Overview ¶
Package cmd This file implements helper functions to validate AWS Signature Version '4' authorization header.
This package provides comprehensive helpers for following signature types. - Based on Authorization header. - Based on Query parameters. - Based on Form POST policy.
Package cmd This file implements helper functions to validate Streaming AWS Signature Version '4' authorization header.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Access(name string) error
- func AuthMiddleware(h http.Handler) http.Handler
- func BucketAccessPolicyToPolicy(policyInfo *miniogopolicy.BucketAccessPolicy) (*policy.Policy, error)
- func CheckLocalServerAddr(serverAddr string) error
- func CleanMinioInternalMetadataKeys(metadata map[string]string) map[string]string
- func ClusterCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func ClusterReadCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func ComputeCompleteMultipartMD5(parts []CompletePart) string
- func CreateEndpoints(serverAddr string, foundLocal bool, args ...[]string) (Endpoints, SetupType, error)
- func DecryptBlocksRequestR(inputReader io.Reader, h http.Header, seqNumber uint32, partStart int, ...) (io.Reader, error)
- func DecryptCopyRequestR(client io.Reader, h http.Header, bucket, object string, seqNumber uint32, ...) (io.Reader, error)
- func DecryptETag(key crypto.ObjectKey, object ObjectInfo) (string, error)
- func DecryptObjectInfo(info *ObjectInfo, r *http.Request) (encrypted bool, err error)
- func DecryptRequestWithSequenceNumberR(client io.Reader, h http.Header, bucket, object string, seqNumber uint32, ...) (io.Reader, error)
- func EncryptRequest(content io.Reader, r *http.Request, bucket, object string, ...) (io.Reader, crypto.ObjectKey, error)
- func ErrorRespToObjectError(err error, params ...string) error
- func FromMinioClientMetadata(metadata map[string][]string) map[string]string
- func GenETag() string
- func GetAllSets(args ...string) ([][]string, error)
- func GetCurrentReleaseTime() (releaseTime time.Time, err error)
- func GetLocalPeer(endpointServerPools EndpointServerPools, host, port string) (localPeer string)
- func GetObject(ctx context.Context, api ObjectLayer, bucket, object string, startOffset int64, ...) (err error)
- func GetPeerOnlineCount() (nodesOnline, nodesOffline int)
- func GetProxyEndpointLocalIndex(proxyEps []ProxyEndpoint) int
- func GetTotalCapacity(diskInfo []madmin.Disk) (capacity uint64)
- func GetTotalCapacityFree(diskInfo []madmin.Disk) (capacity uint64)
- func GetTotalUsableCapacity(diskInfo []madmin.Disk, s StorageInfo) (capacity float64)
- func GetTotalUsableCapacityFree(diskInfo []madmin.Disk, s StorageInfo) (capacity float64)
- func GetVersion(configFile string) (string, error)
- func HasPrefix(s string, prefix string) bool
- func HasSuffix(s string, suffix string) bool
- func IsBOSH() bool
- func IsBackendOnline(ctx context.Context, host string) bool
- func IsDCOS() bool
- func IsDocker() bool
- func IsErr(err error, errs ...error) bool
- func IsErrIgnored(err error, ignoredErrs ...error) bool
- func IsKubernetes() bool
- func IsPCFTile() bool
- func IsSourceBuild() bool
- func IsValidBucketName(bucket string) bool
- func IsValidObjectName(object string) bool
- func IsValidObjectPrefix(object string) bool
- func LivenessCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func Load(configFile string, data interface{}) (quick.Config, error)
- func Lstat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)
- func Main(args []string)
- func MkdirAll(dirPath string, mode os.FileMode) error
- func MockOpenIDTestUserInteraction(ctx context.Context, pro OpenIDClientAppParams, username, password string) (string, error)
- func NSUpdated(bucket, prefix string)
- func NewGatewayHTTPTransport() *http.Transport
- func NewGatewayHTTPTransportWithClientCerts(clientCert, clientKey string) *http.Transport
- func NewRemoteTargetHTTPTransport() *http.Transport
- func NewhashReader(src io.Reader, size int64, md5Hex string, sha256Hex string, actualSize int64) (*hash.Reader, error)
- func Open(name string) (*os.File, error)
- func OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error)
- func OpenFileDirectIO(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error)
- func ParseGatewayEndpoint(arg string) (endPoint string, secure bool, err error)
- func ParseSSECopyCustomerRequest(h http.Header, metadata map[string]string) (key []byte, err error)
- func ParseSSECustomerHeader(header http.Header) (key []byte, err error)
- func ParseSSECustomerRequest(r *http.Request) (key []byte, err error)
- func PolicyToBucketAccessPolicy(bucketPolicy *policy.Policy) (*miniogopolicy.BucketAccessPolicy, error)
- func ReadinessCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func RegisterGatewayCommand(cmd cli.Command) error
- func Remove(deletePath string) error
- func RemoveAll(dirPath string) error
- func Rename(src, dst string) error
- func ReportMetrics(ctx context.Context, metricsGroups []*MetricsGroup) <-chan Metric
- func Save(configFile string, data interface{}) error
- func StartGateway(ctx *cli.Context, gw Gateway)
- func Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)
- func ToMinioClientCompletePart(part CompletePart) minio.CompletePart
- func ToMinioClientCompleteParts(parts []CompletePart) []minio.CompletePart
- func ToMinioClientMetadata(metadata map[string]string) map[string]string
- func ToMinioClientObjectInfoMetadata(metadata map[string]string) map[string][]string
- func ToS3ETag(etag string) string
- func Trace(f http.HandlerFunc, logBody bool, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) madmin.TraceInfo
- func UTCNow() time.Time
- func ValidateGatewayArguments(serverAddr, endpointAddr string) error
- type APIError
- type APIErrorCode
- type APIErrorResponse
- type AccElem
- type AdminError
- type AllAccessDisabled
- type AssumeRoleResponse
- type AssumeRoleResult
- type AssumeRoleWithCertificateResponse
- type AssumeRoleWithClientGrantsResponse
- type AssumeRoleWithLDAPResponse
- type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse
- type AssumedRoleUser
- type AuditLogOptions
- type BackendDown
- type BackendMetrics
- func (s *BackendMetrics) GetBytesReceived() uint64
- func (s *BackendMetrics) GetBytesSent() uint64
- func (s *BackendMetrics) GetRequests() RequestStats
- func (s *BackendMetrics) IncBytesReceived(n uint64)
- func (s *BackendMetrics) IncBytesSent(n uint64)
- func (s *BackendMetrics) IncRequests(method string)
- type BackendType
- type BitrotAlgorithm
- func (a BitrotAlgorithm) Available() bool
- func (z *BitrotAlgorithm) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z BitrotAlgorithm) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z BitrotAlgorithm) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z BitrotAlgorithm) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (a BitrotAlgorithm) New() hash.Hash
- func (a BitrotAlgorithm) String() string
- func (z *BitrotAlgorithm) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type BitrotVerifier
- type Bucket
- type BucketAccessPolicy
- type BucketAlreadyExists
- type BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou
- type BucketExists
- type BucketInfo
- type BucketLifecycleNotFound
- type BucketMetadata
- func (z *BucketMetadata) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *BucketMetadata) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (b *BucketMetadata) Load(ctx context.Context, api ObjectLayer, name string) error
- func (z *BucketMetadata) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *BucketMetadata) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (b *BucketMetadata) Save(ctx context.Context, api ObjectLayer) error
- func (z *BucketMetadata) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type BucketMetadataSys
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Get(bucket string) (BucketMetadata, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetBucketTarget(bucket string, arn string) (madmin.BucketTarget, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetBucketTargetsConfig(bucket string) (*madmin.BucketTargets, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (BucketMetadata, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetLifecycleConfig(bucket string) (*lifecycle.Lifecycle, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetNotificationConfig(bucket string) (*event.Config, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetObjectLockConfig(bucket string) (*objectlock.Config, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetPolicyConfig(bucket string) (*policy.Policy, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetQuotaConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*madmin.BucketQuota, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetReplicationConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*replication.Config, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetSSEConfig(bucket string) (*bucketsse.BucketSSEConfig, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetTaggingConfig(bucket string) (*tags.Tags, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetVersioningConfig(bucket string) (*versioning.Versioning, error)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Init(ctx context.Context, buckets []BucketInfo, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Remove(bucket string)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Reset()
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Set(bucket string, meta BucketMetadata)
- func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Update(ctx context.Context, bucket string, configFile string, configData []byte) error
- type BucketNameInvalid
- type BucketNotEmpty
- type BucketNotFound
- type BucketObjectLockConfigNotFound
- type BucketObjectLockSys
- type BucketOptions
- type BucketPolicyNotFound
- type BucketQuotaConfigNotFound
- type BucketQuotaExceeded
- type BucketQuotaSys
- type BucketRemoteAlreadyExists
- type BucketRemoteArnInvalid
- type BucketRemoteArnTypeInvalid
- type BucketRemoteConnectionErr
- type BucketRemoteDestinationNotFound
- type BucketRemoteLabelInUse
- type BucketRemoteRemoveDisallowed
- type BucketRemoteTargetNotFound
- type BucketRemoteTargetNotVersioned
- type BucketReplicationConfigNotFound
- type BucketReplicationResyncStatus
- func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type BucketReplicationSourceNotVersioned
- type BucketReplicationStat
- func (z *BucketReplicationStat) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *BucketReplicationStat) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *BucketReplicationStat) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *BucketReplicationStat) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *BucketReplicationStat) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type BucketReplicationStats
- func (brs BucketReplicationStats) Clone() (c BucketReplicationStats)
- func (z *BucketReplicationStats) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (brs *BucketReplicationStats) Empty() bool
- func (z *BucketReplicationStats) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *BucketReplicationStats) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *BucketReplicationStats) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *BucketReplicationStats) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type BucketSSEConfigNotFound
- type BucketSSEConfigSys
- type BucketStats
- type BucketTaggingNotFound
- type BucketTargetSys
- func (sys *BucketTargetSys) Delete(bucket string)
- func (sys *BucketTargetSys) GetRemoteBucketTargetByArn(ctx context.Context, bucket, arn string) madmin.BucketTarget
- func (sys *BucketTargetSys) GetRemoteTargetClient(ctx context.Context, arn string) *TargetClient
- func (sys *BucketTargetSys) ListBucketTargets(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*madmin.BucketTargets, error)
- func (sys *BucketTargetSys) ListTargets(ctx context.Context, bucket, arnType string) (targets []madmin.BucketTarget)
- func (sys *BucketTargetSys) RemoveTarget(ctx context.Context, bucket, arnStr string) error
- func (sys *BucketTargetSys) SetTarget(ctx context.Context, bucket string, tgt *madmin.BucketTarget, update bool) error
- func (sys *BucketTargetSys) UpdateAllTargets(bucket string, tgts *madmin.BucketTargets)
- type BucketTargetUsageInfo
- type BucketUsageInfo
- type BucketVersioningSys
- type CacheChecksumInfoV1
- type CacheDiskStats
- type CacheObjectLayer
- type CacheStats
- type CacheStatusType
- type CacheStorageInfo
- type CheckPreconditionFn
- type ChecksumAlgo
- type ChecksumInfo
- func (z *ChecksumInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *ChecksumInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (c ChecksumInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (z *ChecksumInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *ChecksumInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (c *ChecksumInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (z *ChecksumInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ClientGrantsResult
- type CommonPrefix
- type CompleteMultipartUpload
- type CompleteMultipartUploadResponse
- type CompletePart
- type CompletedParts
- type ConfigDir
- type ConfigSys
- type ConnStats
- type ConsoleLogger
- type CopyObjectPartResponse
- type CopyObjectResponse
- type DataUsageInfo
- type DecryptBlocksReader
- type DeleteBucketOptions
- type DeleteError
- type DeleteMarkerMTime
- type DeleteObjectsRequest
- type DeleteObjectsResponse
- type DeleteVersionsErrsResp
- type DeletedObject
- type DeletedObjectInfo
- type DeletedObjectReplicationInfo
- type DiskInfo
- type DiskMetrics
- type Encryption
- type Endpoint
- type EndpointServerPools
- func (l *EndpointServerPools) Add(zeps PoolEndpoints) error
- func (l EndpointServerPools) FirstLocal() bool
- func (l EndpointServerPools) GetLocalPoolIdx(ep Endpoint) int
- func (l EndpointServerPools) GetPoolIdx(pool string) int
- func (l EndpointServerPools) HTTPS() bool
- func (l EndpointServerPools) Hostnames() []string
- func (l EndpointServerPools) Legacy() bool
- func (l EndpointServerPools) LocalDisksPaths() []string
- func (l EndpointServerPools) Localhost() string
- func (l EndpointServerPools) NEndpoints() (count int)
- type EndpointType
- type Endpoints
- type Erasure
- func (e Erasure) Decode(ctx context.Context, writer io.Writer, readers []io.ReaderAt, ...) (written int64, derr error)
- func (e *Erasure) DecodeDataAndParityBlocks(ctx context.Context, data [][]byte) error
- func (e *Erasure) DecodeDataBlocks(data [][]byte) error
- func (e *Erasure) Encode(ctx context.Context, src io.Reader, writers []io.Writer, buf []byte, ...) (total int64, err error)
- func (e *Erasure) EncodeData(ctx context.Context, data []byte) ([][]byte, error)
- func (e Erasure) Heal(ctx context.Context, writers []io.Writer, readers []io.ReaderAt, ...) (derr error)
- func (e *Erasure) ShardFileOffset(startOffset, length, totalLength int64) int64
- func (e *Erasure) ShardFileSize(totalLength int64) int64
- func (e *Erasure) ShardSize() int64
- type ErasureAlgo
- func (z *ErasureAlgo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z ErasureAlgo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z ErasureAlgo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z ErasureAlgo) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (i ErasureAlgo) String() string
- func (z *ErasureAlgo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ErasureInfo
- func (e *ErasureInfo) AddChecksumInfo(ckSumInfo ChecksumInfo)
- func (z *ErasureInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *ErasureInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (e ErasureInfo) GetChecksumInfo(partNumber int) (ckSum ChecksumInfo)
- func (z *ErasureInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *ErasureInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (e ErasureInfo) ShardFileSize(totalLength int64) int64
- func (e ErasureInfo) ShardSize() int64
- func (z *ErasureInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type EvalMetadataFn
- type ExpirationOptions
- type FSChecksumInfoV1
- type FSObjects
- func (fs *FSObjects) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) BackendInfo() madmin.BackendInfo
- func (fs *FSObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, ...) (oi ObjectInfo, e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject string, ...) (oi ObjectInfo, err error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, ...) (pi PartInfo, e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts DeleteBucketOptions) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects []ObjectToDelete, ...) ([]DeletedObject, []error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) GetBucketInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (bi BucketInfo, e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) GetBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*policy.Policy, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) GetMetrics(ctx context.Context) (*BackendMetrics, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) GetMultipartInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) (MultipartInfo, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) GetObjectInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (oi ObjectInfo, e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) GetObjectNInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, h http.Header, ...) (gr *GetObjectReader, err error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) GetObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (*tags.Tags, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) GetRawData(ctx context.Context, volume, file string, ...) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) HealBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) HealFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) (madmin.HealResultItem, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) HealObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, versionID string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (res madmin.HealResultItem, err error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) HealObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, opts madmin.HealOpts, ...) (e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) Health(ctx context.Context, opts HealthOptions) HealthResult
- func (fs *FSObjects) IsCompressionSupported() bool
- func (fs *FSObjects) IsEncryptionSupported() bool
- func (fs *FSObjects) IsListenSupported() bool
- func (fs *FSObjects) IsNotificationSupported() bool
- func (fs *FSObjects) IsTaggingSupported() bool
- func (fs *FSObjects) ListBuckets(ctx context.Context) ([]BucketInfo, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, ...) (result ListMultipartsInfo, e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, ...) (result ListPartsInfo, e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) ListObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter string, ...) (loi ListObjectVersionsInfo, e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (loi ListObjectsInfo, err error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter string, ...) (result ListObjectsV2Info, err error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) LocalStorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, []error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) MakeBucketWithLocation(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) NSScanner(ctx context.Context, bf *bloomFilter, updates chan<- DataUsageInfo, ...) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (string, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) NewNSLock(bucket string, objects ...string) RWLocker
- func (fs *FSObjects) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, r *PutObjReader, ...) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partID int, ...) (pi PartInfo, e error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) PutObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, tags string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) ReadHealth(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (fs *FSObjects) RestoreTransitionedObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) SetBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string, p *policy.Policy) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) SetDriveCounts() []int
- func (fs *FSObjects) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) StorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, []error)
- func (fs *FSObjects) TransitionObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error
- func (fs *FSObjects) Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo, ...) error
- type FileInfo
- func (fi FileInfo) AcceptableDelta(maxTime time.Time, delta time.Duration) bool
- func (fi *FileInfo) AddObjectPart(partNumber int, partETag string, partSize int64, actualSize int64)
- func (fi FileInfo) DataShardFixed() bool
- func (z *FileInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (fi *FileInfo) DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus() replication.StatusType
- func (z *FileInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (fi FileInfo) Equals(ofi FileInfo) (ok bool)
- func (fi FileInfo) GetDataDir() string
- func (fi FileInfo) InlineData() bool
- func (fi FileInfo) IsRemote() bool
- func (fi *FileInfo) IsRestoreObjReq() bool
- func (fi FileInfo) IsValid() bool
- func (z *FileInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (fi FileInfo) MetadataEquals(ofi FileInfo) bool
- func (z *FileInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (fi FileInfo) ObjectToPartOffset(ctx context.Context, offset int64) (partIndex int, partOffset int64, err error)
- func (fi FileInfo) ReplicationInfoEquals(ofi FileInfo) bool
- func (fi *FileInfo) SetInlineData()
- func (fi *FileInfo) SetTierFreeVersion()
- func (fi *FileInfo) SetTierFreeVersionID(versionID string)
- func (fi *FileInfo) TierFreeVersion() bool
- func (fi *FileInfo) TierFreeVersionID() string
- func (fi FileInfo) ToObjectInfo(bucket, object string) ObjectInfo
- func (fi FileInfo) TransitionInfoEquals(ofi FileInfo) bool
- func (z *FileInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (fi *FileInfo) VersionPurgeStatus() VersionPurgeStatusType
- type FileInfoVersions
- func (z *FileInfoVersions) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *FileInfoVersions) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *FileInfoVersions) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *FileInfoVersions) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (f FileInfoVersions) Size() (size int64)
- func (z *FileInfoVersions) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type FileLogger
- type FilesInfo
- type Gateway
- type GatewayLocker
- type GatewayUnsupported
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, ...) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) BackendInfo() madmin.BackendInfo
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, ...) (oi ObjectInfo, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket string, srcObject string, destBucket string, ...) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, ...) (pi PartInfo, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketLifecycle(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketSSEConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) DeleteObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketLifecycle(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*lifecycle.Lifecycle, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (bucketPolicy *policy.Policy, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketSSEConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*bucketsse.BucketSSEConfig, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketVersioning(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*versioning.Versioning, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetMetrics(ctx context.Context) (*BackendMetrics, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetMultipartInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, ...) (MultipartInfo, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (*tags.Tags, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) HealBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) HealFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) (madmin.HealResultItem, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) HealObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, versionID string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (h madmin.HealResultItem, e error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) HealObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, opts madmin.HealOpts, ...) (e error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) Health(_ context.Context, _ HealthOptions) HealthResult
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsCompressionSupported() bool
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsEncryptionSupported() bool
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsListenSupported() bool
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsNotificationSupported() bool
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsTaggingSupported() bool
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, bucket string, prefix string, keyMarker string, ...) (lmi ListMultipartsInfo, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, ...) (lpi ListPartsInfo, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter string, ...) (ListObjectVersionsInfo, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter string, ...) (result ListObjectsV2Info, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) LocalStorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, []error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) NSScanner(ctx context.Context, bf *bloomFilter, updates chan<- DataUsageInfo, ...) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (uploadID string, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) NewNSLock(bucket string, objects ...string) RWLocker
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, partID int, ...) (pi PartInfo, err error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, tags string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) ReadHealth(_ context.Context) bool
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) RestoreTransitionedObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketLifecycle(ctx context.Context, bucket string, lifecycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string, bucketPolicy *policy.Policy) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketSSEConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string, config *bucketsse.BucketSSEConfig) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketVersioning(ctx context.Context, bucket string, v *versioning.Versioning) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetDriveCounts() []int
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) TransitionObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error
- func (a GatewayUnsupported) Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo, ...) error
- type GenericError
- type GetObjectInfoFn
- type GetObjectReader
- type GroupInfo
- type HTTPAPIStats
- type HTTPConsoleLoggerSys
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Cancel()
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Content() (logs []log.Entry)
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Endpoint() string
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) HasLogListeners() bool
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Init() error
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Send(e interface{}, logKind string) error
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) SetNodeName(nodeName string)
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) String() string
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Subscribe(subCh chan interface{}, doneCh <-chan struct{}, node string, last int, ...)
- func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Type() types.TargetType
- type HTTPRangeSpec
- type HTTPStats
- type HealObjectFn
- type HealthOptions
- type HealthResult
- type Help
- type IAMEtcdStore
- type IAMObjectStore
- type IAMStorageAPI
- type IAMStoreSys
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) AddServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, cred auth.Credentials) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) AddUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, ureq madmin.AddOrUpdateUserReq) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) AddUsersToGroup(ctx context.Context, group string, members []string) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, policy string) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, userType IAMUserType) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) DeleteUsers(ctx context.Context, users []string) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) FilterPolicies(policyName string, bucketName string) (string, iampolicy.Policy)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetAllParentUsers() map[string]string
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetBucketUsers(bucket string) (map[string]madmin.UserInfo, error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetGroupDescription(group string) (gd madmin.GroupDesc, err error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetMappedPolicy(name string, isGroup bool) (MappedPolicy, bool)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetPolicy(name string) (iampolicy.Policy, error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetPolicyDoc(name string) (r PolicyDoc, err error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetSTSAndServiceAccounts() []auth.Credentials
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetUser(user string) (auth.Credentials, bool)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetUserInfo(name string) (u madmin.UserInfo, err error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetUsers() map[string]madmin.UserInfo
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) GroupNotificationHandler(ctx context.Context, group string) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) HasWatcher() bool
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) ListGroups(ctx context.Context) (res []string, err error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) (map[string]iampolicy.Policy, error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) ListServiceAccounts(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) ([]auth.Credentials, error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) LoadIAMCache(ctx context.Context) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) LoadUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) PolicyDBGet(name string, isGroup bool, groups ...string) ([]string, error)
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) PolicyDBSet(ctx context.Context, name, policy string, userType IAMUserType, isGroup bool) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(ctx context.Context, userOrGroup string, isGroup bool, userType IAMUserType) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) PolicyNotificationHandler(ctx context.Context, policy string) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) RemoveUsersFromGroup(ctx context.Context, group string, members []string) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) SetGroupStatus(ctx context.Context, group string, enabled bool) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string, policy iampolicy.Policy) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) SetTempUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, cred auth.Credentials, ...) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) SetUserStatus(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, status madmin.AccountStatus) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) UpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, opts updateServiceAccountOpts) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) UpdateUserIdentity(ctx context.Context, cred auth.Credentials) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) UpdateUserSecretKey(ctx context.Context, accessKey, secretKey string) error
- func (store *IAMStoreSys) UserNotificationHandler(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, userType IAMUserType) error
- type IAMSys
- func (sys *IAMSys) AddUsersToGroup(ctx context.Context, group string, members []string) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, ureq madmin.AddOrUpdateUserReq) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) CurrentPolicies(policyName string) string
- func (sys *IAMSys) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, policyName string, notifyPeers bool) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) DeleteServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, notifyPeers bool) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, notifyPeers bool) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) EnableLDAPSys()
- func (sys *IAMSys) GetClaimsForSvcAcc(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) GetCombinedPolicy(policies ...string) iampolicy.Policy
- func (sys *IAMSys) GetGroupDescription(group string) (gd madmin.GroupDesc, err error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) GetRolePolicy(arnStr string) (string, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) GetServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) (auth.Credentials, *iampolicy.Policy, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) GetUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) (cred auth.Credentials, ok bool)
- func (sys *IAMSys) GetUserInfo(ctx context.Context, name string) (u madmin.UserInfo, err error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) HasRolePolicy() bool
- func (sys *IAMSys) HasWatcher() bool
- func (sys *IAMSys) InfoPolicy(policyName string) (*madmin.PolicyInfo, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) Init(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, etcdClient *etcd.Client, ...)
- func (sys *IAMSys) Initialized() bool
- func (sys *IAMSys) IsAllowed(args iampolicy.Args) bool
- func (sys *IAMSys) IsAllowedLDAPSTS(args iampolicy.Args, parentUser string) bool
- func (sys *IAMSys) IsAllowedSTS(args iampolicy.Args, parentUser string) bool
- func (sys *IAMSys) IsAllowedServiceAccount(args iampolicy.Args, parentUser string) bool
- func (sys *IAMSys) IsServiceAccount(name string) (bool, string, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) IsTempUser(name string) (bool, string, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) ListBucketUsers(bucket string) (map[string]madmin.UserInfo, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) ListGroups(ctx context.Context) (r []string, err error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) (map[string]iampolicy.Policy, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) ListServiceAccounts(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) ([]auth.Credentials, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) ListUsers() (map[string]madmin.UserInfo, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) Load(ctx context.Context) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) LoadGroup(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, group string) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) LoadPolicy(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, policyName string) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) LoadPolicyMapping(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, userOrGroup string, isGroup bool) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) LoadServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) LoadUser(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, accessKey string, ...) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) NewServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, parentUser string, groups []string, ...) (auth.Credentials, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) PolicyDBGet(name string, isGroup bool, groups ...string) ([]string, error)
- func (sys *IAMSys) PolicyDBSet(ctx context.Context, name, policy string, isGroup bool) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) RemoveUsersFromGroup(ctx context.Context, group string, members []string) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) SetGroupStatus(ctx context.Context, group string, enabled bool) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyName string, p iampolicy.Policy) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) SetTempUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, cred auth.Credentials, ...) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) SetUserSecretKey(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, secretKey string) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) SetUserStatus(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, status madmin.AccountStatus) error
- func (sys *IAMSys) UpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, opts updateServiceAccountOpts) error
- type IAMUserType
- type IncompleteBody
- type InitiateMultipartUploadResponse
- type Initiator
- type InsufficientReadQuorum
- type InsufficientWriteQuorum
- type InvalidArgument
- type InvalidETag
- type InvalidMarkerPrefixCombination
- type InvalidObjectState
- type InvalidPart
- type InvalidRange
- type InvalidUploadID
- type InvalidUploadIDKeyCombination
- type InvalidVersionID
- type IsLeafDirFunc
- type IsLeafFunc
- type LDAPIdentityResult
- type LastMinuteLatencies
- func (l *LastMinuteLatencies) Add(size int64, t time.Duration)
- func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (l *LastMinuteLatencies) GetAvgData() [sizeLastElemMarker]AccElem
- func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (l LastMinuteLatencies) Merge(o LastMinuteLatencies) (merged LastMinuteLatencies)
- func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type LifecycleSys
- type ListBucketsResponse
- type ListDirFunc
- type ListMultipartUploadsResponse
- type ListMultipartsInfo
- type ListObjectVersionsInfo
- type ListObjectsInfo
- type ListObjectsResponse
- type ListObjectsV2Info
- type ListObjectsV2Response
- type ListPartsInfo
- type ListPartsResponse
- type ListVersionsResponse
- type LocationResponse
- type LockContext
- type LockType
- type MalformedUploadID
- type MappedPolicy
- type MetadataEntry
- type MethodNotAllowed
- type Metric
- type MetricDescription
- type MetricName
- type MetricNamespace
- type MetricSubsystem
- type MetricType
- type MetricsGroup
- type MetricsTransport
- type MultipartInfo
- type NotImplemented
- type NotificationGroup
- type NotificationPeerErr
- type NotificationSys
- func (sys *NotificationSys) AddRulesMap(bucketName string, rulesMap event.RulesMap)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) BackgroundHealStatus() ([]madmin.BgHealState, []NotificationPeerErr)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) ConfiguredTargetIDs() []event.TargetID
- func (sys *NotificationSys) DeleteBucketMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucketName string)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) DeletePolicy(policyName string) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) DeleteServiceAccount(accessKey string) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) DeleteUser(accessKey string) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) DispatchNetPerfChan(ctx context.Context) chan madmin.NetPerfInfo
- func (sys *NotificationSys) DispatchNetPerfInfo(ctx context.Context) []madmin.NetPerfInfo
- func (sys *NotificationSys) DownloadProfilingData(ctx context.Context, writer io.Writer) bool
- func (sys *NotificationSys) DriveSpeedTest(ctx context.Context, opts madmin.DriveSpeedTestOpts) chan madmin.DriveSpeedTestResult
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetARNList(onlyActive bool) []string
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetBandwidthReports(ctx context.Context, buckets ...string) madmin.BucketBandwidthReport
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetCPUs(ctx context.Context) []madmin.CPUs
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetClusterBucketStats(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) []BucketStats
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetClusterMetrics(ctx context.Context) chan Metric
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetDrivePerfInfos(ctx context.Context) chan madmin.DrivePerfInfos
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetLastDayTierStats(ctx context.Context) dailyAllTierStats
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetLocalDiskIDs(ctx context.Context) (localDiskIDs [][]string)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetLocks(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) []*PeerLocks
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetMemInfo(ctx context.Context) []madmin.MemInfo
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetNetPerfInfo(ctx context.Context) madmin.NetPerfInfo
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetOSInfo(ctx context.Context) []madmin.OSInfo
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetParallelNetPerfInfo(ctx context.Context) madmin.NetPerfInfo
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetPartitions(ctx context.Context) []madmin.Partitions
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetProcInfo(ctx context.Context) []madmin.ProcInfo
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetSysConfig(ctx context.Context) []madmin.SysConfig
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetSysErrors(ctx context.Context) []madmin.SysErrors
- func (sys *NotificationSys) GetSysServices(ctx context.Context) []madmin.SysServices
- func (sys *NotificationSys) InitBucketTargets(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
- func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadBucketMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucketName string)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadGroup(group string) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadPolicy(policyName string) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadPolicyMapping(userOrGroup string, isGroup bool) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadServiceAccount(accessKey string) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadTransitionTierConfig(ctx context.Context)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadUser(accessKey string, temp bool) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) Netperf(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration) []madmin.NetperfNodeResult
- func (sys *NotificationSys) ReloadPoolMeta(ctx context.Context)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) ReloadSiteReplicationConfig(ctx context.Context) []error
- func (sys *NotificationSys) RemoveAllRemoteTargets()
- func (sys *NotificationSys) RemoveNotification(bucketName string)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) RemoveRulesMap(bucketName string, rulesMap event.RulesMap)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) Send(args eventArgs)
- func (sys *NotificationSys) ServerInfo() []madmin.ServerProperties
- func (sys *NotificationSys) ServerUpdate(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, sha256Sum []byte, lrTime time.Time, ...) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) ServiceFreeze(ctx context.Context, freeze bool) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) SignalService(sig serviceSignal) []NotificationPeerErr
- func (sys *NotificationSys) Speedtest(ctx context.Context, size int, concurrent int, duration time.Duration, ...) []SpeedtestResult
- func (sys *NotificationSys) StartProfiling(profiler string) []NotificationPeerErr
- type ObjReaderFn
- type Object
- type ObjectAlreadyExists
- type ObjectExistsAsDirectory
- type ObjectInfo
- func (o ObjectInfo) Clone() (cinfo ObjectInfo)
- func (o *ObjectInfo) DecryptedSize() (int64, error)
- func (o *ObjectInfo) EncryptedSize() int64
- func (o ObjectInfo) GetActualETag(h http.Header) string
- func (o ObjectInfo) GetActualSize() (int64, error)
- func (o *ObjectInfo) GetDecryptedRange(rs *HTTPRangeSpec) (encOff, encLength, skipLen int64, seqNumber uint32, partStart int, err error)
- func (o ObjectInfo) IsCacheable() bool
- func (o ObjectInfo) IsCompressed() bool
- func (o ObjectInfo) IsCompressedOK() (bool, error)
- func (oi ObjectInfo) IsRemote() bool
- func (o *ObjectInfo) KMSKeyID() string
- func (o *ObjectInfo) TargetReplicationStatus(arn string) (status replication.StatusType)
- func (oi ObjectInfo) ToLifecycleOpts() lifecycle.ObjectOpts
- type ObjectLayer
- type ObjectLocked
- type ObjectNameInvalid
- type ObjectNamePrefixAsSlash
- type ObjectNameTooLong
- type ObjectNotFound
- type ObjectOptions
- func (o *ObjectOptions) DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus() replication.StatusType
- func (o *ObjectOptions) PutReplicationState() (r ReplicationState)
- func (o *ObjectOptions) SetDeleteReplicationState(dsc ReplicateDecision, vID string)
- func (o *ObjectOptions) SetReplicaStatus(st replication.StatusType)
- func (o *ObjectOptions) VersionPurgeStatus() VersionPurgeStatusType
- type ObjectPartInfo
- func (z *ObjectPartInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *ObjectPartInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *ObjectPartInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *ObjectPartInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *ObjectPartInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ObjectToDelete
- type ObjectTooLarge
- type ObjectTooSmall
- type ObjectV
- type ObjectVersion
- type OpenIDClientAppParams
- type OperationTimedOut
- type OutputLocation
- type Owner
- type Part
- type PartInfo
- type PartTooBig
- type PartTooSmall
- type PeerLocks
- type PeerSiteInfo
- type PolicyDoc
- type PolicyStatus
- type PolicySys
- type PoolDecommissionInfo
- func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type PoolEndpoints
- type PoolStatus
- type PostPolicyForm
- type PostResponse
- type PreConditionFailed
- type PrefixAccessDenied
- type ProxyEndpoint
- type PutObjReader
- type RWLocker
- type RangeInfo
- type ReplicateDecision
- func (z *ReplicateDecision) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z ReplicateDecision) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z ReplicateDecision) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z ReplicateDecision) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (d *ReplicateDecision) PendingStatus() string
- func (d *ReplicateDecision) ReplicateAny() bool
- func (d *ReplicateDecision) Set(t replicateTargetDecision)
- func (d *ReplicateDecision) String() string
- func (d *ReplicateDecision) Synchronous() bool
- func (z *ReplicateDecision) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ReplicateObjectInfo
- type ReplicationLatency
- func (z *ReplicationLatency) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *ReplicationLatency) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *ReplicationLatency) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *ReplicationLatency) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *ReplicationLatency) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ReplicationPool
- type ReplicationState
- func (rs *ReplicationState) CompositeReplicationStatus() (st replication.StatusType)
- func (rs *ReplicationState) CompositeVersionPurgeStatus() VersionPurgeStatusType
- func (z *ReplicationState) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *ReplicationState) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (rs *ReplicationState) Equal(o ReplicationState) bool
- func (z *ReplicationState) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *ReplicationState) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *ReplicationState) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ReplicationStats
- func (r *ReplicationStats) Delete(bucket string)
- func (r *ReplicationStats) Get(bucket string) BucketReplicationStats
- func (r *ReplicationStats) GetInitialUsage(bucket string) BucketReplicationStats
- func (r *ReplicationStats) Update(bucket string, arn string, n int64, duration time.Duration, ...)
