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Published: Apr 12, 2023 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0


You've heard of Kubernetes in Docker (KinD), now get ready for

Kubernetes in Kubernetes (KinK)


Deploy a "guest" Kubernetes cluster inside of another "host" Kubernetes cluster, with all of the HA, scalability, and cluster features you would expect.

Kink is currently made up of two components:

  • A Helm Chart which deploys a nested Cluster
  • A CLI tool to automate using the above chart, as well as normal tasks like loading images, and providing access to clusters which aren't otherwise exposed


Even if you have access to a Kubernetes cluster, odds are, you don't have cluster admin permissions to it, which means you cannot do things like install custom resource defintions (CRDs). This makes testing custom operators and other tools that manage Kubernetes itself a pain. When deploying an application in Kubernetes as part of a CI/CD pipeline integration test or staging environment, there may be extra state floating around that may interfere with or even invalidate the results of your tests. Using KinK, you can create a completely fresh cluster each time, just like using KinD, but in a Kubernetes cluster, leveraging as much scalability as the parent cluster affords, and usable from within another Pod.

While it is entirely possible to use a cloud provider like AWS, GCP, or Azure to create a new cluster as part of a CI/CD pipeline, this is both insecure and wasteful, as it requires providing your developers the ability to create (and more importantly, delete!) all of the resources required to do so, and requires you to pay for those resources, even if you aren't fully utilizing them. By creating a new nested cluster inside of your existing software factory cluster, you can place more restrictions on what permissions developers require, and leverage your existing factory autoscaling to maximize resource utilization and descrease costs.


KinK is based off of k3s, a super-lightweight Kubernetes distribution, which includes networking, storage, and ingress. KinK also supports using RKE2, a more "enterprise-ready" version of k3s.

Getting Started


Kink depends on the following tools being available on the $PATH

  • docker (Only necessary if you intend to load images from a docker daemon into your cluster)
  • kubectl
  • helm
go install
Create Cluster

You'll now be able to deploy your cluster

kink create cluster \
    # Set to the image you built
    --set image.repository=<image registry>/<image name> \
    --set image.tag=<image tag> \
    # Add the secret you created before
    --set<token secret> \
    # Enable peristence
    --set controlplane.persistence.enabled=true \
    --set workers.persistence.enabled=true \
    # Necessary if your cluster is not running rootless
    --set controlplane.securityContext.privileged=true \
    --set worker.securityContext.privileged=true \
    # To enable multiple workers
    --set worker.replicaCount=3
    # See values.yaml for all fields you can set

Finally, start a nested shell configured to access your cluster, and start using it!

kink sh
# New shell will open
kubectl version
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get all -A
# Or press Ctrl+D

Once you're done, throw it away

kink delete cluster

If you don't have a cluster to test with, you can use KinD to create a cluster in a single docker container, and the nesting will work as you expect.

kind create cluster --kubeconfig=./kind.kubeconfig
kind load docker-image <image registry>/<image name>:<image tag>
kink --kubeconfig=./kind.kubeconfig ... # Or export KUBECONFIG=./kind.kubeconfig

Configuration File

The kind create cluster command has many flags, and setting them all can be inconvenient. Instead, you can collect all flags into a configuration file with the following schema

Kind: Config
  command: [] # --docker-command
  kubeconfig: "" # --kubeconfig
  command: [] # --kubectl-command
  command: [] # --helm-command
  chart: "" # --chart
  repositoryURL: "" # --repository-url
  clusterName: "" # --name
  values: [] # --values
  set: {} # --set
  setString: {} # --set-string

Specify the path to such a configuration file with the --config flag.

This file is specified via the type contained in this file in the event you wish to produce or manipulation one programatically

Common Tasks and Configurations


RKE2 is derrived from k3s, and is similar enough that you can switch to using it by adding --set rke2.enabled=true in your kink create cluster command. Do note, that due to changes in how the embedded storage is handled, RKE2 requires an HA controlplane. Note that switching between k3s and RKE2 on the same cluster is not supported, the new cluster will not contain any of your previous state.


If having two nodes is still two heavyweight, you can use a single-node setup by adding the following flags

--set worker.replicaCount=0
--set controlplane.defaultTaint=false

For the above reasons, this will not work with RKE2.

By default, kink load will only target worker nodes, so you will need to include --only-load-workers=false in each such command.

ReadWriteMany Storage

If your parent cluster supports ReadWriteMany storage, you can leverage this in your KinK cluster as well by adding --set sharedPersistence.enabled=true. By default, KinD does not support this. You can use hack/ to add this support. If your KinD cluster has multiple nodes, you wil need an idential host mount on all KinD nodes.

Legacy IPTables

If your kernel does not support nftables, then you will see errors such as Couldn't load match `comment':No such file or directory, and your cluster will fail to start. You can --set iptables.useLegacy=true to resolve this.

Controlplane Access

There are currently four supported ways of accessing your cluster's controlplane:


This is the default method. When exporting your kubeconfig, this will be assumed if the other options are not selected. With this method, it is assumed that you are running a kubectl port-forward on your controlplane service with the same port on both local and remote. The kink port-forward command will perform this for you, and the kink exec and kink sh commands will do this in the background before executing your commands.


