActionDisable = "challenge" RewriteActionDisableBlock RewriteActionDisable = "block" RewriteActionDisableSimulate RewriteActionDisable = "simulate" RewriteActionDisableDisable RewriteActionDisable = "disable" RewriteActionDisableDefault RewriteActionDisable = "default" )
func (RewriteActionDisable) IsKnown ¶
func (r RewriteActionDisable) IsKnown() bool
type RuleDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type RuleDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result FirewallRule `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON ruleDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RuleDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RuleDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RuleEditParams ¶
type RuleEditParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (RuleEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RuleEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RuleEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type RuleEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result []FirewallRule `json:"result,required,nullable"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` ResultInfo RuleEditResponseEnvelopeResultInfo `json:"result_info"` JSON ruleEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RuleEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RuleEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RuleEditResponseEnvelopeResultInfo ¶
type RuleEditResponseEnvelopeResultInfo struct { // Total number of results for the requested service Count float64 `json:"count"` // Current page within paginated list of results Page float64 `json:"page"` // Number of results per page of results PerPage float64 `json:"per_page"` // Total results available without any search parameters TotalCount float64 `json:"total_count"` JSON ruleEditResponseEnvelopeResultInfoJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RuleEditResponseEnvelopeResultInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RuleEditResponseEnvelopeResultInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RuleGetParams ¶
type RuleGetParams struct { // The unique identifier of the firewall rule. PathID param.Field[string] `path:"id,required"` // The unique identifier of the firewall rule. QueryID param.Field[string] `query:"id"` }
func (RuleGetParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r RuleGetParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes RuleGetParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type RuleGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type RuleGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result FirewallRule `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON ruleGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RuleGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RuleGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RuleListParams ¶
type RuleListParams struct { // The unique identifier of the firewall rule. ID param.Field[string] `query:"id"` // The action to search for. Must be an exact match. Action param.Field[string] `query:"action"` // A case-insensitive string to find in the description. Description param.Field[string] `query:"description"` // Page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // When true, indicates that the firewall rule is currently paused. Paused param.Field[bool] `query:"paused"` // Number of firewall rules per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` }
func (RuleListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r RuleListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes RuleListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type RuleNewParams ¶
type RuleNewParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (RuleNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RuleNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RuleNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type RuleNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result []FirewallRule `json:"result,required,nullable"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` ResultInfo RuleNewResponseEnvelopeResultInfo `json:"result_info"` JSON ruleNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RuleNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RuleNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RuleNewResponseEnvelopeResultInfo ¶
type RuleNewResponseEnvelopeResultInfo struct { // Total number of results for the requested service Count float64 `json:"count"` // Current page within paginated list of results Page float64 `json:"page"` // Number of results per page of results PerPage float64 `json:"per_page"` // Total results available without any search parameters TotalCount float64 `json:"total_count"` JSON ruleNewResponseEnvelopeResultInfoJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RuleNewResponseEnvelopeResultInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RuleNewResponseEnvelopeResultInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RuleService ¶
type RuleService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
RuleService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewRuleService method instead.
func NewRuleService ¶
func NewRuleService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *RuleService)
NewRuleService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*RuleService) Delete
func (r *RuleService) Delete(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *FirewallRule, err error)
Deletes an existing firewall rule.
Deprecated: The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See for full details.
func (*RuleService) Edit
func (r *RuleService) Edit(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, body RuleEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *[]FirewallRule, err error)
Updates the priority of an existing firewall rule.
Deprecated: The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See for full details.
func (*RuleService) Get
func (r *RuleService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, params RuleGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *FirewallRule, err error)
Fetches the details of a firewall rule.
Deprecated: The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See for full details.
func (*RuleService) List
func (r *RuleService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query RuleListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[FirewallRule], err error)
Fetches firewall rules in a zone. You can filter the results using several optional parameters.
Deprecated: The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See for full details.
func (*RuleService) ListAutoPaging
func (r *RuleService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query RuleListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[FirewallRule]
Fetches firewall rules in a zone. You can filter the results using several optional parameters.
Deprecated: The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See for full details.
func (*RuleService) New
func (r *RuleService) New(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, body RuleNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *[]FirewallRule, err error)
Create one or more firewall rules.
Deprecated: The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See for full details.
func (*RuleService) Update
func (r *RuleService) Update(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, body RuleUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *FirewallRule, err error)
Updates an existing firewall rule.
Deprecated: The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See for full details.