- func (r *ReplicationStats) UpdateReplicaStat(bucket string, n int64)
- type RequestStats
- type RestoreObjectRequest
- type RestoreRequestType
- type ResyncDecision
- func (z *ResyncDecision) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (r *ResyncDecision) Empty() bool
- func (z ResyncDecision) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z ResyncDecision) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z ResyncDecision) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *ResyncDecision) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ResyncStatusType
- func (z *ResyncStatusType) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z ResyncStatusType) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z ResyncStatusType) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z ResyncStatusType) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (rt ResyncStatusType) String() string
- func (z *ResyncStatusType) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ResyncTarget
- func (z *ResyncTarget) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *ResyncTarget) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *ResyncTarget) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *ResyncTarget) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *ResyncTarget) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ResyncTargetDecision
- func (z *ResyncTargetDecision) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z ResyncTargetDecision) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z ResyncTargetDecision) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z ResyncTargetDecision) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *ResyncTargetDecision) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type ResyncTargetsInfo
- func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type S3Location
- type SRError
- type STSError
- type STSErrorCode
- type STSErrorResponse
- type SealMD5CurrFn
- type SelectParameters
- type ServerConnStats
- type ServerHTTPAPIStats
- type ServerHTTPStats
- type ServerProperties
- type ServerSystemConfig
- type SetupType
- type SignatureDoesNotMatch
- type SiteReplicationSys
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) AddPeerClusters(ctx context.Context, psites []madmin.PeerSite) (madmin.ReplicateAddStatus, error)
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) BucketMetaHook(ctx context.Context, item madmin.SRBucketMeta) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) DeleteBucketHook(ctx context.Context, bucket string, forceDelete bool) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) EditPeerCluster(ctx context.Context, peer madmin.PeerInfo) (madmin.ReplicateEditStatus, error)
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) GetClusterInfo(ctx context.Context) (info madmin.SiteReplicationInfo, err error)
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) GetIDPSettings(ctx context.Context) madmin.IDPSettings
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) IAMChangeHook(ctx context.Context, item madmin.SRIAMItem) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) Init(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) InternalRemoveReq(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer, rreq madmin.SRRemoveReq) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) MakeBucketHook(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerAddPolicyHandler(ctx context.Context, policyName string, p *iampolicy.Policy) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketConfigureReplHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketDeleteHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, forceDelete bool) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketMakeWithVersioningHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketObjectLockConfigHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objectLockData *string) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketPolicyHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, policy *policy.Policy) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketQuotaConfigHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, quota *madmin.BucketQuota) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketSSEConfigHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, sseConfig *string) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketTaggingHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, tags *string) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerEditReq(ctx context.Context, arg madmin.PeerInfo) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerGroupInfoChangeHandler(ctx context.Context, change *madmin.SRGroupInfo) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerIAMUserChangeHandler(ctx context.Context, change *madmin.SRIAMUser) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerJoinReq(ctx context.Context, arg madmin.SRPeerJoinReq) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerPolicyMappingHandler(ctx context.Context, mapping *madmin.SRPolicyMapping) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerSTSAccHandler(ctx context.Context, stsCred *madmin.SRSTSCredential) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerSvcAccChangeHandler(ctx context.Context, change *madmin.SRSvcAccChange) error
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) RemovePeerCluster(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer, rreq madmin.SRRemoveReq) (st madmin.ReplicateRemoveStatus, err error)
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) RemoveRemoteTargetsForEndpoint(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer, endpoints []string, ...) (err error)
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) SiteReplicationMetaInfo(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, opts madmin.SRStatusOptions) (info madmin.SRInfo, err error)
- func (c *SiteReplicationSys) SiteReplicationStatus(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, opts madmin.SRStatusOptions) (info madmin.SRStatusInfo, err error)
- type SlowDown
- type SpeedtestResult
- type StartProfilingResult
- type StatInfo
- type StorageAPI
- type StorageErr
- type StorageFull
- type StorageInfo
- type StringMap
- type TargetClient
- type TargetReplicationResyncStatus
- func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type TierConfigMgr
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Add(ctx context.Context, tier madmin.TierConfig) error
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Bytes() ([]byte, error)
- func (z *TierConfigMgr) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Edit(ctx context.Context, tierName string, creds madmin.TierCreds) error
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Empty() bool
- func (z *TierConfigMgr) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Init(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) IsTierValid(tierName string) bool
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) ListTiers() []madmin.TierConfig
- func (z *TierConfigMgr) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *TierConfigMgr) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Reload(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Remove(ctx context.Context, tier string) error
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Reset()
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Save(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
- func (z *TierConfigMgr) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (config *TierConfigMgr) Verify(ctx context.Context, tier string) error
- type TransitionOptions
- type TransitionStorageClassNotFound
- type TransitionedObject
- type TreeWalkPool
- type TreeWalkResult
- type UnsupportedMetadata
- type Upload
- type UserIdentity
- type UsersSysType
- type VerifyFileResp
- type VersionNotFound
- type VersionPurgeStatusType
- func (z *VersionPurgeStatusType) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (v VersionPurgeStatusType) Empty() bool
- func (z VersionPurgeStatusType) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z VersionPurgeStatusType) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z VersionPurgeStatusType) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (v VersionPurgeStatusType) Pending() bool
- func (z *VersionPurgeStatusType) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type VersionType
- func (z *VersionType) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z VersionType) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z VersionType) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z VersionType) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (i VersionType) String() string
- func (z *VersionType) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type VolInfo
- type VolsInfo
- type WalkDirOptions
- type WarmBackend
- type WarmBackendGetOpts
- type WebIdentityResult
Constants ¶
const ( AdminUpdateUnexpectedFailure = "XMinioAdminUpdateUnexpectedFailure" AdminUpdateURLNotReachable = "XMinioAdminUpdateURLNotReachable" AdminUpdateApplyFailure = "XMinioAdminUpdateApplyFailure" )
Admin API errors
const ( // Disabled means the lifecycle rule is inactive Disabled = "Disabled" // TransitionStatus status of transition TransitionStatus = "transition-status" // TransitionedObjectName name of transitioned object TransitionedObjectName = "transitioned-object" // TransitionedVersionID is version of remote object TransitionedVersionID = "transitioned-versionID" // TransitionTier name of transition storage class TransitionTier = "transition-tier" )
const ( // ReplicationReset has reset id and timestamp of last reset operation ReplicationReset = "replication-reset" // ReplicationStatus has internal replication status - stringified representation of target's replication status for all replication // activity initiated from this cluster ReplicationStatus = "replication-status" // ReplicationTimestamp - the last time replication was initiated on this cluster for this object version ReplicationTimestamp = "replication-timestamp" // ReplicaStatus - this header is present if a replica was received by this cluster for this object version ReplicaStatus = "replica-status" // ReplicaTimestamp - the last time a replica was received by this cluster for this object version ReplicaTimestamp = "replica-timestamp" // TaggingTimestamp - the last time a tag metadata modification happened on this cluster for this object version TaggingTimestamp = "tagging-timestamp" // ObjectLockRetentionTimestamp - the last time a object lock metadata modification happened on this cluster for this object version ObjectLockRetentionTimestamp = "objectlock-retention-timestamp" // ObjectLockLegalHoldTimestamp - the last time a legal hold metadata modification happened on this cluster for this object version ObjectLockLegalHoldTimestamp = "objectlock-legalhold-timestamp" // ReplicationWorkerMultiplier is suggested worker multiplier if traffic exceeds replication worker capacity ReplicationWorkerMultiplier = 1.5 )
const ( ReplicateObjectAPI = "ReplicateObject" ReplicateDeleteAPI = "ReplicateDelete" )
Replication specific APIName
const ( // ReplicateQueued - replication being queued trail ReplicateQueued = "replicate:queue" // ReplicateExisting - audit trail for existing objects replication ReplicateExisting = "replicate:existing" // ReplicateExistingDelete - audit trail for delete replication triggered for existing delete markers ReplicateExistingDelete = "replicate:existing:delete" // ReplicateMRF - audit trail for replication from Most Recent Failures (MRF) queue ReplicateMRF = "replicate:mrf" // ReplicateIncoming - audit trail indicating replication started [could be from incoming/existing/heal activity] ReplicateIncoming = "replicate:incoming" // ReplicateHeal - audit trail for healing of failed/pending replications ReplicateHeal = "replicate:heal" // ReplicateDelete - audit trail for delete replication ReplicateDelete = "replicate:delete" )
const ( // ILMExpiry - audit trail for ILM expiry ILMExpiry = "ilm:expiry" // ILMFreeVersionDelete - audit trail for ILM free-version delete ILMFreeVersionDelete = "ilm:free-version-delete" // ILMTransition - audit trail for ILM transitioning. ILMTransition = " ilm:transition" )
const ( // CommitPending - cache writeback with backend is pending. CommitPending cacheCommitStatus = "pending" // CommitComplete - cache writeback completed ok. CommitComplete cacheCommitStatus = "complete" // CommitFailed - cache writeback needs a retry. CommitFailed cacheCommitStatus = "failed" )
const ( // CommitWriteBack allows staging and write back of cached content for single object uploads CommitWriteBack string = "writeback" // CommitWriteThrough allows caching multipart uploads to disk synchronously CommitWriteThrough string = "writethrough" )
const ( // SSECustomerKeySize is the size of valid client provided encryption keys in bytes. // Currently AWS supports only AES256. So the SSE-C key size is fixed to 32 bytes. SSECustomerKeySize = 32 // SSEIVSize is the size of the IV data SSEIVSize = 32 // 32 bytes // SSEDAREPackageBlockSize - SSE dare package block size. SSEDAREPackageBlockSize = 64 * 1024 // 64KiB bytes // SSEDAREPackageMetaSize - SSE dare package meta padding bytes. SSEDAREPackageMetaSize = 32 // 32 bytes )
const ( GatewayMinioSysTmp = "minio.sys.tmp/" AzureBackendGateway = "azure" GCSBackendGateway = "gcs" HDFSBackendGateway = "hdfs" NASBackendGateway = "nas" S3BackendGateway = "s3" )
GatewayMinioSysTmp prefix is used in Azure/GCS gateway for save metadata sent by Initialize Multipart Upload API.
const ( ReservedMetadataPrefix = "X-Minio-Internal-" ReservedMetadataPrefixLower = "x-minio-internal-" )
ReservedMetadataPrefix is the prefix of a metadata key which is reserved and for internal use only.
const ( // GlobalStaleUploadsExpiry - Expiry duration after which the uploads in multipart, // tmp directory are deemed stale. GlobalStaleUploadsExpiry = time.Hour * 24 // 24 hrs. // GlobalStaleUploadsCleanupInterval - Cleanup interval when the stale uploads cleanup is initiated. GlobalStaleUploadsCleanupInterval = time.Hour * 6 // 6 hrs. )
const ( Unknown = BackendType(madmin.Unknown) // Filesystem backend. BackendFS = BackendType(madmin.FS) // Multi disk BackendErasure (single, distributed) backend. BackendErasure = BackendType(madmin.Erasure) // Gateway backend. BackendGateway = BackendType(madmin.Gateway) )
Enum for different backend types.
const (
DefaultBitrotAlgorithm = HighwayHash256S
DefaultBitrotAlgorithm is the default algorithm used for bitrot protection.
const DefaultSkewTime = 15 * time.Minute
DefaultSkewTime - skew time is 15 minutes between minio peers.
const (
Override set drive count for manual distribution.
const (
Standard env prometheus auth type
const (
GlobalMinioDefaultPort = "9000"
minio configuration related constants.
const ( // SSECacheEncrypted is the metadata key indicating that the object // is a cache entry encrypted with cache KMS master key in globalCacheKMS. SSECacheEncrypted = "X-Minio-Internal-Encrypted-Cache" )
const SlashSeparator = "/"
SlashSeparator - slash separator.
const (
VersionPurgeStatusKey = ReservedMetadataPrefixLower + "purgestatus"
VersionPurgeStatusKey denotes purge status in metadata
Variables ¶
var ( // GOPATH - GOPATH value at the time of build. GOPATH = "" // GOROOT - GOROOT value at the time of build. GOROOT = "" // Version - version time.RFC3339. Version = "DEVELOPMENT.GOGET" // ReleaseTag - release tag in TAG.%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ. ReleaseTag = "DEVELOPMENT.GOGET" // CommitID - latest commit id. CommitID = "DEVELOPMENT.GOGET" // ShortCommitID - first 12 characters from CommitID. ShortCommitID = "DEVELOPMENT.GOGET" )
DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. These are build-time constants set through ‘buildscripts/gen-ldflags.go’.
var ( // CanonicalizeETag provides canonicalizeETag function alias. CanonicalizeETag = canonicalizeETag // MustGetUUID function alias. MustGetUUID = mustGetUUID // CleanMetadataKeys provides cleanMetadataKeys function alias. CleanMetadataKeys = cleanMetadataKeys // PathJoin function alias. PathJoin = pathJoin // ListObjects function alias. ListObjects = listObjects // FilterListEntries function alias. FilterListEntries = filterListEntries // IsStringEqual is string equal. IsStringEqual = isStringEqual )
var ( // GlobalKMS initialized KMS configuration GlobalKMS kms.KMS // GlobalGatewaySSE sse options GlobalGatewaySSE gatewaySSE )
var GlobalContext context.Context
GlobalContext context that is canceled when server is requested to shut down.
var GlobalFlags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "config-dir, C", Value: defaultConfigDir.Get(), Usage: "[DEPRECATED] path to legacy configuration directory", Hidden: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "certs-dir, S", Value: defaultCertsDir.Get(), Usage: "path to certs directory", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "quiet", Usage: "disable startup and info messages", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "anonymous", Usage: "hide sensitive information from logging", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "json", Usage: "output logs in JSON format", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "compat", Usage: "enable strict S3 compatibility by turning off certain performance optimizations", Hidden: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "no-compat", Usage: "disable strict S3 compatibility by turning on certain performance optimizations", Hidden: true, }, }
GlobalFlags - global flags for minio.
var ObjectsHistogramIntervals = []objectHistogramInterval{ {"LESS_THAN_1024_B", 0, humanize.KiByte - 1}, {"BETWEEN_1024_B_AND_1_MB", humanize.KiByte, humanize.MiByte - 1}, {"BETWEEN_1_MB_AND_10_MB", humanize.MiByte, humanize.MiByte*10 - 1}, {"BETWEEN_10_MB_AND_64_MB", humanize.MiByte * 10, humanize.MiByte*64 - 1}, {"BETWEEN_64_MB_AND_128_MB", humanize.MiByte * 64, humanize.MiByte*128 - 1}, {"BETWEEN_128_MB_AND_512_MB", humanize.MiByte * 128, humanize.MiByte*512 - 1}, {"GREATER_THAN_512_MB", humanize.MiByte * 512, math.MaxInt64}, }
ObjectsHistogramIntervals is the list of all intervals of object sizes to be included in objects histogram.
var ServerFlags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "address", Value: ":" + GlobalMinioDefaultPort, Usage: "bind to a specific ADDRESS:PORT, ADDRESS can be an IP or hostname", EnvVar: "MINIO_ADDRESS", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "listeners", Value: 1, Usage: "bind N number of listeners per ADDRESS:PORT", EnvVar: "MINIO_LISTENERS", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "console-address", Usage: "bind to a specific ADDRESS:PORT for embedded Console UI, ADDRESS can be an IP or hostname", EnvVar: "MINIO_CONSOLE_ADDRESS", }, cli.DurationFlag{ Name: "shutdown-timeout", Value: xhttp.DefaultShutdownTimeout, Usage: "shutdown timeout to gracefully shutdown server", EnvVar: "MINIO_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT", Hidden: true, }, }
ServerFlags - server command specific flags
Functions ¶
func Access ¶
Access captures time taken to call syscall.Access() on windows, plan9 and solaris syscall.Access uses os.Lstat()
func AuthMiddleware ¶
AuthMiddleware checks if the bearer token is valid and authorized.
func BucketAccessPolicyToPolicy ¶
func BucketAccessPolicyToPolicy(policyInfo *miniogopolicy.BucketAccessPolicy) (*policy.Policy, error)
BucketAccessPolicyToPolicy - converts minio-go/policy.BucketAccessPolicy to policy.Policy.
func CheckLocalServerAddr ¶
CheckLocalServerAddr - checks if serverAddr is valid and local host.
func CleanMinioInternalMetadataKeys ¶
CleanMinioInternalMetadataKeys removes X-Amz-Meta- prefix from minio internal encryption metadata that was sent by minio gateway
func ClusterCheckHandler ¶
func ClusterCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ClusterCheckHandler returns if the server is ready for requests.
func ClusterReadCheckHandler ¶
func ClusterReadCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ClusterReadCheckHandler returns if the server is ready for requests.
func ComputeCompleteMultipartMD5 ¶
func ComputeCompleteMultipartMD5(parts []CompletePart) string
ComputeCompleteMultipartMD5 calculates MD5 ETag for complete multipart responses
func CreateEndpoints ¶
func CreateEndpoints(serverAddr string, foundLocal bool, args ...[]string) (Endpoints, SetupType, error)
CreateEndpoints - validates and creates new endpoints for given args.
func DecryptBlocksRequestR ¶
func DecryptBlocksRequestR(inputReader io.Reader, h http.Header, seqNumber uint32, partStart int, oi ObjectInfo, copySource bool) (io.Reader, error)
DecryptBlocksRequestR - same as DecryptBlocksRequest but with a reader
func DecryptCopyRequestR ¶
func DecryptCopyRequestR(client io.Reader, h http.Header, bucket, object string, seqNumber uint32, metadata map[string]string) (io.Reader, error)
DecryptCopyRequestR - same as DecryptCopyRequest, but with a Reader
func DecryptETag ¶
func DecryptETag(key crypto.ObjectKey, object ObjectInfo) (string, error)
DecryptETag decrypts the ETag that is part of given object with the given object encryption key.
However, DecryptETag does not try to decrypt the ETag if it consists of a 128 bit hex value (32 hex chars) and exactly one '-' followed by a 32-bit number. This special case adresses randomly-generated ETags generated by the MinIO server when running in non-compat mode. These random ETags are not encrypt.
Calling DecryptETag with a non-randomly generated ETag will fail.
func DecryptObjectInfo ¶
func DecryptObjectInfo(info *ObjectInfo, r *http.Request) (encrypted bool, err error)
DecryptObjectInfo tries to decrypt the provided object if it is encrypted. It fails if the object is encrypted and the HTTP headers don't contain SSE-C headers or the object is not encrypted but SSE-C headers are provided. (AWS behavior) DecryptObjectInfo returns 'ErrNone' if the object is not encrypted or the decryption succeeded.
DecryptObjectInfo also returns whether the object is encrypted or not.
func DecryptRequestWithSequenceNumberR ¶
func DecryptRequestWithSequenceNumberR(client io.Reader, h http.Header, bucket, object string, seqNumber uint32, metadata map[string]string) (io.Reader, error)
DecryptRequestWithSequenceNumberR - same as DecryptRequestWithSequenceNumber but with a reader
func EncryptRequest ¶
func EncryptRequest(content io.Reader, r *http.Request, bucket, object string, metadata map[string]string) (io.Reader, crypto.ObjectKey, error)
EncryptRequest takes the client provided content and encrypts the data with the client provided key. It also marks the object as client-side-encrypted and sets the correct headers.
func ErrorRespToObjectError ¶
ErrorRespToObjectError converts MinIO errors to minio object layer errors.
func FromMinioClientMetadata ¶
FromMinioClientMetadata converts minio metadata to map[string]string
func GetAllSets ¶
GetAllSets - parses all ellipses input arguments, expands them into corresponding list of endpoints chunked evenly in accordance with a specific set size. For example: {1...64} is divided into 4 sets each of size 16. This applies to even distributed setup syntax as well.
func GetCurrentReleaseTime ¶
GetCurrentReleaseTime - returns this process's release time. If it is official minio version, parsed version is returned else minio binary's mod time is returned.
func GetLocalPeer ¶
func GetLocalPeer(endpointServerPools EndpointServerPools, host, port string) (localPeer string)
GetLocalPeer - returns local peer value, returns globalMinioAddr for FS and Erasure mode. In case of distributed server return the first element from the set of peers which indicate that they are local. There is always one entry that is local even with repeated server endpoints.
func GetObject ¶
func GetObject(ctx context.Context, api ObjectLayer, bucket, object string, startOffset int64, length int64, writer io.Writer, etag string, opts ObjectOptions) (err error)
GetObject - TODO(aead): This function just acts as an adapter for GetObject tests and benchmarks since the GetObject method of the ObjectLayer interface has been removed. Once, the tests are adjusted to use GetObjectNInfo this function can be removed.
func GetPeerOnlineCount ¶
func GetPeerOnlineCount() (nodesOnline, nodesOffline int)
GetPeerOnlineCount gets the count of online and offline nodes.
func GetProxyEndpointLocalIndex ¶
func GetProxyEndpointLocalIndex(proxyEps []ProxyEndpoint) int
GetProxyEndpointLocalIndex returns index of the local proxy endpoint
func GetTotalCapacity ¶
func GetTotalCapacity(diskInfo []madmin.Disk) (capacity uint64)
GetTotalCapacity gets the total capacity in the cluster.
func GetTotalCapacityFree ¶
func GetTotalCapacityFree(diskInfo []madmin.Disk) (capacity uint64)
GetTotalCapacityFree gets the total capacity free in the cluster.
func GetTotalUsableCapacity ¶
func GetTotalUsableCapacity(diskInfo []madmin.Disk, s StorageInfo) (capacity float64)
GetTotalUsableCapacity gets the total usable capacity in the cluster. This value is not an accurate representation of total usable in a multi-tenant deployment.
func GetTotalUsableCapacityFree ¶
func GetTotalUsableCapacityFree(diskInfo []madmin.Disk, s StorageInfo) (capacity float64)
GetTotalUsableCapacityFree gets the total usable capacity free in the cluster. This value is not an accurate representation of total free in a multi-tenant deployment.
func GetVersion ¶
GetVersion gets config version from backend
func HasPrefix ¶
HasPrefix - Prefix matcher string matches prefix in a platform specific way. For example on windows since its case insensitive we are supposed to do case insensitive checks.
func HasSuffix ¶
HasSuffix - Suffix matcher string matches suffix in a platform specific way. For example on windows since its case insensitive we are supposed to do case insensitive checks.
func IsBackendOnline ¶
IsBackendOnline - verifies if the backend is reachable by performing a GET request on the URL. returns 'true' if backend is reachable.
func IsDocker ¶
func IsDocker() bool
IsDocker - returns if the environment minio is running in docker or not. The check is a simple file existence check.
"/.dockerenv": "file",
func IsErrIgnored ¶
IsErrIgnored returns whether given error is ignored or not.
func IsKubernetes ¶
func IsKubernetes() bool
IsKubernetes returns true if minio is running in kubernetes.
func IsSourceBuild ¶
func IsSourceBuild() bool
IsSourceBuild - returns if this binary is a non-official build from source code.
func IsValidBucketName ¶
IsValidBucketName verifies that a bucket name is in accordance with Amazon's requirements (i.e. DNS naming conventions). It must be 3-63 characters long, and it must be a sequence of one or more labels separated by periods. Each label can contain lowercase ascii letters, decimal digits and hyphens, but must not begin or end with a hyphen. See:
func IsValidObjectName ¶
IsValidObjectName verifies an object name in accordance with Amazon's requirements. It cannot exceed 1024 characters and must be a valid UTF8 string.
You should avoid the following characters in a key name because of significant special handling for consistency across all applications.
Rejects strings with following characters.
- Backslash ("\")
additionally minio does not support object names with trailing SlashSeparator.
func IsValidObjectPrefix ¶
IsValidObjectPrefix verifies whether the prefix is a valid object name. Its valid to have a empty prefix.
func LivenessCheckHandler ¶
func LivenessCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
LivenessCheckHandler - Checks if the process is up. Always returns success.
func MockOpenIDTestUserInteraction ¶
func MockOpenIDTestUserInteraction(ctx context.Context, pro OpenIDClientAppParams, username, password string) (string, error)
MockOpenIDTestUserInteraction - tries to login to dex using provided credentials. It performs the user's browser interaction to login and retrieves the auth code from dex and exchanges it for a JWT.
func NSUpdated ¶
func NSUpdated(bucket, prefix string)
NSUpdated indicates namespace has been updated. The function will block until the entry has been picked up.
func NewGatewayHTTPTransport ¶
NewGatewayHTTPTransport returns a new http configuration used while communicating with the cloud backends.
func NewGatewayHTTPTransportWithClientCerts ¶
NewGatewayHTTPTransportWithClientCerts returns a new http configuration used while communicating with the cloud backends.
func NewRemoteTargetHTTPTransport ¶
NewRemoteTargetHTTPTransport returns a new http configuration used while communicating with the remote replication targets.
func NewhashReader ¶ added in v0.1.1
func OpenFileDirectIO ¶
OpenFileDirectIO captures time taken to call disk.OpenFileDirectIO
func ParseGatewayEndpoint ¶
ParseGatewayEndpoint - Return endpoint.
func ParseSSECopyCustomerRequest ¶
ParseSSECopyCustomerRequest parses the SSE-C header fields of the provided request. It returns the client provided key on success.
func ParseSSECustomerHeader ¶
ParseSSECustomerHeader parses the SSE-C header fields and returns the client provided key on success.
func ParseSSECustomerRequest ¶
ParseSSECustomerRequest parses the SSE-C header fields of the provided request. It returns the client provided key on success.
func PolicyToBucketAccessPolicy ¶
func PolicyToBucketAccessPolicy(bucketPolicy *policy.Policy) (*miniogopolicy.BucketAccessPolicy, error)
PolicyToBucketAccessPolicy converts a MinIO policy into a minio-go policy data structure.
func ReadinessCheckHandler ¶
func ReadinessCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
ReadinessCheckHandler Checks if the process is up. Always returns success.
func RegisterGatewayCommand ¶
RegisterGatewayCommand registers a new command for gateway.
func ReportMetrics ¶
func ReportMetrics(ctx context.Context, metricsGroups []*MetricsGroup) <-chan Metric
ReportMetrics reports serialized metrics to the channel passed for the metrics generated.
func StartGateway ¶
StartGateway - handler for 'minio gateway <name>'.
func ToMinioClientCompletePart ¶
func ToMinioClientCompletePart(part CompletePart) minio.CompletePart
ToMinioClientCompletePart converts CompletePart to minio CompletePart
func ToMinioClientCompleteParts ¶
func ToMinioClientCompleteParts(parts []CompletePart) []minio.CompletePart
ToMinioClientCompleteParts converts []CompletePart to minio []CompletePart
func ToMinioClientMetadata ¶
ToMinioClientMetadata converts metadata to map[string]string
func ToMinioClientObjectInfoMetadata ¶
ToMinioClientObjectInfoMetadata convertes metadata to map[string][]string
func Trace ¶
func Trace(f http.HandlerFunc, logBody bool, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) madmin.TraceInfo
Trace gets trace of http request
func ValidateGatewayArguments ¶
ValidateGatewayArguments - Validate gateway arguments.