If you --set controlplane.service.type=NodePort, your controlplane service will be given a NodePort. You must also then --set controlplane.nodeportHost to a hostname that will reliably forward all traffic to the matching NodePort on your host cluster. Exporting your kubeconfig with this set will create a new context called external with this URL set as the default.


If you --set controlplane.ingress.enabled, as well as the remaining configuration, then an Ingress resource will be created on the host cluster that will direct traffic to your controllplane. Note that this requires SSL passthrough, which not all ingress controllers support. Exporting your kubeconfig with this set will create a new context called external with this URL set as the default.


If you wish to access the guest controlplane from within a pod in the host cluster, --set kubeconfig.enabled=true. This will run a job that will wait for the cluster to become ready, then export a kubeconfig set to use the *.svc.cluster.local hostname into a secret in the host cluster. You can then mount this secret into your host cluster pods.

NodePorts and LoadBalancers

If you wish to wish to access NodePort and LoadBalancer type services within the host cluster, you can do so by directly accessing individual pods, or, if a load-balancer for your LoadBalancers is desirable, --set loadBalancer.enabled=true to enable an additional component which will dynamically manage a service that will contain all detected NodePorts (including LoadBalancers).

Nested Ingress Controllers

If you wish to utilize Ingress resources in your guest cluster through your host cluster's ingress controller, --set loadBalancer.enabled=true --set loadBalancer.ingress.enabled=true. This will dynamically create and manage a set of host Ingress resources based on "Class Mappings", which indicate how to get traffic to your guest cluster ingress controller for a given guest cluster ingressClassName. Any number of host and guest ingress controllers and classes are supported. Currently, only ingress controllers which expose themselves as container hostPorts or as NodePort/LoadBalancer services as supported. See here for the syntax on defining these mappings. Note that you must pick between your guest ingress controller's HTTP or HTTPS port, you cannot choose both due to how ingresses work. If you choose HTTP, then your host cluster will terminate TLS, which some services may not tolerate. If you choose HTTPS, then your ingress must be set to use SSL passthrough, which your host ingress controller may not support.

Other Ingress

If you wish to use host cluster Ingresses for traffic other than a guest cluster ingress controller, --set loadBalancer.ingress.enabled=true like with a nested ingress controller. Then, instead of defining classMappings, instead use the static section. These static ingresses can likewise target a NodePort/LoadBalancer service in the guest cluster, or a container hostPort. This can be used, for example, to route traffic to an Istio Gateway. The same caveats regarding HTTP/HTTPS ports apply as with nested ingress controllers.

Air-gapped Clusters

For initial setup, see here for k3s and here for rke2. You can then make these files and directories available to your cluster pods in a ReadWriteMany PVC using --set extraVolumes and --set extraVolumeMounts. Once you cluster is started, you can load additional images using kink load docker-image <image name on local daemon>, kink load docker-archive <path to tarball> and kink load oci-archive <path to tarball>. For accessing the chart, use the --chart flag to kink create cluster to specify a path to a local checkout of the chart or chart tarball, or use the --repository-url flag to specify an accessible chart repository in which you've mirrored the chart.

HTTP Proxies

You can set arbitrary extra environment variables with the extraEnv section. For k3s and rke2, you wil likely need to set CONTAINERD_HTTP_PROXY, CONTAINERD_HTTPS_PROXY and CONTAINERD_NO_PROXY to be able to pull images through a proxy. Setting HTTP_PROXY and the like will likely break the internal cluster networking, so only set it if you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing.

Extra Charts

You can include extra resource manifests in the directories /etc/kink/extra-manifests/{k3s,rke2}/user/ (depending on which distribution you are using), either through --set controlplane.extraVolumes and --set controplane.extraVolumeMounts or by building a derrived image, which will be copied on controlplane startup and will result in the charts being deployed.

In-Cluster/External Loadbalancer Use

The kubeconfig file generated by kink create cluster and kink export kubeconfig will include multiple contexts. default assumes you are using kink exec, kink sh, or kink port-forward, and will use localhost. in-cluster assumes you are running in a pod in the same cluster as the nested cluster, and will use coredns-resolvable hostnames. If you know ahead of time that your controlplane will be accessible at an external address, such as through an ingress controller or LoadBalancer service, you can provide that URL with the --external-controlplane-url to kink create cluster or kink export kubeconfig to also include an external context which will use that URL.

Least Privilege

See here for a role with the minimal set of permissions needed to use kind.

Test Local Chart and Images

If you are making a fork and wish to test your local version, use --set image.repository, --set image.tag to point to your locally built image (or within your private image registry, along with --set imagePullSecrets[0].name, if necessary), and use --chart to point to a local chart, or use --repository-url, --chart, and --chart-version to point to a private chart repository.

Off-$PATH Commands, Debug Logs, and Extra Flags

KinK uses klog, so it uses the same flags as common tools like kubectl, e.g. -v to set logging options. To enable debugging logs for the tools KinK calls out to, use the --*-command flags, e.g. --kubectl-command=kubectl,-v,10 or --helm-command=helm,--debug. This can also be used to specify an absolute path or non-default name for these tools, as well as to add arbitrary extra flags to them.



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