type RuleUpdateParams ¶
type RuleUpdateParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (RuleUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RuleUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RuleUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type RuleUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result FirewallRule `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON ruleUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RuleUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RuleUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SortDirection ¶
type SortDirection = shared.SortDirection
Direction to order DNS records in.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type UARuleDeleteResponse ¶
type UARuleDeleteResponse struct { // The unique identifier of the User Agent Blocking rule. ID string `json:"id"` JSON uaRuleDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*UARuleDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *UARuleDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result UARuleDeleteResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON uaRuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r UARuleDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type UARuleGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type UARuleGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result UARuleGetResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success UARuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON uaRuleGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*UARuleGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *UARuleGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type UARuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type UARuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
UARuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue UARuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (UARuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r UARuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type UARuleGetResponseUnion ¶
type UARuleGetResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.UARuleGetResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type UARuleListParams ¶
type UARuleListParams struct { // A string to search for in the description of existing rules. Description param.Field[string] `query:"description"` // A string to search for in the description of existing rules. DescriptionSearch param.Field[string] `query:"description_search"` // Page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // The maximum number of results per page. You can only set the value to `1` or to // a multiple of 5 such as `5`, `10`, `15`, or `20`. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` // A string to search for in the user agent values of existing rules. UASearch param.Field[string] `query:"ua_search"` }
func (UARuleListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r UARuleListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes UARuleListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type UARuleListResponse ¶
type UARuleListResponse struct { // The unique identifier of the User Agent Blocking rule. ID string `json:"id"` // The configuration object for the current rule. Configuration UARuleListResponseConfiguration `json:"configuration"` // An informative summary of the rule. Description string `json:"description"` // The action to apply to a matched request. Mode UARuleListResponseMode `json:"mode"` // When true, indicates that the rule is currently paused. Paused bool `json:"paused"` JSON uaRuleListResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*UARuleListResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *UARuleListResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type UARuleListResponseConfiguration ¶
type UARuleListResponseConfiguration struct { // The configuration target for this rule. You must set the target to `ua` for User // Agent Blocking rules. Target string `json:"target"` // The exact user agent string to match. This value will be compared to the // received `User-Agent` HTTP header value. Value string `json:"value"` JSON uaRuleListResponseConfigurationJSON `json:"-"` }
The configuration object for the current rule.
func (*UARuleListResponseConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *UARuleListResponseConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type UARuleListResponseMode ¶
type UARuleListResponseMode string
The action to apply to a matched request.
const ( UARuleListResponseModeBlock UARuleListResponseMode = "block" UARuleListResponseModeChallenge UARuleListResponseMode = "challenge" UARuleListResponseModeJSChallenge UARuleListResponseMode = "js_challenge" UARuleListResponseModeManagedChallenge UARuleListResponseMode = "managed_challenge" )
func (UARuleListResponseMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r UARuleListResponseMode) IsKnown() bool
type UARuleNewParams ¶
type UARuleNewParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (UARuleNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r UARuleNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type UARuleNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type UARuleNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result UARuleNewResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success UARuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON uaRuleNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*UARuleNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *UARuleNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type UARuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type UARuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
UARuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue UARuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (UARuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r UARuleNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type UARuleNewResponseUnion ¶
type UARuleNewResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.UARuleNewResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type UARuleService ¶
type UARuleService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
UARuleService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewUARuleService method instead.
func NewUARuleService ¶
func NewUARuleService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *UARuleService)
NewUARuleService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*UARuleService) Delete ¶
func (r *UARuleService) Delete(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *UARuleDeleteResponse, err error)
Deletes an existing User Agent Blocking rule.
func (*UARuleService) Get ¶
func (r *UARuleService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *UARuleGetResponseUnion, err error)
Fetches the details of a User Agent Blocking rule.
func (*UARuleService) List ¶
func (r *UARuleService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query UARuleListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[UARuleListResponse], err error)
Fetches User Agent Blocking rules in a zone. You can filter the results using several optional parameters.
func (*UARuleService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *UARuleService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query UARuleListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[UARuleListResponse]
Fetches User Agent Blocking rules in a zone. You can filter the results using several optional parameters.
func (*UARuleService) New ¶
func (r *UARuleService) New(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, body UARuleNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *UARuleNewResponseUnion, err error)
Creates a new User Agent Blocking rule in a zone.
func (*UARuleService) Update ¶
func (r *UARuleService) Update(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, body UARuleUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *UARuleUpdateResponseUnion, err error)
Updates an existing User Agent Blocking rule.
type UARuleUpdateParams ¶
type UARuleUpdateParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (UARuleUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r UARuleUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result UARuleUpdateResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON uaRuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r UARuleUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type UARuleUpdateResponseUnion ¶
type UARuleUpdateResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.UARuleUpdateResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type WAFOverrideDeleteResponse ¶
type WAFOverrideDeleteResponse struct { // The unique identifier of the WAF override. ID string `json:"id"` JSON wafOverrideDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFOverrideDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFOverrideDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type WAFOverrideDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Result WAFOverrideDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON wafOverrideDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFOverrideDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Override `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON wafOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFOverrideGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFOverrideListParams ¶
type WAFOverrideListParams struct { // The page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // The number of WAF overrides per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` }
func (WAFOverrideListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r WAFOverrideListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes WAFOverrideListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type WAFOverrideNewParams ¶
type WAFOverrideNewParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (WAFOverrideNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r WAFOverrideNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Override `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON wafOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFOverrideNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFOverrideService ¶
type WAFOverrideService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
WAFOverrideService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewWAFOverrideService method instead.