Types ¶
type APIErrorCode ¶
type APIErrorCode int
APIErrorCode type of error status.
const ( ErrNone APIErrorCode = iota ErrAccessDenied ErrBadDigest ErrEntityTooSmall ErrEntityTooLarge ErrPolicyTooLarge ErrIncompleteBody ErrInternalError ErrInvalidAccessKeyID ErrAccessKeyDisabled ErrInvalidBucketName ErrInvalidDigest ErrInvalidRange ErrInvalidRangePartNumber ErrInvalidCopyPartRange ErrInvalidCopyPartRangeSource ErrInvalidMaxKeys ErrInvalidEncodingMethod ErrInvalidMaxUploads ErrInvalidMaxParts ErrInvalidPartNumberMarker ErrInvalidPartNumber ErrInvalidRequestBody ErrInvalidCopySource ErrInvalidMetadataDirective ErrInvalidCopyDest ErrInvalidPolicyDocument ErrInvalidObjectState ErrMalformedXML ErrMissingContentLength ErrMissingContentMD5 ErrMissingRequestBodyError ErrMissingSecurityHeader ErrNoSuchBucket ErrNoSuchBucketPolicy ErrNoSuchBucketLifecycle ErrNoSuchLifecycleConfiguration ErrInvalidLifecycleWithObjectLock ErrNoSuchBucketSSEConfig ErrNoSuchCORSConfiguration ErrNoSuchWebsiteConfiguration ErrReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError ErrRemoteDestinationNotFoundError ErrReplicationDestinationMissingLock ErrRemoteTargetNotFoundError ErrReplicationRemoteConnectionError ErrReplicationBandwidthLimitError ErrBucketRemoteIdenticalToSource ErrBucketRemoteAlreadyExists ErrBucketRemoteLabelInUse ErrBucketRemoteArnTypeInvalid ErrBucketRemoteArnInvalid ErrBucketRemoteRemoveDisallowed ErrRemoteTargetNotVersionedError ErrReplicationSourceNotVersionedError ErrReplicationNeedsVersioningError ErrReplicationBucketNeedsVersioningError ErrReplicationDenyEditError ErrReplicationNoMatchingRuleError ErrObjectRestoreAlreadyInProgress ErrNoSuchKey ErrNoSuchUpload ErrInvalidVersionID ErrNoSuchVersion ErrNotImplemented ErrPreconditionFailed ErrRequestTimeTooSkewed ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch ErrMethodNotAllowed ErrInvalidPart ErrInvalidPartOrder ErrAuthorizationHeaderMalformed ErrMalformedPOSTRequest ErrPOSTFileRequired ErrSignatureVersionNotSupported ErrBucketNotEmpty ErrAllAccessDisabled ErrMalformedPolicy ErrMissingFields ErrMissingCredTag ErrCredMalformed ErrInvalidRegion ErrInvalidServiceS3 ErrInvalidServiceSTS ErrInvalidRequestVersion ErrMissingSignTag ErrMissingSignHeadersTag ErrMalformedDate ErrMalformedPresignedDate ErrMalformedCredentialDate ErrMalformedCredentialRegion ErrMalformedExpires ErrNegativeExpires ErrAuthHeaderEmpty ErrExpiredPresignRequest ErrRequestNotReadyYet ErrUnsignedHeaders ErrMissingDateHeader ErrInvalidQuerySignatureAlgo ErrInvalidQueryParams ErrBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou ErrInvalidDuration ErrBucketAlreadyExists ErrMetadataTooLarge ErrUnsupportedMetadata ErrMaximumExpires ErrSlowDown ErrInvalidPrefixMarker ErrBadRequest ErrKeyTooLongError ErrInvalidBucketObjectLockConfiguration ErrObjectLockConfigurationNotFound ErrObjectLockConfigurationNotAllowed ErrNoSuchObjectLockConfiguration ErrObjectLocked ErrInvalidRetentionDate ErrPastObjectLockRetainDate ErrUnknownWORMModeDirective ErrBucketTaggingNotFound ErrObjectLockInvalidHeaders ErrInvalidTagDirective // SSE-S3 related API errors ErrInvalidEncryptionMethod // Server-Side-Encryption (with Customer provided key) related API errors. ErrInsecureSSECustomerRequest ErrSSEMultipartEncrypted ErrSSEEncryptedObject ErrInvalidEncryptionParameters ErrInvalidSSECustomerAlgorithm ErrInvalidSSECustomerKey ErrMissingSSECustomerKey ErrMissingSSECustomerKeyMD5 ErrSSECustomerKeyMD5Mismatch ErrInvalidSSECustomerParameters ErrIncompatibleEncryptionMethod ErrKMSNotConfigured ErrKMSKeyNotFoundException ErrNoAccessKey ErrInvalidToken // Bucket notification related errors. ErrEventNotification ErrARNNotification ErrRegionNotification ErrOverlappingFilterNotification ErrFilterNameInvalid ErrFilterNamePrefix ErrFilterNameSuffix ErrFilterValueInvalid ErrOverlappingConfigs ErrUnsupportedNotification // S3 extended errors. ErrContentSHA256Mismatch // MinIO extended errors. ErrReadQuorum ErrWriteQuorum ErrStorageFull ErrRequestBodyParse ErrObjectExistsAsDirectory ErrInvalidObjectName ErrInvalidObjectNamePrefixSlash ErrInvalidResourceName ErrServerNotInitialized ErrOperationTimedOut ErrClientDisconnected ErrOperationMaxedOut ErrInvalidRequest ErrTransitionStorageClassNotFoundError // MinIO storage class error codes ErrInvalidStorageClass ErrBackendDown ErrMalformedJSON ErrAdminNoSuchUser ErrAdminNoSuchGroup ErrAdminGroupNotEmpty ErrAdminNoSuchPolicy ErrAdminInvalidArgument ErrAdminInvalidAccessKey ErrAdminInvalidSecretKey ErrAdminConfigNoQuorum ErrAdminConfigTooLarge ErrAdminConfigBadJSON ErrAdminConfigDuplicateKeys ErrAdminCredentialsMismatch ErrInsecureClientRequest ErrObjectTampered // Site-Replication errors ErrSiteReplicationInvalidRequest ErrSiteReplicationPeerResp ErrSiteReplicationBackendIssue ErrSiteReplicationServiceAccountError ErrSiteReplicationBucketConfigError ErrSiteReplicationBucketMetaError ErrSiteReplicationIAMError // Bucket Quota error codes ErrAdminBucketQuotaExceeded ErrAdminNoSuchQuotaConfiguration ErrHealNotImplemented ErrHealNoSuchProcess ErrHealInvalidClientToken ErrHealMissingBucket ErrHealAlreadyRunning ErrHealOverlappingPaths ErrIncorrectContinuationToken // S3 Select Errors ErrEmptyRequestBody ErrUnsupportedFunction ErrInvalidExpressionType ErrBusy ErrExpressionTooLong ErrIllegalSQLFunctionArgument ErrInvalidKeyPath ErrInvalidCompressionFormat ErrInvalidFileHeaderInfo ErrInvalidJSONType ErrInvalidQuoteFields ErrInvalidRequestParameter ErrInvalidDataType ErrInvalidTextEncoding ErrInvalidDataSource ErrInvalidTableAlias ErrMissingRequiredParameter ErrObjectSerializationConflict ErrUnsupportedSQLOperation ErrUnsupportedSQLStructure ErrUnsupportedSyntax ErrUnsupportedRangeHeader ErrLexerInvalidChar ErrLexerInvalidOperator ErrLexerInvalidLiteral ErrLexerInvalidIONLiteral ErrParseExpectedDatePart ErrParseExpectedKeyword ErrParseExpectedTokenType ErrParseExpected2TokenTypes ErrParseExpectedNumber ErrParseExpectedRightParenBuiltinFunctionCall ErrParseExpectedTypeName ErrParseExpectedWhenClause ErrParseUnsupportedToken ErrParseUnsupportedLiteralsGroupBy ErrParseExpectedMember ErrParseUnsupportedSelect ErrParseUnsupportedCase ErrParseUnsupportedCaseClause ErrParseUnsupportedAlias ErrParseUnsupportedSyntax ErrParseUnknownOperator ErrParseMissingIdentAfterAt ErrParseUnexpectedOperator ErrParseUnexpectedTerm ErrParseUnexpectedToken ErrParseUnexpectedKeyword ErrParseExpectedExpression ErrParseExpectedLeftParenAfterCast ErrParseExpectedLeftParenValueConstructor ErrParseExpectedLeftParenBuiltinFunctionCall ErrParseExpectedArgumentDelimiter ErrParseCastArity ErrParseInvalidTypeParam ErrParseEmptySelect ErrParseSelectMissingFrom ErrParseExpectedIdentForGroupName ErrParseExpectedIdentForAlias ErrParseUnsupportedCallWithStar ErrParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall ErrParseMalformedJoin ErrParseExpectedIdentForAt ErrParseAsteriskIsNotAloneInSelectList ErrParseCannotMixSqbAndWildcardInSelectList ErrParseInvalidContextForWildcardInSelectList ErrIncorrectSQLFunctionArgumentType ErrValueParseFailure ErrEvaluatorInvalidArguments ErrIntegerOverflow ErrLikeInvalidInputs ErrCastFailed ErrInvalidCast ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPattern ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbolForParsing ErrEvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternDuplicateFields ErrEvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternHourClockAmPmMismatch ErrEvaluatorUnterminatedTimestampFormatPatternToken ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternToken ErrEvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbol ErrEvaluatorBindingDoesNotExist ErrMissingHeaders ErrInvalidColumnIndex ErrAdminConfigNotificationTargetsFailed ErrAdminProfilerNotEnabled ErrInvalidDecompressedSize ErrAddUserInvalidArgument ErrAdminAccountNotEligible ErrAccountNotEligible ErrAdminServiceAccountNotFound ErrPostPolicyConditionInvalidFormat )
Error codes, non exhaustive list -
func (APIErrorCode) String ¶
func (i APIErrorCode) String() string
type APIErrorResponse ¶
type APIErrorResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Error" json:"-"` Code string Message string Key string `xml:"Key,omitempty" json:"Key,omitempty"` BucketName string `xml:"BucketName,omitempty" json:"BucketName,omitempty"` Resource string Region string `xml:"Region,omitempty" json:"Region,omitempty"` RequestID string `xml:"RequestId" json:"RequestId"` HostID string `xml:"HostId" json:"HostId"` }
APIErrorResponse - error response format
type AccElem ¶
AccElem holds information for calculating an average value
func (AccElem) MarshalMsg ¶
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
type AdminError ¶
AdminError - is a generic error for all admin APIs.
func (AdminError) Error ¶
func (ae AdminError) Error() string
type AllAccessDisabled ¶
type AllAccessDisabled GenericError
AllAccessDisabled All access to this object has been disabled
func (AllAccessDisabled) Error ¶
func (e AllAccessDisabled) Error() string
Error returns string an error formatted as the given text.
type AssumeRoleResponse ¶
type AssumeRoleResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AssumeRoleResponse" json:"-"` Result AssumeRoleResult `xml:"AssumeRoleResult"` ResponseMetadata struct { RequestID string `xml:"RequestId,omitempty"` } `xml:"ResponseMetadata,omitempty"` }
AssumeRoleResponse contains the result of successful AssumeRole request.
type AssumeRoleResult ¶
type AssumeRoleResult struct { // The identifiers for the temporary security credentials that the operation // returns. AssumedRoleUser AssumedRoleUser `xml:",omitempty"` // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret // access key, and a security (or session) token. // // Note: The size of the security token that STS APIs return is not fixed. We // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. As // of this writing, the typical size is less than 4096 bytes, but that can vary. // Also, future updates to AWS might require larger sizes. Credentials auth.Credentials `xml:",omitempty"` // A percentage value that indicates the size of the policy in packed form. // The service rejects any policy with a packed size greater than 100 percent, // which means the policy exceeded the allowed space. PackedPolicySize int `xml:",omitempty"` }
AssumeRoleResult - Contains the response to a successful AssumeRole request, including temporary credentials that can be used to make MinIO API requests.
type AssumeRoleWithCertificateResponse ¶
type AssumeRoleWithCertificateResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AssumeRoleWithCertificateResponse" json:"-"` Result struct { Credentials auth.Credentials `xml:"Credentials,omitempty"` } `xml:"AssumeRoleWithCertificateResult"` Metadata struct { RequestID string `xml:"RequestId,omitempty"` } `xml:"ResponseMetadata,omitempty"` }
AssumeRoleWithCertificateResponse contains the result of a successful AssumeRoleWithCertificate request.
type AssumeRoleWithClientGrantsResponse ¶
type AssumeRoleWithClientGrantsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AssumeRoleWithClientGrantsResponse" json:"-"` Result ClientGrantsResult `xml:"AssumeRoleWithClientGrantsResult"` ResponseMetadata struct { RequestID string `xml:"RequestId,omitempty"` } `xml:"ResponseMetadata,omitempty"` }
AssumeRoleWithClientGrantsResponse contains the result of successful AssumeRoleWithClientGrants request.
type AssumeRoleWithLDAPResponse ¶
type AssumeRoleWithLDAPResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentityResponse" json:"-"` Result LDAPIdentityResult `xml:"AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentityResult"` ResponseMetadata struct { RequestID string `xml:"RequestId,omitempty"` } `xml:"ResponseMetadata,omitempty"` }
AssumeRoleWithLDAPResponse contains the result of successful AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity request
type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse ¶
type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse" json:"-"` Result WebIdentityResult `xml:"AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResult"` ResponseMetadata struct { RequestID string `xml:"RequestId,omitempty"` } `xml:"ResponseMetadata,omitempty"` }
AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse contains the result of successful AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request.
type AssumedRoleUser ¶
type AssumedRoleUser struct { // The ARN of the temporary security credentials that are returned from the // AssumeRole action. For more information about ARNs and how to use them in // policies, see IAM Identifiers ( // in Using IAM. // // Arn is a required field Arn string // A unique identifier that contains the role ID and the role session name of // the role that is being assumed. The role ID is generated by AWS when the // role is created. // // AssumedRoleId is a required field AssumedRoleID string `xml:"AssumeRoleId"` }
AssumedRoleUser - The identifiers for the temporary security credentials that the operation returns. Please also see
type AuditLogOptions ¶
AuditLogOptions takes options for audit logging subsystem activity
type BackendDown ¶
type BackendDown struct {
Err string
BackendDown is returned for network errors or if the gateway's backend is down.
func (BackendDown) Error ¶
func (e BackendDown) Error() string
type BackendMetrics ¶
type BackendMetrics struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BackendMetrics - represents bytes served from backend
func NewMetrics ¶
func NewMetrics() *BackendMetrics
NewMetrics - Prepare new BackendMetrics structure
func (*BackendMetrics) GetBytesReceived ¶
func (s *BackendMetrics) GetBytesReceived() uint64
GetBytesReceived - Get total bytes received from gateway backend
func (*BackendMetrics) GetBytesSent ¶
func (s *BackendMetrics) GetBytesSent() uint64
GetBytesSent - Get total bytes received from gateway backend
func (*BackendMetrics) GetRequests ¶
func (s *BackendMetrics) GetRequests() RequestStats
GetRequests - Get total number of Get & Headrequests sent to gateway backend
func (*BackendMetrics) IncBytesReceived ¶
func (s *BackendMetrics) IncBytesReceived(n uint64)
IncBytesReceived - Increase total bytes received from gateway backend
func (*BackendMetrics) IncBytesSent ¶
func (s *BackendMetrics) IncBytesSent(n uint64)
IncBytesSent - Increase total bytes sent to gateway backend
func (*BackendMetrics) IncRequests ¶
func (s *BackendMetrics) IncRequests(method string)
IncRequests - Increase request count sent to gateway backend by 1
type BitrotAlgorithm ¶
type BitrotAlgorithm uint
BitrotAlgorithm specifies a algorithm used for bitrot protection.
const ( // SHA256 represents the SHA-256 hash function SHA256 BitrotAlgorithm = 1 + iota // HighwayHash256 represents the HighwayHash-256 hash function HighwayHash256 // HighwayHash256S represents the Streaming HighwayHash-256 hash function HighwayHash256S // BLAKE2b512 represents the BLAKE2b-512 hash function BLAKE2b512 )
func BitrotAlgorithmFromString ¶
func BitrotAlgorithmFromString(s string) (a BitrotAlgorithm)
BitrotAlgorithmFromString returns a bitrot algorithm from the given string representation. It returns 0 if the string representation does not match any supported algorithm. The zero value of a bitrot algorithm is never supported.
func (BitrotAlgorithm) Available ¶
func (a BitrotAlgorithm) Available() bool
Available reports whether the given algorithm is available.
func (*BitrotAlgorithm) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *BitrotAlgorithm) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (BitrotAlgorithm) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z BitrotAlgorithm) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (BitrotAlgorithm) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z BitrotAlgorithm) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (BitrotAlgorithm) Msgsize ¶
func (z BitrotAlgorithm) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (BitrotAlgorithm) New ¶
func (a BitrotAlgorithm) New() hash.Hash
New returns a new hash.Hash calculating the given bitrot algorithm.
func (BitrotAlgorithm) String ¶
func (a BitrotAlgorithm) String() string
String returns the string identifier for a given bitrot algorithm. If the algorithm is not supported String panics.
func (*BitrotAlgorithm) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BitrotAlgorithm) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type BitrotVerifier ¶
type BitrotVerifier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BitrotVerifier can be used to verify protected data.
func NewBitrotVerifier ¶
func NewBitrotVerifier(algorithm BitrotAlgorithm, checksum []byte) *BitrotVerifier
NewBitrotVerifier returns a new BitrotVerifier implementing the given algorithm.
type Bucket ¶
type Bucket struct { Name string CreationDate string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z" }
Bucket container for bucket metadata
type BucketAccessPolicy ¶
type BucketAccessPolicy struct { Bucket string `json:"bucket"` Prefix string `json:"prefix"` Policy miniogopolicy.BucketPolicy `json:"policy"` }
BucketAccessPolicy - Collection of canned bucket policy at a given prefix.
type BucketAlreadyExists ¶
type BucketAlreadyExists GenericError
BucketAlreadyExists the requested bucket name is not available.
func (BucketAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e BucketAlreadyExists) Error() string
type BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou ¶
type BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou GenericError
BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou already owned by you.
func (BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou) Error ¶
func (e BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou) Error() string
type BucketExists ¶
type BucketExists GenericError
BucketExists bucket exists.
func (BucketExists) Error ¶
func (e BucketExists) Error() string
type BucketInfo ¶
type BucketInfo struct { // Name of the bucket. Name string // Date and time when the bucket was created. Created time.Time }
BucketInfo - represents bucket metadata.
type BucketLifecycleNotFound ¶
type BucketLifecycleNotFound GenericError
BucketLifecycleNotFound - no bucket lifecycle found.
func (BucketLifecycleNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketLifecycleNotFound) Error() string
type BucketMetadata ¶
type BucketMetadata struct { Name string Created time.Time LockEnabled bool // legacy not used anymore. PolicyConfigJSON []byte NotificationConfigXML []byte LifecycleConfigXML []byte ObjectLockConfigXML []byte VersioningConfigXML []byte EncryptionConfigXML []byte TaggingConfigXML []byte QuotaConfigJSON []byte ReplicationConfigXML []byte BucketTargetsConfigJSON []byte BucketTargetsConfigMetaJSON []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BucketMetadata contains bucket metadata. When adding/removing fields, regenerate the marshal code using the go generate above. Only changing meaning of fields requires a version bump. bucketMetadataFormat refers to the format. bucketMetadataVersion can be used to track a rolling upgrade of a field.
func (*BucketMetadata) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketMetadata) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*BucketMetadata) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketMetadata) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*BucketMetadata) Load ¶
func (b *BucketMetadata) Load(ctx context.Context, api ObjectLayer, name string) error
Load - loads the metadata of bucket by name from ObjectLayer api. If an error is returned the returned metadata will be default initialized.
func (*BucketMetadata) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketMetadata) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*BucketMetadata) Msgsize ¶
func (z *BucketMetadata) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*BucketMetadata) Save ¶
func (b *BucketMetadata) Save(ctx context.Context, api ObjectLayer) error
Save config to supplied ObjectLayer api.
func (*BucketMetadata) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketMetadata) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type BucketMetadataSys ¶
BucketMetadataSys captures all bucket metadata for a given cluster.
func NewBucketMetadataSys ¶
func NewBucketMetadataSys() *BucketMetadataSys
NewBucketMetadataSys - creates new policy system.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) Get ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Get(bucket string) (BucketMetadata, error)
Get metadata for a bucket. If no metadata exists errConfigNotFound is returned and a new metadata is returned. Only a shallow copy is returned, so referenced data should not be modified, but can be replaced atomically.
This function should only be used with - GetBucketInfo - ListBuckets For all other bucket specific metadata, use the relevant calls implemented specifically for each of those features.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetBucketTarget ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetBucketTarget(bucket string, arn string) (madmin.BucketTarget, error)
GetBucketTarget returns the target for the bucket and arn.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetBucketTargetsConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetBucketTargetsConfig(bucket string) (*madmin.BucketTargets, error)
GetBucketTargetsConfig returns configured bucket targets for this bucket The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (BucketMetadata, error)
GetConfig returns a specific configuration from the bucket metadata. The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetLifecycleConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetLifecycleConfig(bucket string) (*lifecycle.Lifecycle, error)
GetLifecycleConfig returns configured lifecycle config The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetNotificationConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetNotificationConfig(bucket string) (*event.Config, error)
GetNotificationConfig returns configured notification config The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetObjectLockConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetObjectLockConfig(bucket string) (*objectlock.Config, error)
GetObjectLockConfig returns configured object lock config The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetPolicyConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetPolicyConfig(bucket string) (*policy.Policy, error)
GetPolicyConfig returns configured bucket policy The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetQuotaConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetQuotaConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*madmin.BucketQuota, error)
GetQuotaConfig returns configured bucket quota The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetReplicationConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetReplicationConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*replication.Config, error)
GetReplicationConfig returns configured bucket replication config The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetSSEConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetSSEConfig(bucket string) (*bucketsse.BucketSSEConfig, error)
GetSSEConfig returns configured SSE config The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetTaggingConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetTaggingConfig(bucket string) (*tags.Tags, error)
GetTaggingConfig returns configured tagging config The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) GetVersioningConfig ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) GetVersioningConfig(bucket string) (*versioning.Versioning, error)
GetVersioningConfig returns configured versioning config The returned object may not be modified.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) Init ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Init(ctx context.Context, buckets []BucketInfo, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
Init - initializes bucket metadata system for all buckets.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) Remove ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Remove(bucket string)
Remove bucket metadata from memory.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) Reset ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Reset()
Reset the state of the BucketMetadataSys.
func (*BucketMetadataSys) Set ¶
func (sys *BucketMetadataSys) Set(bucket string, meta BucketMetadata)
Set - sets a new metadata in-memory. Only a shallow copy is saved and fields with references cannot be modified without causing a race condition, so they should be replaced atomically and not appended to, etc. Data is not persisted to disk.
type BucketNameInvalid ¶
type BucketNameInvalid GenericError
BucketNameInvalid - bucketname provided is invalid.
func (BucketNameInvalid) Error ¶
func (e BucketNameInvalid) Error() string
Error returns string an error formatted as the given text.
type BucketNotEmpty ¶
type BucketNotEmpty GenericError
BucketNotEmpty bucket is not empty.
func (BucketNotEmpty) Error ¶
func (e BucketNotEmpty) Error() string
type BucketNotFound ¶
type BucketNotFound GenericError
BucketNotFound bucket does not exist.
func (BucketNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketNotFound) Error() string
type BucketObjectLockConfigNotFound ¶
type BucketObjectLockConfigNotFound GenericError
BucketObjectLockConfigNotFound - no bucket object lock config found
func (BucketObjectLockConfigNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketObjectLockConfigNotFound) Error() string
type BucketObjectLockSys ¶
type BucketObjectLockSys struct{}
BucketObjectLockSys - map of bucket and retention configuration.
func NewBucketObjectLockSys ¶
func NewBucketObjectLockSys() *BucketObjectLockSys
NewBucketObjectLockSys returns initialized BucketObjectLockSys
func (*BucketObjectLockSys) Get ¶
func (sys *BucketObjectLockSys) Get(bucketName string) (r objectlock.Retention, err error)
Get - Get retention configuration.
type BucketOptions ¶
BucketOptions represents bucket options for ObjectLayer bucket operations
type BucketPolicyNotFound ¶
type BucketPolicyNotFound GenericError
BucketPolicyNotFound - no bucket policy found.
func (BucketPolicyNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketPolicyNotFound) Error() string
type BucketQuotaConfigNotFound ¶
type BucketQuotaConfigNotFound GenericError
BucketQuotaConfigNotFound - no bucket quota config found.
func (BucketQuotaConfigNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketQuotaConfigNotFound) Error() string
type BucketQuotaExceeded ¶
type BucketQuotaExceeded GenericError
BucketQuotaExceeded - bucket quota exceeded.
func (BucketQuotaExceeded) Error ¶
func (e BucketQuotaExceeded) Error() string
type BucketQuotaSys ¶
type BucketQuotaSys struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BucketQuotaSys - map of bucket and quota configuration.
func NewBucketQuotaSys ¶
func NewBucketQuotaSys() *BucketQuotaSys
NewBucketQuotaSys returns initialized BucketQuotaSys
func (*BucketQuotaSys) Get ¶
func (sys *BucketQuotaSys) Get(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) (*madmin.BucketQuota, error)
Get - Get quota configuration.
func (*BucketQuotaSys) GetBucketUsageInfo ¶
func (sys *BucketQuotaSys) GetBucketUsageInfo(bucket string) (BucketUsageInfo, error)
GetBucketUsageInfo return bucket usage info for a given bucket
func (*BucketQuotaSys) Init ¶
func (sys *BucketQuotaSys) Init(objAPI ObjectLayer)
Init initialize bucket quota.
type BucketRemoteAlreadyExists ¶
type BucketRemoteAlreadyExists GenericError
BucketRemoteAlreadyExists remote already exists for this target type.
func (BucketRemoteAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteAlreadyExists) Error() string
type BucketRemoteArnInvalid ¶
type BucketRemoteArnInvalid GenericError
BucketRemoteArnInvalid arn needs to be specified.
func (BucketRemoteArnInvalid) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteArnInvalid) Error() string
type BucketRemoteArnTypeInvalid ¶
type BucketRemoteArnTypeInvalid GenericError
BucketRemoteArnTypeInvalid arn type for remote is not valid.
func (BucketRemoteArnTypeInvalid) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteArnTypeInvalid) Error() string
type BucketRemoteConnectionErr ¶
type BucketRemoteConnectionErr GenericError
BucketRemoteConnectionErr remote target connection failure.
func (BucketRemoteConnectionErr) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteConnectionErr) Error() string
type BucketRemoteDestinationNotFound ¶
type BucketRemoteDestinationNotFound GenericError
BucketRemoteDestinationNotFound bucket does not exist.
func (BucketRemoteDestinationNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteDestinationNotFound) Error() string
type BucketRemoteLabelInUse ¶
type BucketRemoteLabelInUse GenericError
BucketRemoteLabelInUse remote already exists for this target label.
func (BucketRemoteLabelInUse) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteLabelInUse) Error() string
type BucketRemoteRemoveDisallowed ¶
type BucketRemoteRemoveDisallowed GenericError
BucketRemoteRemoveDisallowed when replication configuration exists
func (BucketRemoteRemoveDisallowed) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteRemoveDisallowed) Error() string
type BucketRemoteTargetNotFound ¶
type BucketRemoteTargetNotFound GenericError
BucketRemoteTargetNotFound remote target does not exist.
func (BucketRemoteTargetNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteTargetNotFound) Error() string
type BucketRemoteTargetNotVersioned ¶
type BucketRemoteTargetNotVersioned GenericError
BucketRemoteTargetNotVersioned remote target does not have versioning enabled.
func (BucketRemoteTargetNotVersioned) Error ¶
func (e BucketRemoteTargetNotVersioned) Error() string
type BucketReplicationConfigNotFound ¶
type BucketReplicationConfigNotFound GenericError
BucketReplicationConfigNotFound - no bucket replication config found
func (BucketReplicationConfigNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketReplicationConfigNotFound) Error() string
type BucketReplicationResyncStatus ¶
type BucketReplicationResyncStatus struct { Version int `json:"version" msg:"v"` // map of remote arn to their resync status for a bucket TargetsMap map[string]TargetReplicationResyncStatus `json:"resyncMap,omitempty" msg:"brs"` ID int `json:"id" msg:"id"` LastUpdate time.Time `json:"lastUpdate" msg:"lu"` }
BucketReplicationResyncStatus captures current replication resync status
func (*BucketReplicationResyncStatus) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*BucketReplicationResyncStatus) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*BucketReplicationResyncStatus) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*BucketReplicationResyncStatus) Msgsize ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*BucketReplicationResyncStatus) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationResyncStatus) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type BucketReplicationSourceNotVersioned ¶
type BucketReplicationSourceNotVersioned GenericError
BucketReplicationSourceNotVersioned replication source does not have versioning enabled.
func (BucketReplicationSourceNotVersioned) Error ¶
func (e BucketReplicationSourceNotVersioned) Error() string
type BucketReplicationStat ¶
type BucketReplicationStat struct { // Pending size in bytes PendingSize int64 `json:"pendingReplicationSize"` // Completed size in bytes ReplicatedSize int64 `json:"completedReplicationSize"` // Total Replica size in bytes ReplicaSize int64 `json:"replicaSize"` // Failed size in bytes FailedSize int64 `json:"failedReplicationSize"` // Total number of pending operations including metadata updates PendingCount int64 `json:"pendingReplicationCount"` // Total number of failed operations including metadata updates FailedCount int64 `json:"failedReplicationCount"` // Replication latency information Latency ReplicationLatency `json:"replicationLatency"` }
BucketReplicationStat represents inline replication statistics such as pending, failed and completed bytes in total for a bucket remote target
func (*BucketReplicationStat) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStat) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*BucketReplicationStat) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStat) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*BucketReplicationStat) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStat) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*BucketReplicationStat) Msgsize ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStat) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*BucketReplicationStat) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStat) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type BucketReplicationStats ¶
type BucketReplicationStats struct { Stats map[string]*BucketReplicationStat // Pending size in bytes PendingSize int64 `json:"pendingReplicationSize"` // Completed size in bytes ReplicatedSize int64 `json:"completedReplicationSize"` // Total Replica size in bytes ReplicaSize int64 `json:"replicaSize"` // Failed size in bytes FailedSize int64 `json:"failedReplicationSize"` // Total number of pending operations including metadata updates PendingCount int64 `json:"pendingReplicationCount"` // Total number of failed operations including metadata updates FailedCount int64 `json:"failedReplicationCount"` }
BucketReplicationStats represents inline replication statistics such as pending, failed and completed bytes in total for a bucket
func (BucketReplicationStats) Clone ¶
func (brs BucketReplicationStats) Clone() (c BucketReplicationStats)
Clone creates a new BucketReplicationStats copy
func (*BucketReplicationStats) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStats) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*BucketReplicationStats) Empty ¶
func (brs *BucketReplicationStats) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if there are no target stats
func (*BucketReplicationStats) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStats) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*BucketReplicationStats) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStats) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*BucketReplicationStats) Msgsize ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStats) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*BucketReplicationStats) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketReplicationStats) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type BucketSSEConfigNotFound ¶
type BucketSSEConfigNotFound GenericError
BucketSSEConfigNotFound - no bucket encryption found
func (BucketSSEConfigNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketSSEConfigNotFound) Error() string
type BucketSSEConfigSys ¶
type BucketSSEConfigSys struct{}
BucketSSEConfigSys - in-memory cache of bucket encryption config
func NewBucketSSEConfigSys ¶
func NewBucketSSEConfigSys() *BucketSSEConfigSys
NewBucketSSEConfigSys - Creates an empty in-memory bucket encryption configuration cache
func (*BucketSSEConfigSys) Get ¶
func (sys *BucketSSEConfigSys) Get(bucket string) (*sse.BucketSSEConfig, error)
Get - gets bucket encryption config for the given bucket.
type BucketStats ¶
type BucketStats struct {
ReplicationStats BucketReplicationStats
BucketStats bucket statistics
func (*BucketStats) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketStats) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*BucketStats) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *BucketStats) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*BucketStats) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketStats) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*BucketStats) Msgsize ¶
func (z *BucketStats) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*BucketStats) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *BucketStats) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type BucketTaggingNotFound ¶
type BucketTaggingNotFound GenericError
BucketTaggingNotFound - no bucket tags found
func (BucketTaggingNotFound) Error ¶
func (e BucketTaggingNotFound) Error() string
type BucketTargetSys ¶
BucketTargetSys represents bucket targets subsystem
func NewBucketTargetSys ¶
func NewBucketTargetSys() *BucketTargetSys
NewBucketTargetSys - creates new replication system.
func (*BucketTargetSys) Delete ¶
func (sys *BucketTargetSys) Delete(bucket string)
Delete clears targets present for a bucket
func (*BucketTargetSys) GetRemoteBucketTargetByArn ¶
func (sys *BucketTargetSys) GetRemoteBucketTargetByArn(ctx context.Context, bucket, arn string) madmin.BucketTarget
GetRemoteBucketTargetByArn returns BucketTarget for a ARN
func (*BucketTargetSys) GetRemoteTargetClient ¶
func (sys *BucketTargetSys) GetRemoteTargetClient(ctx context.Context, arn string) *TargetClient
GetRemoteTargetClient returns minio-go client for replication target instance
func (*BucketTargetSys) ListBucketTargets ¶
func (sys *BucketTargetSys) ListBucketTargets(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*madmin.BucketTargets, error)
ListBucketTargets - gets list of bucket targets for this bucket.