func NewWAFOverrideService ¶
func NewWAFOverrideService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *WAFOverrideService)
NewWAFOverrideService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*WAFOverrideService) Delete ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideService) Delete(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *WAFOverrideDeleteResponse, err error)
Deletes an existing URI-based WAF override.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFOverrideService) Get ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Override, err error)
Fetches the details of a URI-based WAF override.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFOverrideService) List ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query WAFOverrideListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[Override], err error)
Fetches the URI-based WAF overrides in a zone.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFOverrideService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query WAFOverrideListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[Override]
Fetches the URI-based WAF overrides in a zone.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFOverrideService) New ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideService) New(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, body WAFOverrideNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Override, err error)
Creates a URI-based WAF override for a zone.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFOverrideService) Update ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideService) Update(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, id string, body WAFOverrideUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Override, err error)
Updates an existing URI-based WAF override.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
type WAFOverrideUpdateParams ¶
type WAFOverrideUpdateParams struct {
Body interface{} `json:"body,required"`
func (WAFOverrideUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r WAFOverrideUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Override `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON wafOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFOverrideUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGetResponse ¶
type WAFPackageGetResponse struct { // This field can have the runtime type of [[]shared.ResponseInfo]. Errors interface{} `json:"errors,required"` // This field can have the runtime type of [[]shared.ResponseInfo]. Messages interface{} `json:"messages,required"` // This field can have the runtime type of // [WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleResultUnion], [interface{}]. Result interface{} `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFPackageGetResponseSuccess `json:"success"` JSON wafPackageGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (WAFPackageGetResponse) AsUnion ¶
func (r WAFPackageGetResponse) AsUnion() WAFPackageGetResponseUnion
AsUnion returns a WAFPackageGetResponseUnion interface which you can cast to the specific types for more type safety.
Possible runtime types of the union are firewall.WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingle, firewall.WAFPackageGetResponseResult.
func (*WAFPackageGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingle ¶
type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingle struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleResultUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON wafPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleResultUnion ¶
type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleResultUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleResultUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleSuccess ¶
type WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleSuccessTrue WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleSuccess = true
func (WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingleSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGetResponseResult ¶
type WAFPackageGetResponseResult struct { Result interface{} `json:"result"` JSON wafPackageGetResponseResultJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageGetResponseResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGetResponseResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageGetResponseSuccess ¶
type WAFPackageGetResponseSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFPackageGetResponseSuccessTrue WAFPackageGetResponseSuccess = true
func (WAFPackageGetResponseSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGetResponseSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGetResponseUnion ¶
type WAFPackageGetResponseUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageGetResponseFirewallAPIResponseSingle or firewall.WAFPackageGetResponseResult.
type WAFPackageGroupEditParams ¶
type WAFPackageGroupEditParams struct { // The state of the rules contained in the rule group. When `on`, the rules in the // group are configurable/usable. Mode param.Field[WAFPackageGroupEditParamsMode] `json:"mode"` }
func (WAFPackageGroupEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type WAFPackageGroupEditParamsMode ¶
type WAFPackageGroupEditParamsMode string
The state of the rules contained in the rule group. When `on`, the rules in the group are configurable/usable.
const ( WAFPackageGroupEditParamsModeOn WAFPackageGroupEditParamsMode = "on" WAFPackageGroupEditParamsModeOff WAFPackageGroupEditParamsMode = "off" )
func (WAFPackageGroupEditParamsMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupEditParamsMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result WAFPackageGroupEditResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON wafPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseUnion ¶
type WAFPackageGroupEditResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageGroupEditResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result WAFPackageGroupGetResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON wafPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseUnion ¶
type WAFPackageGroupGetResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageGroupGetResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type WAFPackageGroupListParams ¶
type WAFPackageGroupListParams struct { // The direction used to sort returned rule groups. Direction param.Field[WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirection] `query:"direction"` // When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set to `any`, // only one of the search requirements has to match. Match param.Field[WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatch] `query:"match"` // The state of the rules contained in the rule group. When `on`, the rules in the // group are configurable/usable. Mode param.Field[WAFPackageGroupListParamsMode] `query:"mode"` // The name of the rule group. Name param.Field[string] `query:"name"` // The field used to sort returned rule groups. Order param.Field[WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrder] `query:"order"` // The page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // The number of rule groups per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` // The number of rules in the current rule group. RulesCount param.Field[float64] `query:"rules_count"` }
func (WAFPackageGroupListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes WAFPackageGroupListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirection ¶
type WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirection string
The direction used to sort returned rule groups.
const ( WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirectionAsc WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirection = "asc" WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirectionDesc WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirection = "desc" )
func (WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirection) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupListParamsDirection) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatch ¶
type WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatch string
When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set to `any`, only one of the search requirements has to match.
const ( WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatchAny WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatch = "any" WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatchAll WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatch = "all" )
func (WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatch) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupListParamsMatch) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGroupListParamsMode ¶
type WAFPackageGroupListParamsMode string
The state of the rules contained in the rule group. When `on`, the rules in the group are configurable/usable.
const ( WAFPackageGroupListParamsModeOn WAFPackageGroupListParamsMode = "on" WAFPackageGroupListParamsModeOff WAFPackageGroupListParamsMode = "off" )
func (WAFPackageGroupListParamsMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupListParamsMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrder ¶
type WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrder string
The field used to sort returned rule groups.
const ( WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrderMode WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrder = "mode" WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrderRulesCount WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrder = "rules_count" )
func (WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrder) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageGroupListParamsOrder) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageGroupService ¶
type WAFPackageGroupService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
WAFPackageGroupService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewWAFPackageGroupService method instead.
func NewWAFPackageGroupService ¶
func NewWAFPackageGroupService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *WAFPackageGroupService)
NewWAFPackageGroupService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*WAFPackageGroupService) Edit ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGroupService) Edit(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, groupID string, body WAFPackageGroupEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *WAFPackageGroupEditResponseUnion, err error)
Updates a WAF rule group. You can update the state (`mode` parameter) of a rule group.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFPackageGroupService) Get ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGroupService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, groupID string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *WAFPackageGroupGetResponseUnion, err error)
Fetches the details of a WAF rule group.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFPackageGroupService) List ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGroupService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, query WAFPackageGroupListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[Group], err error)
Fetches the WAF rule groups in a WAF package.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFPackageGroupService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *WAFPackageGroupService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, query WAFPackageGroupListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[Group]
Fetches the WAF rule groups in a WAF package.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
type WAFPackageListParams ¶
type WAFPackageListParams struct { // The direction used to sort returned packages. Direction param.Field[WAFPackageListParamsDirection] `query:"direction"` // When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set to `any`, // only one of the search requirements has to match. Match param.Field[WAFPackageListParamsMatch] `query:"match"` // The name of the WAF package. Name param.Field[string] `query:"name"` // The field used to sort returned packages. Order param.Field[WAFPackageListParamsOrder] `query:"order"` // The page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // The number of packages per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` }
func (WAFPackageListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r WAFPackageListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes WAFPackageListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type WAFPackageListParamsDirection ¶
type WAFPackageListParamsDirection string
The direction used to sort returned packages.
const ( WAFPackageListParamsDirectionAsc WAFPackageListParamsDirection = "asc" WAFPackageListParamsDirectionDesc WAFPackageListParamsDirection = "desc" )
func (WAFPackageListParamsDirection) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListParamsDirection) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListParamsMatch ¶
type WAFPackageListParamsMatch string
When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set to `any`, only one of the search requirements has to match.
const ( WAFPackageListParamsMatchAny WAFPackageListParamsMatch = "any" WAFPackageListParamsMatchAll WAFPackageListParamsMatch = "all" )
func (WAFPackageListParamsMatch) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListParamsMatch) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListParamsOrder ¶
type WAFPackageListParamsOrder string
The field used to sort returned packages.
const (
WAFPackageListParamsOrderName WAFPackageListParamsOrder = "name"
func (WAFPackageListParamsOrder) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListParamsOrder) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponse ¶
type WAFPackageListResponse struct { // This field can have the runtime type of [[]shared.ResponseInfo]. Errors interface{} `json:"errors,required"` // This field can have the runtime type of [[]shared.ResponseInfo]. Messages interface{} `json:"messages,required"` // This field can have the runtime type of // [WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultUnion], // [[]WAFPackageListResponseResultResult]. Result interface{} `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFPackageListResponseSuccess `json:"success"` // This field can have the runtime type of // [WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultInfo]. ResultInfo interface{} `json:"result_info,required"` JSON wafPackageListResponseJSON `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (WAFPackageListResponse) AsUnion ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponse) AsUnion() WAFPackageListResponseUnion
AsUnion returns a WAFPackageListResponseUnion interface which you can cast to the specific types for more type safety.
Possible runtime types of the union are firewall.WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollection, firewall.WAFPackageListResponseResult.
func (*WAFPackageListResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageListResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollection ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollection struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultUnion `json:"result,required,nullable"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionSuccess `json:"success,required"` ResultInfo WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultInfo `json:"result_info"` JSON wafPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultArray ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultArray []interface{}
func (WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultArray) ImplementsFirewallWAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultUnion ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultArray) ImplementsFirewallWAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultUnion()
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultInfo ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultInfo struct { // Total number of results for the requested service Count float64 `json:"count"` // Current page within paginated list of results Page float64 `json:"page"` // Number of results per page of results PerPage float64 `json:"per_page"` // Total results available without any search parameters TotalCount float64 `json:"total_count"` JSON wafPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultInfoJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultUnion ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultUnknown, firewall.WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionResultArray or shared.UnionString.
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionSuccess ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionSuccessTrue WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionSuccess = true
func (WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollectionSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResult ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResult struct { Result []WAFPackageListResponseResultResult `json:"result"` JSON wafPackageListResponseResultJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageListResponseResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageListResponseResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResult ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResult struct { // A summary of the purpose/function of the WAF package. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The mode that defines how rules within the package are evaluated during the // course of a request. When a package uses anomaly detection mode (`anomaly` // value), each rule is given a score when triggered. If the total score of all // triggered rules exceeds the sensitivity defined in the WAF package, the action // configured in the package will be performed. Traditional detection mode // (`traditional` value) will decide the action to take when it is triggered by the // request. If multiple rules are triggered, the action providing the highest // protection will be applied (for example, a 'block' action will win over a // 'challenge' action). DetectionMode WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionMode `json:"detection_mode,required"` // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // The name of the WAF package. Name string `json:"name,required"` // When set to `active`, indicates that the WAF package will be applied to the // zone. Status WAFPackageListResponseResultResultStatus `json:"status"` // Identifier ZoneID string `json:"zone_id,required"` // The default action performed by the rules in the WAF package. ActionMode WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode `json:"action_mode"` // The sensitivity of the WAF package. Sensitivity WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity `json:"sensitivity"` JSON wafPackageListResponseResultResultJSON `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResult) AsUnion ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResult) AsUnion() WAFPackageListResponseResultResultUnion
AsUnion returns a WAFPackageListResponseResultResultUnion interface which you can cast to the specific types for more type safety.