func (*BucketTargetSys) ListTargets ¶
func (sys *BucketTargetSys) ListTargets(ctx context.Context, bucket, arnType string) (targets []madmin.BucketTarget)
ListTargets lists bucket targets across tenant or for individual bucket, and returns results filtered by arnType
func (*BucketTargetSys) RemoveTarget ¶
func (sys *BucketTargetSys) RemoveTarget(ctx context.Context, bucket, arnStr string) error
RemoveTarget - removes a remote bucket target for this source bucket.
func (*BucketTargetSys) SetTarget ¶
func (sys *BucketTargetSys) SetTarget(ctx context.Context, bucket string, tgt *madmin.BucketTarget, update bool) error
SetTarget - sets a new minio-go client target for this bucket.
func (*BucketTargetSys) UpdateAllTargets ¶
func (sys *BucketTargetSys) UpdateAllTargets(bucket string, tgts *madmin.BucketTargets)
UpdateAllTargets updates target to reflect metadata updates
type BucketTargetUsageInfo ¶
type BucketTargetUsageInfo struct { ReplicationPendingSize uint64 `json:"objectsPendingReplicationTotalSize"` ReplicationFailedSize uint64 `json:"objectsFailedReplicationTotalSize"` ReplicatedSize uint64 `json:"objectsReplicatedTotalSize"` ReplicaSize uint64 `json:"objectReplicaTotalSize"` ReplicationPendingCount uint64 `json:"objectsPendingReplicationCount"` ReplicationFailedCount uint64 `json:"objectsFailedReplicationCount"` }
BucketTargetUsageInfo - bucket target usage info provides - replicated size for all objects sent to this target - replica size for all objects received from this target - replication pending size for all objects pending replication to this target - replication failed size for all objects failed replication to this target - replica pending count - replica failed count
type BucketUsageInfo ¶
type BucketUsageInfo struct { Size uint64 `json:"size"` // Following five fields suffixed with V1 are here for backward compatibility // Total Size for objects that have not yet been replicated ReplicationPendingSizeV1 uint64 `json:"objectsPendingReplicationTotalSize"` // Total size for objects that have witness one or more failures and will be retried ReplicationFailedSizeV1 uint64 `json:"objectsFailedReplicationTotalSize"` // Total size for objects that have been replicated to destination ReplicatedSizeV1 uint64 `json:"objectsReplicatedTotalSize"` // Total number of objects pending replication ReplicationPendingCountV1 uint64 `json:"objectsPendingReplicationCount"` // Total number of objects that failed replication ReplicationFailedCountV1 uint64 `json:"objectsFailedReplicationCount"` ObjectsCount uint64 `json:"objectsCount"` ObjectSizesHistogram map[string]uint64 `json:"objectsSizesHistogram"` ReplicaSize uint64 `json:"objectReplicaTotalSize"` ReplicationInfo map[string]BucketTargetUsageInfo `json:"objectsReplicationInfo"` }
BucketUsageInfo - bucket usage info provides - total size of the bucket - total objects in a bucket - object size histogram per bucket
type BucketVersioningSys ¶
type BucketVersioningSys struct{}
BucketVersioningSys - policy subsystem.
func NewBucketVersioningSys ¶
func NewBucketVersioningSys() *BucketVersioningSys
NewBucketVersioningSys - creates new versioning system.
func (*BucketVersioningSys) Enabled ¶
func (sys *BucketVersioningSys) Enabled(bucket string) bool
Enabled enabled versioning?
func (*BucketVersioningSys) Get ¶
func (sys *BucketVersioningSys) Get(bucket string) (*versioning.Versioning, error)
Get returns stored bucket policy
func (*BucketVersioningSys) Reset ¶
func (sys *BucketVersioningSys) Reset()
Reset BucketVersioningSys to initial state.
func (*BucketVersioningSys) Suspended ¶
func (sys *BucketVersioningSys) Suspended(bucket string) bool
Suspended suspended versioning?
type CacheChecksumInfoV1 ¶
type CacheChecksumInfoV1 struct { Algorithm string `json:"algorithm"` Blocksize int64 `json:"blocksize"` }
CacheChecksumInfoV1 - carries checksums of individual blocks on disk.
type CacheDiskStats ¶
type CacheDiskStats struct { // used cache size UsageSize uint64 // total cache disk capacity TotalCapacity uint64 // indicates if usage is high or low, if high value is '1', if low its '0' UsageState int32 // indicates the current usage percentage of this cache disk UsagePercent uint64 Dir string }
CacheDiskStats represents cache disk statistics such as current disk usage and available.
func (*CacheDiskStats) GetUsageLevelString ¶
func (c *CacheDiskStats) GetUsageLevelString() (u string)
GetUsageLevelString gets the string representation for the usage level.
type CacheObjectLayer ¶
type CacheObjectLayer interface { // Object operations. GetObjectNInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, h http.Header, lockType LockType, opts ObjectOptions) (gr *GetObjectReader, err error) GetObjectInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects []ObjectToDelete, opts ObjectOptions) ([]DeletedObject, []error) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, destBucket, destObject string, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) // Multipart operations. NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (uploadID string, err error) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partID int, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (info PartInfo, err error) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) error CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, uploadedParts []CompletePart, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, uploadID string, partID int, startOffset int64, length int64, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (pi PartInfo, e error) // Storage operations. StorageInfo(ctx context.Context) CacheStorageInfo CacheStats() *CacheStats }
CacheObjectLayer implements primitives for cache object API layer.
type CacheStats ¶
type CacheStats struct { BytesServed uint64 Hits uint64 Misses uint64 GetDiskStats func() []CacheDiskStats }
CacheStats - represents bytes served from cache, cache hits and cache misses.
type CacheStatusType ¶
type CacheStatusType string
CacheStatusType - whether the request was served from cache.
const ( // CacheHit - whether object was served from cache. CacheHit CacheStatusType = "HIT" // CacheMiss - object served from backend. CacheMiss CacheStatusType = "MISS" )
func (CacheStatusType) String ¶
func (c CacheStatusType) String() string
type CacheStorageInfo ¶
type CacheStorageInfo struct { Total uint64 // Total cache disk space. Free uint64 // Free cache available space. }
CacheStorageInfo - represents total, free capacity of underlying cache storage.
type CheckPreconditionFn ¶
type CheckPreconditionFn func(o ObjectInfo) bool
CheckPreconditionFn returns true if precondition check failed.
type ChecksumAlgo ¶
type ChecksumAlgo uint8
ChecksumAlgo defines common type of different checksum algorithms
const (
HighwayHash ChecksumAlgo = 1
List of currently supported checksum algorithms
func (*ChecksumAlgo) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ChecksumAlgo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (ChecksumAlgo) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z ChecksumAlgo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (ChecksumAlgo) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z ChecksumAlgo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (ChecksumAlgo) Msgsize ¶
func (z ChecksumAlgo) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ChecksumAlgo) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ChecksumAlgo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ChecksumInfo ¶
type ChecksumInfo struct { PartNumber int Algorithm BitrotAlgorithm Hash []byte }
ChecksumInfo - carries checksums of individual scattered parts per disk.
func (*ChecksumInfo) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ChecksumInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*ChecksumInfo) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *ChecksumInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (ChecksumInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c ChecksumInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals the ChecksumInfo struct
func (*ChecksumInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ChecksumInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*ChecksumInfo) Msgsize ¶
func (z *ChecksumInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ChecksumInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ChecksumInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON - custom checksum info unmarshaller
func (*ChecksumInfo) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ChecksumInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ClientGrantsResult ¶
type ClientGrantsResult struct { // The identifiers for the temporary security credentials that the operation // returns. AssumedRoleUser AssumedRoleUser `xml:",omitempty"` // The intended audience (also known as client ID) of the web identity token. // This is traditionally the client identifier issued to the application that // requested the client grants. Audience string `xml:",omitempty"` // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret // access key, and a security (or session) token. // // Note: The size of the security token that STS APIs return is not fixed. We // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. As // of this writing, the typical size is less than 4096 bytes, but that can vary. // Also, future updates to AWS might require larger sizes. Credentials auth.Credentials `xml:",omitempty"` // A percentage value that indicates the size of the policy in packed form. // The service rejects any policy with a packed size greater than 100 percent, // which means the policy exceeded the allowed space. PackedPolicySize int `xml:",omitempty"` // The issuing authority of the web identity token presented. For OpenID Connect // ID tokens, this contains the value of the iss field. For OAuth 2.0 id_tokens, // this contains the value of the ProviderId parameter that was passed in the // AssumeRoleWithClientGrants request. Provider string `xml:",omitempty"` // The unique user identifier that is returned by the identity provider. // This identifier is associated with the Token that was submitted // with the AssumeRoleWithClientGrants call. The identifier is typically unique to // the user and the application that acquired the ClientGrantsToken (pairwise identifier). // For OpenID Connect ID tokens, this field contains the value returned by the identity // provider as the token's sub (Subject) claim. SubjectFromToken string `xml:",omitempty"` }
ClientGrantsResult - Contains the response to a successful AssumeRoleWithClientGrants request, including temporary credentials that can be used to make MinIO API requests.
type CommonPrefix ¶
type CommonPrefix struct {
Prefix string
CommonPrefix container for prefix response in ListObjectsResponse
type CompleteMultipartUpload ¶
type CompleteMultipartUpload struct {
Parts []CompletePart `xml:"Part"`
CompleteMultipartUpload - represents list of parts which are completed, this is sent by the client during CompleteMultipartUpload request.
type CompleteMultipartUploadResponse ¶
type CompleteMultipartUploadResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" CompleteMultipartUploadResult" json:"-"` Location string Bucket string Key string ETag string }
CompleteMultipartUploadResponse container for completed multipart upload response
type CompletePart ¶
type CompletePart struct { // Part number identifying the part. This is a positive integer between 1 and // 10,000 PartNumber int // Entity tag returned when the part was uploaded. ETag string }
CompletePart - represents the part that was completed, this is sent by the client during CompleteMultipartUpload request.
type CompletedParts ¶
type CompletedParts []CompletePart
CompletedParts - is a collection satisfying sort.Interface.
func (CompletedParts) Len ¶
func (a CompletedParts) Len() int
func (CompletedParts) Less ¶
func (a CompletedParts) Less(i, j int) bool
func (CompletedParts) Swap ¶
func (a CompletedParts) Swap(i, j int)
type ConfigDir ¶
type ConfigDir struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConfigDir - points to a user set directory.
type ConfigSys ¶
type ConfigSys struct{}
ConfigSys - config system.
func (*ConfigSys) Init ¶
func (sys *ConfigSys) Init(objAPI ObjectLayer) error
Init - initializes config system from config.json.
type ConnStats ¶
type ConnStats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConnStats - Network statistics Count total input/output transferred bytes during the server's life.
type ConsoleLogger ¶
type ConsoleLogger struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
ConsoleLogger is introduced to workaround the dependency about logrus
type CopyObjectPartResponse ¶
type CopyObjectPartResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" CopyPartResult" json:"-"` LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z" ETag string // md5sum of the copied object part. }
CopyObjectPartResponse container returns ETag and LastModified of the successfully copied object
type CopyObjectResponse ¶
type CopyObjectResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" CopyObjectResult" json:"-"` LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z" ETag string // md5sum of the copied object. }
CopyObjectResponse container returns ETag and LastModified of the successfully copied object
type DataUsageInfo ¶
type DataUsageInfo struct { // LastUpdate is the timestamp of when the data usage info was last updated. // This does not indicate a full scan. LastUpdate time.Time `json:"lastUpdate"` // Objects total count across all buckets ObjectsTotalCount uint64 `json:"objectsCount"` // Objects total size across all buckets ObjectsTotalSize uint64 `json:"objectsTotalSize"` ReplicationInfo map[string]BucketTargetUsageInfo `json:"objectsReplicationInfo"` // Total number of buckets in this cluster BucketsCount uint64 `json:"bucketsCount"` // Buckets usage info provides following information across all buckets // - total size of the bucket // - total objects in a bucket // - object size histogram per bucket BucketsUsage map[string]BucketUsageInfo `json:"bucketsUsageInfo"` // Deprecated kept here for backward compatibility reasons. BucketSizes map[string]uint64 `json:"bucketsSizes"` // TierStats contains per-tier stats of all configured remote tiers TierStats *allTierStats `json:"tierStats,omitempty"` }
DataUsageInfo represents data usage stats of the underlying Object API
type DecryptBlocksReader ¶
type DecryptBlocksReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DecryptBlocksReader - decrypts multipart parts, while implementing a io.Reader compatible interface.
type DeleteBucketOptions ¶
type DeleteBucketOptions struct { Force bool // Force deletion NoRecreate bool // Do not recreate on delete failures }
DeleteBucketOptions provides options for DeleteBucket calls.
type DeleteError ¶
type DeleteError struct { Code string Message string Key string VersionID string `xml:"VersionId"` }
DeleteError structure.
type DeleteMarkerMTime ¶
DeleteMarkerMTime is an embedded type containing time.Time for XML marshal
func (DeleteMarkerMTime) MarshalXML ¶
func (t DeleteMarkerMTime) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, startElement xml.StartElement) error
MarshalXML encodes expiration date if it is non-zero and encodes empty string otherwise
type DeleteObjectsRequest ¶
type DeleteObjectsRequest struct { // Element to enable quiet mode for the request Quiet bool // List of objects to be deleted Objects []ObjectToDelete `xml:"Object"` }
DeleteObjectsRequest - xml carrying the object key names which needs to be deleted.
type DeleteObjectsResponse ¶
type DeleteObjectsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" DeleteResult" json:"-"` // Collection of all deleted objects DeletedObjects []DeletedObject `xml:"Deleted,omitempty"` // Collection of errors deleting certain objects. Errors []DeleteError `xml:"Error,omitempty"` }
DeleteObjectsResponse container for multiple object deletes.
type DeleteVersionsErrsResp ¶
type DeleteVersionsErrsResp struct {
Errs []error
DeleteVersionsErrsResp - collection of delete errors for bulk version deletes
type DeletedObject ¶
type DeletedObject struct { DeleteMarker bool `xml:"DeleteMarker,omitempty"` DeleteMarkerVersionID string `xml:"DeleteMarkerVersionId,omitempty"` ObjectName string `xml:"Key,omitempty"` VersionID string `xml:"VersionId,omitempty"` // MTime of DeleteMarker on source that needs to be propagated to replica DeleteMarkerMTime DeleteMarkerMTime `xml:"-"` // MinIO extensions to support delete marker replication ReplicationState ReplicationState `xml:"-"` }
DeletedObject objects deleted
func (*DeletedObject) DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus ¶
func (d *DeletedObject) DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus() replication.StatusType
DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus return composite replication status of delete marker across targets
func (*DeletedObject) VersionPurgeStatus ¶
func (d *DeletedObject) VersionPurgeStatus() VersionPurgeStatusType
VersionPurgeStatus returns a composite version purge status across targets
type DeletedObjectInfo ¶
type DeletedObjectInfo struct { // Name of the bucket. Bucket string // Name of the object. Name string // Date and time when the object was last modified. ModTime time.Time // Version ID of this object. VersionID string // Indicates the deleted marker is latest IsLatest bool }
DeletedObjectInfo - container for list objects versions deleted objects.
type DeletedObjectReplicationInfo ¶
type DeletedObjectReplicationInfo struct { DeletedObject Bucket string OpType replication.Type ResetID string TargetArn string }
DeletedObjectReplicationInfo has info on deleted object
type DiskInfo ¶
type DiskInfo struct { Total uint64 Free uint64 Used uint64 UsedInodes uint64 FreeInodes uint64 FSType string RootDisk bool Healing bool Endpoint string MountPath string ID string Metrics DiskMetrics Error string // carries the error over the network }
DiskInfo is an extended type which returns current disk usage per path. The above means that any added/deleted fields are incompatible.
func (*DiskInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
type DiskMetrics ¶
type DiskMetrics struct { APILatencies map[string]uint64 `json:"apiLatencies,omitempty"` APICalls map[string]uint64 `json:"apiCalls,omitempty"` }
DiskMetrics has the information about XL Storage APIs the number of calls of each API and the moving average of the duration of each API.
func (*DiskMetrics) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *DiskMetrics) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*DiskMetrics) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *DiskMetrics) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*DiskMetrics) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *DiskMetrics) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*DiskMetrics) Msgsize ¶
func (z *DiskMetrics) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*DiskMetrics) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *DiskMetrics) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type Encryption ¶
type Encryption struct { EncryptionType sse.Algorithm `xml:"EncryptionType"` KMSContext string `xml:"KMSContext,omitempty"` KMSKeyID string `xml:"KMSKeyId,omitempty"` }
Encryption specifies encryption setting on restored bucket
type Endpoint ¶
Endpoint - any type of endpoint.
func NewEndpoint ¶
NewEndpoint - returns new endpoint based on given arguments.
func (Endpoint) Type ¶
func (endpoint Endpoint) Type() EndpointType
Type - returns type of endpoint.
func (*Endpoint) UpdateIsLocal ¶
UpdateIsLocal - resolves the host and updates if it is local or not.
type EndpointServerPools ¶
type EndpointServerPools []PoolEndpoints
EndpointServerPools - list of list of endpoints
func (*EndpointServerPools) Add ¶
func (l *EndpointServerPools) Add(zeps PoolEndpoints) error
Add add pool endpoints
func (EndpointServerPools) FirstLocal ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) FirstLocal() bool
FirstLocal returns true if the first endpoint is local.
func (EndpointServerPools) GetLocalPoolIdx ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) GetLocalPoolIdx(ep Endpoint) int
GetLocalPoolIdx returns the pool which endpoint belongs to locally. if ep is remote this code will return -1 poolIndex
func (EndpointServerPools) GetPoolIdx ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) GetPoolIdx(pool string) int
GetPoolIdx return pool index
func (EndpointServerPools) HTTPS ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) HTTPS() bool
HTTPS - returns true if secure for URLEndpointType.
func (EndpointServerPools) Hostnames ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) Hostnames() []string
Hostnames - returns list of unique hostnames
func (EndpointServerPools) Legacy ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) Legacy() bool
Legacy returns 'true' if the MinIO server commandline was provided with no ellipses pattern, those are considered legacy deployments.
func (EndpointServerPools) LocalDisksPaths ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) LocalDisksPaths() []string
LocalDisksPaths returns the disk paths of the local disks
func (EndpointServerPools) Localhost ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) Localhost() string
Localhost - returns the local hostname from list of endpoints
func (EndpointServerPools) NEndpoints ¶
func (l EndpointServerPools) NEndpoints() (count int)
NEndpoints - returns all nodes count
type EndpointType ¶
type EndpointType int
EndpointType - enum for endpoint type.
const ( // PathEndpointType - path style endpoint type enum. PathEndpointType EndpointType = iota + 1 // URLEndpointType - URL style endpoint type enum. URLEndpointType )
type Endpoints ¶
type Endpoints []Endpoint
Endpoints - list of same type of endpoint.
func NewEndpoints ¶
NewEndpoints - returns new endpoint list based on input args.
func (Endpoints) GetAllStrings ¶
GetAllStrings - returns allstring of all endpoints
func (Endpoints) GetString ¶
GetString - returns endpoint string of i-th endpoint (0-based), and empty string for invalid indexes.
func (Endpoints) UpdateIsLocal ¶
UpdateIsLocal - resolves the host and discovers the local host.
type Erasure ¶
type Erasure struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Erasure - erasure encoding details.
func NewErasure ¶
func NewErasure(ctx context.Context, dataBlocks, parityBlocks int, blockSize int64) (e Erasure, err error)
NewErasure creates a new ErasureStorage.
func (Erasure) Decode ¶
func (e Erasure) Decode(ctx context.Context, writer io.Writer, readers []io.ReaderAt, offset, length, totalLength int64, prefer []bool) (written int64, derr error)
Decode reads from readers, reconstructs data if needed and writes the data to the writer. A set of preferred drives can be supplied. In that case they will be used and the data reconstructed.
func (*Erasure) DecodeDataAndParityBlocks ¶
DecodeDataAndParityBlocks decodes the given erasure-coded data and verifies it. It returns an error if the decoding failed.
func (*Erasure) DecodeDataBlocks ¶
DecodeDataBlocks decodes the given erasure-coded data. It only decodes the data blocks but does not verify them. It returns an error if the decoding failed.
func (*Erasure) Encode ¶
func (e *Erasure) Encode(ctx context.Context, src io.Reader, writers []io.Writer, buf []byte, quorum int) (total int64, err error)
Encode reads from the reader, erasure-encodes the data and writes to the writers.
func (*Erasure) EncodeData ¶
EncodeData encodes the given data and returns the erasure-coded data. It returns an error if the erasure coding failed.
func (Erasure) Heal ¶
func (e Erasure) Heal(ctx context.Context, writers []io.Writer, readers []io.ReaderAt, totalLength int64) (derr error)
Heal reads from readers, reconstruct shards and writes the data to the writers.
func (*Erasure) ShardFileOffset ¶
ShardFileOffset - returns the effective offset where erasure reading begins.
func (*Erasure) ShardFileSize ¶
ShardFileSize - returns final erasure size from original size.
type ErasureAlgo ¶
type ErasureAlgo uint8
ErasureAlgo defines common type of different erasure algorithms
const (
ReedSolomon ErasureAlgo = 1
List of currently supported erasure coding algorithms
func (*ErasureAlgo) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ErasureAlgo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (ErasureAlgo) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z ErasureAlgo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (ErasureAlgo) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z ErasureAlgo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (ErasureAlgo) Msgsize ¶
func (z ErasureAlgo) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (ErasureAlgo) String ¶
func (i ErasureAlgo) String() string
func (*ErasureAlgo) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ErasureAlgo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ErasureInfo ¶
type ErasureInfo struct { // Algorithm is the string representation of erasure-coding-algorithm Algorithm string `json:"algorithm"` // DataBlocks is the number of data blocks for erasure-coding DataBlocks int `json:"data"` // ParityBlocks is the number of parity blocks for erasure-coding ParityBlocks int `json:"parity"` // BlockSize is the size of one erasure-coded block BlockSize int64 `json:"blockSize"` // Index is the index of the current disk Index int `json:"index"` // Distribution is the distribution of the data and parity blocks Distribution []int `json:"distribution"` // Checksums holds all bitrot checksums of all erasure encoded blocks Checksums []ChecksumInfo `json:"checksum,omitempty"` }
ErasureInfo holds erasure coding and bitrot related information.
func (*ErasureInfo) AddChecksumInfo ¶
func (e *ErasureInfo) AddChecksumInfo(ckSumInfo ChecksumInfo)
AddChecksumInfo adds a checksum of a part.
func (*ErasureInfo) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ErasureInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*ErasureInfo) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *ErasureInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (ErasureInfo) GetChecksumInfo ¶
func (e ErasureInfo) GetChecksumInfo(partNumber int) (ckSum ChecksumInfo)
GetChecksumInfo - get checksum of a part.
func (*ErasureInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ErasureInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*ErasureInfo) Msgsize ¶
func (z *ErasureInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (ErasureInfo) ShardFileSize ¶
func (e ErasureInfo) ShardFileSize(totalLength int64) int64
ShardFileSize - returns final erasure size from original size.
func (ErasureInfo) ShardSize ¶
func (e ErasureInfo) ShardSize() int64
ShardSize - returns actual shared size from erasure blockSize.
func (*ErasureInfo) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ErasureInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type EvalMetadataFn ¶
type EvalMetadataFn func(o ObjectInfo) error
EvalMetadataFn validates input objInfo and returns an updated metadata
type ExpirationOptions ¶
type ExpirationOptions struct {
Expire bool
ExpirationOptions represents object options for object expiration at objectLayer.
type FSChecksumInfoV1 ¶
FSChecksumInfoV1 - carries checksums of individual blocks on disk.
func (FSChecksumInfoV1) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c FSChecksumInfoV1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals the FSChecksumInfoV1 struct
func (*FSChecksumInfoV1) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *FSChecksumInfoV1) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals the the given data into the FSChecksumInfoV1 struct
type FSObjects ¶
type FSObjects struct { GatewayUnsupported // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FSObjects - Implements fs object layer.
func (*FSObjects) AbortMultipartUpload ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) error
AbortMultipartUpload - aborts an ongoing multipart operation signified by the input uploadID. This is an atomic operation doesn't require clients to initiate multiple such requests.
All parts are purged from all disks and reference to the uploadID would be removed from the system, rollback is not possible on this operation.
Implements S3 compatible Abort multipart API, slight difference is that this is an atomic idempotent operation. Subsequent calls have no affect and further requests to the same uploadID would not be honored.
func (*FSObjects) BackendInfo ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) BackendInfo() madmin.BackendInfo
BackendInfo - returns backend information
func (*FSObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, parts []CompletePart, opts ObjectOptions) (oi ObjectInfo, e error)
CompleteMultipartUpload - completes an ongoing multipart transaction after receiving all the parts indicated by the client. Returns an md5sum calculated by concatenating all the individual md5sums of all the parts.
Implements S3 compatible Complete multipart API.
func (*FSObjects) CopyObject ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject string, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (oi ObjectInfo, err error)
CopyObject - copy object source object to destination object. if source object and destination object are same we only update metadata.
func (*FSObjects) CopyObjectPart ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, uploadID string, partID int, startOffset int64, length int64, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (pi PartInfo, e error, )
CopyObjectPart - similar to PutObjectPart but reads data from an existing object. Internally incoming data is written to '.minio.sys/tmp' location and safely renamed to '.minio.sys/multipart' for reach parts.
func (*FSObjects) DeleteBucket ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts DeleteBucketOptions) error
DeleteBucket - delete a bucket and all the metadata associated with the bucket including pending multipart, object metadata.
func (*FSObjects) DeleteBucketPolicy ¶
DeleteBucketPolicy - only needed for FS in NAS mode
func (*FSObjects) DeleteObject ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error)
DeleteObject - deletes an object from a bucket, this operation is destructive and there are no rollbacks supported.
func (*FSObjects) DeleteObjectTags ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
DeleteObjectTags - delete object tags from an existing object
func (*FSObjects) DeleteObjects ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects []ObjectToDelete, opts ObjectOptions) ([]DeletedObject, []error)
DeleteObjects - deletes an object from a bucket, this operation is destructive and there are no rollbacks supported.
func (*FSObjects) GetBucketInfo ¶
GetBucketInfo - fetch bucket metadata info.
func (*FSObjects) GetBucketPolicy ¶
GetBucketPolicy - only needed for FS in NAS mode
func (*FSObjects) GetMetrics ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) GetMetrics(ctx context.Context) (*BackendMetrics, error)
GetMetrics - no op
func (*FSObjects) GetMultipartInfo ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) GetMultipartInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) (MultipartInfo, error)
GetMultipartInfo returns multipart metadata uploaded during newMultipartUpload, used by callers to verify object states - encrypted - compressed
func (*FSObjects) GetObjectInfo ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) GetObjectInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (oi ObjectInfo, e error)
GetObjectInfo - reads object metadata and replies back ObjectInfo.
func (*FSObjects) GetObjectNInfo ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) GetObjectNInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, h http.Header, lockType LockType, opts ObjectOptions) (gr *GetObjectReader, err error)
GetObjectNInfo - returns object info and a reader for object content.
func (*FSObjects) GetObjectTags ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) GetObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (*tags.Tags, error)
GetObjectTags - get object tags from an existing object
func (*FSObjects) GetRawData ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) GetRawData(ctx context.Context, volume, file string, fn func(r io.Reader, host string, disk string, filename string, size int64, modtime time.Time, isDir bool) error) error
GetRawData returns raw file data to the callback. Errors are ignored, only errors from the callback are returned. For now only direct file paths are supported.
func (*FSObjects) HealBucket ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) HealBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error)
HealBucket - no-op for fs, Valid only for Erasure.
func (*FSObjects) HealFormat ¶
HealFormat - no-op for fs, Valid only for Erasure.
func (*FSObjects) HealObject ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) HealObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, versionID string, opts madmin.HealOpts) ( res madmin.HealResultItem, err error)
HealObject - no-op for fs. Valid only for Erasure.
func (*FSObjects) HealObjects ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) HealObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, opts madmin.HealOpts, fn HealObjectFn) (e error)
HealObjects - no-op for fs. Valid only for Erasure.
func (*FSObjects) Health ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) Health(ctx context.Context, opts HealthOptions) HealthResult
Health returns health of the object layer
func (*FSObjects) IsCompressionSupported ¶
IsCompressionSupported returns whether compression is applicable for this layer.
func (*FSObjects) IsEncryptionSupported ¶
IsEncryptionSupported returns whether server side encryption is implemented for this layer.
func (*FSObjects) IsListenSupported ¶
IsListenSupported returns whether listen bucket notification is applicable for this layer.
func (*FSObjects) IsNotificationSupported ¶
IsNotificationSupported returns whether bucket notification is applicable for this layer.
func (*FSObjects) IsTaggingSupported ¶
IsTaggingSupported returns true, object tagging is supported in fs object layer.
func (*FSObjects) ListBuckets ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) ListBuckets(ctx context.Context) ([]BucketInfo, error)
ListBuckets - list all s3 compatible buckets (directories) at fsPath.
func (*FSObjects) ListMultipartUploads ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (result ListMultipartsInfo, e error)
ListMultipartUploads - lists all the uploadIDs for the specified object. We do not support prefix based listing.
func (*FSObjects) ListObjectParts ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumberMarker, maxParts int, opts ObjectOptions) (result ListPartsInfo, e error)
ListObjectParts - lists all previously uploaded parts for a given object and uploadID. Takes additional input of part-number-marker to indicate where the listing should begin from.
Implements S3 compatible ListObjectParts API. The resulting ListPartsInfo structure is unmarshalled directly into XML and replied back to the client.
func (*FSObjects) ListObjectVersions ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) ListObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (loi ListObjectVersionsInfo, e error)
ListObjectVersions not implemented for FS mode.
func (*FSObjects) ListObjects ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (loi ListObjectsInfo, err error)
ListObjects - list all objects at prefix upto maxKeys., optionally delimited by '/'. Maintains the list pool state for future re-entrant list requests.
func (*FSObjects) ListObjectsV2 ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter string, maxKeys int, fetchOwner bool, startAfter string) (result ListObjectsV2Info, err error)
ListObjectsV2 lists all blobs in bucket filtered by prefix
func (*FSObjects) LocalStorageInfo ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) LocalStorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, []error)
LocalStorageInfo - returns underlying storage statistics.
func (*FSObjects) MakeBucketWithLocation ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) MakeBucketWithLocation(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) error
MakeBucketWithLocation - create a new bucket, returns if it already exists.
func (*FSObjects) NSScanner ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) NSScanner(ctx context.Context, bf *bloomFilter, updates chan<- DataUsageInfo, wantCycle uint32) error
NSScanner returns data usage stats of the current FS deployment
func (*FSObjects) NewMultipartUpload ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (string, error)
NewMultipartUpload - initialize a new multipart upload, returns a unique id. The unique id returned here is of UUID form, for each subsequent request each UUID is unique.
Implements S3 compatible initiate multipart API.
func (*FSObjects) PutObject ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, r *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error)
PutObject - creates an object upon reading from the input stream until EOF, writes data directly to configured filesystem path. Additionally writes `fs.json` which carries the necessary metadata for future object operations.
func (*FSObjects) PutObjectPart ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partID int, r *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (pi PartInfo, e error)
PutObjectPart - reads incoming data until EOF for the part file on an ongoing multipart transaction. Internally incoming data is written to '.minio.sys/tmp' location and safely renamed to '.minio.sys/multipart' for reach parts.
func (*FSObjects) PutObjectTags ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) PutObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, tags string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
PutObjectTags - replace or add tags to an existing object
func (*FSObjects) ReadHealth ¶
ReadHealth returns "read" health of the object layer
func (*FSObjects) RestoreTransitionedObject ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) RestoreTransitionedObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error
RestoreTransitionedObject - restore transitioned object content locally on this cluster.
func (*FSObjects) SetBucketPolicy ¶
SetBucketPolicy - only needed for FS in NAS mode
func (*FSObjects) StorageInfo ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) StorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, []error)
StorageInfo - returns underlying storage statistics.
func (*FSObjects) TransitionObject ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) TransitionObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error
TransitionObject - transition object content to target tier.
func (*FSObjects) Walk ¶
func (fs *FSObjects) Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo, opts ObjectOptions) error
Walk a bucket, optionally prefix recursively, until we have returned all the content to objectInfo channel, it is callers responsibility to allocate a receive channel for ObjectInfo, upon any unhandled error walker returns error. Optionally if context.Done() is received then Walk() stops the walker.
type FileInfo ¶
type FileInfo struct { // Name of the volume. Volume string `msg:"v,omitempty"` // Name of the file. Name string `msg:"n,omitempty"` // Version of the file. VersionID string `msg:"vid,omitempty"` // Indicates if the version is the latest IsLatest bool `msg:"is"` // Deleted is set when this FileInfo represents // a deleted marker for a versioned bucket. Deleted bool `msg:"del"` // TransitionStatus is set to Pending/Complete for transitioned // entries based on state of transition TransitionStatus string `msg:"ts"` // TransitionedObjName is the object name on the remote tier corresponding // to object (version) on the source tier. TransitionedObjName string `msg:"to"` // TransitionTier is the storage class label assigned to remote tier. TransitionTier string `msg:"tt"` // TransitionVersionID stores a version ID of the object associate // with the remote tier. TransitionVersionID string `msg:"tv"` // ExpireRestored indicates that the restored object is to be expired. ExpireRestored bool `msg:"exp"` // DataDir of the file DataDir string `msg:"dd"` // Indicates if this object is still in V1 format. XLV1 bool `msg:"v1"` // Date and time when the file was last modified, if Deleted // is 'true' this value represents when while was deleted. ModTime time.Time `msg:"mt"` // Total file size. Size int64 `msg:"sz"` // File mode bits. Mode uint32 `msg:"m"` // File metadata Metadata map[string]string `msg:"meta"` // All the parts per object. Parts []ObjectPartInfo `msg:"parts"` // Erasure info for all objects. Erasure ErasureInfo `msg:"ei"` MarkDeleted bool `msg:"md"` // mark this version as deleted ReplicationState ReplicationState `msg:"rs"` // Internal replication state to be passed back in ObjectInfo Data []byte `msg:"d,allownil"` // optionally carries object data NumVersions int `msg:"nv"` SuccessorModTime time.Time `msg:"smt"` Fresh bool `msg:"fr"` // indicates this is a first time call to write FileInfo. // Position of this version or object in a multi-object delete call, // no other caller must set this value other than multi-object delete call. // usage in other calls in undefined please avoid. Idx int `msg:"i"` // DiskMTime indicates the mtime of the xl.meta on disk // This is mainly used for detecting a particular issue // reported in DiskMTime time.Time `msg:"dmt"` }
FileInfo - represents file stat information. The above means that any added/deleted fields are incompatible.
func (FileInfo) AcceptableDelta ¶
AcceptableDelta returns 'true' if the fi.DiskMTime is under acceptable delta of "delta" duration with maxTime.
This code is primarily used for heuristic detection of incorrect shards, as per
This check only is active if we could find maximally occurring disk mtimes that are somewhat same across the quorum. Allowing to skip those shards which we might think are wrong.
func (*FileInfo) AddObjectPart ¶
func (fi *FileInfo) AddObjectPart(partNumber int, partETag string, partSize int64, actualSize int64)
AddObjectPart - add a new object part in order.
func (FileInfo) DataShardFixed ¶
DataShardFixed - data shard fixed?
func (*FileInfo) DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus ¶
func (fi *FileInfo) DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus() replication.StatusType
DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus returns overall replication status for this delete marker version across targets
func (FileInfo) GetDataDir ¶
GetDataDir returns an expected dataDir given FileInfo
- deleteMarker returns "delete-marker"
- returns "legacy" if FileInfo is XLV1 and DataDir is empty, returns DataDir otherwise
- returns "dataDir"
func (FileInfo) InlineData ¶
InlineData returns true if object contents are inlined alongside its metadata.
func (FileInfo) IsRemote ¶
IsRemote returns true if this object version's contents are in its remote tier.
func (*FileInfo) IsRestoreObjReq ¶
IsRestoreObjReq returns true if fi corresponds to a RestoreObject request.
func (*FileInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (FileInfo) MetadataEquals ¶
MetadataEquals returns true if FileInfos Metadata maps are equal, false otherwise.
func (*FileInfo) Msgsize ¶
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (FileInfo) ObjectToPartOffset ¶
func (fi FileInfo) ObjectToPartOffset(ctx context.Context, offset int64) (partIndex int, partOffset int64, err error)
ObjectToPartOffset - translate offset of an object to offset of its individual part.
func (FileInfo) ReplicationInfoEquals ¶
ReplicationInfoEquals returns true if server-side replication related fields are equal, false otherwise.
func (*FileInfo) SetInlineData ¶
func (fi *FileInfo) SetInlineData()
SetInlineData marks object (version) as inline.
func (*FileInfo) SetTierFreeVersion ¶
func (fi *FileInfo) SetTierFreeVersion()
SetTierFreeVersion sets fi as a free-version. This method is used by lower layers to indicate a free-version.
func (*FileInfo) SetTierFreeVersionID ¶
SetTierFreeVersionID sets free-version's versionID. This method is used by object layer to pass down a versionID to set for a free-version that may be created.
func (*FileInfo) TierFreeVersion ¶
TierFreeVersion returns true if version is a free-version.
func (*FileInfo) TierFreeVersionID ¶
TierFreeVersionID returns the free-version's version id.
func (FileInfo) ToObjectInfo ¶
func (fi FileInfo) ToObjectInfo(bucket, object string) ObjectInfo
ToObjectInfo - Converts metadata to object info.
func (FileInfo) TransitionInfoEquals ¶
TransitionInfoEquals returns true if transition related information are equal, false otherwise.
func (*FileInfo) UnmarshalMsg ¶
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
func (*FileInfo) VersionPurgeStatus ¶
func (fi *FileInfo) VersionPurgeStatus() VersionPurgeStatusType
VersionPurgeStatus returns overall version purge status for this object version across targets
type FileInfoVersions ¶
type FileInfoVersions struct { // Name of the volume. Volume string `msg:"v,omitempty"` // Name of the file. Name string `msg:"n,omitempty"` // Represents the latest mod time of the // latest version. LatestModTime time.Time `msg:"lm"` Versions []FileInfo `msg:"vs"` FreeVersions []FileInfo `msg:"fvs"` }
FileInfoVersions represent a list of versions for a given file. The above means that any added/deleted fields are incompatible.
func (*FileInfoVersions) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *FileInfoVersions) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*FileInfoVersions) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *FileInfoVersions) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*FileInfoVersions) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *FileInfoVersions) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*FileInfoVersions) Msgsize ¶
func (z *FileInfoVersions) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (FileInfoVersions) Size ¶
func (f FileInfoVersions) Size() (size int64)
Size returns size of all versions for the object 'Name'
func (*FileInfoVersions) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *FileInfoVersions) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type FileLogger ¶
FileLogger is introduced to workaround the dependency about logrus
type FilesInfo ¶
FilesInfo represent a list of files, additionally indicates if the list is last.
func (*FilesInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
type Gateway ¶
type Gateway interface { // Name returns the unique name of the gateway. Name() string // NewGatewayLayer returns a new ObjectLayer. NewGatewayLayer(creds madmin.Credentials) (ObjectLayer, error) }
Gateway represents a gateway backend.
type GatewayLocker ¶
type GatewayLocker struct { ObjectLayer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GatewayLocker implements custom NewNSLock implementation
func (*GatewayLocker) NewNSLock ¶
func (l *GatewayLocker) NewNSLock(bucket string, objects ...string) RWLocker
NewNSLock - implements gateway level locker
func (*GatewayLocker) Walk ¶
func (l *GatewayLocker) Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo, opts ObjectOptions) error
Walk - implements common gateway level Walker, to walk on all objects recursively at a prefix
type GatewayUnsupported ¶
type GatewayUnsupported struct{}
GatewayUnsupported list of unsupported call stubs for gateway.
func (GatewayUnsupported) AbortMultipartUpload ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) error
AbortMultipartUpload aborts a ongoing multipart upload
func (GatewayUnsupported) BackendInfo ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) BackendInfo() madmin.BackendInfo
BackendInfo returns the underlying backend information
func (GatewayUnsupported) CompleteMultipartUpload ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, uploadedParts []CompletePart, opts ObjectOptions) (oi ObjectInfo, err error)
CompleteMultipartUpload completes ongoing multipart upload and finalizes object
func (GatewayUnsupported) CopyObject ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket string, srcObject string, destBucket string, destObject string, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error)
CopyObject copies a blob from source container to destination container.
func (GatewayUnsupported) CopyObjectPart ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, destBucket, destObject, uploadID string, partID int, startOffset, length int64, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (pi PartInfo, err error)
CopyObjectPart copy part of object to uploadID for another object
func (GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketLifecycle ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketLifecycle(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
DeleteBucketLifecycle deletes all lifecycle policies on a bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketPolicy ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
DeleteBucketPolicy deletes all policies on bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketSSEConfig ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) DeleteBucketSSEConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
DeleteBucketSSEConfig deletes bucket encryption config on a bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) DeleteObjectTags ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) DeleteObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
DeleteObjectTags - not implemented.
func (GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketLifecycle ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketLifecycle(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*lifecycle.Lifecycle, error)
GetBucketLifecycle retrieves lifecycle configuration of a bucket.
func (GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketPolicy ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (bucketPolicy *policy.Policy, err error)
GetBucketPolicy will get policy on bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketSSEConfig ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketSSEConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*bucketsse.BucketSSEConfig, error)
GetBucketSSEConfig returns bucket encryption config on a bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketVersioning ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetBucketVersioning(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (*versioning.Versioning, error)
GetBucketVersioning retrieves versioning configuration of a bucket.
func (GatewayUnsupported) GetMetrics ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetMetrics(ctx context.Context) (*BackendMetrics, error)
GetMetrics - no op
func (GatewayUnsupported) GetMultipartInfo ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetMultipartInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) (MultipartInfo, error)
GetMultipartInfo returns metadata associated with the uploadId
func (GatewayUnsupported) GetObjectTags ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) GetObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (*tags.Tags, error)
GetObjectTags - not implemented.
func (GatewayUnsupported) HealBucket ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) HealBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error)
HealBucket - Not implemented stub
func (GatewayUnsupported) HealFormat ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) HealFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) (madmin.HealResultItem, error)
HealFormat - Not implemented stub
func (GatewayUnsupported) HealObject ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) HealObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, versionID string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (h madmin.HealResultItem, e error)
HealObject - Not implemented stub
func (GatewayUnsupported) HealObjects ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) HealObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, opts madmin.HealOpts, fn HealObjectFn) (e error)
HealObjects - Not implemented stub
func (GatewayUnsupported) Health ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) Health(_ context.Context, _ HealthOptions) HealthResult
Health - No Op.
func (GatewayUnsupported) IsCompressionSupported ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsCompressionSupported() bool
IsCompressionSupported returns whether compression is applicable for this layer.
func (GatewayUnsupported) IsEncryptionSupported ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsEncryptionSupported() bool
IsEncryptionSupported returns whether server side encryption is implemented for this layer.
func (GatewayUnsupported) IsListenSupported ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsListenSupported() bool
IsListenSupported returns whether listen bucket notification is applicable for this layer.
func (GatewayUnsupported) IsNotificationSupported ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsNotificationSupported() bool
IsNotificationSupported returns whether bucket notification is applicable for this layer.
func (GatewayUnsupported) IsTaggingSupported ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) IsTaggingSupported() bool
IsTaggingSupported returns whether object tagging is supported or not for this layer.
func (GatewayUnsupported) ListMultipartUploads ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, bucket string, prefix string, keyMarker string, uploadIDMarker string, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (lmi ListMultipartsInfo, err error)
ListMultipartUploads lists all multipart uploads.
func (GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectParts ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, partNumberMarker int, maxParts int, opts ObjectOptions) (lpi ListPartsInfo, err error)
ListObjectParts returns all object parts for specified object in specified bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectVersions ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectVersionsInfo, error)
ListObjectVersions returns all object parts for specified object in specified bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectsV2 ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter string, maxKeys int, fetchOwner bool, startAfter string) (result ListObjectsV2Info, err error)
ListObjectsV2 - Not implemented stub
func (GatewayUnsupported) LocalStorageInfo ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) LocalStorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, []error)
LocalStorageInfo returns the local disks information, mainly used in prometheus - for gateway this just a no-op
func (GatewayUnsupported) NSScanner ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) NSScanner(ctx context.Context, bf *bloomFilter, updates chan<- DataUsageInfo, wantCycle uint32) error
NSScanner - scanner is not implemented for gateway
func (GatewayUnsupported) NewMultipartUpload ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (uploadID string, err error)
NewMultipartUpload upload object in multiple parts
func (GatewayUnsupported) NewNSLock ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) NewNSLock(bucket string, objects ...string) RWLocker
NewNSLock is a dummy stub for gateway.
func (GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectMetadata ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
PutObjectMetadata - not implemented for gateway.
func (GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectPart ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, partID int, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (pi PartInfo, err error)
PutObjectPart puts a part of object in bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectTags ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) PutObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, tags string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
PutObjectTags - not implemented.
func (GatewayUnsupported) ReadHealth ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) ReadHealth(_ context.Context) bool
ReadHealth - No Op.
func (GatewayUnsupported) RestoreTransitionedObject ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) RestoreTransitionedObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error
RestoreTransitionedObject - restore transitioned object content locally on this cluster.
func (GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketLifecycle ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketLifecycle(ctx context.Context, bucket string, lifecycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle) error
SetBucketLifecycle enables lifecycle policies on a bucket.
func (GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketPolicy ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string, bucketPolicy *policy.Policy) error
SetBucketPolicy sets policy on bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketSSEConfig ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketSSEConfig(ctx context.Context, bucket string, config *bucketsse.BucketSSEConfig) error
SetBucketSSEConfig sets bucket encryption config on a bucket
func (GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketVersioning ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetBucketVersioning(ctx context.Context, bucket string, v *versioning.Versioning) error
SetBucketVersioning enables versioning on a bucket.
func (GatewayUnsupported) SetDriveCounts ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) SetDriveCounts() []int
SetDriveCounts no-op
func (GatewayUnsupported) TransitionObject ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) TransitionObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error
TransitionObject - transition object content to target tier.
func (GatewayUnsupported) Walk ¶
func (a GatewayUnsupported) Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo, opts ObjectOptions) error
Walk - Not implemented stub
type GenericError ¶
GenericError - generic object layer error.
func (GenericError) Unwrap ¶
func (e GenericError) Unwrap() error
Unwrap the error to its underlying error.
type GetObjectInfoFn ¶
type GetObjectInfoFn func(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error)
GetObjectInfoFn is the signature of GetObjectInfo function.
type GetObjectReader ¶
type GetObjectReader struct { io.Reader ObjInfo ObjectInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetObjectReader is a type that wraps a reader with a lock to provide a ReadCloser interface that unlocks on Close()
func NewGetObjectReaderFromReader ¶
func NewGetObjectReaderFromReader(r io.Reader, oi ObjectInfo, opts ObjectOptions, cleanupFns ...func()) (*GetObjectReader, error)
NewGetObjectReaderFromReader sets up a GetObjectReader with a given reader. This ignores any object properties.
func (*GetObjectReader) Close ¶
func (g *GetObjectReader) Close() error
Close - calls the cleanup actions in reverse order
func (*GetObjectReader) WithCleanupFuncs ¶
func (g *GetObjectReader) WithCleanupFuncs(fns ...func()) *GetObjectReader
WithCleanupFuncs sets additional cleanup functions to be called when closing the GetObjectReader.
type GroupInfo ¶
type GroupInfo struct { Version int `json:"version"` Status string `json:"status"` Members []string `json:"members"` }
GroupInfo contains info about a group
type HTTPAPIStats ¶
HTTPAPIStats holds statistics information about a given API in the requests.
func (*HTTPAPIStats) Dec ¶
func (stats *HTTPAPIStats) Dec(api string)
Dec increments the api stats counter.
func (*HTTPAPIStats) Inc ¶
func (stats *HTTPAPIStats) Inc(api string)
Inc increments the api stats counter.
func (*HTTPAPIStats) Load ¶
func (stats *HTTPAPIStats) Load() map[string]int
Load returns the recorded stats.
type HTTPConsoleLoggerSys ¶
HTTPConsoleLoggerSys holds global console logger state
func NewConsoleLogger ¶
func NewConsoleLogger(ctx context.Context) *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys
NewConsoleLogger - creates new HTTPConsoleLoggerSys with all nodes subscribed to the console logging pub sub system
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Cancel ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Cancel()
Cancel - cancels the target
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Content ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Content() (logs []log.Entry)
Content returns the console stdout log
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Endpoint ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Endpoint() string
Endpoint - dummy function for interface compatibility
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) HasLogListeners ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) HasLogListeners() bool
HasLogListeners returns true if console log listeners are registered for this node or peers
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Init ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Init() error
Init if HTTPConsoleLoggerSys is valid, always returns nil right now
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Send ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Send(e interface{}, logKind string) error
Send log message 'e' to console and publish to console log pubsub system
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) SetNodeName ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) SetNodeName(nodeName string)
SetNodeName - sets the node name if any after distributed setup has initialized
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) String ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) String() string
String - stringer function for interface compatibility
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Subscribe ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Subscribe(subCh chan interface{}, doneCh <-chan struct{}, node string, last int, logKind string, filter func(entry interface{}) bool)
Subscribe starts console logging for this node.
func (*HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Type ¶
func (sys *HTTPConsoleLoggerSys) Type() types.TargetType
Type - returns type of the target
type HTTPRangeSpec ¶
type HTTPRangeSpec struct { // Does the range spec refer to a suffix of the object? IsSuffixLength bool // Start and end offset specified in range spec Start, End int64 }
HTTPRangeSpec represents a range specification as supported by S3 GET object request.
Case 1: Not present -> represented by a nil RangeSpec Case 2: bytes=1-10 (absolute start and end offsets) -> RangeSpec{false, 1, 10} Case 3: bytes=10- (absolute start offset with end offset unspecified) -> RangeSpec{false, 10, -1} Case 4: bytes=-30 (suffix length specification) -> RangeSpec{true, -30, -1}
func (*HTTPRangeSpec) GetLength ¶
func (h *HTTPRangeSpec) GetLength(resourceSize int64) (rangeLength int64, err error)
GetLength - get length of range
func (*HTTPRangeSpec) GetOffsetLength ¶
func (h *HTTPRangeSpec) GetOffsetLength(resourceSize int64) (start, length int64, err error)
GetOffsetLength computes the start offset and length of the range given the size of the resource
func (*HTTPRangeSpec) String ¶
func (h *HTTPRangeSpec) String(resourceSize int64) string
String returns stringified representation of range for a particular resource size.
func (*HTTPRangeSpec) ToHeader ¶
func (h *HTTPRangeSpec) ToHeader() (string, error)
ToHeader returns the Range header value.
type HTTPStats ¶
type HTTPStats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HTTPStats holds statistics information about HTTP requests made by all clients
type HealObjectFn ¶
HealObjectFn closure function heals the object.
type HealthOptions ¶
type HealthOptions struct {
Maintenance bool
HealthOptions takes input options to return sepcific information
type HealthResult ¶
HealthResult returns the current state of the system, also additionally with any specific heuristic information which was queried
type Help ¶
type Help struct { SubSys string `json:"subSys"` Description string `json:"description"` MultipleTargets bool `json:"multipleTargets"` KeysHelp config.HelpKVS `json:"keysHelp"` }
Help - return sub-system level help
type IAMEtcdStore ¶
IAMEtcdStore implements IAMStorageAPI
type IAMObjectStore ¶
type IAMObjectStore struct { // Protect access to storage within the current server. sync.RWMutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IAMObjectStore implements IAMStorageAPI
type IAMStorageAPI ¶
type IAMStorageAPI interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
IAMStorageAPI defines an interface for the IAM persistence layer
type IAMStoreSys ¶
type IAMStoreSys struct {
IAMStoreSys contains IAMStorageAPI to add higher-level methods on the storage layer.
func (*IAMStoreSys) AddServiceAccount ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) AddServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, cred auth.Credentials) error
AddServiceAccount - add a new service account
func (*IAMStoreSys) AddUser ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) AddUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, ureq madmin.AddOrUpdateUserReq) error
AddUser - adds/updates long term user account to storage.
func (*IAMStoreSys) AddUsersToGroup ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) AddUsersToGroup(ctx context.Context, group string, members []string) error
AddUsersToGroup - adds users to group, creating the group if needed.
func (*IAMStoreSys) DeletePolicy ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, policy string) error
DeletePolicy - deletes policy from storage and cache.
func (*IAMStoreSys) DeleteUser ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, userType IAMUserType) error
DeleteUser - deletes a user from storage and cache. This only used with long-term users and service accounts, not STS.
func (*IAMStoreSys) DeleteUsers ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) DeleteUsers(ctx context.Context, users []string) error
DeleteUsers - given a set of users or access keys, deletes them along with any derived credentials (STS or service accounts) and any associated policy mappings.
func (*IAMStoreSys) FilterPolicies ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) FilterPolicies(policyName string, bucketName string) (string, iampolicy.Policy)
FilterPolicies - accepts a comma separated list of policy names as a string and bucket and returns only policies that currently exist in MinIO. If bucketName is non-empty, additionally filters policies matching the bucket. The first returned value is the list of currently existing policies, and the second is their combined policy definition.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetAllParentUsers ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetAllParentUsers() map[string]string
GetAllParentUsers - returns all distinct "parent-users" associated with STS or service credentials.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetBucketUsers ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetBucketUsers(bucket string) (map[string]madmin.UserInfo, error)
GetBucketUsers - returns users (not STS or service accounts) that have access to the bucket. User is included even if a group policy that grants access to the bucket is disabled.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetGroupDescription ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetGroupDescription(group string) (gd madmin.GroupDesc, err error)
GetGroupDescription - builds up group description
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetMappedPolicy ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetMappedPolicy(name string, isGroup bool) (MappedPolicy, bool)
GetMappedPolicy - fetches mapped policy from memory.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetPolicy ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetPolicy(name string) (iampolicy.Policy, error)
GetPolicy - gets the policy definition. Allows specifying multiple comma separated policies - returns a combined policy.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetPolicyDoc ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetPolicyDoc(name string) (r PolicyDoc, err error)
GetPolicyDoc - gets the policy doc which has the policy and some metadata. Exactly one policy must be specified here.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetSTSAndServiceAccounts ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetSTSAndServiceAccounts() []auth.Credentials
GetSTSAndServiceAccounts - returns all STS and Service account credentials.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetUser ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetUser(user string) (auth.Credentials, bool)
GetUser - fetches credential from memory.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetUserInfo ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetUserInfo(name string) (u madmin.UserInfo, err error)
GetUserInfo - get info on a user.
func (*IAMStoreSys) GetUsers ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GetUsers() map[string]madmin.UserInfo
GetUsers - returns all users (not STS or service accounts).
func (*IAMStoreSys) GroupNotificationHandler ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) GroupNotificationHandler(ctx context.Context, group string) error
GroupNotificationHandler - updates in-memory cache on notification of change (e.g. peer notification for object storage and etcd watch notification).
func (*IAMStoreSys) HasWatcher ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) HasWatcher() bool
HasWatcher - returns if the storage system has a watcher.
func (*IAMStoreSys) ListGroups ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) ListGroups(ctx context.Context) (res []string, err error)
ListGroups - lists groups. Since this is not going to be a frequent operation, we fetch this info from storage, and refresh the cache as well.
func (*IAMStoreSys) ListPolicies ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) (map[string]iampolicy.Policy, error)
ListPolicies - fetches all policies from storage and updates cache as well. If bucketName is non-empty, returns policies matching the bucket.
func (*IAMStoreSys) ListServiceAccounts ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) ListServiceAccounts(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) ([]auth.Credentials, error)
ListServiceAccounts - lists only service accounts from the cache.
func (*IAMStoreSys) LoadIAMCache ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) LoadIAMCache(ctx context.Context) error
LoadIAMCache reads all IAM items and populates a new iamCache object and replaces the in-memory cache object.
func (*IAMStoreSys) LoadUser ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) LoadUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string)
LoadUser - attempts to load user info from storage and updates cache.
func (*IAMStoreSys) PolicyDBGet ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) PolicyDBGet(name string, isGroup bool, groups ...string) ([]string, error)
PolicyDBGet - fetches policies associated with the given user or group, and additional groups if provided.
func (*IAMStoreSys) PolicyDBSet ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) PolicyDBSet(ctx context.Context, name, policy string, userType IAMUserType, isGroup bool) error
PolicyDBSet - update the policy mapping for the given user or group in storage and in cache.
func (*IAMStoreSys) PolicyMappingNotificationHandler ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(ctx context.Context, userOrGroup string, isGroup bool, userType IAMUserType) error
PolicyMappingNotificationHandler - handles updating a policy mapping from storage.
func (*IAMStoreSys) PolicyNotificationHandler ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) PolicyNotificationHandler(ctx context.Context, policy string) error
PolicyNotificationHandler - loads given policy from storage. If not present, deletes from cache. This notification only reads from storage, and updates cache. When the notification is for a policy deletion, it updates the user-policy and group-policy maps as well.
func (*IAMStoreSys) RemoveUsersFromGroup ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) RemoveUsersFromGroup(ctx context.Context, group string, members []string) error
RemoveUsersFromGroup - removes users from group, deleting it if it is empty.
func (*IAMStoreSys) SetGroupStatus ¶
SetGroupStatus - updates group status
func (*IAMStoreSys) SetPolicy ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string, policy iampolicy.Policy) error
SetPolicy - creates a policy with name.
func (*IAMStoreSys) SetTempUser ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) SetTempUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, cred auth.Credentials, policyName string) error
SetTempUser - saves temporary (STS) credential to storage and cache. If a policy name is given, it is associated with the parent user specified in the credential.
func (*IAMStoreSys) SetUserStatus ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) SetUserStatus(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, status madmin.AccountStatus) error
SetUserStatus - sets current user status.
func (*IAMStoreSys) UpdateServiceAccount ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) UpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, opts updateServiceAccountOpts) error
UpdateServiceAccount - updates a service account on storage.
func (*IAMStoreSys) UpdateUserIdentity ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) UpdateUserIdentity(ctx context.Context, cred auth.Credentials) error
UpdateUserIdentity - updates a user credential.
func (*IAMStoreSys) UpdateUserSecretKey ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) UpdateUserSecretKey(ctx context.Context, accessKey, secretKey string) error
UpdateUserSecretKey - sets user secret key to storage.
func (*IAMStoreSys) UserNotificationHandler ¶
func (store *IAMStoreSys) UserNotificationHandler(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, userType IAMUserType) error
UserNotificationHandler - handles updating a user/STS account/service account from storage.
type IAMSys ¶
IAMSys - config system.
func (*IAMSys) AddUsersToGroup ¶
AddUsersToGroup - adds users to a group, creating the group if needed. No error if user(s) already are in the group.
func (*IAMSys) CreateUser ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, ureq madmin.AddOrUpdateUserReq) error
CreateUser - create new user credentials and policy, if user already exists they shall be rewritten with new inputs.
func (*IAMSys) CurrentPolicies ¶
CurrentPolicies - returns comma separated policy string, from an input policy after validating if there are any current policies which exist on MinIO corresponding to the input.
func (*IAMSys) DeletePolicy ¶
DeletePolicy - deletes a canned policy from backend or etcd.
func (*IAMSys) DeleteServiceAccount ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) DeleteServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, notifyPeers bool) error
DeleteServiceAccount - delete a service account
func (*IAMSys) DeleteUser ¶
DeleteUser - delete user (only for long-term users not STS users).
func (*IAMSys) EnableLDAPSys ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) EnableLDAPSys()
EnableLDAPSys - enable ldap system users type.
func (*IAMSys) GetClaimsForSvcAcc ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) GetClaimsForSvcAcc(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
GetClaimsForSvcAcc - gets the claims associated with the service account.
func (*IAMSys) GetCombinedPolicy ¶
GetCombinedPolicy returns a combined policy combining all policies
func (*IAMSys) GetGroupDescription ¶
GetGroupDescription - builds up group description
func (*IAMSys) GetRolePolicy ¶
GetRolePolicy - returns policies associated with a role ARN.
func (*IAMSys) GetServiceAccount ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) GetServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) (auth.Credentials, *iampolicy.Policy, error)
GetServiceAccount - wrapper method to get information about a service account
func (*IAMSys) GetUserInfo ¶
GetUserInfo - get info on a user.
func (*IAMSys) HasRolePolicy ¶
HasRolePolicy - returns if a role policy is configured for IAM.
func (*IAMSys) HasWatcher ¶
HasWatcher - returns if the IAM system has a watcher to be notified of changes.
func (*IAMSys) InfoPolicy ¶
InfoPolicy - returns the policy definition with some metadata.
func (*IAMSys) Init ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) Init(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, etcdClient *etcd.Client, iamRefreshInterval time.Duration)
Init - initializes config system by reading entries from config/iam
func (*IAMSys) Initialized ¶
Initialized checks if IAM is initialized
func (*IAMSys) IsAllowed ¶
IsAllowed - checks given policy args is allowed to continue the Rest API.
func (*IAMSys) IsAllowedLDAPSTS ¶
IsAllowedLDAPSTS - checks for LDAP specific claims and values
func (*IAMSys) IsAllowedSTS ¶
IsAllowedSTS is meant for STS based temporary credentials, which implements claims validation and verification other than applying policies.
func (*IAMSys) IsAllowedServiceAccount ¶
IsAllowedServiceAccount - checks if the given service account is allowed to perform actions. The permission of the parent user is checked first
func (*IAMSys) IsServiceAccount ¶
IsServiceAccount - returns if given key is a service account
func (*IAMSys) IsTempUser ¶
IsTempUser - returns if given key is a temporary user.
func (*IAMSys) ListBucketUsers ¶
ListBucketUsers - list all users who can access this 'bucket'
func (*IAMSys) ListGroups ¶
ListGroups - lists groups.
func (*IAMSys) ListPolicies ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) (map[string]iampolicy.Policy, error)
ListPolicies - lists all canned policies.
func (*IAMSys) ListServiceAccounts ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) ListServiceAccounts(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) ([]auth.Credentials, error)
ListServiceAccounts - lists all services accounts associated to a specific user
func (*IAMSys) LoadGroup ¶
LoadGroup - loads a specific group from storage, and updates the memberships cache. If the specified group does not exist in storage, it is removed from in-memory maps as well - this simplifies the implementation for group removal. This is called only via IAM notifications.
func (*IAMSys) LoadPolicy ¶
LoadPolicy - reloads a specific canned policy from backend disks or etcd.
func (*IAMSys) LoadPolicyMapping ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) LoadPolicyMapping(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, userOrGroup string, isGroup bool) error
LoadPolicyMapping - loads the mapped policy for a user or group from storage into server memory.
func (*IAMSys) LoadServiceAccount ¶
LoadServiceAccount - reloads a specific service account from backend disks or etcd.
func (*IAMSys) LoadUser ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) LoadUser(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, accessKey string, userType IAMUserType) error
LoadUser - reloads a specific user from backend disks or etcd.
func (*IAMSys) NewServiceAccount ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) NewServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, parentUser string, groups []string, opts newServiceAccountOpts) (auth.Credentials, error)
NewServiceAccount - create a new service account
func (*IAMSys) PolicyDBGet ¶
PolicyDBGet - gets policy set on a user or group. If a list of groups is given, policies associated with them are included as well.
func (*IAMSys) PolicyDBSet ¶
PolicyDBSet - sets a policy for a user or group in the PolicyDB.
func (*IAMSys) RemoveUsersFromGroup ¶
RemoveUsersFromGroup - remove users from group. If no users are given, and the group is empty, deletes the group as well.
func (*IAMSys) SetGroupStatus ¶
SetGroupStatus - enable/disabled a group
func (*IAMSys) SetTempUser ¶
func (sys *IAMSys) SetTempUser(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, cred auth.Credentials, policyName string) error
SetTempUser - set temporary user credentials, these credentials have an expiry. The permissions for these STS credentials is determined in one of the following ways:
- RoleARN - if a role-arn is specified in the request, the STS credential's policy is the role's policy.