Possible runtime types of the union are firewall.WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinition, firewall.WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackage.
func (*WAFPackageListResponseResultResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageListResponseResultResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode string
The default action performed by the rules in the WAF package.
const ( WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionModeSimulate WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode = "simulate" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionModeBlock WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode = "block" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionModeChallenge WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultActionMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionMode ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionMode string
The mode that defines how rules within the package are evaluated during the course of a request. When a package uses anomaly detection mode (`anomaly` value), each rule is given a score when triggered. If the total score of all triggered rules exceeds the sensitivity defined in the WAF package, the action configured in the package will be performed. Traditional detection mode (`traditional` value) will decide the action to take when it is triggered by the request. If multiple rules are triggered, the action providing the highest protection will be applied (for example, a 'block' action will win over a 'challenge' action).
const ( WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionModeAnomaly WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionMode = "anomaly" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionModeTraditional WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionMode = "traditional" )
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultDetectionMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackage ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackage struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // A summary of the purpose/function of the WAF package. Description string `json:"description,required"` // When a WAF package uses anomaly detection, each rule is given a score when // triggered. If the total score of all triggered rules exceeds the sensitivity // defined on the WAF package, the action defined on the package will be taken. DetectionMode WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionMode `json:"detection_mode,required"` // The name of the WAF package. Name string `json:"name,required"` // Identifier ZoneID string `json:"zone_id,required"` // The default action performed by the rules in the WAF package. ActionMode WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode `json:"action_mode"` // The sensitivity of the WAF package. Sensitivity WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity `json:"sensitivity"` // When set to `active`, indicates that the WAF package will be applied to the // zone. Status WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageStatus `json:"status"` JSON wafPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode string
The default action performed by the rules in the WAF package.
const ( WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionModeSimulate WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode = "simulate" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionModeBlock WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode = "block" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionModeChallenge WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageActionMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionMode ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionMode string
When a WAF package uses anomaly detection, each rule is given a score when triggered. If the total score of all triggered rules exceeds the sensitivity defined on the WAF package, the action defined on the package will be taken.
const ( WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionModeAnomaly WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionMode = "anomaly" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionModeTraditional WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionMode = "traditional" )
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageDetectionMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity string
The sensitivity of the WAF package.
const ( WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivityHigh WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity = "high" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivityMedium WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity = "medium" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivityLow WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity = "low" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivityOff WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity = "off" )
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageSensitivity) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageStatus ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageStatus string
When set to `active`, indicates that the WAF package will be applied to the zone.
const (
WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageStatusActive WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageStatus = "active"
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageStatus) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackageStatus) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinition ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinition struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // A summary of the purpose/function of the WAF package. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The mode that defines how rules within the package are evaluated during the // course of a request. When a package uses anomaly detection mode (`anomaly` // value), each rule is given a score when triggered. If the total score of all // triggered rules exceeds the sensitivity defined in the WAF package, the action // configured in the package will be performed. Traditional detection mode // (`traditional` value) will decide the action to take when it is triggered by the // request. If multiple rules are triggered, the action providing the highest // protection will be applied (for example, a 'block' action will win over a // 'challenge' action). DetectionMode WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionMode `json:"detection_mode,required"` // The name of the WAF package. Name string `json:"name,required"` // Identifier ZoneID string `json:"zone_id,required"` // When set to `active`, indicates that the WAF package will be applied to the // zone. Status WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionStatus `json:"status"` JSON wafPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionMode ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionMode string
The mode that defines how rules within the package are evaluated during the course of a request. When a package uses anomaly detection mode (`anomaly` value), each rule is given a score when triggered. If the total score of all triggered rules exceeds the sensitivity defined in the WAF package, the action configured in the package will be performed. Traditional detection mode (`traditional` value) will decide the action to take when it is triggered by the request. If multiple rules are triggered, the action providing the highest protection will be applied (for example, a 'block' action will win over a 'challenge' action).
const ( WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionModeAnomaly WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionMode = "anomaly" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionModeTraditional WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionMode = "traditional" )
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionDetectionMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionStatus ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionStatus string
When set to `active`, indicates that the WAF package will be applied to the zone.
const (
WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionStatusActive WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionStatus = "active"
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionStatus) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinitionStatus) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity string
The sensitivity of the WAF package.
const ( WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivityHigh WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity = "high" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivityMedium WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity = "medium" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivityLow WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity = "low" WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivityOff WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity = "off" )
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultSensitivity) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultStatus ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultStatus string
When set to `active`, indicates that the WAF package will be applied to the zone.
const (
WAFPackageListResponseResultResultStatusActive WAFPackageListResponseResultResultStatus = "active"
func (WAFPackageListResponseResultResultStatus) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseResultResultStatus) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultUnion ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseResultResultUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallPackageDefinition or firewall.WAFPackageListResponseResultResultFirewallAnomalyPackage.