- inherited from parent - this is the case for AssumeRole API, where the parent user is an actual real user with their own (permanent) credentials and policy association.
- inherited from "virtual" parent - this is the case for AssumeRoleWithLDAP where the parent user is the DN of the actual LDAP user. The parent user itself cannot login, but the policy associated with them determines the base policy for the STS credential. The policy mapping can be updated by the administrator.
- from `Subject.CommonName` field from the STS request for AssumeRoleWithCertificate. In this case, the policy for the STS credential has the same name as the value of this field.
- from special JWT claim from STS request for AssumeRoleWithOIDC API (when not using RoleARN). The claim value can be a string or a list and refers to the names of access policies.
For all except the RoleARN case, the implementation is the same - the policy for the STS credential is associated with a parent user. For the AssumeRoleWithCertificate case, the "virtual" parent user is the value of the `Subject.CommonName` field. For the OIDC (without RoleARN) case the "virtual" parent is derived as a concatenation of the `sub` and `iss` fields. The policies applicable to the STS credential are associated with this "virtual" parent.
When a policyName is given to this function, the policy association is created and stored in the IAM store. Thus, it should NOT be given for the role-arn case (because the role-to-policy mapping is separately stored elsewhere), the AssumeRole case (because the parent user is real and their policy is associated via policy-set API) and the AssumeRoleWithLDAP case (because the policy association is made via policy-set API).
func (*IAMSys) SetUserSecretKey ¶
SetUserSecretKey - sets user secret key
type IncompleteBody ¶
type IncompleteBody GenericError
IncompleteBody You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header.
func (IncompleteBody) Error ¶
func (e IncompleteBody) Error() string
Error returns string an error formatted as the given text.
type InitiateMultipartUploadResponse ¶
type InitiateMultipartUploadResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" InitiateMultipartUploadResult" json:"-"` Bucket string Key string UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"` }
InitiateMultipartUploadResponse container for InitiateMultiPartUpload response, provides uploadID to start MultiPart upload
type InsufficientReadQuorum ¶
type InsufficientReadQuorum GenericError
InsufficientReadQuorum storage cannot satisfy quorum for read operation.
func (InsufficientReadQuorum) Error ¶
func (e InsufficientReadQuorum) Error() string
func (InsufficientReadQuorum) Unwrap ¶
func (e InsufficientReadQuorum) Unwrap() error
Unwrap the error.
type InsufficientWriteQuorum ¶
type InsufficientWriteQuorum GenericError
InsufficientWriteQuorum storage cannot satisfy quorum for write operation.
func (InsufficientWriteQuorum) Error ¶
func (e InsufficientWriteQuorum) Error() string
func (InsufficientWriteQuorum) Unwrap ¶
func (e InsufficientWriteQuorum) Unwrap() error
Unwrap the error.
type InvalidArgument ¶
type InvalidArgument GenericError
InvalidArgument incorrect input argument
func (InvalidArgument) Error ¶
func (e InvalidArgument) Error() string
type InvalidETag ¶
type InvalidETag struct{}
InvalidETag error returned when the etag has changed on disk
func (InvalidETag) Error ¶
func (e InvalidETag) Error() string
type InvalidMarkerPrefixCombination ¶
type InvalidMarkerPrefixCombination struct {
Marker, Prefix string
InvalidMarkerPrefixCombination - invalid marker and prefix combination.
func (InvalidMarkerPrefixCombination) Error ¶
func (e InvalidMarkerPrefixCombination) Error() string
type InvalidObjectState ¶
type InvalidObjectState GenericError
InvalidObjectState restore-object doesn't apply for the current state of the object.
func (InvalidObjectState) Error ¶
func (e InvalidObjectState) Error() string
type InvalidPart ¶
InvalidPart One or more of the specified parts could not be found
func (InvalidPart) Error ¶
func (e InvalidPart) Error() string
type InvalidRange ¶
InvalidRange - invalid range typed error.
func (InvalidRange) Error ¶
func (e InvalidRange) Error() string
type InvalidUploadID ¶
InvalidUploadID invalid upload id.
func (InvalidUploadID) Error ¶
func (e InvalidUploadID) Error() string
type InvalidUploadIDKeyCombination ¶
type InvalidUploadIDKeyCombination struct {
UploadIDMarker, KeyMarker string
InvalidUploadIDKeyCombination - invalid upload id and key marker combination.
func (InvalidUploadIDKeyCombination) Error ¶
func (e InvalidUploadIDKeyCombination) Error() string
type InvalidVersionID ¶
type InvalidVersionID GenericError
InvalidVersionID invalid version id
func (InvalidVersionID) Error ¶
func (e InvalidVersionID) Error() string
type IsLeafDirFunc ¶
IsLeafDirFunc - A function isLeafDir of type isLeafDirFunc is used to detect if an entry is empty directory.
type IsLeafFunc ¶
IsLeafFunc - A function isLeaf of type isLeafFunc is used to detect if an entry is a leaf entry. There are 2 scenarios where isLeaf should behave differently depending on the backend:
- FS backend object listing - isLeaf is true if the entry has no trailing "/"
- Erasure backend object listing - isLeaf is true if the entry is a directory and contains xl.meta
type LDAPIdentityResult ¶
type LDAPIdentityResult struct {
Credentials auth.Credentials `xml:",omitempty"`
LDAPIdentityResult - contains credentials for a successful AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity request.
type LastMinuteLatencies ¶
type LastMinuteLatencies [sizeLastElemMarker]lastMinuteLatency
LastMinuteLatencies keeps track of last minute latencies.
func (*LastMinuteLatencies) Add ¶
func (l *LastMinuteLatencies) Add(size int64, t time.Duration)
Add latency t from object with the specified size.
func (*LastMinuteLatencies) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*LastMinuteLatencies) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*LastMinuteLatencies) GetAvgData ¶
func (l *LastMinuteLatencies) GetAvgData() [sizeLastElemMarker]AccElem
GetAvgData will return the average for each bucket from the last time minute. The number of objects is also included.
func (*LastMinuteLatencies) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (LastMinuteLatencies) Merge ¶
func (l LastMinuteLatencies) Merge(o LastMinuteLatencies) (merged LastMinuteLatencies)
Merge safely merges two LastMinuteLatencies structures into one
func (*LastMinuteLatencies) Msgsize ¶
func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*LastMinuteLatencies) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *LastMinuteLatencies) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type LifecycleSys ¶
type LifecycleSys struct{}
LifecycleSys - Bucket lifecycle subsystem.
func NewLifecycleSys ¶
func NewLifecycleSys() *LifecycleSys
NewLifecycleSys - creates new lifecycle system.
type ListBucketsResponse ¶
type ListBucketsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListAllMyBucketsResult" json:"-"` Owner Owner // Container for one or more buckets. Buckets struct { Buckets []Bucket `xml:"Bucket"` } // Buckets are nested }
ListBucketsResponse - format for list buckets response
type ListDirFunc ¶
type ListDirFunc func(bucket, prefixDir, prefixEntry string) (emptyDir bool, entries []string, delayIsLeaf bool)
ListDirFunc - "listDir" function of type listDirFunc returned by listDirFactory() - explained below.
type ListMultipartUploadsResponse ¶
type ListMultipartUploadsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListMultipartUploadsResult" json:"-"` Bucket string KeyMarker string UploadIDMarker string `xml:"UploadIdMarker"` NextKeyMarker string NextUploadIDMarker string `xml:"NextUploadIdMarker"` Delimiter string Prefix string EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"` MaxUploads int IsTruncated bool // List of pending uploads. Uploads []Upload `xml:"Upload"` // Delimed common prefixes. CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix }
ListMultipartUploadsResponse - format for list multipart uploads response.
type ListMultipartsInfo ¶
type ListMultipartsInfo struct { // Together with upload-id-marker, this parameter specifies the multipart upload // after which listing should begin. KeyMarker string // Together with key-marker, specifies the multipart upload after which listing // should begin. If key-marker is not specified, the upload-id-marker parameter // is ignored. UploadIDMarker string // When a list is truncated, this element specifies the value that should be // used for the key-marker request parameter in a subsequent request. NextKeyMarker string // When a list is truncated, this element specifies the value that should be // used for the upload-id-marker request parameter in a subsequent request. NextUploadIDMarker string // Maximum number of multipart uploads that could have been included in the // response. MaxUploads int // Indicates whether the returned list of multipart uploads is truncated. A // value of true indicates that the list was truncated. The list can be truncated // if the number of multipart uploads exceeds the limit allowed or specified // by max uploads. IsTruncated bool // List of all pending uploads. Uploads []MultipartInfo // When a prefix is provided in the request, The result contains only keys // starting with the specified prefix. Prefix string // A character used to truncate the object prefixes. // NOTE: only supported delimiter is '/'. Delimiter string // CommonPrefixes contains all (if there are any) keys between Prefix and the // next occurrence of the string specified by delimiter. CommonPrefixes []string EncodingType string // Not supported yet. }
ListMultipartsInfo - represnets bucket resources for incomplete multipart uploads.
func FromMinioClientListMultipartsInfo ¶
func FromMinioClientListMultipartsInfo(lmur minio.ListMultipartUploadsResult) ListMultipartsInfo
FromMinioClientListMultipartsInfo converts minio ListMultipartUploadsResult to ListMultipartsInfo
func (ListMultipartsInfo) Lookup ¶
func (lm ListMultipartsInfo) Lookup(uploadID string) bool
Lookup - returns if uploadID is valid
type ListObjectVersionsInfo ¶
type ListObjectVersionsInfo struct { // Indicates whether the returned list objects response is truncated. A // value of true indicates that the list was truncated. The list can be truncated // if the number of objects exceeds the limit allowed or specified // by max keys. IsTruncated bool // When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response is true), // you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent // request to get next set of objects. // // NOTE: AWS S3 returns NextMarker only if you have delimiter request parameter specified, // MinIO always returns NextMarker. NextMarker string // NextVersionIDMarker may be set of IsTruncated is true NextVersionIDMarker string // List of objects info for this request. Objects []ObjectInfo // List of prefixes for this request. Prefixes []string }
ListObjectVersionsInfo - container for list objects versions.
type ListObjectsInfo ¶
type ListObjectsInfo struct { // Indicates whether the returned list objects response is truncated. A // value of true indicates that the list was truncated. The list can be truncated // if the number of objects exceeds the limit allowed or specified // by max keys. IsTruncated bool // When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response is true), // you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent // request to get next set of objects. // // NOTE: AWS S3 returns NextMarker only if you have delimiter request parameter specified, // MinIO always returns NextMarker. NextMarker string // List of objects info for this request. Objects []ObjectInfo // List of prefixes for this request. Prefixes []string }
ListObjectsInfo - container for list objects.
func FromMinioClientListBucketResult ¶
func FromMinioClientListBucketResult(bucket string, result minio.ListBucketResult) ListObjectsInfo
FromMinioClientListBucketResult converts minio ListBucketResult to ListObjectsInfo
type ListObjectsResponse ¶
type ListObjectsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListBucketResult" json:"-"` Name string Prefix string Marker string // When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response // is true), you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent // request to get next set of objects. Server lists objects in alphabetical // order Note: This element is returned only if you have delimiter request parameter // specified. If response does not include the NextMaker and it is truncated, // you can use the value of the last Key in the response as the marker in the // subsequent request to get the next set of object keys. NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker,omitempty"` MaxKeys int Delimiter string // A flag that indicates whether or not ListObjects returned all of the results // that satisfied the search criteria. IsTruncated bool Contents []Object CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix // Encoding type used to encode object keys in the response. EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"` }
ListObjectsResponse - format for list objects response.
type ListObjectsV2Info ¶
type ListObjectsV2Info struct { // Indicates whether the returned list objects response is truncated. A // value of true indicates that the list was truncated. The list can be truncated // if the number of objects exceeds the limit allowed or specified // by max keys. IsTruncated bool // When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response // is true), you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent // request to get next set of objects. // // NOTE: This element is returned only if you have delimiter request parameter // specified. ContinuationToken string NextContinuationToken string // List of objects info for this request. Objects []ObjectInfo // List of prefixes for this request. Prefixes []string }
ListObjectsV2Info - container for list objects version 2.
func FromMinioClientListBucketResultToV2Info ¶
func FromMinioClientListBucketResultToV2Info(bucket string, result minio.ListBucketResult) ListObjectsV2Info
FromMinioClientListBucketResultToV2Info converts minio ListBucketResult to ListObjectsV2Info
func FromMinioClientListBucketV2Result ¶
func FromMinioClientListBucketV2Result(bucket string, result minio.ListBucketV2Result) ListObjectsV2Info
FromMinioClientListBucketV2Result converts minio ListBucketResult to ListObjectsInfo
type ListObjectsV2Response ¶
type ListObjectsV2Response struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListBucketResult" json:"-"` Name string Prefix string StartAfter string `xml:"StartAfter,omitempty"` // When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response // is true), you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent // request to get next set of objects. Server lists objects in alphabetical // order Note: This element is returned only if you have delimiter request parameter // specified. If response does not include the NextMaker and it is truncated, // you can use the value of the last Key in the response as the marker in the // subsequent request to get the next set of object keys. ContinuationToken string `xml:"ContinuationToken,omitempty"` NextContinuationToken string `xml:"NextContinuationToken,omitempty"` KeyCount int MaxKeys int Delimiter string // A flag that indicates whether or not ListObjects returned all of the results // that satisfied the search criteria. IsTruncated bool Contents []Object CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix // Encoding type used to encode object keys in the response. EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"` }
ListObjectsV2Response - format for list objects response.
type ListPartsInfo ¶
type ListPartsInfo struct { // Name of the bucket. Bucket string // Name of the object. Object string // Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose parts are being listed. UploadID string // The class of storage used to store the object. StorageClass string // Part number after which listing begins. PartNumberMarker int // When a list is truncated, this element specifies the last part in the list, // as well as the value to use for the part-number-marker request parameter // in a subsequent request. NextPartNumberMarker int // Maximum number of parts that were allowed in the response. MaxParts int // Indicates whether the returned list of parts is truncated. IsTruncated bool // List of all parts. Parts []PartInfo // Any metadata set during InitMultipartUpload, including encryption headers. UserDefined map[string]string }
ListPartsInfo - represents list of all parts.
func FromMinioClientListPartsInfo ¶
func FromMinioClientListPartsInfo(lopr minio.ListObjectPartsResult) ListPartsInfo
FromMinioClientListPartsInfo converts minio ListObjectPartsResult to ListPartsInfo
type ListPartsResponse ¶
type ListPartsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListPartsResult" json:"-"` Bucket string Key string UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"` Initiator Initiator Owner Owner // The class of storage used to store the object. StorageClass string PartNumberMarker int NextPartNumberMarker int MaxParts int IsTruncated bool // List of parts. Parts []Part `xml:"Part"` }
ListPartsResponse - format for list parts response.
type ListVersionsResponse ¶
type ListVersionsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ListVersionsResult" json:"-"` Name string Prefix string KeyMarker string // When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response // is true), you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent // request to get next set of objects. Server lists objects in alphabetical // order Note: This element is returned only if you have delimiter request parameter // specified. If response does not include the NextMaker and it is truncated, // you can use the value of the last Key in the response as the marker in the // subsequent request to get the next set of object keys. NextKeyMarker string `xml:"NextKeyMarker,omitempty"` // When the number of responses exceeds the value of MaxKeys, // NextVersionIdMarker specifies the first object version not // returned that satisfies the search criteria. Use this value // for the version-id-marker request parameter in a subsequent request. NextVersionIDMarker string `xml:"NextVersionIdMarker"` // Marks the last version of the Key returned in a truncated response. VersionIDMarker string `xml:"VersionIdMarker"` MaxKeys int Delimiter string // A flag that indicates whether or not ListObjects returned all of the results // that satisfied the search criteria. IsTruncated bool CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix Versions []ObjectVersion // Encoding type used to encode object keys in the response. EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"` }
ListVersionsResponse - format for list bucket versions response.
type LocationResponse ¶
type LocationResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" LocationConstraint" json:"-"` Location string `xml:",chardata"` }
LocationResponse - format for location response.
type LockContext ¶
type LockContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LockContext lock context holds the lock backed context and canceler for the context.
func (LockContext) Context ¶
func (l LockContext) Context() context.Context
Context returns lock context
type MalformedUploadID ¶
type MalformedUploadID struct {
UploadID string
MalformedUploadID malformed upload id.
func (MalformedUploadID) Error ¶
func (e MalformedUploadID) Error() string
type MappedPolicy ¶
MappedPolicy represents a policy name mapped to a user or group
type MetadataEntry ¶
MetadataEntry denotes name and value.
type MethodNotAllowed ¶
type MethodNotAllowed GenericError
MethodNotAllowed on the object
func (MethodNotAllowed) Error ¶
func (e MethodNotAllowed) Error() string
type Metric ¶
type Metric struct { Description MetricDescription `json:"Description"` StaticLabels map[string]string `json:"StaticLabels"` Value float64 `json:"Value"` VariableLabels map[string]string `json:"VariableLabels"` HistogramBucketLabel string `json:"HistogramBucketLabel"` Histogram map[string]uint64 `json:"Histogram"` }
Metric captures the details for a metric
type MetricDescription ¶
type MetricDescription struct { Namespace MetricNamespace `json:"MetricNamespace"` Subsystem MetricSubsystem `json:"Subsystem"` Name MetricName `json:"MetricName"` Help string `json:"Help"` Type MetricType `json:"Type"` }
MetricDescription describes the metric
type MetricNamespace ¶
type MetricNamespace string
MetricNamespace is top level grouping of metrics to create the metric name.
type MetricSubsystem ¶
type MetricSubsystem string
MetricSubsystem is the sub grouping for metrics within a namespace.
type MetricsGroup ¶
type MetricsGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MetricsGroup are a group of metrics that are initialized together.
func (*MetricsGroup) Get ¶
func (g *MetricsGroup) Get() (metrics []Metric)
Get - returns cached value always upton the configured TTL, once the TTL expires "read()" registered function is called to return the new values and updated.
func (*MetricsGroup) RegisterRead ¶
func (g *MetricsGroup) RegisterRead(read func(ctx context.Context) []Metric)
RegisterRead register the metrics populator function to be used to populate new values upon cache invalidation.
type MetricsTransport ¶
type MetricsTransport struct { Transport *http.Transport Metrics *BackendMetrics }
MetricsTransport is a custom wrapper around Transport to track metrics
type MultipartInfo ¶
type MultipartInfo struct { // Name of the bucket. Bucket string // Name of the object. Object string // Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose parts are being listed. UploadID string // Date and time at which the multipart upload was initiated. Initiated time.Time // Any metadata set during InitMultipartUpload, including encryption headers. UserDefined map[string]string }
MultipartInfo captures metadata information about the uploadId this data structure is used primarily for some internal purposes for verifying upload type such as was the upload - encrypted - compressed
func (*MultipartInfo) KMSKeyID ¶
func (o *MultipartInfo) KMSKeyID() string
KMSKeyID returns in AWS compatible KMS KeyID() format.
type NotImplemented ¶
type NotImplemented struct {
Message string
NotImplemented If a feature is not implemented
func (NotImplemented) Error ¶
func (e NotImplemented) Error() string
type NotificationGroup ¶
type NotificationGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A NotificationGroup is a collection of goroutines working on subtasks that are part of the same overall task.
A zero NotificationGroup is valid and does not cancel on error.
func WithNPeers ¶
func WithNPeers(nerrs int) *NotificationGroup
WithNPeers returns a new NotificationGroup with length of errs slice upto nerrs, upon Wait() errors are returned collected from all tasks.
func (*NotificationGroup) Go ¶
Go calls the given function in a new goroutine.
The first call to return a non-nil error will be collected in errs slice and returned by Wait().
func (*NotificationGroup) Wait ¶
func (g *NotificationGroup) Wait() []NotificationPeerErr
Wait blocks until all function calls from the Go method have returned, then returns the slice of errors from all function calls.
type NotificationPeerErr ¶
type NotificationPeerErr struct { Host xnet.Host // Remote host on which the rpc call was initiated Err error // Error returned by the remote peer for an rpc call }
NotificationPeerErr returns error associated for a remote peer.
type NotificationSys ¶
NotificationSys - notification system.
func NewNotificationSys ¶
func NewNotificationSys(endpoints EndpointServerPools) *NotificationSys
NewNotificationSys - creates new notification system object.
func (*NotificationSys) AddRulesMap ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) AddRulesMap(bucketName string, rulesMap event.RulesMap)
AddRulesMap - adds rules map for bucket name.
func (*NotificationSys) BackgroundHealStatus ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) BackgroundHealStatus() ([]madmin.BgHealState, []NotificationPeerErr)
BackgroundHealStatus - returns background heal status of all peers
func (*NotificationSys) ConfiguredTargetIDs ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) ConfiguredTargetIDs() []event.TargetID
ConfiguredTargetIDs - returns list of configured target id's
func (*NotificationSys) DeleteBucketMetadata ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) DeleteBucketMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucketName string)
DeleteBucketMetadata - calls DeleteBucketMetadata call on all peers
func (*NotificationSys) DeletePolicy ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) DeletePolicy(policyName string) []NotificationPeerErr
DeletePolicy - deletes policy across all peers.
func (*NotificationSys) DeleteServiceAccount ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) DeleteServiceAccount(accessKey string) []NotificationPeerErr
DeleteServiceAccount - deletes a specific service account across all peers
func (*NotificationSys) DeleteUser ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) DeleteUser(accessKey string) []NotificationPeerErr
DeleteUser - deletes a specific user across all peers
func (*NotificationSys) DispatchNetPerfChan ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) DispatchNetPerfChan(ctx context.Context) chan madmin.NetPerfInfo
DispatchNetPerfChan - Net perf information from other nodes
func (*NotificationSys) DispatchNetPerfInfo ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) DispatchNetPerfInfo(ctx context.Context) []madmin.NetPerfInfo
DispatchNetPerfInfo - Net perf information from other nodes
func (*NotificationSys) DownloadProfilingData ¶
DownloadProfilingData - download profiling data from all remote peers.
func (*NotificationSys) DriveSpeedTest ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) DriveSpeedTest(ctx context.Context, opts madmin.DriveSpeedTestOpts) chan madmin.DriveSpeedTestResult
DriveSpeedTest - Drive performance information
func (*NotificationSys) GetARNList ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetARNList(onlyActive bool) []string
GetARNList - returns available ARNs.
func (*NotificationSys) GetBandwidthReports ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetBandwidthReports(ctx context.Context, buckets ...string) madmin.BucketBandwidthReport
GetBandwidthReports - gets the bandwidth report from all nodes including self.
func (*NotificationSys) GetCPUs ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetCPUs(ctx context.Context) []madmin.CPUs
GetCPUs - Get all CPU information.
func (*NotificationSys) GetClusterBucketStats ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetClusterBucketStats(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) []BucketStats
GetClusterBucketStats - calls GetClusterBucketStats call on all peers for a cluster statistics view.
func (*NotificationSys) GetClusterMetrics ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetClusterMetrics(ctx context.Context) chan Metric
GetClusterMetrics - gets the cluster metrics from all nodes excluding self.
func (*NotificationSys) GetDrivePerfInfos ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetDrivePerfInfos(ctx context.Context) chan madmin.DrivePerfInfos
GetDrivePerfInfos - Drive performance information
func (*NotificationSys) GetLastDayTierStats ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetLastDayTierStats(ctx context.Context) dailyAllTierStats
GetLastDayTierStats fetches per-tier stats of the last 24hrs from all peers
func (*NotificationSys) GetLocalDiskIDs ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetLocalDiskIDs(ctx context.Context) (localDiskIDs [][]string)
GetLocalDiskIDs - return disk ids of the local disks of the peers.
func (*NotificationSys) GetMemInfo ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetMemInfo(ctx context.Context) []madmin.MemInfo
GetMemInfo - Memory information
func (*NotificationSys) GetNetPerfInfo ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetNetPerfInfo(ctx context.Context) madmin.NetPerfInfo
GetNetPerfInfo - Net information
func (*NotificationSys) GetOSInfo ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetOSInfo(ctx context.Context) []madmin.OSInfo
GetOSInfo - Get operating system's information
func (*NotificationSys) GetParallelNetPerfInfo ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetParallelNetPerfInfo(ctx context.Context) madmin.NetPerfInfo
GetParallelNetPerfInfo - Performs Net parallel tests
func (*NotificationSys) GetPartitions ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetPartitions(ctx context.Context) []madmin.Partitions
GetPartitions - Disk partition information
func (*NotificationSys) GetProcInfo ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetProcInfo(ctx context.Context) []madmin.ProcInfo
GetProcInfo - Process information
func (*NotificationSys) GetSysConfig ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetSysConfig(ctx context.Context) []madmin.SysConfig
GetSysConfig - Get information about system config (only the config that are of concern to minio)
func (*NotificationSys) GetSysErrors ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetSysErrors(ctx context.Context) []madmin.SysErrors
GetSysErrors - Memory information
func (*NotificationSys) GetSysServices ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetSysServices(ctx context.Context) []madmin.SysServices
GetSysServices - Get information about system services (only the services that are of concern to minio)
func (*NotificationSys) InitBucketTargets ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) InitBucketTargets(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
InitBucketTargets - initializes notification system from notification.xml of all buckets.
func (*NotificationSys) LoadBucketMetadata ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadBucketMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucketName string)
LoadBucketMetadata - calls LoadBucketMetadata call on all peers
func (*NotificationSys) LoadGroup ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadGroup(group string) []NotificationPeerErr
LoadGroup - loads a specific group on all peers.
func (*NotificationSys) LoadPolicy ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadPolicy(policyName string) []NotificationPeerErr
LoadPolicy - reloads a specific modified policy across all peers
func (*NotificationSys) LoadPolicyMapping ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadPolicyMapping(userOrGroup string, isGroup bool) []NotificationPeerErr
LoadPolicyMapping - reloads a policy mapping across all peers
func (*NotificationSys) LoadServiceAccount ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadServiceAccount(accessKey string) []NotificationPeerErr
LoadServiceAccount - reloads a specific service account across all peers
func (*NotificationSys) LoadTransitionTierConfig ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadTransitionTierConfig(ctx context.Context)
LoadTransitionTierConfig notifies remote peers to load their remote tier configs from config store.
func (*NotificationSys) LoadUser ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) LoadUser(accessKey string, temp bool) []NotificationPeerErr
LoadUser - reloads a specific user across all peers
func (*NotificationSys) Netperf ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) Netperf(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration) []madmin.NetperfNodeResult
Netperf - perform mesh style network throughput test
func (*NotificationSys) ReloadPoolMeta ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) ReloadPoolMeta(ctx context.Context)
ReloadPoolMeta reloads on disk updates on pool metadata
func (*NotificationSys) ReloadSiteReplicationConfig ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) ReloadSiteReplicationConfig(ctx context.Context) []error
ReloadSiteReplicationConfig - tells all peer minio nodes to reload the site-replication configuration.
func (*NotificationSys) RemoveAllRemoteTargets ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) RemoveAllRemoteTargets()
RemoveAllRemoteTargets - closes and removes all notification targets.
func (*NotificationSys) RemoveNotification ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) RemoveNotification(bucketName string)
RemoveNotification - removes all notification configuration for bucket name.
func (*NotificationSys) RemoveRulesMap ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) RemoveRulesMap(bucketName string, rulesMap event.RulesMap)
RemoveRulesMap - removes rules map for bucket name.
func (*NotificationSys) Send ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) Send(args eventArgs)
Send - sends event data to all matching targets.
func (*NotificationSys) ServerInfo ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) ServerInfo() []madmin.ServerProperties
ServerInfo - calls ServerInfo RPC call on all peers.
func (*NotificationSys) ServerUpdate ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) ServerUpdate(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL, sha256Sum []byte, lrTime time.Time, releaseInfo string) []NotificationPeerErr
ServerUpdate - updates remote peers.
func (*NotificationSys) ServiceFreeze ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) ServiceFreeze(ctx context.Context, freeze bool) []NotificationPeerErr
ServiceFreeze freezes all S3 API calls when 'freeze' is true, 'freeze' is 'false' would resume all S3 API calls again. NOTE: once a tenant is frozen either two things needs to happen before resuming normal operations.
- Server needs to be restarted 'mc admin service restart'
- 'freeze' should be set to 'false' for this call to resume normal operations.
func (*NotificationSys) SignalService ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) SignalService(sig serviceSignal) []NotificationPeerErr
SignalService - calls signal service RPC call on all peers.
func (*NotificationSys) Speedtest ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) Speedtest(ctx context.Context, size int, concurrent int, duration time.Duration, storageClass string) []SpeedtestResult
Speedtest run GET/PUT tests at input concurrency for requested object size, optionally you can extend the tests longer with time.Duration.
func (*NotificationSys) StartProfiling ¶
func (sys *NotificationSys) StartProfiling(profiler string) []NotificationPeerErr
StartProfiling - start profiling on remote peers, by initiating a remote RPC.
type ObjReaderFn ¶
type ObjReaderFn func(inputReader io.Reader, h http.Header, cleanupFns ...func()) (r *GetObjectReader, err error)
ObjReaderFn is a function type that takes a reader and returns GetObjectReader and an error. Request headers are passed to provide encryption parameters. cleanupFns allow cleanup funcs to be registered for calling after usage of the reader.
func NewGetObjectReader ¶
func NewGetObjectReader(rs *HTTPRangeSpec, oi ObjectInfo, opts ObjectOptions) ( fn ObjReaderFn, off, length int64, err error, )
NewGetObjectReader creates a new GetObjectReader. The cleanUpFns are called on Close() in FIFO order as passed in ObjReadFn(). NOTE: It is assumed that clean up functions do not panic (otherwise, they may not all run!).
type Object ¶
type Object struct { Key string LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z" ETag string Size int64 // Owner of the object. Owner Owner // The class of storage used to store the object. StorageClass string // UserMetadata user-defined metadata UserMetadata StringMap `xml:"UserMetadata,omitempty"` }
Object container for object metadata
type ObjectAlreadyExists ¶
type ObjectAlreadyExists GenericError
ObjectAlreadyExists object already exists.
func (ObjectAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e ObjectAlreadyExists) Error() string
type ObjectExistsAsDirectory ¶
type ObjectExistsAsDirectory GenericError
ObjectExistsAsDirectory object already exists as a directory.
func (ObjectExistsAsDirectory) Error ¶
func (e ObjectExistsAsDirectory) Error() string
type ObjectInfo ¶
type ObjectInfo struct { // Name of the bucket. Bucket string // Name of the object. Name string // Date and time when the object was last modified. ModTime time.Time // Total object size. Size int64 // IsDir indicates if the object is prefix. IsDir bool // Hex encoded unique entity tag of the object. ETag string // The ETag stored in the gateway backend InnerETag string // Version ID of this object. VersionID string // IsLatest indicates if this is the latest current version // latest can be true for delete marker or a version. IsLatest bool // DeleteMarker indicates if the versionId corresponds // to a delete marker on an object. DeleteMarker bool // Transitioned object information TransitionedObject TransitionedObject // RestoreExpires indicates date a restored object expires RestoreExpires time.Time // RestoreOngoing indicates if a restore is in progress RestoreOngoing bool // A standard MIME type describing the format of the object. ContentType string // Specifies what content encodings have been applied to the object and thus // what decoding mechanisms must be applied to obtain the object referenced // by the Content-Type header field. ContentEncoding string // Date and time at which the object is no longer able to be cached Expires time.Time // CacheStatus sets status of whether this is a cache hit/miss CacheStatus CacheStatusType // CacheLookupStatus sets whether a cacheable response is present in the cache CacheLookupStatus CacheStatusType // Specify object storage class StorageClass string ReplicationStatusInternal string ReplicationStatus replication.StatusType // User-Defined metadata UserDefined map[string]string // User-Defined object tags UserTags string // List of individual parts, maximum size of upto 10,000 Parts []ObjectPartInfo `json:"-"` // Implements writer and reader used by CopyObject API Writer io.WriteCloser `json:"-"` Reader *hash.Reader `json:"-"` PutObjReader *PutObjReader `json:"-"` // Date and time when the object was last accessed. AccTime time.Time Legacy bool // indicates object on disk is in legacy data format // internal representation of version purge status VersionPurgeStatusInternal string VersionPurgeStatus VersionPurgeStatusType // The total count of all versions of this object NumVersions int // The modtime of the successor object version if any SuccessorModTime time.Time // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ObjectInfo - represents object metadata.
func FromMinioClientObjectInfo ¶
func FromMinioClientObjectInfo(bucket string, oi minio.ObjectInfo) ObjectInfo
FromMinioClientObjectInfo converts minio ObjectInfo to gateway ObjectInfo
func (ObjectInfo) Clone ¶
func (o ObjectInfo) Clone() (cinfo ObjectInfo)
Clone - Returns a cloned copy of current objectInfo
func (*ObjectInfo) DecryptedSize ¶
func (o *ObjectInfo) DecryptedSize() (int64, error)
DecryptedSize returns the size of the object after decryption in bytes. It returns an error if the object is not encrypted or marked as encrypted but has an invalid size.
func (*ObjectInfo) EncryptedSize ¶
func (o *ObjectInfo) EncryptedSize() int64
EncryptedSize returns the size of the object after encryption. An encrypted object is always larger than a plain object except for zero size objects.
func (ObjectInfo) GetActualETag ¶
func (o ObjectInfo) GetActualETag(h http.Header) string
GetActualETag - returns the actual etag of the stored object decrypts SSE objects.
func (ObjectInfo) GetActualSize ¶
func (o ObjectInfo) GetActualSize() (int64, error)
GetActualSize - returns the actual size of the stored object
func (*ObjectInfo) GetDecryptedRange ¶
func (o *ObjectInfo) GetDecryptedRange(rs *HTTPRangeSpec) (encOff, encLength, skipLen int64, seqNumber uint32, partStart int, err error)
GetDecryptedRange - To decrypt the range (off, length) of the decrypted object stream, we need to read the range (encOff, encLength) of the encrypted object stream to decrypt it, and compute skipLen, the number of bytes to skip in the beginning of the encrypted range.
In addition we also compute the object part number for where the requested range starts, along with the DARE sequence number within that part. For single part objects, the partStart will be 0.
func (ObjectInfo) IsCacheable ¶
func (o ObjectInfo) IsCacheable() bool
IsCacheable returns if the object should be saved in the cache.
func (ObjectInfo) IsCompressed ¶
func (o ObjectInfo) IsCompressed() bool
IsCompressed returns true if the object is marked as compressed.
func (ObjectInfo) IsCompressedOK ¶
func (o ObjectInfo) IsCompressedOK() (bool, error)
IsCompressedOK returns whether the object is compressed and can be decompressed.
func (ObjectInfo) IsRemote ¶
func (oi ObjectInfo) IsRemote() bool
IsRemote returns true if this object version's contents are in its remote tier.
func (*ObjectInfo) KMSKeyID ¶
func (o *ObjectInfo) KMSKeyID() string
KMSKeyID returns in AWS compatible KMS KeyID() format.
func (*ObjectInfo) TargetReplicationStatus ¶
func (o *ObjectInfo) TargetReplicationStatus(arn string) (status replication.StatusType)
TargetReplicationStatus - returns replication status of a target
func (ObjectInfo) ToLifecycleOpts ¶
func (oi ObjectInfo) ToLifecycleOpts() lifecycle.ObjectOpts
ToLifecycleOpts returns lifecycle.ObjectOpts value for oi.
type ObjectLayer ¶
type ObjectLayer interface { // Locking operations on object. NewNSLock(bucket string, objects ...string) RWLocker // Storage operations. Shutdown(context.Context) error NSScanner(ctx context.Context, bf *bloomFilter, updates chan<- DataUsageInfo, wantCycle uint32) error BackendInfo() madmin.BackendInfo StorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, []error) LocalStorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, []error) // Bucket operations. MakeBucketWithLocation(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) error GetBucketInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (bucketInfo BucketInfo, err error) ListBuckets(ctx context.Context) (buckets []BucketInfo, err error) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts DeleteBucketOptions) error ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (result ListObjectsInfo, err error) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter string, maxKeys int, fetchOwner bool, startAfter string) (result ListObjectsV2Info, err error) ListObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (result ListObjectVersionsInfo, err error) // Walk lists all objects including versions, delete markers. Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo, opts ObjectOptions) error // GetObjectNInfo returns a GetObjectReader that satisfies the // ReadCloser interface. The Close method unlocks the object // after reading, so it must always be called after usage. // // IMPORTANTLY, when implementations return err != nil, this // function MUST NOT return a non-nil ReadCloser. GetObjectNInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, h http.Header, lockType LockType, opts ObjectOptions) (reader *GetObjectReader, err error) GetObjectInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, destBucket, destObject string, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects []ObjectToDelete, opts ObjectOptions) ([]DeletedObject, []error) TransitionObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error RestoreTransitionedObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error // Multipart operations. ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (result ListMultipartsInfo, err error) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (uploadID string, err error) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, destBucket, destObject string, uploadID string, partID int, startOffset int64, length int64, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (info PartInfo, err error) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partID int, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (info PartInfo, err error) GetMultipartInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) (info MultipartInfo, err error) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumberMarker int, maxParts int, opts ObjectOptions) (result ListPartsInfo, err error) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) error CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, uploadedParts []CompletePart, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) // Policy operations SetBucketPolicy(context.Context, string, *policy.Policy) error GetBucketPolicy(context.Context, string) (*policy.Policy, error) DeleteBucketPolicy(context.Context, string) error // Supported operations check IsNotificationSupported() bool IsListenSupported() bool IsEncryptionSupported() bool IsTaggingSupported() bool IsCompressionSupported() bool SetDriveCounts() []int // list of erasure stripe size for each pool in order. // Healing operations. HealFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) HealBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) HealObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, versionID string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) HealObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, opts madmin.HealOpts, fn HealObjectFn) error // Backend related metrics GetMetrics(ctx context.Context) (*BackendMetrics, error) // Returns health of the backend Health(ctx context.Context, opts HealthOptions) HealthResult ReadHealth(ctx context.Context) bool // Metadata operations PutObjectMetadata(context.Context, string, string, ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) // ObjectTagging operations PutObjectTags(context.Context, string, string, string, ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) GetObjectTags(context.Context, string, string, ObjectOptions) (*tags.Tags, error) DeleteObjectTags(context.Context, string, string, ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) }
ObjectLayer implements primitives for object API layer.
func NewFSObjectLayer ¶
func NewFSObjectLayer(fsPath string) (ObjectLayer, error)
NewFSObjectLayer - initialize new fs object layer.
func NewGatewayLayerWithLocker ¶
func NewGatewayLayerWithLocker(gwLayer ObjectLayer) ObjectLayer
NewGatewayLayerWithLocker - initialize gateway with locker.
type ObjectLocked ¶
type ObjectLocked GenericError
ObjectLocked object is currently WORM protected.
func (ObjectLocked) Error ¶
func (e ObjectLocked) Error() string
type ObjectNameInvalid ¶
type ObjectNameInvalid GenericError
ObjectNameInvalid - object name provided is invalid.
func (ObjectNameInvalid) Error ¶
func (e ObjectNameInvalid) Error() string
Error returns string an error formatted as the given text.
type ObjectNamePrefixAsSlash ¶
type ObjectNamePrefixAsSlash GenericError
ObjectNamePrefixAsSlash - object name has a slash as prefix.
func (ObjectNamePrefixAsSlash) Error ¶
func (e ObjectNamePrefixAsSlash) Error() string
Error returns string an error formatted as the given text.
type ObjectNameTooLong ¶
type ObjectNameTooLong GenericError
ObjectNameTooLong - object name too long.
func (ObjectNameTooLong) Error ¶
func (e ObjectNameTooLong) Error() string
Error returns string an error formatted as the given text.
type ObjectNotFound ¶
type ObjectNotFound GenericError
ObjectNotFound object does not exist.
func (ObjectNotFound) Error ¶
func (e ObjectNotFound) Error() string
type ObjectOptions ¶
type ObjectOptions struct { ServerSideEncryption encrypt.ServerSide VersionSuspended bool // indicates if the bucket was previously versioned but is currently suspended. Versioned bool // indicates if the bucket is versioned VersionID string // Specifies the versionID which needs to be overwritten or read MTime time.Time // Is only set in POST/PUT operations Expires time.Time // Is only used in POST/PUT operations DeleteMarker bool // Is only set in DELETE operations for delete marker replication UserDefined map[string]string // only set in case of POST/PUT operations PartNumber int // only useful in case of GetObject/HeadObject CheckPrecondFn CheckPreconditionFn // only set during GetObject/HeadObject/CopyObjectPart preconditional valuation EvalMetadataFn EvalMetadataFn // only set for retention settings, meant to be used only when updating metadata in-place. DeleteReplication ReplicationState // Represents internal replication state needed for Delete replication Transition TransitionOptions Expiration ExpirationOptions NoLock bool // indicates to lower layers if the caller is expecting to hold locks. ProxyRequest bool // only set for GET/HEAD in active-active replication scenario ProxyHeaderSet bool // only set for GET/HEAD in active-active replication scenario ReplicationRequest bool // true only if replication request ReplicationSourceTaggingTimestamp time.Time // set if MinIOSourceTaggingTimestamp received ReplicationSourceLegalholdTimestamp time.Time // set if MinIOSourceObjectLegalholdTimestamp received ReplicationSourceRetentionTimestamp time.Time // set if MinIOSourceObjectRetentionTimestamp received DeletePrefix bool // set true to enforce a prefix deletion, only application for DeleteObject API, Speedtest bool // object call specifically meant for SpeedTest code, set to 'true' when invoked by SpeedtestHandler. // Use the maximum parity (N/2), used when saving server configuration files MaxParity bool // Mutate set to 'true' if the call is namespace mutation call Mutate bool WalkAscending bool // return Walk results in ascending order of versions }
ObjectOptions represents object options for ObjectLayer object operations
func (*ObjectOptions) DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus ¶
func (o *ObjectOptions) DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus() replication.StatusType
DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus - returns replication status of delete marker from DeleteReplication state in ObjectOptions
func (*ObjectOptions) PutReplicationState ¶
func (o *ObjectOptions) PutReplicationState() (r ReplicationState)
PutReplicationState gets ReplicationState for PUT operation from ObjectOptions
func (*ObjectOptions) SetDeleteReplicationState ¶
func (o *ObjectOptions) SetDeleteReplicationState(dsc ReplicateDecision, vID string)
SetDeleteReplicationState sets the delete replication options.
func (*ObjectOptions) SetReplicaStatus ¶
func (o *ObjectOptions) SetReplicaStatus(st replication.StatusType)
SetReplicaStatus sets replica status and timestamp for delete operations in ObjectOptions
func (*ObjectOptions) VersionPurgeStatus ¶
func (o *ObjectOptions) VersionPurgeStatus() VersionPurgeStatusType
VersionPurgeStatus - returns version purge status from DeleteReplication state in ObjectOptions
type ObjectPartInfo ¶
type ObjectPartInfo struct { ETag string `json:"etag,omitempty"` Number int `json:"number"` Size int64 `json:"size"` ActualSize int64 `json:"actualSize"` }
ObjectPartInfo Info of each part kept in the multipart metadata file after CompleteMultipartUpload() is called.
func (*ObjectPartInfo) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ObjectPartInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*ObjectPartInfo) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *ObjectPartInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*ObjectPartInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ObjectPartInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*ObjectPartInfo) Msgsize ¶
func (z *ObjectPartInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ObjectPartInfo) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ObjectPartInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ObjectToDelete ¶
type ObjectToDelete struct { ObjectV // Replication status of DeleteMarker DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus string `xml:"DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus"` // Status of versioned delete (of object or DeleteMarker) VersionPurgeStatus VersionPurgeStatusType `xml:"VersionPurgeStatus"` // VersionPurgeStatuses holds the internal VersionPurgeStatuses string `xml:"VersionPurgeStatuses"` // ReplicateDecisionStr stringified representation of replication decision ReplicateDecisionStr string `xml:"-"` }
ObjectToDelete carries key name for the object to delete.
func (*ObjectToDelete) ReplicationState ¶
func (o *ObjectToDelete) ReplicationState() ReplicationState
ReplicationState returns replication state using other internal replication metadata in ObjectToDelete
type ObjectTooLarge ¶
type ObjectTooLarge GenericError
ObjectTooLarge error returned when the size of the object > max object size allowed (5G) per request.
func (ObjectTooLarge) Error ¶
func (e ObjectTooLarge) Error() string
type ObjectTooSmall ¶
type ObjectTooSmall GenericError
ObjectTooSmall error returned when the size of the object < what is expected.
func (ObjectTooSmall) Error ¶
func (e ObjectTooSmall) Error() string
type ObjectVersion ¶
type ObjectVersion struct { Object IsLatest bool VersionID string `xml:"VersionId"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ObjectVersion container for object version metadata
func (ObjectVersion) MarshalXML ¶
func (o ObjectVersion) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
MarshalXML - marshal ObjectVersion
type OpenIDClientAppParams ¶
type OpenIDClientAppParams struct {
ClientID, ClientSecret, ProviderURL, RedirectURL string
OpenIDClientAppParams - contains openID client application params, used in testing.
type OperationTimedOut ¶
type OperationTimedOut struct{}
OperationTimedOut - a timeout occurred.
func (OperationTimedOut) Error ¶
func (e OperationTimedOut) Error() string
type OutputLocation ¶
type OutputLocation struct {
S3 S3Location `xml:"S3,omitempty"`
OutputLocation specifies bucket where object needs to be restored
func (*OutputLocation) IsEmpty ¶
func (o *OutputLocation) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if output location not specified.
type PartInfo ¶
type PartInfo struct { // Part number that identifies the part. This is a positive integer between // 1 and 10,000. PartNumber int // Date and time at which the part was uploaded. LastModified time.Time // Entity tag returned when the part was initially uploaded. ETag string // Size in bytes of the part. Size int64 // Decompressed Size. ActualSize int64 }
PartInfo - represents individual part metadata.
func FromMinioClientObjectPart ¶
func FromMinioClientObjectPart(op minio.ObjectPart) PartInfo
FromMinioClientObjectPart converts minio ObjectPart to PartInfo
type PartTooBig ¶
type PartTooBig struct{}
PartTooBig returned if size of part is bigger than the allowed limit.
func (PartTooBig) Error ¶
func (e PartTooBig) Error() string
type PartTooSmall ¶
PartTooSmall - error if part size is less than 5MB.
func (PartTooSmall) Error ¶
func (e PartTooSmall) Error() string
type PeerSiteInfo ¶
type PeerSiteInfo struct { madmin.PeerSite DeploymentID string Replicated bool // true if already participating in site replication Empty bool // true if cluster has no buckets // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PeerSiteInfo is a wrapper struct around madmin.PeerSite with extra info on site status
type PolicyDoc ¶
type PolicyDoc struct { Version int `json:",omitempty"` Policy iampolicy.Policy CreateDate time.Time `json:",omitempty"` UpdateDate time.Time `json:",omitempty"` }
PolicyDoc represents an IAM policy with some metadata.
type PolicyStatus ¶
type PolicyStatus struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PolicyStatus" json:"-"` IsPublic string }
PolicyStatus captures information returned by GetBucketPolicyStatusHandler
type PolicySys ¶
type PolicySys struct{}
PolicySys - policy subsystem.
type PoolDecommissionInfo ¶
type PoolDecommissionInfo struct { StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime" msg:"st"` StartSize int64 `json:"startSize" msg:"ss"` TotalSize int64 `json:"totalSize" msg:"ts"` CurrentSize int64 `json:"currentSize" msg:"cs"` Complete bool `json:"complete" msg:"cmp"` Failed bool `json:"failed" msg:"fl"` Canceled bool `json:"canceled" msg:"cnl"` // Internal information. QueuedBuckets []string `json:"-" msg:"bkts"` DecommissionedBuckets []string `json:"-" msg:"dbkts"` // Last bucket/object decommissioned. Bucket string `json:"-" msg:"bkt"` Object string `json:"-" msg:"obj"` // Verbose information ItemsDecommissioned int64 `json:"-" msg:"id"` ItemsDecommissionFailed int64 `json:"-" msg:"idf"` BytesDone int64 `json:"-" msg:"bd"` BytesFailed int64 `json:"-" msg:"bf"` }
PoolDecommissionInfo currently decommissioning information
func (*PoolDecommissionInfo) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*PoolDecommissionInfo) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*PoolDecommissionInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*PoolDecommissionInfo) Msgsize ¶
func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*PoolDecommissionInfo) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *PoolDecommissionInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type PoolEndpoints ¶
type PoolEndpoints struct { // indicates if endpoints are provided in non-ellipses style Legacy bool SetCount int DrivesPerSet int Endpoints Endpoints CmdLine string }
PoolEndpoints represent endpoints in a given pool along with its setCount and setDriveCount.
type PoolStatus ¶
type PoolStatus struct { ID int `json:"id" msg:"id"` CmdLine string `json:"cmdline" msg:"cl"` LastUpdate time.Time `json:"lastUpdate" msg:"lu"` Decommission *PoolDecommissionInfo `json:"decommissionInfo,omitempty" msg:"dec"` }
PoolStatus captures current pool status
func (*PoolStatus) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *PoolStatus) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*PoolStatus) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *PoolStatus) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*PoolStatus) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *PoolStatus) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*PoolStatus) Msgsize ¶
func (z *PoolStatus) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*PoolStatus) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *PoolStatus) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type PostPolicyForm ¶
type PostPolicyForm struct { Expiration time.Time // Expiration date and time of the POST policy. Conditions struct { Policies []struct { Operator string Key string Value string } ContentLengthRange contentLengthRange } }
PostPolicyForm provides strict static type conversion and validation for Amazon S3's POST policy JSON string.
type PostResponse ¶
PostResponse container for POST object request when success_action_status is set to 201
type PreConditionFailed ¶
type PreConditionFailed struct{}
PreConditionFailed - Check if copy precondition failed
func (PreConditionFailed) Error ¶
func (e PreConditionFailed) Error() string
type PrefixAccessDenied ¶
type PrefixAccessDenied GenericError
PrefixAccessDenied object access is denied.
func (PrefixAccessDenied) Error ¶
func (e PrefixAccessDenied) Error() string
type ProxyEndpoint ¶
type ProxyEndpoint struct { Endpoint Transport http.RoundTripper }
ProxyEndpoint - endpoint used for proxy redirects See proxyRequest() for details.
func GetProxyEndpoints ¶
func GetProxyEndpoints(endpointServerPools EndpointServerPools) []ProxyEndpoint
GetProxyEndpoints - get all endpoints that can be used to proxy list request.
type PutObjReader ¶
type PutObjReader struct { *hash.Reader // actual data stream // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutObjReader is a type that wraps sio.EncryptReader and underlying hash.Reader in a struct
func NewPutObjReader ¶
func NewPutObjReader(rawReader *hash.Reader) *PutObjReader
NewPutObjReader returns a new PutObjReader. It uses given hash.Reader's MD5Current method to construct md5sum when requested downstream.
func (*PutObjReader) MD5CurrentHexString ¶
func (p *PutObjReader) MD5CurrentHexString() string
MD5CurrentHexString returns the current MD5Sum or encrypted MD5Sum as a hex encoded string
func (*PutObjReader) Size ¶
func (p *PutObjReader) Size() int64
Size returns the absolute number of bytes the Reader will return during reading. It returns -1 for unlimited data.
func (*PutObjReader) WithEncryption ¶
func (p *PutObjReader) WithEncryption(encReader *hash.Reader, objEncKey *crypto.ObjectKey) (*PutObjReader, error)
WithEncryption sets up encrypted reader and the sealing for content md5sum using objEncKey. Unsealed md5sum is computed from the rawReader setup when NewPutObjReader was called. It returns an error if called on an uninitialized PutObjReader.
type RWLocker ¶
type RWLocker interface { GetLock(ctx context.Context, timeout *dynamicTimeout) (lkCtx LockContext, timedOutErr error) Unlock(cancel context.CancelFunc) GetRLock(ctx context.Context, timeout *dynamicTimeout) (lkCtx LockContext, timedOutErr error) RUnlock(cancel context.CancelFunc) }
RWLocker - locker interface to introduce GetRLock, RUnlock.
type ReplicateDecision ¶
type ReplicateDecision struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReplicateDecision represents replication decision for each target
func (*ReplicateDecision) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicateDecision) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (ReplicateDecision) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z ReplicateDecision) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (ReplicateDecision) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z ReplicateDecision) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (ReplicateDecision) Msgsize ¶
func (z ReplicateDecision) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ReplicateDecision) PendingStatus ¶
func (d *ReplicateDecision) PendingStatus() string
PendingStatus returns a stringified representation of internal replication status with all targets marked as `PENDING`
func (*ReplicateDecision) ReplicateAny ¶
func (d *ReplicateDecision) ReplicateAny() bool
ReplicateAny returns true if atleast one target qualifies for replication
func (*ReplicateDecision) Set ¶
func (d *ReplicateDecision) Set(t replicateTargetDecision)
Set updates ReplicateDecision with target's replication decision
func (*ReplicateDecision) String ¶
func (d *ReplicateDecision) String() string
func (*ReplicateDecision) Synchronous ¶
func (d *ReplicateDecision) Synchronous() bool
Synchronous returns true if atleast one target qualifies for synchronous replication
func (*ReplicateDecision) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicateDecision) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ReplicateObjectInfo ¶
type ReplicateObjectInfo struct { ObjectInfo OpType replication.Type RetryCount uint32 ResetID string Dsc ReplicateDecision ExistingObjResync ResyncDecision TargetArn string TargetStatuses map[string]replication.StatusType }
ReplicateObjectInfo represents object info to be replicated
type ReplicationLatency ¶
type ReplicationLatency struct { // Single & Multipart PUTs latency UploadHistogram LastMinuteLatencies }
ReplicationLatency holds information of bucket operations latency, such us uploads
func (*ReplicationLatency) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicationLatency) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*ReplicationLatency) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicationLatency) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*ReplicationLatency) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicationLatency) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*ReplicationLatency) Msgsize ¶
func (z *ReplicationLatency) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ReplicationLatency) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicationLatency) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ReplicationPool ¶
type ReplicationPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReplicationPool describes replication pool
func NewReplicationPool ¶
func NewReplicationPool(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, opts replicationPoolOpts) *ReplicationPool
NewReplicationPool creates a pool of replication workers of specified size
func (*ReplicationPool) AddExistingObjectReplicateWorker ¶
func (p *ReplicationPool) AddExistingObjectReplicateWorker()
AddExistingObjectReplicateWorker adds a worker to queue existing objects that need to be sync'd
func (*ReplicationPool) AddMRFWorker ¶
func (p *ReplicationPool) AddMRFWorker()
AddMRFWorker adds a pending/failed replication worker to handle requests that could not be queued to the other workers
func (*ReplicationPool) AddWorker ¶
func (p *ReplicationPool) AddWorker()
AddWorker adds a replication worker to the pool
func (*ReplicationPool) ResizeFailedWorkers ¶
func (p *ReplicationPool) ResizeFailedWorkers(n int)
ResizeFailedWorkers sets replication failed workers pool size
func (*ReplicationPool) ResizeWorkers ¶
func (p *ReplicationPool) ResizeWorkers(n int)
ResizeWorkers sets replication workers pool to new size
type ReplicationState ¶
type ReplicationState struct { ReplicaTimeStamp time.Time // timestamp when last replica update was received ReplicaStatus replication.StatusType // replica statusstringis DeleteMarker bool // represents DeleteMarker replication state ReplicationTimeStamp time.Time // timestamp when last replication activity happened ReplicationStatusInternal string // stringified representation of all replication activity // VersionPurgeStatusInternal is internally in the format "arn1=PENDING;arn2=COMMPLETED;" VersionPurgeStatusInternal string // stringified representation of all version purge statuses ReplicateDecisionStr string // stringified representation of replication decision for each target Targets map[string]replication.StatusType // map of ARN->replication status for ongoing replication activity PurgeTargets map[string]VersionPurgeStatusType // map of ARN->VersionPurgeStatus for all the targets ResetStatusesMap map[string]string // map of ARN-> stringified reset id and timestamp for all the targets }
ReplicationState represents internal replication state
func GetInternalReplicationState ¶
func GetInternalReplicationState(m map[string][]byte) ReplicationState
GetInternalReplicationState is a wrapper method to fetch internal replication state from the map m
func (*ReplicationState) CompositeReplicationStatus ¶
func (rs *ReplicationState) CompositeReplicationStatus() (st replication.StatusType)
CompositeReplicationStatus returns overall replication status for the object version being replicated.
func (*ReplicationState) CompositeVersionPurgeStatus ¶
func (rs *ReplicationState) CompositeVersionPurgeStatus() VersionPurgeStatusType
CompositeVersionPurgeStatus returns overall replication purge status for the permanent delete being replicated.
func (*ReplicationState) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicationState) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*ReplicationState) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicationState) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*ReplicationState) Equal ¶
func (rs *ReplicationState) Equal(o ReplicationState) bool
Equal returns true if replication state is identical for version purge statuses and (replica)tion statuses.
func (*ReplicationState) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicationState) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*ReplicationState) Msgsize ¶
func (z *ReplicationState) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ReplicationState) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ReplicationState) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ReplicationStats ¶
type ReplicationStats struct { Cache map[string]*BucketReplicationStats UsageCache map[string]*BucketReplicationStats sync.RWMutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ReplicationStats holds the global in-memory replication stats
func NewReplicationStats ¶
func NewReplicationStats(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer) *ReplicationStats
NewReplicationStats initialize in-memory replication statistics
func (*ReplicationStats) Delete ¶
func (r *ReplicationStats) Delete(bucket string)
Delete deletes in-memory replication statistics for a bucket.
func (*ReplicationStats) Get ¶
func (r *ReplicationStats) Get(bucket string) BucketReplicationStats
Get replication metrics for a bucket from this node since this node came up.
func (*ReplicationStats) GetInitialUsage ¶
func (r *ReplicationStats) GetInitialUsage(bucket string) BucketReplicationStats
GetInitialUsage get replication metrics available at the time of cluster initialization
func (*ReplicationStats) Update ¶
func (r *ReplicationStats) Update(bucket string, arn string, n int64, duration time.Duration, status, prevStatus replication.StatusType, opType replication.Type)
Update updates in-memory replication statistics with new values.
func (*ReplicationStats) UpdateReplicaStat ¶
func (r *ReplicationStats) UpdateReplicaStat(bucket string, n int64)
UpdateReplicaStat updates in-memory replica statistics with new values.
type RequestStats ¶
type RequestStats struct { Get uint64 `json:"Get"` Head uint64 `json:"Head"` Put uint64 `json:"Put"` Post uint64 `json:"Post"` }
RequestStats - counts for Get and Head requests
type RestoreObjectRequest ¶
type RestoreObjectRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" RestoreRequest" json:"-"` Days int `xml:"Days,omitempty"` Type RestoreRequestType `xml:"Type,omitempty"` Tier string `xml:"Tier,-"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` SelectParameters *SelectParameters `xml:"SelectParameters,omitempty"` OutputLocation OutputLocation `xml:"OutputLocation,omitempty"` }
RestoreObjectRequest - xml to restore a transitioned object
type RestoreRequestType ¶
type RestoreRequestType string
RestoreRequestType represents type of restore.
const ( // SelectRestoreRequest specifies select request. This is the only valid value SelectRestoreRequest RestoreRequestType = "SELECT" )
type ResyncDecision ¶
type ResyncDecision struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResyncDecision is a struct representing a map with target's individual resync decisions
func (*ResyncDecision) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncDecision) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*ResyncDecision) Empty ¶
func (r *ResyncDecision) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if no targets with resync decision present
func (ResyncDecision) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z ResyncDecision) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (ResyncDecision) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z ResyncDecision) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (ResyncDecision) Msgsize ¶
func (z ResyncDecision) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ResyncDecision) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncDecision) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ResyncStatusType ¶
type ResyncStatusType int
ResyncStatusType status of resync operation
const ( // NoResync - no resync in progress NoResync ResyncStatusType = iota // ResyncStarted - resync in progress ResyncStarted // ResyncCompleted - resync finished ResyncCompleted // ResyncFailed - resync failed ResyncFailed )
func (*ResyncStatusType) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncStatusType) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (ResyncStatusType) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z ResyncStatusType) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (ResyncStatusType) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z ResyncStatusType) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (ResyncStatusType) Msgsize ¶
func (z ResyncStatusType) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (ResyncStatusType) String ¶
func (rt ResyncStatusType) String() string
func (*ResyncStatusType) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncStatusType) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ResyncTarget ¶
type ResyncTarget struct { Arn string `json:"arn"` ResetID string `json:"resetid"` StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"` EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"` // Status of resync operation ResyncStatus string `json:"resyncStatus,omitempty"` // Completed size in bytes ReplicatedSize int64 `json:"completedReplicationSize"` // Failed size in bytes FailedSize int64 `json:"failedReplicationSize"` // Total number of failed operations FailedCount int64 `json:"failedReplicationCount"` // Total number of failed operations ReplicatedCount int64 `json:"replicationCount"` // Last bucket/object replicated. Bucket string `json:"bucket,omitempty"` Object string `json:"object,omitempty"` }
ResyncTarget is a struct representing the Target reset ID where target is identified by its Arn
func (*ResyncTarget) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTarget) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*ResyncTarget) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTarget) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*ResyncTarget) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTarget) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*ResyncTarget) Msgsize ¶
func (z *ResyncTarget) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ResyncTarget) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTarget) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ResyncTargetDecision ¶
ResyncTargetDecision is struct that represents resync decision for this target
func (*ResyncTargetDecision) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTargetDecision) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (ResyncTargetDecision) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z ResyncTargetDecision) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (ResyncTargetDecision) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z ResyncTargetDecision) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (ResyncTargetDecision) Msgsize ¶
func (z ResyncTargetDecision) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ResyncTargetDecision) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTargetDecision) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type ResyncTargetsInfo ¶
type ResyncTargetsInfo struct {
Targets []ResyncTarget `json:"target,omitempty"`
ResyncTargetsInfo holds a slice of targets with resync info per target
func (*ResyncTargetsInfo) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*ResyncTargetsInfo) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*ResyncTargetsInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*ResyncTargetsInfo) Msgsize ¶
func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*ResyncTargetsInfo) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *ResyncTargetsInfo) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type S3Location ¶
type S3Location struct { BucketName string `xml:"BucketName,omitempty"` Encryption Encryption `xml:"Encryption,omitempty"` Prefix string `xml:"Prefix,omitempty"` StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass,omitempty"` Tagging *tags.Tags `xml:"Tagging,omitempty"` UserMetadata []MetadataEntry `xml:"UserMetadata"` }
S3Location specifies s3 location that receives result of a restore object request
type SRError ¶
type SRError struct { Cause error Code APIErrorCode }
SRError - wrapped error for site replication.
type STSErrorCode ¶
type STSErrorCode int
STSErrorCode type of error status.