type WAFPackageListResponseSuccess ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFPackageListResponseSuccessTrue WAFPackageListResponseSuccess = true
func (WAFPackageListResponseSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageListResponseSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageListResponseUnion ¶
type WAFPackageListResponseUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageListResponseFirewallAPIResponseCollection or firewall.WAFPackageListResponseResult.
type WAFPackageRuleEditParams ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditParams struct { // The mode/action of the rule when triggered. You must use a value from the // `allowed_modes` array of the current rule. Mode param.Field[WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode] `json:"mode"` }
func (WAFPackageRuleEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode string
The mode/action of the rule when triggered. You must use a value from the `allowed_modes` array of the current rule.
const ( WAFPackageRuleEditParamsModeDefault WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode = "default" WAFPackageRuleEditParamsModeDisable WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleEditParamsModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleEditParamsModeBlock WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleEditParamsModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode = "challenge" WAFPackageRuleEditParamsModeOn WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode = "on" WAFPackageRuleEditParamsModeOff WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode = "off" )
func (WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditParamsMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponse ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponse struct { // The public description of the WAF rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs. Group WAFRuleGroup `json:"group,required"` // The unique identifier of the WAF rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id,required"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority string `json:"priority,required"` // This field can have the runtime type of [[]AllowedModesAnomaly], // [[]WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode], // [[]WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode]. AllowedModes interface{} `json:"allowed_modes"` // When set to `on`, the current WAF rule will be used when evaluating the request. // Applies to anomaly detection WAF rules. Mode AllowedModesAnomaly `json:"mode,required"` // The default action/mode of a rule. DefaultMode WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode `json:"default_mode"` JSON wafPackageRuleEditResponseJSON `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
When triggered, anomaly detection WAF rules contribute to an overall threat score that will determine if a request is considered malicious. You can configure the total scoring threshold through the 'sensitivity' property of the WAF package.
func (WAFPackageRuleEditResponse) AsUnion ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditResponse) AsUnion() WAFPackageRuleEditResponseUnion
AsUnion returns a WAFPackageRuleEditResponseUnion interface which you can cast to the specific types for more type safety.
Possible runtime types of the union are firewall.WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule, firewall.WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule, firewall.WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule.
func (*WAFPackageRuleEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode string
The default action/mode of a rule.
const ( WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultModeDisable WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultModeBlock WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditResponseDefaultMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // When triggered, anomaly detection WAF rules contribute to an overall threat // score that will determine if a request is considered malicious. You can // configure the total scoring threshold through the 'sensitivity' property of the // WAF package. Result WAFPackageRuleEditResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON wafPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseUnion ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
When triggered, anomaly detection WAF rules contribute to an overall threat score that will determine if a request is considered malicious. You can configure the total scoring threshold through the 'sensitivity' property of the WAF package.
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule, firewall.WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule or firewall.WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule.
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule struct { // The unique identifier of the WAF rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // Defines the available modes for the current WAF rule. Applies to anomaly // detection WAF rules. AllowedModes []AllowedModesAnomaly `json:"allowed_modes,required"` // The public description of the WAF rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs. Group WAFRuleGroup `json:"group,required"` // When set to `on`, the current WAF rule will be used when evaluating the request. // Applies to anomaly detection WAF rules. Mode AllowedModesAnomaly `json:"mode,required"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id,required"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority string `json:"priority,required"` JSON wafPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRuleJSON `json:"-"` }
When triggered, anomaly detection WAF rules contribute to an overall threat score that will determine if a request is considered malicious. You can configure the total scoring threshold through the 'sensitivity' property of the WAF package.
func (*WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule struct { // The unique identifier of the WAF rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // Defines the available modes for the current WAF rule. AllowedModes []WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode `json:"allowed_modes,required"` // The public description of the WAF rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs. Group WAFRuleGroup `json:"group,required"` // When set to `on`, the current rule will be used when evaluating the request. // Applies to traditional (allow) WAF rules. Mode WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode `json:"mode,required"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id,required"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority string `json:"priority,required"` JSON wafPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleJSON `json:"-"` }
When triggered, traditional WAF rules cause the firewall to immediately act on the request based on the rule configuration. An 'allow' rule will immediately allow the request and no other rules will be processed.
func (*WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode string
When set to `on`, the current rule will be used when evaluating the request. Applies to traditional (allow) WAF rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedModeOn WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode = "on" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedModeOff WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode = "off" )
func (WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode string
When set to `on`, the current rule will be used when evaluating the request. Applies to traditional (allow) WAF rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleModeOn WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode = "on" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleModeOff WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode = "off" )
func (WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule struct { // The unique identifier of the WAF rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // The list of possible actions of the WAF rule when it is triggered. AllowedModes []WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode `json:"allowed_modes,required"` // The default action/mode of a rule. DefaultMode WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode `json:"default_mode,required"` // The public description of the WAF rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs. Group WAFRuleGroup `json:"group,required"` // The action that the current WAF rule will perform when triggered. Applies to // traditional (deny) WAF rules. Mode WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode `json:"mode,required"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id,required"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority string `json:"priority,required"` JSON wafPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleJSON `json:"-"` }
When triggered, traditional WAF rules cause the firewall to immediately act upon the request based on the configuration of the rule. A 'deny' rule will immediately respond to the request based on the configured rule action/mode (for example, 'block') and no other rules will be processed.