const ( ErrSTSNone STSErrorCode = iota ErrSTSAccessDenied ErrSTSMissingParameter ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue ErrSTSWebIdentityExpiredToken ErrSTSClientGrantsExpiredToken ErrSTSInvalidClientGrantsToken ErrSTSMalformedPolicyDocument ErrSTSInsecureConnection ErrSTSInvalidClientCertificate ErrSTSNotInitialized ErrSTSInternalError )
Error codes, non exhaustive list -
func (STSErrorCode) String ¶
func (i STSErrorCode) String() string
type STSErrorResponse ¶
type STSErrorResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ErrorResponse" json:"-"` Error struct { Type string `xml:"Type"` Code string `xml:"Code"` Message string `xml:"Message"` } `xml:"Error"` RequestID string `xml:"RequestId"` }
STSErrorResponse - error response format
type SealMD5CurrFn ¶
SealMD5CurrFn seals md5sum with object encryption key and returns sealed md5sum
type SelectParameters ¶
SelectParameters specifies sql select parameters
func (*SelectParameters) IsEmpty ¶
func (sp *SelectParameters) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if no select parameters set
func (*SelectParameters) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (sp *SelectParameters) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
UnmarshalXML - decodes XML data.
type ServerConnStats ¶
type ServerConnStats struct { TotalInputBytes uint64 `json:"transferred"` TotalOutputBytes uint64 `json:"received"` Throughput uint64 `json:"throughput,omitempty"` S3InputBytes uint64 `json:"transferredS3"` S3OutputBytes uint64 `json:"receivedS3"` }
ServerConnStats holds transferred bytes from/to the server
type ServerHTTPAPIStats ¶
ServerHTTPAPIStats holds total number of HTTP operations from/to the server, including the average duration the call was spent.
type ServerHTTPStats ¶
type ServerHTTPStats struct { S3RequestsInQueue int32 `json:"s3RequestsInQueue"` S3RequestsIncoming uint64 `json:"s3RequestsIncoming"` CurrentS3Requests ServerHTTPAPIStats `json:"currentS3Requests"` TotalS3Requests ServerHTTPAPIStats `json:"totalS3Requests"` TotalS3Errors ServerHTTPAPIStats `json:"totalS3Errors"` TotalS3Canceled ServerHTTPAPIStats `json:"totalS3Canceled"` TotalS3RejectedAuth uint64 `json:"totalS3RejectedAuth"` TotalS3RejectedTime uint64 `json:"totalS3RejectedTime"` TotalS3RejectedHeader uint64 `json:"totalS3RejectedHeader"` TotalS3RejectedInvalid uint64 `json:"totalS3RejectedInvalid"` }
ServerHTTPStats holds all type of http operations performed to/from the server including their average execution time.
type ServerProperties ¶
type ServerProperties struct { Uptime int64 `json:"uptime"` Version string `json:"version"` CommitID string `json:"commitID"` DeploymentID string `json:"deploymentID"` Region string `json:"region"` SQSARN []string `json:"sqsARN"` }
ServerProperties holds some server information such as, version, region uptime, etc..
type ServerSystemConfig ¶
type ServerSystemConfig struct { MinioPlatform string MinioEndpoints EndpointServerPools MinioEnv map[string]string }
ServerSystemConfig - captures information about server configuration.
func (ServerSystemConfig) Diff ¶
func (s1 ServerSystemConfig) Diff(s2 ServerSystemConfig) error
Diff - returns error on first difference found in two configs.
type SetupType ¶
type SetupType int
SetupType - enum for setup type.
const ( // UnknownSetupType - starts with unknown setup type. UnknownSetupType SetupType = iota // FSSetupType - FS setup type enum. FSSetupType // ErasureSetupType - Erasure setup type enum. ErasureSetupType // DistErasureSetupType - Distributed Erasure setup type enum. DistErasureSetupType // GatewaySetupType - gateway setup type enum. GatewaySetupType )
type SignatureDoesNotMatch ¶
type SignatureDoesNotMatch struct{}
SignatureDoesNotMatch - when content md5 does not match with what was sent from client.
func (SignatureDoesNotMatch) Error ¶
func (e SignatureDoesNotMatch) Error() string
type SiteReplicationSys ¶
SiteReplicationSys - manages cluster-level replication.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) AddPeerClusters ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) AddPeerClusters(ctx context.Context, psites []madmin.PeerSite) (madmin.ReplicateAddStatus, error)
AddPeerClusters - add cluster sites for replication configuration.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) BucketMetaHook ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) BucketMetaHook(ctx context.Context, item madmin.SRBucketMeta) error
BucketMetaHook - called when bucket meta changes happen and need to be replicated to peer clusters.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) DeleteBucketHook ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) DeleteBucketHook(ctx context.Context, bucket string, forceDelete bool) error
DeleteBucketHook - called during a regular delete bucket call when cluster replication is enabled. It is responsible for the deletion of the same bucket on remote clusters.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) EditPeerCluster ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) EditPeerCluster(ctx context.Context, peer madmin.PeerInfo) (madmin.ReplicateEditStatus, error)
EditPeerCluster - edits replication configuration and updates peer endpoint.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) GetClusterInfo ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) GetClusterInfo(ctx context.Context) (info madmin.SiteReplicationInfo, err error)
GetClusterInfo - returns site replication information.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) GetIDPSettings ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) GetIDPSettings(ctx context.Context) madmin.IDPSettings
GetIDPSettings returns info about the configured identity provider. It is used to validate that all peers have the same IDP.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) IAMChangeHook ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) IAMChangeHook(ctx context.Context, item madmin.SRIAMItem) error
IAMChangeHook - called when IAM items need to be replicated to peer clusters. This includes named policy creation, policy mapping changes and service account changes.
All policies are replicated.
Policy mappings are only replicated when they are for LDAP users or groups (as an external IDP is always assumed when SR is used). In the case of OpenID, such mappings are provided from the IDP directly and so are not applicable here.
Service accounts are replicated as long as they are not meant for the root user.
STS accounts are replicated, but only if the session token is verifiable using the local cluster's root credential.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) Init ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) Init(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
Init - initialize the site replication manager.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) InternalRemoveReq ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) InternalRemoveReq(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer, rreq madmin.SRRemoveReq) error
InternalRemoveReq - sends an unlink request to peer cluster to remove one or more sites from the site replication configuration.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) MakeBucketHook ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) MakeBucketHook(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) error
MakeBucketHook - called during a regular make bucket call when cluster replication is enabled. It is responsible for the creation of the same bucket on remote clusters, and creating replication rules on local and peer clusters.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerAddPolicyHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerAddPolicyHandler(ctx context.Context, policyName string, p *iampolicy.Policy) error
PeerAddPolicyHandler - copies IAM policy to local. A nil policy argument, causes the named policy to be deleted.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketConfigureReplHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketConfigureReplHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error
PeerBucketConfigureReplHandler - configures replication remote and replication rules to all other peers for the local bucket.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketDeleteHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketDeleteHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, forceDelete bool) error
PeerBucketDeleteHandler - deletes bucket on local in response to a delete bucket request from a peer.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketMakeWithVersioningHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketMakeWithVersioningHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) error
PeerBucketMakeWithVersioningHandler - creates bucket and enables versioning.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketObjectLockConfigHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketObjectLockConfigHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objectLockData *string) error
PeerBucketObjectLockConfigHandler - sets object lock on local bucket.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketPolicyHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketPolicyHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, policy *policy.Policy) error
PeerBucketPolicyHandler - copies/deletes policy to local cluster.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketQuotaConfigHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketQuotaConfigHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, quota *madmin.BucketQuota) error
PeerBucketQuotaConfigHandler - copies/deletes policy to local cluster.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketSSEConfigHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketSSEConfigHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, sseConfig *string) error
PeerBucketSSEConfigHandler - copies/deletes SSE config to local cluster.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketTaggingHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerBucketTaggingHandler(ctx context.Context, bucket string, tags *string) error
PeerBucketTaggingHandler - copies/deletes tags to local cluster.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerEditReq ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerEditReq(ctx context.Context, arg madmin.PeerInfo) error
PeerEditReq - internal API handler to respond to a peer cluster's request to edit endpoint.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerGroupInfoChangeHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerGroupInfoChangeHandler(ctx context.Context, change *madmin.SRGroupInfo) error
PeerGroupInfoChangeHandler - copies group changes to local.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerIAMUserChangeHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerIAMUserChangeHandler(ctx context.Context, change *madmin.SRIAMUser) error
PeerIAMUserChangeHandler - copies IAM user to local.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerJoinReq ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerJoinReq(ctx context.Context, arg madmin.SRPeerJoinReq) error
PeerJoinReq - internal API handler to respond to a peer cluster's request to join.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerPolicyMappingHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerPolicyMappingHandler(ctx context.Context, mapping *madmin.SRPolicyMapping) error
PeerPolicyMappingHandler - copies policy mapping to local.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerSTSAccHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerSTSAccHandler(ctx context.Context, stsCred *madmin.SRSTSCredential) error
PeerSTSAccHandler - replicates STS credential locally.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) PeerSvcAccChangeHandler ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) PeerSvcAccChangeHandler(ctx context.Context, change *madmin.SRSvcAccChange) error
PeerSvcAccChangeHandler - copies service-account change to local.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) RemovePeerCluster ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) RemovePeerCluster(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer, rreq madmin.SRRemoveReq) (st madmin.ReplicateRemoveStatus, err error)
RemovePeerCluster - removes one or more clusters from site replication configuration.
func (*SiteReplicationSys) RemoveRemoteTargetsForEndpoint ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) RemoveRemoteTargetsForEndpoint(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer, endpoints []string, unlinkSelf bool) (err error)
RemoveRemoteTargetsForEndpoint removes replication targets corresponding to endpoint
func (*SiteReplicationSys) SiteReplicationMetaInfo ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) SiteReplicationMetaInfo(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, opts madmin.SRStatusOptions) (info madmin.SRInfo, err error)
SiteReplicationMetaInfo returns the metadata info on buckets, policies etc for the replicated site
func (*SiteReplicationSys) SiteReplicationStatus ¶
func (c *SiteReplicationSys) SiteReplicationStatus(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, opts madmin.SRStatusOptions) (info madmin.SRStatusInfo, err error)
SiteReplicationStatus returns the site replication status across clusters participating in site replication.
type SpeedtestResult ¶
SpeedtestResult return value of the speedtest function
type StartProfilingResult ¶
type StartProfilingResult struct { NodeName string `json:"nodeName"` Success bool `json:"success"` Error string `json:"error"` }
StartProfilingResult contains the status of the starting profiling action in a given server
type StatInfo ¶
type StatInfo struct { Size int64 `json:"size"` // Size of the object `xl.meta`. ModTime time.Time `json:"modTime"` // ModTime of the object `xl.meta`. Name string `json:"name"` Dir bool `json:"dir"` Mode uint32 `json:"mode"` }
StatInfo - carries stat information of the object.
func (*StatInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
type StorageAPI ¶
type StorageAPI interface { // Stringified version of disk. String() string // Returns true if disk is online and its valid i.e valid format.json. // This has nothing to do with if the drive is hung or not responding. // For that individual storage API calls will fail properly. The purpose // of this function is to know if the "drive" has "format.json" or not // if it has a "format.json" then is it correct "format.json" or not. IsOnline() bool // Returns the last time this disk (re)-connected LastConn() time.Time // Indicates if disk is local or not. IsLocal() bool // Returns hostname if disk is remote. Hostname() string // Returns the entire endpoint. Endpoint() Endpoint // Close the disk, mark it purposefully closed, only implemented for remote disks. Close() error // Returns the unique 'uuid' of this disk. GetDiskID() (string, error) // Set a unique 'uuid' for this disk, only used when // disk is replaced and formatted. SetDiskID(id string) // Returns healing information for a newly replaced disk, // returns 'nil' once healing is complete or if the disk // has never been replaced. Healing() *healingTracker DiskInfo(ctx context.Context) (info DiskInfo, err error) NSScanner(ctx context.Context, cache dataUsageCache, updates chan<- dataUsageEntry) (dataUsageCache, error) // Volume operations. MakeVol(ctx context.Context, volume string) (err error) MakeVolBulk(ctx context.Context, volumes ...string) (err error) ListVols(ctx context.Context) (vols []VolInfo, err error) StatVol(ctx context.Context, volume string) (vol VolInfo, err error) DeleteVol(ctx context.Context, volume string, forceDelete bool) (err error) // WalkDir will walk a directory on disk and return a metacache stream on wr. WalkDir(ctx context.Context, opts WalkDirOptions, wr io.Writer) error // Metadata operations DeleteVersion(ctx context.Context, volume, path string, fi FileInfo, forceDelMarker bool) error DeleteVersions(ctx context.Context, volume string, versions []FileInfoVersions) []error WriteMetadata(ctx context.Context, volume, path string, fi FileInfo) error UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, volume, path string, fi FileInfo) error ReadVersion(ctx context.Context, volume, path, versionID string, readData bool) (FileInfo, error) RenameData(ctx context.Context, srcVolume, srcPath string, fi FileInfo, dstVolume, dstPath string) error // File operations. ListDir(ctx context.Context, volume, dirPath string, count int) ([]string, error) ReadFile(ctx context.Context, volume string, path string, offset int64, buf []byte, verifier *BitrotVerifier) (n int64, err error) AppendFile(ctx context.Context, volume string, path string, buf []byte) (err error) CreateFile(ctx context.Context, volume, path string, size int64, reader io.Reader) error ReadFileStream(ctx context.Context, volume, path string, offset, length int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) RenameFile(ctx context.Context, srcVolume, srcPath, dstVolume, dstPath string) error CheckParts(ctx context.Context, volume string, path string, fi FileInfo) error Delete(ctx context.Context, volume string, path string, recursive bool) (err error) VerifyFile(ctx context.Context, volume, path string, fi FileInfo) error StatInfoFile(ctx context.Context, volume, path string, glob bool) (stat []StatInfo, err error) // Write all data, syncs the data to disk. // Should be used for smaller payloads. WriteAll(ctx context.Context, volume string, path string, b []byte) (err error) // Read all. ReadAll(ctx context.Context, volume string, path string) (buf []byte, err error) GetDiskLoc() (poolIdx, setIdx, diskIdx int) // Retrieve location indexes. SetDiskLoc(poolIdx, setIdx, diskIdx int) // Set location indexes. }
StorageAPI interface.
var OfflineDisk StorageAPI // zero value is nil
OfflineDisk represents an unavailable disk.
type StorageErr ¶
type StorageErr string
StorageErr represents error generated by xlStorage call.
func (StorageErr) Error ¶
func (h StorageErr) Error() string
type StorageFull ¶
type StorageFull struct{}
StorageFull storage ran out of space.
func (StorageFull) Error ¶
func (e StorageFull) Error() string
type StorageInfo ¶
type StorageInfo = madmin.StorageInfo
StorageInfo - represents total capacity of underlying storage.
type StringMap ¶
StringMap is a map[string]string
func (StringMap) MarshalXML ¶
MarshalXML - StringMap marshals into XML.
type TargetClient ¶
type TargetClient struct { *miniogo.Client Bucket string // remote bucket target StorageClass string // storage class on remote ARN string // ARN to uniquely identify remote target ResetID string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TargetClient is the struct for remote target client.
type TargetReplicationResyncStatus ¶
type TargetReplicationResyncStatus struct { StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime" msg:"st"` EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime" msg:"et"` // Resync ID assigned to this reset ResyncID string `json:"resyncID" msg:"id"` // ResyncBeforeDate - resync all objects created prior to this date ResyncBeforeDate time.Time `json:"resyncBeforeDate" msg:"rdt"` // Status of resync operation ResyncStatus ResyncStatusType `json:"resyncStatus" msg:"rst"` // Failed size in bytes FailedSize int64 `json:"failedReplicationSize" msg:"fs"` // Total number of failed operations FailedCount int64 `json:"failedReplicationCount" msg:"frc"` // Completed size in bytes ReplicatedSize int64 `json:"completedReplicationSize" msg:"rs"` // Total number of failed operations ReplicatedCount int64 `json:"replicationCount" msg:"rrc"` // Last bucket/object replicated. Bucket string `json:"-" msg:"bkt"` Object string `json:"-" msg:"obj"` }
TargetReplicationResyncStatus status of resync of bucket for a specific target
func (*TargetReplicationResyncStatus) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*TargetReplicationResyncStatus) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*TargetReplicationResyncStatus) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*TargetReplicationResyncStatus) Msgsize ¶
func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*TargetReplicationResyncStatus) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *TargetReplicationResyncStatus) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type TierConfigMgr ¶
type TierConfigMgr struct { sync.RWMutex `msg:"-"` Tiers map[string]madmin.TierConfig `json:"tiers"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TierConfigMgr holds the collection of remote tiers configured in this deployment.
func NewTierConfigMgr ¶
func NewTierConfigMgr() *TierConfigMgr
NewTierConfigMgr - creates new tier configuration manager,
func (*TierConfigMgr) Add ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Add(ctx context.Context, tier madmin.TierConfig) error
Add adds tier to config if it passes all validations.
func (*TierConfigMgr) Bytes ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Bytes() ([]byte, error)
Bytes returns msgpack encoded config with format and version headers.
func (*TierConfigMgr) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *TierConfigMgr) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (*TierConfigMgr) Edit ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Edit(ctx context.Context, tierName string, creds madmin.TierCreds) error
Edit replaces the credentials of the remote tier specified by tierName with creds.
func (*TierConfigMgr) Empty ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Empty() bool
Empty returns if tier targets are empty
func (*TierConfigMgr) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z *TierConfigMgr) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (*TierConfigMgr) Init ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Init(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
Init initializes tier configuration reading from objAPI
func (*TierConfigMgr) IsTierValid ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) IsTierValid(tierName string) bool
IsTierValid returns true if there exists a remote tier by name tierName, otherwise returns false.
func (*TierConfigMgr) ListTiers ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) ListTiers() []madmin.TierConfig
ListTiers lists remote tiers configured in this deployment.
func (*TierConfigMgr) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z *TierConfigMgr) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (*TierConfigMgr) Msgsize ¶
func (z *TierConfigMgr) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (*TierConfigMgr) Reload ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Reload(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
Reload updates config by reloading remote tier config from config store.
func (*TierConfigMgr) Remove ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Remove(ctx context.Context, tier string) error
Remove removes tier if it is empty.
func (*TierConfigMgr) Reset ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Reset()
Reset clears remote tier configured and clears tier driver cache.
func (*TierConfigMgr) Save ¶
func (config *TierConfigMgr) Save(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error
Save saves tier configuration onto objAPI
func (*TierConfigMgr) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *TierConfigMgr) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type TransitionOptions ¶
type TransitionOptions struct { Status string Tier string ETag string RestoreRequest *RestoreObjectRequest RestoreExpiry time.Time ExpireRestored bool }
TransitionOptions represents object options for transition ObjectLayer operation
type TransitionStorageClassNotFound ¶
type TransitionStorageClassNotFound GenericError
TransitionStorageClassNotFound remote tier not configured.
func (TransitionStorageClassNotFound) Error ¶
func (e TransitionStorageClassNotFound) Error() string
type TransitionedObject ¶
type TransitionedObject struct { Name string VersionID string Tier string FreeVersion bool Status string }
TransitionedObject transitioned object tier and status.
type TreeWalkPool ¶
type TreeWalkPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TreeWalkPool - pool of treeWalk go routines. A treeWalk is added to the pool by Set() and removed either by doing a Release() or if the concerned timer goes off. treeWalkPool's purpose is to maintain active treeWalk go-routines in a map so that it can be looked up across related list calls.
func NewTreeWalkPool ¶
func NewTreeWalkPool(timeout time.Duration) *TreeWalkPool
NewTreeWalkPool - initialize new tree walk pool.
func (*TreeWalkPool) Release ¶
func (t *TreeWalkPool) Release(params listParams) (resultCh chan TreeWalkResult, endWalkCh chan struct{})
Release - selects a treeWalk from the pool based on the input listParams, removes it from the pool, and returns the TreeWalkResult channel. Returns nil if listParams does not have an associated treeWalk.
func (*TreeWalkPool) Set ¶
func (t *TreeWalkPool) Set(params listParams, resultCh chan TreeWalkResult, endWalkCh chan struct{})
Set - adds a treeWalk to the treeWalkPool. Also starts a timer go-routine that ends when:
- time.After() expires after t.timeOut seconds. The expiration is needed so that the treeWalk go-routine resources are freed after a timeout if the S3 client does only partial listing of objects.
- Release() signals the timer go-routine to end on endTimerCh. During listing the timer should not timeout and end the treeWalk go-routine, hence the timer go-routine should be ended.
type TreeWalkResult ¶
type TreeWalkResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TreeWalkResult - Tree walk result carries results of tree walking.
type UnsupportedMetadata ¶
type UnsupportedMetadata struct{}
UnsupportedMetadata - unsupported metadata
func (UnsupportedMetadata) Error ¶
func (e UnsupportedMetadata) Error() string
type Upload ¶
type Upload struct { Key string UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"` Initiator Initiator Owner Owner StorageClass string Initiated string }
Upload container for in progress multipart upload
type UserIdentity ¶
type UserIdentity struct { Version int `json:"version"` Credentials auth.Credentials `json:"credentials"` }
UserIdentity represents a user's secret key and their status
type UsersSysType ¶
type UsersSysType string
UsersSysType - defines the type of users and groups system that is active on the server.
const ( // This mode uses the internal users system in MinIO. MinIOUsersSysType UsersSysType = "MinIOUsersSys" // This mode uses users and groups from a configured LDAP // server. LDAPUsersSysType UsersSysType = "LDAPUsersSys" )
Types of users configured in the server.
type VerifyFileResp ¶
type VerifyFileResp struct {
Err error
VerifyFileResp - VerifyFile()'s response.
type VersionNotFound ¶
type VersionNotFound GenericError
VersionNotFound version does not exist.
func (VersionNotFound) Error ¶
func (e VersionNotFound) Error() string
type VersionPurgeStatusType ¶
type VersionPurgeStatusType string
VersionPurgeStatusType represents status of a versioned delete or permanent delete w.r.t bucket replication
const ( // Pending - versioned delete replication is pending. Pending VersionPurgeStatusType = "PENDING" // Complete - versioned delete replication is now complete, erase version on disk. Complete VersionPurgeStatusType = "COMPLETE" // Failed - versioned delete replication failed. Failed VersionPurgeStatusType = "FAILED" )
func (*VersionPurgeStatusType) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *VersionPurgeStatusType) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (VersionPurgeStatusType) Empty ¶
func (v VersionPurgeStatusType) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if purge status was not set.
func (VersionPurgeStatusType) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z VersionPurgeStatusType) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (VersionPurgeStatusType) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z VersionPurgeStatusType) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (VersionPurgeStatusType) Msgsize ¶
func (z VersionPurgeStatusType) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (VersionPurgeStatusType) Pending ¶
func (v VersionPurgeStatusType) Pending() bool
Pending returns true if the version is pending purge.
func (*VersionPurgeStatusType) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *VersionPurgeStatusType) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type VersionType ¶
type VersionType uint8
VersionType defines the type of journal type of the current entry.
const ( ObjectType VersionType = 1 DeleteType VersionType = 2 LegacyType VersionType = 3 )
List of different types of journal type
func (*VersionType) DecodeMsg ¶
func (z *VersionType) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable
func (VersionType) EncodeMsg ¶
func (z VersionType) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable
func (VersionType) MarshalMsg ¶
func (z VersionType) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
func (VersionType) Msgsize ¶
func (z VersionType) Msgsize() (s int)
Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message
func (VersionType) String ¶
func (i VersionType) String() string
func (*VersionType) UnmarshalMsg ¶
func (z *VersionType) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
type VolInfo ¶
type VolInfo struct { // Name of the volume. Name string // Date and time when the volume was created. Created time.Time }
VolInfo - represents volume stat information. The above means that any added/deleted fields are incompatible.
func (VolInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
type VolsInfo ¶
type VolsInfo []VolInfo
VolsInfo is a collection of volume(bucket) information
func (VolsInfo) MarshalMsg ¶
MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler
type WalkDirOptions ¶
type WalkDirOptions struct { // Bucket to scanner Bucket string // Directory inside the bucket. BaseDir string // Do a full recursive scan. Recursive bool // ReportNotFound will return errFileNotFound if all disks reports the BaseDir cannot be found. ReportNotFound bool // FilterPrefix will only return results with given prefix within folder. // Should never contain a slash. FilterPrefix string // ForwardTo will forward to the given object path. ForwardTo string }
WalkDirOptions provides options for WalkDir operations.
type WarmBackend ¶
type WarmBackend interface { Put(ctx context.Context, object string, r io.Reader, length int64) (remoteVersionID, error) Get(ctx context.Context, object string, rv remoteVersionID, opts WarmBackendGetOpts) (io.ReadCloser, error) Remove(ctx context.Context, object string, rv remoteVersionID) error InUse(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) }
WarmBackend provides interface to be implemented by remote tier backends
type WarmBackendGetOpts ¶
type WarmBackendGetOpts struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WarmBackendGetOpts is used to express byte ranges within an object. The zero value represents the entire byte range of an object.
type WebIdentityResult ¶
type WebIdentityResult struct { // The identifiers for the temporary security credentials that the operation // returns. AssumedRoleUser AssumedRoleUser `xml:",omitempty"` // The intended audience (also known as client ID) of the web identity token. // This is traditionally the client identifier issued to the application that // requested the client grants. Audience string `xml:",omitempty"` // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret // access key, and a security (or session) token. // // Note: The size of the security token that STS APIs return is not fixed. We // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. As // of this writing, the typical size is less than 4096 bytes, but that can vary. // Also, future updates to AWS might require larger sizes. Credentials auth.Credentials `xml:",omitempty"` // A percentage value that indicates the size of the policy in packed form. // The service rejects any policy with a packed size greater than 100 percent, // which means the policy exceeded the allowed space. PackedPolicySize int `xml:",omitempty"` // The issuing authority of the web identity token presented. For OpenID Connect // ID tokens, this contains the value of the iss field. For OAuth 2.0 id_tokens, // this contains the value of the ProviderId parameter that was passed in the // AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request. Provider string `xml:",omitempty"` // The unique user identifier that is returned by the identity provider. // This identifier is associated with the Token that was submitted // with the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity call. The identifier is typically unique to // the user and the application that acquired the WebIdentityToken (pairwise identifier). // For OpenID Connect ID tokens, this field contains the value returned by the identity // provider as the token's sub (Subject) claim. SubjectFromWebIdentityToken string `xml:",omitempty"` }
WebIdentityResult - Contains the response to a successful AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request, including temporary credentials that can be used to make MinIO API requests.
Source Files
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- admin-bucket-handlers.go
- admin-handler-utils.go
- admin-handlers-config-kv.go
- admin-handlers-pools.go
- admin-handlers-site-replication.go
- admin-handlers-users.go
- admin-handlers.go
- admin-heal-ops.go
- admin-router.go
- admin-server-info.go
- api-datatypes.go
- api-errors.go
- api-headers.go
- api-resources.go
- api-response.go
- api-router.go
- api-utils.go
- apierrorcode_string.go
- auth-handler.go
- background-heal-ops.go
- background-newdisks-heal-ops.go
- background-newdisks-heal-ops_gen.go
- bitrot-streaming.go
- bitrot-whole.go
- bitrot.go
- bootstrap-peer-server.go
- bucket-encryption-handlers.go
- bucket-encryption.go
- bucket-handlers.go
- bucket-lifecycle-handlers.go
- bucket-lifecycle.go
- bucket-listobjects-handlers.go
- bucket-metadata-sys.go
- bucket-metadata.go
- bucket-metadata_gen.go
- bucket-notification-handlers.go
- bucket-object-lock.go
- bucket-policy-handlers.go
- bucket-policy.go
- bucket-quota.go
- bucket-replication-stats.go
- bucket-replication-utils.go
- bucket-replication-utils_gen.go
- bucket-replication.go
- bucket-stats.go
- bucket-stats_gen.go
- bucket-targets.go
- bucket-versioning-handler.go
- bucket-versioning.go
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- config-current.go
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- config-encrypted.go
- config-migrate.go
- config-versions.go
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- copy-part-range.go
- crossdomain-xml-handler.go
- data-scanner.go
- data-update-tracker.go
- data-usage-cache.go
- data-usage-cache_gen.go
- data-usage-utils.go
- data-usage.go
- disk-cache-backend.go
- disk-cache-check-support_other.go
- disk-cache-stats.go
- disk-cache-utils.go
- disk-cache.go
- dummy-handlers.go
- dynamic-timeouts.go
- encryption-v1.go
- endpoint-ellipses.go
- endpoint.go
- erasure-bucket.go
- erasure-coding.go
- erasure-common.go
- erasure-decode.go
- erasure-encode.go
- erasure-errors.go
- erasure-healing-common.go
- erasure-healing.go
- erasure-metadata-utils.go
- erasure-metadata.go
- erasure-multipart.go
- erasure-object.go
- erasure-server-pool-decom.go
- erasure-server-pool-decom_gen.go
- erasure-server-pool.go
- erasure-sets.go
- erasure-utils.go
- erasure.go
- etcd.go
- format-disk-cache.go
- format-erasure.go
- format-fs.go
- format-meta.go
- format_string.go
- fs-tree-walk-pool.go
- fs-v1-helpers.go
- fs-v1-metadata.go
- fs-v1-multipart.go
- fs-v1-rwpool.go
- fs-v1.go
- gateway-common.go
- gateway-env.go
- gateway-interface.go
- gateway-main.go
- gateway-metrics.go
- gateway-startup-msg.go
- gateway-unsupported.go
- generic-handlers.go
- generic-handlers_contrib.go
- global-heal.go
- globals.go
- handler-api.go
- handler-utils.go
- hasher.go
- healthcheck-handler.go
- healthcheck-router.go
- healthinfo.go
- http-stats.go
- http-tracer.go
- httprange.go
- iam-dummy-store.go
- iam-etcd-store.go
- iam-object-store.go
- iam-store.go
- iam.go
- jwt.go
- last-minute.go
- last-minute_gen.go
- listen-notification-handlers.go
- local-locker.go
- lock-rest-client.go
- lock-rest-server-common.go
- lock-rest-server.go
- main.go
- metacache-bucket.go
- metacache-entries.go
- metacache-manager.go
- metacache-marker.go
- metacache-server-pool.go
- metacache-set.go
- metacache-stream.go
- metacache-walk.go
- metacache.go
- metacache_gen.go
- metrics-router.go
- metrics-v2.go
- metrics.go
- mrf.go
- namespace-lock.go
- net.go
- notification-summary.go
- notification.go
- object-api-common.go
- object-api-datatypes.go
- object-api-errors.go
- object-api-input-checks.go
- object-api-interface.go
- object-api-options.go
- object-api-utils.go
- object-handlers-common.go
- object-handlers.go
- os-dirent_ino.go
- os-dirent_namelen_linux.go
- os-instrumented.go
- os-readdir-common.go
- os-readdir_unix.go
- os-reliable.go
- osmetric_string.go
- peer-rest-client.go
- peer-rest-common.go
- peer-rest-server.go
- perf-tests.go
- postpolicyform.go
- prepare-storage.go
- routers.go
- s3-zip-handlers.go
- server-main.go
- server-rlimit.go
- server-startup-msg.go
- service.go
- setup-type.go
- signals.go
- signature-v2.go
- signature-v4-parser.go
- signature-v4-utils.go
- signature-v4.go
- site-replication.go
- speedtest.go
- storage-datatypes.go
- storage-datatypes_gen.go
- storage-errors.go
- storage-interface.go
- storage-rest-client.go
- storage-rest-common.go
- storage-rest-server.go
- storagemetric_string.go
- streaming-signature-v4.go
- sts-datatypes.go
- sts-errors.go
- sts-handlers.go
- stserrorcode_string.go
- tier-handlers.go
- tier-journal.go
- tier-journal_gen.go
- tier-last-day-stats.go
- tier-mem-journal.go
- tier-sweeper.go
- tier.go
- tier_gen.go
- tree-walk.go
- typed-errors.go
- untar.go
- update-notifier.go
- update.go
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- utils.go
- warm-backend-azure.go
- warm-backend-gcs.go
- warm-backend-s3.go
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- xl-storage-disk-id-check.go
- xl-storage-errors.go
- xl-storage-format-utils.go
- xl-storage-format-v1.go
- xl-storage-format-v1_gen.go
- xl-storage-format-v2-legacy.go
- xl-storage-format-v2.go
- xl-storage-format-v2_gen.go
- xl-storage-format-v2_string.go
- xl-storage-free-version.go
- xl-storage-meta-inline.go
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- xl-storage_noatime_supported.go