func (*WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode string
The action that the current WAF rule will perform when triggered. Applies to traditional (deny) WAF rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeDefault WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "default" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeDisable WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeBlock WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode string
The default action/mode of a rule.
const ( WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultModeDisable WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultModeBlock WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode string
The action that the current WAF rule will perform when triggered. Applies to traditional (deny) WAF rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeDefault WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "default" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeDisable WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeBlock WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleEditResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result WAFPackageRuleGetResponseUnion `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON wafPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseUnion ¶
type WAFPackageRuleGetResponseUnion interface {
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageRuleGetResponseUnknown or shared.UnionString.
type WAFPackageRuleListParams ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListParams struct { // The public description of the WAF rule. Description param.Field[string] `query:"description"` // The direction used to sort returned rules. Direction param.Field[WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirection] `query:"direction"` // The unique identifier of the rule group. GroupID param.Field[string] `query:"group_id"` // When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set to `any`, // only one of the search requirements has to match. Match param.Field[WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatch] `query:"match"` // The action/mode a rule has been overridden to perform. Mode param.Field[WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode] `query:"mode"` // The field used to sort returned rules. Order param.Field[WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder] `query:"order"` // The page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // The number of rules per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority param.Field[string] `query:"priority"` }
func (WAFPackageRuleListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes WAFPackageRuleListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirection ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirection string
The direction used to sort returned rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirectionAsc WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirection = "asc" WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirectionDesc WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirection = "desc" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirection) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListParamsDirection) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatch ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatch string
When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set to `any`, only one of the search requirements has to match.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatchAny WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatch = "any" WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatchAll WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatch = "all" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatch) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListParamsMatch) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode string
The action/mode a rule has been overridden to perform.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListParamsModeDis WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode = "DIS" WAFPackageRuleListParamsModeChl WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode = "CHL" WAFPackageRuleListParamsModeBlk WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode = "BLK" WAFPackageRuleListParamsModeSim WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode = "SIM" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListParamsMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder string
The field used to sort returned rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrderPriority WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder = "priority" WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrderGroupID WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder = "group_id" WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrderDescription WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder = "description" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListParamsOrder) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListResponse ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponse struct { // The public description of the WAF rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs. Group WAFRuleGroup `json:"group,required"` // The unique identifier of the WAF rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id,required"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority string `json:"priority,required"` // This field can have the runtime type of [[]AllowedModesAnomaly], // [[]WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode], // [[]WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode]. AllowedModes interface{} `json:"allowed_modes"` // When set to `on`, the current WAF rule will be used when evaluating the request. // Applies to anomaly detection WAF rules. Mode AllowedModesAnomaly `json:"mode,required"` // The default action/mode of a rule. DefaultMode WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode `json:"default_mode"` JSON wafPackageRuleListResponseJSON `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
When triggered, anomaly detection WAF rules contribute to an overall threat score that will determine if a request is considered malicious. You can configure the total scoring threshold through the 'sensitivity' property of the WAF package.
func (WAFPackageRuleListResponse) AsUnion ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListResponse) AsUnion() WAFPackageRuleListResponseUnion
AsUnion returns a WAFPackageRuleListResponseUnion interface which you can cast to the specific types for more type safety.
Possible runtime types of the union are firewall.WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule, firewall.WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule, firewall.WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule.
func (*WAFPackageRuleListResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleListResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode string
The default action/mode of a rule.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultModeDisable WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultModeBlock WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListResponseDefaultMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseUnion ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
When triggered, anomaly detection WAF rules contribute to an overall threat score that will determine if a request is considered malicious. You can configure the total scoring threshold through the 'sensitivity' property of the WAF package.
Union satisfied by firewall.WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule, firewall.WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule or firewall.WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule.
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule struct { // The unique identifier of the WAF rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // Defines the available modes for the current WAF rule. Applies to anomaly // detection WAF rules. AllowedModes []AllowedModesAnomaly `json:"allowed_modes,required"` // The public description of the WAF rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs. Group WAFRuleGroup `json:"group,required"` // When set to `on`, the current WAF rule will be used when evaluating the request. // Applies to anomaly detection WAF rules. Mode AllowedModesAnomaly `json:"mode,required"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id,required"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority string `json:"priority,required"` JSON wafPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRuleJSON `json:"-"` }
When triggered, anomaly detection WAF rules contribute to an overall threat score that will determine if a request is considered malicious. You can configure the total scoring threshold through the 'sensitivity' property of the WAF package.
func (*WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesAnomalyRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule struct { // The unique identifier of the WAF rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // Defines the available modes for the current WAF rule. AllowedModes []WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode `json:"allowed_modes,required"` // The public description of the WAF rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs. Group WAFRuleGroup `json:"group,required"` // When set to `on`, the current rule will be used when evaluating the request. // Applies to traditional (allow) WAF rules. Mode WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode `json:"mode,required"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id,required"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority string `json:"priority,required"` JSON wafPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleJSON `json:"-"` }
When triggered, traditional WAF rules cause the firewall to immediately act on the request based on the rule configuration. An 'allow' rule will immediately allow the request and no other rules will be processed.
func (*WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode string
When set to `on`, the current rule will be used when evaluating the request. Applies to traditional (allow) WAF rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedModeOn WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode = "on" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedModeOff WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode = "off" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleAllowedMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode string
When set to `on`, the current rule will be used when evaluating the request. Applies to traditional (allow) WAF rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleModeOn WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode = "on" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleModeOff WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode = "off" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalAllowRuleMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule struct { // The unique identifier of the WAF rule. ID string `json:"id,required"` // The list of possible actions of the WAF rule when it is triggered. AllowedModes []WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode `json:"allowed_modes,required"` // The default action/mode of a rule. DefaultMode WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode `json:"default_mode,required"` // The public description of the WAF rule. Description string `json:"description,required"` // The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs. Group WAFRuleGroup `json:"group,required"` // The action that the current WAF rule will perform when triggered. Applies to // traditional (deny) WAF rules. Mode WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode `json:"mode,required"` // The unique identifier of a WAF package. PackageID string `json:"package_id,required"` // The order in which the individual WAF rule is executed within its rule group. Priority string `json:"priority,required"` JSON wafPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleJSON `json:"-"` }
When triggered, traditional WAF rules cause the firewall to immediately act upon the request based on the configuration of the rule. A 'deny' rule will immediately respond to the request based on the configured rule action/mode (for example, 'block') and no other rules will be processed.
func (*WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode string
The action that the current WAF rule will perform when triggered. Applies to traditional (deny) WAF rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeDefault WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "default" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeDisable WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeBlock WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleAllowedMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode string
The default action/mode of a rule.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultModeDisable WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultModeBlock WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleDefaultMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode ¶
type WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode string
The action that the current WAF rule will perform when triggered. Applies to traditional (deny) WAF rules.
const ( WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeDefault WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "default" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeDisable WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "disable" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeSimulate WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "simulate" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeBlock WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "block" WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleModeChallenge WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode = "challenge" )
func (WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFPackageRuleListResponseWAFManagedRulesTraditionalDenyRuleMode) IsKnown() bool
type WAFPackageRuleService ¶
type WAFPackageRuleService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
WAFPackageRuleService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewWAFPackageRuleService method instead.
func NewWAFPackageRuleService ¶
func NewWAFPackageRuleService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *WAFPackageRuleService)
NewWAFPackageRuleService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*WAFPackageRuleService) Edit ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleService) Edit(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, ruleID string, body WAFPackageRuleEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *WAFPackageRuleEditResponse, err error)
Updates a WAF rule. You can only update the mode/action of the rule.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFPackageRuleService) Get ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, ruleID string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *WAFPackageRuleGetResponseUnion, err error)
Fetches the details of a WAF rule in a WAF package.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFPackageRuleService) List ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, query WAFPackageRuleListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[WAFPackageRuleListResponse], err error)
Fetches WAF rules in a WAF package.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFPackageRuleService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *WAFPackageRuleService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneID string, packageID string, query WAFPackageRuleListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[WAFPackageRuleListResponse]
Fetches WAF rules in a WAF package.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
type WAFPackageService ¶
type WAFPackageService struct { Options []option.RequestOption Groups *WAFPackageGroupService Rules *WAFPackageRuleService }
WAFPackageService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewWAFPackageService method instead.
func NewWAFPackageService ¶
func NewWAFPackageService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *WAFPackageService)
NewWAFPackageService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*WAFPackageService) Get ¶
func (r *WAFPackageService) Get(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, identifier string, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *WAFPackageGetResponse, err error)
Fetches the details of a WAF package.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFPackageService) List ¶
func (r *WAFPackageService) List(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query WAFPackageListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[WAFPackageListResponse], err error)
Fetches WAF packages for a zone.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
func (*WAFPackageService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *WAFPackageService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, zoneIdentifier string, query WAFPackageListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[WAFPackageListResponse]
Fetches WAF packages for a zone.
**Note:** Applies only to the [previous version of WAF managed rules](
type WAFRule ¶
type WAFRule map[string]WAFRuleItem
type WAFRuleGroup ¶
type WAFRuleGroup struct { // The unique identifier of the rule group. ID string `json:"id"` // The name of the rule group. Name string `json:"name"` JSON wafRuleGroupJSON `json:"-"` }
The rule group to which the current WAF rule belongs.
func (*WAFRuleGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *WAFRuleGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type WAFRuleItem ¶
type WAFRuleItem string
The WAF rule action to apply.
const ( WAFRuleItemChallenge WAFRuleItem = "challenge" WAFRuleItemBlock WAFRuleItem = "block" WAFRuleItemSimulate WAFRuleItem = "simulate" WAFRuleItemDisable WAFRuleItem = "disable" WAFRuleItemDefault WAFRuleItem = "default" )
func (WAFRuleItem) IsKnown ¶
func (r WAFRuleItem) IsKnown() bool
type WAFService ¶
type WAFService struct { Options []option.RequestOption Overrides *WAFOverrideService Packages *WAFPackageService }
WAFService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the testcloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewWAFService method instead.
func NewWAFService ¶
func NewWAFService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *WAFService)
NewWAFService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.